#liebestraum and coronation and private victory are all runner ups
snowywolff · 1 year
Top 3 fics of yours that you wish everyone would read—GO! Then remember to pass this on to at least 5 other people ❤️
Listen. This is for me too. You have like 1000 fics to choose from. And since I haven't read all of them, I'm gonna be self-centric and I want those 3 fics //I// should read and I haven't yet :9
fskjhgfhjk stars this is such a difficult ask for me ahhhhh
(also it's good you comment on everything you read so i can like see what youve read lol)
so hmmm
Quite Foolish is like one of the best fics i've written in my personal opinion. i love everything about it but bc it's engmano, not many people have bothered to touch it. It's historical nationverse set in the early 19th century with the two characters i absolutely adore writing. i think their personalities are really fun to clash together. theres also an obnoxious amount of poetry in there bc like what else can you expect from me
Distraction is also a personal favourite of mine. Weimar Berlin prumano. traumatized and disabled by ww1, these two find some comfort in each other as two strangers who went through something harrowing together.
And I think for this last one I'm just going to pick something off the beaten path for my typical ships and give you this lietpol shakespearean something: A Midsummer Night's Dream. I still absolutely adore the atmosphere I manage to capture in this and it's just very magical and fun, really.
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