#like Luke’s ‘ our uncles call us strongs but when they see us on dragon back they will know it for a lie’
halfyearsqueen · 1 month
the way the lines we get of her and her children in the book do have very similar
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Hi could you please do yandere house of dragon x Helena twin and when Luke takes Aemond eye he also accidentally cut reader neck, and when they everyone’s gathered Alicent going crazy, reader faints making everyone extremely worried. Luke felt terrible ?
More Then A Eye
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Yan!Various!HOTD Characters x Fem!Reader
Made this were the reader was the only one injured because that makes it more fun, and also might make a part 2 so that will come into play if I make that. Also feel like if it was just the reader it would be more interesting.
Warnings: Blood, gore, knifes, violence, yandere actions, reader being injured, me going slight into-depth on how the reader gets cut. Pretty much the whole thing.
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Reader wants the family to all get along while the chaos is going on. She is sweetheart like her sister, but she doesn’t have the sight as her sister does. So she notices most of what’s happening, the other half of her sister.
Reader stops Aemond from getting picked on when she’s near because she has the power to make the boys calm, and the rest of the family at that. So she can get mad and upset so aemond feels at ease when his sister is around. But all the boys long for her affection and love, so they all cling to her.
The funeral is a very sad time for her since she loved Laena and the thought of her cousins losing their mother. Or her uncle losing his wife.
So to the readers surprise when she see aemond and jace have a small moments it brings a warmth to her chest in this dark time. Hoping that this was the gods way to bring her family together, but her hopes soon vanished when night came.
She had heard the others walk through the hallways as she tried to fall asleep, opening her door and their whispering calls. They got her attention and claimed someone stole vhagar so she went with them.
“I think we need to wake up our parents.” But her words were shoot down as they dragged her through the halls and down through the castle.
As soon as she saw the white hair she knew it was aemond and she wished she stayed in bed. The kids started to shout, while aemond replied in a time she never heard before, not shy. But proud and filled with venom.
When the fight broke out and all the reader could do was scream and cry for them to stop, but her body froze up. As soon as aemond grabbed ahold of Luke she ran towards him and grabbed ahold of his arm.
“Please, do not hurt them anymore. We- We can all stop this madness,” she looked around at all of them with tears. “Let us all be family.” Aemond was so caught up in his own wrath he pushed the reader back so she wouldn’t get in his way.
He threw Luke to the ground after calling jace and Luke “Strongs.” Then throwing the younger boy to the ground. Jace pulled out a small knife and the reader gasp as they fought again, but the knife was thrown elsewhere.
She watched as Luke crawled to the knife with a interesting to hurt aemond so her body moved on its own. “Aemond!” Just as she shouted she was cut off with the sound of flesh being cut with his blade and gushing sounds. They watch the horror in front of their eyes go down. Blood rolling down her throat and gasped of failed attempts of air when she fell to the ground with her hands clawing at her own throat.
Luke dropped the knife and steps back in disbelief of what was happening. Aemond caught his sister and laid her down in his arms trying to stop the bleeding. “How could you! I’ll kill you! I’ll feed you to my dragon.” He started to cry as did the others.
“What’s going on here?” The guards shouted as the walked up on the children and soon realized the princess. They took her in their arms and sent for the maester and the king at once. Everyone soon garnered in the hall for what had happened.
Alicent screamed when she first saw her daughter and it was loud that everyone in the castle heard. Running to her daughter with tears in her eyes she started to move her hair out of the way as the maester worker. Viserys screamed at the guards to answer who had done it but he wasn’t expecting his own grandsons. Aemond sat at his mothers side while handing the readers hand. Healana looked at the ground with a sob. She had saw it in a nightmare once’s that felt so real, this exact moment.
The boys stayed back and far away. Luke not even daring to look at the reader knowing he caused her harm and pain. All of them wondering if she would be dead soon. Alicent was so focused she didn’t even pay attention to anything but the reader being life and to keep her that way.
When rhaenrya entered it was hell to pay. Reader had just got done with her stitches while still knocked out cold as her body tried to heal itself. “You,” Alicent screamed and pointed at the princess. “You’re filthy sons did this.” Rhaenrya had not see the reader yet as she looked at her sons. When her eyes looked onto the readers body her eyes went wide and looked back at her sons not believing a word.
“They did this?” She asked around the room as the boys tensioned up. “It’s true, jace brought the knife to the fight and his brother, Luke, did the deed.” Cole spiked with a snare. Luke tugged at his mother’s sleeves, “But I did not mean too. Aemond was going to kill jace! The reader got in the way.” All the children started to scream their own defense as everyone watched.
The king was mad but not at the children but at the guards for not doing their jobs. Saying this would have been avoided if they were watched closely. “She would not want us to fight and surely you all know it.” He turned to look at young Luke in the eyes. “I know you did not mean it boy, things can be forgiven.” Alicent looked at rhaenrya as she smiled softly and pull her sons behind herself and listened to Viserys plead of forgiveness and family.
“He deserves no forgiveness,” Alicent stood up and let go of your hand. “The knife was brought to the fight and one of our children could have been killed- Y/n almost died, or might not make it.” She inched closer with a glare and her hands made up into a fist. “Our little girls life being stolen can be..Forgiven?”
“It is what’s right! I love her with my heart but it has been decided, no more blood needs to be shed. Do not let your hatred blind you Alicent.” She stared at him as he spoke so calmly and started to walk away. Her eyes went to the dagger on his hip and her mind filled with red to see her daughter avenged. Moving quickly she took the blade from his side and held it up going for Luke.
“If you will not see to justice then I shall.” Rhaenrya pushes her sons back and caught Alicent before she got closer. They held each other, pushing and pulling to get what they wanted. “Another insult to my family and you get away with it? Just under falling under that pretty foot. It is not far, where is duty? Where is sacrifice?” Rhaenrya looked at the blade as it reflected off the fire light.
She was about to say something but a loud metal sound caught them off guard. They both looked back as the reader laid on the floor with her eyes open and reached out for them. Her head shaking as she tried to speak out but nothing was coming out. Aemond coming to her aid and helping her up but she had used her the rest of her strength to get out of the chair. Reader looked at her brother for help to help and speak her mind, pleading to do the right thing.
“No more blood shed mother.” His spoke but his eyes do not match his words. “She does not wish it.” Helaena came rushing down to her twins side and held her hand. Alicent looked back at rhaenrya one last time before pulling away and dropping the knife. Slowly inching back she looked around at her husband, only with anger and devastation.
Everyone was quiet as she ordered someone to carry her daughter out of the room with the maester. The kids walked with her and held onto their sisters hand as she fell back into a deep sleep. No one could speak a word as they all stood stocked.
For years that was the last time rhaenrya and her kids saw their aunt, along with Daemon. But letters where sent in private from the reader to all of them with updates and her forgiveness. But luke refuses to open and read them as his guilt rotted away at his soul. But each week for years new letters still came from her. The next time they all saw eachother, they all grown so much. But they all remembered the first acted of war.
One side trying to make amends and the other full of revenge.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
I am Yours, You are Mine -Aemond T.
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This is an A/B/O fic. You have been warned.
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Everyone knew, they had always known.
It wasn’t hard to figure out from what I assume, my mothers children are all boys with brown hair and brown eyes, I have white hair and purple eyes. Everyone knew my older brother Jace and my younger brothers Luke and Joffrey were Harwin Strongs children and just like that, everyone knew that I was the daughter of Daemon Targaryen.
Laenor hadn’t been able to give my mother a child and I looked nothing like him, Daemon however…I’m told I’m the spitting image of him. So while I am technically a bastard, I’m also full Targaryen, so I was never treated like it. I was born only 5 moons after Aemond was and therefore was raised with him in a way, as we grew up his older brother Aegon and my older brother Jace got close, at least closer than they were to us and Aemond got picked on a lot. He didn’t have a dragon, and while I didn’t either, everyone knew to leave me alone, whether it was because I was a girl or because I was Daemons daughter I don’t know. My father is the only current Targaryen Alpha in the world and that made people so much more terrified of him than they already were.
Most people in the world present as Betas, it’s normal and no one really thinks twice about it, an Alpha however is a blessing from the Gods. He will be stronger, and tougher, and defend your family better than a Beta can, at least that’s what people believe, an Alphas instincts being so much stronger than a Betas, the only presentation stronger still is an Omega, and an Omega is considered a blessing from the mother herself. Presentation happens around puberty but usually you can see certain traits in children to tell if they will be anything other than a Beta, my mother believes I will be an Omega because even with a father like Daemon I’m quiet and sweet, always the most submissive in the room which for a Princess is a good thing.
