#lights are out and I'm predicting sleep in less than 10...
sunmontuewrites · 4 months
Can't do it. Too many early mornings and late nights so in bed at 9.30pm. work week was ROUGH, but also hugely successful (fire not withstanding).
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
he's the death you chose (you're in terrible danger)
summary: married life with husband!gojo means cleaning up bodies at 2am.
wc: 1k
cw/tags: mentions of violence, blood, and deaths (nothing graphic), mild angst/comfort with happy ending, some swearing, yes this is the albatross coded
note: honestly not sure where this came from! was just listening to ttpd and thought about what being married to gojo realistically would be like (aka always being targeted as his weakness that it becomes routine). hope you like it :)
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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Wise men once said, “Don’t sleep with your windows open,” and you should have listened to them. If you had, there wouldn’t be three dead mercenaries in your living room, and another somewhere in your kitchen. There were five, originally, but you figured the last one was being hunted down a hallway as he tried to escape your building. The blood-spotted microwave’s clock reads 2:08 when you glance at it to grab cleaning supplies from the cupboard. 2:10 is when Satoru re-enters the apartment and kicks off his shoes. 
“I called Ijichi; he’s sending over cleaners right now,” he says, carefully stepping around the blood and curse guts splattered on the floorboards. Stray drops of who knows what speckle the photos on the bookshelf and he wipes them with his sleeve, scowling. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” 
“Yeah, there’d probably be less of a mess,” you admit, wiping down the kitchen island and guiding the crumbs and dust into the trash. “But they’d still be dead, so I guess it doesn’t really matter in the end.” 
“You handled yourself pretty well for being out of the country for a few months,” he adds appreciatively, retrieving the carpet cleaner from under the sink and sprinkling it onto the living room floor. “I still think it’d be better if you lived on-campus, though.” He squints in the pale moonlight at the pile of abrasive powder and decides to dump a little bit more for good measure. 
“I know–Hey, what’d I tell you about wasting the carpet cleaner? A little goes a long way, remember?” Satoru sets the tube down and puts his hands up in surrender, reaching back and tightening his blindfold before he approaches you in the kitchen. “I can hear your thoughts as they make their way to your mouth, dear.” 
“Look, I know what you’re gonna say–”
“Don’t ask what you’re about to ask, then, if you already know the answer,” you interject with that lightning-quick wit he adored so much. You move to grab the broom from next to the fridge, but he gently catches your wrist and turns you to face him. 
“You’d be safer there,” he continues and you pull your lips into a tight line. 
“Only place I’m safe is wherever I'm with you, realistically.” You had a point. In any other circumstance, the sentiment would be sweet if it wasn’t horribly true. You’d heard time and time again from Satoru how he stared restlessly at the ceiling, anxious about what danger might be coming wherever you were. He theorizes that the higher-ups promoted you to spite him, to have you travel even more often than he was and visit more places across the globe than any seasoned sorcerer would be comfortable with. Phone calls weren’t enough to verify that you were safe; he had to see you, feel you, know you were alive. “This is, what, the second time this month? The first time was when I came back from Paris, right?”
“I don’t think that was this month. It might’ve been the last week of the month prior. Monaco, maybe?”
“Eh, same thing. They always come after me when I get back from Europe. You think they’re trying to catch me off guard or something?”
“I don’t know if we can predict a schedule with these guys, babe,” he grimaces. As much as he liked that you were making light of the situation, the churning in his gut about what could have happened if he didn’t come was too painful to ignore. “Your dad would kill me if he saw how much danger I put you in.” 
“It’s a step up than sneaking me out of the third story of the house, I’ll admit,” you tease. How you could still find humor in times like these, he could never fathom. It’d taken months to convince your father to let Satoru court you, let alone marry you. To your family, he was an impediment, an obstacle, and, unfortunately, the love of your life. “Maybe even as bad as the food poisoning you got from that one place in Sendai.”
“I don’t think ‘in sickness and in health’ is supposed to apply to attempted assassinations. Food poisoning and sprained ankles, sure, but that other one toes the line a little too much.” The frequency of your life in danger was why he wanted you to live full-time on one of the Jujutsu Tech campuses and become a teacher, like him. Sure, a selfish part of him wanted you closer all the time, but he’d pick your safety over your proximity any day. 
“How far are the cleaners?” You yawn, washing your hands at the sink and scanning for everything in your home that needs to be wiped or scrubbed. 
“Ten minutes, tops. I can wait for them if you wanna go back to bed.” He knew you weren’t going to take him up on his offer. You were never able to sleep properly after attempts like this unless he was in the same room. “Though I know you won’t.”
“Isn’t it a little fucked up that we know how the rest of these nights usually go?” You chuckle, a soft, airy sound that takes some of the weight off of Satoru’s chest. You were truly sunlight incarnate and he was the darkest, unseen side of the moon. 
“I’d say this is all my fault, honestly.” You look at him curiously and he shrugs. “I’m the one who made you fall in love with me, after all.” 
“By that logic, I’m also partially to blame,” you point out, flashing him the ring on your left hand. The glow of cursed energy Satoru had embedded into the gemstones glows like Christmas lights in the darkness. The energy was more concentrated than your own body’s natural reserves, allowing him to pinpoint you immediately as long as you were wearing it. Danger and plans A through Z, and everything in between that came with marrying the strongest sorcerer in existence. “I can’t count the number of people who warned me about you.”  
“Why didn’t you listen to them?” 
“Because they’re not you,” you smile. “If you say that you’ll keep me safe, then I trust you to keep your word.” Sunlight incarnate, he thinks again, and God help anyone who tries to block you from him.
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genericname69420 · 29 days
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The F.B.I's Café
Chapter 1: Meet Cute
Pairing: Spencer x oc (Sasha Petrov)
Warnings: None! At least that I can think of...
She was a baker, he was an F.B.I agent. Can I make it anymore obvious?
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Considering nearly every prediction of how that day could've gone, I truly should've been more excited. However, the only thing I felt as I woke up that morning, was dread. It was the day of the grand opening of my café, the one I'd been working towards my entire life. Well, maybe not my entire life. My first choice was to become a spy, but that's not quite realistic, is it? Damn you James Bond.
Despite the monumental gravity the day was supposed to hold, the dread I felt was supported by the equally monumental amount of work that needed to be completed. While opening a café theoretically seems like a tranquil practice, my life in recent years has been nothing of the sort. Lease agreements, contractors, licences, insurance, what am I going to do if the place burns down, my landlord's a dick. There were a million things going through my mind as I navigated the dingy metro system.
When I finally arrived at my café and started the gruelling process of getting the place ready to open, I couldn't help but notice something. Lia wasn't there.
Lia, my sweet, sweet, foolish assistant. She said she'd be there by 7.00 A.M, but as I looked down at my watch on the hand that wasn't putting cookies in the oven, I read 7.30 A.M. That girl is dead.
I baked what I had left in the refrigerator the night before. Cookies, pies, brownies, pastries. I then unloaded the sourdough bread and freshly baked desserts into the display case and shelves strewn across my bakery. All. On. My. Own. Once all the machinery and lights were on, the desserts and my precious bread delicately placed in their designated spots, I finally flipped the sign hung on the front door from closed, to open.
5 minutes passed, then 10, then 15. No Lia, no customers. I sighed, disappointed that Lia still wasn't there, but took the opportunity to relax a little before having to socialise. I grabbed a book from my bag, the one I decided would be most suitable this morning. Empty Planet, I loved it as a kid and wanted that kind of nostalgic comfort after such a stressful few months.
Not even a few lines into the book, I heard the bell I attached to the door ring, signalling someone had entered my cafe. I was anticipating Lia, I wanted to see her sweet face for me to scold. But I was met with a tall, bedheaded, tired looking man. He wore a brown blazer over a light coloured patterned button up and a crooked tie under a light grey sweater vest. As I said, his hair was messy, very messy. It was light brown, curly, and much longer than a guy would usually like it. As he approached the counter, I noticed the smaller details of his face. His scruffy stubble, his button nose, his dark purple eyebags that accompanied his brown honey-like eyes that seemed to shimmer in the sun.
