#like 'skin texture' whatever i don't really care abt that
reallyhardy · 2 days
i miss doing fun makeup looks 😭😭😭 need this eczema flare up to bugger off fr
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Hiii I hope this isn't coming off as rude but a lot of what you said in that ask about baxter with a black wife perpetuates a Lot of anti black stereotypes (i.e how baxter is going to get fat from black and other enthic cultural foods, how brown people are always friendly, speaking about how baxter would do his kids hair and comb it when it takes a Lot of work to maintain 3 and 4 type hair and texturism is very much a thing, and the black women can fix a white man trope). We are also forgetting the fact that Baxter's parents are bigoted and that alone would have a Lot of black families not like him. This really doesn't help that you say you have no experiences with any of the things you're talking about, it's not a very good look and comes off as ignorant and antiblack. I'm not saying this to dissuade you from having black characters or anything of the sort, but black women (especially darker skinned women) are still People and shouldn't have their experiences watered down to something that is stereotyping and sexualizing them
I appreciate this comment!! but I think there is a small misunderstanding that I am white or not black or something or other.
but I am, I have a black mother, and i have type 3 hair n it's thick, and I know it is sometimes a pain to deal with bc of that and it's length, so my comment about hair was more meant about my experience, and how I know it took a lot for me to get my hair healthy again, and how I know what it was/is like for me to take care of my hair, and how my family took care of my hair when growing up
and I know as someone with a white dad, who had a white girlfriend (my parents aren't together), that my dad's now ex girlfriend said she went above and beyond to ask my mother n other black women about how to take care of my hair, and the comment wasn't meant disrespectfully, it was just a mention about how I'd hope most people would act and treat someone, especially someone close, with different hair than them
and part of what I said, abt cove specifically, was based off the wedding DLC and how cove left MC to do most of their hair on their own (if I remember correctly)
but I left texture out of it, and left my comments more open because I don't have course textured hair, my hair has a very silky texture and i can throw water on it and be done if I wanted to.
but I know it isn't like that for everyone, and I didn't wanna talk about things I have no experience with or ramble about something i didnt know abt.
I do know everyone takes time and care to comb their hair, and I know people use more or less products depending on their hair, and depending on what you or a child needs, I'd hope someone would learn to take care of it and understand what they're doing (because I know my dad didn't and didn't care to learn either)
I didn't think I portrayed it that badly, maybe I did, so I am sorry that it came across rudely or exclusive when I was trying to be more vague about things like that just for anyone reading. if that ramble was more refined and less a passing conversation/thought. I would have went into depth abt hair texture n all that stuff
the rest of your comment. I wasnt trying to sexualize black culture or people, so if it came across as such I do apologize.
anything that I said, was not meant maliciously or harmful in any way, but if it was taken as that I'm sorry.
and I think you're talking about my comment about how black people look good in yellow, that wasn't meant to sexualize anyone I just meant it as a compliment that I think yellow on brown skin, regardless of how light or dark, looks good and I appreciate their beauty regardless.
now, I'll be honest interracial dating makes me uncomfortable due to the nature of my childhood and all that sweet stuff. but I know many people, love baxter or cove or whoever, and I know there are some black fans of course and I'm not going to exclude anyone, and again. as someone half black, I can talk about it, mention a couple things, whatever
I will be honest. I completely forgot people fetishize interracial dating and black people, this stuff isn't always at the forefront of my mind.
my comments were meant as a "here's a few things baxter would do for his partner, especially if they have specific needs for their hair or something but here's a few things regardless of race, and more what he'd do for his partner/family"
now the "fattening them up" comments were not meant maliciously, I'm sorry for that. I mean, if you think about it, regardless of race/ethnicity, people like to feed others really well, and I meant it lightheartedly, and jokingly because I know people who always tell me to eat more so I'd imagine it be the same w others
I was thinking about my family when I said it, because my family cooks a lot and we eat well. and generally, you can fatten up anyone you give them enough food, it wasnt meant as "black people cook/eat a lot of fattening food"
it was a lighthearted comment based of my experience with people, that i can think of a few people who would definitely try to 'fatten' up baxter, it was not meant to contribute to anything harmful and was meant to be a light hearted joke but again, i can see how that looks now that im thinking about, and I'm sorry.
and about that "black people being friendly" I know not every black person is friendly. trust me I know. my family isn't the nicest, some individuals are meaner than others, and we have a couple family friends who aren't the nicest peopl.e.
