continued from here / @lightning-etc-lord
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ren looked around curiously. this had at one point been his home, he assumed. he could only remember bits and pieces and even those were hazy to some degree. yet not all that much had changed. the general sure lived comfortably though. such a big spacious and aesthetically pleasing room... hmm, ren couldn't help a small grin. he had expected nothing less for jingyuan. it was only because of him that the script worked out so flawlessly last time. he was a gentle spirit, wasn't he? freeing the reincarnation of dan feng and even letting blade rush through their fingers like sand. he couldn't know why, but nonetheless did he feel grateful to a small degree.
"you're inviting me?" he leaned forward, one leg swung over the other idly. "but you don't even know what for? did you just send it thinking i would shrug it off? that's certainly bold, general." slightly amusing, he didn't think ren would come over... but it wasn't like the brooding swordsman was awfully busy. these days he had quite a bit of time to waste and he'd rather not spend it buying the ladies their hygiene products again.
"destiny's slave sounds almost sexy." he chuckled lowly but was surprised to find the general so close, practically locking him between himself and the table. he didn't really mind. he was not a stranger to pure attraction. he supposed that, too, might be a former sensation that belonged to yingxing.
"tea sounds splendid though, general." almost playfully he rubbed his leg against the other's thigh but soon let it fall back and looked over to the starchess board. "i fear, i would be a very mediocre opponent for you. i wouldn't want to bore you."
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tragedicn · 1 month
@lightning-etc-lord  /  sc.
            ❝  finally deigned me a visit  ??  ❞  dan feng jokes softly  ,  lifting the steaming cup of tea to their lips  ,  blowing a soft breath across the top to cool the surface before taking a cautious sip  .  ❝  ugh . . . hot  ,  ❞  he huffs  ,  sticking out his tongue as if it'd cool the scalded appendage  .  setting down his own cup  ,  he reaches to pour the other a cup and gently pushes it towards the seat across from him  ,  ❝  well  ??  are you going to keep staring or are you going to join me  ??  ❞  dan feng asks  .
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xvnzhao · 30 days
@lightning-etc-lord  /  sc.
            ❝  are you not curious at all to what i dreamt about in penacony  ??  ❞  stelle asks with a tilt of her head  ,  ❝  you didn't seem at all concerned when i said i dreamt about you while i was there  ,  ❞  she hums  ,  wondering if the general would take the bait  .  there was nothing special about the dream . . . if anything  ,  it was more like a normal VISIT from jing yuan and then he was gone  .  but she wonders if he'd bite the bait . . .
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captivemuses · 3 days
He shows up in the Astral Express, holding a blue envelope decorated with a golden dragon. He's planning on just leaving it atop some table... he doesn't want to bother Dan Heng. Inside, there's an invite to see the peach trees in full bloom, a festival in the Luofu.
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The invitation from Jing Yuan for all the members of the Express to come back to the Luofu and join them for the Wardance festival had already been received and accepted and the younger trio were bound there in two days time after packing and ensuring everything on the Express itself was ready to be left while he, March, and the Trailblazer were down on the Luofu and Welt and Himeko were off with their own research stop for the Herta Space Station.
Jing Yuan's plan to leave the additional invitation in the Parlor Car unnoticed had gone off successfully, and it was Dan Heng who came in by himself after going back through just a few more Archive records to ensure he had as much of the databank updated before he was gone for a few weeks.
The dragon alone had been enough of an indicator that the contents of the envelope were meant for him. Even with the other Express members being aware of his being a Vidyadhara, none of them had a connection to dragons in any way like he did. So opening the letter and seeing the words meant for his eyes scrawled out, as soon as Dan Heng was done reading his phone was being pulled out of his pocket so a response text message could be sent that would at least get there before he did so Jing Yuan knew that the invitation had been received.
