#li yuchun
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xiaolanhua · 2 months ago
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Bai Lu, Yang Zi, Yu Shuxin, Meng Ziyi, Zhou Jieqiong, Xin Zhilei, Li Yuchun, Zhao Liying, Zhu Xudan, Li Qin, Ni Ni, Lu Yuxiao, Chen Duling, Song Yi and Na Ran for 2024 Weibo Night.
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barananduen-blog · 2 months ago
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Song Yi and Ao Bing More fashion and madness under the cut!
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Wang Yibo
and this retro theme that some of the guys did
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Miyavi and Ding Yuxi (with Mu Sheng bracelet/armcuff) - Take 1
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Wang Xingyue
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Ding Yuxi and Miyavi and whatever they had going on - Take 2
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I mean... *gestures* - Take 3
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Li Qin and Zhao Liying
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Xin Zhilei
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Lin Yun
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Yu Wenwen
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Meng Ziyi and Li Yuchun
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Bai Jingting and arms (it's a LOOK! 👀)
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You thought they were done and let your guard down, didn't you?... Miyavi and Ding Yuxi - Take 4 - [gif source, but way better quality]
...Ha! - Take 5 - [video source]
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Ao Bing, Nezha (from animated film Nezha 2), and Ding Yuxi
🔹 Want to see more #fashion posts? Click the hashtag! 🔹 I do one of these for c-ent red carpet events as long as I find several outfits that impress me.
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fromtheorient · 5 months ago
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stylestream · 2 days ago
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Li Yuchun | Balenciaga gown | Spring Festival Gala | 2022
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cnladies · 2 months ago
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LI YUCHUN 李宇春 in Thom Brown 2024 Fall/Winter Haute Couture | Weibo Night 2024
Li Yuchun: more photos here Weibo Night 2024: more photos here
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chineseredcarpet · 10 months ago
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Li Yuchun takes the cover of L’Officiel China - June 2024
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cidolarchive · 1 month ago
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kaipanzero · 1 year ago
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Flying Swords of Dragon Gate
龍門飛甲 (2011)
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valyriansource · 22 days ago
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You may take my castle, but you will win only bones and blood and ashes. // li yuchun as argella durrandon
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the-monkey-ruler · 9 months ago
The Monkey, Monk, and Monsters go west (2010) 西游记
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Director: Gong Binsi Screenwriter: Huang Weijian / Shao Haowen / Zheng Zhongtai Genre: Animation / Fantasy / Adventure Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Number of episodes: 104 Single episode length: 20 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West Type: Retelling
The production cost of a single episode exceeds one million, making it a domestic animation blockbuster. At the Cannes TV Festival in France, it set a new record for an Asian cartoon with an episode price of US$100,000, successfully entering the mainstream European and American markets.
It won the gold medal at the South African International Film Festival, becoming the first Asian animation work to win an award at this festival. The whole play is humorous and full of imagination. Theme song: "AOAEO Departure" Singer: Li Yuchun
Journey to the West (more distinguishably referred to as: Monkey, Monk, and the Monsters Go West) is Chinese animated adaptation of the famous novel of the same name, which ran from June 2010 to 2015 with a total of 52 episodes by Jiangsu Ciwen Ziguang Digital TV Co., Ltd. This particular adaptation is rather parodic in nature, and borrows many design and animation influences from Japanese anime in an attempt to better appeal to children.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/5975033/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Enp6I2N0RQ&list=PLipQYcGwGGrQGHTCz6UQjGzEHNjlAeEzw&index=52&ab_channel=%E9%BA%A5%E5%AF%B6%E5%BC%B7
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yichens · 4 months ago
22, 44, 88 for your spotify wrapped?
sorry i went to sleep last night almost right after reblogging the ask thing for this but thank you for being sweet and sending this for me to answer today ^^
22. 大夢歸離 (Fangs of Fortune) by Li Yuchun
i added this onto my playlist on the same week they stopped counting the stats for spotify wrapped, so it being this high up really tells how much i've listened to it. i'm addicted to the whole fangs of fortune ost at this point, but this one remains my favorite. there's just... something about the vibe. i also love the lyrics about returning to your hometown in old clothes but with your eyes alight, changed.