"Um, hello?" his voice pulled me from my trance. Even his voice was sweet, like honey. "Oh, sorry. Hello, see anything that catches your eye?" I asked with a smile, trying to seem friendly despite the frustrating start to my morning. Y'know, as friendly as you can be while running on 3 hours of sleep and a missing assistant.
"Are those... Cookies?" he asked, his eyes fixated on the chocolate chip cookies in the display case. He was almost drooling. "Yeah, just baked them like less than an hour ago. I suggest you get them while they're warm." I chuckled, amused that my cookies had him so mesmerised. "Can I get six?" he asked, his eyes finally meeting mine. Six? Do they look that good? "Um, sure... They look good, huh?" I giggled as I grabbed a paper bag for his cookies. "Oh, no! They're not all for me! I'm buying some for my team." he blurted out, looking somewhat embarrassed. 'Team'?
"Team?" I vocalised my thought. "Oh, um- Coworkers." he stammered, like he said something he shouldn't have. "Right." I chuckled as I handed him his cookies. "Anything else?"
"Can I just get, um... Black coffee with as much sugar as physically possible?" the man hesitantly requested as he reached for the bag. I let out a soft giggle at his peculiar order.
"So... Coffee whithout the ghastly bitter taste?" I joked as I made my way to the little moka pot station I had set up. He returned my laughter. "You could say that."
I'm aware that such a method of coffee making seems rather lacklustre for a self-proclaimed café. However, I find that those irritatingly tricky espresso machines make the process of brewing coffee far too complicated. But, I also just find moka pots rather charming.
I finished up his drink and walked over to him. "A diabetes inducing black coffee for..." I trailed off with my hand outstretched to him for him to receive his affectionately named drink. "Spencer." he snickered as he took the it from me. "Spencer." I repeated. His name rolled smoothly off my tongue and rung comfortably in our ears, as if it was ment to be said in my voice. That's how it felt to me at least. He seemed to feel the same, as a slight tilt of his head accompanied the smile he already wore. "...This is usually the part where you'd say your name."
"Oh- Sasha. It's Sasha."
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(A.N. EEEEEEE FIRST CHAPTER'S DONE!!!! Not a lot of interaction between Spencer and Sasha, ik BUT TRUST ME! We will get our sweet sweet fluff eventually... But not without some angst.)
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suzy-queued · 2 months
First Line Tag Game
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
Thanks for the tag, @energievie and @wehangout
Ian found himself standing on a dusty street. Chapter 8 of A Song Only You Can Hear
Mickey should have woken up earlier. Chapter 6 of Workhouse Rock
There were good moments last summer. Chapter 5 of Then and Now
A man jumped into the back seat of Ian’s car. From No Sleep 'Til Nashville
“Absolutely not.” From Coming Attraction
After that first year, Mick was all in. Chapter 7 of Scary Sweet
Music pumped through Ian as he swayed his hips on the dance floor. Chapter 15 of Out of Nowhere
Ian grumbled in pain when a guy on a moped ran over his foot. From A Salute Before We Sink
Once upon a time, in the land of Birkenshire, there lived a prince named Mickey. From The Birkenshire Trials
Ian adjusted the strap of his AM-22 Predator Pro assault rifle. Chapter 15 of These Foolish Games
Conclusions: I'm predictable when I'm writing my own stuff, with a person doing an action. The ones that vary (3, 5, 6, 9) are written with or for other people. Maybe I need to mix up my openings more! 😂
I'll tag ... @depressedstressedlemonzest @sweetbee78 @blue-disco-lights @sweetperversiongirl @crossmydna
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
False God
Statement of Saskia Rambeau regarding an unusual meeting. Original statement given 3rd December 2006. Committed to tape 29th March 2024. Audio recording by [REDACTED], Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, Manchester.
Statement begins.
Oh, uh. Should I just...start? Well, ok, well- I guess I've never quite been a lonely person. Alone maybe, but it's, I've never found it uncomfortable. I have a small flat, I'm busy with my job as a software engineer, I never exactly found it easy to make friends. That's just how life is. Was. I guess.
Anyway, you don't want a sob story about my life, sorry! I, uh, first noticed something strange a couple weeks ago. Just some rustling outside my flat, which I chalked up to a cat or something, probably chasing some rat in a bush. That was, until I remembered that I lived on the top floor. It would be sort of impossible for a cat to be rustling outside my window on the top floor. I didn't go to check what it was, I'm not an idiot. I know what happens to people who are curious. It was only on the fourth night of the noises, when I was so delirious from anxiety that I had gotten less than an hour's sleep within those four days, that I cracked. I wasn't sure what I would find, just that I wanted to make it stop.
You might sit there and think, it's just a rustling noise, it's probably the wind or some piece of litter getting jostled through a drain pipe, but you don't understand. When you spend all that time with just your thoughts for company, going from screen to screen to the dark walls of your bedroom, it does something to you. And usually that's fine. Comfortable, even. But when that predictability is disturbed, you start to do stupid things, like walk up to your window with a kitchen knife tucked under your sleeve.
I inched towards it, moved more by adrenaline than coherency. The night was clear, weird for a Manchester night, but I wasn't focused on that. There was just enough moonlight to illuminate my hand and the little jutting out piece of brick just outside my window. Now that I think about it, it seems almost...intentional. I gripped on to the handle, took a few short breaths and wrenched the window open with a small shriek. There was nothing. Of course there was nothing. Of course I had tormented myself over a silly little noise for days on end, for nothing.
And then I turned around.
You know how different religions have different images of their gods? How some have 5 hands, others 10? Some view it as heresy to even try to imagine their god? Some have wildly different interpretations even within one singular religion. Describing what materialised in my bedroom that night, would sort of be like if you asked me to describe god. If you asked me 3 days ago, I would've said it was a bright, pulsating light, softening and sharpening my vision in tune of the beating of my heart in my throat. That night, I would've said it was insectoid, feelers twitching towards me in a curious manner. Yesterday, I wouldn't have been able to begin to describe the events of that night. But today? Today, it seems more like a- a deer. The one you see at 2 am on a country road, that stops you in your tracks, headlights shimmering off the darkness of their eyes. It's nothing you've seen before and you know it's nothing you'll see again. The only thing I can say with absolute certainty is that it was beautiful.
I'll be honest with you. I'm not sleeping. I quit my job. The couple of people I would occasionally talk to haven't seen me in weeks. I spend my days staring out that window, into the glorious light of the day and darkness of the night. Nothing can shroud the Holy One. Don't you see, Archivist? I didn't have anything before and now I have someone to serve. My god is benevolent, it has granted me a new chance at life. I know my identity, where I belong, clearer than I ever have and I think it's time you saw it too.
It will be beautiful.
Statement ends. Did not love that ending. The original copy came with a sealed container of what seemed to be...dust? It says "Do Not Open" and I've never been one for defying authority. Any attempted follow ups to this case have obviously led to dead ends. 2 weeks in and I'm already starting to see a pattern here. I'm...gonna...go get some water.