Aemond and I spent more and more time together as we got older, him being shunned from the group with his older brother and mine, along with Luke who followed them around like a puppy and didn’t mind getting pranked once in a while. Aemond was the smartest of all of them, he enjoyed learning, and training, but most of all, he had no dragon. Neither of our dragon eggs hatched and the both of us bonded over that, and I always tried to make my uncle feel better when they had been particularly cruel, like the day they gave him a pig instead of a dragon. We skipped dinner that night and sat together in the library for hours just talking. He was my best friend, and my closest ally in the world, we made promises to always be there for each other.
The promises of children never seem to last though…even if the children weren’t the ones to break them.
After Joffrey was born mother moved us back to Dragonstone, me kicking and screaming, clinging to my uncle who held me just as tightly until our mothers gave up. We had a small second of hope as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me to him so tightly it almost hurt. That’s when our mothers called for their guards and we were yanked apart harshly and I was carried all the way to the ship that would take us home.
We weren’t apart for long after that, my fathers wife dying in childbirth brought us back together for her funeral. As soon as I saw him I pulled away from Jace and ran to Aemond who held me close and breathed in my scent as I did his, it was a comfort that only we seemed to give each other. I stayed by his side holding his arm while everyone spoke about Laena, saying kind words about a women I barely knew while my “father” stood in the ocean below, crying for the Gods only know how long.
Aegon was with us for some time, watching the maids and being his normal vile self and eventually we were alone, speaking as if no time had passed at all. That moment as we sat on the steps talking would be one I regret for many years to come, watching Aemond as he gazed at Vhagar. I knew my uncle wanted a dragon, more than even I did and I told him he should go, as the sun went down and people filed inside to bed, I encouraged him to mount her while he had the chance. 2 hours later I was awoken to a knight running into my room to check on me and seeing I was in bed and fine. I followed him downstairs to my mothers relief, Luke was bleeding from the nose, Alicent was angry beyond belief and my uncle and best friend sat with a maester stitching his eye up. I moved to his side quickly, taking his hand in my own and holding it tightly, allowing him to squeeze it as he got stitched up and everyone continued screaming. I didn’t care for the politics, I didn’t care for the threats, or insults, only that my favorite person sat beside me maimed and my brothers had done it. I stayed by his side for the rest of the evening, even as the maester gave him milk of the poppy to be able to sleep, snuggling into his chest and feeling his arms around me as he slept soundly and all the while I felt sick to my stomach knowing that what Jace had said to me when I hugged my mother had been completely true… ‘This is all your fault’
I was taken from Aemond’s bed late in the morning, he had awoken to eat and been put back to sleep, all the while clinging to my hand. My mother took us home immediately, we went back to Dragonstone and so did Daemon who quickly married my mother as soon as Laenor passed.
Jace and Luke were quick to blame me for everything, knowing that I had encouraged Aemond to mount Vhagar, maybe if I hadn’t he would still have his eye and I wouldn’t have had to leave again. Maybe Rhaena wouldn’t despise me for “helping to steal her mothers dragon” even if I don’t believe you can have claim to a dragon if it hasn’t chosen you. Jace and Luke spent all their time with Baela and Rhaena and I was left alone, not wanting to be near my brothers to hear about how much they and Aemond despise me, how the only person I had ever truly loved besides my mother wouldn’t even write to me anymore no matter how many times I wrote him apologizing. My mother and father were the only people I ever spoke to anymore, Daemon practically claiming me as his own even if he couldn’t “officially” do that and I learned that being alone is better for everyone, especially once I presented. Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena had all presented as Betas as expected but I was “blessed” to a life as an Omega, suffering through my heats alone in a locked room, only maids to bring me food and try to relieve my pain which never worked.
I was 15 before I was truly blessed with anything in my life, out for a walk by myself, having escaped my guard and stumbling upon a dragon. The Grey Ghost was a name given to a shy, pale dragon, one I never hoped to even get a glimpse of in my life and I suddenly had, his eyes locked on mine as if waiting to see what I would do and so I reached into my bag to get the bread I brought with me and the fish I planned to cook on my little adventure, tossing them to him and watching as he snubbed the bread and ripped the fish apart. I had sat down on a boulder, watching as he ate, assuming this would be the only time I would ever see this elusive creature but it wasn’t. He had laid down to nap after eating and the next day he sat at the same spot as I brought him an even bigger fish. That went on for nearly 2 weeks of me bringing him food and talking to him before he approached me and allowed me to touch him, letting me mount him after that. I kept him away from the pits, away from everyone who only saw him when I went flying, knowing he was just as comfortable around people as I was, which was not at all. I even had all of my riding gear dyed as close to his color as I could, making it truly impossible for anyone, even another dragon rider to find us in a cloud bank. Daemon was impressed, believing it was a useful skill, especially for an Omega to be able to hide like that. Life continued on like that until Corlys’ injury, resulting in all of us needing to return to Kings Landing to fight for Luke’s inheritance. I was less than enthusiastic about going but my mother forced me onto the ship.
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In Kings landing once again I was stuck with Jace and Luke as mother and Daemon wanted to go see Grandfather, forcing me to follow them to the training yard that I hadn’t seen since I was a small child. Everyone’s attention was on a fight in the center of the yard and I pushed between Jace and Luke to be able to see, seeing Criston Cole fighting a young man with an eye patch and knowing instantly that it’s Aemond, and that he is winning, dodging the mace repeatedly before his blade was at Cole’s throat and I ducked behind Jace and Luke, catching a very strong Alpha scent as I did and feeling my stomach twist into a knot.
‘Nephews. Have you come to train?’ He questioned and I knew they were no where close to as good as he is, he would kill them. They had continued training but not very much and Aemond is clearly quite passionate about it. ‘Niece, lovely to see you again…or smell you I should say, and what a lovely scent it is. Hmm?’ I blushed darkly, not moving from behind my brothers until Jace turned and pushed me to walk back the other way.
‘I would stay close if I were you sister, wouldn’t want to be alone with him, would you?’ Luke teased and I wanted desperately to strangle the cocky little bastard but the last time I had hit him I’d given him a black eye and made him cry like a bitch, mother made sure I knew Omegas should never be violent, especially when they’ve been trained by Daemon and could make a man feel emasculated enough to be murderous.
I sighed, rolling my eyes and following them inside, finding my room as quickly as I could and locking the doors. I sat on the windowsill and stared out over Kings Landing, seeing a dip in the clouds and knowing my dragon had followed us, it was a comfort in case I needed an escape and knowing my family, I definitely will.
I stayed in my room until my mother came to get me, walking all of us together down to the throne room where I stayed as close to my father as I could, feeling men’s eyes on me, flinching from one who leaned in to smell me making my father turn and glare down at him, the man moving to the other end of the room quickly. I held onto his belt as Otto Hightower spoke, feeling eyes on me and knowing Aemond was staring as well. That same Alpha scent was back and my stomach felt like it was quivering as the wonderful smell assaulted me. My attention was only drawn when the doors opened to reveal our grandfather looking rough…half dead honestly as he walked into the room, stumbling up to his throne, Daemon helping him as he dropped his crown and leaving me exposed with no one to hide behind until he came back. I watched on, thoroughly entertained as Vaemond shouted about Luke and Jace being bastards, and actually couldn’t contain my snort as Daemon cut off his head though as expected nothing happened to him and Luke keeps his inheritance.
‘Now, if we’re through with this useless event, I think we can-‘
‘Actually my King, if I may?’ Otto asked, approaching the throne and mumbling something to him quietly.
‘Are you sure? Rhaenyra! Why was I unaware of your daughter presenting as an Omega?’ The King asked and my blood ran cold, Daemon pushing me completely behind him.
‘She was not ready for every noble man in the kingdom to be vying for her hand Father, I was protecting my baby. I apologize if you think I’ve hidden it from you but that was never my intention.’ She explained.
‘My girl, this is wonderful! Otto is right, there’s no need for anyone to look for a husband when we have a perfect Targaryen Alpha right here. Honestly I always did believe Aemond and Y/n would end up marrying, they were so sweet when they were babes.’ I backed away from Daemon, moving around the crowd and moving towards the doors the maids use to get to the kitchen quickly. ‘My son, you will take Y/n as your wife, do you have any objections?’ The King asked and I waited a moment, waiting for him to start yelling, or begging to get out of it…but he didn’t.
