#life update i guess
eslanes · 6 months
Lol I made it two weeks! I dunno if I'm fully back, I'm existing as a single cell organism in some kind of alternate dimension due to medical misery. Butttt I'm back to playing a little which is good. I also somehow have more drive to finish my story (possibly due to the real possibility that I am dying lol), I guess it'll be my life's work haha.
But most importantly, I signed my mother and I up for a clay painting night with goats!!! Gonna be so sick
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Sorry for the lack of Stanley! As you've probably heard I'm ( hopefully ) moving soon and so I've just used my downtime to draw personal art and spend time with friends.
Once this is over expect many more Stanlies in the future!
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rielzero · 8 days
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tfw stupid season makes sleep bad.
Where energy goooooo :( Give back >:(
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solsono · 6 months
hi all!! so sorry for the long hiatus!! I have been so very busy and needed to take time away from here, but I promise that I have been doing well!
here's the update on my life: I moved to a new city at the start of the year and it's a BIG city which is something i've had to get used to. and i've been in grad school which has been super duper very hard and i've cried about it so many times but i'm still getting through it! also i've been trying to take really good care of myself, which is very important as i go through puberty 2.0 but it is challenging when i am living alone and don't have neighbors i know. but i have friends in the city who i can see and that really helps :)
i'm not sure if i'll be able to visit here frequently, but i may be able to pop in every now and then! so i'll just say this now: thank you everyone here for being so wonderful and kind, i adore the community and friends here! you'll always have a special place in my heart :)
and to @reynxiii @siriusly-remu @starchasing-cryptid and @aroastronaut thank you for tagging me and sending me asks even while i was away! when i logged on it made me happy cry to know that you still thought about me for the past 3 months! thank you <2 i treasure each of you :)
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iplaywithstring · 2 months
I got my final mark for my last class and overall I have an A. I'm super pleased with that because it was a counselling skills course - if I don't know how to put the information into practice, I'm going to have a bad time.
I also spent two days with my daughter and my aunts going over info and needs and expectations for when she moves in with them to go to university. I can't believe how fast the time is going. I'm so glad they offered to house her, it's going to be perfect.
Life is busy, and there is stress, but I'm coping, and I'm happy, and my health has been stable. I don't have my regular hours at work, but I think that's probably a bonus right now with everything going on - I don't work again until August so I don't have to worry about early mornings or long days.
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belovedapollo · 3 months
life update
I got my second testosterone injection today! I get them every 3 months and before April I was using testo gel for 3 months. Switching to injections was the best decision for me personally. My buttcheek is a bit sore, haha. Besides that I’ve been reading, drawing and gardening a lot. Last week I had to do a lot of socializing and I’m still a bit drained from that. I’ve been going on walks and trying to eat more healthy. Trying to journal more too. I hope you are doing well, make sure to drink lots of water and stay healthy and happy 🌹
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acrosstobear · 1 year
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alsooooo i didn’t share much about my besties girls trip but since im obsessed with the pictures here’s a few 🌸☀️
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cryptticrow · 11 months
Me in the past week or so, deciding who to watch for three hours straight
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dominimoonbeam · 9 months
Had to close last night (was not originally the plan) and absolutely forgot my phone and locked it in the building. So I've just been in the world without a phone and it is a very strange feeling. I miss him. I discovered my phone was a him. I've left the little man behind and I miss him!
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ostrumcomic · 16 days
Quick progress update:
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Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know that the next update is going to be delayed. I've been struggling hard with getting my brain to shift into the art gear. On top of that, i have had almost no time in the day to do anything that isnt explicitly required of me. Fun, right?