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castlebyersafterdark · 4 months
i really love your realisticness about what we could actually get in s5 when it comes to byler spice. lover's lake is a perfect set up, and i agree that peak romance being needed. although the reason i've always been in the spicy camp is because, to me, the more we see, the less explicit/dirty/spicy/lewd it will be?
cutting to black like jancy is too... dismissive, almost. it implies that the couple has found peace and simply needs to do the deed, and that the sex quality didnt matter, only that they did it. but surely the conflict for mike and will IS the question of hiccups and doubts even during? Can we, should we, do this? i think that what we DO need to see IS the fumbling, IS the constant glances at each other to make sure it's ok, IS the hand grabbing another hand and tentatively guiding it down to the crotch, probably over clothes, etc! i want to see their relationship literally transform before my eyes. and i think we need to see that hesitation and fear mixed with excitement in their eyes even during the act, that inexplicable oxymoron that is first desire and losing your virginity.
the first shadow REALLY plays up the idea of desire and intense emotion making electricity and lights go haywire, and it was sometimes done tongue in cheek as an obvious sex joke (the whole theatre laughed). its sooooo duffers to use this for will and mike. what better metaphor than the whole hawkins power grid sparking out because mike made will come so hard he literally BLACKED OUT?? and it doesnt need to be kinky or lewd! it could be over for will in 10 seconds as soon as mike touches him, but that doesnt make it less intense or hot - but the important thing is that will came because of the emotional intensity of them having sex, not just the physical sensation. i think this is the difference between gratuitous and meaningful movie sex.
and then the actual climax (lol) of that emotional arc will be their peace and contentment AFTER its done, so we also need to see the post-sex scene. you mentioned shy smiles and doing up a belt, but i think they deserve a whole night together. i would love love love to see them waking up together, maybe even accidentally thwarting a mission somewhat because they left their walkie talkies in another room? idk. something that ties it into the plot well.
a quick fumble can be sexy but i don't think byler need that - it keeps them too in the friends category, and the audience needs to know for sure that their relationship has transformed into something else and can never go back. THIS is a coming of age arc. their first time can't resemble a one night stand in any way. i also think will wouldn't be able to emotionally cope with sleeping with mike in a barn in the afternoon and then just going back about his day. i think he would need at least one business day and night to process it lol. will's sleep quality has also been a big theme of the show - imagine if he sleeps with mike and wakes up in his arms the next morning having slept soundly for the first time since he was 12???? literal perfection.
I AGREE WITH ALL OF THIS - I tried to be realistic in my assessment/predictions but I guess I'm just trying to set the bar low to either be happy with what we get or surprised if it exceeds expectations. But this ship deserves the world. They deserve care and peak romance and softness and it to be the moment. Truly, there is so much more going on in the show but I really do believe that byler is the heart of the show, a major turning point and overarching theme so I do hold out the hope that they get something really beautiful. What a waste, if not?
I compare to the 2 sex scenes we've gotten because that's the only frame of reference for that sort of romance we've really seen - but in actuality, yeah, it doesn't really make sense for a repeat or an homage. They'd get their own moment. Gosh, you've described some wonderful direction and context and potential imagery for the scene. I especially love "will's sleep quality has also been a big theme of the show - imagine if he sleeps with mike and wakes up in his arms the next morning having slept soundly for the first time since he was 12" LIKE??? Oh that's fantastic. Your brain. My heart ahhh. Wouldn't that just be the loveliest? How indicative of their relationship as a whole, and one of the classic pillars of romance - "find someone with whom you can rest." Ahh. That's what they are to each other, aren't they? Mike - running from himself, from society, from guilt, from his feelings, from danger. Will - plagued by nightmares, and hate, always looking over his shoulder for monsters and humans alike. Have them express their love not just emotionally, but physically, but then let them rest. With each other.
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silverslipstream · 5 months
ocean's vent-leven
cw: references to depression and suicide/self-harm
okay, so this is a reasonably happier vent post than my last one, but it's still kind of a vent regarding my feelings so I guess my shitty bad jokes of shoehorning the word 'vent' into film titles will continue, as part of my eternal effort to treat everything I cannot emotionally tolerate or compartmentalise with at least a modicum of humour. whew. off to a good start here. yesterday (friday 10th may) I was absolutely paralysed by depression. this is usually the point where I make a joke about being paralysed in a physical sense by my cerebral palsy, because the societally-expected reaction to my trauma is to make light of it and show people I am broken in a way they can pretend not to notice (a way I can pretend to be fine with them pretending not to notice, and they can see me pretending to be fine and think it's fine to continue pretending not to notice). BUT since I am learning to love myself and cut down on negative language even in jest, I will not say this. instead, I will talk about this depression.
it was horrible. unceasing. it pushed onward and onward from around 2AM in the morning until just before 7AM, when I retreated to my bed instead of my desk. I thought I could sleep, but I just dozed intermittently, never quite achieving that downy state of blissful surrender. woke up for my 10:15 alarm, because I had a lecture at 11:15, and I just. couldn't. fucking face it. it wasn't even a chronic pain thing, physically I was fine. the lecture (and the lecture after that) just seemed to be wobbling like a heat haze at the end of a very long tunnel. I rolled over and resolutely ignored the clock on my phone until I knew I'd missed the lecture. fuck. why are you so fucking lazy? there's only one week of lectures left in second year, my brain screamed at me, and you have four assignments unfinished, three not even STARTED THAT ARE DUE BY THE END OF THE MONTH WHYDOYOUNEVERDOANYTHINGWHYDOYOUIGNORETHETHINGSYOU'RESUPPOSEDTOLOVE-
I passed in and out of sleep and missed the 1:15 lecture too. my friend messaged me asking to pick up the poem notes I'd meant to give him the day before. I was asleep and didn't see the message. the notes are still in my room in my flat and I am at my grandmother's house. if that friend is reading this, know that I am deeply sorry for that and that I love you and did not mean to frustrate you by not fulfilling that objective. the truth is that, in that transient fuzzy sleep that was less about rest and more about hating the clarity of wakefulness, I felt like my whole LIFE was one unfulfilled objective. I couldn't be born right, I couldn't be the son my parents wanted (they had to draft in a hurried substitute), I couldn't be a friend right, I couldn't stay in one place right, I couldn't do my useless fucking stupid fucking waste of a degree right. I couldn't even have the decency to die by my own hand and instead turned it into a whole fucking drama that ruined my friendship group and forced me to come out to my parents.
in that horrible clear moment, the future of my life seemed to be a flashbulb gallery of microwave dinners and empty booze bottles and hospital waiting rooms, alone alone alone. a slideshow of a man literally and figuratively shuffling through life towards the river styx and not even noticing the water until it was past his rusted-shut bear trap of a mouth.
but it's because of that love (the love I have for you and my other friends too, look at me rhyming like I'm motherfucking Seuss) that I got up this morning and realised, that future can stay with all the futures I've imagined in my head. all the apocalypses, all the dystopias, the sci-fi speculations and the post-apoc predictions. they're the same thing, I realised. fictions in my head. my fears manifested into virtual realities, screens through which I can handle my pain and show it to the world without putting twenty pairs of 'palatable-humour' gloves on. that future is just another fictional apocalypse, and just because it's closer to me doesn't mean I should feel powerless to thwart it.
it is because I love my friends that I must pass my assignments. next year we will be moving into a flat together and I need to pass this year to make that happen. because I need to make more memories. I need to cultivate this love and give it the water I withheld so many times in my past, in those other chapters of my life. I will make these memories not because I need them, not because I see them as something scarce worth clinging to or as a method of compensating for my deprivations, but because I love you. we will all drink together and we will play stupid card games and watch films and cry and laugh and argue and drag each other out of bed at 6AM to wash our dishes and I will cook too much food on purpose because I will know you haven't eaten and because sharing a meal with friends is the fastest way to find out what the gods tasted when the first mouthfuls of ambrosia passed their lips.
to borrow one of my all-time favourite cheesy film one--liners, today we are cancelling the apocalypse.
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d1d11818 · 4 days
Don’t worry about my comparatively fragile self. I am actually quite resilient! (Thank you for the concern ♡)
About the paragraph, I think you’re granting me too much here, I promise that if allowed, I’ll talk forever and ever.…
That being said, a bit of background: I’m a college student whose focus is Anthropology. I am also autistic, and have a big fascination with humans in the individual, as well as a social group, but most specifically, I like studying the ways humans are kind. I know everyone has the, ‘Humans are the worst’ belief and I understand where that’s derived from, but I don’t think it’s wholly accurate? Altruistic behavior is an enduring trait that is one reason that we may have been able to advance so far. While usually underrepresented, there are a lot of instances in which humans have been kind to one another in prehistory, caring for those in their social group despite the risk it may pose!
This… isn’t really related to anything we’ve talked about, I just got excited. I love my studies but I get too excited sometimes. Sorry! Thank you for bearing with me, in any case. I’ll be sure to give you plenty of compliments from here on out. (& Some for D1d1 as well!)
Sorry again for yapping. .
。° 🐠 ( I don’t know how to break up the two different sections.)
