ruttotohtori · 1 year
Liettuassa ainakin 750:tä koulua ja päiväkotia vastaan tehtiin perjantaina pommiuhkauksia. Poliisin mukaan suurin osa uhkauksen sisältäneistä sähköposteista oli kirjoitettu venäjäksi.
Samankaltaisia uhkauksia on raportoitu tällä viikolla myös Virossa ja Latviassa. Latvian presidentti Edgars Rinkevics kuvaili pommi­uhkauksia hybridi­hyökkäykseksi.
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maisseli · 17 hours
Mun Spotify-soittolistoilla on 15 eri kieltä ja jos Euroviisulista lasketaan mukaan nii 21 :D
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discolesbo · 2 months
Terve Ukraina (Hail Ukraine), a 1917 poem by Eino Leino
Eino Leino is a national poet of Finland and is also from the same area as me so I am here to flex, of course.
Terve Ukraina! Kunnias soikoon, [Hail Ukraine! May your honour ring,] Huutona huomenen valkenevan! [As a cry of a breaking morning!] Voimasi, lempesi leimaus voikoon [May your strength and love's fire] vaatia, laatia maan vapahan! [demand and create a free land!] Uljas Ukraina! Nyt älä horju! [Valiant Ukraine! Don't falter now!] Kerran se koittaa kansojen koi. [Once, the dawn of nations will arrive.] Tyynenä, vankkana vaarasi torju, [As calm and sturdy, fend off your dangers,] tai jos on tarpehen, niin salamoi! [Or, if need be, strike with lightning!]
Kaunis Ukraina, kansojen suola! [Beautiful Ukraine, the salt of nations!] Sulla on lippu ja meillä on tie. [You have the flag and we have the way.] Myötäs on myrskyssä Suomi ja Puola, [With you in the storm are Finland and Poland,] Myös Viro, Lätti ja Liettua lie. [And it seems Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well.] Eespäin, Ukraina! Et ole orja, [Forwards, Ukraine! You are not a slave,] itse jos toivot ja tahdot sa sen. [If you yourself wish and want it so.] Kuuletko kuoron, mi suur' on ja sorja [Can you hear the choir, so big and graceful] kuin meri kansojen kauhtuvien? [Like a sea of fading nations?]
Uusi Ukraina, tenhoisa, uhkee! [New Ukraine, charming and grand!] Väljinä välkkyvät virtasi suut, [The mouths of your streams glimmer so wide,] Vapauden purppurakukkihin puhkee [Into the purple flowers of freedom blossom] Mordva, Grusinia, Permi ja muut! [Mordovia, Georgia, Perm and others!] Hetki on Venäjän heimojen nousta; [It is time for the tribes of Russia to rise;] katkoa kahlehet tsaarien yön. [Cut the chains of the night of tsars.] Loista; Ukraina! Jännitä jousta, [Shine; Ukraine! Steady your bow,] valkaise tie tasavaltaisen työn! [And light up the road of republic work!]