Just to be clear, i am not on hiatus. I just need a little extra time to get stuff done. 💜
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knoxvill3-nati0n · 24 days
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hey guys, i wanted to apologize for my absence. i got a boyfriend (who would've thought lmao), i'm severely depressed, and starting my last year of uni soon.
thank you so much for all the love and support you've shown me. did not expect my blog to grow so exponentially fast. every like, reblog, reply to my comments/posts, and dms make my day.
i will never stop expressing my thanks and gratitude i feel so deeply for all of you. i love our little internet family and all 11 of us will hopefully continue to keep our section of tumblr alive.
i've been apart of internet fandoms for 11 years of my life now and the friendships/connections i form will never cease to amaze me.
i will try to be consistent, but no promises lol.
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hylicsfancomic · 2 years
General update
Oh my god its been like 3 years;;;;;;;;;
ok so like. when i started this i had a general idea of lore but also i like. wanted a VERY specific format, and honestly thats what screwed me over. i had one more chapter almost ready, but itd go above the page count the rest had and i would not have it, which is silly looking back on it. The lockdown finally setting in definitely didnt help in the least<3
After that i ended up thinking “ok im gonna take a lil break, im gonna start actually doin a script and THEN work off that” which made me realize i didnt have any actual worldbuilding, and i put all my focus on that. then a series of things ended up distracting me (being able to afford my computer but customs screwing me over put a terrible damper on my mood, getting heavily sucked into other fandoms making me kinda forget about hylics, my laptop dying and having to spend MORE money on a new one lets i have NOTHING to work with, etc).
The whole time i HAVE wanted to come back to this and perhaps even revamp it, but now with news of development of a third entry AND chuck teasing a musical of sorts i feel terrified of all my worldbuilding going to the trash. what im thinkin im gonna do is finish this iteration of the h1 story in a more lose style and then maybe just wait for development. what i can do on that inter is maybe share snippets of the absurd stuff ive come up with; i do love my headcanons but they can be embarrassing to share for me (gib n waynes bakstory (includin a boatload of siblings), like 4 oc sages with a couple of concepts for em blatantly taken from other media, doin the futile task of integrating ludemdare games into the timeline, making ocs that are a bit too important, etc).
i apologize if seeing an update makes anyone excited only to be met by a wall of text but i did wanna say something at least, and would love some feedback too! Ive been scarcily posting art on my artblog because i dont have the brains to manage 3 sites at a time (twitter, insta) and dont know whats been posted where;; ill probably start reblogging hylics relevant stuff here to have something on the meanwhile and if anyones done fanart shoot me a link ill 100% reblog it here too:3
maybe later or tomorrow ill make a poll to see what things people would like to see in case i cant continue the story but feel free to send me asks tellin me wat ya wanna see<3
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syntacticerrortxt · 4 months
if my parents put me in a mental hospital like they say they're going to will you guys make freakay dynamoe fanart when I come back
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solsono · 1 year
I have a new GP as of today, and the nurse who works with her just started a job there. And the nurse is one of my favorite people now, she’s so supportive and curious about my transition, calls me by my chosen name, gives me advice on style, calls me doll face, and asked me to promise to tell her about my updates on my life and how I’m doing whenever I visit! Like hell yes! Shoutout to the nurse who made my visit so amazing after I was feeling unsure and anxious about it! I will protect this nurse at all costs, she is too precious to me :)
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debbiechanclub · 2 months
Btw, in case anyone is wondering, I haven't been working on fanfiction lately because I've had a renewed motivation to work on my novel, which I'm really trying to finish before the baby arrives. Admittedly, I probably won't get it done, but I haven't felt this motivated to do it OR this pleased with it in a while, and I really don't want fanfiction to distract from that.
So yeah, if I'm being realistic, I might not post any more fics until after the new year. Because lord knows once the baby is here I won't have the time or energy for anything 😅
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solvaneon · 3 months
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slight exaggeration for comedic affect
it’s just so much of my body that I’m constantly uncomfortable/in pain, cannot wear any of my own clothes (I mainly wear black and giant hoodies) and cannot function as well as usual (which already isn’t great, I need help to do a lot of relatively simple things)
Also skin conditions run in my family, so the heat rash awoke my eczema from its brief hibernation
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