#lignin pose
How to Preserve Historical Documents and Artifacts
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“What conservation supplies and kinds of preservation equipment did they use to conserve and preserve these historical documents and artifacts?”, are probably some of the questions running in your mind when you’re visiting a museum for learning purposes or for simply visiting one. Do not worry, your questions will be answered through this article as this will provide you with knowledge as to how historical documents and artifacts are being preserved and conserved in museums.
How to Preserve Historical Documents and Artifacts Here are some ways historians are preserving and conserving historical documents and artifacts in museums.
By Choosing the Right Location By saying choosing the right location. The location mentioned here refers to the physical location of the storage building and the environmental dangers that the area could pose to the building. Though, understandably, no place will always be safe from all-natural or man-made disasters.
There is still a possibility and there is still a chance for historians and preservationists to choose a location that minimizes known risks such as flooding, wildfires, and earthquakes. Choosing a location where flooding, wildfires, and earthquakes are rarely experienced is the best option to avoid the need to move every time.
By Putting them in Acid-Free and Lignin-Free Storage The second right way to preserve and conserve historical documents and artifacts is by putting them in an acid-free and lignin-free enclosure. This is because this type of storage is designed to resist the deterioration that acidic paper products cause in the long run.
Since choosing and selecting the right materials is one of the first crucial steps in the process of preservation, it would always best to choose storage or enclosures that can act as a barrier against natural aging, pollutants, and light damage, as well as storage where you can keep historical documents and artifacts to safeguard the valuable history of the world.
By Inspecting Historical Documents and Artifacts Regularly Another proper way of conserving and preserving historical documents and artifacts, aside from using quality preservation equipment, is to inspect them regularly. This is especially true for historical documents and papers. You know and understand that papers are sensitive to the attack of different kinds of pests like silverfish and roaches.
That is why the best way to conserve and preserve historical papers and documents is to regularly check for insect and pest infestation.
By Digitization The fourth way to preserve and conserve historical documents and papers is to digitalize them. Since historical documents are crucial for research and study purposes but they are always at risk of danger, digitization of these documents is one way to protect them because it will not only grant people unlimited access to fragile materials but also the risk of further deterioration is reduced.
Aside from reducing the risk of deterioration, digitization also increases the lifespan of historical documents in good condition. This is because all originals can be safely stored in the optimal storage and environment. By digitalizing these important documents, neither accessibility nor material safety needs to be sacrificed.
By Properly Handling Historical Documents and Artifacts Last but not least, one of the essential ways to preserve and conserve historical documents and artifacts is to always properly and carefully handle them. Make sure to always clean your hands before holding or touching these historical artifacts and you should also use nitrile gloves to prevent the transfer of oils and dirt.
On the other hand, when handling historical documents, you should always see to it that you are holding them by the edges and supporting them fully when moving them. This is because your negligence in handling them can cause tears or creases to the paper that may become permanent.
In Conclusion Now that you know some important ways to preserve and conserve historical documents and artifacts aside from using and purchasing top-notch and reliable preservation equipment from your trusted store. Always keep in mind these proper ways and rest assured that you will never fail in taking care, conserving, and preserving your important historical materials and documents.
When you need to purchase top-notch and reliable equipment to further conserve and preserve these materials before keeping or displaying them, do not hesitate to buy them from a trusted store that has been in the business of designing, building, and selling art conservation, restoration, and preservation equipment.
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poonamcmi · 2 months
Understanding the Uses and Hazards of Sodium Hydroxide
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What is Caustic soda? Sodium Hydroxide, also known as lye or caustic soda, is an highly corrosive chemical compound with the formula NaOH. It is a white solid ionic compound that is crystalline but often appears as a white powder. Caustic soda has strong alkaline properties and it functions as a strong bases.
Industrial Uses of Caustic soda As one of the most important industrial chemicals, caustic soda has a wide range of applications. One of its major uses is in the production of paper pulp from wood. The alkaline properties of caustic soda help to break down the lignin in wood into its constituent parts, which allows the cellulose fibers to be separated for making paper. It is also commonly used for manufacturing soap and detergents by saponification, which is the reaction of fat with caustic soda that produces soap and glycerol. In the Sodium Hydroxide petroleum industry, caustic soda is used in petroleum products processing to neutralize acidity and remove sulfur compounds and metals. It also has applications in chemical industry for manufacturing of aluminum, explosives, dyes and organic chemicals. Caustic soda plays an important role in treatment of waste streams and water purification and is used as a pH balancer and disinfectant in municipal water treatment.
Household Uses of Sodium Hydroxide Caustic soda has various household uses as well. It is the main active ingredient in many drain cleaners as it can dissolve organic matter like hair and grease blocking drains. It is also used for cleaning, as its high pH helps break down organic soils. Caustic soda mixed with water forms a strong base cleaning solution that is effective at removing tough stains from surfaces like ceramic tiles, bathroom fixtures and kitchen appliances. Lye soap can also be made at home using caustic soda for cleaning and laundering purposes. However, it is highly corrosive and proper safety precautions must be followed when using it for domestic cleaning.
Safety and Hazards of Caustic soda Due to its highly alkaline nature, caustic soda can cause severe burns on contact with skin, eyes and internal organs if ingested. Its solutions have a high pH of around 13 or more, making them very corrosive. Exposure to caustic soda may cause damage to skin and eyes on contact in form of burns, blindness or permanent damage if not washed off immediately with lots of water. Breathing in dust or atomized mists of caustic soda can severely irritate nose, throat and lungs. Ingestion of caustic soda solutions or solids should be considered a medical emergency and needs immediate treatment to avoid severe complications or damage to esophagus and stomach lining.
Caustic soda should always be handled with appropriate protective equipment like gloves, goggles and protective clothing. Spills should be cleaned up promptly using neutralizing agents. Proper disposal of unused caustic soda is important as dumping it down household drains or into water bodies can raise pH levels dangerously. Due to its corrosivity and hazardous nature, caustic soda solution requires careful handling, storage and transportation according its safety data sheet guidelines.
Environmental Impacts of Sodium Hydroxide While caustic soda has widespread usage in industries and households, it also poses environmental hazards if not handled or disposed properly. Accidental releases of caustic soda into waterways, soil or air can severely disturb the pH balance and natural ecosystems. Small amounts of caustic soda discharge from industrial effluents into lakes and rivers can make the water too alkaline, affecting aquatic life. Caustic soda-contaminated wastewater that seeps into soil could deprive it of nutrients and damage plants.
​Its atmospheric emissions have been linked to depletion of ozone layer as well. Therefore, environmental regulations strictly monitor industrial discharges and require use of effective neutralization and wastewater treatment before allowing caustic soda containing wastewater to be released into environment. Proper storage, transportation and disposal methods must be followed diligently to curb ecological impacts of this industrially important but hazardous chemical.
Sodium Hydroxide is a crucial industrial chemical with wide commercial applications mainly due to its high alkaline nature and ability to breakdown organic materials and fats. While indispensable for manufacturing of many essential products, its corrosive properties also make it dangerous to handle without safety precautions. Both industries and households must take necessary steps to minimize hazards during production, use and disposal of caustic soda to protect human health and environment. With careful handling as per standardized guidelines, the benefits of caustic soda can be reaped sustainably without undue risks. Get More Insights On, Sodium Hydroxide About Author: Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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rajasthanlime · 6 months
Lime's Impact on Paper Bleaching and Brightness
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Paper bleaching is a key step in paper production, designed to enhance its brightness and whiteness. Lime is an indispensable chemical compound, playing an indispensable role in this process and contributing to paper bleaching to enhance brightness in the industry. Let's explore its impact and see how lime can enhance brightness for improved our Paper industry lime products in Jodhpur.
Understanding Lime in Paper Processing
Lime plays an essential role in paper production. Not only does it serve as bleach, but its multiple functions also ensure optimal conditions for cellulose fiber hydration and sheet formation, as well as precipitating unwanted substances like calcium carbonate that could harm paper quality. Lime is essential in modern papermaking operations - its multifaceted functions make lime an indispensable asset when producing high-quality papers products.
Lime in Bleaching Process
Before bleaching begins, pulp goes through a pre-bleaching treatment stage where lime is added to adjust the pH level and create an alkaline environment suitable for subsequent bleaching processes. Lime's alkaline nature facilitates breaking down lignin and extracting impurities while simultaneously aiding with removal of residual chemicals and metals; further improving brightness and purity in paper production. As an integral component of bleaching processes, lime plays an essential part in creating high quality, bright and durable paper suitable for various applications.
Lime-Aided Bleaching: 
Lime is often added with bleaching agents such as chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide for greater activation and effectiveness, speeding the removal of lignin and other color-causing substances. This allows faster processing. Lime's alkaline properties help to dissolve lignin bonds, making separation between it and cellulose fibers much simpler. Furthermore, lime facilitates dispersion of fragments that form during this process to ensure optimal brightness for optimal brightness levels. Lime and bleaching agents work together in harmony, producing efficient and thorough bleaching processes, producing paper with increased brightness and purity. Lime also acts as an acid buffer during this process to maintain stability in its bleaching reactions.
Lime plays an essential role in alkaline extraction of pulp impurities such as lignin, residual dyes and metals - helping improve both brightness and cleanliness in paper products.
Lime's alkaline properties help remove colorants from paper products for brighter and whiter paper products. This results in brighter and whiter products.
Lime is an effective impurity remover, neutralizing acidic impurities in pulp to facilitate their extraction for cleaner and better-quality paper production.
pH Adjustment: Lime plays an essential role in maintaining an ideal environment for bleaching agents to work and protecting cellulose fibers from damage.
Reduced Chemical Usage: Lime's bleaching agents enhance their effectiveness, thus reducing chemical usage for environmentally friendly paper production. This reduction reduces not only environmental footprint, but also generates less hazardous waste and pollution. Lime is naturally alkaline in nature which allows more effective bleaching at reduced chemical concentrations thereby further decreasing environmental footprint of bleaching process; in addition, lime's biodegradability ensures any residual lime poses minimal environmental risks in papermaking process.
Reducing Waste Generation: Lime helps remove impurities, decreasing waste production while improving papermaking operations overall.
Lime is an integral component in paper bleaching processes, significantly impacting both brightness and quality of paper products. Due to its alkaline properties and ability to effectively remove impurities from pulp fibers, Lime in paper processing Rajasthan has become an indispensable element in sustainable production of high-quality papers.
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budandtender · 1 year
Reviving the Hemp Revolution: A Strategic Plan to Conserve Our Forests
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The Unexplored Potential of Cannabis in Forestry Conservation
In an era of escalating environmental concerns, it is imperative to explore sustainable alternatives for resource-intensive industries. One such promising solution lies in the towering cannabis plant strains that can reach tree-like heights of 20 feet or more within a single growing season. This remarkable growth rate presents a significant opportunity to alleviate the strain on our forests by reducing the demand for lumber.
Rediscovering Hemp's Role in Papermaking
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One of the most transformative uses of cannabis lies in the manufacturing of paper. Historically, hemp "hurds" – constituting 77 percent of the hemp stalk's weight – were considered waste from the fibre-stripping process. However, with advancements in technology and a shift towards sustainability, these hurds have become the cornerstone of a new papermaking process.
USDA Bulletin No. 404: A Forgotten Beacon of Sustainability
In 1916, USDA Bulletin No. 404 presented a compelling case for the use of cannabis hemp in paper production. It reported that one acre of cannabis hemp, in annual rotation over a 20-year period, could produce as much pulp for paper as 4.1 acres of trees harvested over the same period. This equates to four times the pulp output with significantly less pollution.
The Environmental Benefits of Hemp Pulp Paper
The hemp papermaking process reduces environmental impact in several ways. Firstly, it uses only 1/7 to 1/4 as many sulfur-based acid chemicals to break down lignin, a glue-like substance that binds the fibres of the pulp. Secondly, unlike wood pulp papermaking, the hemp process doesn't require chlorine bleach, thereby eliminating the problem of dioxin contamination in rivers. Instead, it uses safer hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching process.
The Modern Technological Revolution in Hemp Processing
The full potential of hemp pulp paper hinges on the development and engineering of new machines capable of efficiently stripping hemp. The integration of modern technology in hemp processing could significantly reduce demand for lumber, consequently lowering housing costs and contributing to re-oxygenation of the planet.
