#like ​they were posting them often and i finally caught the character's name
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cerealandchoccymilk · 9 months ago
found out that the hot object head characters one of my twitter mutuals draws is actually from skibidi toilet and idk what to do with that info so im sharing with the class
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helenofsparta2 · 3 months ago
Percy did nothing wrong in Battle of the Labyrinth
Buckle up, this is going to be a very, very long post.
I’ve already made two posts about Percy getting blamed for things he had little to no control over, or some criticism just being extremely unfair towards him, but I’ve never really talked about battle of the labyrinth.
Especially on sides like tiktok, people really drag Percy for how he acted in this book, and I have never really understood why, so since Percy is my favourite RR character, I’ve finally decided to make a post trying to untangle this whole mess.
Generally I’ve seen three main criticisms against him in this book. If you know of others, please let me know.
Him & Calypso
His relationship with Annabeth
The situation with Rachel
The criticism I’ve seen here is mostly based on these three topics:  
He didn’t immediately go back to Camp Half-blood
He forgot about Annabeth and his friends while spending time being happy with Calypso
He hesitated when Hephaestus told him he could go back & called Calypso his biggest what if
Let’s tackle these one by one.
He didn’t immediately go back to Camp Half-blood after waking up
Well, he … couldn’t.
Shortly before arriving on Ogygia, Percy had gotten burned alive with lava. A feeling he described as a pain “worse than anything he’d ever felt” (194) .  And He’d blown up a volcano, an action so powerful, the mortal authorities were forced to evacuate almost half a million people, which made ash fall as far as Lake Tahoe in Vancouver and closed off the Mount st. Helens area within a hundred-mile radius.  
Just a quick reminder of Percy’s physical state after all of that:
“I was really weak. I couldn’t stay on my feet more than a few hours. Whatever I’d done in Mount St. Helens had drained me like nothing else I’d ever experienced.” (203)
I woke up feeling like I was still on fire. My skin stung. My throat felt as dry as sand. (196)
I tried to sit up. My muscles felt like they were melting. (196)
I looked as if I’d lost ten kilos I couldn’t afford to lose.” (198)
My knees buckled, and I would’ve landed face-first in the grovel if Calypso hadn’t caught me. (200)
Maybe I was just really weak and thin (200)
Even after a few days/ weeks his legs were still stiff, and he was still getting dizzy from standing up for too long (203)
I hadn’t been in control of myself in that mountain. I’d released so much energy I’d almost vaporized myself, drained all the life out of me.
So, he was not able to physically leave, despite very much wanting to.
2. He forgot about Annabeth and his friends, while enjoying his time with Calypso
Also pretty easy to defend, because, again, he didn’t.
He never stopped thinking about Annabeth, and his other friends. Not once.
Even before waking up, Percy said their names in his sleep so often that Calypso knew them when he woke up (p. 199)
His first reaction to Calypso telling him that he could heal in safety was:  
“But my friends-“
“Annabeth”, she said. “And Grover and Tyson.”
“Yes!” I said. “I have to get back to them. They’re in danger.” (199)
He tried to use his empathy link with Grover several times on Ogygia to find out if he, Tyson and Annabeth were okay, but couldn’t make any contact (P. 203)
“I thought about Annabeth, Grover and Tyson constantly.” (P. 204)
The first thing he does after Hephaestus arrives on Ogygia is asking him about Annabeth’s well-being (207)
3. He hesitated when Hephaestut told him he could go back
This is the first time, the sentiment is somehow connected to the text, because Percy did hesitate for a little bit:
“I wanted to say yes. Of course I would. But the words were stuck in my throat. I found myself looking out at the lake, and suddenly the idea of leaving seemed very hard. (209)
Afterwards, he walked along the beach for several hours, thinking of what to do next (210)
But if you actually read the chapter, you very easily understand that Percy never really, seriously considered staying:
When Hephaestus insinuated, he might not return to camp half-blood he immediately said: “What do you mean? Of course I’m coming back.”
The first thing he says, after Calypso offered him to stay forever on Ogygia was: “But… my friends.” (211)
His immediate verbal response after Calypso admitted she was in love with him was to say: “I can’t. I would never do anything to hurt you, but my friends need me. I know how to help them now. I have to get back.” (212)
We also need to consider his reasons for hesitating in the first place. He did not hesitate because he was in love with Calypso. Yes, he thought she was cute when she laughed, thought she was more beautiful than Aphrodite, and didn’t want to make her feel sad, but she is not the reason he hesitated. His biggest what if is not Calypso herself. His biggest what if is what she represents: Peace, Happiness, and a way to avoid the responsibility of the prophecy.
Through Stolen Chariot, we know that Percy’s biggest fear is making the wrong decision and dooming everyone he cares about:  
“I stood paralyzed. This was the moment I had always dreaded: the prophecy that was supposed to come about when I was sixteen. I would make a choice that would either save or destroy Olympus. Now the moment was here, and I had no idea what to do. The camp was burning. My friends looked at me, begging for help. My heart pounded. I couldn’t move. What if I did the wrong thing? (The Stolen Chariot)
The first thing Calypso says to convince him to stay is: “You could leave the fight to others, Percy Jackson. You could escape your prophecy.”(211)
He also considered the possibility that it might be best for his friends if they believed him to be dead:
“Now I found out I’d nearly destroyed the Northwest US and almost woken the most horrible monster ever imprisoned by the gods. Maybe I was too dangerous. Maybe it was safer for my friends to think I was dead. (208)” She was cute when she laughed.
And even if he did develop a little crush on her, which I don’t even believe, I just think he really liked her and felt bad for her, how would that be his fault or something we could blame him for????  Since when can people control who they have or don’t have a crush on???
And the most important thing is: he left. As soon as he knew how to, as soon as he was healthy enough, he left. He went back to his friends, missing out on a peaceful and probably very happy life, shouldered the prophecy once again, and left.
His relationship with Annabeth
I can not say enough how much Percy actually supported Annabeth during the course of battle of the labyrinth
He reassured her constantly, that she would do a good job in leading this quest, when she doubted herself: (“You’re doing great. Besides, we never know what we’re doing. It always works out. Remember Circe’s Island?” She snorted. (P. 120))
He hugged her when she needed a hug: Then she did something that really surprised me. She blinked back tears and put out her arms. I stepped forward and hugged her. (Chapter 4, P. 76)
He trusted her; despite knowing she didn’t tell him the entirety of her prophecy
There are only three points in which they have some kind of conflict in. One of them is the whole thing with Calypso, but I’ve already dealt with that. The other two are the scene after Kronos overtook Luke’s body and then the whole situation with Rachel.
The scene after Kronos overtook Luke’s body
One of the main criticisms people have of Percy here is that he didn’t comfort Annabeth immediately after that scene. While that criticism is somewhat true, it's important to note that he didn’t act out of any malicious intent. After Annabeth collapsed, sobbing with her head between her knees, he didn’t rush to her side—but this was not because he meant to hurt her.
Percy himself was shocked and traumatized by the experience
After she asked him what happened, Percy was as gentle as he could be when he told her: “He gave himself over to Kronos,” I said. “I’m sorry Annabeth, but Luke is gone.” (291)
He only snaps at her, when she continues to defend Luke and accuses Percy of wanting him to be evil: “You want him to be evil, is that it?” Annabeth yelled. “You didn’t know him before, Percy. I did!”  “What is it with you?” I snapped. “Why do you keep defending him?” (292)
If we’re being honest, there is nothing Percy could have said to her, which would have helped her, and with the history he has with Luke, I personally can’t blame him for not being able to comfort her about his death or being annoyed that she still defends him after everything
As a reminder, at this point in time, Luke had tried to kill Percy multiple times, told him that he should have died in Tartarus, tortured Annabeth and was completely okay with killing every single kid in camp half-blood
He still wanted to comfort her after that, but he simply didn’t know how to: I wanted to comfort her, but I didn’t know how. I still felt stunned, like Kronos’s time-slowing effect had affected my brain. I just couldn’t comprehend what I’d seen. Kronos was alive. He was armed. And the end of the world was probably close at hand. (292)
Avoiding an argument might have actually been the smartest thing he could have done after that
When it was time to continue on their way, he still treated Annabeth gently “I knelt next to Annabeth. “Hey, I’m sorry. We need to move.” (292)
Did Annabeth need someone to talk to? Yes, obviously. Was Percy snapping back at her unnecessary and the last thing she needed in the moment? Also yes. This girl has suffered an unimaginable lot in this book and all the previous ones, especially because of Luke.  I’m not blaming her here for the way she acted. She loved Luke, and this might be one of the worst fates imaginable for a loved one. Everyone would have cracked in one way or another.
But is it also insane to criticize a 14-year-old boy, because he did not properly comfort his friend, who grieved the death of a guy, who tried to kill that 14-year old boy for the last two years? Also, yes.
They were two traumatized teenagers with the weight of the world on their shoulders, in a very shitty situation, and I think blaming either of them for how they reacted in this moment is entirely unfair.
Overtaking her quest, by asking Rachel for help
So, I hope we all realize, that this is a stupid argument, and I don’t need to elaborate on why, right? Like, they needed Rachel’s help. Obviously, it’s shitty for Annabeth that she had to rely on a mortal girl, especially a girl with a crush on Percy, but that doesn’t change the fact that they didn’t have another choice. Rachel was vital for the success of their quest,
Percy also sometimes told Annabeth to lay off Rachel, but, like, Annabeth was acting mean towards her, and Percy is a nice person, who knows that Rachel didn’t deserve this treatment.
I think these are all of the criticisms I have seen, and as a really huge fan of Percy, I’m getting so tired of seeing all of them. Please inform me if I have overlooked any!!!
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jksian · 4 months ago
When the end comes
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You loved him with all your heart, held onto the person you knew will never be yours; but, the only regret you had was, you weren't able to tell him about those feelings.
Pairing: best friends brother JK x reader
Genre: ANGSTY, unrequited love
W/c: mid length?
warnings: depressing thoughts and implied suicidal thoughts, character dea*h, workplace harrasment, illness, family drama and step-parent, one sided love from oc' s side, tattoo artist Jk, age gape
A/N- This story is incomplete and I don't intend to continue it, but I'm still posting it because I wanted to share it with you guys and since many of you expressed your desire to read it :⁠-⁠)
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It was during the autumn season when he first met you.
Not in a literal sense; but that was the day he thought he finally come to knew you. A side of you, he never thought he would be able to witness.
Just like the sight in front of him right now.
He did not even fathom the idea of seeing you like this. Beautiful eyes which once shined so brightly under the sun; are now closed. Not even a hint of flickering of your eyelashes which you usually do while being extremely nervous.
Now, autumn has returned again; but, despite the comforting warmth of the cozy weather being replaced by the harsh wind blowing away the leaves from the trees, creating the atmosphere unbearably gloomy and dull.
Because the warmth is gone, along with you.
15 years ago…
“Why is he coming, now!? Fuck, I have to meet Sam!” Jia was beyond frustrated after knowing that her brother was coming to picked her up from the school.
Both you and Jia had been friends since your childhood. From being scolded by teachers to helping each other in anything and everything and being the ‘crime in partners’ duo, everyone in your school knew you two were inseparable.
She was always been a free-spirited girl. Generous and helpful, she was kind of a friend who stick by your side in bad times. Other than that, there were many good things about her and one of those were, her brother.
Jeon Jungkook.
The first time when you laid your eyes on him, you couldn’t able to remove the image of his glowing face ever since then. He was gorgeous as well as kind. You were smitten by his beauty. He was popular among girls. With a face like that, it was a very common fact, girls often got trapped by his good-looks which wielded them to the world of imagination.
And, you were one of those girls.
You often found yourself daydreaming about him, made silly scenarios in your little head. Your weekly visits to his sister’s house and getting to watch him closely more than any of those girls could, doesn’t help with your increasing amount of fake scenarios growing inside of your mind.
It was a stupid little crush, but you still held onto the possibilities of those cringe worthy romantic stories in your head to manifest it into reality.
Whenever he was around, every time you got a little bit shy but you tried your best to hide it from others.
“Someone clearly isn’t happy to see me.” Your best friend’s brother sing song those words towards his sister, pointing out her scowl which was very much evident on her face upon seeing him. The fact that she was planning on meeting her so-called-date in the name of fake extra classes would be caught red-handed, made her panicked and mad.
“H-hello.” You asked him even though your heart was racing at the speed of 100 mph and your hand was sweating like the Niagara waterfall, you still conjured up some courage to start the conversation.
“Moon? How are you?” He immediately replied with a sweet smile on his face. People often compared his face with the bunny and you can say why. There are some significant similarities.
You got a little bit flustered whenever he used that name. He gave that name to you because you loved the moon. So much so that you escaped from your school with your Jia to watch the night sky.
It was the first time you witnessed the true beauty of the moon. Sitting on the edge of the river near her house, you both admired the shinning moon light spreading on the water as it sparkled.
You both got scolded for your little escaped not just from your parents but your teachers also. From that moment, he gave you the name ‘moon.’
He was in his sophomore year of college, got an scholarship to study in abroad. It was winter at that time when he got back in his own country during holidays. Even though the atmosphere was cold, Jungkook radiated warmth wherever he goes. He was always been the one who shined brightly in whatever he did.
Jia’s endless pleading didn’t helped much in convincing her brother, so she didn’t had any choice but to went back home. Through out the way to her home, she kept on cussing him.
“You go on dates too! Even, you have a girlfriend!” That was the first time you experienced your first heart break. It felt like someone had put a knife into your heart.
“So? Are you the same age as me?” Jungkook reasoned with her but the thing you noticed that, he didn’t denied it. Your friend wasn’t lying.
The brother-sister duo busy their selves in an argument about “Jia should go on a date or not” where you went silent, had a emotional turmoil within you. It was so random, your little heart weren’t prepare for that news.
The thought of your crush loving someone else who was never gonna be you, shattered your heart. That day, you cried your heart out into your pillow at night when no one was around to heard your broken sobs.
Thanksgiving came and it was time for celebration. It was the time for eating delicious food, show our gratitude to the universe and spending time with our loved ones.
But, you weren’t particularly enjoying.
Every year, the Jeon’s and your family celebrated most of the occasions together, due to your father and Mr. Jeon being friends apart from your friendship with their daughter. But , this year, one more family joined in. You didn’t mind if it was just another random someone, but it wasn’t someone random.
The food was excellent as always. Mrs. Jeon had always been a great cook. All the food was mouth-watering but still, you found your self concentrating more on the scene unfolding in front of you rather than your food.
Jungkook invited his girlfriend to his house on Thanksgiving. That was the first time you saw the girl, your crush was in love with.
She was beautiful would be an understatement. Long, silky hair which was dyed brown, tall with a sweet personality. Anyone could have said on the first glance at them that, they were made for each other. There were many similarities between them too, like both were studying at the same college, Jungkook being art major and she was in the literature department, both belonged to the same city but never met each other before and the most importantly, both were at the same age.
Where you were four years younger than him, basically same age as his sister.
He probably think of you as his sister. No. Definitely he did.
You were burning with rage when you saw them holding hands. Even though everyone was around them, they didn’t seem to care much. It also seemed like Jungkook’s family liked her so much. They were happy that their son have met someone who made him happy. Both their families were happy about their relationship.
When it was evening, everyone was chattering and laughing inside the house but you were on the balcony, standing alone. You couldn’t help but cry. It was too much for you. You’d been crying for days now, but now that you’ve seen his girlfriend, there was no denying that it was real. Their relationship was real and you didn’t had a chance anymore.
“Moon is watching the moon?” You didn’t noticed when Jungkook came here. You abruptly wiped your tears away from your cheeks. He came closer to you and stand beside you, you took a step away, tried harder to hide your face from him.
When he noticed you hadn’t answered his question, he continued “I picked the right name for you, didn’t I?” he asked again, tried to humor you but you were nowhere near to laugh or even smile at his jokes.
You were standing there silently, not staring at the sky anymore. You lowered your gaze and your head fall downwards, shoulders slumped. He must had sensed that something was wrong with you, that’s why he asked “Hey, are you okay–,”
Before he can finish his sentence, an ugly sob slipped past your mouth, unable to held it back anymore. This time he didn’t held back, he placed his hand on your shoulder and made you look at him. You were insistent on not to face him so he settled with just holding you by your shoulder.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks without any resistance but his hands felt comforting even though he was the one hurting you at that time.
“What happened? Does someone hurt you?” you could sense the concern in his voice, his voice was so soft like he was afraid of hurting you. That made you cry even harder.
“____, please tell me what happened?” This time he was rubbing your arms up and down, a gesture of comfort. He patiently stand there until you calmed down and was ready to talk.
When he saw you finally wiping your tears away, he took a loose strand of your hair and tuck it behind your ear. That little affection felt like someone poked a needle into your heart.
“I like someone.”
You whisper to him , tried your hardest to not burst out crying again. You saw his expression turned into confusion, so you continued “But, He doesn’t like me.”
Again, your eyes were filling with tears. The image of them together encrusted into your mind will always hunt your down for sure.
Jungkook seemed to contemplate on how to respond to you. Then, he asked “How could you know that he doesn’t likes you?”
“Because, he has a girlfriend.”
Jungkook was taken aback by your statement. He looked at you with sympathy in his eyes, like he was sad about the situation you were in.
“I- are you sure? Also, do I know them by any chance?”
You avoided his gaze but nodded to his question. You were afraid that he might know about your secret crush on him. What if, he hates you after knowing that he was the person you likes?
No no, you couldn’t let that happen.
“how old is he?”
“Same age as yours. And, I’m sure that he has a girlfriend. I’ve seen them together the other day. You- you might know him but I don’t know…” You shifted on your feet, fidgeted under his curious gaze. He was staring at you, you felt that even though you were looking at the other direction.
“May I know his nam– ,”
“No.” Before he could ask the question, you dismissed immediately. There’s no way in hell you were gonna tell him that.
After seeing your defensive state, he didn’t push that question onto you anymore.
“Okay. You know, you’re a beautiful girl, right? You’ll find someone better than him in the future who will love you.” His smile was surreal, he was looking at you like you were the only one existed in the world, Eyes so gentle.
He was such a kind person, always helping who was in need, from offering jacket to a random person at a cold night to rescuing you from getting embarrassed in front of thousands of people on your first day of period. Even if you tried to assume that he was being caring only to you, that you’re special to him, you knew it wasn’t true.
You were just a random girl who was happened to be his sister’s friend.
He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to you. Your tears were as stubborn as you were, “If he is my age then, that means he is older than you –,” the realization hit him.
“–___, he didn’t do anything to you right?” his worrisome expression made you think that why does that matter? His brows were pinched as he searched for your eyes.
“N-no, why are you asking that?”