‘It will be my honor Father. Thank you.’
‘Well then it is settled, there will be a wedding, right here tomorrow night-‘
‘Tomorrow?!’ My mother exclaimed.
‘I’m a sickly, old man Rhaenyra, I would like to witness their union before I pass on. You can afford me that, can you not?’ He questioned and I knew my mother would cave at that as I got to the door, pushing it open quietly.
‘Father, I would like to request one thing. Since it must be such a quick wedding, I would like to do it in the traditional Valyrian custom.’ Aemond asked and I took pause.
When we were children we discussed just this, we talked about how we would be married one day and I told Aemond that I wanted to do it right, in the old customs. Since the day I learned of the traditional wedding I thought it was beautiful and I wanted it more than anything, Aemond promising me the perfect wedding. The idea that he remembered and even cared enough to request such a thing brought tears to my eyes.
‘I don’t see why not, I leave it to my wife and daughter to sort out the details with the bride and groom.’ My mother and the queen? And they want me in the middle of that? Fuck no.
I turned, leaving out the door, quickly running down the corridor and into the kitchens which were busy making dinner, allowing me to run through quickly and out another side door. I just made it to the gardens and down the steps, hiding in the bushes when a guard rushed out after me. ‘Princess! Princess! Your mother demands your presence!’ He shouted, running into the garden while I crept out and down the side of the castle. One good thing about growing up in a castle, you learn how to get around quickly and unseen.
I looked up to the sky, hoping to see my dragon, knowing exactly what he looks like now that I’ve spent so many years by his side and on his back. ‘Come on Ghost! Where are you?’ I questioned, getting down the stairs to the front of the castle, peeking around the corner to see many guards and I quickly moved around the wall and past the gates to the plaines where I knew Vhagar rested by the water. I kept far away from the resting place of the nearly 2 centuries old dragon and whistled, seeing the grayish white color separate from the clouds and dive down towards the ground, landing just ahead of me and just as he nudged his giant head into me in greeting a voice stopped me.
‘Byka Zaldrīzes!’ I froze, knowing only my uncle had ever called me that. He had since we were kids and I was trying to comfort him when he was upset about not having a dragon. My child brain figured, I’m a Targaryen, I can be your dragon and it made him laugh so hard he couldn’t breathe. He called me Little Dragon ever since. ‘Where are you going to go?’ He asked, not yelling…not even seeming angry.
‘Going home already, and I didn’t get a hello or a goodbye. I admit, I had hoped for a different reaction.’ He stepped closer, Ghost growling but not doing anything more as I shushed him to keep him calm. ‘You used to be excited by the prospect of us being married.’ That wonderful Alpha scent came over me again and I could no longer deny that it was him I was smelling, though deep down I knew it was. ‘You can’t even look at me?’ His voice held more emotion now, upset at the idea I couldn’t face him.
‘Please Aemond, please stop this? You don’t want to be married to me, there’s no point in whatever you’re doing…’ I told him, turning to face him and I couldn’t deny how beautiful he is. I had always found him cute but he had become incredibly handsome the past 9 years.
‘You dare tell me what I want? You?! After all of this time?! I have always wanted you Y/n and I always will, nothing will change that apart from you telling me you no longer love me and that my face is too much for you to accept as your Lord Husband.’ My eyes widened and I took an unintentional step forward.
‘Aemond, you are beautiful, you always have been! No scar changes that, and it could certainly not change the way I feel for you-‘
‘Then why do you run from me? Why have you spent 9 years not answering my letters? Why do you find it so hard to look me in the face? Why-‘
‘Because it’s my fault!’ I shouted, unable to take his questions anymore. ‘Because if I hadn’t encouraged you it wouldn’t have happened, no one would have fought, you wouldn’t have lost your eye! It’s my fault! And Jace and Luke, they tell me all the time and I don’t want to hear how much you hate me! I don’t want to hear you lie and tell me I ignored you, I wrote you every day for months! You never responded and I don’t think I can handle hearing how much you hate me Kepus…I can’t…’ the tears were now streaming down my face like crazy and as I reached to wipe them away he grabbed ahold of my wrists, forcing me to look at him.
‘You think I blame you?’ His voice was so soft it actually startled me. ‘Y/n…first of all I never got letters from you and I’m realizing you didn’t receive mine either which I’m assuming was your brothers but Gods Y/n! I have Never blamed you for that night!’ His face was so serious and hard I knew he wasn’t lying.
‘Not for one second! You are the only one who gave me any kind of comfort, everyone else was either scared or angry, but you just held me. I loved you so much in that moment I thought my heart would explode! Waking up next to you in the morning, in so much pain, but you were there to make me feel better…then you were gone. My Little Dragon was gone and I couldn’t even speak to her, and now I come to find out you’re carrying guilt that has never been yours to hold! Your brother did that, not you, Luke! He chose to pick up that blade and slice my face, not you! And Vhagar was no one’s to claim, she chose me and I chose her, and yes you helped make me feel better about it but I was going to go to her no matter what you said…please let go of that guilt, my Princess?’ I nodded, sniffling as he let go of my arms and used his thumbs to wipe my eyes before leaning close and pressing his lips to mine. ‘You’re mine Byka Zaldrīzes, all mine!’ He swore, kissing me again, harder this time and pulling me flush against his chest. ‘My Little Dragon is going to be my wife, the mother of my children, my perfect little Omega…Fuck you smell amazing!’ He groaned, digging his face into my neck and inhaling deeply.
‘That’s enough!’ A deep voice shouted and Aemond jumped but I knew exactly who it was.
‘Father, you ruin everything.’ I teased and he just smiled as he got closer, Ghost rumbling in irritation at how many people are here now, seemingly willing to deal with my Alpha and that is all. ‘Did you take my letters?’ I asked and he instantly looked confused.
‘The letters I wrote Aemond, and the letters he wrote me, we never got them. Was it you? I am asking you despite the fact that you’re the least likely…I’m going to kill Jace…and Luke.’ I told him and he seemed irritated.
‘If they really did that, then they will be punished, I assure you. However right now, we need to get you back inside and help your mother plan a wedding.’ I hesitated but nodded my head, moving to follow Daemon and he turned to walk away as well just as I pulled away from Aemond and climbed onto Ghost.
‘Y/n, what are you doing?’ He laughed.
‘You think I’m going to mediate our mothers? Not gonna happen, by this time tomorrow we’ll be married or they’ll be dead, but I won’t be in the middle. Bye father!’ I shouted, hearing Ghost rumble. ‘Sovēs!’ I commanded before he leapt into the air and began climbing towards the clouds. ‘You saved my life, you know that?’ He screeched and I snorted. ‘Not really I suppose, but it wouldn’t have been fun…at all.’ We stayed like that, flying contently over the clouds for several minutes before Ghost seemed agitated and I turned to see the shadow of a large dragon above us causing me to push Ghost down before seeing Vhagar behind us, Aemond laughing while Ghost complained. ‘Not Funny Kepus!’ I shouted, diving after him as he turned to land on a nearby island.
‘I like it when you call me that, Princess.’ He told me as we both got our feet back on the ground.
‘Really? I would have thought you would hate it. My father does, it makes him feel Old when my mother uses it.’ I laughed and he just snorted, laying out his jacket for me to sit on so I could be comfortable.
‘He is nearly 20 years older than your mother, of course he hates it. When you say it, it just excites me.’
‘Hmm, well then I will refrain. Wouldn’t want to excite you too much, would we?’ I leaned into his side and he wrapped his arms around me, Vhagar laying down behind us and Ghost wanting to lay his head on my lap but I wouldn’t let him with Aemond here too.
‘I knew you would be a perfect little Omega, I just knew it. So perfect Y/n, and all mine.’ Aemond’s nose trailed through my hair and I loved the feeling.
‘Not yet Kepus, you need to wait to say that until we’re married-‘
‘Are you going to tell me that you belong to someone else, Omega? Because I will remove their organs.’ He threatened. ‘I’m already keeping myself from killing your brothers so save yourself more problems. If any man has dared put their hands on you-‘
‘Aemond!’ I exclaimed, laughing as he went on his tirade. ‘No one has touched me! Jace tried once when I went into heat the first time but I smacked him so hard his ears rang for a week. I love the possessive attitude but no one has touched me.’ I teased him, giggling as he trailed his nose over my scent gland, groaning.
