#like I would love an episode about enel’s adventures on the moon
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lazychimken · 1 year ago
For your HP hybrid/monster/mink au, this may sound awkward or weird but...could you draw Shachi and Penguin happily wagging their tails? Like Penguin's tail shakes, while Shachi's flaps up and down.
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SO CUTE!!! Had to search up penguin tails for this one, I wish we could see a heart pirates backstory in the manga or the anime at least 😭
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idratherdreamofjune · 5 years ago
Apen or Faramir, Endeavour "Neverland" or "Coda", Leverage "The Wedding Job" or "The Juror #6 Job", Chara's wardrobe or Melete's wardrobe, beaches or prairies, The Perilous Gard or Fire and Hemlock, St. Claire or Alvarado siblings, swords or shields, Agatha Christie or Ngaio Marsh, "Gutair" or "Gosh", leaving or coming home, LotR or SW (prequel) costume design, Avidan or Velvare, Enel or Aquil for creating a distraction, Sutcliff or McKillip, Bhatair or Berlyne in a tight spot, & Ansam or Melly.
Okay - first a disclaimer I should have included in the tags when I reblogged that prompt post: sadly this will not be responded to in graphics (I’ve seen a lot of “this or that” graphic responses and those are great but I don’t have the guts to take that on. Though. I could try to do one random graphic response per ask/asker.... Hum...
[Prompt post]-->[Make me choose]
Back to the ask at hand: quite a lot of tough ones!!! There will be spoilers.
Apen or Faramir - sorry sports fans, Apen is really an excellent young man but there may not even be a single character who is better than Faramir in my mind.
Endeavour “Neverland” or “Coda” - “Neverland” is not one of my preferred episodes even taken alone, as the subject matter is too dark for me personally. Meanwhile “Coda” functions as “the usual, not to say obligatory,” crime show bank robbery episode. XD That’s a good thing, because I enjoy bank robbery episodes. :P Of course the ending with Joan leaving is ROUGH but she lives so it’s okay; there’s always next season!
Leverage “The Wedding Job” or “The Juror #6 Job” - These are both good, but while I really enjoyed the mafia spoofs and fake FBI act from Parker and Hardison in “The Wedding Job”, courtroom drama takes the cake for me. :)
Chara’s wardrobe or Melete’s wardrobe - probably Melete’s, because Chara defaults to a more girly, pink look. Melete also tends to be more eyecatching and interesting (if unpractical).
beaches or prairies - beaches! As long as it’s not crowded (I’d take a private prairie over a packed beach any day).
The Perilous Gard or Fire and Hemlock - Perilous Gard all the way!! Fire and Hemlock is certainly a good book (and I need to reread it for sure) but The Perilous Gard got into my heart immediately and is dear favorite. Kate and Christopher are somewhere near the top on my nebulous list of ships.
St. Claire or Alvarado siblings - !!! After a lot of consideration, I’m picking the St. Claires. I think. They need more love (not from fans - just in general).
swords or shields - my first instinct is to go with swords, but maybe that’s just because they get more screentime (or page space hah). Sting and Anduril come to mind, and of course The Sword of Martin the Warrior! However I actually am especially attached to Captain American and Wonder Woman specifically because they use shields more than swords/guns/etc. (though, of course Captain America uses his offensively quite a lot. It’s the concept, okay?! XD )
Agatha Christie or Ngaio Marsh - definitely Ngaio Marsh. She can be a bit hit-or-miss (her penchant for the theater and formula for wrapping up endings are a bit worn), but some of her books are almost comparable to Dorothy Sayers mysteries - while Agatha Christie never comes close, in my opinion. Christie always seems a bit flippant about crime, even when she’s trying to be serious. And while Christie’s settings are good, Marsh’s are sometimes magnificent. Also I think Ngaio Marsh’s secondary characters go deeper than Christie’s. Anyway. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, as they say. :”P
“Gutair” or “Gosh” - if that second one is Gudrun and Joshua, that’s a no from me. The main thing I’ve always been disappointed in Joshua over is how interested he was in Gudrun while Bhatair was still ... in the picture (I was going to say “eating” but that’s just weird and vague). And once he wasn’t, they sure got married awfully quick. :/ Plus, despite all the tragedy, “Gutair” has my support. 
leaving or coming home - COMING HOME. Leaving has almost nothing to recommend it (except that it sets you up to come home at some point). I suppose if one were to leave WITH family then that would be okay. But I haven’t gotten to experience that lately.
Costume design: LotR or SW Prequels - Both have their good points, but based on sheer wearability of my favorite pieces in each, LotR wins by a long shot. Padme’s outfits are my favorite in SW, but by and large they look far from comfortable-for-everyday, let alone adventure-ready.
Avidan or Velvare - Avidan, because Velvare constantly has me wondering why I even care about him, whereas Avidan is a lonely prince doing the best he can despite being raised by that jerk. Avidan is making mistakes but I believe he’s trying to do what is best for the country, and I also believe hope he wants to do better. Velvare has yet to convince me of that, and seems driven more by his own interests, affected by whatever phase the moon is in (I mean, come on, he’s made some strange decisions). He’s shown some remorse but has yet to try to change, as far as I can see (arguably Avidan is in the same place in that regard, which is why I said “hope” hah).
Enel or Aquil for creating a distraction - !!! Another hard one, but more entertaining to consider. Seems like six of one, half a dozen of another, to me. XD Aquil seems to have a much better grasp of what he can do, curse-wise, which might come in handy. Except he frequently accidentally (? presumably) messes up on directions. Meanwhile Enel would probably go about following the plan and then end up breaking his leg or a window or accidentally tripping you. He reminds me of Sid the Sloth in Ice Age, now that I think about it. Aquil is probably the safest choice after all.
Sutcliff or McKillip - Sutcliff!!!!! McKillip’s books are good but she’s never gotten to me on an emotional level like Sutcliff. Also I can’t connect as well with her settings, they usually feel a little too castle-on-a-cloud. Enjoyable to read about, but not as livable as the landscapes in Sutcliff’s books.
Bhatair or Berlyne in a tight spot - Bhatair might be a better fighter, but I’d trust Berlyne to have my back and do what’s right, no matter what.
Ansam or Melly - Melly is sweet, and no offense meant to dog fans, but I prefer horses. Especially such a smart and loyal horse as Ansam! Too bad we haven’t seen more of him. Yet. Now, if it were Pigeondove vs. Ansam... that’s a little harder.
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