That’s more or less how I feel, the reminder of it being fake! I think the closest I’ve gotten to proper fear as of late was watching ‘Lake Mungo’. I mostly just cried afterwords though. If you do watch it, I would usually say don’t look up anything about it, but there’s a bit that I think warrants a bit of a warning outside of genre typical tropes, but I’ll not say unless asked. It’s a bit heavy. Anywho, I’ll make sure to watch Trick R Treat sometime!!
I used to be super into Junji Ito’s works! I think the one I was most ‘uncomfortable’ with (but is also my favorite) was The Thing That Drifted Ashore. Something about the mix between a deep-sea creature keeping people alive inside of itself is so… weird? Interesting?
It’s 2:10 and I have studying to do tomorrow so I’m going to sleep now. But! Your tiny face is very cute! Look, it’s us —> :D [:
Good… whatever time may be for you both!
- 🐠 (This won’t come as much surprise but the neos I like very much are sea/seas. Predictable for the fish guy.)
- Really?
- You're autistic?
- I could not tell.
- Oh good, that's still online.
- Anyway.
- I meant that in a very lighthearted, complimentary way.
- I'm autistic too.
- Most people who get along with me tend to be autistic as well.
- Moving on.
- Your studies sound incredibly fascinating.
- Thank you for sharing.
- I'll have to start doing my own research into this topic.
- Genuinely.
- Apologies if I don't sound sincere.
- As you know, I struggle with portraying emotions.
- But everything I say is intended well and genuine unless clarified otherwise.
- You are a very interesting individual.
- I do hope you'll continue to send us asks.
- After all, in comparison to your very first, I can tell you're getting more comfortable.
- It's nice to see.
- I've never heard of Lake Mungo! I'll have to check it out!!
- Don't worry about me, I'll be okay! I'm not very easy to trigger, hehe! I'll let you know my reaction when I get around to it!
- Ooooh I remember The Thing that Drifted Ashore! That one was so creepy! The look of the people was so uncanny and disturbing. That's exactly my issue with Hanging Balloons, the look of them! I think the faces scare me more than the concept itself.
- I hope you slept well!! And I hope your studies went well too! Try not to overdo it though! Education is very important, but you're even more important, so don't forget to take care of yourself first! Even something as simple as taking a shower, or eating something, or stretching, or recharging, or even just listening to music for a bit, that's all important!
- I think sea knows how to take care of themself, D1d1.
- Here's another face for you! :D [: it's you and me hanging out!
- Have a good rest of your day! Or night! Or dusk! Or dawn!
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emrosedeleon · 2 years
On the Nodes and Eclipses:
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The Nodes of Luna are the digital, calculated points at which the path of the moon crosses over the Ecliptic, the path of the sun. These points are important because they're where the eclipses happen, because the paths cross.
All planets have their own nodes, where -astronomical transits- occur, distinct from our more typical transits. The Lunar Nodes are the most important, because the moon is the most important astrological object besides maybe the sun, and it's also the only thing that can fully occlude the light of Solis in the daytime. The Lunar Nodes also transit, by our meaning, in near-permanent retrograde motion like the Vernal Point through the Sidereal Zodiac, they travel backwards relative to the lights, tracking through the last to the first degree of Cancer, then Gemini, then Taurus, etc all the way back to Leo. As they take ~18 months to transit a sign, and as Solis tracks through 1° in about a single day, a mathematically perfect nodal transit sees six eclipses across each sign axis, both a Solar and a Lunar in each 10° Decan.
I feel called to talk about this because I'm feeling quite NN in Virgo 5 about using this platform, and about being a practicing astrologer lately.
On the Significations of the Eclipses
The Eclipses are important in astrology because they're these moments when the light is stolen away, and light carries a lot of really extremely important metaphysical and significations. For one thing, it's the engine of life, nothing can extract energy from anywhere so as to contest the tide of entropy except by the light of the sun; it's the engine of the weather, and the water cycle. The sun and moon in partnership serve as the gravitational engineers of the ocean's churning - without both of them there it's fair to argue life might never have evolved, and certainly our Earth would be far more stagnant.
The two things are also of a special class in astrology known as 'The Luminaries,' because they cast light brightly enough to illuminate objects on the surface of the Earth, unlike any other objects in the Universe. As a result, this particular light carries a connotation of knowledge, information, truth, wisdom, science and intelligence because without being able to gather information from the world, we could never discern facts about it, or come to understand our place in it.
Therefore, these events which steal away the light are considered to be extraordinarily malefic, and especially a maltreatment of Solis and Luna, as well as of Solar and Lunar concepts. Respectively this would be stuff like kings and leaders, agency, corporations and nations, predictions, identity and selfhood, self-definition, and the ego - for the sun; memory, sense of time, reflectivity, the body, considered analysis, self-image, self-critique, and the superego - for the moon. It is for this reason you might have heard advice against performing magic on an eclipse, it's a bit like standing out in a field during a thunderstorm, it's asking for trouble - for unpredictable consequences which carry no regard for your wellbeing.
Eclipses aren't always subjectively bad, although they do tend to bring poor sleep and nightmares when they hit your Asc or your natal lights, but they're not to be trifled with, and they're not for undergoing new pursuits. They can bring with them sudden and extreme changes of fortune, often for the better, but in retrospect it'll always be something that was already long in the making being brought to light and resolved swiftly, rather than things which truly come out of left field.
The North Node/Rahu ☊
The North Node in particular is where Luna crosses over into the northern celestial hemisphere "above" the ecliptic, which I put in quotes because north and south mean a lot less in space, but it corresponds to the Earthly northern hemisphere, and it's the ancient parlance. As such, this crossing point is associated with increase, amplification, saturation, intensity, desire, attraction, accolades, status, accreditation, and audience - however, it carries also these connotations of instability and unearned dignity, or at the very least, it's irreconcilable imposter syndrome and performance anxiety. It plays out the embodied metaphysics of the material world prevailing over and conquering the ideal plane, with all the topheavy brittleness that implies.
In Indian Astrology, which I'll warn is not my forte, the NN is called instead by the name Rahu, which is associated with the image of a dragon's head, severed from it's body. This head tracks, full of purpose after an infinite, insatiable desire which pulls it forward to consume endlessly without respite or reprieve, itself lacking the body necessary to internalize and process that which is consumed.
Some people will tell you the NN can be utilized towards benefic aims, and while it's not exactly untrue, it's also something that can't inherently support itself. NN events and people are often marked by rapid, unsustainable acceleration to prominence, and then immediate, ruthless collapse back into obscurity, like being a one hit wonder - which isn't to say you're doomed if you are a Rahuvian person, just that it's not the kind of energy to be wielded recklessly, like the eclipses, it prefers to accelerate that which is already in-progress and well-founded.
The South Node/Ketu ☋
The South Node on the other hand is, predictably, where the moon crosses back "under" the ecliptic, and it carries with it connotations of primordial preternatural foreknowledge, systemic comprehensive awareness, transpersonal understanding, release, dissemination, disencumberence, transcendence and timelessness - however, it carries with it also a supreme distaste, dissatisfaction, discomfort, and disdain for the topics at hand in the fashion they are institutionally executed upon on Earth, being unavoidably conscious of the existent inefficiencies and energy loss within the system. The material becoming once again subsumed within the ideal.
In Indian Astrology, this is Ketu, the body and tail of the dragon, separated from its head and processing the waste from others' cumulative consumption - wanting for nothing in and of itself, but nonetheless obligated to balance the celestial checkbook.
The subjective experience of Ketu to me is very reminiscent of the Cassandra myth, of having all the answers in a given situation and being truly incapable of convincing anybody because, to paraphrase Upton Sinclair, "there is no more impossible task than convincing a person of that which their access to power demands they misunderstand." Like weightless photons, you can traverse above petty materiality and can't help but witness all the mass being collected fruitlessly, only to dissolve once again into formless light, straining in vain to collect itself against the infinite tides of entropy.
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juniorgman187 · 3 years
A Sunday Kind of Love (Reid Fic)
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Summary: Reader wakes up to Spencer Reid making breakfast, a seemingly perfect image of a Sunday Kind of Love.