I said that, because I'd hope you have a nice family. and I don't imagine you'd want to include your mean or bigoted family in a story or whatever, that you are probably reading for fun or escapism.
I thought about it, I didn't think it needed a disclaimer or anything like that, since I know and you know that not everyone and not every family is nice but this isn't meant to bring awareness to auch a thing
but again, I can see how it was taken as such, and I'm sorry because again, the thought evaded me and I suppose I should have put out my wish out there, so people knew I didn't mean it rudely, just that I'd hope you have a nice family (regardless of race) to introduce your lover to
about baxters family! I know! and I thought about it, and I know my mother wouldn't like him either. but I figured this wasn't a place to talk about it, or at least wasn't the time and this is all fictional work, hypothetical and completely imaginary, so I figured we can ignore the obvious for once.
but clearly, I made it seem like I was ignorant to such a thing, even though I was thinking about it. and I apologize for that illusion, I just try to keep harder topics off my posts most of the time when I'm not writing fics so that way people have a warning for any angst or hard topics.
I want this to be a safe space, and if there is anyone who uses my work as an escape, or a way to relax, I want to allow them to do that and ha e the ability to ignore their problems and relax for as long as possible.
and about my comment about having no experiences
I meant, I have no experience with a nice family or cultural food or activities, etc.
I have experience with textured and type 3 hair. I have experience with racism. I have experience with exclusion, etc
I just meant, I don't have experience with anything cultural or having big family experiences because my immediate family is very excluded and cut off from most of our family because we are poor and live in a small town, not near I'd say 90% of our family.
I have no experience with a family doting on me or anything like that. I see it, and it happens sometimes or someone does some caring action but that's it.
all that I mentioned above, is what I have no experience with.
I hope that addressed everything. if I forgot something let me know, I do offer a genuine apology because anything I said or ignored something said by others, since I mostly repeated my thoughts.
I apologize sincerely for and I hope I didn't come off defensively or disrespectfully since I didnt mean it as so, I do appreciate you saying this, because I don't want anyone to feel hurt or excluded or anything and think there's some ignorant white woman behind the screen spouting bullshit lol
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saikitsu · 2 years
i know i didn't respond to discord dms yet but expect me to patiently sit at your door like a pitiful minecraft dog waiting for its owner for any oc lore you have even if you don't like what you have 🤲 mutual oc brainrot my beloved
ok all i have abt him is insane ramblings in my journal and like random notes on my phone so i looked up a character sheet on deviant art to try and make it more coherent >< i hope this makes sense :p also he is not a self insert he’s like.. completely another guy. just to clarify -v-
Name (Nickname): juno (everyone calls him junie for some reason. asmo calls him junebug because he’s insect-like <- will explain that later)
Age: 26 
Gender: whatever. uses he/him.
List three to five most important things about your character.
autistic, prone to paranoia, appears detached (and sometimes is) but is usually very very invested in everything (more than he can handle). easily influenced by the people around him in terms of behavior. cigarette smoker (addicted and doesn’t care to quit).
Physical Details
Build/Body Type/Physical Frame: imagine if a mosquito was a guy.
Height: taller than most humans, shorter than the brothers/royals.
Skin: brown. lots of random discoloration for no particular reason.
Hair: dark brown. reaches his waist. 
Eyes: brown.
Other defining features/extra anatomy: crooked nose (broke it and never went to the doctor). long, thin fingers. not particularly nice to look at.