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sarcasmchandlerbing · 2 years
My top 37 Eurovision 2023 songs
1. Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha (Suomi/Finland 🇫🇮)
2. Loreen - Tattoo (Ruotsi/Sweden 🇸🇪)
3. Sudden Lights - Aijā (Latvia 🇱🇻)
4. Vesna - My Sister's Crown (Tšekki/Czech Republic 🇨🇿)
5. Teya & Salena - Who The Hell Is Edgar? (Itävalta/Austria 🇦🇹)
6. Alessandra - Queen of Kings (Norja/Norway 🇧🇻)
7. Iru - Echo (Georgia 🇬🇪)
8. Luke Black - Samo Mi Se Spava (Serbia 🇷🇸)
9. Mae Muller - I Wrote A Song (Yhdistynyt Kuningaskunta/United Kingdom 🇬🇧)
10. Let 3 - Mama ŠČ! (Kroatia/Croatia 🇭🇷)
11. Joker Out - Carpe Diem (Slovenia 🇸🇮)
12. Pasha Parfeni - Soarele Şi Luna (Moldova 🇦🇩)
13. Wild Youth - We Are One (Irlanti/Ireland 🇮🇪)
14. The Busker - Dance (Our Own Party) (Malta 🇲🇹)
15. Alika - Bridges (Viro/Estonia 🇪🇪)
16. La Zarra - Évidemment (Ranska/France 🇨🇵)
17. Remo Forrer - Watergun (Sveitsi/Switzerland 🇨🇭)
18. TVORCHI - Heart of Steel (Ukraina/Ukraine 🇺🇦)
19. Brunette - Future Lover (Armenia 🇦🇲)
20. Voyager - Promise (Australia 🇦🇺)
21. Noa Kirel - Unicorn (Israel 🇮🇱)
22. Lord Of The Lost - Blood & Glitter (Saksa/Germany 🇩🇪)
23. Blanca Paloma - EAEA (Espanja/Spain 🇪🇸)
24. Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper - Burning Daylight (Alankomaat/Netherlands 🇳🇱)
25. Marco Mengoni - Due Vite (Italia/Italy 🇮🇹)
26. Gustaph - Because of You (Belgia/Belgium 🇧🇪)
27. Mimicat - Ai Coração (Portugali/Portugal 🇵🇹)
28. Diljá - Power (Islanti/Iceland 🇮🇸)
29. Albina & Familja Kelmendi - Duje (Albania 🇦🇱)
30. Reiley - Breaking My Heart (Tanska/Denmark 🇩🇰)
31. Monika Linkytė - Stay (Liettua/Lithuania 🇱🇹)
32. Andrew Lambrou - Break A Broken Heart (Kypros/Cyprus 🇨🇾)
33. Theodor Andrei - D.G.T (Off And On) (Romania 🇷🇴)
34. TuralTuranX - Tell Me More (Azerbaijan 🇦🇿)
35. Victor Vernicos - What They Say (Kreikka/Greece 🇬🇷)
36. Blanka - Solo (Puola/Poland 🇵🇱)
37. Piqued Jacks - Like An Animal (San Marino 🇸🇲)
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gosamiand-blog · 7 months
Baltian maat valmistelevat ”Maginot-linjaa” puolustautuakseen Venäjää vastaan
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keikoshiga · 2 years
フィンランド FINLAND 2022
ソロコンサート『大自然とフィンランドの風景』 at cafe’Me:Ma
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A solo concert “Mother Nature and Landscape of Finland” at cafe’Me:Ma
Mt.Kinpo in Kumamoto Prefecture. Mrs. KEIKO and Mr. RICHARD are a married couple who opened cafe'Me:Ma, a solitary cafe on this mountain surrounded by a forest of cypress trees.
I played some folk songs and classical masterpiece that are loved in Finland, as well as my original compositions that were inspired by my visits to Finland. During the break, I introduced the Finnish folk instrument kantele and enjoyed playing it with the guests.
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1917年のウクライナ独立直後に、フィンランドの国民的詩人エイノ・レイノ(1878~1926年)が帝政ロシアの圧政に苦しむウクライナを思って書いた詩「Terve Ukraina」。 2022年2月24日、ロシアはウクライナへの本格的な軍事侵攻を開始。フィンランドの作曲家オッリ・サーリがこの100年を越えた詩「Terve Ukraina」に音楽をつけ、同年2月26日にヘルシンキのロシア大使館に集まった数千人のデモ参加者の前で、アカペラの大合唱で抗議しました。私はその民衆の姿に感銘を受け震えました。
Immediately after Ukraine gained independence in 1917, Finnish national poet Eino Leino (1878-1926) wrote the poem ''Terve Ukraina'', thinking of Ukraine suffering from the oppressive rule of imperial Russia. On February 24, 2022, Russia began a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. Finnish composer Olli Saari set his 105-year-old poem "Telve Ukraina" to music, and performed it in front of thousands of demonstrators gathered at the Russian embassy in Helsinki on February 26 of the same year. It was sung by a large a cappella group. I was moved and trembled when I saw the people.
I'd like to join them in praying for an end to war and peace.
