#liam rys x katrina bailey
zaffrenotes · 3 years
[TRR] Sweet Surrender
As @wackydrabbles ramps up to celebrate 100 weeks of prompts, this week’s question is in the form of a writing challenge: A dribble, a drabble. Wacky drabbles can be up to 2k. Can you take this special prompt and write a short fic UNDER 300 words?
Prompt: I love it when [I/you/he/she/they/name] win(s).
This was ra request by @superharriet - I hope you enjoy it 💙Takes place not long after Gimme A Break, using all 300 words.
Taglist: @ao719 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @gibbles82 @hustacks @ofpixelsandscribbles @smalltalk88 @the-soot-sprite // @aestheticartsx @bbrandy2002 @burnsoslow @choiceskatie @darley1101 @dcbbw @gardeningourmet @iplaydrake @liamxs-world @rainbowsinthestorm @riseandshinelittleblossom @superharriet @texaskitten30 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @alyssalauren
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“I cannot believe you’re making me do this,” Katrina groaned, taking the microphone from Liam’s hand.
“It’s this or three more weeks of Ronald Bilius Weasley.” Liam leaned over, draped his arm around her shoulders, and kissed her temple. “My little Won-Won.”
Their friends chatted and laughed in the room, as Harriet clicked through lighting effects. She settled on a sequence and sat back against a faux leather cushion, offering a grin to Katrina.
Katrina returned a smile to her new friend, a mid-semester international transfer student in her literature class. She stood on the X on the floor and waited for an image to pop up on the opposite wall, heart racing as Liam punched numbers into a remote. Soon, a punchy electric guitar intro filled the room, followed by a drum beat. She waited for the words to appear, and belted out the lyrics in time, closing her eyes each time she had to hit high notes, shaking her head at Liam’s song choice.
I believe in a thing called love / Just listen to the rhythm of my heart / There’s a chance we could make it now / We’ll be rocking till the sun goes down / I believe in a thing called love
Drake shook his head as Katrina rocked out to the song, taking a seat next to Liam. “Remind me again why we’re doing karaoke?”
Liam smiled, taking a swig of beer from the bottle in his hand. “Because I love it when I win,” he grinned. “Told Trina I’d call her Weasley for a month, because of a thing, and she surrendered after a week! This was a compromise.”
“You’re weird, you know that?”
Liam shrugged. “Maybe, but look at her!” They both paused to watch Katrina’s air guitar solo. “I’m falling for her.”
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
[TRR] Gimme A Break
Pairing: Serendipity Liam x Trina Rating/Warnings: PG (language/swearing) Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * OCs are my creation * Using prompt 7 from the Lorelai Gilmore prompt list, requested by @callmeellabella – prompt will be highlighted in bold text * I forgot I drafted this a while back, and never got around to posting it - so bonus ficlet from me while I update my word count for 2020! * This is another glimpse at Liam and Trina’s life, post-Serendipity series (which I’ll work on finishing in 2021) * Word Count: +/- 1100
Taglist: @ao719 @callmeellabella @aestheticartsx @bbrandy2002 @burnsoslow @choiceskatie @dcbbw @gardeningourmet @hopefulmoonobject @iplaydrake @liamxs-world @rainbowsinthestorm @riseandshinelittleblossom @superharriet @texaskitten30 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @the-soot-sprite @alyssalauren
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“T, are you home?” Liam jiggled his keys from the doorknob and stepped into the apartment, hanging the keys on the hook by the door. Two other sets hung on the hooks next to his, indicating that Katrina and Josie were somewhere inside. He pressed his toes against the heel of one sneaker, slipping his foot out, and repeated the action with this other foot, nudging the shoes near the small rack by the door. He was about to call out to Trina and her sister, when he heard their shrieks.
“Get it! It just looked at me!”
“Throw your book, moron!” There was a loud thud as what Liam hoped was a textbook slamming against a wall. “How could you fucking miss it, Jos?!” More high-pitched screaming followed, along with Katrina yelling at her sister to get tape. Liam sighed and bit back a grin as he tossed his bookbag onto the couch. He grabbed an empty Mason jar from the kitchen counter, heading in the direction of the commotion.
He coughed back a laugh, bracing his arms across his chest and tried not to let his shoulders shake too much at the sight of Katrina and her sister Josie standing on Josie’s bed, wide-eyed panic across both their faces, staring at a corner of the room. “Ladies?” he questioned, his eyebrows rising up as he looked at them.
“Liam!” Katrina exclaimed, a brief moment of relief flashing across her eyes, acknowledging him in the doorway. “You’ve gotta help! Aragog tried to attack us!”
“All this noise for a house spider?”
“You don’t understand,” Katrina warned. “Don’t let his family see you. Spiders are vindictive. And this was a really big spider. I think it had a gun.”
“Assault rifle,” Josie added, her eyes wide with fear.
Liam bit back the grin on his face. “So where’s this monster bug that needs catching?”
The sisters pointed at the corner of the wall they’d been staring at earlier, next to a small bookshelf, and Liam tucked his lips behind his teeth to keep from laughing. A red Solo cup was hastily taped to the wall with strips of masking tape. Liam set the jar in his hand on Josie’s desk, swapping it for a thin stack of stapled papers covered in ink from Katrina’s edits. “D’you still need this?” he asked, waving the paper in Josie’s direction.
“No, it’s an old version,” Josie replied.
Liam walked over to their cup trap, bending down to look at what he had to work with, and carefully lifted a piece of tape from the bottom, sliding the papers between the cup and the wall. He wiggled the papers up until it surrounded the lip of the cup, then beckoned at them with his free hand. His other hand pressed the bottom of the cup against the papers into the wall to keep the seal in place. “I need one of you to help me, come lift the tape off the wall while I hold this stuff in place.”
“Nuh uh,” Katrina answered, vehemently shaking her head from side to side. “Aragog’s ready to fight,” she warned again.
“Come help me, or I’m going to call you Ronald Bilius Weasley for a month,” he chuckled. “Full name, every single time I see you.”
“I accept those terms, I’m not getting anywhere near that eight-legged demon,” Katrina answered.
Liam let out an exasperated sigh, smiling at Katrina before returning to his task. “You’re lucky I like you so much,” he muttered under his breath. Still keeping pressure on the cup, he slowly peeled back the pieces of tape from the wall, sticking them in place against the outside of the vessel, and quickly tipped the cup to hold it upright. He slapped his hand on top of the papers as a precaution, holding everything tightly in front of him. “T, can you at least help me open the door to the terrace to let this guy go?”
Katrina finally released her grip from her sister’s hands and hopped down from the bed, whirling past Liam. He followed her down the hall and back to the main living area, and Katrina opened the sliding glass door to the private terrace. She stepped back as Liam approached, and he stepped outside, his skin warming from the late afternoon sun. He smirked to himself as he heard the door slide shut, walking to one of the far corners of the terrace, where they’d set up some potted plants.
He tipped the cup open, bunching the papers in one hand and tucked them into the rear pocket of his jeans; his eyes widened at the sight of the creature when it scurried out and landed on the soil. The spider’s body was slightly larger than his thumbnail, so it was no Aragog, but definitely larger than any spiders they’d encountered before.
Liam walked back to the glass door and Katrina slid it open, grinning softly at him as he tossed the cup in the trash and stood in front of the sink to rinse off his hands. It was only then that Katrina wrapped her arms around his waist and he felt her press her lips against his spine. “My hero,” she mumbled against the fabric of his shirt, warming a spot with her breath. She released her grip around his waist as he turned to face her, gently squeezing her shoulders as they looked into each other’s eyes.
“Happy to be of service, ma’am,” he teased, lowering his head to kiss her softly on the lips. She stood on her toes to meet him halfway, tugging on the sides of his shirt for leverage. With a happy sigh, they pulled apart from their kiss and walked back to Josie’s room. Liam had just pulled the papers from his pocket to leave them on the desk when his hand flew up in front of him to catch something Josie had thrown in his direction. Liam caught the item against his chest, staring quizzically at the box in his hand.
“Your bug removal fee,” Josie stated matter-of-factly, before flipping open her laptop.
Liam nodded and touched two fingers to his brow in mock salute, before pressing his fingertips against the seam of the box to open it. He pulled out a packet from his reward and tucked the box into his shirt pocket, flashing the pink foil packet at Katrina.
Katrina frowned upon realizing what he’d been given. “Jos parted with her sakura Kit Kats because you caught the demon spider? What the hell? I didn’t even get one for helping her ace her Spanish test last week!”
Liam smiled proudly at Katrina, opening the foil packet slowly, and split the bars. “I guess we know who’s the favorite,” he teased, offering her half of his treat.
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
Serendipity 7 - The Sleepover
Players: Liam and Trina Series Rating/Warnings: PG-13/Mature 18+ (language/swearing; trigger warning – this series will include discussion of nonconsensual relations) Chapter Rating/Summary: G/M - Lots of flirty fluff here * Liam heads to Katrina’s dorm after being sexiled and he finally starts to realize his feelings towards Trina are more than just a simple attraction.  Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * Catch up with previous chapters via my Master List page (see bio for link) because tumblr’s a butt. * IT’S HERE Y’ALL! forgive any typos while I scan this chapter one more time, I slept on my arm funny and my right hand feels like it’s not there (pinched a nerve again, I think) and yup, that’s my dominant hand. Typing feels weird. Changed the way the chapters are broken down because I don’t know what I was thinking, breaking chapter 6 into multiple sections (the entire sleepover weekend is close to 18k) Word Count: +/- 4600
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Liam walked across campus towards Katrina’s building, armed with a number of bags. His bookbag was stuffed to the brim with his laptop, textbooks, and notes; slung across his chest was an oversize gym bag for his clothes, running gear, and toiletries, and he carried a guitar case in one hand. Okay so the guitar might be overkill, but I DID promise to play for her last time I saw her. He texted Katrina that he was coming over sooner than the agreed upon time, but got no response from her before he left Drake and Olivia to themselves.
He paused near the entrance of Katrina’s building, setting the guitar down to call her to meet him in the lobby. Another student walked out of the building, holding the door open for him before the call connected, so he thanked the young woman and made his way to Katrina’s room. Music blared in the hallway as he approached her room, clearly coming from behind her door as he set his case on the ground. He knocked as loudly and politely as he could, doubting that his efforts could be heard over the melodic piano notes mixed with a synthesized track. He waited a few moments before knocking again, then tried her phone again. Voicemail. “Trina?” he called out, leaning into the door in an effort to project his voice inside.
He put his hand on the doorknob and turned, unsure if he wanted the door to be unlocked or not. It turned with ease, and he averted his eyes to the ceiling as a precaution. “Hello?” he called out, taking a cautious step into the room. He sucked in air through his teeth and winced as a blast of hot air hit him. Glancing down, he could see the room was empty, except for Katrina, who was doing some sort of upside down headstand on a yoga mat. Her arms were bent at the elbow, fingers laced behind her head to take some of the weight off her head, while her legs folded over one another, her feet resting on each thigh. With the exception of her chest slowly growing and shrinking as she breathed, she was completely still.
The sight of her holding such an impressive stance took Liam’s breath away. She never mentioned that she practiced yoga, and that pose looks…advanced. She was wearing cropped yoga pants and a sports bra, the edges of the fabric across her ribs and against her chest a darker shade of grey from her sweat; her torso and arms glistened with tiny beads of perspiration. She’s been working out for a while. Her long hair was pulled back into a messy bun, stray hairs around her face matted to her forehead and neck. Liam swallowed hard as he took in the sight of her – it feels like 100 degrees in here and she looks positively serene – face flushed with color from the inverted pose. He knew he ought to look away, to turn around and leave the room while she was still unaware of his presence, but his feet were rooted to the floor. A strong, stirring sensation hit him low in the gut as his mind ran wild for a moment, thinking about how much he’d like to run his hands along the back of her thighs and pull her to him. Liam drew his bottom lip between his teeth as he tried to think of something – anything – else to erase the image in his head.
The song that had been playing just a moment ago began to fade out, and Liam took a step back to sneak out of the room. The floorboard beneath him creaked, and Katrina pinched her brows together at the interruption. “Forget something, Lis? I’ll be done in a minute.”
“Um, it’s not Lis.” Please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad.
“Liam?!” Katrina’s eyes flashed wide open as she took him in, and she began to wobble.
Liam took two wide steps towards her, shifting the gym bag behind him. “Careful there, I’ve got you,” he said, gripping her knees to hold her steady, trying not to step on her head. “Nearly hit the bedframe.” He looked over at her bed, noticing that it was much higher than his. “Why…why is your bed so high?” He glanced over at her roommate’s bed, which was also raised off the ground by at least a foot. “Why are both your beds so…tall?”
“One thing at a time,” Katrina answered. “Uh, little help? I need you to back up, please.” Liam let go of Katrina’s knees and took a step back, watching as she expertly lowered her twisted legs in front of her and rolled to an upright position. Her cheeks were bright pink from exertion and blood pooling while she was upside down, but she was glowing. She’s sweaty and she’s not wearing an ounce of makeup, and she looks sublime. “Okay Google!” she called out as she stretched her legs out on the mat. “Lower volume to 12 percent!” The music lowered in volume as Liam looked around, finally noticing the tiny speaker on a dresser. “What’s in the door?” she asked, twisting around to stretch.
“Oh, right!” Liam quickly removed the bags on him before turning to retrieve his guitar from the doorway.
Katrina looked at his pile of things and laughed softly. “Are you moving in or something?” She’d changed positions and was now on her hands and knees on the mat, alternating between curling and arching her back.
Liam rubbed the back of his neck, a bashful smile on his lips as he looked down at Katrina. “Books, lots of books, and clothes, and uhh…my guitar, since you’ve been asking to hear me play. It helps when I get stuck writing for class sometimes as well. What…what’re you doing?”
“Cow and Cat pose,” she replied, nonchalantly. “You’re early,” she noted. She pulled back to sit on the ground, on top of her feet as her arms stretched out over her head, before smoothly moving towards him as she pulled herself forward on the mat. She inhaled and assumed a push-up position, stretching the upper half of her body as she pumped and straightened her arms, before another fluid movement had her bending at the waist in an inverted V. “Do me a favor?”
Liam shook his head, grateful that Katrina’s gaze was directed away from him. He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah.”
“I know I’m gross right now, but can you press on my lower back? Straighten me out?”
“Um…okaaay,” he answered hesitantly. Liam slipped his feet out of his shoes before stepping on the mat, being mindful not to step on her hair, his hands in the air as he wondered how he was supposed to help her stretch.
“Don’t be shy, I can take it,” she said, beneath him. “Palms flat near the waistband and push, please.”
Liam leaned forward and pressed his hands against her dewy skin, his fingers just barely pressing the hem of her pants, and pushed her back until he felt resistance.
“Harder,” she directed.
God help me. His heart was already racing in his chest as he pressed into her back with more force, her hands sliding a few inches on the mat as she gave in to the bend.
“There,” she grunted softly. “Right there, don’t move.” Liam felt her muscles tense as she pushed against the resistance in his hands, listening to her breathe in and out slowly for five counts. Just as he felt his hands starting to slip against her skin, Katrina shifted her feet forward and rolled up to stand. Liam took half a step back to avoid his jaw colliding with the back of her head, smiling bashfully at her when she finally stood to face him and wiped his palms on his jeans. She grabbed a small towel off the edge of the bed and began patting off her face. “So, you’re here, uh, earlier than I expected.”
“I tried calling and texting,” he replied. Katrina turned around to pick up the phone on her desk, tapping at the screen. “I’m guessing you didn’t hear them during your workout.”
She pulled her face back in a mock grimace, setting her phone down again. “Yeah, I tend to zone out with the music and the movements, sorry.” She rolled up the yoga mat and lifted the skirt around her bed, crawling underneath.
“How long have you been practicing yoga? And what’s going on with your beds?” Liam bent down to get a better look, finally noticing the cinderblocks under each leg. He crouched down and lifted more of the bedskirt, eyes wide with surprise. Under the bed, Katrina had several milk crates to hold books and an impressive supply of tea and snacks. “Is that…do you have a toaster oven under your bed?!”
“I only plug it in when I use it,” she giggled. And I started practicing yoga again within a week of our not-a-date date.
“It’s still contraband!”
“Okay rules police,” Katrina teased. “If you report me, you don’t get a toaster oven cookie later.”
“Is that a sewing machine?”
Katrina stifled another laugh. “Well yeah. A few yards of discount fabric and a machine, and I can sew you just about anything, like these bedskirts for ten bucks, or…” she paused, giving Liam a once over as she crawled out from under the bed. “Maybe a dress shirt for you, or a jacket. Your legs are too long, it’d be easier to just buy you pants,” she grinned. She bustled about the room, pulling together a shower caddy, some towels, and a small pile of clothes. “Make yourself comfy, I need to take a shower, and then we can figure out dinner?”
“Sounds good. Order in?”
Katrina nodded in agreement. “Just yell at the speaker if you want to change the music or turn it off, I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Is your room always this…warm?” he asked, unzipping his hoodie and shrugging it off.
“Oh! Right!” She set her things down on the bed, flipped open a panel on the heating unit in the wall and turned a dial, then leaned over to crack open one of the windows. “These heaters have one setting – seventh level of hell hot, or off,” she chuckled, gathering her things in her arms again. Liam sighed with relief as he felt cold air drift in from the open window. “It’s great for making the room my personal hot yoga studio, but not much else. Lis and I jury-rigged a decent workaround last year so we wouldn’t have to flip the heat on and off every other hour, but it’s still too warm to do that.” Liam nodded at her as she made her way to the door. “Now I’m going to shower, make yourself at home.” She flashed him an awkward smile and the door shut behind her.
Liam picked up his things and moved them closer to Katrina’s side of the room, tucking his gym bag and guitar case under her bed. It was the first time he’d seen her room, since she typically spent countless afternoons and evenings in his building through the course of their blooming friendship. He walked around, admiring the posters around their room – Klimt’s “The Kiss,” Van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” and a movie poster hung above Lis’s bed for a film called “The Royal Romance.” Liam narrowed his eyes at the poster, taking in the sight of an old, coastal town, along with a crown and a ring hanging off the title letters.
He turned to look at the poster above Katrina’s bed – a small smile crossed his lips. She would have had no idea that a postcard of the same image was in a shoebox back in his room; a gift from Leo while he made his way through Italy and caught the Chagall exhibit. La Mariée. I wonder if she likes the goat in the painting the way I do, or the way it feels like you’re just floating in an endless sky. In the small space above her nightstand, a replica of a vintage sign of MBTA stops hung on the wall, next to a set of small flags – one for Ireland, and one for South Korea.
Liam took a few steps over to admire the photos near Katrina’s desk, his eyes lingering on a framed photo of her with her sister and father at the beach. She had a huge, happy smile on her face; one that he’d been privileged to see the more they spent time together. The memo board on the wall in front of her desk was covered with photos of her smiling with friends, along with concert tickets and postcards. There was a small blue mason jar acting as a bookend that caught his attention. It was filled with folded pieces of paper, and the current school year was etched onto one side of the glass. He carefully picked up the jar and turned it in his hands, trying to get a peek at one of the folded slips of paper without actually opening it, and then he noticed the pad of paper the jar had been resting on. Scribbled in bright blue ink was the date, along with one word and a smiley face – sleepover.
The door opened as Katrina returned to the room, and Liam quickly put the jar back on her desk before stepping away. “Okay, promise you won’t laugh. You’re uh, you’re going to see a version of me that only my roommates and Liv have ever witnessed.” She walked into the room with her back facing him, her hand wrapped around the doorknob.  
“When have I ever laughed at you, Trina?”
“All the time, smartass.” Liam chuckled at her response. “Just like that, see?”