Hemp Pulp Paper: A Viable Replacement for Wood Pulp Paper
If the hemp pulp paper process were legally and widely adopted today, it could replace about 70 percent of all wood pulp paper. This includes computer printout paper, corrugated boxes, and paper bags. Not only is hemp pulp paper stronger and more flexible than its wood pulp counterpart, but its production also poses less environmental harm.
Conclusion: The Path Towards a Sustainable Future with Hemp
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In conclusion, reviving the hemp revolution presents a strategic plan to conserve our forests. By embracing hemp as an alternative to wood pulp, we can reduce deforestation, mitigate pollution, and promote sustainable practices in the paper industry. The potential benefits of this shift are immense, warranting serious consideration and action from policymakers, industry leaders, and consumers alike.
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kenresearchcompany · 2 years
3 Key Insights on ~US$ 15 Bn Opportunity in the Global Dietary Fibers Market: Ken Research
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Increased Geriatric Population, Worldwide Consumer Demand for Fiber-Rich Food Products, and Rising Emphasis on Health and Wellness are Some of The Key Factors Expected to Propel the Market Growth Of the Global Dietary Fibers Market, which is forecasted to Cross ~US$ 15 Bn by 2028 says Ken Research Study.
The edible plant parts or analogous carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine of humans with either complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine is known as dietary fiber. Polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, lignin, and plant substances are all components of dietary fiber. Dietary fibers have beneficial physiological effects such as laxation, blood cholesterol reduction, and blood glucose reduction.
Ken Research shares 3 key insights on this high-opportunity market from its latest research study.
Customers' Rising Health Consciousness and Awareness of the Benefits of Excellent Health Are Some Major Trends Driving the Expansion of the Dietary Fibers Market.
The growing health consciousness among consumers, rising awareness about the health benefits of soluble dietary fibers, the rise in chronic disease incidences, increasing demand from pharma, food, and feed manufacturers to incorporate soluble dietary fibers into their products is likely to propel the growth of the market.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in September 2022 stated that Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) killed 41 million people per year, accounting for 74% of all deaths worldwide. Annually, 17 million people die from an NCD before the age of 70, with low- and middle-income countries accounting for 86% of these premature deaths.
According to Ken Research estimates, the Global Dietary Fibers Market – valued at around ~US$ 5 billion in 2017 and estimated to reach nearly ~US$ 8 billion in 2022 – is further expected to grow to around ~US$ 15 billion opportunity by 2028.
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  Demand For Dietary Fibers Is Expanding as A Result Of Enhanced Nutrition Awareness And A Trend Toward A Healthier Lifestyle.
The global market for dietary fibers is anticipated to be driven by rising nutrition knowledge that extends beyond the standard diet and a trend toward a healthier lifestyle. Dietary fiber consumption decreases the chance of developing a variety of diseases including diabetes, heart disease, diverticular disease, and constipation. Foods high in calories and sugar are considered to be the cause of a rising prevalence of obese adults and children. Additionally, dietary fibers are employed as prebiotics, sugar & low-fat substitutes, and bulking & hydrocolloid agents.
For Instance, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2021 reported that within the population of USA, adults aged 20 to 39 years had an obesity prevalence of 39.8%, adults aged 40 to 59 years had an obesity prevalence of 44.3%, and adults aged 60 and older had an obesity prevalence of 41.5%.
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Stringent Government Regulations On Dietary Fibers Restrict Market Expansion.
Stringent government regulations regarding dietary fibers are expected to pose a major challenge to market growth during the forecast period. The FDA's stringent rules, which include the recent declaration that the definition of dietary fibers would alter in the near future, are also expected to hinder the market's growth. It demonstrates that market restraints include recalling products already on the market for reassessment and inspection. Additionally, the lack of knowledge regarding the health benefits of dietary fiber in rural areas is impeding market expansion. The cost-intensiveness of the market and the time and money required for regulatory approval are additional restraints on it over the forecast period.
Request for Sample Report @ https://www.kenresearch.com/sample-report.php?Frmdetails=NTk2MTA3
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For instance, according to Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School in 2019 reported that American adults consume 10 to 15 grams of total fiber per day on average, while the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommended daily amount for adults up to the age of 50 is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. Women over 50 should consume 21 and men over 50 should consume 30 grams per day, respectively.
Key Topics Covered in the Report
Snapshot of Dietary Fibers Market
Industry Value Chain and Ecosystem Analysis
Market size and Segmentation of the Dietary Fibers Market
Historic Growth of the Overall Dietary Fibers Market and Segments
Competition Scenario of the Market and Key Developments of Competitors
Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis of the Dietary Fibers Market Industry
Overview, Source Offerings, and Strengths & Weaknesses of Key Competitors
COVID-19 Impact on the Overall Dietary Fibers Market
Future Market Forecast and Growth Rates of the Total Dietary Fibers Market and by Segments
Market Size of Application with Historical CAGR and Future Forecasts
Analysis of the Dietary Fibers Market in Global Regions
Major Dietary Fibers Type/Supply and Consumption/Demand Hubs in the Region
Region-wise Historic and Future Market Growth Rates of the Total Market and Segments
Overview of Notable Emerging Competitor Companies within the Region
Notable Key Players Mentioned in the Report
Cargill, Incorporated.
 Tate & Lyle
Roquette Frères
Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM)
 Rettenmaier & Söhne GmbH + Co KG
Kerry Group plc.
Notable Emerging Companies Mentioned in the Report
Bonumose, Inc.
Meati Inc.
Key Target Audience – Organizations and Entities Who Can Benefit by Subscribing This Report
Raw Material Suppliers for Dietary Fiber
Manufacturers of Dietary Fiber
Distributors, Suppliers, and Sales Channels
Market Research and Consultancy Firms
Associations, Alliances, And Organizations Specialized in Dietary Fiber
Market Players in Dietary Fiber
Investors for Dietary Fiber
Government Departments of Dietary Supplements
Ministries and Departments of Pharmaceuticals
Ministries and Departments of Healthcare
Emerging and Startup Companies in Dietary Fibers
Time Period Captured in the Report
Historical Period: 2017-2021
Forecast Period: 2022E-2028F
For more information on the research report, refer to the below link:
Global Dietary Fibers Market Size, Segments, Outlook, and Revenue Forecast 2022-2028: Ken Research
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BENOIT PIOULARD  “Same Time Next Year”
Thomas Meluch aka Benoit Pioulard has announced “Lignin Poise”, a new album that will drop in September on Beacon Sound. 
I recorded this album during the fall and winter of last year, and it’s thematically meant to trace a path through decay, death, and regeneration over the course of the tracks. My flat/studio is surrounded by deciduous trees (a huge deal for me especially since I live in the heart of the city), so those patterns were right in my face every day while I was recording. Lignin forms the support systems of vascular plants, so the title is intended to convey the posture and temporariness of life in full bloom.
The first taste from the album is a slow-moving, richly textured ambient gem called “Same Time Next Year”. Listen above and pre-order “Lignin Poise” here.
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hannigramficrecs · 4 years
Foiled Again by QueenofLit [words: 1,688]
Today was the day. Beth was going to ask Adam out. He was sweet, and kind, and nothing like her last boyfriends (which was honestly a good thing). It would be hard, sure, but good. They could make it work. She just wasn't prepared for the smoking, shirtless prison thug who opened the door instead.
Beth Finds Out by victorine for Devereauxs_Disease [words: 3,160]
Beth doesn't want to date Adam. She doesn't really want to date Nigel either, but he'll work as a temporary measure to discourage Adam. Of course, she's not expecting the two of them to hit it off...
Cassiopeia by shewhotalkstohyacinths [words: 3,624]
Adam gets hurt and Nigel seeks revenge.
I Was Still Blind, But Twinkling Stars Did Dance by DarkmoonSigel [words: 12,010]
Beth sets Adam up on a blind date. Sex happens.
Perturbation by captaineifersucht [words: 1,600]
Nigel doesn't know that Adam's in heat.
Swimming In The Moonlight by honorablementioned [words: 12,339]
A remix of Adam (2009), where both Beth and Nigel are Adam's new neighbors.
Lower, Darling by Watermelonsmellinfellon [words: 1,573]
Adam meets his soulmate in a purely accidental way and makes a bold decision immediately afterward. Nigel is fucking thrilled.
I Fucking Love Weddings by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 1,755]
Adam is hating every second of Harlan's wedding, especially Harlan's grabby cousin. Good thing there's a friendly waiter to keep him occupied.
For Science! by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 1,896]
“Nigel, may I see your penis, please?” Adam walked past Nigel to settle on the sofa, back straight, attention focused on Nigel.
The Way To A Man’s Heart Is By Dachshunds by PossessiveNoun [words: 2,287]
A different take on the laundry room scene during Adam (movie). Instead of meeting Beth, Adam meets Nigel who has just moved into 3A.
I Have Lied My Way To the Stars by DarkmoonSigel [words: 10,110]
This story takes place after both movies. Nigel is recovering from being shot in the head...It can happen...and Adam is living out in California.
Worth Every Penny by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 1,296]
Beth hires Nigel to pose as her boyfriend so Adam will stop asking her out. Nigel comes up with a creative solution to Beth's problem.
Alnilam and Alnitak by Chifuyu for Gio_hannigram [words: 12,762]
He's sitting on a park bench in the middle of the night, bleeding like a pig, with a cheese sandwich in hand, and everything the strange boy next to him cares about are the stars in the sky and the light of the moon. All things considered, Nigel's day could've been worse.
Mistaken Identity by PossessiveNoun [words: 1,470]
Adam falls victim to a case of mistaken identity when one of Nigel's goons takes him for a man who owes Nigel a lot of money. Nigel is not impressed.
Probing Conversations by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 1,423]
Adam calls to check on a possible job. He gets Nigel instead of the person he hopes to speak to. Adam is a sweet little muffin. Nigel is a dirty pun machine. A bit of fluff.
Looking For Satellites by writtenbyizzy (BakerStreetMuse) [words: 2,764]
Accepted to college two years early, brilliant young Adam skips class for the first time to experience a number of other firsts with someone his overprotective father definitely would not approve of.
Stars Are Only The Rain of The Absolute by DarkmoonSigel for Lignin [words: 5,211]
Nigel is feeling sorry for himself in New York after the whole Charlie Countryman incident. Adam never went to California after Beth dumped him. Some things are just meant to happen.
Heartbeats by stratumgermanitivum for bigeyes [words: 6,884]
Nigel's soulmark has always been nothing more than a collection of dots. Soulmarks, in general, are an annoyance. They've already ruined his life once. And then Adam Raki walks into his life.
Trope: Coffee Shop AU (Spacedogs) by TigerPrawn [words: 7,710]
When a new coffee shop opens across the street from his work, Adam is instantly intrigued. And that intrigue is most definitely held by the rich scent of alpha mixed with coffee and pastries. It isn’t long before he’s amending his schedule to include regular trips to see his new friend.
Extra Cheesy by mokuyoubi [words: 3,656]
Nigel is knocking over the store Adam usually buys his macaroni from. Everything is going according to plan and he starts to leave when SUDDENLY A CUTIE APPEARS.
You Did What? by KissTheCannibal [words: 1,438]
Nigel meets the Graham boys the first Christmas after Will and Hannibal marry, his first impressions of Adam shot by his blatant avoidance of Nigel. The unmated Lecter twin returns a week later to retrieve something he'd forgotten and finds that the newly weds have gone off to Germany for the weekend, leaving behind a far sweeter gift than anything his posh brother could think up for Christmas.
Gravity by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite f [words: 9,597]
Recently-single dad Nigel feels in over his head trying to take care of his son, run a business, and keep them both sane. A chance meeting during a tantrum in the supermarket might just help him along.
Tulips Are Better Than One by slashyrogue [words: 4,158]
Adam owns a flower shop that Nigel pays a visit to and they start a friendship that blooms into more.
Nigel Writes a Book by Ishxallxgood [words: 2,485]
Nigel comes across Beth's book and has strong opinions about it. So strong in fact, that he decides to counter her book with a book of his own, about the mother fucking raccoons in Central Park.
Adam Raki and the Accidental Nurse by victorine [words: 6,719]
For his sins (which are many), Nigel winds up taking the bus after every taxi driver he sees fails to stop for him. Fortunately, on the same bus is the most beautiful, blue-eyed kid he's ever seen. Unfortunately, said kid is running a nasty fever and somehow, Nigel is the only person around to take care of him. Nigel's not sure whose luck is worse, his, or the kid he's about to play nurse to.
