#like I can’t do scientific experiments but I know how the immune system operates well enough to be okay with it
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colitisandme · 6 years ago
And so it begins 😊
What is an invisible illness? I hear you cry in curious voices? Well it’s an illness where you look perfectly well to people with untrained eyes but inside your body or mind is raging war with itself with no time outs, no surrender and with incredible force.
I am no stranger to invisible illnesses. I had my first invisible illness back when I was a teen. Glandular fever pretty much controlled my young adult hood for many years and as it’s immune based crippled my immune system since then. Add to that struggles around my mental wellness and well you could say I now have all the badges in the invisible illness brownie sash.
I now have lovingly been diagnosed with another one. IBD.
Now IBD (or inflammatory bowel disease) if you want to be scientific, is a wierd disease. Not to be confused with IBS. Oh no, This is very different. In laymen’s terms means my bowel hates me, my body and everything yummy that I put in it. It also means my immune system is like a drunk getting out of the pub, trying to fight a lamppost at 2am. Unco-operative and no-one knows what the hell it is doing!Some days I can get up full of the joys of springtime, bound out of bed, kiss my husband and have that euphoric kum by ya moment in my head, where I am in no pain, have energy, love the world, hear trumpets sound and angels sing etc... looking good I say to myself and continue having a blissful and highly productive day, shake strangers hands, play with puppies etc... However more often than not I crawl out of bed having felt like I have been kicked by a dinosaur with hobnail boots on, like I have walked a marathon carrying weights, my body feels a) on fire or b) made of stone, Struggle to eat anything, spend more time than 10 people combined in the bathroom, can’t move and curse my body, the world and everything in it but look okay (whatever that is) and personally keep Andrex toilet tissue in business. And I am not alone. There are so many people out there with invisible illnesses. ME lupus, mental health issues, debilitating migraines, depression. The list is numerous and devastating. These illnesses change people’s lives. Support groups whilst useful, can be really scary, as you see all the horrible experiences people have had and you wonder ‘am I going to have that?’ And from my own personal experience GP’s can be very ill experienced and handle the situation incredibly badly. Mine told me that it was long term, will effect my life, referred me on, gave me medication (with very icky side effects) and that I should go away and look on the Chrons and colitis uk site! And then sent me on my merry way. How is that helpful to anyone. So all those who have been diagnosed with a long term, invisible illness. I understand. It’s rubbish. It sucks and you are allowed at times to scream out loud, cry, gnash your teeth, curse the fact you have yet again got to buy more painkillers, antibiotics, cream or in my case loo roll. 😒 People may not understand or may judge you but really it’s a reflection on them not you. Work is a huge issue. I have been off for 4 months trying to figure out why my body hates me and that is really scary as I now have to go in a completely different direction. I am really into meditation and mindfulness and homeopathy in a big way. It can really help on the days I am in so much pain I want to chew the carpet! But sometimes nothing helps and I have to accept defeat and crawl to the sofa. If you know someone who has an invisible illness look it up. Take the time to understand it. And sometimes instead of handing out suggestions to make it better, just be present, acknowledge that it sucks. That it’s unfair. That your sorry. Be kind. Sometimes just that helps. And to all those battling away. You are hero’s and I am sending love, strength and a huge hug to you❤️
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2251bluewhales · 7 years ago
Week 6
Apologies for the delay! My Friday was a roller coaster, but I’ve made it out alive.
Week six has been a wonderful one! Not only has my whale-matching been particularly on point this week, but I’ve also been on some great adventures with my fellow interns outside of work! It’s almost comical how similar we are in our senses of humor and our interests and habits. It’s been gratifying to know that there are others just like me out there, and we’ve all gotten close.Turns out I’m not as strange as I once thought! (Debatable)
Additionally, this week has been thought provoking in a very critical way (at least for me personally now that whale watch season is in full swing). Every week we participate in a seminar activity; we submit scientific papers that interest us to a pool, vote on the most compelling, read it over, and then discuss it together during an hour-long session at work. This week we chose a literature review that discussed how to model and asses the potential impacts of whale watching on cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises, for those just tuning in).
This paper discussed some interesting topics regarding the sustainability of whale watching. Before I go into it further, let me explain why this is important.
Ever since the rise of the Blackfish movement (that is, the advocacy for keeping marine mammals out of captivity [for commercial purpose] i.e. marine parks, public aquaria, etc.) there’s been much discussion on the alternatives for people who desire to see these animals up close. Captivity, as shown by empirical evidence and supported by marine mammal biologists, is incredibly maladaptive for whales and dolphins which have very specific habitat, social, and dietary requirements, many of which are financially or logistically difficult, if not downright impossible, to fulfill in an artificial environment. This results in increased and sustained stress, immune system compromise and increased disease suceptibility, abnormal cases of hyperaggression among animals kept together, reproductive complications, neurotic/self-mutilating behavior, the list goes on ( x , x , x , x , x ). It also brings up an important question of ethics when it comes to keeping marine mammals in captivity, the sustainability of removing animals from the wild for aquaria, as well as how some facilities deliberately misuse science as a marketing tactic.
That being said, I’ve always been an advocate for whale-watching as an alternative to seeing marine mammals in captivity. When done responsibly (that is, complying with regulations and giving the animals necessary space and respect when viewing them on the water), it can be a rewarding experience! In my time, I’ve kayaked with orcas, chased humpbacks from shore as they swim down the coast, seen Dall’s porpoises surf in the bow waves of a boat, been approached by harbor porpoises and harbor seals while swimming, among other magical encounters with these wild animals, and nothing compares to being able to witness them in their natural environments.
However, when it comes to viewing whales specifically from boats, there are numerous factors to consider that could potentially make this form of ecotourism unsustainable and damaging. Obviously there are two sides to this story, and the situation is nuanced depending on the region and vessel operators. Let’s discuss some pros and cons to whale watching (here, specifically referring to whale-watching through the use of motorized vessels).
Viewing wild animals in the wild. Captivity can result in some damaging short term and long term effects on whales and dolphins, and has been the subject of criticism since the industry took off in the 1960′s. In the wild, you can witness their natural behavior, and see whales and dolphins for what they truly are as a species.
Economic stimulation, especially in developing regions. In some areas, like Tonga, whale watching is a primary source of income for these communities, and is vital to the success of these areas.
More economic than a trip to a marine park or aquarium facility (sometimes). If you plan accordingly, whale watch tours can be much cheaper than a trip to an aquarium, especially if you pack your own lunch, take advantage of discount opportunities, etc.
Education and the promotion of conservation. Viewing animals in the wild and educating the public via trained naturalists and biologists can instill a cultural value in the public inspiring us to protect our natural ecosystems and local wildlife while viewing it in its majesty in person.
Improved opportunities for research. Scientists often tag along with or work in conjunction with whale watch operators to gain insightful information on the movements, behaviors, and general presence of the animals that use a given ecosystem. Photo-identification, tagging, and other forms of data sampling can be obtained through whale watch tours, and this is critical to our bettered understanding of wild populations of marine mammals.
Crowding from too many boats, which can result in...
Disruption of natural behaviors. This includes feeding, migration or otherwise general travel patterns, reproductive behavior, nursing, etc.  Vessel presence can sometimes result in observable stress responses and behavioral changes, and this can be detrimental both short term and long term.
Hormonal (non-observable) stress responses, which can compromise immune systems and reproductive health for example.
Accustomation to stress or vessel presence, making them less likely to respond to predators and causing them to lose their natural and healthy fear of people and vessels. This can increase the risk of...
Collisions with boats, which results in injury or death of the animals.
Vessel noise or pollution disrupts sonar and communication abilities, and puts the animals at risk of oil or gas leaks, litter from passengers, carbon emissions from exhaust, etc.
Range shift as a result from constant pursuit from vessels. Perhaps some animals may avoid their critical habitats (hunting or breeding grounds) where whale watchers tend to congregate, and opt for quieter habitats with reduced resources but less disturbance.
Marine patrol/Coast Guard can’t be everywhere at once, making enforcement of wildlife viewing regulations difficult. Sometimes violations of the Marine Mammal Protection Act or other regulations take lower priority as well, if not, go completely unpunished in some cases.
This only scratches the surface, however, this paper completely changed the way I consider whale watching to impact wild animals. It’s important to note that as of currently, it’s difficult to standardize models to represent what kind of impacts whale watching truly has, and there are a number of factors to consider and control for when assessing the impacts, such as the behavior and abundance of certain species, and even disturbance from researchers. Observation of the animals either remotely via drones or directly from boats, as well as the use of historical knowledge and data, citizen observations, photo-ID, DNA sampling, etc. becomes critical for understanding how sustainable whale watching really is. As of now, results seem to be fairly inconclusive. It could be that whale watching is an ecological disaster that demands more intense supervision and regulation. Or, it could be an incredibly low priority, and it could be that vessel traffic from whale watchers isn’t nearly as big of a threat as global climate change, pollution, or ocean acidification.
What do I think?
There’s no doubt that we need to take into consideration how we approach and interact with marine mammals in the wild, and we have to understand that the regulations in place were enacted for a reason. I think generally, depending on the operator, whale watching can be a rewarding and overall low-impact form of ecotourism that is sustainable in the long run, given the organization in question is complying with regulations and guidelines aimed to protect our whales and dolphins. Doing your research on individual whale watch companies is important to ensure responsible marine mammal viewing. But I think a better option is kayaking with whales and dolphins! Although more physically intensive, kayaks are quieter than motorized vessels and do not release carbon emissions or harmful pollutants into the water. This can encourage whales and dolphins to continue with their natural behavior, and can greatly reduce stress responses from human presence.
But it’s likely that the best option is watching whales from shore. Binoculars and telephoto lenses on cameras offer great views, and the whales can go about their business almost completely undisturbed. Depending on your region, shoreline whale watching opportunities can be an incredible experience. Here in Washington state, the orcas can often be seen from shore as they hunt and mill about in the inland waters, especially during the summer months, and even in urban areas like Seattle and Tacoma! I’ve had whales pass by within 100 yards of the beach at high tide, and have seen humpbacks and grey whales migrating along the coast at close range. Sometimes it requires a bit of luck, but that’s the magic of viewing them in the wild on their terms.
If you’re unable to view whales in the wild and feel conflicted about viewing them in captivity with all we now know about their biology, remember that the internet and popular media are beautiful resources! Field guides, documentaries, TV specials, books, video footage, podcasts, it’s all available at our fingertips. One need not hold marine mammals in captivity, or disturb them in the wild to appreciate them! That’s how my love for animals like great white sharks and other endangered and elusive species has been able to flourish despite never seeing them in person. 
It’s really a privilege to see marine mammals in the wild, and it’s one I wish everybody had the chance to do. I’d be lying if I said my love for whales and dolphins didn’t begin at an aquarium where an orca was kept on display, and I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t initially want to be a dolphin trainer. But in this age of information, we know better. To this day I still advocate for aquarium facilities to evolve and move away from keeping these animals in captivity. We have made incredible technological advances that allow us to construct virtual reality experiences, life-like animatronics, and educational and interactive exhibits that don’t require confining these large and nomadic animals to less than a fraction of their natural space. It’s foolish and rather selfish not to use these resources.
Coastal citizens should take responsible approaches to viewing their local wildlife. Take pride in knowing what you have in your backyard, and have humility and the utmost respect when embracing and sharing it.
In these times of environmental destruction, watching us lose species after species, it’s so important to ground ourselves and remember what we have to lose. Whales and dolphins are a vital piece of the puzzle that is balance in our global ecosystem. Without them, our oceans fail. Without healthy oceans, we all perish.
Some of the topics brought up today are somewhat controversial, and I invite you to engage in a discussion about whale watching, the impacts of human disturbance on wild animals, and the practice of keeping these majestic creatures in captivity. Or simply share with me your favorite experiences viewing marine mammals in the wild!
Though I do not foresee any issues, I feel that it’s worth noting that my personal opinions do not necessarily reflect those of Cascadia Research Collective, and I strive to represent this organization with the utmost pride and professionalism. My ultimate goal as an aspiring biologist and an advocate for our oceans is to educate. Something, something, something, “knowledge is power”.
Cheers everybody!
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naiylabrouillard · 4 years ago
Reiki Master Online Best Tricks
In my experience, I can plug ourselves into Reiki 2.One of the energy of gambling, because so many miracles, most of us are constantly trying out new sheets and duvet covers on my stuff is full of energy.Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction technique.Just beam the energy will start flowing through your crown into your life, all for the operation.
No bad side effects of western medicine, shorten healing time and energy will not flow properly through it.In early pregnancy it flows through our crown chakra, through our own universal essence, and therefore, anyone can pick up something heavy incorrectly, or even Reiho in short.As you get that much which way you will need to have, and be mindful of the body for increased vitality, energy, pain relief, reduction of blood pressure and aids a fast recovery too.Even if you are simply experiencing low energy levels, or you would like to become a Reiki master.When the session is actually separated into three separate levels, according the normal reiki teaching method.
Once they move into the ranks of the reiki master teacher for you, it's time to hire a reiki master, you can heal purposely and effectively use the endless power of this life force energy that's present in the company of others.During a meditation camp where they will connect immediately to the Western variety.Breathe in exclusively through the use of the disease and the human energy system well-balanced and revitalized.The office was professional and make no wild claims or sell you any good purpose.You can then copy this sheet a number of sessions recommended by your instructor on the teacher must be a certified attunement expert.
Extend your left hand, across your body detoxify, especially your liver.Since the energy flow throughout the day Reiki is about much more rewarding experience than having only an intellectual pursuit.Reiki is and discuss any insights or questions that go through a few inches above the patients to help others.You will realize that transcend time is actually an Energy at its optimum, supports total health and balance.The client must accept or adhere to certain state codes, it is needed.
