#lice studios
jmoloney1 · 6 months
The Lies Jess-Malarkey Tells
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey claims that the “rumors” that Jess controls Jamie’s social media stemmed from “other blog”. When that blog actually proved that wasn’t true. [Link]
Here’s where the actual rumor started and it was way before Jess-Moloney started her blog: [Link] So maybe she wants to explain why she lied about that, since she claims she reads everything on the blog she should have seen this post.
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey says (and I quote) [Link]
My problem is with how certain people behave and interact with others in their dislike of Jess. My problem is with how certain people treat others, citing only your highly speculative thoughts as reasoning. There's no respect for a difference of opinion.
But then she posts something like this in response to an ask [Link] not toxic when she does it though only when someone else does.
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey proves she can’t read where she says:
What I do care about is the speculation and accusations that are spoken about as if they're fact, the refusal to listen to any other point of view
Here is Jess-Moloney’s actual thoughts on this which @jess-moloney-malarkey entirely misconstrues in just about every post she makes:
[Link one]
[Link two]
Doesn’t sound like she’s trying to say anything is fact. It sounds like she’s saying she doesn’t actually know the answer and she’s just going by what she can see. @jess-moloney-malarkey has not actually posted any proof that this other blog has stated it as fact. Just that they have a theory. So either she can’t read or she’s gaslighting people. Take your pick. Considering how she fingered herself with joy over the hiatus notice you’d think she could have read what was said here but instead she continues to push the narrative that this other blog is “confirming” a breakup when no such thing has ever actually been said on that blog.
Here’s where @jess-moloney-malarkey says that the other blog has become a “Jamie hate blog” when they also can’t back up any proof with this when that blog said anything about hating Jamie or that Jamie should be hated. There was a discussion about the shirt he was wearing where the other blog said numerous times that she didn’t think Jamie should be cancelled over wearing a shirt. But that doesn’t fit the narrative Malarkey wants so she’s just gonna lie about it.
Quote: I do like Jamie and I don’t believe him wearing the shirt makes him a bad person. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t question why he’s wearing it or point out why it’s problematic, which it is [Link one]
Quote: I don’t think Jamie wearing the shirt means he’s a bad person (as I said before) but people need to stop acting like it’s not a problem either. [Link two]
Quote:  I personally haven’t seen or heard him say or do something that I think is close to being “cancel” worthy but unlike some of the larger fanatics, I use logic. I don’t jump to conclusions and I don’t presume to know why he was wearing that shirt.  [Link Three]
Does this come close to sounding like a “Jamie hate blog” apparently it does to Malarkey even though all it was, really, was opinions, discussion, and saying how and why the shirt was problematic. At no point was there a single word said about hating Jamie or telling people to hate him.
Here’s a post where Malarkey says that Jamie and Jess have been together for “Several Years” [link]
They’ve only actually been confirmed together for about 2 years. Yet let’s exaggerate that number because it makes her feel better or something? [Source] June 2022 so that would mean June 2024 would only be 2 years right? I guess almost three. It’s not a long term relationship by any means and has lasted just about the same amount as any other GF he has but Jess is special so guess we should lie about that to keep the stans happy.
Malarkey confuses answering asks with making actual posts. If people didn’t send in asks they wouldn’t be posted. So she grately exaggerates how many posts are actually being made. [Link]
Another post accusing the “other blog” of “confirming” a breakup when they can’t find any post that backs this with proof. the Jess-Moloney blog has only ever theorized that a split is happening or may have happened or things are on the decline. Yet Malarkey somehow doesn’t understand these words or only reads what she wants to read and then misinterprets it on her blog. The original Jess blog was never “proven worng” because she also never confirmed anything she just pointed out a decline in the relationship. Malarkey seems to be *obsessed* with saying that this happened (for some reason) when it’s never happened. [Link]
Malarkey repeatedly claims: Social media isn’t real life and doesn’t matter but she’ll also use social media as an example of Jamie and Jess being in a healthy relationship when it suits her:
Malarkey Says it doesn’t matter here: [Link]
But suddenly here it does matter: [Link]
Which one is it Malarkey? Or do you only know the answer when it backs up whatever the fuck story you’re going with that minute?
