#like I don't post things to keep them I have a sketchpad for that??
thatwordybirb · 8 months
1, 5, 8, 13, 15, 16, 20, 29, 33, 34, 40, 44, 48, 52, 58, 64, 71, 90, and 93 for the ask game ‼️‼️
Ooo, thankies for sending! Alright, let's go:
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Hm! I guess I'd say... coffee mugs. But I never use them for coffee, just milk for dipping oreos in (via fork of course). Never had coffee. Grew up with Mormon parents and they ain't about that. Honestly think that's one of the biggest blessings of that unhappy upbringing: I never got addicted.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Glass! Hands down. Didn't drink soda of any kind as a kid, and plastic cups don't retain the cold or heat from drinks. Feels weird. And anything (especially milk) in a chilled glass (as in left in the fridge for a while before drinking) is just really Nice.
8. movies or tv shows?
Ooo, now this is a tough one! I like both, some movies are my favorite pieces of media (like Arashi no Yoru Ni subbed version not dubbed the dub intentionally literally tried to hide that it's a gay love story, biggest comfort movie for me), but I prefer TV shows in general. I like getting immersed in long stories, getting to know the characters and setting and seeing them evolve for hour upon hour. It's hard for a movie to give its story enough time to breathe. TV shows have issues with never knowing when to end (capitalism driving them forward long after a satisfying ending could happen, or canceling them before there is any ending at all), but movies do that too.
13. lanyard or key ring?
Key ring~! Never owned a lanyard, I think?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Um. Hm. That's... challenging. Because I have severe memory issues. I guess that honor goes (largely by default) to Dante's Inferno. I found it fascinating, historically and conceptually speaking.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Any position I can put my legs up! They do not like being on the floor!! I will legit stretch my legs to a different couch across from the one I'm on just to put my feet up, without realizing it!!!
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
On my desktop! Got over 200k stored on here now (after many years of not even a single paragraph), and damn does it feel nice to accomplish something~!
29. best way to bond with you?
Oh! Um, hm. Little embarrassed to say this, because it's super niche and not all my lovelies (I find the phrase "loved ones" so mechanical, I use the term "lovelies" instead) do it, and I feel selfish saying it! But I think the best way to bond with me is to talk shop creatively. Brainstorm ideas, read rough drafts, swap brainrot. I made all my friends through shared interests, but my beautiful beta readers have a special place in my heart (shoutout to those of ya still on tumblr!). That is not to say I do not strongly bond with people purely through shared interests, though! I do! Most of my lovelies are not beta readers. It's just that writing, and my writing being read, makes me happier than anything else - I do my best to reciprocate though, because to do otherwise would make me a jackass!
33. most used phrase in your phone?
I barely use my phone, because I'm a homebody who only leaves for groceries! I think it's "so sorry for the inconvenience" because I have to cancel appointments a lot. My life is one long comedy of chicanery and shenanigans, and things keep! Coming! Up!
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Very first thought was the fucking "WEEEEE" pig in those Geico commercials, because my dad loved those, it will never leave my brain, nooo- no modern ones, haven't seen an ad in ages thanks to adblockers, the last straw was ads for that really ableist Shyamalan horror movie about the escaped elderly mental patients and i just couldn't take it anymore.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Another challenging one due to my massive memory problems! I racked my brain for over an hour on this one (first thing that sprang to mind could be identifying information about which school I went to, second thing that came to mind was just Tragedy), but finally remembered something: one day in the locker room somebody stuck a shoe in my lunch box. A fucking shoe. I do not remember the rest of the details, or if I ever figured out why someone stashed a grey laceless sneaker in my lunch box! I was too confused to even be bothered by what I think was a bullying attempt, to be perfectly honest!
44. favorite scent for soap?
Now this is challenging because of a different problem: most days I do not have a sense of smell, due to a childhood injury to my face! So every soap scent is basically the same to me, except on the rare days my nose works. I guess if I could make my own, cinnamon would be lovely. Or cotton candy. Or granny smith apples. Or rosewater. Hm. I guess every nice scent is my favorite, since I get to experience them so seldomly.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
Tempted to make a lewd joke by saying peach or pear, buuut if I were to answer honestly... I think I see myself as an apple: thin skinned with a core nobody should eat. My friends tell me otherwise, and I'm starting to come around to their positive affirmations, but self hatred is a habit that digs deep and dies hard.