1 (25/25)
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Iris Publishers - World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science (WJASS)
Remediation Methods of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil
Authored by Ding Xuezhi,
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Crude oil is a quick and easily accessible source of energy, making our life comfortable and raising the standards of living. It can be found naturally in many parts of the world, particularly in the USA, Russia, Romania, Iran, Mexico, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, and Nigeria [1]. The petroleum industries generate billion tons of crude oil, natural gas and its derivatives every year. All of these are then undergone further processing for the production of refined products such as diesel, gasoline, petrol and lubricants [2]. It is recorded by international energy agency that demand of oil all over the world in 2015 was 97 million barrels/day which is expected to be 100 million barrels/day up to 2021 [3].
Crude oil is composed of volatile liquid hydrocarbons with varying molecular weight and structure. It contains more than 17,000 hydrocarbons and its classification are based on the most prevalent compound present in it. The three main hydrocarbons components present in crude oil are compiled in Table 1 [4-6].
Crude oil contamination is one of the major environmental problems effecting aquatic and terrestrial environments. At present, approximately 80% of lands are affected by petroleum origin products i.e., hydrocarbons and these products are used in oil and chemical industries as energy source [7]. Crude oil makes a covering on the surface of soil and causes the retention of carbon dioxide produced by soil organisms. It also decreases the soil porosity by sticking the soil particles together. The amount of loss depends on the amount and grade of oil spilled [1].
Many accidental spillages of crude oil have threatened the nature. The largest accident in the history of mankind that caused environmental disaster is “Gulf war oil spill” (1991). This accident caused the spill of millions of gallons of crude oil from destroyed oil wells into the water and surrounding land covering 49 square km of an area [8]. Similarly, “Keystone pipeline accident” (2017) is another disaster of oil spillage. This spill caused the spread of 210,000 gallons of oil on the grass as well as in the agricultural area at southeast of the small town of Amherst in northeast South Dakota [9].
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) present in crude oil, declared as primary environmental pollutant by the United States Environmental Protection Agency are mutagenic and carcinogenic [10]. A prolonged contact time of stable PAH with soil stimulate the phenomenon called soil aging, leading to the resistant of soil to any treatment [11]. Leakage of these contaminants from the soil to the ground water can pose risk to human health, vegetation and biological environment [7]. So, it is very important to clean the soil from these harmful substances to guard life from their deadly effects. Besides, by remediating oil contaminated sites more land can be available for residence as well as agricultural activities.
Numerous countries are developing their own strategies to cope with the soil contamination done by crude oil e.g., Lebanon, Kuwait and some other middle east countries have organized oil spill working groups by the aid of environment research organizations for assessment and future remediation of the affected areas [2]. Numerous methods for the removal of crude oil from the contaminated soil have been devised. A quick, nature friendly and cost-effective method is required for this purpose. This review focuses on the current developments of some generally accepted remediation techniques used to treat crude oil contaminated soil.
Chemical Methods
Chemical oxidation is an efficient method to remove dangerous wastes from the soil at the oil spilled sites. The efficiency of this method strongly depends on the soil matrix. Fenton’s reagent, a mixture of Hydrogen peroxide and Ferric ion, is used for chemical oxidation. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent that generates hydroxyl ions during Fenton’s reaction while ferric ion acts as catalyst. Hydroxyl ions are very powerful and effective agents that destroy the contaminants present in the soil [12,13] demonstrated that removal of oil from sand at lower pH by using Fenton’s reagent is much efficient than at natural pH or peat.
Another efficient oxidant that is used for the removal of crude oil from soil is ozone. It is easy to generate, store and handle for in situ treatment. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are more reactive with ozone in comparison o alkanes. Reactivity of poly aromatic hydrocarbons depends on the number of rings, heteroatoms presence or absence and alkylation level. Ozone also support microbial community present in the soil as it generates oxygen on its degradation, so it can be helpful in bioremediation method to aid microbial growth [14]. Chemical method is a quick way to treat contaminated soil, but chemicals may pose a serious threat to the nearby soil and living beings due to leaching or side reactions.
Physical Methods
Excavation of crude oil contaminated soil is the quickest and safe way but not a sophisticated and cheap method. The contaminated soil is removed and transported to appropriate landfill for the disposal. The samples are collected from bottom and sidewalls of the excavated area to check if the site is clean or not [15-17].
Another physical method is the washing of contaminated soil. Washing with organic solvents such as ethanol- water mixture and ethyl acetate-acetone-water mixture exhibited significant removal of hydrocarbons from the contaminated soil [18-20]. Soil washing does not only treat the oil contaminated soil but also remove the heavy metals from the soil. The efficiency of washing can be enhanced by the addition of surfactants. Studies showed that both artificial and natural surfactants are helpful in the removal of crude oil. Different surfactants remove different fractions of crude oil e.g. artificial surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) removed aliphatic hydrocarbons while natural surfactants saponin and rhamnolipid removed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the contaminated soil [21]. This method no doubt is simple and efficient, however, it is very prolonged, time consuming and very costly. Transportation of contaminated soil to disposal site is another big problem. Surfactants might be dangerous due to their possibility of adhesion to soil particles.
Thermal Methods
In Thermal stripping/low temperature thermal desorption/soil roasting contaminated soil is heated to very low temperature (200- 1000 °F) to increase the vaporization and separation of low boiling point contaminants from the soil. By this process organic contaminants can be completely or partially decomposed depending upon the thermal stripping temperature and organic compounds present in the soil. [22]. This method can remove approximately 90% of the contaminants but it is very costly and not eco-friendly.
Another way to remove crude oil from the soil is incineration. The contaminated soil is burned by using fire at high temperature (1600-2500 °F) [1]. This method is also not environmentally friendly as volatile and flammable compounds present in crude oil will cause the environment pollution.
Biological Methods
Bioremediation is a traditional method that involves the use of living organisms (bacteria, fungi and plants) to degrade harmful substances present in the environment. Bioremediation of crude oil from the soil is very efficient, cheap and environmentally friendly solution. The effectiveness of this method is depended on hydrocarbon concentration, soil characteristics and composition of pollutants [8].
PAH are the most resistant and toxic group of soil pollutants present in the crude oil. PAH get trapped in the soil pores after they enter into the soil and retained by the soil matrix. So, their removal from the soil is very difficult [23]. Bioremediation is the most suitable method to remove PAH from the soil as microbes and plant roots can access these tiny pores easily.
Microbe assisted remediation
Soil is a diverse ecosystem as it inhabits various microbial populations. The composition of naturally residing microbes change with the composition and concentration of contaminants, so only resistant consortium of microbes survives and work actively in the cleaning of polluted soil [24]. Hydrocarbon degrading microbes are extensively present naturally in the contaminated soil and breakdown complex hydrocarbons into simple form by the use of their enzymatic systems.
Different bacterial genera chose different types of hydrocarbons for the degradation (Table 2) and they can also work in both aerobic and anaerobic condition. In anaerobic condition, bacteria present in the deepest parts of the sediments use nitrates, sulfates and iron as electron acceptor to degrade the hydrocarbons. Some of the species of anaerobic bacteria belonging to genus Desulfococcus, Thauera, Dechloromonas and Azoarcus exhibit hydrocarbon degradation ability [25-26].
While in aerobic condition, bacterial dioxygenase enzymes incorporate oxygen into carbon molecule through a series of enzyme catalyzed reactions to generate hydrocarbon with alcohol group. Alcohol groups are oxidized to aldehyde and then converted into carboxylic group by the action of other enzymes which in turn is degraded to acetyl co-A by beta oxidation [27].
The major bacterial genera that showed crude oil degrading capability are Alcaligenes, Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Nocardia, Acinetobacter, Micrococcus, Achromobacter, Rhodococcus, Alcaligenes, Moraxella, Mycobacterium, Aeromonas, Xanthomonas, Athrobacter, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus, zospirillum [1, 2,8,27- 30].
Fungal mycelium is very helpful in the degradation of hydrocarbons because of their penetration ability, it also aids in the entrance of bacteria to the deep soil. Fungal laccase, lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase enzymes degrade the hydrocarbons by its oxidation [31]. Crude oil degradation has been shown by some members of the following fungal genera: Candida, Stropharia, Rhodotorula, Pleurotus, Penicillium, Phanerochaete, Fusarium [8, 14, 32,27].
Microbial remediation of contaminated soil is affected by many factors such as water amount, temperature and pH of soil, concentration of oxygen, soil quality and amount of nutrients. Change in any of these factors can decrease the population of microbes and in turn decreases the bioremediation [33].
Microbial activity can be accelerated by using bioaugmentation and bio stimulation strategies. In bioaugmentation exogenous oil degrading bacteria are supplemented to enhance soil microbiota while in bio stimulation addition of nutrients, aeration and optimization of physical conditions like pH and temperature is performed. Research has shown that bioaugmentation and bio stimulation when used together effectively remediate crude oil hydrocarbons polluted soil. It has been observed that the number of exogenous bacteria decreases after sometimes because of nutrient unavailability or other abiotic factors (pH, temperature or oxygen). So, bio stimulation incorporation with bioaugmentation provided effective results in the degradation of crude oil pollutants (Figure 1) [1,23,30,34-36]. Different types of surfactants produced by many microorganisms are called biosurfactants. These biosurfactants enhance the bioavailability of hydrocarbons to the microbes and in turn increases its degradation. Use of biosurfactants producing microbes is a good bioremediation choice as this process is cheap, nontoxic with efficient degradation rate. So, researchers have turned their focus towards such microbes that can degrade crude oil and produces biosurfactants at the same time [37].
Phytoremediation is an effective, solar driven and low-cost strategy that uses plants for the removal of contaminants from the soil of large contaminated area. Plants have the ability to grow in polluted soil by metabolizing or accumulating the harmful compounds in their roots or shoots [45].
Plants with extended root systems, minimum water requirement, adaptability to a variety of environmental conditions and fast growth rate are appropriate for this purpose [46]. Phytoremediation efficiency depends on the plant species selection, environmental conditions and rhizobacteria [47].
Analysis of soil of the Possession Island after diesel leakage in 1997 showed that area with vegetation has 10% low concentration of hydrocarbons as compared to non-vegetation area [48].
Different mechanisms are devised by plants for the removal of contaminants i.e., phytoaccumulation (absorption of contaminants into the roots or shoots), phytodegradation (degradation of pollutants by utilization of plant enzymes such as laccase, oxygenase and nitroreductase), phytovolatization (release of volatile metabolites into the atmosphere) and phytostabilization (decrease the movement of contaminants) [11,49,50] reported that two plant species i.e., Eleusine indica and Cynodon dactylon significantly eliminated some low to medium molecular weight PAH from the soil by phytoextraction process, indicating their use in the removal of PAH.
Maize plants showed enhanced biodegradation in association with Cynanchum laeve. This symbiotic relationship between maize roots and Cynanchum laeve degraded 4-6 rings PAH more efficiently than any other treatment [11].
Vetiver grass, belongs to the Poaceae family, is a perennial grass. It decontaminates the soil by extraction of PAH and other toxins from the soil and accumulating it in the roots and shoots. This plant showed negative effect on its growth and other physical activities when grown on soil contaminated with diesel [51] Mirabilis jalapa, is also considered a good candidate for phytoremediation. [52] investigated that M. jalapa can remove 41-63% of saturated hydrocarbons within 127 days when compared with natural attenuation process (Figure 2).
Similarly, ryegrass, alfalfa, tall fescue, prairie grasses, meadow fescue, yellow medick, soybeans, Gazania, Mimosa pudica, Cyperus rotundus have shown good crude oil remediation [53-60].
With all the advantages, phytoremediation also has some drawbacks i.e., it is a time-consuming process, limited remediation in high pollutants concentration and limited area of success [47].
Rhizoremediation (Plant-microbe assisted remediation- recent technology)
Rhizoremediation requires such plants that can grow in oil contaminated soil and also provide favorable environment to contaminants degrading microbes by exudates secretion or aeration. Plant-microbe strategy not only increases the metabolic activity of rhizosphere microbes, but it also improves the soil physical and chemical properties and increases microbial access to the contaminants present in the soil [56].
PAH degrading bacterial strain Rhodococcus ruber Em1 showed enhanced degradation rate when combined with Orychophragmus violaceus during the period of 175 days in a controlled environment (mesocosms). The expressions of linA and RHD like genes, coding PAH-ring hydroxylating dioxygenase, increase 3-5 times in the mesocosoms [42]. Enhanced degradation of contaminants by maize plant was observed when maize plant was provided with indigenous microbial biomass inoculum [61].
