#like 'that tickles' is also responsive in a way where you could read stuff into it
normalbrothers · 6 months
the problem is that in the german dub, when ada unbuttons arthur's shirt to write his name on his skin, what he says sounds like he's making a move on her and that was such a funny choice because what he's originally saying could have been translated very directly. what was the reason
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abbeym28 · 1 year
I Will
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Second drabble! This one is more centered around the reader and Megumi's relationship as the reader raises him with Satoru. 1,408 words this time <3 It does end with Gojo getting sealed and there is some angst, and I promise that Gojo is actually in it lol! Again can be read as a stand alone fic or in a series, but how I'm writing them right now there really isn't an order to them.
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Megumi snuggled closer into your side. You two were on a blanket looking up at the stars while Satoru was busy picking up Tsumiki from her after school clubs. They had run a little late, and with it being fall, the sun had left the sky and there were more things to look up at.
You know that Megumi really enjoys the night and the stars. He has told you about every other constellation and the history behind them on nights like this before, but tonight, he was just silent.
“What’s on your mind, sweet boy?” Megumi let one of your hands gently comb through the spikes of his hair. He hated when Satoru touched his hair, but he found it easy to trust you and let you mess it up.
“I… I’m really… glad you and Gojo got together. And that you are raising us.” A soft smile spread across your face without you knowing as you pulled him a bit closer.
“Oh Megumi. We are also so glad to have you with us. Have I ever told you that you are my favorite person in the whole world?” There was a small pout on his lips that made his cheeks chubbier as he lifted his head more so he could look at you.
Megumi didn’t ever really share things like this often, and it worried you a bit. Was something wrong? He slightly tugged on your sleeve, and you let him fiddle with it while you waited for him to say something else in response.
“Am I really your favorite person? Like, do you, like, love me more than Gojo? And Tsumiki?” You laughed a bit as you lifted the hand that wasn’t in his hair to his cheek as you stroked it softly. He leaned into your hand a bit, unconsciously. Your heart melted a bit.
Satoru did that too. They were a lot more alike than either of them would ever admit.
“Of course. Don’t tell either of them, but you are. Satoru and Tsumiki have each other, so that means you get to be my little boy.” he giggled slightly as you started pressing small kisses all over his face and when your hands started to gently tickle his sides. “You will always have me on your side, ‘k?” Megumi nodded as a rare look of joy was spread over his normally grumpy face.
“I will be on your side too. When you and Gojo get divorced, I’m going to live with you!” the sparkles in his eyes and smile on his face as he said that made you choke out a disbelieved laugh.
“Divorce? Sweety, we would need to be married first.” he just hummed in agreement as he again began to snuggle in closer to you. He must have been getting cold, so you grabbed your jacket that was laying next to you and set it over him. He curled up a bit more so that way he could get more warmth.
“Okay. Once you guy’s get married, I will take your last name, that way you really are my parent.” Scratch what you said earlier about him being quieter.
And where was he hearing all of this stuff?
“If we do get married, we don't all have to have the same last name. If that is okay with you and your sister, you guys could keep your own last name. And Satoru's clan would be upset if I married and didn't take the Gojo name. But if that is the case, you can’t call Satoru Gojo anymore. Otherwise, it will get confusing.”
Megumi’s eyebrows furrowed at that. Satoru had been trying for a solid year to get Megumi to call him anything other than Gojo (ie- his first name, dad, great protector, strongest one.)
The closest he’s come is the nicknames bitch and idiot.
(You suspect he got that from his school- you don’t like it but Gojo insists that it has a good educational system. You suppose that the only other school option you have is jujutsu high, but even with Megumi’s family lineage and cursed technique you have been doing your best to keep both of the kids away from that life. Besides, Satoru and Shoko both have dirty mouths that sometimes slip in front of the kids.)
“I don’t care for Satoru. I think we should kick him out.” That was a lie, and you both knew that it was. Despite his harsh words, Megumi cared for his “surrogate” dad even though he was still incredibly salty to him.
“I don’t think so. I still love him.” He let out a sigh that suggested he was both too tired and sick of this constant talk of your boyfriend.
The two of you lapsed back into silence.
That was until the front door was heard opening and you heard Satoru’s voice yell out, calling your names.
“Honey, I’m home!” You untangled yourself from Megumi as you both got up to greet the other two at the door.
“Hey.” you took bag the he was holding (Tsumiki’s school bag) as Satoru put Tsumiki on the ground after previously being on his shoulders. She ran into another room, most likely the kitchen, as Satoru got down knees and opened his arms.
You watched as he wiggled his eyebrows towards Megumi, who was standing on the sideline.
Megumi shook his head as a look of fear took over his features.
Satoru’s grin widened as he moved closer, close enough so that way he could sweep his feet off the floor as he pressed a flurry of wet kisses all over his kiss.
This was probably bad. Too much affection would probably stop the poor boy's heart. But soon enough both of their giggles filled up the space as Megumi called out uncle. He took a few seconds to catch his breath and readjust his clothes, but once he composed himself he sent a glare at Satoru.
“This is why I hate you. You are my least favorite person.” he then turned around and stalked off to his room. Satoru turned to you, his smile still very much on his face.
“I guess he’s reaching that age. Do you think it will get any easier once they are teenagers?"
“I do”
His eyes softened as he looked into yours, and one of his arms circled around your waist as he pulled you towards him.
He pulled in for a soft kiss, one that made you feel every gallon of he has for you and your small family of four, along for the future you all had together.
Once he pulled away, he kept his forehead against yours as he swayed back and forth a little.
“I don’t know what I would do without you.” Those whispered words warmed your heart. It seemed like today was a day of sweet confessions.
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You didn’t know how this had happened.
You held Megumi close to your chest as you felt his tears sink through your uniform.
Nanami was dead, Nobara’s condition was very unstable, some old curse had taken control of the body of an old friend, and your love had been sealed into a box.
Shibuya had gone wrong in all of the worst ways, in ways that led to you comforting your normally emotionless son as he weeped for a person he had spent his young years scheming against. Tears slipped past your eyes as you pressed a kiss on to the top of his head.
Itadori had eaten a lot of fingers, the Zenin clan had come to an end, Tsumiki was now in the culling games, and Principal Yaga had died at the hands of an unfair sentence.
“He’s the strongest. He’ll get out, right?” Megumi whispered the words, and they were almost too muffled for you to hear, but you heard them anyway.
The way he said sounded so hopeful, just as if he was back to being a boy who was scared by thunderstorms but who knew it would end soon.
“Of course he will, sweet boy. He will always come back to us.”
But even if your words let go of some of the tension from your son's shoulders, you almost found it hard to believe yourself. You didn’t doubt your husband, but this was a whole nother situation you had never thought of or prepared for.
This was not the future you had wanted for your family.
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sweetheartturtle2007 · 4 months
Hihi!! I'm back again, I was wondering if you could do cg hc for Chris and Martin from Wild kratts? Agere maybe a little petre? (White tiger) Also, a tiny thing I imagine is that we would play in tiger creature power suits! And go on adventure in the tiger creature power suits!!
I've recently restarted watching wild Kratts soon you're in perfect timing! 🐾👬
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They're both big brother caregivers, nobody can tell me otherwise.
They love to take you out on adventures with them, although aviva has to keep an eye out for them because of all the trouble they get themselves into.
Of course that doesn't mean that they're not responsible, you're always holding hands with Chris or martin when you're out.
They gave you a little notebook that you always bring on your adventures so that way you can write down everything you learn from animals.
Talking about books, they have gifted you lots of books about different animals from the ocean, forest, dessert, etc.
They both always carry a backpack where they have all the stuff they need for missions and they have another one where they keep all your stuff(bottles,blankies,snacks,books,toys,etc)
Chris loves to play with you, play pretend is one of his favorites but he also loves to play with your animal plushies and toys, he takes you out to play in the sun and go on search of new animals.
Whenever you and Chris come back from playing, you're both covered in dirt or mud, completely desalinated and tired from all the running and jumping you both do whenever you play.
Martin likes playing with you like that as well but he prefers to play and teach you at the same time. He gets you lots of activity books and enciclopedias. You both are always sitting at the table doing activity books, reading stories or coloring, all of that while having some delicious juice 🧃 and snacks (mostly cookies)
In the morning, one of the two Kratts is always holding your sleepy self in his arms while the other is cooking breakfast.
When aviva gave you your first power suit, they were both tearing up cause, THEY'RE SO PROUD OF YOU.
They loved when you turned into a white tiger, they immediately did the same as well and you 3 played for hours that day.
You'll be learning a lot about white tigers 🐯
The Kratts will prepare a little corner for you to play with your power suit. It's filled with toys and plushies.
Chris like to play chase with you while you're on your power suit, you'll chase him around turtle and tackle him to the ground and tickle him.
"HAHAHA m-martin h-help ! A w-white ahahaha t-tigers attacking me hahaha" he couldn't talk because of your tickling, you just kept laughing as you played with him. You do the same with Martin and the rest of the gang.
They're keeping you away from Zach of course, not only is he a bad guy, he has tried kidnapping you once.
I like to headcanon that martin and Chris can sing really well, soooo there are lots of Lullabies when you go to sleep.
Martin is kind of strict when it comes to your sleep schedule. "Look at the time lil fangs, time for bed, no no no don't give me that face, you're going to sleep." He's not mean, he just wants you to have a goodnight sleep :(
Chris sometimes lets you off, "what's so bad about missing some hours of sleep?" Yeah...he had to deal with your grumpy sleepy self the next morning and also get scolded by martin.
I also headcanon that they both like to eat healthy, so they prepare tasty and healthy meals for you.
Nicknames: martin: lil one, tiger, lil fangs Chris: squirt,lil adventurer, tiggy(tiger)
10/10 they're the best brother caregivers you could get.
Hope you liked this, sorry it took so long. Ive been kinda busy.
Here you go 🐯🙏💓
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wishitweresummer · 2 months
Somewhere Only We Know
( Hey guys! So, putting all this pressure on my series’ to come out on specific days and follow specific formats is just slowing me down. I’ll just release stuff when I can! This is one of my new series called Somewhere Only We Know!!! On this page you can find the SFW chapters, and anyone 18+ and interested can find the NSFW chapters on my ao3 or @darknightsofsummer !! You will be able to follow the plot even if you miss the NSFW chapters, so don’t stress about that. )
Basic plot- Dream is in prison and George turns to DreamXD for the things in his life he finds he’s suddenly missing. Their relationship turns complicated quickly. This is my fluffy and angsty love story for George and XD. 💜
Word count: 2182
Warning: Kissing and mature themes.
Meaning: The bright one.
The thing about XD was that he didn’t feel things the same way humans did. He also knew humans to lie for all sorts of silly reasons. The one thing XD knew he could rely on was the unconscious desires and wants that he could read off of any human’s skin.
Of course George knew what that meant for the…more mature parts of their relationship. But, he had yet to see any negatives come from XD’s strange vision. Until one night. One very flustering night. The night where XD pulled George’s bare foot into his lap to show it a little gentle affection, but George reacted like he was being electrocuted.
“You’re ticklish.”, he accused. But, George denied it. The silliest human; XD’s George.
An unmovable hand held George’s ankle tight while he begged like his life was in danger.
“You can’t do this to me!”, he cried. XD’s mask flashed an icy green with excitement.
“Why are you trying to get away? George, you know I’m stronger than you.”. XD delighted in the bright blush he earned. “I wish you could see just how your foot is lighting up with exactly how it wants to be tickled.”. George let out a horrified shriek at that.
“What are you talking about!”.
“George, you’re being silly. You know how I can see what you want lined across your skin.”.
“But, I don’t want to be tickled!!!”, he screamed, flustered beyond belief. George thought his heart would beat out of his chest. He knew there was no way to stop the god from doing whatever he wanted, and he knew there was no arguing with the god’s strange way he viewed the world.
George screeched as he was suddenly yanked down the couch by his ankle so he was laying on his back. XD crawled over him and scooped up his hands.
“You are as gorgeous as the night sky.”. XD’s mask flashed with dangerous colors that told George he was in trouble. The alternating mix of green and white gave George’s face a beautiful glow.
He always thought it was amazing how the lights and colors were never painful on his eyes. Learning how XD’s intentions were reflected in each flash had been easy. But now, George knew all too well exactly what he was in for.
“Thanks!”, he peeped, desperately hoping his quick response would shut down the god’s plan.
“You actually kind of look like the night sky at times like this. To me, at least. A very pale one. With pretty bright stars that are just begging to be connected.”. XD tugged once at George’s shirt and it was teleported away. The human could only whimper. “A ticklish constellation for me to admire. To make complete.”.
George’s hands were pinned above his head. He watched as XD’s hand trailed down his arm and slowly around his chest. He thought back to all the times that XD’s touch was just absolute perfection. The god saw and sensed things humans couldn’t, and the results from that were always mind blowing. The absolute horror of that fact made George’s blood run cold. How would that translate to tickling?
A sharp shriek flew from George’s lips as XD’s expert fingers suddenly focused in on one specific rib. He threw his head back and sucked in a shuddering breath before screaming with laughter. His ability to beg for mercy was lost instantly. The devious fingers found the perfect pressure to work the rib and he was completely helpless to the feeling.
“Wow I’ve never heard you laugh like that…ready?”. He wasn’t. XD spidered his hand down and pressed it into George’s stomach like a claw.
“Please!”, he gasped out. His damn hand was too big. George bucked up into the weight, but sudden and desperate laughter barreled through him. He was squirming back down into the couch in one second flat. XD’s mask glowed with teal-ish pride as he shook his clawed hand with terrifying accuracy into the ticklish muscles of George’s tummy. George convulsed at the feeling. It was like every one of the god’s fingertips were pressed perfectly in every spot to drive him crazy. He kicked the couch and screamed with laughter. Here, he was helpless.
XD loved his laugh. His favorite thing in the world was to make George happy. He was so screwed.
“Stop!! Please!!”, he cried.
“Alright I can go somewhere else. My constellation isn’t done yet.”.
“XD!!”, George screeched in terror.
Those fingers went crawling back up his side and danced dangerously near his open armpit, making George cackle loudly.
“You want me here really badly, huh?.”.
“No!! No no!!! XD!!!”, he squirmed and bucked wildly, but XD was not one to be shaken. “I’m serious!!”, his voice pitched up in his panic.
XD dipped his fingers into the soft delicate skin in the center of George’s underarm. George let out a little squeak before his screeching laughter took over again.
There were a million different little ways that George had known he was made for Dream. But, one of the strangest of them was that George found himself more sensitive and helpless under him than anyone else. The same spot Sapnap or Karl tickled him was three times more ticklish when Dream found it. He didn’t know what it was exactly, but when Dream had fallen into the mood to tickle George to pieces, he was always completely muffined. George would always be screaming in seconds. Much like now. Another bittersweet reminder. So many bittersweet reminders. Maybe one day he would get to ask Dream if his skin lit up with a weird little map of exactly how to tickle him like XD said…
“Not there!!”, he managed to shriek out between his endless peaks of laughter. He squirmed wildly, but there was absolutely no way to get out of the god’s grip. “It’s so bad!!”, he wailed. XD only giggled in amusement.
The tickly fingers relented in his armpit, but started to crawl back down his body again. Already fired up, George couldn’t stop giggling.
“There’s more places you want to be tickled.”, XD explained.
“Shut up!!”, George cried through his high pitched giggles. Every single little touch had him gasping and squirming. His cheeks burned at how giddy he sounded. Though, the cute little squeaks turned much louder when XD’s hand finally reached it’s destination.
XD grinned excitedly at the hilarious screeching George was making, but let up quickly.
“I didn’t even know I was ticklish there…”, George gasped out the words painfully, voice strained a little from the scream that had torn through him.
“Oh yeah? It’s pretty bright here.”, XD said and felt around George’s hipbone, making him squeal and buck. The god coo’ed. “It’s showing me exactly how to play with it to make you scream.”. George whined through his giggles, shaking his head desperately.
“Please don’t—!!“, he tried to speak but a scream interrupted his words as XD fiddled with his hipbone. He kicked helplessly as he cackled. “Please!!”.
“You love it.”.
“No I don’t!!!”, George yelled, embarrassed further. When would this torture end?
“George. C’mon, baby.”.
“You’re an idiot!!”, he barely got the words out before squealing and throwing his head back into the couch. “XD, please!”.
“I’m just playing with it!”.
“It tickles!”, George gasped through his laughter.
XD let up and shrouded George in a light pink light. It was filled with amusement and love. Under it, George burned. He fought his giggles as hard as he could, but they kept slipping out all breathless and cutesy.
“Why are you pretending you don’t like this?”.
“I don’t.”, he whined. XD shook his head.
“Your nerves are telling a different story, Georgie. It’s just like your lips that want me to kiss them. They are bright. Begging me to interact.”.
“That’s different.”, George huffed and blushed harder. He didn’t see himself surviving this.
XD leaned down fast, making George let out a startled giggle.
“You want a kiss?”.
“You want to be tickled?”.
“No!”, George whined, but relaxed when warm lips enveloped his own.
“Liar.”, XD whispered into the kiss, then pulled away to grin down at the huffy human. “George, you lie all the time.”.
“No I don’t!”.
“Remember when you told me that a traditional engagement gift is to present the giftees with a Potion of Regeneration for their—“.
“Stop!”, George interrupted, giggling. Sapnap’s face had been priceless when XD had presented it to him with a speech about how he hoped his wedding night would be long and fruitful or something. “That’s different.”.
“Okay. Then, what about you telling me Quackity could fly. Or telling me that Skeppy and BadBoyHalo were dating. Or the time you-“.
“Okay!”, George whined. “Those were like, jokes! But, this isn’t funny!”.
“Hm…you’re laughing though.”, XD replied smoothly as he wiggled his fingers above one of his armpits.
“Don’t!”, the human burst into panicked giggles.
“Why is it your armpits are summoning me here, huh?”.
“It’s just a bad spot!”, George hiccuped through his giggles and curled to the side a little. It was almost like he could feel it already. “Please, I’ll die!”.
“I would never let you die.”, XD said quietly. It was a little promise that George knew he could believe. He hadn’t been in danger once since him and the god had started flirting with this little…relationship? Well, he had. But, XD would just blink him out of trouble.
“But, you’re tickling me to death!”.
“I am the god of tickling.”.
“You’re the god of being an idiot!!!”.
XD tsked at the insult, then dropped his hand down to tickle into the waiting armpit. George twisted and shrieked, laughter quick to pour out of him in loud peals. In an area so intense, he lost his ability to beg.
It was awful. George had been tickled there a million times before, but this was so much worse. It was like XD knew exactly the perfect amount of pressure to use on exactly what spot to drive him completely crazy. How would he survive this? Tears streamed down his face as he laughed. His laughter was wild and hysterical. Screams of ticklish anguish pressed out of him as the tickling continued, relentless on such a sensitive spot.
“Please!”, he peeped out.
“I love your laugh.”, XD murmured happily. Oh, he was so fucked. Everything in him was screaming for mercy. His body was convulsing against his will and his lungs were burning from the laughter he couldn’t stop.
George was sure no one had ever targeted his worst spot for so long. He shrieked out a long string of unintelligible protests. He wanted to think of things to say or do to make the torture stop, but his mind was blank.
A squeak flew from his lips as the ticklish hand suddenly pulled away and a kiss was pressed into his armpit.
“Freak!”, he shrieked, full to the brim with hysterical giggles. XD laughed, beaming with nothing but happiness.
“You’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen George.”, XD said fondly. “I love to see you squirm and freak out. I can’t get enough. I’m so happy you’re ticklish.”.
“I’m going to get you back!”, he gasped out. He was desperately trying to catch his breath before the next attack.
“Oh, I’m not ticklish.”.
“What! That’s not fair!”.
“Only silly little humans would burst into chaos from something as simple as a touch.”, XD said and trailed his fingertips down George’s chest to make him squirm.
“It’s more than a touch! It’s literally torture!!”.
“Mmhm…”, XD trailed his hand down. He suddenly drew his nails softly in a strange curve that crossed his stomach and sides. George couldn’t help but buck and squeal, falling into giggles.
“How are you doing that!”, he whined.
“I told you. Your skin is telling me exactly where to touch, baby. You’re all lit up. Here…here…here…”.
“Stop!!”, George cried through his laughter as he squirmed under XD’s terrifyingly accurate touch as it danced across his torso.
“It changes. But, it’s a lot baby. You don’t want me to stop.”.
“It’s just showing you where I’m ticklish!! Stop saying I want it!!”, George screeched the last part, embarrassed. XD laughed.
George was…everything. The light. The sun and moon. XD thought he had known and experienced everything. But, love. He knew he could face anything now that love had changed him. Even the tragic future he knew he had in store. Everyday he bathed in the love he felt for George and everyday he cherished it. Cherished him. He would do anything to make George happy. With his laughter washing over him in waves, he felt warm.
“I love you.”, he said softly as he stopped. George flopped back against the couch when XD released him. His giggles were light and pretty. “Forever.”.
“I know.”, George smiled and then tried to hide his face before XD could pry his hands away. “Stop!”.
XD dropped down and nuzzled into George’s neck, soaking in the happiness that they shared for the night.
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ichijager13 · 2 years
Teach me how to be loved
Chapter I
Cold heart and hands and aptitude
Pairing : Eren Jäger x reader
Characters: Eren Jäger, Annie Leonhart, Pieck Finger.
Tags: Unhealthy copping mechanism, unhealthy relationships, childhood trauma, physical and verbal abuse, self-esteem and trust issues, domestic violence, implied/ referenced cheating and a touch of sweet, lovable and non fuckboy Eren Jäger
Masterlist, AO3,  Playlists : Reader’s POV, Eren’s POV
A/N: It’s been a while since I posted something, it was because of this fic. I came up with the idea over a month ago and started a draft but was too afraid to engage.
This work contains a detailed description of physical and verbal abuse, please read the tags.
Also, if you are a victim of any form of domestic abuse, please seek help. I know it’s not easy but it’s better than being stuck in this endless vicious cycle.