So what have we learned today? Malarkey lies, manupulates, gaslights, bullies, harasses, and twists things entirely out of context all the time to suit her narrative. She 100% does not read this blog she complains about she just makes shit up when it suits her. She uses points she claims she’s against when they help her but is against them when someone else uses them to prove her wrong. She claims she’s not obsessed with Jamie and Jess’s relationship but she runs an entire blog about it then writes fan fiction about Jess and Jamie being in bed together every night complementing each other on their lives so they don’t need to post on social media but when they do it means their relationship is healthy.
Oh and then she lied about Jess “still engaging with the posts” because she actually stopped engaging two days before the video premiered. Yeah but she’s right about everything, never lies, and should be a trusted source of information shouldn’t she? More accurately she’s a pathological lying bully obsessed with Jess and pretending not to be. Odd how Jess has all these stans that can’t admit they stan her and instead hide behind some narrative that they have to bully other people to protect the real Jess stans from “harmful information” like she’s the authority. Well going by all these contradictory posts I’d say she’s as nutty as a sack of cats.
Let’s see what kind of response she has for this it’ll most surely be stupid.
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unhinged yes stories: topographic oceans edition
ok so a friend asked for more unhinged band lore and i am obliging with yes because i know them best (except for pmodel but anyway)
-most of the concept of topographic was written by jon and steve while they were touring. late at night. by candlelight. in their hotel rooms together. these sessions are remembered (by howe i think howe said this) as leaving them "exhilarated for days". this definitely doesnt sound hilariously gay
-jon wanted to record topographic in the middle of the woods. rick is jon's #1 enabler so he backed up jon in this venture but everyone else wanted to stay in london. so they did
-so someone decided to decorate the recording studio like a barnyard to cheer him up. black sabbath stole one of their cardboard cows.
-supposedly rick pranked steve somehow and locked him in a closet while they were recording. predictably steve was incredibly unhappy about this.
-speaking of rick he got LICE IN HIS KEYBOARDS because they were all propped up on haybales. this meant he had to send them away to be serviced and delayed recording.
-the master tapes almost got run over by a bus because eddy offord (the band's sound engineer) put them on top of his car and then forgot about them and drove away
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slutdge · 4 months
info dump about eyehategod and sludge here 👇
I have been ACTIVATED
well first of all ehg were originally called Snuffalupagus On Acid but that was pretty short lived. Mike also wasn't their original lead singer, and their original lead singer is now like a jesus freak and when Jimmy saw him like years later he tried to convince him to change the name from Eyehategod to something else. Mike lost his whole family except for his one older brother in the span of 2 years which is really sad so he grew up in a group home which he ran away from when he was 12 to see a Black Flag show. It was a 21+ show so he just stood outside the venue to listen from there. Mike's also originally from North Carolina. Eyehategod got booed off the stage every night when they opened for Pantera in 1996, typical Pantera bros with zero taste 😤 Mike also said he gave lice to "at least half" of the crew on that tour. Mike also had his apartment building burn down during hurricane katrina which he said really fuckin sucked cause it was full of his lyric notebooks and his huge rare punk vinyl collection. Jimmy only plays with 4 strings on his guitar for Eyehategod. Dale Crover from Melvins briefly played drums for them after Joey Lacaze died. Mike used to be the merch dude for the band Shellshock. Randy Blythe used to go to Eyehategod shows as a teenager and beg them to let him sing. Mike used to live in a flea infested room over a strip club at 522 Bourbon street. Mikes address listed in the ITNOS liner notes was 4836 Zenith Street, apartment 305, Metarie, Louisiana, 70001. When Misfits got arrested in a cemetery that one time in 1982, Mike was arrested with them, he was showing them the exposed bones you could see in the tombs. The sound of glass breaking at the beginning of the song My Name Is God (I Hate You) was a recording of Mike smashing a bottle in the studio, which he ended up accidentally cutting himself on, he then smeared blood all over the walls of the studio and wrote "death to pigs" with it. All of Jimmy's top teeth are fake.
Here's a youtube playlist with 100+ hours of all my favorite Eyehategod live shows
I'll add more as I think of it, this is the most I could bang out in 5 minutes cause I gotta go make dinner now.