52. favorite font?
Never really perused fonts! I guess Verdana, since I find it the easiest to read. All my writing documents are in Verdana. If I could get away with a font that was composed of kickass logo letters (such as from, say, Kingdom Hearts) tho, I would!
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I didn't see this one in the ask game, and now I feel a little bad I didn't ask you this one! T.T Um! First and foremost: I am proud of my ability to judge people's character. Always have been. I am not perfect, I've made some bad calls, but in general I am pretty good at telling if someone is a good person after getting to know them for a while. Sniffed out some backstabbing bastards and secret creeps before the people around me could before, multiple times. Second: I'm good emotional support. I'm proud of how I can help people out of really deep psychological pits. It's sometimes a huge problem, though, because my lovelies come to me for their problems all the time and being everyone's shoulder to cry on 24/7 can drive you crazy. It did drive me crazy! But I've gotten better at saying "I'm too overwhelmed to help right now, if I try we'll both be wrecks" and they've gotten better at going to other people more often, so, progress. Still there for folks, just can't do it as much as I used to. Third: I'm proud of my writing lately. Took me so many years to get to this point, but I feel so damn good about what I'm making. Fourth: fuckin uhhhh I guess my skill at shooters, I used to be a crack shot at Halo (covenant carbine, my beloved) back in high school and these days I'm kinda good at Splatoon (dualie main, giving chargers a try tho and I'm half decent at it).
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Fanfiction.net! Hands down! It's where I met my first circle of friends. It's where I first joined a fandom. I loved the stories there. Sad I'll probably never find some of them again, though.
71. least favorite pattern?
I mean the Iron Rule of Oligarchy sure is a drag. Joking, joking, I know this is referring to aesthetics. There is this ungodly pattern of wallpaper I've seen that's a yellow-beige background and has scattered American Revolutionary War period imagery. It's ugly as anything and I hate(d) it.
90. luckiest mistake?
Honestly? Joining Fanfiction.net. It's where I met my first circle of friends. Not all of them were good people. Some were very bad influences, actually. Things happened that hurt. But I survived. And the ones that were good people have remained my dearest lovelies for many years. Love them with all my heart.
93. nicknames?
All my lovelies call me Birb unironically, and anyone who reads this is welcome to as well~!
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cor-regnum · 1 year
The Kairi growth game I want
I've mentioned this to a couple people and even in a few posts I've made on this here site, but I want to jot down all the things I want from this non-numbered KH title with Kairi as the lead.
Naturally this assumes being caught up with the story so far, so clicking read more means you're okay with any spoilers or whatever.
First and foremost, the overall theme of the game will be "change is inevitable and can be good" along with "but can sometimes be bad and you need to learn to deal with it" to match the Aristotilean Catharsis needed to be a KH game. The reasoning being in what little character she is given, Kairi is consistently shown to be resistant to/afraid of change. To the point that I think her fixation on Sora is strongly built in that. Not that she doesn't care about him, let's get real, but it's not to the level a lot of people want to think, especially when we look at the Japanese text throughout the series, but especially the paopu scene in KH3. Not going into that, though.
So, the framing device is that while under the tutelage of Queen Master Aqua, Kairi needs to go on her own journey through DIsney worlds because of some new problem showing up that no one's aware of yet. Put a pin in that. So, alongside Xion and Namine, Kairi goes on this journey.
Kairi would be the balanced character, Xion would be the strength, and Namine the mage. Ideally the player would need to switch between the three for varying purposes/puzzles in each world, aside from obvious combat purposes. They would be fully fleshed out characters, as much as, if not moreso, than Sora when we play as him and it will be necessary to get at least a basic understanding of how to play as all three girls to complete the game. Plus they'll unlock combo attacks, similar to the triangle ones Sora can do with his party members in KH3. But less... extra and more about keeping a good flow of combos tied to every other attack you'd be doing. And even some combos that would shift you to the other girl you weren't just playing as to maximize combo efficiency.
