#life cycle of the salmon
troutreznor · 7 months
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Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 26 days
I feel that often, people really disregard bivalves (and other sessile animals absolutely) as just a little more than background objects, somewhere between a plant and a rock, when they’re fellow animals just like us. I mean I get it, a mussel siphoning in water all day is less engaging than like a songbird darting about the woods or a sheep that walks around and that you can pet. But they really aren’t at all just machines!
Last year I had the pleasure of meeting adult freshwater pearl mussels, who were being showcased to raise awareness about their endangerment and ecosystem services. They had a few mussels in these small tanks to show how quickly they can clean the water — I’m sure you’ve seen the setup, there’s one really cloudy tank and a clear tank that used to be cloudy a few hours ago, but is now clear thanks to the filtering made by the mussels! One of the tanks had a strange sight in it: two still mussels and one… flailing one. Its light leg was fully out and waving about, and its shell was sort of lodged in the corner, upside down. When my friends and I asked what the matter with the mussel was, it had apparently been unsatisfied with its place in the sand that the scientists had put it in, and while trying to figure out a nicer position it had accidentally flipped itself over! Poor guy couldn’t quite get out from the corner for a while ToT
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gobworm · 1 year
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salmon life cycle charms!
buy them here!
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Text: When fish reach the breeding ground near our village, they grow weak, bury themselves in the mud and emerge human. They grow old, die, and return to the mud to re-hatch as fish. 
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glassesfreekjr · 1 year
Since the first do-over somehow sounded even more like ass, I remastered/redid the whole track now that I have more experience.
Picture this as the OST for a surprise XTRA WAVE during the next Big Run. Even better if this "King Salmonid" isn't announced anywhere beforehand.
Imagine, if you will, that distorted victory jingle plays to signify a King Salmonid, but nothing happens. All eight(?!) players Super Jump back to their starting locations and Mr. Grizz pipes in to express his confusion. Then he notices... no, no, he definitely sent out a four-man squad! Why are there more of you? How long have these conspicuous individuals in the same uniform been trying to blend in amogus? Are those Grizzco weapons?!
Then without a word, the interlopers all open fire at once. Cue the music.
Although the firefight would break out as the music kicks off, the 100-sec Xtra Wave would only officially start at 0:22 — when the Grizzco helicopter is blasted out of the sky with a Trizooka, careening into the ocean in a catastrophic, firey wreck. Mr. Grizz lets out a long, garbled string of curses and hails the emergency speedboat he prepared in advance to come pick you up. But will it make it to your squad in time? Here's hoping.
Ditching the odd time signatures and overdriven timpanis in favor of breakcore drum loops is kinda like sanitizing what made the music ω-3 (the band for Salmon Run) special and shoving what's left in a place where it don't belong — which is similar to my interpretation of what "salmonlings" would be like. Literal fish out of water.
Salminid culture is heavily tied to the belief in the circle of life (via being cooked alive). It's why they're so willing to zerg rush players during Salmon Runs. So imagine being torn away from said cycle, altered so irrevocably that you barely recognize yourself. My intent was to capture that feeling of horrid mania, and the music I sampled from/covered lended itself well to that, I think.
I've also found a good in-universe performer at last: DJ Unregistered Hypercam 3 (by @teethflavoured on Tumblr), a retired Mudmouth turned solo artist for whom I instantly fell head-over-heels.
(sample source list and an ultra-rad visualizer can be found on my YouTube)
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mcromwell · 1 year
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"Salmon Run"
Is she bringing the salmon up the bank to fertilize the trees, or to eat it? Why not both? 🐟🌲
12"x16" acrylic on reclaimed support
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i'm not even gonna give context for this just know i love all binnie bromies for being better than i ever will in the hear me out on these two conversation because at least they actually like each other without using olympics style delulu to deduce that they mayhaps do
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adventurer-gearld · 2 years
Neo time :]
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The Little yellow squid had a dream. They were fighting a bear in space! And their little buddy became a big buddy and defeated the bear, isn’t he cool?
