#like I personally don’t think I really have anything worth reselling but I’m just covering all bases lol
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keirosims · 9 months ago
I felt like I was being too strict with my new long ass TOU page but idk, seeing a bunch of moots getting their cc resold (or just straight up sold considering most of them are free creators) I don’t think that anymore lol
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icannotreadcursive · 5 years ago
Avengers PSAs: On the COVID-19 Pandemic 3: Don’t Panic
Natasha and Bucky stood side by side in front of neatly organized shelves, him with one arm around her, his other sleeve empty, both of them dressed in athleasure clothes.
“Hey, I'm Natasha Romanoff—”
“—and I'm James Buchanan Barnes—”
“—and we're coming to you from the Avengers's pantry,” Natasha continued, gesturing behind them, “to talk to you about panic buying and resource hoarding. First though, since people are bound to ask—Buck, where's your arm?”
“In an autoclave,” Bucky said flatly, “being sterilized.”
Natasha wagged an admonishing finger at the camera. “No excuses for not practicing good hand hygiene.”
“No excuses,” Bucky agreed. “You know what else there's no excuse for?”
“Panic buying and hoarding?” Natasha guessed with a knowing half smirk.
She nodded slowly and took a half step away from him. “You don't think that's a little harsh? People aren't being malicious, they're just scared.”
“Nope.” Bucky crossed his arm over his chest, gabbing onto the opposite shoulder for lack of an elbow to tuck his hand into. “I'm playing the grumpy old man card here—I lived through World War Two and all the rationing that went along with it. I don't take kindly to people taking more than their fair share. And compared to Steve, I'm being extremely reasonable and calm about this.”
“That's true, actually.” Natasha glanced at the camera. “Steve wanted to do this PSA, but he's not very good at keeping his righteous anger over unfairness in check. So you get us.” She put a hand to her chin cutely.
“So let's talk about what panic buying is,” Natasha continued.
“As the name suggests,” Bucky said, “it's people buying things out of panic or fear—especially buying in bulk.”
“Despite Bucky and Steve's lack of patience with it,” Natasha said with a sidelong glance at her partner, “this is a natural and understandable reaction to certain kinds of crises, and it's quite common. The classic example, which at this point is also a joke, is Southerners buying all the bread and milk they can find anytime snow is predicted below the Mason Dixon Line.”
Bucky picked up the thread. “People usually panic buy in response to things like snow storms or hurricanes—major events that you can see coming long enough to know to prepare, and that you know are going to limit your ability to go out and get supplies.”
“The basic impulse is good,” Natasha conceded. “Stock up beforehand to make sure you have enough of the things you need in order to weather the storm—or, in this case, to weather the pandemic and its associated shutdowns.”
“The problem,” Bucky continued, “is that too many people are buying more than they actually need, and they're buying the wrong things. Most obviously, toilet paper.”
“When people panic buy, they leave the shelves empty,” Natasha explained. “This then creates a sense of scarcity that scares other people into panic buying the same items, causing actual scarcity, preventing people from being able to access the reasonable amounts of basic supplies that they do need.”
“We don't know how long we'll have to practice social distancing,” Bucky said. “In areas with stay at home orders, we don't know how long those may last, and we don't know for sure where new stay at home orders are going to be implemented, but that one, at least, we can predict pretty well.”
“If your city or town has known cases of COVID-19, especially if you're a college town….” Natasha shrugged.
“Expect to be holed up at home for a while,” Bucky concluded. “And it's important to prepare for that.”
“You're not doomsday prepping, though,” Natasha admonished. “You don't need a year or five's worth of anything.”
Bucky nodded. “Take it a month at a time. Think about how many people are in your household and how much you actually consume of various supplies in a month. We have an entire shelf full of pasta here.” He gestured at the shelf behind him, which housed easily two dozen boxes of noodles. “There's roughly twenty people living here. We always use more than a household of three or four. A household of three or four use more than somebody living alone. Buy a little bit more than you otherwise might for the same amount of time, but not much. Remember there are people besides you in your community and leave some for your neighbors. Also think about what you already have at home. Have you had the same bottle of dish soap sitting next to your sink for the better part of a year? Then you probably aren't going to need more. If it's almost empty, go ahead and get one bottle to replace it.”
“Some things, it is reasonable and necessary to buy extra of right now,” Natasha allowed. “A lot of people are having to cook at home a lot more than you usually do, and you're having to do your grocery shopping for a whole month, maybe longer, instead of just for the next week, so you do have to buy more food. Clint's going to do a video on buying, storing, and preparing food smartly during the pandemic, so we're not going to go into that now.”
“You might actually need more of things like toilet paper,” Bucky said, “because you're at home, instead of at work or school using the toilet paper there. That's still not going to be a huge increase in usage. COVID-19 is a respiratory ailment, not dysentery.”
Natasha bit back a laugh.
Bucky continued. “Other things, you might use less of.  If you're anything like us here at the compound, you're probably hanging out in the same loungewear or pajamas for a couple days at a time, maybe showering less than you do when you actually leave the house most days, which means you're using fewer towels. In that case, you're doing less laundry, so you're using less detergent.”
Natasha clapped her hands together. “Now, if you, or your friend Karen the Facebook mom, or your mom did freak out and went and bought twenty jumbo bottles of Germ-X or more toilet paper than your household is liable to use by Christmas, that's okay. You, your mom, and Karen aren't horrible people. Keep enough to realistically get you through a couple months—for toilet paper in particular, that's roughly one role per person per week for most people—then return the excess to the store if you can. Otherwise donate it, give it to your friends and neighbors who don't have enough, or if you're really worried about recouping some of what you spent panic buying, resell it. But expect to resell it at a loss.”
“Don't even try to make more than you spent,” Bucky warned. “Price gouging is illegal, and punishments increase during emergencies. Some areas have laws against private individuals making money off of selling emergency supplies, so look into your local laws before trying that at all. If you're not sure, just donate. If you decide to be a greedy jerk, well, Steve's been threatening to throw on a hazmat suit and go deal with some price gougers himself, and I'm inclined to help him, even if leaving the compound means losing my arm to the autoclave for an hour again.”
“Take a breath. Take a step back,” Natasha commanded gently. “Take stock of what you need and what you have. Be realistic and be smart. Stock up and be prepared, but don't panic and don't hoard.”
“We're all facing this together,” Bucky said. “We can all get what we need, but only if we all take only as much as we need.”
“Stand by for Clint's advice on what food to stock up on and how to use it,” Natasha said brightly. “Thank you and goodbye.”
She waved. Bucky stepped forward to cover the camera with his hand—the video went black.
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a-vast-horizon · 5 years ago
oh boy, i’m not sure i have 14, lol
i’ll give a little sampling anyway
(from an Agent Stern/Barclay The Adventure Zone: Amnesty fic)
It was a bad idea to mix work with your personal life. Agent Stern knew that, really. It was just that when you were traveling for work, your whole life sort of became tangled with your job to some extent. Now, obviously, there were some hard lines to be drawn. When he was suited up and on the case, questioning witnesses and examining evidence, he was on the job, no personal matters allowed.
But when he got back from doing his job to relax at the Amnesty Lodge, was it really so wrong if he found the chef cute?
(from a Danny Phantom and Bendy and the Ink Machine crossover)
The storage room was, as ever, a mess. You might have thought the Fentons, as scientists, would have some interest in being organized, but you’d be wrong. You probably should have considered the fact that they were *ghost-hunting* scientists, and realized they were absolute messes. As was the storage room.
The spare drill Danny has been asked to fetch was just barely visible on a high wall-mounted shelf, tucked between a raggedy old plush toy and some dusty bottles. There wasn’t any space on the crowded floor for a stepladder, not that Danny would have been able to find one in the mess, so he settled for trying to balance on his tiptoes as he reached for the shelf. And it almost worked, too. He had one hand on the shelf, inching towards the drill to pull it forwards, when a can rolled out of place beneath his foot, sending him wildly off balance. The hand Danny had on the shelf grabbed it for balance, and evidently that was more than it was cut out for, because it promptly detached from the wall, sending its contents down towards Danny.
(from a My Hero Academia AU tentatively titled ‘explosive temper’)
Izuku’s nose was buried in his latest hero analysis notebook, revising his notes from that morning’s fight with Mount Lady. He was therefore oblivious to the fact that the sewer grate behind him was being lifted until he heard a voice call out, “Damn nerd! Get your head out of your book and look behind you!”
So, of course, he did, and found himself a scant few meters from an enormous body of slime oozing its way out of the sewer.
(from an Animorphs AU tentatively titled ‘butterfly effect’)
We met up outside the entrance to the Gardens on Saturday. With a lot of cajoling at our gymnastics lessons, I’d managed to convince Melissa to come, and judging by the fact that Jake showed up, Cassie had invited him like I’d told her to.
“Hey, guys,” Jake said. “Marco’s dad is sick, so he can’t make it.”
“Aw, too bad,” I said. Had Cassie told Jake to invite Marco, too? They were her tickets, but I’d have thought she’d want to spend time with just him.
Then again, maybe Jake was the one being oblivious in this situation and invited Marco along himself. Considering his talents were more oriented towards shooting balls through hoops and playing video games than talking to people, it wasn’t out of the question.
(from Koda’s upcoming fic in the Super[Natural]Heroes BNHA AU)
“So if you’re not coming out here because you’re hurt, what is it? Boredom? Looking for adventure? Problems with your family?”
Koda… hadn’t thought this far ahead? What did he tell her? What would be enough to get her to stop worrying?
Apparently, in the absence of an answer, Ragdoll had made up her own mind about what was going on, because she didn’t wait for Koda to come up with something.
“Well, it’s none of my business!” she said. “But if you ever do need help, you should come find me or one of the other Pussycats!”
(from an Ant-Man-centric Endgame AU fic)
He pressed the button on his suit to return him to normal size, knowing it was futile. He’d pressed it probably a hundred times already since the others had stopped responding on the radio. The Quantum Realm didn’t follow the same rules of physics as the rest of the universe did, and that was why they needed the Quantum Tunnel to leave it safely. Still, he couldn’t just sit here and do nothing. He had to get back to his life, to Hope, to Cassie!
He pressed the button again, again, hearing it click uselessly over and over. Still, he kept pressing it.
And finally, it worked.
In a dizzying flash of light and motion and expansion, Scott went from the Quantum Realm to the back of the X-Con truck, pressed between the closed doors and the powered-down Quantum Tunnel. A thick layer of dust covered the van’s interior, and Scott began coughing as the helmet of his suit automatically retracted. He managed to unlatch the back doors of the van and tumbled out onto concrete. This wasn’t the parking lot where the van had last been parked, though. Scott looked around to see boxes and boxes with his name on them, chain link fence, a ceiling overhead. A storage unit? But who had moved his stuff here, and how had they done it so fast?
(from Attempt #218, a Good Place fic [spoilers for the end of season 1])
In theory, it was the perfect torture.
Tahani was beautiful, boastful, high society and incredibly open about it: just the kind of person to get under Eleanor’s skin, to lance her worries about not being a good enough person. Eleanor, meanwhile, was pressed to keep her past a secret and pretend to be a human rights activist who volunteered at a local animal shelter in her spare time, so Tahani would struggle to make conversation with someone that couldn’t give her a straight answer. It wasn’t quite as good as pairing Tahani with someone who couldn’t talk at all, like Jason, but it was a bit less obvious, more of a slow burn that could last a few hundred years before she caught on. And the guilt Eleanor would eventually feel over having a perfect soulmate and hating her guts was sure to be entertaining.
Of course, if everything worked the way Michael had theorized, they wouldn’t have been on attempt 218 at all.
(from a BNHA crossover with… well… I’ll say it when the fic is released)
“Fine,” Tenya conceded. “What are you looking for, anyway?”
“Not sure,” Ochako said. “Anything that might be worth reselling.”
“You came here without an idea what you were looking for?” Tenya asked.
“Hey, that’s why I brought you! Your family works on cars, so you know what’s in good enough shape to resell.”
Tenya didn’t say anything, but Ochako could sense the judgemental look he was giving her even without looking over her shoulder. 
“Look, we’re just… tight on cash this month. I just want to help my parents out,” Ochako said.
(from a Trollhunters fic where Jim is part-changeling)
“Blinky? What’s going on?” Jim asked, desperation soaking his voice. If anyone would know what had happened, it would surely be Blinky.
“It seems that the gaggletek worked as expected,” Blinky said, his tone eerily calm in a way Jim couldn’t decipher. “It forces changelings to change their shape when they touch it.”
“But I’m not a changeling,” Jim said. “At least, I don’t think so? Can you be a changeling without knowing it?”
Blinky shook his head, crossing one set of his arms while the other wrung its hands nervously.
“Changelings are aware of their true nature from the moment they set foot out of the Darklands,” Blinky said. “Which means… you have been deceiving us ever since you met us.”
(from a TomStarCo rewrite of the Star vs. the Forces of Evil finale)
“Well, I would still like to be friends with you, Star. I still really like you. I just… I have feelings for someone else, too, and I know you also do,” Tom said.
“What? Who are you talking about?” 
“Yeah, I guessed that’s what you were thinking, dummy. I meant who do you have feelings for?”
“Well…” Tom’s voice trailed off sheepishly.
“Oh,” Star said. “Oh. You like him, too?”
“I mean, I didn’t want to. I just can’t help it!” Tom said.
“Yeah, no, I totally get it,” Star said. “Same boat here, remember?”
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osmw1 · 6 years ago
Dimension Wave   Chapter 5—Recycling
I slept remarkably well. It’s been years since I’ve felt this good waking up. People have been talking about virtual drugs recently but seeing how well I can sleep in a game, that’s more than enough reason for them to start selling them.
How long was I out for? I opened up the menu to check the in-game clock, which read 10:07 PM. I’ve been asleep for about six hours then. I take a look out the window and see that the sun has already set.
“Let’s go get that Fishing Mastery then.”
Name/ Kizuna†Exceed Race/ Spirit Energy/ 2,820 Mana/ 70 Serin/ 1,850
Skills/ Energy Production III, Mana Production II
Energy Production II → Energy Production III Generates 200 Energy per hour → Generates 400 Energy per hour Costs 50 Mana to upgrade.
Fishing Mastery I All actions with a fishing rod receives a 10% buff. Consumes 100 Energy per hour. Costs 30 Mana to acquire. Unlock requirement: Obtain 10 items or more with a fishing rod. Upgrade requirement: Obtain 100 or more items with a fishing rod.
I acquire Fishing Mastery I. Doing so consumes 100 Energy, leaving me with 2,720. Upgrading it to rank II will cost me 60 Mana. With only 40 left, I don’t have enough for it. In any case, I’ve got Fishing Master I now. I’ve been waiting to see what it can do. Well, still, I don’t think I can catch The Big One so easily though.
“… sure am hungry.”