And what I mean by puzzles is essentially how Neo: The World Ends With You handled each individual character's abilities. I like how much that KH3 Xion mod leans towards her essentially being a mimic, so I'd want her to have to learn things and show/demonstrate it to someone else in order to obtain key items and allow progression. Naturally Namine's ability would be tied to her drawings and memories. Helping people remember details, making some people momentarily forget things if that person is blocking their path, and even extract information from others. Even if she goes all detective mode and uses her sketchpad to take notes, that would be delightful to see. Kairi, admittedly, may have the most boring seeming ability, but she literally just listens to people and helps them move on from what's bogging them down. She basically goes counselor mode, or acts like a Rooder to anyone familiar with Clock Tower 3. It ties into the theme, because she'll essentially have to help other people move on (sometimes needing to bring them something) and accept change, and by firsthand helping others with that, she'll slowly accept that with herself, too. But we'll circle around to this ability of helping people move on later. Don't forget it. Another pin, if you would.
As for the Disney worlds...
I think she should meet with at least a few of the other princesses to see what they've been up to. With Cinderella, they should 1000% use the plot from Cinderella 3, since the plot for that was one giant "what if" scenario created by time travel shenanigans, which would be a perfect embodiment of the change narrative. (and as a personal thing, I'd want Aqua to come along as well, since she has a rapport with Cinderella already and Aquarella reasons) As for the other princesses, just seeing their lives post-movies. Maybe Disney could give Nomura their scrapped ideas for that Disney Princess Enchanted Tales series and he can... make them good. Another would be an updated Disney Town outside of the castle. For the players, it could be fun to see how things either have or haven't changed, but I'd want it to be more than the mini-game world it was in BBS and actually have a plot. Maybe even be like one giant check-in to see how Mickey's been dealing with his Scala Ad Caelum investigation to tie things back to the central plot for a bit and update things on any potential goings on with the foretellers. I imagine while the girls are journeying, Aqua is doing her own thing and comes across some info about the foretellers, as well. So her and Mickey can basically be having a meeting about what they've found while Kairi, Namine, and Xion learn about all of this. I would find it interesting to see Kairi deal with a Winnie the Pooh situation, if for no other reason than the fact Pooh has been used as her parallel in both KH2 and 3, so it could be interesting to see. Plus I just think they'd all get along so well.
While traveling, the three girls have so many good bonding and growth moments. We'll see Namine actually get to be happy and have agency over herself. Xion won't need to angst over her existence and will get to thrive with her own identity. Kairi will actually be glad to have time traveling with them and it'll gradually dawn on her that she really doesn't need to rely on Sora (and I guess Riku, though post KH2, those two haven't really done much, except for that conversation in MoM) and she can rely on all her other friends and they can rely on her, too. To get a little headcanony right now, I've ALWAYS imagined Kairi being someone who is incredibly competitive, so I would love for that to come out in this game, in a friendly way with the other two. I also imagine Xion has a bit of a short fuse, but will also come back down quickly. And Namine would be the one to generally keep the peace if things got too heavy or dangerous, but when she does get agitated at all, she goes silent and is actually terrifying with the vibe she gives off. They're treated as so similar in the narrative we've seen so far, but I want them to be able to bounce off each other in the most delightfully different ways possible.
Going back to that pin about the new problem no one's sure about and Kairi's power
Yeah, so throughout the game there would be allusions and cutaway scenes hinting and foreshadowing it, but the problem and enemies have to do with the foretellers coming back. I don't want to stomp on Nomura's plan for how they're around current day, but I imagine it's a more perfected time travel magic than what Xehanort was using or something tied to the Gazing Eye. Either way, between their time travel, Sora's escapades at the end of KH3, Riku doing The Tear, and also Riku going across realities to find Sora, the space-time could be getting wobbly and enemies from the past and future are slipping through. I personally don't think we need to introduce another kind of enemy on this side of reality, but if they have to, I'd want it something from the Final World slipping into the realm of light and it turning into some kind of monster, since it's somewhere it shouldn't be. What I would like most is for any Darklings from the Ux keyblade wielders to arrive and introduce our current day allies to the concept of Darklings. It would give Aqua more to angst about since she almost became one, will be tied to Ven and his Ux memories, and most importantly, it will be involved in Kairi realizing her power. Her unique edge over every other keyblade wielder. She's the only princess of heart who wields a keyblade. While other keyblade wielders struggle with the dark and even fighting Darklings, she is innately not going to struggle with that. She is a keyblade wielder of pure light. This gives her unique powers that other keyblade wielders just can't have that lets her easily conquer Darklings and even save them. Because remember how her ability throughout the game has been to help people move on? This power to heal Darklings is an extension of that ability. Essentially meaning that by Kairi accepting the inevitability of change and learning to grow and deal with it, she's able to heal the tormented, darkened souls of ancient keyblade wielders.