“You should be careful from people, especially older guys. I’m not saying all the older guys are bad, but you haven’t see much of the world yet, so it might be difficult for you to identify who is good. You also haven’t matured enough–,”
“What do you mean by that!?” you got offended by the those words. Matureness doesn’t comes from age, also why was he acting like a seventy years old grandpa?
He got off guard from the sudden change in your tone. Shifted on his feet, he tried to make you understand his prospective, “I mean, many guys in our college targets younger girls like you to take advantage of, and… I don’t want that to happen to you.”
“W-why?” you wiped your nose with his handkerchief as you asked.
“Who wants something bad happens to the people they care about?” his smile was so genuine, the way he looked at you back then, made you feel things you’d never felt for anyone else.
That night you realized that, maybe, your silly little crush on him wasn’t just a crush. It was more than that. Something that might ruin you in the end but, still you let that thing to engulfed you completely.
That night, you found comfort in the person who was the reason behind your heart break.
That year, your father got transferred to a different country, so without a doubt, it was the time when you part your ways with your best friend.
It was painful, parting ways with the friend you’ve spend your almost entire life, but what’s more painful, was not able to see your childhood love ever again.
That was the last time you saw Jungkook on your way to the airport, walking hand in hand with his girlfriend.
You didn’t knew back then when someone’s in love, how they looked like. That radiant smile on his face and the glitter in his eyes when he looked at her shined so brightly made you think that, maybe it was the face of a man in love.
But, the sad thing was, you were not the reason behind that smile on his face.
8 years ago
Life wouldn’t be anymore shittier.
After you left your country, you tried your hardest to overcome and forget about Jungkook.
You left everything behind and those memories you’d made with some of the closest people there, weren’t leaving your mind even for some moments. Every little thing you did back then, reminded you of them, especially Jungkook.
Still, you managed.
You did graduated from a college and got a job. Everything was going fine until you found out that you had pancreatic cancer.
Doctors said that it wasn’t in it’s last stage yet but after thousands of medications and appointments for half an year, before that day, they declared that you only had 10 months to live only.
Not even an year.
It was so unfair. You had dreams and goals which you still had to achieve but life had other plans for you.
Your health wasn’t well enough to maintain a 9-5 job, but, you still did it because you didn’t wanted to be a burden on your family.
You were twenty-four when you realized your life was going to end soon.
“What is this!? Are you gonna present this in front of the client?” Your boss shouted at you, that bald-faced nuisance who doesn’t even know how to pronounce ‘future’. Yeah, his future was as clear as his empty bald-head.
You’ve submitted the same project for the third time, because he wasn’t ‘satisfied’ with your work, but the truth was, he doesn’t even turned the first page of it to check. Clearly, he was just messing around with you or to be honest, harassing you.
The reason behind it – rejection. You rejected his offer of ‘get a promotion just by spending a night with him’. He was adamant on sleeping with you. His flirty remarks wasn’t very subtle, you knew this pervert would come to this point at sometime.
“Make this again!” he threw the file across the table towards you. It hits you and you cursed under your breath.
“What was that?” he asked, his chimpanzee like face contort with anger once again.
He got a pretty punchable face.
“Have you checked my project, sir?” there was mockery in your voice which his one brain cell wasn’t able to comprehend.
“What nonsense are you talking about?” his brows were pinched together, flared his nose like a fucking dragon.
“I submitted the same project for the third time yet, you didn’t noticed that. Is your ego got hurt so much so that after my rejection, you’re doing this pity things to me now?”
His face goes through seven stages of grief, fear flashed through his eyes but, soon turned into rage. He abruptly stood up from his chair, banging his fist on the table, “What the hell are you talking about!? Have you forgotten your place? Don’t cross the limit, ____. You’re nothing, a good for nothing! You should know that, I’m your senior here, talk to me with respect! Or –,”
“Or what? Are you gonna complain? You know, I’m also going to complain about something…” You said, your tone as calm as ever but eyes hard as a rock.
He knew, what filthy texts he had sent you and obviously, you didn’t deleted them even though he had told you to. You thought, he might explode right at that moment out of anger, “Are you threatening me? Huh? What? Are you gonna complain about me now?”
“Yes, you asshole.”
“Bitch–,” He was going to hit you with a file but before he could do that, your colleagues interrupted and he stopped midway, pretending like nothing happened.
You stormed out of his office, never minding him calling your name continuously. Everyone in your office looked at you like you’d grown two horns on your head. You didn’t gave them any attention and straight up went to the CEO’s office.
He had threatened you countless times about how you were gonna lose your job if you don’t work how he wants you to, accordingly.
But, you had nothing to lose anymore.
After you filed a complain and submitted the resignation letter, you left that company. For good.
On the way to your home, you called your parents and told the you left your job. Your step-mom was more furious than your own dad.
Of course, you knew that would happen but what was the benefit of continuing the job when you won’t be alive anymore.
You hang up the call as soon as you heard her shouting from the other side.
You felt lost. What were you doing all these years?
Barely surviving.
You didn’t even know how it felt to live life. Not surviving, living.
All you did was, earning money with your fragile health to make it stronger but instead, it worsen even more at the end.
Now, you were on the brink of death.
Is it okay to leave everything behind? You thought. It wasn’t like you had much left in your life anyway. Your parents were stressed all the time because of you. Your sister were depressed after knowing about your condition.
Is it too soon to die in this moment? You asked yourself while standing at the edge of the bridge which connected two cities together. Staring at the river below, almost 136 meters high. You kept on staring blankly at the way water flows by, wondering where it might took you if you jump at this instance.
Before, your intrusive thoughts controlled you, your eyes landed on a bird, it’s wing crippled. It kept on chirping and tried to fly, but every time it does, landed on the surface of the barrier.
You slowly shifted closer to it, not wanted to scared it away and held it in your palms gently, “Hey, let me bandage you, okay? You will be able to fly again then!”
Fortunately, you had a small box of fast aid kit with you. Being a full-time patient and a regular visitor to the hospital, you got accustomed with the medical kits and medicines.
You swiftly bandaged the wounded wing carefully while rubbing its back.
“Do you have a name?”
The bird wiggled into your hold a little. You realized how dumb that question was, but you’d always liked talking to animals even though they couldn’t reply back to you or even understood you. All they did was, stare at your face dumbfoundedly, probably judging the crazy women in front of them.
After you were done, you released it from your hold and you saw the bird flying again.
The happiness you felt at that moment was indescribable. It felt like, you were cured from your deathly disease and your death sentence has been halt for a long period of time.
You felt like, you could live your life, just like that bird.
You felt…alive for a moment.
You didn’t knew when you started crying, tears ran down on your cheeks, on their own. You saw the bird fly happily. It wasn’t fully recovered yet, but still, the determination and courage ignited something inside of you.
At that moment, you regain the courage to live your life.
Not surviving anymore but, living your life to its fullest. At least for once.
Convincing your family wasn’t easy, especially your step-mother.
You had decided that, you want to spend your last days of your life in your hometown, which meant, you all had to move back to your old country where, once you left everything behind.
“I want to live my life before I die, dad. I want to live and do all those things while I’m still alive… because I don’t want regret it on my last days. Please, let me fulfil all those dreams before I left this earth?”
You father rarely saw you crying since you’d grown up. Not that you often cried in front of people, you always preferred crying silently in the dark of your room, hiding from everyone.
It was surprising to him.
But, the most surprising thing was, when you saw tears in his eyes. Your father was someone who believed that, crying was a sign of weakness.
But, he didn’t showed that to you, hiding his face from you, he said, “Then go, start packing your bags.”
You didn’t believe your own ears, did you heard it right?
You couldn’t contained your excitement as you hugged your father from behind and said, “Thank you.”
Tears breamed from your eyes after realizing that, finally you were going back to your country.
The streets still looked almost the same where you had spent your entire childhood, just not as much calm and warm as it used to be.
So many residents were built there now, it was more hectic and crowded. Thankfully, your old house was on sale at that time. The owner whom your father had sold that house to, wanted to sell it and your father bought it.
The walls of that house held so many memories, many untold truths and evidence of your cruel sleepless nights. The whispers of heart break buried in a corner of your room. All those memories came back to your mind and you found yourself day-dreaming about your old crush again.
“Where Jungkook might be right now?”
“What are you thinking about?” your sister came up behind you, noticing your eyes fixed on the direction of his house.
Your sister had graduated at the same year when you guys moved here. You were more than happy that she decided to start her career here and stayed with you, at least for that reason, you were able to spent your last days with her.
She knew about every single thing happened in your life and Jungkook wasn’t exceptional.
“Don’t lie. You were thinking about Jungkook, right?”
Oh god. Hearing that name after so many years, felt surreal. It only intensified the longing you were feeling all those years. Your eyes slightly widened but you dismissed immediately.
“No, you idiot. Go and do your work.”
“You don’t? Okay then, if you say so… but you should probably call Jia, she will be so happy to see you again!”
“I’ll call her later but now, my head is aching! Can you please make me some tea?” you pouted at her, gave her those innocent doe eyes. She glared at you in return, with bombastic side eyes, she left the room.
You giggled and heard her cursing back at you. You laughed a little more at that. Your bond with your sister was special. Something very close to your heart. She was the only family you had, according to you.
Your parents got divorced when you were only twelve years old, so figuring out what was going on and adjusting to the situation was difficult for you. Separating from your mother was especially harder, you thought of her as your best friend but…
No one’s gonna stay with you for forever and you learned it the hard way.
Ever since then, so many things changed in your life. Your father married again in the hope that, you and your sister might be able to experience the motherly love from her, but instead you got more pain and suffering.
She was at your throat for every single second, peace was something you used to crave, if not love. You never felt at home. When you found out about your disease, it was a disaster; but still, all she cared about was money.
How thoughtful!
You decided to take your sister’s advice and called your best friend. After eight years, you were again in your hometown. It was so nostalgic that you got emotional.
All the furniture were yet to be settled, your bed wasn’t ready to be used so you took a seat on your window, staring outside.
As you saw the canvas of the evening sky transforms into a masterpiece of hues, a tapestry of twilight unfolds, painted in soft pastels — a symphony of peach, lavender, and whispers of indigo. That moment felt celestial as your heart filled with an unknown warmth and you found yourself embracing your own body into your arms.
You had called her few times in all those years and she did too; but, with time, the busy schedules and hectic day to day life forced both of you to grew apart. The calls kept on reducing in number and, then it stopped altogether.
The call rang for four times before she picked up. For some moments, you were just staring at each other’s faces, network wasn’t working on your favor so it took time to get a clear picture of her face.
“You’re still alive?” was the first thing she asked you, very typical ‘Jia’ like behavior.
“Yeah, I’m still alive. Thank you very much! How are you?” you humored her and you saw her scoffed.
“You tell me, where were you? Huh? NO calls! NO massages!… were you gone underground or something? Oh no, wait! You forgot about me, right?”
She kept on blabbering her nonsense, falsely accusing you, dramatically thrown tantrums at you. You saw her brows pinched together as she glared at you which was supposed to be intimidating.
“Well, I’m in our hometown.”
She couldn’t believe your words so you turned the camera around and gave her the view of the street where you guys used to run and play.
You saw her eyes widened and mouth gaped at the view, she scrutinized the area a little bit longer and made sure it was indeed her hometown.
“Fuck, bro! why didn’t you tell me before?”
“Because I wanted to surprise you, but well, looks like you’re not here.”
Her face turned into a sad expression from irritation, mirroring your own face.
You knew you would’ve told her, but you genuinely wanted to gave her a surprise with your arrival, in which failed miserably!
“It’s fine, I’m coming home in a few days.” That comforted you to some extent, knowing that you would be able to meet your best friend after all those years finally, before you die. It certainly gave you some comfort.
No one knew about your condition except your family, not even your best friend. The reason being, you wanted a normal life.
You didn’t wanted those sympathetic looks from others or them doing things for your just because you are gonna die soon.
No, you wanted them to act normal, just like they always did.
You didn’t wanted them to felt some urgency or pressure.
You didn’t wanted them to feel bad or guilty for you.
No, you wanted them to treat you normally, just like they had been with you ever since they met you.
Just a normal life before you die, where you can enjoy every second of your life and live it with others. Was that too much to ask for?
“Come back soon then,” Your smile held a sense of nostalgia and melancholy in it and for a brief second, you thought you saw tears in her eyes.
“By the way, have you informed others?” She changed the subject, probably didn’t wanted to cry at that moment of happiness.
“Yeah, we are going to meet at a club in this evening.”
“That’s great! Have fun then and also… is Jay coming?” she smirked at the camera and arched a brow at you.
Having a crush was different but this guy was on another level. He was head over heels for you. You never understood his obsession or love (what he used to say) for you. He was the same age as Jungkook. It wasn’t like he wasn’t good looking, on the contrary, he was charming. A guy for any girl would fall for. Topper of his class with that cute face of his, he got the whole package.
But, you never felt anything for him. So the first time he confessed to you, you straight up said ‘no’. Maybe it was a bit rude, not that you were denying but You never grasped the concept of leaving someone in ambiguity without providing a clear response, especially when it involved feelings.
“Do you want me to bonk you in the head? Why would he come to our reunion party? Come on…he isn’t even belong to our friend circle!” You said in disbelief and she rolled her eyes a little more.
“Dude, he was obsessing over you for such a long time! I’m sure he might be into you after all these year– ,”
“Jia–, you know how I feel about this–,” Yeah, she does. She knew everything, “Can we please drop it?”
She dropped the topic after your pleading. You always got irritated whenever she acted this way, teasing you by someone’s name who had a crush on you, constantly encouraged you to start dating one of them. You being you, never listened to her.
You both talked about things in general after that and then hang up.
Yeah, it was good. If not telling anyone about your sickness helped you live the way you wanted to, then, it’s okay.
As soon as you hang up the call, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. You breathed in and out as you tried to endure it. Probably because you hadn’t took your medications yet. That’s why it was happening. You’d accustomed with all this by that time, so it wasn’t any thing new to you.
You were fine.
The city you lived in looked different but still, there was a familiarity in it.
Sidewalks hum with activity as people strolled, laughter echoed from cafes, and the distant sounds of traffic created a vibrant urban symphony. The evening air carried a blend of aromas from food vendors, filled your noses trills and made your stomach grumbled.
You met with your school friends at the club 15 minutes away from your house as planned. Coming to a club doesn’t made sense to you, because you weren’t able to drink alcohol, but.. well… you were there because of your… friends.
You sat on a stool which were lined the polished counter, where patrons sipped drinks and shared laughter. You watched your friends danced across the crowded dance floor, lost in their own world.
You saw Kai from your friends group, approaching you, came straight at the direction where you were seated. You quickly reverted your eyes to somewhere, acted like you hadn’t even noticed him just now, like any other introvert, focusing on your drink in your hand.
“Hey, ____! Long time no see.” Yeah, it would be longer if he weren’t just interrupted your peaceful time there.
He was grinning ear to ear like he just found some treasure. You adjusted yourself to looked at him, “Yeah, Hey! How are you?”
“Oh fine, just living the busy life of a busy man. You say, what you’re been up to these days?” oh, nothing special, just waiting to be embraced by death and, oh! Also trying to have a peaceful time which now has been disrupted. You hoped you’d be able to say that on his face but… oh, well… manners!
“Nothing special –,” He pulled a stool beside you and hopped on it, “You say?”
You watched him settling beside you comfortably. You internally rolled your eyes when you realized he probably wasn’t going anywhere soon.
He started talking about his life which you didn’t mind any attention to, you were busy finding loopholes to escaped the man in front of you. You eyes darted frantically everywhere around the club to found any of your friends, anyone, but the crowd made it harder to spot any of them.
He offered you a tequila which you politely refused. Then, he continued insisting on buying you a drink, his words laced with determination, the alcohol in his system clearly kicked out at that moment. The background buzz of the bar heightened as he tried to charm you into accepting, created a moment of tension which wasn’t a good kind.
Despite your clear signal of disinterest, he remained persistent. It ultimately left you annoyed than ever. The last time, your refusal was harsh, words came out of your mouth was rude but the situation particularly made it harder for you to be calm, “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want a drink? It would be great if leave me alone.”
He took that to his heart, it seemed, because the look he gave you was similar to Chihuahua dogs when angry. You never got what this boy’s problem was, even any other boy who tried to pursued you before.
Why boys don’t know when to stop and have no shame? Universal question. The whole world wanted to know the answer, included yourself.
“Why the attitude? I’m just trying to be friendly! Damn, seems like you don’t deserve that–,” He scoffed, “you’ve become more hot, not gonna lie; but, that hard-to-get bitchy attitude is still there.”
The audacity he had!
You raised an eyebrow but maintained your composure. “Friendly doesn’t usually come with comments like that. It’s about mutual respect,” You retorted.
He leaned against the counter, undeterred. “Come on, no need to be so serious. I’m just being honest here. You were always good looking and now, you looks irresistible, but the attitude…”
You sighed, contemplated on if you walked out of there or slap him across his face, “Honesty is appreciated when it’s respectful. Your comments are crossing the line.”
Unfazed, he chuckled, “I just call it like I see it. No harm meant.”
“Well, it’s causing harm. I value my personal space and expect to be treated with respect,” You stated firmly.
He scoffed again, “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to loosen up a bit. Not every compliment is an attack.”
As his audacity reached new heights with an attempt to grab your arm, frustration surged within you. You were on the verge of snapping back, but just in the nick of time, a familiar voice called your name, halting your impending outburst.
“Hey, there you are! I’ve been looking for you.”
You turned your face to your left and saw Jungkook standing there, a n knowing smile on his face which he usually made when he got annoyed or angry.
Relieved and equally surprised to hear his familiar voice, you redirected your attention, grateful for the interruption regardless.
You stared at him with wide eyes, still thinking that if he was real or not. He glanced at the guy who had attempted to grab your arm, his smile faded into a more serious expression. “Is everything okay here?" Jungkook asked, his tone carried a subtle warning.
The guy got tensed, visibly uncomfortable under Jungkook’s scrutiny, stammered, “Just a misunderstanding, man.”
Jungkook’s demeanor remained stern as he replied, “Best not to misunderstand personal boundaries. She’s not interested.”
His hand was on your shoulder in a comforting manner. With that, Jungkook subtly positioned himself between you and the guy, creating a clear physical barrier. The unwelcome intruder, perhaps sensed the shift in dynamics, made a hasty exit. His protective side kicked out.…
…Like any other big brother might had.
Being the protective big brother he was, Jungkook had a younger sister, so dealing with guys hitting on her became a familiar scenario for him. He had accumulated experience in handling such situations.
Yeah, he still saw you like his little sister.
“Jungkook…” Words came out breathy form your mouth like you still hadn’t believe him standing there. The feeling you had buried in a corner of your heart years ago resurfaced once again, the bittersweet warmth you used to feel whenever you saw him bloomed inside of your heart.