「Terve Ukraina」Eino Leino (1917)
Terve Ukraina! Kunnias soikoon, Huutona huomenen valkenevan! Voimasi, lempesi leimaus voikoon vaatia, laatia maan vapahan! Uljas Ukraina! Nyt älä horju! Kerran se koittaa kansojen koi. Tyynenä, vankkana vaarasi torju, tai jos on tarpehen, niin salamoi!
Kaunis Ukraina, kansojen suola! Sulla on lippu ja meillä on tie. Myötäs on myrskyssä Suomi ja Puola, Myös Viro, Lätti ja Liettua lie. Eespäin, Ukraina! Et ole orja, itse jos toivot ja tahdot sa sen. Kuuletko kuoron, mi suur' on ja sorja kuin meri kansojen kauhtuvien?
Uusi Ukraina, tenhoisa, uhkee! Väljinä välkkyvät virtasi suut, Vapauden purppurakukkihin puhkee. Mordva, Grusinia, Permi ja muut! Hetki on Venäjän heimojen nousta; katkoa kahlehet tsaarien yön. Loista; Ukraina! Jännitä jousta, valkaise tie tasavaltaisen työn!
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jubaer01 · 10 months
FOR FINLAND CITIZENS - VIETNAMESE Government of Canada Electronic Travel Authority - Canada ETA - Online Canada Visa
Nopea ja nopea Vietnamin sähköinen viisumi verkossa, virallinen Vietnamin hallituksen turisti- ja yritysviisumi
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Address : Itäinen Puistotie 17, 00140 Helsinki, Finland
Phone : +358 9 22865100
Website: https://www.vietnam-visa-online.org/fi/visa/ 
Business Hours: 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name: Ria Holden Vanessa
Description: Vietnamin hallitus on ottanut käyttöön yksinkertaisimman, nopeimman ja helpoimman tavan hakea Vietnam Visa Online -palvelua tällä verkkosivustolla. Voit nyt täyttää Vietnamin viisumin online-hakemuslomakkeen ylellisyydestä kotoa käsin käymättä Vietnamin suurlähetystössä. Täytä lomake muutamassa minuutissa, lataa kasvokuvasi ja passisivusi ja suorita maksu verkossa. Muutaman päivän kuluttua saat vietnamse eVisan sähköpostitse. Voit vierailla lentokentällä tai satamassa heti menemättä Vietnamin suurlähetystöön. Lisäksi passissasi on oltava fyysinen tai paperileima. Tämä sähköinen prosessi, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä eVisa tai Electronic Visa for Vietnam, on saatavilla 80 maassa. Jos olet jostakin näistä onnekkaista maista, voit ohittaa jonon hakeaksesi Vietnamin viisumia Online-portaalissa. Voit ottaa kuvan matkapuhelimellasi ja lähettää meille sähköpostia, jos et voi ladata. Sinun tulee kuljettaa alkuperäinen passi lentokentälle, jotta lentokentän maahanmuuttoviranomaiset voivat leimata passisi sivulle Vietnamiin saapumista varten. Lisäksi passin on oltava voimassa 180 päivää Vietnamiin saapumispäivänä. Seuraavat maat ovat oikeutettuja Vietnam Online Visan eli eVisa Vietnamiin, Belgia, Alankomaat, Intia, Nauru, Portugali, Kroatia, Venäjä, Espanja, Salomonsaaret, Qatar, Saksa, Liechtenstein, Argentiina, Puola, Kreikka, Australia, Brunei, Yhdysvallat , Tanska, Romania, Brasilia, Malta, Bulgaria, Suomi, Islanti, Azerbaidžan, Filippiinit, Saint Lucia, Irlanti, Meksiko, Peru, Slovakia, Venezuela, Norja, Georgia, Mongolia, Viro, Slovenia, Liettua, Kolumbia, Papua-Uusi-Guinea, Serbia, Kazakstan, Uruguay, Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat, Ruotsi, Korea, Armenia, Fidži, Montenegro, Sveitsi, Andorra, Kuuba, Latvia, Kambodža, Monaco, Kanada, Uusi-Seelanti, Italia, Ranska, Luxemburg, Marshallinsaaret, Vanuatu, Kypros, Makedonia, Unkari, Tšekki, Japani, San Marino, Bosnia ja Hertsegovina, Moldova, Valko-Venäjä, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Panama, Itävalta, Montserrat, Mikronesia, Chile.  