The dream was very vivid, so vivid that it stayed in their memory instead of fading away like most dreams. They kept thinking about it all day, while eating breakfast, going to school, and even while eating lunch!
They kept looking around suspiciously, as if someone might attack them from behind. The colour purple caused them to glare. The teacher got worried, but it was just a dream, why do they still remember it so clearly? And why is it so scary?
The Little Yellow Squid could still remember all the details of the dream when they went home. There was music while they were fighting the bear too! It sounded very good, it was a heavenly melody, with many different people singing! The Little Yellow Squid wishes they could hear it again.
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The Little Yellow Squid decided to tell their best friend in the whole world about the dream. Little Buddy seemed to light up with excitement and went to grab a pencil and paper. He drew people, one wearing a hat, another in black, and the last in white.
“The Captain, One and Two” The Little Yellow Squid was sure that’s their names. They remember meeting them, the poses, and the immediate acceptance into their… group, their family.
The Little Yellow Squid blinked. How could they forget something that important? Little Buddy stared up at them and made his sounds. That was a memory, they’re sure of it, but it’s from when they’re 15. They aren’t 15 yet, and now they’re confused.
Any other dreams get told to their Little Buddy as well, Little Buddy keeps drawing, and they keep remembering more. Even as tensions at home worsen, the memories persist, clearly wanting to be uncovered. Even as their sibling stops answering their phone in Inkopolis, memories claim they’ll reunite and it helps make them feel better. Even as tensions worsen at home, the dreams, memories, offer a solution for the future. And The Little Yellow Squid knows they’ll follow the memory with Little Buddy in tow.
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Also. The Little Yellow Squid never steps foot into a Grizzco facility.
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pulsethebabyoctopus · 7 months
So obviously I like drawing sea life stuff
If there is ever anything you want me to draw let me know (maybe in an ask?) and I’ll see if I can do it!
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troutreznor · 8 days
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 9 months
Daily fish fact #656
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The salmon life cycle (also found in other salmonids, of course) starts with the tiny, helpless fry called alevin, which still have their yolk sac attached to them. Alevins tend to stay in their gravel nests (called a redd) for safety, but once their yolk is all absorbed and they’re big enough to venture out, they are called fry! The small fry then develop into parr, which have vertical stripes that aid in camouflage. This life stage can last even several years — not always though, for example the pink salmon emerges from the redd already in the beginning of the next life stage, the smolt! During the smolting stage, the salmon’s body goes through a hormone-induced change that allows it to transition from freshwater to saltwater, and the smolts migrate downstream to estuaries, losing their stripes and instead gain a shiny silvery colouration in the process. Once adapted to saltwater, they then move into the ocean as grown adult salmon, spending years at sea! Naturally, to close the cycle, mature breeding adults migrate upstream to their original homes, sometimes going through great physical changes like gaining brilliant colours or growing out a back hump. They lay their eggs and typically die shortly after, starting the cycle anew.
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malwarechips · 10 months
salmon win (my science teacher agreed to talk about them next lesson when i asked)
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iwrotemrtambourineman · 11 months
I’ve gone my whole life thinking I know the average amount of things relating to flora and fauna and then I talk to a tech bro coworker for five seconds and turns out I’m a freak because I know that a female sheep is a ewe and that a snail tongue is called a radula
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arconinternet · 1 year
Salmon: Life Cycle of the Sockeye (Video, 1951)
You can watch it here.
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in-sightpublishing · 2 months
Ask A Genius 1052: The Chris Cole Session 2, Reframe
Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/08/01 Rick Rosner, American Comedy Writer, www.rickrosner.org Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Independent Journalist, www.in-sightpublishing.com Rick Rosner: So, you start with Chris’s simplified question.  Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Chris Cole asked one question in a…
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goodtimewithetho · 7 months
chanting to myself that i will not let my salmon special interest ruin my enjoyment of salmon pearl designs and that not everyone knows the details of the life cycle of the humble sockeye salmon
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