A/N: We love to see domesticated Spencer Reid. Playlist: “A Sunday Kind of Love” by Etta James Pairing: Fem!Reader x Dad!Spencer Reid  Category: Fluff, One Shot, Drabble Content Warning: None! Word Count: 1k<
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
Warm rays of sunshine streamed through the sheer curtains of our bedroom, casting beams of light that heated my face to the point of compelling me to wake up. 
Hitting my senses almost immediately after the feeling of warm sun was the smell of fresh coffee, and if I had to guess, a half-empty pot of fresh coffee, thanks to the insatiable cravings of one Dr. Spencer Reid. That also meant he was already awake and downstairs.
Just as I predicted, but still much to my dismay, I woke up to an entirely empty left side of the bed, space my husband would normally be splayed out upon. At least I had a shirt of his on to envelope me wholly, just in the way that he would have had we woken up together. Except this embrace was much less suffocating, as you can imagine. 
I didn’t have to wonder where he’d gone for long, though. Following the noise of indistinct babbling against the sound of Etta James’ song “A Sunday Kind of Love,” I found Spencer in the kitchen, jabbering nonsense to our nine-month-old daughter, who was nestled safely in his unclad arms, while he flipped pancakes and swayed to the music. 
He was the direct image and likeness of a Sunday kind of love if I’d ever seen one. 
I clutched the banister as I lowered myself onto a step of our staircase, taking in this raw moment before he figured out I was there. 
I could tell, from the back of his head alone, what little attention he’d paid to himself before getting up to tend to our ostentatious daughter. That didn’t bother me in the least, though. Spencer’s had that same bed-head look for years now, and I’ve only grown fonder of it over time. 
No sooner did I begin to make my descent down the stairs again than he looked over his well-sculpted shoulder to find me there. 
“Wow,” He gaped to himself with a short gasp. Turning back to our baby, he drew nearer to whisper to her.
“Look how pretty your mommy is.” 
By then, I was already close enough to hear him, and therefore close enough to deliver a token of appreciation in the form of physical affection. 
Taking full advantage of his bare arms, I ran the soft pads of my fingertips up and over his bicep, noticing the way my wandering hand would bend to conform to the hills and valleys of his muscles. Meanwhile, I began to place slow butterfly kisses along his shoulder blade before letting my lips take their final place on his shoulder (with the help of my tip-toeing). Whereas my hands would settle for rubbing up and down his upper arms.
“Good morning, handsome,” I spoke against his skin coupled with the lacing of my fingers in his curls at the base of his neck, successfully working them free of knots and tangles enough to bring him relief. 
“Good morning, beautiful,” he mirrored, letting his attention be pulled away from the pancakes for one second to leave a barely-there kiss on my cheek. The only reason I could feel it was the sensation of his scruff and stubble tickling my skin at the contact.
“What time is it?” I wondered aloud, trying to catch the time before he had to answer, but that proved to be a poor decision, seeing as my eyes were still ill-adjusted to my surroundings without my glasses or contacts to mend that.
“10:40.” He replied with the utmost nonchalance. 
“10:40?!” I repeated in awe. “How could you let me sleep in so late? What time were you awake?” 
“9:03 because I heard the baby stirring in the nursery. But I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so peaceful.” He pouted to show his juvenile admiration of the view. And how could I be mad at that? 
I nuzzled into his arms further but turned my head so I would face the living room, where the same rays of sunshine that had woken me up not even ten minutes ago had seemingly migrated to our downstairs to illuminate the record player. 
I do my Sunday dreaming
And all my Sunday scheming
Every minute, every hour, every day
Oh, I'm hoping to discover
A certain kind of lover
Who will show me the way
And like an answer to the song, Spencer shifted once more to lay a gentle kiss on the top of my head. 
He will show me the way.
And my arms need someone
Someone to enfold
To keep me warm when Mondays and Tuesdays grow cold
Love for all my life to have and to hold
Oh and I want a Sunday kind of love
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
complete taglist: @muffin-cup​ @s1utformgg @no-alarms-no-surprises-silence @jemimah-b99 @justanothetfangirl @kylab @rainsong01 @calm-and-doctor @inkstainedwritergirl @rexorangecouny @ashwarren32 @carooliina @fortheloveofcriminalminds @watermelongubler  @obsessedmaggiemay @k-k0129 @aperrywilliams @eevee0722 @spencersmagic @spencerreid-mgg @half-blood-dork @goldeng1rl8 @just-a-bunch-of-fandoms @random-human-person @masumiyetimziyanoldu​
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 19
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Shock word was an understandment as what you were feeling right now. You were in the car with Ria going back home, you couldn't even say anything to him as you were too shocked and before you could, Ria dragged you to the car saying mom has been calling.
Were you dreaming? Did you heard it right? He likes you? All of this came as a surprise to you and the whole ride you were occupied by those thoughts.
Arriving at home, you straight went to your room and your parents were confused by your behavior before looking at Ria questionly but she just shrugged and followed you.
"Y/n." She called out entering your room to see you sitting on the bed lost in thoughts before aproaching you and sat in front of you.
"Y/n? What's wrong? You have been quiet since we have come back. Did something happen?" She placed her hand on top of yours and you looked at her blankly.
"Baekhyun." You uttered licking your lips. "Baekhyun... confessed to me."
She stared at you blankly and then. "AAAHHHHHHHHH"
You closed your ears and eyes before shutting her up by covering her mouth then your door burst opened revealing Daniel.
"What-what happened? Why did you scream?" He asked panicked and you glared at Ria.
"Nothing, she has gone crazy."
"I thought something big happened." He scoffed walking away.
"Is it true? When? How? Wait- at the beach? I told you, he likes you!" She began her rambling as you told her everything.
"OMG! This is such a great news! So what did you say?"
You looked at her in innocently. "Nothing."
Her jaw dropped. "Nothing? Are you serious? The Byun Baekhyun confessed to you and you said nothing?"
You groaned leaning your against the headboard. "I.. I couldn't say anything. I was too shocked, okay. And it was so unexpected."
"So? How do feel about him?"
"I..don't know. I mean yes, he's a good guy and I feel comfortable and happy around him." You paused sighing while clutching the teddy close to you. "But lately I'm really nervous around him where my heart is like going to burst and it's so confusing.
Ria stared at you with a understanding look before she slapped her forehead lightly. "Silly! There's your answer. You don't feel like this for anyone but for someone you love and it's okay. There's no hurry so, take your time to be sure about your feelings."
Upon hearing her words, you gave this a thought and realized she is right. Your heart beat quicken at the thought of him and cheeks heat up.
"Oh My God! Y/n! You're blushing." She laughed loudly and you hid your cheeks feeling embarrassed.
"Shut up!"
"I'm so happy for you!" She jumped on you making your body fall back with a groan.
"You're heavy!"
Later that night, you couldn't sleep well as the scene at the beach kept playing in your mind making you nervous, scared and happy as well. You have never been in a relationship, always kept yourself distant with these things yet you were here feeling all of this.
Being in a relationship scared you a little. You don't know, if you were ready for it and several things were in your mind with all of these questions and you just needed a bit of time.
Meanwhile, Baekhyun who kept cursing himself for not holding himself back for keeping his mouth shut. He wasn't planning on confessing like this but you just stood there and he couldn't help but blurt out everything and now was thinking if he scared you or would you feel awkward around him because that was the last thing he wanted.
(9 January)
You woke up with a slight nervousness at how would you face him after yesterday. Luck was probably on your side when you didn't got a glimpse of Baekhyun at the college as you had lunch with the boys and they told that he was busy somewhere and that somehow made you relieved but lowkey you wanted to see him.
Then a thought hit you that you have to go to Café too and you would definitely see him there.
Later, in the library, Ria was looking for some books assigned to her from her professor before she came across with Baekhyun who was picking a book.
"Oh, Baekhyun sunbae."
Baekhyun flinched by the voice before he saw Ria giving him a smile which he reciprocated before his eyes were going here and there in search of someone.
Ria chuckled. "She's not here, must be hiding somewhere."
