#light speed shoes sonic adventure
rayactive-factory · 13 hours
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sweetredbeans · 3 months
i still fall for you (like suns do for skies)
My piece for @sthbigbang! It was delightful to work with such talented artists as @encodedkismet, @spiritofrainbursts and @superemeralds! Links to their gorgeous art pieces are at the end of the story! (Yes I will be finishing updating everyone's links as stuff gets posted!)
Comet: definition: a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.
Star: definition: a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.
He should have known. Dammit, he should have known, from that very first moment, that very first instant in time that he saw him, how it would end.
The way it always had to, the way it always would.
It would end the same way that it began.
I push my feet
To the edge
I look and I face my world
This lonely scene, I take it in
It's hard to say where all of it begins
And I end
Sonic was a comet. A block of ice hurtling through mostly empty space, originating from somewhere beyond the reaches of imagination and flying at unimaginable speeds towards nothing, forever.
That was how it had always been.
True, he would admit that from time to time he had some satellites–Tails, the golden fox twisting and turning like a spark across his endless skies, a shooting star that couldn’t possibly exist in the depths of space and yet he did–unique and impossible. Amy, a burst of violet and rose on the distant horizon, the creation of a new galaxy that called to him, promising a life, a future of stability and tranquility that his chaotic flight would never be able to enjoy. Knuckles, a strong, steadfast planet wandering his own universe and finding his own way in the distant parallel.
None of them could ever keep up. None of them could fully thaw his frozen heart, melt him to his icy core, race him to the edge of the universe in perfect stride, step for step, beat for beat. He was the Blue Blur, the Cerulean Phantom, running solo, free and alone, forever and ever, his only true companions the feeling of the earth beneath the soles of his feet, and the glitter of stars in the endless expanse over his head. He was part of the world, and the world was part of him, and everyone else was just a blip, a splash of color whipping by at speeds that no one else could even comprehend.
In his own orbit, he was alone. A solitary glitter of life sprinkled across an empty universe. And that's how it had always been.
And I waited for the sky to change
But, oh, it never did
And I almost dropped my head
And lost my faith
At least outsmarting GUN had been fun, a quick distraction from the monotony. That's how these things went every time: each adventure was a grand new opportunity that always fell short. Nothing could ever truly challenge his abilities. Leaping off a helicopter, skateboarding down city streets, even fighting that mech—it was all so basic that it barely left his heart pumping, barely made his blood flow through his veins. But it was all that he had, when the rest of the world very often felt so dull and lifeless.
Sonic scuffed the sole of his red shoe on the ground, listening to the way the specialized rubber scraped against the asphalt, before glancing up. The night was hidden here, among the great gray and brown-clad buildings stretching into the skies, their marching rows of rectangular fluorescent lights the only stars that were visible. Never changing, powered from dawn to dusk and round again—no twinkle to them unless Sonic tilted his head back and forth, letting the shadows and walls take one light or another from him. He was the only one who could make a change to his world.
Then I saw you from a distance
You were worlds away
Oh, but you had me from the vision
I never looked away
Then. Then, there was someone there. Someone else.
Someone new.
A galaxy.
A star.
A sun.
It didn't matter that the true stars were obscured: Sonic could see them all, every one of them, here reflected in front of him in oil-dark, ink-black fur. Here was an emptiness, a lack of matter, a black hole straight into space ignoring all laws of physics and reality because he just could. And that red—streaks of blood, of life, flowing through his space, glinting ruby-bright eyes that wouldn't look at him: chaos he wanted this stellar being to look at him. Wanted to be broken apart, cracked open, the glittering inside pieces laid bare streaming behind him worth it to taste the heat of the sun. And this was his sun.
His star was saying words, but Sonic's ears didn't process them, his mind far too preoccupied. Stars didn't speak—they sang, songs so old and distant that no one living could understand the words. His star was singing too, and perhaps, possibly, if he concentrated, if he focused, maybe he could grasp a single thread of that tune, hold it tight forever in his heart, know it intimately until one day he could understand the meaning behind the melody. The truth behind the tune. The soul behind the song.
Only a flash of green, bright and distracting, so very much of this world and none other brought him out of his dream and back into the present moment, “That's the...chaos emerald!”
No...no...his dreams were nothing more than pleasant distracting fantasies. This was no sun, no star. Just a fake hedgehog, another threat to the world, to their way of life, and, of course, it was Sonic's job to stop him.
It would be so easy, of course. Too easy, always too easy. Sonic almost sighed; just another routine, another set of hoops to jump through to avoid whatever shenanigans the world was trying to draw him into, be it from GUN or Eggman or this strange new hedgehog brandishing the chaos emerald like he was someone worthy of its power.
He could be...a star was worthy of that power. A great ball of plasma containing the ability to spring new life into existence, or the ability to destroy the very fabric of reality—perhaps this hedgehog was a star, after all. Chaos, Sonic longed for a star, a fixed point to return home to on his long travels, a spot where he was always welcomed, always loved...
But no, no he was a comet, that was how it was, and he didn't know where such thoughts of being in orbit were coming from. He was free, he was alone, and yet there was somehow no way that he could ever look away and escape from this brilliant crimson glow ever again.
“Now I know what's going on! The military has mistaken me for the likes of you!” How could they have mistaken him, a dim, distant block of ice, for this radiant point of light?
His star looked at him, with eyes the color of blood, of lava, of the heartbeat of the earth itself, and Sonic willed himself not to care, not to crumble, not to prostrate himself before a god of the very universe itself.
“So...where do you think you're going with that emerald?” Nothing. No response, no liquid song voice; he needed to hear it, he needed to understand! “Say something! You fake hedgehog!”
He did. He sang, “Chaos control!”
And Sonic's heart soared.
He was fast.
He was as fast as Sonic—even if it was just that he was using the chaos emerald to warp, Sonic couldn't remember the last time he'd fought someone who dodged him that quickly on the first attack. Who looked back at him like that, with a smirk that knew it was superior. He could feel the energy radiating from his doppelganger now that they were fighting, a perfect resonance to his own—gravity rippling the fabric of spacetime itself, pulling him closer, tugging him into orbit around nothing less than a giant. Staring into the beauty that would rip him apart and leave him as nothing more than a streak of light across a distant sky.
Sonic felt the world get emptier when the other hedgehog vanished, leaving him alone again to once again face G.U.N.'s paltry wrath.
Shadow. The world's ultimate life form.
His star.
I still fall for you
Like suns do for skies
Pouring in from your eyes
“Pffft, no, what are you talking about, I'm not in love with Shadow! I mean, c'mon that's crazy, right? Cuz, I mean, we just met anyways—nobody here even ever saw him before he showed up to steal that chaos emerald the other day while pretending to be me! The fact that we keep running into each other is just coincidence: of course we'd meet on Prison Island, since he was there to steal stuff for Egghead and I was there to fix stuff and it's only natural that we'd fight and then he'd run away after I totally beat him, and I definitely didn't think about running after him to see where he was going and follow him because I never want him out of my sight again, nah that'd be crazy, right? Hahahahah yeah it totally would...just like it's crazy to think about how beautiful the stars would be reflected in his eyes...red shouldn't be the color of space; space is black, right? Red's a color out of space—but he's a star, of course he'd be a red giant. All the best stars are red giants, aren't they? Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Antares, Arcturus...so maybe it makes sense. But, y'know I'm totally not obsessed with him or thinking about what star he'd be or anything...”
“Uhhhh...Sonic?” Tails' voice cut through Sonic's rambling and the blue hedgehog immediately stopped, his hands frozen where they had been gesturing wildly to the empty air.
The yellow fox gave a sideways glance at Amy and Knuckles, who were both staring too, mouths slightly ajar, “I, uh...I don't think anyone asked that. We just wanted to know where to go next.”
A short beat of silence before Sonic cleared his throat.
“Oh, yeah, heheheh, that makes sense,” the blue hedgehog made an expression that could be a grimace or a grin, as he ran his hand nervously through his quills before glancing up at the skies above him, “Well...space, I think. That's where...that's where they'd be. That's where Shadow belongs.”
That's where all stars belonged.
Just a hollow moon that you colorized
So powerful
I feel so small
But so alive
Like watching the Earthrise
He'd never tried to harness chaos energy before—not like this. But he knew how Shadow's energy felt when they'd clashed—he'd memorized the fluctuations, the rhythm and beat of his rival's existence resonating with his every breath. So here, in the tiny space capsule falling towards his imminent death, he closed his eyes and remembered it.
He remembered how to be a star.
And somehow it worked.
“You never cease to surprise me, blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space.” His star. His star, not even attacking him now, not lashing out at him but merely here, walking beside him. If they both reached their hands out, they could link their pinkie fingers together, an unspoken promise, a silent bond. Sonic felt his heart stutter, but kept his voice nonchalant.
“You know, what can I say...I die hard!” But he could tell the truth; he couldn't lie to his star, couldn't hesitate to tell him, “You actually saved me, you know.” The golden gem gleamed in his hand, its energy a paltry reflection of its true cousins, but still vibrant in its own right.
“It was a chaos emerald, wasn't it? But there's no way you could have activated chaos control using an emerald that's fake!”
Of course he couldn't. It was against the laws of this universe, completely out of the realm of possibility, but for his star, he would do it again and again. For his star, he would reach through the bowels of a black hole to another universe and bring back the haunted dust of a million galaxies if he only asked.
The corridor walls blurred together: somehow, they were running. Neither of them knew when they had started, but they were—they had to be, it was in their nature. They couldn't stand still, neither of them, they had to run, had to feel the world moving around them.
“So there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you anyway?”
A comet. Your comet.
But he couldn't say that. He could never tell, “What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!” It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.
“I see. But you know, I can't let you live.” Of course he couldn't. Suns didn't let comets live. Comets came to bask in their glow...and died in their arms.
They said that we both were too different
That all of the shine would fade away
But I wish that I never listened
'Cause you pulled me through the grey
Sonic didn't care what Tails had said; he didn't need to heed the yellow fox's warning. He'd never felt like this before. Not with anyone.
They were perfectly in sync. Golden fur glowing, liquid ruby eyes shining, power thrumming through their hearts and blood, they were both suns. Even if one was only a reflection of the other, who could tell when they were so close, so bright that it hurt to look at them. They were truly stars now, a perfect binary in orbit around each other, balanced in exquisite harmony. Every nonexistent breath of nonexistent air matched, every motion was coordinated like they'd been fighting in tandem for years, decades, centuries. Time was immaterial, because they were made of the fabric of the universe. They were never ending, a perfect dance, a perfect song flowing through Sonic's heart. Despite the severity of the situation he never wanted it to end.
They were perfect.
They were partners.
And for the first time...Sonic felt like he could see the world in color. He could see the beauty of the universe painted across the vault of heaven before him. He could see the reasons that people had for living, not just existing but living...he had seen colors before, the splashes of his friends across his oblivion of endless obsidian skies, but they had come and gone, faded before he'd even noticed them.
This was different—this was a reshaping of the very fundamental building blocks of his world. This was color in the way that the first daffodil of spring is, the ripple of a fish in a pond, the streak of a meteor, the flaming foliage of early autumn.
This was life.
