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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 4 years ago
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Libraneufem¹ | Libramascfem² | Libraneumasc³ [pride flags]
Libraneutrofeminine or librafemineutral: a scale where one side is agender and the other side is femineutral/femneutral or neutrofeminine/neufem; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to femineutrality(/femneutrality)/neutrofemininity(/neutrofeminity/neufemness/neufemity) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being neufemme/femineutrois(/femmeneutral/femmeneutrois/femneutrois/neufemitrois/neufeminitrois);
Librafemmasc or librafemasc (librafemasline/librafemimasculine): a scale where one side is agender and another side is mascfem/femimasculine/femmasc/femasc or lideogender/lideospec; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to feminimasculinity/femimasculinity/femulinity/feminulinity(/femmaslinity/femmasculinity/femaslinity) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being femuline/feminuline/femmasculine/femasculine/femasline/mascfemme/feminimasculine/femmasline;
Libraneutromasculine or libramascuneutral: a scale where one side is agender and another side is mascneutral/mascuneutral or neutromasculine/neumasc; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to mascuneutrality/neutromasculinity(/mascneutrality/neumascness) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being mascneutrois/neumasculitrois(/mascuneutrois).
These can be forms of neutragender. -Ap
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 6 years ago
Ambonix Pride Flag
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Ambonixic: an identity that is comprised of both genderlessness and ambi-aligned aspects, which may manifest as partially identifying as a ambigender or femache; the combination of nixera & nixvir. These femache-aligned aspects can be experienced simultaneously &/or fluidly. Intended for those who feel both connected and detached from femache-ness (both male & female) and for those who have difficulty distinguishing their alignments from their genders.
Also known as ambinix/ambinixic and nixambi/nixambic. Based on ambonec. See also: eclipsian/sollunarian, demiboygirl/demigirlboy/demigalboy/demiboygal, demiambigender/demibigender/bidemigender/ambidemigender, librandrogyne, nixavire, nixangi, libramascfem/librafemmasc/librafemasc (librandrogyny), ambigue/ambiguity/ambiguous.
- Ap
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