Baekhyun looked at her startled as he let out an awkward chuckle before he looked at her surprised. "You know?"
She nodded. "We bestfriends have no secrets so while we're talking about it, can I ask you something?"
Baekhyun gave her a nod as she sighed. "Are you sincere about Y/n? I can see you are but I still want to hear it from you."
Baekhyun smiled at her concern for you and he nodded. "I have never been this sincere before and I assure you that."
She nodded smiling. "Then, let me tell you this too. Y/n and I have been bestfriends since high school and I know Y/n more than she knows herself. She's never been into these situations before so it's something new to her and maybe little confusing too. So, I hope you can be a little patient until she's sort it out, plus I'm already on your side. "
Hearing upon her words, Baekhyun was sure that you were lucky to have a friend like Ria before he nodded. "Thanks and i'll keep that in mind. "
With that he walked away before Ria sighed clasping her hands together up in the air. "God, let my ship sail."
"Gosh, Y/n, You're really lucky to have me in your life." Ria flipped her hair before she turned around and got startled to see the librarian judging her with her poker face.
Giving her an awkward smile, Ria rushed out of the library hoping not run into the librarian today.
At the Café.
Just as Baekhyun predicted, you were avoiding eye contact with him and the awkward atmosphere was eating him up. However, he couldn't blame you because it would be a normal reaction for someone who got confessed but he didn't wanted that and he's surely gonna make it right.
Your shift was over and you were relieved wanting to get out of the awkwardness as soon as possible but things just doesn't go according to you.
"Y/n." You slightly flinched and there was your heart acting up again beating with an abnormal speed.
"You are avoiding me, aren't you?" He questioned and you mentally face palmed for being obvious as you let out a nervous chuckle while looking everywhere but him. "Me? No, not at all."
"You know you can't lie, so why do you even try it?"
You bit your lip before looking at him and instantly looked away finding hard to look at him.
"Can we talk?"
"Right now?"
"Yes." He said firmly and you hesitantly nodded.
He licked his lips before speaking. "I know what happened yesterday was unexpected for you and trust me it was same for me. I never wanted to confess like that but it just happened and now I'm not going to run away."
"I don't want to pressure you in any way and I'm alright with you taking how much ever time you want. I'm always willing to wait for you but I just don't us to be awkward like this because this is something I never wanted."
As if he just read your mind that whatever you want to say but couldn't, he said it all and you couldn't be more grateful for it. A smile appeared on your face and you nodded slowly making him smile in relief.
"You're not going to avoid me again, right?"
You chuckled awkwardly. "No, I won't."
"If you did, I'll tell everyone about your that secret." He smiled smugly raising his one eyebrow and your jaw dropped. "Are you threatening me?"
"Is it working?"
"It did."
"No, it didn't."
"Then should I-"
He laughed hardly and you glared at him playfully and that's how Baekhyun changed the awkward atmosphere into comfortable one. Well, he's Baekhyun for a reason though.
(10 January)
Next day, things weren't as awkward but tension was somewhere there. As if something has struck your mind, you began to see Baekhyun in a different light, as you found yourself staring at him again and again.
You weren't the only one, whenever you glanced at him, you caught him staring at you but instead of looking away, he just gave a smile leaving you flustered.
You calmed your beating heart and took the order from the customer and Baekhyun started to make drink. He was about to take it in his hand but his hand got bumped into the counter causing the hot drink spill on his hand.
He hissed which got your attention and your eyes widened seeing him clenching his hand.
"Are you okay?" You grabbed his hand and panicked seeing the redness on the back of his hand.
"Y/n, I'm fine." He assured you but you saw his expression saying opposite.
"It's okay, I'll take care of it."
"Come here." You led him in the kitchen before walking to the sink and helped him wash his hand.
"Y/n, I'm really okay."
"What do you mean? Look at the redness. I know it must be stinging." You took the ice cube from the fridge and gently rubbed it while blowing on it.
He sighed leaning against the sink as he stared at your face which was filled with concern immediately bringing a smile on his face.
"I thought I was the big clumsy but no, you are one step ahead of me." You nagged like a mother and he chuckled while seeing your this side made his pain less.
"You worry about me, don't you?"
"Of course, I do. What kind of question is that?" You raised your head to see him smiling at you and then you realized.
"Why are you worried about me?" He leaned forward making your breath hitched at the closeness.
"Y/n, Baekhyun!"
You both backed away hearing Rose's voice and Baekhyun lowly groaned as he got interrupted in the moment before Rose walked inside.
"How's your hand?"
"It's better now, since Y/n has treated it." He smiled at you but you didn't looked at feeling too nervous by his gaze.
Rose came to tell that she has to go home a little early for some reason and asked you both to take care of the Café behind. You both agreed and soon she was off to her home while you both continued your work not before you asked Baekhyun to take orders only and seeing your stern expression, he agreed instantly.
It was dawn already, means the working hours were over and you both got out but then you spotted a person you never expected to see here.
Liam was walking towards you and you frowned in confusion and when he approached you, he smiled which was forced before he looked at Baekhyun and they both stared at each other with unreadable expression like last time.
You asked him the reason of his presence here where he told you that Daniel was out with his friends so he came to get you. Honestly, you found it uncomfortable, especially when Baekhyun was standing here and you didn't wanted any misunderstanding between you two.
Baekhyun felt jealous seeing another guy to take you home and for some reason he really didn't took a liking to Liam. Sighing, he was about to lock the door but then it hit him that he forgot the keys inside.
You chuckled at his forgetfulness as he shot you a sheepish grin before going inside to get keys. Liam rolled his eyes getting impatient as he just wanted to leave from here. Apparently, he was forced to come here as his mom pressured him go.
"Y/n, can we just go? He can do it himself you know." Liam said and you looked at him a little bit furiously.
"No, we both work here. And I don't find it appropriate to leave him like that." You replied, annoyed by his attitude.
"Let's just leave, everyone is waiting." His impatience got over him and he grabbed your wrist startling you.
"Liam, what the heck are-"
"Let go of her hand." Baekhyun jumped in suddenly gripping on his wrist and Liam scoffed letting go before facing him.
"And who do you think you are?"
"Doesn't matter. But you should know how to respect a girl and she is your freaking cousin!" His jaw clenched with his eyes glaring down at him and and you stared at him shook seeing him angry like this.
"Right, she's my cousin. So stay out of this!"
"Or what?"
"Stop!" You instantly came forward between them as you shielded Baekhyun and narrowed your eyes at the person before you. "Liam, go back home now."
He looked at you in disbelief before his eyes soften as he realized his actions and sighed, looking down too embarrassed to even look at you and taking backwards steps, he turned around and left.
You closed your eyes and sighed before turning around to found nothing as you spotted him inside sitting on a chair. You gulped, walking inside to see him looking down with his hands clasped together as he was calming himself.
"Are you really angry?" You asked, cautiously standing infront of him before sighing. "I don't know what came to him to act like this-"
"Why did you stop us? I was so close to punch him." He cut you off, as he looked up at you frowning as he wasn't angry for his behavior with him but he didn't liked how he misbehaved with you.
You looked at him incredulously. "And then what? A fight would have broke out! And I don't want to see the person I love getting hurt!"
Baekhyun's ear perked up as he gulped looking at you. "Who...do you love?"
"You of course, Who else?! And what's wrong with Liam? I should have a talk with him-" You kept rambling unaware of your words and Baekhyun's eyes lit up as his heart burst out with happiness. "You love me? Did you just say you love me?"
You stopped and looked down at him to see him smiling before realizing your words and your eyes went big. Gasping, you attempted to walk away but he caught your wrist and pulled you back causing your hands to rest on his shoulders as you stood between his legs.
"Where are you going after confessing your love?"
Your cheeks heat up and you chuckled nervously. "When did I?"
"Just now."
"I didn't."
"You did."
"Stop running away and be my girlfriend already, hm?" He tilted his head staring at you cutely and you stared at him for a moment before a shy smile appeared on your lips as you nodded slowly.