Glycine max (Soybean) plant is among those plants that exhibit hydrocarbon remediating capability. Research showed that soybean remediation of crude oil was not because of the phytoaccumulation but it was a mutual action of G. max and rhizospheric microbes. It was observed that Glycine max growth in the contaminated soil effect the total number of bacteria, amount of water, pH and organic matter quantity [62].
A study conducted on wheat plant in hydroponics condition showed that wheat seedlings eliminate more than 20% of oil from the medium, but this remediating ability enhances to 29% when grown in association with Azospirillum [63].
Bioremediation of oil contaminated soil by using yellow alfalfa in combination with Acinetobacter sp. strain S- 33 improved the remediation efficiency 39% in comparison to alone alfalfa (34%) and Acinetobacter sp. S-33 (35%). Fractional Contaminants analysis showed that plant microbe association is the most efficient strategy in the cleanup of aromatic hydrocarbons from the soil [63].
Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) promote the tolerance and resistance of plants against contaminants present in the soil. Ryegrass when grown with PGPR showed increased degradation of hydrocarbons to 61.5% for 3 years when 13% TPH content was used. It was observed that low concentration enhanced the degradation and vice versa [3,64].
Crude oil after leakage gets trapped or physically bound with the soil particles; access to these micro spaces is made possible by plant roots. Roots of plants harbor microbes in the rhizosphere as well as on the surface. So, root generates a pathway for these microbes to have access to these contaminants. Once in the soil micropores, GPR increases the solubility of oil droplets by producing biosurfactants or by adhering to the surface of the oil droplets. Microbial surface membrane oxygenase’s than generate fatty acid analogues by adding oxygen atoms into PHC. In this way microbes keep on growing and degrading contaminants. Tentatively, microbes use 150mg of nitrogen and 30mg of potassium to degrade 1g of PHC [65]. Utilization of plants and microbes in collaboration is indeed a good strategy to recovery contaminated soil. It might be a long process, but it is safer and environment friendly. Further field experiments must be performed to develop good models.
Crude oil is a quick and easily accessible energy source found in most of the countries. Its leakage during extraction and transportation has posed danger to the environment because it contains mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds. Soil contamination due to crude oil leakage has adverse effects on human and vegetation growth so its removal is essential. Many methods have been developed to remove crude oil from the soil i.e., physical, chemical, thermal and biological. Many alterations and development have been introduced in Physio-chemical and thermal methods to enhance their efficiency and reduce their demerits. Still these methods have many drawbacks and less acceptable by the society. On the other hand, bioremediation methods are preferred because they are efficient, cheap and nature friendly. In the recent technology i.e., rhizoremediation, microbes and plants are combined together in synergistic relationship to efficiently remove the crude oil contaminants from the soil. Research has shown that rhizoremediation is more efficient than microbial and phytoremediation techniques separately.
To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/wjass/fulltext/remediation-methods-of-crude-oil-contaminated.ID.000595.php
Indexing List of Iris Publishers: https://medium.com/@irispublishers/what-is-the-indexing-list-of-iris-publishers-4ace353e4eee
Iris publishers google scholar citations: https://scholar.google.co.in/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=irispublishers&btnG=
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Lignin: the chemical compound that will reshape the future of petroleum
Everybody knows that the world and more specifically the chemical industry, runs on petroleum. We can’t live without it, it is literally everywhere: in your house, in your car, even the plastic bottle you are drinking from is made from petroleum. For the past hundred years men exploited this so called black gold for their own advantage, but recently it became clear that this exploitation must stop. The reason is quite clear: global warming, of which petroleum use is a significant cause. You might ask yourself: Does this mean that we can’t use products derived from petroleum anymore? The answer is neither yes nor no: the use of petroleum must stop, but the products derived from it can be made from a renewable compound called lignin.
So, what is lignin? Lignin is a substance responsible for the firmness and strength of plants and is present in almost all plants and trees. As you might have guessed, this lignin needs to be extracted from the plant before it can be used. This does not pose a problem as extracted lignin is a by-product of the paper industry and 98% of it just gets burned for energy production. This by-product stream of the paper industry forms the ideal first step for the use of lignin as a replacement for petroleum  
If you are thinking that this so called substance ‘lignin’ must have a complex and big structure, you are right. This complex structure can be described as a big Lego wall: it isn’t ugly, but it would be much nicer if you could break it down and build something else. This is exactly what must happen with lignin before it can be used as a substitute for petroleum. The easiest and most promising way to do this is by using a catalyst, a special compound that makes the ‘breaking down’ part less energy demanding.
Once this catalyst has been used, the product consists of similar molecules as the molecules found in natural occurring petroleum. This product is a sort of renewable and natural form of petroleum and can be used for the same uses as petroleum. This way you can still enjoy your plastic bottles without making as big of an impact on the environment, but remember: using reusable bottles is even better!
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Intro! :)
Hello readers, and thanks for checking out my blog! This is my intro post. I will describe what the blog is for, and define some terms that will be relevant. I will include links to polls for feedback on my posts, but please feel free to comment! I am based out of State College, Pennsylvania, United States. Over the course of March and April 2020, I will take pictures of flora, fauna, fungi, or whatever local organisms I can find in my area. I will try and ID them and include some descriptions, and relate these organisms to biodiversity and climate change issues globally. The main focus of the blog will be biodiversity, followed by climate change and conservation. Pennsylvania is an absolutely beautiful state, with tons of incredible wildlife. Unfortunately, much of the wildlife here is facing declining populations and habitat loss.
Before we’d get into that however, I’d like to define biodiversity and tell you why it’s important. Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth, encompassing everything from genes in a population to species in an ecosystem. I will start with the gene level. Diversity of genetics is important for the health of a population. There is a reason that inbreeding causes genetic issues; the lack of genetic diversity between related individuals means “harmful” genes have a higher chance of being present. Similarly, the more genetically diverse a population is, the more likely they are to have a variety of “good” genes. Good genes can mean all kinds of things, such as resistance to drought, resistance to a disease, and more. This kind of biodiversity is important for animals, microorganisms, fungi, plants, and even people! Having more tools in the toolbox, so to say, makes a population more dynamic and equipped to deal with new problems the environment poses them. Being adaptable to change is critical for a population’s survival, particularly now that climate change is causing shifting conditions globally. A genetically diverse population is a strong population that can withstand and survive different types of challenges. A genetically similar or genetically identical population is a weak population, fragile and susceptible to changes in the environment.
 The next type of biodiversity I want to emphasize is species in an ecosystem. Although I have said it before, I want to repeat that means more than just plants and animals. Fungi, microorganisms, and more are all important to an ecosystem. Every species has unique behavior, and a unique effect on the environment it lives in. Some species are food sources for others. Other species create shelter, like trees and bushes. In Pennsylvania, the Eastern Hemlock (our state tree) likes to grow along waterways and rivers. The strong and far reaching roots of the tree greatly impact the structure of rivers and shorelines. If the trees die off, this structure falls apart. Even the smallest creatures are needed in their ecosystem. Lignin is a compound that makes up woody plants and trees. It cannot be digested or broken down by most animals. This is where we owe thanks to fungi! Imagine if all the dead, fallen trees in a forest just stayed like that forever. Some fungi are able to break down lignin, making space and releasing nutrients for new organisms to use. These are some examples of how even under appreciated life like trees and fungi are massively important, and deserve conservation as well.    The bigger variety of organisms an ecosystem has, the stronger it is. Although all species are unique, some are more similar to others in their roles. If one species goes extinct or has a low population, the ecosystem will be damaged, but not as much as it would be if there were no other organisms to help fill that role. For this reason, it is important for the strength of an ecosystem for it to have a diversity of species. Thanks so much for reading this far! Hopefully I will have new exciting content soon! Feel free to leave me some feedback with the survey below. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JQP3ZW9
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tyrantasaur · 4 years
g i l d e d ◇ s p i r i t s
It was well into the afternoon when Pritchard entered Wesley’s bedroom to begin his daily routine. It seemed to Wesley, awakened violently by the loud clacking of metal on metal as the valet tore open the curtains to let the sun stab Wesley right in his reddened eyes. It had been another extremely late night, and if he was honest he could not quite remember the latter part of it. He was pretty sure there was a certain sadistically gleeful bent to the silent valet’s smile this morning. 
“Do you know, I’m still quite half-under, man. Stop enjoying this.” He squinted at Pritchard, who was standing with the window just at his back. “Evil old goat,” Wesley grumbled to himself, cursing Pritchard under his breath. “Damnit man, hand me the potion.: He held his head as it felt like it was rattling about on his neck. Pritchard stood, not moving. “Please,” he ground out through gritted teeth, prompting his cold-hearted valet to hand him a small vial. He downed the shot of thin amber potion in one go, thankful that he didn’t have to live like the poor mortals who would have to just struggle through their day.
It took but a few moments before his head cleared, and he felt as though he’d been abed before 10 PM. He fluffed up his pillows and leaned back, awaiting the breakfast tray that Prichard placed over his lap. The sunlight falling on his face felt peaceful, now, and he directed his man to open the window and let in the cool breeze, the ambient sounds of the city, and the smell of smoke and freshly mown grass. It was a scent so particular to the city that it didn’t even phase him anymore. Luckily his own estate had enough greenery that it wasn’t filled with soot and smoke like other parts of the city. Just enough to remind one that they were in an oasis surrounded by metal and smoke. Some didn’t care much for it, but his life wasn’t half bad, and he lived for the hustle and bustle. Besides, it was really good for business.
After enjoying his bruncheon of toast, eggs, bacon, and coffee, Wesley was soon up and dressed for the rest of the day. It was not out of his regular routine for him to be up late, as the work of a supernatural investigator really was much more active at night. He was between cases at the moment, though that didn’t much matter to him.
He spent most of the afternoon and evening puttering around in his workshop; he had a project that he’d been working on for the better part of the past year, but he’d been having difficulty tracking down someone with the particular skills he needed to help him with the magical aspects. His powers were strong and his knowledge might be broad, but he wasn’t an expert in many fields. So far he’d been having trouble with anyone who was powerful or clever enough. Winnifred kept silent vigil, watching what he was working on and offering up rare bits of advice for new things to try. It was proving to be an extremely frustrating project, and finally he tossed down his tools with a shout, put everything into a box and shoved it onto the storage shelf, then swept out of the room. 
Winnifred trailed behind him, silent as ever, although she slammed the door behind him in empathetic commiseration. He wasn’t surprised by the small cold hand on his shoulder or the whisper as she faded off to wherever her ghostly sensibilities drew her. 
“Laurie!” Wesley stood, taking three long strides to meet his friend who had been led into the drawing room by Pritchard, who bowed himself off.
“Wes, old man, thank you for that vile potion you sent over yesterday. It always does wonders; what a blow, eh? Ah....Winnie,” he grinned unabashedly as though he hadn’t just spoken roughly in front of the young woman. “Forgive me, old gel?”
She graciously held out her hand, draped on the chaise longue in the same outfit she always wore, her hair always perfectly coiffed. Lawrence stepped forward and held his hand just under hers, going through the motions of kissing the ethereal hand. She smiled, her lips parting in a silent laugh at his dramatic expression of apology.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about that absolute mess we saw at the Montgomerys the other night,” Wesley stood by the writing desk at the window, fiddling with some papers. He picked them up but stared off into nothing and set them back down again. He was frowning out the window, his thoughts on what had occurred. 
“I’ve had a case I think is likely related to that fracas with the maidservant. Looks like a satyr getting a little too bold.” He drew a sharp breath. “I think I may need to find that woman and see if she knows anything. I’d like to know why it was drawn to that house in particular. It doesn’t seem to be targeting the wealthy manors,” he chewed absently on his lower lip. “What do you think?”
Lawrence sat down opposite Winnifred, and lit himself a cigarette, arm thrown over the back of the sofa. He leaned his head back to look up at the ceiling, watching the smoke blown out through his nose. “I think I was altogether a little too zozzed to really remember if I noticed anything in particular. I mean, Frakes was there and you know he’s a bit of the gift, so does that deb and her daddy, you know, the ah…” he glanced over at Winnifred. “Er, Jack and his girl Millie.”
“Well,” Wesley let the papers drop back down onto the desk. He walked over to the gilded cart filled with crystal decanters of various shapes filled with different colored liquids. Pouring out a glass for himself and Laurie, he dropped down onto the cushion beside his friend, and took up the same pose, staring at the ceiling.