I feel like I just ate before I went to bed. Thinking about it, that was already six hours ago, so maybe it’s time for another meal. I’ll eat the leftover fish I had grilled for me. I take out the Grilled Herring from my inventory.
“It’s turned cold. This game even has temperature, eh?”
When I had it earlier, it was fresh off the grill and piping hot. In that case, if someone were to make stuff like ice cream, it’d probably melt too. Well, who knows? Maybe there’s dry ice or something like that as well. It’s a bit miserable but if I don’t eat this, it’d be going to waste. I can make do.
“Now that my belly’s full, let’s go catch a fish or two. Where did I leave my clothes again?”
Here they are. I just tossed them over by my shoes. Right after I get dressed, I take out my Wooden Rod +2 and I’m ready to go. I leave the inn. Passing by the front desk cued a “Take care!” from the NPC. I step out to a town of darkness. A soulless scene. Maybe everybody’s hit the sack already or they’re still working hard at leveling up.
“It really is dark. I can barely see where I’m going.”
Of course, there are no streetlights, but there aren’t even torches around. It’s nigh pitch black. I open up the map from the menu and head towards that same bridge I was on yesterday. I even dropped by the general store since I had forgotten to buy more bait. I can’t believe that they’re still open though. If this were a real person running the store, they’d probably wouldn’t be too chipper at this time of hour. Imagine a clerk working in a convenience store or something…
Anyway, I get to the bridge. Unfortunately though, the moon is covered by clouds. I wouldn’t know I’m facing the sea if not for the briny breeze and the gentle crashing of the waves. Perhaps I need a carbide lamp or something of the sort. For now, I’m happy with my big pile of bait as I stick it onto my copper fishhook. I poked my finger three times, causing 10 damage. Then after casting my line into the sea, I feel a weird tug that I’ve never felt before. It’s… rather strong. But this dull bite is just odd. Whatever, though. I power through it and fish it out of the water.
—××× obtained.
Hmm? It’s too dark to read the text. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I put it into my inventory. I’ll know when the sun rises. I bait my hook and cast my rod again.
—××× obtained.
Whoa! I caught something the moment the hook touched the water. They’re really biting. I bought 300 pieces of bait, but now it looks like it might not be enough. Alright! It’s an all-you-can-catch!
… finally, morning. I keel over with my hands and knees on the ground, exactly like the orz emoticon. As for results though, I caught nearly 200. But if felt more like they were looking for me, rather than me actively trying to catch them.
I take a look at my spoils. 137 Empty Cans 2 Rubber Boots Crystallization (Unidentified) 40 Herrings 25 Sardines 12 Seabasses 4 Common Darkfish 3 Zombiefish
What the hell? I got more Empty Cans than anything. Oh, the disappointment! Gimme back the happiness I had! Why are there even cans in this world in the first place? … but I guess it’s not too surprising after all.
What I intended to do was to find out whether I can catch different fish at night, so I can chalk it up as a success. “How much trash are you guys throwing into the ocean anyway?” is what I want to say, but I don’t wanna be rude. And not to mention that last thing on the list is totally undead. I bet I can get some good materials from trimming it. It better be good. I begin to gut and trim the fish while clinging on to that glimmer of hope. Probably not the cans though.
It took me two hours to finish up. I’m still not getting a gutting skill though. I wonder what the requirement is. Maybe I have to fight with it as a weapon? I plan to keep on fishing though, so I don’t think I’ll go and try that out. But, naturally, the amount of fish I had was proportional to the amount of time needed to trim them. I’m glad I have this convenient gutting knife. It’s just a hunch, but I think I can use it to gut monsters as well. I’ll try it if I ever get the chance to fight monsters.
“Alright, now let’s sell it all.”
I check the clock again to see it read 9:27 AM. I bet someone as diligent as Alto is would be up already. I’ll try and send a chat. What’s his actual name? Altorese, was it? I remember him saying something about Altorese’s Emporium or something. And just like before, a dialing sound effect plays as I wait for Alto to pick up.
“Hi, this is Alto.”
He sounds like he’s full of energy. He’ll be trading all day too, I’d say.
“Yo, it’s me.” “You sound like you’re the girl from yesterday. No, wait, the guy who’s playing as a girl, right?” “Right. Kizuna.” “Is that your name? I don’t think I caught it yesterday.”
Oh, now that he mentions it. I asked him for his name, but I was too embarrassed to let him know “Kizuna†Exceed” is my name. Rather, I think I deliberately didn’t tell him.
“So? What’s up today?” “Ah, I wanted to sell you some items. They’re all fish though, if that’s okay.” “Of course. Where are you now?” “On the map, I’m to the right of the bridge—”
After exchanging our locations, we ended up deciding to rendezvous at the same place as yesterday. I was gonna hurry on over, but Alto was there already.” He has different equipment on compared to yesterday. Looks like he’s doing well for himself.
“Yo, Kizuna. You said you had fish, but how much do you have?” “Oh, this much.”
I hit accept on his trade request. According to Alto, we can just trade it over by hand, but since we’re trading in such large amounts, it’s better to do it this way. I place the scales, bones, meat, heads, teeth, fin, and everything else in the trade window.
“It seems like you’ve prepped all of them for cooking already, but you still have so much. What a shock.” “Prepped for cooking?”
“I didn’t do that though?” was what I was about to say, but Alto continues.
“Yeah, after parting ways yesterday, I found out that if you use a kitchen knife to prep your fish, you get a lot more items that way.” “Huh.” “And so you have the cooking skill, right, Kizuna? If you need any ingredients, I can sell you some.”
No, I don’t have a single cooking skill pop up. But I’ll keep that to myself. Since he has so many connections, he’s gotta know somebody that uses a gutting-type weapon, right?
“Hey, Alto, this is completely unrelated, but what do gutting weapons do?” “Hmm? I’m pretty sure they do extra damage to certain races. But since their base damage is low, not many people use them.” “I see…” “And sometimes, when you kill the right monsters, they drop different items too.”
… don’t tell me I’ve misunderstood my gutting knife this whole time. As far as I know, if I’m being really careful, I can gut and trim fish to get their scales and meat. But it seems like I can use the cooking skill instead. Maybe it’s even more effective that way. In that case, I can probably even earn more money. Naturally, it’ll become common knowledge sooner or later. But before everyone knows about it, maybe I can make tons of money like this. It’s not exactly uncommon for a new game.
“What about gutting weapons anyway?” “Ah, I’m using one right now. So that’s it? A peculiar weapon used against certain races…” “I see. You really like unusual things, don’t you, Kizuna?” “Guess so.” “Anyway, how does a total of 6,000 serin sound?” “That much?”
Alto says it as if it were obvious. If all he had yesterday was 8,000 serin, that means he’s been making lots while I’ve been chilling.
“It takes time to raise your cooking skill, so factor in how much an hour is worth. It’s also quite a lot and then I put it a little below market value.”
Buy low, sell low. That’s how he resells stuff, he mentioned yesterday. That’s fine then. It’s a lot more than what the NPCs will give me anyway. I accept the trade, hit OK, and received 6,000 serin.
“Thank you for your patronage. Let me know if you have anything else to sell.” “Alright, I’ll holler next time.”
I take a look at my inventory to see only empty cans left. Having 137 of them is actually kind of a bother. NPCs will give me either 1 or 5 serin for each. The difference being aluminum and steel. Wait, hold on. Aluminum and steel, huh?
“Hey, Alto? I have another question. How much do Empty Cans sell for?” “Empty Cans? Unfortunately, dirt cheap. You’re better off selling it to a store.” “Is that right? It’s caught my attention that these cans are aluminum and steel though.”
I lower my voice as if I’m letting him onto a secret and his face lights up.
“… I see. With a blast furnace, they might be able to turn into ingots!” “There are blast furnaces, huh?” “Yeah. There are people working on their craft skills who are smelting ores into ingots.” “Then can I get you to take a look whether they can do the same with these cans? Of course, I’ve got a lot more, so if it works.”
We open up our trade windows again and I give him five each of aluminum and steel. It’ll be easy money if I can turn trash into something useful. Even if it doesn’t work out, I can still sell it for some change.
“Thank you, Kizuna! Maybe we’ll make a lot with this!” “Yeah, if it pans out, get me a slice of the action.” “Of course! I’ll hurry and find out then!”
This being right in his element, Alto rushes off while waving goodbye. It probably won’t even take him an hour.
“I’ve got quite a good stack of money now. Maybe I should get some equipment.”
If I can turn cans into steel, then maybe I can get someone to make me a weapon. But since I don’t even have a single combat skill, I think it’d be better to stick to my light clothing. And for shoes… can I wear these rubber boots? I take them out of my inventory, take off my default shoes, and stick my feet into the boots.
“Looks like I really can equip them…”
If I had a raincoat and a yellow umbrella, it’ll complete my little girl getup. Leaving the jokes aside, I should look for an armor shop or a player selling clothes. I take my first steps in my rubber boots.
Let me tell you what happened after. My hunch was dead on. Those Empty Cans really can be turned into aluminum and steel ingots. While keeping it a secret from Alto and the smith, I keep on quietly fishing up empty cans and repeatedly hand them over. The three of us made a killing for about five days until players found a source of iron ore. Of course, the ingots made from cans aren’t all that high quality, so we started losing business. After discussing our strategy with Alto, we decided to put it to an end. In any case, we came in hot with out Empty Can method and made a good chunk of cash. With fate bringing us together, I added Alto to my friends list.
“I’ll be counting on you for another brilliant idea to make money.”
I hope he feels the same way. Furthermore, for some odd reason, I can only catch Empty Cans at night. Afterwards, with iron prices going down, Alto made the information public. In the end, pairing the unprofitable fishing skill with smelting and smithing made for a popular money-making strategy.
previously: /prologue/ /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /ch005/ /next/
(please support me on Patreon or Paypal)
(check out the other title I’m translating—written by the same author!)
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webuyvehiclesfan · 4 years ago
Cash for Scrap Cars in Sydney:
In this article I'm going to talk about cash for scrap cars in Sydney Australia. I have personally done a few quick searches online and have come up with a few options for people wanting cash for their old cars in this city. One option is to go down to the local car pound in Sydney and see what you can get for your old sedan, truck or van. This option can be helpful depending on the age of the vehicle. If the vehicle is really old, it might not be worth much of anything to you might wind up getting nothing that is more useful to you.
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Another option would be to look at buying from an individual. In order to get a good price for a cash for cars Sydney you'll probably want to get a private buyer. You could also try looking for one online. You could even find someone selling one that is close to home. However, many private sellers won't sell to just anyone, so you might want to do some more research before making any offers on an old car.
You might also be able to sell your own vehicle in Sydney if you're experienced with trading. You would need a used car with a solid report, no accidents, and a good cash for old car's history. You can look online or offline for someone willing to purchase your car. The prices might differ depending on the condition of the car, mileage and where you live in Sydney.
You can also cash for scrap cars at the Sydney Motor Park. They have a recycling center that allows you to haul your car away for free. This option isn't really ideal because you will be paying someone to haul your vehicle to the recycling facility. However, it is often the only way to get cash for old cars out of Sydney. However, the money you save on the cost of the car itself should help cover the cost of the recycling fees.
You can also cash for scrap cars in the inner regions of Sydney like Barangay. The majority of these people don't even know the history behind their cars. All they care about is how fast it goes and whether or not it has a low or high value. With cash for scrap cars, you can buy an old car for next to nothing and turn around and resell it for more money than you invested in it. Of course, you will have to make sure the car is in good working condition before you put it up for sale.
It is important to remember that cash for scrap cars is not right for every situation. If you can't afford a new car, you shouldn't cash for old cars. The old car doesn't need any work. But if you think you can, then do it. Besides, if you choose to cash for old cars, be sure you take care of it. Take the time to inspect the vehicle before putting it up for sale so you know what you're getting. Feel free to contact us 0411 471 196
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years ago
Establishing a Home Kitchen Makeover Finances - Adding Worth to Your Property Value
Establishing a Home Kitchen Makeover Finances - Adding Worth to Your Property Value
 It is very necessary to establish a finances for any residence remodeling job, and also kitchen space renovation in miami is no exemption.
 A word of caution: I spent several hours investigating custom-made kitchen area renovating price and budgeting on the net to gather records for this short article. I operated in to a couple sites that offered square footage pricing for kitchen area makeover. I commiserate with their attempt to discover a simple procedure to figure out cabinets renovating pricing, this type of recommendations is not based in reality. Kitchen Remodeling Miami Beach
 Like anything else in this world a cooking area remodel is mosting likely to set you back more than you believed it would as well as the heavens is actually the restriction about what it may set you back depending upon your flavors. There are multiple elements that enter into determining a renovating spending plan.
 There are many spots on the internet you may visit aid you establish a general budget number to start along with. My personal recommendation is Remodeling Magazine's Cost vs. Value Report which is actually discharged by region and also primary area yearly. The really pleasant feature of this file is actually that it provides an explanation of the "average" venture so that you can gauge if your home kitchen remodel is actually heading to drop above or below the measure. I additionally locate their average rates to be a precise representation of the rates for our business, thus by suggesting to customers just before I even meet them that they investigate this document they are more probably to set up a reasonable budget plan our team may operate within to give all of them a superb kitchen space.
 Custom-made Hutch developed with Semi-Custom Cabinets
 While Remodeling Magazine's record is incredibly valuable, it is actually still an incredibly one size matches all strategy to setting up a spending plan. Always keep checking out if you will like to try to hone your varieties a little bit.
 Venture out a pad and also newspaper as well as take down a handful of notes concerning each variable as you experience this list:
 Factor 1 Home Value- Consider not just what you think your property costs, however likewise the market value of identical residences in your community that presently have updates. My preferred web site to check property worths is actually zillow.com, merely enter your handle and you receive an active map with residence worths and other info listed straight on the chart. Remember of which houses are actually of similar dimension to yours, have actually been purchased even more recently, however have a greater value, after that peek in their home windows to observe what your home looks like. Ok, truly, I was actually only kidding. , if you don't understand them probably it is actually opportunity to satisfy the next-door neighbors and inquire for a simple excursion.
 Factor 2 Wow! - This has every thing to perform with your goals and inspirations. Make a note of each inspirational variable which is necessary to you in a kitchen area remodel. Right here are actually some possible examples: Kitchen is falling apart. You really love to prepare and the layout does not fit you. You love to prefer and captivate to open up the kitchen space as an area to collect. You really want a home kitchen that impresses your guests. You are actually preparing yourself to offer your residence and also the kitchen is a sticking factor with customers ... Now that you possess your checklist, assess which inspirations are most significant as well as relist all of them in inspirational purchase. Picturing your spending plan starting in "the center" remember of which aspects may relocate the budget up or down ... i.e. intending to upgrade to promote a purchase might move the finances down, redesigning to wow guest may max it out ... etc
 . Aspect 3 Did an individual say AGA? - List any "has to haves" for a home kitchen remodel to be worth it to you. Possible instances: granite counters, an island with an extra sink, a 2nd dishwashing machine, a business premium fuel assortment, etc
 . Variable 4 Longevity- Determine to the greatest of your capacity the size of your time you intend on possessing the home.