Sure, you were a little bit scared about being in a relationship but it all vanished when you saw his face and you were sure that you don't have to feel like this when you're with him.
"Really?" His eyes widened before smiling widely and you squealed as he lifted you up suddenly with your hands clutching his shoulders tightly.
You looked down at him in surprise and he chuckled looking at you fondly while smiling. "What should I do? I'm so happy."
You bit your lip smiling before you glanced outside to see people giving you both weird look.
"Baekhyun, put me down." You said feeling embarrassed now and he gently put you down. You hid your face in your palms and heard his giggle before feeling his arms wrapped around you as he placed his head on yours.
Soon, you both closed the Café and he was walking you home. While walking, he stopped to take your bag in his hands even though you stopped him. Both of you were silent, just smiling and glancing at eachother.
Not long before, you heard his chuckle making you look at him confused. "Why are you laughing?"
"It's just I suddenly thought of how you came like a shield even though you are one foot shorter than me." He teased and you looked at him offended.
"Oh, so this is what I get for protecting you." You said sarcastically while faking an hurt expression and he just laughed poking your cheek.
You reached your home and took you bag from his hand before smiling at eachother.
"Will you be okay?" He asked indicating the scene happened a while ago and you nodded assuring him.
He nodded as he knew you can handle the situation on your own. "Okay, then tell me if anything happens."
You nodded. "Be safe and text me when you get home."
He nodded before leaning in to press his lips on your forehead sending chills down your spine and making you close your eyes in the reflex before he pulled away smiling and left.
You bit your lip smiling shyly as your hand went to your forehead before walking inside to see your parents and Aunt Jane with Liam in the living room. You made your way to them and greeted her.
"It's good that everyone is here, I have to tell you something but before that," You looked at Liam who avoided your eyes. "Liam, I know you're my cousin but what you did there was really not good and you have to apologize for it."
"What's happening?" Your dad asked confusingly looking back and forth to you and Liam before he sighed letting you continue.
"And Aunt Jane," You looked at her who was close to burst. "I know, you are trying to make me and Liam together but I'm sorry it's never gonna happen. Because for me, Liam is more like a brother and I have no interest in him and from what I see he feels like that too, so kindly stop forcing things on us. I just wanted to clear this, so there won't be any problems later."
As you expected, Aunt Jane stood up with a glare in her eyes."Oppa, look at how your daughter is disrespecting me. "
You frowned before opening you mouth but your dad spoke."She's just clarifying and I don't see any disrespectful in that."
Disbelief expression plastered on Aunt Jane and she couldn't even speak further so she stormed out of your house dragged Liam with him and you could sense the guilt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry dad, because of me Aunt Jane's gonna be angry at you."
"Don't be sorry, in fact I'm so happy to see my daughter is growing up to be a great girl and knows how to stood up for herself, I'm so proud of you." He smiled patting your head and you hugged as you felt so lucky to have parents like them.
Your mom coughed and your dad groaned as the moment got ruined while you laughed. She asked you to get freshen up as she has ordered pizza and you instantly ran up to your room.
You felt so light as if everything was going on the right track and you checked your phone to see Baekhyun's text which instantly made you smile.
Baekhyun : I'm home. How did it go? Did you sorted it out?"
You: of course! Who am I?
You sent it with a smug emoticon and got a reply.
Baekhyun: I know, my girlfriend.
He sent it with a wink emoticon and you felt yourself blushing at the message before another text popped up.
Baekhyun: You're blushing.
You looked at here and there before slapping your forehead as why would he be here but how can you be so obvious even when he can't see you.
You: I'm not. I'm going to have dinner now bye!
Your cheeks were hurting now because of your constant smile and were on fire because of blushing too much. Getting a boyfriend seemed too surreal and thinking about it, you already felt shy but happy and couldn't wait for the next day to see him.
Here ya go! Hehe~
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa
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bluepallilworld · 4 years
What's a "padishiscuro"?
Nobody asked but I'm gonna answer anyway, get ready for a long post !(≧▽≦)
What's that
Padishiscuro(s) is a specie of pretty adaptable shapeshifters I made up. This name is the one they use for themselves. People who saw them usually use some translation of "shade of the void" in their own language.
2. Why "shade of the void"?
Padishs have no problem to live in the void between the worlds. They usually stay there when they have kids, use it to travel to other worlds (randomly, they can't really predict where they fall), are old enough to prefer the peace of the void, are still too young or if they are soulless (this point will be discuss later).
3. How to recognize a padish?
As they are shapeshifters, it can be difficult to recognize them. It's easier when they are in their true form and even then one padish can look almost nothing like another one.
Most of them have dark skin or dark scales or dark bones or dark fur etc (but every so often a light "skin" appears but that doesn't happen often).
They also have round eyebrows and a tail.
Adults have horns while young kids have not.
Every padish have a family mark that doesn't disappear when they shapeshift. This mark can be pretty much anywhere on their body (except the head, too easy to spot). Every member of a family have the same. A padish would trust a mark more than how someone look to recognize a family member. Mostly because kids and parents can look very different. The family mark is also on the soul so in case the part where they have their mark is damaged, they can still show their soul.
Kids just don't have fingers. They don't have a use for them. Sometimes some adults don't have too but usually, kids grow fingers before being fully adults.
4. How is born a padishiscuro ?
There is 2 ways for a padish to have kids: the padish way or with someone outside of the specie.
The padish way:
A padish can have a kid alone. Without the help of a partner. The only help they need is the void. They need to go in the void for that. They basically took a little piece of the void and infuse it with magic. It's a long process. They gently blow on the piece for months without stopping. They must stay in a really deep part of the void since a disturbance in this process could lead to the death of the unborn kid or some problems. The baby is considered born when their soul is complete and the magic no longer needed. A padish is born completly genderless, the parent gives them a temporary gender that they can keep once old enough or change.
With someone outside of the specie
As I said, padishs are very adaptable. If they want a kid with someone outside of the specie, their body changes just enough to make it possible. They can bear kids or help making them regardless of the specie of the partner. The baby would'nt be a padish or a "half-padish" but could inherit some stuff but not this much. They would be like 90% to 100% of the partner's specie.
5- traditions and education
The parent watched their kid(s) in the void until the 3 years old. A baby isn't really "solid" and appear quite foggy all the time. Do not get a baby out of the void, there is a high chance they'd die.
•tiny kid
Once they're three, the parent choose a random world to get the kid(s) used to stuff outside the void. Like eating. Because you don't need to eat there or sleep. The parent usually never left the kid(s) alone. Kiddos are taugh to instantly shapeshift into their parent when strangers are here. So if you see 2 adults padishs looking exactly the same, one is probably a kid doing what they had been taught. A kid is still foggy when they are in their true form but are solid when they shapeshift or sleep.
Padishs don't stay with their family this long. Once a kiddo reached more or less 10 years old, they leave. They aren't considered adults yet however but "travelers". If they come across another padish, the silent agreement is to protect any travelers if needed until the traveler leaves again. A kid became a traveler when they have their first horns. Really tiny and fuzzy but horns. A traveler is no longer foggy and is stable. They could be a bit foggy again in case of emotional outburst.
Once a kid reached travelerhood, they have the right to change their temporary gender and name for some they like best but they aren't obligated.
• adult
Once a traveler decide to settle down is when they are now an adult. It can be at any age. A padish can be a traveler a good part of their life. It's just a question of feeling. When they think they found a place they like they end the Travel. They can still travel again. But they don't have the protection of being a traveler anymore.
6- powers?
•shapeshifting (or actually more copying than shapeshifting)
Baby: can't really shapeshift yet.
Tiny kids: Can shapeshift into someone close. They must see the target. They copy the apparence and capacities but not the soul. They are usually very clumsy with copied capacities since they don't have the knowledge that go with it. They also have troubles shapeshifting the hands. Not impossible but hard.
(young) Travelers: Once a kid is 10, they have most of their powers. They can shapeshift into someone they saw a few days ago but not someone they saw a week ago for exemple. They don't have troubles with hands anymore but can't hide their family mark.
It is said that some can choose to shapeshift only a part of their body.