Government of Vietnam has introduced the simplest, quickest and easy method to apply for Vietnam Visa Online on this website. You can now fill out the Vietnam Visa Online Application Form from the luxury of your home without visiting Vietnam Embassy. Fill the form in couple of minutes, upload your face photograph and passport page and make payment online. After a few days you will receive vietnamse eVisa by email. You can visit the airport or seaport straight away without going to vietnamse Embassy. Also, there is on physical or paper stamp required on your passport. This electronic process also known as eVisa or Electronic Visa for Vietnam is available to 80 countries. If you are from one of these lucky countries, you can skip the queue to apply on Online Portal for Vietnam Visa. You can take the photo from your mobile phone and email us if you cannot upload. You will need to carry original passport to the airport so that the immigration officers at the airport can stamp your passport page for entry into Vietnam. Also, your passport must be valid for 180 days on the date of your entry into Vietnam. The following countries are eligible for Vietnam Online Visa aka eVisa Vietnam, Belgium, Netherlands, India, Nauru, Portugal, Croatia, Russia, Spain, Solomon Islands, Qatar, Germany, Liechtenstein, Argentina, Poland, Greece, Australia, Brunei, United States, Denmark, Romania, Brazil, Malta, Bulgaria, Finland, Iceland, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Slovakia, Venezuela, Norway, Georgia, Mongolia, Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Uruguay, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Korea, Armenia, Fiji, Montenegro, Switzerland, Andorra, Cuba, Latvia, Cambodia, Monaco, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Cyprus, Macedonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Japan, San Marino, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Belarus, United Kingdom, Panama, Austria, Montserrat, Micronesia, Chile.
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cedrellaw · 1 year
Liettua ja glitterbokserit! Hiton mahtavaa 😂🔥
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huurrekukkia · 2 years
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natonaika · 4 years
Baltian maat lopettavat yhteisen BALTBAT-hankkeen
Baltian maiden maajoukkojen komentajat ovat allekirjoittaneet sopimuksen yhteisen Baltian pataljoonan (BALTBAT) lopettamisesta ensi vuoden alusta, kertoo Viron yleisradio ERR. Baltian maajoukot keskittyvät vastaisuudessa yhteistyöhön tiedustelun, tulituen, joukkojen suojaamisen ja ei-kineettisten operaatioiden saralla. BALTBAT perustettiin vuonna 1994, ja se osallistui kansainvälisiin rauhanturvaoperaatioihin ruotsalaisten ja tanskalaisten joukkojen mukana. Baltian pataljoonan tehtävät loppuivat vuonna 2001, jolloin Baltian maat perustivat erillisiä yhteispataljoonia Pohjoismaiden kanssa. Vuonna 2012 Baltian maiden puolustusministerit kuitenkin sopivat BALTBATin toiminnan aloittamisesta uudelleen, ja vuonna 2014 pataljoonan perustamisesta solmittiin vielä aiesopimus.
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ruttotohtori · 2 years
Tykkään kyl vähä Liettuastaki... tulee vähä mielee joku vanhempi Bond-tunnari
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maisseli · 6 months
Euroopan homoin valtio turnaus
Perusteluja tai omakohtaista kokemusta ei tarvita joten äänestä fiiliksen perusteella.
Tämä on kysely numero 4. Ensimmäisellä kierroksella kyselyitä on yhteensä 4. Voit löytää muut kyselyt #euroopanhomoinvaltioturnaus
Jokaisen kyselyn valtiot ovat arvottu.
Toiselle kierrokselle etenevät jokaisen kyselyn 3 eniten ääniä saanutta valtiota.
Loppu huipennuksena on finaali jossa vastakkain ovat 2 parhaiten pärjännyttä valtiota.
