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Naturally i cant draw aardgar without liach, heres liachs redesign number 50000 because i Cannot decide on how he looks lol. this is the most normal looking clothes he owns btw
Image description: A drawing of an older man from the waist up. He is leaning against a wall with his arm bent towards himself. He has a moustache and beard, the beard being divided in two and tied off. He is wearing glasses adorned with dangling jewelry. On the right side of his face he has a scar that cuts through his eyebrow. His right eye is pale, the left is brown. He has dark brown hair that is curly, and tanned skin. On his arm he has several bracelets embedded with gemstones. On his hands he wears two rings on each finger, also embedded with gemstones. The shirt he wears is dark green, and his pants are cream. ID end
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❓❓❓"are you going to make me feel better again?..."❓❓❓
No tengo nada que decir en mi defenza....
#gurokawaii#algo random#pink blog#david firth#keys#spoilsbury toast boy#beatles#No se burlen de mi xfa =(#no se lo merecia :“”(
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Names generated from Sindarin names, excluding the letter "W"
Abelver Achin Adhrim Aglaith Agoldo Agons Amadheld Amdiach Ammemor Amoor Amírd Andery Andishel Andrith Anfath Annaroch Annod Araglórin Arahaith Arahips Aramminder Arashar Arath Araug Araught Aravorldorc Ardhereirin Aredel Argonachost Aroastaught Arril Arroth Arthokin Artre Atteech...
Badol Barang Barch Barfand Bargoth Barontargil Barth Baughampir Beadh Bearn Bedin Bedramiril Beregon Berelunnin Beridel Bethar Bight Bitir Borhound Bornod Borsethele Bortin Breglin Bresion Breung Briblestre Brindool Brithrin Bronglad Caboriant Caladhold Calbattedh Calphel Calpher Caranduing Carth Caugons Cedephinel Cellonessil Ceneng Cenes Chaith Chielf Chondion Choroder Cirath Cirisginhîr Citinu Clons Cound Crias Crivrithur Curéd Cúadiringht Dagnielaers Daicthad Dalach Dambru Dandushang Danechui Danórod Dauglad Deleft Denel Denen Dereund Derúne Dofteg Dolacrosgin Dollor Doren Dorithalir Dregis Drûthil Duhilob Duireeben Dundol Durir Dínion Dúnarthen Dúnelin Eadainhîn Eaforod Ecthe Edall Edhindingro Egison Eglauglad Egliht Eglîn Egyraer Eleeru Elennhiaug Elind Elivort Elleadanar Encelds Enele Epassë Eratirrod Eregon Erfinien Erith Ervorthos Esgiond Ethúnoegil Eyoubly Faele Fainas Falbor Falle Falvalad Fanimp Feade Feith Felchîr Fichîr Fielroth Fifea Findise Fineen Fines Finnuin Firder Flathes Floothoen Flothost Follth Foraidde Foran Forbaders Fored Forryn Forth Frend Frodegun Fuidel Fuilgrounel Fuinedes Fulin Gaell Galagaugoll Galam Gallon Gardon Garston Gauréd Gelros Glach Gladury Glain Glamir Glant Gleft Glind Gloam Glothord Gluin Goldiaug Goleg Gonneld Gorgaer Gorienond Gorliadhil Gornin Gorts Griouth Grostyraiht Guall Gulthir Gódhevaram Hadaeglas Hadfantal Hadful Hadolond Haerost Haladalad Haland Haldin Halrod Hammars Haramrondir Harettin Haught Haurim Hiphelradon Holdin Hondeed Honimromed Hopate Horbethel Hovaldoldir Ialad Ianóreepos Iells Ilbar Imben Imping Ingalaneeph Ingniant Ingoroch Iondellas Ionhelvess Ionoedhers Isech Itair Ithorgornes Ivrave Kildim Kingord Kinny Ladalas Lammor Lanatha Langel Latchans Lathen Laurthell Lemog Lhals Liach Liandrain Lihts Limpmel Linigind Linindollam Lintaer Lithalaur Locklest Lothigh Lothórim Luinglast Lóriarth Lórim Maith Malbalaras Malcood Malin Mancel Mandir Manion Mannion Marth Masso Meggerant Meler Meliell Mendir Mensoth Micks Middleartor Mindui Minglate Mithlor Mogon Morned Moron Mothir Munnhereth Mírdag Mírduin Naedh Nancedh Narchuidh Narth Nathildir Nathir Nathran Nathrin Naudan Ndelunen Ndooth Negion Nendant Ngrepos Nibight Nights Nionord Nobenna Nolmornien Norgaels Norke Norrisir Nuicth Nuindûr Numuldel Nínedhe Núnor Oelves Oldir Ordent Oreerlas Orhes Ormerightel Ornantír Orond Orons Orthelum Pafords Paldeld Palind Palroniel Paten Pealatir Peess Peres Petteep Pikel Pinnartren Ponion Postronat Predhelver Prouse Ragonne Ragorm Rainarroth Raiths Rammorod Ranóriver Rapere Reephîn Regiloaks Reginor Regledh Rembradhond Rethló Rethraithôl Rhalamas Rhapen Rhareymall Rhorth Rialas Rodhel Rodyhebdia Roher Romily Roplad Ruffir Ruickbereft Rúmit Rúnach Rúned Saegindim Saeglas Saeltorn Saglan Sarvon Scengalas Scirin Seden Shadlin Shalgreavy Shals Shildor Sings Sirleniand Snodrethil Somuntathel Spethron Spikel Spiken Spined Spior Spips Spriace Stragurth Streth Taeron Tailest Tainas Taing Taithrion Talaid Taless Tarairos Tarden Tauru Tegythlóril Telen Telmon Tengs Terin Terungron Thaland Thandorn Thirn Thluicel Tholk Threr Thret Thros Tings Tollir Toritin Trisy Trothôn Tumalfliqui Turuich Uddlas Uiannest Unelvingoss Uporlachorn Uporth Valaur Venaron Vinnor Virin Ōrech Ōreech
#444 names#444names#dnd names#fantasy names#fantasy name#names#markov gen#markovgen#character names#name stash#random fantasy names
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more david firth stuff bc ive been binging his animations lately
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Julianne Hough & Husband Brooks Laich Hike To Top Of Mount Kilimanjaro
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your post:
drunktalon: liache: gothgenji replied to your...