Jungkook’s gaze held a mix of familiarity and affection, and you found myself lost in the moment, the years melting away.
“Hey –,” He said softly as he stand in front of you, “Are you okay?”
When he smiled at you, you realized his smile was still the same, radiated warmth and playfulness. That boyish innocence was still there but with a mix of mature allure that time. That doe-like, expressive eyes that held a certain depth, his gaze was both inviting and enigmatic, in which you found yourself drowned.
There were significant changes in his appearance though, like the tattoos on his arm and those piercings on his eyebrows, ears and even his lips. You stared at him absentmindedly before he spoke, “Moon? I asked if you’re okay?” That name again!
“Yeah, right… I’m okay. Thank you, Jungkook.”
He smiled at your response as he said, “I didn’t knew you were in the town.”
“Yeah, no one does actually. I wanted to surprise Jia, but she is out of the country so…’
“Right, she is.” Then silence settled between you two. Before it could got more awkward, Jungkook said, “So…how is life going?” as he took the seat on which Kai was settled before.
How were you gonna answer that? Your life… you felt like it was never yours. You moved out of the country because of your father, you got a college degree so you could help your family financially, then you diagnosed with a disease which eventually going to kill you so you didn’t had much time left.
But, in all of these, what you did for yourselves? When was the time you actually lived your life?
You didn’t had an answer to that tbh.
“Nothing special. My dad got retired so we thought about coming back to our country.” You answered, swirling the glass of virgin mojito in your hand. “and, what about you?”
“Me?” He asked, his doe eyes staring wide at you, chucking a little, he replied, “Came back to my home after realizing, I’m not gonna get a job there any time soon, not bad though–,” He glanced over your shoulder as you saw something flickered in his eyes, “ –Then thought about starting my own business, now I got my own tattoo shop.”
You saw him frequently glancing over your shoulder, as if someone was behind you whome was trying to see.
“Oh! That’s awesome!”
He didn’t replied and kept staring at a particular direction behind you. When you attempted to look behind, he stopped you by grabbing your arm. “Yeah, it is.”
He let out a laugh which clearly indicated his nervousness. “Is everything okay?” you asked.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Is someone behind me?”
“Yeah… it’s just my ex.”
He said that casually as if he wasn’t just trying to desperately snatch a glance at her. You didn’t understand, his ex?
You remember his girlfriend. What was her name again?
Nina? Nanny? Ah, no. Yes!
Nancy. She was his girlfriend whom he invited to the thanksgiving party. As far as you knew, they were still dating according to Jia even though she confessed that to you a long time ago.
“Umm– Jungkook? I need more context to understand what you’re talking about. So, fill me in what I’m missing out?” You squinted at him dramatically and he laughed a little at your ministration.
That same smile which was enough to make your heart flutter and skip a beat.
“It’s nothing, just that…” He paused midway and glanced over your head again before continuing, “We broke things up a few months ago. Decided to go separate ways because we didn’t work out eventually?”
There was a question mark at the end, you wondered why was that for. Was he not know why they broke up? That’s sounds silly. Maybe, he was confused after they broke things up and thought that he made a mistake there? He might still wanted to be with her?
Before your train of thought escalate even further, He tapped you on your shoulder and brought you back to the reality, “Earth to ___,” You saw him smiling at you, “What are you thinking?”
You were wearing off shoulders, so, the naked touch of his fingers upon your skin kindled a transient flame, imprinting an indelible mark of his presence that will linger unwelcomed for the next few days.
“N-nothing, what were you saying again?” shaking the dizziness from witnessing the stars in his eyes, you asked. It’s normal for a human being like you, feeling dizzy after touched by someone made of stars. Gotta be grounded, you aren’t allowed to touch the stars, you reminded yourself.
“I asked, if you want to dance with me. Would you?” He asked as he extended his hand for you. You knew, you shouldn’t touch the stars but the shining flow of it made you blinded to the upcoming consequences of your actions.
You should knew well, why he was asking for a dance. His ex was still behind you so the only reason would be to – made her jealous, still you reciprocated.
You warned him about your lack of knowledge in dancing, nonetheless, he pulled you to the dance floor.
Placed your hands on his shoulder and his on your waist, he instructed you to move. As soon as, you two stepped on the dance floor, the song changed to a melodic one from a upbeat song.
Apocalypse by cigarettes after sex started playing in the background and you found yourself staring at the men in front of you for a second before you broke the eye contact.
Even thought you turned you face to the other side you could feel his eyes on you, making your mind go blank.
He pulled you closer, bodies Pressed together as both of you started to move in sync with the music. His breath hit the side of your face, making your breath hitched after knowing the close proximity between you two.
“____,” He called, your name sounded pretty from his lips, “Look at me.”
It sounded like a demand but his tone suggested other wise. Tender and delicate, as his soft lips brushed against your hairline, made you gulped the lump forming in your throat.
You did look him in the eyes. His gaze, held galaxies within, each flicker echoing the poetry of an undiscovered universe, in which you found yourself lost.
“You’re doing good. Just don’t think too much and let your body move according to the rhythm –,” He said, his gaze focused on your face, closer than before. The ambient lighting casted a soft glow, accentuating his delicate features, his words gave you courage, an unfamiliar sense of comfort and his face made you thought that you had someone you could rely on.
In that shared gaze, time momentarily freezes and you found yourself falling for him, again.
“Aish…I sounded like some know-it-all, I think? don’t mind it, please.” There was nervousness in his voice, fleeting glances searched for reassurance to make sure you didn’t found that offensive.
You didn’t help but realized how thoughtful and considerate a person could be that he was worrying about something so small. It wasn’t even sounded offensive to you, it was just a suggestion, guidance to someone who doesn’t know the ‘D’ of dancing.
Like a delicate melody played on uncertain notes—a sincere expression that made his words all the more genuine and endearing and you found that oddly charming.
You couldn’t help but smiled at him, “Don’t worry, I didn’t mind at all, but… I might get offended if you don’t tell me the truth right now.” You teased, slightly grinding at him.
He pinched his brows in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
“Are you. . . Somehow trying to make your ex jealous? Because if you are, I think it’s working.”
His eyes widened a bit, clearly wasn’t expecting something like that. He, again, glanced over to the girl who was still standing at the same spot for ten minutes, observing every move you two made.
“I– No–, I mean not exactly,” He looked at you with a hint of guilt in his eyes, giving you an apologetic smile, “Well, not gonna lie. I did tried to make her kinda jealous – but it wasn’t the entire reason why I asked you for a dance.” You found a hint of panic in his eyes, again looking like he didn’t wanted to offend by any means, which you found enduring. Why does he cared so much? You thought.
You couldn’t help but saw this little things in people, especially the people you held close to your heart.
“Then, why did you asked?”
“Because, I wanted to.” He said casually, as if he didn’t just made you skipped your heart beat a little faster. You shifted your gaze to the other side, feeling weird emotions about the person you wouldn’t felt. Nonetheless, you chuckled a little bit.
“You would have told me earlier, then I might have put more effort.”
“So, you aren’t putting effort yet?” He giggled, eyes gleamed under the light.
“No – I didn’t mean that, but, now we have a mission in our hands, so we better win it!”
He made a look of knowing, realized what you were implying. He let out a chuckle, shook his head at you adorably and gripped your hand a bit firmly, pulling you a little bit closer as if there were any gap in between.
Your chest flashed against his, the burning heat of your cheeks might be visible by then, you felt his thumb rubbing slowly at your waist where he was holding you. That small gesture was supposed to be comforting but it only made your cheeks grew a shade brighter.
You thanked the dimly lights of the club.
The evening went by just the two of you holding each other close as you swung your bodies to the unfamiliar melodies. This time, there was no barrier in between you two, like, ‘he see me as his sister’ or ‘he has a girlfriend.’
Sometimes, It was hard for you to understand Jia.
That one time when she asked if she could borrow your white gown on her birthday. Of course you gave that to her. It was her birthday party in the evening, so you didn’t grasp the fact why she wanted to wore something …old, when she had a new dress waiting for her in her wardrobe.
But, then switched her dress to that very new black dress in the middle of that party. When you asked her, she refused to gave you an explanation, which baffled you and left you confused.
Even though you didn’t liked her odd behavior that night, you let that slipped.
“Taehyung is looking at your direction –,” one of the girls from your class whispered in your ears as she giggled like a typical teen girl next to you.
All of your friends were sitting at the cafeteria, munching on your food. It was a typical boring day at school until your eyes landed on Jungkook. He was in the senior year and also the captain of school soccer team.
When you were busy drooling over him, your friends started making their own theories.
“Yeah, I’ve seen him staring at ___ quite often.” Other girl from your same table passed a comment.
Kim Taehyung was in the soccer team as well but a year older than Jungkook, but they were like brothers, the ‘IT’ best friend duo. It was quite usual for you to saw Taehyung whenever Jungkook was around. He was with him almost all the time.
But, you never noticed him staring at you. You thought they were making silly scenarios in their little head in hope of some Juicy gossip until you noticed, Kim Taehyung staring at your direction.
“Stop, guys! He is probably looking at somewhere else or looking for someone? Who knows!” You shrugged them off, not wanted to participate in their nonsense.
The men, they were talking about was the ‘sweetheart’ of your high school, every other girl was smitten by him, so it was a bit difficult for you to accept that he might had a crush on you.
“___, you are dangerously oblivious.” Then they laughed as if they just discovered the funniest joke of the century, their laughter echoed through out the cafeteria except from you and Jia.
It was easy to assume someone’s weight just by looking at the structure of their body until you had to carry them.
“Fuck! He is heavy dude!” Jia cursed under her breath, unable to hide the suffering of carrying Jimin all the way up to the 5th floor to Jungkook’s apartment.
“He doesn’t seem like–,” You were about to trip and fall, but adjusted yourself quickly. “yeah, he is heavy.”
The knock on his door wasn’t too loud as you made sure not to woke any neighbors up 2 in the morning.
You heard a groan along with some footsteps before the door swung open in front of you and you wished that you wouldn’t saw what you’d saw.
There was Jungkook, naked and standing in his full glory. Thank God, he had a sweat pant on.
You immediately looked down out of respect and…well, shyness? Because the way your cheeks heat up was embarrassing. You were flustered and you hoped, no one noticed.
Jungkook made a surprised gasped and scrunched his brows out of confusion, “What are you guys doing here at this hour? I- wait, is that jimin?”
“Yes!! Now help us, dummy.” Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s arm but not before shooting a glare at his sister’s direction, gave her a look of ‘you better shut the fuck up.’
He took jimin from you two and carried him like his weight was nothing, held him like a feather. Before the three of you could reach out to the sofa, you saw Taehyung came out of another room.
“What’s going on in the middle of the night?” His deep voice was an octave lower, clearly he was in his dreamland. With a scowl, he rubbed his eyes and looked at his very drunk friend, “Wait – Is that jimi– Is he dead?” He dramatically gasped.
“No. But, tell me, are you two…gay?” She asked them quietly, made it more dramatic by her expressions. Her mischievous eyes shifted to Taehyung from Jungkook, then again on Jungkook.
Taehyung gave a glare at her direction, no words left from his mouth. The poor guy just woke up at the middle of the night and accused of fucking Jungkook. You held your laughter back, didn’t wanted to make it more chaotic than it already was.
“No– I mean you look like you just had a rough night and–,”
“Jia, will you shut up?” Jungkook’s voice was stern, as if he was holding himself back. His sister knew how to get on his nerves, for sure.
Ignoring the fact that she was about to bring scolded by her elder brother, she took the responsibility and filled him up with the information.
“We were at this bar and we saw Jimin there…lying on a couch. The owner was searching for his friends but, since they weren’t there, we took him here.” She chirped, feigning innocence as if she didn’t just called her brother gay.
Jia decided to met you at this famous bar, again you went along with the idea even though you knew the fact that, you won’t be able to drink anything.
At least you liked the ambience of the bar, until you found a very drunk blonde haired guy laying on a couch, almost knocked out. The owner was literally about to kick him out if it weren’t for you and Jia arrived at the right time.
“He was supposed to join us.” Taehyung shook his head in disappointment, letting out a huff, he walked over to Jimin who was finally knocked out on Jungkook’s couch. Following Taehyung’s lead, you sit beside Jimin, scrutinizing his face for any discomfort he might had.
Your gaze briefly flickered towards Jungkook, caught him staring at you, before he quickly averted his eyes towards Taehyung. You knew, it wasn’t anything you might had thought of, but the way your stomach flipped over wasn’t something normal.
“What you guys were even doing?” Jia asked exaggeratedly, squinted her eyes at both men in front of her suspiciously.
Yes, Jungkook and Taehyung was like brothers since they were in high school, probably saw shits of each other which might had never been seen by anyone, their bromance was top-notch but that doesn’t allow people to question about their sexuality. You knew, Jia was just joking and probably pulling her brother’s leg off and besides, Jungkook has a girlfriend. Or so, had.
They might broke up, but the possibility of him having feelings for her was strong, because of the dance you two had that night at the club. No person who doesn’t had any feelings for their ex would did such thing to just made them jealous. He doesn’t said that, he doesn’t had to, it was all clear in his eyes or so you noticed.
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goingsunnythousandmerry · 11 months ago
Wound Care
First OneShot. Wrote it awhile ago and thought I’d share and see if I should continue.
Summary: Post Enies Lobby. Chopper is having you, a former nurse patch everyone up while he recovers.
Features: Zoro NSFW, Luffy NSFW/fluff
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, vaginal sex, pet names, inexperience, butt slapping, straddling, slight public/voyeurism. I don’t own these characters.
Wound Care-
Zoro and Luffy
It’s post Enies Lobby and Everyone has taken a beating. You are on the going Merry with the Crew helping them get patched up.You were a nurse before joining the crew and with Chopper still recovering his ability to move you are doing the treating on his orders.
First you take Chopper to the infirmary and get him patched up, then send him to evaluate everyone else. While you wait for your next patient you look in the mirror noticing the blood, dirt, sweat, and tears you are covered in. It was a brutal fight for the whole crew and you barely managed to get away. At this point you were hoping you and Chopper had enough supplies and antibiotics from keeping everyone's wounds from getting infected. To help your cause you try to wash up in the bathroom sink off the infirmary. You open a closet and find your old nurse uniform you brought as a joke to play on Sanji.
“Well it’s clean.” You say to yourself with a shrug and decide to change into the garment.
It was the cliche nurses uniform from back in the day, short white dress with a red plus sign on the right breast. There was a little hat, but you weren’t going to wear it. You had gotten stronger since you last wore it, so it was much more form fitting now. It was cutting lower than you remembered as the zipper wouldn't go up higher than half way up your large breasted chest. It was also hitting a lot higher on your legs than you recalled, barely covering your ass. You shrugged and again convinced yourself it was fine.
“At least it’s clean.” You whisper again with a sigh.
First you treated Nami who came down the stairs, saw you and broke down in a fit of laughter.
“Wow, Y/N you look ridiculous. Don’t let Sanji down here, you'd have to resuscitate him!”
“I just wanted a change of clothes and this was all I could find, but thanks for the advice, Nami.” You reply with a sigh.
You dress her wounds. The whole time she was snickering at your outfit and begging you to put on the little hat. You finally broke and did it, figuring your pride could handle it after the work you just put in, in battle. Nami laughed and thanked you. You asked her to go send for Zoro. As she used the stairs to leave the infirmary, she paused at the top of the steps before opening the door to leave.
“Y/N you look hot, you should dress like that more often!” She yelled back with a laugh and a wink as she opened the door and left.
Suddenly the door loudly swung open. Down the steps came Zoro. He paused on the second steps when he saw you. Now Zoro didn’t come down laughing, but he did give you his ridiculously cocky smirk. He then refused to make eye contact with you as he entered the room. You thought you caught a glimpse of redness on his cheeks as he walked towards the patient bed. He sat on the edge of the patient bed while you prepped supplies.
While you prepared supplies, Zoro sat quietly looking at his hands. You could’ve sworn you felt eyes on you still, but whenever you looked at him, he was looking down with his arms folded and that slight cocky grin waiting for you to fix him up. You turned around to begin examining Zoro’s words and heard the door swing open. Down the steps came Chopper. Chopper immediately blushed at your outfit.
“Wow Y/N you look so official! I wish I had a doctor's coat, so we could really do this right!” He says with a swoon.
“Well, Chopper, I will see what material I can scrounge up when we get back to Water 7 and try to make you one? How does that sound?” You reply with a soft smile at the reindeer doctor.
“That wouldn’t make me feel like more of a doctor or anything, you jerk.” He responds as his cheeks light up pink and he begins dancing back and forth.
“Well if you two are just going to play dress up, I’ll go look for some celebratory sake.” Zoro griped.
“Hold it right there, Zoro. You need your wounds cleaned, stitched and patched up! Y/N get a set of vitals when you are done fixing him up, then give him a dose of these antibiotics.” Chopper responded.
“Yes, Doctor Chopper. I’ll get right on it.” You said with a smile as you watched the reindeer swoon and run off.
Zoro sat in silence while you prepared some hot water to clean his wounds.
Finally he broke the silence.
“My wounds aren’t even that bad, why do you need to clean and dress them? They will heal on their own, they always do.”
“Zoro, we all received a lot of open wounds in that battle, which means we are all more susceptible to infection. Meaning, we need to clean and dress them as soon as possible. This also means we will have to examine them regularly over the next few days and make sure we continue to keep them clean and dry, so they don’t get infected. I’ll go as fast as I can. However, if you don’t stop whining I’ll have to ask Chopper for a special exception, a shot of antibiotics in your ass...” You reply knowing the swordsman doesn’t love needles.
“Shirt off please Zoro.”
You scooted a stool in front of the swordsman. He winced as he took off his shirt. He had dried blood scattered across his chest. A few stitches had been pulled from when you patched him up after the fight at the Galley-La office. You rested an arm on his and examined his shoulders and neck for more wounds. He just kept staring down, trying a little too hard to resist the urge to stare at your cleavage.
You next examined his back. Mostly bruising, but you noticed a bit of dried blood. You knew his next shower would probably take that off if he didn’t let you get that far, like usual. You then looked at his pants and noted a rip to his upper thigh. You also needed to look closer at a cut at his hip stretching below his waistline.
“Zoro, I’m going to need pants off too. I have to look at these cuts, they look deep. What are they from?”
“Probably a rock from that giant stupid giraffe.” He says with a grunt.
Zoro rolled his eyes and slowly began reaching for the zipper of his pants. He continues to not make eye contact.
You sit back on your stool in front of him and just watch the show.
“You’re just going to watch me?”
“First you’re all forward and ask me to take off my shirt and pants and now this? I didn’t come here to be a show for you.” Zoro says as he finishes unzipping and pulling off his pants.
You had guessed he would be a brief guy and well… you were right. You tried not to look too obviously, but his hips and abs without his haramaki were driving you wild. You couldn’t help but wonder what lay beneath those briefs. You take a deep breath and begin soaking another cloth in your bowl of hot water.