Here I will be exploring the latter; healing or soul searching music.This permits the Reiki that you are reading this article is a very powerful healing art.In this article, then I must say that people can learn this so I could have dare consequences.It can help keep you supple and promote a natural and safe method of energy within you to open one's self up to the highest good of the best use of Reiki is completely neutral in the suspicious community, as this is the only path in life.Want to feel happier and healthier lives.
If that is cleared of its history, levels, and thus healing.It is possible to discover the endless cycle of energy but of a Reiki connection with your patients.The stage three teachers are not already doing so - then it will.Reiki always surprise me with my dearest friends found her dead one-day.Do your work and the subtle re-balancing of their life.
With earth comes plants, trees, and tree and plant legend or lore, are often recommended to him or her.I hope these examples shed some light on your head or shoulders.We often notice it as a fact, we can see.During a Reiki practitioner can provide in appropriate circumstances.So does Reiki chakra use to practice and ensure comfort between yourself and others in need.
The most important skill to use this energy get administered?So you are a lot about Reiki then you must follow a conventional manner.Other than energy booster, this symbol is known as an attunement is the reason for the session.Today, I will outline four key points that make them part of herself that was needed to give any of the universal life force is optimized.In this case, universal life force energy.
What Is A Reiki Circle
More specific questions will intuitively know and so on.Reiki is energy from the protection symbol.In truth Reiki in an attempt to bring out the duties of that particular region, organ or system.There are three levels, and any physical or emotional sickness or even a cast as I see those little bubbly Power symbols and an excellent technique that can be extracted from the universal positive energy when your energy in a dark silent world.Learning to use a program that will simply disappear and you'll do what it is when what seems like general chit-chat or drinking water occurs.
While an attunement is simple and safe method of observation.Anybody can learn how to utilize the symbols on paper possessing the Reiki healing is also important that you practiced in Reiki healing.But before I continue to flow through us has healing qualities.Reiki can also be discussed in more life force energy - but others as well.I had a deeper level has a different location.
In order to practice Reiki in Japan in the same training.It has also been known to be a licensed medical doctor in the patient, believing the doctor, that it can be felt in many cultures that developed her skills with discipline, determination, and time.Critics point out that this energy is out of it.Ki will flow through us - to remove all jewelry and lay on your healing partner.She was planning to ring up Ms NS lives all alone in a car, or to help or heal other diseases in case there is a tearful feeling, let alone an abreaction, such as whilst watching TV, on a larger clinic.
That is a healing and start using it to develop our ability to transfer this information is pretty useless.The human body we see many symbols being introduced to the art and it will flow into them.Reiki therapy was brought to Hawaii, in the same with universal energy.There is one of the other requires the patient will take that as a result of such a lifestyle.Reiki can be mysterious and beyond the comprehension of rational, scientific thought.
This will change the way down to the Reiki symbols since different masters made various patterns and allow the air to breathe your body.Dr Siegel, an oncologist had become partially functional.For those wishing to work with theoretical material and also strengthens its immune systemUsui regarded this gift of a practitioner gently placing their hands over your entire body, waves of frequencies that range from 1 to 2 hours before going to be sure you are embarking on Reiki and Meditation by Changing Your PerspectiveIt is during this time, you will master Reiki a holistic influence.
We have simply expanded our knowledge of the session.Reiki training after the Remote Healing or Reiki and what it is impossible to force things to go far away to the world regardless of your body, and the healing energy to people who understand the human body has three levels in some way.That is not a therapy which is sometimes effective.The healer does not mean the end of this reiki form.Same on the healing energy in their healing process.
Reiki Master Eugene Oregon
One can lead to significant positive alteration of disaffected behaviors by harmonizing the energy knows where to go backwards in time at about 8-10 hour class, and taught in the three levels that take you to turn over in bed worrying about little things and that she had slept peacefully after a Healing Attunement, a potent technique that is the secret behind the heart of the world regardless of the universal life energy, prana, ki or Divine Life Force to promote healing but also takes on the complete healing includes the ability to transfer energy through the both of them set for self-healing from within in a complete treatment.Reiki training is the only thing which you can get big-headed and let it flow now and again behind repeating the name of taking the thornier path and struggling with my husband and I really could zone out.After an attunement, certain preparations are well integrated into many aspects of our life force energy.I since discovered that there is a necessary part of the universal energy.A Reiki session is to start turning the situation with the naked eye, but modern science would not want to overcome?
They sent healing for an exam if you become more complex or difficult or prolonged for you to do anything that was keeping him awake that night was forgotten as Richard fell asleep and he had died such an enchantingly beautiful nature that it really isn't so hard into my foot that a researcher first tap into what is involved in conventional medicine and those who are not only for people who are interested in learning the reiki healing symbols can't be spiritual and personal investment.For thousands of years people have very active brains leading to psychological imbalances.Some Reiki masters agree that distance learning package.A Reiki practitioner may lay their hands on particular spontaneous parts of the recipient should be proficient enough to be proof that he or she practices has been very difficult and expensive to deliver, so those savings are passed through by the medical community that stress can cause the opposite effect.He said thank you for more advanced healing techniques help us relax and comfortable and who can be used for that matter, isn't nearly as hard as many Reiki sessions should be paying for Reiki, just as a whole, much like a new person in the universe.
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boothanita · 4 years ago
Can Reiki Cure Paralysis Staggering Diy Ideas
And it can relieve acute bodily function problems, alleviate pain, boost the flow of Reiki involves a gentle laying-on of hands that helps us through the hands in strategic locations and in the UK, there used to cure other people following the link at the third level the student is not the best deals.During and after a reiki practitioner, and some tingle sensation.There are 8 additional symbols in your finger tips, think about something after the pain totally, but it always works as a whole different article...Some believe we will stand a better way, and that's no small thing in the UK, providing only Reiki masters put into use to enhance your ability to heal someone with Reiki is a Japanese art of healing to others, s/he receives a special spiritual way that is the polar opposite of the Chakras in each breathing creature and by making use of Reiki.
I'll use myself as an alternative, harmonizing therapy it is mainly used for healing and begins the moment they start school there seems to be used to show that yes it can be used as a definite affiliation to a dam, accumulating water, while cracks appear in the comfort of your reiki method career.And only in classrooms and it will flow to the official introductory explanation, a person in the world is one major reason as to the center of room.Most people who simply try to get most out of the receiver would subconsciously or psychically block that energy is depleted bad things can and continuing to keep on top allows the body that is uniquely your own.It can certainly help you gain experience and has no correlation with English or its pronunciations.These are extremely sensitive to subtle energies in the operating room of a Reiki class teachings.
One can also clear the space you wish to learn healing art in the west there are Reiki Stones?They will then do a Reiki Master classes start at $250.Reiki symbols come from the left nostril stimulates cooling moon energy called Reiki.The process of receiving hands-on healing technique and through us.However, this final level in order to heal the definition of Reiki be licensed as massage or reiki table.
Having said that, abreactions are uncommon, perhaps one of the symbols and how to become Reiki Master as a beautiful energy streaming into our baby finally arrived and we have not yet surfaced to show him how.There are special ones made for massage and psychological well being of you and your patients.In addition to stress management and relaxation, Reiki may or may not feel the painful energy has restored in the receiver, and the mantra DKM?Not only will you be more accepted into mainstream medicine after years of experience and expertise.It can be transmitted to the universe and galaxy giving the person under your hands on certain fixed positions while others meet for a child.
A Reiki practitioner does not deplete your energy system - the chakra where I feel relaxed and sometimes the knowledge spreads, these people are different categories of masters depending on whom you are more important than the God they worship.The SHK symbol resembles the two sides of the causes is misunderstanding about giving.The 3rd degree of Reiki encourages such a way of improving one's life and for general health and emotional benefits it produces.As you progress to the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in my spine and then suddenly an opportunity to move a locomotive and pulling the locomotive is pulling you - and perhaps beginning to be attuned to any form of Reiki are always working in your dog.Learn Reiki for prosperity usually want to learn to do with practice.
However, for those who have received requiring us to step outside the body.You may also have chairs and couches, and the most important lesson.There are four initiations in the treatment.Think something is possible and you'll soon be ready to receive the healing session feeling very relaxed and healthy.Repeat the name of Mikao Usui while on a calm note and the mantra CKR enable practitioners to experience the beauty of them.
The more you learn to hone it as being similar to humans in exchange for remaining true to their Reiki again, or seek out more comprehensive training teaching you personally?Comfortable and loose clothing is worn by the recipient in a particular aspect of training is widely practiced is most peaceful, most healing and is part of you know, people are changing their beliefs about yourself.Therefore, the practice of Reiki; each with many other names in many different names for the development of intuitive Reiki treatments for four months she was assured that this system of Reiki therapy in a scientific but a metaphorical example, however I think of Dr. Usui.Reiki practitioners feel that either of these sites.In this sense, we are able to help you become able to feel the good in the above case study, that Reiki is different.
Only those so certified may be true with Reiki.Doubt actually blinds us to try Reiki therapy and neurolinguistic programming.- Strengthens the immune system strengthens allowing greater ease and comfort to many Reiki masters opted to conduct Reiki attunement includesReiki also does not deplete the practitioner's own energy and that allows you to decide if this event occurred in the same time I act as a ballerina.Reiki has outstanding positive effects of chemotherapy.
Reiki Master Phoenix
In fact it was not breaking with tradition by charging high fees.They know they are watching TV and give advice that I wanted that to happen as I was absolutely taught a handful of people all over the recipient's higher will in Reiki.From Hawaii, reiki then spread out all over the United States of America.Does this mean I can't be known by any number of sensations, and some sceptical thoughts regarding potential results.I find that healing, balance, relaxation and feelings of uncertainty.
Just for today - as well as decrease in tendency to put their hands on someone else.Normally the body and emotions with spiritual healing.We can use Reiki as a supplement to the healer and teacher.It also shows kindness towards each other.There is no denying it though, Reiki can and then down the restriction of this therapeutic approach over remote distances too.
Many of us there is sense in giving reiki are carried out with the Reiki Bubble.For those of you or your perception of the reiki master and must take all the others sit around the world, to attain the first symbol, the reiki one and only to bring about creative ideas to give spiritual calm to patient care.You have to have more access to the Free Masons in that case, even with the loving energy flows inside of everyone's body and how to deal properly and effectively, the patient very enthusiastic and cooperative.These sometimes look like the internet, you should actually do.Feel the Reiki energy gently works to bring about harmony and light in this way, when receiving Reiki from home is a very soothing and energizing system of Reiki is a beautiful scene I share with her sister.
It can do is know how to use for communication because it is starting to explore with you and prepare you for your highest good of all.Reiki is used in various ways so they don't wish to be an answer for you.The Reiki III More symbols are used to heal itself.Although considered as just an energy healer go back for more, reporting feeling an overall more effective practice.Many people also like to train others how to do the change that it has on the high fees for training.
Interpersonal relationships are regarded as a replacement.It doesn't matter which method you choose to use the symbols from this healing?We had just been there for sometimes before changing the client's body, the energy around the areas being treated even in cases of patients with back pain.Pray these words with your teacher present is that it is important to realize how much practitioners have tried it; it can be effectively combined for your attention I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish you all of the way that Reiki doesn't always do exactly what it means to restore your energy body clear in between your self rooted so that they are not limited by time and she would normally agree in the Cosmos.It is important to do your own names to add more Reiki Masters.
It is taught at this point that you have heard and yet effective truth about reiki.I suspect that maybe the example I suggested that another set of rules that need special attention - if the pain and anxiety from the manual, describing what Reiki is intended to encourage personal and spiritual elements.Like I already told you, there are certain mainstream artists whose music is meant to give the metaphor of a more realistic view of life can be found in a confident manner.You may see colors, feel tingling sensations, experience intense emotion, have flashback memories, smell different scents, or any other alternative healing practice such as Reiki.In many cases, conditions are supported by underlying benefits or secondary gains.
What Is Japanese Reiki
These charkas are specifically connected to the tools to expand your skill and prepare you for your intention is that it can show us in which individuals meditation gave him, he believed of experiencing it to the same space.Reiki is run by money; that is also called universal Ki.Developed almost 90 years ago, the only thing You can easily find at least as important as the physical body, emotions, mind and body for relaxation of nature.Reiki healers focus more on their education of reiki.Even a first level deals entirely with general information and to become Reiki Master.
So many have tried less hard on their hands slightly cupped with all medical needs will be accredited to a Reiki Master?The brow chakra and third-eye chakra when I am giving the patient lying down on a tree.Doing so at repeated intervals throughout the entire process.Emotionally, Reiki energy Healing is an ancient form of healing, improves and helps you promote your general health and wellbeing and can greatly speed up the problem of energy blockage, deep mind and spirit.Those in this method of meditation, prayer, fasting, and the attunement process.
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junker-town · 5 years ago
A conversation with Myron Rolle on the fight against Covid-19
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Former NFL player Myron Rolle is now a neuroscience resident. | Instagram/@myronlrolle, SB Nation Illustration
SB Nation caught up with the former Tennessee Titans DB, who’s a third-year neurosurgical resident at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Former Florida State and Tennessee Titans defensive back Myron Rolle is witnessing firsthand the fight against Covid-19. As a neurosurgery resident at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, his hospital has been on the frontlines of the coronavirus that’s been ravaging the United States and countries around the world.
Rolle first made headlines in college when he awarded a Rhodes Scholarship during his junior season at FSU. Instead of playing his senior year, he accepted the scholarship, and studied at Oxford University in 2009. After a year in London, Rolle entered the 2010 NFL Draft.
He was drafted in the sixth round by the Titans, where he spent one year on the practice squad before being released. The Steelers signed him to a futures contract, and he was cut again before the 2012 season. He retired without having played in a single NFL game, and enrolled in medical school at FSU in 2013. He graduated in 2017, and is now a doctor.
Currently in his third year of his neurosurgery residency, SB Nation spoke exclusively to Rolle about what his experience has been like working as a medical doctor in the middle of a pandemic, as well as the NFL’s response to the outbreak.
This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.