‘Good, because I would’ve killed them. I told you before, you’re all mine Byka Zaldrīzes, Alphas pretty little Omega.’ His lips wrapped around my scent gland, sucking on my neck and making me cry out. ‘Oh, such sweet little sounds you make for me, my good girl.’ He teased, pushing me onto my back and laying over top of me, arm circling my waist. ‘I’ve waited so long to have you under me like this, to have to wait one more day is torture.’
‘You will survive Kepus, no one will keep us apart again…I am yours, and you are mine. Forever.’ I trailed my fingers up his jaw to his cheek and removed his eyepatch, dropping it to the ground and taking his face into my hands, his eyes closing as I held him.
‘Should they try, I will set this whole world on fire my love. No one will dare take you from me again.’ His voice was firm and fiery, every bit the Dragon that he was always meant to be.
As he leant down, I turned my head and let his lips touch my cheek. ‘We’re not yet married Aemond.’
‘Surely you can afford me a kiss, we will be married by this time tomorrow, don’t make me wait to kiss you one moment longer.’ I had to giggle at the way he made it seem like a life or death situation. ‘I had your first when we were only 8, I would have your last before you’re married.’ His fingers trailed over my cheek as I blushed a dark red before I leaned closer and felt his lips on mine. They were soft and warm as he held me close. I touched my fingers softly to the scar under his eye, hating that he had had to suffer so much pain and I couldn’t even be there for him, or even write to him. ‘I am sorry this is the face you must look at for the rest of our marriage, I-‘
I glared up at him and flicked his nose hard before he could finish speaking. ‘You will not speak ill of the man I love that way! Do you hear me? I care very little about a scar, I’m just sorry that I could not stop it.’
‘Little Dragon-‘
‘All this scar shows me is how strong and tough my husband is. It tells me that I will be safe in his arms and bed, and that our children will never know the feeling of danger…I love you Aemond.’ I could see the unshed tears in his eye that I knew he would never let fall and I pressed my lips to his again.
‘I love you Y/n. You are mine, and I am yours. ‘
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For everyone who asked me for more Aemond content as well as those who asked for more Alpha/Omega fics.
I hope you liked it, cause I loved writing it!
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Aemond T. Masterlist
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ironboyxs · 1 year
Night of the Broken Dragons
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Word count: 1869
Warnings: Reader is son of Rhaenyra and Daemon
pt2 here
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- To my nephews, Jace and Luke, may they always be Strong.
It was with that speech that Aemond Targaryen ruined the entire family dinner, Y/N's brothers fought with his uncles while his father and mother tried to stop them.
Y/N could only watch Aemond from afar, wondering how much time he had wasted with his uncle, and how much he wanted to be there the night his younger brother removed his eye.
He always wondered if with his calmer spirit he could have calmed the situation, avoided the insults his brothers received, and perhaps avoided one of the great reasons for his uncle's hatred.
- Go to your room my love, you don't need to see this. - Daemon said in his son's ear.
Y/N knew in his heart, with a certain weight, that he was his father's favorite son. Technically he was the son of Laenor Velaryon, whom he greatly cherished and missed. But he knew that the reason his legitimacy had never been questioned was because his mother, in a meeting with Daemon after the wedding, conceived him. 
He was the only "son" of Laenor Velaryon who had the blond hair and violet eyes, typical of the Targaryen house.
A soldier helped him get to his room, arriving at his quarters he kindly dismissed the maids who wanted to help him get ready for bed.
Despite being royalty, he had always liked simplicity and calm, his mother often called him her Meek Dragon.
A few knocks on the door echoed into the room and he could soon hear his mother's voice.
- Can I enter?  - Rhaenyra asked.
- Of course mother.
The woman opened the door and came to meet her son, giving him a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
- I came to check if everything was okay with you, Daemon told me that you came to your quarters as soon as... the confusion started.
The princess's eyes grew a little heavy when she saw her son's sad expression.
- Will it always be like this? This endless fight? I miss when I was a kid and these things didn't matter.
- I'm sorry my love, families are complicated. And I know ours is especially complicated.
Y/N sighed, nodding with regret in his heart.
- Sometimes I think if I could do something to change this situation, I know I'm not the eldest child but I feel responsible for my brothers, I wish I could take care of them, have avoided this disaster that happened so many years ago.
Rhaenyra gave her son another hug.
- My dear meek dragon, I know that your heart has the purest intentions than any of us, but that ship was already predicted to sink long before your birth or the birth of your brothers. - Rhaenyra said while running her hand through her son's long silver hair - But I don't want you to worry about that, we'll be back home soon, you'll be able to go back to your normal routine and not be bothered by these matters.
With another kiss on her son's head, Rhaenyra said goodbye, wishing him good night.
Y/N was soon asleep, and a dream of a memory he still had hovered over his mind.
- Come on Aemond, the dragon cubs are still small!  They won't hurt us - said a little Y/N to a younger version of Aemond.
The two children ventured to the part of the pit where the cubs were.  Aemond always assuming a protective posture over his nephew, he still didn't have his dragon and he knew that his nephew already had one, but that wasn't enough reason for him to stop taking care of the safety of the beautiful young man with curious and excited eyes.
When they finally reached the baby dragons, only one was in sight where they could pet it.
- Are you sure it's safe? - Y/N asked, looking at his uncle with some fear.
- Yes, they are still easier to deal with. - Aemond replied as he affectionately approached the little dragon and stroked his head.  - Come! He won't bite you.
Aemond took Y/N's hand and carefully guided him to the head of the small silver dragon, who seemed a little interested in both of them.
Y/N laughed and kissed his uncle on the cheek, who soon had a blush on his face with happiness.
- Thank you for coming with me. - Y/N said.
- One day it will just be me, you, and the dragons, my nephew.
Y/N has awakened. He was deeply sad that the dream was over, and he knew that it was one of the last good memories he had with Aemond.
He got up, already knowing that sleep would not accompany him for the rest of the night, put on warmer clothes and shoes and started to open the door, which was guarded by Sir Aric.
- Sir Aric, I'm sleepless and would like to take a walk through the palace gardens, would you mind accompanying me?
Y/N knew that the guard would go with him anyway, but he always thought that kindness could never be too much.
- Yes, my prince, it would be an honor.
The prince went out with his knight to walk through the night of the palace, with the lights low, and the gardens being lit only by the moon.
Not long after entering the garden, Y/N saw a figure with long silver hair, wearing a green cloak, sitting by the fountain, it was his uncle Aemond.
- Sir Aric, please wait for me at the entrance, I will talk to my uncle for a while.
- Are you sure, my prince?  - The faithful knight asked.
- Yes, everything is fine.
Y/N slowly approached his uncle, sitting next to him, for a moment the two remained in an awkward silence, with only the noise of insects in the background.
- Couldn't you fall asleep either? - Y/N asked in a low tone of voice.
- Obviously not. - Aemond replied with disdain.
Another awkward silence fell between the two Targaryens but neither had the courage to move away from each other.
- Me, you, and the dragons... remember that? - It was Aemond who took the initiative to speak this time.
- As if I could forget... - Y/N said with regret in his voice.
- I was serious when I said that.  - Aemond finally moved so he could look his nephew in the eyes.
- Lately I thought you had just decided to hate me.  - Y/N said, now also looking into Aemond's eyes.
- I wanted to hate you, believe me I really wanted to hate you.
- Then why don't you hate it? Apparently it's so easy with my brothers.
- You know it's different with you.
- Why? Because I'm blonde and have violet eyes? Or because I didn't take part in that stupid fight you had when we were kids?  - Y/N said, raising his voice.
- That stupid fight took my eye!  -Aemond said, removing the eye patch and showing the jewel that was in the place where he also once had a violet eye.
- That fight took my best friend away from me... but I don't expect you to understand that.
Y/N began to deeply regret having approached his uncle, he didn't know why his calmness, always so constant around him, was disappearing, he began to withdraw from his presence when Aemond held him by the arm.
- Wait.
- For what?  So we can exchange more childish insults as if we were ten years old?
Once again the little prince began to leave his uncle's presence.
- I need to tell you a secret - Aemond said in a muffled voice.
Y/N turned carefully, what could possibly be on Aemond's mind to share with him?  Did he still have his trust?
- Y/N, there is something I have kept inside me for years, something I never dared to confess to anyone, not even myself.  But tonight, with all these family conflicts, I feel like I can't keep this secret any longer.
