cuties-in-codices · 6 months
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neptune, styx, and the harpies
from a copy of john ridewall's "fulgentius metaforalis" (?), bavaria, c. 1424
source: Vatican, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1066, fol. 222v
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thifiell · 2 years
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fr33ride · 1 year
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publicdomainreview · 6 months
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The letter "A" from the Libellus Novus Elemntorum Latinorum, a 17th-century alphabet of organic type.
More here: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/an-alphabet-of-organic-type-ca-1650 https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/an-alphabet-of-organic-type-ca-1650
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hdslibrary · 6 months
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We are pleased to be positioned on Earth like one of figures in the first picture and will get to experience the 2024 solar eclipse!
These diagrams illustrating solar and lunar eclipses are from a 16th century book of astronomy. For more on this interesting little book (including its volvelles, and an inscription by Swiss Reformed theologian Simon Sulzer) see earlier post here.
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de. Libellus de sphaera : Accessit eiusdem autoris computus ecclesiasticus, et alia quaedam, in studiosorum gratiam edita...Vitebergae : Per Iohannem Crationem, 1558.
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Latin Literature Tournament - Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut!
Pliny Propaganda:
His description of Vesuvius is so fucking cool and important, you guys. It's so cool that "Plinian eruptions" are a thing in volcanology
He writes some neat descriptions of gardens and private horticulture, so he's an important source on Roman aesthetics of domestic design
His letters really are bangers. I love his friendship with Tacitus, and the ghost stories are so fucking fun
Juvenal Propaganda:
I love reading and fighting Juvenal. He is such an asshole and so full of shit (and his poems really are a blast)
That said the man sure can turn a phrase. Bread and circuses, anyone?
Is that a farrago in your libellus or are you just happy to see me
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the-sleepiest-siren · 9 months
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Postponing work by drawing HER!
New final(?) name for her! Sister Libellus, silly little librarian!
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scotianostra · 1 year
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June 25th is the feast day of Saint Moluag  of Lismore.
Moluag, whose birth name was Lugaid, was of Irish birth. The monastery at Lios Mòr was founded sometime before his death, which is recorded in AU 592. While a full Vita for Moluag has not survived, there are strong suggestions that one did exist. This can be seen in some of the stories told of Moluag in the Aberdeen Breviary, which coincide very closely with stories in the Libellus de nativitate Sancti Cuthberti, a false Vita of St Cuthbert (this is said because additional Vitae of Cuthbert survive, which are in line with the knowledge of Cuthbert’s life). This includes miracles such as the forging of a bell, and Moluag’s miraculous transportation across the sea upon a stone.
The cult of Moluag (cult here meaning the geographic range within which he was venerated) spread widely, across both the Isles and the Scottish mainland. Place-names associated with Moluag spread from as far as Kilmaluag on Harris in the west to Kildrummy in Aberdeenshire in the east.
There is an interesting story that was recorded by the Scottish Folklorist Alexander Carmichael about Moluag and Columba. According to this story, both Moluag and Columba had their eyes set on founding a monastery on Lismore. Lismore would have been a desirable location due to its size (it’s on the larger side compared to other Hebridean islands) and the amount of arable land that it had. In order to claim the island, they began to race against each other to reach it first and thus win the island for their own. As they raced across the loch they were nearly neck and neck, though Columba started to inch out ahead of Moluag. In order to beat Columba and thus secure dominion over the island, Moluag cut off his pinky finger and flung it from his boat onto the beach, thereby placing himself on the island first. It was after this failure to secure the island (according to legend) that Columba then founded his monastery on Iona, which is much smaller and with significantly less arable land.
Moluag’s foundation of Lismore itself was of high status and importance. This is evidenced through the survival of fragments of the Lismore Cross Slab, which may have stood as much as 2.89m in visible height when it was originally completed. The surviving fragments also show high levels of detail, which would have necesitated the employment of highly skilled craftsmen.
