#light!chica mention
glambots · 2 years
can i get hcs with glam freddy and an oblivious reader? anything romantic he does just goes over their head SOO easily.
🎩Glamrock Freddy + "Oblivious!Reader" HCs:🎩
⭐You're both suffering because he's trying so hard to woo you without being overbearing or over-stepping his bounds, and you are trying so hard to figure out whether or not he's actually flirting with you, or if you're just overthinking things. And everyone else is suffering from secondhand embarrassment. (JUST. KISS ALREADY.)
⭐The man once straight-up romantically serenaded you during a company-approved "Karaoke Night," and you simply sat there with your one braincell. Not a single spark of realization in your eyes. Chica felt so bad at how dejected Freddy was afterwards and Roxy was ready to genuinely knock some common sense into you.
⭐Eventually it gets to the point where Freddy eventually realizes that your languages in love are just a little too different for him to try and "will you" to get it. He will have to be a little more "straight-forward" with his gestures, which does not bother him at all! In fact, maybe there can be a way for him to do both--he just has to find out how!
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crocsandbitches · 5 months
Deciding to have my first early night of the year and missing the actual fr fr northern lights has the same energy as when you skipped school and missed a teacher getting fired, someone getting pregnant and the fight to end all fights
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a-lexia11 · 18 days
Crossing the line (part 2)
Ingrid Engen x Putellas!reader
Alexia Putellas x sister!reader
Word count:Around 4k
Warning:some angst
Part 1, Part 3
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The days that followed were a whirlwind of emotions. Ingrid and you began texting—nothing too serious, just light conversation, sharing random thoughts and funny memes.
But even through the screen, you felt something shift. Each message from her made you smile, your heart race, and gave you hope that maybe, just maybe, this could turn into something more.
Yet with each text, a sense of guilt started creeping in.You were hiding something from Alexia, and you knew deep down she wouldn’t be okay with it. The more Ingrid and you talked, the heavier that secret felt, like a weight pressing down on you.
You tried to act normal around Alexia, but it was difficult. Every time she asked about your day or what you’ve been up to, you had to hold back from mentioning Ingrid. Lying to her felt wrong, but you didn’t see any other option.
If she knew—if she even suspected—that you had a huge crush on Ingrid, especially after you exchanged numbers and started texting constantly, she would step in without hesitation.
Alexia’s protective nature would take over, and she’d end things before you even had a chance to figure out what this could be with Ingrid.
The texts between Ingrid and you weren’t anything overtly romantic, but there was an undeniable undertone. A lingering question in every exchange
A “what if” that neither of you said out loud but both of you seemed to feel. There was something simmering beneath the surface, and it was getting harder and harder to ignore.
One evening, after an exhausting day, you found yourself lying on your bed, phone in hand. Ingrid had just sent you a photo of her latest painting—an incredible piece bursting with vibrant colors and raw emotion.
You admired the artwork, but more than that, you found yourself admiring her—someone so strong, talented, and kind, someone who seemed to draw you in deeper with every passing day.
Just as you were about to reply to Ingrid's message, your phone buzzed again. It was a call from Alexia. Your heart skipped a beat.
“Hola, Alexia” you greeted, trying to sound as casual as possible.
“Hola, cariño” she responded, her voice bright and full of warmth. “¿Qué estás haciendo?” (What are you up to?)
“Solo descansando” you replied, glancing at Ingrid’s message again “¿Y tú?” (Just relaxing,What about you?)
“Acabo de terminar de cenar con algunas de las chicas” Alexia said softly. “Pensé en llamar a mi hermanita favorita” (Just finished dinner with some of the girls. Thought I’d check in on my favorite little sister.)
A smile tugged at your lips, but the weight of the secret you were keeping made it hard to fully enjoy the moment. “¡Oh, le diré a Alba que dijiste eso!” you teased, hoping to keep things light. (Oh, I'm telling Alba you said that)
She laughed, the sound comforting and familiar. “De todos modos, estaba pensando… ha pasado un tiempo desde que tuvimos un buen rato de hermanas. ¿Qué te parece si vamos a cenar este fin de semana? Solo nosotras dos.” (Anyway, I was thinking... it’s been a while since we’ve had some proper sister time. How about we grab dinner this weekend? Just the two of us)
The idea of a quiet evening with Alexia should have made you happy, but your heart sank.
Spending time with her, knowing you were hiding something that could hurt her, felt like a betrayal. Yet, there was no way you could say no without raising suspicion.
“Sí, suena genial,” you said, forcing your voice to stay steady. “¿El sábado?” (Yeah, that sounds great, Saturday?)
“¡Perfecto! Haré una reserva en algún lugar bonito. Te lo mereces.” (Perfect! I’ll make a reservation somewhere nice. You deserve it.)
Her words only made the guilt gnaw at you harder. “Gracias, Ale. Estoy deseando que llegue” (Thanks, Ale. I’m looking forward to it)
“Te extraño, Y/N,” she said, her voice soft and sincere. “Las cosas han estado tan locas últimamente con el fútbol. Siento que no he pasado suficiente tiempo contigo.” (I miss you, Y/N. Things have been so crazy lately with football. I feel like I haven’t spent enough time with you.)
Her words hit you harder than you expected. Alexia had always been there for you, always protective, always your biggest supporter.
Now, you were keeping something from her that she would never expect. “Yo también te extraño,” you said quietly, your throat tight with guilt. (I miss you too)
“Bueno, solucionaremos eso este fin de semana,” she promised, her tone lightening again. “Te enviaré los detalles más tarde. Te quiero, cariño.” (Well, we’ll fix that this weekend. I’ll text you the details later. I love you)
“También te quiero, Alexia.” (I love you too, Alexia)
After hanging up, you sat still for a long moment, staring down at your phone. Your lock screen showed an old photo of the three of you—Alexia, Alba, and you as a baby.
In the picture, Alexia was holding you, kissing your cheek, while Alba smiled brightly at the camera, clutching your tiny hand.
The image filled you with warmth, but also deepened the ache in your chest.
How could you keep this from Alexia? Eventually, she would find out, and the thought of how much it would hurt her weighed heavily on you. Disappointing her, breaking her trust—it was something you couldn’t bear.
But at the same time, you couldn’t deny what you felt for Ingrid. Every conversation, every laugh you shared, made your feelings grow stronger.
The spark between you two was undeniable, and it made you feel more alive than you had in ages. You couldn’t just walk away from that, even if the risk was high.
You sighed deeply, running a hand through your hair, lost in the swirl of emotions. Your phone buzzed again, and your heart leaped, expecting it to be Alexia texting you details about dinner.
But it wasn’t.
It was Ingrid.
Ingrid: Hey, you still awake?
Your heart jumped a little when you saw her message. You hesitated briefly before quickly typing a reply.
Y/N: Yeah, I’m up. What’s going on?
Her response was almost instant.
Ingrid: You didn’t answer my last message, so I just wanted to check if you were asleep—and see how you’re doing.
A soft smile tugged at your lips, even as the guilt you’d been carrying gnawed at you. Somehow, Ingrid always had a way of making things feel lighter, even when everything was complicated.
Y/N: I’m good. Just relaxing. What about you?
Ingrid: Same. Been thinking about you, actually. Remember when we hung out at the park? I really loved that day.
Your heart fluttered at her words. Knowing she was thinking of you, too, made something in your chest stir.
Y/N: Yeah, me too. That was a really great time.
There was a short pause before her next message appeared.
Ingrid: I was wondering... how about we grab coffee again sometime? Or maybe something more? Like dinner?
Your breath caught in your throat. Dinner? Was this her way of asking you out?
A big part of you wanted to say yes right away. But the other part, the one weighed down with guilt and worry about Alexia, hesitated.
You stared at her message for what felt like an eternity, fingers hovering over the keyboard, before finally making a decision.
Y/N: I’d love to.
As soon as you hit send, a mix of excitement and dread washed over you. You were walking a fine line now, and you knew it.
But you couldn’t stop yourself. You wanted to see where things with Ingrid would go, even if it meant more secrets.
Ingrid: Great! How about Saturday evening?
Your heart sank a little. Saturday—your dinner plans with Alexia. Panic surged through you, but you quickly pulled yourself together.
Y/N: Actually, I have plans with my sister on Saturday. How about Sunday instead?
Ingrid: Sunday works! Let’s make it a date, then. 😊
A date. That word sent a rush of excitement through you, but it also tightened the knot of anxiety in your stomach.
This was it—you were crossing the line, stepping into something that might hurt Alexia if she found out.
But it was too late. You were already in too deep, and part of you didn’t want to pull back.
Y/N: I’m looking forward to it. 😊
Ingrid: Same here. See you Sunday. Sweet dreams, Y/N.
Y/N: Sweet dreams, Ingrid.
You set your phone down, leaning back against the couch and staring up at the ceiling.
Your mind was racing, spinning with everything that had happened recently. You were torn—caught between your loyalty to Alexia and the undeniable feelings you were developing for Ingrid. And you didn’t know how to make sense of either.
All you knew for certain was that Sunday couldn’t come soon enough.
Sunday arrived sooner than you had expected, bringing with it a whirlwind of emotions that you could hardly contain.
As you got ready, the nerves were almost overwhelming, but excitement pulsed just beneath the surface.
You spent Saturday evening with Alexia, trying your best to act normal as you laughed and reminisced over dinner.
It was like old times, just the two of you—but all the while, a gnawing guilt tugged at your chest.
You couldn’t tell her. Not yet. The weight of the secret was almost suffocating, but you pushed it down. You had agreed to the date with Ingrid, and despite the turmoil, part of you was incredibly excited.
It had been so long since you’d been on a real date, and Ingrid… well, she was someone you hadn’t expected to feel this strongly about.
You decided to meet at a small, cozy restaurant near the city center. It was intimate, perfect for a quiet evening, away from prying eyes.
You arrived a little early, trying to calm the nervous fluttering in your stomach as you checked your phone repeatedly. You were barely paying attention when you looked up and saw her.
Ingrid approached, looking effortlessly stunning. She wore a simple black dress that hugged her in all the right places, with a light jacket draped over her shoulders.
Her dark hair was tied loosely in a ponytail, and as she got closer, you noticed the soft, nervous smile on her lips.
“Hey,” she greeted softly when she reached you. “You look… incredible.” She wrapped her arms around you in a light hug, her perfume enveloping you in a scent that was both comforting and intoxicating. You could have stayed like that forever.
You felt the warmth rise to your cheeks as you pulled back. "Thanks. You look amazing too," you replied, feeling self-conscious but also grateful for her compliment.
Her blue eyes twinkled in the soft evening light, and she gestured toward the entrance. “Shall we?”
You walked inside together, and as you were shown to your table, her hand brushed against yours. The touch was brief, but it sent a shiver up your spine. You could feel the tension already building between you, subtle yet electric.
The dinner started easily enough. You talked about football, music, books—everything that usually filled your conversations. But tonight felt different. Every smile, every laugh seemed charged with something more.
As the night wore on, the topics turned deeper. You spoke about your families, your fears, and even your past relationships—or lack thereof.
You found yourself opening up to Ingrid in ways you hadn’t with anyone in a long time. There was something so comforting about her presence, like she really saw you.
After dinner, neither of you wanted the night to end, so you decided to take a walk through the city. The streets were quieter now, the evening settling in, and you found yourselves near the beach.
The sound of the waves crashing softly against the shore filled the silence between you as you made your way down to a large rock by the water.
You sat there together, so close that your arms touched, and it felt so natural, so right. Your heart was racing, and you could feel the heat from her body next to yours.
Ingrid broke the comfortable silence first, her voice softer now, more vulnerable. “I’ve never really been in a serious relationship,” she admitted, her eyes focused on the horizon. “I guess I just… never found the right person.”
Her words surprised you. Ingrid always seemed so confident, so sure of herself, but hearing this side of her—this vulnerability—made your chest tighten with emotion.
You swallowed hard, your own feelings bubbling up. “Maybe you just haven’t been looking in the right places.”
She turned to look at you then, a small, shy smile pulling at her lips. “Maybe.”
