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saltypeanutnerd · 7 months ago
Équipement de sablage, Prévisions de la Taille du Marché Mondial, Classement et Part de Marché des 17 Premières Entreprises
Selon le nouveau rapport d'étude de marché “Rapport sur le marché mondial de Équipement de sablage 2024-2030”, publié par QYResearch, la taille du marché mondial de Équipement de sablage devrait atteindre 157 millions de dollars d'ici 2030, à un TCAC de 9.02% au cours de la période de prévision.
Figure 1. Taille du marché mondial de Équipement de sablage (en millions de dollars américains), 2019-2030
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Selon QYResearch, les principaux fabricants mondiaux de Équipement de sablage comprennent Wheelabrator, Fuji Manufacturing, Graco, Shanghai Liangshi, Dongguan Jichuan, Empire Abrasive Equipment, Macoho, Elcometer, Rosler, Beijing Changkong Sand Blasting Equipment Co., Ltd., etc. En 2023, les dix premiers acteurs mondiaux détenaient une part d'environ 65.0% en termes de chiffre d'affaires.
Figure 2. Classement et part de marché des 17 premiers acteurs mondiaux de Équipement de sablage (Le classement est basé sur le chiffre d'affaires de 2023, continuellement mis à jour)
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À propos de QYResearch
QYResearch a été fondée en 2007 en Californie aux États-Unis. C'est une société de conseil et d'étude de marché de premier plan à l'échelle mondiale. Avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience et une équipe de recherche professionnelle dans différentes villes du monde, QYResearch se concentre sur le conseil en gestion, les services de base de données et de séminaires, le conseil en IPO, la recherche de la chaîne industrielle et la recherche personnalisée. Nous société a pour objectif d’aider nos clients à réussir en leur fournissant un modèle de revenus non linéaire. Nous sommes mondialement reconnus pour notre vaste portefeuille de services, notre bonne citoyenneté d'entreprise et notre fort engagement envers la durabilité. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 60 000 clients sur les cinq continents. Coopérons et bâtissons ensemble un avenir prometteur et meilleur.
QYResearch est une société de conseil de grande envergure de renommée mondiale. Elle couvre divers segments de marché de la chaîne industrielle de haute technologie, notamment la chaîne industrielle des semi-conducteurs (équipements et pièces de semi-conducteurs, matériaux semi-conducteurs, circuits intégrés, fonderie, emballage et test, dispositifs discrets, capteurs, dispositifs optoélectroniques), la chaîne industrielle photovoltaïque (équipements, cellules, modules, supports de matériaux auxiliaires, onduleurs, terminaux de centrales électriques), la chaîne industrielle des véhicules électriques à énergie nouvelle (batteries et matériaux, pièces automobiles, batteries, moteurs, commande électronique, semi-conducteurs automobiles, etc.), la chaîne industrielle des communications (équipements de système de communication, équipements terminaux, composants électroniques, frontaux RF, modules optiques, 4G/5G/6G, large bande, IoT, économie numérique, IA), la chaîne industrielle des matériaux avancés (matériaux métalliques, polymères, céramiques, nano matériaux, etc.), la chaîne industrielle de fabrication de machines (machines-outils CNC, machines de construction, machines électriques, automatisation 3C, robots industriels, lasers, contrôle industriel, drones), l'alimentation, les boissons et les produits pharmaceutiques, l'équipement médical, l'agriculture, etc.