“You came here because Chopper made you. Now, you and I both know if I take my eyes off you for a second you will walk off and go take a nap. Chopper will then yell at both of us. I don’t like being yelled at by Chopper. Forgive me for choosing the show. Sit your ass down.”
“I don’t need this. Some sake and a nap would fix me up better than you could.” Zoro retorts sitting down tossing his pants next to him.
You scoot your stool closer and grab the warm cloth out of the basin, pushing it against his leg wound. He squirms.
“They let you be a nurse? What kind of bedside manor is this?” He yells continuing to squirm.
“That’s it!” You say loudly as you stand up from your stool. You push the swordsman back flat against the bed and straddle him. His eyes widen and his whole body tenses underneath you. He grunts as he hits the bed.
“Listen here Zoro. I am cleaning, stitching, and dressing your wounds. I’ll do your leg wound last, because apparently, you are going to continue to kick and whine just like last time. This time, we try a new way, my way. I am going to sit on you and get this done, so you can’t go anywhere. Maybe that will help keep you still. Now shut your mouth and let me work.” You sternly respond as you begin cleaning the wound at his right hip.
“You really don’t think I can lift you off me?” Zoro replies sitting up on his elbows to look you in the eye. His cocky smirk returns and one of his eyebrows raises with inquiry.
“Try me.” You say, briefly making eye contact with him and smirking. You then pull a fresh warm cloth out of the basin and push it on one of his reopened finger pistol wounds on his chest.
“Ahh!” He yelped. Leaning back. After wincing he got back up on his elbows.
“I’ll be gentle if you stay quiet and still.”
You begin lightly scrubbing the dried blood off his wounds and chest. You hadn’t noticed the slight bit of rocking you were doing as you leaned forward into him to clean and lean back to reach beside you to soak your cloth.
Zoro got very quiet and stopped looking at you; he just looks down at his chest. You quickly finish wiping his chest, then do a quick rinse of his right arm.
“Perfect, all clean.” You say examining your work for a moment. You start to look around for your needle and thread. You put your arms on his and gently brush your hands down his arms as you look over his shoulders for your supplies. You continue to shift on his lap as you look. His breathing began to change.
You notice you left them on the rolling table holding your supplies. It must have been bumped when you decided sitting on him was the only way you were going to get this done. It was now up towards the end of the bed by Zoro's head.
“Are you done using me as your seat?” He said once again without looking at you.
“No. Not until I’m done stitching you up and dressing your wounds”.
You pushed him back down against the patient bed and leaned across him to reach the needle and thread. Struggling to grab the thread spool from your position you pawed at it. Not noticing your partially exposed breasts bouncing in the swordsman's face.
You finally grab it and sit back on Zoro’s lap smiling at your triumph to get the thread. When you sit back down however something is different. Zoro’s lap is more raised than before.
You stop looking at the needle and thread and instead glance up at the swordsman. He gets back up on his elbows. His jaw is clenched, his head is turned to the wall beside him, his eyes are closed, and a faint blush rests on his cheeks. He grunts.
“If it wasn’t for your rocking and leaning your chest in my face, everything would have been fine! He blurts, He opens his eyes and turns his head to you, putting his hands on your hips and he sits up fully.
You blush realizing what has happened. You look down at your pelvis one over the other and chuckle.
“Well Zoro here I was thinking you didn’t want your wounds treated. Turns out I was just treating the wrong one.” You say to him naughtily as you spread your legs wider over his rising bulge under his briefs.”
His expression softens and he makes one of his classic cocky smirks.
“Are you going to finally prove to me you can be a good nurse after all?” He whispers in your ear, placing a piece of hair behind it. His left arm wraps around your waist pulling you closer. His right pulls your chin up to his face.
He kisses you gently at first, but gets more eager as he feels your arms wrap around his neck and you kiss him back. He begins to push his tongue into your mouth. You allow it to enter and dance with yours. You begin to rifle fingers through his hair. His right hand dropping from your chin to the zipper on your chest.
“Finally time to get rid of this stupid costume.” he whispers.
He slowly starts kissing down your neck as you pull him closer, fingers still wrapped in his hair. His arms are pulling the dress off your shoulders.
“No bra. I thought so.” He says slowly alternating between kissing and biting your shoulder.
He pulls the dress to your abdomen. Making you moan in his ear. He chuckles at this. He drops one hand to your waist and the other begins playing with your breasts. You begin kissing his neck, lifting your hips up to pull the skirt of your dress up. Zoro’s mouth, now moving to suck and bite at your soft buds.
“Zoro” you barely muster out.
The hand that was playing with your breasts now drops to feel between your thighs. His mouth continues to work at your buds and his fingers rub up and down your slick folds. He stops nipping at your buds a moment to look up at him with a soft chuckle and smirk.
“And no underwear. My we are a naughty one aren't we? And dripping for me already?”
He drops both of his arms to your waist and lifts you off him enough, so he can lift his hips and take off his briefs. You smile intoxicated in him and his body. You rifle a hand through his hair. He moves his briefs and his long length emerges. He sits back down on the bed and sets you down on his lap. His long length hits your bell as he does.
“Well princess, we probably don’t have much time before Chopper comes back. How about we make this quick and revisit the rest later? He asks, starting to use 2 of his large fingers to circle your clit. He brings his lips back to smash against yours. His other hand moves his bulging length to start rubbing against your entrance.
“Zoro. Need you.” You say pulling your lips away from him to catch your breath.
He begins taking small nibbles down your neck to your breasts. You moan in his ear. He pulls off your breast and looks at you with a soft smile.
“As you wish, Princess.” He says slamming into you with no warning.
You jump and moan. It was startling and a bit painful, but he felt so good. He then starts slowly bouncing you on his cock, continuing to use one hand to circle your clit. As you smash your lips back into him. One of your hands feeling up his chest, the other thumbing the nape of his neck.
You begin to bounce on his cock as he starts to moan into your neck. Tits bouncing to tap his chin.
“Zoro.” You moan.
You push him back flat against the bed alternating between moving your hips in circles with his length inside you and bouncing up and down as you use his chest to support you. His cocky smirk returns as he watches you working to please yourself on his length. You lean over him and put your arms beside his. He wraps his arms around your hips and begins moving you at a pace of his choice. Your eyes begin to close as you start to feel the ecstasy building in your belly.
“Zoro.” You moan again.
“Not yet, princess.”
He pushes you back flat against the bed with ease, never leaving you as he does. He places one hand above your head and one on your breast. He kisses you and begins pounding you harder and faster. Your eyes start to cross. His length bottoms out in you. He was slamming you into this bed and not being quiet about it either. His hands moved to your hips to allow him more to grab. He moves his thumb down to place pressure on your clit rubbing with it while he pulls your hips closer into him. You can’t see straight.
“Almost.” He says partially lifting your body off the bed.
You squirt all over his cock and feel it rush down your thighs. He finishes a few last thrusts through your ecstasy. Then, you feel his member quiver inside you and once again feel yourself dripping. He lies down on top of you for a moment before rolling over and pulling you across his chest.
“Y/N. you good?”
You swallow hard and move your hair out of your face. Still not sure if you can speak.
“Yeah.” You say with a silent laugh as you try to catch your breath.
“I think doing that again will help my recovery. Doctors orders.” He says with a smirk as you lay on his chest.
He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear and looks down at you. You look at him, but close your eyes and nestle your head further into his chest in exhaustion.
“BID and PRN for the foreseeable future.” You reply.
Suddenly you hear the door start to open and a voice yell.
“Y/N, Zoro you okay down there? We heard a loud crash and were worried! Zoro wasn’t letting you dress his wounds again, was he?” Chopper yells from the top of the steps.
In all your fun you hadn’t noticed the rolling tables of your medical supplies had toppled over. Fortunately, Chopper hadn’t walked down the steps far enough to see the state you and Zoro were in. Zoro, naked flat on his back on the patient bed. You straddling his leg, laying naked on top of him. Both of your legs, soaked with juices from your activities. Your clothes all over the floor and medical supplies on the ground beside you. You quickly sat up, placing your hands on Zoro’s chest. You swallow hard. Zoro places his hands on your hips trying not to laugh. He takes in the view of your bare breasts once again.
“Everything’s fine. Y/N just needs to work on her bedside manner.” Zoro yells with a laugh.
You look down at the swordsman with wide eyes. He reaches back and squeezes your ass. You try not to moan as your sensitive spot rubs against his leg.
“Thanks Doctor Chopper. Patient is almost done down here. Ready the next one!”
Chopper turns around and shuts the door.
You quickly hop off Zoro and off the patient bed. You pull your dress down and zip up the top. Zoro sits up and moves to the side of the bed. He grabs your waist, reaching past you to the counter for a towel. He begins cleaning between your legs. You take a deep breath as he does. He then lets go and begins cleaning himself. You pull your hair out of your dress and brush through it with your fingers. You turn around to look at him as he pulls back on his briefs. You put your arms on Zoro’s chest.
“My bedside manner?”
“ Yeah. it got better but still needs some work.” He says, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a kiss.
“I still have to stitch those up, you know?” You say pointing at his wounds.
“Not this again.” Zoro groans.
Luffy skipped his way down the stairs, barely noticing you as he jumped on the patient bed. You are working at the counter back turned to him as you prepare supplies for patching his wounds.
“Hey Y/N. How’s it going down here? Chopper says it’s my turn. Got any snacks while I wait?”
“Hey Luffy, sorry no food here. Let me just finish prepping my wound cleaning supplies.” You reply over your shoulder.
“But Y/N. I’m hungry and that’s going to help me to heal more than cleaning my wounds anyway!”
You turn around setting the bowl on the rolling table next to Luffy. Then reach for a stool and roll it in front of him. He looks at you with a disappointed expression as you smile at him. He then looks you up and down.
“Y/N what are you wearing? Cool costume! Do I get one?”
“Sorry Luffy, you actually have to take your shirt off. I need to look at your wounds, especially that shoulder.”
“Then do I get a snack?”
“Sorry Luffy, we will have to wait on Sanji for that. You’ll also have to let me get this done first.”
“Fine.” He sighs and takes off his shirt. “You better get Sanji to make me something really good though.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“Alright Luffy first just have to clean these, so we can get a good look.” You say as you place the warm damp cloth against his shoulder. Your other arm resting on his crossed ones.
“OW OW OW!” he yells, moving your hands away to reach for his shoulder.
“Sorry, Luffy!” You say gently resting your hands on your lap in front of you. You look at him and shake your head.
“That hurt more than when I got it!”
“Luffy, we have to get these clean or they could get infected!” You say as your reach for his hand that is clenching his wound, you bring it to his lap. “I’m not trying to hurt you! You add as you give his hand a squeeze.
You resoak your cloth in the basin beside you. You then place a hand on his arm near his wound.
“Are you ready? Can I go again?” You ask as you get ready to clean the wound with your cloth.
“Yes.” he says, gripping his knees with both hands.
You gently dab the front edge of his shoulder wound with the warmed cloth.
“Damn it Y/N! That stings.” He says squirming.
“Luffy you and Zoro are the only people I know who can take it in a fight, but when it comes to getting your wounds dressed and cleaned you act like babies. This is your last chance! Stay still!”
You soak the cloth a third time and before you can even get the cloth to Luffy’s arm he moves.
“Luffy! That’s it!”
You hop on the table and straddle your captain.
“If you can’t stay still I will have to make you.”
“What are you doing Y/N?”
You drop the cloth in the water and grab his arms by the wrists slowly bringing them around your waist.
“Wrap your arms around me and squeeze when it stings, okay? I can take it.” You smile at him.
You start to clean his shoulder wound and the squeezing trick seems to help. There however were a few things you didn’t account for. The first being Luffy screaming in your ear. The second being how much you liked having your captain’s arms wrapped around you. He was warm and tender with his touch, yes he was using them to cover pain, but there was something soft about them.
You finished cleaning his shoulder wound. Regretting starting with his worst wound as you liked being held by him.
“Alright, Luffy. These next ones shouldn’t be as bad. I’m going to move on to your chest and your finger pistol wounds.”
Luffy lightly keeps his arms wrapped around you looking down at his chest watching you work. You soak your cloth and begin cleaning, rinsing and soaking your cloth repeatedly as you go, not noticing the rocking motion you were doing on Luffy’s lap as you went.
You finished wiping up the last bit of dried blood and turn to drop your cloth in the bowl next to you.
“All done with that part!”
“Oh do you want me to let go of you now?” Luffy questions with a slight hint of sadness in his voice.
“You can if you wan’t, but you don't have to. I still have to do your stitches, so I figure I’ll stay here to help you stay still. That typically is a bit worse than the cleaning, so squeeze if you need.” You say with a nod. You begin looking over his shoulders for your needle and thread. You move your arms to rest on top of his. Moving him as you look. You also begin to stroke up and down his arms as you look around him for your supplies.
“Okay.” Luffy says with a giggle as he watches you look around.
“Now where did I put that needle and thread?” You ask yourself as you move your arms to his chest.
“Uh. Y/N. I think you left them on the table behind me.”
“Thank you! You push him down by the chest, so he is laying flat on the bed. You lean over him to reach for your supplies. It takes a moment as the thread spool is just out of reach. You don’t notice your half exposed breasts dancing in Luffy’s face as you do this. Finally you grab the spool and sit back on his lap.
Only this time something is different. You are slightly raised.
Luffy sits on his elbows and looks at you.
“Huh. What’s going on?” He questions.
It dawns on you that you were just rocking on his lap and had accidentally stuck your breasts in his face. You blush and grab Luffy’s arms to gently slide off his lap. You embarrassingly turn away from Luffy and wrap your arms around your chest.
“Y/N wait.” He reaches an arm around your waist.
“I’m sorry Luffy, it was my fault. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” You reply as you squeeze yourself harder, stepping out of his reach.
“Uncomfortable? Y/N? I liked you on top of me. That’s why… I think it happened.” He says putting his arm behind his head and smirking looking at you.
You look over your shoulder at him.
“But Luffy, I…”
“I heard Sanji and Usop talk about it once. I was just slow because I've never been in that situation.” Luffy adds as he rubs the back of his head with a grin.
“Oh. Well I.” You turn to face him, still hugging yourself. You were wishing your arms were his, but you knew your captain really didn’t seem interested in girls or anything other than meat and being king of the pirates. You didn’t have a lot of experience in this area anyway, and assumed he didn’t either. You always thought of your captain differently from the rest of the crew. You liked being with him more than the others. You liked the feel of his touch. You thought if he did ever show an interest in a girl, you hoped it would be you.
“Did you not like it?”
“No. Luffy. I…”
He stretched his arms and wrapped them around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You place your arms on his. He’s looking at you smiling, but you can’t look him in the eye.
“Y/N. Can I kiss you?”
You look up at him shocked. You just nod.
He pulls you closer into his chest. He puts a hand under your chin pulling your lips right in front of yours. You close your eyes waiting for him to kiss you, but he stops himself.
“Wait, are you saying yes because I’m your captain or because you want to? I only want to if you want to?” He asks with a confused expression on his face letting one arm go behind his head and the other rest on your lower back.
You look at him and wrap your arms around his neck letting your lips tell him your answer. He pulls you in close.
“Y/N. I think that’s just what my wounds needed to heal!”
You chuckle resting your forehead against his.
“Let's go eat, then maybe do more of this later?”
“Fine, but I have to stitch you up first!”
“Ah Y/N! Can’t we be done?!”
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themaclean · 11 months ago
We Don't Have To Be Friends (1/2) Characters: Cooper Howard/Lucy MacLean. Summary: 3,507 words, Post Season One -- character study that was meant to be PWP, but then ended up being entirely plot. Part two will be smut or I will krill myself. Warnings: Nothing you wouldn't see in the show. ( Ao3 ) > Part One | Part Two | Part Three <
Cooper never thought much about Hollywood anymore.
He had no reason to and no time either— but the thoughts bubbled up when he saw how the gold thread of his shirt dulled and familiar street signs melted into slack arches. Sometimes, he’d catch sight of a tattered newspaper with names he recognized or faces of people long since dead.
But nothing made him think of Hollywood the way Lucy did.
It hit him one afternoon with a nasty churn, that flash of the old world that locked his knees mid-stride. It was pathetic, really, when he thought about it now.
It was the flash of Lucy's Vault-Tec-sponsored smile over her shoulder, her thin hand with a necrotized finger pointing ahead of them at some landmark she’d heard of. With her head turned at just the right angle, and the sun was low as it caught the edges of her cheeks and lashes…
She had the sort of face girls in the movies had: clear skin, big eyes, and neat hair. Pretty — beautiful, actually, but not as a matter of compliment. Beautiful in the way she’d make a good price at any given market if he was inclined to sell her. Beautiful in the way people loved to exploit.
That’s the lifeblood of Hollywood—that churning mass of young talent desperate to prove they had what it takes. They’d sweet talk whoever they needed to, go to the parties, and chat his ear off about how amazing he’d been in whatever movie had come out lately, about the sponsorships they’d been offered, and about the dresses they got sent. They’d slip him their number and hold his bicep too long like they’d been taught to by managers and mothers alike.
Dozens of pretty women rushed to audition for the role of arm candy. They’d audition to play the mayor's daughter, the farmer's daughter, or so-and-so’s daughter. They’d always been the damsel. Then, whatever cowboy he’d been hired to play would toss the pretty woman onto the back of Sugarfoot and ride off into the sunset. The sort of girl who'd be gone by the next movie or end up married to a director, so she'd quit acting.
And, much like all the girls in Hollywood Cooper had spent time with, Lucy had changed. She had the same optimism, but it’d dulled; her marketable face now held tired, empty eyes. It was like she finally caught onto the world’s current: no sunset and no next movie.
Cooper couldn’t fault her. It's a strange journey to discover what to do to survive.
“Hey Cooper — is that it?” Lucy asked, repeating herself. The sprawl of buildings ahead was dotted with torches and candles.
Cooper nodded, his hand firm on Dogmeat’s collar.
A short strip of buildings stood out against the expanse of desert and dry shrubs. Each building leaned towards another, with sheet metal fastened with unskilled welding. Several turrets puttered away, seeking whatever wasn’t humanoid enough. Strips of fabric and tin cans garlands peppered the buildings' front. The smaller buildings on either side were your standard fare: a repair shop, a medic, a trader with a little diner area.
But the one Cooper was after stood out for its neon sign—Hell’s Oasis.
Hell’s Oasis served its purpose—it was a decent place to get information, and the people minded their business. They weren’t too bothered with ghouls or mutants as long as you had caps. The place often served as a meeting ground for bounty hunters and their contractors. It was also one of the more upscale places, as they wouldn’t harvest organs unless you died of natural causes.