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I have already done Eurovision songs 2023 list but now I'm doing it again but with opinions about the songs (I am late). To my own fun. To as memory. I repeat saying the same things but my vocabulary isn't the widest so there are some things I didn't know how to express by writing. Not to say I would do better job by saying/writing them in finnish.
I find myself singing all the songs time to time or some parts of them which I know the lyrics to and I don't know what that tells about this year. Maybe that I like all the songs to some level. Also... I am happy I listened all the songs before the semis and final. I have never done that before so this is something new and exciting! What is the problem hearing songs only in semis and/or final is that some of the songs might be boring and forgettable and/or I won't care about them but... this time... this time... I like them all somewhat, I can sing along, I can just enjoy the show cos' I have heard all the songs already! I know them! They have grown on me! Knowing songs early on has it downs and perks. Glad I have this 'perspective' now, I love this!
Now starting the ranking...
Eurovision songs 2023 ranked
37. San Marino 🇸🇲 - I guess it's okay. Not as bad as I thought it was at the beginning. But it's not a song I love or like that much. Sorry, Piqued Jacks.
36. Puola/Poland 🇵🇱 - This would be higher on my list if it wasn't for that selection because it left bad taste in my mouth. The song got a little bit ruined because of it and I find some parts annoying. Rip to this song. Should this actually be the last one on this list?
35. Kreikka/Greece 🇬🇷 - It's okay but also somewhat boring. Maybe because I have heard these kinds of songs in the past and liked them so I have already been bored by them at this point, I'm not sure.
34. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - I don't know how to feel about this song. I guess I like it but not extremely much. It is kind of all over the place where there is rapping and then the song suddenly 'changes'. Not to say that I don't like those parts too but it's not the best thing either.
33. Romania 🇷🇴 - From the start I've had a 'I like this song actually!' and 'Ugh, I don't like this song!' -relationship going on with this song. I don't like some parts of this song and some I like.
32. Kypros/Cyprus 🇨🇾 - I actually like this one. But yes, this song might be too basic and I agree. So should this be higher on my list? Maybe. Or maybe not. I have liked these kinds of songs so much in my past so I guess that's why this is not my favorite anymore. Still, nothing to complain.
31. Liettua/Lithuania 🇱🇹 - I like this but some parts are little boring. Čiūto Tūto repeating over and over annoyed me at first a bit but now I like it.
30. Tanska/Denmark 🇩🇰 - Like with Romania's song, I have a like-dislike relationship with this one. Or at least had. Earlier I hated the chorus because of the voice and that's why the song wasn't the greatest but now I'm used to it sounding like that and I don't mind it that much. So now I like the song somewhat.
29. Albania 🇦🇱 - This song has grown on me. It may be somewhat incoherent but I find this song to be emotional, good and beautiful. Underrated one, truly.
28. Islanti/Iceland 🇮🇸 - First I wasn't liking this song that much and the po-po-po-power part annoyed me a little. But now I like the whole song. Not my favorite but still good.
27. Portugali/Portugal 🇵🇹 - Song has grown on me like many other songs too this year. I have started to like this song more but I'm not still a crazy fan of it.
26. Belgia/Belgium 🇧🇪 - I have liked it from the start. Time to time now this song bores me cos' it was the first song(s) introduced and I have then maybe listened this more than some other songs this year but I still like this song and think it is underrated. Maybe too repetitive but still good.
25. Italia/Italy 🇮🇹 - I found this song to be boring at first. But when listening to it more and more, I started to like it. Not the greatest one this year and sometimes I forget it exists but I still like it quite a lot.
24. Alankomaat/Netherlands 🇳🇱 - Thought first this song was boring. But it's not so boring after all. I somewhat love this song. Basic, yes, but also good, YES. The song is stuck in my head.
23. Espanja/Spain 🇪🇸 - I have not liked EAEA chorus and actually it annoyed me at first. I didn't like this song that much, wasn't my kind of song. It's still not my kind of song but I have started to like it to some extent. It's iconic whether you like it or not.
22. Saksa/Germany 🇩🇪 - I would want to like it more, if that makes sense. First I was not so fond of this song. I wanted more yelling in the song, example. To it to be more heavier. But the song is okay and I like it.