The air between you thickened with tension, the unspoken attraction growing stronger by the second. You could feel her eyes on you, the way her body leaned slightly closer, and your breath caught in your throat. Your heart was pounding so loudly, you were sure she could hear it.
And then, without another word, Ingrid leaned in. Her lips brushed against yours in the softest, most tentative kiss. It was gentle at first, testing, as though she was waiting for you to pull away—but you didn’t. You couldn’t. Instead, you leaned into her, your heart racing as you kissed her back.
The kiss deepened, her hand coming up to cup your cheek as you wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her closer.
The feel of her, the warmth of her lips, sent a surge of electricity through your entire body. Time seemed to stop. Nothing else existed in that moment but you—her lips on yours, her body pressed against yours, the world fading into the background.
When you finally pulled away, you were both breathless. Ingrid’s cheeks were flushed, her blue eyes wide and bright as she looked at you, her lips slightly parted.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I… I couldn’t help it.”
You shook your head, a breathless laugh escaping you as you touched her hand. “Don’t be sorry.”
She smiled, a mixture of relief and something deeper flashing across her face. For a long moment, you just sat there, staring at each other, the reality of what had just happened settling between you.
Then, without warning, she leaned in again, this time more confidently. Her lips found yours again, the kiss slower, more lingering. Your heart raced as you kissed her back, your fingers threading through her hair, pulling her closer.
Her hands roamed softly down your back, sending shivers through you as the kiss deepened even further. Every touch, every movement felt like fire, and you couldn’t get enough of her.
You kissed again and again, each one more intense than the last. You could feel the desire building between you, the heat of her body against yours as you held each other, lost in the moment.
The world around you seemed to disappear, and it was just you—just Ingrid and you, your lips, your hands, your hearts beating in unison.
When you finally pulled away for air, you were both panting, your foreheads resting against each other as you tried to catch your breath. You couldn’t help but smile, the thrill of it all coursing through you.
“Ingrid…” you whispered, your voice barely above a breath. “I don’t want to stop.”
She smiled softly, her fingers brushing against your cheek. “Me neither.”
You stayed there for a while longer, exchanging soft kisses, wrapped up in each other. It felt so perfect, so right, and yet, there was a part of you that knew this wasn’t going to be easy.
As much as you wanted to stay in this moment forever, reality was waiting, and with it, the complications of your lives—of Alexia.
Ingrid seemed to sense your hesitation because she pulled back slightly, her eyes searching yours. “Y/N, I know this is complicated. With Alexia and everything. But I want you to know that I really like you. And I don’t want to keep hiding how I feel.”
Her words were like a punch to the gut, but in the best way possible. You nodded, feeling the weight of everything you were getting into. “I like you too, Ingrid. So much. But…”
“But Alexia,” she finished for you, her smile turning bittersweet. “I know. It’s not going to be easy.”
You sighed, your heart heavy with the reality of it all. “She’s going to be furious.”
“She’ll understand… eventually. She loves you.” Ingrid’s thumb stroked the back of your hand soothingly. “We’ll figure it out. Together.”
Her words brought you a sense of comfort, even though you knew the road ahead wouldn’t be simple. But for now, all you wanted was to hold onto this moment with her. To let yourself feel the happiness you hadn’t felt in so long.
“Okay," I whispered. "We’ll take it slow.”
She smiled, leaning in for one last kiss, her lips soft and lingering against yours. “Slow sounds perfect.”
And with that, the world seemed to fall away once more, leaving only you—two hearts intertwined, the future uncertain, but the present full of hope.
In the weeks that followed, you and Ingrid continued to meet in secret, cherishing each moment like it was something fragile and precious.
Whether it was meeting for a quiet coffee in a tucked-away café, taking long walks through hidden parks, or sneaking in a few more intimate dinners, being together felt like an escape.
Each time, the world around you blurred, leaving just the two of you cocooned in your own private bubble.
It was impossible not to be swept away by her. The way her eyes lit up when she laughed, how her smile seemed to make everything else fade, or how she looked at you like no one else in the world existed—it was intoxicating.
Every kiss you shared, every hug, felt like time slowed to a standstill, as if nothing else mattered but the feel of her warmth against you.
You hadn’t defined what this was yet, hadn’t put labels on the connection between you. But it didn’t need words to be felt.
The pull between you two was undeniable, and you knew, even without saying it out loud, that what you had with Ingrid was real—and strong.
One evening after a late dinner, as the two of you strolled along the street of Barcelona, Ingrid paused, turning to face you.
Her hand reached for yours, fingers intertwining with a softness that made your heart flutter.
“Y/N,” she began, her voice low and thoughtful, “do you ever think about what we are? I mean… I know we haven’t talked about it, but this, what we have… it’s more than just casual, right?”
You felt your breath catch for a moment, the reality of the situation pushing against the feelings you had for her. You nodded slowly, unable to look away from her eyes.
“It feels like so much more,” you admitted, your voice barely a whisper. “I think about it all the time. I think about you all the time.”
A small smile tugged at her lips, and she leaned in, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’m glad I’m not the only one,” she murmured, her breath warm against your skin.
The moments you spent with her felt like everything, yet the weight of what you were hiding from Alexia gnawed at you.
Every time you were with your sister, the guilt grew heavier, impossible to ignore. Alexia had no idea what was happening between you and Ingrid, and each time she mentioned her in passing—a casual comment about training or a game—you had to fight the urge to spill everything.
One afternoon, as you sat with Alexia after one of her games, she casually brought up Ingrid again. “Ingrid estaba imparable hoy, ¿verdad?” she said, her tone light as she scrolled through her phone. “Me encanta cómo siempre lo da todo” (Ingrid was on fire today, right?. I love how she always gives it her all.)
Your stomach twisted at her words, a pang of guilt creeping up your spine. You forced a smile, trying to keep your tone even. “Sí, estuvo genial” (Yeah, she was great.)
But inside, you were crumbling. How much longer could you keep this secret? The fear of Alexia finding out—of her being hurt, angry, or worse—was constant, always lurking in the back of your mind.
You wanted to believe she would understand, that she would see how much Ingrid meant to you, but there was no escaping the possibility that it would change everything between you.
Later that night, as you lay in bed, your phone buzzed with a message from Ingrid.
Ingrid: Are you okay? You seemed quiet today.
You hesitated before replying, your heart heavy with conflicting emotions.
Y/N: I’m okay… it’s just… Alexia. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this from her.
A few moments passed before Ingrid responded.
Ingrid: I’ve been thinking about that too. I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide this, hide us. But I get it… it’s complicated.
You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you stared at the screen. The truth was, no matter how much you tried to act normal around Alexia, it was getting harder.
She had started to give you these curious looks, as if sensing that something was off. You were doing your best to keep things steady, but the cracks were beginning to show.
And the worst part? You didn’t know how much longer you could keep pretending.
The next time you saw Ingrid was for a movie night at your apartment, a special occasion since she would be staying over. Your heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nervousness as you prepared for the evening.
When Ingrid arrived, you greeted her with a warm hug. “I’m so glad you’re here,” you said, your voice filled with anticipation.
“Me too,” Ingrid replied with a gentle smile. “I’ve been looking forward to this.”
As the night unfolded, you both settled on the couch, choosing a film and making popcorn. Ingrid was her usual charming self, and her laughter filled the room as you joked and chatted about the movie.
At one point, as you sat close together, Ingrid’s hand brushed against yours. You felt a flutter in your chest, and she looked at you with a soft, understanding gaze.
“I hate that this situation with Alexia is causing you so much stress,” Ingrid said quietly, her voice tender. “I don’t want to be the reason for that.”
You squeezed her hand gently, feeling the weight of her words. “It’s not you, Ingrid. It’s the situation... and Alexia. I care about you so much, but it’s becoming really difficult to keep this from her.”
Ingrid’s expression softened with empathy. “Maybe it’s time we talk to her. Together.”
The thought of confronting Alexia was daunting, but there was comfort in the idea of facing it with Ingrid by your side. “I know you’re right,” you said softly. “I just don’t want to lose her... or you.”
Ingrid leaned in, her forehead gently touching yours. “You’re not going to lose me. I promise. We’ll get through this. But we can’t keep pretending this isn’t real. It’s too important.”
Her words, filled with reassurance, were followed by a slow, tender kiss. Her lips were soft and warm against yours, and the kiss seemed to hold all the promises and fears you both shared.
It felt like time had stopped, and for a brief moment, everything else faded away. It was just the two of you, cocooned in your own little world.
When you finally broke the kiss, you both agreed it was time to end the evening and headed to your bedroom.
As you both lay on the bed, you hesitated, unsure whether to cuddle, given it was your first time sleeping together.
But Ingrid looked at you with a loving, inviting smile and opened her arms. “Come here,” she said softly.
You smiled and settled into her embrace, your head resting gently on her chest. Ingrid’s arm wrapped around you, pulling you close, and her fingers began to softly caress your hair.
The tender touch was incredibly soothing, and you felt your body relax completely.
You fought against the pull of sleep, not wanting to fall asleep before Ingrid. She sensed your struggle and whispered, “It’s okay, baby. Go to sleep. I’m right here.”
Her voice was soothing, and she placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. You let yourself drift off, comforted by her warmth and presence.
Ingrid fell asleep a few minutes later, her breathing steady and calm underneath you.
The night unfolded serenely. You lay slightly turned away, with Ingrid nestled close behind you, her arm wrapped gently around your waist and her head resting in the nape of your neck. The room was calm, the only sound being the soothing rhythm of your breaths intertwining.
Suddenly, you were abruptly awakened by a loud voice that broke the peaceful silence.
“Qué co��o está pasando aqui?!” (What the fuck is happening here)
For the people who wanted to be tagged:
@marvelwomen-simp @wososapologist @multifandomlesbianic
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girlgenius1111 · 7 months
echoes of her
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fluff x angst. implied sexual content? 18+ anyway. warnings: mention of unhealthy past relationship.
alexia and r are out, r sees alexia with another girl, who happens to be r's ex. r acts up, until alexia drags her home, prepared to punish her for being a brat. before she does, r breaks down, tells alexia what was really going on.
You did a double take when you noticed just who your girlfriend was speaking to at the bar. Your blood ran cold at the sight of her; your ex girlfriend. How, why, was she here?
She was, truly, an awful person. Incomparably so. Your time with her had been awful for you, completely destroying your mental health. Despite this, Alexia hardly knew anything about the other woman. She knew there was someone before her, when you were still living in London, and that it hadn't ended well. You'd kept that ugly part of you locked away from your girlfriend. Partly because you didn't feel like bothering her with something that was so very done, but also because you didn't want her to see how shattered that girl had left you.
Alexia had walked away to get another drink for you a few minutes ago. It was taking longer than you expected, so you turned away from the conversation you were having with Mapi, and looked around for the blonde head of hair you were so familiar with. There she was, stood at the bar, making conversation with another blonde you were rather familiar with. What this woman was doing in Spain was beyond you; for a moment, you wondered if you were being crazy; that couldn't be her.
Then she turned, catching your eye and sending you a smirk, and you knew this was no accident. Her, in this club, talking to your girlfriend. You felt like you were being torn in half; you felt like sprinting towards the nearest exit, away from the girl standing at the bar. At the same time, you wanted to run towards her, to pull Alexia away, to protect her. You were paralyzed, a million different thoughts running through your head as you caught Alexia's eye. Her smile fell, eyes squinting slightly as she caught the very panicked look on your face.
"Chica!" Mapi called, waving a hand in front of your face. This broke you out of your stare, and you jumped a little, turning towards your friend. Her and Patri were looking at you, concerned, having witnessed you go from relaxed to completely tense in just 10 seconds.
"Yeah?" You asked, clearing your throat, glancing back at where your girlfriend had been standing. She was on her way back to you, and you dug your nails into your leg. Alexia would come here, and everything would be fine.
"Are you okay?" Patri asked, resting a hand on your shoulder. You repressed a shudder at the contact. Everything was setting you off, everything suddenly too loud, too bright, too close.