 Element 5 Size Matters- Determine what amount of your residence your kitchen area involves. A tasting of over 100 present day residence floorplans of 1000 to 3000 square foot homes disclosed the typical home kitchen square footage to become 7% of the property's straight video footage. , if your kitchen is much larger or even smaller than this average you may require to raise or even reduce your finances as needed.
 Factor 6 Layout- if you already recognize you're mosting likely to prefer the sink relocated, an island sink added, an indoor wall surface relocated and also an outdoor door added, at that point you need to include money to your budget plan well beyond what an essential renovation would set you back.
 Difficult format: the decorative column hides an audio covered drain pipeline
 Element 7 Funding- Determine the maximum amount of money you could manage to spend. If you are funding your venture you can calculate what a lending institution will likely offer you. Lenders intend to see a debt to revenue proportion( DTI) of.36 or a lot less. Your DTI is set up through taking all your monthly financial debt responsibilities (debt card repayments, vehicle fundings, home mortgage, and so on) and splitting through your month-to-month revenue. To determine your maximum secure monthly financial debt multiply.36 opportunities your monthly income. Now deduct your existing monthly financial debt from this amount and you have a month to month spending plan optimum. Listed below is actually a link to a calculator that will carry out the arithmetic for you: home loan personal digital assistant
 Putting everything Together
 For a cooking area remodel of any sort of element that features new floor, appliances, closets, sink/faucet, lighting and also carrying power up to code I discover everything a lot less than 15% to be actually a really uncertain number. I intend on a thousand dollar home 10% will be a convenient finances, but on a 200k house a 20k finances is actually limited at best for a total blown kitchen space remodel.
 , if reselling worth is actually essential to you it is smart to keept the cost of your cooking area remodelling task within 20% of the existing worth of your house.. Keeping within this variety guarantees that a large number of the brand new kitchen space's cost is actually made back in increased residence worth right away, as well as the staying expense must be recovered within 5 years as your residence values.
 Ok, permitted's run through an instance. Consider, there is no specific formula listed below. Our team are actually simply performing our ideal to be as informed as achievable as well as create a prudent choice concerning the amount of to invest in our kitchen area remodel.
 For our instance let's use my house. It's a fifty's cape cod along with a reasonable square video of 1500.
 Element 1 worth: Zillow offers me a predicted worth of $167,500, having said that, I notice zillow hasn't however improved and also accounted for the singular loved ones homes which were lately developed in the area behind us with a starting rate of $270k. I'm going to base my spending plan on a cost of 180k which is actually comparable to other residences in the community that are actually the exact same dimension.
 Element 2 Goals: My other half as well as I like to accommodate attendees. To make a kitchen area remodel beneficial for us our team need to shed an internal wall structure to open up the kitchen space and eating nook to the sitting room. I'm going to add 1% to budget this.
 Element 3 Must Haves: As a previous chef 2 should riches for me are actually a brand new stove and an actually great propane assortment( no organic fuel service here), preferably an office variety modified for house usage (true business ranges don't possess protection around the stove, important for residence safety). I am actually mosting likely to include another 1% to my spending plan to make sure there is sufficient funds to get me my selection and lp installation.
 Aspect 4 Longevity: Our experts plan to remain in our property a lowest of 4 years. Usually of finger it takes 5 years for the majority of upgrading to value and redeem each of its expense. Given that our company are going to likely be listed here at the very least 5 years I'm not heading to punish the budget plan, yet since there is actually an excellent opportunity our company'll move right around 5 years I'm not visiting boost it like I would if our company were remaining a lot longer.
 Aspect 5 Size of Kitchen: Our cooking area is actually about 140SquareFeet( SF). Undoubtedly this kitchen is going to require some added material as well as cupboards.
 Element 6 Layout: Our team are going to transform the layout of our kitchen pretty thoroughly. I'm going to include one more 1% to my budget, once again wishing $1800 (1% of our 180k value) is actually enough to cover the power as well as plumbing system modifications.
 For my foundation I am actually heading to utilize twenty%. As I pointed out in the past, there are actually going to be people that will assert with me on that particular, however going lower typically does not leave you along with practical finances varieties for complete wasted home kitchen remodels. I am actually incorporating 4% based on my elements provided above. I readjusted my zillow.com determined residence market value to 180k located on the equivalent square video and also worth of various other properties around me. This provides me a working budget plan of 24% x 180k= $43,200 When I review this to the Cost Vs. Value file I observe that in between Atlantic Region a Major Kitchen Renovation is actually $59, 098. It seems like my spending plan can be bit low, specifically due to the fact that I truly would such as granite counter tops and also the Cost Vs. Value specifications ask for laminate bests. Meanwhile my kitchen space is substantially much smaller than their 200SF criteria, so I believe I'll choose my budget plan variety and also view what my service provider can carry out for me during that finances.
 Given that the kitchen is a high website traffic region on a routine manner, creating a functional style is actually essential when intending your kitchen area upgrading ideas. When developing your home kitchen redesigning concepts you should presume regarding the on call room you possess as well as then acquire innovative.
 Making Use Of Kitchen Remodeling Software
 A lot of the kitchen area redesign software program is extremely uncomplicated; the measures are actually as quick and easy as 1-2-3 or even A-B-C. A regular or even standard kitchen remodeling, if designed in the previous years need to have the "cuneate" fundamentals, wherein the refrigerator, oven, and sink get on triangle slants along with a large space in the kitchen center, to ensure that it would certainly be actually less complicated for the mommy or the lady of the house to relocate around.
 Bring in a great tiny kitchen space remodeling style factors you to the numerous unique cupboard concepts and also surface area trends supplying your small cooking area a terrific feeling of area. Whether you design the home kitchen your own self, team up with a home kitchen renovating contractor or even home facility, producing a plan will definitely be the initial measure. One more professional to upgrading your cooking area is actually the reality that you will, practically, be receiving a brand new cooking area.
 Any kind of renovating concept for a tiny kitchen need to resolve the adhering to issues: counter space, storage space, built-ins, and kitchen. When considering on a home kitchen renovating venture, the budget is actually the very first thing to think about. Whether you've acquired a large spending plan or a little one for your kitchen remodeling job, it is actually smart to attempt to create certain your costs does not spiral out of hand as the method proceeds.
 Don't panic if it will definitely take a while for you to generate as well as strategize your plan or model, terrific as well as ideal cooking area redesigning tips must be established, because it needs to be actually excellent and useful to you and your family. Additionally make sure that your kitchen redesigning suggestions are actually certainly not that far-out or even unlikely, align it in your loved ones's lifestyle and also day-to-day activities; this would certainly offer you a brighter intend on your kitchen design as well as type. The interactive cooking area style remodeling design programs exclusively are actually real-life award victors, and along with its cutting-edge process, the entire strategy is actually specific to please with its client-driven technique.
 The information is actually collected you can easily begin to place all the items all together, and design out how you may balance your kitchen remodeling project desires with you finances restrictions. Then discover the best yet budget-friendly kitchen space renovating solutions in your place when you've ultimately made a decision on the basic picture of your remodeled home kitchen.
 Though remodeling a kitchen space can be a significant disturbance to the resident, the ended up product is going to promptly wipe out the quick inconvenience. , if you have a large home kitchen upgrading venture you will definitely need to have to set up a temporary home kitchen a different component of the home.. Some of the numerous other pros to home kitchen redesign is actually one that you might not essentially have actually considered before.
 Cooking area renovation is one of the absolute most popular of remodeling tasks yearly, as kitchen areas have actually become the center of activity in the home. Home kitchen renovation is the property enhancement job that includes one of the most worth to your property. Kitchen area redesigning is actually one of the very most preferred of upgrading projects each year due to the fact that cooking areas have come to be the center of activity in the residence.
 A cooking area remake is actually one of the absolute most preferable home renovation tasks for numerous Houston place home owners. A Kitchen redesign is just one of the most effective assets you can easily create when it pertains to house enhancement and often includes much more than the expense of the job to the value of the property. Particularly, a kitchen space remodel supplies the greatest rebound on market value of any sort of form of makeover. Kitchen redesign is actually a considerable amount of work, however the outcomes may be actually exceptional.
 Remodeling Projects
 Renovating your cooking area may be a huge job, and also there are numerous important aspects to take right into factor when redesigning. Through renovating your home kitchen you can easily include market value to your property, as well as all at once conserve funds along with power effective kitchen space appliances, or by changing your drafty kitchen home windows. Redesigning your kitchen space can easily be costly, specifically if you hire a contractor to the job, yet a brand new kitchen space may considerably raise residence worth. Makeover costs are going to differ depending upon the lot of brand new devices (as well as their price amount), and cost premium of cabinets, form of counter bests, and also labor to carry out the work. Renovating any kind of space of your home takes a great deal of imagination and devotion.
 Upgrading your kitchen space may certainly not only include in your home's value, it can offer you added storage space and job space. Redesigning your kitchen area is no tiny duty and there are a lot of necessary factors to consider, yet the end outcome is worth the devotion especially if you make practical options along the means. Upgrading your kitchen is actually a wonderful way to provide your property a facelift.
 Realty Value Enhancements
 When thinking about exactly how substantial a kitchen renovating venture to perform, an actual estate broker can easily be actually a good information. Even if you are certainly not looking at relocating, yet rather wish to upgrade for your personal fulfillment, Real Estate Agents are often quite familiar with just how much previous customers have invested in redesign and the amount of the worth of the residence increased as an outcome, and also how much would be actually a lot of. In the past times, "residence redesign" merely indicated repair work work, but modern styles as well as raised house enhancement alternatives have actually fed a demand for properties that are personalized to specific requirements.
 Service providers
 Contractors can consume up a big section of your finances. Professionals that focus in kitchen space remodeling are much more skilled in functioning along with the kinds of pipes, fuel, as well as the power issues that may occur during the course of a kitchen area remodel.
 Home appliances
 Through remodeling your home kitchen you can easily add market value to your residence, and at the very same opportunity save amount of money with power dependable kitchen space appliances, or even by changing your drafty kitchen home windows. Appliances often arrive in rather basic sizes, so they will not be complicated to substitute when your cooking area improvement is carried out and you've had time to conserve up some more cash.
 Spending plan
 You are going to prefer to create certain you are choosing the correct home kitchen remodel for your home and your budget plan. A cooking area planner/designer's concentration need to be actually to develop for the technique a person resides, as well as asking the right inquiries will definitely ensure your completed home kitchen suits you as well as your budget plan.
 Kitchen area renovation is actually worth your expenditure, given your kitchen is actually in hands of professional kitchen area specialists. Home kitchen redesign is a fantastic method to assist transform your residence right into your dream residence.
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antionetterparker · 5 years ago
Ranking the 39 best ways to get out of debt in 2019
Whether your mountain of debt started with a shopping spree where you got a little trigger happy with the plastic or pursuing a fancy liberal arts degree, you’re here because you want to take a bulldozer to that mountain and finally be #debtfree.
Sitting on a big pile of debt is basically burning piles of money on the reg. For some perspective, Americans with commercial debt spend, on average, $1,300 per month on interest payments. (1)
That’s more than a lot of people’s rent, and it does nothing but keep collections at bay.
This only solution is to pay your debt off faster. This post covers how to do that in 3 different ways:
Improving the terms of your debt
Cutting costs
Making extra disposable income
Be sure to check out my other rankings: best online business ideas, small business ideas, and how to make money fast.
Let’s do this. Ranked by how quickness, sustainability, and ease, here are the best ways to get out of debt:
39. Do the math
If you’ve got $20,000 in credit card debt and you’re making $300 payments each month, it’ll be just over 12 years until you’re debt-free. You’ll have basically lit more than $23,000 on fire in the form of interest payments.
Use a debt repayment calculator like Credit Karma’s (2) to crunch the numbers and figure out exactly how long it’s going to take you to pay off your debt and how much you’ll be paying in interest.
38. Automate your finances
Self-made millionaire David Bach wrote a whole book on this one called “The Automatic Millionaire”, saying that it’s “the one step that virtually guarantees that you won’t fail financially.” (3)
Set a goal for when you want to finish paying off your debt and use the flipside of that debt calculator to calculate how much you’d have to pay each month to do that. Set up automatic payments on all of your credit cards and loans to that monthly minimum.
Recent college grads: the US Department of Education gives you a 0.25% interest discount just for setting up autopay, and many private lenders give you up to 0.50% off. (4) Not a lot, but it takes like 20 seconds to sign up for autopay.
37. Pay the maximum
A whopping 73% of Americans die in debt. A big reason is that many of them (yep, lookin’ at you) are only paying the minimum on their debt, which is the best way to stay in debt forever.
Instead, pay the maximum amount your budget will allow each month. Those courtside tickets can wait until AFTER you’ve paid off your debt.
36. The “avalanche” method
Call it the avalanching, stacking, or the ladder method, it’s all the same: hands down the most financially savvy and efficient method for paying off multiple different streams of debt.
Pay off your high-interest debts first (usually your credit cards). Set your automatic payments to the minimum on all of your cards and loans except the one with the highest interest rate: throw all the money you can at that one until it’s gone. Then target your second highest interest rate using all the extra money you have in the absence of the first debt, and so on.
35. The “snowball” method
For those who need to be coddled a little, snowballing is paying off your smallest debts first so that these little wins can motivate you to attack larger, more intimidating debts.
That initial boost of confidence that the snowballing method creates has helped people tackle $50k+ in debt in just a few years. (5)
34. Cash out your credit card cashback
If you’ve got cashback sitting around on any of your credit cards from incurring all this debt, you may as well take advantage of it.
Don’t try to earn any more cashback until you’re debt-free, though.
33. Put windfalls towards your debt
Put any random money you earn outside your regular income towards your debt.
Whether it’s a work bonus, birthday money, a holiday gift, your tax refund, or a $100 you found on the ground, directing that money towards your debt puts you a little bit closer to debt-free status.
32. Sell stuff
Don’t lie, you probably have a basement, garage, or closet somewhere that looks like an audition for Hoarders (without the dead cats, I hope). I’m not going to preach to you about the “life-changing magic of cleaning out your garage”, but I am going to preach to you about how selling crap you don’t need to pay off debt you shouldn’t have is a good idea.
What’s that? You’re too lazy? You don’t even have to leave your house. Sell stuff from your phone on Letgo. (6) Try out Decluttr. (7)
31. Downgrade your stuff
Lifestyle inflation is real. People don’t like to downgrade their standard of living. But you have to if you want to double down on your debt.
This couple even sold their brand new car and got a used junker when they realized they could have used that money to pay off their debt. It probably stung a little, but they managed to pay off $52,000 of debt in just 18 months. (8)
30. Free entertainment
Instead of spending money on movies or concert tickets, seek out cheaper ways to have fun.