they took a dark skinned african man and made his skin paper white. its. literally whitewashing what th
Because words have meanings. Whitewashing is depicting a character as lighter than they should actually be given canon.
Reaper’s skin and Symmetra’s vampire skin are supposed to be “this person’s skin, but dead”. They are way lighter than they should be for that. That’s whitewashing.
This skin is supposed to be an orc. Specifically, an orc whose skin is ashy gray-white. It matches perfectly what it’s supposed to be. Essentially, he’s in body paint.
If he just had a random skin that made his skin this color, it would be whitewashing. This is not. Tacky as hell, and a poor design decision to make with a black character? Absolutely. Whitewashing, no.
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Thanks @liache for starting then subsequently fueling my pin collection.
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liache replied to your post: i booped that roadhog off 3 times and a soldier...
getting kills as healers is always a gamble bc when you do the petty tanks and dps players are going to kill You, Specifically
#liache#a reaper Reapersitioned onto the point right in front of me whne i was playing mercy and i killed him#and he spent the rest of the match trying to kill me
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billymacher replied to your post “if u ever feel embarrassed about ur past urls: in like 2012 i had a...”
Horrifying. I thought you'd just always been liache
oh no ive been through the gambit of bad homestuck-inspired urls
rustbloods, megidos, candyc0rnvampire, sp00kygh0st (bc aradia), probably many more that ive long blocked from my memory
also not homestuck related but i was do-i-smell-watermelon for a while
i think ive been liache for about three years? idk. even liache is a david firth reference
#billymacher#but liache is my Brand regardless#bc no one really recognizes it from the source material
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TAN K U!!!!!!! @liache
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which of your (non star trek) ocs would watch star trek, and which series
Orcieliaz and Aralin: the fact that they live in a pre-television society aside, Orcieliaz would have next to no interest in startrek (or sci-fi) beyond watching "into Darkness" One Time. Aralin watched the original series and a smattering of the other shows, she likes Uhura but thats about it
Aardgar for suure would be a TNG stan, he likes DS9 well enough too, but he tends to avoid the more war-heavy episodes because it reminds him too much of his reality.
Liach watched like 2 episodes of TNG with aardgar once and complained about the unrealistic engineering and tech. aardgar banned him from star trek after that
Njada and jasam have a soft spot for it but neither are particularly into sci-fi. Njada much prefers historical fiction and fantasy, while jasam is a fan of non-fiction and poetry.
Michael watched voyager with his mum as a kid because it was HER fav series. Michael has no interest in watching any other series but thinks fondly of voyager.
Aaron and [unnamed] are really into the new trek much to Aarons carers disdain (Mr [name] in contrast hates the new trek]
#this isnt even the whole list of my ocs lol this is barely a fraciton#but tbh not a lot of my ocs are into watching TV#if they live in a world with TV that is
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Turtle salty lil beach american flag independence day shirt
Turtle salty lil beach american flag independence day shirt
I’ve lived in 6 states now, and crossed the country 4 times. Every once in awhile you see more of a Turtle salty lil beach american flag independence day shirt, but its rare. Like most have said, urban to rural is the big one, I went from Boston to a town of less than 1000 in Alaska, that was a HUGE shock, but after settling in a bit you get used to things.
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#baby #yoda #coloring #pagemandalorian #baby #yoda, #baby #yoda, #mandalorian #baby #yoda5 #million #Teachers #PaeaceLove
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Names generated from American, French, German and Irish forenames, excluding the letter "O"
Adhanch Adixis Adnachlís Aghnailín Aignarle Ailelie Ailhanna Alayn Allach Alvaita Amarly Ameirgie Amhan Andridne Andán Angelm Angene Annán Arree Audia Auristhie Aíbhand...