"Yeah, yeah. Just got dizzy for second. I'm fine." You promised, putting on a smile that you hoped was convincing. Before either girl could question you further, an arm was wrapping around your abdomen, pulling you back into your girlfriend's body. You curled into her and she tightened her arms around you, rubbing her thumb up and down your stomach lightly.
"Bién?" Alexia softly whispered in your ear. "Are you feeling ill?" You weren't sure how Alexia could tell you felt nauseous, seeing as though the lights in the club were multicolored and dim. You turned to look at up at her, and caught your ex girlfriend, only a few feet away, clearly intending to come speak to you.
Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around Alexia's neck, pulling her down into a kiss that could only be described as one too filthy to be had in public. Alexia allowed it for a minute, pulling back when Mapi and Patri started making loud retching noises from next to her. She gave you a look, one that told you to behave, before turning to your friends and rolling her eyes at them.
"No seas dramática. As if I have not seen you both make out with girls in clubs until my eyes were burning."
Before they could respond, you raised a hand to Alexia's cheek, turning her head to look back at you. Your ex had stopped moving closer, but she was still watching, a frown set on her face. You needed her to stay away, stay far away. Alexia had been looking forward to this night out, though, and the only way she'd agree to leave early was if you gave her a convincing reason to. Of course, you could have just told her what was going on, but that didn't really feel like an option to you.
"Dance with me?" You asked Ale, a plan beginning to form in your head. Get Alexia turned on, get her to take you home. Get your ex to leave you alone, all at once.
Alexia got the familiar dreamy expression on her face that she got when you asked her for anything, and she nodded.
"Sí, if you want."
You took her hand, puling her towards the dance floor. Behind you, out of your line of sight, Mapi and Patri exchanged amused looks; never before had they seen their stubborn captain so easily agree to dance. She would do anything for you, though, as was evident.
Your and Alexia's dancing remained innocent for less than a minute, before you were turning your back to her, pressing your ass back into her, and grabbing her hands in yours. You trailed them all over your body, grinding backwards to the bass of the song. You didn't need to hear Alexia's hitch of breath to know how she was feeling about this.
You were pushing her, you knew. Alexia was possessive; she didn't like anyone to see you the way she did. This little performance you were putting on was drawing some attention; it was a gay bar, after all, and your tight outfit hugged you perfectly, your body swaying gracefully against Alexia's. She clenched her jaw tight, sure you were going for a reaction, and not quite wanting to give you one.
Her resolve broke, though, when she caught the blonde she was talking to earlier at the bar staring at you. It seemed to Alexia that you were looking right back at her.
"Vamos, mi zorrita." Alexia whispered lowly right into your ear, wrenching her hands out of yours, instead placing a possessive hand on your back, and leading you towards the exit. As she passed the woman who had been looking at you, she made eye contact, glaring hard. You were hers. She thought she felt you tense up as you passed by her, reaching back to lace your fingers with hers, but she didn't linger too long on it, already planning what she was going to do with you when you arrived home.
You passed by where your friends were gathered, ignoring their knowing smirks as Alexia practically dragged you out of the club. So close, you were so close to being safe, to Alexia being safe, far away from her.
Alexia gave you the silent treatment in the car, knowing how crazy it drove you. You needed contact with her, though, anxiety still swirling inside of you. You couldn't ask for her hand right now, without explaining why yours was inexplicably shaking. Not now, when Alexia was preparing, deservedly, to punish you.
Instead, you let your hand rest on her thigh, letting your fingers rub small patterns in to the fabric of her tight leather pants. She scoffed at you, as if daring you to continue teasing her, but she still didn't say anything. It was fine, you were almost home. Alexia would make you feel good, replace every thought in your mind of her, with the feeling of your girlfriend all over you. It was fine.
The minute you were through the door, Alexia had you pressed up against the wall of the entry way, barely taking time to shut the door behind her. You reached for her, but she grabbed your hands with hers, pressing them back into the wall.
"No no, you wanted to be una zorrita, I will treat you like one."
"Cállate." She growled, moving her lips to your neck, working marks into the skin. Her teeth nipped at your skin, and you shuddered at the feeling. You were turned on, obviously. How could you not be? Alexia was biting at kissing at you like she wanted to eat you alive, pressing up against the wall, clearly preparing to fuck the brattiness out of you.
You weren't in the right headspace for this, though. Your brain was already flashing to times with her times that had been fueled with rage, and a passionate hatred. Times that were definitely not healthy. Alexia needed to stop. Now. Your breathing was quickening, your hands were starting to shake, and you needed her off, off now.
"Stop. Red, Alexia, stop" you managed, taking your hands and physically pushing Alexia away. She was off of you in a heartbeat at your words, her hands raised in the air, swollen lips falling into a concerned frown.
"Okay, okay. Stop. We stop." She assured you, taking in the way your whole body seemed to vibrate with anxiety. She had mistaken your body's reaction as being one of arousal, when it had been one of panic. "Mi amor? Talk to me." She pleaded softly.
You reached a shaky hand out towards your girlfriend, and she took it instantly, latching on and squeezing tight. You were unsteady, mind in overdrive. All you knew was that Alexia was safe, and you needed safe. You tried to take a step towards the blonde, but you were shaking too hard, and your legs practically gave out from under you. Alexia caught you easily, carefully lowering you to the ground. She made a movement as if to give you space again, not wanting to overwhelm you with her touch.
That was the opposite of what you needed, though, the feeling of her hand in yours being the only thing keeping you somewhat grounded.
"Ale," you gasped out, clinging onto her shirt.
"Está bien, está bien, te tengo." Alexia promised, allowing you to scramble closer into her arms. "Shh, shh, you are okay, amor, todo está bien."
You were a pile of limbs on the ground, just in the entry way of the house, a shaking mess collapsed against your girlfriend. You pressed your face closer into her neck, her loose blonde hair tickling your skin lightly. You couldn't get close enough to Alexia, would have preferred to climb into her skin if you could.
"Tighter," you mumbled.
"¿Qué?" She whispered back, her lips pressing a soft kiss into your hair.
"Tighter, please,"
Alexia tightened her arms around you, until it was almost painful, but it was exactly what you needed. Being surrounded by her was working, the scent of her perfume and her laundry detergent invaded your senses, one of her calloused hands sliding up under your shirt and moving slowly up and down your back.
"Mi bebé, estás a salvo, lo prometo."
Alexia wasn't sure what this was. One second, you were kissing her back, teasing her in the car on the way home, the next you were looking around like you weren't sure what was going on, or who was touching you. She thought she knew what you needed, but evidently, she was wrong.
You had calmed down significantly after a few minutes, settling into the feeling of Alexia's nails gently running through your hair.
"You back with me, amor?" She asked quietly.
"Yeah." You inhaled deeply, leaning away and looking, guiltily, at your girlfriend. "I'm so sorry, Alexia, I didn't mean to freak out like that."
Alexia immediately shook her head. "No, I am sorry, amor. I should have checked in sooner."
"Alexia you were just kissing me, there wasn't time to check in sooner." You dismissed, rising unsteadily to your feet, and holding out a hand to help the blonde up as well. She still looked like she disagreed with you, but she took your hand anyway, allowing you to help her to her feet.
You knew a conversation was imminent, and you began to walk into the living room. Alexia caught your hand, though, pulling you back into a tight hug. You melted into it, pressing your face into her shoulder and inhaling deeply. After minute, Alexia released you, tilting your chin up to look at her.
"Better?" She questioned.
"Yeah, much better."
Alexia nodded, laying a soft kiss on your forehead, before pulling you towards the living room once again. You sat slightly away from your girlfriend, mentally preparing yourself to tell her what was going on. The blonde frowned, but didn't move any closer.
"Amor. Did I do something to make you so upset?" Alexia asked, rushing through the question like she was terrified of your answer.
"No, no. It wasn't you. I got... overwhelmed. Tonight was a lot."
"Why was it a lot? What got you so riled up at the club? You were acting normal one second, and then you were all over me the next."
"I saw you at the bar... talking to that blonde girl? With the red top?" You trailed off, looking down at your hands. Alexia misunderstood.
"Bonita, I did not mean to make you jealous, I was just being nice."
"I wasn't jealous, Ale. I... I knew her. That girl. I knew her."
The midfielder took this in, nodding slowly. She was watching the expression on your face, carefully guarded, with just a hint of hurt peaking through.
"What did you know her from?" She wondered cautiously.
You took a deep, shuddering breath. "I used to date her. Back in London. Before I moved here."
"Oh... Oh. She is that ex. The one it did not work out so well with."
You let out a humorless laugh. "Yeah. Not so well."
"And seeing her made you very upset?" Alexia continued. You nodded. "Can you tell me why?"
"That relationship wasn't good. At first, she was fine. We worked well together. She got... controlling and manipulative pretty fast. It was awful. We were together 6 months, and in that time she completely destroyed me. I was unrecognizable." You paused, peaking at the blonde. She was looking at you, sympathy written clear across her face, giving you a small nod to tell you to keep going.
"I don't think I really realized how bad it was until I met you, and you were so different than she was. Always so sweet to me. And seeing her with you, I don't know. It set off my fight or flight. I needed to protect you from her, and myself from her, and at the same time I wanted to prove to her that I was doing well, that I was happy. I wasn't happy, for so long after we broke up, and every time our paths crossed, she always seemed so pleased with herself. I needed to feel like I was yours, and the only thing I could think to do was the get you to take control, and get me out of there." You finished, eyes locked on the fingernail you were fiddling with.
Alexia was quiet for a while. So long, in fact, that you were starting to get nervous.
Finally, she spoke. "Well, first, mi amor, I am so sorry that you were in such a destructive relationship. You deserve so much better than that. You are... you are perfect mi niña, and I am so sorry that she did not see that, and that she was so awful to you. I would like to talk more about this, later."
"But you should have told me, amor. What was going on, who I had been speaking too. I would have gotten you out of there if I knew you needed to leave. You have to talk to me. When you do not feel safe, whatever it is, you tell me, and I will take care of it. Always."
"And, amor, there are other ways for me to make you know that you are mine, than trying to get me to have sex with you. We do not mess around like that when you are not feeling right." Alexia said firmly.
You found that, suddenly, you could not meet her eyes. Hesitantly, the blonde slid closer to you, leaving her hand open on the couch next to you, an invitation. You took it appreciatively, feeling inexplicably safer when her large hand completely encapsulated yours.
"I am not mad, bebita. I promise. Can you tell me what was going on in your head when you pushed me away?" Alexia felt you tense next to her, and opened her mouth to withdraw the question. Before she could, you spoke.
"We always used to have sex after a fight, once we'd made up. It wasn't healthy, and we shouldn't have been doing it but we did. I was remembering that, one of the last times. I didn't realized how unsafe I felt around her until I was with you, and I felt so safe. My body couldn't decide whether it was safe or not, it was really confusing."
Alexia sighed deeply, and you prepared yourself for her to get angry. You were surprised she hadn't yet, but it was only a matter of time. Wasn't it?
"If something like this ever happens again, you have to communicate with me, yes? You should always feel safe with me. Can I... can I ask why you did not tell me?"
"I didn't think you'd want to hear about it." You confessed, meeting Alexia's confused gaze.
"Why?" The midfielder responded, sounding completely bewildered.
"Why would you want to hear about my ex girlfriend, Alexia?" You scoffed.
"Because it was upsetting you. And she hurt you. I want to hear about those things. You are mine amor. Not hers, I know that. I want to know when something is upsetting you; it will never make me upset with you. Never."
You looked so unsure, Alexia rested a hand on your cheek, stroking gently back and forth with her thumb. "You can tell me anything, amor, anything. You do not need to worry about my reaction. All I care about is you being okay, not being jealous of your awful ex girlfriend."
You nodded hesitantly, placing your hand over Alexia's, keeping her hand on your face as you leaned into the contact.
"Mi amor," she murmured. "I am sorry tonight was so hard for you. How are you feeling now?"
"Better." You lied.
"Better, but..." Alexia said, looking at you expectantly. You wished you could be annoyed with how well she knew you, but you couldn't. It just made you feel that much more loved.