I also would like to thank you for all the support you give me and for the reactions. I hope you like this story because it means a lot to me. Stay safe please.
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A quiet groan left you at the feeling of the sunlight that peeked through the curtains tickling your heavy eyelids. Trying but failing to go back to sleep, you opened your eyes. It took you a moment to realize that this wasn’t your bedroom. You turned your head and stared at the man sleeping next to you. long and silky brown hair covered half of his face while the other was buried in the pillow he hugged. The bed sheets were tucked underneath his armpits leaving his broad shoulders bare. You could easily make up the traces your nails left on his sun-kissed skin.
Carefully and with calculated moves you slipped out of bed. once you succeeded to leave it without waking him up, you started your quest in looking for your items. You released a sigh of relief when you located all your stuff. After typing a quick text, you got dressed making sure to not make the slightest noise.
So far, you were running on autopilot. Another weekend evening where you ended up in a stranger’s bed, waking up the next morning, getting dressed, informing Annie and Pieck -your friends- you are still alive, and sneaking out of the man’s house before he wakes up.
You were about to pick up your high heels and leave when you heard the bedsheets shift. You froze praying he was just moving in his sleep.
You cringed when his raspy voice resonated in the quiet room. “Has anyone told you before that you have a nasty habit?” you squeezed your eyes shut and cursed your bad luck. There was nothing you hated more than the awkwardness of the morning after. “Were you going to run away like the other times?” you managed to put on a neutral expression before you peered over your shoulder.
Your breath hitched when you glanced at the handsome man sitting on the edge of his bed. You slowly turned facing the sleepy man as your eyes drank on the sight offered to you. not bad at all, you told yourself. you had to summon all your forces to pull your eyes off his lean figure and toned body.
You were met with vibrant green eyes that peered at you once he pushed back the strands of hair covering his face which made looking away even harder.
you faked an apologetic smile before you spoke. “I have an urgent matter that I need to take care of”. You tried to focus and keep your eyes on his face while speaking but you couldn’t resist following the movements of his hand rubbing the back of his head. You scolded yourself for giving in to your perverted desires and followed. “I didn’t want to bother you at such an early hour”.
“How thoughtful”. He cooed as a wicked smirk lifted the corners of his mouth. “You must be a very busy person then. I take it, that was the case the previous two times”. You could hear the sarcastic tone as he made his way toward your stiff figure.
You opened and closed your mouth several times before you finally asked, uncertain. “Two times?” your eyes narrowed. Visibly amused, he nodded in response and how you hated that stupid smirk that he displayed.
You inhaled deeply while scanning the room looking for hints that might trigger your memory. He stood there in front of you watching your face fall when you remembered the familiar window wall and the view it offered of the park and the river crossing the city. You baited your lower lip in frustration. You remember him now, you slept with him a month ago.
Your mind wheels raced a bit trying where you met him. “A gala organized by a downtown gallery”. He spoke as if he knew what was on your mind. You mentally kicked yourself for committing such a mistake before glaring at him. a sly grin adorned his face, he was certainly enjoying putting you through this. you were about to turn your back on him when something ticked in your head. He said two times, you squinted your eyes studying his face and trying to remember when the other time happened. Your train of thought was interrupted by your ringtone. It was Pieck.
You threw suspicious looks his way before taking the call. “Good morning… yes. Oh, but Annie is out of town… No, I didn’t…. I told you last night I don’t have them on me… Don’t worry, I’ll try to find a solution… No, no, there’s no need to”. You glanced once again at the tall brunette facing you before mumbling. “Yeah… good... Listen, we’ll talk about this later”. you cursed your friend’s curiosity. “Okay, I’ll call you once I get there”. you stuttered feeling heat creeping up your face. “Goodbye”. You pressed the button putting an end to your friend’s questions. “Well, they are waiting for me. I have to go now. I’m glad you are doing fine”. You wore a tight lip, nervous smile. While you cried internally at the thought of him understanding that the last seconds of the call were about him. you glanced one last time at him before turning your back. But he was faster than you, he wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled you against his bare chest before you managed to move. A shiver ran down your spine at the feeling of his arms looping around your waist.
You sucked in a deep breath the moment his lips grazed the thin skin of your nape. Unable to move, you formed a tight fist feeling his mouth traveling along your neck leaving wet kisses that made your heart skip a beat.
“Let me take you on a date”. he breathed against your ear shell and you cursed your bad luck for the second time this morning.
You gathered every ounce of resolve you had left and opened your mouth. “I’m afraid it’s not possible”. you pressed your palms against his torso pushing him slightly. “I don’t date”. you added in a monotone voice. And that’s exactly why you always leave before they wake up. this is the part you hate the most.
“A lunch then?” His grip tightened around your waist. “Not a date, just two grown-ups enjoying a meal together”. His lips -the same lips that made you release unholy noises the night before- ghosted your skin as he spoke.
“Sorry”. You mumbled and he immediately released you. and you hated how for a split second you regretted the absence of his warmth. You stepped out of his room before you do something you’d end up regretting.
“Damn, girl”. Annie gasped at the end of your story. “You should stop banging guys when you are half conscience”. She added before sipping at her coffee. Frowning she glanced at Pieck for backup.
Pieck nodded before speaking. “Have you remembered when the other encounter happened?”
You hide your face in your hands releasing a frustrated groan. “No, and it’s driving me crazy”. You rumbled.
She hummed. “How about you take a pause”. She mused. “You’ve been doing this for over a year now. The way you are taking things lately is…”. She paused trying to pick the right word. “It’s unhealthy, what you are doing to yourself”.
“But it’s the only way to keep my mind off things”. You murmured ashamed. “And it sometimes feels so good”. you added when events from last night resurfaced. “It’s addictive”. You confessed recalling the feeling of his big hands kneading your burning skin and his lips against yours.
“Was he that good?” Pieck scoffed and you nodded looking down.
Annie slapped her. “You’re not helping”. She mouthed. “There are other ways to keep it off them, healthier ones”. The blue-eyed woman spoke softly.
You only shrugged before taking a bite from the strawberry shortcake Pieck made. “God, the taste is heavenly”. You let your head fall back enjoying the divine taste.
“It’s your recipe”.
“Really?” you sat straight, eyebrows shot up your forehead.
“Yes, you would’ve remembered if you weren’t busy getting laid whenever you had a chance”. Your friend taunted causing the three of you to burst into laughter.
“Stop slut-shaming me”. you huffed. “I bet you're jealous”. You pointed pulling your tongue at her.
“I, for sure wouldn’t forget about him if he is as handsome and as good as you claim he is”.
“Pieck”. Both you and Annie hissed.
Thoughts of his large shaft stretching you filled your mind. No one other than him left you a panting mess with each thrust he made.
“Porco wouldn’t be pleased if he heard you saying such a thing”. Annie taunted the dark-haired woman who rolled her eyes at her. The blonde turned her attention to you. “Armin will be absent the next weekend. How about putting a halt to your bad habits and we spend the weekend together?”
“Oh, yes, please”. Pieck pouted tugging at your forearm. “And could you please bake something. Like the old days”. Pieck pursed her lower lip further and batted her lashes at you.
“Are you alright there?” A deep husky voice inquired once he was fully inside of you. a satisfied sigh left your bruised lips when you started to adjust to his presence. A warm hand cupped your face softly and you relaxed and leaned into his touch. “Ready?” he asked after he kissed you. you nodded and he started dragging himself out and inside of you. at first, he was moving slowly but it didn’t take him long to pick up the pace. With each thrust, he reached that spot that made your toes curl and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. The shaky moans that dropped from your swollen lips made him lose his mind. He couldn’t get his eyes off you, not when you looked this beautiful. face contorting and body reacting to his touch.
Annie’s soft and cheerful voice calling your name startled you. with hazy eyes you stared at both your friends trying to recall what were you talking about.
“He must be something else”. Pieck joked. “I’ve never seen you like this before”. A breathy chuckle left her chest. “I still don’t understand why you refused his invitation”.
“You know why”. You answered dryly. “Both of you do”.
“But that’s another thing”. Annie’s soothing tone made you feel less tense. “Don’t you think it’s time to move on?”
“Who said I didn’t?” you snapped interrupting the blonde before a single word rolled off her tongue. “I’m trying to have fun that’s all. Didn’t you say I should go out and enjoy myself more?” you rose your hand cutting your friend once more. “I don’t wanna do the same mistake again, once is more than enough”.
“Anyway, can the three of us meet at my place this weekend?”
“Works for me”. you spoke cutting another piece of the cake.
you both glanced at Pieck waiting for an answer. “Count me in, I’m sure he can survive a night or two without me”. she pulled her tongue.
“Then it’s settled”. Annie’s smile was so bright it could light up the whole city.
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tufzy-baybey · 1 year
could i have some caregiver hanzo, lifeweaver and/or ramattra headcanons with/for an adult regressor please? (*^‿^*) your hcs so far have been so cool and give me so much comfort ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
I'm so sorry I didn't post this as quickly as possible i currently have a bunch of finals lol ٩(๑꒦ິȏ꒦ິ๑)۶
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You do have to explain to him how your coping mechanisms work, he asks a few questions then and there, and listening very well, even if he stays quiet for a bit.
After a few questions he seems to understand really well, like once you explain it to him once he's already got it!
As someone with a lot a trauma he understands your struggle (╥﹏╥)
He really wants to help you, like he doesnt want your mental health no where near his, so when he found out you don't really have a caregiver he practically just assigned himself to the job lol
What I mean by this is that he happened to be around when you were age regressing, and literally just went with it as a caregiver.
As time went on you both accepted you roles, with the occasional question just to make sure no ones uncomfortable :3
First time he wasn't perfect, obvi!
He just made sure he was in the room with you, making sure you were happy while in little space.
You definitely tried to interact with him a few times, but since he didn't really know what to do he would give you quick responses and a pat on the head, while he read himself a book, he was scared of doing something wrong, but he simply made sure he was near you <3
After a while he gets a lot more comfortable with being your caregiver, so don't worry!
Definitely gives you two blue dragon plushies?!?! You take them everywhere in case you need comfort and it just melts his heart like???
He loves babying you so much.
Baby voice baby voice BABY VOICE
In a way, this has also become a coping mechanism for him, caring for someone when before he did the opposite </3
Both of you need each other at the end of the day, romantic, platonically, or whatever! You both heal a little by each day. ♡
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Life Weaver ain't no wife leaverrrrr
I don't really know much about life Weaver other than he's gay and pretty chill lol
When you tell him your coping mechanism, you don't have to explain to him, he already knows, doesn't say how he knew though.
When you told him you currently had not caregiver, he asked if you'd like for him to take on the role.
You two talked about it a little more, a lot more communication! :3
Be prepared for a bunch of lotus/flower themed gifts! (Mostly baby stuff though)
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All for cuddling with you if you ask!
You both communicate a lot to make sure none of you guys are uncomfortable or want anything specific :3
Definitely puts on winx club depending on how far down you agere (you cannot tell me he didn't watch that show! He so pretended to be a fairy!)
Tinkerbell franchise too!
Lots of baby snacks for you!
Mostly fruit cut out by a flower or heart shaped cookie cutter (≡^∇^≡)
He loves spoiling you and playing games with you so much it makes him so happy to see you be so comfortable around him <3
Some tickle monster attacks! But does not tickle you for more than like 20 seconds, doesn't want you overstimming, or possibly because some people don't like too much tickling :3
Forehead kisses!
Doesn't matter what your relationship is outside of your coping mechanism, you two are real close, he'll just pop out into your house and just hang out, same goes with the other way around!
Totally plays dolls (BARBIE AND WINX DOLLS, some are monster high too!)
(Sorry there isn't a lot of content for lifeweaver :'3)
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I swear I could do a better job at decorating Ram's banner but j couldn't find anything good on picsart ಥ_ಥ
I decided to cut this in two parts, since Ram has a lot of past trauma with humans, so one part is specifically for an omnic reader. (But some human reader headcanons do apply to the omnic ones!)
Omnic specific
You two have known each other since the omnic crisis, but you two were never that close.
The whole crisis did bring everyone together though, there were times where groups of Omnics would simply relax, cuddle (at least imitating the act if cuddling) and repair each other, it became a way of bonding, in a way.
After the omnic crisis however, you, Ramattra, Zenyatta, and a few other omnics became a lot more closer.
After one day of just hanging out with Zenyatta and Ramattra, you confess about your coping mechanism.
Zenyatta feels so enlightened now that you found a way to cope and to heal from your suffering.
Ramattra however, feels a little sad, he is happy to see you healing, but he can't help but feel you wouldn't have to heal if you weren't broken up into pieces during the omnic crisis o(ㄒoㄒ)
You were never really a child, but age regressing helps you feel safer, took you to an Imaginary place and time with no omnic crisis, no trauma, no baggage..
Ramattra didn't know you currently didn't have a caretaker, but didn't investigate on that part.
(Kinda like hanzo) he legit just started to take care of you during little space!
He's a lot more physically affectionate, hugging you and cradling you around.
Human version!
(Again some of these can apply to omnic readers, that's why I just wrote more of a backstory back there!)
You and Ram both met by Zenyatta, you were one of his students.
Ramattra obviously didn't like you at first, just like Genji he very much did not trust you at all!
He learned about your age regressing through Zenyatta (with permission ofc!)
He's still skeptical around you, but no longer sees you as a physical threat (never really saw you as one anyways) but he's a lot less rude and suspicious around you.
The more Ram learned about you the more pity he felt for your experiences.
He accidentally walked in on you in your little space (whether it was uncontrollably age regressing or planned) he was a little taken aback, because he didn't exactly plan on what he'd do if he was with you during your little space.
You were like a nervous child, hiding and peeking out of your hiding place when you saw him, you knew your relationship wasn't the best exactly. :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
He saw this as you being vulnerable, which you were to him; he didn't want to do anything that would change your perspective of him negatively or change your relationship negatively, he was just starting to like you too! Ó╭╮Ò
After a but of silence, you thought he was just gonna walk away. But he just sat down, cross legged.
Once he sat down you crawled out of your hiding space, still a little nervous.
Surprisingly he started the conversation, asking why you are alone, especially in little space, you sat cross legged too in front of him, and quietly explained you don't have anyone to really take care of you, but you still manage.
After a few seconds of processing, he finally speaks up, "Then...I shall..supervise you until then." He said, a little hesitation in his voice, he didn't want to sign up to something he wasn't experienced in, but he also didnt want you alone vulnerable, his mind would spiral into all the different (and some not-so-logical) ways you could get hurt during little space, if it weren't for you lighting up hearing his proposal. He found that kinda wholesome and cute in a way, not that he would voice it out loud though.
Even though he didn't exactly say he was your caretaker, in a way it was since you never really got a replacement for him, not that you needed to though <3
He's a bit more on the quiet side on the few first days, when ever you would accidentally touch him he couldn't help but flinch, he'd apologize under his own imitation of a breath, but he definitely wasn't at fault, he's a very traumatized omnic ಥ_ಥ
Slowly but surely he does get comfortable with you, he won't flinch with you touch him and he's more talkative towards to in a more natural way.
He'll never tell you this but he finds taking care of a someone smaller and vulnerable makes him feel at peace somehow, like it makes him feel better for all those omnics he couldnt help..
You'd have to ask him to carry you and cuddle first, otherwise he won't initiate anything, at this point he's no longer scared or suspicious of you, he's just scared to accidentally hurt you in a way where he won't be allowed to take care of you anymore :(
He's a little stiff and awkward when cuddling or cradling you, you would have to reassure him a few times you'd be okay!
He needs LOTS of communication or body language to understand what makes you most comfortable and safe.
On his free time he'd definitely carve and paint some wooden toys for you, but if someone walks in on him he'd simply say it's a carving of something else, if it's you however he won't bother hiding it (unless it's a surprise, but poor guy he's so obvious when hiding something you already know when he's doing it)
He loves to examine your face, either just cupping it and staring at you, or gently pinching your cheeks, tracing your eyebrows and booping your nose!
He's very attentive, if something is slightly off with your body language or your tone, he will definitely ask if there's something wrong or worse, if there's a human making you feel negatively.
Don't get me wrong he really likes you at this point, but that doesn't mean he likes other humans! (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
Not used to name calling, maybe just call him Ram, Rammy or any other nickname instead of parental nicknames :3
In a way, healing yourself also heals Ramattra in a way, so it's a win-win situation.
He is still very much traumatized, and he definitely feels uncomfortable when he's in a vulnerable situation with you, it's nothing against you, things like that just take a lottttt of time (〃∀〃)ゞ
Also lots of star gazing or meditating in the woods (he'd be meditating and you'd probably be in his lap playing with your wooden toys)
Sometimes small animals come to examine what you two are doing, they either get scared by your sudden movement or get scared, Ramattra doesn't mind either way, as long as you aren't getting into any trouble like getting into poison ivy lol. ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
In the end of the day, you two are good friends, after a bit of time you will most likely get closer, into what you two become is up to you :3
This took a while to get out and I'm sorry for that lol! Anyways I love you and keep age regress safely <333
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We finished our first full playthrough with friends (four player characters, no NPC / origin character companions in the party).
Obvious bg3 spoilers because big brain = big bad.
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It was loads of fun, I genuinely got myself a console just to play it myself. I like RPGs like DnD but this is on another level. It is such a rich game to explore and my adhd brain is well suited to chasing butterflies and unearthing side quests and little bits of lore away from the beaten track.
Granted, the intense final combat was a bit much for me, so once we finished the game I hopped back into my solo save where I could complete Astarion's quest and do the graveyard smash ;)
So lucky to have a similarly nerdy, ND partner who romanced Lae'zel and can't say SHIT about my elven vampire cutie fangirling. I blame it on reading Anne Rice when I was 12.
Additionally, I'm lucky to have a friend group where we can play RPGs digitally and in real life! We have a loose dnd / BESM rules game going, and we are starting another one using the rules of In Nomine. I tend to draw in my notebooks as I play RPGs, it helps me concentrate. At first folks thought it was rude, but I explained and all of my group are super cool about it now 😁
It is 2:30am. Way too hyped off video games and a busy night volunteering with kids before that. My flood defences activity with 24 unruly kids was a success as well, so still coming down off that high.
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Also, fuck, I had a huge boost in respect for the writers on this game as more and more of Astarion's story is told. He was sent out to seduce people, "using his body". Anyone who has had their quota of shitty relationships / meaningless sex / abusive / unhealthy treatment in their lives knows that it leaves a bit of mental scarring and all of the unpacking it takes to get healthy again. Reading into it with Astarion's story is so refreshing. He doesn't stay broken, but he has to work through it first.
His need for autonomy is key in this, and he has actual boundaries and as a player you can respect them and then it improves the romance / approval/ relationship mechanics! Your actions being informed by your level of understanding of trauma and healing impact how he is able to recover.
For a part of the game you're not actually sleeping together and it makes sense.
I have actually seen quite a bit of online discussion around all the various options of intimacy in the game <5 way in sharess' caress> and apparently he has a line about "being a million miles away". That's straight up dissociation to cope with being in that situation. Kudos to the team writing lines for a character who is objectifiable, who ends up participating in elaborate sex, but then that character is still able to share an authentic and believable response about how they went into survival-dissociative mode... it just really struck a chord with me. You can consent and be willing to do stuff, but you might not be "fully there", for your own survival.
Personally, I met the best partner for me through a dating app, as my era of dating and hookups slowed down. I definitely had some prior shitty experiences where I wasn't safe or even in control. We waited a bit before actually doing the deed, and it was better (for one thing I wasn't drunk). As I have since got diagnosed with adhd and learn more about sensory differences I have realised how easily I get overwhelmed but still crave extremes of stimuli in certain ways. No smothering hugs or soft strokes that tickle skin, but a deep pressure or even a scratch is better for me. My partner listens and doesn't push those boundaries.
In the context of this game and this character, I have been realising that I coped with a lot of previous physical encounters by "being a million miles away" or not valuing my own autonomy. The writers clearly know about surviving this shit and actually created a fantastic character with tons of nuance and vitality (for an undead vampire spawn).
Tl;Dr good game, great writing.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
This is one of my hypotheticals, with the caveat that the thought of Jaune and Cinder with anybody else makes me cry and throw things - but I can put it aside for a moment.
So you all don't see the sort of stuff I get in my inbox, and before Tumblr changed its rules there was someone who left a lot of spam about Jaune/Ruby. I hope he's okay after Volume 9. But the irony of it, of course, is that he viewed me as an enemy when Jaune/Ruby - with the stipulation of developing the Penny Problem properly, which they didn't (for the purposes of romance, I mean) - is the only other plausible Jaune ship I think I could tolerate in canon.
That's partly because Cinder-Ruby and Jaune-Oscar are twinned already - the first two even more prominently, but Jaune/Cinder and Ruby/Oscar are effectively edgy and light versions of each other as pairings - and partly because it avoids that gross replacement goldfish implication of Pyrrha warming Weiss' spot. I also like the development of their interactions generally, and if you leant in a much darker direction (like the Ruby/Oscar relationship necessitates at some point) with Jaune in particular then it could be made to work.
It wouldn't and couldn't be classic guy-gets-girl, foregone conclusion from the minute they meet type stuff - I think to be tonally true it has to be playful like the other canon pairings, in a bittersweet fashion. Blake/Yang and Ren/Nora both go in unlikely directions; Jaune/Ruby would need to be a similar case. But the interesting thing is that as much as I'm attached to Jaune/Cinder (OTP for life, my favouritest ship to ever ship, the ship I have been searching for all of my life), I am partly attached to it because of the way R/WBY conceives of romance, and I'm making an argument for it on the basis of R/WBY, not on the sole basis of my personal desires and preferences. That would mean that if they wrote Jaune/Ruby well, it's probably the only other pairing for them both that could actually be done... well, without completely losing the plot tonally and thematically. But then you start crunching the numbers with both Oscar and Cinder and we're kind of up shit creek structurally. But if you went into writing R/WBY with the intention of keeping the character arcs for both Jaune and Ruby mostly as-is, it's almost applicable. Almost!