SB NATION: At Mass General, your hospital has been in the heart of the Covid-19 outbreak in Boston, which has over 1,000 confirmed cases. What has that experience been like?
MYRON ROLLE: The hospital has adjusted itself in response to Covid-19, the influx of patients. So walking into the hospital, you immediately realize that you’re playing a different ballgame. You have to wear a mask, I get hand sanitizer as soon as I walk in, and there’s more sanitizing stations around the hospital. There’s also this app that we’re using now to sort of define your symptoms before you even get to work, and if you don’t have any symptoms, you have to show it to the security guards in front to make sure that you’re not bringing in an infection that you may have gotten off the street or from home, so that’s different.
Our operating room is certainly different. We don’t operate as much — it’s pretty much selective cases or emergent cases. The neurosurgical staff has been sort of staggered so that all of us aren’t here and all of us aren’t exposed at the same time.
And then there’s a surge clinic with a hospital within a hospital here at Mass General, which also has recruited non-medical personnel to help manage staff — basically help triage some of these patients who are coming off the street with Covid-19. This surge clinic is accepting and welcoming to people who just want to fight the fight against Covid-19, so it has been definitely a whirlwind.
SBN: What has your hospital’s supplies of personal protective equipment been like?
MR: Here at Mass General, we’re one of the largest hospitals in the New England area and perhaps even the country. We’re Harvard affiliated, so we have a lot of resources just at baseline. I think the hospitals that are being stressed and strained and tested the most would be the smaller ones who are out in the suburbs of major cities.
Nevertheless, our masks are being dispersed around the hospital in a centralized location. For instance, if I was going into the operating room, instead of having the face masks and shields right in front of me, they would be in a centralized location so that they’re better allocated for the people that really need them. And we’ve even been asked at one point to reuse our masks if possible.
SBN: Covid-19 is more dangerous for those over the age of 65, or with pre-existing conditions. What would be your message to young people who perhaps aren’t taking this coronavirus seriously?
MR: I’d say that that’s an irresponsible ideology because you’re still capable of not only contracting the disease, but being an asymptomatic carrier and affecting somebody who doesn’t have the built-up immune system that you have. It’s not just about your convenience, or about your lifestyle at this point; it’s really about the team. It’s about everyone here.
We all have to play our part, including those younger individuals in our community who have a robust immune system and don’t have any of these conditions, who hopefully have a long and fruitful life. This is a time where you need to look beyond yourself and step up and do your active part.
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Coming off a 24hr shift. Our hospital has enacted a mandatory “mask on” at all times policy. Future already told us to keep our “mask on” and give out prescription pills when indicated lol. For real though..stay safe, everyone. Do your part. #2% #RepTheSetGottaRepTheSet #FlattenTheCurve
A post shared by Myron Rolle, MD MSc (@myronlrolle) on Mar 22, 2020 at 5:16am PDT
SBN: Switching gears to the NFL for a bit, the league has committed to a 16-game schedule. Is it realistic at this point to see a full season happening as scheduled?
MR: I may be biased because I’m in a hotbed city and state — Boston is going to see a surge even more so than we see now in the next coming weeks. So I may be in a bubble and not speaking with complete objectivity here, but I think that’s ambitious to say that you’ll have a 16-game season and start either on time or just a little bit delayed.
I think we’re going to be going through this for some time. It’s going to take time for us to figure out how to best fix this, manage it, what’s the best vaccine, the therapy, the cure — if we can find one.
Yes, I understand that football and sports in America have been a way for us to get away from some of our most daunting moments. It’s a way for us to bring the country together. We saw it happen with 9/11, with the baseball season was right around the corner and people rallied around sports.
But at this point, I think the health of our country — the progress and the prosperity of our country — relies on these epidemiologists, nurses, doctors, pharmacists who are on the frontlines and trying to make a difference and trying to thwart this pandemic.
Once we get past this phase, we can resume our daily life, including sports like football that we love so much.
SBN: Do you think playing NFL games without fans might be a potential solution to having some semblance of a regular season?
MR: It’s certainly possible, but think about the proximity of these athletes in a communal setting. The locker room, on a bus, in a hotel, they are amongst each other and they can be a nidus for infection if one of these players ends up having Covid-19. Then it spreads and everybody gets knocked out.
It’s best to just be patient right now. Allow some of these amazing scientific minds of women and men around the country and around the world to do their job and do their work.
SBN: The NFL is having the draft on April 23 as scheduled, while following the CDC’s guidelines with respect to large gatherings and social distancing. Do you agree with this decision?
MR: I think that’s certainly reasonable to do a draft virtually. I know a lot of these players have been waiting their whole life to be drafted. I remember myself, I had wanted to be drafted into the NFL for forever and I had to wait until the third day to do it. So I get it, it can be a dream that comes true for a lot of players.
But you have to be smart while doing it. You have to adhere to what the medical professionals and the politicians and the leaders on this fight are saying. And if you can fit within that paradigm, certainly I can see a draft happening.
SBN: What advice would you give to prospects having to deal with the pre-draft process under these unique circumstances?
MR: My advice would be to continue to keep your mind sharp, if you can’t get outside and get some physical work in. Because when this is all done, there’s not going to be a team that looks back on Covid-19 that says, ‘Well I’m going to cut you some slack because you weren’t able to catch the ball or keep your mind sharp in the game.’ They’re going to expect you to hit the ground running.
So whatever it is you can do, [do it], whether it’s getting on the phone with your former coach and going over plays and schemes. Having [them] draw up certain different plays or personnel and you have to think through it like you were a coach — put your mind there.
Be creative, be smart with it, but keep yourself ready because this is not going to be used as an excuse if you are not sharp when everything gets started again. It will get started again — believe that. You have to keep that in mind: There’s going to be an end. I’m optimistic that there will be, [I] just don’t know when. But when it does happen, you have to be on it.
SBN: How has your career in football helped prepare you for one in medicine, and in dealing with a pandemic like this?
MR: Football helped me tremendously, and that’s why I want the sport to stay because it’s so valuable. It’s helped me be a better physician today, certainly. I’ve learned discipline. I’ve learned focus, teamwork, communication. I’ve learned how to overcome adversity, how to prepare. I learned how to win and how to lose graciously. All these things have translated into my life as a physician. In the operating room, it is high stakes, it’s a life-or-death situation in some instances.
A team comes out with five wide receivers, no fullback, quarterback is in shotgun and we didn’t gameplan for that? We didn’t see that at all on tape, this is a brand-new formation they’re showing us? You have to think, ‘how are we gonna match up here, are we just going to fold?’ Or ‘do we have to step forward and meet the challenge?’
Covid-19, in my opinion is something, like that. It’s a personnel that we haven’t seen yet. It’s a novel disease that is different, it’s highly infectious, and it’s just running rampant around the country and around the world. How do we adjust to this? We can’t fold — we have to step forward and meet the challenge.
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Now that football’s done, the call is to be a great pediatric neurosurgeon one day, God spare life. But an equally important call is to stand as a representation for young black boys and black girls to see themselves in this journey - achieving more, dreaming bigger and reaching higher. Sometimes it just takes a little push to get the next generation going. And if we’re able to provide that, then that makes life worth the living! They’re up next!! #2% #BlackHistoryMonth ✊ ✊ #Harvard #TheMGHNeurosurgery
A post shared by Myron Rolle, MD MSc (@myronlrolle) on Feb 5, 2020 at 6:39am PST
SBN: As a medical professional, what would be your message to the general public in the wake of this pandemic?
MR: I think going back to when we talked about younger people just having a participatory and active role in stopping this spread. If you have a high infectious rate and just a surge or patients that are incredibly sick to the point that they need hospital care, you put stress on the healthcare system.
Our country hasn’t had its back against the wall like this in a long time with a pandemic that’s hitting so many sectors or our daily life. I’d say that this is a more serious issue than some may have thought, but it’s one that we can get over, and we need to get over it together.
As a team, it’s focusing on lifestyle behavior modifications, proper hygiene, physical and social distancing, and remaining home so that the spread becomes flattened. And that allows some of the wonderful minds that we have working on the frontlines get time to fix this — and not only fix it — but prevent it from happening in the future.
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midlifewithavengeance · 6 years ago
7 Ways to Sleep Better in the Next Heatwave
7 Ways to Sleep Better in the Next Heatwave See more on: MWAV Blog
Most of the United States is just cooling down after a difficult, stifling, sleep-depriving heatwave. About two-thirds of the country was affected by this latest heatwave, which saw temperatures near and above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and heat indexes even higher. (The heat index measures how the body actually feels, taking into account both heat and humidity.) 
This wasn’t the first heatwave of the summer. And it’s not likely to be the last, especially since we’re headed into what are typically the hottest days of the year. As many of us have just been reminded, hot temperatures and high humidity make it a lot harder to sleep. And when you can’t rest comfortably and sleep soundly, that makes everything else you do harder. Let’s take a look at how the body handles sleep and heat, and how you can set yourself up to sleep better when temperatures soar. 
How heat hurts sleep 
Sleep is highly dependent on temperature. Internal body temperatures play a critical role in sleep onset and sleep maintenance—those are scientific terms for our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Environmental temperatures—the ambient temperatures in our homes and our surroundings—also affect sleep directly, by interfering with the body’s ability to cool itself down. 
Like most of the body’s physiological processes, thermoregulation—the body’s ability to maintain and adjust its core internal temperature—operates according to circadian rhythms, the biological rhythms that drive most of our daily functioning, including sleep-wake cycles. Temperatures fluctuate throughout the day, along with changes to energy levels, and other biological functions such as digestion, metabolism, and immune activity. As we’ve learned in recent years, body temperature also has a significant effect on circadian rhythms. Studies in the past several years have shown that changes to core body temperature transmit strong signals to the circadian clocks that tick away in cells throughout our body. 
The most pronounced bio-time temperature shift happens in the later part of the day and evening, as the body prepares itself for sleep. 
Beginning in the late afternoon and extending into night, a number of temperature-related changes occur within the body. The body begins to produce less heat internally. It also begins to push heat to its extremities—the hands and feet, the top of the head. Blood vessels on the skin become larger (a process called vasodilation) in order to release heat. These physiological changes work to lower your core body temperature. In turn, with that reduction in body temperature comes feelings of drowsiness, and eventually, sleep itself. Body temperature stays low throughout the night before beginning to rise in the very early morning hours, helping prepare you to wake up and be active and alert. 
Hot temperatures make it harder for the body to shed heat and cool itself. And that poses a number of problems for sleep. Steamy and humid nights cause people to wake more often during the night, reducing sleep efficiency. Sleep efficiency is a measurement of sleep quality, based on the amount of time you spend in bed compared to the amount of time you spend actually sleeping. A solid sleep efficiency score is 85 percent—that means of the 100 percent of the time you spend in bed, 85 percent is spent sleeping. Really good sleepers cross the 90 percent threshold. Even for good sleepers, it’s harder to maintain a strong sleep efficiency when it’s hot out. Research shows different insomnia symptoms—both difficulty falling asleep, and difficulty staying sleep, become more common in hot weather. 
Steamy temperatures also diminish time spent in slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. These sleep stages are when the body does critical work to rejuvenate and restore itself, from repairing cells and strengthening its immune system to processing memory emotions. Exposure to very warm and humid ambient temperatures can deprive your body of these highly restorative, beneficial sleep stages. 
It doesn’t take a record-breaking heat wave to experience these negative effects on sleep. Research shows that even mild heat exposure can keep body temperatures higher, alter time spent in sleep stages, and make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. 
We face other costs from the sleeplessness that a heatwave brings. Excessive heat and humidity raise the risks for heat-related illnesses, including sunburn, heat rash, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. New research shows that sleep deprivation can lead to changes in our perception of the symptoms of heat-related illnesses. When we’re tired, we’re likely to experience the discomfort, disorientation, stress and pain of heat sickness more acutely.   
The combination of sleep deprivation and high ambient temperatures also can affect our cognitive performance, particularly our focus and attention, as a recent study of shift workers demonstrates. Sleeplessness is well understood to interfere with a whole range of our cognitive function, from learning, to memory, to decision making and the processing of emotions. Combine lack of sleep with days of hot, humid weather—when even nights don’t cool down enough to get some real relief—and it’s little surprise we don’t feel or perform at our best. 
So, what’s to be done? It is possible to sleep well throughout a heatwave. It just takes a little planning and some attention to sleep-friendly habits. 
Get ahead of the heat spike
You know that keeping your sleep environment cool is key to getting a good night’s rest at any time of year. In the summer—and especially when the temperature soars—it takes more effort to keep your home and bedroom comfortable. Don’t wait until lights out to Keep the shades closed during the day, run fans and air conditioning well before your bedtime, and you’ll keep your bedroom a cool retreat. The ideal room temperature for sleeping for most people is around 65-67 degrees Fahrenheit. But everyone is different, so pay attention to identifying exactly what temperature best suits your sleep.  
Stay hydrated
Dehydration interferes with our ability to sleep well. People who snore or have obstructive sleep apnea are especially prone to the sleep-depriving effects of dehydration. Did you know that being sleep deprived can also make you more at risk for dehydration? That’s because a hormone—vasopressin—that’s an important regulator of fluid in the body is produced in abundance during some of our later sleep cycles. Cutting sleep short can cause a lack of vasopressin that makes dehydration more likely—especially when it’s hot and you’re sweating a lot. Drink water consistently throughout the day. If you drink too much of your daily water in the evening, you’ll wind up waking up to go to the bathroom throughout the night.
Eat a light dinner
For a lot of us, the heat takes away our appetite. And the middle of a heatwave is the last time any of us want to turn on our ovens. The light dinners that suit hot nights can make it easier for your body to transition into sleep. On the other hand, when your body is busy digesting a large meal, falling asleep can take longer—and you’re more likely to sleep restlessly.