Bapria Baptighew Barcheach Barma Barna Barrean Bashally Bastinnla Beine Benelia Berené Berisíle Bertna Bethann Biann Blaudia Bláine Bredubhel Brinearra Briste Bristin Bruandy Bróch Buath Cacquel Caighilín Caitle Carann Cargelie Cascard Casephael Catacán Cathind Catsy Chanuel Chazell Cherce Chlaur Chriú Chrás Chtnert Chèley Ciachan Cianthna Ciart Cilis Cille Ciney Cladian Cland Cline Cléad Clíne Crist Crósa Cuilbecia Dabiadle Dabred Daigus Daiste Dallystie Danne Dannyan Daria Darre Davivival Dealf Dealgain Deand Debkenel Degay Delie Dellies Delsimic Denner Dianlan Didin Diermlas Dinanárd Dinet Dubern Dubhaild Dubhe Dubhna Dónán Eanpatty Earna Earth Edaitth Eddid Edubheda Eibébasán Eidhbhne Eidie Eilaus Eillest Einetch Eirènes Elherie Elisty Emaithaël Emard Emargan Emill Emmanda Ereidne Erice Eriereara Estevey Estine Faber Fabilla Feach Fearne Fearyl Feine Feitt Felbelia Felia Fertrisín Fianseam Finadhrán Findrine Fitha Flach Flaud Fracheard Frachrás Fradh Frairdher Fredy Fregfrin Frestóid Fristeál Gelke Genda Gendale Gereb Geric Geriendt Gerine Germaith Gernata Gesta Ghales Gilipp Gisna Gleala Grandeb Grearl Greda Gredanne Greddie Grethawn Gréalley Gréamh Grégina Guimegha Gussild Gwence Gwencey Günthiah Hadenalla Haita Haryanie Heigh Heina Helie Helilean Helipp Helis Hella Hellaille Hellicey Herhagán Herree Herry Hessie Hianyan Huiste Hélipp Ianther Illanm Inniter Irgham Jachráin Jairing Jamainèse Jamenn Jamine Janeine Janney Jasna Jasteris Jeaberre Jeach Jeachard Jeacia Jeade Jeagley Jeamhán Jeana Jeanpie Jearicis Jeasmhg Jefann Jener Jennel Jertlín Jimhard Juadne Jualenz Jultán Jupetta Juste Jutte Jörgi Jörguelie Karmilie Kartan Kathanna Katrí Kaëlly Keighrud Klait Klinernas Krian Krich Krine Krislan Krisle Krithna Labréally Lacquel Laindinne Laine Laith Lanifrien Lanne Laulie Laurtín Leenth Liach Linmchri Listind Luadlette Lubhón Luciait Lucilín Luzana Mabinessa Madhóg Magna Magán Maine Maitz Mamarg Manchange Manciann Mandyle Manick Manie Mantannie Marbh Marekke Marlaifel Marly Marmfhín Marna Marnain Marnara Marnán Marrd Marre Marry Marthch Martianey Matja Mauley Maxiel Maxin Meddi Meggie Meitha Mellasca Melle Melley Melman Melphilf Melviane Miann Micelyn Mierid Mighar Milmhónán Minaither Minaltach Minriúdás Minste Minín Mirenta Mirseann Muibh Muinelm Muntin Muréa Mussafair Máinn Mélipp Mídín Móiriusty Nairdhán Naistiert Natte Nicinn Nifearaph Pamhelian Pathy Paukath Paurien Paurith Paurtrar Peichac Peiredwan Phaël Phisth Pádrette Pádris Rachráin Rainge Raita Rannis Rartruirí Reanmcha Reard Rette Riarl Ruaith Rualild Ruarce Ruarry Rubháill Réamilipp Rémene Saark Sachaller Saerrie Safrichry Salie Sanne Seach Seandse Seanth Searmia Sella Shaidie Shann Sharicey Sharis Sheadia Shench Sherd Simhad Stice Stinz Stóis Suzabery Svetise Sylernán Séadh Séagne Séalait Séalikt Séary Séata Taliene Talleenna Tanghagda Tannindt Terali Terdhna Terna Teveste Thally Théamyrie Timen Tingh Trachán Triand Trillyndy Trislán Tuaitiard Uadieu Uathbhán Udied Uraidagán Urstin Urtín Veran Vereanasa Verisla Vernie Wadhubh Waley Walla Wayle Wennbhgh Wigín Willmórle Wilín Yveen Yvent Ágarie Ágarón Éadhbhóg Éadhnair Éarmarás Éasmine Éilbhar Éirgarma Élène Éthri
#444 names#444names#dnd names#fantasy names#name stash#fantasy name#markov gen#names#character names#markovgen
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