The end of the game, aside from all the good growth for these three characters who tend to get shafted by the narrative, would further the foreteller plot and display a new adversary on this side of reality with the time-space continuum being wonky.
And to wrap it all up, I'd want the name to be Kingdom Hearts: Aqua's Angels and for Aqua's Angels to be it's own subseries, I don't care how realistic or not that is, I want these chararcters to thrive.
If I think of anything more, I'll probably just reblog myself.
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undervaluedagent · 2 years
hey hi hey! what are your favourite songs + episodes?? :D
Putting the episodes first because I decided to go on a music nerd tangent later on. And honestly, I don't know what my favorite episodes would be (I like them all), so I think I'll just talk about of all of them.
Also this response got long as fuck so I'm doing a readmore.
Creativity: Man the puppets from back then are interesting to look back on XD. Mad at Sketchpad for trying to kill Yellow Guy's creativity (even though other teachers tried to straight-up kill him). That boy's clown painting was good! ;-; Also am I the only one who keeps rewinding to when Duck says his favorite color is red? He sounds so enthusiastic about it! Then the main thing of the episode, I interpreted it as conveying that we're told to be creative, but only within certain boundaries. This also reminds me, the fandom has some trouble characterizing Sketchpad. @/gnomeniche has a post about it somewhere too, but basically Sketch is a straight-edge jerk and just because they're nonviolent doesn't make them nice. Aaaaand of course there were those people who made them all murder-happy. They're the exact kind of people Sketch would despise, I'm afraid XD.
Time: I just realized I have very little to say about that episode 'cause it was a pretty straightforward one, but it had a nice song and the fish joke was funny, so was the "It's time to go to time." It also took me a while to realize that Red decayed too (I think), I thought his ass was really long lived and just kept growing more and more hair. The ending is really weird and I still don't know what exactly to make of it, we know they're in a simulation by now but yk.
Love: Just an overall nice episode, the friendship moments were sweet. As I say later, I like the song, and I refuse to ever, ever call Shrignold a butterfly. That is a baby pigeon always and forever. Probably the most horrifying part of the episode was the salmonella /j. Also, I believe in the Shrignold was Michael theory, not really sure why they'd just make that weird story up unless it related to something XD. And I think it ties in with a LoveBird fanfiction that was recently started, think it only has one chapter as of now but I'm enjoying it, first chap is from Shrig's pov (it doesn't explicitly mention Michael or anything tho).
Computer (or whatever it's called): Colin is best boy goddamnit and I talk abt this later but he did nothing wrong. Song fucks too ofc. I also love how done with life Red is the whole time, and the "wow, look, nothing!" Unfortunately I don't really have much to say abt the episode, I just like it.
Health/Food: Oh boy. This episode. What I would consider the only scary DHMIS episode (sorry, the rest are just interesting). The way Duck is so scared the whole time breaks my heart and makes me fear for him, the Steak Guy creeps me the ever-loving fuck out, and the music. Okay. So the lyrics are super weird, often contradictory or just plain wrong in a way they aren't in any other episode, which is super off-putting, and the rest of the time they're just obviously incomplete. You're like, what the hell are these mfs doing??? And the audio breaks when the phone calls come through, with the creepy-ass ambiance, it's so unsettling! Audio is a key piece if you're trying to scare me. DHMIS 5 certainly suceeds in that. And of course the actual stuff that happens. Oh my god. Best episode if you're a real horror guy.
