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anglerflsh · 10 months ago
actually it's deeply ironic to me that me and my sister have always been opposites, both in appearance and personality, and every time I ask her opinion on something with a dual answer she always says the opposite of what I think. It started with assigning me the light and her the dark in a playground magic system and it ended on her sulking away from me when I try to talk to her about the enlightenment because she likes romanticism better. There's like not a thing we have in common it's eerily storybook-sibling-like
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joelletwo · 2 days ago
fjhbdfgjhbdfg now why the fuck is she thinking about natori.
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5-pp-man · 1 year ago
If the multiple timelines theory really is true. Then uhhh.
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while I was looking for gabriels in the intro, I noticed this redheaded person w dark clothing and lighthaired person w light clothing that appear to kiss in the theatre:
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i'm making this about the 1941 kiss theory
edit oct 7: a few kind people have mentioned that they remember a post from the official good omens account (possibly on twitter) that said the two people kissing are War & Pollution, and the shadow beside them is Famine. (If you have the link please send it this way! I have done a fair bit of searching but with no luck and it's haunting me bc it must be real but i can't find it)
@0owhatsamsays also pointed out that in the X-Ray bonus video "Title Sequence Easter Eggs" Peter Anderson says there are specific characters from season 1 in the highlighted boxes, and as you can see, the kissing booth (top level, far right) is one with a little trail of stars coming off of it.
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lilith-kruger · 4 months ago
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As she was led away, King Aegon summoned his young cupbearer, Gaemon Lighthair; He had the honor of making the announcement. "His “Your Highness will marry Lady Daenaera of House Velaryon!” he shouted. Gaemon happily.
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dootznbootz · 7 months ago
Hi!! I love your blog and I’m enjoying your Odypen headcanons and theories very much! I recently started reading the Iliad so I’m new to all this and I just want to know your opinion on smth. In song 1, lines 135-140 Agamemnon mentions the bride prizes of several Achaean leaders, including Odysseus. Obviously nothing else is mentioned, no name, just that he has one, too. What’s your take on that? Any headcanons? I honestly hate the whole cheating discourse around him and I don’t want to add more fuel to the fire because in the Odyssey he was clearly a victim!! I would just love to know what you think about this particular thing in the Iliad. Considering the historical and cultural context, having a bride prize was normal in war (albeit awful from our modern standpoint). But Odysseus is a very interesting and complicated character so this could go in many different ways with him, and in any case it doesn’t really change my opinion on his love for Penelope. Thank you! :)
Thank you so much!!! That's so kind! And I'm so happy you're reading the Iliad! I hope you enjoy it! I'm so happy you're enjoying my silly and I DO have many thoughts about it! :D
And very good that either way, it doesn't change your opinion on his love for Penelope. My opinion/interpretation regardless of those lines, that should ALWAYS be the interpretation that people have of Odysseus.
So idk if you've seen my Aspec OdyPen silliness yet and/or my "Odysseus is a half-eunich from the boar". BUT those are my headcanons. (which I can delve into further later)
but I'll go over the canon evidence now. :P
(disclaimer: Slavery is a fucked up thing regardless of the circumstances. this is in no way excusing any of it)
So IDK which translation you're reading, but as someone who's read multiple versions...Some just say "Prize", and with the "it" and "something". I...didn't really see it as a woman and/or specifically a concubine.
Let Achaeans give me another prize, equal in value, something I’ll enjoy. If not, then I’ll take a prize myself by force,                                   something from you or Ajax or Odysseus.
(Book 1, Johnston)
Let the Achaeans find me a prize in fair exchange to my liking, or I will come and take your own, or that of Ajax or of Ulysses; and he to whomsoever I may come shall rue my coming.
(Book 1, Butler)
But if they do not give me such a gift, then I will seize your own prize or Ajax’s or Odysseus’ and carry it away, angering whomever I visit.
(Book 1, Heumann)
So to ME, (I do not know what the actual words said mean) I take "Prize" of "something of equal value" and/or just a slave.
As yeah...My Odysseus is aspec (basically Pen-romantic/Pen-sexual), I kind of plan to WRITE it personally as a bit of a thing with "Grab one of Odysseus' slaves, he doesn't use them as concubines."
And with Odysseus being the one to transport Chryseis, I have it where it's a bit of "I'll go bring her to her father. Take any slave you wish from my tent if you must. I don't care."
Agamemnon dragged a swift ship down the shore, chose twenty sailors, loaded on the oxen, offerings for the god, and led on fair-cheeked Chryseis.          Shrewd Odysseus shipped on as leader. All aboard, they set off, carving a pathway through the sea.
(Book 1, Johnston)
(Also with Ajax and his girlfriend/bride prize, I think this kind of made him extremely worried. My Odysseus and Ajax have "special beef" even BEFORE the war but they are fine about it by the war. Odysseus not only doesn't have a concubine or slave woman he's attached to but he also was helping a bro out in a way lol.)