Was it guilt or simply being thorough? Wesley wasn’t sure why he kept getting a nagging feeling that he should be tracking down the maid who had encountered the work of the satyr. It was not often that he felt any sort of overwhelming need to play the knight in shining armour, and he was fairly certain that wasn’t about to start now. Currently sitting in the parlor with Vivan Montgomery, he sipped at the tea she’d poured. 
The reason he’d dropped in was not, as Vivian clearly believed, because of her irresistible charms and their important place in society; he was hoping to begin tracking the satyr from this spot. The traces were all muddied; there’d clearly been a few people or beings in the area with at least a touch of magic about them, and their paths overlapped. After a time the trace dissipated much like a smell, becoming more vague and foggy as time wore on. He could’ve cursed himself for waiting as many days as he had, but as he made his excuses and took his leave, he stood for a moment in pretense of fixing his tie. 
Focusing on a magical trace was as innate a skill as sensing a taste or scent, but it was often harder to place, or to match up with what caused it. It was more of a concept, a feeling or emotion or a memory of a little slice in time and place that served as the magical signature. Different people sensed magic in different ways, but every persons’ trace was unique. He could tell his own trace from the rest, of course; and Laurie’s, though the man didn’t have an ounce of magical skill in him he was still a Sensitive and quite knowledgeable about the theory and history of magics.
There were at least three other distinct traces. Sorting out which pieces belonged to which trace were the trickier part, but you could piece them together like a puzzle as they just fit the scene they evoked. There was the feeling of lying in the tall grass, dappled sunlight warming your skin, the taste of honeyed wine on your lips; it had melted into the feeling of a familiar old chair and the particular scent of lignin, and the particular cozy feeling one gets when a rainy day lets you laze about without guilt; the scent of a crisp breeze, the childish satisfaction of milk and a plate of cookies, and the softly sad feeling of reliving a cherished memory. A summer’s day, reading in his library, and a stroll down memory lane. Out of the three of them, the summer’s day seemed the likeliest, given the satyr’s origins.
Walking along the sidewalk, he was glad for the bright sun, the light breeze, and the energy that a hearty breakfast had given him. He’d been up early today, unusually so for him, but he’d taken a potion the night before and had slept like the dead. Sometimes he wondered if mortals felt all the spirits that lived in his house; there certainly were a number. Those departed who could not yet move on, but who had become displaced when their homes were demolished, or the new occupants were a little too sensitive. Even in death people weren’t immune to homelessness. Sad, really. He wished there were more who studied the necromantic arts, but there was a certain distaste many had to speaking with the dead. It was hard work, and one of the more dangerous fields of magic. It took a lot of discipline, hard work, courage, and unfortunately a certain amount of empathy. It was not generally a lucrative line of work, given that most dead didn’t have any wealth lying about, but it was still important work. 
The trace that reminded him of autumn in his childhood kept coming up. He wondered if there was someone who had been at the party, or that lived nearby, who had caught the attention of the satyr. He pitied the person, as they were quite the nuisance, especially for women. Lusty capricious little beggars, they were not exceptionally violent but could turn aggressive. Magical creatures were not as they were often portrayed in stories; the Greeks had it most to right, some good some wicked and mostly a mix between the two. Temperamental and given to dramatic impulses, they could be difficult when cross and a hassle when they took a shine to you. 
The path took him more into the less posh parts of town, and he frowned at the small cluster of fairies following the milkman’s cart, but kept going. It looped through various neighborhoods until it hit a gentlemen’s club. Wesley had no compunctions about visiting the house of ill repute, but it had taken considerable work to calm down the inhabitants enough to get any information out of them. The madam had not known what to believe, but one of her girls had enough gifts to see the creature. It was getting bold, and it was about time to send it back to the plane to which it belonged.
A wave of nostalgia washed over him, and he realized that the neighborhoods through which he had been tramping were filled with the second trace at various stages of strength. It was getting to be clearer as he drew closer to the department store. Intrigued, he wondered who it could be and what role they played with the satyr. He followed the trace through the store, and he saw fairies flitting between the jewelry cases and home goods, attracted to everything that glittered. They cast wary looks at him as he passed, but resumed their ogling as he passed them by.
Pretending to examine a pair of leather gloves, he tried to focus on where the concentration of the magic was centered. Fairies liked transformative, air and water elemental, divinatory and combat magics, so it made sense that they would have followed this mage, as there was the flavor of some of those magicks to their trace. He felt it up ahead and looked up to see the perfume counter. He did a double take, staring keenly at the young woman at the counter. She wasn’t dressed like the usual middle and upper classes that shopped at the department store, nor was she dressed as one of the counter girls. A friend, perhaps, stealing a few moments with their friend? Window shopping? Extravagant purchase with hoarded savings?
No, there was something familiar, and he tried to put it in perspective. Someone who would have been near the Montgomerys. If she was in that part of uptown and wasn’t incredibly uptown herself, it was more likely that she’d be a servant at one of the houses. 
As he picked up a different pair and tried them on, he could have hit himself, and cursed himself for a blockhead. The maid that had been dismissed, that was obviously who she must be. A second glance couldn’t quite confirm it; she wasn’t wearing her uniform anymore, and he honestly could not recall what the woman had looked like, as he wasn’t generally in the practice of paying attention to the staff at a party. He was incredibly detail oriented, but only when it related to his work; otherwise, he was wholeheartedly occupied with himself.
Once she left, he purchased a pair of driving gloves and meandered over to the perfume counter. “I need a gift for an aunt of mine. Something matronly and a bit out of fashion, you know the type.” The woman asked him a few questions to help identify the best scent, and wrapped it up for him. “The girl that was just here a moment ago, do you know her?”
The woman behind the counter seemed confused and a bit reticent, but she acknowledged that she knew the person about whom he spoke. “Ah, she worked for the Montgomery’s, did she not? I hate to gossip,” he lied convincingly. “But the old biddy is in a desperate situation. My aunt, you see, not your friend. Anyway, if she can stand the tyrannical rule of a mistress again, give her my card? Berries,” he grinned as she took his card.
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Dryadic Snakes (Classification)
A subtype of Dryadic Creatures, rather as Dryadic Humanoids are, Dryadic Snakes are special in that almost all known varieties, bar one, were made, either bred from other creatures and plants, or made from scratch. All bar the Xicalcoatl take readily to domestication or household life, as well, and even the Xicalcoatl can be well handled by Dryadic Beings and certain Parselmouths with surprising ease. Dryadic Snakes are usually at least somewhat plantlike in structure, with bones of lignin, cells with chloroplasts or various other plantlike attributes, such as rigid cell structure.
Like most created Dryadics, Dryadic Snakes are often especially loyal to those they feel a bond to, be that the people who made or bred them, or those who have won their loyalty. Further, being of plants, one does not necessarily need to be a Parselmouth to communicate to them. Kelpiefish are handled by the Mer they were bred for, while Viren Snakes are loyal to the child they were created for, Parselmouth or no. Dryadic Beings often have a shockingly easy time conveying their needs and desires to these creatures, using subsonic vibrations of their own wooden forms to effectively convey intent and commands.
Please find a short list below of known Dryadic Snakes:
Cobra Lily - The only Dryadic Snake known to be definitively and definitely a plant with roots, Cobra Lilies are often phenomenally hard to cultivate if one is not a Dryadic oneself, or if one is not a Parselmouth. Though the plants cannot understand Parseltongue, the magic woven into them does, and a command such as “Stop” will render the plant rigid and unable to move until one has finished harvesting leaves from it. Common belief in many areas hold that the plants were bred by a Parselmouth and a grove of Dryadics in tandem.
Kelpiefish - Created by Swamp Dryads as proof of an alliance formed with Merpeople, Kelpiefish are independent eel-like creatures which will usually stay with the Merpeople who raised and cultivated them, or guard areas they assign them to. Though eel-like in appearance they were bred from the below Viper Vines, and simply adapted more towards an aquatic lifestyle. If moved to a more terrestrial environment (ensuring there is enough water) they will begin to adapt back to more snakelike forms.
Viper Vine - Believed to have been bred by Dryads, Viper Vines are found almost exclusively around their groves and usually guard specifically the tree of the Dryad which raised them, though if there are several Viper Vines then Dryads are often known to assign the snakes to patrol the grove, acting in defence of all of the Dryadic trees. 
Viren Snake - Technically a construct, due to the nature of it’s construction, Viren Snakes are also counted as Dryadic Creatures, as their form is primarily made of plant matter, in combination with certain alchemical compounds. Viren Snakes are bonded to magical children to act as a companion and protector, and can understand and will obey specifically the child they are bonded to. Due to the components needed to make them, and the danger they can pose to any they perceive as threatening their child, creation of Virens is heavily restricted by almost every Ministry.
Xicalcoatl - The wildest of all specimens of Dryadic Snakes, Xicalcoatls are believed to have been bred by American Tree Dryads and migrated to Central and South America on their own. Though they can be domesticated by Dryads and Parselmouths alike, they do have a preference for humans as food, or at least, other very large mammals, and must be carefully handled to limit attacks. Increasingly, Dryads from South America are having these creatures imported to try and limit or prevent further logging in their territories.
(Image One, Image Two)
(I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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vicky8588 · 3 years
Bio Plasticizer Market
Market Overview
The global bio plasticizer market is expected to grow at a CAGR during the forecasting period (2021-2028).
 Bioplastics can also be known as bio-based and biodegradable. Biodegradability and compostability depend on the chemical structure rather than the feedstock source. According to the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA), bio-based products are described as commercial or industrial goods composed in whole or in a significant part of biological products. Moreover, the bio-based plastics, such as bio enriched polyurethane manufactured using modified vegetable oils, polypropylene monomers derived from dehydration of bio-butanol, polyethylene monomers derived from the dehydration of bio-ethanol and poly (ethylene terephthalate) monomers, catalytic pyrolysis or gasification of biomass, that have at least partial sourcing from plants constitute emerging technologies expected to drive the market during the forecast period.
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    Market Dynamics
Bio-based plastics may overcome the sustainability issues and environmental challenges posed by synthetic plastics' production and disposal. However, the large-scale commercial deployment of bio-based plastics to substitute conventional plastic materials remains challenged by various factors. Some of the hurdles are attributed to the relatively poor performance, lack of infrastructure, variability of the feedstock properties associated with the location & time of harvest and high production cost. Recent advancements in bacteria synthesized plastics (PHAs) and the utilization of nature's building blocks such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, lignin, etc., obtained from agricultural feedstock and agricultural industry wastes constitute significant progress towards bio-based plastics over the last decade.
 Moreover, plastics are amorphous organic solid polymers, including a wide range of polymerization products suitable for the manufacture of diversified products. Global annual plastics production is expected to reach 300 million tons by 2015. Plastics are precious materials because of their low cost & extraordinary versatility, and they constitute the largest petroleum application second only to energy. Among the many plastics applications, packaging accounts for almost one-third of their use, followed by construction and consumer products. The materials science community has been endeavoring for decades to generate bio-based plastics to substitute conventional synthetic plastics based on exclusively petroleum feedstock. According to current estimates, bioplastics' global production is expected to grow at an annual rate of up to 29.5% in the coming decade to reach 3.4 million tonnes in 2020.
 Furthermore, the advancement in bio-based plastics is spurred by public concern over the depletion of petroleum-based raw materials, the improvement in properties & the cost-competitive relationship of bioplastics and the manufacturing companies to develop more sustainable raw material sources. As these bio-based plastic industries continuously develop, the demand for new types of plasticizers with new characteristics, performance and other additives compatible with the bioplastics also grow in the same direction. Moreover, in developing packaging materials from bio-based materials, high ductility at room temperature is required. Thus, there is no tolerance for the polymer film cracking when subjected to stresses during package manufacturing or use. In addition, an increase in the utilization of plasticized polymers for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications, the search for safer plasticizers for commodity plastics such as poly (vinyl chloride) and efforts to produce renewable and biodegradable plasticizers constitute an added motive for the recent development of new plasticizers.
 Segment Analysis
By type, the market is segmented into cellulose acetate, protein-based plastics, thermoplastic starch, polyhydroxyalkanoates, poly (lactic acid) plastics and others. By product type, the market is segmented into epoxidized soybean oil, castor oil-based plasticizers, citrates, succinic acid and others. By application, the market is segmented into cables & wire, film & sheet, flooring & wall covering, medical devices, package materials and others. By end-user, the market is segmented into pharmaceutical, packaging materials, consumer goods, automotive & transport, building & construction, textiles, agriculture & horticulture and others.