I still fall for you
Like suns do for skies
Pouring in from your eyes
Just a hollow moon that you colorized
So powerful
I feel so small
But so alive
He saw Shadow's decision reflected in his eyes, painted across every inch of sky and stars. He could feel the pull of energy, his partner's wavelength out of sync now, his frequency decreasing.
“Shadow! Shadow!!!!”
His entire universe turned to look at him, and he felt the core of his being shake at the expression in his eyes. The resignation to an end far too early.
“I have to make them happy.”
“But...” Sonic bit back his response, What about making ME happy...he knew what the answer would be. He always knew what the answer would be.
And then there was no more time “CHAOS CONTROL”.
The energy he'd felt vibrating in his soul since the first moment he'd seen Shadow snapped, springing back on him as he left and Shadow...didn't. Separated, broken apart, the comet flung from the orbit of the star by a collision with a force that neither of them could have predicted and tossed away towards...towards...
Sonic couldn't look away. He couldn't.
I walk these streets of loneliness
A tranquil sea on all horizons
This empty scene of might-have-beens
I stare at starless skies
That call to me and I still wish
He could see it.
Their future.
Their “might-have-beens.”
(I still wish)
He could see himself alone. Forever. The world slowly falling back into gray as he watched the never-ending stars shift around an empty planet.
There were sunflowers here. A forest of them, bobbing their golden heads against cerulean skies, mimicking in their own way the world itself. Sonic was shorter than them, their stems stretching far above his head as he walked the endless forest of them, searching for something he'd lost and would never find again.
A shape, a figure, a shadow darting through the green stems ahead of him—he was following them, always following, but he could never catch up, never quite make out their form any more than an obscure shade.
At his feet, a perfect flower, plucked from its stem. Golden symmetrical harmony in every petal. The minute he touched it, it crumbled to dust at his fingertips, blowing away on the wind.
His voice called after it, but only once; he felt blood well in his throat at the raspy croak, cracked and broken from hours, days, years of calling the exact same thing, and never once receiving an answer.
(I still wish)
He could see them standing apart, facing each other. They didn't know each other any more, but somehow the battlefield was familiar, the players the same for another round. The tables reset, the game restarted, another chance in another life.
“It'll be a date to die for.”
“Hey! That's my line!”
He could see an invasion, a devastation on the scale that none had ever imagined—even he couldn't stand against it, falling to his knees in the face of oblivion, but somehow, at the end, there was Shadow. There was the star, the sun, his golden glow shining out against a blood-red sky, and taking the power he had been too weak to use before to end the war before it even began.
Shadow, his star, saved them all, taming the power that had once burned him out and turning it against his very creators, all for the sake of their world. Sonic stared up at him with awe and adoration, but Shadow never looked at him.
Not even once.
(I still wish)
He could see a shattered universe, a disaster created by his own audacity and hubris. His friends and enemies mere shells of their former selves, taunting him with possibilities and “might have beens” as he worked, piecing them back together even as the broken remains of the world drew farther apart, fading and flickering towards oblivion. He risked losing it all, losing everything—not just his true friends but these new versions as well.
But Shadow was there, watching over him: guiding his footsteps, and, at the very end, catching him when he fell.
Shadow saved him. Shadow always saved him.
(I still wish)
But best of all, he could see them dancing, like this, forever. The space above the planet becoming their domain, their place to stand and watch over the world below. They would count the stars together, naming them one by one and hanging them into their constellations, holding each one close until the day they went out, disappearing with a whisper or a nova bright enough to light up the entire night sky, leaving a mark on the skin of space that could be seen for millions of years.
A super nova.
He could see them in the city, the rain covering up the stars, the buildings, everything except the two of them, walking, hand in hand through the never-ending gray, but never being lost because together they were always found. Heart to heart and hand in hand, orbiting each other perfectly and perpetually, the comet caught in the star's gravity and kept safe, the perfect distance away to admire the fire but not be burned by it.
He could see them in the flowers in the spring. Tulips, each as red as Shadow's eyes, bobbing their heads under the sun and the stars, time meaningless to them as they walked among the crimson fields, the smell of damp earth invigorating to every sense.
He could see them fighting, teeth bared, ears pinned, snarling and growling and hating each other or the world or both, until fur was dusty and fangs were stained with blood, but at the end of the day they would embrace, fire and ice, and return to a home that they shared and watch the world pass them by.
Like watching the Earthrise
Sonic didn't know how he'd found himself back on the ARK after the battle with the Final Hazard. He couldn't remember walking the hallways back to the viewing area—he couldn't imagine looking away from Shadow's grave for one singular moment. He...he hadn't, right? He hadn't looked away...he couldn't look away, he might miss the spark, the distant moment when Shadow reignited and came back, a phoenix from the ashes...his Sayonara couldn't be the end.
“Sonic.” Tails' voice nearly made him jump out of his skin, but he didn't look back; he couldn't look away.
“We have to go. Eggman's ship is getting ready and...”
Sonic cut him off, “Tails?”
“Comets...what are comets?”
“Comets? Uh...they're big balls of ice and rock that usually start way out in the far reaches of the solar system, and for some reason get flung in towards the sun. When they get close, at the near end of their parabolic pathway, the solar wind heats them up so they start forming tails of dust and gas as they basically burn up...”
Tails kept going, continuing his commentary about the wonders of the universe, but Sonic didn't hear, didn't process any more of the words, because there was only one thought that was echoing thunderously through his mind.
“Sh-shadow...Shadow was the comet.”
“What?” Tails stopped chattering, his tone concerned.
“Shadow was the comet.” Sonic's voice was hollow, as he stared out at the enormous blue and green ball that slowly rotated into the view of the window, “And I...I was always the sun.”
It was always going to end like this.
Like watching the Earthrise
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blu-ish · 9 months
The sweet aroma of baked goods lingered on the blue hedgehogs nose. Carefully, he tucked a savory package of fresh cinnamon buns under his arm as he exited one of the many still holiday themed bakery's in Station Square.
Sonic didn't mind the almost subzero temperature that would sweep through the city during this time of year. He was a sight to behold in contrast to the bundled up mobians and humans alike that passed him on the sidewalk.
His only winter like accessory's included a bright red scarf that was wrapped firmly around his neck, along with some boots that resembled his regular shoes. He was dressed to impress so to speak.
Okay... so maybe he could've worn a even brighter--and warmer, coat or something; the cold was starting to nip him.
His light jog turned into a run as he maneuvered his way around town. The thrilled outcry of a small child spotting him, or the enthusiastic greetings from the townspeople mixed with the early morning rays helped to warmed him, just a little. Man it was cold out here...
But what really pulled Station Squares merry revelry together, was the towering tree at the city's center. It was like the cherry on top of a perfect freezing sundae.
Just as he was kicking up speed--and snow, he was suddenly stopped by the sound of a familiar worn voice calling to him, alongside the distinct smell of cucumber sandwiches.
"Why, if it isn't Sonic! How are you old friend?" The man, unlike Sonic, was bundled head to toe to fight off the cold, his comically large scarf only leaving his nose visible, muffling his voice ever so slightly--it was a miracle he heard him at all. His bushy eyebrows were dusted with hints of snowflakes.
Resisting the urge to chuckle at the mans failed attempt to take a bite of his sandwich, the hero instead gave him a bright smile.
"Professor Pickle! What brings you to Station Square?" It wasn't uncommon for the Professor to travel abroad, his places of study were usually all over Mobius.
"Oh, just making the yearly round to greet the family..." You couldn't tell, but his eyebrows were furrowed ever so slightly. "You would not believe what utter nonsensical sentiments they have regarding my line of research and, oh! Oh, and my dear cousin Dona once again ever so slightly over roasted the roast, it was dreadful I tell you son."
Sonic furrowed his own brow--in a very serious manner, nodding along with the older man.
"Absolutely tragic."
"I know!"
After clearing his throat, the professor gestured toward the tree behind him.
"But enough about my sorrows, I simply had to marvel at this here deciduous tree! It is truly magnificent."
Sonic had to agree. Every year, everyone would come together to offer one decoration to add to the tree. Some people would work together to create some amazing stuff. But even the smallest and simple of ornaments made it that much more special. To him at least.
"If you don't mind me asking, did you happen to add anything? I would've loved to participate, its a shame we don't have anything like this is Spagonia, Oh that reminds me, I need to write a memo--"
"Sure did! Right around... here!" The hero quickly interjected to save the innocents of another Pickle prattle. Pointing a gloved hand toward the bottom of the tree, causing the professor to bend down to view it. Okay, it wasn't that far down come on...
"Ah, a glass keychain of some sort? Oh! A pressed flowered one at that! Did you make this yourself?"
"Well, Tails helped me a bit, I picked out the flowers though!" The hedgehog responded proudly. Sonic loved to collect little mementos from his adventures, he used to do it a lot as a hoglet. Flowers tended to be the easiest thing to grab on the go, but he would always tend to return with the crunchier versions of them later.
He was forever thankful to Tails for teaching him the wonders of modern flower pressing.
"It's wonderful, ah I spot some Strelitzia... oh! Bluebells and Borage too, my what a collection!"
"Thanks! I was able to shove a few more different kinds of flowers in there before Tails started to get worried." Sonic said with a laugh, rubbing the back of his quilled head. He really wanted to make it extra special.
"And what is it you have there?" Maybe he should start calling the Professor, Detective Pickle. That is, until he remembered what it was he was supposed to be doing at the moment.
"Oh shoot! I almost forgot, Tails wanted me to drop off these cinnamon buns at his place." The box was starting to feel a bit cold too.
Professor Pickle hummed, nodding toward the teen. "You should be on your way then, no use in small talk if those buns were to freeze!" He hurried the hog along, like he wasn't the one who stopped him in the first place.
Sonic agreed, well, he would've worded it WAY differently but, yeah he definitely needed to get going.
"Consider them delivered Professor!" he waved, starting his jog once more. He was only a few feet away when Pickle called out to him one last time.
"Oh! And let the boy know that my study in Apotos is prepared for his arrival!"
Oh, yeah.
Sonic could've swore there was a small crack in the cement that almost caused him to fall, but he was able to right himself before sending a quick thumbs up to the Professor before speeding off.
He was being pretty forgetful today, huh?
The young fox busied himself, removing just about the last of any remaining holiday lights from above his lab, tossing them into the large box below. He hummed along with the distant belated holiday songs playing on his speaker. What? He could end another great wintery season with a final round of some musical bangers.
Boxes began to pile up in the corner of Tails' garage, he occasionally checked his wristwatch. Where was that brother of his? It was almost noon and his music was starting to loop.
Gazing over the horizon, he spotted a familiar blue hue. His fangs stuck out in a smile, flying down to meet the other. He could almost taste those cinnamon buns!
"Sonic! Took you long enough!" He teased, landing over to try to take the box from his troublesome sibling. It would be like him to turn a small task into a half a days adventure, he presumed.
But before he even had the chance to seize the gooey goodness, the hedgehog hastily turn his back toward him. The fox stumbled a bit, eyeing Sonic bewilderedly, who was currently staring no where in particular with a overdramatic squint in his green eyes.
"What? Did someone order some tasty lukewarm cinnamon buns?" Oh no, not again. He wouldn't dare.
"Sonic, nooo!" Tails yelped, trying to force away the ever creeping urge to laugh, reaching around in an attempt to safely obtain his sustenance. "Come on!"
