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fightforbetter-a · 3 years ago
@lightcarries said "Your turn: What was the best sex you ever had?" // honesty meme accepting 
She rolls her eyes because they both know the answer to this, kinda.     ❝Well, I think we can both testify that Klaus’ not bad in the sack, alright. But his brother can definitely rival him, let me tell you. There’s as much wildness behind Elijah’s pristine suits as there is in Klaus. And ... I actually felt something for Elijah, when that happened, whereas Klaus was — well, to say we didn’t care about each other would be an understatement. It was fun, definitely fun, but.” She shrugs, nonchalant. “That’s all it was. There was no emotion behind it. Except lust. So ... Elijah, probably. Please tell Klaus I said that, it’d wound his ego so much.”
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in-my-soul-arch · 3 years ago
"it's fine to be jealous, rebekah," says the blonde vampire with the smuggest smile on her lightly freckled face. "just because you were born before the invention of fire, doesn't mean you have a WAP." ( delete me shinx )
"Wap? I don't have a clue what you're talking about, love, and I think that might be for the best...And the day I am jealous of someone who is so obviously desperate for male attention no matter in which inappropriate manner she might find it, will be the day the sky turns to blood and daytime is a thing of the past."
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bonuvatore · 3 years ago
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Stefan sidles up to Caroline, leaning in conspiratorially. ” You know, texts are more efficient when they’ve actually got more WORDS in them than EXCLAMATIONS and EMOJIS. ” Dark eyebrows raised, smiling despite himself. “ So, what’s so big it’s got you sparkle spamming Care ? ”
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starter for @lightcarries​
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cursedbcrn · 3 years ago
@lightcarries​​ // continued from xx
arms are crossed and her stance is immovable . this is the same little girl with red hair and light freckles that entered the school shyly , with blue eyes sadder than any seven year old's ought to be . the smile caroline had then was warm , genuine , comforting and welcoming as she helped hayley and the girl make hope's transition smoother . caroline remembers how hayley fretted and how former rivals bonded out of motherhood--maybe the twins aren't her biological children , but she is their mother and that doesn't diminish the love and instinct she has to protect them--and worry for their girls in a world that would eat them for breakfast . and , oh , did the world eat hope mikaelson .
the blank and careless stare that reminds caroline of her own stint without her humanity tells her so . behind callousness and cruelty and claiming that it is better being heartless , caroline knows better . caroline knows it isn't . it's just running away . but she had a choice ; from what she's heard from the others , hope did not .
" i wish i could tell you that i don't . " caroline shrugs . a distance is between the two , and she stands ever so proud and doing her best to appear stoic when there's a part of her heart breaking . she loved klaus . she grew to love hayley as a friend . and hope , oh , she is the very best of both of them just like her girls are the very best of her . " i turned mine off when my mom died . couldn't handle the burden . didn't want to . lost my parents--even if i kinda lost my dad when he left--, " a shrug as she moves cautiously forward to hope , but not so much there's still not a wide berth between the two . " --so there's that . and everyone else got to run away from grief and pain so , you know , i thought--why the hell not ? "
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" and the bodies that followed ? i still keep the crime photos near me . as a reminder . " she finishes . she hasn't even told lizzie and josie she turned off her humanity . certainly none of the other students know . still , she thinks hope ought to know . " because evading your grief doesn't make it go away . it sucks , it really does , but once it all comes back--that sucks the most . "
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           Of course Caroline Forbes would have also gone through this before. Her entire life has been spent trying to avoid Caroline as much as she could, considering the woman was the Headmistress of her school. There was too much awkwardness, too much buried pain from knowing how close her father and Caroline had once been, regardless of whether or not they still were. It was a relationship that Hope had desperately wanted as a child, and she remembers being distinctly jealous of not only the twins, for having a seemingly semi-stable childhood, but also of Caroline, for knowing Klaus better than Hope had. 
That jealousy now fades into an almost indiscernible buzz at the back of her mind, hardly caring at all that this woman had gotten to know her father before he died. What does it matter anymore? He’s dead. And with that, Hope shuts away the last fleeting thought about it away into the deep recesses of her mind. 
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“The difference,” she interrupts Caroline’s monologue with a bored drawl. “Is that I’m a Mikaelson. You think any of my family keeps crime scene photos around to do anything other than reminisce about interesting kills,” she scoffs derisively. “Anyways, every horrible thing they ever did was without flipping the switch,” she points out with a nonchalant grin. “Aren’t you a tiny bit afraid of what I’m capable of without it?”
