#like 1-800-DID-IASK
veshialles · 2 years
oh god random steam update for New Vegas why why why
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sodomymcscurvylegs · 6 years
First, fuck those anons, second, the fact that Kharlo actually talks about his life is what makes this such an amazing account to see in my homepage. Besides, if you’re gonna unfollow, we’re not gonna miss you. Love ya Kharlo! ❤️
Thanks, my dear! ❤️
I think with blogs and so on, people feel entitled. They think blog runners are providing them some sort of service and that gives them some sort of power to complain. I'm running a PERSONAL blog; if you like what I post, that's cool. If you don't, you can just unfollow, I won't be hurt by it. But going into someone's inbox to complain? Sis, this isn't customer service. LMAO.
If you wanna file a complaint please direct all queries to 1-800-did-iask.
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onallsidesbystars · 7 years
Someone just edited one of my posts to fit their opinions like 1-800-did-iask
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envysnest · 8 years
"How come it's a common theme in the goddamn reylo fandom who is seeing red over Kylo not being a virgin when he meets Rey." Nowhere in my fucking ask did I say he needed to be a virgin. When I read a reylo story, I want I read reylo. If it involves others or has explicit details of either of them fucking other people then I would just ask that it's tagged appropriately so I can avoid like the damn plague. Nobody said he had to be a damn virgin. I just don't want to read about his past fuckery.
call 1-800-did-iask
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deepslateemeraldore · 8 years
Can you stop tagging things as "boy" that don't need to be tagged as such? You do it too much and it's making me upset and angry that I can't get a boyfriend because boys don't like me because I'm annoying or whatever. Just fuck off with it
Sorry, I think you meant to dial 1-800-DID-IASK
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