#like a stork or a crane or something idk
dingbatnix · 1 year
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I finally freaking finished it!!! I started this in December of last year, eugh, so like four months. Oof.
Anyways, hey @kayla-crazy-stuffs, your dudes are very fun to draw, soooooo animation practice! Also I had other things to say but I forgot them soo whoop! Enjoy : )
Also I have the lineart:
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And then just Punz going poof, cause it's funny : )
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heronoegg · 6 months
Hey! Okay so I have a question. Regarding pro hero’s like Edgeshot, Best Jeanist, and maybe Mirko too, what would you give to them for your wing AU? Same with Nana shimura (Shigaraki’s G-Ma) and Eri, if you don’t mind me asking
OK SO i was gonna draw them but im kinda tired im sorry anon maybe another time (idk if you expected a drawing anyway)
my friend said Edgeshot is a crane/stork i don't remember what her reason for this was but something about it being graceful i dunno
and i deiced on BJ being a Little blue heron cause they look like jeans personified as birds lol and they aren't little at all
Now as for Mirko, i felt like it made zero sense to make her not a rabbit cause rabbits, rats and other things exist in this AU in 3 forms
People exaggeratedly large animals and pets i have this idea that trees and plant life is over sized as well and the bird,bat and bug people live higher it's a whole society thing we came up with and rats and things like that live lower on the ground forest floor, but Mirko she lives up there in bird society cause she's just cool and i wanted her up there with them.
I never gave Nana any thought nfjdbxnthj i guess she's a vulture as well? im assuming the whole Shimura family are vultures maybe idk i have to think about it
As for Eri she is a palos verdes blue butterfly it's a rare almost extinct butterfly from my brief google search of "rare butterflies" i wanted her to be something little, rare, and uncommon
i have how society works written down on a document if you wanna see that i can copy paste it so you can see what we were aiming for when we came up with this AU
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scoundrels-in-love · 5 years
angelic pretty questions time! sugary carnival, marine kingdom, melty chocolate, sugar dream dome, melody doll, star night theatre, cotton candy shop, symphonia of birds, cream cookie, candy treat, wonder story, twinkle mermaid and gloria (sorry, let me know if they're too much 😱)
Hi love!! I love that you asked me whole bunch of questions, thank you so much!
Sugary Carnival: Have you ever been considered popular? 
Oh, no. Nope. Not at all.  Maybe with younger kids in yard when I was 12 or 13, because I knew buncha games. I’m not even someone popular in my internet communities/circles. Don’t have that gene in me, nope.
Marine Kingdom: Favourite undersea creature? 
Really, really hard to pick, I will be honest. I just love all the bright and colorful life, the insane plants and creatures that live there. Kid me would’ve said dolphins, but apparently they’re kind of dicks, so...
Melty Chocolate: Favourite type of chocolate? 
Dark chocolate with pieces of fruits, like cranberry or candied orange, etc.
Sugar Dream Dome: What do you like most about Winter? 
Clear, frosty mornings. The stark silhouettes of trees against burning horizon, street lamps like embers that started the fire in the distance. The hours when frost descends on every branch, snow nestles and coats every nook and cranny and the world is turned into something out of fairy tale illustration, against bright blue or maybe milky white sky.
Melody Doll: What types of music do you listen to? 
Most of them, really. Not my fondest of rap, though, or really have trash/slash/scream metal, but I love symphonic power metal, some heavy metal bands instead. I enjoy rock, and some folk, and indie, classical/instrumental stuff and some pop and kpop and idk what else because I genuinely don’t divide music in genres much, just things that speak to me. Especially lyric wise, though sometimes also just in beat. I suppose not that big on edm, dubstep and such.
Star Night Theatre: If life was viewed as a theatre stage, what role would you play? 
The well meaning, self-involved fool in the background.
Cotton Candy Shop: If you had your own shop, what things would you sell? 
Bookstore/cafe. Like, you could rent for safety fee (that you are refunded afterward) books to read as you sit in the cafe, and you don’t have to be constantly buying/eating something. And it’d be small and cozy, sunlit and with lot of plants. Would sell art and maybe works of fan artists etc, too. Soft escape space. Ideally, I’d have won lottery or something so I wouldn’t have to worry about revenue.
Symphonia of Birds: Favourite type of bird?
I love all the small and common type of birds you’d see in my country’s yards. Sparrows, wagtails and great tits. Hooded crows, jackdaws. I remember seeing Eurasian bullfinch one time, on a special day. It was amazing. I love cranes and storks. But from birds that you can’t really see here, I really love how gorgeous blue jays are. Fancy assholes, by what a friend told me.
Cream Cookie: What kinds of snacks do you munch on? 
Hnngh. I can’t munch of anything these days but like, plain seeds. But I love to munch on chips and salted peanuts (especially honey + black pepper ones), even just honeypuff cereal. Tiny breadsticks. So many things are good for munching!!
Candy Treat: Favourite type of candy?   
Don’t really have a solid favorite, though I’m always hoe for tofifee and jelly candies.
Wonder Story: What types of things do you like to read about? 
Stories people tell. Of small or big events in their lives, of happy things. Of healing. Of grand, fantasy adventures. Imagined tales. Retold fairy tales. New perspectives. Beloved characters going through new storylines. So many things, really.
Twinkle Mermaid: Favourite type of fantasy creature?
Hmmm. I. Genuinely. Don’t know. I bought expensive book on mythical creatures and I still. Can’t. Pick. One.
Gloria: Name a very rare item that you would love to own.
Objective sense of self-worth.
... In a more realistic sense, I don’t know. I am not very bound to overall rarity of items, only what they mean to me emotionally. I suppose I would love a great quality amethyst raw crystal. And a house in which it has a proper place. But I don’t know, I don’t get overhyped by the idea, I will be honest.
Send me an angelic question?
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