Of further interest is the survival of the Bachall Mór, or ‘Great Staff’ of Moluag, which was recently on temporary display at the National Museum of Scotland. This staff is claimed to have been Moluag’s own crozier, though it has been stylistically dated to the late eleventh or early twelfth centuries. The staff is in the possession of its hereditary keeper, the chief of the Livingstone family. The staff itself is badly damaged, and of its original length, only 0.86m now remains. There is evidence that it was originally encased in metal, (perhaps of copper, silver, or gold), which which is now almost completely missing.
Lismore itself continued to be of high importance well after the death of Moluag. Upon the creation of the Bishopric of Argyll c. 1189, Lismore was the site of the cathedral. The cathedral was later reduced in size to become the current parish church.
A poem was written which mentions him in the Martyrology of Óengus:
Sinchell’s feast, Telle’s feast: Féil Sinchill, féil Telli, they were Ireland’s heights, bátir Érenn ardae, with Moluag pure, brilliant, la m’Luóc glan ngeldae the sun of Lismore in Alba. grían Liss mór de Albae.
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libroazzurro · 11 months
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Basta appena curvare la torbida linearità della storia per trovare nel cerchio perfetto della perenne verità lo splendore.
Nell'immagine, "Sexta Figura", una delle incisioni realizzate da Matthäus Merian per il ciclo iconografico alchemico associato ai versi del "De Lapide Philosophico Libellus" di Lambsprinck. Il testo, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1599, divenne famoso soprattutto nel corso del XVII secolo, quando fu incluso nel "Musaeum Hermeticum Reformatum et Amplificatum" (1625 e 1678). 
Testo di Pier Paolo Di Mino.
Ricerca iconografica a cura di Veronica Leffe.
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slack-wise · 2 years
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The letter "X" from Libellus Novus Elementorum Latinorum designed by the Polish goldsmith Jan Christian Bierpfaff (1600-ca.1690) and engraved by fellow-countryman Jeremias Falck (1610–1677).
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rocketkart95 · 1 year
Thank you @libellus-drakena for the huge boost in serotonin ❤️
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puffinet · 2 years
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images from the Badianus codex by Martin de la Cruz and Juan Badiano, around 1552.
"The De la Cruz-Badiano Codex is a herbal medicine treatise, written in the year 1552 in the School for Indians of Santiago Tlatelolco, in the early Colonial period. The conception of the book combines both the European and Mexica cosmovision: it contains the descriptions and diagnosis of different illnesses, with the cures, recipes based in the use of Mexican flora, fauna and minerals. [...] The difference between this document and others produced to satisfy the need of understanding the plants of the New World and its uses is that two Indians created and signed it. The manuscript, also named Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis (Opuscule of the Indians medicinal herbs), compiles antique indigenous medical practices and depictions of Mexican plants. The authors were Martin de la Cruz, a traditional native physician and Juan Badiano, who translated it to Latin, a professor educated at the College of Santa Cruz for sons of Indian noblemen." (description from this paper).
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guarda-textos · 27 days
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Texto do Pe. Henri François de Vence, em "Sainte Bible en latin et en françois", Volume 17
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incamminoblog · 2 months
Dalla «Storia dell’Ordine dei Predicatori»(Libellus de Principiis O.P.;Acta canoniz. sancti Dominici; Monumenta O.P. Mist. 16,Romae 1935, pp. 30 ss., 146-147)O parlava con Dio, o parlava di Dio     Domenico era dotato di grande santità ed era sostenuto sempre da un intenso impeto di fervore divino. Bastava vederlo per rendersi conto di essere di fronte a un privilegiato della grazia.    V’era in…
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publicdomainreview · 1 year
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The letter "A" from the Libellus Novus Elemntorum Latinorum, a 17th-century alphabet of organic type.
More here: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/an-alphabet-of-organic-type-ca-1650 https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/an-alphabet-of-organic-type-ca-1650
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allyouknowisalie · 7 months
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Andrea Alciato, “Emblem 16,” Emblematum libellus (Venice, 1546), 28. Used with permission of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
(via (11) С днём экскурсовода!: anna_bpguide — ЖЖ)
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