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Cloudy with a chance of ....
On our first full day in Cambodia it poured, like monsoon style, cats and dogs poured (literally I saw a cat rain/fall of a roof). To get back to our hotel from dinner we had to walk thru a foot of water and after we climbed three flights of stairs we found about an inch of water covering our entire floor! The only drain on the deck portion for our floor was clogged, indeed covered entirely by a misplaced planter. Soon we were all hands on deck so to speak, along with the hotel staff scooping water with giant bowls, dust pans and mopping with bathmats.
Unlike in the US where management would immediately be offering some discount or freebie to avoid a bad review here, after recovering from the initial shock and frustration we laugh about the absurdity but I’m still hopping we can negotiate a free cocktail for it.

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Reposting @rdmathur.in: Angkor Wat. #EverydayCambodia #Photography #canon6d #Shotoncanon #CambodiaTourism #SiamReapTourism #Everydaylife #LifeinCambodia #ColoursofLife #Streetphotography #TravelBlogger #Streetography #Travelpics #Instagramer #Blogger #BorntoTravel #Travelstories #Travelpictures #Wanderlust #NightMarket #Mytravel #mytravelstory #memories #PicoftheDay #letsguide https://www.instagram.com/p/BqerSWnF4n3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vi3npyari01h
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#morning #ritual #buddhist #monk #waterritual #buddhism #phnompenhlife #phnompenhlife #cambodia #cambodianlife #cambodianstyle #morningroute #localvibes #lifeincambodia #lifeinphnompenh (at Phnom Penh)
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Enak Gak Tor Tinggal Di Kamboja?
Pertanyaan yang sering muncul setelah beberapa bulan saya tinggal dan bekerja di Kamboja. Menurut saya tinggal di manapun akan sama rasa nya, yaitu rindu keluarga, rindu sahabat dan teman-teman lain nya. Tapi itulah resiko yang harus di terima oleh perantau. Jadi kalau pertanyaan nya enak atau tidak, jawaban nya relatif, dari segi apa? Pengeluaran biaya hidup kah? Lingkungan kah? Hiburan kah? Pendapatan kah? Kalau dari pendapatan, tentu saja sebagai pekerja asing, disini akan berbeda pendapatan nya dengan di negara asal, dan di Kamboja ini saya di gaji dengan USD, which is jika di convert ke rupiah akan terasa beda nya, apalagi kalau nilai rupiah sedang buruk. Untuk pengeluaran hidup di Kamboja sebenar nya sama saja seperti di Indonesia, tergantung dari apa yang kita makan, yang pasti masih tidak seperti di negara Asia maju lain nya contoh nya di Singapore, Korea, Jepang.
Mungkin untuk hal yang kurang enak menurut saya adalah lingkungan, karna jujur saja Kamboja di bandingkan dengan negara Indonesia, jauh masih tertinggal tata kota nya, boleh di katakan 20 tahun tertinggal. Untuk saya tinggal disini sangat sulit jika menghadapi hari libur, mau tidak mau saya harus keluar dari Kamboja untuk bisa menikmati liburan, seperti ke Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand atau liburan ke Indonesia, yang inti nya harus keluar untuk menikmati liburan.
Namun begitu, tidak menjadi alasan untuk saya tidak betah tinggal di Kamboja, kunci nya adalah bagaimana kita mensiasati kebosanan yang muncul itu, seperti liburan ke negara-negara tetangga yang biaya nya cukup murah karena jarak yang dekat dengan negara tetangga nya, sekaligus menikmati pengalaman baru di negara lain atau mencari teman sesama pekerja asing untuk bertukar pikiran karna kita sama-sama pendatang, tanpa harus meninggalkan pendapatan yang lumayan disini. Kalau tujuan saya datang ke Kamboja hanya untuk liburan, mungkin akan salah pilih, tapi kalau untuk kerja, itu adalah pilihan yang tepat. Lebih baik mencari uang di tempat yang tidak banyak hiburan nya supaya bisa menyimpan uang.