Y/N, surprised, stares at Aemond, waiting for him to continue.
Aemond takes a deep breath and begins:
- Since we were children, from the moment I can remember, my heart has belonged to you, Y/N Targaryen. It's not a love that I chose, it's a love that just happened. And as much as I tried to deny it, repress it, and hide it, it only grew stronger every day.
Y/N is speechless, his eyes meeting Aemond's, full of emotion and uncertainty.
Aemond concludes:
- I don't expect you to feel the same way, and I understand the complications this brings to our family.  But I needed you to know the truth, Y/N. My love for you is real and deep, and I can no longer hide it. I was serious that day in the dragon pit.
The two men remain silent, the weight of Aemond's confession hanging over them as the night breeze whispers through the trees of the castle gardens.
Y/N looks deeply into Aemond's eyes, his heart racing at his uncle's confession.  After a moment of reflection, he finally answers truthfully:
- Aemond, I was not prepared to hear this tonight, and it takes me by surprise. But I value the courage you had in sharing your feelings with me. We are linked by blood and our complicated family history, and this confession just makes it more complex.
- I just don't want to feel rejected anymore.
Y/N listens to Aemond's words and realizes the deep pain in his uncle.  He places his hand over Aemond's heart and says with empathy:
- Aemond, I understand what you're feeling, and the last thing I want is for you to feel rejected. You've always been an important part of my life, and I don't want that to change. Let's face this together, with care and respect one for the other.
Aemond looks at his nephew as if he were his whole world, and at that moment he was, nothing else mattered to him.  Then in a rush he takes his nephew's lips for himself.
Aemond's kiss takes Y/N by surprise, but after the first moment of hesitation, Y/N allows his feelings to speak louder. Their lips meet in a kiss filled with emotion and desire, marking a new chapter in their lives.
Y/N feels a mixture of confusion and excitement, but also a deep connection with Aemond.
Aemond leans his nephews against one of the garden's stone walls and starts kissing his neck, knowing that in the morning those will be marks.
- Uncle... - Y/N moans.
- If you want me to stop, I will stop.
- No... uncle, I need you.
- You look beautiful begging but I don't want to take you here in the middle of the garden.  May I accompany you to your quarters? - Aemond asks, excited about his love's correspondence.
-Yes. - Y/N responds, finally understanding all the times he felt incomplete, needing someone and never understanding why.
They had that night to themselves, nothing mattered, no family conflict, the succession of the throne, their parents, nothing mattered, they could deal with it later, but in that moment they would have each other and they would cling to it like one clings to life
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thevelaryons · 7 months
Since I'm talking so much about the Driftmark succession these days, I might as well make this post contrasting Corlys' back-to-back heirs who die during the course of the war.
Small and quick as their mother, these bastards of Hull were both silver of hair and purple of eye.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
Like his brother, Jace, Luke had brown eyes and a healthy head of brown hair, rather than the silver-gilt hair of Targaryen princelings, but he was a large and lusty lad.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
Not long after Addam of Hull had proved himself by flying Seasmoke, Lord Corlys went so far as to petition Queen Rhaenyra to remove the taint of bastardy from him and his brother. When Prince Jacaerys added his voice to the request, the queen complied. Addam of Hull, dragonseed and bastard, became Addam Velaryon, heir to Driftmark.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
As he took to his bed, surrounded by maesters, the issue arose as to who should succeed him as Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark should the sickness claim him. With both his trueborn children dead, by law his lands and titles should pass to his eldest grandson, Jacaerys…but since Jace would presumably ascend the Iron Throne after his mother, Princess Rhaenyra urged her good-father to name instead her second son, Lucerys.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
Only when Prince Jacaerys put out the call for new dragonriders did Marilda at last break her silence, claiming both boys were the natural sons of the late Ser Laenor Velaryon. [...] None dared name her liar, however…for it was Laenor’s own father, Lord Corlys himself, who brought the boys to Prince Jacaerys for the Sowing. [...] And when Addam of Hull mounted Ser Laenor’s dragon, Seasmoke, it seemed to prove the truth of his mother’s claims.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
His brother Lucerys agreed, insisting that he and Jace were men, or near enough to make no matter. “Our uncle calls us Strongs, but when the lords see us on dragonback they will know that for a lie. Only Targaryens ride dragons.”
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
Lord Corlys went much further, declaring that Ser Addam and his brother, Alyn, were “true Velaryons,” worthy heirs to Driftmark.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
Mushroom tells us that the Sea Snake grumbled at this, insisting that the three boys were Velaryons, yet he smiled as he said it, with pride in his voice.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
Alone of the four dragons on the field that day, Seasmoke had a rider. Ser Addam Velaryon had come to prove his loyalty by destroying the Two Betrayers and their dragons, and here was one beneath him, attacking the men who had joined him for this fight. He must have felt duty bound to protect them, though surely he knew in his heart that his Seasmoke could not match the older dragon. This was no dance, but a fight to the death. Vermithor had been flying no more than twenty feet above the battle when Seasmoke slammed into him from above, driving him shrieking into the mud. Men and boys ran in terror or were crushed as the two dragons rolled and tore at one another. Tails snapped and wings beat at the air, but the beasts were so entangled that neither was able to break free. Benjicot Blackwood watched the struggle from atop his horse fifty yards away. Vermithor’s size and weight were too much for Seasmoke to contend with, Lord Blackwood told Grand Maester Munkun many years later, and he would surely have torn the silver-grey dragon to pieces…if Tessarion had not fallen from the sky at that very moment to join the fight. [...] All that history tells us is that three dragons fought amidst the mud and blood and smoke of Second Tumbleton.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
It came to pass that the dragons met above Shipbreaker Bay. Watchers on the castle walls saw distant blasts of flame, and heard a shriek cut the thunder. Then the two beasts were locked together, lightning crackling around them. Vhagar was five times the size of her foe, the hardened survivor of a hundred battles. If there was a fight, it could not have lasted long.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
At moonrise the riverlords abandoned the field to the carrion crows, fading back into the hills. One of them, the boy Ben Blackwood, carried with him the broken body of Ser Addam Velaryon, found dead beside his dragon.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
Lucerys Velaryon died with his dragon, Munkun insists. This is undoubtedly correct. The prince was thirteen years of age. His body was never found.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
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dumbledearme · 6 years
chapter thirty-two—the nature of wisdom
read Child of Land and Sea here
Act IV — To Stop The Tide
Part VII — It’s not my fault if in God’s plans, He made the devil so much stronger than the man.
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Luke was walking through the dark palace on top of Mount Tam. He was dressed for battle. He walked into a large courtyard where dozens of warriors and dracaenae were preparing for war. When they saw him, the demigods rose to attention. They beat their swords against their shields.
"Issss it time, my lord?" a dracaena asked.
"Soon," Luke promised. "Continue your work."
"My lord," a voice said behind him. Kelli the empousa was smiling at him. "You have a visitor," she told Luke. She stepped aside and Kampê came forward.
"You," Luke's voice sounded a little shaky. "I told you to stay on Alcatraz."
"I come to serve," she said. "Give me revenge."
"You're a jailer," Luke said. "Your job-"
"I will have them dead. No one escapes me."
Luke hesitated. "Very well," he said. "You will go with us. You may carry Ariadne's string. It is a position of great honor." Kampê hissed, turned and went pounding down the hallway. "We should have left that one in Tartarus," Luke mumbled. "She's too chaotic. Too powerful."
Kelli laughed. "You should not fear power, Luke. Use it."
"The sooner we leave, the better. I want this over with."
"Aww," Kelli sympathized. "You find it unpleasant to destroy your old camp?"
"I didn't say that."
"You're not having second thoughts about your own, ah, special part?"
Luke's face turned stony. "I know my duty."
"Good," the demon said. "Is our strike force sufficient, you think? Or will I need to call Mother Hecate for help?"
"We have more than enough," Luke said grimly. "The deal is almost complete. All I need now is to negotiate safe passage through the arena."
"Mmm," Kelli said. "That should be interesting. I would hate to see your handsome head on a spike if you fail."
"I will not fail. And you, she-demon, don't you have other matters to attend to?"
"Oh, yes," Kelli smiled. "I am bringing despair to our eavesdropping enemies. I am doing that right now." And she turned her eyes directly at Andy.
Suddenly Andy stood at the top of a stone tower. Daedalus was hunched over a worktable, wrestling with some kind of navigational instrument.