 The use of plasticized polymers in pharmaceutical applications covering from packaging materials or auxiliary substances in conventional dosage forms to matrices or membranes modifying and controlling the drug discharge characteristics in therapeutic systems has been expected to boost the market size. The processing behavior, such as coating dispersion & film formation, and properties of polymers in various applications are greatly improved by an adequate choice of plasticizer quantity & type. Generally, these plasticizers' choice to be used as plastics is limited by the required environmental favorability, safety, physical & chemical property that deliver their miscibility, processing temperature, and required flexibility towards the target application.
 Geographical Analysis
North America dominates and holds the largest market share due to technological advancement and sustained expansion of consumer goods and packaging industries. The boost of the automotive & transport sector in North America is a key factor responsible for driving the regional market growth for bio-plasticizers. Moreover, the government initiatives to support bio-based plastics in manufacturing processes further boosting the regional market growth. The US EPA and EU regulations and legislation have imposed policies aiming to encourage sustainable manufacturing practices, develop eco-friendly products, and decrease carbon footprint, positively influencing the market.
 APAC is expected to be the fastest-growing region during the forecast period due to increasing investment in the construction industry, rising population, increased middle-class incomes, and urbanization. In addition, China is the leading in the construction industry with a market size of USD 1092.9 billion in 2019, registering a growth rate of 14.7% compared to the previous year.
 Furthermore, the total new construction in Japan was accounted for about 113 million square meters in 2020 and is expected to increase the consumption of bio-plasticizers used for applications include cables, wire, flooring, and wall coverings.
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 Competitive Landscape
The bio plasticizer market is fragmented with the presence of regional and global players. The competitive contour lies with the increase in the regional company and growing investment in upstream application. Evonik Industries AG, Matrica S.p.A., OQ Chemicals GmbH, Dow Chemical, BioAmber Inc., Emery Oleochemicals LLC, Lanxess AG, PolyOne Corporation, Myriant Corporation, Solvay S.A are the major player in the plasticizer market. The major players adopt several growth strategies such as product launches, acquisitions, and collaborations, contributing to growing the bio plasticizer market globally.
 Evonik Industries AG
 Evonik launched a new generation of PVC plasticizers with its new ELATUR® product brand. With this diplomatic portfolio addition, Evonik is consistently expanding its product range of sustainable plasticizers. Moreover, the ELATUR® CH phthalate-free plasticizer is particularly suitable for sensitive PVC applications such as everyday use articles that directly contact the skin. In addition, based on its consistent research efforts, the new generation of plasticizers will be continuously expanded with additional innovative products in the future.
 Furthermore, adding phthalate-free and bio-based plasticizers to the company portfolio is an ideal supplement to our existing, proven VESTINOL® product family. With its new ELATUR® plasticizers, customers will have an even wide choice of plasticizers that are individually and optimally suited for their requirements and offer complete service from a single source to customers, including technical and logistics and support. In addition, Evonik plasticizers are primarily used in the plastics, construction and automotive industry.
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annieboltonworld · 3 years
Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources
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Novel Pre Treatment Techniques for Extraction of Fermentable Sugars from Natural Waste Materials for Bio Ethanol Production
Authored by Papita Das
The demand of traditional/domestic fuel is increasing day by day. Bio ethanol, a non-conventional source of energy is a solution to this problem. India stands second in sugarcane production worldwide, so a huge amount of agriculture waste residue is produced. This study presents the extraction and analytical estimation of cellulose and hemi cellulose of sugarcane bagasse and extraction of soluble sugars from it for bio ethanol production. At first samples were prepared and analysed for bulk density moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content, fixed carbon content and calorific value. Cellulose and hemi cellulose estimated after the treatments suggested their efficient extraction from the sugarcane bagasse. Different pre treatment technique are performed to increase the amount of fermentable sugars and to decrease the lignin content present in bagasse. Then the pre-treated bagasse is placed for enzyme hydrolysis followed by fermentation to produce bio ethanol. The result suggested that waste bagasse can be used as a renewable source of energy for bio ethanol/bio fuel production in an environmentally sustainable and economically viable way.
Keywords: Sugarcane Bagasse Cellulose; Hemi Cellulose; Lignin; Bio Ethanol
Abbreviations: SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy; TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy; FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared; NDF: Neutral Detergent Fibre; ADF: Acid Detergent Fibres
Rapid industrialization increases the demand of fossil fuels. This causes fuel crises and it affects our environment. Air pollution is responsible for several major problems like global warming, acid rain, and the deterioration of the ozone layer. The list of the pollutants includes gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide etc. Emission of carbon monoxide is higher due to incomplete combustion of fuels. The increasing concentration of gas makes it hard for our body parts to get oxygen they need to run correctly. Air pollution can result from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline to produce electricity and power our vehicles. In the similar way nitrogen dioxide which mostly comes from power plants and cars react in the atmosphere to form acid rain. Bio ethanol, a non-conventional source of energy is a solution to this problem. Ethanol when used as a fuel as it offers many advantages such as it has low price, and comparatively less emissions than gasoline.
Ethanol contains 35% oxygen that helps complete combustion of fuel and reduces particulate emissions that poses health hazard to living beings. Ethanol has a high octane number (99) than petrol (80-100). When ethanol is added in small quantities to unleaded petrol, it acts as an octane booster replacing the conventional additives for this purpose (Meta tertiary butyl ether, which can create adverse health effects). For this reasons ethanol is used widely as a fuel [1]. There are three types of bio fuels: 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation bio fuels based on their source of biomass and limitations as renewable source of energy. First Generation bio ethanols are produced directly from food crops including corn, sugarcane, barley etc. by fermentation. Second Generation bio ethanols are produced from non-food crops such as agriculture residue, wood, organic waste, food crop waste and specific biomass crops. The Third Generation of bio fuels is produced from microbial biomasses like algal bio mass [2]. Second generation ethanol production from lingo cellulosic materials Ligno cellulosic material shows a promising option in ethanol production due to their output/input energy ratio, availability, low cost and higher ethanol yields. Renewable 'plant biomass' refers particularly to cheap and abundant non-food lingo cellulose-rich materials which comes from the plants.
In countries like India, a huge amount of waste generated from agricultural production of various crops like cotton, mustard, chilli, sugarcane, sorghum, sweet sorghum, pulses, oilseeds, etc. that do not find any alternative use and are either left in the fields or are burned. Hence, these could be used in bio ethanol production which is a good alternative to use it in an environmentally friendly manner. Use of agricultural residues helps in reduction of deforestation as our reliance on forest woody biomass decreases. Short harvest period of crop residues preferred them more consistently available to bio ethanol production [3,4]. Production of bio ethanol from lingo cellulosic biomass is still a challenge because of its very complex structure where cellulose and hemicelluloses are formed a complex matrix with lignin. In grain ethanol processes, the fermentable monomeric sugars are liberated from the grain starch and in cellulosic processes, the fermentable sugars are the cellulose and hemicelluloses [5]. Ligno cellulosic materials consist mainly of three polymers which are cellulose, hemi cellulose, and lignin.
These polymers are associated with each other in a heteromatrix to different degrees and varying relative composition depending on species, type and source of the biomass. The main objectives of the pre-treatment process are to speed up the rates of hydrolysis and increase the yields of fermentable sugars. In all pre- treatment processes, these goals are accomplished by modifying the structure of the polymer matrix in the biomass, thus making the carbohydrate fractions more susceptible to acid attack or more accessible to enzyme action reported that the main processing challenge in the ethanol production from lingo cellulosic biomass is the feedstock pre-treatment. Pre treatment is done to reduce the crystallinity of cellulose and increase the fraction of amorphous cellulose, and to break the matrix of cellulose and lignin bound by hemi cellulose should be broken to reduce the, the most suitable form for enzymatic attack [6].
Suggested that though the combination of grinding with other pre treatment method reduces the crystallinity of the biomass superfine grinding of biomass with steam treatment showed better than ground residue when hydrolyzed [7,8]. Chemical pre treatment involving dilute acid and alkali are also sought after pre treatment technologies Sugar cane bagasse is a waste of the sugar industry and a cheap source of lingo cellulosic material for extraction of fermentable sugars for bio ethanol production. Suggested that sodium hydroxide (NaOH) presents the greatest degradation and subsequent fermentation yields with compared to other alkalis, such as sodium carbonate, ammonium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide [9] used NaOH solution to treat the pith component of sugarcane bagasse (0.2 g of NaOH per pith gram) and obtaining a maximum digestibility of 71% at 92°C. Described that acids hydrolyze hemicelluloses thus produce a liquid phase rich in xylose, with minor amounts of lignin derivatives so it is an outstanding method for hemi cellulose recovery and it has been successfully applied to sugarcane bagasse [10].
Again, found that different pre treatment methods have singular action mechanisms. They either decrease cellulose crystallinity or the degree of polymerization. They increase accessible surface areas or selectively remove hemi cellulose and lignin from the lingo cellulosic matrix. So an effective pre treatment strategy is needed to minimize carbohydrate degradation and the production of enzyme inhibitors and toxic products for fermenting microorganisms [11]. Thus in this study novel techniques have been applied to extract fermentable sugars from sugarcane bagasse. Different acid and alkali pre treatments were done to remove the lignin and hemi cellulose fractions and the most effective technique was obtained based on the characterization analysis of fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and estimation of the cellulose, lignin and hemi cellulose fractions of the pre treated samples. Fermentable sugars were then extracted from the pre treated samples by enzymatic degradation by micro organisms. A marine fungus (Aspergillus sp) was used for the first time in this study. The sugars were then fermented further to obtain bio ethanol.
Materials and Methods
Sugarcane bagasse was obtained from Midnapore, West Bengal. Sodium sulphite (Merck, India), Decarbohydro naphthalene (Merck, India), Tween 80 (Himedia, India), Disodium ethylene-diamine-tetraacetate (Himedia, India), Sodium borate decarbohydrate (Himedia, India), Sodium lauryl sulphate (Merck, India) , ethoxy ethanol (Merck, India), Acetone(Merck, India), Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (Himedia, India), Acetic acid (Merck, India), Nitric acid (Merck, India), Dextrose (Merck, India), Cellulose powder(Merck, India), Sodium hydroxide (Merck, India), Hydrochloric acid (Merck, India), Iodine solution (Merck, India), Potassium iodide (Merck, India), Potassium dichromate (Merck, India), Sodium chlorite (Merck, India), Decaline (Merck, India) , Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, CMC (Merck, India), Peptone (Merck, India), Sodium nitrate (Merck, India), Potassium Chlorite (Merck, India), Magnesium Sulphate (Merck, India) , Ferrous Sulphate (Merck, India), Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (Merck, India), Ammonium Sulphate (Merck, India), Agar, yeast extract (Merck, India), Dinitrosalicylic acid, DNS (Merck, India). Aspergillus sp. Strain was isolated from marine waters of west bengal and Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain (MTCC 170) was procured from MTCC, pune.
Preparation of Raw Material: The raw bagasse was received at about 30% moisture content. It was sun-dried for 4-5 days and finely ground by hammer milled .The sugarcane bagasse was chopped in small pieces and was placed in sterilized petriplates and dried in a hot air oven at 80 degree celcius temperatures till constant weight. It was immediately grounded in a mixer and stored in polypropylene bags for subsequent uses.
Physicochemical Analysis of Raw Sugarcane Bagasse:Samples of sugarcane bagasse dry were taken for its characterization which was to analyse for moisture, density, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and calorific value in accordance with ASTM D 1037 (1991), ASTM D 2017 (1998) and ISO 562/1974.
Pre treatment Techniques
Milling treatment: Chipped and grinded bagasse was put into 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. It was then moistened with distilled water. The flasks were incubated for 2 h at room temperature.
Alkaline Treatment: The bagasse sample was pre treated with different alkaline concentration ranging from 0.5% to 5% NaOH solution. The alkaline pre treatment was done in two different methods. In first method the bagasse was pre treated with NaOH solutions of different concentrations at 121oC and 15 psi pressure for 1 hour at the ratio of 1:10 (1 gram of substrate with 10ml of NaOH solution). The pre treated bagasse was washed with tap water until the pH of the filter reached 7. The washed bagasse was dried at 6000C overnight to constant weight and stored at room temperature in air tight container for further use. In second method, the bagasse was treated in the same process except auto clave; it was kept in room temperature for 15 minutes.