“I solemnly swear not to laugh at you, now what are you hiding? I literally just saw you without any makeup on.” Liam took a few deep breaths to calm himself, unsure of what he was about to see. When Katrina turned around, he could feel his lips tug into a smile, and it took a conscious effort to keep his face still.
Katrina raised her brows at him, peering up over the frames of her eyeglasses; she rarely let anyone see her wearing them. Years of teasing in junior high and high school left her feeling extremely self-conscious when she wasn’t wearing contact lenses. “You’re not laughing,” she whispered.
“Why would I laugh at your glasses? You need them to see.” She gave him a shy smile as she set her shower caddy and toiletries back in place, tossing her sweaty gear in a laundry basket in one of the closets. “Besides, you know I wear glasses and contacts too.”
Katrina was busy rubbing a towel against her head to dry off her hair, her back to Liam once more. “Yeah, but your glasses make you look nerdy hot like Clark Kent,” she blurted out, followed by a softer “fuck” under her breath.
Liam whipped his head in her direction, unable to hide the flattered smile on his face. The back of his neck prickled with warmth. Did she just call me… “What was that? I look nerdy what?”
Katrina leaned against the closet door where she paused to hang her towel on a hook, letting out an embarrassed groan. “You heard me, Rys. I said what I said.” She turned around, slowly combing through her hair. “Thoughts on dinner? We studying tonight or tomorrow?”
“If you’re up for it, I have a Lit essay that could use your expert eyes. I’ve gone up a letter grade since you started proofreading for me, and my scholarship thanks you for that,” he grinned. He pulled his laptop and books from his bag, setting them on the floor.
“You can set up on my bed, you know…it’s much comfier than the floor.” Liam shrugged his shoulders in response while Katrina picked up his laptop, setting it on her mattress.
They spent several heated minutes seated next to each other on the floor, trying to decide on what to order for dinner. Liam scrolled through a delivery service app on his phone while Katrina braided her damp hair into a pair of Dutch braids, the spicy ginger scent of her shampoo wafting into his nose as her fingers moved to set the plaits. After finally agreeing to a restaurant and adding items to the cart, Katrina insisted on paying for dinner, trying to get Liam to take her card information. “You’re my guest, guests don’t pay!” she insisted, reaching for the phone that was clearly out of her grasp, given Liam’s lengthier limbs.
“What is this guest nonsense?” he laughed, leaning further back to prevent her from reaching his phone. His eyes went from the phone screen to her face, pushing her away like they were playing Keep Away. Phone cradled in his hand, he moved his thumb around the screen to confirm payment, holding the device high in the air. Katrina scrambled to reach it, to no avail. “Shortstack, it’s already paid for,” he laughed again. She grumbled in response, nearly shoving him to the floor.
“You never let me pay,” she huffed.
“It wouldn’t be right.”
“Don’t pull that crap with me,” she grumbled again, leaning over Liam to reach for her phone on the desk.
“I’m not trying to be an ass, Trina, I’m trying to be polite,” he sighed. In the scuffle, Liam found himself laying on the floor and Katrina was practically straddling him. He felt his heart start to race again, just as she swung her leg over and rolled away from him. He sighed again as she got up from the floor, tapping at her phone, before extending a hand to pull Liam up. His phone vibrated with a notification next to him, and he eyed her suspiciously. “You didn’t.”
“Oh, but I did,” she grinned back. “Shouldn’t have given me your Cash app info.”
“Fine, you can buy me a meal tomorrow. I’m not engaging in payment wars with you again,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “The bank nearly froze my account the last time because they thought someone stole my card.”
“All for tacos,” Katrina laughed.
Liam handed her a small stack of paper from his bag. “Do me the honor while we wait for food and I change?”
Katrina adjusted her glasses and took the paper from Liam’s hand. “Bathroom’s to the right, just around the corner.” She gave him a smile as he fished a pair of sweatpants from his other bag, and she plucked one of her fountain pens from a mug on her desk. Liam left the room to change and Katrina hopped up onto her bed, her eyes scanning over the typed lines on the page, squinting as she tried to decipher the text under scratched out lines and his handwriting. She’d already marked up half the essay with punctuation and grammar issues when he returned, having traded his skinny jeans for equally skinny grey sweatpants.
After dinner, Katrina and Liam sat on opposite ends of her bed as classical piano streamed into the room from the wireless speaker. Liam was typing away at another paper while she finished going over his essay. He would pause and look up at her every time she started scribbling something onto the page; he’d arch his eyebrow at her, and she’d return the silent question with a playful smirk or shrug of her shoulders, winking at him before resuming her task. In response, he’d poke her foot with his toe before returning his attention to the document on his screen.
Liam puffed out his cheeks, exhaling nervously when she handed the papers back to him, bright blue ink marking up his work, with her notes in the margins. He secretly loved seeing her handwriting on his papers, noting the questions she practically demanded of him to delve deeper into the material. She never tried to rewrite the paper for him, instead prodding him to explore themes and ideologies not always apparent to him. He loved it even more when they discussed the material in depth, reviewing passages of text as she analyzed the material with him. “You sure you don’t want to be a teacher?” he asked, leafing through the pages. “You’ve got the eye for reviewing papers.”
Katrina made a face, shaking her head. “I’m not knocking teaching as a career, but my heart wouldn’t be in it.”
Liam tapped a finger to his lips several times, nodding at her before returning to the paper in his hand. One corner of his mouth twitched up in a grin, and he glanced over to her again. “Can we at least sign up for the same English classes next semester so you’re not doing double duty?”
A hint of a smile crossed her lips. “I’m sure there’s a class or two that fits both our degree requirements,” she replied, picking up one of her poetry books. “Not that I really mind our study da—” she paused to cough, “sessions. Study sessions together.”
Liam raised a coy eyebrow at her, aware of the fact she’d caught herself before saying ‘study dates’ and noticed her cheeks starting to warm to a pink hue. He pressed the sole of his foot to hers and she mirrored the action. “I don’t mind them either.”
Katrina pushed his foot away playfully, tucking her leg back to sit in a lotus position. “mmhmm,” she hummed. “You’ve got typing to do, and now I have poems I need to read and analyze.”
“Yes ma’am,” he nodded, grinning once more before turning his attention back to the document on his laptop screen.
Eventually Liam started fighting off yawns as he typed, aware of the late hour creeping up on him. Katrina noticed as well, silently bookmarking her reading as she climbed down from her end of the bed. Liam gave her a quizzical look, his eyebrows scrunching together as he watched her set her things on her roommate’s bed. “Is Lis studying late at the library?” He saved the document on the screen and closed his laptop, fighting off another yawn. “If you can give me a blanket and pillow, I’ve already carved out a spot on the floor.”
Katrina scoffed at him, picking up a notebook from her desk. “You’re not sleeping on the floor. You can take my bed. I’m going to work on Lis’s bed,” she explained. “She’s…staying with one of our friends tonight, even though I told her we’d just be studying.” Liam looked at her skeptically as she grabbed a large throw pillow from the pile behind him. “Clean sheets for you, you look like you’re ready to hit the sack.”
“Like clockwork,” he sighed, getting out of the bed to turn down the sheets. Katrina turned off the main room light, casting half the room into shadow. A bookshelf at the foot of Katrina’s bed blocked out most of the light from the small lamp she’d switched on, Lis’s books and other items filtering the warm yellow glow to where he was. “You can leave the light on so you don’t strain your eyes.”
“It’s fine, I do this all the time when Lis is here.” Katrina pointed to herself with both hands. “Nocturnal girl, remember? I’m just getting started.” The music in the room came to a stop as she fiddled with her phone before plugging headphones into the jack. Liam nodded, rustling through his bag until he pulled out a dopp kit and small towel before stepping out of the room. Katrina closed the window and got situated on her roommate’s bed, propping a pillow against the wall and leaned against it, flipping a book open to resume her reading. A few minutes later, Liam returned, closing the door slowly behind him. She sat up and peered over to him. “Can you lock it? I uh, it’s a thing and I—”
“Say no more, I get it,” Liam answered softly, turning the lock on the doorknob. He put his things away, pausing as he stood before Katrina’s bed.
“You okay over there?”
“I um, well…” he began, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
Katrina tipped her head to the side. “What’s going on?”
“It’s just that I sort of…” he paused, leaning back to look over at her in the other bed, a nervous grin on his face. “I sleep in my underwear, unless it’s absolutely freezing. I move around a lot when I sleep and wearing pants gets me all twisted up in the blankets.”
“Oh!” Katrina clasped a hand to cover her mouth, trying to hide her smile. “Well, I can umm…” she paused to set her book down, eyes flitting to the gaps on the shelf where she could see through to her bed. “I can…hang a sheet?”
“You know what? We’re both adults,” Liam uttered quickly. “I’m fine if you are.”
“Totally fine.” Katrina tucked her lips between her teeth, glint of mischief in her eyes. “Knock yourself out, you’ll get a live wakeup from me in the morning,” she giggled. She averted her eyes as Liam pulled his pants down and got into her bed, her mind already vibrating with nervous energy. Liam’s in his underwear in.my.bed. Hot guy in my bed. And I’m over here, still studying like a nerd. Katrina shifted her attention to the poem in front of her, eyes roaming over the words again and again as she tried to ignore the blurry movements of Liam settling into her bed, out of frame from her glasses.
Liam coughed and cleared his throat, rustling the jersey sheets and down comforter from Katrina’s bedding. As he laid his head down into one of the pillows, he caught the scent of her jasmine perfume and smiled to himself. He craned his neck up to peek at her between books on the shelf, watching her chew on her bottom lip as she read on her roommate’s bed, twirling the end of one of the braids between her fingers. Illuminated by the incandescent light of the lamp, he wanted nothing more than to rush across the room and kiss her. For the first time, Liam felt nervous to make a move. His mind went back to Drake’s words – you’re more than friends, we all see it. Katrina will practically jump you when you ask her out – and how the pair of them spent nearly all their free time together since he worked up the courage to text her. He knew she was waiting for him to ask her out on a date, and she would say yes, but he couldn’t figure out why he was now so nervous to ask a question he knew the answer to.
Because you’re falling in love with her. Liam closed his eyes and breathed deep, knowing the voice inside his head was right. This is worth so much more than just a date now. If she doesn’t feel the same way, you’re setting yourself up to get hurt again. “Hey, Trina?” Liam called out, just loud enough for her to hear.
“Goodnight.” He leaned up to look at her through the shelf, a tired but sweet smile on his face.
She smiled back at him as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, waving her fingers. “Sweet dreams, Liam.”
Liam let his head fall back into the pillow – her pillow – breathing in the scent of her perfume on the pillowcase, and shut his eyes. Tomorrow. I should ask her out tomorrow.
Tag List: @ao719 @blackcatkita @brightpinkpeppercorn @debramcg1106 @gardeningourmet @gibbles82 @likethetailofacomet @hopefulmoonobject @innerpostmentality @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @the-soot-sprite @aworldoffandoms @blackcoffee85 @darley1101 @fairydustandsarcasm @jovialyouthmusic @umccall71 @hustacks @superharrietsuper @tornbetween2loves @ooo-barff-ooo @cora-nova @riseandshinelittleblossom
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
You Are the Reason - Chapter 9
CHAPTER 9: The Otherside (previous chapters can be found in my Master List, link is in the header/bio)
Pairing: Liam x MC (Katrina) General Series Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (strong language, violent behavior/actions; this series will contain NS*W content including language, erotica, mild BDSM, and violence. Ratings/Warnings for those chapters will be changed as they are posted. If you’ve asked to be tagged, you acknowledge that you are 18+) Chapter 9 is rated G. Summary: Liam’s awake. What does he remember? Katrina’s on a mission. What will she find? Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * Back at it, I NEED to finish this story somehow and now I have no idea how long it’s going to be so uh, yeahhh. Enjoy this bit while I crack my knuckles and try to work this mess out. * Song lyrics belong to VHS Collection * Word Count: +/- 2600
You move along / Inside my mind / There’s arms with your face / When you look at me that way / How can it be that you’re not here? / Falling down / The otherside / Keep you here / Inside my mind
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Katrina took slow, steady breaths and closed her eyes, balling her hands into fists before relaxing them to rest on her hips. Feet parted, she took her superhero stance as she mentally prepared herself to address the Cordonian media on her own for the very first time, wishing it had happened under better circumstances. Liam was still unconscious in a hospital bed, and she had to leave Leo with Regina to explain what led up to Constantine’s passing mere minutes ago. She took another deep breath and puffed her cheeks out as she exhaled, and Nicola nodded silently before opening the door. Katrina walked over to the podium, holding notes for her statement to the press. She heard the rapid clicking of camera shutters and the blinding flashes assaulted her tired eyes, but the press room was eerily quiet otherwise. Reporters pointed microphones and recording devices in her direction, waiting for her to speak. “On behalf of King Liam and the Royal Family, thank you for your patience and understanding during this time,” she began, tapping the pages of her statement on the podium.
Liam’s eyes twitched under the weight of his lids, a tiny smile pulling up the corners of his mouth as he dreamt. He was dancing with Katrina, gazing into her eyes, marveling at the way the lights in the ballroom added a golden sheen to her features, bathing her in warm light. He felt like they were floating as they danced, suspended in the air as he spun her around. She looked up at him through her lashes and flashed a smile; her lips remained closed, but the corners of her eyes pinched together, and she gave his hand three gentle squeezes. I love you. He drummed his fingers against the back of her hand in return. I love you too.
He wanted to stay there in that moment, dancing and twirling with the woman he loved, safe in his arms…but he blinked and then she was gone, pulled out of the spotlight in his dream, into darkness. She reached out for him, but he was rooted in place. Stuck…while Katrina faded away, calling out to him.
He grabbed hold of her arms, her hands, even her slender fingers – anything to avoid losing his grasp on her as she was pulled away, fighting to free himself from whatever was preventing him from moving in her direction. He felt the tension in their hands as he struggled to keep her in the light with him, fingertips hooking together in a vain effort to stay attached, but he wasn’t strong enough. She cried out in pain, shrieking out for help as she was swallowed up in the darkness that creeped closer to him. He tried to shout out to her, to pull his feet up off the floor…but no sound came out of his mouth, and the floor seemed to be rising up his legs. Maybe he was sinking into it. Wake up wake up wake up!
Liam stirred slowly from the hospital bed, hearing a soft but familiar voice in the room. He squeezed his eye shut and tried to lick his lips, but his mouth felt like it had been stuffed with cotton. He tried to bring a hand up to his face, but the movement was met with resistance. Upon opening his good eye, he noticed the restraints on his wrists. “Wha—” he croaked, looking around the room.
Drake stood up from the chair, now dressed in jeans and a scrub shirt, his wounded arm cradled in a sling. He poured water into a cup with a straw and brought it to Liam’s mouth. Liam took a few small sips and swallowed. He laid his head back on the pillow and realized where the familiar voice was coming from – Katrina was on the television screen, delivering a statement to the press from somewhere on the hospital grounds. “Drake,” Liam said hoarsely. “What’s going on? Why am I restrained? Why is Trina talking to the press?”
“Y-you recognize her?” Drake swiveled his head up to the screen and back to Liam. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
Liam tried to rub his temple before the restraint stopped him from completing the action. “Of course I remember Trina. I…” he paused once more, trying to recall his last memory. “There was an attack, I tried to jump down to get to her. How long have I been out? Was anyone else hurt? Do we know who was behind this?”
“A few nobles have some bumps and bruises,” Drake answered, pressing the call button on the wall. “I was grazed by a bullet – yes, again, don’t start.” Drake waved off Liam’s wide eyed expression. “But Li, your father, he uhh, he…” Drake swallowed hard and set his jaw in place, unable to complete the sentence.
He what? He what? Out with it! Before Drake could continue, the pair of them looked up at the screen to see Katrina again. She looks exhausted, poor thing.
“….It is with immeasurable sorrow to inform you that King Father Constantine passed away this morning, succumbing to injuries sustained during the attack on the palace less than forty-eight hours ago…” Katrina’s voice filled the quiet room from the television set. “At this time we ask that you respect the Royal family’s privacy to mourn his passing and allow King Liam to heal from his own injuries.” Reporters began lobbing questions on the screen, but Liam could hear nothing but the words Katrina’s voice, looping in his head. Constantine…succumbed to injuries...
“Is that true? When did it happen?” Why couldn’t I have been there for him before he died? Why am I restrained? Where is everyone else? Liam started breathing rapidly, his mind overcome with questions as he came out of the fog.
“I’m so sorry, Li.” Drake’s voice made him turn his head. “Constantine passed away minutes ago, just before Trin left to deliver her statement to the press. Leo and Regina are next door. You’ve been out for several hours now – it’s Sunday morning. The uh, doctor had to sedate you.”
“Sedate me? Why? Is that the reason for the restraints?” Oh my gods, what did I do??
Dr. Rafaela entered the room, walking directly over to Liam’s bedside. “How are we feeling this morning, Your Majesty?”
Liam shifted in the bed, trying to straighten up as much as he could. “I understand I had to be sedated, doctor?”
“My name is Dr. Rafaela, and I performed surgery to repair your liver. You had an adverse reaction to the anesthesia administered to you during surgery, and became agitated and volatile as you were coming out of it.” Dr. Rafaela checked over Liam’s vitals as he spoke. “It was necessary to sedate you and restrain you as a safety precaution. Now that you’re awake, we can run a few tests and make sure that there’s nothing more serious going on internally.”
“A safety precaution? Did I hurt someone?”
Dr. Rafaela glanced over at Drake. “I uh, hadn’t gotten to that part yet,” Drake answered. Dr. Rafaela nodded silently.
“Who did I hurt?” Liam prodded again. Please don’t let it b—
“Lady Katrina was in the room with you when you woke,” the doctor replied. “In your agitated state you, ahem…you temporarily forgot who she was, and accused her of stealing your mother’s ring. I had to sedate you because it looked like you were going to break her fingers in your efforts to take the ring back.”
Liam’s heart sank in his chest and his jaw went slack, studying the grim faces of the doctor and his best friend, understanding that what Dr. Rafaela said had to be true. He glanced over at the side table, and his heart sank even further as his gaze fell to his mother’s sapphire and diamond engagement ring. “Is Trina alright? This can’t be happening.” I can’t believe I’d hurt her like that. I need to see her and apologize. That wasn’t me. How could I hurt my Trina?
“She has a sore wrist, nothing broken or badly sprained,” Dr. Rafaela replied. He started to undo one of the wrist restraints. “I don’t think you’ll need these any longer, can you tell me what your name is?”
“I’m William Ambrosios Nathaniel Dae Rys, King of Cordonia. It’s Sunday, that man is my best friend Drake Alexander Walker, and for god knows what reason, I hurt my fiancée Katrina Bailey, who is addressing the Cordonian people instead of Regina or Leo.” Liam brought a hand up to his face, gingerly pressing the swollen side. His shoulders slumped down, feeling the stitches and swollen eye, along with the rough stubble covering his face.
“While I think it’s safe to say your memory loss was temporary, I still think we should err on the safe side and run a few scans now, just to be sure,” Dr. Rafaela repeated. A nurse brought in a wheelchair from the hallway. “Do you think you can manage getting into the chair, Your Majesty? Just take your time, small movements – you don’t want to tear the stitches on your abdomen.”
“Drake,” Liam placed his hand on Drake’s uninjured shoulder as he slid his legs off the edge of the hospital bed. “Please, let Trina know that I want to speak with her if she returns while I’m having these tests done. Whatever I said or did to her earlier, I clearly didn’t mean it.”
“I’ll let her know, Li.”