Sonic pulled off his spinning dramatics a bit longer, until he reached the entrance of the Tornado's garage. "Gotta package for uhhhh..." He checked the imaginary tag on the box, switching it in his hands to dodge the hungry kit.
"Whales Wower?"
Tails let out a loud groan, cracking Sonic's act in half as he burst out laughing. "Wow! You even sound like one dude!"
"Can I have my deserts now...?" The kid practically begged, his tails swinging in anticipation. He added the puppy dog eyes for safe measure.
The older smiled softly, ruffling the kits fur on his head. "Our deserts little brother..." Sonic reminded sweetly, helping himself to a few tasty buns after finally setting the box down on the fox's workbench.
Rolling his eyes, Tails sat down on a nearby chair, using his watch to close the garage door, shutting the cold out. He stuffed his face and pointed a questioning finger at his brother. "I thought you said it'll only, and I quote, take a sec?"
The accused put a hand on his peach furred chest, gasping. "I demand to speak to my lawyer!"
Tails awaited an answer, grabbing another helping of cinnamon buns, Sonic was sure they wouldn't last another 5 minutes.
"Alright, alright! So maybe I ran into a pickle, a certain one at that." It didn't take long for Tails' momentary confusion to change to understanding.
"Ooh! Professor Pickle!" He giggled, "I didn't know he was visiting, I would've at least invited him over." He did have some things he wanted to discuss with the Professor.
"I don't know Tails, he seemed pretty mesmerized with the winter tree in Station Square." Sonic recalled, "I even got some Pickle Points on my ornament this year!"
The kit side eyed him, causing the hedgehog to sputter momentarily.
"Y-You were credited!"
The brothers shared a laugh, it was cut short by Sonic, who's tone changed ever so slightly.
"Oh, and uh, he said to let ya know his place in Apotos is all set lil dude!" His attempt to raise a cheerful tone at the very end was painfully noticeable, well, if you were his brother that is.
Tails had finally made the plans to start off on his own adventure the start of the new year, so did most of his friends, including Sonic. Professor Pickle wouldn't be staying at one of his newer studies in Apotos, and offered to lend it to the fox, like his own base! It saved him time from gathering supplies to build a whole other lab and well...
It would be a big change, and his brother had been nothing but encouraging.
But as the start of the new year drew closer, so did Sonic in a way. Offering to do even the most minor tasks, reassuring Tails that if he ever needed him he would gladly run over the ocean to see him, double even triple checking if Tails had everything he needed. It was almost surreal.
He loved his brother, very much. But he could be such a mother hen when he wanted to be.
"That's great, I'm really looking forward to it." He responded, more gently than he hoped for, but Sonic nodded happily nevertheless.
"And you should!" Sonic exclaimed, his burning confidence seemingly resurfacing. "Man, I remember the desire for adventure at your age. Sleeping under the stars, eating leftover coconut shells..." Tails snorted, changing the subject before Sonic got too reminiscent with his questionable childhood habits.
"Yeah, yeah, okay old man," Reaching into the now empty box of cinnamon buns, the kit sighed, disposing of the cardboard. "What about you? You never really mentioned your plans besides, doing what you always do." He ended that last bit with long air quotations.
The hedgehog grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "What can I say, the adventures tend to come to me before I go looking for them. I'm sure I can keep myself busy. Maybe I'll take Shadow on that racing offer he gave me during the winter festival."
"You mean the invitation to kick your butt after you somehow managed to accidently eat the rest of his parfait?" Tails added, throwing his brother a look.
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sonicjustbecause · 5 months
A though on skills (Sonic and the others)
One thing I don't like about Sonic is that all character seems to have about the same skills and downfalls, and this make them less unique. Maybe an approach in the right direction was made in Sonic adventure 2, but that was all.
Considering that I only like few characters from Sonic (In short a little more than all those appeared in Sonic Prime, who luckily were all characters I already like), I only will talk about them and not even all of them.
Sonic and Shadow
(the twins.... not literally, but they truly have twins vibe)
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I think they should keep their iconic skills. High speed, spindash etc. With a slight difference though. Surely the spindash and all related rolling into a ball thing should be identical, no difference.
In particular circumstance and for short amount of time thy both can reach the speed of light.
About speed, I like to think Shadow is sligtly slower than Sonic without his shoes. Anyway those two are the fastest and the difference between them and all the rest should be noticeable.
Physical strenght and stamina favour Sonic. Shadow is tied to his inibitor rings. Without them he is way stronger than Sonic but his stamina decreases fast. Also Shadow can't hold the super transformation as long as Sonic.
Shadow, unlike Sonic, can swim, but I don't see him having a particular tecnique.
He also can perform chaos control better and easily and has full control of the chaos power. Sonic can do chaos control, but it looks diffcult when he does that.
Being left handed can also be one of his advantages. Most people are right handed so unless you aren't a trained warrior (see Knuckles), Shadow attacks may be more unpredictable.
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I really like his flight abilities thanks to his two tails mutation (do you know that the two tails mutation is real?)
Although annoying in game, I appreciate the fact Tails can't fly forever. Foxed aren't supposed to fly after all. But he can fly long enough to make his level easier to finish. He also can swim but he lacks tecnique.
I like that in SA2 he uses mechanics. But I like more if he uses custom made weapons.
I don't like Tails being as fast as Sonic or using the spin dash. Foxes don't have a mantle and quills. They're like dogs who have a convergent evolution toward cats, so they tend to have typical cat skills rather than dogs skills. I like when he attacks his enemies with his two tails, that look strong.
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I don't see Knuckles as particularly fast, but he is strong and a skilled warrior enough to nullyfy Shadow's left handed advantages and to force him to fight without inibitor rings. He can also free climb easily. I remember in Sonic OVA he just fly just like Goku or Superman, but I don't like that as I'm not fond on his gliding ability. He also can swim, and unlike Shadow and Tails he has a tecnique. Like overall a warrior but pretty much well trained in overall all sports. Of course he should not be able to roll up. But he has quills, he should be able to use them in some creative way.
Amy Rose
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I like her skills actually. The Piko Piko Hammer is a nice touch. Plus she can summon it like magical girls can sum their sceptre, as seen in Sonic X. One thing she should do more is rolling up and the spin dash. She should not be able to do all the attack Sonic and Shadow can do, but she is still a hedgehog so she should be able to roll up.
She can swim, too. Not as good as Knuckles but better than Tails and Shadow.
The tarot card doesn't count. This is a think she likes to do for fun, but I don't see it as a part of her fighting skills.
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One thing is obvious, Rouge arms and legs look really thick, like Knuckles', and this does means she is muscular, so she is a good fighter. Plus she is a natural flyer, being a bat. This does means she is supposed to be able to fly as long as you want, unlike Tails and this gives her the ability to go everywhere, without limits. Plus she can swim as well as Knuckles.
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I think, since he is a human, our specie, it was somewhat easy to enhance the typical human skill, intelligence, but at the same time is harder to run with creativity in other skills. Suspension of belief is harder when we are familiar with something. All Eggman skills come from brain indeeed and his mechanics is very creative and dangerous. Eggman is able to swim (apparently only Sonic can't swim), but mostly he floats. He possess quite a good strenght and athletic abilities considering how out of shape he is.
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astrophysician · 26 days
Just saw your ringtail oc, super cute! :D Can you PLEASE tell us more about the ttrpg you’re playing in??? Is it specifically sonic themed? I’m so intrigued!
aw thanks!! my friends and i were just talking about our characters haha
it is sonic themed! we haven't started playing yet, but we're going to be using this indie rulebook based on Powered By The Apocalypse called Rings and Running Shoes. you can find it on itch.io here! we're waiting for one of our players to finish making a more user-friendly character sheet, but in the meantime we've been talking a lot about our characters and having a blast. our GM's cooking too... the hype (and brainrot) is already off the charts haha
i'm not super familiar with the rules yet but for the uninitiated it's basically like a more ruleslite, narrative/roleplay focused version of D&D. in the game overview the creator describes it as "[modified] to fit the care-free power fantasy of Sonic's Adventures." the only dice you need are two d6s (and you could get by with just having one).
instead of classes, there are playbooks, which PCs take general abilities from and that work more like character archetypes. everyone also gets to describe their own special ability, and it can be whatever you want! for example sonic's would be his super speed ofc, my character loop's is their Light Skates (and all the athleticism that comes with it), and our engineer's is to manifest like a magic double of themself?? there quite literally is no limit, and it can even change if your character's primary focus shifts
the game is still being updated and none of us have used this system before, so there's definitely gonna be a learning curve... but whatever happens is gonna be awesome :) let me know if you check it out, it would be cool to see what other people get up to with it!
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
The Shock Bracelets give Silver's psychokinesis an electricity property and the Power Bracelets increase the range of his psychokinesis. Both seem to work by channeling his power through focusing crystals. I don't know if they even exist in universe but I do know Silver's fully upgraded bracelets look pretty cool.
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From the wiki and yep, he does!! I especially love the shock bracelets, boi looks very handsome with a bit of extra cyan on his cuffs <3 I like how the Power Bracelet can be attached to the upper half of his cuff, and the Shock Bracelet to the lower; it makes it a lot more believable that he can wear both simultaneously.
Focusing crystals, huh? (I never played 06 and I do not think I have the patience for a playthrough, so I've never really seen the shops.) That is actually an explanation I do like! I guess that does mean his cuffs are in some way related to his powers, but then again, of course they simply need something to attach the bracelets to and the cuffs are one of the most striking parts of his design (same again with Sonic and the Light Speed Dash: he can run just fine without his shoes except for the friction, but upgrading the shoes allows him to attain that skill in Adventure). I really just wish we got some more information on just how Silver's powers work, I'd love it if there was some more clarity on it!
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spiinsparks · 2 years
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<  we keep eachother safe.  it’s my turn to protect you.  >  from ava and obviously signing but like the way i format sign breaks asks so just dont worry abt it
        IT  WAS  A  PAIN  TO ADMIT ,  but  sonic  knew  he  wasn’t  nearly  as  up  to  speed  as  the  resistance  seemed  to  think  he  was  ,  sometimes.  he  fatigued  quicker.  lost  his  breath  ,  sooner.  
          not  that  he  blamed  them  ,  for  failing  to  notice.  so  QUICK  he  had  been  ,  to  take  up  missions  immediately  after  escape.  so  ADAMANT  he  still  was  ,  to  continue.  to  PRESS  ON  and  ENDURE.  to  fight  until  this  war  was  won.  
          he  couldn’t  -  wouldn’t  -  let  them  see  their  rising  ember  of  hope  flickering  ,  spluttering  ,  struggling  to  KEEP  UP  with  the  demands  of  war.  he’d  catch  up  ,  he  told  himself  ,  as  he  ran  from  battlefield  to  battlefield  with  the  raging  fury  of  a  man  gone  mad.  he’d  get  back  into  his  old  swing  ,  he  reassured  himself  ,  as  the  days  dragged  on  and  eggman’s  beloved  schedule  waged  war  against  sonic’s  own  internal  clock.  weeks  in  ,  and  he  was  still  out  of  sync.  completely  out  of  wack.
        (  he’d  spent  too  long  locked  up.  )
             and  there  was  NO  TIME  to  readjust.  to  ease  himself  back  into  what  was  NEEDED.  