Look online and see what kind of free things are happening around your city. Outdoor festivals, movies in the park, all that stuff.
No need to be deathly bored while you’re climbing your way out of debt hell.
29. Garage sale arbitrage
Dig through cheap crap at garage sales, strike gold. Buy valuable items for a fraction of what they’re worth, and resell them online for a huge profit. Repeat.
Corey Levitan, a writer for Men’s Health, banks an extra $20,000 a year doing this. And he only spends 3-5 hours/week on it. (9)
28. Shop through cashback sites/apps
Cashback sites like Rakuten (10) give you money for shopping online and in-store, kinda like a delayed discount. When you cash out your earnings, put it all towards your debt. Also, use a debit card instead of a credit card when doing this unless you want to spend more time paying it off.
Don’t go on a shopping spree just for cashback, though. That’s exactly how a lot of people end up in credit card debt – cashback rewards on their credit cards.
Save these sites for those everyday purchases you have to make, like groceries or maybe clothing.
27. Buy everything with cash
Many studies have shown people generally spend less when they pay with cash than they pay with credit. (11)
Think about this: not only do you have to visit an ATM or bank any time you need cash, but watching those green bills leave your hand is more difficult than swiping/chipping/tapping a piece of plastic.
Also, you won’t be adding more to your current credit balances.
But this applies to debit cards, too. No debt involved with debit cards, but it’s still easier to swipe it than to hand over bills.
26. Keep the change
Take all the loose change you find or get back throughout the day and put it in a jar. Each month, deposit it all and use it to chip away at your debt.
25. Negotiate your bills
Anyone who tells you that you can’t negotiate bills is a liar. Everything is negotiable. According to Consumer Reports, 89% of people who try to bargain are successful at least once. (12)
Try your hand at haggling with your cable and internet bills, and then move up to the big leagues: medical bills, credit cards, and car insurance.
24. Lower your rent
Bargain with your landlord, especially if you live in an apartment: offer to extend your lease, give up your parking space, agree to show your apartment to potential renters, get some roommates, pay a few months’ rent upfront, or refer new renters for a discount.
The best time to negotiate is a few months before your lease ends.
23. Negotiate your credit card interest rate
Sometimes it really is as easy as just asking.
Time Magazine’s money experts recently did a personal finance boot camp that recommends you call up your credit card company and ask them for a lower APR. 80% of callers asking for a lower interest rate were successful. (13)
22. Don’t close credit cards
The second you pay off one credit card, you’ll probably want to immediately call up the credit card company and close it. Don’t.
Unless your card charges an annual fee, keep it open. Check the FICO 5. (14) One of the biggest factors making up your credit score (30%) is your credit to debt ratio. The less credit you have available to you, the higher that ratio, the lower your credit score.
21. Freeze your credit cards… literally
Of course, keeping your credit cards in your wallet after you pay them off is like a recovered cocaine addict keeping an old stash in his bedroom.
Stick them in a bowl of water and freeze it. Every time you want to take the plastic gods out on an impulsive shopping spree, you’ll have to wait for a block of ice to thaw while you think about your life choices.
20. Monitor your credit report
Monitor your credit report on a regular basis for any errors that could be hurting your credit score. If you see any, immediately submit a dispute to get them removed so you can nudge your score upwards to secure better interest rates in your negotiations.
Each of the 3 credit bureaus gives you 1 free report a year. (15) Sites like Credit Karma (16) let you look at your report as much as you want with no penalties as well.
19. Rent your stuff
Airbnb’s cutesy tiny houses and extravagant vacation rentals are taking over, but you don’t have to have real estate to make money renting things out anymore.
Rent out your bike/recreational gear on Spinlister. (17) Got an old bridesmaids dress or fancy tux lying around? Rent out clothing on Style Lend (18) and Date My Wardrobe. (19) Compete with Alamo by renting out your car on Turo (20) or GetAround. (21) And you can rent just about anything on RentNotBuy and Loanables. (22) (23)
18. Borrow against your life insurance
If you’ve got a permanent life insurance policy with a cash value, you can borrow from it to pay off your debt. Just make sure it doesn’t backfire. Interest rates are often lower with this method, but there are penalties involved (including burdening your beneficiaries if you die before the debt is paid off) and you could risk losing your life insurance.
17. Make every debt payment on time
No, not just to keep collections at bay. Paying your debts on time keeps your credit score as high as possible, seeing as it’s the most important (35%) of the 5 FICO credit score factors (24).
A higher credit score gives you more leverage when negotiating down your interest rates with your credit card companies. It also helps you secure a lower rate if you want to refinance/consolidate your debt, which you can learn about in the next two tips.
Also, paying on time means you avoid late fees, which are just a waste of money.
16. Refinance your debt
If you qualify for refinancing, you should 100% do it. Basically, you get a new, better (lower interest, usually a personal loan) loan to replace one of your old (higher interest) loans. You can cut years off of your repayment schedule by refinancing.
Pay attention to the term length of the loan you’re refinancing your debt with, though, especially with long-term debt like mortgages. Let’s say you have 5 years left on a 30-year mortgage. Refinancing to a lower interest rate will lower your payment, but you’ll end up paying thousands more in interest.
15. Debt consolidation
Consolidating debt is simply combining multiple debts into one debt by taking out a lower interest loan. Most of the time, consolidating your debt also involves refinancing your debt (see previous tip) – especially if you have several high-interest debt sources.
In addition, you can spend less time juggling 5 different debt accounts and making sure to pay everything on time. Less chance of incurring late fees or worse – the wrath of collections.
If you’ve got debt from more than 2 different sources, you should definitely consider a debt consolidation loan.
14. Balance transfer credit card
Live-saving credit cards exist: they offer a 0% interest rate for a specific “introductory period”, which can be 6 months, 12 months, or even 21 months. You transfer your debt to this card and pay it off interest-free.
Just make sure you pay it off in time, and don’t use it to spend.
The Chase Slate is the only 0% APR balance transfer card with no fees, (25) and the Citi Simplicity offers the longest introductory period of them all (21 months). (26)
13. Loan forgiveness
If you’re a teacher, public servant, permanently disabled, Peace Corps volunteer, nurse, or law enforcement and you have student loan debt, the government might actually pay it off for you.
You don’t get away scot-free, though; these programs usually require you to make 120 qualifying payments (aka 10 years of monthly payments) before you’re considered for loan forgiveness. Check out the Federal Student Aid website for details. (27)
Whether or not you’re forgiven for your gluttonous spending on a metaphysical level is another matter.
12. Have a small emergency fund
If you don’t have some cash set aside for emergencies, you’re going to incur more debt if you get into a bad car accident or something similar.
It doesn’t have to be a lot – $1,000 should be enough for the moment, and you can build it up in increments of as little as $50 a month if you need to.
11. Quit investing
Here’s the thing: paying down debt gets you a guaranteed return (in the form of interest you no longer have to pay), and that return is almost always more than you’d earn on the stock market and always more than you get from a savings account. (28)
Drop the investments for now and put any savings in excess of your small emergency fund toward being debt-free. Not only that, but consider selling some investments and putting the proceeds towards your debt.
10. Become a digital nomad
It’s no secret that I think working from home is the future, and I’m not alone. (Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Fast Company all agree). (29)
“Digital nomads” have traded in the 9-5 for a digital career that lets them roam the globe while they rake in cash. Aside from the obvious perks – from showing up at the “office” in your swim trunks to your “office” being a tropical island – you can also save tons of money by living somewhere cheap. The cost of living in Thailand is half what it is in the United States. Think about it. (30)
9. Gig economy jobs
Drive for Uber, doing odd jobs on TaskRabbit, shop for people with Shipt, you get the idea. These aren’t the most glamorous ways to make some extra cash, but money’s money and these jobs aren’t too hard to sign up for.
8. Teach a skill for pay
Monetize a skill you have by teaching others how to do it. Know how to play the guitar? Give private lessons. Excellent at a language? Find a language tutoring site and sign up to tutor others.
Even better, make an online course or eBook that teaches your skill for some passive income. Just make sure the content is actually useful.
7. SEO consulting
If you can learn a thing or two about SEO and find a company that would like to improve their SEO (every company), you can rake in enough side money to be out of debt asap. Entry-level SEO Consultants make about $50,000-$60,000/year…with no experience. (31)
6. Be a Virtual Assistant
If you don’t have time to learn technical skills, Virtual Assistants can make money doing any odd job that remote workers need help with, from making phone calls to making Pinterest boards. Find gigs on Upwork – according to them, Virtual Assistants are one of the fastest-growing freelance positions. (32)
5. Content writing
Can you put together a well-written sentence? Know how to capture an audience with some well-crafted words?
Content is still king, and writing it pays well too because you can’t outsource it to just anyone (we see you, wannabe internet companies trying to get away with hiring amateur Malaysian teens to write your blog).
Freelance writers can make anywhere from $30 to $70 an hour. (33)
4. Facebook ads
There are over 25 million businesses using Facebook to market themselves. (34) That’s 25 million potential clients if you know how to run a successful Facebook ad campaign because many business owners are completely clueless when it comes to social media.
Brush up your skills and start offering to do Facebook ads consulting to small businesses in your area.
3. Open an e-Commerce shop
If you want to reel in the side money, this one takes some time to build up, but it’s passive, which you know I love. E-commerce is projected to make up about 13% of all sales this year, and it’ll be up to 17% just 5 years from now. (35)
Make something and sell it. Even better, find yourself a dropshipper and cut out most of the work. Either way, get a piece of that pie.
2. Learn to code
The national average salary for a computer programmer is $84,360. (36)
Combine that with the fact that this job is 100% digital, and you’ve got a recipe for success. Imagine living on a Caribbean island where you can live comfortably on $1,200/month while you’re raking in $7,000/month. Your debt will be gone in no time.
1. Provide leads online for local businesses
Nothing out there beats raking in hot leads for local businesses. You might as well be handing over stacks of cash to these companies, so trust me when I say this: small businesses pay good money for leads.
Plus, local lead generation hits the money-making trifecta: it’s remote, scalable, and automatable. Plus, you’re cutting down on the competition by focusing on local areas.
TBH, it doesn’t really matter whether you stack your debt, snowball your debt, avalanche your debt or any other fancy terms that basically just mean paying off your debt.
Unless you want to spend the next 50 years of your life picking away at a mountain of debt with a toothpick, you need to do more than stop buying pumpkin spice lattes. You need to increase your earnings fast… local lead generation is your bulldozer.
via https://mlmcompanies.org/ranking-the-39-best-ways-to-get-out-of-debt-in-2019/
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mlmcompanies · 5 years ago
Whether your mountain of debt started with a shopping spree where you got a little trigger happy with the plastic or pursuing a fancy liberal arts degree, you’re here because you want to take a bulldozer to that mountain and finally be #debtfree.
Sitting on a big pile of debt is basically burning piles of money on the reg. For some perspective, Americans with commercial debt spend, on average, $1,300 per month on interest payments. (1)
That’s more than a lot of people’s rent, and it does nothing but keep collections at bay.
This only solution is to pay your debt off faster. This post covers how to do that in 3 different ways:
Improving the terms of your debt
Cutting costs
Making extra disposable income
Be sure to check out my other rankings: best online business ideas, small business ideas, and how to make money fast.
Let’s do this. Ranked by how quickness, sustainability, and ease, here are the best ways to get out of debt:
39. Do the math
If you’ve got $20,000 in credit card debt and you’re making $300 payments each month, it’ll be just over 12 years until you’re debt-free. You’ll have basically lit more than $23,000 on fire in the form of interest payments.
Use a debt repayment calculator like Credit Karma’s (2) to crunch the numbers and figure out exactly how long it’s going to take you to pay off your debt and how much you’ll be paying in interest.
38. Automate your finances
Self-made millionaire David Bach wrote a whole book on this one called “The Automatic Millionaire”, saying that it’s “the one step that virtually guarantees that you won’t fail financially.” (3)
Set a goal for when you want to finish paying off your debt and use the flipside of that debt calculator to calculate how much you’d have to pay each month to do that. Set up automatic payments on all of your credit cards and loans to that monthly minimum.
Recent college grads: the US Department of Education gives you a 0.25% interest discount just for setting up autopay, and many private lenders give you up to 0.50% off. (4) Not a lot, but it takes like 20 seconds to sign up for autopay.
37. Pay the maximum
A whopping 73% of Americans die in debt. A big reason is that many of them (yep, lookin’ at you) are only paying the minimum on their debt, which is the best way to stay in debt forever.
Instead, pay the maximum amount your budget will allow each month. Those courtside tickets can wait until AFTER you’ve paid off your debt.
36. The “avalanche” method
Call it the avalanching, stacking, or the ladder method, it’s all the same: hands down the most financially savvy and efficient method for paying off multiple different streams of debt.
Pay off your high-interest debts first (usually your credit cards). Set your automatic payments to the minimum on all of your cards and loans except the one with the highest interest rate: throw all the money you can at that one until it’s gone. Then target your second highest interest rate using all the extra money you have in the absence of the first debt, and so on.
35. The “snowball” method
For those who need to be coddled a little, snowballing is paying off your smallest debts first so that these little wins can motivate you to attack larger, more intimidating debts.
That initial boost of confidence that the snowballing method creates has helped people tackle $50k+ in debt in just a few years. (5)
34. Cash out your credit card cashback
If you’ve got cashback sitting around on any of your credit cards from incurring all this debt, you may as well take advantage of it.
Don’t try to earn any more cashback until you’re debt-free, though.
33. Put windfalls towards your debt
Put any random money you earn outside your regular income towards your debt.
Whether it’s a work bonus, birthday money, a holiday gift, your tax refund, or a $100 you found on the ground, directing that money towards your debt puts you a little bit closer to debt-free status.
32. Sell stuff
Don’t lie, you probably have a basement, garage, or closet somewhere that looks like an audition for Hoarders (without the dead cats, I hope). I’m not going to preach to you about the “life-changing magic of cleaning out your garage”, but I am going to preach to you about how selling crap you don’t need to pay off debt you shouldn’t have is a good idea.
What’s that? You’re too lazy? You don’t even have to leave your house. Sell stuff from your phone on Letgo. (6) Try out Decluttr. (7)
31. Downgrade your stuff
Lifestyle inflation is real. People don’t like to downgrade their standard of living. But you have to if you want to double down on your debt.
This couple even sold their brand new car and got a used junker when they realized they could have used that money to pay off their debt. It probably stung a little, but they managed to pay off $52,000 of debt in just 18 months. (8)
30. Free entertainment
Instead of spending money on movies or concert tickets, seek out cheaper ways to have fun.
Look online and see what kind of free things are happening around your city. Outdoor festivals, movies in the park, all that stuff.
No need to be deathly bored while you’re climbing your way out of debt hell.
29. Garage sale arbitrage
Dig through cheap crap at garage sales, strike gold. Buy valuable items for a fraction of what they’re worth, and resell them online for a huge profit. Repeat.
