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l-ours · 5 months ago
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aeroplanos, andreus (Ginebrosa), avions (de bassa) o avionets), barratgina/barretgina (Sóller/València), borinots, (cavalls de) bruixes, bumberots, burumbots, bombots, pixamines, cabots (Libellula depressa), cabuts, calabruixes, cavalls (de serp/de bruixa/d'aigua/), cavalles, cavall(et)s de Sant Martí, cavallets (del diable/dimoni), cavallets (de séquia/(cua) de serp/d'acer/de mar), cavallets voladors, cevils/civils, cuc de les basses, cucs plovedors, cuques voladores, damisel·les, diablets (Ondara), dianxos (a Gata), dimonis de safareig, dimoseles (Rosselló, Vallespir, Cerdanya) i madimoseles (Rosselló), doctors, dotors de bassa, escanyapits ((Fontpedrosa), escopetes, espantadimonis, espantacriatures, espiadimonis, espietes, esquitxidors, estiracabells, ferrers, fideues, gaiter(o)s, gambosins, gavatxos, gitanos, grandaios, guàrdies civils (Delta de l'Ebre), guitarretes, guitarrons, gulles, helicòpters, iaios (la Sénia), iaios figues (Mas de Barberans, Montsià), joanets, jolibeus/julibeus (a Pedreguer), judios, leonors, llagostins, mares de cavall, marianets, marietes, marotets (femella), marotetes (femella), médicos, micalets, mongetes (La Marina de Pinet), mor-te-i-fuigs/mortefuigs (Almenar), palometes, paraguais, paraigüer(o)s, pardals d'aigua (auia), pardalets d'estiu, parecabots (o parecabotes), pares vicaris, parits, parots (anisòpters: parots = èsnids i parotets = libel·lúlids), parots de bassa, parotets (mascle), passabarrancs (emprat potser a tort, puix que designa, també, els Cordulegaster) pericos, petins, pixatinters, pixavins (a Nules o Castelló), redolins (Delta de l'Ebre), reiets, relicari(o)s, remiqueris, rodabasses, rodadits (rodadit en singular. rodadits de bassa: Gomphus pulchellus, rodadits groc: Gomphus simillimus, rodadits esperonat: Gomphus graslinii), rodalitxos, rodapous, sangradors, sardineros (els Valentins, Montsià), sastres, senyores, senyoretes, serpents, serradits (en singular), tavals, tavans (d'aigua), tavanos, capellans, sangradors, tallanàs o tallanassos (invariable) (Alcanar), tallaorelles, teixidors, tixeires (Sallagosa), torerets (zigòpters), trencaporrons (en singular), treu-ulls, trisparís (Castelló), volantins de fontana, vicaris de bassa, voliaines (Targasona), voltabaixos, voltabasses (Alt Penedès), voltapous, xopaculs... (Wikipedia)
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the-clay-quarters · 11 months ago
10 for all of your ocs?
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Oh boy, starting off strong with this one.
For Silverstein and Pembroke, I really have to go for the obvious answer which is their identities (being not human and being a single person, respectively). I don't think it haunts either of them per se, as neither of them regret it. It's a means to an end for a better life, and they wouldn't have done it differently. However, they are both a fair bit paranoid about letting anyone find out, as that is a hefty piece of potential blackmail.
Vincent on the other hand is not playing elaborate social schemes and is more normal; instead, they get the kinda cliche answer: "I'm fine" (and other statements of the sort). Vin is,,, incredibly anxious on a base level, as well as recently being stressed and depressed all the time. Very much not wanting to be a burden and instead having to fend for themself alone. They're coping fine, don't worry, totally not painfully lonely and regretting their life choices.
[Ask game]
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