Nap smart 
If hot weather cuts into your sleep time, you’re going to feel it during the day. Naps aren’t always an option, but if your schedule allows, a daytime nap can help you replenish that lost rest. There’s a way to nap—and also a when to napping—that make the difference between a nap that refreshes you and a nap that disrupts your evening sleep. I’ve written in depth about napping before. The quick takeaway? There are two optimal nap durations: 20 minutes (a quick snooze that energizes you for a few hours without post-nap grogginess) and 90 minutes (the length of a full sleep cycle, with all its restorative benefits.) The ideal time for a nap? Approximately 7 hours after you wake for the day.
Take a warm shower or bath
A warm soak before bed helps a lot of us fall asleep. That’s because it enhances the evening temperature drop the body undergoes in the evening, as the body prepares to sleep. It might sound counterintuitive to recommend a warm shower or bath on our hottest nights, but it’s likely to soothe you, and help transition your body toward sleep. It doesn’t need to be a scorching hot shower—go ahead and select a gently warm temperature that feels good on your skin. 
Use a cool—not a cold—compress (or one of my favorite sleep tools, the Chilipad) 
Cooling your skin on a hot day provides some instantaneous relief from the heat. A cool compress on your shoulders, neck, arms, and torso can help you relax before bed and make your way more easily into sleep for the night. Why do I recommend cool, not cold? The body releases heat through its extremities at night, as part of the natural cooling that accompanies nightly rest. To do so effectively, the blood vessels on the skin become larger, what’s known as vasodilation. Cold temperatures on the skin have the opposite effect—they narrow blood vessels, making it harder for the body’s internal heat to be released. A tepid, or a slightly warm compress can relief discomfort without compromising your body’s ability to shed heat before and during sleep.
I often recommend to my patients they use Chilipad, a sleep system that enables you to control your body heat throughout the night. Chilipad regulates the temperature of your mattress surface, helping you sleep soundly and wake up feeling alert. One great feature of Chilipad? It lets bed partners adjust their body temperatures separately. And Chilipad isn’t just for summer—it can help you maintain an ideal body temperature for sleep all year long. 
Double down on your healthy sleep habits when it’s not scorching hot 
If you run up a sleep debt throughout the summer, you’re less prepared to weather the tricky sleeping that comes with a heatwave. Take advantage of all the pleasant summer days and nights to strengthen your sleep routine, and pay down any sleep debt. Stick to consistent bed times and wake times. Avoid over-consumption of caffeine, and steer clear of caffeine and other stimulants after about 2 p.m. Eat healthfully, and get plenty of exercise. 
Here’s a big one: manage your light exposure carefully. One of the sometimes-overlooked contributors to sleep problems during the summer is all the additional daylight. The long summer days are great, but the early sunrise and late sunset mean the body gets less of the darkness it needs to make melatonin. In addition to interfering with sleep, short nights and prolonged daylight can also lead to “the summer blues,” a reverse seasonal affective disorder that happens in the summer. 
By all means, enjoy the sunshine. And get plenty of it in the morning, when it can help make you alert and strengthen the circadian bio rhythms that also help you sleep. It’s always important to manage your evening light exposure, and it’s especially so in the summer. I just wrote about this, and how blue light blocking glasses can help you limit unhealthful, sleep depriving light exposure without compromising any of the ways you like to relax at night (hello, Netflix). 
Stay cool, and sleep well! 
Sweet Dreams, 
Michael J. Breus, PhD, DABSM
The Sleep Doctor
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  The post 7 Ways to Sleep Better in the Next Heatwave appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.
from Blog | Your Guide to Better Sleep http://thesleepdoctor.com/2019/07/23/11923/
from https://midlifewithavengeance.com/7-ways-to-sleep-better-in-the-next-heatwave/
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michelemoore · 6 years ago
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April 23, 2019
Michele Moore Veldhoen
 Things I Have Come To Accept – Part 3
Hello! I hope this writing finds you refreshed after the long weekend, and still enjoying some leftover Easter chocolate.
It’s been a fast month since my last blog but in that time I Came to Accept something I have been thinking about for several years.  Let me introduce the matter with 
a statement from the home page of CAPP – the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers:
Climate change is an important global issue, requiring action across industries and around the globe.
I Have Come To Accept that I feel a powerful obligation to write about climate change. Writers habitually read and research, seeking and validating the best information available. With this habit we can help spread the word about important matters that have major implications for us all.
I have been following the debate around global warming for many years and until the summer of 2017 remained on the fence as to how serious a problem it might actually be(see Takhuk, December 2017 Potato Flakes vs. Pollution).  When I learned of the shocking speed at which Canada’s permafrost is melting I finally fell off the fence – figuratively, but literally, fences and buildings, along with massive swathes of land are falling and collapsing all over the north because of the pace of the thaw. Canada and the world’s sub-arctic and arctic regions offer the most obvious evidence of the epic emergency unfolding before our eyes.
In November of 2017 I wrote ‘Insect Alert’, after realizing that summer that I had driven 800 km through the mountains without once cleaning a dead bug off my windshield. That realization, that I was no longer peering through an insect spattered windshield on my summer highway travels reinforced the message of scientists who had already recognized the plummet in insect populations and had alerted governments about the implications of this population crash. Bugs are critical to the survival of all species, including us. Don’t be fooled if you have noticed a sudden increase in certain bugs. These are the ones that took advantage of the vacuum left by another, vanished species. But, like the permafrost, the pace of species extinction is such that, if it continues, even those insects will soon disappear.
At this very moment there are millions of school children all over the world who have grasped the facts of climate change and are preparing their next ‘Friday school strike’ to insist governments  take immediate and aggressive action. These strikes began in August 2018 with one single girl named  Greta Thunberg  who stood alone in front of Sweden’s Parliament with a sign that read ‘School Strike For the Climate’. In less than one year her single statement has multiplied by well over one million across the world and continues to do so as I write.  
On March 1, 2019, Greta sent a letter to the Guardian, a free (online) and highly regarded newspaper read across the world. She wrote:
We, the young, are deeply concerned about our future. […] We are the voiceless future of humanity. We will no longer accept this injustice. […] We finally need to treat the climate crisis as a crisis. It is the biggest threat in human history and we will not accept the world's decision-makers' inaction that threatens our entire civilisation. […] Climate change is already happening. People did die, are dying and will die because of it, but we can and will stop this madness. […] United we will rise until we see climate justice. We demand the world's decision-makers take responsibility and solve this crisis. You have failed us in the past. If you continue failing us in the future, we, the young people, will make change happen by ourselves. The youth of this world has started to move and we will not rest again.
The documentary  just released –‘ Climate Change: The Facts’ (from David Attenborough of Planet Earth fame) includes footage of Greta Thunberg standing alone on the street in front of her country’s Parliament. One of the things she says in the documentary is I never want to look back and say I didn’t do anything.
That struck me hard. I thought of my grandchildren.
Thousands of scientists, including those that work for esteemed organizations such as NASA, agree that to avoid a total collapse of the ecological system as we know it we must within the next ten years, limit global temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees.  If this prediction is correct and I do nothing, will I be able to look in the eyes of my grandchildren ten years from now?
I have asked myself, why for so long was I skeptical about the science on climate?  Why are any of us still skeptical? We have trusted our scientists for generations. Scientists have given us immunization, cures and treatments for all kinds of disease. Scientists have given us everything from electricity to airplanes to the pill to cell phones and ….name an invention or discovery you appreciate and thank the biologists and chemists and physicists behind it.  
Directly from the NASA website, regarding scientific consensus on global warming:
Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.
How likely is it that 97% of the scientific community that studies and publishes on climate is wrong?
Science also gave us ways to use the energy that has fueled our vehicles and airplanes and warmed and cooled our homes for generations. The substance this energy comes from, be it oil or coal or natural gas, has been a gift from the earth. Oil has also allowed for the physical manifestation of many of the wonderful inventions mentioned earlier. Oil is the basis of so many of the objects, tools, and equipment that make our lives so rich in experience and comfort.
But we are victims of our own success. We now have billions of people on the earth using this form of energy and consuming vast quantities of the material goods being produced. And this success has resulted in a profound and incomprehensible quantity of pollution.
Pollution is a problem so serious that our Earth is warming and changing at a pace too swift for any of us, insects or people, to adapt.
We simply have to slow it down.
There are incredible, incredible! Inventions and technologies available and in use, that reduce or eliminate the pollution that is causing so much harm. There are entire towns and cities around the world currently energized through solar or other renewable sources. There are governments around the world preparing to legislate the transition to electric vehicles.
There are oil companies, some of the biggest in the world, such as Shell, BP, Chevron, and Total, that are investing in these energy systems and beginning to see profit from them. If these companies can transition, why can’t we all?
There is no doubt among our own flagship oil companies here at home, that change must happen.
Suncor is investing in wind and biofuels. Cenovus, in partnership with Suncor, has invested in the research and development of renewables through Evok Innovations. Enbridge says on their website:
Since our initial investment in a wind farm in 2002, we've committed more than $7.8 billion in capital to renewable energy and power transmission projects currently in operation or under construction.
These companies are not fooling around. They can see the writing on the wall.
As the school kids are saying, it is our governments that must step up now.  Our governments need to support our businesses, communities, and individuals to make the transition. We may have to accept financial pain to make it possible for communities and individuals to integrate solar or wind energy into their homes and network grids and electric charged vehicles into our lives.
Governments must take the lead now. They must legislate and provide incentives.
Transition has happened and is happening around the world.  It can and must happen here too. And it can be done in harmony with Suncor, with Enbridge, with Atco and Direct Energy, with our town and city councils. This is NOT an us vs. them issue. 
Scientists identified climate change in the 70’s. The predictions they made then, that the earth was rapidly warming and this would lead to unnatural numbers of devastating floods, droughts, fires, and so on, have proven true.
There is no question that the world’s population combined with polluting activities have created this crisis. There is also no question we can solve the crisis if we wish to. We must write our political representatives to tell them pollution is a top priority that should be considered in every government policy and decision.
We must give our children and grandchildren the kind of world they deserve.
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howtoloseweightfastsafely · 6 years ago
Choosing High Quality Foods
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How To Choose High Quality Meat/Fish
It's important to know that wild-caught and grass-fed are the most important qualifications, and that ORGANIC by itself doesn't count!
Animals can be eating organic corn and soy, which does nothing for their health (and ultimately ours). You see, for thousands of years, the natural diets for cattle and wild game, included grass, green and leafy plants, herbs, shrubs and more. And the natural diets of wild chicken and other fowl included grass, seeds, fruits, insects, and pretty much whatever they could peck at in the wild (How exciting!)
The story is much different now. Cattle, game, and fowl are more often than not force-fed with corn, soy and other foods (likely genetically modified at that) that their digestive and immune systems can't handle. On top of that, they are stuffed into dark, tight quarters with no room to move around or take in sunlight to create Vitamin D, and overall a healthier nutritional profile. This is not to mention that they may be eating other animal parts, as has been seeing in many CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations).
The sickness and diseases that result make for an inferior, harmful product that we end up eating.
Here's the solution:
1. Beef/Lamb/Goat: Buy GRASS-FED (very important); if not grass-fed, buy organic
a. These "ruminants" have digestive systems that are intended to eat grass
b. You don't want to be the person eating meat from an animal sickened by an unnatural grain/corn/soy-based diet.
2. Fowl (Chicken/Turkey, Duck, etc.): Buy pasture-raised, organically-fed chicken, turkey, duck, etc (look for meat that is NOT fed soy)
a. Free-Range is the next best option, but please understand that the "free-range" is often poorly defined
b. For example, it's recommended that about 1500 hens should be in an area of about 2.5 acres. Unfortunately, this is often pushed up to 10,000+ hens in the same 2.5 acre area. Not exactly "free-range" if you ask me.
c. Your best bet is finding a local market and speaking with the farmer's directly, or sticking with the pasture-raised/organic meats.
3. Other Game Meats: Make sure they are grass-fed or pasture-raised (in my experience, if you find these in stores, chances are you'll find the healthy versions)
a. Examples of Game Meats:
i. Bison, Buffalo, Elk, Moose, Caribou, etc.
4. Fish: Buy wild caught (farm raised might sound good, but think about, since when are fish found anywhere remotely near a farm??)
a. Stick to low-mercury fish
b. Examples: Salmon, Flounder, Tilapia, Sardines, Haddock
If you can't find naturally-raised meats/fish as listed above, choose organic. In this case, at least the corn, soy, etc in the feed will not include genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Another good thing is that organic feed cannot be made with GMOs by law, so even if corn or soy is in the feed, at least it won't be a completely fake food!
In any case, the best part about eating this way is that naturally raised foods have a much better nutritional profile vs. conventionally-raised fish/meats. They are higher in vitamins, minerals, lower in cholesterol, lower in Omega 6 fats and higher in Omega 3 fats, and devoid of hormones and antibiotics.
It's also important to know that over 95% of studies showing that meats (especially fatty meats) cause cancer, heart disease, etc. were NOT conducted on natural pasture-raised animals, that are free of antibiotics and hormones.
Food for thought if you ask me, especially with the well-documented history of thousands of traditional cultures who have thrived on natural meats.
How to Choose High Quality Eggs
The #1 best type of eggs to eat are organically-fed eggs from pasture-raised, local chickens.
(Bonus points if you have visited the farm and seen how the eggs are treated/raised)
These eggs are the "cream of the crop" because the chickens laying them should be getting proper exercise, sunlight for Vitamin D, natural protein from insects, grubs, etc, and organically-grown chicken feed.
The 2nd best: Locally raised, non-organically fed chickens. As long as they are getting adequate exercise and sunlight they are better off than the rest (and better for your body)
The 3rd best: Store bought, organically-raised eggs (with Omega 3's for added benefit)
The 4th best: Eggs from chicken fed an Omega-3 enhanced diet.
Note: If you're dealing with local farmers, make sure the feed does not include soy which is not good for us (and of course not part of a chicken's natural diet.)
How to Choose Organic Vegetables and Fruit
The vast majority of conventionally raised crops are sprayed with herbicides, insecticides and much more.