                                                                      what  was  EXPECTED.
            still.  when  the  world  needed  their  hero  -  when  his  FRIENDS  needed  him  most  -  he  was  —  (   coughing  against  the  strain  /  the  weight  of  lungs  too  heavy.  rising  ,  shakily  ,  onto  his  feet  again.  dirt  and  dust  and  blood  and  grime  matting  his  fur  ,  sinking  into  his  quills  ,  staining  the  white  straps  of  his  shoes  a  ruddy  red.  trembling  from  overexertion.  )  GRITTING  HIS  TEETH  and  smirking.  (   ❝  I  SEE  DOC  HASN’T  IMPROVED  YOUR  AIM  ANY.  ❞  )  laughing -  in  the  face  of  danger (  or  maybe  ,  because  of  it.  )  while  pain  racketed  through  his  body  and  flattened  his  ears  against  his  head. (  ❝  MAYBE  YOU   SHOULD  TRY  ONE  OF  THEM  OPTOMETRISTS.  I’VE  HEARD  THEY  SPECIALIZE  IN  OPTICS.  ❞  )
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         he  had  SKID  across  the  battlefield  ,  quills  trembling  in  the  wind  as  the  badnik  he  was  tangoing  with  whirred  and  turned  its  oversized  body  towards  him  ,  ready  to  lock  aim  and  fire.  and  he  grinned  at  its  giant  ,  red  optic  as  the  laser  beam  centered  over  his  chest.  sniffed.  wiped  his  nose.  readied  himself  to  SPIN  DASH  into  its  chest  and  crash  through  its  gears  and  wires.
         but  in  blazing  light  of  golden  electricity  the  bot  EXPLODED  in  a  crackling  storm. twisted  metal  sheets  ,  oil  ,  glass  and  dirt  sprayed  across  the  floor  as  the  badnik  spilled  its  carnage.  and  sonic  only  had  a  moment  to  wheeze  his  sigh  of  relief  before  the  next  wave  thundered  the  ground  beneath  their  feet.  he  DASHED  FORWARD  ,  grabbing  ava  by  the  wrist  and  retreating  further  down  the  twisting  road.  but  not  far.  
       a   poorly  placed  rock.             a  yelp  ,  as  pain  rocketed  through  his  left  leg  and  sonic  stumbled  and  slowed.  the  robots  still  thundered  behind  ,  RED  LASERS  bursting  the  air  beside  the  pair  before  ava  shot  out  her  grappling  hook  and  swung  them  both into  the  trees  and  undergrowth  for  cover.
            and  for  a  moment  ,  he  could  catch  his  breath.  even  as  they  rounded  on  him  with  lips  pressed  thin  and  ears  flopping  over  their  shoulder  as  they  knelt  and  looked  him  over.  then  ,  signed  ,  hurriedly  ,  with  a  DETERMINED  FIRE  in  their  eyes.
             <   we keep eachother safe.  it’s my turn to protect you.  >  
          sonic  blinked.  they  were  throwing  his  words  right  back  at  him.
             and  for  a  moment  -  brief  and  small  -  there  was  a  tide  of  comfort  that  came  flooding  forth.  the  same  sort  of  calm  in  the  storm  that  kept  sonic’s  head  on  straight  ,  his  heart  in  his  chest  ,  when  he  was  fighting  alongside  amy  or  tails  or  knuckles.  no  danger  was  too  great  when  he  was  adventuring  with  his  friends.  no  obstacle  too  heavy  ,  or  too  large  to  overcome  ,  when  he  hadn’t  a  shadow  of  a  doubt  that  they  were  with  him.
          (  he’d  never  been  meant  to  fight  on  his  own.  )
                          (  he  wasn’t  built  for  it.  for  THIS.  )
      (  and  where  was  the  FUN  of  the  rush  —  when  they  didn’t  fight  TOGETHER?  )
         ❝ ...  you’re  right.  ❞  he  said  ,  nodding  slight.  over  ava’s  shoulder  he  studied  the  trajectory  of  newest  enemy  fleet.  they’d  get  to  the  resistance  outpost  he and  ava  were  sent  out  to  hold  within  MINUTES  if  they  didn’t  handle  this.  —  and  fast.
      sonic  lifted  himself  to  his  feet.  (  nevermind  the  grunt  of  pain  he  bit  down  upon.  nevermind  how  the  world  keeled  to  one  side  ,  just  briefly ,  before  sonic  closed  his  eyes  and  righted  himself.  and  nevermind  how  he  favored  one  leg  ,  even  as  he  bounced  on  the  tips  of  his  toes.  eager  to  finish  this.  eager  to  get  out  there  and  run.  )
            ❝  i  still  have  enough  juice  left  in  me  to  play  support  ;  give  ya  a  boost.  sound  fair?  ❞  a  rhetorical  question.  as  ,  with  a  spitfire  crackle  of  renewed  vigor  lighting  up  in  his  eyes  ,  sonic  held  out  his  outstretched  hand.  preparing.  bracing.  readying  himself  —  for  just  one  more  boost.
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          ❝  i’ll  keep  you  steady.  but  ,  you’ve  got  this  ,  partner. ❞
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supersonicgamer27 · 2 years
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DREAMCAST SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: Since today is my birthday, I uploaded a picture I did on Dreamcast Sonic the Hedgehog. For the design I chose for him, I decided to combine the upgraded designs from both "SONIC ADVENTURE" & "SONIC ADVENTURE 2" mainly the Light Speed Dash Shoes, the Crystal Ring, the Bounce Bracelet, and the Magic Gloves. I even improved my shading and lighting techniques. For this commission, I used the shading and lighting techniques from "SONIC X" seeing as the anime's based on the Dreamcast Era games, I felt like it would be appropriate. I hope you all love this picture as much as I loved making it!
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
Sonic Hedgehog Abilities (Design)
I've been watching hacks, speedrun, and "secret" possibly "unintentional" mechanics from different kinds of games and I think some of them could be interesting in a sonic game as a whole.
The core mechanics of every Sonic game are; Run Fast, Roll into Ball, Spin Dash (start from ball), return to standing (not always a mechanic while rolling)
In adventure; Sonic gets some other neat abilities such as light-speed dash (following a line of rings without touching the ground), z-target attack (a dash from a jump as long as Sonic has an object or enemy to target), and rail slide (Inspired by or inspiring Soap Shoe brand)
I'm going to stop at Sonic here as every character has their own movesets and methods of traversal, and I'd be too inclined to try to figure out how to give at least one character "Heelies".
One secret skill is a wall bounce, or dashing into a wall such that you bounce over it. Programming this intentionally would give more control over Sonic and a stage.
But, it means you can design different types of jumps depending on how Sonic is moving at the time.
For example; if he's rolling and you jump, it could be used as a *somersault* action and combined into the z-target attack or air dash.
This could offer multiple methods of level traversal with the well-known bounce pads(springs) that might send Sonic in a different direction, but a well timed somersault could change the trajectory or simply force a wall bounce into a shortcut.
Using Rail Grinds in sections without railings, such as ropes, or ledges, could enable different kinds of hands-free sections.
Rail Dash also includes horizontal jumping, or the Ability to change rail by jumping left or right. This could be used to allow rail jumps off rail into other sections.
Example; grinding a ledge till you see a random hole in a wall and horizontal jumping through it to get to the other side where it isn't the main track.
Lightspeed dash inherently requires the usage of rings placed on stage; but what if Sonic could throw his rings in an arc and then lightspeed data to pick them back up?
Adding slides similar to MegaMan or Mario could allow a different method of going under obstacles that doesn't lock his acceleration. Allowing for a directional change or kick of the ground at 90 degrees, which isn't sonic's typical movement physics.
A developer or producer might say; "Wouldn't that make Sonic games too complicated for the intended audience?"
And yes; that's why they're "hidden skills" more advanced players would want to learn them, but they wouldn't be required for completing the basic game.
Though; they might be required for time-attacks and achievements.
They'd also open the door for a style of PvP and Sonic racing tournaments. And give skilled fans something to do that would serve only to increase sonic's visibility and engagement on social media.
By thinking of the game in terms of skill level, and not hard locking story content and endings to the highest level, we can use those higher skill levels for an audience after the basic entry level.
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gogglecannon · 2 years
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A Sonic AU where Sonic is a Fox and Tails (Quills) is a Hedgehog!
This AU takes place several centuries after Hedgehog!Sonic and friends' adventures. I'd thought of the mural in Sonic 3 (I think?) that was a direct prophecy of a battle between Super Sonic and Eggman, and that for this AU instead, it'd be something more general. A chosen champion of the chaos emeralds that's reincarnated. And this time around the spirit of that champion reincarnated into two people, Quills, who has the mind of the champion and innate connection to the chaos emeralds, and Sonic, whom has their strength.  Together they unite, heart and soul. Trouble is coming for them, for everyone. Neither can do everything alone, and with their friends they all take down evil where it stands. I’ll say more, once I’ve got more environments and characters done.
[Image Description: The first image is of Sonic the Fox! A blue fox with a tuft of slicked back fur atop his head. He has brown eyes, and a white muzzle, chest fur, gloves, and socks. He's got red shoes with a white zigzag pattern going across them, with green light speed jewels on the outside near the heel. Sonic is in action mode, with a determined frown on his face. He's kicking out with his left foot towards the right of the viewer, right leg bent back ready to deal another blow, and his long tail curled behind that to finish the job.
Second image is of Quills the Hedgehog! A golden brown hedgehog, with blue eyes, glossy quills, and a yellowish peach muzzle and belly. He's got white gloves and socks, and red shoes with white toes. The white of the toe on the top of each shoe continues inward like a needle. Quills is smiling, with his hands on his hips and one foot stuck out. Striking a pose! He shampoos and conditions, he's got a positive attitude. End ID]
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beevean · 2 years
Sonic Adventure complete timeline
Discussions with @spinningbuster98​ made me think about Sonic Adventure’s plot, where it goes right and where it goes wrong. I noticed that, for some reason, nobody took the task of writing the overall plot of the game, with all 6 storylines intersecting. I did just that... and took notice of the eventual inconsistencies :P but to be honest, while there are some plot holes I never noticed, overall the result is solid considering how much information the writer had to fit together.
Night 0
Beginning of Knuckles' story: Eggman breaks the Master Emerald, and Chaos and Tikal are released. Angel Island crashes into the ocean.
Beginning of Big's story: Chaos' tail breaks free and is swallowed by Froggy, along with the yellow Chaos Emerald that Big kept as a lucky charm.
Beginning of Sonic's story: Chaos runs to Station Square, where he's defeated by Sonic.
Day 1
Beginning of Tails' story: Tails makes some tests with a prototype plane powered by the purple Chaos Emerald, but crashes in Emerald Coast.
Sonic saves him and the two go to the Mystic Ruin, where they fight Eggman. He steals the purple Chaos Emerald and gives it to Chaos, who becomes Chaos 1.
Sonic and Tails retrieve the blue Chaos Emerald from Windy Valley.
Knuckles retrieves three Emerald Shards in Speed Highway. (while one would assume this takes place during the dawn of Day 1, if you talk to the women near the pool, they already witnessed Tails being saved by Sonic)
INCONSISTENCY 1: by all logic, Big’s story should continue from here. However, it doesn’t align with everything that comes later, making it looks like Big minded his own business for a whole day.