"Uncle," said a smiling boy, carrying a wooden box.
"Hello, Perdix," the old man said. "Done with your projects already?"
"Yes, uncle. They were easy!"
Daedalus scowled. "Easy? The problem of moving water uphill without a pump was easy?"
"Oh, yes. Look!" the boy dumped the box and showed the inventor some diagrams and notes. Daedalus nodded.
"I see. Not bad."
"The king loved it," the small boy said. "He said I might be ever smarter than you! But I don't believe that. I am so glad Mother sent me to study with you! I want to know everything you do."
"Yes," Daedalus muttered. "So when I die, you can take my place, eh?"
The boy's eyes widened. "Oh, no, uncle! But I've been thinking... why does a man have to die?"
The inventor scowled. "It is the way of things, lad. Everything dies but the gods."
"But why?" the boy insisted. "If you could capture the animus, the soul in another form... well, you've told me about your automatons, uncle. Bulls, eagles, dragons, horses of bronze. Why not a bronze form for a man?"
"No, my boy," Daedalus said sharply. "You are naive. Such a thing is impossible."
"I don't think so. With the use of a little magic-"
"Magic? Bah!"
"Yes, uncle! Magic and mechanics go together. With a little work, one could make a body that would look exactly human, only better. I've made some notes."
"Enough," Daedalus said.
Perdix didn't seem to notice the old man's anger. The boy walked to the edge of the tower. The wind was strong. "Is it true your son died flying, uncle? I heard you made him enormous wings, but they failed."
Daedalus' hands clenched.
The wind whipped around the boy, tugging at his clothes, making his hair ripple. "I would like to fly," he added. "I'd make my own wings that wouldn't fail. Do you think I could?"
Daedalus picked up a metal bug, his eyes red with anger. "Catch," he said. He tossed the bronze beetle toward the boy. Delighted, Perdix tried to catch it, but the throw was too long. The beetle sailed into open sky, and Perdix reached a little too far. The wind caught him.
Somehow, he managed to grab the rim of the tower. "Uncle," he screamed. "Help me!"
"Go on, Perdix," Daedalus said softly. "Make your own wings. Be quick about it."
"Uncle!" the boy cried as he lost his grip. He tumbled toward the sea. Then thunder shook the sky and Athena spoke from above – "You will pay the price for that, Daedalus."
"I have always honored you, mother," Daedalus scowled. "I've sacrificed everything to follow your way."
"Yet the boy had my blessing as well. And you have killed him. For that, you will pay."
"I've paid and paid," the old man growled. "I've lost everything. I'll suffer in the Underworld, no doubt. But-"
"You will pay forever," Athena said coldly. Suddenly, Daedalus collapsed in agony, a searing pain closed around his neck like a molten-hot-collar, cutting off his breath, making everything go black.
Andy tried her best to convince Nico to go with them, but it was no good. Every time she spoke he seemed to hate her more.
Eurytion said the boy could stay at the ranch. "I reckon you'll be looking for Daedalus' workshop now?"
Anthony's eyes lit up. "Can you help?"
Eurytion pulled a necklace from under his shirt – a smooth silver disk on a silver chain. The disk had a depression on the middle, like a thumbprint. He handed it to Anthony. "I don't know where it is. But Hephaestus would. He comes here from time to time. Studies the animals and such so he can make bronze automaton copies. Last time, I- uh, did him a favor. A little trick he wanted to play on my dad and Aphrodite. He gave me this chain in gratitude. Said if I ever needed to find him, the disk would lead me to his forges. But only once."
"And you're giving it to me?" Anthony asked.
Eurytion shrugged. "You did me a favor, son of Athena, ridding me of that jerk. Besides, I don't need to see the forges. Got enough to do here. Just press the button and you'll be on your way."
Anthony pressed the button and the disk sprang to life. It grew eight metallic legs. Anthony yelped and dropped it. The spider scrambled to the cattle guard and disappeared between the bars.
"It's not going to wait, you know," Eurytion said.
Anthony wasn't anxious to follow, but they didn't have a choice. He thanked Eurytion and they hushed into the hole, back into the maze. The spider scuttled along the tunnels fast, most of the time they couldn't even see it. But Tyson and Grover, thank the gods, could hear it.
They ran down a marble tunnel, then dashed to the left and almost fell into an abyss. They had to cross monkey bars to get to the other side. Tyson gave Grover a piggyback ride.
The tunnel opened up onto a large room. A blazing light hit them. A monster stood on a glittery dais on the opposite side of the room. She had the body of a huge lion and the head of a woman. Tyson whimpered, "Sphinx."
Anthony started forward, but the Sphinx roared. "Welcome," she announced. "Get ready to play... Answer that riddle! Pass the test, you get to advance. Fail, and I get to eat you. Who will be the contestant?" Anthony elected himself. "Welcome, Anthony Chase," the monster cried. "Are you ready?"
"Yes," he said. "Ask your riddle."
"Twenty riddles, actually."
"But back in-"
"We've raised the standards. To pass, you must show proficiency in all twenty. Isn't that great?"
Anthony glanced at Andy nervously. Andy raised her thumbs encouragingly. "Okay," he said. "I'm ready."
The Sphinx's eyes glittered with excitement. "What is the capital of Bulgaria?"
"Sofia," he said promptly, "but-"
"What is the square root of sixteen?"
"Four, but-"
"Which U.S. President signed the Emancipation Proclamation?"
"Abraham Lincoln, but-"
"How much-"
"Stop!" Anthony told her. "These aren't riddles. It's just a bunch of dumb, random facts. Riddles are supposed to make you think."
"Think?" The Sphinx frowned. "How am I supposed to test whether you can think? That's ridiculous. Now, how much force is required-"
"What happened to 'What walks on four legs in the morning'?" he asked. "That's what you used to ask."
"Exactly why I changed it. You already know the answer. Now-"
Anthony shook his head. "I refuse to answer you any further."
"Um, Tony," Grover said, "Maybe you should just, you know, finish the test."
"I'm a son of Athena," he said proudly. "This is an insult to my intelligence. I won't answer these questions."
"Why, then," the monster said calmly, "If you won't pass, you fail. I shall eat you." The Sphinx bared her claws and pounced. Tyson charged and tackled her midair and they crashed sideways. Anthony drew his knife, but Andy stepped in front of him.
"Put your cap on!"
"I can fight!"
"No!" Andy told him. "She wants you! Let us get it!" The Sphinx knocked Tyson aside and tried to charge past Andy. Grover poked her in the eye with somebody's leg bone. She screeched in pain. Anthony put on his cap and vanished.
"No fair!" the Sphinx wailed. "Cheater!" And she turned to Andy who drew Riptide, but Tyson grabbed a boulder and threw it at the Sphinx. They all dashed for the far tunnel. The Sphinx started to follow, but Grover raised his reed pipes and began to play. Roots grew from the ground and wrapped themselves around the monster's legs. They ran and ran until they could no longer hear her roars.
Eventually, they found the spider banging its tiny head on a metal door. It was oval, with metal rivets around the edges and a wheel for a doorknob. Tyson turned the wheel. As soon as the door opened, the spider scuttled inside with Tyson right behind it. The rest of them followed.
The room was enormous; like a mechanic's garage. "Well, well," a deep voice boomed. "What have we here?" Hephaestus appeared before them. His left shoulder was lower than his right. His head was misshapen and bulging. He wore a permanent scowl. "Half-bloods," he grunted. "Satyr." Then he saw Tyson. "A Cyclops! Good, good. What are you doing traveling with this lot?"
"Yes, well said," Hephaestus agreed. "So, there'd better be a good reason you're disturbing me."
"Sir," Anthony said hesitantly, "we're looking for Daedalus. We thought-"
"Daedalus?" the god roared. "You want that old scoundrel? You dare to seek him out!" His beard burst into flames and his black eyes glowed.
"Uh, yes, sir, please," Anthony said.
"Humph. You're wasting your time, you know." He frowned at Tyson. "I sense you have something to say, young Cyclops. Don't be shy."
Tyson hesitated. "We met a Hundred-Handed One." Hephaestus nodded. "He was scared. He would not help us. Briares should be strong! He is older and greater than Cyclopes. But he ran away."
Hephaestus grunted. "There was a time I admired the Hundred-Handed Ones. Back in the days of the first war. But people, monsters, even gods change. You can't trust 'em. Look at my loving mother, Hera. She'll smile at your face and talk about how important family is, eh? Didn't stop her from pitching me off Mount Olympus when she saw my ugly face."
