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lgcmanager · 4 years ago
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CASTING CALL 006. (update)
thank you to everybody for your auditions ! in two weeks, schedule, characters and episode details will be released ! thank you for the wait ! filming is set to begin february 15 !
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lgcalec · 4 years ago
bump bump
a cram school starter for @lgchanbyul
      hanbyul is someone who he’s gotten pretty close to from being on the same path, considering that they do a lot of things together just from that alone. they have all the same “classes” and they’re even both mains in cram school this time, which is pretty fun.
     they even had an implied love line in kim family, and while alec has a girlfriend and he likes her a lot, he would definitely say that hanbyul is a great person to be around and he’s very happy to be on this path with her. 
     on set though, it’s always really interesting to watch other people act. especially when it’s someone he knows, but hasn’t really watched before. the main actors from the first season of cram school were seasoned actors, and that feels like really big shoes to fill and follow. he’s doing his best, and he’s sure hanbyul is too. 
     “good job,” he comments, handing her an extra water bottle that he had grabbed when getting his own. “the delivery of your last line was great!”
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lgcdoha · 4 years ago
  XX.   ━━    it's always so loud on the first day of filming. though this is only his second drama, doha seems to know it well by now and it seems even worse now that he's a lead and not a supporting role. perhaps it's because he has to be on call for more scenes, so he has to experience the constant calls of the director and the commands barked by staff. doha gives a sigh as he leans against his resting place, eyes scanning the room and finding another actor none too far away who seems to be in the same awkward position as he is.
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" do you have a scene soon?" he finally asks, lifting a brow just slightly. the other trainee doesn't look familiar, though doha isn't really any authority on the members of the cast, let alone all of the trainees in legacy. " if we're in it together, perhaps we should practice though i'm not really sure who your character is." he awaits the reply of the other actor, though again, doha's not sure if he's an actor or just a trainee that managed to snag a role in the drama like so many of the guests did. he's already spoken enough he thinks, and polite enough too so that it won't cause trouble between the two. regardless, he takes a step forward and finally decides on some kind of .. introduction. " i'm bae doha. i'll be playing the student teacher."
     ––––––––      &. @lgcsehoon​
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lgcxminseok · 4 years ago
Twins On Set ||
Having gotten the lead role as he aimed in the first place, Minseok wanted to find his cousin since he was pretty sure that the YOUNGER was also on set with him and he was sure that they wouldn’t miss out on introducing them as the pair of fighting terrible twins that they had auditioned as. He was pretty happy with the role he’d gotten, the mad scientist twin who was often getting into trouble and causing chaos for the mains. That had been his entire goal when he’d first been cast so he was rather happy about the way it folded out. 
Seeing his cousin on set, he stalked over to her with a grin. “So, eager to start filming, cousin dear?” he asked with a grin, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “I think they went with our idea of chaos twins like in that volleyball anime,” he grinned, winking at her. He knew he was going to have sore bones every time she was on set. But  this may just be worth it. 
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lgcallie · 4 years ago
₊ ˟   as it’s the first time allie has ever been on a set for a drama, she’s completely mesmerized  -  intrigued by the ins and outs of it all.  it wouldn’t be the first time today that she bumped into someone, a camera man or a writer that she apologized quickly to with a bow.  “ i never thought things would be this busy.” she mumbles partially to herself, though not so soft that no one else close by couldn’t hear her.
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a part of her is saddened by the fact she’d only be here for a day while filming for her guest role.  the hustle and bustle of it all is so interesting that allie can’t help but find herself wanting more of it  -  perhaps she’ll try for a supporting role next time, if there will ever be one.  it’s like this that she comes upon alec, and with her surprise she stops a few steps short of him.  large doe eyes blink at him, tilting her head just slightly.  “ you even look like a main character.”  she remarks finally, giving him a smile.  “ like, straight out of a comic or something.”