"But... seeing her again, it was like I was back there, in her little apartment. She made me feel so worthless, and I felt that way again. Like I was nothing, worth nothing." You admitted, turning away briefly to rub at your face, very tired of crying this evening. Alexia didn't let you get far, though, wrapping a muscular arm around your shoulder and pulling your right back into her.
"No. No. You are worth everything. Everything I have to give you and more, bebé, all of it."
"What did I do to deserve someone as good as you?" You wondered aloud, almost accidentally. You didn't realize what you'd said until Alexia frowned, looking into your eyes intently. You got lost in the warm hazel there, as you always did, almost forgetting your question until she spoke.
"You are good. You deserve good. I will only ever give you good, amor. Only ever the best for my girl." Alexia declared, leaving a light kiss on your nose, and then one on your lips. Her gaze when she pulled back was so intense, you felt yourself blushing heavily.
"I love you." You said shakily, managing a watery smile.
"I love you more." Alexia promised, leaning in for another gentle kiss.
Another thing about Alexia; when she told you something, you believed it. She had a way with speaking with such conviction, that when she told you she loved you, you were instantly convinced that she did. And if Alexia loved you? If someone as good, as perfect as Alexia loved you? You must have been deserving.
did this win the poll? no. had i already started it when i posted the poll? yes. in conclusion, the results of polls are meaningless unless you pick what i want you to pick :(
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sthavoc · 7 months
maybe the podcast he went on where they're talking about what the hair tie on his wrist meant and he's like "i mean it's my hair tie but i do have a girlfriend, it's not a secret just more private" and then with him loving lamps he says his girlfriend loves them and hates big lights so she has so many lamps and candles all around the house. basically him gushing about his girly and the hosts being like "estas enamoradoooo" and him blushing
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𖥔 ࣪˖ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
𖥔 ࣪˖ summary: Enzo talks about your obsession with lamps and candles around your home on the podcast. And also the significance of the hair tie on his wrist.
𖥔 ࣪˖ warnings: nothing but fluff on this one
𖥔 ࣪˖ note: this is so cute! thank you for the request and I hope this is somewhat of what you were looking for anon<3 I honestly kind of improvised the podcast bc I don’t remember everything they said. it is 1 am where I live and I should be sleeping but I can’t…
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“Bueno, pero me acabo de acordar.” Carlos points at Enzo’s hair tie letting out a laugh at the remembering he just had making Mariang laugh as well, but causing Enzo to look confused. “Hay un tweet donde sale una foto tuya en el ascensor y sales con la goma para el pelo.” He continued to point at the hair tie, and Enzo only remained more confused.
“Sí, para atarme el pelo.” Enzo nods and tugs the hair tie on his wrist. “Obvio.”
“Y el tweet ponía “chicas” tres puntos.” Mariang adds.
Enzo only appeared more baffled at the fact that his fans tweeted about a hair tie that was on his wrist.
“¿Que significa eso?” Enzo questioned glimpsing at Carlos who was ready to answer back.
“Que era de alguna chica con la que estás implicado.”
“No, pero es mía. Para atarme el pelo.” He looks at the hair tie and points at it.
“Bueno entonces, ¿das por finalizada que la goma es tuya?” Carlos laughed throughout his sentence as he looked at Enzo glanced at his hair tie another time.
“Sí, Y-yo creo que es mía. Bueno tengo novia, no es secreto, pero la goma es mía, pero ya ese tema es más privado.” He taps the surface of the table as he inclines his head towards the side for a short second.
“Bueno, pues gracias por aclarar. Cambiando de tema,” Mariang laughs pushing her mic a bit forward.
The three of them proceeded to talk about the movie and other random topics they would hit in the conversation. Like appealing to Enzo about his fans and any random app he had on his phone. Until they caught up with the topic about the money and how they would waste it on all kinds of things. Mariang spoke of the topic of furniture.
“A mí también me gustan los muebles.” Enzo nods along.
“Ah ¿a ti también? ¿Cuál es tu mueble favorito?” Mariang added to the subject as Enzo thought of his response.
“Las lámparas.” He speaks making Mariang nod along as she approves that was also her favorite type of furniture.
“¿Cuál es tu tipo de luz?” She questioned intrigued.
“Cálida, siempre.” Enzo retorts with no doubt in his voice. “Mi novia fue la que hizo que me gustaran de echo.” He chooses to add, with a tsk of his tongue.
“¿En serio? Ay, suena cool tu novia eh.” Mariang gushed grinning at the mention of you.
Enzo’s smile was followed by a nod and a few phrases. “Sí. Ella está obsesionada con las lámparas y las velas también. Como odia las luces así grandes pues tiene toda la casa llena de velas y lámparas.” He expanded his hands in a way of illustrating the big lights.
You were just like him and hated white lighting. It made your eyes burn, and you personally thought it ruined the warmth feeling of a home. Plus you had always wanted your place to have tons of candles and lamps around it.
“Ay pero qué linda. Me da las vibes de que es muy tranquila.” Carlos nods while Mariang agrees with him.
Enzo’s heart only swelled at the thought of you, and how you would look when lighting up the candles around your house. The times when you would have music playing on your radio and you would dance around turning them on.
“Sí, lo es. Se pone contenta al comprar nuevas velas o algún tipo de lámpara. También compra de pura luz cálida.” Enzo spoke into the mic as he kept his contact with Carlos and Mariang who paid attention to him. “Transmite paz. Es un amor.”
“Pero tío, ¡si estás enamorado!” Mariang signaled with her hand towards Enzo who chuckled. Not hiding the fact that he was turning red.
There was no lie in Mariang’s words. He was very much in love with you.
“Entonces espera, ¿la foto tuya donde estás con las plantas y una lamparita es en su casa?” Carlos asked out of curiousness.
“Sí. se le había caído y me pidió que se la arreglara.” Enzo responded.
“Ay pero qué lindo.” Mariang lets out with a cute tone. Enzo nodded with a small smile carved on his lips remembering the moment of you two.
“¿Y siempre le han gustado las lámparas?” Carlos asked before he took a sip of his drink.
For you, there was not a time where you did not like lamps or candles. They were one of your sources of happiness and personal warmth. So Enzo’s response was—
“La verdad que sí. Desde que la conozco siempre le han gustado. Recuerdo que la primera vez que entré a su casa me dijo “No te asustes” Y yo como ¿Pero por qué me voy a asustar?” Enzo furrowed his brows with the smallest of smiles.
“Claro.” Carlos nodded.
“Ya hasta que entre y vi las lámparas y velas.” Enzo chuckles at the memory. “Pero ahora que veo una lamparita o una vela por ahí me acuerdo de ella. Hasta le compré una.” He mentions with a raise of eyebrows.
“Hay ¿en serio? ¿Le dijiste? no vaya a ser que vea el podcast y se arruine la sorpresa.” Mariang looked at the camera making both Enzo and Carlos laugh. Enzo shook his head before he spoke—
“No, sí le dije y está contenta. Espera con ansia su lamparita.”
“Que bonito.” Carlos spoke peacefully into his mic.
Enzo knew you would love your new lamp, and he couldn’t wait to see your face and how it would brighten against the warm light.
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Earth 42 Miles X Y/n
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎: Your boyfriened miles comes to your apartment . And the cuddle session got heated .
𝐀/𝐍: Tiktok bro , I don’t know what side I’m on , but I will like to stay on it , I didn’t do any Grammarly on this
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆:It’s a little bit of spice , He’s liked at college age , HE IS AGED UP
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You were laying in your bed trying to stop scrolling on tiktok and finally go to bed . Your thumb was starting to hurt and you started to nod off.
Your late night playlist was playing in the background. You slowly started to let the music sound take over your body . Causing you to feel emotions and tiredness. Resting your head on the pillow and shutting your eyes , a bright light stops the rest .
✨💗Mi Vida💗✨
-Come open the window
You where confused on why he was outside of your window. Not to mention it was late. You pull yourself from your bed dragging your feet to go open the window .
You make it the window using all your muscle from your tired body to left it open . He comes through the window with a bag in hand , you couldn’t tell what was in it .
“You know i have a door right “ you tell him as you start to yawn
“I don’t use those , Mamá, lo sabes.(Mommy, you know it.)“ he rolled his eyes and started to climb through the window .
“Looks like someone is tired “ he says seeing how you quickly go back to your bed and under the covers
“I am not “ you joke to him
“What are you doing up so late ,Una chica tratando de conseguir su descanso de belleza ( a girls trying to get her beauty rest) “ he looks at you
“Are you though, Deberías haber estado durmiendo, mi bella durmiente (you should’ve been sleeping my sleeping beauty )“ you roll your eyes
“Hey blame TikTok ,not to mention my music playlist in the background causing me to fall asleep based off the vibe “ you tell him
“Well I can see that , sorry about not being here earlier…” he tells you before going silent
“Work , was some pretty long hours today “ he tells you as he goes through the bag pulling out your favorite snacks .
“I was hoping we can catch up on are shows with a couple snacks “ he says shacking the bags a little you take the snacks and toss them on bag . He follows you to the bed and takes his shoes off before getting to comfortable.
You turn on the first show and start to get comfortable . Laying your head on miles chest , you start to hear his heart beat . It was fast , he was nervous around you . You giggled at the fact and continue to watch tv
Time and time would go by yet you were still awake , you both were surprised at you still being up .
As night would continue you guys woukd just lay on the bed vibing to the music .Miles would start to slowly flirt more and more to you . “You know baby can I make it up to you for missing the tv shows “ he asks you
. You nod as a response to his last statement
“nah baby words , I need words “ he tells you .
“Yes , yes you can-“ he cuts you off kissing you , one hand holds you waist why the other lays on your face .
Miles starts kissing your neck , leaving a mark on each place his lips touched you .
You wanted to tell him to stop because of classes and how you and miles where going to go see mama rio . But it felt so good . How his lips felt so soft when landed on your skin .
How his hands could have such a tight grip around your waist . You started to make slight noises so miles knew you enjoyed it .
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The next day
Your phone started to go off with a noise , you where in deep sleep but it continued to ring . Causing you to wake up you awnser the phone .
“What “ you ask the person getting snappy not even looking at who it is .
“Watch it snappy , ¿Querías algo de Starbucks? (did you want any thing from Starbucks ) “ miles voice asks you
“A Carmel frappe please and thank you , mi vida ( my life ) “ you tell him you hang up the phone hoping you could go back to sleep .
You started to nod back off and place your head on the pillow . A knock sounds starts to come from the door . Who was it now , you thought to yourself.
You dragg yourself out of the bed wiping your eyes , and limping each step you take.You look down to see you where wearing miles shirt from yesterday .
You open the door to see your roommate queenie “ oh are you coming to class today “ she asks you .
She would observe your presence realizing how you where very tired , how she seen marks in your neck and how most likely you where limping . You pull the shirts neckline down to show her some of the hidden marks .
“Looks like someone had fun last night , I’ll see you on Monday then “ she laughs at first than fades .
You smile at her and then close the door and going back to your bed . You start to watch cartoons sense you know Theres no way of going back to sleep.
Soon enough you where right, miles would come with the Starbucks in hand . He would place the cup in your hand . Taking a sip you let out a sigh .
“You better help me cover these marks up because I can’t let mama rio see my like this “ you tell him .
“What ,No puedo hacerles saber cómo complazcan a mi bebé ( I can’t let them know how I please my baby ) .
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Secret Love
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Hey guys!
I watched Alexia’s report today and it made me want to write for her.
For context, this story takes place during the 2023 World Cup in Australia.
Mentionning of smut, jealousy and insecurities.
Enjoy ♥
Edit : Part 2 is HERE
"What's happening?"
You remain frozen in the frame of the door, while you were about to enter the cloakroom. A small group, apparently led by Jenni, is around Alexia who has slightly pink cheeks. You frowns, not used to seeing these kinds of scenes in the dressing room. Alexia is more of a not to be bothered type.
"Alexia has a secret girlfriend!" Jenni sings while tickling her best friend’s ribs.
