#like I do like me a bodyhorror but also im not super into squick
modmad · 11 months
are you going to play/watch Baldur's Gate?
hhhh pretty sure my pc laptop would explode if I tried to (also I heard there's some pretty graphic gross in the cutscenes so im like :/ on watching it now...)
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lexiepiper · 3 years
so whats your bodyhorror squick threshold? (asking for prompt writing purposes definitely not bc im a weirdo)
This ask has me vibrating with anticipation, I love body horror!
I’m on mobile but I’ll try to do a read more so none of my followers are potentially squicked, but sorry if it doesn’t work!
I’m pretty good with a lot of it!
One of my main squicks is actually bodyswaps, like in the Poindexter episode, so I’m not likely to enjoy a body swap fic as much. I’ve actually been requested to write one and I’ve been dragging my feet 😅
I’m also not that comfortable with strong themes of sexual assault, incest, all that sort of stuff. I know it’s not body horror the two are sometimes paired together so thought I’d mention it.
As for the more physical side of things, I’m not too fussed. Not super fond of excessive vomit or offal, but other than that, I’m pretty good.
Breaking bones? Good stuff. Blood? Issues with organs and non-consensual body modification? Yeeeessssssss. I was active in the fandom during the dissection fic boom and read a lot of them, so that probably gives you some kind of idea. I do like a bit of plot, so it’s not just senseless, but even something as simple as existential angst is enough to keep me hooked. Painful transformations are especially a soft spot for me, I love them. Fangs and extra limbs (tails, wings, etc etc) are some of my favourite tropes, but good old-fashioned physical trauma is great too, especially if the character either ends up like that because of a difficult choice, or it’s something completely out of their control. It’s just such good narrative potential!
I’d you need more detail then let me know. I’m trying to think of body horror that I’ve enjoyed in the past and my brain has honestly gone a bit blank. Um, if you’re familiar with the plot of the Bioshock games and the body horror and themes involved then that’s a good vibe. The fma series with the different body issues and the way they’re explored was great. Oooh, Parasyte (the anime with the alien that gets stuck in the guy’s hand) is another one that has perfect levels of body horror for me. I can’t think of much else right now, but feel free to ask if you’re still not sure.
I hope that’s enough information! I’m super excited to see what you come up with!
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