Dreams: Intro is heartbreaking of course, poor Yellow Guy, but what a power move for him to just turn the light back off when the teacher first shows up! It didn't work but it was still a power move! Red Guy is such a nerd XD, and that guy who was like "Well, that's rude. No clothes" well okay then, maybe should've kept your clothes on bro. (Also wtf is with their office building why does the staircase look like that). The presence of the teachers extends to outside the simulator, as seen with the mic and box radio thing. That's interesting. And people don't tend to notice this, but Red Guy himself popped on the screen briefly when he was going through buttons on the thingy. Man the lore implications. (Also a very merry piss off to that one guy who theorized that Duck showing up on the screen was a sign that he wasn't real and that he's replacable XD.) Roy was certainly creepy here, but my bigger question is, doesn't stretching like that hurt his arm? Oh and also the rebooted guys are cute <3
Jobs: I kin Red Guy rn. I too wish I was doing Nothing Day. But back to the point, the autism in this episode was so high. Someone else pointed out it was a lot like masking, and yeah that's definitely what Yellow and Red were doing HARDCORE. Also I don't really ship Yellow x Claire partially for this reason, I just don't trust that Yellow was able to be himself at all just due to the work environment and stuff. (Also Yellow's aro.) I don't hate the ship ofc, that's just my thoughts on it. And Duck in the elevator, that part was great. Having him be presented with a stupid emotion chart and be like I don't know these emotions and knock it over was also an autism moment, as was being spoken over and told what your feelings are for you. That Stress song was stressful for sure and I felt bad for Duck the whole time, and I do not like the Carehound bc it brainwashed Duck. I am protective of my boy Duck. Anyway, at the end of the episode, Duck and the gang got a pound. In the next episode, when Larry goes on his little spiel about what happens after we die, he says they get a pound every time they get it right. I guess they only got it right for one episode, huh? (I guess it's also the only episode aside from 6 where the teacher didn't fucking die.)
Death: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. These guysssss. They can't live without each other! They love each other! Also I have beef with Coffin for the exact same reason I have beef with Sketchpad (stifling Yellow's creativity), but Coffin has a soothing voice so I don't care. I've also made a post abt how Duck was affected by the episode that I'm not gonna repeat here. I would say poor Stain Edwards, but like...I'm protective of Duck and I really don't want them replacing my boy so I kinda fear them. Memories is gut-wrenching ofc. And Big Day is the song that actually led to me getting into the series.
Family: *foams at the mouth* I'm going to hit Red's family with a truck and the creepy family with a truck and decide what to do with Roy but probably hit him with at least half a truck. (Partly joking, ik the twins are kids and there's prob something more to them.) Something I never see being talked about but I really enjoy is how the FAULBCHDT song is foreshadowing for the fact that the twins and their family aren't actually a real family. Still mad that Red felt like he had to apologize for being happy. The fact that Toddney managed to hypnotize Yellow Guy to sleep makes me wonder what the actual fuck is wrong with these two, and the fact that after the others leave Yellow Guy keeps asking where they are hurts me, also shows how he's got his awareness on. I am So Confused on how to feel about Roy at the end of this! I'm so confused about how to feel abt him in general actually! God I need to see him with batteries so bad.
Friendship: Wow. I dislike Warren so much, so like congratulations for making a well-written hatable character! (I don't hate him tho, for me a prerequisite for actually hating a fictional character is bad writing which isn't present here.) So happy about the Colin cameo in this episode, he's so cute (also he was adorable in Dreams but I forgot to mention that earlier). And the implications of Yellow Guy's maiden name being Rat-Eyes, that implies that his last name was never Gribbleston, which makes me think that Lesley's last name was passed on to the kid, which makes her full name Lesley Rat-Eyes, which I find hilarious. I have to wonder if the trio would've actually taken Warren to a restaurant style meal if he hadn't fucked up. Probably not. But it's nice(?) that the other two tricked Warren into helping anyways. Also the part that truly made me dislike Warren? Him being a dick to Shy Imaginary Older Brother. For reading slow and having difficulty with passwords. Very similar reason to why Warren was "defending" Yellow Guy. Warren doesn't care about jackshit, he just wants to be a hero and be fucking worshipped for doing...whatever the hell it is. Bro would totally bully me. Songs are good, fight scene is hilarious.