Liam settled into the wheelchair as the nurse and Dr. Rafaela took him down the hall. Drake could hear Leo’s voice next door as Liam wheeled past, the brothers mourning over the loss of the man that was their father. Drake looked back at the television screen, which had switched back to news anchors in the studio covering another story. Katrina finished delivering her statement, but she hadn’t returned to the floor. He took his phone from his pocket and quickly tapped out a text message to her, asking if she was on her way back, and sat in the chair again, waiting for a response.
Katrina’s phone buzzed in her hand, and she flipped it over to see Drake’s photo pop up, but she swiped the notification off the screen without reading it. She sat in the back seat of an SUV, Nicola next to her along with Sasha up front with the driver. With Regina at the hospital, Katrina opted to slip out after delivering the press statement to go back to the palace and look for the letters Constantine had mentioned. It’ll only be a matter of time before they collect his things and someone will notice that the pocket watch is missing. This might be my only chance to do this, while everyone else is distracted.
“Nic, when we get to the palace, I need to be able to access Constantine’s private study without any prying eyes. That includes any CCTV cameras. Can you make that happen?”
“Of course, Your Gr– Katrina.” Nicola started tapping at her phone screen as they continued to ride in silence. After a few minutes Nicola cleared her throat. “Sasha will take you directly to King Father’s study as soon as we arrive, ma’am.”
“Thank you.”
Once Katrina arrived at the palace, she exited the car with Sasha and Nicola, walking through the hallways at a quick pace. “Will you be returning to the hospital soon, ma’am?” Nicola bustled alongside her as Sasha navigated them towards Constantine’s study.
“I’m not sure,” Katrina replied. “For now, keep your phone nearby. Maybe I’ll use this time to sleep in a real bed for a bit.”
“Of course. I’ll be in the office if you need anything else.” Nicola’s mouth twitched up in a small smile, and she turned down another corridor, leaving Katrina with Sasha.
“Here we are, ma’am,” Sasha stated, slowing her footsteps as they reached an ornate set of oak doors. Sasha stood to one side of the doors, looking down either side of the hallway.
“I’ll just be a few minutes,” Katrina said quietly. She gripped one of the door handles and held her breath, hoping that the room was unlocked. As the handle gave way and clicked open, she exhaled a tiny breath of relief and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. She looked around the room, countless leather-bound books arranged on bookshelves along all four walls. To the left of the desk facing the room was a painting of Leo and Liam as young men – Liam looked so young in the portrait, probably no older than nineteen or twenty.
Katrina walked over to the portrait, peering around and behind the frame. It looks too large and heavy to take off the wall, but Constantine said the safe was behind it. Her phone buzzed again in her pants pocket, and she pulled it out to see several more messages from Drake and Leo. She turned the screen off and slipped the phone back in her pocket, focusing on how to get behind the painting without making too much noise. She carefully gripped the bottom corner of the frame and tugged it away from the wall; to her surprise, the side of the portrait moved forward, and she could see the other side was attached to the wall with hidden hinges.
There was a stack of red leather-bound books grouped together on a shelf behind the painting, and she stepped closer to look at them. They stood out against the blue and black leather books on the shelves. She moved them out of the way and tucked into the shelf was a small safe with a digital lock, no larger than a shoebox. Katrina reached into her other pants pocket, gliding her thumb across the front of the Cordonian seal engraved on Constantine’s pocket watch before prying it open. A series of eight numbers was engraved on the inside, not unlike a memorable date upon first glance.  
She carefully punched the numbers into the keypad, tensing her shoulders as the keys beeped in response. The numbers on the screen blinked green three times and she heard the safe unlock. Slipping the watch back in her pocket, Katrina held her breath as she opened the safe; she exhaled nervously when she saw three cream colored envelopes next to two powder blue envelopes inside. She pulled them from the safe, feeling around to make sure nothing else was left behind, and closed the safe door, hearing the mechanism click shut. After returning the red leather books back on the shelf and stepping out from behind the portrait, she looked at the envelopes again, flipping them over in her hands.
Each envelope was scrawled with elaborate handwriting; two were written in grey ink, or perhaps black ink that had faded with time, one with Liam’s name on it, the other addressed “for her.” The third envelope was someone else’s handwriting, Leo’s name written in purple ink on the front. The blue envelopes had Leo’s and Liam’s names written on them, in Constantine’s handwriting. All of the envelopes were sealed with wax on the back, stamped with the Cordonian seal. He never mentioned having letters for Liam and Leo, but best not leave them there to be found by someone else. Katrina tucked all the letters against her back, pulling her sweater set over them, and left Constantine’s room with Sasha not far behind her.
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @akrenich @ao719 @debramcg1106 @gardeningourmet @gibbles82 @hopefulmoonobject @innerpostmentality @thecordoniandiaries @aworldoffandoms @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @rainbowsinthestorm @darley1101 @fairydustandsarcasm @jovialyouthmusic @umccall71 @alj4890 @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @bella-ca @bowful @coldcollectornight08 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @liamxs-world @missevabean @museofbooks @mynameiskaylabella @nekkidmolerat @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @sleepwalkingelite @smalltalk88 
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
The Royal Romance
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SERIES: OPEN / ONGOING; last updated December 2020
SUMMARY: This AU series takes place between Book 2 and Book 3 of The Royal Romance, where MC (Katrina Bailey) accepts Liam’s proposal on the condition that she gets to complete law school in New York City before they marry. Drake is convinced to finish his degree at the same time and operate as an extension of the Kings Guard to protect Katrina for the duration of her studies. The stories that follow are from Katrina and Drake’s POV as they study, work, befriend some interesting co-eds, and make unforgettable memories in the City that Never Sleeps.
Man Flu
Hypothetical Fight between Liam and Drake after High Holiday
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SERIES: OPEN / ONGOING, 9/?? - last updated April 2019
SUMMARY: AU series that follows Sojourn Series, where MC (Katrina Bailey) graduates from law school and returns to Cordonia to marry King Liam. There’s only one problem - there’s at least one person that doesn’t want to see them walk down the aisle together. New truths are revealed, buried threats resurface, and Katrina and Liam have to fight for what they know in their hearts to be true. Will they get their Ever After - and if they do, at what cost?
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ONE SHOTS OPEN/ONGOING; last updated October 2019
SUMMARY: One shots and glimpses at life with King Liam and Queen Katrina as they navigate married life, parenthood, and moments where they can just be Liam and Trina.
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SUMMARY: A darker, grittier take on Prince Liam, his best friend Drake, and (currently unnamed) MC, along with some other key players as they navigate the dark streets of Tokyo, London, and the USA as part of the Yakuza. This will NOT be a canon storyline.
Mood Boards
(Prologue) Beninoyuki / Crimson Snow - Liam, Drake
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SERIES: OPEN / ONGOING, 10/?? - last updated September 2019
SUMMARY: What if Liam was just a run-of-the-mill regular college student with an ordinary life…would the fates find a way to lead him to the love of his life when he least expects it?
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AU MINISERIES: OPEN - 19/?? - last updated July 2021
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Insatiable 🍋
Morpheus Dreams (Soulmate AU)
Mauvais Quart d’heure
WD103: Love is Patient
WD106: Avoiding a Blunder
Kinky King Liam - Why are you the way you are?
Meet My MC: Katrina Bailey
Meet My OTP: Liam Rys & Katrina Bailey
Tag Lists: feel free to leave a comment on any of the series masterlist pages / chapter posts, send an ask or DM me directly to be added to the pieces that interest you, I’m happy to add you so you get the latest update!
Page Last Updated: August 2021
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
Dream a Little Dream
Pairing: Liam x Katrina Prompt: We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill. – requested by @darley1101 Author’s Note: I AM UNABLE TO WRITE SHORT DRABBLES. A little spicy fluff for you to read, lol…uh, lime?  * Pixelberry owns these characters, much like they pwn me *   Word Count: +/- 1400
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Katrina woke to the cries of her child over the baby monitor, warily opening one eye to check the video feed and the time. 5:32 AM. Vision blurred by the sleep that still clung to her eyelids, urging her to slip back into unconsciousness, she squinted at the video on the monitor, the screen lighting up after detecting motion in the crib. Please go back to sleep, please go back to sleep, she prayed, hoping the baby was just fussy and not actually hungry yet. Wasn’t loud enough to be a hungry cry. She let out a quiet sigh, willing herself to stay awake for a minute as she closed her eye.
The baby continued to fuss, letting out a small cry or whimper. Beside her, Liam rolled over and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling them together as he shifted across the mattress onto her pillow. “My turn to get the baby?” he whispered, nipping at her earlobe.
Katrina sighed and leaned into him, relishing in the warmth his skin seemed to radiate year-round like her own personal heater. “Seeing if he’ll self-soothe and go back to sleep, it’s early for his morning feeding,” she whispered back. A sleepy grin spread across her face as Liam’s hand slipped under the hem of her – his – t-shirt, fingertips grazing her ribs until his long fingers traced circles on one of her breasts.
“Lucky little devil,” he rumbled into her ear.
She giggled as she buried her face in the pillow. “Pervert,” she mumbled back, rolling her hip to nudge him. The screen to the monitor lit up again, and a pair of tiny voices came through on the speaker.
“Baby boy, is okay baby boy,” one of the twins sang. The other little girl carried a tiny stepstool to the edge of the railing, and together they hoisted themselves up into the baby’s crib in their matching pajamas.
“Li, look,” Katrina whispered, tapping the hand that was still on her bosom. “Look what the girls are doing.”
Liam yawned and drew his hand away from his wife, pressing it into the mattress to pull himself closer to her side and peered at the video monitor. He blinked hard several times and yawned again before his eyes could focus on the image before him. “Are they…did you know they could do that?”
“That’s news to me,” Katrina answered. On the screen, their two baby girls had climbed into the baby’s crib and laid on either side of him, talking to him in partially made up words as they stroked his cheeks and kissed his forehead. Without warning, Katrina shot up in bed, looking at the monitor and then at Liam several times, before counting off on her fingers. “Wait, how many kids do we have??”
Liam scratched his head and looked up at his wife. “What are you talking about, Love? We have seven. That’s Christopher Bailey with the girls…though if you ask Teddy or Seph, they’d tell you his name is Chalupa Batman.” He bit back a laugh and shook his head.
“Seven?!” Katrina’s hand flew to her chest and she started breathing rapidly. How did we have another baby without me knowing? Why don’t I remember having the twins?? “H-how…w-what,” she stuttered.
Liam sat up and offered her the glass of water from his bedside table. “Are you alright? What’s wrong?”
Katrina took the glass from her husband and took a big gulp of water, taking slow and deliberate breaths to calm down. She handed the glass back to him and he waited patiently for her to speak, turning to his bedside table once more to put on his glasses. Katrina bit her bottom lip at the sight of him in the dark frames, still handsome as the first day they met, save for a little grey hair on his temples. “We started with one and now we have seven!? I thought we agreed no more after the girls!”
Liam laughed low in his throat, a sheepish grin on his face. He rested his elbow on one knee and looked up at her over the edge of the frames. “We did, and I agreed. You uh, went back on the pill, but little Christopher beat the odds.” Katrina stared at him in disbelief. “Surpriiiiiise,” he added, jokingly waving his hands in the air.
“That’s not funny, Liam!” Katrina crossed her arms and puckered her lips, trying to remember why she couldn’t remember being pregnant with another baby.
“As the boys would say, ‘you have no chill’ my Love,” Liam laughed again, and Katrina tossed her pillow at his head. “Looks like you’re off the hook, at least,” he tossed the pillow back at her and pointed to the monitor. “Look at our girls.”
Katrina turned back to look at the monitor as Liam scooted behind her, kissing her shoulder as they watched their twin daughters singing a lullaby to the baby. They switched between Greek, Korean, and English, to the tune of Frère Jacques. The King and Queen settled back into bed, Liam resting his head in the crook of Katrina’s neck. His stubble tickled her sensitive skin as her eyelids grew heavy with sleep once more, and the sweet duet from their daughters was the last sound she heard as she drifted off to sleep.
Katrina woke to the sounds of Ori fussing quietly in his crib, his trills and babbling setting off the baby monitor on her bedside table. She rolled over and squinted her eyes at the screen, seeing him kicking his legs in his sleep sack, in his own little world. The digital clock next to the monitor read 6:02 AM. She lifted the sheet and looked down at her stomach, bump visible from the twins still growing inside her, and she sighed with relief, staring up at the ceiling. As if on cue, Liam entered the bedroom and winked at Katrina before peeling off the sweat-stained shirt from his morning run. “Sleep well, Love?”
“Mmm,” she hummed. Katrina propped herself up in bed and gently rubbed her belly, watching Liam undress. “I had the strangest dream.”
“Care to share?” Liam pried a pair of fitted sweats off his long legs, leaving them in a rumpled pile on the floor as he removed his socks, then tossed everything into a hamper.
“I dreamt of the twins, but they were at least 4 or 5 years old,” she began. “They looked like little angels. And little troublemakers,” she giggled.
“Hmm, sounds about right with you and I for their parents,” he replied, winking at her again.
“And they were singing to our seventh child…Christopher Bailey,” she added dryly.
Liam popped his head out of the closet. “I’m sorry, did you say seventh child?”
“I thought we agreed that—”
“Oh, no change there, mister.”
“But then how—”
“He was a surprise baby. You apparently have extremely good swimmers, as if that wasn’t evident already,” Katrina laughed.
“Well, how about before any more children join our family, and before the little heathens down the hall wake up, you join me in the shower?” Katrina tossed the sheets aside and moved to swing her legs down, and Liam moved swiftly to help her get out of bed. As she stood up, she tilted her head up while he lowered his, his hands traveling to her waist to pull her in for a kiss. She hummed against his lips and grinned. “I’m sweaty, I know,” he mumbled against her skin. “Humid before dawn, it’s going to be a hot day.”
“Salty,” she hummed, licking her lips. Katrina pulled him to her for another kiss, this one with more heat behind it. She raked her fingers through his damp hair, tugging just hard enough on the dark locks at the back of his head to make him moan into her mouth. Liam gripped the fabric of her shirt tightly in one hand.
“Don’t start what you can’t finish,” he warned.
“Oh I have every intention of finishing what I just started…my King.” She brushed past him towards the bathroom, tugging on the waistband of his boxer briefs. “Don’t keep me waiting,” she teased, puling the t-shirt over her head.
“By the gods, I love you,” he sighed happily, joining his queen in the bathroom.
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @mind-reader1 @akrenich @ao719 @debramcg1106 @gardeningourmet @gibbles82 @hopefulmoonobject @innerpostmentality @thecordoniandiaries @littleblossom-18 @rainbowsinthestorm @the-soot-sprite @aworldoffandoms @blackcatkita @blackcoffee85 @darley1101 @fairydustandsarcasm @jovialyouthmusic @umccall71 
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
You Are the Reason Series Masterlist
TRR AU SERIES: OPEN/ON HIATUS; last updated April 2019
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SUMMARY: AU series that follows Sojourn Series, where MC (Katrina Bailey) graduates from law school and returns to Cordonia to marry King Liam. There’s only one problem - there’s at least one person that doesn’t want to see them walk down the aisle together. New truths are revealed, buried threats resurface, and Katrina and Liam have to fight for what they know in their hearts to be true. Will they get their Ever After - and if they do, at what cost? 
SERIES RATING/WARNINGS: 18+ for language/swearing, violence, NS*W/erotica and mild BDSM, 30 diamond scenes, lemons, you get the idea. 
🍐 = PRETEND THIS IS A LIME more than kissing, less than lemon territory | 🍋= erotica/30 diamond scene
Prologue - MC x Drake (platonic)
Chapter 1: Empire State of Mind - Liam x MC
Chapter 2: 🍋NS*W .:. Versace on the Floor - Liam x MC
Chapter 3: Mr. Brightside - Liam x MC, Leo x MC (platonic)
Chapter 4: Leaving on a Jet Plane - Liam x MC; Leo, Damien Nazario
Chapter 5: Aca-awkward - Liam x MC; Constantine x Regina, Bastien, OCs
Chapter 6: 🍋NS*W .:. Just Like Heaven - Liam x MC; Leo, Olivia
Chapter 7 Part 1: Breathing Oxygen - Liam x MC
Chapter 7 Part 2: Breathing Oxygen - Liam x MC; Leo, Drake
Chapter 8: Run - Liam x MC; Leo
Chapter 9: The Otherside - Liam x MC; Drake
Chapter 10: TBD
Chapter 11: TBD
Chapter 12: TBD
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zaffrenotes · 6 years
Shining, Shimmering, Splendid - Part 2
Pairing: King Liam x Queen Katrina Rating/Warnings: PG (language; innuendo and Lime action) Summary: There’s a ball, and dancing, and a little green-eyed monster returns when Liam has *gasp* competition for his wife’s attention! Author’s Note: *All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them* Coaxed into writing another one shot to really see what Jealous!Liam looks like – all in good fun, of course. * February Fluff prompt #20 from @likethetailofacomet – “get a room, you two!” for an added bonus * Word Count: +/- 3160
Tag list is at the end! Part 1 can be found here
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Liam pulled Katrina to an upright position as everyone applauded their demonstration of the Cordonian Waltz. Politely taking their bows, Liam gestured to their guests to join them on the dance floor. The orchestra started playing another song, when Katrina grabbed hold of Liam’s arm. “Oh my god, he’s here. He’s actually here!”
“Who’s here, my Love?”
“Matt freaking Rodriguez and Christina Carlisle!” She gripped Liam’s arm even harder with both hands, nearly bouncing in her heels where they stood.
Liam looked over to where Katrina was staring at the edge of the dance floor, and noticed the attractive man and woman making their way to the bar – they were the newest Hollywood “It” couple thanks to their recent film. He noticed the very large, very shiny, engagement ring on the young woman’s finger as she took a champagne flute from Rodriguez. Liam gently pulled his arm free from his wife’s grasp, placing his hand on the small of Katrina’s back, guiding her off the dance floor as they dodged their other guests swirling and twirling about them.
As they approached, the young couple smiled at their hosts, Matt bowing his head as Christina managed a curtsy in her fitted gown. “Your Majesties,” Matt said, looking for a place to set down his drink. “We’re terribly sorry for being so late this evening.”
“Mr. Rodriguez, Ms. Carlisle, we’re thankful you could be here at all, given your schedules,” Liam replied, warmly shaking both their hands. Katrina did the same, though her handshake lingered when she shook hands with Matt. “I hope your journey here wasn’t too troublesome.”
“Our connecting flight in Paris was delayed,” Christina answered. “Matt and I literally changed in the airport bathrooms once we got our suitcases,” she added, quickly covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh! That was probably more than you needed to know, wasn’t it?”
“It’s happened to us all.” Katrina smiled reassuringly and patted Christina on the shoulder. “Would you care to participate in the Cordonian Waltz?” She gestured to the other guests already dancing.
Matt and Christina cast a sideways glance at each other. “I don’t think we’re familiar with the steps,” Christina answered.
“Liam’s a pro,” Katrina replied. “The first time we danced together it was like I was floating on air, here in this very ballroom.” She smiled warmly at Liam, both of them recalling the night of the Masquerade ball where she surprised him after his visit to New York.
Liam planted a quick kiss on Katrina’s cheek as he extended his hand to Christina. “Shall we, Ms. Carlisle?” They paused for a moment as Liam waited to join the other dancers before effortlessly making his way into one of the small circles.
“I may need a walkthrough since I’m supposed to lead, ma’am,” Matt said out of the side of his mouth, leaning into Katrina to avoid raising his voice.
Katrina’s cheeks warmed and she grinned at Matt’s proper use of protocol to address her. “Please, just call me Katrina, that ma’am business is too formal for me. And not to worry, the dance doesn’t look as difficult as it seems.” She walked over a few paces to a less crowded spot, trying not to smile too much as she stood before one of her celebrity crushes. “It starts off as a regular waltz, so you’ll just take my hand here…” she instructed, holding up her right hand. “Then your other hand rests on my waist, and we follow a box step.” She swallowed to try and move a lump in her throat as Matt placed a hand on her waist, who was smiling nervously at her.