"I thought Zeus did that to you," Andy said.
"Mother likes telling that version of the story," he grumbled. "Makes her seem more likable. Blaming it all on dad. Truth is, she likes families, but a certain kind of family. Perfect ones. She took one look at me and... well, I don't fit the image, do I? No, young Cyclops. You can't trust others. You can't trust anyone. Just the work of your own hands."
Andy thought that sounded kind of lonely.
Hephaestus focused on her. "Oh, you don't agreed, do you?" he mused. "I don't expect you to, demigod. You heroes seem to think that friendship will help you go the distance. What did you come here to ask of me?"
"We just need to find Daedalus," she told him.
"He won't help you."
"Why not?"
Hephaestus shrugged. "Some of us get thrown off mountainsides. Some of us... the way we learn not to trust people is ever more painful. It isn't wise to go looking, girl."
"My mother says looking is the nature of wisdom," Anthony said.
Hephaestus narrowed his eyes. "Athena is a fine goddess. A shame she pledged never to marry. All right, half-blood. But there is a price for what you ask."
"Name it."
Hephaestus laughed. "Oh, you heroes. Always making rash promises. All the better. I need you to go to Mount St. Helens. That is where the monster Typhon is trapped. He's restless with the Titan rebellion. Always a chance he'll escape. Lately, I've sense intruders in my mountain. Someone or something is using my forges. Then sense my presence when I go there to check and vanish. Something... ancient is there. Evil. I want you to know who dares invade my territory, and if they mean to loose Typhon."
"You just want us to find out who it is?"
"Aye," Hephaestus said. "Go there. They may not sense you coming. Find out what you can. Report back to me, and I will tell you what you need to know about Daedalus."
The spider led the way. When they reached a tunnel with tree roots however, Grover stopped dead in his tracks. He stared open-mouthed into the dark tunnel. "This is the way," he muttered in awe. "This is it."
"You mean... to Pan?" Andy asked.
Grover looked at Tyson. "Don't you smell it?"
"Dirt," Tyson confirmed. "And plants."
"Yes! This is the way! I'm sure of it!"
"Well," said Anthony, "we'll come back on our way to Hephaestus."
"The tunnel will be gone then," Grover said. "I have to follow it. A door like this won't stay open."
"But we can't-"
"I have to, Tony."
The two of them faced each other.
"We'll split up," Andy decided.
"No!" Anthony said. "That's way too dangerous. How will we even find each other again? And Grover can't go alone!"
"I will go with him," Tyson said. "Goat boy needs help. I am not like Hephaestus. I trust friends."
Andy had never been so proud.
"We will find each other again," Grover told Anthony. "Andy and I still have the empathy link."
Anthony nodded reluctantly. "Be careful," he said. He seemed so miserable, like he cursed the day he'd walked into this maze. He turned his back to his friends and followed the spider without another word.
Grover and Tyson went the other way, disappearing into the tunnel of tree roots.
"We will find them," Andy said, trying to keep up with Anthony's strides. He didn't say anything. He took her hand, as if to make sure he still had her there, and pulled her into the darkness.
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lurkingcrow · 7 years
I don't quite know what this is but I wrote it anyway
 Did I hear @forcearama  request more sad Obi-Wan and Baby Luke? I think I did! Have a very quickly written fic used to distract me from my head cold. This didn't exactly go where I thought it would, somehow it turned into an AU and shifted character focus on me, but hey the only way you can improve is by practicing right?
It is strange, he thinks. To the untrained eye this is a barren wasteland, miles and miles of sand and rock baked hard under the harsh light of twin suns. And yet... beneath the surface he can feel the  movement of an industious colony of dustbeetles carving out a additional tunnels to accommodate their growing hive. In the next canyon over a herd of banthas is taking shelter from the midday sun, their minds a peaceful balm against the sharp hunger of the krayt dragon that stalks in the shadows. Further out he tracks the passage of a group of Tuskens as they make their way towards a hidden cave system - it looks like they will miss the Jawa sandcrawler, trundling along it's trade route to the outer settlements. There is life here, all the more precious for its scarcity, and the man who was once Obi-Wan Kenobi takes comfort in that.
He sighs, stroking his beard in thought, and reaches out to seek one particular lifeform (beloved, innocent, to be protected at all costs) . Luke's presence is bright -a mess of of sounds and images and burbling curiousity and oh! With cheerful glee the infant mind latches onto his and it takes a moment for Ben to realise that the child is much closer than expected. Gently pulling away he takes note of the combined sense of determination and maternal fondness headed his direction. He turns back to his shelter - it has been some time since he last had guests. He should probably clean up.
By the time the speeder pulls up he has managed to look a little less like he has spent the last couple of days sitting outside in the elements. From Beru's expression as she looks him over it's not enough.
"Honestly Ben, one of these days I'm going to come out here and nothing but a pile of clothing and bleached bones." She says as she hitches Luke one one hip while slinging a pack over her shoulder. "How you've managed to survive with so little common sense I don't know!" ( he asks the same thing every day - how does he live when those he failed are gone? the dunes offer no answer but the wind takes his tears.)
"I have my ways." He smiles, ushering them inside. "What brings you to my humble abode?" Beru huffs and offloads a squirming Luke into his arms before digging into her bag. Immediately tiny arms reach up to pull at his beard while the equally fragile mind seeks out his own, poking and prodding in childish delight.
(oh yes. he thinks. here is why. he lives because he loves this one too much to fail him too) So wrapt is he in Luke's presence that it takes Beru clearing her throat to bring him back to their conversation. Her smile is gentle and they share a quiet moment of mutual understanding before she draws his attention to the datapad in her hand.
His heart freezes.
(nononononono.he is dead. surely the universe would not be so cruel?) On the page the dark form of the Empire's newest enforcer remains unchanged, the headline declaring their triumph over the last remnants of CIS forces blaring overhead. (it is. vader lives. vader lives and he must never know of the treasure hidden beneath tatooine's suns)
In his arms Luke begins to fuss as he picks up on his panic and Ben calms himself. (he can break down later. later, when he cannot hurt any more innocents) Something must show on his face though, as Beru looks up, concerned. "Are you alright?" Another look at the datapad, and her eyes narrow. "Are we in danger?" He clears his head, puts aside his fear and guilt (anakin, anakin, where did we go wrong?)  and thinks it through. This had always been a possibility. Nothing has changed - there is still no reason for the Empire to seek him here at the edges of civilization, even less for them to look for a boy with his father's blue eyes (blue. not yellow. anakin's blue).
"No, no. Not for the moment. Just... Something to keep an eye on." She looks at him carefully before nodding. "Ok. But that's not what has me worried. Here." She points to a much smaller article at the bottom of the page, welcoming the continued relationship between the esteemed Hutt conglomerate and Imperial forces and the signing of a new deal facilitating trade in high value goods along the outer rim. His eyebrows raise in disbelief. "Is that what I think it is?"
Beru shakes her head ruefully.  "High value goods. They've all but legalised the slave trade so long as it doesn't touch their precious core. Didn't think the Hutts would manage it - they must've caught his Majesty on a good day." She eyes him carefully. "You're not from around  here, so I don't know how familiar you are with..." "No. I understand. More than you might think." (bandomeer, a heavy collar around his neck. zygeria, the cutting agony of lightwhips and despair. coruscant, a blond boy who flinches at the use of "master". and still he will never fully comprehend.) He shakes his head and clutches Luke a little tighter. "But not enough. I imagine Jabba is delighted to extend his reach, but I'm guessing his coffers aren't your immediate concern."
Again Beru assesses him carefully, and appears satisfied by what she sees. She takes a seat against the wall motioning for Ben to join her. "You'd be right. Look Ben, I know there's a lot you can't say, but I need to know. Who are you? To Luke I mean."
The question takes him completely by surprise. "I... His parents were good friends of mine. I once taught his father" (it is not a lie, and yet it tastes like one, heavy and cold against his tongue). Beru scoffs. "Friends. That's why you look at Luke like he's the last cask of water before the cool season." There is something about her posture that makes him reconsider his words. (and surely now, now his old world was ashes and dust, surely now he could admit it.)