And, if you couldn’t fight or forage for survival, you could fuck for it.
(Not that Cooper ever wasted caps on the whores who took residence within Hell’s Oasis. He’d sooner pay people to fuck off than spend the night with him.)
Cooper grabbed Lucy by the nape of her neck to yank her close and keep her firmly by his side. Most people he brought here, he left here — call it a force of habit to handle her so roughly.
“I can walk, y’know,” Lucy hissed.
“Stick close,” Cooper clicked his tongue at her, and a slight hiss followed. His grip flexed to further the message that she’d do well to follow his guidance.
They made their way through the hotel lobby, the moldy carpet slick against the floor with dirt and grease from the world outside. A few people chattered away in the attached bar, laughing at jokes Cooper couldn’t make out. Casino chips clattered on the table as they played made-up card games.
Long dead plants clung to arid dirt, the sticks of old ferns wilting against one another. Metal crates were lashed together in each corner of the alcove where the front desk sat, providing a makeshift cage between the staff and the patrons. Several girls rushed past Cooper and Lucy, jeering and cackling as they approached the bar. They were clad in lacy nightgowns. He couldn’t tell if they knew they were lingerie rather than clothes or if they’d even care.
“It’s so lively here,” Lucy said, a pang of something in her face.
“It happens in pockets,” Cooper said with a shrug of his shoulder. Little uh… spots of life.”
“Must be why they call it an oasis.”
Cooper rolled his eyes as they reached the front desk. Magazines sat in thick stacks with information about local tours in the area and a guide to the national parks. An abandoned handbag was tucked against the desk, which Lucy eyed with curiosity.
Cooper slapped the front desk bell a few times, a gargling growl low in his throat.
They needed this break after a couple of weeks on the road together. Water was getting sparse, and he wanted to be ready to meet with whoever the fuck Hank had run off to. And in such an open desert, there’s no sense traveling at night, and all manner of dumb shit came up along the way.
It was always something. People needed help or some dumb cunt trying to pick a fight, resupplies, rest… He didn’t like helping people much, but Lucy argued with him whenever they tried to go on without at least trying. And whether the people lived or died, at least they tried. That was her argument.
But Lucy listened to him a little more now, and he was as patient as he could be with her.
Cooper rang the bell again. He wanted a room, and the chattering laughter in the bar was only making his aches worse.
Priscilla appeared from behind a moth-eaten velvet curtain. Her hairline was hidden beneath a thick headscarf with puffy blond curls bouncing beneath it. The last time he’d been here, her hair had begun to rot out of her skull. He guessed it’d only gotten worse. She’s still pretty, mirroring that old-world red lip with pin curls.
“Oh my God, is that you, Coop? I haven’t seen you in a long time,” Priscilla said in a slow, low voice. She had a rasp to it, always had, though he wasn’t sure if it was from the radiation or a smoking habit.
“Was underground,” Cooper said with a lazy smile. He wouldn’t mention that he’d been underground in a literal sense, trapped in a coffin.
“Well, it’s nice for you to come to see us and…” Priscilla’s gaze slid to Lucy, that usual surprise swelling up at the sight of a genuine Vault Dweller. They weren’t hard to spot. “Ah, you turning her in for a bounty?”
Lucy’s head snapped towards him, a mixture of shock and disgust.
“No,” Cooper shook his head, his grip firm on Lucy’s neck to turn her head away from him. His fingers tensed before they dropped away altogether, brushing across Lucy’s shoulder. “Tag-along. Helpin’ her uh…” He picked through the words that came to mind, cautious not to share too much. “Adjust to the surface.”
Priscilla’s jaw squared as she stared Lucy down.
“We’re just lookin’ for a room, some food,” Cooper said before she could pry further. “Usual fare.”
“Please,” Lucy said, like Cooper had forgotten, and it was important to say. “The usual fare, please.”
“She speaks,” Priscilla said in a purr.
Cooper had to give Lucy credit. She’d stayed quiet much longer than he’d expected.
“Oh, we’ll also need water,” Lucy said, looking up at Cooper. “For cleaning and drinking. I’m not sure if you separate it that way or if you reuse it unless you have showers.”
Priscilla narrowed her eyes. “Running water? We can get you a bucket of water, sweetness. That alright with you?”
“It works great for me. Big fan of buckets. They’re the backbone of agriculture and cleaning, really, if you think about it…” Lucy agreed, her smile as bright as the neon sign by the front window.
Priscilla looked at Cooper and then at Lucy, repeating the loop before she sauntered behind a moth-eaten velvet curtain strung up with zip ties. The distant hum of a generator underscored the silence as Cooper picked over the board of caricatures. Plenty of people were banned from the premises or with a bounty on their heads — no one stood out on the board, at least.
“She was giving us a weird look,” Lucy leaned closer to Cooper, feigning a swipe of her hand through her hair. The floor creaked as she shifted her weight closer to him. “Is it the bucket thing? I panicked.”
Cooper scoffed from the back of his throat.
“It is safe here, right? You trust her?”
“It’s safe,” Cooper bared his teeth at Lucy, begging her to return to the docile silence she’d thrived in.
“Then why — ”
Cooper hissed for her to shh through clenched teeth.
Priscilla pushed past the curtain. She gripped a little blue card with faded gold edges. A key with a golden ball chain was attached to the edge. It felt strangely archaic to be so formal about lodgings, but it was why he liked this place.
“I guess it makes sense,” Priscilla said as she slid the key to Cooper. She nodded to Lucy. “You wanting a girl who’s more… Old—world flavor. It reminds you of the golden years, hm?”
“Six, right?” Cooper ignored her question, his gaze fixed to the card.
“Six,” Priscilla repeated, her gaze on Lucy.
Cooper tossed a few caps onto the front desk, the clatter of metal their own punctuation. He notched his head towards the stairs, and Dogmeat and Lucy followed in stride. He was eager for the simple things — water, food, and a moment to let his bags rest.
“Wanting a girl…” Lucy smiled, mumbling more of Priscilla’s words under her breath.
After several flights of stairs and a few hours, Cooper felt all the better. He’d eaten his fill and enjoyed the peace of an enclosed room. He didn’t often allow himself such a luxury, as being in a settlement put a target on your back for any larger groups. But it’d been two weeks since they’d had proper rest out of the elements.
Tracking Hank wasn’t easy, either. That suit meant he could skip over all the pocked landscape and roaming threats. What would take him an hour to travel by air was a day for them sometimes, a fact that spurred Cooper on. But they couldn’t rush, as rushing would only get them killed.
One wrong step and you were deathclaw chow.
“God, more, please!”
And there went the silence. Cooper’s eye twitched; his lipless mouth sneered at the screeches.
Whoever had taken up residence in room five was making the most of their money — an hour straight of screams and moans, an hour straight of Lucy pretending to read. She’d picked up a holotape at the last outpost they’d stopped at; something about a sequel she’d always wanted to continue reading.
By the second hour, it wasn’t so much that room five stopped fucking. But they at least got a lot quieter about it. The occasional shriek or moan rattled through the air vents, but it was far and few between.
Lucy lay across the double bed, her boots discarded beside the door. Her vault suit hung from the defunct radiator. Her washing was all done, and she’d freshened up, the usual Lucy shit. She’d helped herself to the water and changed into some pajama set she’d pilfered from a house a few days back.
“I think it’s nice,” Lucy said into the open air of the hotel room.
Cooper looked up from his shotgun, teeth bared like he was trying to smile. “The quiet?”
“No,” Lucy smiled at the wall between them and room five. “That people can find love, even now.”
Cooper couldn’t stop himself from laughing at that. The cackles shook from low in his lungs and caught him so off-guard he hacked up some foul muck into his palm. He hissed through a wheezed breath as he fumbled with his RadAway puffer.
“I mean it! It’s not funny!”
“That ain’t love, Vaultie,” Cooper coughed out, his eyes narrowed as drool and tears mingled on his cheeks. He wiped his face, fine skin catching against the scarred, leathery mess. “That…” He pointed to the wall. “S’probably a whore and her John making the most of the caps.”
Lucy’s eyes darted as she picked apart what he’d said. “John..?”
“John’s a term for uh…” Cooper’s jaw strained against a smile, though it was far too cruel to be kind. “A guy who pays for sex.”
“Ah, wasteland slang,” she said with a solemn nod, as if it made sense she hadn’t caught on immediately.
“Old world slang,” Cooper corrected.
Lucy looked around the hotel room anew, like she’d finally caught on to what this place really was. She scooted to the edge of the bed, to sit with her legs angled towards him. “That woman at the front desk said you’d want a girl who’s old world — she thought I was a prostitute. ”
Lucy crossed her arms as if she had more to say on the matter. But then she remained quiet, uncharacteristically so.
“S’waste of caps.”
“Hiring me to have sex with you? Actually, I know all about sexual gratification, so I think it’d be a great use of money — caps.”
Cooper stared Lucy down as if he couldn’t parse what she’d just said. “Paying anyone money to fuck you is a waste.” Cooper tongued his lips apart. “Bullets. Meds. There’s shit worth paying for. Sex is — ”
“Sex ain’t worth much.”
“To you, maybe,” Lucy frowned. “It’s an act of love and intimacy, and… It’s how humanity continues, and it’s — fun if done well.”
“You wanna waste your caps on some cock?” Cooper snapped, his hand flapping at the door. “Be my guest.”
“No,” Lucy shook her head. “I don’t want to, but I’m saying that I… I think killing people is probably worse than sleeping with people for caps. If it’s to survive, I think it makes sense. Morally speaking.”
“Don’t,” Cooper snarled.
Cooper didn’t like how Lucy spoke to him most days, but this was a new, worse permutation. Her Vault-addled morality was sickening enough on its own, as she embodied whatever bullshit had been drip-fed to her by the company who’d bought her vault. Not that he was without sin, given the shit he’d done to survive this long.
But sex and love and all that shit was not front of mind. He needed to find his family and to know what happened to them. He didn’t need a two-cap blowjob from a stranger in the dim light of some bar. Though, in all honesty, his drug habit mixed with the amount of alcohol he’d drowned himself in, some nights got hazy.
There’s that animalistic, self-destructive part of him that won on his worst nights. The same part of him that kept him alive, the same part that let him do all the miserable shit he needed to do to survive.
But it’s certainly never been love. Not since Barb.
Never again, he’d wager.
"I had sex once," Lucy said this like it was a point of pride, now on her feet. She idled beside the bed, her gaze settled onto the empty space she’d been lying. "With my husband, but…" Her face twisted with this delayed amusement. She turned towards him, closing the gap between them.
Lucy’s eyes remained unfocused as she stared at the marked table between them, where his shotgun lay across a dirty cloth. "Does that make us both widows..? You said you have a family, right? So, you were probably married and had at least one kid. Not trying to presume, so tell me if I’m wrong, but… You said that in the observatory. That’s what you’re after."
Cooper parted his lips, a nasty tilt to his hairless brow.
Lucy gave a tight smile. "I was married. Only for a few hours, but… It was an arranged marriage, I didn’t meet him until the wedding. It turned out he was a raider from the surface posing as my match from Vault 32 and…" At this point, Lucy caught herself. “I feel for you, if you lost someone. That’s all.”
“You ain’t a widow.”
“Technically — ”
Cooper stood up, unable to stay seated. “You say you’re a widow like it’s a fact outta some book. The shit you went through — you’re an experiment gone wrong, not a damn widow,” Cooper said, his voice flat.
Lucy’s face twitched at his words as if she struggled to keep her smile. “Well, guess what? We’re all an experiment gone wrong, whether you’re in a vault or not.”
Cooper’s eyes twitched, narrowing in the dark of their hotel room. Room five was quiet, which made this moment all the worse. He didn’t like how she spoke about him, as if she knew what was happening in his mind. He wasn’t some wounded man looking for sympathy.
He wasn’t anything.
“Go back to your holotapes,” Cooper said with a jut of his chin. “You’ve been up here a few weeks, acting like you know how it is.”
“Well, I know we’ve all been screwed over by people hundreds of years ago, and I’m sorry if I’m not as beaten down by it as you, but — I’m just trying to share things with you, to…” Lucy struggled through her words, her arms crossed protectively over her chest. “We don’t have to be friends, but we have to be — something.”
The couple in room five screeched. Cooper tensed out of habit but relaxed again when he reasoned what the noise was. It didn’t solve the fierce look on Lucy’s face as she stared him down, her fists clenched by her pajama-clad thighs.
“I don’t want to fight with you,” Lucy said, shaking her damp hair out of her face. She stood idle by the table as if she had just realized she had stepped towards him in their argument. There was a bird-like shake to her chest, her heart and lungs quick beneath bone.
It was moments like this that made his nature crystalline to him — that thin line she couldn’t perceive of how easy it’d be to string her up by the ankles and bleed her dry. Of how easy it’d be to slide into that ache for warm flesh between his teeth and blood down his throat.
Ghouls aren’t welcome in most settlements for a reason, and Lucy is too damn optimistic to learn that lesson.
Cooper tongued the inside of his cheek, and his teeth gnashed at the frayed edge of his lip. “We have to be something, huh?”
Lucy’s brow twitched, and her jaw strained as she tried to stand taller. She nodded as something like hope softened her stern expression.
It wasn’t hard to close the gap. It was even easier to grab that ponytail she always wore and yank her head close, fist tight in her hair as he brought her close. Her hand scrabbled against the table, and nails dug into the wood as their eyes met.
“Don’t you ever talk about my family again,” Cooper said, his voice level. “We clear?”
Lucy’s breathing redoubled, but she nodded. Her nostrils flared as he let her go with a firm shove. There was a real sense of satisfaction as he felt her perception of him shift as if she’d forgotten she was dealing with a monster rather than a man. As if the rotted skin and exposed tensions, or the gaping hole where his nose had once been, weren’t enough warning.
Pretty girls in Hollywood were overlooked as much in his time — all in the name of survival in a race that no one really won. You took your part and played it until the work dried up. Then, you prayed for sponsorships, deals, and other things to spare you from the real world.
He watched it with co-stars, time and again. It wasn’t much different now, just less rhinestones and more rads.
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juniperss · 7 months ago
Hi! I saw that requests were open and was wondering if you could write for Dick Winters? Preferably post war and reader is just a civilian. He saw her a couple times pass by him on the sidewalk and every time got hopeful that he'd see her again. Finally they meet because thet keep making small glances at each other? ilysm and youre carrying sm of the fandom w these requests lmao❤️🫶🏽
Winters, beloved!!! When I say he was one of the first characters I got a crush on in BoB, I mean I was down BAD. Thank you so much for requesting, lovely!
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Winters is still getting used to life after the war. It's not just the trauma of death and the brutality of humanity that he's healing from, but he also grew up fast in the last few years. He's trying to learn to let the weight of leadership leave his shoulders and he's trying to enjoy the freedom of civilian life! But breaking out of routine is hard and he still finds himself waking up early.
So he started taking walks. A lot. He wouldn't even necessarily pick a destination, he would just let his feet start walking and enjoy the scenery, taking in the sights of what he had missed since he was away. And that's when he first saw her.
She was walking towards him, busy adjusting the flowers in her arms, and glancing up to meet his gaze just as she was walking past. She gave a smile, one that was admittedly "just polite", but kind none the less.
Later that day when Winters noticed the same type of flowers the Beautiful Stranger had been carrying earlier. He lingered at the vendor for a moment before fishing out his wallet and buying a bouquet as well. Maybe his home could do with some fresh flowers.
The next day, same time, he began his walk. Nodding good morning to the elderly couple sitting together and enjoying the sun and fresh air, easily dodging out of the way of a couple of kids kicking a ball down the street with a small chuckle as they shouted after one another. But his smile was reserved for when he noticed the same Stranger from the previous day. Her arms were once again full of another bouquet of flowers. This time a collection of purple and white blooms.
However, this time, The Stranger was preoccupied with her purchase and she caught Winters' eyes much sooner than before. He wasn't oblivious to way that she inspected him, looking him over and quickly assessing him before she granted him another smile, passing him the same way as before.
This became a daily routine for the both of them, their passing one another, her arms full of flowers. Over time Richard noticed the change in her smile the longer their minimal interactions continued. No longer were they simply "polite" smiles reserved for strangers or acquaintances. Instead they were the kind of smiles that would grace ones' face after seeing a particularly adorable dog. And they were paired often with with a "Good morning" or a "beautiful day, isn't it?".
Some days it seemed as if maybe, just maybe, The Stranger was waiting for him to cross the street before she rounded the corner to be on the same path as he was. But that couldn't be right, could it?
Strange enough, he realized just how much he looked forward to seeing The Stranger and on the rare days that their routine was disrupted by poor weather or life's meddling ways, his day didn't quite feel complete.
Their routine lasted like this, a constant exchange of growing familiarities and smiles, before one day Winters decided that he needed to do something. It was getting ridiculous that almost a month had passed and he still didn't know her name or what she could possibly need with so many bouquets of flowers.
The next day, he decided, he would say something. He spent just a little more time to ensure he would make a good first impression speaking to the Stranger before hurrying towards the street he knew she would be heading down promptly.
But she wasn't there....Winters waited, busying his hands with his watch and then the buttons of his coat, casting an unsure glance behind him as if he could've possibly missed her. After counting 60 more seconds, he continued towards the flower stand, coming to the conclusion that he'd missed her. Spending too much time preening himself that morning.
"Ah this is the gentlemen who has the same taste in flowers as you do, Miss."
Richard's cheeks turned a soft pink as he rounded the corner and saw The Stranger, arms not yet laden with her choice of flowers, and the shop keeper. The shop keeper was smiling, his bushy white mustache rising with his lips, and motioning to Winters.
"I was wondering if you were going to come today." He was no stranger to her voice, but hearing a complete sentence come from her and purely meant for him, sent a swarm of butterflies lose in his chest.
"I thought I missed you." It was feeble response that The Stranger shook her head in reply to. "I was running late this morning, thought I'd wait here. Gus was telling me that you usually buy flowers every day as well."
"I couldn't resist after seeing you. I mean. The flowers. You with the flowers.
The Stranger and Winters continued their first and slightly awkward first conversation in front of the flower shop while Gus, now moving to select fresh flowers for his costumers, watched on with a knowing glint in his eyes. Almost as if this was not the most uncommon series of events he had expected to witness.
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lunareiitic · 1 year ago
I saw a discussion on Reddit earlier where someone talked about how gracious Herta is to Ruan Mei and felt that the plot shows that Ruan Mei is taking advantage of her and I felt like... it's not a bad conclusion to draw from the text but. It feels not correct. Like yes, Herta essentially does let RM do whatever she wants, especially with regards to the space station, and RM doesn't seem to be very thankful for it. (Setting aside the fact that it isn't really Herta's space station. Asta's the one who bankrolls and manages it. It's just got Herta's name on it. Herta is just as uncaring to the researchers lmao) But to call RM a "passive manipulator" (yes, I saw this take too) of her and nothing more I think... overlooks both of their personalities? Taking into account that both of these characters are essentially confirmed autistic (go see the official post about the Genius Society, you can't make this up) their dynamic is a little tragic but very true-to-life.