(I have a personal theory that Big's story was supposed to start in Lost World, which would explain... a lot of things, but also why there's a day missing in his story. But this is a topic for another time)
Sunset 1
Sonic finds the Light Speed Shoes so that he can access Casinopolis.
Night 1
Sonic, Tails and Knuckles enter Casinopolis together, although the latter doesn't meet the former two.
Sonic and Tails retrieve the white Chaos Emerald, but when exiting they're ambushed by Eggman. He steals the Emerald and attacks the two with sleeping gas.
Knuckles retrieves three Emerald Shards in Casinopolis. He gets a flashback from Tikal. Waking up outside, he spots Sonic and Tails knocked out, and in the hotel he catches Eggman with something shiny in his hand.
Eggman gives the Emerald to Chaos, who becomes Chaos 2. Knuckles fights it, but Eggman leaves him by hinting that Sonic may be after the Master Emerald too.
Day 2
Beginning of Gamma's story: Gamma is created in the Mystic Ruins base. Eggman performs some tests on him, and he deems him the winner against his older brother Beta, allowing him to serve aboard of the Egg Carrier.
Sonic and Tails wake up.
Big fishes Froggy out of Twinkle Park, but it escapes again.
(Big can spot Sonic and Tails before entering Twinkle Park, and their dialogue and tone imply they're still worried about Eggman stealing the Chaos Emerald)
(After Twinkle Park, Big can also spot Amy complaining about being bored. She's the only character who appears before their story officially begins)
Sonic and Tails retrieve the green Chaos Emerald from Ice Cap.
Knuckles retrieves three Emerald Shards from Red Mountain.
Knuckles spots Sonic and Tails as they exit Ice Cap, green Chaos Emerald in hand. Knuckles confuses it for an Emerald Shard and, believing Eggman’s words, attacks them.
They knock out each other, and Sonic and Tails lose the green and the blue Chaos Emeralds.
Eggman steals the two Emeralds and gives them to Chaos, who becomes Chaos 4. It’s defeated by Sonic, Tails and Knuckles.
The Egg Carrier rises, and Eggman flies away. Sonic and Tails give chase on the Tornado, but they’re shot down and separated.
(if at any point here you go back to Station Square with Sonic, Tails or Knuckles, you'll find Big still worrying about Froggy, probably because it just escaped from Twinkle Park)
Knuckles retrieves three Emerald Shards in Lost World. He gets a flashback from Tikal.
INCONSISTENCY 2: Knuckles’ stay on the Egg Carrier intersects with everyone else's a whole day later, but the way the story is presented doesn’t imply that a day is passed. For the sake of lining up the storylines, I choose to believe that Tikal “teleports” Knuckles to the next day.
(also, Big can spot Knuckles in the Mystic Ruins before going to Ice Cap. I think that it's supposed to be before Lost World)
Eggman tasks the E-100 series robots to find Froggy. (since we can't see the time of day, this can happen anytime between the Egg Carrier taking off and Day 3)
Sunset 2
Beginning of Amy's story: as Amy is going on about her normal day, she witnesses the Egg Carrier soar above Station Square. From it, a little birdie falls down, followed by a big menacing robot, ZERO. Amy vows to protect the little birdie from the mean robot.
Sonic wakes up in Station Square and runs off to look for Tails.
Amy spots Sonic, and she asks him to protect the birdie. Sonic runs away, but the two meet again shortly after in front of the Twinkle Park entrance. Amy drags Sonic inside to escape from ZERO... and because cute couples get in free.
The two lose sight of each other. Amy gets out of Twinkle Park first, and is kidnapped by ZERO.
Tails wakes up in Mystic Ruins, after dreaming about the day he met Sonic. He decides to fix his prototype.
He goes in the jungle and finds the red Chaos Emerald. However, Froggy swallows it and runs away in a sandy pit. After Tails finds the frog again, he gets a flashback from Tikal.
(INCONSISTENCY 3: Sand Hill is set during the day, even though it takes place during sunset/night)
Night 2
Sonic exits Twinkle Park and notices that Amy is missing. He goes through Speed Highway to find her, but he doesn’t conclude anything.
Big fishes Froggy out of Ice Cap, but it escapes again.
(INCONSISTENCY 4: how can Froggy be both in Ice Cap and in Sand Hill? Did it wander off Tails’ hands while he was having his flashback and then hopped back to him?)
Tails wakes up from the flashback with Froggy in hand. He gets jumped over by Big, which makes Froggy run away again. But Froggy drops the red Chaos Emerald, which allows Tails to fix his prototype and create the Tornado 2.
Day 3
At one unseen point, the Egg Carrier has landed.
Gamma gets to Station Square and goes to Emerald Coast to look for Froggy.
Sonic sees ZERO carrying Amy to the Mystic Ruins, and follows them.
INCONSISTENCY 5: this is so glaring that I can’t believe I missed it until now. In Amy’s story, ZERO catches Amy and takes her with it to the Mystic Ruins during the previous sunset, and Sonic himself sees them; one could assume that it took them the whole night to get there. By inserting the pointless Speed Highway in Sonic’s story, the whole timeline is messed up. To add insult to injury, an NPC in Sonic's story implies that ZERO went through Speed Highway, but it never happens in Amy's story. There seems to have been a lack of communication on the exact moment Amy gets kidnapped.
(that being said, Big can spot Sonic worrying about Amy before going to Emerald Coast)
Big fishes Froggy in Emerald Coast, but Gamma snatches it. Big follows Gamma to the Egg Carrier. In the meantime, Gamma gets a flashback from Tikal.
Knuckles wakes up from Tikal’s flashback. The almost complete Master Emerald shows Knuckles a vision of the Egg Carrier where the last shards are, but Knuckles doesn’t know where it is. Conveniently, Gamma lands near him and goes to the Mystic Ruins base where the Egg Carrier has landed, allowing Knuckles to sneak in. The Egg Carrier takes off again.
INCONSISTENCY 6: the framing implies that Gamma just got out of Red Mountain, but this will happen much later. The only logical solution to this is that Tikal made Gamma wander all the way to Angel Island before leading him to the Egg Carrier, which is a bit silly to think about. Even funnier when you remember that Big was following Gamma all this time.
In the Mystic Ruins, ZERO goes back to the Egg Carrier before Sonic can save Amy, and the ship flies away. Sonic goes through Red Mountain to catch up to the Egg Carrier, but he misses it.
(if you visit Angel Island before entering Red Mountain, you can see the almost complete Master Emerald, proving that Knuckles already boarded on the Egg Carrier by this point)
With his Tornado 2, Tails finds Sonic, and the two chase the Egg Carrier again.
Egg Carrier
Sonic and Tails “land” on the Egg Carrier, but Eggman changes the shape of the flying ship and forces them to take a detour through Sky Deck.
Knuckles retreives the last three Emerald Shards in Sky Deck, entering through the entrance in the pool. He never meets Sonic and Tails, but it’s implied that the gravity reversed section that Sonic goes through is Knuckles’ fault. For his efforts, Knuckles gets another flashback from Tikal.
Gamma wakes up from his own flashback on board of the Egg Carrier, where he’s praised for finding Froggy. Eggman sends the rest of the E-100 series robots away, and then asks Gamma to retreive Amy’s bird from her cell. He goes into the wrong room and finds Beta in the process of being modified, which traumatizes him. He eventually gets in the right room.
(I suspect that at this point Froggy ran away from Eggman and hid in Hot Shelter)
Gamma confronts Amy about her birdie, but Amy refuses to give it to him and convinces him to let her go. After having an intense reaction to the birdie, Gamma obliges, although wracked with guilt. He reveals that they’re set to the Mystic Ruins base.
Amy goes through Hot Shelter to escape. She gets a flashback from Tikal, and wakes up in Eggman’s pool.
Big fishes Froggy in Hot Shelter, and this time the frog doesn’t run away. He gets a flashback from Tikal.
Gamma is tasked to find the Jet Booster, and then to fight Sonic and Tails.
Amy tries to escape, but Eggman intercepts her, and steals the cyan Chaos Emerald from the birdie. Sonic and Tails arrive on the scene, but a little too late. Gamma is summoned, and the three fight. Amy interrupts the fight, makes Sonic and Tails stand down, and befriends Gamma.
The Egg Carrier, likely because of Sonic, Tails and Amy’s actions, begins to lose altitude. Tails is tasked with carrying Amy to safety. Gamma flies away too. Sonic returns the Egg Carrier to its default shape.
Big wakes up from his flashback and realizes something is wrong. He runs to the big glass arena of the Egg Carrier, where Eggman and Chaos 4 are. Chaos “extracts” the yellow Chaos Emerald from Froggy and absorbs it, becoming Chaos 6.
Sonic arrives a little too late, but promises Big that he’ll help save his friend. Big fishes Froggy out of Chaos 6, while Sonic uses the freezing machines that Eggman is dispensing to defeat it.
Eggman, distraught, flies away. Sonic tries to follow him, but falls off the Egg Carrier. Knuckles is left to fight Chaos 6 again, finally destroying him for good. He glides away, with the 6 Chaos Emeralds that Chaos left behind.
End of Big's story: Big steals Tails’ Tornado 2 and crashes back to his house, Froggy safe and sound, and the red Chaos Emerald chilling in the plane.
Day 3 (cont.)
Sonic lands in the Mystic Ruins jungle, where Tikal opens Lost World for him. Sonic goes in, and finds the mural that depicts Perfect Chaos destroying the echidna’s civilization. He gets a flashback from Tikal.
Gamma flies around the Mystic Ruins, deleting Eggman from his memory and setting himself on a mission to destroy his brothers and save the Flickies inside. He “rescues” E-103 Delta in Windy Valley.
Sunset 3
Sonic wakes up from his flashback outside of the temple, and he spots Eggman flying away to his base.
INCONSISTENCY 7: if you go to Station Square at this point, the citizens are already panicking over "missiles", which would mean Eggman already launched his nuke; but that would mean that he's racing Tails and fleeing to Final Egg at the same time. Since we never see the time of day where the Egg Viper fight takes place, I choose to believe the climax of Sonic's story happens before Tails'.
Sonic goes through Final Egg and defeats Eggman in his Egg Viper. Eggman flees.
Amy and Tails land safely in Station Square, and the two part ways.
Tails spots Eggman crashing a few meters away, having a breakdown over his sound defeat. He sends a nuke to destroy Station Square, but it’s a dud. Eggman flies to set off the missile himself, and Tails gains the courage to go after him and stop him all by himself.
Amy finds the picture that the birdie was carrying on its neck, and decides to help it find its family. Remembering Gamma’s words to her, she goes to the Mystic Ruins.
INCONSISTENCY 8: Eggman completely vanishes in Amy’s story. You’d think that she’d notice a giant fuck-you nuke being launched a few meters away from her...
Gamma “rescues” E-104 Epsilon in Red Mountain. (if you go to Station Square before going to Red Mountain, the people are already worried about the missile)
Night 3
Amy goes to Eggman’s base in Mystic Ruins, Final Egg. By the way, ZERO is still chasing Amy, probably not being updated on the news that the birdie is now useless.
Gamma realizes that he still has to destroy E-105 Zeta and E-101 Beta. He concludes that they must still be on the Egg Carrier. He takes a boat to the crashed Egg Carrier site.