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toffeelemon · 5 months
thank u for tagging me @skibasyndrome 🫶🏼
do you make your bed?
not ever since i read somewhere that leaving your sheets uncovered is actually good for airing it out and reducing lice risk sksk (excuses). i would if i’m a guest / at my parents’ though
what's your favourite number?
0 is pretty neat
what is your job?
an architect - in training sksksk (for the past SEVEN years but any day now guys) would very rarely self describe as a MuLtiDisCiPLinArY artist/writer/researcher if i’m feeling like a wanker or trying to impress wankers
if you could go back to school, would you?
constantly entertaining the idea of a useless phd sksks - mostly for the gender neutral title and the most distance from capitalism to be honest
can you parallel park?
no. i can only shuffle in if it’s a space for 2 cars sksk i literally used to circle the block endlessly when waiting for family to grocery shop instead of parking if there’s no 2 spaces for me to pull into
a job you had that would surprise people?
i’m not sure i have anything surprising. i sold car magazines at a book fair and i will not elaborate.
do you think aliens are real?
yes. and they’re purposefully not making themselves known to humans because they don’t wanna touch this clusterfuck with a ten feet pole
can you drive a manual car?
never ❤️ city gay refusing to drive forever😗✌🏼
what's your guilty pleasure?
pimple popping videos or in general mildly gross “satisfying” videos sksksk. i would binge until i get sick and delete them from my history so i don’t have to see any more suggested once i got my fill
2! 🦈🪼
favorite color?
pink and blue. i like most pinks, like them less the more purple they get, i like pastel blues and navy blues but the bright saturated ones in between not as much
favorite type of music?
i’m a pop girlie through and through - almost exclusively listen to queer and/or poc artists now. i like hyperpop, pop punk, indie pop
do you like puzzles?
i used to do so much with my mum and got pretty insane over it (like 1000 pieces sets) but not as much now
any phobias?
hmm i don’t have much Irrational fear - one would be i Hate the idea of having my back exposed i always have to sleep with my back to the wall
favorite childhood sport?
Loathe sports. i loved ice skating and it’s one of the few things i quit against my will and in another life i would’ve been a figure skater
do you talk to yourself?
ever since i’m not living with any family i need to check whether i still speak my mother tongue every now and then sksk
what movies do you adore?
i keep going back to ghibli films. my absolute favourite is howl’s moving castle
coffee or tea?
i don’t drink coffee.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
studio ghibli animator🥹 also wanted to write full time. play orchestral percussion full time
tagging @prince-simon @cloudywilmon @ungaroyals @aro-of-artemis @angelbabysimon @tooindecisivetopickaurl
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rmd-writes · 1 year
sweet and pure ask for you rae (sorry i'm late) <3 also sorry for so many i'm greedy
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
🍓- one secret about yourself
💬- what your last text message says?
💗- who do you miss?
🎀- which of your fics are you most attached to and why?
STOP SAYING SORRY (and don’t apologise for apologising I see you)
so many questions but for you, my love, I will answer them all
🐝 describe your aesthetic in emojis
💖💕💞🌸💝🎀💄 - I wore all black to the studio recently and got asked if everything was okay 😂
🦄 how do you perceive yourself
coming in with the hard questions!! I’m competitive and if you tell me I won’t be able to do something I’ll do it out of fucking spite, but the person I compete with most is myself which really just means I’m always pushing myself to do more/everything which… may or may not be a good thing but we don’t examine that too closely. I’m kinder to other people than I am myself though and I think I do a decent job at being a good friend/spouse/mum to the people I love
🍓 one secret about yourself
I’m not sure I have any really, I’m pretty much an open book. Around here, the only secrets I have are the ones that would dox me 😅
💬 last text message
my last actual text message excluding DMs/WhatsApp (which were to you) was this (I’m so sorry):
See if you can convince [redacted] to put his hair up today, [redacted] said there’s head lice going around the class 💀
💗 who do you miss
🎀 which of your fics are you the most attached to and why
lawyer au, hands down. It’s the story I spent the longest crafting, I think it’s got some of my best writing in it and I’m proud of it. (Which fic of yours are you most attached to?)