But it's not really because it's cute or because it meets the bland conception of romance which is guy and girl look at each other and boink. It actually has to be an actual experience of romantic love and realise their character arcs and narrative role in the story.... similarly to Jaune/Cinder and Ruby/Oscar, it would have to be a slow-burn and basically seem impossible for a long time, especially with The Penny Problem. Actually, when you think about it, The Penny Problem basically had the potential to be what The Pyrrha Problem was for Jaune/Cinder, but if you're rewriting this for Jaune/Ruby you'd have to rewrite that, too. But it does tickle me that Jaune and Cinder are alike that way.
Now - spitting the dummy aside about the implication of Jaune and Cinder not ending up together - I do find it funny that I had so many asks about Jaune/Ruby (there were legions of them in response to multiple posts I had made about Knightfall, suggesting somebody was very upset and anxiously awaiting my response) when like, yeah I think if you tilted your head it might have once been possible. I don't think it is at all or was ever intended as such - and certainly not for the reasons this aggrieved individual believed - but don't ever think I'm not trying to give credit where it's due. I'm willing to entertain the other side... on my own terms when people aren't being annoying. (:
But ironically the similarities of Jaune/Ruby to Jaune/Cinder (and Ruby/Oscar by extension) actually kind of justifies by extension the reading of those pairings. Because Jaune/Cinder is on crack and edgy and fun and the Jaune-Ruby friendship clearly sets up part of its drama (and emotion). Which is why I love making a case like this, because it makes me reconsider canon and reconsider my position on the pairings I think are going to be canon. I don't ship Ruby/Oscar (not yet at least) and I think considering why Jaune/Ruby could conceivably work teases out why Ruby/Oscar conceivably can work - if it goes the direction Penny couldn't - and that Jaune and Oscar are similar in that the romance with either of them, and especially the latter, has to be divorced from the schools in some way, and Ruby's sense of Huntressing and related to something deeply personal.
Anyway Jaune/Cinder 4 lyfe.
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rockinlibrarian · 2 years
Whoo, my brother starts following me and I suddenly have someone who Asks me stuff! Yay! Go Dan!
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
Hmm, I think my funniest fic on the whole is "The Invitation: an Epilogue," just by nature of being Diana Wynne Jones-y. That's if you don't count the Pipeweed Mafia Epic, which is unpublished but pure crack.
The single line I think I've always been most inordinately pleased with is from "The Fall of (Spoilers Redacted)"-- "My prior hist’ry with this one’s (forgive me) discommodius," which is a terrible pun perfectly executed. See, it's a line in a ballad being freestyled by the god Apollo, who in Rick Riordan's characterization absolutely would not pass up such a pun and also would absolutely stick that "forgive me" in first, and it fits the dang meter AND manages to very nearly rhyme with the character name the NEXT line ends with. The thing that tickled me most about writing it, though, was I'd been working on a totally different stanza and needed to find another word for "awkward," and when I saw THAT WORD in the thesaurus I immediately jumped ahead to THIS stanza just so I could write this line. It is absolutely the best word possible for this point in the story. But it's probably only funny if you know what he's referring to.
EDITING TO ADD: There have been a lot of parts of my stories that made me laugh in progress, but I'm coming back because I just reread this and it's almost 3 years later and I still relish this bit of dialogue (or monologue) from "We Will (Not) Always Have Each Other": "Marvelous, you all survived! Except for that unfortunate fellow, but he already was doing poorly, as I recall. But good news: I remembered how to cook brunch! I even remembered the word ‘brunch’! Would anyone care to join me in the partaking of brunch?” just because I can hear the way Oliver relishes saying the word "brunch" every time he says it.
I'm also suddenly remembering a scene in the Wash/Zoe fic I have mentioned writing but not finishing, where the soon-to-be-couple are bickering while Mal is bleeding in the background and he keeps trying to get them to remember he's there and injured, and it amuses me just thinking about it, so SOMEDAY I'll figure out how to finish that dang thing and I'll share it just so you can enjoy that scene, too.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Honestly, I never trust that I'll HAVE readers enough to do anything FOR them, even mischievously. I really write everything for myself and HOPE someone appreciates it. I think the closest I've gotten is that there's a lot of painfully ironic foreshadowing in "Tesseract," at least for everyone who knows what happens in A Wrinkle In Time, but the meanest thing about that fic is actually that I haven't updated it in almost a year but keep teasing the fact that HONEST I SWEAR the next chapters ARE in progress! (There's even more foreshadowing in these subsequent chapters, which The Readers WILL get to read someday I swear). (BTW Dan, that seems like a fic you would especially appreciate. I promise more chapters eventually).
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Yes, I would think almost everyone does (except, like, random library patrons), but very few actually read it. Maybe they think they don't know the source material enough? But that's why I made this handy guide to how much source material you actually need to read it?
This has been a response to this Emoji Ask List Thing! Feel free to emoji ask your own!
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haldenlith · 2 months
Trajectory ch 4
Another chapter in Ardwynn's little story I'm working on.
Also on AO3
“Oh, and the Hunter is down! Looks like it’s up to the Warlock on the team to deliver the finish!” The audio crackled on the television as it played the Crucible match. Ardwynn was only half paying attention to it, busy replotting points on his maps, updating new data points reported by his scouts. The EDZ was more of a place of careful patrol than for raiding anymore, what with The Witness’s forces lurking about.
Not that it stopped an enterprising group to sneak back into the old base, stuff the old jukebox Ardwynn had to leave behind into an engram, and bring it back. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be touched or incredibly irritated that they risked their hide for something so trivial. Ardwynn briefly wondered if this was what having children felt like, only these “kids” were adults. Most of them, anyway.
Ghost, meanwhile, had proven incredibly useful, even if Ardwynn was still incredibly leery of why the little one hung around him. He cast a sidelong glance to the Ghost, who was sorting through new reports. He’d yet to leave his side, and was annoyingly sympathetic and chummy. Ardwynn pursed his lips and returned to his work. People he could read, at least to some degree. Ghosts were a mystery to him… but… they were virtually invisible in The City.
And The Tower.
Ardwynn paused and looked back to Ghost. “You think you’d be willing to run a little recon for me?” Ghost looked up from his work, blinking his blue eye.
“That depends.”
“Where I’m going,” Ghost replied matter-of-factly. The Awoken hummed softly, leaning on the table. The base was in good working order, everything was ready to get business rolling again. Everyone was itching and antsy, him included. The Vanguard would be the perfect target, given how preoccupied they were now. Granted, it broke his rule of “don’t kick a man when they’re down”, but this wouldn’t be a kick. More like… a tickle. A lovebite.
“I want to know what’s going on with The Vanguard.” Ghost’s response was a collection of disgruntled chirps and beeps.
“Don’t ‘Ardwynn’ me. I need to know what’s going on with them.”
“Then ask them.”
“Not that kind of need to know,” he responded coyly. Ghost narrowed his eye.
“You wanna rob The Vanguard, don’t you?” Ardwynn threw his hands up.
“Whoa, whoa, okay, hold on! ‘Rob’ is a very strong word, little guy. You’re making it sound like I wanna run in and steal their shit at gun point. I’m more like…” He trailed off and twiddled his fingers in the air. “Like reaching into their pocket and helping myself. I bet they won’t even notice.” Ghost sighed and shook his shell.
“That’s not much better, you know.” He bobbed in the air. “And they’re trying to find a way to go after The Witness! They don’t have time to deal with you and honestly, we all need to be on the same page right now.”
“Exactly! They won’t even notice me. This is more of a… formality. I’m just letting them know that our business is concluded. They can focus on universe ending mumbo-jumbo, I can focus on all the little people that are forgotten in the process.” Ghost chirped quizzically.
“People forgotten in the process? What exactly do you mean?” Ardwynn’s shoulders slumped as he affixed a deadpan look to Ghost.
“You really think anyone is keeping tabs on the folk out in the settlements in the midst of this chaos? Everyone’s great idea to deal with it was to just get people to leave their homes and go to The Farm or move into The City. Come on. As usual, their eyes are in the sky, not on the ground.” He shrugged and turned back to his map, sticking a pin into a spot. “Which is fine, I guess. Just let’s not pretend people don’t need a little extra help.” He then turned his attention to the ethereal purple map on the wall. Carefully cobbled together Awoken tech, showing readout of a map of The Reef. If they were careful to avoid Pyramid ships, they could use the chaos to slip in and do a few runs.
“That’s noble of you, but I just think you could be putting that energy elsewhere. Just my thoughts on the matter.” Ghost floated over to be next to Ardwynn. “… I’ll do one run through of The Tower. That’s all you’re getting. … Is this The Reef?”
“… It is.”
“Wow, this map is actually quite beautiful, and impressively detailed. Not that I’d know. I’ve never been up that way.” Ardwynn glanced at Ghost.
“You’re not missing much,” he muttered. Ghost turned to him.
“… You steal from them too, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“Why? I’ve talked with everyone. They said The Magpies do all this to help people. Well, not everyone said that, but most of them. But I’ve not heard from you. Everyone points to you as the one starting all this.” Ardwynn shrugged, swiping his fingers across the map, zooming in on a location.
“They pretty much nailed it. Started this via raiding The Reef for supplies during The Red War, because refugees needed them. Kept doing it, expanded the scope of who we stole from. We occasionally skim a little off the top, because nobody’s perfect,” he replied with a broken smirk, stretching the scar that split the right side of his mouth. “… Why? Having a crisis of conscience, little shimmershine?” Ghost eyed Ardwynn. He’d worked to make sure he had some value to the crew, while also making it a point to observe them. Observe everyone. Some people were a little questionable, but for the most part, they were actually good people. Rowdy misfits doing things their way, led by a wild man who seemed… more than he was. Or, at least, more than he let people see.
Ghost looked back to the map on the wall.
“No. Just… curious.” Ardwynn’s orange gaze turned suspicious, eyes narrowing.
“I still think it’s weird you’re hanging around like you do.”
Ghost chirped and shifted his shell as if mimicking the motion of “shrugging”. “Maybe I just want to be a part of this? What you’re doing. I can be pretty useful, if you haven’t already noticed.” Ardwynn wasn’t entirely convinced, a rumble of suspicion sounding from his throat, eyes still narrowed.
“I hate that I can’t deny that. You are handy to have around… Just not really used to having one of you little guys around without a Guardian attached, and though Guardians tend to mean great loot, they also mean trouble. I ain’t about that brand of trouble outside of very particular circumstances.” It was Ghost’s turn to hum suspiciously.
“Oh? Then what about Crow?” Ardwynn arched up a brow in response.
“That’s different. Speaking of, how do I know you won’t just… magically find your Guardian and run off on me, huh? I feel like you being unpaired is almost a liability.”
Ghost shook his shell. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’ve… pretty much given up on my search. Besides, I don’t need a Guardian to be useful.” As if to prove his statement, he floated back to the reports, returning back to work. Granted, his stack of “finished” reports were a mess, given that he could only nudge them around on the desk. Sometimes he hated not having hands. Or arms. Or any appendages, really. Ardwynn sighed, staring at Ghost for a few moments.
“Fine, fine. I’ll take you at your word, for now.” Ardwynn returned to his work, muttering softly, “Suspicious little bastard.” Ghost glanced up for a moment at Ardwynn, spinning his shell. If he could have, he would have smiled.
Observing Ardwynn was an interesting task. He was chaotic, certainly, but he had his own form of a routine. His days started in the early morning, sometimes before the sun was even up. Ghost assumed he’d be the type to not rise until well into the late morning. Ardwynn rarely ate anything in the morning. He generally started the day with tea, coffee, or whiskey, and little else. Or some combination of all three. Ghost didn’t approve of that, but he learned quickly that Ardwynn was skilled at tuning people out when they nagged him (most of the time), so he stopped.
Like clockwork, Ardwynn always did a walk-through of the base, taking the time to check up on everything – and everyone. Asking how they were doing, about their lives, about the little things, not just about reports, hauls, and general business. He sometimes took the extra time to do little things for people. He repaired Kenta-2’s buffer. He knew how much the Exo loved to make sure his purple and black duochrome plates were shiny. He sparred with Billy, to keep her sharp, and just blow off some steam. He loved to tease Eurydice while working alongside her on dismantling a recently stolen Sparrow. Sometimes he liked to get a rise out of her, but mostly just to keep her company in her quiet workshop corner. Ghost took note that he even got her some new tools (shockingly purchased legitimately, and not stolen).
Next came reports, updating the maps, and general logistics duties. Ghost didn’t expect that Ardwynn knew how to be quiet, serious, even diligent. His demeanor only changed when someone else entered the “war room” (as Ardwynn loved to call it).
That said, Ardwynn never stayed there for too long. After an hour, he generally wander off to do other things. Sometimes it was temporary, and he’d get back to work eventually, sometimes not. Today, he played soccer with a mixture of Eliksni and human children. The winners got piggyback rides.
Ghost’s incessant nagging in an attempt to get Ardwynn to eat eventually resulted in him stopping to get food somewhere in The City. He ended up running into Crow. To Ghost’s dismay, Ardwynn pulled him aside and told him to go do his little mission while he had Crow busy, so he was unable to chat with Glint. No matter, Ardwynn was finally eating.
Ghost confirmed Ardwynn’s suspicions that he would be, largely, unnoticed. Ghosts were everywhere in the general area around the official Vanguard offices. One more was hardly noteworthy. He was easily able to go and peruse reports. Apparently attentions had shifted to Titan (Titan was back?), answering a distress signal (and there’s someone alive there?!). Drifter was apparently a part of the on-going operation. And they found Oryx’s body?! Further perusal found a few reports on Eris’s research and autopsies of Savathun’s corpse (eugh), and then a few spare quartermaster reports. It must be mighty lonely in The Hangar now that Amanda is gone. Regardless, Ghost got the information he assumed Ardwynn wanted. How he’d use it was anyone’s guess.
He was honestly almost afraid to ask. Either way, he was his accomplice now, which… was oddly not a bad feeling.
Ghost knew trying to hail Ardwynn was pointless. The man never kept much any communication tech on him unless he intended to need to be reached. So, returning to base was the better bet on finding him. He could still be with Crow, too, but who knows whether they’d still be where he last left them. If he wasn’t at base, there were a few likely spots Ardwynn could be, as Ghost had learned in the short time he’d been hanging around.
There were a few clubs Ardwynn liked to slip into – at least the ones that hadn’t thrown him out on principle yet. The man loved music, loved dancing, loved drinking… loved being dragged elsewhere by someone for other activities, much to Ghost’s dismay. Unmistakably, Ghost had decided to associate with a hedonist. Following that same line of thought, Ardwynn could also be at his favorite brothel. A higher end affair that made it a point to welcome Ardwynn with open arms. Ghost was concerned just how much glimmer the man had dumped into their coffers to be welcomed so warmly, and with such familiarity. Either way, Ghost never stuck around either establishment to find out Ardwynn’s preferences of nightclub or brothel. He found that he didn’t have the luxury of dematerializing, so he had to physically relocate elsewhere and wait until Ardwynn was done.
If the Awoken was at either of those, well… it was just better for Ghost to simply wait him out. He’d eventually come stumbling back into either his living quarters via the Eliksni Quarter entrance, or the back entrance from base. Of course, that would mean Ghost’s findings would have to wait until morning, because Ardwynn usually fell asleep immediately after arrival.
Luckily, Ghost got confirmation from the other Magpies that their fearless leader had returned not long before Ghost’s arrival, and in good spirits, but that he had retired to his quarters that he’d setup in the abandoned Vault Ebisu.
“He did say he was going to grab a nap, though, so he might be out cold when you get to him.” Inconvenient, but not a problem in the grand scheme of things. Maybe he was falling victim to a food coma? The idea pleased the little Light. That would mean he ate a lot of food! It’d make up for him not eating breakfast! A big, active guy like him should be eating three square meals a day. Ghost spun his shell with determination, making note to harass Ardwynn into eating more often. Someone clearly had to look out for him.
Ghost floated along into the dimly lit corridor that lead to the main area, and subsequently Ardwynn’s living quarters. Unexpectedly, he didn’t see the man immediately. Just as he was about to call out, he heard a soft hiccup, and an intentionally quiet sob. Slowly, he followed the sound to find the man he was looking for, seated on the cool concrete floor, back against the wall. While he wasn’t curled up tightly, his knees were still nearly pulled to his chest. Another choking sob escaped him as tears stained his scarred face. Ghost’s shell tightened with concern, and he slowly approached.
“Ardwynn, what’s wrong?” He asked softly. Orange eyes snapped up to lock onto him, wide and surprised. Like a wild animal caught in a trap, Ardwynn was quick to spring to terrified action, swatting and then throwing things at the Ghost.
“Fuck off already!” Ghost dodged Ardwynn’s attempts at lashing out, at chasing him away, instead finding a shelving unit to hide under, though the glow of his blue eye still illuminated from the darkness of his hidey-hole as he watched Ardwynn. The man growled, but his hostility melted swiftly into more despair. This time, he curled up tightly, hugging his knees, trying to block Ghost out, block everything out.
Sometimes you forget the scars of old memories, old wounds, people and places lost to time. Sometimes something reminds you, and makes them ache and sting and hurt. He wasn’t even sure what it was that triggered the sudden, fast onset of sorrow, but something about hanging out with Crow triggered something lonely and sad deep inside him, and it crawled back up out of the pit he’d previously shoved it down into, grabbed his heart, and squeezed. It squeezed tighter than he could bear, claws deeper than he could handle at the moment.
The tears set upon him before he could start drowning himself in whiskey.
And now here he was – vulnerable in front of some weird little machine that stared at him from below the bottom shelf.
Ghost slowly left his defensive position, floating scarcely two or three inches above the floor as he traveled towards Ardwynn. He stopped a foot away, looking up at him.
“Ardwynn?” He was prepared to flit away again, should Ardwynn lash out once more. He was pleased to find Ardwynn simply didn’t respond, remaining curled up, face buried. “… I’ll go if you want me to go, but I just want you to know, I’m here, if you need me. I might not have shoulders you can cry on, or arms that can hold you, but… I can listen. Or I can just… be here, in the room, if that’s what you need.” He was met with a silence that was thick and pained. It said enough. He waited a second or two more before turning to float away, and let Ardwynn have his space.
“Stay.” It was muffled and soft, but the reply did eventually come from Ardwynn, causing Ghost to pause. He blinked before returning to Ardwynn. Instead of maintaining space between them, he closed the gap, gently pressing his shell into the Awoken’s shoulder.
He saved the report for the morning.
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kazewhara · 2 years
ok hear me out. im imagining college au kazuha..who always goes out with you to get you coffee at 7 am i the morning…who always wakes you up when you’re starting to fall asleep during lectures…who always walks you to your next class…and at the end of a stressful day, you go to his house and cuddle with him till you both fall asleep. kazuha just sounds so caring omgg <3
college au!kazuha who...
...despite his not being a morning person, routinely comes to your apartment and spends the morning with you. more often than not, he's catching up on sleep while you get ready. he'll sit at your table with his head resting his folded arms, his hair still a bit fluffy and messy from waking up. once you're ready, you poke him until he wakes, and you usher a yawning kazuha to your bathroom where you tame his hair. he loves when you're in his hair -- maybe a bit too much. he'll probably fall back asleep. the only way you really get him awake is if he feels you pulling his hair into pigtails. (which he doesn't mind, but he's not gonna go out like that!) kazuha calls you his "morning angel" -- says something cheesy about how seeing you always wakes him up. you'll call him a sap and he'll ask for a kiss, and like that, your morning will officially begin.
...always orders the same thing in the mornings: a fresh croissant and green tea. he also has your order memorized to a perfect T, each little detail engraved in his mind. you have his order memorized too -- you know exactly how many sugars he wants and how to get the freshest croissant from the cafe. the first time you brought him his stuff perfectly, he gave you a smile that could melt a glacier. "you really are my morning angel," he'd said to you.
...has a thing for poking your side whenever he catches you dozing in your shared lectures. sometimes, to keep you awake, he'll take your hand in his and toy with it; his fingers are warm and a little bit calloused, and his grip on your hand is always firm. kazuha will start thumb wars with you knowing full well that you can never beat him. your competitive side will flare and you'll be awake -- his work here is done.
...seeks you out when his classes end for the day. on some days, your classes end later than his, so when you walk out the classroom or lecture hall, you'll find him seated on a bench somewhere, his glasses perched on his nose as he reads to pass the time. other times, if his classes end late, he will find you with your head pressed against the wall, dozing as you wait for him to show up. he'll cup your face in one hand and press his thumb gently into your skin until you wake.
...always recognizes when you've had a hard day. if you're not feeling talkative, he'll ask you questions and accept your curt responses; he'll then jump right into action, having memorized what to do in these situations. more often than not, you two end up at his place with him laying on top of you (or vice versa), his weight so grounding, his presence so soothing that you feel the stress of the day leave you. other days, he'll take you to the riverside, where the sound of the water and the rustle of the leaves will prompt you to unload your every burden on him. he takes it all in stride and listens eagerly every time. he can't do much to fix your problems, but his promise to stay by your side is more than enough for you.
...often wakes up from your shared naps first and tickles your nose with his hair to wake you. he's hungry; wake up!
...resorts to peppering kisses on your face when you don't wake up fast enough for him. your grumbles of irritation will become peals of laughter, and when your pretty eyes open, kazuha will stop for a moment just to admire you in all your drowsy glory. he's so lucky to have you.
✦ i'm sorry, i couldn't resist, i had to build on these :( ♡
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scxrlettwxtches · 3 years
a crown of thorns | hwang hyunjin
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genre: royal au, fluff/angst, fem!reader
warnings: pregnancy, slight violence
description: a few years have passed since your tumultuous beginnings with the enemy king, hwang hyunjin, and to everyone’s astonishment, your marriage flourished with an abundance of love. however, this was not yet a happy ever after, and danger still lurks within every corner of your peaceful kingdom.
word count: 14.0k+
a/n: ack the more i read this, the worse it seems to get haha. but guys!! this is my last fic on this blog!! thank you again for all the love you’ve shown me and my writing. <3 wishing everyone all the best!! 