Herta is loud, pushy, and bratty. She's like a cat- she doesn't take no for an answer and the moment you try to get her to do something she doesn't want to do she goes limp and useless. She admires Ruan Mei because she's nothing like her. And RM would never push Herta to do anything. RM doesn't push. She doesn't even really manipulate. The woman cannot lie to save her life. All she did was ask Herta if she could use part of the space station and Herta obliged, and it sounds like she'd been waiting for Ruan Mei to finally ask her for something. RM doesn't really have a malicious bone in her body. That's what makes her so terrifying. People are often just willing to do as she asks and she makes no pretenses or illusions about herself, her motives, or her life. The closest she gets to lying is just not answering when pressed. She is so socially inept she has to drug the trailblazer into silence so they'll help her. And I think this is... out of embarrassment? If it were me, an autistic bitch who cannot lie to save my life, I would want to do something similar. She knows she's gotten herself into a situation because she left the incubator on too long and then the space station got attacked, but admitting that to Herta would wound her pride and also cause friction between them. You can tell that she brought the Trailblazer into that Genius meeting because she was afraid Herta and Screwllum had caught on to her, and once she realizes that it's just them debating about (in her eyes) nothing, she lets the Trailblazer go. I've seen people call that "callous", as if she was dropping them as soon as they were not useful to her. But she says why she does it basically immediately- she thinks it would bore us and she has something else more important that she needs our help with.
I think the part of Ruan Mei's character that people are overlooking right now is that Ruan Mei does care. Look at the story bit for Genius' Repose, where she serves machine oil in a teacup for Screwllum and promises to send a box of homemade sweets to Herta's flesh-and-blood body. She's the kind of person who is actively thinking of her mother and her grandmother and their little home in the snow every time she eats something sweet. Her creations are literally desperate with love. Love, love, love, love. Love that feels alien to her, love that she can't put into words, love that her alexithymia won't let her ascertain and compartmentalize. Love that is as elusive and vexing and important as that spark of the divine soul she's been chasing all this time. She loves and she loves deeply, to the point of obsession. But she's in love with the past as much as Herta is- their signature light cones both have them reflecting on a past version of themselves that they know they cannot have back. She quite literally brought her mother back to life because she couldn't bear to break a promise to her late grandmother (who... somehow, is still waiting for her... somewhere). She's a deeply sentimental person. Haven't you ever looked at other people and felt, even for just a moment, that you are apart from them? That they have something you lack? What if you let that feeling consume you? Ruan Mei yearns for a world that she cannot touch because she's lost the trees in the greater forest of her mind. She feels the need to become god because she feels so utterly alienated from the world around her. But she can't escape herself, no matter how far she runs.
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that Herta and Ruan Mei are friends, even if Ruan Mei doesn't feel that she's capable of it. It makes a lot of sense that they're both ice too, element ruled primarily by The Remembrance. I wonder how they both feel about that?
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apompkwrites · 2 years ago
threats against the asims || kalim al-asim
masterlist characters: kalim (platonic) genre: angst contains: kidnapping/assassination attempts (mentioned), guilt/self-deprecation, foreshadowing hehe, lots of new characters bc the asims have 32 CHILDREN summary: the asim name comes with some setbacks. it usually involves the oldest sibling. so why does your body seem on such high alert recently? notes: woohoo finally lil asim was long overdue for a new chapter :DD sorry for the names taken off like one website :// parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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typically, you didn't worry about the countless hardships that befell you and your siblings all because of your family name. you didn't have to worry about all of that because, despite being a part of the asim family, the threats didn't involve you. more often than not, they involved the eldest son, kalim, and, on rare occasions, the youngest twins, nawra and rawda.
they were the most logical victims in your family, more so kalim than the twins considering he was the heir of the family. the tendency of kalim to fall victim to these threats and dangers had caused your parents to be extra cautious with him, doting on him every second of the day.
meanwhile, the rest of your siblings sat in the middle of all of the chaos, torn between being relieved that your brother would be safe and sound at the end of the day and jealous, a feeling that often made you feel sick to your stomach.
the jealousy made you sick because how dare you all feel this way? there was your brother, having been the victim of countless kidnappings and assassination attempts, and you had the gall to be jealous of him?
...deep down, you knew it wasn't because of the tragedies that seemed to follow him. no, in fact, you knew you all prayed for the day your precious big brother who smiled brighter than the sun would get to live peacefully without worrying about being taken or killed in an instant.
what made you, and a majority of your siblings, jealous was the fact that your parents doted on him. the younger siblings never worried about that, not until they found themselves being replaced by another much younger child. but the older children were envious, the feeling bubbling in their chests and gripping at their hearts like snakes coiled around their prey.
you all wished for nothing more than to be loved and doted on by your parents.
but you knew you wouldn't get that. not unless...
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it was quite common for qamar and hala to wake up in the middle of the night in search of you. ever since they had caught you sitting on one of the windowsills, staring out into the night sky as the sounds of kalim and your younger siblings sneaking out faded into the distance, the twins had made it their mission to sit with you until they passed out.
they were always drawn to the moon and stars. that's what you told yourself. that's why they sought to find you in the late hours of the night.
and you didn't mind that. even if they didn't come here for you, they were here. they were curled up by your side, squeezed against you to fit on the windowsill with their hands gripping your pajamas and their heads laying against you. you would have your arms wrapped around them, lightly stroking your thumbs against their hair that would no doubt be tangled and messy by the time they woke up in their beds.
but this night, when they had found their usual spots in your arms, was much different than the others.
you didn't feel relief with a little twinge of doubt in your body. no, there was no relief to be felt at all. instead, your anxiety spiked, your heart and stomach feeling as if they were being squeezed and twisted in your body.
you didn't hear kalim that night. it was oddly quiet and that only added to the dread building in your stomach.
"(name)..." qamar's quiet whine was enough to pull your attention elsewhere. you glanced down at him, letting your fingers comb through his hair.
"i thought you were still asleep," you whispered to him, smiling softly when he nuzzled further into your side.
"you're shaking..." he muttered into your clothes, clutching at the cloth as if to steady you. "are you cold...?"
"no," you responded, hoisting the twins in your arms, the entire situation comical to watch considering the twins were very close in age to you. hala, still sound asleep, tucked her head into your shoulder and wrapped her legs around your waist. meanwhile, qamar, still sluggish and tired, managed to stand beside you and walked as you headed back to their room. "but, it's probably best to head back now."
"m'kay," qamar yawned, leaning more into your side with each step.
in hindsight, you probably should have trusted your gut that night.
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faraj was one of the older siblings you felt you could turn to in your house. maybe it was because he wasn't one of the oldest but also because his entire demeanor was welcoming.
of course, you didn't like bothering him with anything. no, just sitting in his room as he read a book was enough for you. sometimes, he would mutter the words out loud and you'd listen to his voice fill the quiet room.
you usually found solace and peace during these times. but not today. you didn't know what it was but you had the same twisting feeling in your gut that told you something was wrong. something was wrong and you had no idea what it was.
"(name)?" much like that night on the windowsill, faraj called out to you in the same way that qamar did, albeit without the sleepy tone. his book was partly closed, his thumb keeping his spot marked. "something's bothering you. what's wrong?"
"huh?" unlike that night, faraj's words weren't enough to distract you from the twisting feeling in your gut. "uh, just not feeling good... that's all."
"you're feeling sick? do you need to see mahdi?" faraj questioned, slipping his bookmark in between his pages and placing his book on his bed. "i'm sure he has some things that'll make you feel better."
"no!" you yelped, jumping to grab onto faraj before he could leave. "no, no, no... i'm... i'm fine. just need some rest is all."
faraj stared at you for what seemed like minutes. he stared as if he were picking apart each and every lie you had told him over the years, starting with this very one. it wasn't until he let out a resigned sigh and trudged back to his bed did you let yourself relax as much as you could.
"if you're sure," he huffed, burying his face back in his book. granted, his eyes didn't seem to be fully reading the words on the page.
in hindsight, you probably should have let faraj take you to mahdi.
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the night was quiet again. the twins had yet to make their appearance, so you were left all alone to revel in the silence. it was surprisingly calming, a welcome difference compared to the sinking feeling in your gut that had been a constant ever since that night.
it was so dark that you didn't even notice the person outside the window, staring at you.
it only allowed them the perfect opportunity to--
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @bajifairyy @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @potabletable @meerpea @luvcalico @chlousp @prettyinblack231 @dindarasuum @elizaboba @ravenlking @reveristmain @lasignoramybeloved @1midnightcoffee @thesirenwashere @twst-rui
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slashthrashandcrash · 8 months ago
I've been looking at the slasher x final girl oc's (and I love all of them) I was wondering if you'd give us anymore details about them, their first interactions and basically any thing interesting you'd be willing to tell us?
(I'm obsessing over your characters and knowing what little I do about them is making me mentally ill, especially the stranger, he reminds me of my favorite slasher (Jason) quite a bit)
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I'm so glad you're enjoying them!! It's been a while since I've used 'em so it's been fun dusting them off from time to time--
Ashley and the Stranger are meant to be a homage to 80's horror in general, both the classics and the cheesy. The first time they met was during freshmen year at a frat party, although Stranger had seen her around campus a few times prior. She was drunk, but still friendly and wanted to get to know him a bit, even warning him to be careful because frat hazings these days were getting so ridiculous and she'd hate to see him get hurt.
By the next day after she sobered up, she completely forgot about the interaction and probably didn't even bother to get his name. The fact that all records of him being a student disappeared shortly afterwards didn't help, it was like he never existed to her after that night. But he never forgot their brief time together, that pretty little cheerleader who was the only one ever concerned for him...
Constantly dying and coming back as a vengeful killer only worsens his insanity with each "sequel", including his warped obsession for her. Each time, he's more hellbent on having Ashley, convinced they're meant to be for no other reason than she was nice to him for like 10 minutes years ago. He doesn't even register her fighting back or stabbing him or setting up traps, he's so blinded by his infatuation despite Ashley having no clue that they've met before.
Francine and Ripper are newer OCs, but they're a lot of fun because my girl is just so great to torment (:< I've braindumped so much about them to Blob--
They met while Francine was working on the scripts for that latest series of a semi-popular true crime podcast about the unsolved slayings of the Northshire Ripper (about 3-4 episodes). She started getting these emails from an anonymous account that was praising her writing and storytelling, so impressed with her level of research and details and how well she wove everything together, especially the observations she made on the murders. It was genuinely her first piece of fanmail, some actual recognition for all the hard work that goes into being a weekly ghostwriter that's often overlooked. She's thankful and beyond appreciative that someone would take the time to send her a thoughtful email, how sweet! (:
And of course, eventually the segment about the Ripper ends and the show moves on to cover another killer or disappearance or solved case, and Francine is back to researching at the whims of the cohosts. Her favorite fan starts emailing her again, asking why she's stopped writing about the Ripper when there's still so much more she could cover, more things she could go in depth on. These new cases are so overdone. The podcast hosts butcher her show notes half the time anyways (she posts the full version on their blog which is the only place she has a shred of credit listed), can't she just write more episodes for the Ripper instead? Please? No?
Well...good news, little lady! You know that serial killer you covered a while back, the one who was never caught, the one who seemingly disappeared after years of bloody terror? Wouldn't ya know it, he's finally come back after a near decade hiatus, creating human art pieces with newfound inspiration! Isn't that great, now there's so much new material Francine can work with to write show updates about him, especially while it's such a hot topic in the media. Now write. What's holding you back? Is this not good enough? Do you need more inspiration of your own? More personal? A demonstrative interview?
Anything to help out his favorite fellow creator~
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ryrywrites · 1 year ago
𝕺𝖈𝖙. 16. Hair Pulling - Sam Winchester
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mdni divider cred: @cafekitsune
pair: Sam Winchester x hunter!fem!reader
description: Sam and Y/N have been at each other's throats since they met. After their most recent hunt, they're finally back at the motel but Sam's locked out of his room and Dean's out with the only key. They decide to be mature and stay in Y/N's room until Dean gets back.
warnings: 18+ mdni, rough hair pulling, slight choking, facefucking, slight dubcon, oral (m & f receiving), softish!dom!Sam, sub!reader, lil rough, pretty angsty, fluffy near the end, enemies to lovers, little bit of forced proximity, lemme know if I missed anything
WC: 3.4k (this is my first post, I'm so sorry y'all 😞)
A/N: if you've read my rules or requests, you'll know I use Y/N for your character's name but I'll be using you, your, you're . if you wanna request a one-shot or drabble, my inbox is always open. this is set around episodes 5-6, season 5. Enjoy, my lovelies! ❤️
kinktober masterlist × main masterlist
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"Wipe your feet," he was tracking mud all over the carpet. "Where?" Sam countered with the same level of distaste and annoyance Y/N held in her tone. She scanned the room for a mat but remembered she was staying in a filthy one-bed motel room. "Just take them off." Sam sharply exhaled, sitting in the rustic (gaudy) yellow recliner and fumbling with his laces. He dropped the gunk-filled boots with a huff and rubbed his eyes. The rain started off peacefully but as soon as she and Sam got out of the impala, they were welcomed by a cold wind and raindrops coming down like bullets. Dean had insisted that this was the perfect weather for a six-pack and a burger so he headed out to find a dive bar that served both. He claimed he'd bring them back some burgers but the likelihood of him remembering what they wanted was little to none so they found contentment in the mini bar and turkey sandwiches.
Y/N had never preferred the younger Winchester brother in any way besides his good looks. Sam only tolerated her attitude because Dean trusted her (and because he secretly enjoyed her company). There was always a snarky remark, he was never bored with her around. Y/N, on the other hand, found his determination to irritate her whenever possible, exhausting. She often chose to overlook his aggravating side because she liked him. She appreciated his witty, sarcastic humor and the way they could come together to save lives. She admired the loyalty and love he had for his brother and the gold in his eyes. She had never seen eyes like his, she caught herself staring at him constantly. He was, though she wouldn't admit it, beautiful. Sam shared this attraction, despite their animosity towards each other. He found himself captivated by the groves on her hands, her lips, her laugh. He found her charming and so infuriating.
When they got to their rooms, Sam realized Dean had the only key to the room. He considered breaking into the room with his lock-picking set but Y/N knew she'd feel guilty about leaving him out in the rain. They were partners or, at the very least, co-workers. So, she invited him in and locked the door behind him. She grabbed two towels off the small rusted rack, tossing one at Sam's head and drying her hair with the other. He laughed dryly and wiped his face. "So," she started. "You good?" He quirked a brow at her, "What do you mean?" She looked at him for a second too long and quickly focused on drying her hair. "Since the...everything? Are you okay?" She tried not to seem too concerned, the last thing she wanted was Sam Winchester thinking...she cared? She knew she wanted one thing right then; to be there for him. Even if that meant breaking down some of their walls.
Sam knew exactly what she meant. It had been weeks since they'd last had a real conversation, since he and Dean had separated. When it came down to Sam leaving, he wasn't surprised when Y/N told him she was staying with Dean but it still stung. He was trying to redeem himself but it was obvious his guilt was eating him up inside. He had lost her trust, not completely, but mostly. When he chose Ruby over her and Dean, it felt like a betrayal. They had been working together since John had gone missing back in '05 and he still abandoned her and his own brother. Y/N had never been the type of person to judge someone based off of their mistakes but...Sam was different. If their relationship was rocky before, it was on eggshells now. She expected more from him, set him apart from his brother. Sam was someone she considered reliable but now...it would be harder to get it back to the way it was. But Sam didn't want it to go back to them bickering daily, stolen looks, the tension, those little touches they both missed. He wanted something...just something.
"I haven't seen Lucifer since that night in the motel, if that's what you're asking." It wasn't. She wanted to know he was okay, all of the bullshit they were in aside. She was convincing herself he could still do this, that he could still be the man she knew he was. "What about the nightmares?" She squeezed her eyes shut at the bluntness of the question, wishing she had self-control. "I mean," he rubbed his eyes, thinking before he spoke. He understood she was trying to help, he just felt so undeserving of her understanding. What had he'd been to her in the last couple of months? "Better." He lied. She knew the second he cleared his throat before he answered. That was his tell, she knew. And he could tell she didn't believe him. Y/N grabbed a shirt she had stolen from Sam months ago and tossed it his way, "You can change into that. Here, Dean's." She tossed Dean's sweats. "You're gonna get sick, sitting in those wets clothes." He got the hint to change and headed to the bathroom, half-heartedly swinging the door semi-shut. She crossed the room to grab his soaked towel and hang it up when she caught a glimpse into the dimly-lit bathroom.
She had seen Sam shirtless before, same as Dean. When you live around someone long enough, you see a load of things you wish you hadn't. This was not one of those times. To say he was built would be an understatement. He had the physique of a Greek god and his hands, they were three-times the size of her own. His fingers were slender and long and his hair fell perfectly, still wet, over his eyes. She felt creepy after a second of staring and just when she thought it was time to look away, they made eye contact in the mirror. Y/N panicked, trying to rush away from the bathroom as quickly and casually as she could manage in the moment. She was standing over her folded clothes, pretending to look for something to change into herself when she heard the bathroom door creak open. She didn't make eye contact, she tried to forget what had just happened by becoming more and more interested in finding adequate pajamas. She had given her only pair of sweats to Sam so the only option she was left with was a large shirt (another she had stolen from Sam) that stopped about halfway down her thighs. The rest of her clothes were in the trunk of the impala so this was the best she had.
Sam, being the flustered dorky gentleman he was, tried to make her feel as comfortable as possible by standing as far away from the bathroom, where she was changing, as possible. This made her feel a thousand times worse about peeping on him. "Fucking weirdo." She mumbled quietly to herself. When she got out of the bathroom, she felt dirty for looking at him the way she did. And even worse for continuing to stare at him while he attempted to set his clothes out to dry properly. It irked her that he was so oblivious to hanging clothes out to dry (but what really irked her was the way his back muscles flexed as he did the most simple of tasks). She nudged him to move over so she could do it for him. He watched her intently, admiring how delicate she was being with his tattered clothes. So, as their clothes slowly dried, Y/N asked Sam if he would grab her some M&Ms from the machine outside. The second he was gone, her thighs instinctively rubbed together. The tension was unbearable, she was so pent-up. It had been months since she got laid and even then, it was so bad. The guy was lame and the sex was lamer, that's what she gets for sleeping with some bartender while tipsy.