      ––––––––      &. @lgcalec​ 
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lgcsam · 4 years ago
new settings
the producer had called for a short break and sam was grateful for that. though there wasn’t really anything physically taxing about this, his own nerves were starting to get to him. the teen was so desperate to do a good job for his first roll that he’d imposed such high expectations onto himself. typical of sam as despite the image he may give off ( a relaxed, cool guy ) he is very much a perfectionist at heart. 
he needed to find some kind of outlet for all this nervous energy. if he wasn’t worried about messing up his hair or makeup he might have taken to running laps. or even just busting out into a dance. alas, he didn’t think it would be a good idea to get all kinds of sweaty between takes. he’s sure the stylists would have words with him if he did. thus, he decided on a different corse of action. 
with two waters in hand he finds himself shuffling over to another actor ( actress, he should say ) near by. a smile pulling across the teens face as he greets her, holding the water out. “here, noona~ it’s important to stay hydrated, yeah?” he says with a cheerful lift to his voice. 
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lgcmanager · 4 years ago
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LEGACY CREATIVES, in partnership with NAVER, is presenting its first WEB DRAMA; CRAM SCHOOL. broadcast is set to begin on MARCH 22, 2021, while filming will begin a month before on FEBRUARY 22. the first script reading will be made with the main and lead cast on FEBRUARY 15.
Starting from FEBRUARY 19, LEAD cast members are fully liberated from their usual schedules to prepare full time for the drama. SUPPORT cast members are given 10 hours a week to prepare for the drama and will not have any evaluation until the drama is done filming. Naturally, since the drama will be keeping some busy, please keep an eye on restrictions on next trimester’s missions.
Visit the CRAM SCHOOL 2 WIKI for details about the characters and episodes. We will be publishing 5 more episodes every 3 weeks, this includes the details of guest characters.
The success of the drama depends on its script but also on its cast members. you have until MAY 8 to fulfill the following requirements depending on your type of role:
MAINS: a set of either two replies (8 lines) or one solo (300 words) and one reply for 7 WEEKS. of the total 14 posts, 7 have to be about the drama (either on set, during rehearsal, etc). each set will give you 4 ACTING and 4 NOTORIETY POINTS.
LEADS: a set of either two replies (8 lines) or one solo (300 words) and one reply for 5 WEEKS. of the total 10 posts, 5 have to be about the drama (either on set, during rehearsal, etc). each set will give you 3 ACTING and 3 NOTORIETY POINTS.
SUPPORT: a set of either two replies (8 lines) or one solo (300 words) and one reply for 3 WEEKS. of the total 6 posts, 3 have to be about the drama (either on set, during rehearsal, etc). each set will give you 2 ACTING and 2 NOTORIETY POINTS.
GUESTS: a set of either two replies (8 lines) or one solo (300 words) and one reply ONCE. both have to about the drama (either on set, during rehearsal, etc). the set will give you 2 ACTING and 2 NOTORIETY POINTS. **for those whose character is still to be announced, please wait until the details have been revealed**
use the hashtag lgc:cramschool2. make sure to submit your points before MAY8, 11:59 EST to the lgcpoints blog, you may send the points WEEKLY:
- 2 REPLIES or 1 SOLO/REPLY : +2/3 acting + 2/3 notoriety [ LINK 1 ] [ LINK 2 ]
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lgcalec · 4 years ago
a cram school starter for @lgcsam
     he couldn’t be more proud of anyone for landing a role in the drama as he is of sam. well, he’s always proud of his sister of course, because well, she’s his sister. but sam is the closest thing to a younger brother that he’s ever had and that really says something. 
     he tugs the other towards the costume fitting area and he grins, slinging an arm around the other’s shoulders with a smile on his lips. “are you ready?” he asks with a smile, tilting his head slightly to the side curiously. he knows that the younger can get nervous easily, and despite all of his teasing, he wants to try to be as comforting as possible. if only because he himself enjoys being on this path a lot and he hopes that sam will too. 
     either way, they’re on set together today and he wonders if it’ll be just as good of an experience as it was for him when he first started filming the first season of cram school. “do you want to run lines?”
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lgcmanager · 4 years ago
hello! a few questions: since lgc is going through a revamp, what will happen with future dreams & cram school? should we still follow these deadlines? what about guest characters on the show who don't know what they're supposed to be doing?
as noted, the deadlines will remain in place for those who would still like to claim the points for the events since we know many people have already started so we don’t want to take that opportunity away for those who just haven’t had a chance to finish with it yet. 
with that said, future dreams will be continuing but may be delayed in the final results or how it comes to fruition. more information will obviously come as time moves on but for now, the current deadlines are still in place and i don’t personally believe there’s anything needed from us to complete them if you so wish.
for cram school, unfortunately, we cannot promise that we will have the guest characters available or episodes written out as thoroughly as we had in the past. for those whose characters have not been released, we do apologize that this isn’t available and would just recommend that a thread / solo be formed around the general feeling / work in preparing for the drama. if you have any questions, please let us know.