As he sat on his throne, absently chatting away with foreign envoys, Hwang Hyunjin considered himself rather lucky for a multitude of reasons.
All the princes and the lords sitting around the table, enjoying the tea and pastries, had everything one could want in the world. Endless fountains of wealth, resources, luxury. Whatever they desired, they only needed to snap their fingers, and someone would provide. It was the type of life many in his kingdom could only dream about in their wildest fantasies.
But, underneath the splendor, Hyunjin could see it as bright as day. Beneath the material luxury was discontentment, unease, unhappiness. Many of them were married to people that they did not love, were tied to their own wealth as it was the only sense of stability in their lives. And above all, Hyunjin could sense their loneliness, the invisible--yet deadly--disease that latched onto the heart and knawed at it until it was nothing but a shriveled remain. It was a poison that had no identifiable cure, and its affects only magnified as time went on.
Hyunjin could see it all because, once upon a time, he was just like them. Sitting on the throne, he was merely staring at reflections of his past self, a shell of a boy that was forced into a position of power too soon with too few people he could trust. He saw himself in the young lord that was visiting from across the sea, his eyes alight with ambition and a thirst to prove himself. He saw himself in the crown prince of the neighboring kingdom, the mistrust laced in every sip he took of his tea. He was like that once: scared, angry, betrayed, and alone.
But with a strange twist of fate, his life changed for the better. He found people he could trust. He met the love of his life. Unbelievably, he even married her, slowly earning her respect and eventually, her heart. And now, Hwang Hyunjin was no longer the boy with a crown too heavy and a life too lonely. He had people he cared about deeply, he had people he wanted to protect with his whole being. Especially…
“Papa! Papa!”
Hyunjin’s ears perked up as the large, ornate wooden doors of the hall creaked open ever so slightly, and a pitter patter of frantic footsteps bounded into the throne room. Almost immediately, he felt a smile grace his face, all the tension draining out of his posture as he gazed at the little girl, his darling daughter. 
Even the most stone-hearted envoys and esteemed guests could not hide their smiles as the girl ran excitedly towards her father, “Papa!” She giggled again, clumsily climbing up the steps to the throne.
Hyunjin’s heart fluttered with pride as he watched his daughter clamber up the marble steps, and for a split second, the image of her sitting on the throne as the next queen flashed across his mind. One baby step at a time, he reminded himself, and he stood up, easily picking up the girl as she gripped onto his sleeves.
“Naeun,” he brushed the baby hairs out of her face and smiled at her rosy cheeks. Time and time again, he was reminded of how much his daughter had begun to resemble the both of you. She had his doe eyes, but her smile, that was all you. 
The meeting became completely irrelevant to Hyunjin as he lavished all of his attention on her, “What are you doing here?”
Naeun, who was breathing heavily from all the running she had done, huffed and pouted rather sternly, “Mama said that if you stay in the office all night again, mama will dwag you back to the bedwoom.” 
Hyunjin fought the urge to laugh, utterly charmed by Naeun’s petulant words. How hard had she prepared to relay such a fiery message? He climbed up the remaining steps with the girl in his arms and sat back down comfortably on the throne, gently placing her on his lap.
“Papa is very sorry,” he said solemnly, bringing her little hand to his lips so he could kiss the back of it, making her giggle and squirm, “Did your mama send you here to tell me that?”
“Nope! But mama miss you!” Naeun replied brightly, and by this point, none of the guests were able to hide their endeared smiles and chuckles. Hyunjin felt a strange rush of both protectiveness and pride as he observed how easily Naeun had stolen the spotlight in the room with her joy and her innocence. It must be a father instinct that he was beginning to develop.
“Ah, mama misses me?” Hyunjin didn’t even know his heart was capable of containing such unbridled happiness and love as he smiled at his daughter. Naeun nodded firmly, and Hyunjin rubbed her back as he smoothed down her pretty princess dress, making sure she was comfortable before addressing the guests.
“My apologies for the interruption,” he said with perfect politeness, ever the ideal host. As expected, not many people were even the slightest bit annoyed by the disturbance, and they all waved off his apology, continuing the casual conversations about trade, finances, and commerce.
When it was all over, and Hyunjin was finally able to adjourn with all meetings and any other activities he’d scheduled to entertain his foreign guests, he eagerly walked down the hallways to the royal chambers, with Naeun safely nestled in his arms.
“Yes, my little one?” He replied, letting her rest her chin on his shoulder.
“What’s fin..finan…” Naeun’s face scrunched up with effort as she tried to put the word back together from her memory. 
Hyunjin smiled fondly; he’d noticed her eagerly listening during the meeting, trying to soak in all the new knowledge that was coming her way. Naeun was good at de-escalating tensions, especially when she did her usual thing of barging into meetings without a care in the world, but Hyunjin also liked to let her stay in meetings because the little toddler seemed genuinely interested. She never seemed like she wanted to be anywhere else, only blinking from person to person with her large doe eyes. 
“Finance?” He supplied helpfully, and Naeun nodded into his shoulder, “It’s grown up stuff.”
“I like grown up stuff,” Naeun said with all the seriousness that a three year old could muster.
Hyunjin laughed, “I know you do, petal,” he hummed, thinking of a good way to explain the concept, “You know when you like to play house with your dolls and Uncle Changbin?”
Naeun immediately brightened at that. She loved playing house with Uncle Changbin! He was always a bit grumpy, a bit reluctant, but they always had a great tea party whenever her mama and papa were busy. 
“And you always like to trade certain dolls for the dolls that Changbin brings?” Hyunjin asked. Once again, he felt enormous gratitude to his personal commander, Seo Changbin, for going beyond the responsibilities of duty to take care of Naeun. As much as you and Hyunjin tried however you could to make time for her, with royal duties, parties, meetings, and work, it was just impossible to spend large amounts of time with your lovely daughter.
“Mhm! Uncle Changbin brings pwetty dolls!” Naeun nodded.
Hyunjin felt the smile grow on his face as he held her in his arms. He’d been smiling more often ever since Naeun was born, “Exactly. And you always have to give a few of your old ones to get the new, right? Or choose a few toys to give to Uncle Changbin so he can donate them to the capitol orphanages?”
Naeun only nodded curiously. 
“That, in a way, is finance. Of course, it’s a little more boring than trading dolls, though,” Hyunjin tickled her tummy with his finger, distracting her as she wiggled and squealed. Truth be told, Hyunjin didn’t want Naeun to grow up so quickly, even if that was all she wanted to do. Hyunjin didn’t remember anything from his childhood except textbooks, lectures, and a crushing pressure from his father and mother to live up to their expectations. He would never wish that upon his daughter.
After one more turn around the corner, they finally arrived at the Royal Chambers, with Changbin and Felix standing guard on both sides of the entrance. 
“Hi, Uncle Changbin! Hi, Uncle Lixie!” Despite their attempts to teach Naeun royal protocol about how to address the Kingsguard, she had little regard for it, opting to wave from the safety of her father’s arms. 
Changbin’s normally passive, almost grumpy expression melted ever so slightly as he waved back at her.  Despite his constant statements about not wanting to marry and not wanting to start a family, having Naeun made Hyunjin realize that his commander was surprisingly good with children. But if anyone so much as mentioned it, Changbin would deny any evidence of such allegations. Felix, on the other hand, was absolutely besotted with the little girl and made no attempts to hide it.
“Hi, little princess!” He smiled, opening the doors to the most private section of the palace. Hyunjin chuckled, nodding respectfully to both men before walking in. 
“Now, where’s your mama?” Hyunjin murmured. Of course, you were supposed to be in the bedroom, but Hyunjin knew you better than that. 
Naeun giggled, as if she knew you were breaking some sort of rule, and pointed to the study, “There!” 
“Thank you, petal,” Hyunjin booped her nose fondly before walking into the study, creaking the door open slowly as not to startle you. 
Every time his eyes fell to you, he would be swept with a newfound love that was stronger and more powerful than the time before. Even though your back was turned slightly away, and he could only see the slight curve of your lips and the profile of you from the side, Hyunjin knew without a doubt that you were the most beautiful woman in the world. 
You didn’t seem to notice your family walking in, lost in thought as you stared at the window, a piece of parchment in your hand. Hyunjin smiled, knowing how concentrated you can get when it came to state affairs. He put a finger to his lips, indicating to his daughter to be quiet. Naeun covered her mouth with her little hands, nodding as he very gently placed her on the fluffy carpet so she could play with the toys on the ground.
“I believe the doctor’s orders were for you to stay in bed?” Hyunjin murmured softly as he gently draped a woolen shawl over your shoulders, his arms snaking around you from behind. Maybe you did know he was around, since you didn't seem startled by his presence and only smiled as his hands rested on your tummy.
“We have guests in our palace. How can I stay in bed when there’s so much to do?” You replied, leaning into his arms and physically relaxing against him.
“You can just leave the work to me,” Hyunjin pouted a little, feeling guilty that he wasn’t able to handle the entire burden of royal duties. He couldn’t when you were pregnant with Naeun, and he couldn’t now. His hands rubbed your tummy through the silk nightgown as he gently placed his chin on your shoulder, murmuring, “It’s not good for the baby…”
Every time Hyunjin touched your tummy, it made you airy with disbelief and awe at how fortunate you were to have him. When you were a princess, long long ago, you’d never expected yourself to look forward to starting a family. But with Hyunjin, Naeun brought so much joy in your lives that neither of you could help but want another, and your prayers were answered when you became pregnant again around the time Naeun turned three. 
Part of why you were willing was because it awed you every time you saw how much Hyunjin cared. You knew how kings were, always drowning in their work, their duty, which always led them to crave independence, and then occasionally, turning to other women than their lawful wife. You knew that was the norm. Care, much less love, was something that royal women would be lucky to have.
Yet, Hyunjin gave it to you in the spades. Hyunjin cared, Hyunjin loved so much. You saw it every time he looked at you, you saw it every time he would gingerly place the crown upon your head before formal gatherings. You saw it every time he’d keep you close at parties, made sure everyone knew how much he valued you and your opinion. You saw it every time he looked at Naeun, his eyes sparkling with childlike wonder that could only be reflected in your daughter’s own eyes.
And now, with the two of you expecting another child, you saw it in his fretting, his worrying, his constant attempts to keep you safe and healthy, even if he was a little overbearing.
“The doctor never said a little bit of work would harm the baby,” you pointed out, tilting your head back to look into his eyes as you cupped his cheek, “I’m checking myself, I promise.”
“I’m sure you are,” Hyunjin chuckled, and he could no longer stop himself, his lips pressing against  yours in a gentle kiss as he hugged you. You only hummed happily against his lips, enjoying the moment when you were suddenly interrupted.
“Yuckie!” Naeun squeaked out, causing both of you to pull away with a laugh. The princess was sitting on the ground with a soft plushie in her arms as she looked at her parents with disgust.
You burst into giggles, pulling away from Hyunjin to walk over to her, “Yuckie? It’s yuckie that your parents are in love?” You asked teasingly, pinching her cheek. Naeun giggled, trying to run away as Hyunjin suddenly lifted her up from behind, placing her in his lap.
“Kisses are yuckie!” She squealed, making both of you laugh as Hyunjin tickled her tummy.
Hyunjin smiled, chuckling, “Don’t ever let me catch you kissing someone else,” he warned. In all honesty, the idea of his precious daughter falling in love made his blood boil unreasonably. Especially in the royal realm, it was so hard to determine which ones were good and which ones were only hiding behind the mask of benevolence. Just the thought of Naeun falling in love, Naeun getting her heart broken by some good for nothing prince…
“My love,” Hyunjin’s eyes widened as he felt a gentle hand on his arm. You smiled fondly, almost as you already knew exactly what he was thinking, as you always did, “Baby steps, alright? She’s not at that age yet.”
“Baby steps!” Naeun chorused, although oblivious to the conversation at hand. 
Hyunjin felt himself relax, and he engulfed his daughter in a big hug, letting her snuggle into his chest, “Yes, baby steps,” he murmured as he left a kiss in her hair.
“What do you mean, they won’t allow it?” You asked angrily, following Hyunjin into his study as he ran a frantic hand through his hair.
Hyunjin sank into his chair, frustration clear in his face as he glanced up at you, “The letter from the council came back. Apparently, there were some strong voices of protest, and eventually they decided to rule against it. They won’t accept Naeun as the heir.”
“That’s ridiculous!” You snapped, feeling steam practically radiating from your ears, “She’s the eldest child, our first born! They've had three years to observe her, and she's performed well in all subjects. She’s practically a genius!" 
You whirled around, tightening the shawl around your frame as you made up your mind to go to the council yourself when Hyunjin rushed over, intercepting you as he gently grabbed your arms, “Y/N, my darling,” you shook your head, not in the mood for his cajoling and gentle attention.
“I’m going to talk to them. They were relenting a couple months ago! I don’t see why--”
“Hey, hey, breathe,” Hyunjin’s voice was suddenly stern, his hands running up and down your back to soothe you, “Calm down, love. Please. Think of the baby.”
You froze, the fight beginning to drain out of you as you tried to take deep breaths. Hyunjin’s hand trailed to your wrist, subtly taking note of your pulse to ensure that you were still alright. 
“I know you’re angry. So am I,” Hyunjin spoke, stepping closer to you and cupping your face in his gentle hands. Your eyes closed at his touch, feeling his warm embrace as his comforting presence, “But we need to deal with this slowly. There are foreign envoys still here, remember? We can’t go barging around the palace like we normally do, not until they leave.”
You huffed, knowing that Hyunjin was right, but still feeling churlishly angry at the news, “So we just wait?”
“We’ll discuss it once more when the council meeting is held again,” Hyunjin suggested, brushing a strand of hair away from your face, “I’m sure they’ll cave. Naeun is a perfect contender, the perfect candidate for the next heir. She’s just not what they’re used to.”
“And what are they used to? A son?” You said mockingly, your anger fueled by the ridiculous laws that were still in place. Your kingdom had long since done away with such petty things as male only rules, but it seemed like Hyunjin's kingdom was a little more traditional. 
“Yes, and you know how stubborn they are about it” Hyunjin murmured, palming your stomach, “They’re waiting for this little one.”
“They don’t even know if it’s going to be a boy,” you scoffed, but you could feel yourself relaxing in Hyunjin’s arms. The two of you were so alike and yet so different. Hyunjin was the cooling water to your raging firestorm. And you were the spark that light his ice cold heart alight with love for the first time all those years ago.
Hyunjin hummed at your comment, gently nuzzling his nose against your cheek, “I think it will be. Otherwise, I'd be awfully outnumbered in this family,” he said softly, kissing your cheek as he continued, “But no matter. I still want my precious Naeun to be the crown princess. The council just has stick up their ass.”
“Hyunjin!” You slapped his arm, pulling away to walk towards his study, sitting in the chair as you felt the baby kick once again.
The king only laughed at your glare, immediately rushing to your side as he took your hand, “The baby’s bothering you again, huh?” He asked, his eyes filled with wonder as he stared at your tummy. It was a silent, yet rather apparent question to you, asking whether he had permission to touch. It was almost adorable how childishly excited Hyunjin would get at the thought of his own children.
You gently placed his hand over the fabric of your dress, right over where you’d felt a slight kick just before, “It’s not a bother,” you said gently, “How can it be a bother when it reassures me that our child is safe and healthy?”
Hyunjin’s expression was nothing short of entranced as he felt a push against the palm of his hand, “I love you,” he murmured as he glanced at you, and he leaned forward to press his cheek against your tummy, to which you only smiled fondly and ran a hand through his hair.
“I love them, too,” he spoke to your stomach, as he had no doubt that your unborn child would hear it and know just how much their father cared.
The two of you stayed in that position, basking in the monetary relaxation for a moment longer, your hands gently running through his hair as he rested his head on your lap. It was definitely not a position that either of you would want to be caught in, but Hyunjin found himself rather fond of it, being able to let go of his responsibilities and rely on you for comfort without being anxious. 
You sat for a moment longer before a particular piece of parchment on Hyunjin's desk caught your eye, and you quickly reached for it as your husband continued to rest comfortably on your lap.
“There’s a party tomorrow night?” You asked, scanning the contents over as your free hand gently carded through his hair.
“Mhm, the envoys are leaving the morning after, so it has to be grand,” Hyunjin mumbled lazily in return, his eyes shut from mild exhaustion.
You hummed, putting the parchment down as you said softly, “If it’s the final dinner, shouldn’t I be there? I haven’t seen any of our guests except on the first day. It would be impolite if I missed the last event, too.”
“No,” Hyunjin’s grip tightened imperceptibly as he gently held your waist, lifting his head up to meet your eyes, “They understand your situation. It’s only natural that you haven’t been at all the events,” he said firmly, his hand absently moving towards your stomach.
“It’s still impolite. I should probably go,” you said softly, resting your hand over his, “We don’t want our guests to leave with a bad taste in their mouth.” 
Hyunjin looked uncertain, his eyes pleading with you as he pressed his lips to your knuckles, “If something happens…”
“Nothing will happen, my darling,” you cooed, trying to reassure your love as you sensed his fear. Hyunjin, underneath his cold words and powerful gaze, was just as human as any other man.
“It’s just a party. I won’t even dance, alright?” You continued with a cajoling smile, brushing your thumb against his cheek bone, “I just have to be there, Hyunjin. It’s my duty.” 
Hyunjin’s eyes fluttered shut as he melted against your touch, leaning his cheek into your hand and sighing softly, “I know I can’t change your mind,” he said, “You’re just stubborn like that, and I love it more than you know. But it scares me so much.” 
“It scares you?” You repeated his words, waiting patiently for him to elaborate. 
The king nodded, looking so vulnerable in your arms that you were afraid he’d break, “What if something happens? What if, one day, you overestimate yourself and you lose the baby? Or worse,” Hyunjin kissed your palm, holding your wrist in his hand as he gazed upon you with more pain in his eyes than you’ve ever seen.
“What if I lose you, too?”
Your heart shattered at the fear and the sheer amount of unconditional love that glistened in his eyes whenever they met yours, “Oh, Hyunjin,” you sighed, leaning forward to be closer to him, “It won't come to that.”
But Hyunjin couldn't hear reason at this point, frightening himself as he held your hand, “I can't rule this kingdom without you, without your love. You're the first happiness I've ever had in this lifetime.” 
“Hyunjin, you can and you have,” you argued, reaching to lace your fingers with his, “You were ruling wonderfully before we met.”
“It's not the same, darling, and you know it,” Hyunjin answered, kissing the pulse point of your wrist daintily, “You made me a better person and a better king.”
You couldn't help but smile adoringly, reaching your other hand to run your fingers through his soft hair, “I'm glad. You made my life happier than I ever dreamed it could be.”
Hyunjin sighed, melting into your touch. As always, he felt weightless in your arms, free of burden and responsibility. He didn't have to think of anything but you and him.
But alas, there was still a problem at hand. 
“Do you really want to attend the party?” He asked softly into the fabric of your dress, one of the comfortable ones he'd ordered to be specially made for you when the two of you discovered that you were expecting a second time.
“I do, Hyunjin. I think it's best that I take my place beside you, at least once before they leave. It'll quell any rumors about us and about my supposed ill health,” you explained your reasoning, understanding Hyunjin’s doubts but still feeling strongly about going all the same.
Hyunjin’s eyes opened slowly and he nodded in resignation as he stood up, “Alright. I won't stop you. But, my love, at least let me assign Changbin and Felix to you as your guards for the night.”
“Both of them?” You asked, standing up slowly to maintain your balance. Hyunjin didn't leave your side for a moment, holding your arm in case you fell, “Isn't that a bit much?” 
“It would make me less anxious to know you're well guarded,” Hyunjin pleaded with you, fixing the shawl around your shoulders as the two of you walked out of the study. It was already quite late in the evening, with Naeun having been sent to bed long before. 
Your fingers intertwined naturally, and the two of you headed to your chambers, ready for a long night's rest, “Alright, assign both of them to me,” you relented, “I still think it’s a bit overkill.”
“You’d be walking around the town without a single guard if we went with what you thought was overkill,” Hyunjin chuckled, beginning to shed his uniform.
“Not true,” you protested weakly as you climbed into bed, already in your nightgown.
Hyunjin joined you soon after, engulfing you in his arms and his comforting scent as you let out a sigh of contentment, burrowing in his embrace, “Let’s get some rest, alright?” You said, sleepiness laced in your voice as you hummed softly, “I love you.”
“I love you, too, my darling,” Hyunjin murmured his response without a moment of hesitation, as if he’d been waiting all his life to tell you, “so much.”
Parties were hectic enough already, even more so when you had a hyperactive toddler to manage on top of the plethora of things that could already go wrong, from the banquet food to the entertainment. 
"Weeee!" Naeun squealed, running around the bedroom like a madman and trying to escape changing into her party dress. 
Before she could slip away, you managed to snag an arm around her waist, lifting her into your arms with a grunt, “Where do you think you're going, little princess?”
Naeun pouted, whining as she wiggled in your grasp, “Want to go play! Want to find papa!” She said with a huff. 
“Papa is busy right now,” you said patiently as you gently plopped her on the bed, trying to help her out of her nightgown while Naeun fussed, obviously not wanting to do as she was told.
“But I want to play with papa!” She protested as she eventually lifted her arms, letting you help her change. 
You sighed as you helped her into the beautiful golden dress, the fabric laced with ruffles and sparkling thread that was fit for any little princess.
“Papa is a little busy, alright?” You spoke gently, trying to make your lecture sound less like a scolding and more of an explanation, “There have been guests in Mama and Papa's home for the last few days, and Papa has been busy taking care of them.”
“B-but...what about me?” Naeun’s lower lip quivered dramatically, and you fought the urge to smile at how utterly adorable she was, “Papa take care of me!”