44. Chasing That Feeling by TXT
back when i first listened to this song, i wasn't fully convinced. but it got stuck in my head and then i had to listen to it again... and again. and again. and so here we are. this also reminds me that i am yet to listen to the newest txt mini album so i should probably get to that soon.
88. 別梦寒 (Don't Dream of Cold) by Liu Yuning
my favorite song on the a journey to love soundtrack! really captures the highs and lows of the drama. also, automatically makes me want to cry, so i guess you can tell how that drama goes. if you have not watched it, i highly recommend!
thank you for this again antania, i hope you're having a great week ♥
Send me a number to get a song from my Spotify Wrapped!
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anubishoarmurath · 2 days ago
GOTD rewatch - with spoilers
Ep 15, part 2 and Ep 16
oi oi oi oi this episodeeeeeeeeeeeeeee man the implications that Guangxiao and Tingfeng are like "well maybe don't go stop the girls from being assaulted nothing good will come of that" regularly (ish) is quite bad !!! quite rough!!! but hopefully Xu Qi'an will grow on them. make them go apeshit too! god this moment thooooo fucking metal "there are always some things that are more important than life" - such a good line such a good delivery such good everything i love itttt waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want to lie down
Yang Yan serving as always !!! serving !!! Li Yuchun on his subordinate's side after not wanting him at all!!!!! Tingfeng going to Guangxiao ;_; !!! man this whole scene of Xu Qi'an's sentencing is almost like a breakup ;_; excellent framing though I want to lie down and cry about and everyone is so good even fking Dad Zhu who just wants this guy dead !!!! I want to chew gravel about it omg Tingfeng you can't just tell a man his son is getting executed and then go "sorry gotta go byeeee" awkwardddd (and btw this is why I say Xu Qi'an is Forge and Knock, because Forge is "´Fire,' I once read, 'is the winter that warms and the spring that consumes.` [The principle of the Forge transforms and destroys.]" TRANSFORMATION AND DESTRUCTION and what is he doing by coming into the lives of all these people? Both of those things. God I love this. And yes I guess these random Secret Histories sidemoments will keep happening. 3 guesses whether Wei-gong is Winter? OBVIOUSLY he is. Winter, he of the "... [Winter is the principle of silence, of endings, and of those things that are not quite dead.]" And Sky??? Law and stuff. We will see.) Jiang Luzhong: homie did the right thing in fucking up a rapist just saying I love him And Li Yuchun I love him toooo AAAAAAAAAAA Ep 16 bae was like "I am gonna be executed in a week let's zzzzzzzzz" and I love that for him Huaiqing being gorgeous, I love that for her any way the evil hand plot is so confusing like why did they need to stick it in this guy??? did it need to gain more power or something??? wut ??? what is happen ??? gbngngngngng honestly the emperor is so sus but him going "you want to anger me to death?" after pretentiously lounging in his underwear is so valid tbh I would feel the same if I had to deal with that family haha ogmgmggm I am sorry but jumping on your buddy because he is alive BOTH of you is gay just saying but it's adorable so I will allow it
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colorsponge · 1 year ago
Li Yuchun - 趟 from giuseppe favale on Vimeo.
Beijing Yellow Stone Media Co Ltd ©2017 all rights reserved
Production (ITA).................................................Section 80 Production (CHINA)...........................................Qianxi International Media Executive Producer...........................................Marco Orlando Executive Producer...........................................Polo Zhao Writer/Director...................................................Marco Prestini Cinematographer...............................................Giuseppe Favale Editor.................................................................Marcello Sanna Colorist..............................................................Daniel Pallucca VFX....................................................................Artea Production Design.............................................Carlo Maria Filippelli Stylist.................................................................Francesca Cefis Line producer (ITA).............................................Caterina Colombo Line producer (CHINA).......................................Tiger Zhao Production manager (ITA)...................................Caterina Perali Production manager (CHINA).............................Jiahui Liu
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cnladies · 1 year ago
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LI YUCHUN 李宇春 in Rick Owens 2024 S/S Series (LOOK2) | Weibo Night 2023
Li Yuchun: more photos here Weibo Night 2023: more photos here
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chineseredcarpet · 9 months ago
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Li Yuchun for 2024 Weibo Movie Night
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 months ago
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thank you for — well, you didn't exactly ask, but now I'm going to put you on blast about it as an excuse to dig a bit deeper into this stage because really!!! what's going on here huh!!!!!