Habits: bites nails, tries not to talk/verbalize anything as much as he can manage, counts in his head when he is nervous. chainsmokes over a pack a day. 
Gestures/Mannerisms: none at all he’s quite still. will fidget with his hair if nervous but otherwise he’s kind of like a statue. 
Demeanor: bad posture, sort of a nervous/neurotic looking guy. his eyes are large and round so he always has an owlish expression.
Voice: monotone, his emotions aren’t easily expressed with his voice so a change in tone is practically non-existent barring any physical influence on his throat or something. 
Style/Clothing: owns three pairs of jeans and like seven t-shirts he got from a thrift store, the most average wardrobe ever because the thought of being perceived terrifies him. does stick to dark/neutral colors when he can because brighter colors are very overwhelming for him to look at. no real sense of style it means nothing to him/confuses him.
Part One: Basic Info
Loves/Favorites: menthol newports, MMORPGs and platformers, nonfiction media, slice of life media, extremely tight hugs, philosophy (kierkegaard-pilled), any foods with a soft/smooth texture like mashed potatoes or ice cream or something, others expressing joy around him.
Hates: depressing/existential media (he loves escapism), having his stomach/chest touched, rooms with too many doors/windows (can’t sit with his back facing a door or a window), talking about himself (makes him deeply uncomfortable). also pain (like, extremely low pain tolerance even paper cuts send him spiraling but he hides it well it’s just internally. he suffers.)
Hobbies: reads a lot but will re-read the same books and refuse to find new ones unless they are very specific to his niche tastes (drives satan insane but he will not budge), enjoys cooking but only for himself, likes to review media he consumes in his journal (will not show anybody ever and will get annoyed if someone insists on seeing), and driving (he’s not good at it).
Talents/Skills: hmm he is rather intelligent if that counts as a talent, in terms of skills he convinces himself that he is incapable of everything and talks himself out of practicing in fear that even if he devotes himself to it he will never be good. above average singer but he hates using his voice so it’s not really relevant. has a great memory. i don’t know that this is a talent but his paranoia means he has a map-like understanding of every building he’s ever been in, and a great sense of direction. oh and he’s a decent cook.
Hopes/Dreams: has very little ambition, is fairly content going through the motions (wake up, go to work/obligations, sleep, repeat). sometimes desires to be known and loved but he could live without it/in all honestly would not do well in a long-term relationship with someone who required a normal amount of devotion/attention. if he didn’t have to work he still would not do much i think he’d just sit in his room and read or drive around.
Fears/Nightmares: being perceived like literally being looked at and having a physical form bothers him a lot (especially being tall, he wishes he could be average height, one thing he likes abt the devildom is that he is shorter than everyone). having his back to any door or window (general paranoia). any tidbit of information he gives other people being used against him, even if it logically couldn’t be. 
Best Quality: despite being generally confused by other people and how they behave, he does try his best to make others happy in the ways he can manage. i also think he cares deeply abt others but it never comes across.
Greatest Flaw: too intimidated by the larger aspects of life (love, career, etc.) that he does not try for anything and chooses to be content with the bare minimum/nothing at all.
Character Strengths: doesn’t really budge on his convictions, cares a lot and tries to be careful with other people’s emotions (not always successful), despite the flat affect he loves joy in others. 
And the coinciding weaknesses: if he feels a relationship (platonic or otherwise) has faded/weakened he will cut it off completely and will not be convinced of its potential by the other person no matter what. avoids conflict to a point others would consider extreme (physically removes himself from any conflict situations, if he is cornered, shuts down and will not speak). generally is very private abt his existence and does not do well being around others for more than a few hours at a time.
Quirks: not particularly physically affectionate but subconsciously leans on people he is comfortable around, or places a hand on their shoulder. clicks his tongue often after speaking. prone to chronic nosebleeds.