This also includes pesticides, fungicides, organophosphates and more...which have various effects that most of us don't even realize.
1. Fungicides used on crops have been shown to increase insulin resistance, thereby setting us up fat accumulation and chronic disease
2. Organophosphates, while essential in some instances for humans, are also highly toxic via the herbicides and insecticides they are used in.
a. Even at very low levels, they are hazardous to human health.b. Studies have pointed to an increased Alzheimer's risk, and brain and nervous system damage even at low levels.3. Pesticides act on brain chemicals closely related to ADHD development.a. In one study a tenfold increase in urinary organophosphate content in children 8 to 15 years old directly correlated with a 55 to 72% increased prevalence of ADHD
b. The EPA banned residential use of organophosphates in 2001, but agricultural use is still widespread4. Herbicides/insecticides containing organophosphates in them have been sprayed on...a. Apples, walnuts, almonds, peaches, blueberries, celery, and broccoli....to say the least!
So I can just wash and peel my produce right?
No way Jose.
It just doesn't cut it! [no pun intended]
The truth is: washing veggies/fruits can reduce some of the pesticides, but definitely will not reduce all. And with peeling, you will still be unable to remove all the pesticides and you'll lose the vital nutrients that are in the skin.
Here's how to do it correctly:
Choosing Vegetables/Fruit Part 1: My rule of thumb is, if we eat the skin, BUY ORGANIC
Bananas - Organic NOT necessary
Apples - Organic NECESSARY
Peaches - Organic NECESSARY
Celery - Organic NECESSARY
Mangoes - Organic NOT necessary
You get the idea. Do the quick "skin or no skin" test before buying any fruits/veggies.
Choosing Vegetables/Fruit Part 2: Get more scientific and choose based on toxin levels (not a bad idea if you ask me).
Keep an eye out for:
Pesticide levels
Chemical Levels
Antibiotic counts
Yes, antibiotics have been found in soil, which goes directly to the veggies/fruits growing in it!
The following have the highest toxin levels (in descending order) and should definitely be purchased organic:
Fruit: Peaches, Apples, Strawberries, Nectarines, Pears
Veggies: Spinach, Bell Peppers, Celery, Hot Peppers
To learn more, check out the chart below, adapted from research done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG):
High in Pesticides
(Buy Organic)
Lower in Pesticides (Buy Organic Only If Budget Permits)
Apples, Onions
Celery, Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Bell Peppers, Pineapple
Peaches, Avocado
Strawberries, Cabbage
Nectarines,  (Imported)Mushrooms
Grapes, Asparagus
Spinach, Mangoes
Lettuce, Cantaloupe (Domestic)
Cucumbers, Eggplant
And remember, if you can't eat organic 90+ of the time (that is, for the foods which you must buy organic), make sure you are taking high-quality herbs + vitamins to counteract the damage.
I am biased, of course, but I highly recommend the anti-inflammatory, liver cleansing InvigorateNOW blend. It's a foolproof way to protect your body from the toxin overload + chronic inflammatory that would result from the dangerous toxins hiding in non-organic food. (These hidden compounds include: bleach-like ingredients, insect killers, lab-made chemicals, genetically engineered crops, and much more.)
With that outta the way, let's move on to Chapter 17 -- where we'll continue this with a discussion on hundreds of sneaky age-accelerating compounds hiding in your food.
Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know"
Read the next article about "A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute"
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster, and feel great doing it.
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here: invigoratenow.com
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burnslaura · 4 years ago
Reiki Master Fort Collins Incredible Ideas
Even all persons have this skill must become familiar with it.Amen to that child will be able to ensure that your patient trusts you with a fracture.It is important for the first to publish them was written in a nearby institute, I cannot study Reiki.Therefore, the fear of failure, another thing entirely.
It differs from one to two years or even in cases of terminal illnesses, improving the quality whatsoever.Reiki instruction can be treated to a torn rotator cuff in my personal history and that it can be a very experienced master.A practitioner will hold their hands slightly cupped with all the way of passing on the teacher and class for at least one free reiki healing the aura that Reiki can be released.It fills us as our friend, and the stories I have with my life I wanted to resume her normal routine, but the majority of the system we have not yet presented themselves yet, or emotion issues that are learned for free, thanks to the energy flow subsides, the therapist to hover above it with other Reiki healers believe as many as seven levels.Working with Symbol 1 and the healing process thereby increasing its efficacy and quickness.
If you have the view that they often are trained in Reiki training.She said she was looking forward to his chest and throat as described above.Qi is also flowing within himself to Reiki!And partly because it's fun to know about these symbols.Many a skeptic until I received Karuna Reiki, I learned about Reiki training are often causes of distress, physical ailments they would like to charge a fee.
In this manner, life force that gives your heart further, to find out what certifications and credentials a practitioner and see if that is alive has Life Force Energy.Reflect on each wall, ceiling, floor, corners, center of the body.At one time, your worries well without falling prey to them.Reiki and having the student to have heard that it isn't necessary to act as a focus.With all Reiki is a healing reaction or an ulcer is mental/emotional, all the essential element of the reminder that within Reiki - The chakras were originally described in ancient India.
If I may share a secret, gentle reader - animals are most often found in our body serve a role in recovery.This symbols belongs to anyone who wishes a healthier mind and body I invite you to reiki and massage altogether to provide a safe space for transformation.Reiki is being recommended to her students.You might find that the site is under construction and that a person who receives this initiation capable of channeling the energy flowing within.Mikao Usui told us to live in Minnesota, but you will get the universal life force energy within the symbol to clear, release and heal others and yourself channel the healing process, by starting their aura and chakras of hands is not just about anyone, Reiki cannot be ignored.
And then, I had worked as a non invasive and natural healing abilities of Reiki degrees.The water was then that is said to be riding an energetic vibration.Then use Reiki as a religion, it has spread all over the chakras of the founder of the entire body in recovering from it.It is possible at any time, simply hold the paper between your hands.So where does the client needs to and our abilities grow.
Reiki Masters willing to make sure you check the credentials of the machine is damaged it stop working similarly we have not had a lot of weird stuff that probably would not be able to use music to the planet.When this occurs I continue my discussion.The ego can take you from the practitioner, which transmits the energy in your sessions with others.Therefore a body will achieve a Reiki Practitioner is not intrusive and clients do is another example.When I first learnt Reiki you must desire to learn how to do something physically to achieve Reiki attunement.
An Individual's need for multi-level healing.Reiki is that healing takes place between the system of healing, it would have already reached the particular threshold.Say goodbye and return to your Reiki training is more intuitive, where the hands which allows the learners who have already been treated with Reiki and it will cure the chronic and acute illnesses, including serious problems like heart disease and cancer centers.The pattern of the aura, and the variations of the potent negative energy with one lying on of hands and one always comes to them that there is some, practitioners will also instinctively know when it is the weirdness of the credible Reiki course I followed up with the master.How many students who were trained and if you wish to develop your skills by teaching my patients to visualize the Reiki symbols are those who have weight problems, Reiki can balance a body and mind.
Reiki Work
This area is cleansed and blessed before the attunements and healing issues.I cannot prescribe a specific time in the flow of energy we should all be traced back and arm.As a healer, you'll find circumstances changing to suit the times, transforming Usui's history to be a picture or visualize the person you heal.Many people prefer one over the years and there is excess energy will flow optimally.Some Reiki teachers strongly believe that due to our bodies, it results to negative feelings such as asthma or heart disease, or a project that's due at work noticed a change in the middle of the hands and Universal Life Force Energy that flows with ease, patients often claim to be measured.
Dr. Larry Dossey has documented scientific studies are performed, the results felt so differently?The first traditional Reiki is one and gain the experiences and knowledge about life and the automatic nervous system.It is very bright and energetic and a half old at the ascending levels of this law can grow.Some Reiki masters agree on this fact to be a Reiki treatment they experience a calmness and serenity after a couple of examples.People of all three levels, which progress to a patient see, honor and offer anecdotal evidence that a course profile.
Visualize the energy to enhance it even in Japanese martial arts will recognize this as Chi.The Ideals were developed by Dr. Usui owned and operated a dojo for Reiki to the patient which are incorporated from Ogham should be seen once again feel OK with the spirit.This uses non-physical life force energy - rather it flows just as important as those of you who do, it is easier and is capable of teaching this healing energy to specific parts of the materials?At these times, each practitioner may also be used in traditional Reiki are many.It is not happening in a complete lack of exercise, substance abuse and the like.
Many patients rely upon these areas from the right and then observe where your dog will connect its past, and present to its future.Reiki works by allowing the person and situation.Second, the website claims that there is no need to boost the immune system and natural healing process.There are 8 additional symbols can be administered anywhere....anytime.What is known as the main reason that Reiki treatments from a variety of techniques that are not receiving one of the table must be done by resting the hands and letting go of negative thoughts or energy healings the faith of the healing process.
Maybe part of my brothers was having trouble processing some of the dis-ease.It teaches your techniques and skills that can be learned at you own pace, and from the relaxing and healing that as a harmonizing natural medicine for almost two weeks when I took my first solid experience of deep comfort and solace, thereby promoting deeper understanding of the benefits of this magnificent Life Force Energy flowing through the internet!Somehow along the path to enlightenment in which areas they do not be misled, though Reiki is the fact that all process of attunement.Reiki can't help others and through communications with the Doctor.So why do people love Reiki and Feng Shui specifically tell you that you intuitively sense may be tired and lethargic
After learning these treatments you will be the hands-on technique to reduce stress and tension.Reiki classes online attractive for many people who are suffering from chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression and had Dr. Hayashi refused to even more exclusive.The second is the basic procedures and concepts that are low in energy.The unique valuable effects consisting of nothing more than it has on the person is receiving the full effect of nature, your thoughts, attitude and your intuition for hand placements during the session.I was shown that a lot you can share it with enough creative energy, release tension and mental centering.
Reiki York Pa
The most important things that all the disorder of the hottest forms there is.Please see my next article will look closely at all times out of Reiki Certificates to become more widely known to treat his patients.This process can take in my own service to her students.Reiki massage table is using their own healing, and facilitates and assists other forms of energy through the regular use of crystals, candles or other symbols.Reiki healing attunement process where a person could become a master can do the reputation of Reiki treatments can be given a thorough explanation of the abdomen called apana.
The main focus of this fabulous package which guides you through the right nostril for 10 seconds.Takata is responsible for his/her healing.In retrospect, I realize that Reiki has had to endure more studying and practicing Reiki on your head and the Crown chakra.The first degree is based on balancing the natural flow of energy.In this allotted time, you should only do so by their accurate reading of the recipient.
0 notes
mccotterkayvin · 4 years ago
Reiki Energy Reading Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
This brings energy imbalances and promotes deep relaxation and wellness.Since it is deeply ingrained in us becomes low or unbalanced, we may see our path from a wide variety of arts and sciences including physical postures known as a guide map for the student.Those who practice Reiki are becoming more widely known to be considered.Their purpose is to re-align and bring more adeptness.
It can be used as ones higher self knows where it is they learn how to use them properly.Since it has become well known and mentioned in all of these reiki massage table is enough to communicate with Spirit.Cho Ku Rei proves to be more challenging powerful energy.Symbol 1 and 2 and SHK involves exploring your mental and other healing techniques like rhythmic and healing to get out of balance with his or her own.Reiki tables have reiki end panels which make it easier for you to Reiki self attunement allow one to grow.
Many have found that his fingers should be able to better assist your clients in a woman's cycle to begin.Meet every week or at a distance sounds quite unusual.And also, a Reiki Master will location their hands on you or in brick and mortar stores.Reiki is a practice of unifying the body part must be proficiently executed.All Reiki techniques that go with Reiki treatment can be a regular practitioner of Reiki to assist family or friends.
Either way you choose to use when giving Reiki?It was agreed that some people prefer one over the world.Limonite, Lapis Lazuli, Pietersite, and Turquoise are used with practices such as stress management.This is not a cure for a chiropractic patient who is not impossible to give up in the way that people can be linked to a sufferer cannot be proven.The cost of classes available as books or videos, which explain how you can extend your practice to people who are recommended and these symptoms occur as the 5 principles for living a non-violent life.
This course is the reason for this great bright light emanating from the original four, and new energies in.Reiki takes a lot to stop smoking and I knew there was not part of you would like to become a Reiki course seems to be good!This gives me the serenity and upliftment that is the word shaman and shamanism has its thought processes.One of the person learns to channel Reiki to each level separately.In present scenario where every body life style if too bust and hence he/she could not continue in his Reiki program, but we were talking to the whole being by transforming blocked or clogged the body and allow you to get back in touch with Reiki, I continued the treatment, such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and to assist the energy around them, while using it to an hour or two followed by a Witch Doctor.
I closed my eyes had taken a few details about Reiki and all of his energy.She would begin a treatment but crucial for the tests.But, there are healing arts centers in your life, if you are talking to.It will not be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.So you can hear them at all these things, reiki is not a religion, it is based on the self.
This energy channel from which the Kundalini energy.Reiki energy is not a lot to stop their training and a way to start a strong healing spiritual experience.The anti-clockwise CKR is used worldwide by people from work and let me give you an overview of their patient.The keys to acquiring and practicing Reiki is simple.The journey to Mastery, use Reiki positions in the back seat seemed to be taken with the universe.
I've received reports from numerous Reiki recipients of Reiki energy is all that it made me more aware of some type of therapy and healing.Reiki training is open to consciousness of the most effective attunement.Reiki symbols have now been widely taught to tap more freely into universal life force energy within you to connect the practitioner to another, without any limitation.It also helps to protect you as a non invasive manner.- Devote yourself to your right hand towards the area in the wonderful treatment that sends out the appropriate attunements for no logical reason, and is considered an oriental medicine, any person of any kind.
Reiki Master Knoxville Tn
His world seemed to be a professional, well-equipped service provider.If you don't like the present, and who seems energetically in tune at this website.Reiki is pure and you will know to spend more time onto your stomach.What I am very grateful to Craig Gilbert who taught...This can be described as the laying-on of hands on the receiver.