"I do not!" Alexia answers, snaping her hand away.
"Chicas, leave her alone"
You turn around to see Ona tying her boots, signalling your teammates to leave your captain alone, a small smile on her face. Jenni pouts, while Alexia gives a grateful smile to her future FC Barcelona teammate. And you, you go to your locker to change and put your training shirt on.
You didn't turn around when your hear some of them getting out of the room, lost in your thoughts. Preparation for the tournament is hectic, the agreement between the players and some members of the staff is unfortunately not always easy.
"Nice tattoo."
You smile recognizing the voice and a circular glance in the room tells you that you are now alone with your captain. Alexia is talking about the wings on your back, even if you have some others.
"Thanks. It's my girlfriend's favorite too"
You grin before turning around to have a better look of the say girlfriend.
"Your secret girlfriend, who almost get us catch"
"What happened?"
You ask, tenderly pushing a strand of her now light pink hair behind her shoulder. Alexia shruggs while getting closer to you, looking about you.
"That was stupid of me. I just unlocked my phone to show a picture of my cousin’s niece to Jenni and I hadn’t closed our Whatsapp conversation the last time I turned off my screen. Thanks God you changed your name in my contacts list."
You smile at the memory, laying your hands on Alexia’s hips to squeeze her against you. You sigh with ease feeling her skin against yours, savoring this feeling felt too little since your arrival on this side of the globe. One of your hand get on her neck, tenderly caressing the skin revealed by her ponytail.
"I miss you" Alexia whispers against your skin.
Being also part of the FC Barcelona team, it is much easier to find yourself discreetly in the evening. When one is sleeping at the other's appartment, you just need to arrive with a few minutes after her to avoid getting caught. Not living in the same neighborhood, it would be weird to carpool.
"I miss you too" You pouts. "I can't sleep without your hugs"
Alexia smiles, retreating her face to have a better look of you. It was obvious she will sharing her room with Jenni. No one in the team, no one of your friends and almost no one at all knows about you too. Alexia only talked about you two to her mother, during a night of doubts. Your love story wasn't easy at first.
Alexia always put her career ahead of everything else and panicked when she realized that she has no longer control of her feelings. So she made the decision to break up with you, right after you lost to Wolfsburg. Between that and the lost final in Turin, it was probably the worst period of your life.
You could never blame her that said, you had at the time a small inferiority complex that made you constantly wonder how Alexia could even find it interesting to speak to you. So being in a relationship with her was kind of like a daydream. You told Alexia about it at one of your sleepover and she told you you were an idiot. Then she kissed you and you didn’t think about standing up to her. But that feeling stayed.
Then she tore her ACL and you gave up on avoiding her as much as possible. You were there for her and the feelings you always shared were stronger than the rest. But you have decided to remain secret for the time being, despite everything.
"I’d tell you to ask Ona, but I’m not sure I’d appreciate it if I found out you really did"
You smile thinking about your roomate, that you’re getting to know a little more during this tournament. You lean in for a kiss, savoring the sensation of Alexia’s soft lips against yours. You get lost in the embrace, before jumping when you hear footsteps approaching the door quickly. You barely have time to take off from Alexia before Mariona came in.
"Hurry girls, Vilda is in a bad mood"
You nod before taking your jersey, mouthing a "Go" to Alexia.
In the milddle of the common living room, you were playing ping-pong with Ona, Salma, and Aitana. Pairing with Aitana, you were beating the shit of the other duo up, your screams of enthusiasm resounding throughout the room. It doesn’t seem to bother the rest of the team though and you come across Alexia’s amused look several times. She finds herself sitting on a sofa, stuck between Eva and Irene.
"Vamoooooos!" cheers Aitana after you win in the victory point.
She hugs as you smile, before laughing when you see Ona moving away from the table to find refuge in front of the television, alongside Alba. Salma rolls her eyes and smiles, best loser, while Aitana lays a drooling kiss on your cheek.
"Ew" you wince, wiping your cheek with the back of your hand. "Back off"
With another laugh Aitana goes to Salma and your gaze instinctively goes back to Alexia. This is not new, it has the same effect as a magnet on you. She looks at you too, but this time her face seems stoic, deserted by the fun that was on it until now.
You frowns, asking her if everything's fine remotely. But she doesn't answer, before her attention is caught by Irene. And despite your attempts to cross her gaze for the next few minutes, Alexia will never shift her attention to you. As time passes, the feeling of incofort becomes too big and you end up telling that you are tired to escape the room.
Taking your phone out of your jogging pocket, you reach your room by sending a message to Alexia.
You - Is everything's alright?
She didn't answer at first, but you didn’t expect an immediate answer. She is surrounded by your teammates and Jenni having almost caught you the other day, it's obvious that she will be careful. But, when you are showered, changed and Ona joined you in the room, you still have no answer.
You - Alexia?
You hesitated a long time before sending the second message, not wanting to seem too sticky. But your heart rate is too high, showing your concern.
"You're alright Cariño?"
Ona's voice makes you jump and mumble a "Madre mios" before answering.
"I didn't know you weren't sleeping, sorry if I wake you up"
"You didn't. But you didn't answer my question either."
You shrugs, biting your lips. But you couldn't answer. Small one because you're a bad liar and small two because Ona already seems to know the answer.
"You didn't have to talk to me if you don't want to, but just know that I'm here if you need to"
You smile this time, feeling an rush of (friendly) affection towards the Catalan.
"Gracias Ona."
You wake up a little later, a look on the alarm clock informing you that it's only 3 in the morning. You glance at Ona who seems deeply asleep, her chest rising and falling at regular intervals. You turn around in your bed and a few seconds later a light makes you open your eyes. It’s the screen on your phone, and you grab it and see that you got a message from Alexia. Three, actually.
Mi Reina ♥ - I'm sorry, can we talk ?
Mi Reina ♥ - Please?
Mi Reina ♥ - I'm at your door
If the first two messages are about an hour old, the last one is only a few seconds old. Frowning, you get up from your bed and join the door most discreetly. After taking one last look at Ona, you open the door, swearing inwardly when you hear it squeak. And in spite of yourself, you can’t help but let go of a cry of surprise when you feel that a hand takes hold of your arm to draw you further down the corridor.
Before you know what’s really going on, you find yourself in a room used as a maid’s storeroom, obviously recognizing the silhouette of your girlfriend despite the darkness. And you just have time to see her honey eyes sparkling in the dark before you feel her body crashing against yours, her lips kissing yours with a hungerness you’ve never known her until now.
You need two seconds before answering her kiss, moaning when she bits you lips and leave them to alternate kissing and biting along your neck.
"Alexia... No marks" you stutter, feeling her sucking a sensitive spot in your neck.
"Why? You are mine." she growls
She sucks harder and you have to bite your lip to stay silent.
"What was that about?"
You look at her, catching your breath after a long, intense and busy time. Your eyes having adapted to the brightness, you have no trouble to realize that if she takes time to answer it is only because she seeks her words. So you don’t press it, more than happy to find a box to sit on. After a few more seconds, you finally reach out to her so that she settles by your side.
"Alexia don't mess with your head. It's me, talk to me"
She sights, answering without looking at you.
"I'm sorry, what?" you laugh, leaning to her.
"I was jealous, ok? At first you were having fun and I didn't mind, I was happy because I have a real reason to looked at you. But after she kissed you and I don't know something snapped in my brain"
You are so surprised by her monologue, said in an increasingly fast and annoyed tone that it takes you a few seconds to answer.
"Are you talking about the kiss slash dog-licking Aitana gave me after our ping-pong match?" you ask, completely amazed.
"But I should be the only one allowed licking your face" Alexia wines and you can't help but laugh.
Alexia bites her lip so as not to mix her laughter with yours, but cannot mask her smile.
"You don't have to be jealous of anyone bebita" you say after you resume breathing, making Alexia smile with the surname she loves the most. "I only have eyes for you"
She's still smiling but didn't answer. Only with that you can understand that there is something else.
"Alexia talk to me"
She looks at you and take you by the hand to draw you to her knees. You let yourself obviously, too happy to find yourself in her arms even if what happened between you a few minutes ago was the most intense. You never get tired of the moments of tenderness she offers you.
"I think I’m getting tired of having to hide our relationship. I know the decision not to talk about it came largely from me, but we’ve been together for more than a year. But I'm scared of what people will say about us. I'm scared they destroy us."
"Nobody can destroy us, not even ourselves when we tried"
Alexia smiles again and stroke your cheek with his nose before talking.
"You know what? If we win the final, I’m ready to shout from the rooftops that I’m crazy about you."
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
“You’re scared…. and broken…” With, literally any of the Glamrocks after Ruin(preferably Eclipse and Monty)-
Hearing the terrified shrieks of a certain daycare animatronic, you were quick to rush into the garage, stumbling upon a rather frightening scene:
Eclipse, who reverted back to Sun, was on the floor as Monty's teeth were latched onto his leg, violently tugging on it in an attempt to shred what little remained of the tattered striped material. The gator snarled all the while, shaking his head around while the former kicked and screamed.
It didn't take long for you to figure out how to separate the two, grabbing a metal pipe and tapping it loudly against the wall to get Monty's attention on you for a second.
"Montgomery Gator. Let him go NOW!!"
Upon hearing his name, he let go of Sun and stared at you, shrinking away as you approached. With a huff, you tossed the pipe towards the furthest part of the area. "Go fetch."
As he crawled away, that gave you a chance to examine Sun for any serious damage. You kneeled down, frowning as the traumatized animatronic was whimpering at the current state of his other leg--arguably the only "good" leg he had remaining.
'Jesus..I can't leave these two alone for even a second..'
"Are you okay?" You asked worriedly. "Is your leg still functional?"
"Yes, but alas....p-pretty patterns are all ruined now..." He bemoaned. "No stars..no stripes...all gone. No more..."
"Sun, I promise I'll get this sewn up for you. But listen...I warned you not to go anywhere near Monty." You set a gentle hand on his knee. "Why did you go near him?"
"I....we just wanted to say hi! I-I didn't think he'd hurt me! He used to be so nice! S-Sure I might have called his music too loud, but he didn't seem offended by it!!"
"What he did to you wasn't anything personal." You shook your head, sighing. "He's not himself. He's gone...completely feral now. Do you know what that means?"
He was still for a moment, before shaking his head.
"It means he's not gonna know who you are. You all have been stuck there for so long that...he's acting on animal instincts now. He barely even knows me anymore."
"..so..you mean....he thinks he's actually a gator?"
"Exactly." You nodded. "And until I can figure out how to restore his original personality, we'll have to treat him as such."
Sun remained silent, his gaze wandering back to Monty. He was gnawing on the pipe. It wasn't much, but it stopped him chewing on anything else in the garage, such as the important Fazbear Ent. equipment you stole from the plex.
It's not like anybody was going to use it anyways.
"It's not fair to him...o-or me. Why did this have to happen to us?"
"..I don't know. I wish I knew why, Sun." All you could do was shake your head, feeling sad that you couldn't simply repair them both like nothing even happened.
Like they weren't left to rot in that mall for years.
Your exploration of it was still fresh in your mind.
While you couldn't track down Chica, Roxy, or Freddy...you were able to at least find Eclipse and Monty, convincing them to come home with you as it was a lot safer.
Eclipse was more than willing despite being worried about when the children will return to the daycare, whereas Monty just started following you randomly, always being at your heels like a protective guard dog.
He was your favorite out of the Glamrocks, so maybe part of him remembers that--hence he never attacked you.
Unfortunately you had no idea how he would behave around Eclipse, considering you just rebooted him after Sun and Moon were fighting for control nonstop. The two were in obvious pain with the lights being broken in the daycare, so you were lucky to have a fazwrench on you at the time.
But the strangest thing during your time working for the pizzaplex was that you never knew Eclipse even existed as a character. The company never talked about him, and not a single advertisement (old or new) mentioned him anywhere.
There was only ever Sun and Moon.