“Like this?” he asked, gently pushing off his feet. He followed along as Katrina walked him through the steps, managing the twirl with little difficulty, and her heart started to race as her back was to him. Matt followed along with the rest of the dancers, keeping a respectably close distance with Katrina during the intimate hold of the waltz. Katrina felt her cheeks flush with color as she tried to contain her excitement. She looked around the room and caught Liam’s watchful eye from the dance floor; he raised his eyebrow at her as he spun Christina out of the hold, his expression softening to amusement when Katrina blew a kiss in his direction. What she wasn’t expecting to see was Ryan Summers staring at her and Matt as if she’d slapped him across the face. Matt spun her out of the hold and back to the starting position.
“You’re a natural,” she praised, smiling at him. “Ready to test your skills with the others?” They stepped onto the dance floor together, and on Katrina’s count, Matt started waltzing with her with the others. They chatted as they danced, Katrina trying not to lose her composure as Matt concentrated on the steps. When Matt spun her around, she noticed Ryan Summers dancing with a guest nearby, making his way towards them as they neared the end of the sequence to switch partners. “Do me a favor,” she said quietly, tilting her head up to Matt’s face.
“Your Majesty?”
“Whatever you do, don’t switch partners.” Matt spun her out of the hold so they were facing each other once more. “I think your friend Mr. Summers is going to try and steal me away, and he’s been rather…forward…already this evening.”
Lines appeared across Matt’s youthful face as a concerned expression washed over him. “That doesn’t sound like him, unless—” Matt paused to twirl Katrina around. “Has he been drinking gin?”
“Possibly, it’s an open bar, and I haven’t seen him without a glass in his hand most of the night.”
“That’ll do it. He gets a little – friendly – if he’s had too much to drink.”
Dancing pairs began to split up around them to switch partners, and Ryan Summers ignored the woman that should have been his partner to make his way to Katrina and Matt. He flashed what would have been a dashing grin at Katrina, but she knew better. “I believe this is where we switch partners? Good to see you, Matt.” He held his arms up, waiting for Matt and Katrina to break their hold.
“I think you left someone stranded back there, Summers,” Matt replied, tilting his chin in the direction of the young woman standing alone. “Perhaps the next round.” Matt started taking wider steps as they continued dancing, distancing themselves from Ryan.
Liam watched with mild irritation as Matt and Katrina danced together, until he noticed Katrina say something to Matt with a worried look on her face. It caught him off guard and his footwork stumbled, causing him to trip on the hem of Christina’s gown. While Liam’s attention returned to Christina, he didn’t notice the exchange between Matt and Ryan before switching partners to dance with Alyssa. “Why so tense, Liam? You looked like you were having fun earlier.”
Liam snapped out of his daze to look at Alyssa – her bright blue eyes stared back at him, half her mouth quirked up in a silent question as they glided across the floor. “It’s nothing,” he muttered.
“Liar,” she replied, gently squeezing his hand. “Spill.”
“It’s Rodriguez,” he sighed, twirling his friend so that the tail of her green satin dress swirled around her feet. “He was supposed to switch partners but he’s dancing with Trina twice in a row now.” Liam’s jaw set in place as he watched them at the far end of the dance floor, Katrina laughing at something he said.
“Li, you’re getting worked up over nothing. You know T’s only got eyes for you. Rodriguez has nothing on you.”
“That’s her movie star crush. What would you do if you got to dance with your movie star crush?”
“I’d probably stand there and giggle uncontrollably for a minute, then remind myself that I’m already with my own personal dream come true.” She smirked at Liam before glancing over her shoulder to wink at Drake, who returned the gesture by scrunching his nose and grinning at her. “Just like you’re T’s dream come true – you were literally her knight in shining armor!”
Liam’s shoulders finally loosened up and he let out a quiet laugh, the corners of his eyes pulling up as he smiled. “For the record, I never wore a suit of armor.”
Liam spun Alyssa so that her back was to him, chuckling at her response. “I know it seems silly, but I am still just a man under the crown. I’m allowed to be human.”
“Of course you are,” Alyssa exhaled. “All I’m saying is there’s no reason for you to think that you’ll ever lose her to someone else. He might be pretty to look at—”
Liam scoffed indignantly.
“I won’t deny that he’s attractive, but come on man, you’re literally the ruler of a country! She’s the mother of your children, and she loves you more than anything. Honestly, if she mentioned anything about jeopardizing what the two of you have built for a crush on a movie star or anyone else, I’d slap her upside the head and knock some sense into her. I’ll put her in a choke hold right now until she took it back. Queen or not.”
Liam stopped short before spinning Alyssa out of the hold and pulled back, his broad shoulders shaking as he steadied himself by placing his hands on his knees. His head was focused on the floor, and some of the guests around them paused, noticing that their King had stopped dancing.
“Liam, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Alyssa reached out towards him, unsure of what was happening. She scanned the crowd to look for Drake or Katrina, unable to see either of them around the small crowd encircling her and Liam.
Liam finally stood upright, wiping tears of silent laughter from the corners of his eyes as he waved his hands back to everyone. “I’m alright, please, there’s no need to worry.” He waved off Bastien and another member of the Kings Guard, smiling apologetically at the guests looking on. “I was momentarily caught off guard by Lady Alyssa, please, everyone, continue dancing.”
As couples paired up once more, Alyssa stared on at her friend. “I have never known you to do something like that in front of the court before,” she stated.
Liam took a deep breath and quickly composed himself, stepping up to Alyssa to finish their dance. His warm brown eyes gave away his jovial attitude, despite the calm expression on his face. “I apologize, my friend. As soon as you said what you did, I had this image of you grappling with Trina in your ballgowns and I…I…” his mouth split into a massive grin and he started laughing again. “The whole thing really is absurd of me, isn’t it?”
“I’m glad you’re finally getting the gist of it, your Majesty,” she giggled.
They finished their dance and switched partners, and Liam smiled warmly at Hana as they started to waltz. His peaceful demeanor was short-lived as he caught sight of his starry-eyed wife dancing with Matt for the third time in a row, beaming a smile at the actor. “Liam, are you alright?” Hana asked, pulling her brows together.
“If you’ll excuse me, Hana, there’s something I need to handle.” Liam looked at her apologetically as he made his way across the dance floor towards Katrina and Matt, seeing the two of them chatting animatedly.
“—if that’s what it’ll take, my answer is yes,” Matt replied, twirling Katrina with one hand.
“Wonderful! I’ll have Nic set it up,” Katrina beamed. She jerked back as she locked eyes with Liam, who stood before them with his shoulders pulled back, his body stern and rigid. “Liam, what is it?” she asked, searching his eyes for a silent clue.
“Your answer is yes to what, exactly, Mr. Rodriguez?”
Matt and Katrina stopped dancing, sensing Liam’s tone. Matt cleared his throat before speaking. “Just that um, Katri—her Majesty offered to let Christina and I stay here at the palace.” Liam raised an eyebrow at them both. “As uh, her way of saying thank you? For the donation that my fiancée and I wanted to contribute?”
Katrina took a step towards Liam, and he leaned down so she could whisper in his ear. “It’s a significant donation, Li. More than enough to meet our goal, we could break ground within the week with their help.” She squeezed his arm gently and kissed his earlobe. “What’s gotten into you? You look upset about something.”
He looked at his wife, whose sweet face was now full of concern. “I saw you weren’t switching partners, and I…”
“Perhaps we should have this discussion in private, my King,” she prompted. Several pairs of watchful eyes were on them, and Liam noticed Ryan Summers was once again staring at his wife.
Katrina laced her fingers with Liam’s as he looked up at Matt. “If you’ll excuse us a moment, Mr. Rodriguez. You and Ms. Carlisle are more than welcome to stay here as guests tonight and for the entirety of your time in Cordonia. Trina’s assistant will get everything set up for you.” He walked with Katrina to one end of the ballroom, speaking briefly to Nicola to have one of the guest rooms readied for Matt and Christina, before they left the gala and ducked into one of the small libraries down the hallway. Bastien and Sasha’s footsteps were the only other noise heard as Katrina and Liam stepped inside and shut the doors. Liam turned around to see Katrina glaring at him, her hands on her hips.
“What the hell has gotten into you tonight, Liam?”
“I—” Liam stretched his arms out in front of him, taking a tentative step towards her, but she backed away.
“The thing with Summers, fine, I understand, he was getting too touchy for my taste, but just now? What was that?”
“You danced with him three times in a row, Love, what was I supposed to think?”
“How about he’s here with his fiancée, for one? And maybe he was dancing with me as a buffer to keep Summers away, how about that?”
Liam’s brows drew together in confusion, then anger. “He...what? What was Summers doing?”
“When it was time to switch the first time, Summers tried to cut in, so I asked Matt not to let him,” Katrina replied, leaning against the wall of books behind her. She crossed her arms over her chest, drawing a hand up to press her fingertips to her temples. “The second time we got carried away chatting and I was trying to see how much he’d be willing to donate to the charity, and I might have dangled the possibility of a personal tour of the gardens from my dear, darling husband because someone’s sweet fiancée harbors her own crush on my King.” Katrina pulled her hand away, smirking at Liam as she finished her statement.
Liam cocked his head to one side, still in disbelief. “You’re saying you used me to get Rodriguez to donate more money to the fundraiser? Because Ms. Carlisle fancies me?” He fought to keep his smile from growing wide in front of her.
“That and staying here as our personal guests,” she added, stepping towards him. She smoothed the lapels of his jacket slowly, before playfully pushing him away. “What did you think I was doing?”
“I…well, I know you’re a fan of his,” he answered, gently rubbing her shoulders. “My mind jumped to an absurd conclusion. I’m sorry.” He sighed as he looked into her deep brown eyes.
“Liam Rys, jealousy really doesn’t suit you,” she teased, letting one hand brush across the front of his pants. He drew in a sharp breath, spinning her around so her back was against the bookcase, and he lifted her up onto the shelf. Katrina let out a flirty gasp as he stepped closer, pushing up the layers of tulle that made up her skirt. “It doesn’t suit you, but it sure is sexy,” she purred.
“Just as long as there’s no real threat, my Love,” he answered back, his voice dropping half an octave. Liam’s mouth pulled into half a smirk as their faces drew closer together, his eyes flitting between hers and her perfectly painted lips. His hands roved up past her knees, tracing over the garters holding up her silk stockings.
“There is no one I want more in this world than you, my silly, sweet, sexy, King,” she whispered, nipping at his bottom lip as she said the last few words. “I want you, and only you, for all the days of my life.” Her hands cupped his face as she looked deep into his eyes with a salacious grin. “And don’t you fucking forget it.” She kissed him ardently, wrapping her hands around the back of his head, pulling him close.
Liam moaned into her mouth, his hands raking up her thighs underneath the fluffy layers of fabric of her dress, searching for his ultimate treasure between her legs. She inched forward against the wood, and Liam slipped his fingers past the lace that blocked entry, delving his fingers inside her. Katrina whimpered at his touch, kissing him harder as she ran her fingers through his hair. “My god, I love you, Trina,” he murmured against her lips.
“My eyes! MY EYES!”
Trina and Liam pulled apart as Maxwell shouted at them from behind one of the leather couches. He covered his eyes with one hand as he scrambled to his feet. “What are you doing in here, Maxwell?!” Katrina exclaimed, fixing her skirt. Liam shook his head and laughed silently.
“I was taking a power nap waiting for the music to pick up. Get a room, you two!”
“We’re IN a room, Maxwell. They’re technically all our rooms,” Liam chuckled.
“I… you know what? I’m not even going to argue with that.” Still shielding his eyes, Maxwell made his way to the door to leave. “I saw nothing, I heard nothing, good evening to you both, I’ll see you at breakfast and I hope not a moment sooner!” He slid through the doorway and slammed it shut.
Katrina and Liam burst into laughter and looked at one another as their laughs subsided. “Should we return to the ballroom? Our guests will be waiting.” Liam kissed a little trail down her neck as his hands ran up and down her arms.
“Before we go back, I need you to do something for me,” she answered, hopping down off the bookshelf.
“What would that be?”
“Claim me as yours, my Love,” she teased, walking over to one of the couches. “What would Jealous Liam do?”
Liam grinned at his wife, an evil twinkle in his eye as he removed his jacket and made his way to her. “Get out of that dress and I’ll show you.”
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @sleepwalkingelite @thecordoniandiaries @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @aworldoffandoms @bella-ca @bowful @coldcollectornight08 @alj4890 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @liamxs-world @marywrites-things @missevabean @mynameiskaylabella @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @smalltalk88 @umccall71 @blznbaby @blackcatkita @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @darley1101 @jovialyouthmusic @debramcg1106 @innerpostmentality @akrenich @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @gibbles82 
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
Serendipity Series Masterlist
TRR COLLEGE AU SERIES: OPEN + IN PROGRESS 10/??; last updated September 2019
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SUMMARY: What if Liam was just a run-of-the-mill regular college student with an ordinary life...would the fates find a way to lead him to the love of his life when he least expects it?
This AU series includes Liam, Drake, Olivia, and MC (Katrina Bailey) during their junior year of college in New York City. A Friday night out with his best friend leads Liam to a chance meeting with an intriguing stranger. Will she be more than someone he met at a party?
SERIES RATING/WARNING: 18+ for language/swearing, discussion/flashbacks of past trauma (nonconsensual relations/rape); chapters with possible trigger warnings will be tagged.
Part 1: Serendipity
Part 2: Hyperion
Part 3: Hey Cheerleader, Give It A Try
Part 4: Her Secret, His Confession .:. trigger warning
Part 5: Let It Be Me
Part 6: Say It With A Song
Part 7: The Sleepover
Part 8: Pigeons and Pancakes
Part 9: Man Up, Idiot
Part 10: Superposition
Part 11: TBD
Part 12: TBD
Part 13: TBD
Part 14: TBD
Part 15: TBD
DRABBLES & FICLETS (post-series)
Dreaming of a White Christmas
Rex? Manning
Netflix & No Chill
Tempt-est 🍋
Hummingbird 🍏
A Sapphire Surprise 🍋
Cold Comforts
MPC + SDCC - crossover with RoD
Gimme A Break
Sweet Surrender
OTP Asks
MC Ask: Quarantining during COVID-19
Cell Phone Ask: aesthetic, text/call, glued to phone?
Cell Phone Ask: wallpaper, most used emojis
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zaffrenotes · 6 years
Shining, Shimmering, Splendid
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Pairing: King Liam x Queen Katrina Rating/Warnings: G – so fluffy. So, so fluffy. Summary: There’s a fundraising ball, dancing, and a little green-eyed monster. Author’s Note: *All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them* references and imagery of movie scenes belong to Disney* This fluffy one shot is dedicated to @brightpinkpeppercorn who wanted to know if/when Liam would make a certain face at Trina. I can’t even. I’ve been giggling the whole time I wrote this, I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it up! Also 2 mood boards because I MADE IT A GIF WITH THE THINGS! 😂 Word Count: +/- 1500 lol WAY MORE than 2 sentences, sorry Mar!
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Liam x Trina | TRR Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @sleepwalkingelite @pixieferry @watamidoing @thecordoniandiaries @i-choose-liam @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @aworldofdreamhomes @bella-ca @bowful @coldcollectornight08 @alj4890 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @liamxs-world @marywrites-things @missevabean @mynameiskaylabella @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @smalltalk88 @umccall71 @blznbaby @blackcoffee85 @blackcatkita @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @darley1101 @jovialyouthmusic @debramcg1106 @innerpostmentality @akrenich @missevabean @gardeningourmet
Guests stepped into the grand ballroom, transformed from its royal opulence to a whimsical woodland fantasy. It was nothing short of magic – the dance floor looked like the center of town from Tangled, made to look like the stone streets, down to a lavender sun symbol straight out of the movie. Tables had custom centerpieces donated by local artists to fit the theme – a sculpture of Ariel forged together using forks, a hand-blown miniature glass menagerie tower, sparkling red crystal apples, army men carved out of wood next to carvings of Woody and Buzz Lightyear, even a precarious stack of teacups that trickled (water meant to look like) tea.
Liam looked around the room, voices buzzing as everyone took in the sights around them. It never ceased to amaze him when Katrina had a goal in mind – the benefit gala was sure to raise more than enough money for the family shelter and counseling program she initiated at the last Council meeting. He smiled to himself as he chatted with noblemen, shaking his head as his eyes glanced at the dessert tables – not a single detail was overlooked to fit the theme of the night.
Earlier in the evening wait staff carried trays of appetizers through the crowd – spinach pastry puffs reminiscent of Kronk’s specialty, along with a bite-size version of spaghetti and meatballs. Dinner courses included options like gumbo, ratatouille, traditional turkey dinner, and sushi served on wasabi green plates with porcelain soy sauce dishes shaped like socks.
Even dessert revolved around treats from the movies – trays of iced cookies that looked like they came straight from Wonderland, miniature pink and blue swirled cakes that could have been made by Fauna, and a beignet station. Liam made a mental note to make sure the kitchen staff got a hold of that recipe before the night ended.
“Trin has completely outdone herself this time,” Drake said, pulling Liam out of his slight daze. He handed him a glass tumbler, taking a long draw from the other one in his hand. “Scotch. Didn’t think you’d want one of the themed cocktails on the bar menu.”
Liam gratefully accepted the glass from Drake, pulling a long sip as he continued scanning the room. “I don’t know how she does it,” he mused to his friend. “She barely put a dent in the allocated budget and look at all this.”
“What d’you mean?”
“She called in every favor she could to keep the Crown from spending too much on the gala,” he answered. “Worked with Joelle for artists to make the centerpieces in a silent auction. Hana got designers to donate some of the dresses the ladies are wearing.” He directed Drake’s attention to the far end of the ballroom. “Rashad and his business partner used their connections to bring in a few celebrities with philanthropic interests.” He leaned in, lowering his voice. “I swear I saw Cassandra Leigh walk past a little while ago.”
Drake grinned and let out a low chuckle. “Are you telling me you didn’t review the guest list, or are you admitting you have a celebrity crush?”
It was Liam’s turn to laugh. “I’m not implying either of those things. You’re part of the King’s Guard now, you know we called for more security because of the guests in attendance. Even a king can be humbled around movie stars.”
“Speaking of,” Drake replied, lightly tapping Liam’s shoulder, “I think one of them is flirting with your wife over there.”
Liam turned his head in the other direction, taking notice of the small group that had formed around Katrina. She looked dazzling in her gown, on loan from one of the designers Hana befriended. The strapless navy gown was covered in brilliant gold stars, stopping at a flattering tea length hemline rather than a full length ballgown, showing off her matching heels covered in gold dust. He watched as she gestured with her hands in the air – the way she usually did when telling a story – her audience captivated by their storyteller, until she reached the end, and they erupted into laughter. Then he saw it; Ryan Summers – the Ryan Summers – was gazing directly at Katrina, standing too close for Liam’s comfort, and placed his hand on the small of her back.
Liam felt his chest tighten and his blood started to course through his body, fast - much too fast. Just as he prepared to walk over and interrupt whatever Summers was planning to do next, Katrina stepped away from him, pointedly taking hold of Ryan’s hand and pushed it away from her. Liam couldn’t hear what she was saying, but the expression on her face was the same one she used on their children when they’d done something wrong. Ryan defensively put his hands in the air and took a step back as the rest of the group awkwardly watched their exchange. He walked away a moment later, swiping a glass of champagne off a waiter’s tray.