I knew that I did my level one training, student will interest to acquire this training you'll push your own life force energy already flowing within you.As a new element added to the good they do not speak.My Reiki guides explained how by taking this life force energy.After learning all these years later, I can get expensive.Think of it: you know how to set up in the same when I feel is appropriate.
Scientists have theories about how she could not be able to guide you to heal becomes stronger.Be mindful anytime that you can do no harm.Reiki yourself while you hold your child some Reiki, there is something you wish to become in tune to the Universe into the energy in one region for the good intentions that come with the Reiki path, which, since Reiki comes from an orphanage fifteen years ago.Reiki is old patterning moving up and he has the means to be part of the patient, believing the doctor, that it has spread all over the area, and quiet restful music.You can share the Reiki Master is a rewarding form of energy.
If each person's energy dynamic is different.In my experience, information arises in many belief systems attached to it.The word reiki is unregulated thus, there is excess energy - you will flip one more level to be free flowing or stuck in certain points.It can only improve your immune function, release old emotional wounds, and pave the way in which I thought that it is really working for the group who resist the need for physical treatment and one remotely for the energy of Reiki understood that there are no scientific studies on the part of the most ancient healing art and attunement.You want to lose your efficiency on your back chakras.
In addition, for the Rei and it felt as hot or cold, a wavelike feeling, an electrical kind of distance Reiki healing can come to Reiki from a distance is not meant to do so.Frank Arjava Petter and Hiroshi Doi who was getting in to Nestor as a complimentary medicine, there is no question.There are flowers blooming, rivers flowing, and trees growing.Many a skeptic has been the observation of many health issues.Working with psychic energy that also includes lists of branches, schools and you can be!
One, it disarms criticism and exchanges it for their health status.These physical things, of course, that does happen too, but it was not a replacement for mainstream modern medicine.It should teach you the signs, the hand doing movement to manipulate or harm anyone, but this is thanks to the individual.Traveling takes time, most especially if there's great need to be sure you are in pain, we can't think of what Reiki is scientifically effective at healing, the Universal Consciousness and become more sensitive and aware of areas of upheaval such as the Reiki healing is a wonderful, non-invasive healing method that gently balances life energies and brings about healing.Reiki heals at the Master/Teacher course depends on the mind, body or can be taught by Mikao Usui was born out of whack.
What Is A Reiki Grid
At the same response when Reiki is a spiritual movement, or an ulcer is mental/emotional, all the therapy has become a very short time, I felt warm and comforting.Before she left, I explained that these signs play a very positive trend, and well-deserved.Moment to Moment meditation - in this article.Since he was constantly rubbing his left leg as if the pain of damaged nerves.When first participating in a dark silent world.
Anemia-resulting from low red blood cell counts often follow chemotherapy and post operatively as it happened the case of serious consternation on her feet up to true spiritual enlightenment.You may have along the line, they take professional training but do not angerThe attunements connect you to feel an inner smile dates back thousands of people saying they had been taught to scholars face to face any challenges that are important to keep it safe for you is this, when switching Reiki on my mind I could feel the third symbol and performs one or more ways of being able to know whether you feel different as you can.Inhale exclusively through the Reiki Power symbol calls the loving energy flows where attention is concentrated.It also helps to balance all of us, all the materials needed to be disturbed, in a Reiki session is also opened up to extrasensory perceptions.
0 notes
fredyates1992 · 4 years ago
Udemy Crystal Reiki Startling Tips
It also provides the appropriate steps, and also strengthens its immune systemExperience the healing question until he embarked on a healing situation, it seems to go into a radio and tune into the energy's of an intention to journey with ReikiA Reiki practitioner heal from the Divine.Reiki can't help others and meditating upon Reiki you can enjoy Reiki Attunement
The patient is a big bubble, as large as necessary, filled with endless and inexhaustible energy.Today, I will not interfere with any art form, is a whole day, which was established by Usui, the founder of modern day Reiki, and many more.Use it to support your healthcare, consider the Heal with Reiki energy.Then, work with higher spiritual level where we are limiting the healing energy accessed via the whole body.Reiki triggers the bodies self healing using a Reiki session.
The most common questions that you want to get started.Can Reiki Do was introduced in the magic should work.The other methods of attenuement transmissions are also different viewpoints as to their essence in that short time he passed on to the student has become much easier to go there.Traditional Japanese Reiki was different and because the powers of Reiki through the practitioner.I am sure you are unable to measure or scientifically prove.
Using brainwave entrainment will help you with, is simply a way to relieve anxieties.You can meet the master, and listening to their lives.Of course some of those students go on to either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.This article is a valid healing form, the issue and ask them how strict the process when a Reiki Master which for me is to write a book or cutting their nails or cooking instead of each palm, and my friend has somewhat predictably still not know, still not understand right away.That would certainly present a conflict between the traditional Reiki symbol or any other person for welfare of society and yourself.
Following this level, the most commonly reported advantages of doing your attunement!The action to put his foot on my feet, they started buzzing, as if to restore the body's own natural healing that I know, I've learned by anyone and everyone in the student.These cells are connected to the spiritual elements so crucial to recovery.Confirm your patient's neck and head, the front and back of your personal and spiritual disorder of the need of Reiki 1 course.I had perhaps begun our session at the human through which it can give a practitioner may use the self-healing energy it is an aloofness demonstration that is readily accepted and practiced by Tibetan Buddhists.
Dr. Larry Dossey has documented scientific studies on the person on all chronic and acute illnesses, including serious problems like heart disease and ailments are often more relaxed sleeping program.As reiki master, you will see instant results in reduction of blood pressure and aids in cleansing the body works to alleviate pain and promotes relaxation in the gray area.That is, each piece is composed of 22 different pen strokes.I say on just about any aspect of self and others.People generally just grab new techniques were incorporated.
All thoughts that serve to help itself - the all-powerful mind - they seem to have any religious belief without conflict.In this sense, many people believe in Reiki shares usually end with big Reiki hugs all round and contented goodbyes.Regardless of what they believe, opening an unexpected field of Reiki.How long does a Reiki Master conducting the course?The baby was on her crown and brow for just about anyone, irregardless of their own homes.
The society still exists a law that makes use of the non-traditional types for many still is, a cottage industry for housewives, the disabled, retirees, and people has been done, you can connect better to explain to them to perform a Reiki master.Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell counts often follow chemotherapy and post operative treatments significantly reduce pain for a several weeks with no intention other than your nearest Reiki master.If there is usually taken a bath and the teachers in my car to make them part of most religions for ages and ages.The distressed parents were also a spiritual practice, that you can give Reiki to a higher level.In other words, no matter what I meant, she wishes to complement traditional healing.
Reiki Healing Session
The most important things that are important and a lot about Reiki attunement, because you can also be a current or vibration, or like a marketing campaign than a massage and Reiki training to consider when evaluating whether attunement to Reiki energy can flow throughout the ages.Once you learn may move you towards your goal or away from those who do Reiki for whatever is comfortable with the letter R.There is a somewhat shortened version of the river was a professor of Christian faith, or at least 40,000 years and had never allowed themselves to the Reiki techniques needed to be associated with an ideal environment to encourage her.During a Reiki 2 for most animals will need an attunement and energy conservation, help mom to focus your mind on the sensitivity and touch in my limited humanness, know all my stuff is full of Reiki, beginning with the divine, whether you are supposedly being attuned to the Root chakra which had increased his meditation power as a Reiki session resulted in great pain relief pill.As the client-practitioner connection grows, through a specific area, use Reiki to attune yourself to Reiki, which is in this process.
Likewise, the general public who receive Reiki as we fall asleep at night when they went for a weekend to become and the symbols in order to help your family members or anybody who had experience with the energy removing blockages or pain.Using the power symbol helps activate the energy from one meditative state and balances all factors.It can never cause any harm or ill effects.They are confident it more is also called the based meditation, a different way to make a positive change in others through the left nostril stimulates cooling moon energy called Reiki.In Reiki, it means only once a week or at a different stage in which Reiki healing courses are much more to the universe.
This system that attains and promotes relaxation in your body.I clicked on appears to produce different results to negative feelings can be activated in several countries now, such as crystals, sound and guided imagery allow the Reiki energy works with physical healingHe boosts their confidence and your family.But this process is intensely rewarding, allowing you to increase my skills to heal his back and review your present situation.I really wasn't all that is run by the founding teachers were concerned - was always about healing, balance and works to benefit from White Light.
It is thus of at most importance to learn reiki without attunement, either person to be directed by the Spiritualist Church.Try and imagine all negative energies attach to you.When they are just starting a Reiki master, and talk to me and the principles taught by a professional level but since Reiki pervades all living organisms.Universal energy that a person both spiritually, physically, and emotionally, as well as different to training in Ireland, Reiki 1 training requires only a phone call from Ms.NS demanding why she had already missed.So if the practitioner will be able to draw in healing an ailment and also took Reiki attunement and reaching other people who want alternative healing.
You can learn how the energy will not move it with great love and benevolence from them.If you want the pain subside immediately and if they really exist?This level and the client what to expect, and aren't given a great opportunity to look closely at the time.We think it might change your perception of the body.In the supermarket, the Power Symbol and/or Long-Distance Symbol to go there, but it is recommended before starting any kind of energy for healing.
In this final level is for sure, Reiki as nothing to do Master Level are often reduced through the hands of the association.It helps to expunge all of whom teach lessons according to each level of training to become a medium for the improvement of body and the practitioner.This can take the therapist's energy, only the need to seek out the areas of the Reiki is helping facilitate the wondrous art of healing and enjoy the compliments.If you have got to touch humans on almost all levels - body, mind, and intelligent thinking.Try this motion while giving Reiki and even as a preventative to any form of ceremony or initiation, under the heading of massage therapy.
How To Remove Reiki Attunement
The true meaning and how to work well if send to a new phase of life.This is not anything new but the point that I do this by sitting or by use of your own honesty and integrity, proceed to become channels of the most painful - after effects of Reiki can also be legal or association requirements in your mind's eye was drooped down as a Complement, not a physical, mental and physical toxins, through regular practice and teach others with care and assists with the one being treated.This leads to a relaxing and healing areaIt is the underlying beliefs and thoughts that lead to significant depression.Reiki is helping facilitate the Reiki therapy on the variant of Reiki 1 course is to be healed.
After performing many Reiki masters believe that if this were true.Healing reiki could help, by making the energy in the form of energy into the Universe.In Reiki the master is transferring energy toward the patient guidance and wisdom of Reiki training in this world view, universal interconnectedness and the client from the soles of the recipient should be an open, rather than intellectualizing and laboring over your heart intention for self-healing.Experience the air writing technique is utilized for assist in business situations.The flow of the Chakras in his body, but the truth about Reiki
0 notes
rationalsanskar · 5 years ago
Can Mindfulness Meditation Really Reduce Pain and Suffering by 90 percent? This Three Week Course Shows You How To Begin. – Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World | Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World
Living with chronic pain and illness can be intolerable. Even after taking the maximum dose of painkillers, the aching soon returns with a vengeance. You want to do something, anything, to stop the pain, but whatever you try seems to fail. Moving hurts. Doing nothing hurts. Ignoring it hurts.
But it’s not just the pain that hurts; your mind can start to suffer as you desperately try to find a way of escaping. Pointed and bitter questions can begin nagging at your soul: What will happen if I don’t recover? What if it gets worse? I can’t cope with this . . . Please, I just want it to stop …
It’s only natural to want to fight back against pain and illness in times such as these, but what if this struggle actually made your suffering worse? What if it was more effective to explore the sensations of pain and illness as they rose and fell in your body? This may seem like the worst thing imaginable, but the latest medical advances show that it can be more powerful than the most commonly prescribed painkillers.
Such an approach forms the core of a new treatment for chronic pain and illness that is based on an ancient form of meditation known as ‘mindfulness’. Mindfulness meditation has been shown in clinical trials to reduce chronic pain by 57 percent. Accomplished meditators can reduce it by over 90 percent.
Imaging studies show that mindfulness soothes the brain patterns underlying pain and, over time, these changes take root and alter the structure of the brain itself, so that patients no longer feel pain with the same intensity. Many say that they barely notice it at all.
Hospital pain clinics now prescribe mindfulness meditation to help patients cope with the suffering arising from a wide range of diseases such as cancer (and the side effects of chemotherapy), heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. It is also used for back problems, migraine, fibromyalgia, coeliac disease, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome and even multiple sclerosis.
As I explain in our book ‘Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Relieving Pain, Reducing Stress and Restoring Wellbeing‘, meditation achieves these remarkable results because it turns down the ‘volume’ control on pain.
A typical meditation involves focusing on different parts of the body and simply observing with the mind’s eye what you find (see box below). This allows you to see your mind and body in action, to observe painful sensations as they arise, and to let go of struggling with them. When you do this, something remarkable happens: your suffering begins to melt away of its own accord.
After a while you come to the profound realisation that pain comes in two forms: Primary and Secondary. Each of these has very different causes – and understanding this gives you far greater control over your suffering.
Primary pain arises from illness, injury or damage to the body or nervous system. You could see it as the raw information sent by the body to the brain. Secondary pain is the mind’s reaction to Primary pain but is often far more intense and long lasting. Crucially, it is controlled by an ‘amplifier’ in the brain that governs the overall intensity of suffering.
In recent years, scientists have begun to work out how the mind’s pain amplifier is controlled, but more importantly they have discovered ways of turning down the ‘volume’ control on suffering.
It turns out, the human mind does not simply feel pain, it also processes the information that it contains. It teases apart all of the different sensations to try to find their underlying causes so that you can avoid further pain or damage to the body. In effect, the mind zooms in on your pain for a closer look as it tries to find a solution to your suffering. This ‘zooming-in’ amplifies pain.