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saicoroworks · 6 years ago
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莨室 LiangShi symbolmark & logotype & gif movie design 中国の家具・雑貨店 失物招領 Lost & Foundが http://www.lostandfound.cn 「莨室 LiangShi」という 日本の工芸を中心とした ギャラリーを始めます。 2019年4月
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otntty · 2 years ago
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展讯详情 展覧会情報 「手的应答」三谷龙二企划 日本生活工艺特展 「手の応答」三谷龍二監修 日本生活工芸特別展 監修|三谷龍二 @ryumitani 主催|北京莨室 Liangshi @liangshi_2021 協力|工芸⻘花 @kogei_seika 2022 年 12 月 3 日−12 月 9 日 10:00−18:00 杭州天目里 16 号楼 8 楼 出品| 手の応答 美術と工芸の外 貧しさの系譜 手仕事の伝統と現在 器の多義性 弱さの想像力 山本亮平(陶)/小澄正雄(ガラス) 辻和美(ガラス)/安藤雅信(陶) 坂田和實(古道具)/岩田美智子(美術) 杉田明彦(漆)/大谷哲也(陶) 内田鋼一(陶)/金森正起(金工) 冨永淳(古道具)/三谷龍二(木工) 生活工艺是从 20 世纪 90 年代左右开始的一场��大的工艺浪潮,它不仅仅停留在工艺的领域, 还与泡沫经济破灭后的日本人的时代精神紧密相关。比起物质的富有,人们开始追求精神的富 有,泡沫经济时代的大故事落幕,取而代之的是每个人编织的小故事。这种变化让大家开始重 新审视自己的日常生活,开始重视家庭和自己所在的地区,生活工艺试着将逐渐远离生活的美 术和工艺拉回到每个人的身边。回想起来,工艺原本就是生活的道具,让工艺回到最初的样 子,成为丰富我们日常生活的存在,再次出发。 本次展览是代表生活工艺的 10 位工艺家和 2 位古道具主共计 12 位的联展。之所以加上古道 具,是因为在同一时期,以古道具坂田为起点的生活古道具浪潮,与生活工艺并行发展,在日 本国内的影响不断扩大。同时,工艺作者也在向古道具学习,从中获得启发并在自己的作品中 不断实践。考虑到两者相互影响的关系,希望能在同一个空间中呈现。另外,关于作者们每天 都在思考的造物的本心,我给出了 6 个关键子题。希望能成为大家更好地理解生活工艺的指 南。 ̶̶三谷龙二 生活工芸とは、1990年ごろから始まった工芸の大きなムーブメントで、それは単に工芸 の分野にとどまらず、バブル崩壊以降の日本人の時代精神と密接につながるものでした。 人々は物質的な豊かさより���、精神的な豊かさを求め、凋落した大きな物語に代わって、そ れぞれの小さな物語を紡ぎ始めたのです。それが、自分たちの日々の暮らしを見直し、家族 や地域を大切にすることにつながっていったのでした。そして生活者の場所からは遠くなっ てしまった美術や工芸を、より身近に引き寄せ直そうとしたのだと思います。思い返してみ れば工芸は、もともと生活の道具でしたから、かってあったように、日々の暮らしを豊かに するものとして工芸を再発見したい、と思ったのです。 本展は、生活工芸を代表する工芸家 10 人と古道具商2名を合わせた、12 名による展覧会で す。ここに古道具を加えた理���は、ほぼ同時代に、古道具坂田を起点とする生活骨董ムーブ メントが、生活工芸と並走するかたちで、日本中に広がったからでした。そして、工芸作家 たちも骨董をよく見ていて、そこから多くを学び、自身の作品に生かしてきました。そうし た両者の影響関係も考慮し、それらを同じ空間の中でご覧いただければと思った次第です。 また、作家たちが日々考え、ものづくりの姿勢としていることを、6つのキーワードとして あげました。生活工芸をより理解していただくための、ガイドとなればと思います。 ▪展覧会詳細記事・動画 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/o3KhhgoUMxVKvmVQiZuDDQ 摄影協力:陳陽、雷壇壇 映像制作:陳陽 翻訳:張苑 グラフィックデザイン:吾堂 コーディネーター:舟橋昌美 展示協力:林一恵 @ryumitani @komononari @factory_zoomer @masanobu.ando @iwata_michiko @sugita_akihiko @otntty @banko_a_d_museum @shyousyou @furuidogu #生活工芸 https://www.instagram.com/p/CliegtWvdYf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sere22world · 4 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is your preservation method of"foam box plus dry ice pack" possible? For the present fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service hasn't kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complex turnaround from delivery and processing to delivery to consumers. How to guarantee freshness has come to be one of the technical thresholds for the development of new e-commerce."The entire cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the structure and maintenance of the cold chain require enormous capital expenditure. In order to compensate for the openings of the cold chain, the combination of"foam box and dry ice bag" has been the mainstream mode of supply of fresh products. But, such fresh parcels are often mixed in normal express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a threat that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.For the current fresh e-commerce, money appears to be lacking, but the problem is that the ceremony has not kept up. "Foam box with dry ice pack"Do new products undergo the practice of leaving the mill, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the cold chain constant? SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that"all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold series and rely on third party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which hasn't yet responded to this novel, all four house appliance makers assert that the food transportation procedure is a whole-process cold series."If e-commerce has a self-built cold series, humidity and temperature control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of new food. But, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce providers can plan and design cold chain logistics. The cold chain is much less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received new food provided by the"foam box and dry ice bag" insulation method."At present, vinyl foam boxes and sterile ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile was sent. This method is considered an updated version of the conventional"large quilt preservation". When it is long-distance transport or an expert refrigerated vehicle is necessary, otherwise, it may only be known as It is a half-way cold chain" In Lu Zhenwang's opinion, the"full-range cold chain" should incorporate every connection of raw materials, processing, handover, transport, and sales. The preservation process of plastic boxes and dry ice bags alone can simply be referred to as chilled.As a cold chain supply logistics provider in the Guangdong area, a individual in charge of the Wei Special Mission from the Guangdong area, with a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters,"From the Pearl River Delta area, the Micro Particular Mission Fresh food will be delivered at a whole cold chain within 24 hours, but the further west and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."Why can not cold chain structure be completely covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor limiting cold chain construction. "toaster trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms along with the maintenance of those devices demand a great deal of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it" He explained.Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantagesThe subjective experience procedure carried out within this diary shows that SF Express is rather delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance manufacturers are wholly delivered by foam boxes and sterile ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng explained:"The flavor of salmon is quite fresh. There's no dry ice pack included, however if taking the merchandise, I saw the courier brother take it from the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented:"Salmon delivery Though it came out in a separate bundle, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had only taken it from the refrigerator downstairs.Some consumers also said they couldn't adapt to the"bare packaging" of internet shopping for fresh food.  Ms Li in the Beijing place said:"When the weather is hot, you can't cover the express plastic bags. When there is no dry ice pack to get short-term storage, simply set it in the fridge in time."Within this evaluation of this diary, the majority of the state volunteers that obtained the"memory box and dry ice purse" were happy with this, but this packaging technique is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing business from the journal, in addition to the SF choice of cold chain supply, the other 4 home appliance makers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and sterile ice bags, possess mixed delivery with additional ordinary express delivery."Generally, the insulating material method of the foam box and sterile ice pack may only last for 4 to 6 hours °C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express shipping, the fresh food product is going to be deteriorated if the time limitation of the dry ice pack insulation is surpassed. Risk. By comparison, the insulating material of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the individual in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong.  The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was ℃ along with the salmon attained 9.2℃.Demi Co, Ltd. has been established in 2003 that has over 15 years experience of exploring, manufacturing and developing super absorbent polymers (SAP) and relative products.Our company has over 150 employees and 28 production lines.We mainly produce absorbent food mat,absorbent fruit pad, absorbent seafood pad, aroma beads, water beads for toys, etc.
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otntty · 2 years ago
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北京、杭州で開催されるグループ展に誘っていただきました。 【手的应答—日本生活工艺特展】 北京|2022年11月26日(土)〜12月04日(日)    美侖美術館・聖之空間(北京798芸術区中二街D09) 杭州|2022年12月17日(土)〜12月23日(金) ※暫定、調整中    杭州天目里游牧画廊(杭州天目里16号楼二楼) ■出展者・テーマ 手の応答|山本亮平(陶)/小澄正雄(ガラス) 美術と工芸の外|安藤雅信(陶)/辻和美(ガラス) 貧しさの系譜|坂田和實(古道具)/岩田美智子(美術) 手仕事の伝統と現在|杉田明彦(漆)/大谷哲也(陶) 器の多義性|内田鋼一(陶)/金森正起(金工) 弱さの想像力|三谷龍二(木工)/冨永淳(古道具) ■監修|三谷龍二 @ryumitani ■主催|北京莨室 Liangshi @liangshi_2021 ■協力|工芸⻘花 @kogei_seika 邀请作者 山本亮平/小澄正雄 辻和美/安藤雅信 坂田和实/岩田美智子 杉田明彦/大谷哲也 内田钢一/金森正起 三谷龙二/富永淳 展览时间:2022年11月/26日始 展览地点:北京/杭州 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_TrTP_rFN3bj07wBwxpYVA 总企划:三谷龙二 日本协力:工艺青花 中国主办:莨室 特别鸣谢:湖南美术出版社 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClCi7pDyLdi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paper1125 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, otherwise, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
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printingproducts0318 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, otherwise, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
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cat0620 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, otherwise, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
0 notes
littlecat0520 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, otherwise, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
0 notes
sere22world · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, otherwise, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
0 notes
paper1125 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
0 notes
printingproducts0318 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
0 notes
cat0620 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
0 notes
littlecat0520 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
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sere22world · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
 "The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and  dry ice bag " has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
 "Foam box with dry ice pack"
Do fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transhipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and layout cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus dry ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and dry ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and dry ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add dry ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and dry ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no dry ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by dry ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no dry ice pack for short-term storage, just put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus dry ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and dry ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and dry ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the dry ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃ and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
0 notes
printingproducts0318 · 5 years ago
Is the preservation method of "foam box plus dry ice pack" feasible?
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be in short supply, but the problem is that the service has not kept up. A Norwegian chilled salmon needs a complicated turnaround from processing and delivery to delivery to consumers. How to ensure freshness has become one of the technical thresholds for the development of fresh e-commerce.