“You don't think Papa takes care of you?” You asked, raising an eyebrow, “Papa spends all his free time with you, Naeunie. Papa takes caring for you very, very seriously.”
Naeun pouted still, her lip jutting out petulantly, but she let her head fall. Even for a three year old, the little girl was awfully perceptive, and knew when she'd lost an argument. And in her heart of hearts, she knew that her parents really did move heaven and earth to make her their top priority.
“Papa no stop taking care of me?” She asked softly as you buttoned the pearl clasp around her collar.
“No, my little one,” you answered with a gentle smile as you fixed her hair, “Papa and Mama will always take care of you. When this is all over, how about we stay a week at the summer residence? Just you, papa and me, and we'll have all the time in the world to play with you.”
Naeun gasped, bouncing on the bed, “Weally? Just us?”
“If you want, you can drag your Uncle Changbin to come with us, too,” you said slyly as you booped her nose, but instead of scrunching her face playfully as she always did, Naeun suddenly looked ashamed, head tilted downward as if she’d done something naughty and then felt guilty about it after the fact.
You were immediately concerned, “Little one?” You prodded, gently trying to tilt her chin up so she’d look at you, “Little one, what’s happened? You can tell Mama anything.”
Naeun hiccuped slightly, and your heart ached as you realized that she was on the verge of tears, “Mama, ‘m sorry,” she mumbled softly, eyes glittering with unshed tears and you quickly sat on the bed, pulling her into your lap.
“Why are you sorry, Naeunie?” You asked, trying not to sound frantic, worried, or anything that might frighten her more.
“Papa said Mama is tired, and that I shouldn’t bother Mama,” Naeun explained, large droplets beginning to roll down her rosy cheeks as she wailed, “But I’ve been bad bad! I make Mama worry!”
You tried to stifle your incredulous laughter as your daughter clung onto you, wailing dramatically as if the world was about to end. So that was what got her so worked up all of a sudden.
“Silly little thing,” you teased, cradling her in your arms as best you could with the bump of your stomach getting in the way. Still, you nuzzled your nose against her cheek, wiping her tears, “It’s mama’s job to worry. You’re a perfectly good girl, Naeunie. Mama and Papa are so lucky to have a precious girl like you.”
Naeun’s shoulders slowly began to shake as she rubbed her eyes, “Like me?” She repeated, a tinge of innocent hope and adoration laced in her voice that always raised your protective instincts, the instinct to shield her from any harm that this world could throw at her.
You smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear as you spoke softly, “Just like you. Mama and Papa love you to the moon and back.” 
“And I love Mama and Papa, too! So so muchie!” Naeun parroted back happily, smiling with all the life and brightness that both you and Hyunjin lacked in your own childhoods. Maybe that was why the two of you were so determined to be there for Naeun in every way possible, to make sure that she knew she was so very loved. Because neither of you received that type of acceptance when you were children.
“Good girl,” you said, kissing her forehead once more before smoothing down her dress, “Are you ready to go?”
“Mm!” She nodded, clambering off the bed and standing tall, “Will Papa be at party, too?”
“Your papa is already there,” you chuckled to yourself, taking your daughter’s little hand and heading out of the bedroom.
Outside, both Felix and Changbin were waiting for you, dressed impeccably for the formal occasion. In normal circumstances, it would only be one of them waiting for you while the other guarded Hyunjin, but the king had not allowed any exceptions. Both of the strongest in the Kingsguard must be by your side for the day.
“Sorry for the wait,” you said to both of them as Naeun slipped away from you, skipping over to her two uncles, going especially for one in particular.
“Uncle Changbin, Uncle Changbin!” The man grunted as he caught her in his arms, shifting so she was eye level with him, her bright smile contrasting with his typical frown.
Felix walked with you as Changbin and Naeun entered their own little world, with the young toddler prattling his ears off and the commander listening with surprising attentiveness, “She plays favorites,” Felix complained playfully, clutching a hand to his heart as he stayed by your side.
“She definitely does,” you agreed with a fond smile, keeping an eye on your daughter as you walked down the halls, a hand resting on your tummy as you glanced at the man beside you, “Hyunjin is at the party, right? How is he doing?”
“When will the two of you ever not worry about one another?” Felix laughed, shaking his head, “Hyunjin caught me on the way up to your bedroom, asking about you as well.”
You shrugged, the sound and clamor of crowds and partying beginning to be apparent as you neared the ballroom, “That’s just married life, Felix. Trying to put the other person before yourself,” you glanced at him, the gaze in your eyes shifting into something more mischievous as you opened your mouth, “And maybe, you--”
“Nope! Not happening!” Felix interrupted you cheerfully, “You and His Majesty have just been on my ass about it, and it’s not happening!”
“Oh, but Lixie,” you laughed with him, taking his arm as you walked down the marble steps, “it’s really not all that bad!”
Felix’s gaze was soft as he gently patted your hand. He’d been assigned to the Kingsguard right around the time you were crowned Queen, and there was a sort of camaraderie that formed between the two of you from trying to navigate the ups and downs of palace life. He was a good confidante, and you very much valued his happiness.
“I’m happy here,” he said gently, looking into your eyes with his bright and genuine ones, “I’m happy looking after people that I care about. And for now, I don’t ever want to lose that.” 
You sighed, a smile gracing your face as you shook your head, “Alright. But if you ever change your mind…”
“You and His Majesty would be the first to know,” Felix promised.
The doors swung open, and the crowd quickly stood at attention as you entered the ballroom. Your gaze hardened ever so slightly, and your posture shifted, taking the persona of the respected queen that you were to the eyes of your people. Before you were a mother, or a wife, you were a symbol, an anchor of virtue.
Even Naeun was on her best behavior as she walked down with Changbin, holding his little pinky as she climbed down the steps. She seemed to sense her own importance, and did her very best not to mess up, making you break character for a moment as you smiled.
Your eyes caught sight of your husband standing near the throne, and his eyes twinkled with adoration when your gazes met. He put down his glass of champagne, quickly gliding through the room to receive you.
“God, he’s whipped for you, Your Majesty,” Felix muttered under his breath, “Does the honeymoon period never end--ow!” A discrete finger jab to the side was enough to shut him up.
Hyunjin’s smile was small and hidden, reserved just for your eyes as you made it to the bottom step, “Don’t you look beautiful, my Queen,” he murmured, chastely kissing the back of your hand before pecking your lips.
“Jinnie, not here,” you scolded lightly, letting him take your hand as Naeun rushed over, the crowd cooing with delight. Naeun had only been present in a handful of engagements before this particular party, and the people were still fully immersed in baby fever, entranced by the little girl.
“Papa!” She jumped at him, your husband bending down and catching her easily.
“Oh, my little petal!” His smile was bright as he held her securely, spinning her around, “Ready for dinner?”
“Mhm!” Naeun nodded, but not before placing a big kiss on her father’s cheek, “Miss you!”
You couldn’t help but giggle, watching as the princess’s actions completely melted the crowed. She was definitely a natural. You remembered what you were like as a three year-old, scared, terrified, and always trying to hide behind your mother’s skirt even as she forced you to be independent. 
Naeun didn’t need that push, and you were grateful.
Hyunjin carried Naeun in one arm and escorted you with the other. Your eyes scanned the room, automatically taking note of certain esteemed guests and nobles. In the edge of the room, you noticed a few council members sitting together at a table, refusing to stand at attention for your entrance. 
"Is everything ready?" You asked as you carefully sat down beside Hyunjin, "The dinner, the entertainment-" 
“It’s all done,” Hyunjin smiled, pecking your lips before he placed Naeun in her chair beside his golden one, making sure she was sitting still, “Nothing to worry about.”
You smiled, grateful that your husband was so accommodating and willing to handle so much of the work while you needed your rest. Gesturing to one of the maids, you waved your hand, requesting her to start ushering the guests to their seats as food was about to be served.
As you continued to observe the room, making sure everything was running smoothly, you felt a gentle hand take yours, rubbing it soothingly.
“I haven’t seen you all day. I missed you,” Hyunjin murmured into your ear, making you blush slightly. Even after all these years, his forwardness always flustered you, made you feel like a giddy young princess rather than an experienced queen.
“Hyunjin, come on...not here,” you whispered back, letting his hand glide to your stomach, hidden from everyone’s view by the table in front of you. 
“I just wanted to make sure you were alright,” Hyunjin protested in a playful tone, gently patting your tummy before pulling away and gaining back some of his kingly aura right as the first dishes were served.
The banquet went without much of a hitch, to your relief. The atmosphere was overall genial and it didn’t seem like any of your guests had malicious intentions. Hyunjin, of course, grew a little ruffled when one of the young boys from the envoy’s family, no older than five, asked to dance with Naeun, but you argued that it was rather endearing to see the children stumble around the dance floor.
“Mama, that was really fun!” Naeun reported happily when she was sitting back in her seat, her hair slightly messy from twirling so much, “Want to do it again!”
“Never, not while I’m still alive,” Hyunjin muttered, rubbing his eyes halfheartedly as the memory of his precious little girl dancing with a boy replayed in his head. 
You laughed at the two of them, reaching over to fix Naeun’s hairdo so she didn’t look like an absolute mess for the rest of the evening, “I think your father wouldn’t be very happy with that,” you said teasingly, kissing her forehead just as the crown prince approached your table with a glass of fine wine in his hand.
“Your Majesties,” he spoke respectfully, exuding the perfect mixture of gracefulness and charisma as he bowed, “If I could do the honor of making a toast for the occasion?”
Of course, the request was posed as a question, merely to play to the ego and the pride of the hosts, but a toast was usually not something you could refuse. Doing so meant bad blood, tensions, potential rifts in foreign relations. Besides, the prince didn’t look malicious; you normally had a good sense of intuition about people, and the man standing before you and Hyunjin didn’t raise any red flags.
Hyunjin didn’t seem to sense anything either, and with a courteous smile, he waved his hand in agreement, “The trade deals we’ve made this time around are definitely a reason for celebration,” he said, “Although, I’ll have to drink on behalf of the Queen as well.”
The prince smiled at that, gesturing to one of his servants as they walked towards the table, bringing two gold encrusted wine glasses towards you, “We would never want to leave Her Majesty out. In consideration of her pregnancy, I’ve brought a specialty drink created from a fruit that is grown only in our country. It is harmless to the body, and said to bring good health and longevity to expecting mothers.”
Gasps and noises of approval filled the air as you tilted your head inquisitively, looking at the wine glass being presented to you. You could feel Hyunjin’s hesitancy, and you studied the prince’s expression carefully, but there really didn’t seem to be anything wrong. There wasn’t any point in making a big fuss over nothing.
Delicately, your fingers wrapped around the glass, picking it up and looking at the orange liquid. Hyunjin watched you carefully before doing the same with his glass, which held red wine like everyone else.
The prince smiled, relief obvious in his posture as he held up his own glass. He obviously had worried that you might reject the gift, thinking that it overstepped boundaries. 
“May our kingdoms stay allies through peace and through strife. To friendship!”
The crowd chorused the sentiment as you merely lifted the glass to your mouth, the liquid just about to touch your lips when you froze.
That scent. You remembered it when your physician had warned you against certain plants that were harmful to your body. As the queen of two nations, you were an obvious target, and there was never any telling with when someone with a cruel heart could slip a poison into your food or water. The scent was almost imperceptible, but you knew it was there.
Someone was trying to poison you, and they chose the most opportune time to do so.
Watching as the prince and your husband both downed their glasses, your brain was working a mile a minute, scrambling for a way out. You could you say outright that there was poison in the glass. That would put both your own staff and your guests in a terrible position. You didn’t have any proof that it was actually the prince who was trying to harm you, and making those accusations would all but tear the alliance apart. 
Your heart must’ve been pounding so loudly that the people around you could hear. You kept your face placidly calm as you decided on your course of action, and very subtly tapped your finger against the wine glass three times, a signal that Changbin had taught you in order to alert the Kingsguard of danger.
Both Changbin and Felix saw your movement, and so did Hyunjin out of the corner of his eye. He turned, his expression slowly morphing into shocked anger, something you had not wanted to happen. Thinking quickly, you pretended to choke, coughing up a storm as you managed to put the glass down.
Felix walked forward and was beside you in an instant, catching on to your actions. He handed you a handkerchief, gently patting your back as Changbin was also by your side, a concerned expression crossing his face as he stood guard.
“Are you alright, Your Majesty?” Felix asked, keeping the attention on you as he discreetly slid the glass to the side, letting Changbin collect it and take it away, ensuring that it was as far away from you as possible.
“Y-yes,” you smiled shakily, pressing the handkerchief against your lips, “Just got startled when the baby kicked.”
The people around you, Hyunjin and Felix, instantly saw through your lie, but knew better than to question your words when everyone’s eyes were on you. You finally glanced at your husband, your anxiety spiking when you saw the way he looked at you, eyes filled with uncontrollable fury. 
Someone had really tried to hurt you, really tried to take his happiness right out from his grasp.
You placed a hand on his, and gave it a warning squeeze, “I’m alright, love, there’s no need to fret,” you cooed, putting on a show of calming him down so that his anger might be taken as anxiety instead.
Hyunjin caught onto your cues, and did his best to control the murderous emotions threatening to bubble out of his chest. Luckily enough, there was another distraction that waddled over, effectively putting the whole situation at rest.
“Mama! Are you alright?” Naeun ran over, her expression overly worried as she stood beside you, her little hands grabbing blindly for you and wanting to be held. As she was watching her Uncle Changbin, she’d panicked when he did, automatically thinking that something bad had happened to her mother.
“Oh, my little one, nothing happened. See?” You comforted her, bringing her hands to your cheeks as you smiled, “Mama is fine.”
“My deepest apologies, Your Majesty!” The prince stammered out as you gently placed Naeun in your lap, giving into her cries to be close to you, “I did not mean to cause you harm. Not in the slightest.”
“And you did not,” you spoke gracefully, a hand lightly squeezing your husband’s leg under the table as you took control of the conversation, sensing that the man was no longer thinking rationally. Hyunjin already suspected the prince as the main culprit, and any words that would leave his mouth from here on would be far from pleasant.
You smiled serenely, looking at the prince, “There was no harm done. Pregnancies are always unpredictable.”
The prince nodded, his expression still anxious as he excused himself and took his seat back with his family. Looking at his frazzled expression, the idea that the person who was looking to poison you was less likely to be him.
“Hyunjin, snap that glare off your face. People are beginning to notice,” you hissed in his ear as people began to dance and mingle now that the dinner part of the banquet was done. Naeun was still in your arms, having fallen asleep. It was far past her normal bed time, after all.
But Hyunjin’s fury was just barely contained, “How can I? Someone tried to hurt you, Y/N. Someone tried to do so right before my very eyes, right under the noses of our Kingsguard,” he spoke under his breath, the cold glint in his eyes growing stronger with every moment. The Hwang Hyunjin of old, the ruthless king that ruled without mercy, was returning, and you needed to stop him quickly.
“Making a ruckus will not serve us any good,” you said softly, continuing to bounce Naeun lightly on your lap.
“He needs to know what happens if he hurts a member of the royal family,” Hyunjin’s glare shifted to the prince, who was dancing with his wife amongst the crowd.
“It isn’t him, Hyunjin,” you took his hand, lacing your fingers together, “I’m sure it isn’t.”
“Then who?” He rounded on you, eyes filled with pain and anger as he tried to hide it from nosy onlookers, leaning closer to press a kiss to the crown of your head, “Who would dare hurt the most precious person in my life?”
“I don’t know, Hyunjin. But now isn’t the time to play detective. Let’s get through this party first, alright?” You asked soothingly just as Naeun shifted in your arms, mumbling.
Hyunjin faltered at that weak cry, and you smiled in relief as you carefully handed Naeun to her father. The king held her in his lap, using her as his anchor. 
"Oh, my little petal," he sighed, letting the girl slump into his chest as she slept soundly, unaware of the turmoil raging through her father's heart. Hyunjin held her close, kissing her hair, and you were able to observe the party absently, letting yourself calm down after a near experience with death.
Who could've done it? The very idea of lacing the queen's drink with poison, and quite possibly starting a war in the process, would scare almost anyone away. It had to be someone with much more to gain from the incident, someone that feels sure enough of their position that they see the act through knowing it could never be traced back to them. 
You sat in relative silence for the rest of the evening, choosing to observe rather than participate as the guests enjoyed the many festivities you'd planned for the evening. One particular man, sitting at the table to your right, who looked suspiciously upset for such a joyous occasion, caught your eye. 
His motives certainly aligned, and he was of high enough status that he probably didn't even have to personally orchestrate any of it to happen. 
Could it be...? There was only one way to quell your suspicions. 
The party ended uneventfully, and soon, many of the guests began to trickle out of the palace gates, ready to retire for the night. One man opted to take a less crowded route back to his estate, cutting through the palace passageways instead of braving the cold and the people. After all, he was no longer in a sociable mood after the events of the night. 
He should've  known it wasn't going to be so easy. The queen was not only royalty, she was an experienced general as well. It shouldn't have been such a surprise that she sniffed out the little surprise so easily. 
Still, even if it was to be expected, it was still a disappointment. If only she wasn't around, things would be so much simpler. He would've been able to further secure his position, maybe even take control of the military. Oh, the possibilities for him were endless if only- 
"General Lee Minho. It's quite late for you to still be here in my palace." 
If only you weren't around to stop him. 
Maintaining his composure, Minto turned around, giving you a perfect bow, "Your Majesty, I didn't mean to impose. I was merely trying to get home-" 
"Why did you do it?" 
Never one to beat around the bush, were you? 
Minho gave you a saccharine smile, his heart still relatively at ease. You had no proof. There was nothing that could connect the act to him. 
"Your Majesty, I don't believe I understand." 
It must've been the wrong thing to say. Your eyebrow raised inquisitively, and you took a step forward, your eyes cold and unwavering. You must've learned a thing or two from your besotted husband.  
"You're a cunning man, General. Our kingdoms profit off your intellect and your strategy," you said, looking straight into his own unflinching gaze.
"In fact, your cunning is the only reason you are still alive." 
The air seemed to grow thinner in an instant, and the pleasantries all but faded from Minho’s expression. You weren't inquiring, you knew it was him. This encounter was merely icing on the cake for you. The general was suddenly aware that the halls were completely empty save for the two of you, and there was not a sound to be heard. Not the sounds of a servant fetching water, or a maid finishing up her errands. Nothing.
Minho pursed his lips, giving you an unreadable gaze, “I wouldn't advise threatening me in your condition,” he commented, eyes falling deliberately to the swell of your stomach.
You couldn't help but smile in amusement at his thinly veiled threat, “I assure you, General, I am perfectly safe.”
“Oh?” Minho raised an eyebrow at your words, “And I suppose one of your two dogs that you call the Kingsguard is hiding just around the corner, waiting for a movement that would put you in danger before cutting me down.”
The silence screamed under the midnight sky, and the candles illuminating the hallway seemed to flicker as your smile turned icy.
“Do you really think I need Felix to intercede in order for me to kill you?”
Your words were barely audible, and could've easily passed as the murmurings of the wind, but for the first time, Minho didn't feel safe. There was something about the glint in your eyes, the way you stood before him like a storm just waiting to tear through him. 
All this time, Minho had not worried about the consequences of his actions. He did not believe that you were in a position to raise a finger at him, especially since the nobles were on his side. You were the former princess of a foreign kingdom, after all. You were the disadvantaged one here. If anything, he was worried what the king might do if his plot was discovered, knowing and having witnessed Hyunjin’s merciless punishments to those that defied him.
But standing before you, alone and without the bravado of his typical entourage, Minho realized. It was you that he should've feared. 
There was not an ounce of humanity, affection, or care in your eyes. The loving queen that had just been cradling her daughter in her arms earlier that night had all but slipped away. Standing before him was a battle-hardened warrior, a woman who had experienced too much suffering to ever go through it again, no matter what it took.
“What do you want from me?” Minho said, his innocent facade fading completely as he finally caved, the hatred seeping into his eyes as he glared at you.
“I want answers, and you will give them to me. If you don't know, which I doubt will be the case, you will direct me to someone who does.”
Minho’s jaw clenched, feeling the growing panic and fury clawing up his chest as he stood before you, with no more cards to play, “Alright.”
“Alright?” You raised an eyebrow, the simplest action laced with an unspoken threat.
“Alright, Your Majesty,” Minho sneered, wanting nothing more than to pull out his hidden blade and run it cleanly through your throat. He knew better though, especially since he was sure Felix had his eyes trained on him, ready to strike.
“Who else is in on this?”
“A few of the lords were vaguely aware that I was plotting something, but they did not actively participate in the act.”
“Were your actions supported?”
Looking down to the side, he muttered, “There were a few people that did not agree on my methods, but still want you removed.”
“Naeun. Is she in danger?” You asked sharply, for the first time, feeling a spike of fear hit you. If there was someone willing to murder your unborn child, you suspected that Naeun would not be safe either.
To your relief, Minho shook his head, “Not that I know of.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. As long as you and your child were relatively safe, you could continue the interrogation more seriously, “You laced my drink with poison, but it was not a large enough dosage to cause death. Why?”
“Your death would effectively sever any alliance between my kingdom and yours,” Minho gritted his teeth as he spoke, as if you were physically pulling out every single word from his mouth, “As much as I despise your kingdom for starting that useless war, I am not arrogant enough to deny that our alliance has benefited both of us greatly.”
“So you wanted my child,” you snarled lowly, your hand unconsciously reaching to touch your stomach as if protecting it, “You wanted me to miscarry.”
Minho smiled, all daggers and fangs as he replied, “If your baby didn't make it, you won't have a male heir. You would most likely have a harder time conceiving, and we'd be able to supply His Majesty with a suitable mistress.”
You stared at Minho, the pieces falling together in your mind as you thought of every moment when the general had tried to undermine you, make your comments less received by actively criticizing them, or scorn you for your status as a foreigner.
“You wanted me to lose favor with Hyunjin,” you concluded, feeling almost disappointed by the turn of events. No matter what kingdom, the power hungry were always the same, tearing down others for their own benefit. Doesn’t the battle for control ever get tiring for them?