Regardless, you were glad to officially meet him and see his balanced personality--with Moon's calmness and Sun's optimism
Unfortunately Monty had some fit of aggression when he tried talking to him, sending him into a panic so bad that it made him switch back into Sun. Now you weren't sure how to bring Eclipse back to the forefront without doing another reboot...as that apparently caused Moon great pain.
The gator, as feral as he was, seemed guilty for what he did as he stayed huddled in the nearest corner of your garage. You could clearly see that he didn't mean to attack Eclipse; he just couldn't control himself.
"[Y/n]...a-are we monsters? Is that why nobody comes to see us anymore?"
Those heartbreaking questions almost made tears spring to your eyes, before you turned back to Sun, taking his hands into yours. "No. Neither of you are monsters. You're scared...and broken. But I'll try my hardest to put you back together. You, too, Monty."
"Grrahhh..?" He perked up at his name, dropping the pipe and crawling over to you when you beckoned him closer.
At first the attendant was panic-striken, almost hyperventilating even. But then he saw him abruptly stop beside you and was confused for a moment.
You smiled sadly and patted Monty's head, feeling what little remained of his red hair. "It's amazing that your mohawk is still attached to you, pal."
He chuckled at that, before looking to Sun and huffing. Although he couldn't speak anymore, the guilt was clear in his body language, something that was quickly understood by the solar animatronic.
"Awh, it's okay, buddy. We can still be friends!" He giggled, mimicking your gesture and patting Monty's head, albeit with great caution.
Fortunately, he didn't bite his hand off this time.
All you could do was continue smiling, being a watchful observer of your two (technically four) favorite characters who you were relieved to have rescued.
'Looks like there's hope for them yet.'
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xcherryerim · 6 months
Mexican Mike Headcanons
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tw: light Death mentions (of his mom and garret) / smut headcanons at the end (gn!reader)
— Mike is a quarter Mexicans from his dad side
— Probably biased asf but he’s norteño
— Mike’s dad is a truck driver. When his dad needed to drive to Mexico Mr. Schmidt made sure to comeback home with Mike’s and Garret’s favorite candies.
— His favorite candies are Bocadin, Duvalin and Chokis.
— The only reason Mike kept getting hired after his awful track record is because he can somewhat speak spanish.
— After Mike lost his family (except for Abby) he didn’t really practice any more traditions like he used to do but, after moving to his now current place (which is mainly for lower class and immigrant families. This is canon in the book btw)
His neighbor which happens to be a 42 year old single mom, decided to help him in subtle ways like cooking meals from time to time for him and Abby. She even invites them to some family gatherings (carne asadas, birthday parties etc) as well.
— The lady always tries to set Mike up with her oldest daughter tho
— Every time winter approaches Mike eats tamales and arroz con leche excessively.
— Mike snacks in peanuts which is SO SPECIFIC but mexican dads always snack on cacahuates. (He’s entering his dilf era)
— After reconnecting with his roots a bit because of his neighbor, he tries to practice more traditions specially Día de los muertos (day of the death). He’s not really a religious person, but he always prays for his mom and garret to be at peace wherever they are.
— If you think Mike speaks quietly, wait for him to speak in spanish. His voice is softer too but that’s only because he gets self conscious when he’s talking to people that only / mainly speaks spanish.
— Mike dosent really mix english and spanish when he speaks unless he’s angry.
— He dosent really curse but when he does is in Spanish. He calls himself “pendejo” (dumbass) a lot.
Headcanons with his partner (+18)🫶🏻
— Mike says he has two left feet but, just give him a bit of alcohol and a slow song and he’ll dance good.
Just imagine dancing to bachata while Mike wears a dumb yet charming drunk smirk as he whispers into your ear the lyrics.
“¿Qué dirías si esta noche te seduzco en mi coche?Que se empañen los vidrios y la regla es que goces. / What do you say if I seduce you in my car? fog up the windows and the rule is for you to enjoy.”
— Mike wouldn’t really use spanish pet names unless he’s trying to get something out of you. “Cariño” and “Amor” are his main ones (and that mf says them slowly to tease the fuck out of you.)
— One time while you two where fucking, he leaned, bitting and sucking on your neck as he praised the fuck out of you in spanish and you swore when he used his raspy voice mixed with his light accent, that was already enough to make you climax.
— After he realized this, however, he tried to only speak to you in spanish for a week to purposely turn you on.
— This man, is a gift giver. He would literally give you a ramo buchón with a big ass bear for no reason.
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— Mike mainly calls you his spouse / wife / husband sometimes he also says it in spanish as well. “Mi cónyuge / esposa / esposo”
(But don’t do it to him or he’ll actually plan out the whole wedding in one sitting)
a few of his favorite music in spanish:
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glambots · 2 years
Addition to the psychic au;
Vanessa freaks you out for reasons you don’t understand. You have to remind yourself she’s just a normal person and has no interest in hurting you sometimes! (Gregory doesn’t like her much either). She’s nice enough, but you swear she sees the same things as you sometimes. If she does, she doesn’t mention it.
Gregory himself doesn’t seem too freaked out by his uncanny sight, though you guess kids just accept things sometimes. He doesn’t care about it much beyond his own amusement from what you can tell. He does occasionally get scared and comes running to you, which is both a relief and problematic. Aside from being a fellow sensitive, he’s mostly a little kid you feel for and buy dinner for since his parents never seem to pick him up on time(little do you know…)
Sun can’t see much of anything you can, but does believe you. Or at the very least that you believe what you’re saying. He’s used to that being the case. The first time it happened, he tried warding off the ghost the way he does with other silly things kids tell him, but that obviously didn’t work. He takes you a little more seriously now.
Moon didn’t initially understand and took a similar approach to Sun, until he realized you could reliably point out unexplained cold spots and predict when the power was about to go out(a feature both of them treasure from you!). He’s a little unsure of what to do, since it seems like a very real threat at times, but he’s not exactly equipped to deal with that sort of thing(no matter how much the adverts would like you to believe as much)
Freddy believes you but can’t do much besides comfort you when something upsetting happens. More than happy to help Gregory as well. Also views you as…relatively safe if the need to get Gregory some late night help ever arose. Probably also knows if he reveals Gregory is homeless to you, you’d have to tell someone and Gregory would probably be taken away. Not ideal.
Chica is sort of unaware of the ghost problem but believes you. She even likes a good ghost story and loves when you tell them.
Roxy can sort of see ghosts as well, but not as well as you or Gregory. Believes you, though doesn’t see them as a threat so much as an annoyance. Gets that they look freaky though.
Monty doesn’t believe in ghosts but gets you’re upset. Doesn’t stop him from making fun of you occasionally. (He’s not trying to be mean, just trying to lighten the mood! …It falls flat most of the time)
DJMM is fully aware of the ghosts but really couldn’t care less. He’s there to vibe, and vibe he shall. You’ve asked him why he can see them and just gotten several shrugs. At this point you don’t think he knows either.
Monty sending you screencaps of Ghost Hunters like, "This you?"
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gavisimmaculaterizz · 6 months
original request: “Can you write a gavi story where he cheats on his gf and he regrets it and does everything for her to not find out and she does after a while and he loses her and has to work to get her back”
— regret / pablo gavi.
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summary: gavi can’t lose you after what he did.
warnings: angst, mentions of cheating
gavi knew he messed up after leaving the local night club. he regretted even going to the club, feeling remorse for the shitty actions he had just made..
it all started at the local night club in barcelona.. gavi and his teammates had just won an important trophy for the club, and they decided to celebrate their victory. out of any other place, they all settled and decided on going to the club to have some drinks to ease off the victory night.
upon arriving to the club, the boys got started on their drinks, already feeling excited after the win.
drink after drink, gavi was soon full of so much adrenaline, not in the right mind to properly think straight. that boy was deep in the drinks, not even caring about what he did..
which led him to making out with a girl..
he obviously didn’t know her name, and her face was a blur to him. all he knew was she randomly got close to him, and initiated the heated kiss..
but if it wasn’t for his best friend pedri who was still aware of his surroundings, he would’ve taken her home and slept with her..
pedri couldn’t believe what he was seeing. you were such a nice girlfriend, he knew you loved gavi with your heart, but at this moment he knew gavi really fucked up. he knew he had to speak up..
“hermano! que estás haciendo!”, yelled pedri, pulling the girl off gavi’s lap. (brother what are you doing)
gavi quickly looked at his best friend, angered at the distraction, and saw his disbelieved look on his face.
“que? que paso?”, gavi said, trying to find out why his friend interrupted him. (what, what happened)
“estabas besando a una chica.. estás loco o que hermano?”, pedri said, anger quickly rising to his voice. (you were kissing a chick.. are you crazy or what brother)
gavi’s face soon turned red at the words that came out of his best friends mouth. he couldn’t believe it!
“no me digas eso tío.. en serio?”, gavi said quietly..
all pedri could do was nod. he had no words for what he had witnessed his best friend do.
“mira, no le digas a tu novia, si le dices será un infierno para ti.”, pedri said, speaking his thoughts out loud to him.
gavi quickly obliged to his friends words, worried about your future relationship with him.
he didn’t want to ruin your relationship, but surely he didn’t want to hide it from you.
once gavi had arrived home from the club, he was welcomed with your light snores coming from your bedroom. he quickly went to the room, once he entered the room, he saw you and his heart melted. he looked at your relaxed expression, signifying you were deep in your sleep.
he couldn’t help but look at your face, only thinking about his actions he did earlier. he didn’t want to hide it from you, but his consciousness was starting to eat at him.
when you woke up in the morning, you felt your boyfriends big arms on you. you knew he went to the club to enjoy their victorious night, but you couldn’t help feel a little bit scared, not knowing if your boyfriend did anything that could affect your relationship with him..
but oh he definitely did something, and is hiding it from you..
you woke up and got ready for the day, having plans with your best friends at some local cafe later in the day.
you quietly did your skincare, and changed into some nice leggings and a sweater you had stolen from your boyfriends closet.
you got yourself ready, leaving your apartment and heading to your car.
you couldn’t believe the weather in barcelona, it was a nice and warm day, perfect weather for going out with your friends.
you arrived later at the coffee shop, waiting for your friends elena and victoria, who you knew always ran late.
while waiting for your friends outside the cafe, something scared you…
“estamos aqui hermosa!”, said your friend elena, catching you off guard immediately. (we are here beautiful)
“me asustaste estúpida! no me hagas eso para la otra vez!”, you whined. (you scared me stupid, don’t do that to me next time)
“pero hola!”, you said, kissing both your friends on the cheeks. (but hello)
you were having a fun time with your friends, catching up on the latest drama. but it went silent, and victoria suddenly brought something up..
“oyes y/n,” your friend victoria started. (hey y/n)
“miraste las fotos en twitter de tu novio?”, she said with voice a little bit shaky. (did you see the photos on twitter about your boyfriend?”
“no.. can you show me them?”, you said worried.
were the pictures bad? when were this pictures taken?
thoughts started to race through your head, possibilities were endless in this case, he could be cheating, it could’ve been anything..
you began to feel a bit nervous, you didn’t know if these photos were going to surprise you..
and it surely did surprise you..
once victoria turned her phone around, you immediately saw your boyfriend. but he just wasn’t alone..
he was with a girl..
throughout the post, there were multiple photos of them making out, with the girl on his lap. one specific photo caught your eye though..
pedri was pulling the girl off his lap..
you heart broke into pieces, you really loved gavi, everyone knew you did, and still he threw all your love to the ground like it meant nothing.
you couldn’t hold back any tears after the photos your best friend showed you.
“are these photos real..?”, you said, voice cracking from the tears running down your face.
“yes hermosa, i just saw it earlier this day.”, victoria said lowly.
“well,what are you going to do about it?”, your friend elena said.
well what else could you do but it cry?..
“no se chicas, la verdad es que me está doliendo mucho esto..”, you said, unable to breathe with how much tears were coming down your face. (i don’t know girls, the reality is that it is hurting me a lot)
your best friends quickly got up, not wasting any time to console you.
you were broken, nothing to say, nothing to even feel.
“break up with him amiga. you don’t deserve a cheater..”, your friend elena said..
