#like a feral child all up in the trees squirrel in his mouth n all lmfao
toxooz · 10 months
random question, sorry, but does ollie eat vegetables? like, based on his (visible) teeth, he looks like he eats mostly meat, but IS he primarily carnivorous or does he have a more balanced diet? also, what would his favourite vegetable be?
Yup Ollie eats his veggies! His diet is mainly carnivorous hence his teeth and his stomach acid is really acidic and well designed to digest raw meat and anything that may come with it, bones n all. Unlike Ponti who almost strictly eats meat if not junk food and typically can't stand veggies (or does the whole 'i tried it one (1) time and it was gross😤 ') , Ollie doesn't mind vegetables and will cook them with the meat dish if he can. As a kid he was often the lil spice and veggie gatherer if he wasn't hunting so he's no stranger to veggies but I feel like if he was in his orc community still, he would rely on meat a whole lot more and his body would still be well adapt for it 👍 recently i picture Ollie to be more like a panther or something if he were to be associated with an animal bc while he is large as fuck and can throw his weight around he can also be terrifyingly silent since he is considered a carnivore and needs to be able to successfully hunt, same with agility bc how else would his big ass be so good at skateboarding lmfao BUT since he's in "America but more annoying" basically and doesn't really hunt for food anymore since it's at stores so his food palette is pretty diverse. Sometimes he'll still just eat the meat raw though just bc he can and he likes the taste sksksk his bloodthrist is too ingrained into him
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