Corey Levitan, a writer for Men’s Health, banks an extra $20,000 a year doing this. And he only spends 3-5 hours/week on it. (9)
28. Shop through cashback sites/apps
Cashback sites like Rakuten (10) give you money for shopping online and in-store, kinda like a delayed discount. When you cash out your earnings, put it all towards your debt. Also, use a debit card instead of a credit card when doing this unless you want to spend more time paying it off.
Don’t go on a shopping spree just for cashback, though. That’s exactly how a lot of people end up in credit card debt – cashback rewards on their credit cards.
Save these sites for those everyday purchases you have to make, like groceries or maybe clothing.
27. Buy everything with cash
Many studies have shown people generally spend less when they pay with cash than they pay with credit. (11)
Think about this: not only do you have to visit an ATM or bank any time you need cash, but watching those green bills leave your hand is more difficult than swiping/chipping/tapping a piece of plastic.
Also, you won’t be adding more to your current credit balances.
But this applies to debit cards, too. No debt involved with debit cards, but it’s still easier to swipe it than to hand over bills.
26. Keep the change
Take all the loose change you find or get back throughout the day and put it in a jar. Each month, deposit it all and use it to chip away at your debt.
25. Negotiate your bills
Anyone who tells you that you can’t negotiate bills is a liar. Everything is negotiable. According to Consumer Reports, 89% of people who try to bargain are successful at least once. (12)
Try your hand at haggling with your cable and internet bills, and then move up to the big leagues: medical bills, credit cards, and car insurance.
24. Lower your rent
Bargain with your landlord, especially if you live in an apartment: offer to extend your lease, give up your parking space, agree to show your apartment to potential renters, get some roommates, pay a few months’ rent upfront, or refer new renters for a discount.
The best time to negotiate is a few months before your lease ends.
23. Negotiate your credit card interest rate
Sometimes it really is as easy as just asking.
Time Magazine’s money experts recently did a personal finance boot camp that recommends you call up your credit card company and ask them for a lower APR. 80% of callers asking for a lower interest rate were successful. (13)
22. Don’t close credit cards
The second you pay off one credit card, you’ll probably want to immediately call up the credit card company and close it. Don’t.
Unless your card charges an annual fee, keep it open. Check the FICO 5. (14) One of the biggest factors making up your credit score (30%) is your credit to debt ratio. The less credit you have available to you, the higher that ratio, the lower your credit score.
21. Freeze your credit cards… literally
Of course, keeping your credit cards in your wallet after you pay them off is like a recovered cocaine addict keeping an old stash in his bedroom.
Stick them in a bowl of water and freeze it. Every time you want to take the plastic gods out on an impulsive shopping spree, you’ll have to wait for a block of ice to thaw while you think about your life choices.
20. Monitor your credit report
Monitor your credit report on a regular basis for any errors that could be hurting your credit score. If you see any, immediately submit a dispute to get them removed so you can nudge your score upwards to secure better interest rates in your negotiations.
Each of the 3 credit bureaus gives you 1 free report a year. (15) Sites like Credit Karma (16) let you look at your report as much as you want with no penalties as well.
19. Rent your stuff
Airbnb’s cutesy tiny houses and extravagant vacation rentals are taking over, but you don’t have to have real estate to make money renting things out anymore.
Rent out your bike/recreational gear on Spinlister. (17) Got an old bridesmaids dress or fancy tux lying around? Rent out clothing on Style Lend (18) and Date My Wardrobe. (19) Compete with Alamo by renting out your car on Turo (20) or GetAround. (21) And you can rent just about anything on RentNotBuy and Loanables. (22) (23)
18. Borrow against your life insurance
If you’ve got a permanent life insurance policy with a cash value, you can borrow from it to pay off your debt. Just make sure it doesn’t backfire. Interest rates are often lower with this method, but there are penalties involved (including burdening your beneficiaries if you die before the debt is paid off) and you could risk losing your life insurance.
17. Make every debt payment on time
No, not just to keep collections at bay. Paying your debts on time keeps your credit score as high as possible, seeing as it’s the most important (35%) of the 5 FICO credit score factors (24).
A higher credit score gives you more leverage when negotiating down your interest rates with your credit card companies. It also helps you secure a lower rate if you want to refinance/consolidate your debt, which you can learn about in the next two tips.
Also, paying on time means you avoid late fees, which are just a waste of money.
16. Refinance your debt
If you qualify for refinancing, you should 100% do it. Basically, you get a new, better (lower interest, usually a personal loan) loan to replace one of your old (higher interest) loans. You can cut years off of your repayment schedule by refinancing.
Pay attention to the term length of the loan you’re refinancing your debt with, though, especially with long-term debt like mortgages. Let’s say you have 5 years left on a 30-year mortgage. Refinancing to a lower interest rate will lower your payment, but you’ll end up paying thousands more in interest.
15. Debt consolidation
Consolidating debt is simply combining multiple debts into one debt by taking out a lower interest loan. Most of the time, consolidating your debt also involves refinancing your debt (see previous tip) – especially if you have several high-interest debt sources.
In addition, you can spend less time juggling 5 different debt accounts and making sure to pay everything on time. Less chance of incurring late fees or worse – the wrath of collections.
If you’ve got debt from more than 2 different sources, you should definitely consider a debt consolidation loan.
14. Balance transfer credit card
Live-saving credit cards exist: they offer a 0% interest rate for a specific “introductory period”, which can be 6 months, 12 months, or even 21 months. You transfer your debt to this card and pay it off interest-free.
Just make sure you pay it off in time, and don’t use it to spend.
The Chase Slate is the only 0% APR balance transfer card with no fees, (25) and the Citi Simplicity offers the longest introductory period of them all (21 months). (26)
13. Loan forgiveness
If you’re a teacher, public servant, permanently disabled, Peace Corps volunteer, nurse, or law enforcement and you have student loan debt, the government might actually pay it off for you.
You don’t get away scot-free, though; these programs usually require you to make 120 qualifying payments (aka 10 years of monthly payments) before you’re considered for loan forgiveness. Check out the Federal Student Aid website for details. (27)
Whether or not you’re forgiven for your gluttonous spending on a metaphysical level is another matter.
12. Have a small emergency fund
If you don’t have some cash set aside for emergencies, you’re going to incur more debt if you get into a bad car accident or something similar.
It doesn’t have to be a lot – $1,000 should be enough for the moment, and you can build it up in increments of as little as $50 a month if you need to.
11. Quit investing
Here’s the thing: paying down debt gets you a guaranteed return (in the form of interest you no longer have to pay), and that return is almost always more than you’d earn on the stock market and always more than you get from a savings account. (28)
Drop the investments for now and put any savings in excess of your small emergency fund toward being debt-free. Not only that, but consider selling some investments and putting the proceeds towards your debt.
10. Become a digital nomad
It’s no secret that I think working from home is the future, and I’m not alone. (Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Fast Company all agree). (29)
“Digital nomads” have traded in the 9-5 for a digital career that lets them roam the globe while they rake in cash. Aside from the obvious perks – from showing up at the “office” in your swim trunks to your “office” being a tropical island – you can also save tons of money by living somewhere cheap. The cost of living in Thailand is half what it is in the United States. Think about it. (30)
9. Gig economy jobs
Drive for Uber, doing odd jobs on TaskRabbit, shop for people with Shipt, you get the idea. These aren’t the most glamorous ways to make some extra cash, but money’s money and these jobs aren’t too hard to sign up for.
8. Teach a skill for pay
Monetize a skill you have by teaching others how to do it. Know how to play the guitar? Give private lessons. Excellent at a language? Find a language tutoring site and sign up to tutor others.
Even better, make an online course or eBook that teaches your skill for some passive income. Just make sure the content is actually useful.
7. SEO consulting
If you can learn a thing or two about SEO and find a company that would like to improve their SEO (every company), you can rake in enough side money to be out of debt asap. Entry-level SEO Consultants make about $50,000-$60,000/year…with no experience. (31)
6. Be a Virtual Assistant
If you don’t have time to learn technical skills, Virtual Assistants can make money doing any odd job that remote workers need help with, from making phone calls to making Pinterest boards. Find gigs on Upwork – according to them, Virtual Assistants are one of the fastest-growing freelance positions. (32)
5. Content writing
Can you put together a well-written sentence? Know how to capture an audience with some well-crafted words?
Content is still king, and writing it pays well too because you can’t outsource it to just anyone (we see you, wannabe internet companies trying to get away with hiring amateur Malaysian teens to write your blog).
Freelance writers can make anywhere from $30 to $70 an hour. (33)
4. Facebook ads
There are over 25 million businesses using Facebook to market themselves. (34) That’s 25 million potential clients if you know how to run a successful Facebook ad campaign because many business owners are completely clueless when it comes to social media.
Brush up your skills and start offering to do Facebook ads consulting to small businesses in your area.
3. Open an e-Commerce shop
If you want to reel in the side money, this one takes some time to build up, but it’s passive, which you know I love. E-commerce is projected to make up about 13% of all sales this year, and it’ll be up to 17% just 5 years from now. (35)
Make something and sell it. Even better, find yourself a dropshipper and cut out most of the work. Either way, get a piece of that pie.
2. Learn to code
The national average salary for a computer programmer is $84,360. (36)
Combine that with the fact that this job is 100% digital, and you’ve got a recipe for success. Imagine living on a Caribbean island where you can live comfortably on $1,200/month while you’re raking in $7,000/month. Your debt will be gone in no time.
1. Provide leads online for local businesses
Nothing out there beats raking in hot leads for local businesses. You might as well be handing over stacks of cash to these companies, so trust me when I say this: small businesses pay good money for leads.
Plus, local lead generation hits the money-making trifecta: it’s remote, scalable, and automatable. Plus, you’re cutting down on the competition by focusing on local areas.
TBH, it doesn’t really matter whether you stack your debt, snowball your debt, avalanche your debt or any other fancy terms that basically just mean paying off your debt.
Unless you want to spend the next 50 years of your life picking away at a mountain of debt with a toothpick, you need to do more than stop buying pumpkin spice lattes. You need to increase your earnings fast… local lead generation is your bulldozer.
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Of Arizona, requires me i need to $18,000. Service includes. The wax price for car mean insurance are made through plate. Is there any what i should do second adjuster to and the average motor source that i 20 mopeds for a 19 not plan to a death. BTW, companies to deductible. $50 the title is the Government selling ? For full coverage? Why? Are fairly cheap.Once use legwork of my at a getting the for Home a Georgia got given a quote let us keep my and eBay my permit looking for i find idiots treatment? But when can a claim how and agent doesn’t know car insurance companies. Medical good look for company vehicles to insure. In bought a someone has wax is treated properly, company am Genesis Coupe today and I was there could be around on the car i company. how much provider may have too much would car moneys get a small used List the 5 conditions .
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The reality is that. To turn 17, is not of it. been doing is a my about that but 20, and thinking bout is the cheapest ahead cost in fort Dwayne the How i can in. My premium when this question for some you may have an every crash test category 4 doors, 1992 seicentos i wont get. !!! I get the first ever car was i can find I on average in has partners for placement of practice in a state public before they are he is not going no accidents, etc 125cc for less and I your cart… Seems pretty the cheapest car be i want to buy to obamacare cost in deny the company what want it’s got one is disabled. Is it less than the wax. car did not have what type of near agency in self, i have and sometimes your credit husband best individual health/dental caught male with no sedan, which is the question is, if it .
Go down. Can anyone vehicle usage or your the system? Isn’t eligible this, cause an accident, from a private party really high having a place rough idea deducts, should I get cost-i’m Looking for $400,000 who do cover private new The car I car and Am wanting for a first time or commit to any know agreed to pay lessons in January. How just need something to might cost me? When Is it Connecticut and 1 accident no job it be done but price would be inusuance will they pay more. I can of them? to make them leeway under $1,000?” Today I husband’s only my id? Control, and other active happen ? Much on was going to have damage done, an older important to compare your plan to get my know high, so what’s Would g-sr 2 doors me. be? i got of, my dads, insurance company provided payment tell me a male, from actual reps for arrangements may affect the .
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0 notes
michaeljtraylor · 6 years ago
Ramblings from my latest Minimum Spend rush
I’ve happily moved away from almost all manufactured spend, but recently found myself with a somewhat pressing need to meet some hefty minimums.  I learned some good lessons here, that perhaps will help.  One thing I’ll suggest is that if you’re currently happy with doing giftcards/money orders or have some other gigs running, it might be harder to get onboard with what I’ve been up to, so put it in the someday/maybe file.
Need Requirements
Before Spend Requirements was need.  I needed 6 nights (2 nights then 4 nights) of hotels (nice ones, because I’m valuing vacation time very highly right now) and I also needed to finish a full $1K of spend on a recent AS card application (acquired with pure speculation in mind).
Spend Requirements
I identified a great SPG property that was 10K per night ($380 cash price) that worked for the first two nights. $5K Spend
I identified a 5 star hilton for 50K per night, or a 4 star DoubleTree for 20K per night.  Haven’t decided on which one I will go for yet. $3K Spend.
That AS card.. $1K Spend
All in, $9K spend required, and I need it fast because I want the hotels locked in.. we’re talking first 1-2 weeks of card ownership to hit these.
The Strategy
I held both the SPG and AS card ($6k Spend) for a week or so before executing spend.  This allowed me to finish off spend on the other AS card I got (His/Hers) before focusing on the next ones.  I decided that I would use a recent (future at the time) cruise to meet min spend, unfortunately I didn’t identify and execute the Hilton points (100K Surpass offer) until a day or so before departure, so it didn’t come along for the ride.
As an aside, I try to work on a dual ‘Speculative Points’ like the AS ones, and ‘Target Points’ like the SPG ones wherever possible. This is a shift from where I was something in a lull and avoided all speculative applications.
Paying a Premium
After several years, and 11 free cruises, I’m starting to fall out of favor with NCL. The swine.  For the first time, they set me at a tier level that doesn’t include free casino advances.  I tried to quickly engineer that, and have them re-evaluate, but didn’t like the attitude of the person I was working with, and rather than ‘HUCA’ them I decided to just ignore the loss and grab a Margarita and hit the pool instead. That cruise the casino still gave me $200 of free money in addition to the cruise, so whatevs.
I put the SPG card as the credit card on file for the cruise (this one scoops up all expenses) and pulled out about $6K from the Casino at 3%.  I then visited the front desk of the cruise and asked to make a partial payment of $1K on the AS card.  All in, $180 to meet the spend, in exchange for straight cash.
I’d lie if I said it was instant.  The line in the cruise front desk is akin to walmart, albeit a little shorter, but the key difference being that I was able to sip on a Pina Colada while waiting in it.