The King looked over at his queen, exchanging silent looks with one another until she smiled at him, and he winked at her. He finished the rest of his drink and set it on a nearby table before making his way to Katrina. The rest of the group greeted him with courteous bows and curtsies. “My Love,” he said, taking hold of her hand in his, pressing her knuckles to his lips, “will you do me the honor of having the first dance?” The ladies in the group clasped their hands together and “aww”ed at his request, causing Katrina to giggle.
“I’d love nothing more, my king.” Liam offered her his arm, and they walked over to the dance floor.
Liam went through his usual speech, thanking everyone for attending the benefit, making sure to draw attention to the centerpieces donated by local artists, as well as thanking anyone who assisted in putting the event together. “Last but by no means least of all,” he continued, looking over at Katrina, “I would like to thank this amazing woman standing next to me, for not only putting this whole evening together, but for envisioning a place where families can get the assistance they need in times of trouble. Thank you, my Queen, for this effort to make a new world for the next generation of Cordonians. To Queen Katrina!” Everyone in the ballroom applauded, and Katrina wiped a stray tear from her eye as Liam waited for the crowd to grow quiet. “As per tradition, Queen Katrina and I will perform the Cordonian Waltz before opening up the dance floor.” A staff member approached Liam and took the microphone from him, and the orchestra started warming up their instruments as the King and Queen took their position on the dance floor.
Katrina smiled up at her husband, noticing a glint of something in his eyes that she couldn’t place. “Something on your mind, Liam?”
The orchestra started playing the notes to “A Whole New World” and Liam led her through the beginning of the waltz, glancing over his shoulder to the crowd to see Ryan Summers blatantly staring at Katrina. “Someone seemed rather taken by your story earlier,” he huffed. He tried not to tense his jaw as he spoke, but he knew she’d seen it.
“Liam Rys, do I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice?” She looked into his eyes, a huge grin starting to bloom across her face, watching the man before her trying to keep his face still. The more he fought it, the worse it became – the muscles in his jaw twitched, his nostrils flared, and the little line between his brows formed.
“Hmph.” Liam exhaled sharply through his nose before twirling her around. “You seemed to have it under control.”
Katrina gently squeezed his shoulder, trying to keep their position while releasing the tension he was already carrying. “You have nothing to worry about, my King,” she replied, emphasizing the last two words. Liam’s eyes softened as they danced on. “At least it wasn’t Matt Rodriguez,” she teased. “Now he would give you something to worry about.”
Liam’s eyes went wide at her response as she kept her eyes locked on his for several counts. Then she burst into laughter. “You,” he growled, his eyes lighting up. “You’re awful,” he whispered, teasingly biting the air. He spun her around again into the embrace, pressing his lips to her ear. “You’ll pay for that later.”
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“Promise?” she asked, her cheeks already starting to warm.
“I guarantee you’ll be –“ he paused to listen to the music playing. “Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling, through an endless diamond sky,” he crooned, holding her body closer to his with each step, before spinning her out of the hold. As the song – and dance – ended, Liam dipped her back and a gasp escaped Katrina’s lips, just as he leaned in and kissed her. The swift movement caught her completely by surprise, and in that moment she felt weightless as Liam’s lips pressed against hers, and she swore she could see stars.
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
Sojourn Series Masterlist
TRR AU SERIES: OPEN + IN PROGRESS; last updated December 2020
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This AU series takes place between Book 2 and Book 3 of The Royal Romance, where MC (Katrina Bailey) accepts Liam’s proposal on the condition that she gets to complete law school in New York City before they marry. Drake is convinced to finish his degree at the same time and operate as an extension of the Kings Guard to protect Katrina for the duration of her studies. The stories that follow are from Katrina and Drake’s POV as they study, work, befriend some interesting co-eds, and make unforgettable memories in the City that Never Sleeps.
Series Rating/Warning: 18+ -- adult language but mostly fluff; N*FW / lemon / spicy scenes occur and will be tagged.
🍐 = PRETEND THIS IS A LIME more than kissing, less than lemon territory | 🍋= erotica/30 diamond scene 
Trick or Treat .:. 🍐/ NS*W .:. POV Katrina
The Dancing Queen .:. POV Katrina
The Bee Charmer .:. POV Drake
The One Where Drake Takes a Bath .:. POV Drake
The Fair Wanderer .:. 🍐/ NS*W .:. POV Drake
Ain’t No Sunshine .:. POV Drake
The Double Date .:. POV Katrina
The One With the Freudian Slip .:. POV Drake
Thanksgiving Melee .:. Part 1 🍋/ NS*W | Part 2 🍋/ NS*W | Part 3
Stand to the Right.:. POV Katrina
High Holiday Spirits .:. POV Katrina, POV Drake
The One With the Fake Marriage .:. POV Drake, POV Katrina
Them .:. POV Drake, POV Alyssa
Her Song .:. POV Drake
Bottle You Up .:. POV Drake
The Unbirthday .:. Part 1 | Part 2 🍋/ NS*W .:. POV Katrina
Can’t Help Falling in Love .:. POV Katrina
Fireworks .:. POV Katrina
Waterloo .:. POV Drake
Holiday High-jinks .:. Part 1 | Part 2
Man Flu .:. 🍐.:. POV Katrina
Hypothetical Fight .:. POV Drake
MC Asks Re: COVID-19 .:. POV Katrina
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21 notes · View notes
zaffrenotes · 6 years
Serendipity 6A - Say It With A Song
Players: Liam, Drake, Katrina, Lis Series Rating/Warnings: PG-13/Mature 18+ (language/swearing; trigger warning – this series will include discussion of nonconsensual relations) Chapter Summary: Liam’s in a bind, Katrina chats with her roommate, and Drake drops a little truth bomb. Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * Song lyrics belong to the various musicians and singers * Here we go kids, time to see if college Liam can do the thing. Catch up with previous chapters via my Master List page (see bio for link) because tumblr’s a butt. Word Count: +/- 2300
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“Hey Liam, I need a favor.”
Liam barely looked up from the notes sprawled before him on the bed. “Name it.”
“I uhh…need you to find somewhere else to sleep tomorrow night. Maybe Saturday night too.”
Liam’s head shot up and he looked over at Drake, who was paging through one of his textbooks. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! “We’re in the middle of Reading Week, are you kidding me right now?”
Drake shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. “What can I say? Stress does things to Liv, and when she gets stressed she—”
Liam waved his hand in the air, signaling Drake to stop talking, and he exhaled with a laugh. “I don’t need the details, I’ll give you the room.” I could crash with…ugh, no, he snores. Lovejoy and Quinn...god no, I can’t even see the floor in their room. Miller…he’d kill me with the wakeup calls from Trina. Hmm…would Trina? He picked up his phone and opened ViewTube to find a music video, making a mental note of the time when the line he was waiting for was sung. After copying the link, he opened the messaging app and pasted the link into a new message along with the time. He bit the inside of his cheek to avoid smirking and pressed ‘send’.
Katrina sighed on her bed, shutting her laptop closed before pushing it across the comforter. She took her glasses off, holding the frames between her thumb and forefinger, and pressed the base of her palms against her closed eyelids before slipping the glasses back on her face. Then she launched herself backwards into the bed, landing against a pile of pillows. She pulled one over her face. “My brain can’t handle any more,” she groaned, removing the pillow from her face. “My brain is mush.”
“Are you sure it’s not mush because of a certain point guard that you have heart eyes for every time you see him?” Lis shrieked as Katrina tossed a pillow across the room and smiled at her roommate. “Seriously, Kat, has he asked you out yet? You went to Homecoming together! That was almost three weeks ago!”
“Nothing to report,” Katrina stated matter-of-factly. Part of her just wanted to forget that Liam said anything about a date because she felt like he was never going to ask, even if he’d made a promise. “Maybe it’s better if I just stay friends with him. I’ve never had a guy friend like Liam before.”
“A guy friend like what? How is he different?”
“He’s just fun to be around,” Katrina replied, shrugging her shoulders. She pulled her laptop towards her and flipped it open; after unlocking the screen she looked at the desktop wallpaper – a photo of her and Liam from the dance. She pulled up one of her essays to cover their smiling faces before she started grinning back at the screen. “I can’t explain it, really. He’s kind, and funny, and smart, and he’s easy to talk to… I just want to talk to him all the time, about everything and nothing.” She tipped her head forward, letting her long ebony hair fall in front of her face like a curtain. “Did I tell you I listened to him talk about old cars for nearly an hour the other day?”
“What’s so bad about that?”
“Nothing, really, I just…short of minor car repairs, something like rebuilding an engine isn’t that interesting to me. But he told me this story of how he and his dad went searching for car parts to restore a ’57 Chevy Bel Air one summer – ugh, I know the model of the car – and then finding the right paint color, and…I just let him talk, because it was adorable watching him get all excited talking with his hands as he kept going.” Katrina ran her fingers through her hair and pulled it back into a high ponytail, twisting it into a messy bun as she continued. “His eyes lit up and did this squinty, thing,” she added, gesturing in the air. “And he couldn’t stop smiling. He was talking a mile a minute about spending the whole summer working on the car with his dad. If anyone else tried to tell me that story, I would’ve been bored out of my mind.”
“Kat, admit it,” Lis said, shaking her head. “You like him. A lot. A lot a lot a lot. Just…kiss him or something. Let him know.”
Katrina dramatically dropped her head forward and sighed. “But what if that ruins whatever this thing is I have with him? I don’t want to lose that.”
“So you’re just going to wait until the end of time for him to ask you out? That doesn’t seem fair.”
“I know, but…uuuugh,” she groaned again, flopping back against the mattress. “This sucks. I really like him and all I want to do is kiss him again but now I’m scared to. This crush is killing me, Lis, killing me!”
“You’ve got it bad, I don’t know what else to tell you,” Lis laughed. Katrina’s phone buzzed on the mattress and she sat up to look at the screen, a happy smirk flashing across her friend’s face. “Speak of the devil,” Lis teased, “I know that look.”
Katrina stuck her tongue out at Lis, her eyes scanning over the text message from Liam. She noted the time to pay attention to in the video before clicking the link; one of their new “things” was sending links to songs they liked, which morphed into using song lyrics for questions and answers. Her brows knit together as the video loaded, wondering why he chose Gin Blossoms “Hey Jealousy,” and then she smiled as the gears turned in her head.
Tell me do you think it’d be alright / If I could just crash here tonight / You see I’m in no shape for driving / And anyway I’ve got no place to go
She searched for another song, copying the link and noting down the time for her lyrical response, tapping her reply to Liam.
Liam’s phone buzzed next to him, and he clicked on Trina’s response – What’s the story, Morning Glory? – grinning at the screen. He repeated the same process as before, running through song options in his head, and sent more video links in his reply.
Katrina’s phone buzzed with Liam’s response – Drake + Olivia 1:41-1:52 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEmrvCiEapM) ME, first 10 seconds (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q_ZzBGPdqE)
She plugged her earbuds into her phone and clicked on the first link, a blush creeping up her neck as Trey Songz “Touchin, Lovin” video loaded, and her eyes grew wide as she tried not to overreact; then she laughed when the video hit the 1:41 mark.
I’m touchin you tonight / I’m lovin you tonight / I’m fuckin you, girl
She clicked on the second link and laughed harder when The Beatles song played through the earbud in her ear, the other one dangling off her shoulder.
HELP / I need somebody / HELP / not just anybody / HELP / You know I need someone / HELP
“What’s so funny over there?” Lis asked, peering over at her friend.
Katrina wiped the tear in her eye and took a few deep breaths to stop laughing. “I think Liam just asked if he can crash in our room this weekend. I…I think Drake is sexiling him,” she replied, before erupting into laughter again.  
Lis’s eyes widened in surprise, her hands pulling away from the keyboard. “Drake’s doing what now?!” The two ladies stared at each other before falling into a fit of giggles.
“You know,” Katrina finally replied, clutching her stomach as she attempted to calm down, “sexiling him…kicking him out of the room so Liv can stay over.” She removed her glasses to wipe at the fresh tears from her eyes, then picked up her phone. “What should I say? Is it okay with you if he stays here a night?”
“Say yes, moron!” Lis grinned and shook her head. “I’ll stay with Erin down the hall to give you two privacy,” she added, winking and nodding emphatically.
“Oh my god, that’s not happening!” Katrina giggled. “We kissed once months ago and you think I’m going to sexile you? Even though he hasn’t made a move on me?”
“I mean…maybe that’s a talk that’ll come up if he’s alone with you. Overnight. Without me around to get in the way of…possible things?”
“I’m not kicking you out.”
“I know you’re not. I’m offering to leave,” Lis laughed. “If I stay or go is your call, I’m fine if he stays here a night or two.”
“You’re the best roommate ever,” Katrina replied, typing in her response to Liam. “What’s Drake even thinking? We’re in the middle of reading period for midterms!”
Liam’s phone buzzed and the screen lit up, and he couldn’t help smiling as he read Katrina’s message: 0:12-0:14 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RQDIJ2CvbA)
Come on over / Come on over baby
He typed a quick response back to her before looking back at his notes. The past week he’d found himself missing her company more than he anticipated; aside from their ritual morning phone calls and meeting up for dinner on Monday, they hadn’t seen much of each other. Katrina changed her work schedule so she’d have time to study, so his afternoon runs weren’t as pressing since he couldn’t walk her back to campus.
While they’d spent countless evenings doing homework together, she confessed that she’d been slacking on her creative writing portfolio and had to focus on editing and writing new pieces. Liam obliged, though he was curious to know what she was writing about. I wonder if she’d let me read any of her writing.
“Why do you keep smiling at your phone like a dork?”
Liam looked up at Drake, who was grinning at him. “I am not a dork.”
“Says the dork,” Drake teased. “Are you talking to Half Pint again? She’s the only one to cause that goofy smile on your face, y’know.”
Liam chuckled and shook his head, glancing back down at his notes. “You know it bugs her when you call her that.” We’ve been over this, Drake.
“She’s not even here!” Drake laughed, lifting his hands with exasperation. “When are you going to get it over with and ask her out? You two act like you’ve been dating since you met, only without any of the fun shit.”
“It’s not like that with Trina,” Liam replied, suddenly defensive towards his friend. “She’s…something else. She’s different from the other girls I’ve dated.” He looked up to see Drake’s raised brows and a smug look at his slip-up. Shit. “Not that Trina and I are dating. Because we’re not,” he added quickly.
“Not…yet…” Drake replied. “Seriously Li, after the way she was ready to throw down with your ex at Homecoming – that would’ve been the perfect time to ask her.”
Liam sighed, turning the page of one of his books, before pushing things aside to lay down in his bed. “That was probably the nicest thing anyone’s done for me,” he chuckled. He propped himself up on his elbows to sit up. “I can’t get into it, but I’m waiting for a sign.” Maybe that night WAS the sign, and now I’m just chickening out. What if I took too long and I friendzoned myself? He paused to stroke his chin before rubbing his hand across his face. “And now that I’ve gotten to know her I think I—”
“Might be falling in love with her?” Drake wiggled his brows up and down. “Liv and I see it, man. You two might just be calling yourselves friends, but it’s so much more than that.”
“No, no I’m not,” Liam lied. Right? I mean, I like her…a lot…more than a lot, actually.
“Yeah, okay.” Drake rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “We’ve been roommates since freshman year, and I have never seen you spend so much time with one girl. Ever. She’s here all the time—”
“Sorry about that, it’s jus—”
“No no no, it’s fine, I don’t mind that you hang out here, Half Pi—Katrina is great,” Drake replied, correcting himself. “I was pointing out that she’s here all the time, you visit her at work and walk her back to her dorm, you two are practically joined at the hip. It’s like…you’re a modern day Mark Darcy.”
Liam looked at Drake with an amused expression. “How do you even know who Mark Dar—”
“Lit class, you jerk,” Drake answered. “Anyway, my point is if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…”
“I haven’t asked her out yet.”
“What’s got you spooked? Afraid she’ll say no? According to Liv she’s going insane waiting for you to bring it up.”
Liam furrowed his thick brows together. “Really?”
“Rys, are you dense?” Drake shook his head as he laughed. “You didn’t hear this from me, but Katrina’s outburst at the dance was because she was jealous, so yeah…pretty sure that means she’ll all but jump you when you ask her out.”
Katrina’s phone buzzed again, and she quickly scanned over Liam’s message: 1:01-1:02 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oomCIXGzsR0) see you Friday, I’ll come over around 8 and we’ll get dinner?
You’re the best / Around
She fought the smile that eagerly flashed across her face as she watched the Karate Kid clip in the song and replied to his message, then flipped the phone over so she couldn’t see the screen. Pulling the jack from her phone, she plugged the earbuds into her laptop and pulled up another document, reading over the last few lines of the short story she’d been toiling over the few days. The words “lightning,” “kiss,” and “promise” stared at her, the stark text against the white background burning into her eyes, as the cursor blinked at her expectantly.
Katrina moved her fingers across the trackpad, covering her smile with her left hand as she read over the story again. She was going to have a sleepover with Liam.
Tagging: @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @brightpinkpeppercorn @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @sleepwalkingelite @agent-bossypants @hustacks @tornbetween2loves @aworldoffandoms @akrenich @ao719 @debramcg1106 @gardeningourmet @hopefulmoonobject @innerpostmentality @riseandshinelittleblossom @blackcatkita @blackcoffee85 @darley1101 @jovialyouthmusic @thecordoniandiaries @umccall71 @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @pixieferry
44 notes · View notes
zaffrenotes · 6 years
Serendipity Part 5 - Let It Be Me
Players: Liam, Katrina, Drake, Olivia Series Rating/Warnings: PG-13/Mature 18+ (language/swearing; trigger warning – this series will include discussion of nonconsensual relations) Chapter Summary: What if Liam was just a regular guy at college, living an ordinary life, searching for a connection? Sometimes fate finds a way. Homecoming has arrived, new feelings come to light, and wheels are set in motion. Author’s Note: *All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them* Lyrics to “Let It Be Me” belong to Ray LaMontagne* Here we go kids, time to see if college Liam can do the thing. Catch up with previous chapters via my Master List page (see bio for link) because tumblr’s a butt. Word Count: +/- 5300
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Liam kept true to his word after Katrina shared her dark secret – things between them didn’t change, at least not in a negative way. She still called him every morning, and they continued to spend their free time together studying and talking. Liam noticed that she seemed lighter after sharing what happened to her, part of the immeasurable weight she’d been carrying on her shoulders having been cast away. Though it pained him to know what she’d endured, he was glad that confiding in him made her feel better.
It had been an innocent request a few days later – “Let’s go watch the Homecoming game together” – Drake casually said to them over lunch with Olivia. Liam noticed the way Katrina froze, nearly choking on the food in her mouth. He patted her back gently as she cleared her throat, leaning in to whisper in her ear.
“We don’t have to go, I can make something up and we can just hang out and watch movies all day if you want.”
Katrina kept a neutral expression on her face and shrugged her shoulders. “It would be weirder not to go. I should be okay as long as I’m with all of you,” she replied, taking a sip of water. “Maybe save the movie marathon for another weekend?” Liam smiled and nodded silently, and both of them resumed their meals.
As the foursome walked back to campus, Liam pulled back a few feet behind Drake and Olivia. “I have a question for you,” he said, glancing down at her.
“Would you go to the Homecoming dance with me?”
Katrina stopped in her tracks on the sidewalk, paying no attention to the people that ‘tsk-ed’ at her for blocking the flow of foot traffic. She looked up at Liam, who turned back to look at her, but continued to walk on. After telling her body to move her feet and catch up, her brows knit together. “Are you asking me out…on a date?”
Liam chuckled, a satisfied smirk plastered across his face. “Nooo…I asked if you’d go to the dance with me.”
“You’re killin’ me Smalls,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “But my answer is yes – I’ll go to the dance with you.”