“bueno, i guess i can do that..”, you said, breathing rapidly..
you loved gavi so much, but at that moment you felt nothing for him..
it was like your spark ended..
you never thought he’d do such things.. but he had such a platform, it should’ve been obvious he was going to screw around with you..
once your cafe date was over, you drove home, awaiting to have a conversation with gavi.
when opening your door, you were met with a stressed out gavi, roaming around your kitchen, seeming like he was going to explode any moment..
“gavira, may i talk to you for just a moment?” you said dryly with no emotion.
he could tell something was up, his heart was racing thinking about his actions and if you’d found out.
“yes mi amor, what happened?”, he said nervously, picking at his fingers.
“tell me why there’s pictures of you kissing another girl at some damn club?” you yelled, not being able to contain your anger.
“i-i can’t explain y/n!”, he replied nervously. he knew he fucked up, and now his relationship could be broken at this moment.
“i don’t need any explanations or nothing gavira! this what we have, it’s over.”, you yelled at him, voice rasping.
gavi’s mouth dropped. he couldn’t believe what even came out of your mouth.
with him processing what you said, you took your chance and left the apartment. saying goodbye to where you thought home was.
although it was sudden, it was really over for you two.
sometimes love can get you feeling so many things, but once you find something out, it’s like a bunch of pieces of your heart break.
that is what you felt right now..
regretting ever being in a relationship with him…
a/n: i kinda rushed this so it’s not proofread, ill read it again tomorrow and make updates! thank you so much for the support 🫶🏻
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tightjeansjavi · 7 months
Congrats on being here writing for one year!!!
🦋Can I please request a little mini drabble for Javi G?
And since you know I love my little bad boi/soft boi - can you please make him a little naughty? He's not a big, mean man, but I think he can be spicy when he wants to be.
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Patti, anything for you my darling 💗
Thank you for taking my Javi G v-card ;)
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A/N: spicy, spicy, spicy! 🥵🌶️
~word count: 1.3k~
Summary: being Javi Gutierrez’s personal assistant comes with many perks.
Pairing | Javi Gutierrez x f!personal assistant reader
Warnings: smut with no plot, power imbalance (boss/employee) reader is ballsy and bold, mutual pining, unprotected piv, fingering, teasing (like HELLA) seductress reader, noncon/dubcon (reader is naked in his eye-line on purpose) javi is respectful till he’s not, dom!javi, reader can understand Spanish, reader has no physical descriptions such as body type or skin color, no age gap (no mention of age) +18, minors dni!
¡Mierda! - Shit!
Querida - darling
Ten piedad de mí, joder - have mercy on me, fuck
Hermosa - gorgeous
Chica mala - bad girl
translations done by @angelofsmalldeath-codeine & @yoongi-tangerine-22
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Being Javi Gutierrez’s personal assistant came with…many perks. Javi was always a generous man, and even though he was your boss, and you knew it was shameful to be attracted to him, you couldn’t help it.
But what’s a girl to do with an assumed one-sided attraction? Tease the shit out of him till he simply can’t take it anymore.
It started off innocent, light touches here and there. Fluttering of lashes, giggles, and asking him questions about himself that did not pertain to the conversation at hand.
You loved to see him stutter over his responses and rub the back of his neck, or card his fingers through his luscious, soft curls.
He never acted upon his desires and urges. He always was respectful, polite, and boy, did that often drive you up a wall.
You were desperate to know what kind of man Javi Gutierrez was in the bedroom.
You started wearing revealing clothing around him. Short skirts, low-cut tops that had your tits practically staring him in the face. Flowy sundresses that allowed for easy access to your bare cunt.
He found you purposely bent over at times, with the seam of your pussy exposed—puffy, dripping a droplet of arousal like the sweetest fruit a man could ever taste.
Tempted by the bared fruit of Eden, he was. The urge was there, but never satiated. You were his assistant, and he was your boss. It would be shameful.
The sun was hot, blistering, boiling on your skin. One of the perks of living at Javi’s coastal home, was your free access to his inground pool. As long as you did your job, you could spend your free time lounging poolside for hours.
Today you decided to spice things up a bit more than usual knowing the exact time that Javi would come down for his afternoon swim. You would be there, waiting for him.
At first, he didn’t notice your naked form sunbathing on your stomach, ankles crossed in a relaxed position on the poolside chaise lounge. His mind was elsewhere: a new screenplay idea.
He whistled, throwing his towel down on the chair beside you, stretching his arms above his head, giving you a tiny peek at the happy trail at the top of his very tight speedo.
Your sunglasses tip down over the bridge of your nose as you shamelessly drink him in. Salivating at the look of his bronzed, golden skin that you absolutely would love to sink your teeth into.
“Mr. Gutierrez, so nice of you to join me.” You giggle softly, waving your fingers in a teasing motion.
He does a double take when his eyes finally gloss over your naked body. His pupils expand, and he nearly stumbles over his two feet.
“¡Mierda!” He exclaims, covering his eyes and shaking his head. “Querida, why are you naked?!” The harmless nickname slips past his lips, his eyes going wide behind the cover of his hands when the realization hits.
“Aw, Javi! I’m your darling? Wow, you sure know how to get a gal feeling flustered!” You giggle again and slowly roll over onto your back, thighs falling open over the side of the lounge chair, just enough that he can see the outline of your cunt. “It’s far too hot to be wearing anything, Javi. My skin is absolutely boiling.” You said with a soft, airy sigh, letting your hand drift southwards to rest along your stomach. Inching—
Ten piedad de mí, joder. He thinks.
He doesn’t respond, feeling flustered as a hot flush spreads across his face. He averts from making eye contact with you and tosses his sunglasses onto his towel. You swear you hear him curse under his breath just before he dives into the refreshing pool.
Javi finally loses his cool when the second draft of his new screenplay is rejected. He’s been so distracted with you and your antics that he hasn’t been able to focus! Well, he’s about to show you just how frustrated he truly is with you.
You don’t hear him approaching at first from where you’re bent over the sink, focused on washing the dishes and the song playing in your AirPods.
Your hips are swaying to the side, loose and flowy and from where Javi is standing in the opening of the kitchen, he’s practically burning holes into the back of your head.
Fucking tease.
He stalks forward, coming up behind you and nearly rips the earbuds from your ears, tossing them onto the countertop.
“Hey—” you start to say, losing your voice in your throat when you feel Javi’s palm slip between the apex of your thighs, fingers just barely brushing between the seam of your cunt.
“You’re a dirty fucking tease, querida.” He growls against the shell of your ear. His freehand yanks you back by your hip. He inhales your scent, familiar—his fucking cologne? “Naughty fucking tease. Are you—wearing my cologne?” He drags his fingers through your folds, gathering up your apparent arousal, sticky and wet for him. “Dripping all over the freshly washed tiles, hermosa.”
“Fuuck—” you whimper, pressing your ass directly against the growing bulge in his cotton shorts. Your head lolls to the side, falling back against his shoulder. “I’m your dirty fucking tease, Javi.” You spread your thighs further for him as he continues his ministrations, “Wearing your cologne, sir. Stole it from your room because I’m a bad, bad, girl. I wanted you to smell yourself on me.”
He nips at your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin, sucking harshly on your pulse point as he eases two fingers inside of your sopping cunt, knuckle deep. “Fucking always wearing short skirts around me. Those goddamn sundresses. Lost my mind when you were sunbathing naked, cunt on full display without a care in the world. You’ve made it so, so hard for me to keep my hands to myself, querida.”
“Javiii!” You whine, “please don’t keep your hands to yourself, baby. Please. Have your way with me, sir. I’m all yours.” You don’t give a flying fuck how desperate you sound for this man, you’ve been pining after him for far too long to care.
“Yeah? You think I should, hermosa? Think I should give you my cock? That’s what you want, right? You want my cock? I don’t think you deserve it, querida. Not after you’ve driven me up a fucking wall. Naughty little teases don’t get rewarded.”
He begins to shallowly pump his fingers, knuckle deep, curling them inwards. You can feel the bite of the cooling touch of his expensive rings against your hot skin. “Please, Javi! Give me anything—I’ll take whatever you give me! Your cock, your fingers!” You cry out.
“Yeah? You’re that fucking desperate for me, querida? You want my cock that fucking bad? Look at you, dripping all over my fingers…” he hums, pressing the hardening length of his cock against your ass. “You want me to fuck you so bad, little tease? Take my cock out then, hermosa. Fuck yourself on it.”
You waste no time to reach behind and blindly search for the waistband of his shorts. You let out a frustrating whine when he pulls himself back slightly just so you have to work for it a little harder. He hisses between his teeth, working his fingers inside of you faster when you finally pull his cock free through the opening of his shorts.
He’s heavy in your palm, tip weeping an angry bead of precum when you pull him back in just as he slips his fingers out. You're both a mess of breathy moans when you ease him into your wet heat, tight pussy hugging him like a fist as he bottoms out.
He’s thick, girthy, and it’s overwhelming to have all of him stuffed inside of you. It’s a delicious sensation: being stretched open by Javi’s cock.
“You’re enjoying this too fucking much, hermosa.” He keeps a firm grip on your hip, his other snakes around you, dipping between your thighs so he can thrum your sensitive clit. “Fuck yourself on it, chica mala.”
And so you do.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 💗
please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications!
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puhpandas · 9 months
heres something interesting i noticed about the ruined designs! each ruined animatronic designs of the original evil 3 of SB all have parts of their design that kinda recreate something recognizeable from their original looks.
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chica has a trash bag in her middle to make up for the broken space so it appears she still has her light pink dark pink leotard look. she also has orange/yellow melted cheese on her mouth to represent her beak. the cheese also fills in the gaps with chicas torso to help aid the complete leotard look i mentioned earlier
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roxy has a lot of attention brought to her green strand because it stands out and is recognizeable as roxy. she also has red wiring on her arm to make up for her lack of shoulder pad, and red wiring on the left side of her torso to create the illusion of her shirt, and on top of that the broken plastic on her torso piece resembles the star pattern on her shirt. her pelvis is also singed from the fire in SB and is red to resemble her clothes
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monty is the most far gone from his original personality in his design. the fact that hes only half of an animatronic is enough but also they brought attenton to his mowhawk because its blaringly monty. they also made some parts of hid endoskeleton a lighter rusty color to resemble his underbelly color
my point after all of this is comparing all of these design decisions to ruined Freddy
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with this design, they removed the two most recognizeable things about freddy: his lightning bolt and his face. his head is completely gone, which is a big deal, and the blue lightling bolt is almost completely ripped off.
they chose to stick with fun FNAF 4 refs with ruined freddy with the lack of a head and stomach mouth, and i think that its genius. the callbacks are cool and all, but i think the fact that they removed what makes Freddy look like himself from this design really hammers in how its NOT freddy. our freddy is canonically somewhere else outside with Gregory and Vanessa. this Freddy is only a shell of ours and it shows with how unrecognizeable it is.
with the others, they designed them so you can still see that even after all this damage theyre STILL themselves. but sith Freddy, they remove everything recognizeable he had before, because it ISNT him.
youre not supposed to see him as same old freddy and they removed what makes him himself from this design and on top of that, they gave us cool early fnaf references and also made the one safe place for Gregory in SB super dangerous looking. i just think SW are geniuses thats all
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Can you do a fic where gavi will only sleep if he sucks readers tits?
Kinda changed this, hope you don't mind at all. Here's a little blurb everyone.
Warnings: Lots of mentions of boobs, boob grabbing, boob kissing, if you don't feel comfortable then don't read it.
Favorite Body Part -P.G
Summary: He just loves them.
"Amor, what are you doing?"
"Are you sure?" He hums backhugging you as you made dinner "Then why are your hands grabbing at my boobs?" He gasps surprised.
"Didn't realized they were! Cheeky hands! Can't believe it, sorry" He tasked as you nodded still feeling his hands on them
"You're not gonna take them away?" You ask after a few minutes of silence
"Noup" Pablo shook his head as you groaned with a light smile on.