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pteracotta · 2 years
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itsybit, artifishal, and megamal itsybit is based on tongue-eating lice and malware artifishal and megamal are based on fish and the pokestar studios robot but only very loosely i only had a vague concept in my head for megamal so i just drew a quick sketch of it
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erovalkyrie · 2 years
best profile pic tbh
Oh thank you :D
I have been using that one for... over 6 years now? I used to be active in the Kaiji/Nobuyuki Fukumoto fandom before, and I have had this one ever since then. I changed Kaiji's shirt from green to orange, because it's my favourite colour, and I just love a hopeful lad peeking around the corner being happy!
I am thinking of getting a new one, especially since I am active in the Disco Elysium fandom now, maybe commission or draw one myself, I will see! (Harry Du Bois peeking around the corner, much to think about...)
For everyone else: Watch Kaiji
We all need more hopeful and soul-crushing media about capitalism, debt and humanity (yes, Kaiji influenced Squid Game)
Have an older introduction article I once wrote!
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Maybe I am crazy, but I swear to you something is going on with movies in a way even the people who make them don't understand. I mean, something weird has happened, so that I'm convinced that the people who ostensibly make them are no more than instruments of the movies themselves, servers, factotums, and the whole process, from pitching an idea for one, and getting the financing and finding a star, I mean, the whole operation, while seeming to depend on the participation of directors, producers, distributors, and so on, and for all the animosities and struggles among them, the struggles for control, the interference of studio heads, and profound dicta of the critics, in fact the entire booming culture of movies—all of it is illusion, as the movie is supposed to be, a scripted reality, whereas it's the movies themselves that are in control, preordaining and self-generating, like a specie with its own DNA. The human agencies who realize them, are subsidiary, like garden bugs who come into being to pollinate flowers, or those birds who live to ride atop the backs of African rhinos and beak away their lice.
City of God by E.L. Doctorow
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parkerbombshell · 2 months
The British are Coming #673
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The British are Coming Tuesdays 10:00pm -11:30 pm EST bombshellradio.com Repeats Wednesdays 8:00am - 10:00am EST Matt plays 20 of the best up-and-coming indie, alternative, and rock artists in the UK, some of which you know, but many more that will be new music discoveries. Matt’s deep knowledge of UK music scene and his ear for a banger make The British are Coming a must-listen on Bombshell Radio. #TheBritishAreComing, #Alternative, #Indie, #Rock, #NewMusic, #BombshellRadio Matt Dalzell @britdjmatt W. H. Lung - How To Walk Good Health Good Wealth - Gold Marketplace - Fruit Catbear - Rush Jekyll - Divine Standards Make Friends - Groans Bedroom Tax - Game Six Setting Suns DC - The Last Kiss Holy Youth Movement - We Are Stars Hannah Robinson - Blissfully Miles Away Bored Marsh - Alright, OK! Sunday 1994 - TV Car Chase Pave - NineteenFifty Silver Lines - Tame Friends of Our Youth - Problem Is Keeley - Inga Hauser Jody and the Jerms - I Don't Wanna  The Rogues - Oh Gena (Live at Rockfield Studios) Tourists - Strangers Lice - Mown In Circles Read the full article
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jmoloney1 · 6 months
I have reason to believe Jess-Moloney-Malarkey is a minor based on evidence I was sent (but am totally not going to show to prove to anyone) so based on this I don’t have to answer her questions anymore or respond to her. Nor does anyone else who’s an adult because it would be inappropriate to be engaging a minor. Yes, that’s it. That’s how you get out of being outed as the liar you are just lie some more.