Transport: Absolutely amazing episode, I don't even know if I could explain because I feel like so many people have done so better than me, but anyways the end shattered my heart to pieces, actually a lot of the episode did, these poor fucking puppets. Honestly I'm really tired rn tho and pretty much everyone and their dog has talked about this ep so I'm not gonna explain further.
Electricity: Also an amazing episode, I was rewatching at some point and you can find it through the "#i'm rewatching episode 6 rn" tag (I'll tag this post with it so you can find it more easily), and I put a lot of thoughts in there, but I didn't say anything about Lesley, that funky woman. Her laughs at things that aren't funny and doesn't give straight answers swag is beginning to captivate me. It's making me wonder if she's the reason for this series' more comedic tone in comparison to the webseries. Also very curious what's above her ofc. I'd love to have a conversation with her and try to get an answer to literally anything.
I like every song from DHMIS. One of my favorites from the webseries would have to be the one from Love because it's super soothing when you ignore the context (and has the most actual singing which is important for me as a choir nerd), and also has an interesting chord progression with the frequency of its C augmented chords. The other fave from the webseries would have to be Computer (idek if that's the right name XD), because Colin is my favorite teacher, he's my special little guy who did nothing wrong and also the song is a whole vibe. Honestly I don't think he meant to harm anyone. I mean, ig there's debate on if anyone did, but Colin specifically? Definitely not.
As for the TV series, I really like the Electricity somg because first of all Electracey is my second favorite teacher, and second of all it's a banger, especially with the electric guitar parts. Plus everyone's just vibing! It's nice! I like the FAULBCHDT song because it's funny (I love how Duck is like wtf is this the whole time) and also vocal-heavy, the Worm In Your Brain song because it's rlly soothing, and Duck's Family song because it tears my heart out and eats it every time! Duck baby! He feels the need to pretend that he isn't lonely and that he's tough even when nobody's around, dearest it's okay to say you miss them we all know you love those other guys.
Side tangent, there are a total of four songs in DHMIS that aren't in what I consider a childlike key (just a key that many children's songs are in) (which I consider to be F major to A major on the circle of 5ths (so F, C, G, D, and A major)). These songs are the Stress song, which the melody is so weird that I don't want to bother pinning down a key (I think that's intentional bc it's ironically supposed to be a stressful song), but is definitely not in one of the earlier keys, the Memories song, which is in C major for part of it, but switches into what is likely C dorian (similar to C minor but with a natural 6th), but could also be G minor (probably not tho), the Worm In Your Brain song, in B major, and the Transport song, also in B major.
Aside from the Transport song, which is sung by an old man (so it makes sense for it to be in a less kiddish key), all the songs here have something to do with feelings, the Stress song with the feeling of, well, stress, Memories with grief, and Worm In Your Brain with anxiety and self-doubt. Also, all of these songs are from the new series. I feel like there's a connection to be made here but I'm sick and thus a bit stupid and can't explain it.
Holy shit this whole thing took like two hours to answer because I have chronic writes way too much and then gets distracted syndrome
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qwanderer · 1 year
16 and 22 for the weird writer asks?
Weird Questions for Writers
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Hmm! I'm not sure, but maybe the brass dragon letter opener I made in a college metals class.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
The answer to this is yes.
So when I start a story, I usually start writing longform on the computer, usually in a google doc these days. When I don't know what to write next, then in the same file, I write down other things I know about the story, usually in as close to the right order as I can manage. So that ends up serving as my outline, even though it's mixed into what I've written out.
When I get stuck, I'll take out my paper notebook and write down the questions I have about how the story goes and any problems I'm encountering. Sometimes I accidentally write scenes in there and then have to transcribe them into the file.
Most of my fanfictions get posted as soon as the main file is all story and no outline.
When I'm editing, like properly feedback-by-an-editor editing, I will go through the file and do all the small line-edit type changes first. Then I will do a second pass and see what I can accomplish in the file with medium-sized changes. At this point all work on the larger issues of the plot is usually just happening in my head. Throw it in the soup and let it simmer! Once I'm down to the really difficult stuff, I will write all of these problems down in a list in my notebook and possible solutions. Sometimes the list accidentally gets scenes in the middle of it that I have to transcribe.