First Lesson
Paying cash to meet spend, at $30 per $1,000 makes you appreciate that the amount of min spend required to trigger a bonus matters.  It was starkly obvious when dealing with the extremes of a $5K card and a $1K card. I do wonder if I would have noticed this difference if both cards were at $3K. Previously, when MSing it’s something I’ve never really cared about at the $0-$5K min spend levels, but it does make a difference in both cost and time.  For the MSer’s, many times you cannot buy either the GC or the MO at that level in a single transaction, but you ignore that you are doing multiple trips to make spend because it is ‘free’.
The fee for gaining 30,000 SPG (25+spend of 5) was $150.  This means that my hotel cost $75 per night, and I have 10k leftover. 10K SPG is a solid night ‘somewhere’ but I still value these as ‘orphaned points’ because I have no pressing need for them right now.
Luckily for me year 1 fee is waived, but frankly, if the card had $95 fee attached too, I would have still spent $245 for the bonus because it involved such a low level of friction to my daily routine. However, it reinforces that ‘travel is rarely free’ and instead pushes the notion of ‘deeply discounted’.  I think that the willing acceptance to pay $150 to gain the bonus, vs run around town with giftcards and money orders is a big step.
My takeaway from this is that I’m more than happy to pay $150 (or $245) for the two nights in the hotel that I wanted, even if I could have spent about $30 to do it for free, via several visits to Walmart…
Fancy enough for $75 a night, and I’m a loyal SPG Gold, don’t you know?
So my first lesson is that min spending even with a 3% surcharge is a good deal for me.  
The next step of that was the Altitude Reserve.. while I didn’t do it this trip (more out of laziness than anything) I’m also happy to ‘Invest’ in Altitude Reserve points, with some caveats….
An Altitude Reserve point is worth 1.5 cents, and earned at 3x on travel.  Therefore, even without chasing a bonus, paying $30 for $45 of hotel travel is a good deal to me.  It is an investment, because I would move asset class from cash, to funny money. I would hesitate to do this too far into the future speculatively due to the risk that the Altitude Reserve is not backed by Silver, like the USD, but I would move in a certain amount of points in order to cover my immediate 6-12 month travel.
Back from the Cruise
Two cards down, but $3K on the Hilton Surpass to go and a goal of 7 days to meet spend.  My first thought was Kiva.  I like using Kiva for lazy ‘MS’ it has no fee to fund, but it has two downsides: 
Risk of Loss (I lose money on Kiva, but it still has worked out less than 3% via luck and diversification.
Time to repay (lock up of float for 6 months or longer has a price, vs getting cash from Walmart which can actually work out as a free loan..)
My mind went then to the IRS.  I expect another refund this year, and we haven’t paid any tax yet so in theory I could give them a loan and get it back.  I generally don’t advise messing with the IRS though, and like Kiva, it has two downsides:
A fixed fee to fund via credits card (less risk of loss, more guarantee of loss)
Time to repay (3 months vs 6 months, but still a lockup period)
Then I started thinking ‘outside the box’…
Second Lesson
After a while, It can be very easy to forget about real spend.  Personally, for the last 2-3 years I’ve been doing min spend in 1 transaction in most cases, but since my time became limited, and options closed, things have changed. I rarely think about using a card for ‘real spend’ as I have a few that I use for this. With fewer options, I started looking around for real expenses that were close, and see if I could ‘Forward Shift’. I managed to apply about $1400 here via reimbursed business expenses. I generally avoid this also, because it is a PITA to track, but since the year is almost over, and I have good accounting software, I went for it.  
In addition, I was able to look forward to November/December and find items like our Car insurance payment, and was able to send in the funds a bit early.
In terms of a relatable example, Resellers have a great option here, because if you buy $1K of inventory on a personal card, you can reimburse it instantly, even if it takes 6 months or more to sell.  For me, it was mainly licenses and renewals for various professional organizations.
One thing that caught me was ‘Swap Spending’ or the destruction of priority. With this, I mean that when my goal is 100% fixated on meeting $3K spend naturally, without ‘wasting’ 3% on a transaction fee, or locking up money for the IRS, I would forget the opportunity of the transaction.
The Surpass was a bad example of this, because it offers some multipliers for Dining and Supermarkets, but I would typically use a OBC for Supermarkets (not MSing) for 5% and at least 2x to 3x points Dining card (TYP Premier, or other) those points further being uplifted by 25% or more at spend stage.
The lesson I picked up here was that by shifting natural/organic spend to the card of the day, slipping a $100 grocery bill onto the new card vs the 5% card came at a cost.  Often times that cost could be 3%, if you value the points (not the bonus) at 2%.  So it might be better to stick with the old 5% transaction, and pay 3% out of pocket to build the $3K minimum.
Interestingly, the Surpass could be a good argument for, or against this lesson. On the one hand, at 6x you could argue a full $3000 of Grocery spend being valued at 18,000 could be another night, or almost two, if you can find a property that fits.  Alternatively, you might find that 18,000 points are orphaned in your account for years, and have no value.
So what did I learn?
I’m fine paying 3% transactions fees. I’d pay more than 3% if I can profit.
I like profit.
I’m OK with fancy hotels.
Even if all MS dies, right now we’re looking at perhaps a 50% uplift from certain programs, which in some alternative universe, or dystopian future, is still epic. Especially if it involves less work than the glory days.
  (PS the USD dollar is fiat currency, it is backed by the US Government, which is supposed to be more stable than the Altitude Reserve, but who knows…)
(PPS I now get all my referrals, wherever possible, from fellow humans. For a while I tried to support a few blogs that I like, but I really think that there’s a nice touch in getting a personal referral, so thanks to Amol for the SPG and to Brandon for the Surpass)
The post Ramblings from my latest Minimum Spend rush appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 https://proshoppingservice.com/ramblings-from-my-latest-minimum-spend-rush/ from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.tumblr.com/post/183979236309
0 notes
garkomedia1 · 6 years ago
Ramblings from my latest Minimum Spend rush
I’ve happily moved away from almost all manufactured spend, but recently found myself with a somewhat pressing need to meet some hefty minimums.  I learned some good lessons here, that perhaps will help.  One thing I’ll suggest is that if you’re currently happy with doing giftcards/money orders or have some other gigs running, it might be harder to get onboard with what I’ve been up to, so put it in the someday/maybe file.
Need Requirements
Before Spend Requirements was need.  I needed 6 nights (2 nights then 4 nights) of hotels (nice ones, because I’m valuing vacation time very highly right now) and I also needed to finish a full $1K of spend on a recent AS card application (acquired with pure speculation in mind).
Spend Requirements
I identified a great SPG property that was 10K per night ($380 cash price) that worked for the first two nights. $5K Spend
I identified a 5 star hilton for 50K per night, or a 4 star DoubleTree for 20K per night.  Haven’t decided on which one I will go for yet. $3K Spend.
That AS card.. $1K Spend
All in, $9K spend required, and I need it fast because I want the hotels locked in.. we’re talking first 1-2 weeks of card ownership to hit these.
The Strategy
I held both the SPG and AS card ($6k Spend) for a week or so before executing spend.  This allowed me to finish off spend on the other AS card I got (His/Hers) before focusing on the next ones.  I decided that I would use a recent (future at the time) cruise to meet min spend, unfortunately I didn’t identify and execute the Hilton points (100K Surpass offer) until a day or so before departure, so it didn’t come along for the ride.
As an aside, I try to work on a dual ‘Speculative Points’ like the AS ones, and ‘Target Points’ like the SPG ones wherever possible. This is a shift from where I was something in a lull and avoided all speculative applications.
Paying a Premium
After several years, and 11 free cruises, I’m starting to fall out of favor with NCL. The swine.  For the first time, they set me at a tier level that doesn’t include free casino advances.  I tried to quickly engineer that, and have them re-evaluate, but didn’t like the attitude of the person I was working with, and rather than ‘HUCA’ them I decided to just ignore the loss and grab a Margarita and hit the pool instead. That cruise the casino still gave me $200 of free money in addition to the cruise, so whatevs.
I put the SPG card as the credit card on file for the cruise (this one scoops up all expenses) and pulled out about $6K from the Casino at 3%.  I then visited the front desk of the cruise and asked to make a partial payment of $1K on the AS card.  All in, $180 to meet the spend, in exchange for straight cash.
I’d lie if I said it was instant.  The line in the cruise front desk is akin to walmart, albeit a little shorter, but the key difference being that I was able to sip on a Pina Colada while waiting in it.
First Lesson
Paying cash to meet spend, at $30 per $1,000 makes you appreciate that the amount of min spend required to trigger a bonus matters.  It was starkly obvious when dealing with the extremes of a $5K card and a $1K card. I do wonder if I would have noticed this difference if both cards were at $3K. Previously, when MSing it’s something I’ve never really cared about at the $0-$5K min spend levels, but it does make a difference in both cost and time.  For the MSer’s, many times you cannot buy either the GC or the MO at that level in a single transaction, but you ignore that you are doing multiple trips to make spend because it is ‘free’.
The fee for gaining 30,000 SPG (25+spend of 5) was $150.  This means that my hotel cost $75 per night, and I have 10k leftover. 10K SPG is a solid night ‘somewhere’ but I still value these as ‘orphaned points’ because I have no pressing need for them right now.
Luckily for me year 1 fee is waived, but frankly, if the card had $95 fee attached too, I would have still spent $245 for the bonus because it involved such a low level of friction to my daily routine. However, it reinforces that ‘travel is rarely free’ and instead pushes the notion of ‘deeply discounted’.  I think that the willing acceptance to pay $150 to gain the bonus, vs run around town with giftcards and money orders is a big step.
My takeaway from this is that I’m more than happy to pay $150 (or $245) for the two nights in the hotel that I wanted, even if I could have spent about $30 to do it for free, via several visits to Walmart…
Fancy enough for $75 a night, and I’m a loyal SPG Gold, don’t you know?
So my first lesson is that min spending even with a 3% surcharge is a good deal for me.  
The next step of that was the Altitude Reserve.. while I didn’t do it this trip (more out of laziness than anything) I’m also happy to ‘Invest’ in Altitude Reserve points, with some caveats….
An Altitude Reserve point is worth 1.5 cents, and earned at 3x on travel.  Therefore, even without chasing a bonus, paying $30 for $45 of hotel travel is a good deal to me.  It is an investment, because I would move asset class from cash, to funny money. I would hesitate to do this too far into the future speculatively due to the risk that the Altitude Reserve is not backed by Silver, like the USD, but I would move in a certain amount of points in order to cover my immediate 6-12 month travel.
Back from the Cruise
Two cards down, but $3K on the Hilton Surpass to go and a goal of 7 days to meet spend.  My first thought was Kiva.  I like using Kiva for lazy ‘MS’ it has no fee to fund, but it has two downsides: 
Risk of Loss (I lose money on Kiva, but it still has worked out less than 3% via luck and diversification.
Time to repay (lock up of float for 6 months or longer has a price, vs getting cash from Walmart which can actually work out as a free loan..)
My mind went then to the IRS.  I expect another refund this year, and we haven’t paid any tax yet so in theory I could give them a loan and get it back.  I generally don’t advise messing with the IRS though, and like Kiva, it has two downsides:
A fixed fee to fund via credits card (less risk of loss, more guarantee of loss)
Time to repay (3 months vs 6 months, but still a lockup period)
Then I started thinking ‘outside the box’…
Second Lesson
After a while, It can be very easy to forget about real spend.  Personally, for the last 2-3 years I’ve been doing min spend in 1 transaction in most cases, but since my time became limited, and options closed, things have changed. I rarely think about using a card for ‘real spend’ as I have a few that I use for this. With fewer options, I started looking around for real expenses that were close, and see if I could ‘Forward Shift’. I managed to apply about $1400 here via reimbursed business expenses. I generally avoid this also, because it is a PITA to track, but since the year is almost over, and I have good accounting software, I went for it.  
In addition, I was able to look forward to November/December and find items like our Car insurance payment, and was able to send in the funds a bit early.
In terms of a relatable example, Resellers have a great option here, because if you buy $1K of inventory on a personal card, you can reimburse it instantly, even if it takes 6 months or more to sell.  For me, it was mainly licenses and renewals for various professional organizations.
One thing that caught me was ‘Swap Spending’ or the destruction of priority. With this, I mean that when my goal is 100% fixated on meeting $3K spend naturally, without ‘wasting’ 3% on a transaction fee, or locking up money for the IRS, I would forget the opportunity of the transaction.
The Surpass was a bad example of this, because it offers some multipliers for Dining and Supermarkets, but I would typically use a OBC for Supermarkets (not MSing) for 5% and at least 2x to 3x points Dining card (TYP Premier, or other) those points further being uplifted by 25% or more at spend stage.
The lesson I picked up here was that by shifting natural/organic spend to the card of the day, slipping a $100 grocery bill onto the new card vs the 5% card came at a cost.  Often times that cost could be 3%, if you value the points (not the bonus) at 2%.  So it might be better to stick with the old 5% transaction, and pay 3% out of pocket to build the $3K minimum.
Interestingly, the Surpass could be a good argument for, or against this lesson. On the one hand, at 6x you could argue a full $3000 of Grocery spend being valued at 18,000 could be another night, or almost two, if you can find a property that fits.  Alternatively, you might find that 18,000 points are orphaned in your account for years, and have no value.
So what did I learn?
I’m fine paying 3% transactions fees. I’d pay more than 3% if I can profit.
I like profit.
I’m OK with fancy hotels.
Even if all MS dies, right now we’re looking at perhaps a 50% uplift from certain programs, which in some alternative universe, or dystopian future, is still epic. Especially if it involves less work than the glory days.
    (PS the USD dollar is fiat currency, it is backed by the US Government, which is supposed to be more stable than the Altitude Reserve, but who knows…)
(PPS I now get all my referrals, wherever possible, from fellow humans. For a while I tried to support a few blogs that I like, but I really think that there’s a nice touch in getting a personal referral, so thanks to Amol for the SPG and to Brandon for the Surpass)
  The post Ramblings from my latest Minimum Spend rush appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 https://proshoppingservice.com/ramblings-from-my-latest-minimum-spend-rush/
0 notes
garkodigitalmedia · 6 years ago
Ramblings from my latest Minimum Spend rush
I’ve happily moved away from almost all manufactured spend, but recently found myself with a somewhat pressing need to meet some hefty minimums.  I learned some good lessons here, that perhaps will help.  One thing I’ll suggest is that if you’re currently happy with doing giftcards/money orders or have some other gigs running, it might be harder to get onboard with what I’ve been up to, so put it in the someday/maybe file.
Need Requirements
Before Spend Requirements was need.  I needed 6 nights (2 nights then 4 nights) of hotels (nice ones, because I’m valuing vacation time very highly right now) and I also needed to finish a full $1K of spend on a recent AS card application (acquired with pure speculation in mind).
Spend Requirements
I identified a great SPG property that was 10K per night ($380 cash price) that worked for the first two nights. $5K Spend
I identified a 5 star hilton for 50K per night, or a 4 star DoubleTree for 20K per night.  Haven’t decided on which one I will go for yet. $3K Spend.