And Odysseus is a king and a piece of shit. It's horrible but it feels in character for my lil asshole to basically use pretty slaves in trading. "Hey, you like lighthaired girls, yeah? Well, you have that really pretty silver-studded sword...I want it. Would you like to exchange?"
I want to make it clear that I'm not writing like this or interpreting this in the way of "UwU Odysseus is too of a good boy for that." as that feels icky to try and "make everyone else shitty to make him 'better'". It's literally because Odysseus is just simply LIKE this. He has basically no libido/sex drive if Penelope isn't around. (I'm keeping this as safe for wormlings as I can so I'll leave it at that.)
An old wip post explains it more but I'll also put the wip itself here to kind of explain lol
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My Odysseus is a "pretty boy" as he is in canon as well, and he hates when people make moves on him.
BUT these are just MY headcanons and/or what I plan to write, while I just don't really vibe with Odysseus being with folks willingly other than Penelope I have big gay for her. I live vicariously through Odysseus. I love her so much I can't stop others and other people COULD find evidence of Odysseus being with others if they truly wanted.
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daresayhber · 1 year ago
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If I had a nickel for every lighthaired blue demon that I [REDACTED] I would have two ni
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“Triage” (One scene) — Shidou’s wife, Shidou’s lighthaired child, Shidou’s dark haired child.
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roryvalart · 1 year ago
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Day 43
Pretty lighthaired 500+yo male with trauma, jester/fool theme and pretty eyes who's willing to step to hell and back for the person they care about
I have a type
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coldbycrossfade · 1 year ago
unironically if you like astarion
zevran is like....1.0
primordial elf
lighthaired elves with (jamie lee curtis voice)Trauma my beloveds
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girlcockmartyn · 1 year ago
im very against blond men morally but im ngl scott continues to have peak lighthaired men skins
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clara-kay · 1 year ago
I'm not sure if this has been done before but...
Lighthaired Darling and Darkhaired Menace.
You get me?
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joelletwo · 1 year ago
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[called shot] hakozaki? and the second one is "takuma when he was young" 🥺
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acerathia · 2 years ago
May I send a 👑 👉🏻👈🏻
djfskjdfjsd, of course!! hello pluvi!!
you're a proficient healer! you own a little hut in the woods where you love to work and treat whoever stumbles across your humble place. you're aware how the people of the neighboring villages call you, a witch they say, but they never act, almost too reliant on your services as doctors may be too expensive for them. so you all live in some strained harmony.
that's what you thought at least, trying to strain against the jute bag over your head and the rope on your wrists. your whole body is shaking, so you much be on a carriage. you wonder who would have the audacity to kidnap you, and for a moment you're afraid, afraid of what's to come. but at the same time you're so sure about your abilities to survive and adapt. so you yield, if only momentarily, waiting for these people to show a moment of weakness.
to your misfortune, they dont, even for a minute. there's always someone putting their hand on your shoulder, guiding you, caging you, showing you who has the power. yet they dont hurt you, no, they almost care for you, in a weird way. but that only made you tense, more than you already were.
some days go by, nothing happens, you only feel the road under the carriage. that is until it stops, and it cant be a rest, you just stopped a couple of hours ago. no, this time they're leading you somewhere, somewhere where the sun doesnt shine, where the wind doesnt blow. and you shudder at their loss.
you jerk violently when they finally remove the bag, the lights blinding you, overwhelming you despite it's dimness. after a couple of blinks, long stretched seconds you're finally able to see a masked figure sitting on a throne, and sitting on a smaller one is a lighthaired man, and your gaze catches on him, compelled for some reason unknown to you. until the masked man speaks, his voice choking you, and you remember something faintly: the one who conqueres all, and his heir.
this king offers, no, he demands in disguise, that you help his heir with whatever malady which seems to have befallen him. you have no choice but to comply, your life rather dear to you. still, your eyes run to the heir, wandering over his pale complexion, the apparent scratch marks, which you are now responsible for, and the red, deep red, clinging to your skin. and you feel the need to touch his skin, to know how his feels against yours. but you dont step closer, dont even dare to look at him for a prolonged time. you only bow. and you leave, feeling his eyes in the depth of your soul.
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astroismypassion · 1 year ago
Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful day/night. What does it mean if my Juno and groom asteroid are both in libra in the 7th house
You search for an attractive partner. You might have a preference for lighthaired people. You also enjoy eating in restaurants and spending time with them in a beautiful surroundings, atmosphere.
You need a partner that is on the same level as you, education wise, emotionally, spirituality and financially. You also want a partner who is creative and gives special attention only to you and doesn't treat you like they treat the rest of people. You also enjoy being in a partnership and you could see marriage as an end goal to dating, romantic partnership.
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onlyjaeyun · 2 years ago
btw everyone in poison (my brother's best friend!heeseung smau) is going to have silver/grey/lighthair just bc i literally love the hyung line with these particular hair colours
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