(if you go to Station Square before going to the Final Egg with Amy or Hot Shelter with Gamma, the people are still worried about the missile)
Tails stops Eggman from setting off the missile. Eggman is furious and fights Tails in his Egg Walker. Tails defeats him and is celebrated as a hero by the Station Square citiziens. He flies to the Mystic Ruins in joy.
Day 4
End of Sonic's and Tails' stories: the two reunite at Mystic Ruins and celebrate.
End of Knuckles' story: Knuckles fixes the Master Emerald, and Angel Island flies again.
Amy realizes that she wasted time because the birdie fell from the Egg Carrier. She takes a boat to the crashed Egg Carrier site.
Gamma “rescues” Zeta in Hot Shelter. Once he’s out, Gamma realizes that his only remaining targets are Beta and himself.
End of Gamma's story: Gamma and Beta mk. II fight. He wins, but Beta gravely injures him before dying. Gamma dies too, and the Flickies inside both of them, the relatives of the birdie, fly away.
Amy gets on the Egg Carrier, but ZERO attacks the birdie and injures it.
End of Amy's story: Amy snaps and destroys the robot for good, and the birdie reunites with its relatives. Amy gains more confidence in herself.
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@azurestarss replied to your post “Sonic”
Also, I'm gonna throw this together since I'm leaving tomorrow: Sonic's official character bio.
Sonic's official character bio
Son of speed and hope, Sonic the Hedgehog leads a charmed existence. He is an heir to the "most speedy thing alive" title, and with his ability to harness the power of music, can transcend physical limitations and achieve nigh-unlimited speed. His many friends and relationships have strengthened his resolve to be a hero to those in need – even if it means travelling to strange places that may not seem so bright and sunny at first glance.
Any, as long as he stays young enough to be The Most Fastest Thing Alive™
Sonic wears a bandanna at his neck and a hat. He wears t-shirts with the characters from his games and a Sonic medallion around his neck. He wears khaki shorts and sneakers or running shoes.
Sonic stands at around three feet and has blue-and-green fur that's reminiscent of a raccoon. His eyes and ears are a bright blue, his nose and mouth are dark and his long, pointy teeth are white in color. He has a pair of spiky bangs framing his face. When not in battle mode, Sonic has a hedgehog face, with large, circular mounds on either side of his head. In battle mode, Sonic's face becomes a more 'raccoonlike' face.
He has long arms, which is where his gloves come in. They're both a solid blue color and covered in spikes. The gloves have a row of pointy spikes across the knuckles on each finger. There are also two small blue blades in the webs between each thumb and index finger with a red button on either side of them.
Sonic wears a Sonic Medallion around his neck, which looks like two rings connected by a chain. It lights up when he enters battle mode.
Background & Origins
Knuckles' backstory in Sonic 3 is that he was a soldier from another world who had "destroyed" the people living on his world. Though this seems like the whole truth, there is a bit of it that isn't; the game hints that the people on Knuckles' world actually made him their weapon.
His backstory in Sonic & Knuckles is that the people on his world made him a "weapon" after he fought them.
In the game, he wears a t-shirt with "Sonic the Hedgehog" and a shield with an E on it. Unlike the other ones, this one has a blue 'S' shape above his eyes.
In the comics, he sometimes wears a T-shirt with a large 'E' over his eye. Around the time of Sonic Drift, he wore a white t-shirt with a blue E that he used in place of his shield.
Sonic seems to think that "anything's possible if you put your mind to it." He's a bit of a romantic in a way, even if that romanticism sometimes gets him into trouble.
Knuckles is Sonic's older red-furred sibling. He is also a speedster, often helping Sonic out on his adventures.
Tails is Sonic's other red-furred sibling. He is a bit more laid-back and less serious about things than Sonic; often he makes fun of Sonic's obsession with saving people.
Doctor Robotnik is an evil scientist who tries to take over the world, but he sometimes helps out Sonic for some odd reason. He also loves to make robots.
Doctor Robotnik's wife, Doctor Robotnik (Jr.). She tends to be annoyed by her husband, but is also a bit of a speedster like him.
Robotnik's son, Shadow. He is very smart and powerful. His name comes from combining Robotnik with Shadow.
Robotnik's daughter, Cream. She is a bit spoiled and tends to be a bratty girl. Her name comes from combining Cream with Robotnik.
Metal Sonic is an evil robot who resembles Sonic, but is metal. He often tries to kill Sonic but doesn't always succeed.
Miles "Tails" Prower – Sonic's best friend. Tails makes fun of Sonic a lot, and often complains about having to help him save everyone all the time. He also gets very annoyed at Sonic when Sonic loses his temper at people, and he's been known to punch walls or throw things at Sonic to get him to calm down.
Tails also loves to fly, despite not being an angel or a bird. He doesn't have a plane, but he does ride in a small plane called the "Skyliner," and a helicopter called the "Sky Shark."
In the games, Tails wears a shirt with a cute design on it. He wears short shorts and a white t-shirt underneath it. He also has a ring on his finger.
Miles Prower – Tails' evil, robot duplicate. He can talk, make jokes, make copies of other people (e.g. Cream), etc.
Silver – a fox with a big ego who's also friends with Tails and Sonic. He is arrogant and sometimes obnoxious.
Silver is also an expert at hand-to-hand combat. He can change into his true form, a humanoid wolf-fox hybrid. In his humanoid form, his outfit consists of a black belt, white boots, and red boxing gloves.
Knuckles the Echidna – Knuckles is Sonic's nemesis, and also his best friend. Knuckles is green and often gets along well with people and animals like Cream.
In the games, he often gets along well with Eggman and they are even friends, but they often argue with one another. He is also quite paranoid and gets scared easily.
In the comics, Knuckles is a bit more sarcastic and doesn't get scared as easily. He sometimes wears boots, but they are generally dark and he tends to wear green pants. He also wears a dark green cloak. He's also usually seen with Cream and Silver.
In Sonic Adventure, Knuckles wears a metal mask that covers all but his eyes, a blue scarf around his neck, a dark green cloak, and short dark green pants. In Sonic Adventure 2, he wears a dark green vest with a gold emblem on his back, dark green pants, and light blue boots. In Sonic and the Black Knight, he wears a dark green robe with a small black jewel on his chest, dark green pants, and black boots. In Sonic 3 & Knuckles, he instead wears gold-trimmed dark green pants. In the Game Gear game Sonic 3, Knuckles wears dark green pants instead and has a dark green hood with gold trim, and light blue boots. While in Sonic & Knuckles he wears light green pants around his waist, a dark green cape, light green boots, and a metal mask that covers his eyes.
Silver the Hedgehog – an alien hedgehog with a big ego and an interest in fighting. He usually gets along well with Cream and Knuckles, but doesn't get along with Robotnik or Tails very much. In Sonic & Knuckles, he doesn't get along with Cream or Robotnik very well.
In the games, he doesn't often get along with anyone.
In the comics, he doesn't get along with anyone but Dr. Robotnik. While he and
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open world sonic games ideas so far
(i’m not working on a game i just had some thoughts)
- BIG WORLD. like SUPER SUPER big. like breath of the wild, or like.. idk an mmo or something.
- ICONIC LOCATIONS (soleanna, empire city, angel island, all that). unfortunately you will start in green hill but thats a tutorial area and its real quick so its fine.
- BOOST GAMEPLAY for the main world with a turbo boost option for getting around between the big locations.
- ADVENTURE GAMEPLAY for small segments. “levels” like maybe caves or bosses!
- SHADOW RACES! shadow joins the main story for a little bit and you race him in one of the main missions (you can fail it without having to do it all over but you CAN redo it later on if you want). beating shadow in every race unlocks him as a playable character (story will not change, cutscenes will still show sonic, basically just an alt skin)
- UPGRADES!! high jump out of boost, forces-broken air boost, stomp speed for main world... bound jump hight, spindash speed, instashield for “adventure” stages... and of course the 06 gems(which instead of replacing the entire shoe will instead appear in an empty hole in every one of sonic’s shoes)
- CHARACTER OUTFITS! of course, they will not affect any stats or abilities, but you can put on soap shoes and the riders glasses n stuff :O
- SIDE MISSIONS!!! important sidequests that give lore will be given by established characters (silver, knuckles, elise, that gun commander guy from shadow unless he’s a villain here), and fun bonus missions from random npc’s! and the type of mission will be influenced by location! for example, soleanna’s missions will be ridiculous and of course sonic man will be one of them.
- POST GAME CONTENT!!! i hate it when loading a game’s save file places you before the final boss while the world is on fire and everyone is scared. maybe you wanna chill and see your comrades as npcs.
- NEW GAME + !!!!!! every upgrade you bought during your main game as well as every costume and, of course, shadow. beating this ng+ will unlock metal sonic as a character for the next ng+.
- SUPER SONIC!!!!!! you are able to activate him at 50 rings in “adventure” stages and cannot deactivate him unless you run out. you can activate him with 100 rings in the main world but you CAN deactivate him because otherwise he’ll eat up all your rings. you’ll probably have a bank as a failsafe. chaos emeralds will be involved in the plot BUT ng+ has super sonic unlocked at the start.
Upgrades i have thought of so far (xbox controller buttons):
- OVERALL: Move (Left Joystick) Camera (Right Joystick) Center Camera Behind Sonic (Right Joystick Button) Jump , Homing Attack (A) Spin Kick , Slide (B) Light Dash , Activate Super Sonic (Y)
- MAIN WORLD: Boost , Air Boost , Fly (Super Sonic) (X) Stomp , Stop Flying (Super Sonic) (B) Quick Step (LB/RB) Drift (LT/RT) Toggle Turbo Boost (Left Joystick Button)
- ADVENTURE LEVELS: Spindash , Drop Dash (X) Bound Attack (B) Shield Ability , Instashield , Light Speed Attack (Super Sonic) (LB/RB/LT/RT)
- GEMS: Switch Gems (D-PAD L/R) Bring Up Gem Menu (D-PAD UP) Use Gem Ability (D-PAD DOWN) GREEN - Tornado Kick (ABILITY) RED - Slow Down Time Around Sonic (TOGGLE ON/OFF) WHITE - Charged Homing Smash (HOLD + RELEASE) PURPLE - Double Jump (REPLACE AIR DASH)
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syotoyakurutoki · 3 years
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So, after around 3 months of drawing, colouring and shading, it's finally done!
Happy 30th to our adorable, cool, and all around loveable, blue blur~! <3
For this picture, I wanted to combine as many of Sonic's variants/ as possible. Even though I haven't drawn EVERY type, I made sure to add objects/props which are related to a particular game and/or version of Sonic.
From bottom left to right;
- Super Sonic - Chaos Emeralds - Werehog - Modern Sonic (with Riders shoes and goggles and Chip's Bracelet from Unleashed) - Classic Sonic - SA2 Soap Shoes - Caliburn from SATBK - Rings - Chili dogs - Sonic 1 - Speed Up Item Box - Sonic OVA - Sonic CD - Sonic's guitar from Sonic Underground - SatAM - Mania Adventures Sonic - Neutral Chao - Sun/Moon Medals from Unleashed - Lamp from SATSR
- Excalibur Sonic from SATBK - Neutral Chao Egg (SA1 and SA2) - Darkspine Sonic from SATSR - Boom Sonic - Sonic Overdrive Sonic
- Wisp from Sonic Colours - Dark Sonic - Adventure styled Sonic - Light Speed Dash Bracelet (SA1) - Movie Sonic - Bag of Rings - Sonic's backpack (from the movie) - The Seven World Rings - Hyper Sonic
All Sonics (c) SEGA
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shadowsfascination · 4 years
Shadamy Swordland | ch. 5 | Lead the Way!