Then if I have, like, really complicated edits remaining, I will often print out the part of the story I have there with lots of space on the page for notes. Sometimes I will cut apart the paragraphs and tape them to my sketchpad in a different order. Sometimes I will make a second file to list things I want to add and to contain new material that I want to keep fresh, without the intimidation factor of all the material I already have sitting there looking at it.
I'm usually pretty good at keeping timelines and characters straight without special tools but there is one fic series that does have a spreadsheet to help keep track of which characters are which and their deets! It is a beast.
Thanks for the ask!
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trans-xianxian · 3 years
crazy to me when people are like "wanting people to reblog your art is a toxic trait" like girl what are you talking about this is a blogging website......
#*don't reblog*#theres an important conversation to be had about how destructive and corrosive it can be#to only view your art through the lense of consumability#and the detriments of letting others perception of what you create by the soul factor in your own opinions of it#the harmfulness of only creating to be good rather than simply to preform the human act of creation#but whats the point of posting art on a blogging website if nobody.... is going to reblog it#like I don't post things to keep them I have a sketchpad for that??#I don't know its just sooo weird to tell artists that its unhealthy to want others to appreciate and validate#the work that the put hours of love and effort and care into#like if you want to consume art you have to appreciate said art?#someone being disappointed or annoyed that they have a 4 to 1 like reblog ratio#doesn't mean they're so forlorn that they're going to Stop Creating Forever#it just means they're going to stop posting it lmao#again its important to talk about the harm that viewing art as something to be good at rather than as an inherent act of humanness does#but the importance of that isn't contradictory to being pissed off when the art you spend 4+ hours on#and make a point to put out into the world#gets 5 reblogs and 57 likes#and it just seems dismissive and weird to try and tell artists that its unhealthy for wanting appreciation for their hard work#and fuck me I guess but I don't think wanting to be good negates the ability to create for the sake of creation#I can make things because it fulfils a part of my sould to do so and because I want to improve in an activity I am putting effort into#anyway this isn't in response to anything from today or anything I have just been thinking about it lately#and I get Chatty when I'm tired#as you may be able to tell akbsmxjlsbzj#ghost posts#text
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flcwxr · 3 years
could you do trey when he accidently caught a drawing of him in s/o's room (who they crush on him)? and s/o gets embarrassed afterwards? have a good day, and take your time!
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──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦ 𝑵𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒄𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓.
𝐀/𝐍: You actually scared me, anon😅 I was working on a Floyd one-shot when I saw that I have something in my inbox. Tdhd I wasn't expecting to have someone requesting already when I'm still not posting something. But tsym for being my first request!💖
I'm guessing that the reader and Trey are still not together in this? You said S/O but then you said that the reader has a crush on Trey😅 S/O means significant other, which is why I was a little confused.
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Now Trey can explain the uncomfortable feeling of someone staring at him from afar.
You have been trying to get the details of his face drawn in the surface of your sketchpad. You must have definitely had a hard time getting all of them correct, as he can see the previous erased marks from your pencil.
He chuckled. He must have been moving around too much. Next time, he'll try to lessen your movements to help you.
Trey saw your other drawings within the next pages. He was amazed by how detailed your works are, but your drawing of him is still something that he wants to continue looking at. It's your drawing of him after all. So it's definitely special than the rest.
He then heard a squeal from behind, finding the sketchpad in his hand to be snatched away by none other than you—whose face is blooming like the once white roses painted as red roses back from his dorm.
You held the sketchbook close to your chest, as if preparing yourself if Trey ever plans on taking it away from you. "Why... why were you looking through my stuff...?!? Isn't there some kind of rule that tells you not to be nosy?!"
Trey brushed off your yells with his sheepish laughter. "My bad, my bad. I just couldn't help my curiosity when I saw your sketchbook completely open." A smirk appeared across his usually kind looking face. "You really should be careful with your stuff, unless you want someone looking through them."
You send him a glare, which again, just made him laugh. "I'm just joking! No need to give me that glare."
Trey smiled. Genuinely this time. "But really, I'm honored to be drawn by you. I saw your other drawings and they're all amazing."
"I wouldn't mind getting drawn by you again."
You hid your face by turning it to the side. You couldn't looked at him properly when your cheeks are flaming up with what he had previously said.