21. Israel 🇮🇱 - The song is all over the place and there is no clear chorus. Or I guess there is but the song 'changes' over and over again and I don't know how to feel about that. However I like the song and would listen to it time to time. It's cool.
20. Australia 🇦🇺 - I have liked it from the start. Nothing else to say about this really.
19. Armenia 🇦🇲 - Like with Israel, this song is all over the place and I don't know how to feel about it. But... I think it's a good song and I like the lyrics.
18. Ukraina/Ukraine 🇺🇦 - First I wasn't impressed and I almost didn't like it. But now... BUT NOW... I like it, it's a banger and underrated one, for sure.
17. Sveitsi/Switzerland 🇨🇭 - First listen... I found it boring. But it has grown on me and it is my kind of song so that's why I like it so much! Yeah, it is basic but I love it. Could this be higher up? Not sure.
16. Ranska/France 🇫🇷 - I have liked it from the start. First time listening I was almost scared it was a ballad but glad it wasn't. Cool song!
15. Viro/Estonia 🇪🇪 - This song reminded me of the last year's Eurovision song (the aaaaaah-part) so that's why I wasn't liking it in the start. But now I don't care about it cos' I like the song. Underrated I say. End gives me goosebumps.
14. Malta 🇲🇹 - Feel good song. Might be too repetitive but who cares because it's a cool song! I love it.
13. Irlanti/Ireland 🇮🇪 - Somehow I love this song but also at the same time think it's too basic and boring and has cliches all over the place. And I get if people don't like it. This might be maybe a little bit lower in my list. But where? I don't know, I'm still loving it. My fave part is we might be different we might be unique etc but I love all the parts in the song.
12. Moldova 🇲🇩 - It's not my kind of song but it's a banger! Repetitive, yes, but this is a great song and I love the beat! Also kudos to all of the songs which are not in english.
11. Slovenia 🇸🇮 - I like this. Don't remember if I liked it from the start, maybe I thought it was okay but nothing special. It has grown on me and I like it so much!! Maybe basic but it's not in english so...
10. Kroatia/Croatia 🇭🇷 - I have liked it from the start. Have listened to it many many times, so time to time I find it boring, but song's charm hasn't gone away. I get why people don't like it but I'm not people. Song's a banger! ŠČ!
9. Yhdistynyt Kuningaskunta/United Kingdom 🇬🇧 - I like this very much! Again, nothing else to say.
8. Serbia 🇷🇸 - My excitement with the song has dropped. But not to worry, I like the song, it's interesting, it's cool, it's awesome. I may even love the song. But first listen was the most magical. This is iconic.
7. Georgia 🇬🇪 - Yeah, maybe weird lyrics but they don't bother me that much. This song is so awesome, cool and badass and I love it!
6. Norja/Norway 🇧🇻 - It may be overrated but I'm in a overrated train, let's go! Time to time it bores me cos' I heard it so long ago first time and have listened to it more than some others. This song is epic. And great and strong and badass, I love it so much.
5. Itävalta/Austria 🇦🇹 - I love it, it's so great!!!
4. Tšekki/Czech Republic 🇨🇿 - I love this song, it's awesome!!!
3. Latvia 🇱🇻 - I have liked it from the start and now I love it. Very good song, I love it so much!!
2. Ruotsi/Sweden 🇸🇪 - Surprise. Sweden this high on my list (as a finn)? How? Why? Well, after calming down a little bit about Loreen being on Eurovision again and Sweden possibly winning this year... I listened the song again after the storm and... yes, it might be basic and not as iconic or good as Euphoria was but I like this song so much. I love the lyrics, I love the song a lot. Maybe I like Loreen's songs, have listened four of them and liked them all a lot. So I should listen more of her songs.
1. Suomi/Finland 🇫🇮 - I'm biased? Maybe a little. But first time listening I already was thrilled about the song and thought it was different, cool, awesome and a banger! Time to time I am bored with it but it doesn't matter cos' this is something else. If no other song did what this one did at the first listen, then there's no other place to this than number uno!