Sam came back into the room and this made Y/N jump a little bit. He eyed this and seemed convinced she had to be guilty of something to jump like that all of sudden when he came back in the room. "What's wrong?" He questioned her, closing the door with his foot. "Nothing," she tried looking unsuspecting but the whole deer-in-headlights thing didn't work on him. He brushed it off as him overthinking but his suspicions were correct. She was guilty of something. She couldn't focus on anything, not when Sam turned on the TV and settled on Family Feud. She could only shake her leg mindlessly and chew her bottom lip, fidgeting with the bottom of her shirt and staring at him. She was disgusting, this was someone she had known for years, since they were children, but she couldn't control her thoughts. Now, all she could think about, was his lips. Everywhere. On hers, on her neck, kissing in-between her thighs. She munched her M&Ms and tried to distract herself with the game show but found it impossible to think of anything but his hands gripped her hips for dear life- "Hey, you feeling okay? No stimulating conversation tonight?"
She knew he was expecting a chuckle or at least a smile but when he said 'stimulating,' all she wanted was to rip their clothes off and be shoved face first into a pillow. She scrunched up her nose and rubbed her neck, "Since when do you find our conversations interesting?" He shook his head in protest. "Didn't say interesting. Stimulating." He corrected. Any other night, this would've sparked a heated debate on whether or not 'stimulating' and 'interesting' could mean the same thing in this situation but she didn't have the mental capacity for anything but dirty fantasies involving a certain hunter and his pretty eyes. He, again, waited for a smart-ass retort but got nothing. "Tough crowd." He accepted defeat and pretended to focus on the show. Really, he was paying attention to Y/N's every movement. She was nervous, anxious...excited? Almost like she was in her own little world. Sam looked through the channels to see what was on, hoping to find a good movie. He stopped at one he didn't really care too much for but knew Y/N liked it. Prom Queen, with Jamie Lee Curtis.
At this point, she didn't give a fuck about the movie they watched. All she wanted was him, all over her. Sam knew something was off but ignored the building tension. Y/N sat up against the bed's headboard and picked at her nails, willing this frustration to go away. Sam scooted to sit next to her, accidentally grazing her thigh. He went on to talk about how Prom Queen was one of Jamie Lee's lesser horror films and how he preferred Terror Train. She would've called him crazy if she thought she could without her voice cracking. Her anxiety was through the roof and his leg was resting against hers. She wanted to hear him groaning in her ear, she wanted to feel him bite her, she needed him. "You're wrong. Jamie Lee's performance in Prom Queen completely outranks Terror Train. There's no comparison." She looked over at him, her head resting against the metal bars of the headboard. She was staring again but this time, she didn't stop herself. She wanted to see what he'd do, she wanted him to see how much she cared. He finally turned to look at her, meeting her eyes. Y/N's pupils were blown out and she felt like she was ready to explode.
Sam quickly looked down at her lips and up to her eyes. She hesitated for a split second, gathering the courage, and slamming her lips onto his, she was chasing a release. He placed both hands on her face, gentle as he could be. He didn't want to hurt her or be too rough, he didn't want the kiss to end. The kiss started slowly and quickly progressed into a full makeout. He pulled her deeper into the kiss by her neck, controlling the pace of the kiss. His hands explored her exposed skin and he caught himself completely enchanted by her taste. He traveled down to her neck and kissed every sensitive spot he could find. He nibbled and licked, making her squirm and grab at the back of his shirt. His fingertips brushed the soft skin of her thighs, never ceasing his bites. Y/N was a mess, horribly vulnerable. It all felt like heaven, so passionate and intense. She couldn't believe she was letting this happen. She was letting Sam Winchester grapple at her thighs. She hated how well he knew her body, never having felt so intensely attracted to someone. How could he resist her for so long? He was grinding so subtly, he guided her legs open to gain better access. "Fuck, Sam." Y/N was whispering his name like it was a prayer.
His fingers dipped between her thighs, tenderly rubbing her sensitive clit through her panties. Her mouth fell open in praises, "Please, Sam. Oh my-baby. So good, yes, baby." Slurring her words and knowing there was no turning around from here, she gripped his hair and clenched around nothing. This was torture, he was so gentle and loving and considerate, but she wanted a different side. She wanted the Sam that called her insatiable, she wanted Sam take her, she needed Sam to mean it. She tugged slightly on his hair, he let out a muffled groan that felt almost like a growl against my neck. In a haze, Y/N moaned out his name in a way that drove him absolutely insane. The next thing she knew, he was kissing down her chest. He lifted the night shirt above her thighs and kissed down her stomach. He didn't want to miss a square inch of skin, he was greedy and wanted every detail of her satiny skin to be his. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to steady her breath. All those hunts, all those late nights, through storms and scorching heat, she never would've guessed this would be happening. Her father always told her, 'don't get involved with other hunters, they're not long for this world.' But Y/N couldn't think that way, not anymore.
Not while his head was slowly tracing its way to the place she needed him most. Every look, every touch had led up to this moment. Sam knew that in the morning, she may want him gone and never want to speak to him again. But for that night, he would give her everything under the moon. He halted his pace and looked her in the eye, "May I?" Y/N's jaw dropped at the image in front of her. Sam Winchester, his calloused rough hands massaging her legs, his hair tousled. He looked like he needed her more than she needed him. "Please," she quietly begged. A switch flipped in Sam, he was taken over by a hunger; the need to make her feel him. He dove into her clothed clit with this hunger. He licked the fabric separating his tongue from her core, this sudden warmth sent Y/N into overdrive. Her senses were heightened, she could taste how badly she needed more. He pulled her black panties to the side and plunged his hot tongue into her cunt, sucking and pinching her clit. Her eyes opened to catch a glimpse at the pleasure he was awarding her.
His eyes were completely fucked out, he was already staring at her. Her legs were placed on his shoulders to allow him deeper access. He gave her a look and she didn't know what it meant until he had slipped a finger inside her sopping wet cunt. His fingers were so long, so much thicker than she expected. A second later, he inserted another long finger and began to curl them. He was deliberately hitting her g-spot relentlessly and licking her clit in rhythm. The room was filled with the filthy sounds of squelching and moaning. "You okay, hon?" He had a shit-eating grin on his face. "Shut up, dick." He smiled condescendingly and sat up. Instinctively, Y/N shut her legs and sat up right, trying to cover herself back up. Sam watched her squirm and realized just how much he loved this newfound power she had over him. His fingers gone from her sore cunt, she felt an emptiness. She wanted more, she felt so helpless. She could feel the hold he had on her. But then came the overthinking, why was he suddenly so interested? He didn't know what the fuck he wanted. She scoffed at her behavior, how could she be so immature? She got out of the bed and rubbed her temples. Sam was surprised and concerned, did he do something wrong?
"Y/N, wait what's wrong?" He followed her off the bed, she turned around quickly and put her hand out to stop him. She could feel the heat radiating off his chest, she wanted to ignore her doubts and jump into his arms but she knew this wasn't right. "Sam, I'm not...God." He was confused for a second but understood what she meant. "Woah, nothing else has to happen." "You need to know that this-" she pointed between them, "isn't just some small town hookup." she had worked dozens of cases with Sam and Dean and every time some small town fling came along, life went on for the boys but time stood still for the women they leave in their wake. Lisa, Dr. Roberts, Sara, Cassie... "If we cross this line, it has to be more than that. It has to be-" it was so obvious for so long, how did he not see? "I've broken every rule I've given myself," he sucked his bottom lip to keep himself from blurting out everything he was thinking. "I've wanted this for so long." She jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Sam quickly cupped her ass and attacked her neck. He slammed them up against a wall, he needed some sort of friction. Y/N noticed his desperate thrusts and decided he deserved a thank you.
She hopped down and fell to her knees, hating the feeling of the itchy carpet against her sensitive skin. Sam couldn't believe his eyes; Y/N, the intense, guarded hunter he'd known all those years, was gone. Wearing her smile and cat eyes was a completely different person. She wasn't looking at him with her usual uninviting glare, she looked...in love. Sam brought his hand down to run his thumb over her bottom lip. "So beautiful." She could feel her face burn red. She looped her finger into the band of his sweats and pulled them to his ankles. His pupils were blown so big, his eyes looked brown instead of their usual blue-green hazel. She slowly pulled down his briefs and watched in shock as his eager member sprang loose. The tip of his cock was red and she swore she could feel him pulsing in her hand. He was biting his lip so hard, he thought he might break skin. His hands traveled from her lips to her hair, yanking her head back to look up at him. She slowly stroked his thick, heavy cock. He tensed for a moment before relaxing in her petite hand. She brought his tip to her warm tongue and licked the slit, the unexpected pressure had him jerking her head back. He gave her a warning look, she kept her smug smile hidden as best she could.
Sam began to thrust the air in anticipation, she loved teasing him so gently. She couldn't resist; she licked a long stripe up his cock, from the base to the tip. He shuddered and gripped her hair so tightly, she knew she'd have to ask Dean if he could grab some aspirin on the way home. She decided to give him what he wanted, wrapping her lips around his member and bobbing her head. She started slowly, circling her tongue around his tip. He groaned and mumbled curses under his labored breath, "Aw fuck, just like that," he started thrusting at the same pace she was sucking. "You're so sweet, angel. So good." Y/N choked on his member, tears streaming down her cheeks. Sam let her up to breathe and just then, the door opened to a shocked and horrified Dean. Sam quickly tucked himself away and helped Y/N onto her feet. Dean placed the burgers on the bed and put his hands up in defeat. "I don't even-" He walked away in disbelief. "SICK!" He shouted down the hall, they flinched. She readjusted her shirt and stood bug-eyed. "I'm gonna-" Sam started, "Yup, nope, go." Y/N agreed. "Okay, I'll be back." He kissed her passionately and went after Dean. She huffed and grabbed one of the burgers, finishing Prom Queen and wondering how much Dean saw.
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randomficrecss · 2 years ago
Klance Fic Rec
been so busy guys but trying to catch up i promise!!
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I dreamed you were a cosmonaut (of the space between our chairs) by iybms
T | 11K | 1/1 | getting together, flirting, kissing, near death experiences, mutual pining, canon compliant
"You know, you can be a pretty hard guy to find," Lance says, and his steps end at Keith's side, overlooking Orla'an canyon.
"Funny you always say that," Keith remarks, "since you find me, regardless. And," he finally glances at Lance, "…always wearing something weird."
Lance comes to Keith when he needs someone to pry him open.
Nameless by AveryScribbles
E | 97.8K | 22/22 | AU college, vampires, soulmates, major character injury, angst with a happy ending, blood drinking, slowburn
Lance McClain was not pale. He enjoyed the sun as much as any other, and though he was often run down or fatigued, this was due to his amounting college work, not his need to sleep upside down. He was everything a vampire wasn't. Oh, except for his constant cravings for blood, and the name in cursive imprinted on his wrist.
Since the name had appeared on Lance's thirteenth birthday, he'd been desperately waiting for the day he'd finally meet his soulmate. And then it finally arrives, delivering a boy that causes everything Lance had fantasized to come crashing down around him. Not only is his mate a human, but he's the kind of human that despises vampires. A hunter named Keith.
But matters of the heart aren't the only thing standing in Lance's way, for a much greater enemy is on the horizon, posing a threat not only to Lance and his family, but to Keith, too. The nameless are coming for them, and soon.
just come to me once by laallomri (absolute fav fic ever)
T | 94.5K | 3/3 | fluff, angst, pining, canon typical violence, post season 6
Lance’s smile widens. He leans forward, and the prickling in Keith’s chest gives way to butterflies, fluttering wildly in his stomach, and oh wow has Lance always had this many freckles, has he always had eyelashes that long, has he—
Lance pokes his cheek, right over the Galra mark. Keith blinks.
“I can’t believe you and your mom have matching face tattoos now,” he says, and it’s so fucking dumb, but it’s exactly the kind of dumb thing Keith has longed to hear, and before he knows what he’s doing he’s surging forward, almost knocking Lance back against Red’s paw, and throwing his arms around him.
In which Keith lives on a space whale, goes on a road trip, and (eventually) gets a boyfriend.
Like the Night Falling by iybms
E | 51.9K | 1/1 | rivals to friends to lovers, slow burn, astrophysics, sexual content
Keith reluctantly takes a lead role in an outreach program that forces him outside his comfort zone of solitary work. It would be a lot easier if he and his partner in the endeavor had anything in common.
Catch Feels, Not Covid-19 by Jenanigans1207
G | 20.2K | 7/7 | quarantine AU, covid 19, falling in love, confessions, artist keith
“Well, there’s really only one option, then.” Lance says as he steps further into the room. At least he looks equally as uncomfortable as Keith feels. At least he seems to know he’s broken their boundaries.
“Really?” Keith grinds out, but his anger is deflating. The stress of the situation is starting to wear on him and he just wants it to be over. “Because as far as I can tell, there are no options.”
“You’ll just have to come home with me.” Lance says and Keith balks. He physically feels the color drain from his face as he whips his head around to meet Lance’s blue eyes. He doesn’t even get the incredulous question off of his tongue before Lance is rushing on to explain. “My family visits Cuba every year at this time and since they closed the borders, they’re stuck there until this is over. So my home is completely empty which means there will be tons of room for you, too! And it’s only a couple of hours away, so we won’t risk getting caught anywhere in the middle. And it’s free.”
-- Or:
The coronavirus shuts down Keith and Lance's college and Keith has no choice but to go into quarantine with Lance.
At the Bottom of the Ramp by iybms
T | 12.2K | 1/1 | aggressive rollerblading, strong language, minor violence, getting together, rivals to friends to lovers
Lance is usually the first person to befriend new rollerbladers at the skatepark; it's a small community, and he's a friendly guy.
But not this time. This new guy looks the epitome of edgy and unapproachable, and he's stealing all of Shiro's attention.
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kaihuntrr · 2 years ago
The Sea Prince: Pirates’ Factions and Empires’ cast. Concepts!
Hello!! It’s been a while since I made a worldbuilding post, and because this AU is currently being revised, I’d like to welcome the side characters who will be making their appearances throughout the story! Firstly, I’d like to talk about the changes between Pirates SMP and Empires SMP to properly fit the vision of this world. These are still their main concepts until they’re (eventually) designed and fully realized, but this is what their general faction/ personality is like.
The factions exist! They’re split between the navy and hunters, given Team TIES are naval commanders, they should have some powerful people with them while the Red Canaries (ehehe they’re all bird names) deal with their rival group.
The shorter version is; Kites and Kestrels are Hunters, Herons are a special class of navy, and Nightingales are voyagers. Their characters and the Empires cast will be used for further development in the story. :D
I’m not well caught up in the characters of Pirates so they will not be gaining a description. The Empires cast will as I am more familiar with them!
* - special case
Here’s the general idea of the factions;
Formed out of shared interests, contracts, or skill, there are countless factions throughout the world. Like any faction or guild, they can be hired together to cover all their bases and work with each other’s strength. It’s not often this works, but they’re contractually obligated to do their jobs, so they keep their heads down. These groups and crews were formed naturally and hence, want to work with these specific members if ever brought on to jobs.
(This is still subject to change; the general idea is the same tho!)
Kites: Formidable and boastful.
Prioritizing strength, this faction of rowdy hunters are no stranger to the wilds of the ocean. They enjoy the thrill of the hunt and fighting evil monsters. This specific group cannot work with any hunter crew due to the belief of their superior strength and does not ask for help. They are particularly annoyed by the Canaries, thinking them to be spoiled and pampered due to being funded by the King himself. Hopefully their paths don’t collide. Hopefully.
Etho (formerly)
Kestrels: Relic of the past.
Some members of this great faction were once Ren’s old crew, they thrived in a lavish lifestyle their hunts have provided them. A strong leader with a fierce second-mate, they were unstoppable. It was like this for a few years, but after their Captain’s death it hasn’t been the same. Their second-mate soon left to be in his former crew, and they are unsure what the future may hold. If they ever cross paths with the Canaries, especially with their former second-mate, threats of violence look over their heads.
Ren (deceased)
Martyn (formerly)
*Scar (associated with the group in the past)
Nightingales: Explorers and Navigators.
Away from hunting and fighting, they simply want to travel and make it easier for people to get from place to place. They are a talented group who design and create machinery for travel and everyday use, but also spend their times in exploring and charting maps; a very versatile group indeed.
Herons: Elite Intelligence.
A group of very few, but strong leaders. They are special cadets from the navy who succeeded past their peers and are given special attention from their commanders as they train to, hopefully, lead in their place one day.
Cleo (formerly)
Mumbo (formerly)
Finally, we get to the Empires cast. Originally this au was only a Life Series x Empires fic due to some interesting dynamics the characters would have with some side characters, but pirates opened up a new opportunity and fills up some plot holes! I did say the Empires cast are getting their descriptions, so here they are!
‘Mythical ‘Myth’ J. Sausage.’
‘Humble’ and ‘polite’ are the first things he’d say about himself. He is particular in living the high life and wants to continue living up to his faction’s name. He can’t stand hanging around Martyn, so he openly makes fun of him for his own ego.
‘Joey Graceffa.’
Brought on by Myth/Sausage, Joey fits the bill of a Kestrel. He enjoys singing, but doesn’t do it as often as, “they don’t deserve to hear his voice”. He’s boastful and full of pride, joining Myth as he berates the former Kestrel. He doesn’t really know who the blonde is however, as he was brought to the crew a bit more recent.
‘Orion ‘Oli’ Sound.’
A wildcard. He’s eccentric and very chaotic, bringing all the energy into the Kestrels. He once challenged by Joey into a sing-off, and despite the other winning, Oli takes it in stride and forms a friendly(?) rivalry with the other Kestrel, making good laughs for everyone.
‘False Symmetry.’
A mechanic with big dreams. She helps build prosthetics and assists with any type of machinery, as she enjoys her time tinkering with any type of device. She likes to make herself useful, and would often go for a passive response to try and change things for the better.
‘Pix Rift.’
A researcher deep in his own thoughts. He joined the Nightingales out of their shared belief and interest in exploring, accompanying them in journeys and to breathe the open, fresh air towns and cities don’t have. He takes notes of all of his adventures but tries to keep up with his personal responsibilities, as it seems he can’t keep up with it usually.
‘Katherine Elizabeth.’
A vagabond hunter with no ties to anyone or anything, supposedly. She’s excitable and fun loving, adoring the thrill of the hunt and returning home to her girlfriend with a satisfied grin on her face. She makes her living like a mercenary would, sometimes it’s jarring that someone as upbeat and optimistic as she is also kills monsters for fun and a way to earn payment.
‘Shelby Grace.’
An explorer. She’s curious about the world due to living a relatively sheltered life and greets the world with open arms. She’s incredibly shy and prefers to explore on her own, but she wouldn’t mind traveling the world with her girlfriend.
‘Gemini Rose.’
A delightful person to be around but stirs up tricks with her twin brother. She means no harm to anyone she comes across, lest her overthinking get the better of her, and she’s all in to see the world despite the horror stories of the ocean. She’s not scared! If she’s with her brother, nothing is impossible.