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dhampirslays · 3 years ago
" you kinda scare me , so here's my credit card , and buy yourself some milkshakes . anything you want . please don't hurt me . "
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ❛ Wait, really ? SWEET, now I can buy that leather jacket and strawberry summer dress that I saw in a store nearby ! Thanks again, you're by far the best shags my dad has ever had ! ❜ She didn't even mean for the conversation to take this turn; she had just approached the blonde to ask where the bathroom was. But hey, she wouldn't protest against the gift of a credit card.
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bonus scene:
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tofeelthecold · 3 years ago
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‘so you had a bad day’ prompts || accepting
@lightcarries​ said: “ you look like you could use a hug. ” 
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“You can say that again,” Tyler sighed as he wrapped his arms around himself. He wasn’t taking any chances, not when today had been crap and he was still dealing with it. “You don’t have to stay you know”
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fightforbetter · 3 years ago
extremely serious hc question about your muse's development: can hayley twerk?
Of course she can. This girl basically grew up dancing on tables in bars. You don't think she has moves?
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highbreed · 3 years ago
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CAROLINE ( @lightcarries​ ) asked: “I’m here for the drama.”
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“ You’re in LUCK then. The family’s all here and the drinking has really started to get going. Any moment now someone’s going to start something. Probably Kol. or well, ME. —Or someone will yell AT me. That one’s generally a reliable feature of all family gatherings. ”
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daeggeredarch · 3 years ago
🍁 + hey, davina: can you watch the twins? i'll pay you and even give you more blackmail to use against klaus.
Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse! ( accepting ! )
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" you sold me on blackmail and against klaus . "
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oblitcm · 3 years ago
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@lightcarries​ moved from here | Lily & Caroline. 
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                             She loves her mother, really, she does, but at times like this, she gets frustrated with her. It was always Lizzie this, Josie that and she understood, since finding out about the merge, her mothers absence made more sense, she was trying to find a way to save her children. Caroline would go to the ends of the earth for her daughters, all three of them, and she spoke to her on the phone most days, video called her at-least once a week, but sometimes it felt like she had lost both parents, not just her father. 
          She glances down at her mothers hand squeezing her own, listens to her words, really tries to listen, really, honest! She takes a deep breath, she counts to ten, but the frustration is still there and she pulls her hand away in a huff. 
          “ I don’t need your therapy BULLSHIT. “ she announces in a frustrated tone.  “ She provoked me! She always provokes me and you always take her side! That’s not unreasonable. “ Lily loves her sister too, but her and Lizzie have always clashed and clashed hard. 
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fightforbetter-a · 3 years ago
@lightcarries​ asked  "Do you...do you hate me?" // honesty meme
❝ What? No!” She scrunches up her face, brows drawn. ❝ Why would I hate you? I mean, you’re definitely annoying, ❞ she adds, unable to help herself, because it is so true, ❝ especially when you and Klaus are acting all ... loved up, ‘cause it’s hardly the thing I wanna see when I’m making breakfast in the morning, is it? And you two are just so ... annoying together.” There is no other way to explain it. ❝ And don’t get me started on how irritating it is to have another control freak in the house. No wonder the two of you get along so well. But I don’t hate you. Caroline, there’s no reason for me to hate you. ❞   Long pause.   ❝ Now, if you ever tried to get between me and Hope, or — me and Hope and Klaus, whatever ... well, my answer’d be different.”
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in-my-soul-arch · 3 years ago
💋 i would say all your muses but like i saw what you did with chrissie's tag so you know what REBEKAH she is gonna kiss REBEKAH
@lightcarries | sinday kisses
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Where Rebekah wouldn't hesitate in inviting a female third party into the bed she shared with her male conquest, she had never truly entertained the thought of being with another woman. And especially not Caroline. Her brother had made his intentions and affections for the girl abundantly clear, and thwarting Nik where the remainder of his heart was concerned might not be the wisest of decisions. And yet...
Feeling the soft lips upon hers, kiss gentle and exploring, Rebekah couldn't help but fall deeper into the warmth it stirred within. With her sapphire orbs closed, she could feel every touch of breath, every pause and hesitation-- and it was glorious. Her heart sped up its pace tenfold as one hand lifted to cup the other's cheek.
Another surprise. Where Rebekah was used to the soft, early stubble of a recently shaven chin or the actual rugged scraping of a beard against her skin, there was nothing but soft smoothness now. It invited her to touch Caroline more.
The other hand joining to hold the other woman's face and gently caress the skin with her thumbs alone, she parted her lips further, tongue sneaking out past the barrier of her own lips to explore the other's hidden treasures within the heat of her mouth.