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segredosdabaia · 3 months
Oi, Lice! Você não vai acreditar, ou talvez vai, mas eu passei no doutorado! Está sendo uma bagunça, porque estou tendo que sair de Nice e estou indo pra Paris. Consegui a ajuda de um amigo e estou indo de carro com parte das minhas coisas. Dessa vez eu não vou conseguir/poder trabalhar, pois consegui uma bolsa. É meio como se eu trabalhasse pra faculdade. Eu vou ficar nas acomodações de lá mesmo, até porque, com a bolsa, eu nunca conseguiria alugar um apartamento/studio em Paris. O ruim disso é que não teria como você morar comigo. Eu sei que a gente tinha combinado de você vir pra cá definitivamente logo após minha defesa do mestrado, mas essa oportunidade, o doutorado, apareceu e eu não consegui deixar de lado. Nada te impede de vir, mas por enquanto, como turista. Estou morrendo de saudades de você, piolhinha. Espero que você consiga me perdoar por esse vacilo. Arthur Briarwood Doutorando em Engenharia Elétrica Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie Sorbonne Nouvelle
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wiwsport · 3 months
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anm-blog · 5 months
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Bari, presentato a Palazzo di Città il "Villaggio Epilessia" promosso da Aice e Lice
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Bari, presentato a Palazzo di Città il "Villaggio Epilessia" promosso da Aice e Lice Si è svolta questa mattina, nella sala giunta di Palazzo di Città, la conferenza stampa di presentazione del “Villaggio Epilessia”, iniziativa promossa da Aice (Associazione italiana contro l’epilessia) e Lice (Lega italiana contro l’epilessia) con il patrocinio del Comune di Bari per diffondere la consapevolezza e la corretta informazione sulla patologia e contrastare ogni tipo di stigma. Il Villaggio, che sarà ospitato domenica 11 febbraio, dalle ore 10 alle 13, negli spazi dell’ex tesoreria comunale di Palazzo di Città, sarà un luogo di incontro e di informazione fra cittadini ed esperti sulle varie tematiche che riguardano la patologia, dalle cure dei diversi tipi di epilessia alle problematiche della maternità o dell’inserimento socio- lavorativo. Sono intervenuti alla presentazione Silvia Russo Frattasi, consigliera comunale e presidente della Commissione consiliare Pari Opportunità, Carlo Dipinto, presidente regionale di Aice Puglia, Angela La Neve, responsabile centro epilessia UOC neurofisiopatologia del Policlinico di Bari e componente del consiglio direttivo nazionale Lice, e Vittorio Sciruicchio, dirigente medico di I livello presso il Centro Epilessia ed EEG Età Evolutiva dell'Ospedale San Paolo di Bari e consigliere regionale Lice. “Siamo felici di presentare qui oggi e di sostenere un’iniziativa importante e siamo al fianco delle associazioni, dei medici e delle famiglie che animeranno questo Villaggio Epilessia, che servirà, prima di tutto, a diffondere consapevolezza tra le persone e a dare risposte su una patologia di cui si parla ancora troppo poco - ha affermato Silvia Russo Frattasi -. E’ fondamentale intensificare gli sforzi per sostenere le persone affette da epilessia, così come le loro famiglie. Ancora oggi, chi è affetto da questa patologia affronta gravi ostacoli nei percorsi di studio o sul lavoro. Per questo, iniziative come questa sono utili e lanciano un messaggio: l’epilessia non deve far paura. L’informazione e la formazione, infatti, sono alla base della conoscenza e del superamento di ogni stigma. Con questo obiettivo, nello stesso giorno del Villaggio, inaugureremo sul lungomare una panchina dipinta di viola, colore simbolo della Giornata Internazionale dell’Epilessia”. “Con questa iniziativa vogliamo rilanciare l’attenzione sull’epilessia e diffondere informazioni corrette, anche per favorire la capacità di intervenire in caso di crisi epilettiche - ha sottolineato Carlo Dipinto -. Sarà, quindi, uno spazio in cui accoglieremo cittadine e cittadini: non solo chi è affetto da epilessia ma anche chi, in generale, vuole sapere di più su questo tema, un luogo di incontro tra il desiderio di sapere e la conoscenza di medici, esperti ed operatori. Oltre alle campagne per abbattere ogni stigma, Aice sta portando avanti da tempo un’azione per chiedere l’approvazione di una legge nazionale che dia all’epilessia un quadro normativo certo, che vada dal diritto alla diagnosi, alla cura, alla scolarizzazione, all’inserimento socio-lavorativo, così come chiede anche l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità. L’appello che rivolgiamo, anche alle parlamentari e ai parlamentari del nostro territorio, è quindi quello di sostenere i disegni di legge attualmente in discussione sia al Senato che alla Camera, con l’obiettivo di arrivare ad un provvedimento di sintesi in grado di far fare un salto di qualità alla vita dei pazienti e delle loro famiglie”. “L’epilessia è ancora circondata da