Elders: the capacities of an elder are pretty much unknown since they're hard to study
7- What if a kid is lost?
A lost baby is considered dead if somehow lost outside of the void. They shouldn't survive.
A lost kid can happen. Especially while going through the void. If the kid is separated from their parent, it would be hard to find them again. Especially if they ended up in a world. The parent can't just easily track down their kid. So if a kid is lost, they don't search. They trust their kid to be strong enough to survive alone.
8- If the kid is lost young enough, would they follow their specie's tradition and habits?
Not really. They would mostly adapt to how the people around them act. They would still keep some stuff like having full confidence into their kids. Don't talk bad about the kid of a padish. Not even jokingly. They're so proud of them.
They still have a bit of an animal instinct sometimes. Not much. But biting is something they could do even adult.
9- Soulless padishs!??
•if for some reason, not enough magic is given to the unborn, the baby has a risk to be born soulless
Do not go near a soulless padish ! Ever. They're dangerous.
Can be also called "a dropped"
Droppeds are attracted by magic. They want it. They need it.
They are usually stuck in the void. Sometimes the void gets weaker at a point and a dropped uses it to get out.
They are like brainless. They aren't like some other soulless creatures that can be intelligent. They are just... feral. As long as they don't sense magic, they don't even move at all.
They still have the capacities of a normal padish. So shapeshift and copying. They are weak compared to others but they don't react to pain and continue towards their target no matter what. It can be scary.
What's sad is that even if they caugh their target. They can't just take the magic. So they just kill it and continue.
There used to have a big number of dropped in the void but it seems most of them disappeared a while ago for an unknown reason
10- Exemples of padishs !
Little kids (5)
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Traveler (19)
[disabled padishs are rare but exist]
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Elder (so old)
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Thanks for reading <3
Oh and btw, a padish can be humanoid.
A thing I forgot ! Padishs don't dust. They aren't monsters after all. When a padish, it went back to its original form. A piece of the void.
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neijayah · 6 years
Seoul, day 5 - back to school and they left us (again) ㅠㅠ
Thursday was regular school again. The announced Typhoon 'Kong-Rey' (태풍 '콩레이'), which I heard about first time around Tuesday or Wednesday, sent us rain showers. Regular ones, if I have to compare that to rain showers in Germany. Though, for the southern part of the country they had predicted more than 200 millimeters of rain. Busan had heavy storms at their costal lines. But nonetheless people wandering around in kind of flip-flops....with and without socks, though pavements were wet and with a lot of puddles, they actually walked through. Strange Koreans. The good thing though, you don't have to stay out in the open most of your time. When using the subway, you spend all your time in the underground anyway. Only for getting from the station to your school/working place will be wet. And this also on a minimal basis, as I already said, subway stations have several exits. And the one I'm using takes up about 10 Minutes to get from the entrance to the train itself. You don't even have to leave the station/underground as a lot of them have malls for shopping like clothes, food, accessories, mobile phones and what not. And you can also use them to stay dry. Sometimes you have to use them, to get over big street crossings the fastest.
Unfortunately, mine is set out with a tile floor. The wet weather and the water that is brought in with the shoes and umbrellas makes the entrances/exit areas quite slippery. So watch out.
So after having October 3rd off (National Foundation Day, something similar to the Germany holiday, even on the same date), school was calling again. First class was working online with a provided iPad. Pretty cool actually. I will remember that for my teacher. Maybe we can get excess to that tool, as well. Afterwards communicating lessons in a lounge like class room, than having a break for an hour. So I looked around if one of these small shops like CS, GS25, 7-Eleven have to offer face masks. My throat was still itchy and my Korean teacher from home told me to gurgling with mouthwash, or keep a face mask on, all the time, when you're out in the open. And I actually found some in the one next door. Though I hoped, the rain will wash that stuff away. I was going around with face masks on a daily basis at work already. Didn't need to feel like I was at work here in Korea.
Back to school, with a lesson on listening comprehension and a lecture about the alphabet. Totally not necessary for me, but nice to now the letters names. We also made a small riddle. We had a list of words (short and long) and someone had to name the consonants of each syllable and we had to search for that word. Kinda fun. After that, again at least 1 hour of waiting time, as we had an evening excursion. I took the time to wander around and find that Isaac toast shop, so I could find a way to easily get there. Unfortunately, I wasn't hungry. Otherwise, I would have brought on. They fill you up so bad, that you have to be careful.
The way things are organized here, impresses me really much and other countries could learn from that. Every excursion is announced on the EF app. So you know, where and when things will happen, what it costs and if the event is full or some places are still open. If there are still places open, you can join the event via this app. So they actually know, who will join the excursion/event. Pretty cool. Unfortunately, an event I would have liked to join was a concert on next Tuesday. A K-Pop concert somewhere south of Seoul "World Friends Music Festival". It's for free, you will just have to pay for the transit. And know I see, 3 places are open again. ㅠㅠ The last time I looked up, everything was full. So I didn't mind that the sister of my Korean teacher had to cancel the Wednesday meeting and postponed it to Tuesday. Well, just my luck that I won't be able to join that either. The line up will be iKon, ASTRO ❤️, Momoland and a few more. Really would've liked to see Astro live.
So back to the excursion. Our guide, the lady from the front desk, told us that she'd been out from home for over 12 hours already. Poor thing had to fight not to fall asleep on us while the ride. We talked a bit while the commute. She was also the one doing the Gangnam Street Tour with us on the first day. She told us, that she was still living at home, like most women in their 20s do, just because they cannot afford living on their own.
We went via metro, what else and left at City Hall. This way you just have to walk like 100 meters to reach Deoksugung Place (덕수궁 약사). It was a night tour, which is something you should for every historical building in the city. It looks so stunning and pictures come out even more beautiful, than in daylight. The entrance fee is 1000 Won, approx. $ 1 or less than € 1.
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Some strange music was coming from somewhere, we didn't know yet. But the atmosphere at that small place was just awesome. You didn't know, where to take pictures first. You just wanted to take pictures of these buildings from all angles. And the best part was actually the contrast to the modern buildings behind that area.
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Then we found something that seemed like a fountain, without water. The light, that shone on it changed the color and gave it a different atmosphere each time. Though we (2 girls and I) were there just like 5 minutes, our group was gone. And we couldn't find them anymore.
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We searched the whole area, which isn't really big. But no one was there anymore. I tried to reach out for them via KakaoTalk, but hadn't received any answers. But the internet access in that area, even with Wifi egg, was pretty bad. We left the park and waited at the entrance of the palace and watched the performance going on over the street. A huge tower crane had like 20 people hanging on a rope. First we thought they were mannequins, but it turned out to be real people moving in a certain choreography. And suddenly, right behind them fireworks started. A nice surprise. Due to that, I couldn't hear our guide calling us, via KakaoTalk. But she picked us up a few minutes later. They all were obviously at that Street Art Festival for a while.
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After that we continued our tour to get to Gwanghwamun (광화문) via the restorated Cheong Gye Cheon (청계천). The Cheong Gye Cheon used to be a small stream running stream until 1958.
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Till 1976 they built a massive highway complex on it, until 2003 the former mayor decided to remove the highway and restore the stream.
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You can actually walk for miles, but as it was pretty late already and some of us have a long ride to their guest families ahead, we decided to shorten it and leave the trail at the next possible exit.
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She showed us, where to find what metro line, so we all went our ways. One other student joined me on the way home. The only disadvantage of taking line 2 is, that it takes like ages to get to Gangnam station. Line 3 would have been faster, but than you have to change lines, which includes taking a lot of steps.....meh. 😑
We both went into the 'Paris Baguette' store, it's something between store and fast food restaurant....don't ask me how to name it better. I got myself ice creme, as it has gotten so warm again throughout the evening. Though, Koreans are on the extreme sweet side on food and drinks, this was pretty good. Not too sweet and not too extreme in taste, like Germans probably like it. This local is really good, when you want something from your known food list. Especially, when like some students, you're here for half or a full year.
I went to bed like 2 o'clock, which wasn't so bad, as next days' classes would start half past 1 pm. So I could catch up on sleep.
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