It was a sunny Saturday morning in October when Katrina and Olivia met Liam and Drake in front of the boys’ dorm before heading to the football field.  Everyone was clad in their school colors of baby blue and navy, despite Olivia’s protest that red was her color. She felt vindicated in her rebellion by opting to wear crimson red leather boots. At the game, they were lost in the sea of blue, cheering until their voices were strained and hoarse, fueled by too much beer and not enough food.
The game was close, and for most of the fourth quarter, everyone stood and cheered, watching the home team inch their way closer to the end zone. “Motherfu—” Katrina mumbled, standing on her toes. “I can’t see anything!”
“Aww, half pint can’t see the game!” Drake teased, patting the top of Katrina’s head.
She swatted his hand away, moving to stand on the bleachers, but it barely helped her to see over the tops of the very, very tall members of the basketball team that were in front of them. Liam sidestepped in front of her. “Hop on, Shortstack,” he teased.
“Are you serious right now?” she asked, mildly insulted.
“You wanna see the end of the game or not?” Liam flipped his baseball cap the right way around, raising his arms in the air. Katrina hopped onto his back, wrapped her arms around his neck, and gripped his shoulders as her legs closed around his long torso. Liam wrapped his hands under her knees to carry her, squeezing lightly as he adjusted his stance, and Katrina giggled and kicked one leg out, pressing herself against Liam’s back.
“Stop, I’m ticklish!”
“Is that so?” Liam playfully prodded the underside of Katrina’s knees with his fingers, and her feet flailed on either side of him as she squirmed, trying to break free without completely letting go. Hearing Katrina laugh was one of his new favorite sounds in the world, though his joy ended abruptly when she started thrashing and her heel came dangerously close to hitting him where no man wanted to be hit. He bent forward trying to counter her movements, losing his balance as he tried to right himself. She was still laughing and squirming around on his back, her fingers digging into his shoulders, and the altered center of gravity sent them toppling backwards.
Katrina landed on the bleachers with a hard THUD on her backside, Liam falling right on top of her so that her head collided against the shins of the people standing behind them. “OWWW!” She quickly apologized to the students behind her, and Liam scrambled to his feet before helping her up. Olivia and Drake looked down at their friends, shaking their heads and laughing.
“You two need to kiss again and just get it over with, seriously,” Olivia chided. Drake wrapped an arm around her waist and whispered in her ear, and she tilted her head back to laugh, kissing him on the cheek as they helped their friends stand up.
“Take two?” Liam asked, stepping in front of Katrina once more. “I won’t tickle you this time, you thrash around too much,” he laughed.
She flicked the back of his neck with her fingers, causing him to reflexively pull his shoulders forward, before hopping on his back once more. She was finally able to see the game, keeping one arm wrapped around Liam’s collar; his hands gripped the underside of her thighs, just above the knee. She barely paid attention to the game, focusing instead on the warmth from his hands pressing through her jeans, and a fluttering sensation rose up from her stomach until she felt like her ribs could no longer contain the lightness within her. The roar of the crowd grew faint in her ears, her attention focused on the scent of Liam’s cologne invading her nostrils. She closed her eyes as she committed the heady mixture of vanilla, sandalwood, and moss to memory, a tiny smile creeping its way across her face when she inhaled. The sound of Liam shouting broke her from her trance.
“Go, go, gooooo!” he cheered, bouncing them both as he pumped his knees. Her eyes shot open, catching a knowing look from Olivia before she turned her attention to the field, and Katrina felt her cheeks warm. The home team scored another touchdown, creating an even larger lead against the opposing team, and everyone would be in good spirits with a win. She cheered along with her friends and wrapped her arms in front of Liam’s broad chest, her hair cascading off one shoulder as he turned his head to smile at her.
“Are you sure I can’t give you at least a little something for the dress, Liv?” Katrina wrapped another section of hair around her fingers, sandwiching it between a piece of foil, and wrapped the curl in place. She repeated the process with the rest of her hair as she and Olivia prepped for the dance in Olivia’s room.
“Pshh, don’t worry about it,” Olivia replied, her own crimson locks swept up in an elegant updo, secured with a glittering ebony comb that looked like a dagger in her hair. Olivia had been kind enough to find and purchase a dress for her after searching her closet and coming up empty handed. “Liam’s not going to know what hit him when he sees you in that dress. When’s that idiot going to ask you out, anyway?” Her emerald eyes shot across the room as she tapped blush onto her cheeks.
Katrina sighed. “I don’t knooow,” she whined, wrapping up the last few locks of hair. “He says he’s saving it for the right moment, but it’s driving me insane.” She clamped one of her foiled locks with a flat iron, counting in her head before releasing it, then clamped another lock. “It’s been weeks, Liv. WEEKS. I know he wants to take things slow, but this is like…”
“Lingchi Torture? Death by a thousand cuts?”
“YES,” Katrina huffed. “That is…frighteningly specific,” she added, laughing nervously. “The way he looks at me sometimes, and,” she paused, “I don’t know if it’s me, but he’s such a flirt.”
Olivia’s lips curled up as she swept blush on her other cheek. “That’s all you, according to Drake.”
Katrina released the foiled lock between the plates and picked up another. “I get that he’s been hurt before and he wants to take things slow, and I’ve never had a friend like him before, but…” She hesitated to finish the sentence, unwilling to believe that Liam would be the type of person to lead someone along for no reason.
“To be fair, the last girl he dated was a real piece of work.” Olivia clicked her tongue as she continued applying makeup to her face. “This ice queen named Madeleine. No idea what he saw in her…thankfully it was short-lived when she got the attention she wanted from her target.”
“Who was her target? He vaguely mentioned the last girl he dated wasn’t that into him, and stopped seeing him out of nowhere.”
“She had eyes for the captain,” Olivia answered, pursing her lips in disapproval. “A few girls I know that know some of the guys on the team said it messed with his head for a while.”
“As in Liam’s captain? Of the basketball team?”
“That’s the one. From what Drake’s mentioned in passing, Liam moped for weeks…until he met you at that party.”
Katrina’s lips formed a tight line across her face as she continued “panini-ing” her hair, Olivia had teased. She’d asked about some of his exes, curious to know whether he stayed friends with any of them – they’d spent the better part of two months becoming friends, but Liam only ever talked about Drake, Olivia, and a few guys on the team. He told her that he usually parted amicably with who he dated in the past; at best they were acquaintances and he’d smile or make polite conversation if he ran into anyone on campus.
Anyone that hurt him – Madeleine seemed to fall into this category – he would cut ties with, preferring not to have that reminder in his life. Madeleine had dated Liam and then dumped him for the captain of his own team. Katrina thought she sounded like a status climber; only interested in being at the top for her own personal gain. How anyone could use someone as wonderful as Liam was beyond Katrina’s comprehension.
Olivia carefully applied false lashes to her eyelids as she finished getting ready, and Katrina stepped into the bathroom to change into her dress. She hooked the halter neckline at the back of her neck and smoothed down the ombre tulle fabric covered in silver glitter. Standing in front of the sink, she pried open the foil wrappings from her hair, letting her jet-black curls fall loosely around her. She gently used her fingers to separate the coils to relaxed waves, smoothing down a deep side part. If her hair was shorter she could’ve gone full Rita Hayworth, but she liked the Old Hollywood effect it had nonetheless. She returned to Olivia’s room, holding her hands up at her sides, and Olivia turned around with a pleased smirk on her face. “If Liam doesn’t ask you out on a date after tonight, I’ll slap him myself.”
There was a knock at the door as Katrina and Olivia packed what they needed into their clutches, and Olivia opened the door to let the guys in. Drake and Liam stepped inside, looking dapper in their suits. Drake took Olivia’s hand and spun her around, planting a sweet kiss to her lips as she met his gaze. Liam took one look at Katrina and rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly at her. A hint of color started to creep from the collar of his crisp, black shirt up his neck, and he held up a clear box containing a corsage. “It might be old fashioned, but I…got this for you,” he stammered, his voice wavering with nervous energy. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
Katrina’s eyes twinkled and she smiled at him. “Thank you. You’re looking very sharp tonight,” she commented, gesturing at his dark suit. “You too, Drake.”
“Yes, we all look amazing, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” Drake leaned over to Olivia and kissed her earlobe, whispering something in her ear that made her playfully hit him with her clutch.
“May I?” Liam asked, opening the plastic container. Katrina held out her hand and he slipped the small trio of white orchids on her wrist.
“It’s lovely,” she murmured, turning her wrist to admire the flowers. She grabbed a wrap from her things, and Liam held the door open as they left the room, Olivia locking the door behind her.
Katrina and Liam danced the night away in the hotel ballroom, filled with their classmates. She introduced him to friends from some of her classes, and they hung out with several of his teammates when taking breaks from poor song choices. She noticed a tall, leggy blonde looking at her with a sour face for most of the night, though she kept her distance with an equally tall upperclassman on her arm. Katrina turned away from Liam, who was chatting with one of his friends at the table. “Marcus, who’s the tall guy and the bitchy blonde?” she asked the young man sitting next to her.
“That’d be our team captain, Travis Howard,” Marcus answered. “And I’m pretty sure you know who his date is, considering who you’re here with.” His eyebrows shot up as he nodded in Liam’s direction.
“That’s what I thought,” she replied, pulling her lips into a tense line.
The song changed to something upbeat, and Liam rose up from his seat as he grinned at Katrina, extending a hand to her. They returned to the dance floor and soon it filled with students all around them. Liam moved closer to Katrina as their bodies moved to the beat, moreso to keep her from bumping into anyone else, but she caught the half smile on his face before she spun around in her heels. She took a step back until she felt Liam against her, one of his hands falling to her hip, the pressure of his touch causing her skin to warm under the layers of tulle. His other hand grazed the back of her neck, sweeping her hair over the opposite shoulder, and two fingers lightly traced down the exposed skin on her back. She hoped that the music was loud enough to cover the gasp that escaped her throat, feeling both of his strong hands on her hips as their bodies moved in tandem to the beat.
She closed her eyes as she lost herself to the hypnotic notes of the song, swaying her hips as Liam matched her movements. Rolling her shoulders back, she leaned against his chest, smiling to herself as his fingers dug into her skin and bunched up the fabric of her dress around her waist. She pivoted around, keeping one foot in place so that she faced him, and they continued their silent game. She bit her bottom lip as she looked up at him; half his mouth pulled back in a smirk as his eyes met hers before moving further south. She swung one arm up to rest on the back of his neck, rubbing the soft, short hair there, and Liam licked his lips. Just as his hand wrapped around her waist to pull her in, someone stepped on her toes. HARD.
Katrina shot a look over her shoulder at the guilty party and saw none other than Madeleine as she turned and danced with her date, pretending that nothing had happened. Liam saw the annoyed look on Katrina’s face and tried to shift so that he stood between her and his ex, but it didn’t take long for Madeleine to work her way close to Katrina again as the crowd ebbed and flowed with the music. This time Madeleine hip-checked her, Liam grabbing Katrina’s other hip to keep her from falling over. He leaned down and pressed his face to her ear, his warm breath making her skin tingle. “Let’s go somewhere else, she’s just going to keep doing this if we stay here.” There was the lightest sheen of sweat across his warm skin, and she could smell the intoxicating blend of his cologne and him as her heart fluttered in her chest the way it did at the football game.
Katrina shook her head, lightly tapping Liam’s cheek with her hand. “Nuh uh,” she muttered. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and tapped Madeleine on the shoulder, digging the tips of her nails into Madeleine’s shoulder harder than necessary.
Madeleine whipped around, pretending not to see Katrina, laughing coldly as she glanced down. “Can I help you, little girl?”
“You can apologize, for starters,” Katrina seethed. “I know you pushed me.”
“It’s a crowded dance floor,” Madeleine replied, rolling her eyes. “You can leave if you can’t handle a little bump.”
“I don’t know what your game is, Madeleine,” Katrina hissed. Madeleine’s eyes widened in surprise, unaware that Katrina knew her name. “But you can stop right now.” Liam and Travis exchanged awkward looks with one another, before Travis lightly wrapped his hand around the inside of Madeleine’s elbow, trying to pull her away.
“Travis, I have this!” she exclaimed, yanking her arm away. Other dancers around them stepped back and started watching their exchange. “I don’t know what your problem is—”
“My problem is you,” Katrina interrupted, “trying to ruin a perfectly good evening by stomping all over me like you own the dance floor.”
“Liam, really,” Madeleine scoffed. “Can’t you keep the trash you date in line?”
Liam stared at Madeleine in disbelief as the students around them gasped and jeered. His eyes turned dark and the muscle along his jawline twitched as he clenched his teeth. It was easy to see that he was trying to control himself before responding, and Katrina calmly placed her hand around one of his closed fists, squeezing once, though her own hand trembled. She narrowed her stormy grey eyes at Madeleine, tilting her head up to look her in the eyes as best as she could. “First of all, Liam and I are here as friends,” she began, baring her teeth in a forced smile. “Second, you realize that you just called yourself trash, because between the two of us, you’re the only one that dated him.”
The crowd around them began to snicker and laugh at the revelation, and Madeleine’s porcelain skin took on a scarlet hue upon realizing the error of her words. She opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water, failing to pull together a comeback. Katrina craned her neck past Madeleine to look at her date. “I don’t know you, but I’d watch my back around her,” she added, pointing a curled finger in Madeleine’s direction. “If she was willing to use someone as sweet and genuine as Liam just to get to you, she could be doing the same with you to get to someone else.”
The crowd jeered again and Madeleine stepped up to Katrina, making her lean back in place. “I don’t know who you think you are, you little gutter rat,” she hissed, jabbing a finger near Katrina’s collarbone. “But you should watch your tongue.”
“Bitch, I’m half Irish, you wanna settle this right now?” Katrina’s heart was pumping and pulsing blood through her limbs, and she’d quickly removed the dangly earrings from her ears along with the corsage on her wrist. She stretched her arm behind her, her eyes never leaving Madeleine’s stare. “Liam, hold my things!” She felt Liam’s hand around hers to retrieve the items, but he kept a firm grasp on her wrist.
“Trina, we should go,” he urged gently. “I think she gets the point,” he whispered in Katrina’s ear, before pulling back to stand upright. “Isn’t that right, Madeleine?” His voice was harsher, louder, almost commanding. Liam placed his hands on Katrina’s shoulders as he stood behind her, protecting her or keeping her from lashing out further, she couldn’t tell.
Madeleine straightened up, still staring at Katrina, before flitting her gaze up at Liam. “Understood.” She took a step back from the two of them, and Travis reappeared behind her. He brusquely led her off the dance floor through the crowd that had gathered.  
Liam kept his grasp on Katrina’s shoulders, nudging her off the dance floor to where Drake and Olivia were standing at the edge of the crowd, and they made their way out of the ballroom to the hotel lobby. Katrina’s heart was still racing and there was a pounding sensation in her head as Olivia took her hand and led her to a powder room, where she grabbed a stack of paper towels and wet them, placing them on the back of Katrina’s neck. Katrina grabbed the towels and pressed them to her forehead, resting her elbows on her knees as she sat down in a plush chair.
She closed her eyes and took slow, deep breaths. Slowly, her heart stopped racing, and the pounding sensation in her head ceased. Olivia handed her another cold, wet stack of paper towels, and Katrina tossed the first set in a trash can before pressing the cold cloths to one side of her temple.
“Were you seriously going to fight Madeleine in the middle of the dance floor?”
Katrina stifled a wry laugh. “Yes? No? I’m not sure,” she replied, shaking her head. “Probably? If she tried anything.”
“I have so much more respect for you,” Olivia answered back, an amused tone in her voice. “It’s like my parents used to say, ‘If you can breathe, you can stand…if you can stand, you can fight’…and you looked like you were ready to fight for Liam’s honor… or maybe his heart?” She arched one of her impeccable brows in the air to go with her question.
Katrina sat up and sighed, tossing the wad of paper towels into the trash can with a flick of her wrist. “It just makes my blood boil that someone as nice and decent and wonderful as Liam would be treated so horribly by someone like…her.”
“Look at it this way, if she’d seen how great he is, you probably wouldn’t have met him the way you did at the party, and you wouldn’t be here with him tonight.”
“Good point. I dunno Liv,” she sighed again. “I’m starting to feel things that I shouldn’t feel if I’m just supposed to be friends with him.”
“What sort of feelings?”
“These…jealous type of feelings. The kind that make me irrationally angry seeing his ex in the same room… the kind that have started to make my heart ache when I have to say goodbye to him at the end of the night when he walks me back to my dorm, and make me smile like an idiot when I call him every morning before dawn to wake him.”
Olivia turned and looked in the mirror, tucking her hair into place. “Sounds like you’re starting to fall for him.”
Katrina stood up and looked at her reflection in the mirror, fixing her hair. “Yeah. Only we haven’t gone on a real date, and our first kiss was a half-baked ploy to avoid my ex, which didn’t even work.” She tucked her hair behind one ear, then grabbed her earlobes. “My earrings!”
Olivia tapped her shoulder. “Liam has them outside. Let’s go back, maybe I can talk Drake into one last dance if they play a slow song.”
They exited the powder room and found Drake and Liam waiting for them in the hallway, smiling as they approached. Drake pretended to punch Katrina’s shoulder. “Who knew you were so feisty?”
“Like I told Blondie, I’m half Irish,” Katrina answered, laughing as they walked back to the ballroom. “Feisty’s in my DNA.” Liam stuck his hand in his shirt pocket and placed Katrina’s earrings in her palm, brushing the tips of his fingers across her open hand. They made their way back to the table where Drake and Liam left their jackets. “Thanks for holding on to these for me,” she said, putting the earrings back on. “What’d you do with the corsage?”
Liam carefully pulled the corsage from his pants pocket. “You don’t have to wear it anymore if you don’t want to,” he offered. “I noticed your wrist is a little red.”
“Oh, that’s probably just the elastic.” She grimaced a bit, trying to cover the red stripe across her wrist where the corsage had been most of the night. The flowers were beautiful, but the elastic was always itchy and too tight for anyone that wore them. They sat down in a pair of empty chairs while Olivia and Drake went to the bar for drinks. She opened her clutch and retrieved a pair of bobby pins. “How about we turn it into a boutonnière for the rest of the night so it doesn’t go to waste?” Liam watched as she used the bobby pins to pin it to the outer breast pocket of his suit jacket. “Perfect,” she said almost to herself, a pleasant smile on her face. She turned in the chair so she faced him, leaning against the back with one arm as she kicked her heels off under the dress.
They looked at one another in a comfortable silence, Katrina unsure of what to say while Liam’s eyes moved back and forth between her and the crowd dancing behind her. He licked his lips and she saw his Adam’s apple move before he leaned in to speak to her over the loud beat of the music in the ballroom. “What you did earlier, standing up to Madeleine like that…”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable,” she began to explain.
Liam looked into her eyes as he took hold of her hand. “No, you don’t need to apologize for that. I was going to say, the only other person – not counting Drake when we’ve been out and someone’s had a few drinks too many – “ he laughed. “The only other person to stand up the way you did was…well…my mother,” Liam laughed again.
“What do you mean?”
“I uh, I used to get picked on a lot in elementary school,” he explained. “Small town and all, I was different from the kids in my class. So I got picked on, and my mom would come to the school and argue with the Principal that they should punish the kids that teased me. Every single time. Until I decided that I could fend for myself…I mean if my tiny Mom could stand up to the Principal, I could stand up to the kids that were picking on me, right?”
“Right…so I remind you of your mom?” Katrina bit her bottom lip as her brows knit together, trying to understand.
“Sort of,” he replied, looking up at her with a shy smile. “I…appreciate that you were ready to throw down against Madeleine if it came to that. And…I think you’re pretty sweet too, Trina.”
Katrina tried to fight the smile making its way across her lips, but it was a losing battle. “Caught that, did ya?” she teased.