Minho barked out a scathing laugh, “Of course I wanted you to lose favor with him. I wanted him to resent you, to hate you, to see you for what you really are, a viper hidden beneath that pretty, pretty face of yours.”
“Why?” You asked, genuinely confused, “Why must you go so far to stop me--to stop him--from being happy?”
“You think he’s happy?” The general scoffed, and against his better judgement, he took a threatening step towards you. The expression on your face barely twitched, but Minho could suddenly feel a murderous aura coming from behind him, and he knew better than to push his luck.
“Do you really think he’s happy?” Minho laughed, “You destroyed him, Your Majesty. You turned him soft. We were going to build the greatest, most ruthless empire the continent has ever known. And suddenly, after he met you, he decided to stop conquering, to take care of his people, to take care of your people after you lost.”
You weren’t expect such a barrage of anger and honesty, but you took the chance while you had it, “And what? You’re upset because you stopped gaining wealth and power in the spades like you used to?”
Minho’s scowl was pure wickedness, and you stared him down, an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, “I’m upset because you turned our king into a soft, weak little boy. The plan was to wring you and your people dry, taking all the resources before leaving you to fend for yourself. And, suddenly, after he met you, he wanted to do nothing but protect you, a cowardly, foolish princess that was nothing but her parent’s puppet--”
“Careful,” your voice was soft, its edges laced with poison as your eyes flashed with a silent warning, “You are alive still because I have use for you, but you run your mouth like that again, and I’ll have your tongue cut out before I slit your throat.”
The general realized the seriousness of your words, and his eyes narrowed, “You have use...of me,” he repeated your words, already disliking where this was going. 
“Of course I do. If I didn’t, your body would have already been dumped into the river by now,” you said pleasantly, the serene smile back on your face as you pulled at your lace gloves.
Minho raised an eyebrow, “Do you think you’d be able to get away with that, Your Majesty?”
“Oh, my dear General,” you couldn’t help but laugh, amused by his doubtfulness at your capabilities, “unlike you, I am not in the position where every move I make is another desperate grab for power. I am the Queen. The power stems from me and my husband. And do you think Hyunjin would care about the potential murderer of his unborn child if I told him the truth?”
Minho’s jaw clenched so hard, it was painful. He underestimated you. Hyunjin was not the ruthless one. You were.
Like a snake constricting its prey, knowing there was no hope of escape, you smiled, “You are in no position to threaten me, Lee Minho, and unless you want me to strip you of all of your titles or for me to tell Hyunjin about what has just transpired, I’d keep that snippy mouth of yours shut.”
How pathetic. You knew exactly what he valued in life, and didn’t hesitate in brandishing against him like a sharpened blade. All of Minho's actions were to protect his reputation with the king and to hold onto the power he'd already earned, and you were dangling that prize over his head, ready to rip it away from him at a moment's notice.
“What does Her Majesty require of me?” Minho asked through gritted teeth and a clenched smile.
“Stop with the schemes. I'm sick and tired of them,” you said tiredly, giving him a wary glare, “Stop trying to usurp my power and overthrow my position as Queen. It doesn't matter how many mistresses you want to throw at Hyunjin. He will always love me as I will always love him, and even if that doesn't come to be, he will always have respect for me.”
Minho felt his blood boil as he nodded, “Yes...Your Majesty.”
You didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing you smile, moving straight to the most important term.
“You will instate Naeun as the Crown Princess.”
“Are you insane?” Minho snarled, his anger spiking as he spat at you, “The people who supported me in ruling against her will think I've gone mad.”
“Maybe you should've thought twice before deciding on your vote then,” you smiled placidly as you took a step closer towards him.
“You will instate Naeun as the Crown Princess, no conditions, no what ifs. She is the heir. Understood?”
As he gazed into your eyes, each order you have laced with power and unspeakable threat, Minho saw himself in the reflection of your sharp stare. To you, he was nothing but a mere doll for you to manipulate to your own will, a being that could just as easily be discarded as it can be replaced. 
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Minho said again, the hatred in his tone more than apparent.
“I expect the good news to be placed on Hyunjin’s desk tomorrow morning.”
Without another word, another acknowledge or even goodbye, you turned around, walking down the hall and leaving Minho to wallow in his own failure, leaving him to forever berate himself for the missteps he made, the miscalculations that had now put his entire career into the hands of the person he despised most in the kingdom.
“Sounded like things were going well, Your Majesty,” Felix commented nonchalantly as you passed him, the young guard having positioned himself in the adjacent hallway, waiting for any inkling of danger to jump in and protect you. You didn’t fail to notice the way he twirled his knife before slipping it back into its sheathe, obviously having pulled it out when Minho had made a poorly concealed threat regarding your condition.
“Yes, it seems like some good has come out of this ridiculous farce,” you sighed, placing your hand gently over your tummy as you felt the slightest kick against your side. With that conversation, you could only hope that the worst of the nobles’ spite towards you and your blood would soon be over. 
Felix eyed you carefully in the silent walk back to the Royal Chambers, noting both your emotional and physical state, “Are you going to keep this from His Majesty?” He asked, afraid of overstepping his boundaries by prodding too much.
“Eventually, the truth will come out whether I want it to or not,” you said as you entered the private section of the palace, exhaustion laced in your words. Truthfully, if Minho had decided to call your bluff and attacked you earlier, it wouldn’t have been as easy as you’d made him believe it to be. You had your reputation as a powerful general back when you were a princess to thank for how successful your negotiations went.
“Still, I think I’ll keep it a secret...just for tonight,” you confided to Felix tiredly, turning to him with a weary smile, “He’s worried enough already, especially after earlier.”
Felix nodded, and you didn’t need to ask additionally to ensure secrecy. Felix was good about those things. He was a good confidante, and once again, you felt immensely grateful for his presence. 
He gave you a bow, practiced ease and gracefulness exuding from even the simplest of movements as he spoke softly, “Take care of yourself, Your Majesty.”
You couldn’t help but smile, reaching over and gently patting his head, a silent gesture of praise for the young knight who’d done so much for you, “I promise. Now go get some sleep. It’s quite late.”
Felix excused himself politely, and you took a deep breath, heading to the bedroom where your lover was probably waiting anxiously for your return.
As you’d expected, Hyunjin was almost beside himself when you walked into the room, his hands freezing from where they were pulling at the roots of his dark hair when he gasped, “Y/N, my love!” He rushed towards you, pulling you into his arms and sweeping you into a tight hug.
“Where have you been? I was worried sick! Changbin said that Felix was with you, so I trusted that nothing was wrong, but you were gone for so long and I thought—”
“Shh, my darling,” you cooed, letting his hands touch you fleetingly everywhere he could, your shoulders, your waist, your tummy, anything to let him know that you were once again safe in his arms.
You smiled, cupping his cheeks as you leaned close, “I’m alright. Everything’s alright. I just needed some air after what happened today, so I took a walk in the gardens. Felix was with me every step of the way.”
Hyunjin let out a sigh of both relief and frustration as he held your hand resting on his cheek, looking into your eyes, “Please don’t scare me like that again,” he whispered, “Not after what happened earlier.”
“Nothing happened, Hyunjin,” you said softly, your thumb lightly brushing his face as you comforted him, “I’m here, aren’t I, safe and sound?”
“Things could’ve turned out so much worse,” he pressed a fleeting kiss to your palm as he held your hand, “I had the liquid inspected. At this very moment, you could’ve been unconscious, fighting for your life, our child...gone,” his voice cracked ever so slightly as he palmed your stomach.
“But it didn’t happen like that,” you reassured him, eyes widening as you saw his own eyes glistening with unshed tears, “Oh, Hyunjin.”
Reaching forward, you wrapped your arms around his waist, burrowing in his chest as Hyunjin easily fell into your embrace, burying his face in your hair as he hugged you tightly. The room filled with the comfortable silence, and your conversation continued without the need for words.
I love you. I want you to be safe. Please don’t do anything dangerous. It was all translated through your touch and the warmth you gained from one another.
Hyunjin’s hugs were warm. They felt like hot chocolate on a cold winter day, like a summer breeze that swept you away. You felt safe just being in his arms, and soon, you let out a quiet yawn, nuzzling into his chest.
“Let me coddle you tonight,” he murmured, sensing you slumping forward in his chest as his fingers lightly massaged your scalp, “I know you don’t like it very much, but just for tonight, can I please take care of you?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his request. As much as Hyunjin liked to be cared for, by you in particular, his favorite hobby was to spoil you in any capacity that he knew how. He loved to lavish you with gifts, shower you with love, and to do every little thing to make you comfortable. You weren’t the person that liked to take advantage of this little trait of his, since you were never one for lavish gift giving nor were you ever given such attention before, but seeing how earnest he was, you decided to compromise, especially after all the worrying Hyunjin had probably gone through just waiting for you to return. 
“Of course,” you nodded, pressing a kiss to his lips, “Let’s get ready for bed.”
Hyunjin was carefully meticulous as he  undid the corset of your party dress, pulled out the pins that held your hair up, and delicately slipped the silk nightgown over your form, all the while trailing kisses wherever he could. You did the same for him, helping him out of his uniform as your lips connected with his.
“I was thinking,” you mumbled absently as Hyunjin kissed you with abandon, his hands nimbly undoing the braids in your hair, “We should go away, just us and Naeun.”
“Oh? Do tell me more,” Hyunjin replied with a soft smile, his lips trailing down to your jaw as you tried your hardest to remember what you were trying to say. What a little brat he was being.
You sucked in a gasp as you rolled your eyes, amused by his antics, “Let’s spend a week at the summer estate. Naeun needs space to run around, and both of us need a breather from our royal duties. You especially.”
Hyunjin groaned at your words, “You’re definitely right about that. But can we afford to leave, with all the chaos going around?” He asked, as he began to usher you to the bed, his arms looping around your legs as he ultimately decided to just carry you.
“H-hyunjin!” You squeaked, surprised by the sudden action as your arms wrapped around his neck. Your husband paid you no mind, carrying you to the bed before placing you down delicately. His eyes met yours and you touched his face, “I’m sure we can make time. We can delegate some of the less important work to some of the council members. If not, we can just work extra hard after to make up for lost time. We all need a break.”
“Your wish is my command, my Queen,” Hyunjin leaned forward, pecking your lips before walking around to crawl under the covers from his side of the bed, “I’ll start planning the details of the trip tomorrow. Deal?”
“Deal,” you smiled, snuggling into the covers and scooting closer to your husband as his hand absently shifted to rest on your tummy.
“It would be good for this little one, too. Just to experience what life outside this stuffy palace is like,” Hyunjin mumbled, his eyes already closing. He was no doubt exhausted from hosting the party and all the preparations before hand.
You felt your cheeks heat up as you giggled. Hyunjin always had a way of bringing the conversation back to the baby, “Yes, it'll be good for them, too,” you agreed softly as your eyes began to close as well. The day had been far too eventful for your liking, and you'd like at least one full night of rest before having to tell Hyunjin about your conversation with Minho.
Suddenly, your ears perked up at the sound of the bedroom door creaking open ever so slightly. Hyunjin reacted instantly, pulling you close as he sat up to see who had come in.
“Papa…? Mama…?”
Naeun’s sleepy voice was soft and almost inaudible, but Hyunjin let out a sigh, relaxing as he could make out the little figure of his daughter standing at the door.
“Naeun, what’s wrong?” He asked gently, beckoning her over to his side of the bed, “It’s way past your bedtime.”
“I-i—” The little girl rubbed her heavy eyes as she waddled over to her father as she began to whimper, “I had a bad dweam, P-papa.”
Hyunjin’s heart and yours simultaneously melted as a silent agreement passed between the two of you. The priority was no longer to get a good night's sleep; it was your daughter’s comfort.
“Oh, petal. Was it scary?” Hyunjin cooed, reaching down and easily picking her up, settling her in the large bed. He placed her right in the middle, and you rolled over to your side so you could gently wipe her tears.
Naeun nodded at his words, her lips curled in a trembling pout, “Scawy. C-couldn’t find Mama—a-and people saying that Papa was gone…” Her lip quivered again and she began to cry just from remembering the awful images that passed through her head.
“Shh, shh. Oh, dear,” Hyunjin quickly grabbed a spare handkerchief on the night stand beside his bed as you sat up, murmuring comforting words as you cupped Naeun's cheeks gently. 
“Naeun, my little princess,” you said softly, looking into her sparkling eyes as large crocodile tears rolled down her cheeks, “Mama and Papa are right here. We'll always be here for you, alright? No matter what happens, your Mama and Papa would never, ever abandon you like that.”
The little girl sniffled as Hyunjin wiped away her tears, smiling fondly, “Your mother said it best, petal. No matter what, we'll be here to support you, protect you, and love you until you've grown sick of our coddling.” 
Hyunjin couldn't help but add in a little teasing, booping her nose as he said, “Even after you grow sick of us, we'll still stick annoyingly close.”
Naeun scrunched her nose as she always did when hyunjin messed with her, and she frowned, “I won't ever get sick of Papa and Mama. Never!”
“Oh, one day, you'll take those words back,” you added playfully as you tickled Naeun's little tummy, making her squeal with delight and effectively drawing the nightmare out of her immediate thoughts. Hyunjin joined in, tag teaming your poor daughter until she was too exhausted to keep her eyes open. 
"Love Papa... Love Mama," Naeun mumbled sleepily as she curled into the warm blankets, beginning to fall asleep. You smiled at her words, pressing a kiss to her hair. 
"Mama and Papa love you more than anything else in the whole world," you reassured her, brushing the stray hairs out of her face, "Get some sleep, little one.  Nothing can hurt you here." 
Naeun mumbled in acknowledgment, and her little hands wrapped around Hyunjin’s pinky, making her father’s heart positively melt, “Papa...sing.”
“Sing?” He repeated, slightly flustered as he shifted to a more comfortable position, making sure that Naeun was still able to hold onto his pinky. 
“Mhm, Papa sing,” Naeun nodded as she curled up into a little ball, bringing Hyunjin's hand to her chest as she began to doze off on her own.
You couldn't help but giggle as you burrowed into the covers as well, wrapping a gentle around your daughter as you smiled up at Hyunjin, “Won't you honor a princess’s request?” You teased.
Hyunjin pouted at you, scrunching his nose much like how Naeun had done only minutes before, “But I'm the king,” he said petulantly, making Naeun giggle at his antics, “I can do whatever I want!”
“Well, your Queen is now requesting a song as well,” you said with an air of playful haughtiness as Naeun and you shared a conspiratorial glance.
“Oh dear,” Hyunjin ran a hand through his hair, “then, I believe I don't have a choice if my Queen and my Princess so insist.”
“You don't!” Naeun chirped in, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
Hyunjin let out a dramatic sigh before propping himself up against the headboard and pulling Naeun into his chest so she could rest comfortably in his arms. He didn't forget you, of course, and laced his fingers with yours as you decided not to move around as much, resting on your side of the bed as you held his hand.
The sound of soft-spoken singing wafted into your ears like a gentle breeze. Hyunjin, albeit not a professional in any way, always had a nice voice. It was the kind of voice that could lull you into relaxation, the kind of voice that soothed your unsettled heart. Before long, your eyes grew too heavy to keep open, and you drifted off to sleep with your hand wrapped around Hyunjin’s.
Hyunjin gazed down at his family as he slowly stopped singing, noticing that the two of you had fallen asleep. Without the prying eyes of the world boring down on him, he could finally drop his guard and his cold exterior to fully admire the two people he loved, the little girl in his arms that he treasured so dearly and you, the love of his life that showed him what it truly meant to have a soulmate, a person to confide in wholeheartedly. 
It was his little personal heaven, just to see the two of you sleeping safe and sound, to lie in bed with both his daughter and his wife just at arm's reach. He savored it as much as he could, squeezing your hand once more before putting down himself, pulling the warm covers higher over Naeun to keep her healthy. And not for the first time, Hyunjin wistfully dreamed of a life where he was not the king, where he could be a simple man, only tasked to provide and love his family. 
Hyunjin knew he would be asking for too much. He knew what the two of you had promised to those that had put their faith in your hands. You'd promised to protect them, to wear the crown and carry the burdens of your kingdom, no matter how bruised, bloodied or battered the journey made you. 
But as he stared down at your peaceful expression, your lips slightly parted and your eyes fluttered shut, he couldn't help but remember the terror he felt just hours before, the all consuming fear that you would disappear from his life. And for the first time, Hyunjin was at a loss, facing a crossroad that—in the naivety of his youth—he never thought he’d encounter.
If he had to choose between you or his country, what would he do? If he had to protect the integrity of his kingdom and sacrifice Naeun, would he be able to do it? Before you came along, Hyunjin cared about nothing but his work, his duty. But now, he had a family that he'd do anything to protect.
At the party, Hyunjin felt anger like he'd never felt before in his life. It was more than fury, it was pure rage. He would've been willing to lock the doors and interrogate every single person present in the banquet hall if you hadn't calmed him down. He didn't want to become a king like that, he didn't want to become a ruler than put his own needs and his family’s needs before everything else. 
But if he lost you, if he lost Naeun, if he lost his unborn child, his whole world would shatter. It was almost terrifying how much the past five years had changed him. 
“Hyunjin,” his eyes flew open as he suddenly felt your thumb brush against the back of your hand. Turning his head, he realized that you had woken up, your eyes gazing at him with a mixture of sympathy and love that Hyunjin wanted to drown in.
“You're thinking too much again,” you murmured sleepily, playing absently with his fingers without jostling Naeun, “At this point, you'll have wrinkles before you're even middle aged.”
The king couldn't help but chuckle at your little quip, pressing a kiss to your hand, “I'm sorry, my love. Did I wake you?”
“No, I woke up on my own,” you reassured him, “But I'm glad I did. What's wrong, darling?”
Hyunjin bit his lip, hesitating for a moment. He shouldn't bother you with his feelings, not when you already had to worry about yourself on top of the baby you were carrying. 
“Hyunjin,” you murmured his name once more, and he felt his body shudder at how sweet, how loving you sounded, “You can tell me anything.” 
It was the only gentle nudge he needed.
“I'm worried about this,” Hyunjin said softly, “Our family. I can't stop worrying. I didn't know about the poison, even though all the food and drinks were inspected. When will it ever be enough?”
You squeezed his hand, “You're putting too much responsibility on yourself. The family’s safety is not your burden to bear alone, it is for us to share.”
Hyunjin nodded, “I know,” he sighed, running a hand through his midnight hair, “I know, Y/N. But I just wish I could do more.”
“You do more than enough for us, darling,” you reassured him, “You do more than any king would do for their families. It's alright, Hyunjin. You're doing so well.”
“I am?” Hyunjin sucked in a breath, placing your hand on his cheek as he closed his eyes, revelling in your words and your presence. 
“You are.”
These were not honey coated words to soothe a monarch and appease his temper. You meant them more than you could ever express. You knew Hyunjin was trying his best. You knew Hyunjin was most likely protecting you from forces that you weren't even aware of, just like the way you'd dealt with Minho just earlier. 
“I found out who did it, by the way,” you mumbled, figuring that this felt like the right time to tell him in hopes that Hyunjin might sleep better knowing that the problem was dealt with.
There was a moment of deathly silence before Hyunjin uttered a single word, "Who?" 
You sighed. Maybe this wasn't the best idea after all, especially since your daughter was soundly sleeping in the space between the both of you, "Promise that you won't do anything rash right now." 
"You're asking me not to do anything rash when I find out who tried to murder my unborn child and harm my wife?" Hyunjin asked in disbelief. 
“I'm asking you not to overreact now while your daughter is sleeping," you hissed back, "I handled it for the time being." 
Hyunjin let out a frustrated sigh, "Alright, you win. You have my word,” he said, lacing his fingers with yours.
You bit your lip, wondering if it would just be easier to be completely honest or to ease into it gently. After a moment of consideration, you decided on the former. 
“It’s Minho.”
Hyunjin reacted without thinking, feeling the rage run through his veins once again as he began to sit up, “That bastard--”
As he shifted aggressively, Naeun whined in her sleep, beginning to squirm. You wrapped your arm around her body as your other hand grabbed Hyunjin’s sleeve, “You promised!”
Hyunjin’s steeled eyes softened as he looked down at the little girl beside him, and he slumped back on the bed, pressed a kiss to her forehead and rubbing her back, helping soothe her back to a deep sleep, “I should’ve gotten rid of him earlier. I knew he disliked your presence, but I thought--I thought he’d be able to see past the differences.”
“As did I,” you admitted, running your fingers gently through Naeun’s hair as her whimpers stopped and slowly went back to soft breaths, “but it seems like he disappointed both of us.” 
The king sighed tiredly, feeling the rest of his fiery hot anger dissipate as he turned to lie on his side, his eyes trained on Naeun as he made sure she was asleep, “You said you handled it. Let me guess, it was when you ‘went for a walk.’” 
“You know me too well,” Flicking his forehead playfully, you couldn’t help but smile, “Yes, we had a quick conversation as I was walking back to the chambers. I don’t believe he will try it again any time soon.”
“I would ask what you told him, but I almost don’t want to know,” Hyunjin said with a hint of a smile as he closed his eyes, “My wife can be very scary when she wants to be.”
You shrugged, stroking his cheek fondly for a moment longer before pulling your hand away and lying back down, “I’m the same as you, Jinnie. Anything to protect this family we’ve created.”
Hyunjin hummed in agreement, his long arm draping over to wrap around both you and Naeun, “Anything. But for now, let’s sleep. Thank you, Y/N.”
“Whatever for?” You asked curiously, unsure of what Hyunjin was thinking about in that little head of his. 
“For being here. For loving me. For everything you do,” he mumbled, already beginning to fall asleep    as his words began to slur. Your heart felt warm and fluttery as you smiled, patting the back of his hand as you mumbled your sleepy reply.
“I’ll always be here for you, Jinnie. You’re not alone anymore.”