Steam Treatment of Milled Alkaline Sugarcane BagasseTen gram of chipped and grinded bagasse were put into 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask then moistened with distilled water. The flasks were steam treated by autoclaving at 121oC and 1.5 bars for 20 min. then extraction, filtration and determination of (TRS) were performed as previously mentioned.
Acid Treatment: The bagasse sample was pre treated with different acid concentration ranging from 0.5% to 4% H2SO4 solution. In this method the bagasse was pre treated with H2SO4 solutions of different concentrations at room temperature for 1 hour at the ratio of 1:10 (1 gram of substrate with 10ml of H2SO4 solution) as per method of the pre treated bagasse was washed with tap water until the pH of the filter reached 7. The washed bagasse was dried at 600C overnight to constant weight and stored at room temperature in air tight container for further use [12].
Alkali and Acid Treatment: Different alkali pre treated bagasse samples were again treated with 1% H2SO4 solutions of different concentrations at room temperature for 1 hour at the ratio of 1:10 (1 gram of substrate with 10ml of H2SO4 solution) as per method of. The pre treated bagasse was washed with tap water until the pH of the filter reached 7. The washed bagasse was dried at 600C overnight to constant weight and stored at room temperature in air tight container for further use.
Characterizations of The Pre treated Samples
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy: The infrared spectra (wave numbers in cm-1) were obtained on a Magma - IR 560 E.S.P -Perkin Elmer spectrophotometer, by means of a KBr disk containing 3% finely ground samples.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Scanning electron microscopy (SEM - FEI / Inspect S50 model) was used to observe modifications on bagasse fibres. Samples were adhered to carbon tape and sputter coated with gold (sputter Emitech / K550 model) and observed in the SEM through the use of an acceleration voltage of 20 KV and working distance of around 38 mm. Hundreds of SEM images were obtained on different areas of the samples to guarantee the reproducibility of the results.
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM): TEM (JEM 2100 HR, JEOL, Japan) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used with a field emission gun; this provided high resolution operation at 200 kV and 1.05 A.
Estimation of Pre treated Sugarcane Bagasse
Cellulose, Hemi cellulose and Lignin content determination: In a refluxing flask, powdered sample was mixed with cold neutral detergent solution. The neutal detergent solution is prepared as follows. Disodium-ethylene di amine-tetra acetate and sodium borate de carbohydrate were dissolved in distilled water by heating and to this added sodium lauryl sulphate and ethoxy ethanol. A solution 4.5% Na2HPO4 was then added to the mixture. De carbo hydro napthalene and sodium sulphite was then added to mixture of sugarcane bagasse sample and cold neutral detergent solution, which was then heated to boiling and refluxed for 1 hour. The contents were filtered through sintered glass crucible (G-2) and washed with hot water. The contents were finally washed with acetone twice and the residue transferred to a crucible. The sample was dried at 100oC for 8 hour, cooled in a decicator and weighed. The residue was designated as neutral detergent fibre (NDF). To calculate hemi cellulose content, the amount of acid detergent fibres (ADF) was subtracted from the amount of NDF.
Cellulose Estimation By Anthrone Method: Cellulose of the sugarcane bagasse samples undergoes acetolysis with acetic acid/nitric reagent forming acetylated cello dextrine which gets dissolved and hydrolysed to form glucose molecules on treatment with 67% H2SO4. This glucose molecule is dehydrated to form hydroxyl methyl furfural which forms green coloured product with anthrone and the colour intensity is measured at 630 nm in spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, Germany).
Extraction Of Fermentable Sugars Using Aspergillus sp.
Inoculum preparation: The isolated and identified fungi culture was sub cultured on Czapek modified medium (CMM) with agar containing 2% CMC, 0.2% peptone, 0.2% NaNO3, 0.05% KCl, 0.05% MgSO4, 0.001% FeSO4, 0.1% K2HPO4 and 1.7% agar and incubated at 30oC. Fully sporulated plates were obtained after 6 days. The sporulated plated were flooded with 20ml of distilled water containing 0.1% Tween 80. Spores were dislodged by gentle pipetting. The resulting spore suspension was used as inoculum.
Extraction of fermentable sugars: Five grams of sugarcane bagasse (pre treated samples) was weight into 250ml Erlenmeyer flasks and moistened with basal medium containing 0.2% NaNO3, 0.05% KCl, 0.05% MgSO4, 0.001% FeSO4, 0.1% K2HPO4. Pepton3e was added to the above media as nitrogen source. The flasks were inoculated with 5ml spore suspension per gram dry weight of substrate. The inoculated substrate was mixed thoroughly and incubated statically at 300C.
Estimation of fermentable sugars: The solid material was then mixed vigorously with 100 ml distilled water for extraction of soluble reducing sugar, then filtered with cloth sheets to separate the content into solid and liquid parts. The liquid filtrate was centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 10 min, and then, the content of total reducing sugars (TRS) was determined in clear supernatant by DNS (dinitro salicylic acid) method.
Bio ethanol Production
The production medium was formulated according to where fermentation media was added to the hydrolysate obtained from fungal isolate through solid state fermentation process and then sterilized by autoclaving at 121oC for 20 min [13]. the medium was inoculated with pre-selected yeast isolates. The inoculated cultures were incubated at 30oC for 48 h at 150 rpm. The fermentation media was prepared by adding 0.1% MgSO4, 0.2% KH2PO4, 0.3% (NH4)2SO4, 0.3% peptone and 0.4% yeast extract to the enzymatic hydrolysate and filter sterilized. Initial pH was adjusted to 5. A 12 h old seed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (MTCC 170) was inoculated into the fermentation medium at 5% (v/v) ratio. Fermentation was carried out at 30o C in static condition. Samples were collected at regular intervals and centrifuge for 10min at 4oC and 12000 rpm and supernatant were taken for estimation of ethanol. Ethanol was extracted from the fermentation medium by a rotator evaporator (Buchi, India). The ethanol-water extract was used for further estimation of ethanol content according to a method by [14].
Estimation of Ethanol Content
Spectro photometric method: Alcoholic sample was added directly to the distillation flask, diluted then distilled. Distillation was carried out at 70+ 2 0C and the distillate was collected in volumetric flask containing potassium dichromate solution. The contents in the volumetric flask were heated at 600C in a water bath for 20 minutes. After mixing and cooling the contents of the flask, the absorbance was recorded at 600 nm. The amount of ethanol in each sample was determined by using the standard curve of ethanol.
Results and Discussions
Characterization of Sugarcane Bagasse: The characterization of the raw bagasse was carried out to determine its physical and chemical properties. The physical properties are given in (Table 1).
Estimation of Raw Bagasse and Pre treated Samples
Cellulose estimation of Pre-treated sample: percentages of alkali and acid treatment and acid alkali treatment which showed the best optimized results by spectroscopic analysis using anthrone estimation were presented in (Figure 1). The better extraction of cellulose was observed using both the treatment of acid followed by alkali treatment.
Estimation of Cellulose, Hemi cellulose and lignin Estimation of Raw Bagasse and Pretreaed Samples by ADF and NDF Method: The ADF and NDF method was applied on the pre treated and after treatment sugarcane bagasse to estimate the cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin content (Figure 2). The results revealed that efficient hemi cellulose and lignin removal along with increased in cellulose content was observed in case where both acid and alkali treatment was done. Cellulose extracted about 35-43 % through pre treatment method and in case of acid- alkali treatment, 43% cellulose can be extracted from sugarcane bagasse. Thus from the cellulose estimation study, it could be inferred acid and alkali treated samples showed effective lignin fraction removal and increased in cellulose content which can be the best source for extraction of fermentable sugars from waste materials.
Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy
The FTIR analysis of the raw bagasse and acid alkali treated bagasse is given in (Figure 3). The best treatment method observed from the previous analyses was chosen for FTIR analysis. The FTIR figure revealed characteristic feature of a lingo cellulosic material [15]. On treatment with acid alkali, a characteristic peak of (P)- glycosidic bond corresponding to that of cellulose at about 900 cm'1 was found. This bond is attributed to b-glycosidic linkages between the sugar units. When the raw bagasse is examined, the band of 895 cm-1 is not notable, mainly due to the coverage of cellulose by hemi cellulose and lignin matrix. Thus the treatment resulted in disruption of hemicelluloses and lignin and revealed this characteristic peak of cellulose.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the raw bagasse and the pre treated bagasse are demonstrated in (Figure 4). In the SEM micrograph of raw bagasse, a complete and compact lingo cellulosic structure is clearly observed in (Figure 4A). After undergoing pre treatment by acid and alkali (The treatment which gave best result), the structure of bagasse has been damaged to a certain extent. It is mainly observed in the case of acid with alkali treatment where major cracks are seen on the bagasse surface (Figure 4B). The disruption of the lingo cellulosic structure becomes more pronounced and some tiny holes are exhibited on the surface of pre treated sample. So with this pre treatment method, the lingo cellulosic structure of bagasse has been destroyed in a significant way and smaller cellulosic structures were revealed.
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis
In Figure 5, the TEM micrograph ofacid alkali treated sugarcane bagasse revealed reduction of size in the treated samples and also showed characteristic cellulose fibre like structures. Thus, from all the above analysis and observations it could be inferred that effective pre-treatment is required for extraction of fermentable sugars from sugarcane bagasse. Milling of raw bagasse followed by acid plus alkali treatment gave the best results. This treatment reduced the lignin and hemi cellulose content considerably and increased the extraction of the cellulosic fractions along with reduction in cellulose size. This pre treated sugarcane bagasse samples with steam treated alkali, acid and acid plus alkali were further evaluated for production of fermentable sugars.
Enzyme Hydrolysis
In Figure 5, the TEM micrograph ofacid alkali treated sugarcane bagasse revealed reduction of size in the treated samples and also showed characteristic cellulose fibre like structures. Thus, from all the above analysis and observations it could be inferred that effective pre-treatment is required for extraction of fermentable sugars from sugarcane bagasse. Milling of raw bagasse followed by acid plus alkali treatment gave the best results. This treatment reduced the lignin and hemi cellulose content considerably and increased the extraction of the cellulosic fractions along with reduction in cellulose size. This pre treated sugarcane bagasse samples with steam treated alkali, acid and acid plus alkali were further evaluated for production of fermentable sugars.
Enzyme Hydrolysiss
The efficiency of pre treated samples to produce fermentable sugars was evaluated by measuring the total amount of glucose (TRS) released from the samples after 48 hours of enzymatic hydrolysis using Aspergullus sp. strain. The applied pre treatment showed different effects on the total reducing sugar yield for the bagasse. Data of different pre treated samples were calculated from standard curve of glucose concentration (mg/ml) showed the maximum yield of TRS in the case of acid plus alkali treated bagasse sample (figure not shown). The hydrolysis yield (or percentage of cellulose conversion) was calculated for the total process (total hydrolysis yield).Considering the concentration of glucose, total hydrolysis yields reach maximum values between 8 to 9 mg/ml for acid alkali treated samples ,due to the large increase in cellulose accessibility in this sample. In the case of 2% acid treatment the glucose yield reached up to 7-7.5 mg/ml which also can be used for fermentation process for bio ethanol production.
Bio-Ethanol Production
Bio-ethanol production was carried out with the fermentable sugars extracted from pre-treated sugarcane bagasse. The extracted fermentable sugars was fermented in anaerobic condition using S. Cerevisae stain (MTCC 170) (Figure 6) represented the concentration of ethanol obtained from different pre-treated bagasse reducing sugars. Different pre treatment procedure such as milling, alkali and acid treatment was performed to produce ethanol from reducing sugars extracted from sugarcane bagasse best results was obtained from a combination of pre treatment method where milling, acid and alkali treatment had been applied on the raw sugarcane bagasse. The maximum bio ethanol production using the technology was obtained as 25.33% after fermentation of the reducing sugars whereas from dextrose, the bio ethanol production was 33%.
This experiment leads us to the conclusion that bio ethanol can be produced from waste materials like sugarcane bagasse and using the pre treatment method, hemi cellulose and lignin fraction can be removed from the raw materials. It can also be concluded that Raw bagasse with milling and acid alkali pre treatment leads to better extraction of cellulose from which higher amount of reducing sugars could be extracted. The reducing sugars extracted from these pre treated samples results production of ethanol. The highest ethanol percentage in ethanol water mix was obtained about 26 % in this study.