Liam placed his hands on hers as he looked into her eyes. “That I did, you sparkly ball of rage,” he teased back. His head quirked up as the music changed to a slow song, and he glanced at his watch. “I think this is the last song of the night,” he said, standing up from the chair and extended his hand to Katrina once more. “Will you do me the honor?”
Katrina took Liam’s hand and rose from the chair, using him to balance herself as she slipped her feet back into her heels, and they walked over to the dance floor. They noticed Drake and Olivia a few feet away, shifting around in a lazy circle as they danced together. She was about to reach up and wrap her hands around the back of his neck and dance in a similar manner, but Liam took her right hand in his left, and gently raised her left arm with his right arm under hers, until they were in a waltz position. “I umm… I don’t think I know the proper steps,” she said nervously.
“It’s a really simple box step, just follow my lead,” he assured her. “Just mirror my feet, and I’ll do the rest.” He began counting off the steps as they moved, and Katrina found herself being whirled around a small space of the floor as Liam waltzed effortlessly with her. She faltered a few times, and Liam slowed down. “Don’t look at your feet,” he said, his voice just above a whisper. “Look here.” He tilted her chin up with his hand so they looked each other in the eye, before supporting her arm again.
Katrina gazed into his deep brown eyes as he led her around again, noticing the way the corners of his eyes wrinkled as he smiled at her. She hardly noticed that he’d stopped counting off the steps, until she heard him quietly singing along to the song. Liam’s voice was tender and earnest, as though the words were meant just for her to hear. Feeling her eyes start to water, she blinked furiously to keep any tears at bay as Liam continued to sing to her while they glided across the floor.
You feel like you’d give anything // for just a little place you can call your own // that’s when you need someone // someone that you, you can call // when all your faith is gone // it feels like you can’t go on // Let it be me // Let it be me // If it’s a friend you need // Let it be me // Let it be me
As the song came to an end, Liam winked at her and twirled her round before leaning forward to dip her, and Katrina laughed. If she was unsure of where her feelings towards Liam were before the evening began, she knew where she stood now. In his arms, Katrina was finally starting to feel safe.
The next morning, Liam went through his usual weekend routine. Katrina called him at 7 AM instead of 5:30 AM, and he went for a run. He strolled through a park on the way back to campus, taking in the quiet sounds of the city waking up around him, wishing that he could watch the sun rise with Katrina. Only an hour had passed and he wanted to hear her voice again, but he knew she was fast asleep.
After taking his time getting ready, reading in bed, and scrolling through a few candid photos of her on his phone, Liam got out of bed and scrolled through his contacts until he found the name he was looking for. His eyes darted over to the corsage and bobby pins sitting on his desk, and he smiled to himself as he pressed the green call button before stepping into the hallway. On the other side of the room, Drake had his head buried under pillows. The other end of the line trilled three times before a familiar voice greeted him.
“Morning Momma,” he uttered quietly into the phone, making his way to a communal lounge on the floor. “I’m fine, how are you and Dad? And the dogs?” Liam paused to listen to his mother’s voice on the other end of the call, stretching in front of a window. “I just wanted to say hi, and to thank you, Momma. For the dance lessons you made me take when I was younger. They um, finally got put to use.” Liam smiled as he scratched the back of his head with his free hand, then pushed the bridge of his glasses up. “I met a girl, Momma, and she’s…she’s everything,” he mused, leaning against the windowpane. “You’ll never believe what happened when I took her to a dance last night…”
Tagging: @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @brightpinkpeppercorn @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @sleepwalkingelite @katurrade @blackcoffee85 @alj4890 @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @bella-ca @bowful @coldcollectornight08 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @i-choose-liam @liamxs-world @marywrites-things @missevabean @mynameiskaylabella @pixieferry @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @smalltalk88 @nekkidmolerat @thecordoniandiaries @umccall71 @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @blackcatkita @jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @debramcg1106 @innerpostmentality @hustacks @tornbetween2loves @darley1101
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zaffrenotes · 6 years
Serendipity Part 2 - Hyperion
Players: Liam, Katrina, Drake, OCs Connor, Lisette Warnings: PG-13 (language/swearing; trigger warning – innuendo/discussion of nonconsensual relations) Summary: What if Liam was just a regular guy at college, living an ordinary life, searching for a connection? Sometimes fate finds a way. Author’s Note: *All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them* Here we go kids, time to see if college Liam can do the thing. Includes Fluffy Friday prompts “Just one drink” and “she’s with me” .:. ROLLIN INTO FLUFF WAR 2018 .:. Part 1 can be found in my Master List page (see bio for link) because tumblr’s a butt. Word Count: +/- 3100
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Liam flipped the glossy dollar bill over in his hands, his eyes scanning over the ten digits scribbled on the back. Six days had passed since his encounter with the mysterious girl that he met – and kissed – at a house party. One hundred forty-one hours since he’d looked into her stormy grey eyes and smelled the intoxicating floral perfume on her neck. Eight thousand four hundred and sixty some odd minutes had passed after locking lips with a complete stranger on a whim, only to feel like the world dissolved all around them for the brief moment that their lips touched over and over again.
He shook his head, unsure of what made him think that laminating the dollar she’d given him was a good idea. He texted her Sunday afternoon – too soon, according to Drake – just to say hello, so that she’d have his number. What Drake didn’t know was that Liam had tapped out messages and deleted them since Saturday morning, and the text he sent was accidental. It was odd when he saw the little mail icon appear on the screen within seconds, and his heart dropped into his gut when he read “Liam who?” – only to be followed by a wink and “I was wondering if I’d hear from you” – before his heart jumped back into place in his chest, beating a little faster.
They spent the week texting each other in a never-ending game of 20 Questions. He’d text her something like “coffee or tea” after his morning run, with her reply arriving mid-afternoon as an amusing “ALWAYS/sometimes Earl Grey.” He never seemed to catch sight of her on campus as he walked to class or the dining hall.
Drake assured him that she did in fact exist, once he saw Olivia in class on Wednesday. She lives in one of the dorms at the far end of campus and takes late afternoon and evening classes because she’s an insomniac. She has a class in Monroe Hall Thursdays at 6 PM. That was all the kindling Liam needed before initiating the next round of 20 Questions.
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After going for a run to calm his nerves, Liam showered and dressed for his not-quite-a-date with Katrina. He slipped into a pair of dark jeans and pulled a white undershirt over his head, hanging a green button down shirt on the back of his closet door. Drake walked in as he was putting on a pair of boots, raising a curious eyebrow as Liam finished getting dressed. “Where are you headed?”
“I have a—” Liam stopped short. Not a date, we never said it was a date. “I’m meeting up with Katrina after her class.”
A smug grin spread across Drake’s face. “A date?”
“Just one drink, maybe some pool,” Liam answered, pulling the green shirt off its hanger. “Never actually said it was a date.”
“But you’re seeing her in the evening…over drinks, while enjoying an activity together, and it just happens to be around dinnertime,” Drake teased.
“Shut. Up.” Liam rolled up his shirt sleeves a few times and tucked the hem of the shirt into his pants.
“Dude, did she or did she not ask you to make out just minutes after meeting each other?”
The back of Liam’s neck felt hot as he replayed kissing Katrina that night for the hundredth time since it happened. He scratched his neck before slipping his wallet in a back pocket and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to ignore his friend staring at him with the smug look across his face. “That was…she saw her ex at the party and thought that would help, somehow,” he chuckled. “I wasn’t going to argue with her.” Satisfied with the haphazardly roguish look of his hair, he wiped his hands clean on the towel hanging at the foot of his bed frame before slipping his phone and keys into his pockets. He pulled a grey hoodie from his closet and made his way to the door.
“Heh. For your sake I hope her ex shows up wherever you’re just meeting her on your not-date tonight,” Drake replied, before falling into his own bed.
Liam smirked and picked up the basketball near the door, chucking it at Drake with more force than necessary. “Have a good night, brother,” he said over his shoulder.
Liam arrived at Hyperion a few minutes before 8 and walked through the door, quickly scanning the crowd for Katrina. He saw a dainty hand high in the air towards the back. Craning his neck slightly, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he recognized her, already racking up balls on one of the pool tables. He shrugged off his hoodie as he walked across the small dance floor in front of the stage, smiling as he stood before Katrina. “Would’ve waited at the door, but a table opened up right when I got here,” she said, rubbing chalk on the end of a cue. “Hope you play.”
“You’re on,” he replied, tossing his hoodie on a nearby stool. “Should I order a pitcher to start?” He motioned at the bar with his thumbs.
Katrina bit her bottom lip – god that’s cute – and cast her eyes at the bar. “Could you order a Granny Smith cider for me? We’ll settle up after we play.”
Liam nodded and walked over to the bar to order their drinks. He leaned against the fixture as he waited, casting a glance over at Katrina. She’d worn a pair of form fitting jeans and a charcoal grey sweater that seemed to bring out her eyes, even from their current distance. He paid for the drinks – making sure to leave the twist-off cap on Katrina’s cider – and noticed one of the football players approach the pool table. Narrowing his eyes, Liam watched as the muscled blonde stood too close to Katrina, the young man’s eyes darting up and down her figure. Liam gripped the handle of the pitcher tightly in his hand and his jaw clenched. The interloper traced one side of her face with a curled finger, and Liam wanted to drop what was in his hands and rush over to her.
He smirked with pleasure as Katrina pressed the pool cue directly into the blonde’s throat, making him gag in response. Liam strode over as quickly as he could without spilling the contents of the pitcher, setting everything on a table against the wall as the blonde held his hands up and took a step back. The two young men stared at each other, Liam’s eyes narrowing into dark slits; Connor Matthews. He was notorious for hitting on girls whether they gave him their attention or not. Connor looked back at him with an arrogant smile. “Rys, good game last week. You actually managed to score a few points there…shorty.”
Liam took a deep breath, rolled his shoulders back, and tilted his neck until it cracked. “Matthews,” he said, stepping in front of Katrina, “I don’t think your company is welcome here.”
“I don’t recall you being a part of my conversation with…what’d John like to call you? Kitty. He always said you were easy…on the eyes.”
Liam’s jaw twitched again and he stood his ground. “I’d stop talking if I were you,” he warned, his voice low in his throat. Liam could feel blood pulsing through the veins in his neck as his hands curled into fists. “She’s with me.”
Matthews arched his brow at Liam. “Is that so?” He leaned over to look at Katrina standing behind him, her hands on her hips as she glared back. “Why slum it with a point guard when you could party with me, Kitty?” He raised his hand as if he was going to grab Katrina’s hand.
Liam pushed Matthews’ hand away and leaned to block his view. “That’s enough, Matthews,” Liam growled through his teeth. You’re insulting her and taking a dig at me, and you think that’s going to sway her? He felt Katrina’s hand wrap around his wrist, tugging lightly at his arm.
“It’s okay, Liam,” she said. Liam shifted his weight to the right and in one swift motion, Katrina tossed the pitcher of beer directly into Matthews’ face, soaking him from head to toe. “You and John and anyone else in your group aren’t going to say another word to me and my friend…or I’ll follow through and meet with Dean Wilson.”
Matthews lunged forward, seething “You bitch” through his teeth.
Liam grabbed hold of his shoulders and pushed him back. “Back away, man. Just back away,” he warned, pressing his feet into the ground. A pair of barbacks rushed over after seeing the commotion.
“What the hell’s going on here?” The barbacks hooked their arms around Matthews to restrain him.
“It was a misunderstanding,” Liam replied. “The lady and I were just leaving.” Liam took out his wallet and left a few bills on the pool table. “Sorry for the mess.” He turned to grab his hoodie, but Katrina was already clutching it in her arms, along with a messenger bag strapped across her chest. He held his hand out to her, and she grabbed hold of it.  They walked out of the bar as the men held on to Matthews to calm him down, and Liam grabbed a coaster as he passed an empty table, slipping it into his back pocket.
Outside the building, Katrina walked quickly back to campus in silence. Being a foot taller than her, Liam’s long legs easily kept up with her pace.  “Hey,” he said gently, tugging on her hand. “Are you okay? What was that back there?”
Katrina sighed and she pulled her hand away from Liam, fidgeting with her hair as they continued walking. She piled her long raven locks into a ponytail and twisted it into a messy bun, securing it with a hair tie around her wrist. “I…” she began, before closing her mouth. “John, my ex, he…” she paused, kicking against the pavement. Her gaze fell to her feet, and Liam could hear her breath catch in her throat. She sniffed loudly, confirming his guess that she’d begun to cry.
“Hey,” he said softly. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her, but he gently grasped her shoulder instead. Trying to look into her eyes, he spoke again. “Did he…hurt you?”
Katrina’s bottom lip quivered and she darted her eyes away from Liam, even though she wasn’t looking at him. “I’m sorry…I can’t…” she said, her voice small.
“I’m going to hug you now, if that’s okay,” he replied. She nodded, wiping tears away with the back of her hand. Liam stepped closer to Katrina, so that their toes touched. They stood in the middle of the quiet sidewalk, and he wrapped his arms around her small frame, pressing her close to his chest. He only relished in a small twinge of pleasure when she put her arms around his torso. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” he said, resting his chin on the top of her head, “and I know you hardly know me, but I’ll listen, if you ever want to talk about it.”
Liam was no stranger to the rumors whispered across campus about the frat houses and some of the athletic teams – namely football and rugby, though the baseball team was almost as bad. Girls would throw themselves at the players, and they took advantage of that at parties. It was inexcusable behavior to Liam, but Drake reminded him that they were cut from a different cloth than most of the guys they went to school with. A consensual hookup was one thing, but waiting until someone was on the edge of blacking out, or slipping something in their drink – it was one of the reasons he never liked going to parties and kept caps on bottles when offering someone a drink.
“Thank you Liam,” she replied, mumbling into his shirt. He felt her arms tighten around him for a second before she pulled back, and he let go of her. I like the way we fit together. “I might take you up on that offer some day.” Katrina licked her lips and wiped more tears from her face, taking a deep breath to calm down.
“I will drop whatever I’m doing, whenever you’re ready to talk.” I promise.
Katrina quirked one side of her mouth into a grin. “What if I called you while you were in the middle of a game or something?”
Liam chuckled. “Well, as soon as I could see that you called, I’d go to you. Even if it meant leaving the game.” He puckered his lips slightly and knit his brows together. “How do you know I’m on a team?”
“Dude, look at you,” she answered, finally casting her eyes up to meet his. Even though they were red-rimmed from crying, her eyes sparkled under the streetlamp. “Besides, Liv tipped me off about you when we left the party last week.”
“Figured as much.” He smiled and offered his arm to her. “Sorry the night didn’t quite work out. Can I at least walk you back home?”
Katrina finally cracked a giggle; it was the best sound Liam had heard all evening. “I, um…okay,” she replied, looping her hand to rest on the inside of his elbow. They resumed their walk back to campus. “Thank you, by the way…for trying to get Connor to back off.”
Liam let out a tense sigh. “He’s an asshole, and he was out of line with you. He shouldn’t have said what he did.” Katrina didn’t respond, but he felt her squeeze his arm in agreement.
Katrina changed the topic to something lighter as they walked back to campus, her hand steady on Liam’s arm the whole way back. She smiled to herself when he insisted on walking her all the way back to her room, instead of parting ways in front of her building. “Are you trying to find out my room number?” she teased.
“I’m a man of my word, dear lady,” Liam joked, bowing at the waist. “I said I’d walk you back home, and you’re not quite home yet.”
Katrina rolled her eyes, waving her ID in front of the card reader until it made a clicking noise, and opened the door. “Come on then,” she said, gesturing for him to follow. Liam followed her into the building, up the stairwell and through a hallway, until she reached her room on the fourth floor. She turned to face him, her back against the door. “You have officially walked me home safely,” she said, handing over his hoodie.
Liam flung the hoodie over one shoulder, clasping his hands behind his back. He didn’t want the night to end, but didn’t want to invite himself into her room either. You should have suggested going somewhere else to eat, idiot.
Katrina pulled a slim wallet from her back pocket, unfolding a few bills. “What do I owe you for the drinks that we never got to drink?”
Liam reached out and put his hand over hers, curling her fingers shut. “Call it an IOU for the future,” he said, taking a half step towards her. She lowered her gaze before looking back up at him, trying to resist the smile that was spreading across her face.
“You want to hang out again? After tonight’s scene?”
He gently moved his hand from hers to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear. “Yes, if that’s okay with you.” She leaned back against the door as his hand splayed across the wood, just behind her ear. He leaned in slightly – not enough to trap her against the door, but enough to imply that he might kiss her again, if she let him.
Katrina bit her bottom lip again, looking up at him through her lashes. If he hadn’t been looking down at her already, he would have missed seeing her hips arch in his direction ever so slightly. “I’d like that, Liam,” she replied. God, the way she says my name. He leaned in closer to kiss her, before he felt the door give way against his hand. “What th—” Katrina’s eyes opened wide, and she fell backwards as the door opened.
Liam stepped forward, instinctively wrapping his arms behind her to catch her, and put his weight on his bent leg. “Oh! Sorry!” He looked up to see a brunette in running gear, pulling earbuds from her ears. “I didn’t know you were back from your date so soon, Kat!”
Date? She thought it was a date. She thought it was a date!
Liam pulled Katrina up, grinning at her and her roommate. “Lis, shhh!” Katrina hissed. She nervously brushed off her clothes and adjusted the weight of her messenger bag. “Liam, this is my roommate Lisette, er...Lis,” she said, gesturing at the girl standing in the doorway. “Lis, this is Liam.”
“Nice to meet you.” Liam smiled and extended his hand.
“Hot. Uh...Hi! I mean hi!” Lisette covered her mouth with her hand as Liam smiled even wider, and she shook his hand quickly. “Don’t mind me, just going to the gym! Okay bye kids!” She scurried down the hall, leaving Liam and Katrina alone in front of her room again.
“Never a dull moment with you,” Liam mused. Katrina smiled sheepishly at him. “So, you told your roommate you were going out on a date?”
“What? No! She – I…she came to that conclusion on her own!” Katrina’s cheeks started to turn a bright shade of pink.
Liam grinned at how easy it was to fluster Katrina. “It’s okay,” he assured her. “When I ask you out on a date, you’ll know it’s a date.”
“You’ll know when it’s a date when I ask ‘will you go on a date with me’.” He looked down at her adorably confused face, lost somewhere between pure confusion and joy. “Tonight’s not that night though. I want to know what makes you tick, Katrina…Bailey,” he added, looking at the colorful sign on the door that displayed her name. “I promise you that I will ask you to go on a date with me in the future…and I keep all my promises.” He took hold of her hand in his, drawing it to his lips, and placed a gentle kiss across her knuckles before letting go. “Night!” He smiled and walked down the hall and through one of the hallway doors, leaving Katrina dumbstruck in the hallway.
Once on the other side of the door, Liam leaned against the wall to catch his breath. She thought it was a date. She thought it was a date. He heard Katrina’s voice on the other side of the door as she talked to herself – “What. Just. HAPPENED.” – before hearing a door open and close, and he laughed to himself. My thoughts exactly.