"The whole cold chain" is an important guarantee for the preservation of fresh e-commerce food, and the construction and maintenance of the cold chain require huge capital investment. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the cold chain, the combination of "foam box and dry ice bag" has become the mainstream mode of distribution of fresh products. However, such fresh parcels are often mixed in ordinary express delivery. When the weather is hot or the delivery is overtime, there is a risk that the dry ice pack will thaw and the fresh food will deteriorate.
For the current fresh e-commerce, money seems to be lacking, but the problem is that the service has not kept up.
"Foam box with ice pack"
Fresh products undergo the process of leaving the factory, transshipment, storage and distribution, is the whole cold chain continuous? Is the e-commerce cold chain logistics self-built cold chain, or rely on third parties?
SF Express and COFCO Womai told reporters that "all of its fresh produce is self-built cold chain logistics and distribution", while Tmall supermarket and Original Life are both self-operated cold chain and rely on third-party logistics and distribution. In other words, with the exception of Tiantian Orchard, which has not yet replied to this publication, all four home appliance manufacturers claim that the fresh food transportation process is a whole-process cold chain.
"If e-commerce has a self-built cold chain, temperature and humidity control will be more active and comprehensive during the distribution of fresh food. However, only a few domestic fresh e-commerce companies can plan and lay out cold chain logistics. The whole cold chain is even less." Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Wanqing Consulting, told our reporter.
Among a total of 45 volunteers recruited by this journal in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a total of 68% of the volunteers received fresh food delivered by the "foam box plus ice bag" insulation method.
"At present, plastic foam boxes and ice packs are still the mainstream after the last mile has been sent. This method is regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional "big quilt preservation". If it is a long-distance transportation or a professional refrigerated vehicle is needed, it can only be called It is a half-way cold chain." Yang Daqing, a special researcher of the China Logistics Society, told reporters.
In Lu Zhenwang's view, the "full-range cold chain" must include every link of raw materials, processing, handover, transportation, and sales. The preservation method of plastic foam boxes and ice bags alone can only be called chilled.
As a cold chain distribution logistics provider in the Guangdong region, a person in charge of the Wei Special Mission in the Guangdong region, who has a cooperative relationship with fresh e-commerce companies such as life, beautiful kitchens, and Liangshi, told reporters, "In the Pearl River Delta region, the Micro Special Mission Fresh food will be delivered in a full cold chain within 24 hours, but the farther east and west of Guangdong still need to use a foam box to add ice packs to keep warm."
Why can't cold chain construction be fully covered? Lu Zhenwang believes that cost is the key factor restricting cold chain construction. "Refrigerator trucks, temperature-controlled freezer rooms and the maintenance of these devices require a lot of capital investment. Ordinary players simply cannot afford it." He said.
Each delivery method has advantages and disadvantages
The subjective experience process carried out in this journal shows that SF Express is preferably delivered by three-wheeled trucks carrying refrigerated containers, and the remaining four home appliance makers are all delivered by foam boxes and ice bags. For these two delivery methods, the evaluation volunteers have mixed reviews.
Beijing volunteer Mr. Cheng said: "The taste of salmon is very fresh. There is no ice pack included, but when taking the goods, I saw the courier brother take it out of the refrigerator in the car." Beijing volunteer Ms. Fei commented: "Salmon delivery Although it came out in a separate package, it was still cold." She expected that the courier had just taken it out of the refrigerator downstairs.
Some consumers also said that they could not adapt to the "bare packaging" of online shopping for fresh food. Shanghai Volunteer Ms. Zou said: "Fresh foods are not accompanied by ice packs and are packed in plastic shopping bags for delivery of beef tendons." Ms. Li from the Beijing area said: "If the weather is hot, you cannot cover the express plastic bags. If there is no ice pack for short-term storage, just Put it in the refrigerator in time."
In this evaluation of this journal, most of the express volunteers who received the "foam box plus ice bag" were satisfied with it, but this packaging method is not foolproof. For example, in the evaluation of fresh products sent to the testing organization by the journal, in addition to the SF selection of cold chain distribution, the other 4 home appliance manufacturers, which are mainly packed in foam boxes and ice bags, have mixed delivery with other ordinary express delivery.
"Generally, the insulation method of the foam box and ice pack can only last for 4 to 6 hours at 0°C~6°C. When the weather is hot, or the courier delivers it as a normal express delivery, the fresh food product will be deteriorated if the time limit of the ice pack insulation is exceeded. Risk. In contrast, the insulation of professional refrigerators is more reliable and safe," pointed out the person in charge of the surname Wu in Guangdong. For example, the beef tendon and salmon sold in Tiantian Orchard had thawed when it was delivered to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution this time. The surface temperature of the beef tendon when unpacking was 7℃, and the salmon reached 9.2℃.
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