You didn't know where did you get the courage to talk, but somehow you managed to.
"You really don't mind...? If I draw you again?
You might haven't seen his expression, but you know that he's smiling judging by the tone of his voice when he replies to your question.
"Yeah. I don't mind."
Trey was just expecting to have a drawing of him by you. So he definitely wasn't expecting it when you send him your drawing with a little note below the drawing.
— Thank you for allowing me to draw you again ♡︎ Your kindness is the one thing that keeps reminding as to why I like you in the first place.
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timetoddddavis · 2 years
WIP tag game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Ok so I saw @dangerouscommiesubversive doing this and it looked really fun.
I don't have a folder for WIPs exactly, it's more like I move things from the general fic in progress/outlines folder into the 'finished' folder, or into 'WIP Hell' if I decide I'm not sure when, or if, I'll work on it again.
Fics don't always have titles until I'm done with them, so they end up with descriptive filenames until I can think of something good. And this is to say nothing of the sketchpad docs I keep for the random little snippets that don't really need their own file.
A couple of these I made the doc for as like a 'to do' list thing, but haven't put anything in it yet, so if you ask after it I'll probably post a little of the outline I've done up for it. I'll mark those two with a *.
≥pity (HiroGeorge Love Hotel)
behind the back of the Tanaka shed
battle hopper gets adopted 4
two dogs fighting
HiroTatsu shibari*
St Sebastian - Guido Reni, 1615*
And for the hell of it, a small selection of WIP HELL WILDCARDS
Narumi Detective Agency Cuddle Puddle
(don't) tell me everything
Bait and Switch
I'm not going to tag anyone because... I am shy. But please feel free to do this and tag me! I'd love to read yours!!
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badjonesrising · 4 years
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Work in Progress: BJR Motivation Junk Journal
I don't know what has gotten into me. I'm happy to report that the Full Moon has brought me some motivation! I have to use it while it is here. I woke up, worked out, went to the store and fruit stand, and now I am back working in planner. I’ve been writing and readin daily for the a while now, but planner work?! Surprise! I think working on commissions and updating my shop usually keeps me encouraged. I have a sense of purpose when I am making art for others, rather than trying to pull out masterpieces for myself. My personal work is very important, along with the process. BUT I can never force it, so I am going to ride this little new August wave and think positive thoughts.
I really want to get this motivational journal posted to my shop this week so I had better finish up posting the wip photos here. My favorite thing in the book so far, are these bold sentiment pages. I used some chisel tip inks and paint markers to make the words big and bold, and splattered some paint to create that urban vibe I am always striving for.
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I also am pretty proud of all the altered tags and cards that I turned into inserts. I used packaging tags, old index cards, cardboard boxes, and some small chipboard pieces that I’ve been hoarding. Inserts in traditional scrapbooking and memory keeping are usually smaller than the main pages, interactive, and are used to highlight a photo or a story. In this junk journal, I used them more for texture and to give some tactile elements that create a fun and surprising vibe. I enjoy working this way, because it's a challenge to make sure that EVERY page is exciting AND works with the opposite page as a "spread". All the colors and textures should create a dynamic composition, no matter how abstract it may be.
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I mentioned before that I had to take the small 1" book rings out because once the book was done, the were too small. To have the pages flip easily and without pulling on the punched holes, I switched them to 1.5" book rings. I kept the cover plain jane, just the way I like it. It's made of a recycled sketchpad board (my fav material to make covers with). Minimal covers are important so it doesn't take away from the juicy inside! Lots of popular “junk journals” are made with “vintage” or stained papers and lots of frilly stuff and lace. Not really my style so this book was me proving to myself i could make a cool BJR-style junk journal, that still had all the scraps and papers I wanted in it. I didn’t buy anything to make this book- everything was recycled and reused, found in my stash, or traded through mail art. It’s important for me to inspire and encourage people to “USE WHAT YOU HAVE” when it comes to making.
Omg, I am beyond excited about this book and I really want to go live or do a narration flip thru. Unfortunately, I have tons or work to do. Also, storm's a-brewin' so let me get settled in! Happy Tuesday y'all! Hope all is well, wherever you are. Be safe! Be sane!
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