Hyunjin cracked a smile at that, and hugged you and Naeun ever so slightly tighter in his arms. You were right. He wasn’t alone anymore. He had you and Naeun, whom he loved with every fiber of his being. He had Changbin and Felix, who were slowly becoming less like guards and more like their surrogate family. 
And for all those reasons, Hwang Hyunjin fell asleep considering himself quite lucky. 
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halstudandruz · 4 years
Research Purposes ~ Part 2
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: What happens when the only person in the world you didn’t want finding out does?
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: Part one found here (NSFW, 18+)
A/N 2: Also thank you to @enchantedblackrose for the idea 😊
If you are not 18+ and are unable to read part 1 and want to back story just hit me up (:
“We’re so freaking late. There’s no way we’ll have time to stop for my car.” You rushed around Jay’s apartment, pouring coffee for both of you.
“And whose fault is that.” Jay looked at you accusingly.
“I was just trying to help the environment.” You shrugged, handing him his cup after checking the lid.
“You and I both know we wasted more water in there together than we would’ve showering on our own.” He retorted grabbing his badge and gun off the coffee table to secure them to his belt.
“Yeah okay so I wanted shower sex sue me.” You rolled your eyes shrugging your jacket on.
“I wasn’t the one complaining.” He smiled, taking a drink.
“We would’ve had more than enough time if you didn’t insist on cuddling this morning.” You pointed out, remembering how he pulled you back into his chest every time you tried to move out of bed a couple hours prior.
“You like shower sex. I like cuddling.” He teased handing you your purse.
“Maybe we can draft up an alternate schedule.” You joked.
“I do hear compromise is the key to a healthy relationship.” He replied.
“We gotta go if you don’t want to get pulled over for speeding.” You changed the subject reaching for the door knob, before being tugged back by your arm, turning in time for Jay’s lips to meet yours in a sweet, passionate kiss.
“To get us both through the day.” Jay winked reaching around you to open the door and usher you out.
This was the second time that week you and Jay would be showing up to work together. Nobody noticed it the first time, but your anxiety climbed at the thought of someone recognizing and approaching you about it. What would you say? You and Jay were only in it purely for the sex. Right? Regardless of that fact that you had stayed at his house almost every night the past couple weeks even without the promise of sex, or how your stuff was starting to accumulate at his house from the past few months. A few t-shirts mixed in with his, hair straightener resting on his bathroom organizer, makeup scattered about on the dresser. Friends with benefits, that’s all it was. Nothing more and you certainly were not gaining feelings for him. Absolutely not that was against the rules and you were not about to be some stereotypical fuck buddy turned feelings trope, but you were getting sloppy apparently. You agreed to enter through the front while Jay entered through the back. Skipping up the steps you threw a smile at Trudy offering her a good morning, but in return she stared you down, eyebrow raised as she rested against the desk.
“What?” You stopped in your tracks in front of her. But she stayed silent giving you a look, and you just knew she knew. She was Trudy Platt. She knew everything.
“You should tell him.” She whispered to you, and it’s not the first time she had said something of the sort recently.
“Tell who, what?” You continued to fake innocence as you had the times before.
“It’s going to end badly.” She pushed again.
“It already did end badly.” You reminded her before trudging upstairs feeling the heat of her stare still on your back. Everyone except Kim was already there, including Jay who had his feet kicked up on his desk looking through a file. You greeted everyone draping your coat over the back of your chair and falling into it.
The first hour ticked by slowly, and you found your eyes moving across the room to focus on Jay. Opened documents lay across your desk. He looked so relaxed, shoulders loose, breaths slow and even, head resting against his palm as he fought not to fall asleep. You knew he would rather be out chasing suspects, but deep down you were starting to register you were okay with paperwork days. It meant he was safe, and that thought scared you a little. The last time you had those same thoughts you were staring at a different man in the room. A man who sat not too far behind Jay, clicking his pen absentmindedly as he often did when he was bored.
“Ruz, I’ll break the damn pen.” Kevin grumbled, as he had many times before in response to the habit.
“Sorry.” Adam mumbled, setting the utensil onto his desk away from his fidgety hands.
You chuckled at the small exchange, experiencing the exact same one many times in the years you had been detailed in intelligence with the best people you could’ve ever asked to work with. That certainly didn’t mean it wasn’t complicated though, and you were the very obvious example of that. You watched Jay’s head bob catching himself before adjusting in order to keep himself awake. His eyes accidentally met yours, heart rate immediately increasing. He sent you a small smile as his eyes started to roam over your body. Looking for a distraction from the tedious work. You couldn’t scold him. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been doing the same thing the past 10 minutes. Looking at his arms that were tight against his sleeves you wondered if the scratch marks you left on his biceps this morning would still be prevalent, or if the fading hickey from nights prior was still noticeable on his hip bone.
“I need coffee. Anyone else?” You asked trying to divert the obvious eye fucking your were giving each other. Everyone in the room raising their hands. You laughed taking notice of all the tired eyes who so obviously wanted to bash their heads off the desk already bored out of their minds, just waiting for a case to jump off.
“I’ll help.” Jay offered, voice gruff from barely speaking all morning. Together you poured and distributed everyone cups. Sitting back down into your chair when Jay was handing Kev his.
“You gonna shave that thing anytime soon? You usually can’t stand it past a week.” Kevin asked Jay, referring to his beard. They had always teased him whenever he claimed it grew in patchy compared to Adam and Kevin’s and it usually resulted in him having a clean shaven face the next shift. But it had grown in quite nicely this time, and he made sure to keep it presentable by trimming it as needed.
“No, it’s starting to grow on me. I’m keeping it for research anyway. Seems it can enhance far more than just my facial features.” Jay shrugged casually sitting back down atin his chair, and at his words you choked on your coffee spitting it all over your desk. Uncontrollable coughs tickling your throat.
“You good [Y/L/N]?” Hailey asked standing up to help you.
“Yeah..sorry. Just.. went down the wrong pipe. Didn’t expect it to be so.. hot.” You explained between coughs looking across the room to glare at Jay who wore a cocky smirk on his face, flipping through papers not daring to look up at you.
“You forget your ice?” Adam asked, knowing you had put a couple cubes of ice in your coffee every morning cooling it down so you could drink it faster.
“I must’ve. Kinda out of it today.” You shook your head taking napkins out of your drawer to try to clean up the mess you had made on your desk as well as your white shirt.
“I’ll get you some.” He started to walk towards the break room.
“It’s really okay I spit most of it out anyway.” You laughed.
“I’ll just get you a new cup.” He reasoned and you just thanked him not feeling like bickering with him about it. He had been going out of his way to do nice things for you recently. You assumed either so you wouldn’t spill the beans about him and Upton or because he felt bad.
“There’s no way this is coming out..” You grumbled dabbing at the tan stain forming on your shirt, “Do you happen to have a spare?” You asked, turning towards Hailey.
“I’m sorry I don’t. I used my spare the other day after that shooting and haven’t brought another extra.” Hailey apologized. You waved her off thanking her anyway.
“There’s one in my locker.” Jay offered, “You’ll probably just have to tuck it in.” You thought for a moment, it probably wouldn’t look like a big deal. Just a friend helping out a friend.
“Okay. Thanks.” You nodded getting up to head to the locker room where Jay followed. “I know where your locker is.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yes, but you don’t know my combination nor are you very good at opening dial locks. Hence why you have a keypad one on yours.” Jay pointed out, spinning his combination. He was right. You could never open dial locks.
“Do you analyze everything I do?” You crossed your arms annoyed at how well he always seemed to know you.
“You’re an interesting person babe.” He smiled handing you the shirt as he kissed your forehead.
“Watch yourself. You don’t know who’s hiding in here.” You lectured, “this is your fault by the way.”
“I know. Total win-win situation.” Jay laughed, smiling brightly.
“You’re gonna be the death of me Jay Halstead.” You groaned, a small smile on your lips.
“What a way to go though, huh?” He quipped, giving you a quick kiss.
“Get out.” You pushed his chest.
“What? No free peep show? I offered you my shirt and everything.” He acted offended.
“They’re gonna start getting suspicious if we are in here any longer go.” He huffed at your reply giving in and leaving as you turned around to switch shirts. Jay’s scent immediately overwhelmed you as you slipped his shirt on. Causing your body to relax in turn at the familiar fragrance. Jay was right, you had to tuck the shirt into your jeans, otherwise it could’ve been a dress thanks to your large height difference. Turning to walk out of the locker room, you were met with Adam holding a new cup of coffee out to you making you jump at the unexpected body in your path. “Thank you.” You giggled taking it from his hand to take a drink.
“Did you change?” He asked, eyeing the shirt you now wore.
“Oh yeah. I had white on and it was gonna stain so Jay offered me his shirt.” You explained, shifting on your feet at the uncomfortable conversation.
“Well I have one. It might fit you better.” He offered moving to walk towards his locker, but you put a hand to his chest stopping him.
“I’m good this one is perfectly fine.” You reassured him, Adam stared at you, breaking the tense silence with a long sigh, leaning against the side of the lockers.
“Listen we never got to talk about that night you came to my apartment. I just wanted to say I’m really sorry you-“ He began to apologize when Kevin peeked his head in the door.
“Hey, I’m sorry to interrupt..” he looked between the two of you awkwardly, “but we just got a case.” Adam cleared his throat as you nodded,
“We can..finish this later.” You chewed on your lip pushing past him to grab your coat out of Kevin’s hand.
It was nearing 8 o’clock by the time Voight had given you guys permission to go home and get some sleep. Knowing you’d be returning bright and early in the morning to continue to case.
“What do you think about pizza tonight? I’ve been craving some Bartolis.” Jay asked walking down the stairs behind you.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” You stopped turning to face him when you rounded the corner out of sight.
“Well I can just get pizza and I’ll stop for whatever else you want too.” He offered.
“I’m not talking about food, Jay.” You laughed, looking at the ground. Your mind had been racing since showing up with Jay this morning.
“Then..what are you talking about?” He asked, stepping closer towards you.
“I mean I don’t know I’ve been at your place almost every night the last couple weeks.” You whispered, hoping your voice wouldn’t carry to anyone nearby.
“Well we can go to your place. That’s fine.” He reasoned.
“No that’s not..” You sighed not able to find the words.
“Hey, just talk to me. What’s up.” He encouraged hands falling to your hips holding you gently.
“I’m just worried we’re starting to get careless. Showing up to work twice in one week together. One of these days we’re bound to get caught either coming in together or showing up on scene together. We don’t even know what this is. I don’t want to have to talk to Voight about it in the meantime.” You explained.
“We can be more careful. I promise. I just don’t want you to freak out about this.” He assured you tucking your hair behind your ear. “Can we just address how good you look in my shirt. I’m so glad you’re such a klutz..” Jay’s eyes roamed up and down your body.
“I am not a klutz! How did you expect me to react?” You crossed your arms, glaring at him as you did a few hours prior.
“Well is it not the truth? This thing is still on my face purely for your satisfaction.” He reminded you by trailing his lips down your neck, immediately summoning goosebumps from the raggedness tickling in the wake of his lips. He winked knowing his point was proven, moving up to place a soft kiss on your lips. “Sooo pizza?” He asked, pulling back, hopeful look on his face.
“Fine, but I’m not going in to get it.” You rolled your eyes, a bright smile on your face when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you towards his truck but when you rounded the corner your eyes connected with Adam’s who stood near the door, eyes wide between you two as Jay let his arm fall to his side, your feet rooted to the floor.
“I forgot my wallet in my locker.” Adam explained stammering over his words.
“Well don’t let us keep you. See you tomorrow brother.” Jay remained calm grabbing your arm to pull you out. Patting Adam on the shoulder when you passed.
“Shit!” You cursed when you reached Jay’s truck.
“What?” He questioned and you looked at him dumbfounded.
“You’re fucking kidding me right?” You scoffed.
“He’s not gonna tell Voight. For starters it’s Adam. Plus we know about him and Hailey. He can’t.” He shrugged.
“That’s not what I’m worried about!” You yelled.
“You just said that’s what you were worried about.” Jay reminded you, trying to catch up. “Babe.” He urged when you didn’t answer him.
“You don’t get it Jay!” You shook your head, lump forming in your throat at the anxiety the situation presented.
“No, you’re right I don’t. I’m sorry. Help me understand.” He grabbed a hold of your hand trying to get you to face him.
“Not right now.” You chewed your lip feeling a few tears fall down your cheeks, quickly swiping them away before they were seen, but you knew Jay would know regardless. You were tired, hungry, and now slightly panicking at the thought of having to address the entire situation. His hand squeezed yours tighter before starting his truck putting it in drive.
All Tag List:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @grettiwrites @inlovewith3
Jay Taglist:
@jayxhalsteadx @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @toomuchtv95 @queen-of-arda
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
Good Things Come In Three
Chapter One | Reader Insert Series
Warnings: Language, Horny Reader, Mentions of Smut. 
Words: 1,403 
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden 💚
The Triwizard Tournament was all anyone had been talking about for weeks. But today was the day. The day that Madame Olympe Maxime would release the names of the students who will be joining her in attending the tournament at Hogwarts. 
Nova and I were adamant that our names would be in the goblet of fire. Imagine the fame and the glory you’d have… not to mention the bonus of the thousand galleons. But Nova and I had a deal, whoever won would split the money with the other. So overall, it was a win-win situation; apart from the whole possible gruesome, horrible death thing. Worth it.
“Would you stop shoving me!” 
“Let me see.” 
“Get your ass out of the way.” 
The shrill cries of my fellow students echoed through the empty corridors and I knew exactly where they were coming from. 
My stomach felt as though it was going to fall out of me, yet seemed to churn simultaneously. So many unknowns swirled around my mind, a phenomenon I was not fond of. 
After a few deep breaths and an attempted recollection of my emotions, I turned the corner. What I saw next could only be described in one word: bloodbath. A concoction of hair, flowing blue fabric and desperation. 
Every so often one sulking, obviously disappointed girl would emerge from the group. 
“Bullshit. Complete bullshit I reckon.” 
All these years at a girls school and the bitchy, unsupportive comments still took me aback. Maybe one d…. y/n focus. 
Hands landed on my shoulders with a sudden force that made me jump. 
“Y/n, Y/n!” Nova bounced herself in front of me, an obvious smirk plastered across her face, “I’ve already packed my things.” 
I rolled my eyes. Classic Nova. 
“You’ve already read the list?”  
“I like to be optimistic,” she smiled, “you should try it sometime.” 
But before I could attempt even a semi-witty comeback, Nova had joined the pack of hyenas trying to get a view of the board. 
I fell behind. And I couldn’t see shit. If only I was as tall as Madame Maxime, then this really wouldn’t be an issue. So I charged. Funny how quickly people move when you’re forcefully pushing them out of the way. 
Catching up to Nova I watched her place her finger on the list as she skimmed over the names. A short breath escaped me. But I kept my eyes locked on her and refused to look at the list. It was too nerve racking. I was worried about disappointment.
“You…” Nova trailed off as my breath hitched. My eyes remained glued to her as she read the remainder of the list; it could only be one of two responses. And one of those was going to throw a major spanner in the works. 
Nova was unreadable. Her brow remained determined as her pointer finger dropped. Was I going alone? No. Nope. Absolutely, positively no way. 
“Oh, thank fuck for that. It’s me!” Waves of relief and excitement flowed through both Nova and I. 
This was it. It was all coming together. Suddenly those anxious overthinking thoughts about selection had turned to anxious overthinking thoughts about Hogwarts. Possibilities fluttered through my mind. I couldn’t help but be excited. What if… 
“Hey! Hello? Earth to Y/n. Stop daydreaming, we have to pack!” 
“Now… I have heard whispers of there potentially being a ball. So you know what that means?” Nova smirked.
I shrugged. Balls had never really crossed my mind to be honest. And didn’t particularly tickle my fancy. 
“Seriously? Can you just act semi-excited at the thought of a stunning dress and seriously gorgeous Scottish or English men, for once?” 
“You’re lucky I like you.” I quipped back. 
“I am way too invested in finding you both a dress and a man to even try to out-wit you right now.” 
Nova winked and began rummaging through my small wardrobe, determined to find me something elegant. This was almost like a real-life Cinderella moment. Rags to riches. A royal family would have nothing on me. 
“Ah ha!” I jumped. Everytime. Nova really didn’t have a lower volume button. “I did it. You’re welcome. Honestly, I don’t need to be a wizard anymore, I’m going into fashion, baby.” She winked. 
A wave of baby blue silk flew across her body as she held the dress up for my inspection. 
“This, this will turn heads.” My head tilted as I looked over the garment, softly rubbing the fabric between my thumb and index finger. 
“I made this dress from my smaller uniform.” 
Nova’s mouth dropped and her eyes widened. She glanced back down to the dress. Then back to me. Then again to the dress. 
“Are you serious? You realise you’re gorgeous and a genius, aka the whole package.” I shoved Nova softly, rolling my eyes. 
“I don’t know, is it too.. revealing?” Gesturing across my collar bones, the neckline of the dress sitting just off the shoulders. 
“Oh come on. English boys? Scratch that. Incredibly gorgeous, mouthwatering English boys?” I didn’t need to look at her to know what she was doing, hearing the kiss-y noises in the air. 
“Put two options in my case.” 
Nova wiggles her eyebrows, knowing she’s gotten her way. 
“What are you wearing to this ‘maybe ball’?” 
“My black scoop back with the halterneck, obviously.” 
“Oh, someone’s hoping to get some attention.” I wink. 
“Hey, it’s the perfect combination of smart and sexy.” 
That was always Nova’s style. But despite all her descriptive ‘S’ words, she left out slutty. 
“A little fling never hurt anyone, y/n.” 
I suck my teeth at her response. Of course she’d go there. But, was she onto something? Suddenly the idea began to consume my thoughts. Hmm, a little fling. I think to myself. 
Lost in my own world, I mindlessly listen to Nova ramble on about other girls coming with us. No matter how hard I tried to concentrate on the words Nova was stringing together, my thoughts wandered to the idea of a man's hands on my body. The heat. The tension. A hot flush rushed through my body, causing me to cross my legs to stop myself from giving anything away. I hadn’t felt this feeling in a long time. I wanted more. I needed more. I needed a real man’s touch. 
“Where do you go?” 
I jolted my head back to Nova’s attention. Whoops. 
“Sorry, just mentally checking off what I need to pack.” 
Nova shrugged, she was used to it by now. Ever since I’d stopped sleeping with Thomas I tended to go into daydreams a lot. Lack of creative expression, Nova had suggested. But let’s be real, it was 100% horniness. 
With Nova distracted, I slipped my good pairs of lace panties into my suitcase. Just in case. 
“Really? You’re packing your own stationary?” Nova asks, raising her eyebrows. 
“I like to write to my parents. Have a problem?” 
“Nope.” Nova says popping the ‘p’ and shaking her head.
“At least I don’t have Mr Snuggles squashed in my bag.” 
Nova narrows her eyes at me, biting the inside of her cheek. Point 1: y/n. 
“I’m all packed, I think.” Smiling, I change the subject, not waiting for Nova’s sarcastic come back, feeling accomplished in my case. 
Nova quickly looks over the open luggage, nodding in approval at what I have squeezed in. 
“I’m going to go find Fleur and see how she’s going.” Nova smiled, “Say hi to your parents for me.” She winked before swiftly exiting. 
A small sigh escapes my lips as I grab out my personalised stationery. I slowly pull out the chair from my desk and sit, vibrating with excitement about divulging my new adventure to my parents. 
‘Dear Mother and Father, 
Hi, it’s your favourite child. 
Writing to let you know that I have been chosen to join Madame Olympe Maxime and a few other select students to go to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament. We leave Beauxbatons tomorrow. 
Nova and I are wanting to put our names into the goblet of fire. We are hoping for eternal glory and 1000 Galleons, which we would split if one of us won! 
Fingers crossed I get picked and can bring fame to our name. 
I miss you both and can’t wait to see you again soon. 
Also, Nova says hello. 
Lots of love, 
Y/n xo’
Series Taglist: @maybesandohnos @gaycatlord-stuff @rocky-is-cool @omghufflepuff @gloryekaterina @malfoysfavoritewhore  @coldpiscesmilkshake @letsmariya
Add yourself to the series taglist Here 
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marveladdictt · 3 years
Love Makes You Do Crazy Things. Part 2
Part One
REQUESTED: Ok so I managed to fit this into two parts, this is also my first fight scene I’ve written so sorry if its shitty- I tried lol
SUMMARY: Over time, the relationship between you and Tom starts to blossom into something more, but that’s all put at risk when the timekeepers come to take you back. However, you won’t lose another person you love, not again.
WARNINGS: Swearing, Violence, Blood, Guns, Mentions of Death, Angst, Fluff
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It had been a month since you first landed on Toms couch out of nowhere, although it felt like it had been years. You got to know Tom as he got to know you. And you hate to admit it, but you were slowly falling for him, letting your guard down. With every picnic date that he insisted wasn’t a date, with every late-night cuddle session, with every movie night. Everyone else thinks your dating. Even you do at this point. But Tom respects that you’re still grieving over Peter, you are forever grateful of him for that.
“Hey Tom?” You chimed from the dresser as you put your earrings on. He just hummed in response, urging you to go on.
“You know how grateful I am right?” He furrows his brows,
“For you letting me stay, helping me get over Peter, buying me clothes, showing me your world. Everything, I’m so glad I met you Tommy.” He walks closer to you,
“I’m glad you came into my life too Y/N/N,” He smiles softly at you and you play with his soft chestnut curls,
“You have no idea how grateful I am that you turned up on my couch that day. I don’t really believe in this sort of stuff, but I think it was fate that brought us together. That there was a reason you ended up in my house of all the places,” He said surprisingly confidently as he wrapped his arms comfortably around your waist. Clasping them together behind you.