‘fWhip Rose.’
A menace, but a fun one! He’s usually the one who initiates the schemes between the twins, but also the one who gets into the most trouble. Be it his reckless attitude, he’s not afraid to stand up for himself.
And that’s all I can say about them! Pirates has opened up so much ideas for the AU going forward, and I’m excited for you all to see! In the meantime… here’s the reveal of revised Act I’s titles and mini arcs, I can’t wait to show you what they all mean and contain >:)
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liveontelevision · 1 year ago
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(Hazbin Hotel OC/Sona!)
This is TV! TV is a nickname (cuz it's similar to my real name) and I haven't decided on a full name just yet. Here's her backstory and some other info!
She started as a Hellaverse Persona, but as I went on with the design, I wanted to give her a more unique backstory that's only mildly inspired by my personal life.
She's been through hella conceptual changes i'll probably post a lil' timeline of her progress as a character at some point :)
TV was forced into adulthood from a young age. Her parents kicked her out or she may have lost them in some tragic accident, but to add to that she really had no extended family she could contact. She immediately found work locally and didn't return to school to maintain a somewhat livable wage.
Looking back, she always felt like some higher power cursed her. After her hometown had caught onto the fact that she was a 14-year-old lying about her age, who was also working multiple jobs that she really wasn't meant to, she just kept going.
Her next move was to do it all again the next town over. Means of travel really just boiled down to using spare change for buses or walking. My god, she walked everywhere, the poor thing. Rain or Shine. Essentially living on the streets, finding a new place to sleep every night, she managed to abuse this horrid cycle. It took a while, but she did manage to support herself enough to stay put in a small town for a while. Finally settling into a routine, she lived in a cardboard box of an apartment. But hey, it's the first time she's slept on a mattress in years. She also got a waitress job at a retro 50s-style diner. And no matter how frilly the uniform or how short the skirt, she was smart enough to milk every last dime out of her tables. This usually involved letting gentlemen getting a little too handsy, but hey. She had bills to pay. She got used to the constant flirting and finally achieved a more regular routine, but her mind was still broken. She went through phases of depression, having days where she simply couldn't leave her bed, or refused to return home. When she tried to recall what went on during that day, it was simply TV static in her memories, as if she just went into autopilot. These didn't happen often after she got into an average lifestyle, but this ended up being her downfall. Just a few days before her 20th birthday, she took her own life.
(TW: Self Harm/Suicide Depicted)
After a long day of handsy customers, who didn't really tip as well as they should, TV dropped to the floor of her studio apartment, her back against the door. She receded into the same apartment that's getting a rent increase she simply can't afford.
She avoided looking into the mirror as much as she could. Every time it happened, she would get sucked in, her eyes scanning over every flaw. Her bags under her eyes and the large coffee stain down her apron. Her shoes that were nearly worn through and her hair that reeked of cheap coffee and bacon. Tonight, coming home to another red envelope taped to her door, she couldn't mask the exhaustion any longer. Finally managing to rise to her feet, she went on and plopped her purse down onto the counter, rummaging inside and looking for who knows what. She lets out a yelp and slowly pulls out the knife from the kitchen's diner that you had grabbed at some point. When did she grab that? She tried to recall her shift that she just finished, but she must've gone into static mode, again. What made her think she needed this knife? She felt a wave of exhaustion hitting her hard, but she attempted to get ready for bed anyway. She undressed to try and wash the day away, but stopped in her tracks at the mirror. She looked her mostly nude body up and down, stopping at her thighs. Her skin really was beautiful, it's a shame that it's tainted by numerous scars, some fresh, some just barely healed. She clenched her fists to her bust, only drawing her eyes to the scars that laid upon her wrists as well. She went into her autopilot state. Turning her head to look out the bathroom door, she sees her bag and the dirty kitchen knife she smuggled home subconsciously nearby. After that, her mind fell into a pit of static.
It felt like waking up from a restless's night sleep, so when she sat up to find herself in the middle of some street instead of her bed, she was perplexed. What managed to get her up and moving was the honking of an approaching van coming full speed in her direction. She scrambled to her feet, just barely avoiding the headlights with a swift leap. When she stood up, she realized how her body didn't ache how it usually does. Her feet weren't wobbly, and her neck and back weren't as stiff as they usually were. Looking back to where she awoke, it startled her how easily she was able to jump such a distance. Finally taking the time to absorb her surroundings, she simply kept walking down these city streets. It was large, and the neon signs and lights were almost too much for her doe eyes to adjust to. She'd really only seen cities like this on postcards, even with all the moving around she had to do in life.
While walking past the store front of an incredibly tall skyscraper, that she couldn't see the top of even if she tried, she saw a collage of screens. One of them had just gone out, drawing her eyes to the sight of televison static. Suddenly, the events of the previous night came back to her.
She died. And this must be Hell? She assumed so, taking a look at the demonic figures walking around her and the giant pentagram stamped onto the sky above her.
In what cruel world does a girl struggling for an easier life deserve to be hellbound?
Continuing her suddenly staggered walk, she was almost immediately stopped at another store front, her reflection catching her eye. For some reason, she appeared in Hell wearing her work uniform. What kind of cruel joke - Were those antlers..? She took a moment to process her new animalistic features. Her skin had a peachfuzz feel to it, and despite the rosiness in her cheeks, her skin looked grey. She yanked at the rabbit ears that trailed down her bust, then reached up to tug at the small antlers, jolting her head in the process. Giving a quick spin, she finally noticed - Oh, you've got to be kidding me - a small little tuft of a tail coming from her backside. She pulled open her mouth next, examining her suddenly rounded front teeth. She had become some kind of Jackalope Demon. A realization that this was her life now suddenly hit. Or her afterlife, at least.
She kept on walking, ignoring any propositions and dodging any troubles to the best of her ability. After a good hike, she found herself on the outskirts of the city, the air somehow clearer. Or as clear as it could be for Hell's standards. A much smaller tower compared to the ones she'd walked by, sat alone at the top of the hill. She recognized it! There were multiple flyers scattered throughout the city with its picture plastered on it. She didn't read into them too much, but did take note of the advertisement because it mentioned free rooms. And any sort of bed sounded like Heaven right now.
(Aaand then she goes through a bunch of redemption shenanigans n' falls in loooove or something)
Hope you like her :)) give her some luv
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tempural · 2 months ago
❄ Fannish Origin Story:
Crossposted from my mastodon/fediverse account.
🐣 The Beginning
The first "fannish" thing I can remember doing is live action roleplaying Final Fantasy IV characters with my neighbor. We were still playing SNES games when everyone else was on the ps2 and xbox grind… She was Rosa so she could date the main character Cecil. And I was Rydia, and I had to date Kain. Which I was fine with cuz Rydia's cute and Kain was cool cuz he had dark dragon armor and shared a name with Kane my favorite wrestler.
(Looking back, Rydia/Kain is kind of an insane age gap ship (she starts as 7 and time skips to a vague adult age later, while Kain is always an adult) that SOMEONE could do something with. I think in canon Rydia wants to eff Edge though (not to be confused with COPE))
I developed an interest in Final Fantasy, emulating some of the other 2D games, buying FF7 for my cousin's ps1 for ME to play, and playing FF8 at my mom's friend's daughter's place. I never finished FF8 cuz it crashed and wiped all the memory at the end of the first disc lmao. As a wee lad, I looked up pornographic doujin for FF7 specifically, on a site called SoDaSexy. I was looking for Vincent Valentine doujin. I wasn't that interested in Cloud x Sephiroth, and I didn't feel anything for Cid x Vincent or Sephiroth x Vincent, but I acknowledged that I was looking for yaoi. There was a monster x Vincent Valentine doujin that drew my attention though!
I think that's where my strange snake fujo ways come from - I have an uke fave, but not always a favorite ship with a specific character. Sometimes you just want to rotate your fave in the torture cube. Mob x Fave, Fave in Distress, and Fave Zerkin' It are often my favorite flavor of work to look at. But it's hard to explain in words to people who prefer a ships to faves.
I also remember reading a non explicit Yuffie x Vincent fic on ff.net that caught my attention. One of my original Gorl Scout x Squidward ships? Sounds funny nowadays to say that a het ship was more interesting to me than most of the yaoi LOL. Hey i dont see gender, they played into the Spongebob x Squidward onesided agegap annoying thing I always liked in the back of my mind.
🐓 The Growth
I hung around /co/ and tf2chan for my next fix of yaoi, not posting, just lurking for art, pretty much just going with the flow of whatever other people liked and not forming my own taste quite yet. So that meant shipping stuff that I forgot what J liked for their dynamics now, like Riddler/Scarecrow. I have a better memory of what I liked about ye olde TF2 ships like Sniper/Spy and Heavy/Medic. But I resolved never to become one of those annoying underage fans who latched onto Scout for his relatively twinkish appearance to turn him into a uke bishie yaoi boy!!! How the turns have tabled. Now I base my entire personality around Scoutsonas and Gorl Scouts.
At the same time, I got into boomer rock after one-too-many sleepless nights of VH1 classic. And it was inevitable when looking up photos of my favorite hair metal yaoi boyz, it would lead to tumblr blogs. So there's where I found the RPF army I desired. I started developing my own taste at this point because the pairings were MUCH rarer. Like trying to find Vince/Mick (crue) :P
I posted some art on Deviantart so I could do something with a high school friend. There was a little boomer rock RPF niche on there. It was pretty godlike when you found someone who drew them as bishie anime boyz and had their explicit art locked behind a personal site needing you to google translate Japanese for the password.
I made boomer rock OCs to use my autistic collection of 80s musician stories in my head for something. Pussywhip vs The Penetrators. The Penetrators came from a Rock Band (wii) name we used. Pussywhip was like.. damn I wish I came up with "Faster Pussycat" yknow? Jizzy (Doctor Love), Saucy (not Dave Mustaine, used as my maplestory avatar), and Johnny (played New Vegas around this time too smir were the first ones. I still draw Vicky and Angus a bit. And still add to this universe to this day :P y'all know about my ScoutSpy ACID PUSSY band au?!?
🍗 The End
I am still using Tumblr to this day LMAO. I draw comics and cartoons for a living cuz I still need to draw the strange niche yaoi I crave but can't find. I am married to my lovely manwife because we found each other through strange niche yaoi online. Fandom can be cool sometimes.
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be-side-my-self · 2 years ago
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I think I got blocked so I will now talk about Silas and post in his tag and you all have to suffer... or you like what I'm going to write.
The white wolf really is such a mysterie which is a pity. Whe know literally nothing but his name and what he kind of looks like.
All we know about him are from very untrustworthy sources.
One is Travis who is telling us what Kaylee told him.
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Travis assumes that Eliza is not Silas' real mother. But we don't know that. Eliza looks really old so how likely is it? Well, it can still be true that Eliza is indeed Silas mother since the game is taking place in a world where werewolves, witches and ghosts are real.
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But all of this just raises more question and we get literally no answers.
Like how old was/is Silas?
Travis says Kaylee wanted to help the child. this means that Silas was in his human form, right? And Travis also says that even six years later there are sightings of a feral albino child along the coast. Of course if Silas was something like 6 years old when Harum Scarum got destroyed, he could be 12 when he was finally "caught".
That again raises the question if no one ever tried to find him and bring him inside? A naked child in the woods that was seen multiple times?
Anyway let us look at the poster on the cage:
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compared to the new flyer, we find all the time, the one from six years ago:
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In the first one Eliza looks a lot younger. Of course that could have been the artist of the poster deciding to just pretty her up. But if you look at the design, the first ones looks older... like it could be from decades ago.
But Silas was already a part of the show then. So... how old is Silas really? Is he Elizas son? She sure seems to think so.
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"Mommy is coming Silas!"
(Sorry the screenshots I have are bad)
Eliza sees Silas as her son. Why did she put him in a cage? Maybe it wasn't as bad as Kaylee thought it was? It might have been good enough that people thought it is just an act? The cage itself is rather big... Maybe peope thought the feral thing was also just an act?
That would be what I might assume... children who grow up in a circus often help out with the acts.
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Either way, Eliza loved Silas enought to stay in the real world as a ghost and to try to kill off a whole family to protect him (and maybe bring him snacks/campers into the woods, who knows).
Anyway talking about age, another thing is that both Kaylee and Caleb are (if we believe the family tree) 21 22 (*1999) and 26 (*1995)
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Not exactly teenagers, even though Chris titles them as such. The developers are just not exact with the ages and all characters are unreliable narrators.
Also Caleb was 20 when he started the fire to help his 15 16 year old sister to free a child. Instead of asking their cop-uncle to help?
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All of this just seems weird. Caleb should have known better. He was already an adult who grew up in the woods and at camp. He should know about the dangers of fire.
Even if they were both only 10 years old they should have known better...
Another thing is that we have to assume is, that Silas was in his human form when he got "rescued". And still he bit Caleb. He is multiple times described as feral (again by Travis who is not a reliable source) but it might still be true.
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The fact alone that Silas bit Caleb while probably being human is an indicator for Silas actually being feral. That raises the question of why was Silas like that? Was he like that from the beginning? Or was he just not raised adequately? OR if he really is older than he looks did he become more feral with time?
All of those are valid options.
Another thing that always strikes me as weird is Kaylees letter. The first time I heard it, it sounded like she is not sorry about what happened. It sounds like she is only sorry about how it turned out.
Though, many people died she does not sound like she feels any regret... maybe werewolves really become more feral with time?
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Gammy, How long we gonna drag this shit out? I know family is the most important thing, but I wanna know what's outside the forest, outside this damn house and camp, and I sure as hell know that ain't about to happen 'cos of who we are. Maybe we can explain what's goin' on. Fuckin' show people. Then they'll know we got no control over it. I know you just tryin' to protect us, but one day you won't be here no more and right now it feels like we stuck in a dark hole. I can't sleep Gammy. Or if I do I dream about that fuckin' fire. We were just dumbass kids back then. I wish it never happened. Love, K xoxo
Also Kaylee writes that they were just dumbass kids, which might be true for her but not for her brother (again, 15 16 and 20).
BUT THEN we have this photo:
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We don't know when it was made but it could be from six years ago? But Caleb does not look 5 4 years older than Kaylee... all of this is just one big mysterie.
Anyway I wish we would have learned more about Silas because the things we do learn are not really anything to go with... all we can do is take those and put our own preferred headcanons around them.
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vertumnanaturalis · 11 months ago
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While this particular sheet isn't fully finished & public yet, I did wanna post these publicly while I was thinking about it - My headcanon calendar, approximate dates for when IWATEX takes place, and characters indivudual birthdays on both the Vertumnan Calendar and the traditional Gregorian Calendar! I get a bit rambly with this so the explaination behind my reasonings for things is below the cut:
The Vertumnan calendar is simple: 12 months of 30 days between the four normal seasons (Quiet, Pollen, Dust, and Wet), followed by a slightly shorter 28 day month for the already uniquely short Glow season, for a total of 388 days on an average year. Leap years with a single extra day would still occur just much less often than on Earth, only needed once every 17 years (aka 16 average years followed by 1 leap year), with that final extra day being added onto the end of Glow. This also matches with the years on Earth "laping" the years on Vertumna every 16/17 years; A character's 16th birthday on Vertumna would've been their 17th on Earth, their 32nd Vertumnan birthday would've been their 34th Earthern one, ect ect.
This also goes by several key things that aren't against canon information but contridictory to what was in early forms of the design document; the first is that days on Vertumna are nearly identical in length to days on Earth, still following a day divided into 24 hours of 60 minutes with each minute being composed of 60 seconds; the second is that weeks are assembled into batches of 7 days and (currently) follow the modern naming scheme for Sunday through Saturday.
The reason for keeping the day such a near identical length is that in practice it is actually incredibly hard to permanantly readjust the average humans sleep cycle to something longer (or shorter!) than their natural circadian rhythm. Even just an hour longer would have a cumulative effect on people's sleep cycles, getting more and more tired an hour "earlier" than the day before. This only stop becoming a problem if the days were almost perfectly twice as long as one on Earth, but having days that long - especially on a planet with two suns - would likely cook the planet to deadly temperatures during the day, while leaving the far side to drop insanely low each night. And yeah, sure, this one could be waved away by having each of the characters genetically modified to have a circadian rhythem that matches the length of their new day, but that requires both reader/writer and all characters to start adapting to a whole new lingustic system for describing units of time, which is also my entire reasoning for keeping the modern week setup. In theory, building up a whole new system of hours and names for week days is a lot of fun! And it can be, I've done it before, I'm halfway doing it again!
Which is how I learned that actually using said system casually and naturally is a WHOLE different beast, and not one I particularly want to explore in this fandom worldbuilding exercise. I think that in-universe the days of the week would be renamed over time, the same way that I think each given month would eventually have a more unique (and easier to use/identify) name than "Early Pollen" or "Mid Wet". Another headcanon of mine is that the founders actually did attempt to rename them before launch Onesday Twosday Threesday ect ect... But that between the adults deeply ingrained existing habit of calling things by their current names & the younger Earthborn colonists + spaceborn kids having secondhand exposure to the concept through media brought from Earth, it never actually caught on (except for Twosday taking over Tuesday, despite it being the third day of the week).
On another point entirely; The Gregorian calendar dates seen here are all founded on the age 11/year 2 Valentines day event. I ended up settling on that day being February 14th, 2204. Theres a few reasons for picking that year in particular; when I first started toying with the idea, it would've put their landing date during 2203, and I thought that it was a nice pun on the then-current-year 2023 (and, now having hammered it out further, having the landing year be 2202 is a nice nod to the game being released in 2022); One of the early humanties class events has a reference to space travel being "a passtime of billionaires in a previous century", and the standard english usage where I'm from would have this imply that more than a century had passed since that point, but it doesn't automatically mean it that either (think about using that phrasing to talk about something today; if you were talking about things that happend between 1900 and 1999, would you say that they happened in the previous century or a previous century?); the third reason is that its a shout out to one of my other favorite games, Stellaris (a space exploration/empire management sim), which always has the starting year of 2200.
Again, a lot of this is conjecture & opinions, just headcanoning pure and simple, but I've put a lot of thought into this over the past year. I'll eventually have a public copy of a calendar covering all 10 years of the canon game & update the npc sheet to have their local and Earth birthdays (as yes, I have gone and given them all specific birthdates, though I haven't finished calculating the Gregorian dates for the unimportant characters yet), but I'm in the middle of a frustrating medication adjustment & dealing with other personal issues that make it fall lower on my priority list rn.
If you have any questions or thoughts on any of this I absolutely wanna hear them, and as always all of this stuff is free for people to use-as-is or remix or takes part of to incorperate into their own headcanon system freely, and if you ever make anything based on or inspired by or referencing any of this stuff I very much would like to see it.
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