this stage takes much of its inspiration from Westworld, a science fiction-dystopian show in which androids perform immersive fantasies in an amusement park for the entertainment of humans. the themes of human vs. nonhuman, performance vs. authenticity from Westworld are then carried into this stage and refracted through the lyrics of the song 《作为怪物》 As a Monster, which was originally performed by 李宇春 Li Yuchun (Chris Lee) and 吴青峰 Wu Qingfeng (Greeny Wu, also the composer) with lyrics by 李格弟 Li Gedi. the original version of As a Monster leans on the aspect of monsters as lonely outcasts who will not and cannot fit into the rest of society, and metaphorically extends to an artist's search for someone to understand them. the lyrics of the original song follow a self-proclaimed "monster's" search for a true companion:
花了许多时间去很多地方 / I spent a lot of time going to a lot of places, 看很多不是你的人 / meeting a lot of people who were not you 这就是他们唯一的定义 / That is the only defining trait of "them"
我是你的同类 / I am one of your kind 只为与你匹配 / I exist only to match with you
perhaps it is worth noting that in the original song, the sought-after "other," the desired monster, is never actually found:
要如何找到你如何为你命名 / How do I find you and name you? 你总有不在场证明 / You always have a perfect alibi for your absence 是否这就是你唯一的定义 / Is this the singular defining trait of you? 是否你在暗地里 / Are you in the shadows 心有所爱 / in love with someone 只能旁观 / but can only watch from afar? 深情款款 / Lovingly, adoringly— 你是否也在找我?/ are you also looking for me?
尤长靖 You Zhangjing (Azora Chin) enters this stage, costumed as — well, actually his costume is a reference to a third stage performance — but it appears that, in this stage, Azora is playing the role of a mad scientist, here to manage his android test subjects, which includes 早安 Zao An. Azora sings to Zao An in the role of the self-proclaimed monster:
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我想要你 / I want you 想找到你 / I want to find you 你和我一样 / You are the same as me 你是个怪物 / You're a monster 怪物太害羞 / Monsters are too shy
the following choreography quite literally goes through the motions of different iconic roles in various installations around stage (most of these are references to previous stages). Zao An, at Azora's behest, tries out different roles but none of them quite suit him, reflecting the repeated insistence in the lyrics that "作为怪物 格格不入," that monsters are eternally "out of place" and incapable of truly "fitting in"
what makes this staging particularly interesting is that, while Azora sings the lyrics of the original song as the self-proclaimed monster looking for his match, Zao An writes and performs his own rap lyrics in direct conversation to the original song. what was formerly a haunting monologue has now become a dialogue, and the monster searching for but never quite finding its match in the original song does, in fact, find another monster in this version
the first time Zao An forcibly breaks free of the original song's lyrics is in gif 2, where he snaps:
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我不用你告诉 / I don't need you to tell me 我也知道我是个怪物 / I also know that I'm a monster
but unlike Azora's monster of a mad scientist, comfortable and assured in his pursuit towards creating a monster of his own design, Zao An's monster is troubled by his own monstrousness:
我感觉到什么但没人会在乎 / No one cares what I feel 要怎么解释我都不知道 / I don't even know how to describe it 我应该笑 还是不应该笑 / Should I smile? Or should I not smile? 我应该要 还是不应该要 / Should I want? Or should I not want? 脑子里重复着残暴的欢愉 / The pleasure of violence repeats in my mind 最后也将终结于残暴 / And in the end it also ends in violence 手指上长出了鳞片 / Scales grow on my fingers, 脚趾间长出了蹼 / webbing between my toes 头顶上长出了一点点黑色的犄角 / The beginnings of black horns grow from my forehead 牙齿里好像有毒 / and there seems to be venom in my teeth 熄灭了烛火 / When the candle's flame is extinguished, 他们怕如果我在 / they're so afraid of my presence 脚步都变了轻 / they tread light and uneasy 但为什么 你的味道 / But why is it that your smell 也有点腥 / also seems a little bloody?