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gosamiand-blog · 8 months
Viro, Latvia ja Liettua rakentavat 600 bunkkeria Venäjän rajan läheisyyteen
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huutaasateessa · 2 years
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jubaer01 · 10 months
FOR FINLAND CITIZENS - United States American ESTA Visa Service Online - USA Electronic Visa Application Online
Yhdysvaltain viisumihakemusten maahanmuuttokeskus
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Address: Itäinen Puistotie 17, 00140 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 9 22865100
Website: https://www.us-visa-online.org/fi/visa/ 
Business Hours: 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name: James Charleton  Gibsons
Description :Kenen tulee hakea USA Visa Online -lupaa. Jos olet sellaisen maan kansalainen, jolla on sopimus Yhdysvaltojen kanssa viisumivapausohjelmasta, ja sinulla EI myöskään ole Yhdysvaltoihin vierailuviisumia, olet oikeutettu siihen. Matkasi kestää alle kolme kuukautta. Aikomuksesi vierailla Amerikassa on liike- tai virkistysmatkalla. Sinun on haettava uutta lupaa tai USA:n viisumia yhdelle henkilölle tai henkilöryhmälle. MITÄ asiakirjoja tarvitaan USA Visa Online -hakemuksen tekemiseen? Kelvollinen passi(t) Visa Waiver Programista. Maasi pitäisi olla Visa Waiver -maiden luettelossa. Tarvitset laillisen sähköpostiosoitteen saadaksesi US Visa Online -palvelun. Vierailijan hätäyhteyspiste älypuhelimeen ja sähköpostiin. Kun täytät ja laitat lomakkeen ja maksat käsittelymaksun, saat ESTA-hakemusnumeron, jota voidaan seurata verkossa Yhdysvaltain viisumihakemuksen osalta. Jokainen sallittu yksittäinen US-viisumi on voimassa 2 vuotta ja sallii useita vierailuja YHDYSVALLAT. Jos passisi vanhenee alle kahden vuoden kuluttua, USA Visa Online on voimassa vain passin viimeiseen voimassaolopäivään asti. USA Visa Online sallitaan useissa maissa, joista osa ovat Israel, Portugali, Saksa, Latvia, Alankomaat, Kreikka, Liechtenstein, Ruotsi, Andorra, Suomi, Ranska, Irlanti, Brunei, Kroatia, Sveitsi, Italia, Viro, Australia, Korea , Etelä, Japani, Islanti, Espanja, Belgia, Liettua, Norja, Unkari, Slovakia, Tanska, Luxemburg, Taiwan, Slovenia, Itävalta, Puola, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, San Marino, Uusi-Seelanti, Singapore, Chile, Monaco, Tšekki, Malta . Jos matkan tarkoitus on matkailu tai bisnes, niin  Which person should apply for USA Visa Online. If You are a citizen of a country which has a pact with USA for Waiver of Visa Program, and you also DO NOT have any Visits Visa to USA then you are eligible. Your journey is for less than three months. Your intention to visit America is for business or recreation. You need to apply for a new authorization or USA Visa for one individual or a group of person. WHAT documentation is needed to apply USA Visa Online A Valid passport(s) from a Visa Waiver Program. Your country should be in the List of Visa Waiver Countries, you need a legitimate e mail address to get US Visa Online. Visitor emergency point of contact smartphone and email. When you complete and put up the form and pay the processing charge, you will get an ESTA application number that can be tracked online for US Visa Application. Each permitted individual US Visa Only is for 2 years validity and allows multiple visits to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If your passport expires in less than two years then your USA Visa Online will be valid only till the passport expiration date. Many countries are allowed USA Visa Online, some of them include, Israel, Portugal, Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Greece, Liechtenstein, Sweden, Andorra, Finland, France, Ireland, Brunei, Croatia, Switzerland, Italy, Estonia, Australia, Korea, South, Japan, Iceland, Spain, Belgium, Lithuania, Norway, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Slovenia, Austria, Poland, United Kingdom, San Marino, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, Monaco, Czech Republic, Malta. If the purpose of the trip is Tourism or Business then.
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