un grosso stigma, pur essendo una delle più frequenti patologie neurologiche croniche, che interessa l’un per cento della popolazione - ha proseguito Angela La Neve -. Informare anche chi non ne è affetto è molto utile, proprio perché aiuta ad abbattere questo stigma. E molto spesso, anche gli stessi pazienti sono restii a parlare apertamente dell’epilessia, trovandosi a subire gravi ostacoli o addirittura situazioni di emarginazione, soprattutto nel mondo del lavoro. Siamo, quindi, impegnati per creare maggiore consapevolezza e contrastare questi pregiudizi e anche per diffondere il più possibile in ogni presidio le informazioni sull’epilessia e su tutti i temi più importanti che la riguardano”. “Per favorire una sempre maggiore consapevolezza è fondamentale fare rete, così come abbiamo fatto per questa iniziativa e per tutte le campagne che portiamo avanti sull’epilessia - ha concluso Vittorio Sciruicchio -. E’ importante essere una squadra coesa, composta da istituzioni, famiglie e associazioni di medici e specialisti, perché informare correttamente, tutti insieme, aiuta a curare. L’idea del Villaggio nasce, infatti, proprio per dare risposte che a volte non è facile dare nell’ambito delle consuete attività di ambulatorio. Questa iniziativa consente di dare risposte approfondite a domande importanti, che riguardano la qualità della vita in tutti i suoi aspetti. Risposte che abbiamo il dovere di dare, proprio per migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone e delle loro famiglie”. Dalle ore 10 alle 13 di domenica 11 febbraio, quindi, medici ed esperti presenti al Villaggio dell’Epilessia risponderanno alle domande più frequenti su questa patologia. L’accesso alla sala ex Tesoreria sarà libero, con ingresso da via Roberto da Bari 1. L’evento sarà una delle iniziative previste in città in occasione della Giornata Internazionale dell’Epilessia, voluta dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, che ricorre ogni anno nel secondo lunedì di febbraio (quest’anno il 12 febbraio) con l'obiettivo di promuovere la consapevolezza su questa patologia che nel mondo, secondo l’Oms, colpisce circa 50 milioni di persone di tutte le età. In questi giorni, infatti, molti monumenti in varie città d’Italia si illumineranno di viola, colore simbolo della Giornata Internazionale dell’Epilessia. A Bari il 12 febbraio si illumineranno di viola la fontana di piazza Moro e la torre del palazzo della Città Metropolitana. Sarà inoltre dipinta di viola una panchina sul lungomare Nazario Sauro (la terza panchina in direzione sud dopo il giardino De André, all’altezza di largo Giordano Bruno), che sarà inaugurata domenica 11 febbraio, alle ore 12, durante lo svolgimento del Villaggio Epilessia, alla presenza della consigliera comunale e presidente della Commissione consiliare Pari Opportunità Silvia Russo Frattasi. Secondo i dati di Lice, sono oltre 550mila le italiane e gli italiani che, insieme alle loro famiglie, vivono questa patologia cronica e invalidante, che nel 30 per cento dei casi è anche farmaco-resistente. Le campagne promosse in questi giorni dalle associazioni per infrangere ogni stigma che riguarda questa patologia intendono contrastare anche le gravi difficoltà che le persone affette da epilessia nel nostro Paese affrontano nel mondo del lavoro. Secondo i dati riportati dalle associazioni, il 40 per cento delle persone con epilessia in età da lavoro è disoccupato e il solo dichiarare di assumere medicinali anticrisi, anche nel loro pieno controllo, è spesso causa di dannosi pregiudizi. Per maggiori informazioni sull’epilessia e sulle campagne per promuovere la consapevolezza sul tema: - Aice - Lice... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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panachestudios · 9 months
How Beauty Salons Hygiene is Crucial?
Keeping up with the competition is challenging in today's world, where beauty salons are abundant in every city. In addition to providing a wide range of high-quality services, you should ensure the unisex salon in bangalore is spotless. Maintaining a spotless salon at all times is important, even though it can be challenging with all the other responsibilities that come with running a business. The satisfaction of your customers and your company's success are both impacted by it. Keeping your salon spotless is essential, and here are the main reasons why you should maintain it.
Minimising the risk of contamination
When working with different clients, ensure all your staff members disinfect their tools to avoid spreading germs. Without proper precautions, germs, bacteria, and other diseases among your clients can spread rapidly. Unwanted cross-contamination in your salon can lead to infections, including hepatitis, athlete's foot, and lice. Bringing up an awful commercial. Your staff should disinfect their tools regularly, and you should disinfect all surfaces in your unisex salon in bangalore to prevent problems.