“Fate huh?” You whispered, the proximity of his lips making you feel all sorts of things. All sorts of things that you didn’t want to feel, that you weren’t ready to feel. Dammit Tom, why do you have to be so irresistible? You could feel his cool breath tickle your eyelashes and it took everything in you not to lunge at his lips right then and there. But you couldn’t, when you loved someone, they got hurt. It had happened enough times for you to know that. Tom is special, and you can’t risk losing him because you have no self-control. For the love of Thor where is your self-control Y/N! But he’s so incredibly close. Tom tilted his head, but it wasn’t in a romantic way, it was more of a pensive way.
“Now I can’t read minds like you Love, but even I can tell your having an internal debate with yourself. If you have to think so much ab-”
“No, its not that Tom, I’m sorry it’s just…” You trailed off. Tom just looked at you and smiled, shocking you.
“Don’t apologize Darling. What I was going to say was that we have something, I know it, you know it.” You sighed and looked down, thinking that he was going to make this impossibly harder on you by trying to make a move. He tilted your head back up and looked deep into your Y/E/C eyes.
“But sometimes, its not the right time for things to happen. And that’s ok, that’s more than ok. You have been through so much Y/N, more than someone should have had to. I understand that you’re not ready for this. I don’t want you to think so much about this, because when it’s meant to be, it’ll be. And when we do have our first kiss. If we do, you won’t look like you’re trying to solve pi.” You laughed at that, feeling more comfortable. Not that you were ever uncomfortable in his strong arms.
“There you are,” he said fondly, making you blush and look down, he once again put a finger under your chin to get you to meet his piercing gaze.
“When we kiss, there won’t be a doubt in your mind about it.” Right then and there you felt your heart melt.
“Thank you Tom” you sighed, hugging him.
“No need to thank me Y/N/N” he laughed,
“No, thank you. You understand me like no one has ever understood me. A-And you have so much patients with me. You make me feel safe, all the time, no matter what.” You knew what you wanted to say, three simple words that meant the world to both of you, but instead you just said,
“You’re the best” Like a dork. Although Tom didn’t miss the hint of hesitation before you said that, like you wanted to say something else. Or maybe he was just imagining it because he wanted to hear you say the words ‘I love you’ so much. He huffed out a breath and rolled back on the heels of his feet, letting go of you.
“I am, aren’t I.” You rolled your eyes and playfully hit his arm,
“And very modest too,” You said sarcastically,
“what can I say? I’m a man of many qualities.” He shrugged.
“Comon,” You laughed,
“We’re gonna be late to lunch with Harrison and Harry.”
You two were walking through a park, it was a shortcut to where the Café you were going to was, not many people knew about it. You started to get a strange feeling in your gut. Like someone was watching you. But that’s impossible. Only the further you walked the stronger the feeling became, and you started to feel less and less safe. You squeezed onto Toms hand for comfort and he squeezed back reassuringly.
“You alright Y/N? Your palms are clammy,” you stopped walking and faced Tom, which surprised him.
“Tom, I think we should go back to your place.” He gave you a questioning look, but with each second that passes the stronger that feeling gets that something is dreadfully wrong.
“Now Tom. I think we should go now.” You tugged on his hand for emphasis,
“Yea, of course Y/N if you really want to, but what’s wrong? Are you feeling sick? We can stop by the doctors?” As Tom ranted on something in your peripheral vision caught your eye.
“Tom! Look out!” You yelled, pushing him to the ground just a miller second before some yellow energy hit him. He fell to the ground and let out a groan. The once giant tree behind him now had a massive hole in the middle of it with smoke leaking out onto the ground. That definitely doesn’t look natural… You didn’t even have time to process what had happened before six people in uniforms came up to you. You could already tell that they were a threat. Apart from the fact that they almost blasted your boyfri- best friend into tomorrow.
“Who are you?” you snarled, subconsciously moving so that they were facing you and not Tom. Trying to put as much distance between them as possible.
“We are the TVA.” Said one of the women in a rather static voice.
“The Time Variance Authority.” You rolled your eyes; you knew exactly what they were here for.
“I’ve read about you, I just didn’t think you existed. Lemme guess, I broke your sacred rules and now you wanna put me in a time out?” You said fake pouting. You knew you were being rude, and probably digging yourself a hole but you needed to distract them with small talk while you figured out what to do.
Tom had no idea what was going on, he could tell these people were from whatever magical world you’re from but couldn’t gauge much more from them since there backs were facing him. It looked like you knew them, although you weren’t exactly being friendly.
“Look,” he heard a woman say,
“When you teleported yourself here you created a nexus event. So, either you come with us willingly, or we make you. Its your choice Y/L/N.” What were they talking about! You can’t leave, this is your home. He made eye contact with you and gave you a pleading look. You looked back at them, eyes turning red. He’s seen you do that multiple times now, but it never gets any less amazing.
“Well then, I guess this is gonna take a while because I am never going back to that tragic reality. I finally feel happy again. I have what I want.” You made eye contact with Tom,
“And no one will ever take it from me again.” You practically growled.
“Very well.” Sighed the woman, before you knew it she picked up her weapon and blasted it at you. You quickly dived to the side narrowly missing it. You heard someone yelp out in fear and you couldn't tell if it was you or Tom. You turned yourself over on the floor so that you were facing them.
“Is that all you got?” you hissed. They blasted again. But this time, instead of dodging it you created a shield around you. Then the blasts started really coming in. One after the other, slowly weakening your shield. You decided you’d had enough of this and thrust your arms forward making the barrier suddenly fly into all six of them. You looked over to the woman as she started to stand back up.
“Paybacks a bitch.” You blasted her in the face making her fall back and hit her head. She wasn’t dead, just unconscious.
“One down, five to go.” You mumbled as you stood up. You looked over to Tom, there were tears in his eyes and he looked as pale as a ghost. He kept on chanting in his head. Don’t worry, you’re not going to lose her, you’re not going to lose her, she’ll be ok, she’s strong. They won’t take her from you. You wanted to comfort him but before you could two of the men ran up to you, guns in hands. You quickly blasted the first one in his leg, he fell to the ground with a groan as he held his now broken leg. For extra precaution you exploded his gun. When the other one got to you, you grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back. He wailed out in pain and dropped the gun. Then, when he was weak, you shot him forward with a ball of magic. He collided with a tree making a loud bang sound. You thought that you were too hard on him for a second but that’s when you picked up his shallow heartbeat.
“Ok, that’s half of you, huh, its almost looking like an even fight.” This time you were the one who ran towards them, finding one as a target. You made red matter surround your fisted hand and punched him, causing him to fly back because of the extra force of your powers. You stepped on his gun breaking it. He got back up and you got into a fist fight with him. That’s when you heard Tom in the background.
“Yes Y/N!”
“That’s it!”
“Good job”
“On your left”
“Blast him into an oblivion!” You smiled to yourself, thinking of Tom there cheering you on, offering whatever support he could. Whenever you got hit he would wince like he was hit too. He was throwing little mini punches like a coach helping his protégée on a boxing match. You used your magic to make the man freeze, small waves of red surrounding his neck as you squeezed your hand out in front of you. He let out strangled gasps in a desperate attempt to get air. Just a little longer, you thought to yourself, just get him to fall unconscious, don’t kill him. When his body finally went limp you let him gently fall. Two more to go.
You ran towards a man and blasted him to the floor, but he grabbed onto your leg dragging you down. You started tackling and rolling over each other.
“Well this is a whole new version of top or bottom” you smirked at him, although he didn’t seem amused.
“Common Y/N you got this!” You heard Tom yell, although his voice was laced with fear – for you. The man was pinning you down and you groaned out in pain as he stabbed you with a pocketknife. This would be a lot easier if you weren’t so concerned with not killing these ignorant Basterds.
“Y/N!” Tom screamed when he spotted the blood, thinking he was about to see the girl he loved die in front of him while he was standing their helplessly. That’s when he saw a gun off to the side from when you blasted one of the other people, he grabbed it and threw it to you. You quickly caught it and shot the man in the shoulder, he rolled off you and cursed grabbing onto his shoulder. You took the opportunity and blasted him back, just like you did with all the others.
Tom was in complete awe of you, I mean sure he’d seen you use your powers a couple times before, but this was a whole new level. You were a total badass and Tom was all here for it. That’s when a pair of hands grabbed him by the arms, pulling him into someone’s chest. He tried to fight them landing a few good hits thanks to his strength. But this man was bigger than him and knew a lot more tactics. He was a trained fighter from your reality for god sake. Tom didn’t stand a chance, and he knew that. He wanted to call out to you for help, but he was too winded from being hit in the stomach. He closed his eyes and felt cold metal press up against his neck. He swallowed thickly, to scared to even breath.
“Make another move Y/L/N and ill slit his throat.” You froze. Eyes wide in fear, you put your hands in the air and slowly turned around. The sight you saw made your heart stop. Tom was pushed up against a man, knife to his throat, tears in his eyes. His face was pale with fear and his eyes showed nothing but pure terror, a mirror image of your face. You wanted to break down then and there. Memories of your Mum, Dad, Brother, and Peter flashed in your mind. You couldn’t bare the thought of this happening again, not to Tom. Not when you hadn’t told him how you felt. You thought that everything that happened to you meant that you shouldn’t get close to Tom in that way. But maybe it was that you should value each and every second with him. If only you had told him how you fucking felt!
“Come with us right now or he dies.” And you. Saw. Red. But not because of your magic. Because of the uncontrollable anger you felt burn in your veins. How dare he threaten Tom, your Tom. You were this close to just killing him, but you remembered that Tom was right there, and you weren't going to go down that dark path again.
“J-Just don’t hurt him and I’ll do whatever you want…” Tom felt his heart drop when you said that,
“No, no Y/N, don’t give up everything for me. I know how much you dread going back there.” He was right, and he would know. He was the one who would help you out of your nightmares each night.
“I’m not letting him go until you come with us.” You looked at the man, if you weren’t so scared for Tom’s life, you’d have found it amusing how he thought he could beat you.
“Fine. Then I’ll just make you let him go.” Both their eyes widened at that. You lifted up your hand and could see the fear evident in the man’s eyes. With a flick of your wrist you broke three of his ribs. He fell to the ground wailing. Tom immediately grabbed the knife and threw it as far as possible. You flicked your wrist again breaking both of his arms. He let out a blood curdling scream and you approached him slowly, looking down at him.
“Be thankful that wasn’t your neck I just snapped.” You said, voice dripping with venom.
“Get your people out of here.” You demanded, which Tom found way too hot. With that, the people who were still conscious scrambled to their feet, letting out curses of pain as they grabbed everyone and portled out. But before the last person could go you stopped him, grabbing onto his shoulder.
“I’m going to make one thing clear. No one is taking me from the people I love anymore.” With that, you pushed him into the portal.
“Y/N.” Tom breathed, you turned around and locked eyes with him. You didn’t know how he would react. However he just opened his arms and you quickly limped over to him, but instead of accepting his warm embrace like you usually do you grabbed onto his shirt with both hands and stood on your tippy toes, connecting your lips. Tom was surprised at first but kissed back after he realized this was really happening, finally. You two had waisted way too much time waiting for this kiss. You pored all of your emotions into it, your grief, guilt, happiness, hope… love. Tom quickly took dominance over the kiss, licking your bottom lip to ask for entrance. You hastily granted it to him. His hands rested on your hips being extra gentle as he was aware of your wounds. You pulled apart and rested your foreheads on each other’s.
“That was the best kiss I’ve ever had” said Tom,
“Ditto.” He laughed at your word choice
You were both out of breath, but you couldn’t tell if that was from how long you were kissing or because of the amount of passion you two put into the kiss. He nuzzled his nose to yours and you couldn’t help the smiles the grew on both your lips.
“You were right.” Tom looked at you and tilted his head in question,
“When you said I wouldn’t need to even think about it when we kissed, you were right.” He let out a breathy laugh at that, holding you closer.
“That was definitely worth the wait.” You hummed in agreement
“I’ve never seen that side of you, it was awesome,” he exclaimed as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face, twirling it in his finger.
“Yea, well they threatened the one I love sooo.”
“What?” Tom asked as he looked at you with so many emotions it was hard to tell what he was thinking. His eyes were filled with love, happiness and admiration,
“You heard me,” You carded your hand through his silky brown locks,
“I don’t think I did Love, you’re gonna need to say it again,” he smiled, it was such a boyish smile that you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your lips.
“I love you Holland,” You said as you place kisses all over his face. He laughed and picked you up making you squeal out in surprise; you wrapped your legs around his torso and looked down at him.
“I love you too gorgeous. So so so so much” You leaned in to kiss him again, sighing contentedly against his lips.
“Promise me you won’t leave me Tommy.” You begged. He placed a peck to your nose.
“I promise you, Y/N Y/L/N, I will never leave you.”
“I’ll hold you to that promise,” You say as he pulls you in for another kiss.
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Hello lovely people, sorry it's been a while! Also, I've been meaning to change the format to keep reading. Apparently, with what I'm using I cannot do that, but it shall change in due time! Yes, this is another Bakugō fic, I cannot get over myself.
Pairing: Lee!Bakugou/Ler!Kirishima
Summary: Bakugou decided to change up his wardrobe slightly, and that means tighter shirts. With that, Kirishima took it personally.
Warnings: swearing, tickle fic
Bakugou was really testing his patients.
And he means really testing it.
For the reason Kirishima has no knowledge of, Katsuki had changed his style in shirts: tight and easily riding up.
This shirts weren't a constant; they would come and go, a switch between those and his usual tank tops.
And in all honesty, Kirishima was a bit distracted. He can't blame himself! Even just opening a cabinet and bam: abs on display. Kirishima then took it as a challenge. For what, he had no idea. It didn't matter.
It was perfect when he and Katsuki was alone due to the classmates going out, and the rest going home.
He looked up from where he was sitting (he was watching something on his phone; half of the time looking at other stuff), and he saw Bakugou walking to the kitchen, getting the pitcher of water from the refrigerator.
Kirishima felt his face heat up at the shirt he was wearing. It was a long-sleeved, tightly fitted black shirt. The hem of it ended just above his navel, and it accentuated the hell out of his figure. Kirishima thought it'd be unmanly to continue to stare any longer without at least striking up a conversation. He got up and walked to the counter Bakugou leaned on pouring water into a cup.
"Hey." He said, a little bit awkwardly to his taste.
"Hey." He responded softly without looking up. Katsuki was a lot more quiet and calmer when it was just the two of them. Yet strangely enough, he was more talkative. Those talks were more personal, and Kirishima loved every single on of them.
"You sleep well?"
"Yeah." He finally looked over, giving him a lopsided smile. Kirishima felt his stomach doing summersaults at the gesture. They began to talk, just talk about whatever came up in their heads. Little annoyances, stresses, and even random stuff on the internet.
Eventually, they began to walk slowly back to the living room. Kirishima didn't know what possessed him to be so bold, but he slipped an arm around Bakugou's shoulder. Surprisingly enough, the blonde didn't shove him off.
Bakugou was taken aback once the hand around his shoulder pulled him down to the carpeted floor, Kirishima following.
"Hey! The fuck are you doing?" The blonde exclaimed as Kirishima straddled him pulling his arms in his. Bakugou sputtered at the movement, and unable to keep the rising heat in his face at bay.
"Sorry but you're really asking for this." He chuckled in response, holding the blonde's hands to his chest.
"For what?" Bakugou asked, voice nearly above a whisper, and eyes transfixed on the other. The tone of voice shocked Kirishima.
"You know."
"What are you doing?" Bakugou whispered, ends of his lips turning into a smile.
"Well," he laughed breathlessly, securing the blonde's hands, pining with the left -hardened- hand, on his own chest, "I wanted to know this for a while now." He got closer to Bakugou's face, seeing his cheeks reddening, and his heart racing beneath the hands placed.
"And what's that?" Katsuki felt himself get a bit giddy, he wasn't the only one.
"Are you ticklish?" Kirishima saw confusion quickly cross over his face.
"Wait wha- BWAHAHAHA!" Bakugou exploded with laughter. Unable to react properly, the immediate and unexpected sensations drilling at his ribs drove him up the wall. He leaned to the left, where his ribs were being attacked, kicking blindly behind the redhead on top. "WHAHA-WHAT ARE YOU DOHOAHAHA!!"
"Damn dude, I wasn't expecting you to be this ticklish." Kirishima chuckled fondly, switching his hand to the right side of the hysterical boy's ribs.
Although there was extreme satisfaction with finding out Bakugou was ticklish, he was more focused on his face. Bakugou had his head back, lost in the overwhelming feeling. His eyes were screwed shut, his nose was scrunched adorably, and his mouth was wide with laughter pouring out. It was such a pure and sweet smile you wouldn't expect from him.
"Kirishihimahahaha...." He giggled as Ejiro poked and lightly scratched at his ribs. His body rolling side to side, at a halfhearted attempt to shake him off. He noticed that Bakugou could have shoved him off at any moment now, but he didn't.
"Mhmhmpfft- hahaha!" He giggled heavily as Kirishima scratched his nails at the blonde's bare sides. He did a funny dance, wiggling like a worm. "You ahahass!!"
"You're not stopping me." Kirishima pointed out, watching his face get unbelievably more red. He used his index finger nail to slowly scratch up and down the side of Bakugou's stomach. The blonde underneath buck hard and shriek; a wave of light laughter following. "Pretty bad here, huh?" He teased.
"Shuhut- AAHAAGH NOHOHOHO!" The blonde practically screaming with uncontrollable laughter; Kirishima generally drilling his thumb at the side of his stomach. He began to squirm heavily; bucking and screaming. "NOT THEHAHAHAHA!! YOU BAHAHASTAHAHAHAH!" He also started to tug a bit at his trapped hands.
"Alright, I'll be nice." Kirishima chuckled. He stopped, placing his palm on top of the shaking abdomen, nearly bursting out in laughter at the fact it caused Bakugou to giggle. Giggle! He never thought Bakugou was capable of such a cute giggle. "Okay," he cleared his throat, "it's kinda obvious you don't want me to stop. Which is cute, really, but I want the clear to continue."
Below him, Bakugou was catching up with his breath, the red remaining on his cheeks.
"Want me to continue?" Kirishima asked calmy, he got a bashful mumble I'm response. "I need a clear answer."
"Do whatever." He grumbled, looking to the side.
"You sure?" He clarified, he got a light nod. Kirishima just smiled warmly, "on it!" His hand twitched, causing the blond to jump.
He then scratched at the abdomen below in a featherlight manner. He was instantly rewarded with high-pitched giggles and squirming. He scribbled at random places on his stomach; the sides of it, the upper and lower part of his belly, and the center of his stomach that gave him the strongest reaction.
He then began to claw at the center of his belly, dragging out a surprised snort.
"Oh my god, that was so fucking cute." Kirishima laughed, watching the blonde attempt to hide his face in the side of his shoulder, giggling.
"Wahahahihihit- nahahaHAHAHAHA YOU FAHAHAHAK!" He exclaimed when Kirishima began to put pressure on his taut stomach, he squealed then laughed the loudest Kirishima has ever heard. He wiggled his torso, the sensations spreading across his belly making his laughter go at a higher pitch.
Kirishima could help himself but laugh along with the contagious laughter, especially feeling knees on his back; Bakugou trying to curl into himself. He shook his head back and forth, completely lost in laughter. Kirishima switched it up, going back to light tickling. He stroked one finger at the center of the boy's stomach, making him let out the cutest strangled squeal.
It suddenly stopped, some residential giggles slipping out. He hesitantly looked up at Kirishima who had a mischievous glint to his eyes.
"One more thing I wanna try." He said looking at an expectant and giddy Bakugou, who looked ready to burst into laughter at any second.
He lowered his hand down, spidering above the spiked-blonde's stomach. Much to his amusement, he sucked in his stomach and began to giggle softly.
"I'm not even touching you!" He giggled teasingly, making a mental note to how his tease made him giggle harder. He kept tickling the air above the shaking belly below, the string of giggles never ending.
"Stohohop teahahasing me you fuhuhuhuck!"
Nothing prepared Bakugou for Kirishima to sneak a finger in his navel.
"AAAAAGHAAHA!" He thrashed so harshly, he nearly threw Kirishima off him. The boy in hysterics arched his back; it only succeeded with making it easier for Kirishima to wiggle his finger in the extremely ticklish spot a little more. He reacted harshly.
He was screaming more than laughing; his head thrown back, unable to cope with the harsh tingling feeling that tickled him so intensely inside out. It tickled so, so bad. "I CAHAHAAN'T I CAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
His mind melted, in a daze as he couldn't focused on anything besides him reeling over how much it tickled. He went limp, and allowing himself to just laugh and laugh and laugh.
"This is your tickle spot, isn't it? Holy shit man, you have to be one of the most ticklish person I've ever met." He gave him a break once his laughter quickly got silent. He just tapped around the edges of his belly button, it was still enough for him to laugh. "Wow, you're, like, super ticklish."
"Hehehe! Shut uhuhuhup!!" He let out a near ear-piercing screech when Kirishima tapped at his navel. "Pleahahahahase nohoho!" He was squealing as Kirishima continued, "I'm toouhuahahaha- I'm too ticklihihihish thereahahahaha!!"
"At least you admitted it." He chuckled, letting up. He let go of Bakugou's hands, letting him catch his breath, little titters and giggles slipping out here and there. "That was the cutest shit I've ever seen."
"Ahaha... Gohohod... The hell was that?"
"You getting up in my face like that." Bakugou almost mumbled.
"I think you're cute." That statement made Bakugou look up at him shocked, yet skeptical.
"Yeah fucking right."
"It's true!" He added by pinching up and down Bakugou's sides, making him jump and laugh harshly. He grabbed at his wrist.
"Kirihihihi!" He wined. He hiccuped, staring at the redhead incredulously.
"I like you." He blurred out. "Like a lot."
"I guess that's one way to tell me." He laughed breathlessly, panting from his earlier laugh-fest.
"Shit I-", he stopped himself, wiping his hands across his face, "I shouldn't have- I shouldn't have done that I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what got over me, and-"
He was interrupted by Bakugou pulling him down for a kiss.
"I wouldn't have let you do shit if I didn't like you dumbass."
"Oh..." He smiled.
It was a good fucking day.
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