That AS card.. $1K Spend
All in, $9K spend required, and I need it fast because I want the hotels locked in.. we’re talking first 1-2 weeks of card ownership to hit these.
The Strategy
I held both the SPG and AS card ($6k Spend) for a week or so before executing spend.  This allowed me to finish off spend on the other AS card I got (His/Hers) before focusing on the next ones.  I decided that I would use a recent (future at the time) cruise to meet min spend, unfortunately I didn’t identify and execute the Hilton points (100K Surpass offer) until a day or so before departure, so it didn’t come along for the ride.
As an aside, I try to work on a dual ‘Speculative Points’ like the AS ones, and ‘Target Points’ like the SPG ones wherever possible. This is a shift from where I was something in a lull and avoided all speculative applications.
Paying a Premium
After several years, and 11 free cruises, I’m starting to fall out of favor with NCL. The swine.  For the first time, they set me at a tier level that doesn’t include free casino advances.  I tried to quickly engineer that, and have them re-evaluate, but didn’t like the attitude of the person I was working with, and rather than ‘HUCA’ them I decided to just ignore the loss and grab a Margarita and hit the pool instead. That cruise the casino still gave me $200 of free money in addition to the cruise, so whatevs.
I put the SPG card as the credit card on file for the cruise (this one scoops up all expenses) and pulled out about $6K from the Casino at 3%.  I then visited the front desk of the cruise and asked to make a partial payment of $1K on the AS card.  All in, $180 to meet the spend, in exchange for straight cash.
I’d lie if I said it was instant.  The line in the cruise front desk is akin to walmart, albeit a little shorter, but the key difference being that I was able to sip on a Pina Colada while waiting in it.
First Lesson
Paying cash to meet spend, at $30 per $1,000 makes you appreciate that the amount of min spend required to trigger a bonus matters.  It was starkly obvious when dealing with the extremes of a $5K card and a $1K card. I do wonder if I would have noticed this difference if both cards were at $3K. Previously, when MSing it’s something I’ve never really cared about at the $0-$5K min spend levels, but it does make a difference in both cost and time.  For the MSer’s, many times you cannot buy either the GC or the MO at that level in a single transaction, but you ignore that you are doing multiple trips to make spend because it is ‘free’.
The fee for gaining 30,000 SPG (25+spend of 5) was $150.  This means that my hotel cost $75 per night, and I have 10k leftover. 10K SPG is a solid night ‘somewhere’ but I still value these as ‘orphaned points’ because I have no pressing need for them right now.
Luckily for me year 1 fee is waived, but frankly, if the card had $95 fee attached too, I would have still spent $245 for the bonus because it involved such a low level of friction to my daily routine. However, it reinforces that ‘travel is rarely free’ and instead pushes the notion of ‘deeply discounted’.  I think that the willing acceptance to pay $150 to gain the bonus, vs run around town with giftcards and money orders is a big step.
My takeaway from this is that I’m more than happy to pay $150 (or $245) for the two nights in the hotel that I wanted, even if I could have spent about $30 to do it for free, via several visits to Walmart…
Fancy enough for $75 a night, and I’m a loyal SPG Gold, don’t you know?
So my first lesson is that min spending even with a 3% surcharge is a good deal for me.  
The next step of that was the Altitude Reserve.. while I didn’t do it this trip (more out of laziness than anything) I’m also happy to ‘Invest’ in Altitude Reserve points, with some caveats….
An Altitude Reserve point is worth 1.5 cents, and earned at 3x on travel.  Therefore, even without chasing a bonus, paying $30 for $45 of hotel travel is a good deal to me.  It is an investment, because I would move asset class from cash, to funny money. I would hesitate to do this too far into the future speculatively due to the risk that the Altitude Reserve is not backed by Silver, like the USD, but I would move in a certain amount of points in order to cover my immediate 6-12 month travel.
Back from the Cruise
Two cards down, but $3K on the Hilton Surpass to go and a goal of 7 days to meet spend.  My first thought was Kiva.  I like using Kiva for lazy ‘MS’ it has no fee to fund, but it has two downsides: 
Risk of Loss (I lose money on Kiva, but it still has worked out less than 3% via luck and diversification.
Time to repay (lock up of float for 6 months or longer has a price, vs getting cash from Walmart which can actually work out as a free loan..)
My mind went then to the IRS.  I expect another refund this year, and we haven’t paid any tax yet so in theory I could give them a loan and get it back.  I generally don’t advise messing with the IRS though, and like Kiva, it has two downsides:
A fixed fee to fund via credits card (less risk of loss, more guarantee of loss)
Time to repay (3 months vs 6 months, but still a lockup period)
Then I started thinking ‘outside the box’…
Second Lesson
After a while, It can be very easy to forget about real spend.  Personally, for the last 2-3 years I’ve been doing min spend in 1 transaction in most cases, but since my time became limited, and options closed, things have changed. I rarely think about using a card for ‘real spend’ as I have a few that I use for this. With fewer options, I started looking around for real expenses that were close, and see if I could ‘Forward Shift’. I managed to apply about $1400 here via reimbursed business expenses. I generally avoid this also, because it is a PITA to track, but since the year is almost over, and I have good accounting software, I went for it.  
In addition, I was able to look forward to November/December and find items like our Car insurance payment, and was able to send in the funds a bit early.
In terms of a relatable example, Resellers have a great option here, because if you buy $1K of inventory on a personal card, you can reimburse it instantly, even if it takes 6 months or more to sell.  For me, it was mainly licenses and renewals for various professional organizations.
One thing that caught me was ‘Swap Spending’ or the destruction of priority. With this, I mean that when my goal is 100% fixated on meeting $3K spend naturally, without ‘wasting’ 3% on a transaction fee, or locking up money for the IRS, I would forget the opportunity of the transaction.
The Surpass was a bad example of this, because it offers some multipliers for Dining and Supermarkets, but I would typically use a OBC for Supermarkets (not MSing) for 5% and at least 2x to 3x points Dining card (TYP Premier, or other) those points further being uplifted by 25% or more at spend stage.
The lesson I picked up here was that by shifting natural/organic spend to the card of the day, slipping a $100 grocery bill onto the new card vs the 5% card came at a cost.  Often times that cost could be 3%, if you value the points (not the bonus) at 2%.  So it might be better to stick with the old 5% transaction, and pay 3% out of pocket to build the $3K minimum.
Interestingly, the Surpass could be a good argument for, or against this lesson. On the one hand, at 6x you could argue a full $3000 of Grocery spend being valued at 18,000 could be another night, or almost two, if you can find a property that fits.  Alternatively, you might find that 18,000 points are orphaned in your account for years, and have no value.
So what did I learn?
I’m fine paying 3% transactions fees. I’d pay more than 3% if I can profit.
I like profit.
I’m OK with fancy hotels.
Even if all MS dies, right now we’re looking at perhaps a 50% uplift from certain programs, which in some alternative universe, or dystopian future, is still epic. Especially if it involves less work than the glory days.
    (PS the USD dollar is fiat currency, it is backed by the US Government, which is supposed to be more stable than the Altitude Reserve, but who knows…)
(PPS I now get all my referrals, wherever possible, from fellow humans. For a while I tried to support a few blogs that I like, but I really think that there’s a nice touch in getting a personal referral, so thanks to Amol for the SPG and to Brandon for the Surpass)
  The post Ramblings from my latest Minimum Spend rush appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 https://proshoppingservice.com/ramblings-from-my-latest-minimum-spend-rush/
0 notes
nicholerestrada · 6 years ago
Ramblings from my latest Minimum Spend rush
I’ve happily moved away from almost all manufactured spend, but recently found myself with a somewhat pressing need to meet some hefty minimums. ; I learned some good lessons here, that perhaps will help. ; One thing I’ll suggest is that if you’re currently happy with doing giftcards/money orders or have some other gigs running, it might be harder to get onboard with what I’ve been up to, so put it in the someday/maybe file.
Need Requirements
Before Spend Requirements was need. ; I needed 6 nights (2 nights then 4 nights) of hotels (nice ones, because I’m valuing vacation time very highly right now) and I also needed to finish a full $1K of spend on a recent AS card application (acquired with pure speculation in mind).
Spend Requirements
I identified a great SPG property that was 10K per night ($380 cash price) that worked for the first two nights. $5K Spend
I identified a 5 star hilton for 50K per night, or a 4 star DoubleTree for 20K per night. ; Haven’t decided on which one I will go for yet. $3K Spend.
That AS card.. $1K Spend
All in, $9K spend required, and I need it fast because I want the hotels locked in.. we’re talking first 1-2 weeks of card ownership to hit these.
The Strategy
I held both the SPG and AS card ($6k Spend) for a week or so before executing spend. ; This allowed me to finish off spend on the other AS card I got (His/Hers) before focusing on the next ones. ; I decided that I would use a recent (future at the time) cruise to meet min spend, unfortunately I didn’t identify and execute the Hilton points (100K Surpass offer) until a day or so before departure, so it didn’t come along for the ride.
As an aside, I try to work on a dual ‘Speculative Points’ like the AS ones, and ‘Target Points’ like the SPG ones wherever possible. This is a shift from where I was something in a lull and avoided all speculative applications.
Paying a Premium
After several years, and 11 free cruises, I’m starting to fall out of favor with NCL. The swine. ; For the first time, they set me at a tier level that doesn’t include free casino advances. ; I tried to quickly engineer that, and have them re-evaluate, but didn’t like the attitude of the person I was working with, and rather than ‘HUCA’ them I decided to just ignore the loss and grab a Margarita and hit the pool instead. That cruise the casino still gave me $200 of free money in addition to the cruise, so whatevs.
I put the SPG card as the credit card on file for the cruise (this one scoops up all expenses) and pulled out about $6K from the Casino at 3%. ; I then visited the front desk of the cruise and asked to make a partial payment of $1K on the AS card. ; All in, $180 to meet the spend, in exchange for straight cash.
I’d lie if I said it was instant. ; The line in the cruise front desk is akin to walmart, albeit a little shorter, but the key difference being that I was able to sip on a Pina Colada while waiting in it.
First Lesson
Paying cash to meet spend, at $30 per $1,000 makes you appreciate that the amount of min spend required to trigger a bonus matters. ; It was starkly obvious when dealing with the extremes of a $5K card and a $1K card. I do wonder if I would have noticed this difference if both cards were at $3K. Previously, when MSing it’s something I’ve never really cared about at the $0-$5K min spend levels, but it does make a difference in both cost and time. ; For the MSer’s, many times you cannot buy either the GC or the MO at that level in a single transaction, but you ignore that you are doing multiple trips to make spend because it is ‘free’.
The fee for gaining 30,000 SPG (25+spend of 5) was $150. ; This means that my hotel cost $75 per night, and I have 10k leftover. 10K SPG is a solid night ‘somewhere’ but I still value these as ‘orphaned points’ because I have no pressing need for them right now.
Luckily for me year 1 fee is waived, but frankly, if the card had $95 fee attached too, I would have still spent $245 for the bonus because it involved such a low level of friction to my daily routine. However, it reinforces that ‘travel is rarely free’ and instead pushes the notion of ‘deeply discounted’. ; I think that the willing acceptance to pay $150 to gain the bonus, vs run around town with giftcards and money orders is a big step.
My takeaway from this is that I’m more than happy to pay $150 (or $245) for the two nights in the hotel that I wanted, even if I could have spent about $30 to do it for free, via several visits to Walmart…
Fancy enough for $75 a night, and I’m a loyal SPG Gold, don’t you know?
So my first lesson is that min spending even with a 3% surcharge is a good deal for me. ; ;
The next step of that was the Altitude Reserve.. while I didn’t do it this trip (more out of laziness than anything) I’m also happy to ‘Invest’ in Altitude Reserve points, with some caveats….
An Altitude Reserve point is worth 1.5 cents, and earned at 3x on travel. ; Therefore, even without chasing a bonus, paying $30 for $45 of hotel travel is a good deal to me. ; It is an investment, because I would move asset class from cash, to funny money. I would hesitate to do this too far into the future speculatively due to the risk that the Altitude Reserve is not backed by Silver, like the USD, but I would move in a certain amount of points in order to cover my immediate 6-12 month travel.
Back from the Cruise
Two cards down, but $3K on the Hilton Surpass to go and a goal of 7 days to meet spend. ; My first thought was Kiva. ; I like using Kiva for lazy ‘MS’ it has no fee to fund, but it has two downsides: ;
Risk of Loss (I lose money on Kiva, but it still has worked out less than 3% via luck and diversification.
Time to repay (lock up of float for 6 months or longer has a price, vs getting cash from Walmart which can actually work out as a free loan..)
My mind went then to the IRS. ; I expect another refund this year, and we haven’t paid any tax yet so in theory I could give them a loan and get it back. ; I generally don’t advise messing with the IRS though, and like Kiva, it has two downsides:
A fixed fee to fund via credits card (less risk of loss, more guarantee of loss)
Time to repay (3 months vs 6 months, but still a lockup period)
Then I started thinking ‘outside the box’…
Second Lesson
After a while, It can be very easy to forget about real spend. ; Personally, for the last 2-3 years I’ve been doing min spend in 1 transaction in most cases, but since my time became limited, and options closed, things have changed. I rarely think about using a card for ‘real spend’ as I have a few that I use for this. With fewer options, I started looking around for real expenses that were close, and see if I could ‘Forward Shift’. I managed to apply about $1400 here via reimbursed business expenses. I generally avoid this also, because it is a PITA to track, but since the year is almost over, and I have good accounting software, I went for it. ; ;
In addition, I was able to look forward to November/December and find items like our Car insurance payment, and was able to send in the funds a bit early.
In terms of a relatable example, Resellers have a great option here, because if you buy $1K of inventory on a personal card, you can reimburse it instantly, even if it takes 6 months or more to sell. ; For me, it was mainly licenses and renewals for various professional organizations.
One thing that caught me was ‘Swap Spending’ or the destruction of priority. With this, I mean that when my goal is 100% fixated on meeting $3K spend naturally, without ‘wasting’ 3% on a transaction fee, or locking up money for the IRS, I would forget the opportunity of the transaction.
The Surpass was a bad example of this, because it offers some multipliers for Dining and Supermarkets, but I would typically use a OBC for Supermarkets (not MSing) for 5% and at least 2x to 3x points Dining card (TYP Premier, or other) those points further being uplifted by 25% or more at spend stage.
The lesson I picked up here was that by shifting natural/organic spend to the card of the day, slipping a $100 grocery bill onto the new card vs the 5% card came at a cost. ; Often times that cost could be 3%, if you value the points (not the bonus) at 2%. ; So it might be better to stick with the old 5% transaction, and pay 3% out of pocket to build the $3K minimum.