the conflict arises between Zao An's internal landscape — emotional, sensitive, human — and his external appearance — increasingly monstrous (which, given the lack of any visually or physically realized monstrosity, may also be metaphorical). Zao An's monster feels anguish from the way he is treated in response to his monstrous exterior rather than his human interior, while confessing that he does have an internal drive towards the very violence that others fear him for
by the end of his rap, Zao An pivots to his suspicion that mad scientist Azora isn't all that high and mighty compared to the rest of the androids in the room — that Azora is, in fact, simply another one of them. Zao An smells blood on Azora, sensing something monstrous about him. a power struggle then ensues between Zao An and Azora as they both attempt to take control of the other androids. in a reversal of their earlier dynamic, Azora is now forced to perform some familiar choreography while Zao An exults:
来 拔掉我手上的鳞片 / Come, pluck the scales from my hands 撕开我脚上的蹼 / Tear the webbing from my feet 把我的犄角都锯断 / Saw off my horns 拔出我牙里的毒 / Draw the venom from my teeth 来 套上你准备的束缚 / Come, put on the chains you've prepared 拽我回肮脏的泥土 / and drag me back into the mud and muck 我仍会在土壤里燃气火焰 / I will still catch fire amidst the dirt 束缚里开始起舞 / and dance in my chains 颜色 味道 血液 汗水 / Color, taste, blood, sweat 我为什么要对你忏悔 / Why must I repent to you 我对自己赞美 / for the praises I sing of myself?
through this, Zao An comes into his monstrousness both in defiance of and in concert with Azora's intent. he is a monster, yes, but he will not be Azora's mirror image, a monster dressed up in the outfit of a person. they can do violence to his exterior to try and make him conform to some arbitrary kind of presentability, but that cannot touch or reshape his internal monstrosity, which Zao An refuses to "repent" for — he will "catch fire" in spite of other people's attempts to chain him down
the following choreography is then performed mirrored, reflecting their new dynamic on more synchronized footing. Zao An is now the (frankenstein's) monster to Azora's mad scientist, and has found and accepted the role he was meant to play
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but notice that none of Zao An's struggle or catharsis was inherently at odds with Azora's goal of finding another monster to complete him. the choreography still suggests that Azora controls Zao An, not just puppeting his movements, but affecting his thoughts:
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sure, Zao An appears to triumph over Azora by forcing him into the choreography Zao An was put through earlier, but all of this has been engineered by Azora, the mad scientist who creates and manages all of these androids in this underground laboratory. Azora never actually loses control over the situation, and as he goes over to the piano to play a slow, dreamy version of the song's melody, Zao An turns, dazed, and sits docilely on the piano bench next to Azora. together, they break down, leaning their heads back onto each other's shoulders, locking together like puzzle pieces perfectly fitted to negative space, two monsters finally finding each other:
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so then, this the story that plays out onstage: mad scientist Azora finally creates a monster in Zao An that is his true match. Zao An initially struggles with his own monstrosity, lashing out at his creator, but comes to eventually accept it
but! remember the frame story?
in the vein of Westworld, everyone here is playing a role. Azora isn't actually a mad scientist — he's an android cast in the role of a mad scientist. nor is Zao An truly the monster that he agonizes over being, because Zao An is simply an android cast in the role of an experimental monstrous test subject
for all of their posturing and performance, power struggle and personal realization, both of them are simply androids playing their parts in a larger performance. as they are dragged off stage by mysterious figures, the questions remain: were they monsters because they were nonhuman androids, or were they monsters because their roles required them to perform monstrosity? were either of them ever monsters at all, and if not, who were the true monsters in this performance?
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来 拔掉我手上的鳞片 / Come, pluck the scales from my hands 撕开我脚上的蹼 / Tear the webbing from my feet 把我的犄角都锯断 / Saw off my horns 拔出我牙里的毒 / Draw the poison from my teeth 来 套上你准备的束缚 / Come, put on the chains you've prepared 拽我回肮脏的泥土 / and drag me back into the mud and muck 我仍会在土壤里燃气火焰 / I will still catch fire amidst the dirt 束缚里开始起舞 / and dance in my chains 颜色 味道 血液 汗水 / Color, taste, blood, sweat 我为什么要对你忏悔 / Why must I repent to you 我对自己赞美 / for the praises I sing of myself?
《作为怪物》 As a Monster
bonus: shi kai and wang zhengliang expressing their enthusiasm for zao an
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