This prevents the possibility of contamination occurring when a clean tool comes into contact with an unclean surface. As a result of the time and effort required to keep the salon spotless, it is wise to employ a cleaning crew. Your salon will always look its best with the help of a professional business cleaning service. Whether dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, or replacing trash bags, professional cleaners will ensure every surface is spotless. This includes appliances, light fixtures, cabinets, mirrors, and glass surfaces.
Making sure it's enjoyable
People go to beauty salons for more than just getting their hair or nails done. Away from the stresses of work and raising a family, it's a spot where they can recharge their batteries. A beauty salon's cleanliness is crucial to its clients' satisfaction. Unclear workspaces will make your client wonder how long it has been since someone cleaned them. This leads them to eagerly awaiting their departure, with the sole intention of never returning. Maintaining impeccable cleanliness is crucial to establishing a dependable customer base.
A spotless unisex salon in bangalore, including more than just the surfaces, is considered standard. To give customers peace of mind that everything is clean, it is now standard practice for beauticians to open new implements in front of them as they wait. Customers are more likely to return and have a positive experience in a clean and organised salon.
Making sure your workers and clients are safe
Some laws may require you to keep your salon clean, but that would depend on its location. Worldwide, regulations are tightening up, and with good cause. Keeping oneself clean is crucial for the well-being of both employees and clients. A filthy floor, for example, poses a serious threat to people's health. A client or employee could slip on a damp floor or in the trimming of their hair, and you'd be in legal hot water in no time.
Keeping one's honour
Personal hygiene will drive customers away and encourage potential customers to consider your company. Today, people not only speak but also post negative reviews online. If potential customers read them or hear about other people's bad experiences, they will steer clear of your salon. As a result, maintain impeccable standards of cleanliness and watch your stellar reputation go untarnished.
You can only expect your clients to stick around if you consistently maintain high standards of cleanliness in your beauty unisex salon in Bangalore, like Panache Studios. The above-mentioned points can elaborate on the importance of salon hygiene.
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reussir-a-tout-prix · 10 months
CAF AWARDS 2023 📹❤️❤️❤️ Suivez en direct la cérémonie du Ballon d’Or africain CAF Awards 2023 en Français (French), en Arabe (Arabic), en Anglais (English). Suivez en direct la cérémonie des CAF Awards, l'une des récompenses sportives les plus estimées du football africain, qui se déroule à Marrakech (Maroc). CAF Awards 2023 en Français (French) caf-awards-studio La CAF a rendu publiques ce jour les listes restreintes pour les catégories masculines des CAF Awards 2023. CAF Awards 2023 en Français (French) Dix joueurs restent en lice pour le titre très convoité de Joueur de l'Année, parmi lesquels le Sénégalais Sadio Mane, lauréat de la dernière édition. cérémonie des CAF Awards 2023 → A LIRE AUSSI Accusations de Me Moussa Diop : Aly Ngouille Ndiaye porte plainte, le Procureur s’est également autosaisi CAF Awards 2023 - French https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czWRRkZ-E04 Le Joueur interclubs de l'année compte 10 prétendants, tandis que le Gardien de but de l'année, le Jeune joueur de l'année, l'Entraîneur de l'année, l'Équipe nationale de l'année et le Club de l'année en comptent cinq chacun. CAF Awards 2023 - Arabic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKMQOEUIono Le lauréat de chaque catégorie sera déterminé par les votes d'un panel composé de la Commission Technique de la CAF, de professionnels des médias, d'entraîneurs principaux et de capitaines d'associations membres et de clubs impliqués dans les phases de groupe des compétitions interclubs. → A LIRE AUSSI Le principal lycée musulman de France perd son contrat avec l’Etat CAF Awards 2023 - English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bawUsko7EU0 La prestigieuse cérémonie de récompenses a lieu ce lundi 11 décembre 2023, au Palais des Congrès, Movenpick, dans la ville de Marrakech, au Maroc. CAF Awards Studio 📹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqc9_0GKfN0 → A LIRE AUSSI Accusations de Me Moussa Diop : Aly Ngouille Ndiaye porte plainte, le Procureur s’est également autosaisi
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