A soft moan escaped the Original and she allowed those hands to fall from perfectly sculpted features to pull the other vampire closer by the waist. Rebekah could kiss her like this forever. Who knew it could be like this?
And if she allowed herself to fall for the other blonde, there was one thing she knew for certain. Despite her own risk at being tortured or daggered, Nik would not end the life of this lover. He cared too much for Caroline to do so.
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pugionemarchive · 3 years ago
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@lightcarries​ ; “ don’t  beat  yourself  up  over  this . be  kind  to  yourself , it’s  not  your  fault .   ” davina idk
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                she  couldn’t  help  it .  it  was  her  fault  that  it  happened .  her  fault  that  she  was  shunned . it  wasn’t  like  the  ancestors  really  liked  her  before  and  certainly  not  now  after  she  used  hayley  for  her  revenge .  davina  looked  at  the  blonde  vampire ,  tears  trailing  down  her  cheeks .  “  yes  it  is .   “  the  witched  replied .  “  and  now  because  of  it ,  i’m  cut  off .  completely  from  them .  i  was  just  getting  to  a  place  that  would  have  actually  gotten  them  to  like  me .  to  accept  me .  “ 
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doppelaed · 3 years ago
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CAROLINE ( @lightcarries​ ) asked: “hey, wait up. did you sleep together?” CARE NO
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Her brain literally shatters at the question. iit’s just dial up noises. Elena.exe Has Stopped working. She recovers enough to start aggressively grabbing her things and make her escape. “ I—uh have to GO — I — CLASS—”
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dhampirslays · 3 years ago
8. how is her relationship with her mother?9. how is her relationship with her father?
8. How is her relationship with her mother ?
Non-existent. Buffy was never actually present in Jo's life save for the few months of mandatory supervision solely because her existence had to be kept a secret and she couldn't trust anyone with it. After the Scoobies found out and Jo was in a safe environment under Xander and Dawn's family and Spike's supervision, Buffy left to re-join the army of slayers, save the world from unspeakable evils and all that jazz. As such, Jo never got the chance to spend time with Buffy or get to know her aside from the rumors surrounding her and whatever mentions of her were on the slayer textbooks as the OG slayer. She doesn't know how to act around Buffy and so, treating her as her boss ( which practically fits the hierocracy ) is easier for her. That doesn't mean there isn't baggage attached to their relationship though. For the most part, Jo, like any other child that was left behind, thinks that the real reason Buffy left ( aside from the slayer recruiting ) is that, in her eyes, she was the aftermath of an impulsive decision she had made and can no longer face. If her history with Spike is any indicator, Buffy has a 'fly or fight' mode when it comes to certain feelings and people ― and provided she was never actually afraid of fighting for what she wants, it makes it all the more disappointing to Jo that she did not once try to really communicate with her. She understands that the world needs her, but secretly, she hoped that she'd mean more to Buffy in a way that she'd put her above the world. Cause, honestly, isn't that what a mother's job is ?
9. How is her relationship with her father ?
Honestly ? It couldn't be better. Jo learned to love and respect Spike since before it was revealed that he was her father because, really, him staying when her own mother chose to pack her bags and leave, especially when the kid you're choosing to put your life on a pause for isn't yours. . . it takes balls to do. Spike was there when she learned how to walk, how to talk, when she lost her first tooth, and at the first overwhelming days when the slayer powers kicked in. Up till when the council came to pick Jo up to train her like the rest of the slayer youth, Spike hadn't left her side ― heck, he even taught himself to operate a phone just so he could check on her from time to time. To her, Spike deserves a super parent award or a Nobel prize. Quite frankly, Jo was aware from a young age that Spike wasn't her father ( mostly cause biology, hello, dead people can't have kids ??? ) but that didn't stop her from calling him 'dad' cause he had earned it. So, did their relationship change when Buffy revealed that Spike was indeed, her biological father ? No. If anything, Jo was relieved that it was him and not a deadbeat asshole who didn't want to take responsibility for his action. However, that drove a wedge between her and Buffy because regardless that she did have him around, she was deprived of actually having an active parent around.
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malavatore · 3 years ago
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CAROLINE ( @lightcarries​ ) asked: “ i think. so that you don’t have to.”
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He considers pelting her in the head with his glass but opts against it— she’ll just whoosh out of the way and he’ll be out of scotch. “ Aren’t you the nice one Bubbles ? Or at least the too busy being neurotic to be a PAIN IN MY ASS one ? I can do this all on my own. I don’t need you hovering and making judgy eyes at me. ”
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