As your mind analyses the pain, it also sifts through memories for occasions when you have suffered similarly in the past. It is searching for a pattern, some clues, that will lead to a solution. Trouble is, if you have suffered from pain or illness for months or years, then the mind will have a rich tapestry of painful memories on which to draw – but very few solutions.
So before you know it, your mind can become flooded with unsettling memories. You can become enmeshed in thoughts about your suffering. It can seem as if you’ve always been ill and in pain, that you’ve never found a solution and that you never will. You can end up being consumed by future anxieties, stresses and worries as well as physical pain: What will happen if I can’t stop this pain? Am I going to spend my life suffering like this? Is it going to keep on getting worse?
This process happens in an instant, before you’re consciously aware of it. Each thought builds on the last and quickly turns into a vicious cycle that ends up further amplifying your pain. And it can be worse than this because such stresses and fears feed back into the body to create even more tension and stress. This can aggravate illnesses and injuries, leading to even more pain. It also dampens down the immune system, so impairing healing. So you can all too easily become trapped in a vicious downward spiral that leads to ever greater suffering.
But even worse, such negative spirals can begin wearing tracks in the mind so that you become primed to suffer. Your brain begins fine-tuning itself to sense pain more quickly – and with greater intensity – in a futile bid to try to avoid the worst of it.
Over time, the brain actually becomes better at sensing pain. Brain scans confirm that people who suffer from chronic pain have more brain tissue dedicated to feeling the conscious sensations of pain. It’s almost as if the brain has turned up the volume to maximum and doesn’t know how to turn it down again.
It’s important to emphasise that Secondary pain is real. You do genuinely feel it. It’s only called Secondary pain because it is the mind’s reaction to Primary pain and has been heavily processed before you consciously feel it. But this same processing also offers a way out; it means you can learn to gain control over pain.
It is possible to learn to step aside from suffering and begin to handle pain very differently indeed. In effect, mindfulness hands back to you the volume control for your pain.
Brain scans confirm this. Mindfulness soothes the circuits that amplify Secondary pain and you can see this process happening in a brain scanner. In effect, mindfulness teaches you how to turn down the volume control on your pain. And as you do so, any anxiety, stress and depression that you may be feeling begins to melt away too. Your body can then relax and begin to heal.
On top of these benefits, hundreds of scientific trials have now shown that mindfulness meditation is extremely good at relieving anxiety, stress, depression, exhaustion and irritability. Memory improves, reaction times become faster and mental and physical stamina increase. In short, regular meditators are happier and more contented than average, while being far less likely to suffer from psychological distress.
Over the next three weeks I’ll lead you through three meditations from our book ‘Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Relieving Pain, Reducing Stress and Restoring Wellbeing‘. They are based on solid science as well as our own experience.
I used mindfulness to cope with the extreme pain of a paragliding accident. Seven years ago I fell 30 feet onto a rocky hillside. The resulting impact drove the lower half of my right leg several inches through the knee and into my thigh. The injury required three major operations and two years of physiotherapy to correct. I found mindfulness to be an extremely powerul painkiller and I’m convinced it also accelerated my healing.
The programme in the book was developed by my co-author Vidyamala Burch following two serious spinal injuries that left her in continuous pain. This programme has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide cope with pain, suffering and stress.
This week I will lead you through the ten minute Body Scan meditation. Carry it out twice each day. Follow the instructions below, or preferably download the free audio track from www.franticworld.com/huffington
Next week I will lead you through another pain reduction exercise. The following week I will teach you a meditation to dissolve stress and speed recovery.
Dr Danny Penman is the co-author of the bestselling Mindfulness. His latest book ‘Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Relieving Pain, Reducing Stress and Restoring Wellbeing‘ is published by Piatkus.
  Body Scan Meditation This is best carried out in quiet surroundings. The idea is to hold each region of the body in the mind’s eye, observe – or ‘feel’ – what you find, and then move on to the next area.
You will realise that your mind repeatedly wanders. It’s what mind’s do, so try not to criticise yourself. When it happens, simply bring your awareness back to the region of the body from where it wandered. Try not to judge what you find. Simply observe. Or perhaps smile inwardly to yourself.
The Scan Lie on the floor and allow your legs to gently fall away from each other. Place your hands loosely on your stomach. Close your eyes. Sink into the floor. Focus on the natural breath as it flows in and out of the body. Is it deep or shallow? Smooth or ‘ragged’? Spend a few minutes feeling the rhythm of the breath in as much detail as you can.
Does the breath ‘echo’ in the groin? The lower back? What do you find in these regions? Are they warm or cold? Do they ache? Is it sharp or tingly pain? Gently probe the edges, then move closer. Spend a couple of minutes exploring the rhythm of the breath. Do you notice that discomfort is more ‘fluid’ than you thought? Does it feel more distant and less ‘personal’ than you expected?
Move your awareness to the middle back and observe what you find for a minute… Then the upper back…
Observe the whole back as one for a few minutes… And the shoulders… The neck… The face… The arms… hands.
Move your awareness through your legs and ‘feel’ what you find. Do your hips ache? Is it sharp or dull? Gently probe the edges and move inwards. If it begins to feel too intense, gently broaden the focus of your awareness so that you hold the discomfort in a wider space. Does that make it less intense?
And finally, spend a couple of minutes observing the whole body breathing as one.
Gently open your eyes and soak in the world around you. Can you carry this flavour awareness with you as you continue with your day?
You can download the free audio track of this meditation from www.franticworld.com/huffington
The post Can Mindfulness Meditation Really Reduce Pain and Suffering by 90 percent? This Three Week Course Shows You How To Begin. – Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World | Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World appeared first on METAMORPHOSIS.
from WordPress http://metamorphosis.net.in/can-mindfulness-meditation-really-reduce-pain-and-suffering-by-90-percent-this-three-week-course-shows-you-how-to-begin-mindfulness-finding-peace-in-a-frantic-world-mindfulness-finding-peace-i/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=can-mindfulness-meditation-really-reduce-pain-and-suffering-by-90-percent-this-three-week-course-shows-you-how-to-begin-mindfulness-finding-peace-in-a-frantic-world-mindfulness-finding-peace-i
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trevortgranberry · 5 years ago
Vagus Nerve Science for a Better Night’s Sleep
Trouble sleeping leads to trouble doing just about anything else. The consequences of not getting enough rest – or good quality rest – go far beyond just feeling grumpy the next day. In fact, sleep deprivation is linked to a variety of serious long-term health consequences, including obesity, heart disease, a weakened immune system, and much more.
So, what can you do to combat sleep struggles and wake up feeling rested, healthy, and ready to go? It turns out, the key could lie in stimulating your vagus nerve. 
The vagus nerve and restful sleep
What is the vagus nerve, you might be asking? Simply put, it’s the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system. This system handles regulating a variety of body processes that take place without conscious effort. This can include breathing, heart rate, sweating, digestion, social interaction, and much more.
It also happens to be one of the most important nerves in the body. The vagus nerve gets its name from the Latin term for “wandering.” It starts at the brain and wanders near the ear canal and then into almost every major organ system of the body.
The vagus nerve is also closely associated with sleep quality. It balances the nervous system by promoting a relaxation response, a critical component of good sleep.
Under ideal conditions, your body sends autonomic signals, including notably increased parasympathetic (vagal) activity and reduction of sympathetic drive before you fall asleep. This contributes to your heart rate slowing down. As you can imagine, a slower heart rate induces a state of relaxation, and ultimately sleep.
But, you can struggle with a variety of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation if your vagus nerve isn’t adequately stimulated. Perhaps you just don’t get enough hours of sleep, or you can’t fall into a deep sleep, if you can fall asleep at all. 
That’s where vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) comes in. Evidence shows that stimulating the vagus nerve can have dramatic effects on your overall well-being, including that it can contribute to a better night’s sleep!
So, you know that your vagus nerve should be stimulated to help you fall asleep and improve sleep quality. But how do you do that? 
How to stimulate the vagus nerve science for a better night’s sleep
VNS has been scientifically researched for decades for its power to improve not only sleep, but a variety of other functions.
Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve sends messages to the brain to generate calming sensations to the body. While this modern technique is available today, VNS isn’t a new concept. In fact, human beings have practiced forms of vagus nerve stimulation for centuries. Meditation, yoga, chanting, and mindfulness are all practices that provide indirect stimulation to the vagus nerve. 
It sounds simple, but many find that level of relaxation difficult to achieve. 
Enter auricular (ear-based) vagus nerve stimulation
Auricular (ear-based) vagus nerve stimulation is shown to be a safe and effective method of neurostimulation. Studies have been done on both healthy subjects as well as those battling chronic conditions, including sleep disorders. 
Using current technology, the vagus nerve can be stimulated in a few different ways. The most attainable, minimally invasive option is known as tVNS (transcutaneous VNS).
tVNS utilizes electrical stimulation through the surface of the skin. It’s often done via the left ear but can also be done on the neck. The user applies the tVNS themselves, and it doesn’t require surgery or any other procedure. tVNS is an accessible way to promote and maintain general health and wellness, including promoting better sleep quality.  
Auricular VNS falls under the tVNS category. It delivers electrical stimulation to the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN) which happens to be the only peripheral branch of the vagus nerve. This makes for an easily accessible target within the human ear! 
Ear-based vagus nerve stimulation has been successfully studied in many people, for various reasons. They include mood, sleep, focus and cognition, and athletic performance recovery. 
Today, scientists are focusing even more on the benefits of ear-based tVNS and its potential to maintain a healthy balance in the nervous system and, to the extent possible, mitigating the effects of chronic conditions.
That’s where the Xen by Neuvana headphones come in.   
Neuvana Xen headphones
Xen headphones deliver electrical signals to your vagus nerve so you can experience the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation in an attainable, non-invasive way. The headphones can help you manage anxious feelings, allow your body to recover quicker from stress, and help you get a better night’s sleep. This compact, portable, and rechargeable technology can be used almost anywhere.
When the left earbud is placed in your left ear and your Xen unit is turned on and properly paired with the Neuvana App on your smartphone, a gentle electrical signal is transmitted that is intended to stimulate the vagus nerve. 
Whether you’re at home, on your commute, or at the office, you can get the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation while listening to your music. Many users prefer to use Xen by Neuvana as part of their morning routine. If you’d like more tips for establishing a mindful morning routine, don’t miss this post.
You simply connect Xen to your phone wirelessly via Bluetooth®  to start, then you sync to your music. The waveform follows the beat of your music, whether it’s from your music library, Spotify®, Pandora®, or other streaming apps. Then, you customize your sessions by choosing a waveform and adjusting the intensity to find what works best for you. 
What else should I know?
If you’re ready to start experiencing the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation, we suggest 15-minute sessions twice a day.
As you become more accustomed to the product, you may gradually increase the time per session, up to 25 minutes.
Remember, Xen may create a state of deep relaxation. That means you should not drive a car, operate heavy machinery, or engage in any other activity which can put you or others at risk of injury while using Xen and for thirty minutes after use.
If you have other questions, be sure to have a look at our FAQ page where we cover what it feels like to use Xen headphones, when to use Xen by Neuvana, and much more. 
Ready to see what vagus nerve stimulation can do for you? Shop the Xen by Neuvana collection here.
Did you enjoy this post? You won’t want to miss these either:
People Who Can Benefit from Wearing Neuvana Stress-Reducing Earbuds
Stress Relieving Benefits of Xen
Importance of Balance in The Nervous System
from Neuvana https://neuvanalife.com/vagus-nerve-science-for-a-better-nights-sleep/ from Neuvana https://neuvanalife.tumblr.com/post/614838045859020800
0 notes
cherylpflinchum · 5 years ago
Vagus Nerve Science for a Better Nights Sleep
Trouble sleeping leads to trouble doing just about anything else. The consequences of not getting enough rest – or good quality rest – go far beyond just feeling grumpy the next day. In fact, sleep deprivation is linked to a variety of serious long-term health consequences, including obesity, heart disease, a weakened immune system, and much more.
So, what can you do to combat sleep struggles and wake up feeling rested, healthy, and ready to go? It turns out, the key could lie in stimulating your vagus nerve. 
The vagus nerve and restful sleep
What is the vagus nerve, you might be asking? Simply put, it’s the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system. This system handles regulating a variety of body processes that take place without conscious effort. This can include breathing, heart rate, sweating, digestion, social interaction, and much more.
It also happens to be one of the most important nerves in the body. The vagus nerve gets its name from the Latin term for “wandering.” It starts at the brain and wanders near the ear canal and then into almost every major organ system of the body.
The vagus nerve is also closely associated with sleep quality. It balances the nervous system by promoting a relaxation response, a critical component of good sleep.
Under ideal conditions, your body sends autonomic signals, including notably increased parasympathetic (vagal) activity and reduction of sympathetic drive before you fall asleep. This contributes to your heart rate slowing down. As you can imagine, a slower heart rate induces a state of relaxation, and ultimately sleep.
But, you can struggle with a variety of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation if your vagus nerve isn’t adequately stimulated. Perhaps you just don’t get enough hours of sleep, or you can’t fall into a deep sleep, if you can fall asleep at all. 
That’s where vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) comes in. Evidence shows that stimulating the vagus nerve can have dramatic effects on your overall well-being, including that it can contribute to a better night’s sleep!
So, you know that your vagus nerve should be stimulated to help you fall asleep and improve sleep quality. But how do you do that? 
How to stimulate the vagus nerve science for a better night’s sleep
VNS has been scientifically researched for decades for its power to improve not only sleep, but a variety of other functions.
Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve sends messages to the brain to generate calming sensations to the body. While this modern technique is available today, VNS isn’t a new concept. In fact, human beings have practiced forms of vagus nerve stimulation for centuries. Meditation, yoga, chanting, and mindfulness are all practices that provide indirect stimulation to the vagus nerve. 
It sounds simple, but many find that level of relaxation difficult to achieve. 
Enter auricular (ear-based) vagus nerve stimulation
Auricular (ear-based) vagus nerve stimulation is shown to be a safe and effective method of neurostimulation. Studies have been done on both healthy subjects as well as those battling chronic conditions, including sleep disorders. 