text: [ I'm happy to accept this additional invitation. Getting to see something else from home that I've yet to see will be a nice way to spend some of the time down there. ] @noctether
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continued from here / @lightning-etc-lord
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yingxing watched jingyuan with his weapon. he was good to leave this behind, and the fact that all borisins may be brought to their deaths with his own creations. he was satisfied with the knowledge he'd partake in the wars even long after he ceased to exist, but a part of warm arms reminded him that the time was not yet upon him. "i hope you don't, you fierce little lion. keep it close to you." little was a joke, jingyuan was almost a giant, but he was much like a lion. just as fierce and fast, but also as majestic with golden bright hues. jingyuan was indeed a very beautiful man, manly, grown up.
he was surprised for jingyuan to hide his face against his neck, but wrapped his arms around him nonetheless. if he wanted to indulge in this affection, then yingxing was more than happy to give it back to him. he was no stranger to wanting to feel a steady bond, to have a companion, maybe even a lover. someone to hold onto at night, to brush his hair, to whisper sweet nothings, to snuggle up to in cold nights, to kiss... and to love, without any sort of restrain. to let carnal greed reign.
"just as much as you are my treasure, jingyuan." he reached up to pat the man's unruly mane, soft flocks of white hair. "wield it well, defeat all your enemies and return to me. to us."
oh, right, he shouldn't let that greed and need show. he'd only make this pure radiant man unhappy.
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tragedicn · 12 days
[ SHAVE ]: Dan Heng sits in Jing Yuan's lap so he can carefully shave the last of Jing Yuan's stubble from his face.
            their breathes mingle with on another  ,  silence encompases the both of them and the only sound was clothes rustling  .  dan heng had a finger hooked beneath jing yuan's chin  ,  tipping the other's head back just a bit as he gently worked the blade over the male's skin  ,  scraping away hair and cream from the general's skin  .  an intimate and quiet moment as their bodies pressed close  ,  jing yuan baring his neck to dan heng and allowing the dragon to hold a blade to his skin  .  handing over complete control to dan heng  ,  jing yuan's eyes are shut and his hands loose on the vidyadhara's waist to help steady dan heng  .
            with utmost focus  ,  dan heng doesn't want to accidentally nick jing yuan and had shushed the general early on when the man tried to speak . . . to a point where jing yuan finally conceded and gave up trying to conversate  .  dan heng carefully manipulates jing yuan's head  ,  making sure he has gotten all the spots  before shifting to lean back and properly sit upon the general's lap  ,  having been hovering over jing yuan's lap the entire time . . . relief comes as a soft sigh  ,  his thighs will surely ache later from the exertion  ,  the shaving blade is abandoned to the small table next to them as dan heng reaches further to grab a towel and his balance shfits  .
            a soft gasp as he nearly falls off  ,  if not for jing yuan's quick reflex to draw him back  ,  tugging the archivist back against his chest  .  pressed closely now  ,  dan heng looks down upon jing yuan's golden eyes and flushes at how close they are  .  he spent the entire time trying to maintain a respectable distance  ,  but now that they're so close  ,  he can't help but to be conscious of this . . . a towel in his hand  ,  he coughs softly  ,  ❝  i need . . . to wipe your face  ,  ❞  he averts his gaze  ,  quickly smothering jing yuan's face with the moist towel  .
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continued from here / @lightning-etc-lord
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"you've pounded into me like a wild lion." jingyuan was truly happy that the man stayed over. it was obvious by how he kissed him, how much he buried himself into the swordsman over and over again, until very late night before they fell asleep next to each other and when he heard the man's voice, ren didn't even bother opening his eyes. it was way too early, even if his back still hurt a little, which totally did not mean that he didn't highly enjoy all that they had done. it was more than lovely. jingyuan made him feel like there was something good to this life of eternity. it gave him meaning again. he could even connect a lot more with his hunter companions.
had he even slept? he wasn't sure, but jingyuan was full of energy. oh well. he did ask to brush his hair once, that much he could not deny. sitting up slowly, he accepted the brush and gently led it through that unruly mane of the general. he was all too much like a lion, but he did give it his best to not hurt jingyuan and to make his hair look good and to also tie it up like he usually did, but it was difficult to do on another person, so it looked quite a bit clumsy. "now... can we get back to bed."
he dropped back down. "or... what are your plans for today, big lion?"
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