He bows his head, inhaling the scent of Luke's sun warmed skin. "I loved them. Anakin, he was my brother, my partner, my other half. I would have done anything for him." (but he'd never outright told him had he? anakin never knew just how much obi-wan would sacrifice to protect him. he never knew how deep the attachment ran. because it was not the jedi way. now the jedi are dead. and, though his body yet breathes, so too is anakin). He clears his thoat "Padmé, she was a light in the shadows, a reminder that there are still those who would fight for justice rather than personal gain. I was proud to call her a friend,  prouder still that she considered me one too." (brave beautiful padmé. strong and courageous with a heart made of kyber.  she made anakin so very happy and for that alone he might have loved her. but she was always greater than the sum of her parts, and he mourns her for her own sake.)
"Then you're his family." It feels like a razors in his throat."Yes." "Good." He looks up in surprise. Beru is still looking at him keenly. "Were you there for his birth? Who named him?" "I...yes. Padmé lived long enough to name him."(and his sister. just as tiny and just as perfect and so very clearly her parents child. it had hurt to hand her over, to know she would grow up without her brother, without him to watch over her. but she would be loved. bail could keep her safe in ways he cannot. it is for the best. but his heart still aches). "I brought him to you soon after"
Something in his response makes Beru relax slightly (distantly he recalls a conversation with anakin, children follow the mother.) "And you love him? You'd protect him?" "Yes." His voice is stronger now, full of certainty. "Beru, where are you going with this?"
She takes a deep breath. "You're still an outsider here, so there are things you don't quite get yet.  Me and Owen? We're both freehold stock,  descendants of slaves who bought their way out. Our families are well established, reputable. We might not be rich  but so long as we don't break any laws or get too far into debt no-one's gonna try taking us in." Ben doesn't like the sound of this. "But?"
Beru raises one hand to ruffle Luke's downy hair. He's begun to drift off, head nestled against Ben's shoulder and at the movement he lets out a quiet protest. "But, with the Rep- sorry, Empire, no longer enforcing the ban pretty soon every scum sucking sleemo this side of Ord Mantell is going to want to cash in on the flesh trade. And they're not going to care where exactly their stock comes from. Luke is freeborn. You just confirmed it. But that doesn't mean shit if there isn't something to back it up. Our reputation, that's something. One day though it might not be. I need you to promise me Ben, something happens to us? You claim him. You're family, you'll look after him. And unless I'm very much mistaken, you have the skills to back up your claim."
His gut roils at the picture Beru paints, but there is no question as to his response. He has already made this oath once, a silent vow to the newborn bundle of hope clutched against his chest. It takes no effort to verbalise it now."I will. I swear to you, Beru Whitesun-Lars, that as long as I still live and breathe I will do everything within my power to ensure the safety and happiness of Luke Skywalker." 
She looks amused by his formality. "I'll keep you to that."There is a moment's silence, broken only by the occasional whine from the sleeping boy. "So, I'll expect you over for weekly dinner. No excuses. Luke needs to get to know his Uncle Ben if he's gonna start learning the mystic stuff and you need fattening up"
Once he had been known as the Negotiator. A thousand diplomats had done their best to stump him only to fall prey to his silver tongue. And yet it is the simple self assured statement from a moisture farmer's mouth that leaves Ben speechless."What!? Beru,  I'm still a wanted man. We agreed - it's best for everyone if I keep away."
"Banthashit. Owen agrees with you but you're both wrong. He thinks the further away you stay the safer it'll be. That it's your sort of trouble that'll put Luke most at risk. Me? I remember Shmi's stories. I remember the young man I met and the woman who followed him." 
She grins, sharp and bright. "I remember it was both of 'em who  made the decision to go running straight into danger. If he's anything like them, Luke won't wait for your trouble to find him - he'll find he local stuff first. And when he does? Now that Jabba's on the rise? Owen and I  aren't going to be enough to keep him safe."
"You don't understand. I am a danger, to Luke and to you." (failure, pain, too close and they suffer. luke must not suffer) "It doesn't matter. I know you're grieving, that you're trying to punish yourself for something. But the stakes just got higher. I've heard stories about the Jedi. Don't know how many of them are true, but if those skills could save his life one day Luke needs to learn."
He tries again. "Beru, the Empire is actively seeking out Force sensitives. I can hide myself, but it is a skill that takes time to learn. Luke is powerful. You have no idea what they would do to him should he be discovered."
"All the more reason for him to start soon." She looks him in the eyes, unflinching. "I swore an oath too Ben. I swore on Shmi's memory that no grandchild of hers was ever going to live as a slave. I swore it the day I swore my marriage oath, and I will keep both until the day I die. I love that boy. If I could I'd let him grow up never knowing the fear of enslavement. But I know now I can't. So Hutt or Empire, I want him to be strong enough to break their chains. And for that, I need your help."
(the force rings with her sincerity and he knows what he must do. he is reminded of the other determined young women he has known. he hopes this time things will end better).
He closes his eyes. "It will not be without risk. Even in peace time the life of a Jedi was not an easy one." Beru smiles sadly. "Nothing worthwhile ever is. If the price of his freedom is die a hero then so be it. At least he will die free."
And suddenly he can see it, the echoes of the future that awaits, the man this child will become (a stubborn boy with reckless fervour, a smiling youth with fire in his veins, a centred knight  burning with resolve. his father's drive, his mother's compassion mixed with beru's will and owen's practicality, a touch of cunning humour obi-wan recognises as his own. and underneath it all the overwhelming love of a family.)  
Ben grins, wide and genuine. "Let's try to do without heroic sacrifices for the moment shall we? Unless we are counting changing Luke's underclothes, in which case I will note that nobody ever accused me of being the hero without fear."
Beru's laughter is loud enough to wake the said child from his slumber, and as the wave of grumpy indignation washed over his senses Ben lets go and joins her. As their giggles die down Beru turns to him again.
"Thank you Ben. You have no idea how relieved I feel. Things don't seem so dark anymore" (with his nephew cradled close and his new friend by his side he cannot help but agree). "My pleasure. What else is family for?" He thinks for a moment. "You get to break it to you husband though." Beru coughs. "Let me sort out Owen. You just focus on not becoming one with the desert. Seriously, how have you survived out here?" This time Luke joins him in his laughter.
***Fifteen? years later***
Maul is dead. Truly dead. Fitting, that it should all end here, on the same planet where it all began. Obi-Wan (and he is obi-wan now, jedi master and guardian of their last hope. tomorrow he will go back to being uncle ben the hermit, herder of banthas and adolescent troublemakers but tonight he is obi-wan) takes a deep breath and looks back toward the canyon where he lay his old foe to rest. Perhaps now his soul will find peace in the Force. In his pocket lie the cracked remains of a pair of kyber crystals - he doesn't know why he picked them up. Perhaps it was sentiment, the desire to keep a hold of a long lost past, no matter how painful. It didn't matter - he will realise their purpose eventually.
He draws near the homestead, the lights from the kitchen casting long shadows against the pale adobe walls. A quick flicker against his shields lets him know that Luke has noticed his presence and he sends back a brief reassurance. He is fine. They are all fine.
Beru greets him at the door, one hand wiping itself against the front of her apron, the other discretely hidden behind her where he knows she carries a spare blaster. "Finished your business then?" He gives her a weary smirk. "For now at least." She  relaxes, waving him inside before hesitating for a moment. "There's a storm coming, isn't there?" He knows she is not speaking literally. "Yes. Not immediately, but soon." She sighs.
"Just as well then we've prepared in advance. Come on, or else Luke will have eaten the rest of the stew. I have no idea where he puts it all!
Obi-Wan smiles. "His father was much the same at this age. Though I can assure you Luke has far better table manners."
Her laughter echoes reverberates through the corridor and they are met by an enthusiastic "Uncle Ben!" and a grunted "Kenobi." at the table.
It turns out Luke has not, in fact, devoured the last of the stew, but he does manage to levitate the rest of the flatbread onto his plate while no-one is looking. Obi-Wan looks at the boy's gleeful expression, his aunt's mock outrage and shares an fond look with his fellow uncle. (this. he thinks. this is what I protect.)
Later he is woken by the piercing call of a flytbat hunting though the night sky. On a whim he ventures outside, settling himself against a broken vaporator and running the broken June crystals between his fingers. He reaches out into the darkness. Beneath the sand the insects rest, and in the canyons bantha huddle against one another in their sleep. Behind him he feels the sleeping minds of us family, Luke shining like a full moon in the Force, his shields relaxed in sleep. The desert is full of life. All is well.
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