It was still early and therefore dark on a cold February morning when a caped Shadow and a cloaked Amy silently prowled around the academy grounds. Crossing the main square once again to get to the outskirts of the district, a blanket of fresh snow softly crackled under their shoes. The snow covered the herringbone-laid brick on the streets and the lack of daylight gave the snow a blueish glow. It sure has something enchanting-, Amy though to herself.
Treading lightly in attempt to make as little noise as possible, Amy exhaled in her already cold hands. The warm vapor of her breath felt nice on them for a brief moment, but they quickly grew even colder than before. She always wore gloves, but the her usual ones were thin and she forgot to put on her winter gloves this morning. Even when she’d placed them on the table next to the door, that was.
Shadow wasn’t much affected  by the cold. He’d wrapped his scarf around her neck and provided her one of his sweaters as well before they’d hit the road. It wasn’t hard to captivate his scent like this and it reminded Amy of the time she had had a secret crush on her trainer. Before every training session she used to ‘accidentally’ put her coat over his on the coat rack. It provided her coat with his masculine scent and she would secretly dwell in it afterwards. Back in the days it’d felt bittersweet to her because he wasn’t interested in her and she believed of them to have neither future or potential together.
While walking in silence through the cold morning Amy wondered why they were walking in the first place. Now that she’d learnt about his special ‘chaos’ skills, he didn’t need to hide them any longer- from her that was. Shadow explained to her that using his special skills, like warping, cost a high amount of energy. With the gemstone Shadow liked to refer to as a ‘Chaos emerald’, believed to be far away from South Island, there already was little energy to begin with. The thought of wasting the precious energy for every little thing was to be unheard of to him and so they trothed onwards through the snow.
The pink hedgehog researched every bit of information available about the tale yesterday. With the help of her dear friend Miles she collected a remarkable amount of notes on the subject when she left the library. Amy felt inspired and was eager to start this adventure, especially when the actual hero of the story was involved right here, right now. Still, she felt a little uneasy because she felt like some of her notes were missing. A couple of lines got stuck in her head and she couldn’t remember whether they were something she read or written down. Her mind drifted off and she went through yesterday’s events one more time:
“Plagues, Miles, loosen up!”
'Miles', which was Tails’ his actual name, handed his friend a paper towel to wipe her hands before diving into the historic tales together. According to Amy he took his duty of keeping the books in his library in the best condition possible way too serious. The fox had, uncharacteristic as it was, assertively told her: ‘my library, my rules’.
Amy did as she was asked and grasped a notebook from her bag. In a zealous way she penned down everything that seemed important for their search, making sure the lay-out of her notes looked like a summary for a test. She dug through the pile of books Tails had picked out for her. She chuckled when she saw the many small, coloured pieces of paper sticking out of their pages. She was lucky to have a friend like him, even when there actually was no test to prepare for.
Amy lost herself in the exciting facts she came to know. Tails busied himself with other things like speaking to visitors and organizing the books on the countless shelves. Aqueous sunlight shone through the tall, stained-glass windows, drawing long shadows every time someone passed by. The colours of the glass-paintings broke the light into more subtle beams. After an hour or so, Amy’s eyes grew tired from the pleasant warmth of the sun through the windows, slowing down her pace. She yawned and decided it was time for a break. Tails went out to the kitchen to make them some tea.
Amy wavered through the things she wrote down and contemplated about where to start searching for the gemstone. She fell back in her seat and fixed her gaze on the ceiling and was surprised to find wood-carved illustrations on some of the beams.
The guardians of the jewel are echidnas… she quietly muttered.
Amy walked up to a bookcase and started looking for the letter ‘E’ until she found an informative book about Echidnas. She grabbed the book rushed through its’ pages. A map of their planet, portrayed on the next page showed the various locations of well-known echidna populations throughout the planet. She read out loud:
“‘Echidnas can live anywhere from mountainous peaks to deserts… They are able to cope with extreme weather…’”
Suddenly the door was swung open and a blue tornado-like wind whirled through the library, swirling up loose pieces of paper to spread them all over the place. A thumping of footfalls on the wooden floor accompanied this outburst of chaos before coming to a stop and bumping into the table because ‘it’ reduced its’ speed too late. Amy’s quills were blown into her face and she hurried back to the table. Her notes fluttered around and a well-known blue hedgehog laid clumsily spread across the table; Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sonic was a student like her, training to become a knight within the high order of knights like Shadow. He was Blaze’s student, who was a close friend of hers. It was a shame the cat had so little time to hang out, Amy thought when thinking about her friend. Sonic and Amy got along fine, but didn’t talk that often.
“Whoops… Hi Amy!”
“My notes! Sonic… look at the mess you’ve made!”
She impatiently tapped her foot at him, her hands planted on her sides.
“What are you waiting for? Go help me gather them!”
He jumped up and hastily grasped some notes. Amy collected some as well and snatched the untidy pile of the now crinkled pages out of Sonic’s hands.
Amy swallowed. Either Sonic or Tails could have found her missing pages.
Well, can’t do much about it now, so I gotta let it go.
She shrugged the thought off and stepped forward into much more white than she expected and gasped when ice cold snow dripped into her boots.
“Right on time.”
Rouge waved at the two she could barely believe got together. Shadow’s breastplate reflected the fierce light from the now upcoming sun. Rouge squinted her eyes and covered them with her hands. She was clothed in a thick robe, matching gloves and boots and a purple, turtleneck-like scarf was wrapped around her neck.
“Tone it down, will ya? I’m already not too fond of being out in the sunlight.”
“Tough luck. Now, shall we?”
He pointed to the east from where they were standing, to an entrance of a cave. The females nodded and the three of them footed their way to the foot of the mountain. Leaving the countless fir trees and the snow behind when entering the cave, Rouge couldn’t be more pleased. The climate in the cave was damp and warm, noticeably less cold than the outside air, much to her satisfaction. Amy used an easy sacred art spell to light the torch they brought and she stepped forward to lead the way.
“I’m not complaining or anything, but why are we in this place?”
“The tale says that the stone is guarded by the designated echidna family. Echidnas like to dig.”
Rouge was already halfway through the breath she’d drawn to protest when she sensed something that cut off her opposition. Even though Amy’s starting point was built on a hasty conclusion, she might be right, Rouge thought to herself. Casting a spell under her breath, Rouge attempted to draw out chaos affected spores in the air. They showed her the amount of present chaos energy in her surroundings. Even when there were none to be found yet, Shadow caught on to the increasing activity of her sacred arts.
“Trust me. I’ve done plenty of research and I’ve got a real good feeling about this.”
“It’s a little too early to trust you already, hun.”
“For starters: don’t call me that.”
In the blink of an eye Amy drew her rapier and with a swift, yet threatening move she swung it towards Rouge, forcing her to a stop. The bat blinked before lowering her eyelids. Amy found it hard to name that expression. All she knew was she didn’t care for it. She felt mocked in a way. A grin spread across Shadow’s muzzle, a hint of that mocking expression Rouge had playing his eyes.
“You don’t wanna mess with her, Rouge. Especially when she’s angry.”
“Second: I don’t think you have much of a choice but to trust us.” Amy said.
“Geez! Fine, I’ll drop the nickname if you insist.”
“I do. By the way, I’ve been wondering: how’d you two meet?”
Amy hid her rapier in its’ sheathe again. Shadow and Rouge shared a glance, the flickering light of the torch casting a warm glow on their skin.
“Go ahead, tell her. I couldn’t care less.”
“Rouge used to be a member of the high order of knights. We worked together for a period of time. She was fired though because of a rather unfortunate incident.”
“Hmph! Coward! ‘Unfortunate incident’?! You don’t even dare to call me a thief, do ya?”
“Trust me, when it comes to being blunt, you’re outmatched, but unlike you I don’t enjoy putting someone on the spot and talk trash.”
“Anyway…!”- Rouge snorted, ignored Shadow and increased the volume in her voice. “I endeavoured  to steal some beautiful regal gems, got caught and have been an outcast ever since.”
“Why did you do that?” Amy asked her.
“I was pregnant and in need of money.”
“You had your loan, right? That should’ve been more than enough.” Shadow said in a crude way.
Without anyone being aware of it they had stopped walking. Rouge turned towards Shadow with crossed arms.
“You’re such an oblivious fool, Shadow! No knight in the high order can have kids while serving. They would’ve fired me either way. I was about to become a mother without a job and a roof above my head. Desperate times call for desperate measures! And on top of that: those jewels were absolutely gorgeous! It’s a shame I didn’t get my hands on them.”
Shadow’s ears fell back, gaze fixed on the ground by now. Even when she didn’t see his eyes, she read his shock from his posture.
“You … didn’t know?”
“Correct. The board clearly left out the pregnancy part when they explained your departure. How despicable.”
“That doesn’t surprise me at all. Let’s forget about it already.”
“That’s no way to treat a lady!” Amy hissed.
“I never even noticed you were pregnant at the time.”
“Again: not surprised. The Shadow I knew was never the least bit interested in women or anything even slightly related to romance, sex or intimacy. That sure changed.” Rouge shifted her eyes to Amy, who smiled an awkward smile.
“I told you before: don’t interfere.”
“I’m not. Just saying it as it is.”
“And what’s that?”
“You’re in a relationship, for crying out loud! Believe you me, I’ve never had an interest in you like that. Though I couldn’t help but wonder who on the planet could ever manage to break down those sky high walls you’ve put up over the years. I haven’t seen you in ages, Shadow. To see this cute pink hedgehog beside you… I’m just surprised you know…”
Amy was unsure whether this was a compliment or if Rouge was belittling her, which was sure to be a mistake. She locked eyes with her lover, who simply shrugged and told her Rouge wasn’t wrong about her being cute.
“I have to admit I’m impressed, Amy. You even got him to defile his oath and break the rules he’s so hang up on to follow.”
“Let’s drop the subject and just keep walking, okay?” Shadow sneered.
While continuing their search, Amy asked about Rouge’s kids. Rouge unravelled they were twins; a boy and a girl who were at the age of 4 now. The bat seemed fine with her questions and so Amy asked everything she liked to know and didn’t hold back. The pregnancy had surprised the now mother of two at the time. Somehow the guy who knocked her up wasn’t around anymore and it was just her and her two little troublemakers, as she called them.
Gradually the atmosphere between the trio got a friendly note to it. Rouge even teased Shadow, setting him on edge by saying he didn’t need to worry about the kids being his. With aggravated frown and deadpanned expression he stated it was an unnecessary thing to say. He could feel her eyes bore into the back of his head and pictured the kind of grimace that surely curled her lips.
They hit a bifurcation from where the tunnel divided into two separate corridors. Rouge drew out the chaos spores in the air to determine which way to go. They looked like a turquoise equivalent of fireflies. They swirled around in the air for a moment and then concentrated on the left corridor. It was the first time Amy witnessed a visible form of chaos energy and she was mesmerised by it.