Tagged (let me know if you’d like to be added to/removed from this series): @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @brightpinkpeppercorn @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @katurrade @alj4890 @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @bella-ca @bowful @coldcollectornight08 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @i-choose-liam @liamxs-world @lodberg @marywrites-things @missevabean @mynameiskaylabella @nekkidmolerat @pixieferry @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @sleepwalkingelite @smalltalk88 @thecordoniandiaries @umccall71 @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @blackcatkita @jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @debramcg1106 @innerpostmentality 
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zaffrenotes · 6 years
Savor Every Morsel - Part 2A
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Pairing: King Liam x Queen Katrina Rating/Warnings: Mature; Trigger Warning: thoughts/discussion of miscarriage and the loss of a child Summary: Drabbles and bits of Liam and Trina’s love story, jumping around before she becomes Queen, before/after they have children, and everything in between Author’s Note: *All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them* @brightpinkpeppercorn and @ooo-barff-ooo wanted to know more about my OTP, so I’m going to attempt to write 24 mini fics about the Royal version, who are so stupidly head over heels in love with each other. I intended for all of these to be fluffy, but no love story is without its dark days. Previous parts can be found in my Master List (see bio for link) because tumblr’s a butt. Word Count: +/- 1280
3) Which one does the other’s nails (standalone mini fic due to subject matter)
Liam gingerly cracked the bedroom door open, hoping not to disturb his wife, even though it was still early in the evening. He tried not to think about the dark circles under his eyes, or the way his whole body ached – whether it was from sheer exhaustion or out of mourning, he could no longer tell the difference – because he knew that his queen hurt more than he did. The room was dark as he peered in; the drapes shut out the late summer sun except for the spots along the floor, and there was a palpable heaviness and stillness that hung in the air.
He was no stranger to loss, or death; having lost his mother when he was a child, and more recently he dealt with the mixed emotions of losing his father. Nothing had prepared him for this; for the loss of a child he that he only knew in his heart. The loss of a child he’d dreamt of in secret, shared only with the love of his life, when the ultrasound confirmed that a little girl was on the way. No amount of training had prepared him for what it would feel like to have his heart ripped right out of his chest when his Trina called in a panic, Maxwell driving to the hospital as she screamed in pain and he could do nothing but stay on the line with her, barking orders to Bastien to get a car ready.
No one told him how he’d have to channel what little resolve he had in him to be there for his wife as she screamed and struggled through contractions, just as she had with their sons…to deliver their sweet angel, Diana. A man of many words, there were none that could adequately express the sorrow either of them felt as they looked at her pale little form, so light in their arms. He had no words of comfort to quell the anguished sobs of the woman he loved, holding the daughter he’d fallen in love with before he’d even laid eyes on her. The heartache was so visceral that a fleeting thought about their little princess would cause his throat to close up and he felt hollow. His chest felt empty and he thought he’d float away were it not for the sinking feeling in the pit of where his stomach should be.
They would never be able to look into their sweet girl’s eyes. They would never know the sound of her tiny yet strong voice as it should have cried out in that hospital room, or the way it would have sounded uttering her first words. Would she have had Trina’s smile or his? Would she have been tender and sweet like Teddy, clever as Seph, or boisterous like Xander?
Six – no, seven – weeks had passed, and Katrina still spent most of her days in bed. They’d relied on the nannies more than usual, though she still pumped and nursed their sons when she could muster the energy. He didn’t want to push her too soon and face some sort of setback, but he didn’t know how else to comfort her. She ate only enough to keep nursing, but Liam was grasping at straws; none of their friends had been able to make much progress with their visits. He balanced between a fine line of caring too much and smothering her, or appearing like he didn’t care enough if he distracted himself with work. The light from her beautiful brown eyes had disappeared, and he was willing to cut off a limb to find a way to bring a little spark of it back any way he could.
He stepped into the bedroom, noticing the odd smell of…acetone?...in the air. Katrina was curled up on the mattress, manicure tools scattered near her feet, along with the trash bin that was usually tucked away under her vanity. Only a few toes on one foot were without polish. “Trina? Sweetheart?” he asked quietly, walking over to her bedside. “What is it?” He gently laid his hand on her shoulder, and she stirred at his touch.
“Lyss dropped off some new nail polish, hoping it would help. I was trying to fix my nails,” she muttered, “but it hurt to bend. Drake left a bottle of their honey whiskey in the kitchen for you.”
Liam leaned down, pulling back her dark, disheveled hair away from her face, and kissed her temple. “Let me try?” She nodded silently, and he slipped off his jacket as he stood up, hanging it in the closet. He quickly removed his tie, dress shirt, and pants, leaving his undershirt on, and slipped into a pair of khakis. He sat at the foot of the bed and plugged the bottle of nail polish remover with a cotton ball, flipping it upside down quickly, then capped the bottle and set it aside. He worked in silence as he swiped the polish off her toenails, massaging her feet in the process. “May I open the drapes a bit, Love? I don’t want to nick you.”
“Okay.” Her response was flat; robotic.
He got up from the bed and pulled back one of the drapes, letting the sunlight bathe the front of the bedroom in its warm summer glow, before returning to his spot near her feet. He clipped her nails, then wet a washcloth in the bathroom to clean her feet. After looking at the various bottles on the bed, he picked up something labeled “base coat” and gently brushed it onto each nail. He held up three bottles near his face, reading off the labels. “Will it be Ballet Slippers, Guilty Pleasures, or… Say It Ain’t Soho? Who names these things?”
Katrina let out a wry little chuckle; it was the first time he’d heard a semblance of her laugh in weeks, and his heart twinged at the sound of it. She turned to look at him holding up the bottles of polish, a sad smile on her face. “The second one,” she answered, exhaling slowly. Liam put the bottles down and rolled her selection between his hands. “Li…I miss her. My heart aches, like half of it is missing.” She blinked back the hot tears that formed in her eyes.
Liam stroked Katrina’s foot and swallowed hard. “I miss her too, Trina. Every day. I miss you more though.” He carefully pressed the brush against the bottle to let some of the excess polish drip off, then got to work on painting her nails in small, even strokes.
“I’m sorry I’m such a mess,” she said, crying softly. “How can you miss someone that you didn’t even know?”
“You did know her, Love. She grew inside you for six months. You loved her and protected her all that time. So did I. There was nothing we could have done, in the end. You’re not a mess…” Liam paused, concentrating on painting Katrina’s big toe. She sniffled as he worked on the task at hand, taking a shaky breath before speaking again. “You’re grieving the loss of potential, of all that she already was and could have been…and you can take all the time you need. I just ask that you don’t shut me out.”
“I know.”
“Let me love you. Let the boys love you. How does that look?” He placed the brush back in the bottle and twisted it shut.
Katrina held one foot in the air to look at Liam’s work, and a tiny smile appeared on her face as she closed her eyes. “You stayed in the lines and everything. Thank you, my Love.”
“Anything for you,” he whispered, kissing her ankle.
Liam x Trina TRR Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo @likethetailofacomet @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @sleepwalkingelite @alj4890 @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @aworldoffandoms @bella-ca @bowful @coldcollectornight08 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @i-choose-liam @liamxs-world @marywrites-things @missevabean @mynameiskaylabella @nekkidmolerat @pixieferry @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @smalltalk88 @thecordoniandiaries @umccall71 @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @blackcatkita @blackcoffee85 @darley1101 @jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @debramcg1106 @gardeningourmet @innerpostmentality @agent-bossypants
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zaffrenotes · 6 years
Serendipity Part 3 - Hey Cheerleader, Give It A Try
Players: Liam Rys, Katrina Bailey Rating/Warnings: PG-13/Mature 18+ (language/swearing; trigger warning – this series will include discussion of nonconsensual relations) Summary: What if Liam was just a regular guy at college, living an ordinary life, searching for a connection? Sometimes fate finds a way. Liam and Katrina settle into a comfortable rhythm as friends. Author’s Note: *All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them* Here we go kids, time to see if college Liam can do the thing. NO CANON STORYLINE HERE FOLKS, I’m making it up as I go along. Catch up via my Master List page (see bio for link) because tumblr’s a butt. Lotsa fluff +  flirting in this chapter. Word Count: +/- 2500
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In the weeks following Liam and Katrina’s non-date at the bar, they found more ways to make time for each other in their schedules. She started calling him at 5:30 in the morning to wake him up for his morning run – Drake was extremely thankful for this change – since she never slept at night. Her voice was the first thing Liam heard in the morning, and his was the last voice she heard before drifting off to sleep for a few hours.
Katrina told him where she worked – a little coffee and juice shop in SoHo – and Liam soon found himself planning afternoon running routes in her neighborhood, stopping in to say hello, conveniently ending his run near the end of her shifts. She’d have a decaf drink or recovery smoothie ready for him and they’d walk back to campus together. It was during those walks that they got to know one another, sharing little snapshots of who they were before arriving in New York.
Liam was from a small town in Michigan; he chose New York for the athletic scholarship, but with each passing basketball season he felt his chances of being recruited becoming less likely. He had an older brother, Leo, who dropped out of college to “find himself” on some sort of backpacking trip through Europe. Leo’s year abroad turned into several years, picking up odd jobs to save up enough money to keep traveling. Liam felt like everything rested on his shoulders to finish school and find a good job to look after his parents, even though they told him to focus on what made him happy.
Katrina grew up in Boston with her younger sister Josephine, along with her father. Her parents divorced when she was 8 or 9; her mother moved to the West Coast and essentially forgot about her and Josie so she could start a new family with another man. Katrina didn’t seem to care, telling Liam that her father filled the single parent role with ease, making sure that she and Josie always had enough. He went to every soccer game and music recital for them, every theater performance and track meet, and even attended football games to watch Katrina cheer.
“You were a cheerleader?” he asked, arching his brow at her with a flirty grin. They were walking across West Houston Street, headed north back to campus. “I’m going to need proof of that.”
She smiled and kept her eyes trained forward as they crossed the street. “Not here.”
“Come on, not even a chant?” He nudged her with his elbow.
“Not even if you belted out a show tune, Kenickie,” she teased.
“I told you about that in confidence!” He pulled the hair clip out of Katrina’s hair, causing her long obsidian locks to flow down past her shoulders. Liam started jogging backwards ahead of her.
“Hey!” she shouted, giving chase. He flashed her a smile before he turned around and took off in a sprint, Katrina running after him as fast as she could. They both dodged past people on the sidewalk, Liam waiting for her at the end of the block having hardly broken a sweat. Katrina was pink in the face, huffing short bursts of air with her hands on her knees. “You know I hate running,” she panted. “Josie’s the track star. I’m the peppy drama nerd.”
“Prove it, let’s see a high kick. Herkie. Back tuck. Something,” Liam smiled at her, dangling the hair clip out of reach.
“How do you even know those terms?!” She jumped again, her fingers grazing the edge of the clip as Liam taunted her.
“I was friends with cheerleaders at my school, they cheered at the basketball games too.” He laughed at Katrina’s futile efforts to grab the clip. “Might have been persuaded to do a routine or two for pep rallies,” he added, with a wink.
“Whoa whoa whoa, I’m gonna need to see proof of THAT,” she mocked, waving her hands at him. “Also, I refuse to risk touching the street with my hands if I don’t stick a landing.” Liam pouted slightly, letting his arm drop a few inches. She took that as an opportunity to jump for the clip again, just as someone hurriedly bumped past her on the sidewalk, knocking her into Liam.
“Whoa!” He grabbed hold of her shoulders as he tried to steady himself, but the inertia of Katrina moving into him was too much, and he winced as his back slammed into the crosswalk post. Her forearms landed squarely on his chest as she tried to block her fall.
“Are you okay?” Katrina regained her footing, pulling Liam away from the post.
“Yeah…that was unpleasant.” He rubbed at a spot on his back after handing Katrina her hairclip. They crossed the street as she twisted her hair up once again. “Surely my injury is worthy of seeing a pike-out now, right?”
“You don’t know when to quit, do you?”
“Nope. You like it, admit it.”
“Yes, yes I am.” He looked over as she smiled at him. A few minutes later they arrived at Liam’s dorm, and he held the door open for her to walk in. It had become another one of their routines; if Katrina didn’t have night class or a night shift, she’d have dinner with Liam and they’d hang out in his room. Sometimes they’d watch a movie, but most nights they’d study together, and he’d walk her to her dorm on the other end of campus so she wouldn’t have to walk alone.
The only issue Katrina had was that none of these nights together counted as dates, even though they started to feel like something very close to dates in her mind. They spent time together in the evening – check. They shared a meal, even if it meant picking up random food at a bodega or something from the dining hall – check. They watched a movie or got lost in long conversations – double check. He’d walk her back to her dorm – check. All of these things happened, but he’d never laid a hand on her other than when he’d try to keep her from falling. While neither of them had any problem flirting, Liam hadn’t tried to kiss her since the first night he walked her back from Hyperion, and it was killing her to know when he was going to ask her out. He made a promise, after all.
Once inside Liam’s room, they both slipped off their shoes near the door and pulled items from their respective bags. Katrina pulled Banh mi sandwiches from her bag, along with a container of seaweed salad for Liam, and edamame for herself. Liam pulled Nalgene bottles from his backpack, filled with iced coffee for Katrina and coconut drink for himself. He dangled her bottle of coffee as she started to settle on the floor. “If you want your liquid crack tonight, the fee is one cheer with a fancy kick,” he said, grinning down at her.
“I made the damn drinks, Liam.” She glared up at him. “Besides, I can’t kick in skinny jeans. I’d risk busting a seam.”
“You can borrow a pair of my sweats.”
“I’ll drown in a pair of your sweats, Tall Man.”
Liam rolled his eyes. “A pair of my shorts, then. I want to see you cheer.” He walked over to his closet and set her drink on the tallest shelf, knowing she’d need a chair to reach it on her own. Leaving the closet door open, he walked over to a dresser and pulled a pair of shorts from a drawer, tossing them in her direction.
“I hate you sometimes,” she muttered, making a face at him.
“I’ll be in the hall when you’re ready.” He stepped out of the room to let her change in private, keeping the door cracked open. “And don’t think I won’t hear if you try to move a chair to get to your drink either!” he called into the room.
“SHUT. UP. LIAM!” After a minute, the door swung open, and Liam tucked his lips between his teeth, admiring how adorable and ridiculous Katrina looked wearing a pair of his basketball shorts. She was swimming in them, even after tightening the waistband and rolling it several times over so it bulged under her fitted t-shirt. “Not a word,” she warned, pointing a finger at him. He smiled and held his hands up defensively as she stepped into the hallway. Liam leaned against the frame of the open door, crossing his arms across his chest, as Katrina walked several feet away. She closed her eyes before sighing heavily, suddenly clasping her hands together, and looked up at Liam with an enthusiastic smile.
C’mon Knights, let us hear, let us hear that sound, that sound we love I’m sayin SWISHHHHH SWISHHHHH Let us see, let us see, two points, two points on the board I’m sayin SWISHHHHH SWISHHHHH
Liam watched as Katrina clapped and punched the air with both fists as she cheered, his eyes moving directly to her hips as she chanted “swish swish” when she turned and sashayed in place. After the second “swish swish” she straightened up, nodded her head, and took a running start before executing a perfect aerial cartwheel. He beamed a smile at her and clapped as several other residents clapped and cheered, having heard the commotion in the hallway. Katrina’s face turned beet red as she laughed and ran back into Liam’s room, and he followed.
“That was the best thing I’ve seen all week,” he said, sitting on the edge of his bed. “I knew you didn’t just cheer at football games!”
“I never said I didn’t – we did more tricks at the football games, so that’s when my Dad would come see me cheer.”
“I can step back outside to let you change into your clothes again.” Even if you look adorable wearing my clothes.
Katrina bit her bottom lip, glancing over at the dresser drawer. “Actually, would you mind if I borrowed a pair of sweats?”
Liam grinned and walked over to his dresser again, pulling a fitted pair of dark grey sweatpants from another drawer. “These should fit you a little better,” he said, handing the pants over to her as he made his way to the door again and stepped outside. This time he made sure to close the door all the way.
After a moment, the door clicked open and Katrina smiled up at him. He had a close-lipped smile as he stepped back into the room, noticing that she’d cuffed the sweatpants several times to fit her shorter frame. They walked over to the makeshift picnic on the rug, and Liam retrieved the bottle of coffee from his closet, handing it over to Katrina as he sat next to her and flipped his laptop open to log in to Netflix. She unscrewed the cap and took a long sip of her drink, letting out a little moan of pleasure that made him swallow hard. “Nectar of the gods,” she said to herself.
“You’re going to be up all night drinking that.” He clicked on the next episode of The Last Kingdom to resume the series they’d both agreed to watch.
“And that’s different from any other night how?”
“I’m curious…have you always been a night owl?” They unwrapped their sandwiches and Liam opened the container of salad, using a pair of chopsticks to eat.
Katrina held an edamame pod between her teeth, pulling it through so the beans stayed in her mouth. “Umm…I guess, sort of,” she replied. “More so since I started college and could make my own schedule.” Liam didn’t miss the way Katrina’s jaw tensed at his question, or the way she paused to answer. “Besides,” she continued, “if I wasn’t a night owl I couldn’t be your personal wake-up service.” She tilted her head to grin at him, offering him one of the bright green pods.
He took it from her hand and bit the pod between his teeth, pulling it out so the beans popped from the shell. “Drake really appreciates that, by the way,” he said after chewing and swallowing. “He’s stopped throwing random objects in my general direction since I don’t have to set an alarm.” Katrina made a noise between an exhale and a snort before coughing. Liam held up a portion of his dish in front of her and she shook her head. “Try it, just once?” he asked.
“It’s…seaweed.” She crinkled her nose at him, her eyes darting between Liam’s expression and the laptop screen, trying to follow along with the show.
“One bite, and I promise I won’t ask you to eat it again if you don’t like it.”
“You and your promises,” Katrina said, narrowing her eyes at him.
I know what you’re getting at. Liam winked in response, holding the seaweed-laden sticks up at her once more. “I promise.”
Katrina sighed and begrudgingly pointed her chin at him. He held the chopsticks close to her lips and she opened her mouth as he fed her, her lips closing around the chopsticks as he pulled them back. Her eyes closed as she started to chew, her brow furrowing as she tried to make sense of the texture and flavor of what she was eating. Liam watched intently as her eyebrows relaxed and then she looked surprised, a hint of a smile playing across her pouty, petal pink lips. She swallowed and let out a quiet “oh!” before opening her eyes again.
Liam smirked at her response. “Verdict?”
Katrina pursed her lips as she stared into Liam’s dark eyes. “Hated it. Awful.” He arched his brow at her as she tried not to smile. “May I have more?”
Liam let out a deep, heartfelt laugh, holding up the container and chopsticks. “They only gave us one set of chopsticks, but help yourself.” She took the chopsticks from him to pick up another mouthful of seaweed, and slid the container of edamame between them. They watched the rest of the episode in relative silence as they ate their food.
Once the episode finished, they cleaned up the wrappings from their meal, and Liam pocketed the chopsticks when she wasn’t looking, dropping them in his desk drawer when she went to use the bathroom. He sat across the top of his bed, wedging a pillow between his back and the wall, and pulled books off the shelf to work on a set of economics problems for class. He queued up an instrumental playlist on his laptop for background noise, handing her the other pillow on his bed when she returned to the room. She sat at the foot of the bed, sandwiching the pillow between her back and the wall, and pulled one of her language books from her bag.
They studied in comfortable silence for a while, with the occasional sound of ruffling pages as he flipped through his textbook, or Katrina’s soft mumbling as she read passages to herself in Spanish. He’d been focused on a set of problems, sighing as he rubbed his eyes, when he noticed that Katrina was staring blankly at the opposite wall. “You okay over there? Do you need to head back to your dorm?”
Katrina kept her eyes focused on a spot on the wall. “I think I’m ready to tell you what happened.”
Tagging (let me know if you’d like to be added to/removed from this series): @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @brightpinkpeppercorn @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @katurrade @blackcoffee85 @alj4890 @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @bella-ca @bowful @coldcollectornight08 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @i-choose-liam @liamxs-world @lodberg @marywrites-things @missevabean @mynameiskaylabella @pixieferry @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @sleepwalkingelite @smalltalk88 @nekkidmolerat @thecordoniandiaries @umccall71 @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @blackcatkita @jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @debramcg1106 @innerpostmentality @hustacks @tornbetween2loves @darley1101
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