#life random noonereadsthisshit
Who knew. here I am 20 years young soon to be 21. My own little shitty apartment on the shady part of town. things arent so bad anymore. Got my lady by my side and shes all I could of ever asked for. now e share this place, soon dogmeat will be moving back in. thisll be the closest thing Ill have to a family of my own in this life. And thats okay with me. Got a job as a bartender, and go figure im pretty fuckin good at it. Its nice not being on the streets, its nice to have wifi and be able to just ramble to nothingness but god dammit i earned this. i earned my right to be comfy. Cold hard nights were payment enough. Im just focused on me. Dont give a fuck about the moves all these loser niggas makin now. They all wish to slander my name. I feel they are not worthy of thought. But im gonna do it. Im gonna do it man. Im gonna change. Im gonna be healthy, Im gonna start going yoga every day. pushups, suats, sit ups, pull ups. Im gonna quit smoking. Im going to be the best version of myself that i can be.
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