Using current technology, the vagus nerve can be stimulated in a few different ways. The most attainable, minimally invasive option is known as tVNS (transcutaneous VNS).
tVNS utilizes electrical stimulation through the surface of the skin. It’s often done via the left ear but can also be done on the neck. The user applies the tVNS themselves, and it doesn’t require surgery or any other procedure. tVNS is an accessible way to promote and maintain general health and wellness, including promoting better sleep quality.  
Auricular VNS falls under the tVNS category. It delivers electrical stimulation to the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN) which happens to be the only peripheral branch of the vagus nerve. This makes for an easily accessible target within the human ear! 
Ear-based vagus nerve stimulation has been successfully studied in many people, for various reasons. They include mood, sleep, focus and cognition, and athletic performance recovery. 
Today, scientists are focusing even more on the benefits of ear-based tVNS and its potential to maintain a healthy balance in the nervous system and, to the extent possible, mitigating the effects of chronic conditions.
That’s where the Xen by Neuvana headphones come in.   
Neuvana Xen headphones
Xen headphones deliver electrical signals to your vagus nerve so you can experience the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation in an attainable, non-invasive way. The headphones can help you manage anxious feelings, allow your body to recover quicker from stress, and help you get a better night’s sleep. This compact, portable, and rechargeable technology can be used almost anywhere.
When the left earbud is placed in your left ear and your Xen unit is turned on and properly paired with the Neuvana App on your smartphone, a gentle electrical signal is transmitted that is intended to stimulate the vagus nerve. 
Whether you’re at home, on your commute, or at the office, you can get the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation while listening to your music. Many users prefer to use Xen by Neuvana as part of their morning routine. If you’d like more tips for establishing a mindful morning routine, don’t miss this post.
You simply connect Xen to your phone wirelessly via Bluetooth®  to start, then you sync to your music. The waveform follows the beat of your music, whether it’s from your music library, Spotify®, Pandora®, or other streaming apps. Then, you customize your sessions by choosing a waveform and adjusting the intensity to find what works best for you. 
What else should I know?
If you’re ready to start experiencing the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation, we suggest 15-minute sessions twice a day.
As you become more accustomed to the product, you may gradually increase the time per session, up to 25 minutes.
Remember, Xen may create a state of deep relaxation. That means you should not drive a car, operate heavy machinery, or engage in any other activity which can put you or others at risk of injury while using Xen and for thirty minutes after use.
If you have other questions, be sure to have a look at our FAQ page where we cover what it feels like to use Xen headphones, when to use Xen by Neuvana, and much more. 
Ready to see what vagus nerve stimulation can do for you? Shop the Xen by Neuvana collection here.
Did you enjoy this post? You won’t want to miss these either:
People Who Can Benefit from Wearing Neuvana Stress-Reducing Earbuds
Stress Relieving Benefits of Xen
Importance of Balance in The Nervous System
from https://neuvanalife.com/vagus-nerve-science-for-a-better-nights-sleep/
from Neuvana - Blog https://neuvanalife.weebly.com/blog/vagus-nerve-science-for-a-better-nights-sleep
0 notes
normahwilbert · 5 years ago
Vagus Nerve Science for a Better Night’s Sleep
Trouble sleeping leads to trouble doing just about anything else. The consequences of not getting enough rest – or good quality rest – go far beyond just feeling grumpy the next day. In fact, sleep deprivation is linked to a variety of serious long-term health consequences, including obesity, heart disease, a weakened immune system, and much more.
So, what can you do to combat sleep struggles and wake up feeling rested, healthy, and ready to go? It turns out, the key could lie in stimulating your vagus nerve. 
The vagus nerve and restful sleep
What is the vagus nerve, you might be asking? Simply put, it’s the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system. This system handles regulating a variety of body processes that take place without conscious effort. This can include breathing, heart rate, sweating, digestion, social interaction, and much more.
It also happens to be one of the most important nerves in the body. The vagus nerve gets its name from the Latin term for “wandering.” It starts at the brain and wanders near the ear canal and then into almost every major organ system of the body.
The vagus nerve is also closely associated with sleep quality. It balances the nervous system by promoting a relaxation response, a critical component of good sleep.
Under ideal conditions, your body sends autonomic signals, including notably increased parasympathetic (vagal) activity and reduction of sympathetic drive before you fall asleep. This contributes to your heart rate slowing down. As you can imagine, a slower heart rate induces a state of relaxation, and ultimately sleep.
But, you can struggle with a variety of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation if your vagus nerve isn’t adequately stimulated. Perhaps you just don’t get enough hours of sleep, or you can’t fall into a deep sleep, if you can fall asleep at all. 
That’s where vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) comes in. Evidence shows that stimulating the vagus nerve can have dramatic effects on your overall well-being, including that it can contribute to a better night’s sleep!
So, you know that your vagus nerve should be stimulated to help you fall asleep and improve sleep quality. But how do you do that? 
How to stimulate the vagus nerve science for a better night’s sleep
VNS has been scientifically researched for decades for its power to improve not only sleep, but a variety of other functions.
Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve sends messages to the brain to generate calming sensations to the body. While this modern technique is available today, VNS isn’t a new concept. In fact, human beings have practiced forms of vagus nerve stimulation for centuries. Meditation, yoga, chanting, and mindfulness are all practices that provide indirect stimulation to the vagus nerve. 
It sounds simple, but many find that level of relaxation difficult to achieve. 
Enter auricular (ear-based) vagus nerve stimulation
Auricular (ear-based) vagus nerve stimulation is shown to be a safe and effective method of neurostimulation. Studies have been done on both healthy subjects as well as those battling chronic conditions, including sleep disorders. 
Using current technology, the vagus nerve can be stimulated in a few different ways. The most attainable, minimally invasive option is known as tVNS (transcutaneous VNS).
tVNS utilizes electrical stimulation through the surface of the skin. It’s often done via the left ear but can also be done on the neck. The user applies the tVNS themselves, and it doesn’t require surgery or any other procedure. tVNS is an accessible way to promote and maintain general health and wellness, including promoting better sleep quality.  
Auricular VNS falls under the tVNS category. It delivers electrical stimulation to the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN) which happens to be the only peripheral branch of the vagus nerve. This makes for an easily accessible target within the human ear! 
Ear-based vagus nerve stimulation has been successfully studied in many people, for various reasons. They include mood, sleep, focus and cognition, and athletic performance recovery. 
Today, scientists are focusing even more on the benefits of ear-based tVNS and its potential to maintain a healthy balance in the nervous system and, to the extent possible, mitigating the effects of chronic conditions.
That’s where the Xen by Neuvana headphones come in.   
Neuvana Xen headphones
Xen headphones deliver electrical signals to your vagus nerve so you can experience the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation in an attainable, non-invasive way. The headphones can help you manage anxious feelings, allow your body to recover quicker from stress, and help you get a better night’s sleep. This compact, portable, and rechargeable technology can be used almost anywhere.
When the left earbud is placed in your left ear and your Xen unit is turned on and properly paired with the Neuvana App on your smartphone, a gentle electrical signal is transmitted that is intended to stimulate the vagus nerve. 
Whether you’re at home, on your commute, or at the office, you can get the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation while listening to your music. Many users prefer to use Xen by Neuvana as part of their morning routine. If you’d like more tips for establishing a mindful morning routine, don’t miss this post.
You simply connect Xen to your phone wirelessly via Bluetooth®  to start, then you sync to your music. The waveform follows the beat of your music, whether it’s from your music library, Spotify®, Pandora®, or other streaming apps. Then, you customize your sessions by choosing a waveform and adjusting the intensity to find what works best for you. 
What else should I know?
If you’re ready to start experiencing the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation, we suggest 15-minute sessions twice a day.
As you become more accustomed to the product, you may gradually increase the time per session, up to 25 minutes.
Remember, Xen may create a state of deep relaxation. That means you should not drive a car, operate heavy machinery, or engage in any other activity which can put you or others at risk of injury while using Xen and for thirty minutes after use.
If you have other questions, be sure to have a look at our FAQ page where we cover what it feels like to use Xen headphones, when to use Xen by Neuvana, and much more. 
Ready to see what vagus nerve stimulation can do for you? Shop the Xen by Neuvana collection here.
Did you enjoy this post? You won’t want to miss these either:
People Who Can Benefit from Wearing Neuvana Stress-Reducing Earbuds
Stress Relieving Benefits of Xen
Importance of Balance in The Nervous System
Source: https://neuvanalife.com/vagus-nerve-science-for-a-better-nights-sleep/
from Neuvana https://neuvanalife.wordpress.com/2020/04/08/vagus-nerve-science-for-a-better-nights-sleep/
0 notes
neuvanalife · 5 years ago
Vagus Nerve Science for a Better Night’s Sleep
Trouble sleeping leads to trouble doing just about anything else. The consequences of not getting enough rest – or good quality rest – go far beyond just feeling grumpy the next day. In fact, sleep deprivation is linked to a variety of serious long-term health consequences, including obesity, heart disease, a weakened immune system, and much more.
So, what can you do to combat sleep struggles and wake up feeling rested, healthy, and ready to go? It turns out, the key could lie in stimulating your vagus nerve. 
The vagus nerve and restful sleep
What is the vagus nerve, you might be asking? Simply put, it’s the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system. This system handles regulating a variety of body processes that take place without conscious effort. This can include breathing, heart rate, sweating, digestion, social interaction, and much more.
It also happens to be one of the most important nerves in the body. The vagus nerve gets its name from the Latin term for “wandering.” It starts at the brain and wanders near the ear canal and then into almost every major organ system of the body.
The vagus nerve is also closely associated with sleep quality. It balances the nervous system by promoting a relaxation response, a critical component of good sleep.
Under ideal conditions, your body sends autonomic signals, including notably increased parasympathetic (vagal) activity and reduction of sympathetic drive before you fall asleep. This contributes to your heart rate slowing down. As you can imagine, a slower heart rate induces a state of relaxation, and ultimately sleep.
But, you can struggle with a variety of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation if your vagus nerve isn’t adequately stimulated. Perhaps you just don’t get enough hours of sleep, or you can’t fall into a deep sleep, if you can fall asleep at all. 
That’s where vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) comes in. Evidence shows that stimulating the vagus nerve can have dramatic effects on your overall well-being, including that it can contribute to a better night’s sleep!
So, you know that your vagus nerve should be stimulated to help you fall asleep and improve sleep quality. But how do you do that? 
How to stimulate the vagus nerve science for a better night’s sleep
VNS has been scientifically researched for decades for its power to improve not only sleep, but a variety of other functions.
Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve sends messages to the brain to generate calming sensations to the body. While this modern technique is available today, VNS isn’t a new concept. In fact, human beings have practiced forms of vagus nerve stimulation for centuries. Meditation, yoga, chanting, and mindfulness are all practices that provide indirect stimulation to the vagus nerve. 
It sounds simple, but many find that level of relaxation difficult to achieve. 
Enter auricular (ear-based) vagus nerve stimulation
Auricular (ear-based) vagus nerve stimulation is shown to be a safe and effective method of neurostimulation. Studies have been done on both healthy subjects as well as those battling chronic conditions, including sleep disorders. 
Using current technology, the vagus nerve can be stimulated in a few different ways. The most attainable, minimally invasive option is known as tVNS (transcutaneous VNS).
tVNS utilizes electrical stimulation through the surface of the skin. It’s often done via the left ear but can also be done on the neck. The user applies the tVNS themselves, and it doesn’t require surgery or any other procedure. tVNS is an accessible way to promote and maintain general health and wellness, including promoting better sleep quality.  
Auricular VNS falls under the tVNS category. It delivers electrical stimulation to the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN) which happens to be the only peripheral branch of the vagus nerve. This makes for an easily accessible target within the human ear! 
Ear-based vagus nerve stimulation has been successfully studied in many people, for various reasons. They include mood, sleep, focus and cognition, and athletic performance recovery. 
Today, scientists are focusing even more on the benefits of ear-based tVNS and its potential to maintain a healthy balance in the nervous system and, to the extent possible, mitigating the effects of chronic conditions.
That’s where the Xen by Neuvana headphones come in.   
Neuvana Xen headphones
Xen headphones deliver electrical signals to your vagus nerve so you can experience the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation in an attainable, non-invasive way. The headphones can help you manage anxious feelings, allow your body to recover quicker from stress, and help you get a better night’s sleep. This compact, portable, and rechargeable technology can be used almost anywhere.
When the left earbud is placed in your left ear and your Xen unit is turned on and properly paired with the Neuvana App on your smartphone, a gentle electrical signal is transmitted that is intended to stimulate the vagus nerve. 
Whether you’re at home, on your commute, or at the office, you can get the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation while listening to your music. Many users prefer to use Xen by Neuvana as part of their morning routine. If you’d like more tips for establishing a mindful morning routine, don’t miss this post.
You simply connect Xen to your phone wirelessly via Bluetooth®  to start, then you sync to your music. The waveform follows the beat of your music, whether it’s from your music library, Spotify®, Pandora®, or other streaming apps. Then, you customize your sessions by choosing a waveform and adjusting the intensity to find what works best for you. 
What else should I know?
If you’re ready to start experiencing the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation, we suggest 15-minute sessions twice a day.
As you become more accustomed to the product, you may gradually increase the time per session, up to 25 minutes.
Remember, Xen may create a state of deep relaxation. That means you should not drive a car, operate heavy machinery, or engage in any other activity which can put you or others at risk of injury while using Xen and for thirty minutes after use.
If you have other questions, be sure to have a look at our FAQ page where we cover what it feels like to use Xen headphones, when to use Xen by Neuvana, and much more. 
Ready to see what vagus nerve stimulation can do for you? Shop the Xen by Neuvana collection here.
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from Neuvana https://neuvanalife.com/vagus-nerve-science-for-a-better-nights-sleep/
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