One thing they are and one thing they are not.
kind, but not really nice.
Part Two: In-depth Analysis
How does the character picture themself?
physically he does not think abt himself at all, mentally he is so consumed by outer stimuli that any inward reflection is uncomfortable/exhausting so he does not think abt himself very much. if he is forced to be alone with his thoughts i do not think he would like himself very much but he would be resigned abt it. 
How do others see them?
unpleasant if you do not know him, if you are his friend/he thinks of you as such he will be quite inexpressive but you will get a gentleness that he doesn’t use with others. gives off an aura of discomfort/nervousness (i can’t find it but think of that video of a wet rat trembling).
Most valued possession: the notebook where he keeps his media reviews. 
Darkest secret and/or treasured memory: doesn’t really have secrets his life is quite small. treasured memory.. he doesn’t think abt memories like that really.
Are they motivated by possibility or necessity?
he’s not motivated by anything, necessity maybe in terms of avoiding breakdowns or triggers, but even physical necessities like eating/sleeping are difficult for him to be motivated to do. 
How do they view the future and/or the past?
does not think abt them, prefers to stay grounded in the present as there is already a lot going on in his head at any given moment.
What kind of energy level do they usually have?
low base level energy, rarely if he is worked up abt something/interested in something he will have a bit more energy. 
Do they have a temper?
yes. you can tell when he’s getting upset because he starts getting twitchy and eventually leaves the room.
How do they respond to the surrounding world, the ‘unfamiliar,’ and other people in general?
autistic so all stimuli is very overwhelming and anything unfamiliar takes a lot of work to get used to, and if he doesn’t want to he will not acclimate to it no matter what, even to his detriment. other people are confusing to him and he can’t handle a lot of interaction but he doesn’t dislike them, most of his conflict with other people stems from a lack of understanding on both sides. if it weren’t for that i think he would like to meet new people.
Polite or rude?
he’s not.. rude on purpose but people would think of him that way. that’s me projecting a little im often told i’m rude when i’m just being.. neutral i think.
What kind of ‘public’ face do they display?
none, or at least not intentional. he seems apathetic/detached because he struggles to emote/does not speak, but that rarely changes in public or in private. 
Leader or a follower?
neither/follower. a very solitary person but he can be influenced by the people around him to behave a certain way.
More happy by themselves or in a group?
by himself, but he does find enjoyment in being in a group sometimes. he’s content to sit back and watch other people interact like listening to a podcast which is how he grows a little fond of the brothers and their hijinks. 
Do they have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/ or other strange behavior?
addicted to cigarettes. he likes bugs a lot more than most, but i don’t know that i’d call it a fixation. i don’t know what classifies as strange behavior.
Occupation: probably found some menial office job that pays enough and doesn’t require a lot of interaction/has a strict routine. 
Intelligence Level: what does this mean.. intelligence level 9000….
parents: doesn’t hate them but doesn’t care abt them and vice versa. they don’t talk and they’re both fine with it. older brother: doesn’t get along with him. they don’t talk. younger sister: civil, bordering on friendly relationship. but not close and only speak when they really have to/want to check in on the other.
Friends: before the devildom, none. after the devildom.. none. (that’s not quite true but i’ll elaborate later.)
Combat (<- lol)
Physical Strength: poor
Coordination/Reflexes: also poor
Fighting Style: if he had to fight/defend himself he’d just break down. this is relevant i suppose in the obey me universe. 
Unusual Abilities/Powers: absolutely none. average human being. cant cast a spell to save his life. not a magical bone in his body. (the whole lilith descendant thing is.. i just don’t think abt it but lets say it’s true he just didn’t inherit any powers.)
if u r curious i can elaborate on his relationships with the obey me characters but i think this is already too long :0 i’ll leave it here lmk if u want to know more abt him or have any questions.. i like to talk abt him but i didn’t think anybody would like to know.. hope u enjoy this little guy... thank u goodnight *bows*
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