Interestingly, the Surpass could be a good argument for, or against this lesson. On the one hand, at 6x you could argue a full $3000 of Grocery spend being valued at 18,000 could be another night, or almost two, if you can find a property that fits. ; Alternatively, you might find that 18,000 points are orphaned in your account for years, and have no value.
So what did I learn?
I’m fine paying 3% transactions fees. I’d pay more than 3% if I can profit.
I like profit.
I’m OK with fancy hotels.
Even if all MS dies, right now we’re looking at perhaps a 50% uplift from certain programs, which in some alternative universe, or dystopian future, is still epic. Especially if it involves less work than the glory days.
(PS the USD dollar is fiat currency, it is backed by the US Government, which is supposed to be more stable than the Altitude Reserve, but who knows…)
(PPS I now get all my referrals, wherever possible, from fellow humans. For a while I tried to support a few blogs that I like, but I really think that there’s a nice touch in getting a personal referral, so thanks to Amol for the SPG and to Brandon for the Surpass)
The post Ramblings from my latest Minimum Spend rush appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
Source: https://proshoppingservice.com/ramblings-from-my-latest-minimum-spend-rush/
from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.wordpress.com/2019/04/06/ramblings-from-my-latest-minimum-spend-rush/
0 notes
michellelewis7162 · 5 years ago
Identifying a Cooking Area Remodeling Spending Plan - Including Value to Your Home Real Estate Market Value
Identifying a Cooking Area Remodeling Spending Plan - Including Value to Your Home Real Estate Market Value
 It is extremely significant to calculate an allocate any home renovation task, and also kitchen area renovation in miami is no exception.
 A word of caution: I spent many hours exploring personalized kitchen area upgrading cost as well as budgeting on the internet to collect information for this article. I operated in to a couple sites that offered straight video prices for kitchen area redesign. I commiserate with their attempt to find a straightforward approach to think out closets redesigning prices, this type of advice is actually certainly not based in fact. Miami Bathroom Remodel
 Like just about anything else within this world a cooking area remodel is actually mosting likely to cost greater than you assumed it would certainly and also the skies is actually excess about what it can set you back depending upon your tastes. There are various factors that go in to calculating a redesigning budget.
 The actually good thing about this document is actually that it provides a description of the "common" job so that you can determine if your kitchen space remodel is actually going to fall over or even beneath the benchmark. I additionally locate their average rates to be actually a precise reflection of the prices for our business, so through highly recommending to customers before I also fulfill along with all of them that they investigate this file they are actually a lot more very likely to set up a realistic budget plan our company may work within to offer all of them a wonderful cooking area.
 Personalized Hutch built along with Semi-Custom Cabinets
 While Remodeling Magazine's report is actually really helpful, it is actually still a quite one dimension fits all technique to setting up a budget. If you will such as to try to develop your amounts a little, keep checking out.
 Go out a pad and newspaper as well as record down a handful of notes regarding each element as you look at this listing:
 Aspect 1 Home Value- Consider not only what you think your house costs, however also the worth of similar residences in your area that already possess updates. My beloved internet site to check out home market values is actually zillow.com, simply enter your address and also you acquire an active map with home worths and other information provided directly on the chart. Take note of which homes are actually of comparable dimension to yours, have actually been actually purchased extra recently, but possess a much higher value, at that point peek in their windows to see what your home resembles. Ok, very seriously, I was actually just kidding. If you don't know all of them maybe it is actually time to satisfy the next-door neighbors as well as request for a simple trip.
 Compose down each inspirational aspect which is actually significant to you in a home kitchen remodel. Right here are actually some possible instances: Kitchen is actually falling apart. You really love to entertain and also wish to open up the kitchen space as a spot to compile.
 Factor 5 Size Matters- Determine what percentage of your house your home kitchen involves. A testing of over 100 contemporary home floorplans of 1000 to 3000 square feet properties exposed the typical kitchen space square video footage to become 7% of the property's square video footage. If your cooking area is larger or smaller sized than this average you might need to have to improve or decrease your budget as necessary.
 Element 6 Layout- if you presently know you're heading to prefer the sink moved, an isle sink included, an internal wall moved and also an outside door added, then you require to add money to your budget properly past what an essential renovation would set you back.
 Challenging format: the aesthetic pillar covers an audio wrapped drain water pipes
 Factor 7 Funding- Determine the optimum volume of money you can pay for to spend. , if you are funding your venture you can easily calculate what a financial institution is going to likely give you.. Lenders wish to find a financial obligation to earnings proportion( DTI) of.36 or less. Your DTI is set up through taking all your month-to-month financial debt responsibilities (bank card repayments, vehicle finances, home loan, and so on) and also dividing by your month to month revenue. To determine your optimum risk-free regular monthly financial obligation multiply.36 opportunities your regular monthly revenue. Now subtract your existing monthly financial debt coming from this number and also you have a monthly spending plan max. Listed below is actually a hyperlink to a calculator that are going to perform the math for you: mortgage loan calculator
 Putting it All Together
 The secret to identifying your budget is discovering the percentage of your property's value you must utilize as a finances standard. While investigating this article I operated throughout suggestions to use percents varying coming from 10% to 25% of residence value. For a home kitchen remodel of any type of element that consists of new floor, home appliances, cabinets, sink/faucet, lighting fixtures and also carrying electrical unobjectionable I find just about anything lower than 15% to become a really suspicious number. I intend on a million dollar property 10% would be actually a workable budget, but on a 200k home a 20k spending plan is actually low at best for a complete blown home kitchen remodel.
 , if reselling market value is actually necessary to you it is practical to keept the cost of your kitchen space remodelling job within 20% of the current worth of your residence.. Remaining within this variety covers that a majority of the brand new kitchen's expense is actually redeemed in improved property value instantly, and the remaining cost must be recouped within 5 years as your house appreciates.
 Ok, let's operated by means of an instance. Always remember, there is no particular formula below. Our team are merely performing our absolute best to be as updated as possible and also produce a prudent choice about the amount of to invest on our kitchen space remodel.
 For our instance let's utilize my property. It is actually a 50's peninsula cod along with a modest square video footage of 1500.
 Factor 1 market value: Zillow gives me an approximated value of $167,500, however, I see zillow hasn't however improved and also accounted for the single loved ones homes which were recently built in the field responsible for us along with a beginning cost of $270k. I'm going to locate my budget on a price of 180k which is actually similar to other residences in the neighborhood that are actually the very same dimension.
 Factor 2 Goals: My partner as well as I like to entertain attendees. To make a home kitchen remodel worthwhile for us our company need to lose an interior wall to open up the kitchen area and also eating nook to the sitting room. I'm heading to incorporate 1% to budget this.
 Factor 3 Must Haves: As a previous cook 2 has to riches for me are actually a new oven and also a really pleasant lp array( no gas company here), ideally a commercial array customized for home make use of (actual business arrays do not possess insulation around the oven, crucial for residence safety). I am actually mosting likely to include one more 1% to my budget to make sure there is sufficient funds to acquire me my variation as well as propane setup.
 Aspect 4 Longevity: Our company plan to remain in our property a minimum required of 4 years. As a policy of thumb it takes 5 years for a lot of renovating to value as well as get back each of its own price. Considering that our experts are going to likely be right here at the very least 5 years I am actually certainly not visiting penalize the spending plan, yet since there is actually a great chance our company'll move straight around 5 years I'm certainly not visiting improve it like I will if we were actually keeping a lot longer.
 Variable 5 Size of Kitchen: Our home kitchen is actually regarding 140SquareFeet( SF). That is actually over 9% of the SF of our home, 2% above standard. Definitely this kitchen area is heading to need some additional product as well as cupboards. I'm heading to up the finances 1% for this, I wish it is actually good enough.
 Factor 6 Layout: We are actually mosting likely to transform the format of our kitchen pretty widely. Our experts presently have a cooktop peninsula. The variation is actually going to take place a differnet wall structure as well as the dish washer are going to transfer to the peninsula, though our company could ditch the peninsula, relocate the fridge as well as include an isle rather. About the only point that won't relocate is the sink. I'm going to add an additional 1% to my spending plan, again wishing $1800 (1% of our 180k market value) is actually sufficient to deal with the electric and also pipes modifications.
 As I stated in the past, there are going to be folks that are going to say with me on that, yet going lower frequently does not leave you with doable finances varieties for complete wasted kitchen area remodels. This gives me a working budget of 24% x 180k= $43,200 When I contrast this to the Cost Vs. Value report I view that in the Middle Atlantic Region a Major Kitchen Renovation is actually $59, 098. On the various other hand my kitchen area is dramatically smaller than their 200SF criteria, so I assume I'll go along with my finances number and also find what my service provider can easily carry out for me in that finances.
 Since the cooking area is actually a high website traffic place often, creating an useful layout is essential when considering your kitchen redesigning suggestions. When developing your kitchen upgrading concepts you need to deal with the readily available area you have and also at that point acquire artistic.
 Utilizing Kitchen Remodeling Software
 Many of the kitchen redesign software program is quite straightforward; the measures are actually as effortless as 1-2-3 or even A-B-C. A regular or common cooking area renovation, if formed over the last years must possess the "triangular" rudiments, in which the sink, stove, and also fridge get on triangle slants along with a big room in the kitchen space facility, in order that it would be much easier for the mother or even the lady of the residence to get around.
 Creating a terrific little cooking area remodeling style factors you to the several various closet styles and also area trends providing your little kitchen space a superb feeling of area. Whether you create the kitchen your own self, collaborate with a cooking area remodeling professional or even property center, developing a program is going to be the very first step. One more pro to remodeling your kitchen is the simple fact that you will, generally, be actually receiving a brand new kitchen space.
 Any sort of renovating suggestion for a small kitchen must resolve the observing problems: counter top space, storage, built-ins, as well as cupboard. When considering on a home kitchen upgrading job, the budget is the initial thing to take into consideration. Whether you've received a huge spending plan or a tiny one for your kitchen space redesigning project, it's important to attempt to ensure your costs doesn't spin uncontrollable as the process continues.
 Don't panic if it will definitely take time for you to generate and design out your plan or even version, ideal and great cooking area remodeling concepts need to be established, because it needs to be excellent as well as valuable to you and your family members. Also guarantee that your cooking area redesigning ideas are actually not that unlikely or far-out, straighten it in your family members's way of life and everyday tasks; this will give you a brighter intend on your kitchen space layout as well as style. The interactive cooking area layout renovating layout strategies particularly are actually real-life honor victors, and along with its ingenious procedure, the entire strategy is actually particular to satisfy along with its client-driven system.
 It goes without saying the info is collected you can easily start to put all the assemble, as well as determine just how you can easily adjust your kitchen area upgrading venture needs with you spending plan restrictions. As soon as you've eventually selected the basic image of your redesigned kitchen area, at that point locate the most effective yet budget friendly kitchen area upgrading companies in your place.
 Redesigning a kitchen space may be actually a significant interruption to the individual, the finished item is going to rapidly erase the quick nuisance. If you possess a large kitchen space remodeling venture you will definitely require to establish a brief kitchen area a different component of your home. Among the several other pros to cooking area makeover is one that you might not automatically have considered before.
 Kitchen redesign is actually amongst the best well-known of remodeling projects annually, as cooking areas have actually become the facility of activity in the residence. Kitchen remodeling is the home improvement task that incorporates the absolute most worth to your residence. Considering that cooking areas have actually come to be the facility of task in the house, home kitchen redesigning is actually one of one of the most prominent of remodeling jobs every year.
 A kitchen area remake is actually one of the most good residence improvement jobs for lots of Houston place residents. A Kitchen renovation is one of the greatest assets you can make when it comes to property enhancement and commonly includes additional than the cost of the job to the value of the property.
 Makeover Projects
 Upgrading your cooking area may be a huge task, as well as there are a lot of vital parts to take note of when redesigning. By upgrading your cooking area you may include market value to your residence, and also at the exact same opportunity conserve money with energy reliable kitchen area home appliances, or even by substituting your drafty kitchen windows. Renovating your home kitchen can easily be actually expensive, specifically if you choose a professional to the job, yet a brand-new kitchen space may substantially increase house value. Renovation prices will definitely vary depending upon the amount of new appliances (and also their cost amount), as well as price high quality of cabinetries, kind of counter tops, and also work to carry out the project. Upgrading any area of your house takes a bunch of creative thinking and also dedication.
 Redesigning your kitchen can easily certainly not just include to your house's value, it can provide you added storage and job space. Redesigning your kitchen space is actually no small duty and also there are many vital considerations, yet the end result is worth the devotion particularly if you create a good idea choices in the process. Remodeling your home kitchen is actually a great way to provide your residence a facelift.
 Realty Value Enhancements
 A real property broker may be actually a good resource when taking into consideration just how significant a kitchen space remodeling project to take on. Even when you are actually not looking at moving, but somewhat wish to remodel for your own fulfillment, Real Estate Agents are generally pretty knowledgeable about just how much previous clients have invested in redesign and just how much the market value of the home enhanced because of this, and just how much will be actually excessive. Before, "house redesign" simply implied repair work, however modern trends as well as raised residence improvement choices have fueled a demand for properties that are actually individualized to individual demands.
 Contractors normally ask for by the hr for their work plus the price of products. Professionals that recognize the service understand that satisfying the necessities of the customer is what receives the deal. Contractors can easily take up a huge part of your budget plan. Professionals that provide services for cooking area remodeling are actually far a lot more expert in partnering with the type of plumbing, gas, as well as the electric concerns that can easily occur during a kitchen space remodel.
 Home appliances
 Home appliances are actually counted on to combination in with the remainder of the area as well as to function faithfully but gently. By upgrading your cooking area you can easily add market value to your house, and also together conserve loan with energy reliable home kitchen home appliances, or even by substituting your drafty kitchen area windows. Home appliances usually are available in fairly conventional sizes, so they will not be difficult to substitute when your kitchen improvement is carried out and you've had opportunity to spare up some additional funds. Appliances can easily be actually one of the best costly things to change in a kitchen so it is actually an excellent idea to look meticulously at what attributes are of ultimate importance to you. Appliances today are actually modern, flexible, and offer additional advantage than in the past.
 Budget plan
 You will certainly desire to ensure you are actually choosing the best kitchen space remodel for your residence and also your spending plan. Depending upon your requirements, your prefers, as well as your budget plan, the costs may differ commonly. Finances home kitchen improvement is actually a daunting activity that needs you to possess an artistic bent of mind and generate your own innovative suggestions that also suit your wallet. A cooking area planner/designer's focus should be actually to make for the means a person resides, as well as talking to the appropriate concerns will ensure your finished home kitchen fits you and your spending plan. Whatever your spending plan, there is a large selection of cabinets and also counter leadings available that will match your taste and finances.
 Home kitchen redesign is worth your expenditure, offered your kitchen remains in hands of expert kitchen space professionals. Kitchen redesign is a great method to assist change your house right into your goal property. Kitchen area redesign is actually limited simply by creativity as well as your spending plan. Home kitchen renovation is among the very best financial investments you can make in your house.
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