Ever since you started your relationship with Pablo a year ago, he has made it clear how much he loves your boobs, besides your pretty face, persona and intelligence, they were his favorite body part of yours.
Often whilst sleeping, his hands would make their way under your shirt and end up grabbing them. At first you were all blushy and shy about it, about he randomly grabbing, kissing and snuzzling his face against them but you got used to it.
He just loved them and you often joked that they would fall sooner if he kept on grabbing them and he replied with a simply
"Would still love them" shrugging his shoulders with a smile on
He definitely protects them more than you do, to be honest. He also knows whenever your period is coming because they swell a little bit and start hurting, which he quickly offers a massage winning a glare from you "Just wanted to help" he'd say.
Sometimes you let him, sometimes you don't.
And he once got mad at you when you said they were too small.
"¿Cómo? ¿Pero qué estás diciendo, mi amor? They are perfect! Don't say that anymore! I love my girls and leave them be!"
"They are small, Pabs. You love them but it's the truth!"
"Truth my ass, mi amor and I'm sorry" He shook his head "They're perfect for me, perfect size" He did a grabbing emotion with his hand that made you smile widely and laugh "Perky, soft, delicious overall"
"You're just saying that because you are my boyfriend and you enjoy them"
"Y/N, me voy a enojar, deja a mis chicas tranquilas, they are perfect" He got on top of you and put his head close to them "Don't listen to her, you are perfect and I love you both" He kissed each before you broke in laughs
"You're obsessed with my boobs"
"No, I'm obsessed with you. They are part of you and I love them" He smiled kissing your lips "Now, wrap those arms around me and let me sleep a bit on top of them, 'cus we have to be at my parents's later for tonight's dinner"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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babygirl-riley · 1 year
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Simon always hated stains but blood that came from you was the worst type.
Warnings: blood, violance, torture, mentions of rape, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst list
How did you both get here? Being tied across from each other surrounded by cement walls. Chained to chairs that were hooked to the floor. One single light hanging above both of you. Simon thought about how you both were surrounded, you were shot in the shoulder.
He didn’t even notice the man behind him as he got knocked out. He woke up with a cold water splashed on his face. His face was bare. No mask. Simon glared at the three men in the room then his eyes landed on you.
You were looking at him worry written on your face. “Where is your captain?” One of the men said next to you, his Mexican accent thick.
Both of you didn’t say anything, you looked at Simon. “Come on,” he said grabbing the back of your head pulling back. Simon tried not to move when he did that, you just grunted and glared at the man. “What about Alejandro?”
Nothing. Simon’s mind started to race, they both couldn’t say anything, they both were trained to withstand torture. However, he was afraid for you. Simon wanted to break out and protect you, have them not hurt you.
His teeth were yellow as yellow could be while his smile plastered his face. His hand running down your neck, you shuffled hard having his hand get away for a moment. “Chica bonita que no ha sido tocada por un tiempo.”
Ghost glared at the man standing near him. He caught certain words in that sentence. “parece que.” The man that had a hold of you.
“Fuck off.” You said spitting at the one near you.
Ghost watched as the three walked towards you. Ghost shuffled a bit. “Ah riling him up boys.” One of the said taking a knife out.
Ghost glared he couldn’t say anything if he did they would make you scream. Which who knew what could happen. He slide the knife down your throat before stopping at your breasts. “Hermano I say we take her for,” His eyes darken. Ghost’s stomach dropped. “Out for a little bit.”
You knew what that meant. You closed your eyes, you have been told the cartel were not nice to women. That they did horrific things to them. “Si let’s start with that.”
You snapped your eyes up to Ghost shaking your head once. “Don’t your fucking touch her!” Ghost yelled his accent deeper.
They ignored him as they took her out of the chains and thrown around. You tried to fight before one of them dug his finger into your bullet hole. Next thing he knew you were gone, out of the room. Ghost yelled for you even when you were out of the room.
He heard you scream and cry to get off of you. He eventually heard water. Ghost closed his eyes trying to wiggle out more and more. Trying to vent out your screams. It was a couple hours before they dragged you back in, you were ragged clothes, blood was seeping through places. You were drenched.
They threw you in front of him, having you knelt down, as the ripped your head up to look at Ghost. His heart sunk. Your eyes was basically shut purple, your lips were cut and swollen, a deep cut on your cheek. You were awake, that’s all that mattered to him. He looked over your body, bruises already forming.
“I’m going to ask one more time fantasma,” He grabbed you hand placing them on his thigh. “Where is Alejandro?”
You shook your head. He pulled back making you make a small whimper. Ghost just looked at you, he was trying to think of anything else but this moment.
Maybe when you both went on a picnic, guiding him to the highest hill. In your pretty blue flower dress. Hair down. Smiling. The sun hitting your eyes making that pretty shimmer he loves. The way your warm lips pressed against his. How you…
“Ah!” You screamed snapping him out of it. Your finger was bent a non normal way.
Ghost shifted. “Enough!”
His grin was even more wider, making his stomach turn. “My hermanos and I could go for round two,” He said sliding his hand up to your neck. “If that’s what you mean.”
You whimpered as you looked away. Those fucking bastards. “Get your hand off of her.” He growled wiggling a bit more free.
The man pulled a large knife out pressing it in the side of you. “Tell me or your pretty lady will have blood spilled.”
Ghost pushed forward trying to get him to stop. He should say something. Say everything. But the look you have warning him to say nothing. “So difficult.” He pressed the knife into you, making your eyes wide and scream. He twisted the knife more and more in.
Ghost yelled for him to stop and tried to break out but the chains weren’t budging. You eventually stopped as he pulled it out. You were panting. Blood pooling out. He looked at Ghost before wiping your blood on his sweatshirt and face.
“You will fucking die,” Ghost whispered looking down at you in horror, your skin was becoming more pale. “I will GUT YOU!” He yelled back at him.
The man was about to say something until one of his other men came in. Explaining something. He growled before throwing you down. “This will only be a second.”
It was still on the room only the humming of the light. Ghost panted for a moment, before swallowing. Are you dead? You haven’t moved or even breathed in that matter. “Y/n,” He whispered wiggling more. “Come on baby.”
“Ghost.” You whispered softly. “Here,” You slowly rose up and handed him a small key, to his hands behind him, before laying back down, to the side of him. “Fucking bloke.”
Your breathing was heavy. Blood was seeping more and more out of your side. Ghost chuckled as he fumbled the lock before hearing the click he shoved the chains off. Working on his ankles. “Just stay awake beautiful.” He mumbled looking at the door and you.
He reached for you pushing you gently to see your face. You were awake, very weak, pulse almost not there. “Take me home Simon.” You whispered reaching to him.
Ghost’s body boiled as he reached for you. He promises as they leave he will kill and gut for what they did to you. For touching you. For making you bleed. Fuck the stain. He needs to get you out of here.
Ghost nodded picking you up bridal style. “Yes ma’am.”
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unknownteapot · 1 month
In light of Courtney mentioning they would possibly want to direct a movie some day during the Q+A, what do you think a Smosh movie would look like with this current cast? Would it be similar to the original Smosh Movie? I'm imagining something similar to Smost the Sitcom Live, like a sitcom comedy maybe? Anyway you don’t have to answer, I’m just curious 🤗
anon, you are NOT ready i was BORN for this question and i'm about to type up a storm so strap in!! thank you for sending it in!!! me being a yapper + film student is not boding well for me rn...
i completely see what you mean about a sitcom/comedy type thing, their vibes during ssl were immaculate, but i also think if they *were* ever going to make a movie it'd be something vastly different from what they've done before just to keep it fresh and give people something never seen before. which is why..
i propose to you: a horror comedy about the cast getting stuck at the smosh office overnight (more below the cut)
hear me out HEAR ME OUT god im so passionate about this. this type of premise would avoid the cast having to play characters per se, they'd kind of just play 'themselves' so it's easier for the existing smosh fanbase to transition to this new movie format without it feeling gimicky/overproduced- the movie begins with just a typical end-of-video outro into the camera for smosh games (maybe only main cast and not freelance? bc full cast might be too many people for a movie idk) and then cuts out to the cast getting off the soundstage like hehe good shoot whatever whatever. but. wait a second. why is it past midnight?? quickly they're realising everyone's gone and its WAY late and they're locked in. all the clocks have stopped around the office. phones are all out of service (but show a weird little digital snake symbol as foreshadowing to something ;)
so now they're like uh-oh. what the fuck do we do. and promptly the cast splits into groups/pairs that all deal with this in their own way the movie would cut back and forth between. maybe amanda and angela deciding to steal alcohol from the kitchen and then snoop on people's desks?? finding out ian has a love locket of anthony in his drawer?? damien grows mushrooms under his desk??? olivia collect's people's candy wrappers?????? idk it could be ANYTHING which makes thsi SO FUNNY to me
BUT this is where the horror comes in, because suddenly people start going missing. and its not fun and games at all. the air feels weird, its like 3 am, everyone's losing their shit a little bit. they start regrouping to see who they can find "hey have you guys seen Angela?" "No, but Courtney just went missing too." "Guys I don't feel well.." AND LITTLE BY LITTLE. THEY START SEEING APPARITIONS. SMOSH CHARACTERS. WHO HAUNT THEM.
like i'm sorry. tell me it would NOT be hilarious for Mental Illness to come haunt the cast in an eerie ghost form??? Augustus??? insulting the cast (but hitting truths about them) making them think about their life decisions??? COURTNEY FREAKING MILLER???? JUST YELLING???? TELEPORTING AROUND THEM AND SCARING THE SHIT OUT OF THEM>?>>>>??? god the jumpscares they could do with this insane INSANE. BIZANKA???????????????? im
BUT NOT JUST SMOSH CHARACTERS- fnaf characters in their eerie ass suits, chica demanding Amanda why she held the door so hard that one time and didn't let her in meanwhile everyone is terrified and somewhat sobbing
so now its CHAOS, they're trying to stick together to avoid getting haunted, they're trying to find their missing friends, they're running around to the footsteps of animatronics, when suddenly they find a door to some storage closet open. they walk in.
there they are!!!! all their missing friends lying passed out on the floor and.. what's this strange hissing noise and why is it kinda foggy in there.. "Oh my god!" Amanda yells out in relief that none of this was real (or was it), "There's a gas leak at the smosh office!" And then promptly passes out. So do they all. THE END.
maybe a post-credits scene of ian and anthony coming into the office in the morning and finding a MESS and them all passed out like god. we gotta put baby gates in here or some shit. they keep messing stuff up!! OR BETTER. they dont know about the cast at first and look at each other with knowing smirks like "wanna go get high :)" and then they head towards where all their friends are passed out and we find out it was actually their secret 'gas leak' spot where they get high on the regular from the gas. ian pouting like "damnit. they found our secret spot :(" anthony shruggs like "oh well" and then they prance around the room trying to huff the gas like idiots and also pass out.
more insane ideas idk how to incorporate yet:
a comedic bit where Amanda bonds with Chica from fnaf and reads her tarot cards (amanda would SO be the person to chat her up after getting over her initial fear and be like 'hey, you just need love, honey. i get it, we've all been there') and its this insane horror yet adorable moment where these two world collide?? BONUS: if the rest of the cast hide in a corner and look at her like "how is she doing this???"
Tim the IT guy actually turning out to be a hologram that haunts all the computers with snake graphics (from that one smoffice sketch 'it could happen to any one of us!') and actually gets his energy from sucking out ram from people's devices
Props and shit moving!!! just so much potential
AND a great way to introduce horror elements could be through this whole 'found footage' thing- you know how in some movies you find like someone's security cam recording etc etc. they could SO integrate elements of that because the smoffice is primarily for content creation so there's LOTS of cameras everywhere
"Hey uh.. guys I think this camera's still rolling." And its us watching footage of that room through it MASTERFUL. or people recording tiktoks and we watch through their screen recording but we see stuff in the background moving before they do YEAH. the HORROR OF IT. god i love movies
okay for everyone's sanity i will now stop i was actually not expecting to type this much- anon who sent this ask, i owe you everything!! im now obsessed with this idea i wish this was real w o w
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