#like I started really strong ahdjdjdj
daydadahlias · 6 months
omg okay jess i don’t even know what to say. i can’t believe i didn’t read scene 14 sooner omg it’s amazing. this may just be your best fic imo. i’m gonna read take notes next and then i can just for sure but holy shit. this fic has fucked me up so bad. i’ve never read anything like it. i’m pretty sure you’ve mentioned before that you act/ have acted and i think that’s one of the many reasons i really love this fic because all of the acting scenes and stuff feel real and honest. not like you researched it. and i did NOT think this fic was going to be as angsts as it was, or at least i didn’t think i was going to be sobbing and pacing and (quietly) screaming at 3am over the last 2 chapters. i really love how well you portrayed luke’s reaction to the break up, even though it wasn’t actually the break up (but i think that makes it worse honestly) and the whole miscommunication between them. the fact the ash thought they were dating the whole time after they had sex was what really got me. i wanna listen to the rest of the twenty minutes of that voicemail! i loved the whole ash knowing luke’s coffee order thing. i loved how ash finally got a good first time, and hopefully many more. i can’t remember if it said that they’re going to tell them eventually, but i love how everyone else is still out of the loop! i really hope sierra and kay kay didn’t break up and i really hope crystal says yes to michael’s proposal and they live happily ever after. i hope calum and roy have a happy ending too. i literally could think of so much more to say but i need sleep haha. i really loved this fic jess. thank you for writing it and thank you for all that you do in the fandom. im gonna go to sleep now and then when i wake up i’m gonna watch the normal heart and die over scene 14. bye bye jess
Hello anon!!!!! Sorry it took me a second to get to this!! I thought I would have time to get to my computer at some point today but apparently not so I’m writing this on my phone while walking my dog apologies.
I really have not thought of scene 14 in over a year so this was a nice little reminder that she is still alive and well :) I don’t know if I’d say it’s my best fic but I definitely love it !!! The writing process was so fun (I remember being 17 writing in the back of my science class instead of paying attention 😭).
And yeah I’ve definitely mentioned acting before !! This was in the absolute height of my acting “career” too lol (read: I wrote a play and was in my senior year of highschool theatre), and knew I had to write something about theatre before I went to college and inevitably left it behind (rip acting i will always love you). I appreciate that it felt real and not researched!!! It definitely was all just personal experience coming through (such as my brief obsession with a high school theatre arch nemesis who played Billy in Bright Star — looking back I def would have casted Ashton as Jimmy if I rewrote the fic now).
I’m usually not a fan of miscommunication OR enemies to lovers in stories lol so this was kind of my go at trying to do what I hated :) I’m glad you liked it!!
Honestly the real shame is that I used to have the full voice mail!!! Back in ye old day, when I was writing, I would voice memo all monologues while planning them so I could transcribe them later so that full voicemail used to exist !! And then my phone crashed a year ago and wiped everything I loved lolz.
And Sierra and KK definitely did not break up!! I’d never do that to my girls. And of COURSE crystal said yes. Call me a sentimentalist but I set all those needs up for happy endings.
As for this last bit, I hope you got to sleep!! And thank you so much for this!!! I love our little fandom :) especially for people like you 💙🥰 and you’re going to love the movie!! Mark Ruffalo and Matt Bomer ate DOWN. Their performances were UNREAL. Keep tissues nearby.
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captainwholecake · 3 years
Can I request headcanons of law, kidd, zoro and sanji with a tall male s/o who’s a very badass and brutal fighter with a very scary devil fruit power. But there also very chill and kinda like a himbo too.
a/n: hopefully this doesn't turned out to be more gender natural
warnings: none
Trafalgar Law
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I will say it again wano animation law is just *chef kiss* hopefully this is a flashback from wano-
Law's just dope in love tbh
which is strange person the other person the dumber one of the two
anyway he sees him in battle and just thinks of the reasons hes in love and nearly gets himself killed in the process
why am I imagining him getting all flustered around him
He starts talking and being a goofball and laws becomes red in the face
Law being all embarrassed around them and they just don't understand at all
so they keep asking and asking and laws keeps telling them it's nothing
I'm imagining Law would look like a doll in their arms
Law would also really his hugs bc their so warm and soft
alright I need a moment I'm moving to Kidd
Eustass Kidd
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Himbo on Himbo action here bitches
Just some himbos who love each other
Get yourself a lover who will beat you up as a sign of endearment
Both would totally get turned on by seeing one another fight someone tell me otherwise
Strong why tf am I in love with this person vibes when their being chill and dumb
He still loves them but he does question it a lot
I just know Killer is shaking his head at them a lot
Then theres times where his s/o is just shaking head with Killer
I’m also imagining kidd being really vulnerable him too
It’s probably because he’s a little scare of them but it’s mostly because he way to comfortable around them
Roronoa Zoro
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Oh sanji, I felottest gifs of all time
also some himbo on himbo action
but not like kidds which some hot head himbo on another lowkey hot headed himbo it’s more scary himbo on a lowkey scary himbo
you understand me alright
I think zoro would be straight up be impressed by seeing him fight
He’s zoro what do you expect
I can zoro wanting them him to help and train and shit
also I can personally see a lot of drinking contest and late night sharing a drink convos
why am I imaging him psychically dragging Zoro around after he goes somewhere in the wrong direction
the amount of petty arguments (they aren't bad their just both hotheaded sometimes) that would happen
and lastly, this is probably one of the weirdest relationships to ever exist but I'm living for it
Vinsmoke Sanji
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You know in Black Clover where finral tries to stop flirting with other women for that woman who said she’d married him?
Yeah, that but on crack because I feel like with the exception of nami and robin he’d probably do that for them
Anyways, he seems like the type who’d genuinely be surprised by how they fight and everything
I just imagine Sanji going “holy shit there a devil fruit user” but with dub voice im sorry but please just imagine him yelling that
I can also imagine him being lowkey scare of him sometimes for the sole reason of how they fight
Constantly has to remind himself to not get on their bad side
I like to personally imagine them as a mlm version of Sasha and Niccolo w/o the one of them dying part
When they first join the crew or whatever and they eat sanji’s food for the first time and they start crying and he has to tell them to stop crying or their food will be too salty with the tears getting into it- ahdjdjdj
Their now legally sanji’s one and only taste tester stfu
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