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21-25 December 2017 Cambodia Trip with the Beshies, spent Christmas with them and able to meet new friends. #dyemsdiary #lifeinCambodia #LiveLaughLove (at Phnom Penh)
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Falling with this nature, #bambooforest #lifeinCambodia #July2017
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So long. #cambodia #siemreap #nightmarket #lifeincambodia #cambodialife #pubstreet #cambodianlife #カンボジア #シェムリアップ #パブストリート (សៀម រ��ប Siem Reap, Cambodia)
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So long. #cambodia #siemreap #nightmarket #lifeincambodia #cambodialife #pubstreet #cambodianlife #カンボジア #シェムリアップ #パブストリート (សៀម រាប Siem Reap, Cambodia)
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Technically 18 years...
How the world has changed in 20 years.
When I studied abroad we called home once every 2 weeks or so using calling cards, or if our parents had good international rates we would call collect and they wouldn’t accept the charges. Then they’d call us back on the pay phones at our hotel. We all learned to speak quickly when the collect recording asked for a name! For email we had to pay to use the super slow internet cafe to get emails. You ended up paying to read emails and then you’d leave, type up your responses, save them to disk and come back later to send them. To find out if the Zags won in the NCAA tourney, my friend Tessa and I stayed up til 3 am and called the GU operator (I think, or maybe her brother) from a public pay phone outside the Amsterdam train station. I can still picture that night, the pay phones were spaced out around this big plaza, in my memory the ground is a little wet and the stones of the square reflect a little light and the sound of us yelling and screaming that we made the Elite 8! There weren’t many people out, but I’m sure they thought these American girls jumping up and down were nuts. I took photos on film and didn't see most of my pictures until I got back to the States. The giant bag of undeveloped film is also an unforgettable visual for me.
Now, I have cheap fast internet at home. I have my laptop and my phone. Today at school I got updates on my phone about Kevin hitchhiking across Portland to the Blazer game in the snow.
(Side note: My phone was buzzing more than usual, so I peeked at it between classes and I see “Cindy Baumbach also replied to Chelsea Baumbach’s post. “He hitchhiked!”” I was very confused; I had responded to Chels’ post about Dex destroying a snowman...Dex hitchhiked? I was dying to know what was going on. Called my parents (Skype!) during my break and got the whole story. Only Kev would decide to walk to Moda from West Linn for the Blazer game and end up hitch hiking and getting a ride with someone from Blazer broadcasting and get interviewed on the broadcast, get a behind the scenes tour and end up with upgraded tickets! And the Blazers beat the Cavs!)
I can talk to my family (& watch basketball with them) via Skype whenever I want (although Mom was so into the game she's making me call tomorrow to watch the interview since I was teaching during halftime.) Mom & I use Skype messaging like texting. My other friends use Instagram messaging, Twitter messaging and Facebook to chat - it’s like having 4 texting apps...and my friends here sometimes text me too. I even get emails from people from time to time. I have a digital camera & a phone that allow me to take and share pictures in seconds. And I may actually talk to some of my friends more often now that I live halfway around the world from them! I know I use Facebook a lot more. I get a lot less paper mail, but that’s partly because I live in a poor, developing nation with a lousy postal system.
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In most "fast food" restaurants in Cambodia, when you order fries or anything similar, you usually get ketchup AND chili sauce. #lifeincambodia https://ift.tt/2rEOmzj
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Gender bendering is contagious @funkyflashpacker #partyhostel #SiemReap #cambodia #hostelsofasia #comejointhefunkyfun #genderbender #gamenights #sillytime #lifeinCambodia #hostellife #hostelworld #hostelgeeks #games #comejointhefunkyfun (at Funky Flashpacker)
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View from our balcony. #view #phnompenh #lifeincambodia #lifeinphnompenh #sunnyday #cityview #cambodia (at Phnom Penh)
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Our lovely workshop. #cambodia #siemreap #nightmarket #lifeincambodia #cambodialife #factry #cambodianlife #workshop #シェムリアップ #ナイトマーケット #絣 #工房 #ワークショップ (សៀម រាប Siem Reap, Cambodia)
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Our lovely factry. #cambodia #siemreap #nightmarket #lifeincambodia #cambodialife #factry #cambodianlife #カンボジア #シェムリアップ #ナイトマーケット #絣 #工房 (សៀម រាប Siem Reap, Cambodia)
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I've never been a gearhead, but dang, these look cool. #lifeincambodia #motorcycle #honda http://ift.tt/2FDP8pr
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