- admin g.
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lgcdoha · 4 years ago
     XX.   ━━   doha stays quiet, face drawn as he slips the shirt around his shoulders for the fitting.  they're gaining traction for the first episode and he has to try on the outfit ahead of the filming schedule  -  what he doesn't expect is to see aaron too.  they're left to their own devices in the room, and he's fiddling with the cuffs on his sleeves.  he's surprised they took a rather good portion of his ideas when building his character, but he's still not so sure how he feels about being in a school drama  -  much less about being forced into another romance.  there's a reason he didn't mention a character romance in his presentation.  apparently they really find it necessary to give him a love interest no matter what kind of role he's about to play.
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he turns his head to aaron with a sigh, knowing that he should at least say ... something.  things have been more tense between them as of late  -  a reason that he's fairly sure he knows, but can't seem to cut him off for.  it's a curse.  he thought he was meaner than this, but something about aaron has him biting his tongue and keeping him around.  " how do you like your character?" doha finally says, flatly as he can manage.  " i think i'm going to struggle with mine." he turns back to pulling up the pants they've chosen for him, shaking his head.  " again."
      ––––––––      &. @lgcaaron​ 
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lgcalec · 4 years ago
123 go!
a cram school starter for @lgcyoungmin
      he’s quite excited for this season of cram school, probably mostly because of the fact that he has a main role and it’s first ever main role. ever. and he’s honestly still shocked about this, but he’s unsure of how to feel about it still even though he’s pretty sure that he had fairly earned that role. 
     “are you excited?” alec asks, sitting down across from youngmin and tugging out his script from his bag, squinting down at it as he waits for his coffee order. there’s a lot of sticky tabs as well as highlighter marks inside of the book, and he frowns slightly at the thought of all the lines he needs to memorize now that he’s kind of upgraded his role type (?) if that was possible. “i kinda am, but i feel like i have so much pressure on me now ...”
     sighing, he gets up when he hears the buzzer go off and he gets up to get his coffee, returning with both his drink and a slice of cake as well. he sits back down and flips open the script to the scene that they’ll be filming the next day and he sighs again. “as excited as i am about this season, i’m also high key stressed out?”
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lgcmanager · 4 years ago
For Cram School, since the rp is on official revamp, will we get an extension on the deadline?
as with all the other events, the deadlines will remain the same so as to not cause confusion and so that we can start with a clean slate at reopening !
- admin g.
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lgcmanager · 4 years ago
in response to possibly not getting an episode summary, will there be a season synopsis? just to know the outcome of the drama?
similar to the sentiments of the last response, we will do our best, but i just do not want to promise something and fail to deliver on the promise !
- admin g.
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lgcmanager · 4 years ago
hello admins! i was just wondering, but will there be a episode summary written for cram school 2? even if it's not as in depth/detail as it was for season 1?
at this time, we would just say to assume that there won’t be but this can obviously change. however, we don’t want to make any promises that we can’t keep ! we apologize for this !
- admin g.
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lgcalec · 4 years ago
green tea
a cram school starter for @lgcmiso 
     he’s always been the type to try to befriend others whenever he could, and that wasn’t something that’s changed over the years that he’s been in legacy. whe he had first joined the company, he had tried to befriend as many of the trainees as possible, and despite having seen many of them leave over the years (it’s been four years now, crazy!) there’s enough of his friends who had stayed that he’s seen move onto bigger and better things.
     and miso was one of them.
     though he did end up following her, alec isn’t going to call it following per say. he’s not super talented when it comes to performing on stage, but this, this, behind a camera, acting out a character that he got to embrace? it’s great.
     “do you ever regret it?” he asks randomly, on a break between scenes, sipping on a bottle of green tea a staff member had given him earlier. “switching paths?”
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lgcmanager · 4 years ago
for cram school, can you do two different sets in one single week, or does each set have to be in different weeks?
no, each set has to be done in a different week !
- admin g.
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