A self-complacent smile curved the full lips of the bat-woman when she passed by Amy, her curved hips swaying as she did so. She lead the way while following the swarm-like chaos spores. With every step they made into the corridor its’ amount increased like a silent promise they were on the right track. The trio, now filled with curiosity and excitement, picked up the pace and Rouge peeked around the corner. She abruptly came to a stop and gave a muffled cry.
“A dead end?!”
Rouge cursed out loud, addressing the spores like they were a person who’d betrayed her. The three looked up to the bolt of energy whizzing above their heads. Shadow tapped at his cheek with his index finger, clearly brooding over the possibilities.
“Maybe not.”
Shadow stretched out his arms and absorbed the chaos energy from the spores to grasp the hands of the others next. At their touch a blue-greenish luminary flash gushed through them, increasing both their transparency and transcendence. He briefly informed them about his plan to jump through the ceiling, letting their chaos-affected bodily forms break the molecular structure of the rocks apart. The two women strongly disagreed with his plan. Feeling rather confident about this, he decided not to care about their opinions. He simply grabbed one of their arms and jumped up.
“This should work!”
Summary: Shadow, Amy and Rouge begin their search for the gemstone after Amy thoroughly prepares their adventure with the help of her dear friend Tails. While on the road, Rouge opens up about surprising events from her past. ______________________________ Pffft, this felt more like a puzzle than a story to me. Never have I dragged so many alineas up and down the page to fit everything into place. I also struggled with translations of figure of speach here. One of the downsides of writing in English for me... Even so, when I translated a small part of ch 1 into my native language, it felt both off and odd to me. Also: sorry about the lenght!   - Like always: share your thoughts if you will and send me a not for annoying typo's or grammar mishaps. I'd really appreciate it! <3 - I uploaded this and some other stories/oneshots on AO3 recently. Username's the same as always
@shadamyheadcanons : promised to keep you updated 
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greenyvertekins · 5 years
Obscure Sonic Facts Masterpost
- Sonic suffers from hay fever. [SOURCE] [SOURCE]
- Dr Eggman is fond of more than three meals a day. [SOURCE]
- Shadow went from being named after the sarcasm involved in being unable to manufacture and/or catch a shadow to being named after the direction from which a light shines (According to Maria) [SOURCE for Shadow being named after futility of manufacturing shadows]     [SOURCE for Maria being the origin of Shadow’s name]
- Knuckles’ whole design concept stems from ST wanting a character that could smash through walls. [RESEARCHING SOURCE]
- Sonic likes to read. Especially on rainy days. [SOURCE - One of the Joypolis Sonic statues quotes in Japanese confirms]
- Press Garden Zone in Sonic Mania was originally named Pulp Solstice Zone. [SOURCE]
- Tails was originally supposed to have only one tail and not have visible sclera. [SOURCE - Stated in Japanese in description]
- Sonic has a weird molecular structure, explaining why he can change form. [SOURCE KNOWN BUT I CAN’T FIND THE VIDEO WHEREIN THIS WAS STATED]
- Shadow is physically 15. [SOURCE]
- Nack/Fang isn’t a Weasel/Wolf hybrid but a Jerboa/Wolf hybrid. [SOURCE]
- Bean is not a Duck but a Woodpecker. [SOURCE]
- “Sonic Crackers” is likely to be a mistranslated title with the real one likely to instead be “Sonic Clackers” [No source but it makes sense given the “connected by a band” dynamic and fickleness of translitering L’s and R’s from Japanese]
- Sonic has a deep dislike of secrecy. [SOURCE]
- Vector believes in God according to Chaotix’s manual. [SOURCE]
- The Hard-Boiled Heavies were independent from Dr Eggman and were not acting under his command until presumably late into the game. [TRYING TO FIND SOURCE AGAIN]
- Sonic inscribed his name on his shoe soles in Sonic Adventure. [SOURCE]
- Heavy Magician’s name was originally Heavy Mystic. [SOURCE]
- The original Genocide City/Cyber City Zone’s layout in Sonic 2 eventually became Metropolis Act 3. [SOURCE]
- Chaos is a mutant Chao. [SOURCE]
- Sonic’s world has two moons. [SOURCE]
- Sonic actually has two separate eyeballs. They’re not “conjoined” [SOURCE]
- Shadow’s original name was “Terios” [SOURCE]
- The white cuffs on Sonic’s shoes are not socks. They’re part of the shoe itself. [SOURCE]
- Mighty’s favorite thing to do is forest bathe and he dislikes violence. [SOURCE]
- Charmy was the first insect to exceed the speed of sound and he has the moniker “Fastest insect in the world” [SOURCE]
- The unused line in SA2 that Omochao says regarding the doctor’s mustache being fake does not actually refer to Dr Eggman but to the Chao Professor in the Kindergarten. [Chao Professor is referred-to as “Hakase”, which is Japanese for “Professor”. Dr Eggman is not referred-to in this fashion]
- Sonic does not have a home. [SOURCE]
- Chip is genderless. [SOURCE]
- Darkspine Sonic does not wear gloves, shoes or socks.
- Maria Robotnik is 12 years old, 4′ 07′‘ tall and weighs 32kg (70lbs) [SOURCE]
- The ring that Sonic wears in SatSR has an inscription engraved into it that confers good luck upon the wearer. [SOURCE]
- “*******” AKA “Wechnia” in Knuckles’ Chaotix is the remains of Tails’ data. He and Sonic were originally planned to be in the game. [SOURCE] [SOURCE]
- Professor Gerald Robotnik is 5′07′‘ and weighs 88kg (194lbs). His age is not known. [SOURCE]
- Sonic is not fond of Twinkle Park (His idle comment in the entrance area has him state that he doesn’t like the place) [SOURCE]
- Birdie is male and the yellow and pink birds are his brothers. [SOURCE]
- Tikal’s mother died when she was young. This is specifically why she was raised by her grandmother. [SOURCE]
- Sonic has actually been voiced by at least two women; Keiko Toda in Sonic Underground and Meg Inglima in Sonic’s Schoolhouse. [SOURCE] [SOURCE]
- A young boy inside Station Square’s train station mentions Little Planet and Angel Island in the Japanese script when talking to Sonic at one point in his story. These references are not in the English script. [SOURCE]
- E-10000R (The red robot playable character in Sonic Riders) has the same engine as Metal Sonic. [SOURCE]
- Classic Sonic is 76.5cm (2′05′‘) tall as his sprites are equal in height to Metal Sonic’s in Sonic CD. Who’s height was given as 76.5cm in his profile in the manual. [SOURCE]
- According to text on the World Rings’ concept art, they’re made out of a glass-like substance. [SOURCE]
- Knuckles hates the city. [SOURCE]
- Amy dislikes the main area (Not the Jungle) of Mystic Ruins. [SOURCE]
- Caliburn was originally female. Shiro Maekawa was surprised to see she was changed to male. [SOURCE]
- Earthia is a conservative leader of Cosmo’s homeworld whilst Lucas is the leader of the war faction. This is stated (In Japanese) on their eyecatch cards. [SOURCE]
- The flower Merlina holds that wilts is a Strawflower/Straw Chrysanthemum. This was an intentional choice, as Strawflowers/Straw Chrysanthemums represent eternity in the language of flowers, a direct reference to Merlina’s desire to make the Grand Kingdom last forever. [SOURCE - Note that this is Shiro Maekawa’s Twitter post. Who wrote the Storybook games.]
- Clove the Pronghorn is/was regarded as lesbian by her creator Aleah Baker. [SOURCE]
- Dr Eggman went to the effort of collecting the Hyudoro’s in the Sandopolis pyramid himself and placed them inside that capsule. [SOURCE]
- According to Shadow’s SONIC CHANNEL profile, he does not have a “favorite thing” or anything that he likes. [SOURCE]
- Silver’s age originally wasn’t set in concrete. It was given as being 13-15 in SONIC ‘06′s script. His final age is given as 14. [SOURCE]
- Rouge dislikes Dry Lagoon. [Idle dialogue in Dry Lagoon confirms this]
- Sonic Jam’s title was originally conceived as “Sonic Ages” [SOURCE]
- “Nazo” is one and the same as Super Sonic and is not a unique, independent character. This was outright stated on a Japanese Sonic X poster. [SOURCE]
- Blaze is put-out by her small breasts and comments about them rouse her anger. [SOURCE]
- Metal Sonic idles in his spare time. [SOURCE]
- Sonic does not live in Green Hill Zone, he just enjoys running around there. [SOURCE]
- Emerald Coast is the hottest vacation destination in Sonic’s world. [SOURCE]
- The female ghost in Night of the Werehog is named Raa/Laa, the short, fat ghost is named Suu and the thin, taller ghost in named Wuu. Their fused form with the horns is named Baker. [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE]
- Knuckles’ design was originally Dinosaur-like. This was due to the popularity of Jurassic Park at the time. [SOURCE]
- Sonic is capable of reaching the speed of light. This is stated in his profile in one of the official JP Sonic Adventure guides. [SOURCE]
- Sonic does not recall memories of his actions in Purple Frenzy form when he reverts to normal. This is stated in the Sonic Colours manga. [SOURCE]
- The cackling one-eyed creatures that accompany Mephiles in the first boss fight against him are named “Zerophiles” [TRYING TO RE-FIND SOURCE]
- Jimmy (Heavy Rider’s steed) is described as being like a rampaging bull in the JP Sonic Mania manual. [SOURCE]
- Jari-Thure in JP Unleashed wonders if Sonic is perverted given that he wears only gloves. This is not mentioned in the English script and he wonders if Sonic is a weirdo instead. [SOURCE] - Chip refers to itself/himself in the third person in the JP script of Unleashed. - Omochao adds the word “Chao” onto the end of every sentence in Japanese. This quirk is not present with English Omochao.
- Cheese’s favorite food is Coconuts. [SOURCE]
- Orbot is noted in his SONIC CHANNEL profile to have a “poisonous” sort of sarcasm towards Dr Eggman. He is also noted as being quite intelligent. [SOURCE] - Cubot has the same CPU as Orbot but is dense despite that. This is stated in his SONIC CHANNEL profile. [SOURCE]
- One of Sonic’s originally conceived names was “Lighspee” (”Raisupi”), derived from “Lightspeed” [SOURCE]
- Pumpkin Hill’s theme song “A Ghost’s Pumpkin Soup” was the very first track composed for Sonic Adventure 2. [TRYING TO RE-FIND SOURCE]
- Windy Valley was the first stage designed for Sonic Adventure and the last to be remade. [SOURCE]
- Some of the files in SA2′s data still refer to Shadow by his original name Terios. [SOURCE]
- Cosmo loves to bask in the sun according to her eyecatch card. [SOURCE]
- If you duck a small distance away from Knuckles in Sky Sanctuary Zone in Sonic (3) & Knuckles, he will gesture for Sonic and/or Tails to go on without him. This can be seen in action here.
- Speaking of Sky Sanctuary, it is considered holy territory that only Knuckles is permitted to enter. This is stated in the official JP Sonic Jam startegy guide. [SOURCE]
- Sonic Team had a survey to decide whether to reverse the controls for up and down in Death Egg Zone when the gravity is reversed. [SOURCE]
- The name of Emerald Hill Zone came from a location in San Francisco. STI were located in the city at the time. Which is how they were inspired. [SOURCE]
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