For more articles in Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/ijesnr/index.php
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Evolution of Waste Water Treatment Technology and Impact of Microbial Technology in Pollution Minimization during Natural Fiber Processing - Juniper Publishers
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Keywords: Water treatment technology; Microbial technology; Natural fiber; Textile raw material; Lustrous fiber; Antibacterial function; Pectin, Lignin; Hemicellulose
Abbreviations: COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand; BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand; TSS: Total Suspended Solids; GOI: Government of India
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Textile is critical to the development of human civilization as well as a part and parcel of daily life. Ramie, one of the most popular textile raw material with distinctive characteristics, produces the strongest and longest natural fiber with lustrous silky appearance. The appearance of the final treated fiber has a lot to do with the processing method used [1]. This type of fiber possesses many excellent properties such as high tensile strength, high moisture absorption, good thermal conductivity, outstanding antibacterial function and favourable air permeability [2]. However, raw Ramie is extracted as fiber bundles consisting of many individual fibers adhering to each other. The gum contents, such as pectin, lignin and Hemicellulose, are required to be degummed by placing in hot water or chemical solutions to free and extract the individual cellulose fibers, so as to further improve their downstream processing ability. The processing of the fiber requires large volumes of water; strong chemicals along with energy. The effluent in turn needs to be processed before discharging into the environment.
The textile sector has a high water demand be it for growing the fiber or processing it with accompanying release of toxic chemicals that are used during the process. Its biggest impact on the environment is related to primary water consumption (80-100m3/ton of finished textile) and waste water discharge (115-175kg of COD/ton of finished textile), a large range of organic chemicals, low biodegradability, colour, salinity [3]. The problem becomes even more severe since 40-65L of effluent is generated per kilogram of cloth produced. Of this amount, process water accounts for 90-94% while cooling water accounts for 6-10%. The composition of the effluent also varies with the upstream processing. It is estimated that about 15-30% of the dyes utilized for colouring the final products in textile industry remain in the effluents [4]. Textile industry producing natural fibers is the second highest pollutant of clean water. These effluents have high Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The waste water thrown out from industries is either used for irrigation or allowed to run into natural sources of water [5]. These potential contaminants like the dye or colour causing compounds can pose a problem for the primary treatment facilities, including biological reactors for wastewater treatment [6]. They are subjected to primary pre treatment to remove or reduce non-biodegradable, toxic compounds as well as colour prior to a biological process. The effluent can be treated chemically, biologically or using a combination of both. The combination is advantageous due to less sludge generation and low operational cost with elevated COD removal. Since the textile sector is growing and so is the scarcity of fresh water, it poses a serious environmental concern forcing the organizations and the researchers to think about alternative fiber processing techniques with less pollution and water consumption.
Textile wastewater treatment and reuse is a promising means of conserving and augmenting available water resources and reducing harmful pollutant discharge into the environment. As textile companies move toward pursuing sustainability goals to reduce operational costs and complying with increasingly rigid regulations of the Environmental Protection Agencies, it is becoming apparent that water reuse is one of the key components of these initiatives which has duel function of reducing cost of purchasing fresh water and reducing paying of surcharges for discharging improperly treated wastewater. Treated water reuse will continue to be important goals for environmental pollution prevention/reduction practices in the industry (textile, fertilizer production, dairy effluent treatment to name a few). The textile industry will continue to choose and utilize water treatment solutions not only to reduce its operating costs, but also to reduce its water footprint and decrease the ecological impact from its wastewater discharge and solids sludge generation on the surrounding ecosystem. The reuse becomes further important due to water scarcity issues. With an increasingly growing and progressively affluent global population, demands on the world’s global water resources will necessitate higher water costs and stricter regulations. This is propelling textile companies and municipalities alike to re-evaluate their practices and push toward a more sustainable future. Optimizing more efficient methods to minimize pollution generation, coupled with advanced treatment solutions to treat and reuse wastewater and process water, will remain an important consideration for textile manufacturing companies across the world in the future. The impact of the textile industry on the earth’s body of water can be tremendous and there are ways to minimize its repercussions to the environment. While each method of effluent treatment has certain disadvantages, it’s comforting to know that research is continually going on to find the most effective treatment to lessen the impact of textile effluents on the ecosystem.
a way can be called the history of humankind as since the inception, access to the water resources has been an essential element for our survival. Arguments may be put forward stating that history of water management is irrelevant as the conditions in past and present situations are different. But such arguments would overlook the important trans-cultural structures and principles that reflect evolution of human civilization. Water management technology dates back to 2000BC as evident from ancient Greek and Sanskrit writings. People were aware of sand and gravel filtration, boiling, and straining of potable water. However they were not aware about chemical contamination or the presence of microorganisms. When people lived a nomadic life, they left their solid waste behind, which decomposed in due course of time. But when they opted for permanent settlement, such disposal became problematic and caused the water bodies to be polluted by the huge amount of waste dumped in them. The Industrial Revolution (1760-1890) quickly led to heavy migration to the cities leading to terribly over-polluted roads and water bodies. One of the earliest techniques involved in effluent treatment was land application on agricultural land. During 1840s and 1850s, there was a disastrous spread of waterborne diseases like cholera and typhoid. Engineering solutions were implemented when the water supply links with these diseases became clear. In the late 19th century, most cities developed more expensive systems for sewage treatment. Odour was considered the big problem in waste disposal and to address it, sewage were drained to a lagoon, or settled and the solids removed, to be disposed of separately. This process is now called primary treatment and the settled solids are called sludge. During the Great Depression and the World War II (1920-1945) in early 20th century, the health problems associated with water pollution seemed to be resolved in the industrialized countries when chlorination and other water treatment techniques were developed and widely taken into use. Microbiological problems related to water began to be largely considered a problem of the developing world. During the last part of the 20th century industrial pollution increased manifold leading to the enforcement of Federal Water Pollution Control Act in 1948 followed by the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1972. In the present scenario, Sustainable Development Goals formulated in 2015 included targets on access to water supply and sanitation at a global level. This is something to keep in mind when assessing future options and considering required strategies [7-10].
At present, it is not only the treatment of generated waste water which is an active area of research for textile industries; but also looking for green technology for minimizing the chemical and water use by replacing it with enzymes to reduce pollution. In recent years, emphasis has been put on developing cleaner, cost-effective, and value-added textile products for a variety of applications without compromising the issues related to environmental health [11]. As part of this attempt of the textile industry to focus on the use of green technologies as alternative to conventional wet processes to promote sustainable production and consumption of textiles, microbial enzymes are finding their place in the market. They are being used for degumming of natural fibers (bacteria), bio bleaching, microbial treatment of recalcitrant organo-pollutants (white rot fungi) [12,13]. The result is less use of chemicals and hence less discharge of unused chemicals; less energy consumption as most enzymes do not need very high temperature and better finished products with smooth, lustrous fiber which could get into fabric (Figure 1) and proper degradation of the pollutants in the effluent. Most of the natural fiber require retting, which constitutes a vital step in the production of fibers like hemp, jute and flax is essentially a microbial decomposition process and depends upon the property of microorganisms to produce pectic enzymes that decompose pectic substances binding together the fibers [14]. Hence Microbial intervention result in better finished products with less pollution. All that is required is careful selection of candidate organism for extracellular enzyme production while growing in minimal condition like the natural gum of the fiber [15].
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Chiaroscuro lighting workshop - 17/10/19
we were given the task to use the studio and different lighting set ups to create black and white images with a chiaroscuro influence to them, we also needed to incorporate our given object in them to help us get more ideas of how we can go about using the object in out film. there was 5 different stations with different lighting set up and different props that we could use to manipulate the lighting and create different shadows. 
the key things that we had to remember for this workshop were the different names for the lighting set ups and the settings that we needed the cameras to be on. 
key words:
- tungsten (also known as incandescent) ~ hot point light that is called a hard light that gets very hot and will create very distinct shadows and contrasts.
- flash ~ an artificial light that helps illuminate a dark scene.
- light meter ~ to measure the lighting and to give off the correct settings for the type of lignin g you want, usually you will only need to worry about the aperture number.
- gobos ~ axially a small stencilled circular disk that's used over lighting fixtures to create a projected image or pattern.
- chiaroscuro ~ which means light and dark, referring to the high contrasts used in renaissance paintings and later in cinema, light would only be on half of the subject giving them a strong 3D shape.
- soft box ~ typical lighting found in a studio to give the subject not so harsh shadows as well as smoothing out the skin.
- umbrella light ~ another light in the studio, similar to a soft box in terms of what it can do but an umbrella light can be much bigger and light up more of the subject as well as allow the photographer to stand in front of it whilst taking the photo without casting a shadow.
camera settings:
- shutter speed (for the studio) ~ 1/125 for digital and 1/60 for film
- iso ~ 100
- white balance ~ for a soft box needs to set on flash and when using hard lighting needs to generally be set on tungsten or incandescent.
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the first station that our group got was using the tungsten lighting with the venetian blinds. we had the idea of shooting through the blinds as if we were spying on whoever was on the other side and was watching a murder happen, we tried many different compositions with the different members of our group. we done a few where the victim didn't know that they were about to be hit with the candelabra and some where they were getting hit and getting different facial expressions on each pepsin each time, either them screaming or being shocked in response of being attacked. 
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the next station we got was a black backdrop with a side flash tunnel that was linked up to the camera with a sync cable, the camera settings we had were iso 400, shutter speed 1/125, aperture f/11 and the white balance was on flash. 
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I feel like this lighting can be very versatile with how you can pose different people and get a completely different feel to each image, for example the image above even though it still has harsh shadows I feel as though it has quite a soft lighting to it based on me facing the lighting a little bit compared to the image below where they're facing the camera creating quite a harsh shadow down the centre of her face, making the image look quite scary because of her facial expression and the fact that you can't see the other half of her face.
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I really like how these photos come out when using this lighting because I like the shadows and how they created a sinister look to them and if I shoot stills for the film this would defiantly be the lighting I would use because it adds to the genre. I could photograph all of the characters in our film with this lighting to try and pose everyone like the murderer so people won't know who it is and will suspect everyone. 
the next station that we had was tungsten lighting as well but we had gobos and objects to place in front of the lights to change the shadows that would be created on the person. 
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for this image we had a plank of wood that had a letter box hole cut out of the wood so that the lighting was much more directional and we could aim it how we liked. the settings the we had on the camera was, iso 400/800, shutter speed 1/200, aperture 5.6 and white balance tungsten or incandescent. I really liked this lighting with the letter box in front of the light because I think it looks very mysterious because of the shadows and you don't know what's hiding in them. with the directional lighting its making you look at her and wonder whats hiding and why someone would be hiding it. it also could be seen as she's hiding part of her face because she has something to hide, relating it to our film it could be seen that's she's hiding it because she could potentially be the killer. I could use this lighting to shoot everyone in a mysterious lighting to make them look like they’re the culprit. this lighting would also be good when we want to create mystery within our film because the shadows hide quite a lot of stuff and we could use that to our advantage for when we film the murder scene be causing the murderer can be masked by the shadows.
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using the same lighting we took away the letter box hole just so we had the hard lighting and we decided to incorporate the candelabra within the photos so we decided to have it as if someone was about to be hit with it and they saw it coming so we could have their reaction as well. we done that by having Georgie standing on a stool holding up the candelabra as if they were gonna hit someone. I liked how this photo came out but I also feel like it looks like Doug is making it float by magic. to develop from this photo I think we could also instead of having people in the photo we just use their shadows so we don't know whats going on and who's being killed, I think it could add to the suspense and mystery aspect to our ideas and film.
the next station we had was a soft box set up with the flash connect to the camera with a flash sync, the camera settings were, iso 100, shutter speed 1/125, aperture f/8 and white balance was flash. I liked this lighting set up because even though it was a soft box an it gives off soft lighting its still created shadows on one half of her face, but its not hard shadows. although I love how this lighting looks I don't think it fits well within our theme or would work well with certain parts in our film e.g. when someone gets murdered, it could be good lighting to have in general when ‘normal’ scenes are being filmed so that we can see whats going on and can see the characters facial expressions. 
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this photo was taken with the same lighting but we angled the chair more to the side so that there wasn't much of a shadow on her face so the we could see her facial expressions and the rest of the scene. the camera settings were the same as the last photo. I liked how the composition of the photo looks because we captured actual fear, by pretending that we were gonna hit her with the candelabra when she wasn't looking, If we were able to capture the candelabra in motion I think that would be quit fictive backs it might not look as posed and might look like its actually about to happen. 
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in conclusion this workshop really helped me understand hat different lighting scenarios that we could use to help our film be more effective and I will definitely be using them when filming and when shooting because the hard lighting definitely creates more mystery and suspense and would help create an atmosphere that we can use to our advantage
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