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mistswoven · 1 year ago
Looking for Contact - Verena Sun'rael
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「 general information 」
FULL NAME: Verena Iren Sun’rael
TITLE(S): Agent, Doctor, The Jade Dagger, The Good Doctor
AGE: 177
DATE OF BIRTH: April 16th
RACE: Elf (Thalassian)
GENDER: Female, cisgender.
MARITAL STATUS: Single, never married.
PROFESSION(S): Surgeon, doctor, mistweaver, Blacktalon agent, member of the Order of the Broken Temple.
LANGUAGES: Thalassian, Common, Pandaren, Sign, Draconic.
「 physicality & appearance 」
HAIR: Blonde with muted pink streaks; lightly wavy, shoulder length.
EYES: Misty teal
HEIGHT: 5’7”
BUILD: Mesomorphic; muscular and athletic.
A jagged scar that cuts over and around the outer edge of her right eye; the eye itself is unharmed.
A small cut to the left of cupid’s bow on her upper lip.
A tattoo of a cherry blossom branch wound around both biceps up to her shoulders.
Simple silver earrings, often asymmetrical
One large earring made to look like a cherry blossom branch with intact blooms; it stretches up the length of her right ear
A nose piercing, right side, silver.
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「 personality & traits 」
A searing pride scorches the very ground she walks, confidence radiating from her like the heat that comes immediately after. She's fiery, vibrant and powerful. Though not quite a social butterfly, Verena is certainly rather outgoing and won't shy away from striking up or engaging in a conversation. Self-assured in her abilities, it can sometimes be hard for her to back down from a challenge - and the stubborn streak certainly doesn't help matters. Though often rather down to earth and with a colorful sense of humor, one would think that a switch was flipped with how quickly she can become serious should a given situation call for it.
There's a certain charm that she's adopted; she wields it like a weapon, one nearly as deadly as her fists. Her hospitality and kindness will last as long as one behaves the same in turn. The moment that changes, it's pure venom from then on.
Want to know more? Interact or RP!
「 personal information 」
HOBBIES: Poetry, painting, meditation, hiking, reading, painting, swimming, studying, exercising.
SKILL(S): Practical and magical medicine, skilled martial artist, practiced tactician, fast learner, extensive anatomical knowledge, [REDACTED].
AFFILIATIONS: The Blacktalons, The Blackheart Accord, [REDACTED] (former), [REDACTED] (former)
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「 relations 」
Jenir Sun’rael, father. Unknown.
Sena Sun’rael, mother. Unknown.
Eriesh Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
Lyrina Sun’rael, sister. Deceased.
Amora Sun’rael, sister. Alive.
Saeus Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
Kaethis Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
「 habits & vices」
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
「 hooks」
Surgical Precision: A skilled Doctor and surgeon with a degree, Verena has treated many patients over the years in hospitals and even out on the field of battle. Anyone currently or previously involved with the military, civilians, monks, or Black Talons could have been treated by her at one point or another.
Black Talons: A current Blacktalon assassin and agent, V has traveled all over Azeroth and beyond to gather, seek and locate various bits of information ranging from a simple overheard conversation to a relic or two. Those of a similar occupation, drakes or Dracthyr of the Black Dragonflight could easily recognize her for this.
Isn't it odd, though, that she's just a Blacktalon agent? One does not simply become an agent; Wrathion hires talent. Maybe there's more to this.
White Tiger, Jade Serpent: At every given opportunity, Verena will speak of her time in Pandaria - working, training, fighting, the whole package. Monks, or those who lived, worked, trained or fought on the Isle could certainly recognize her from there; she spent a number of years training under a pair of Pandaren monk masters.
Woven in the Mists: Perhaps it's just a rumor, or maybe there's more to it. Though a skilled combatant and combat medic in her own right, whispers constantly swirl around a more unique style that she employs; one that can be used to harm instead of heal. Maybe due to the ramifications of using this method of mistweaving, or something else entirely, there will occasionally be lightning-like teal patterns up and down her arms. This results from an excess of chi use.
Sting like a Killer Bee: Despite her calm disposition and training as a mistweaver, Verena is known for a rather aggressive and punishing fighting style. It would be best described as orthodox Muay Thai combined with Wing Chun and Taekwondo.
Neutral Party: Verena does not identify with the Alliance or the Horde, and simply chooses to remain neutral. Though once a firm and unwavering member of the Alliance, her time and training as a monk seems to have changed her perspective on the faction war.
「 other/ooc 」
FACE REFERENCE(S): Elizabeth Lail
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Morena Baccarin as Black Canary (JLU)
SERVER(S): Moon Guard (A), Wyrmrest Accord (H)
This character is completely neutral, and thus has a Horde and an Alliance counterpart.
I will not interact/roleplay with minors or anyone under the age of 18. 21+ preferred.
I will not write with godmodders (ex. never misses a hit and never gets hit, their character is so overpowered that they’re basically a god and can’t ever lose, etc).
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umbralastra · 9 months ago
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Looking for RP Contacts on NA: Tanvi Arya
Hey! Thanks for looking at this! I haven't posted one of these on here before, so I'm not really sure how this'll go, but I'm looking for roleplaying contacts!
Specifically I'm looking for pre-established relationships from Tanvi's childhood in Thavnair, old friends, relatives, maybe a past relationship, or something more current like co-workers at the Ul'dahn Alchemist Guild or botanists that Tanvi would contract for specific ingredients. I'm not looking for current love interests, but if the characters have chemistry, maybe! If you're interested, shoot me a message on here and we can talk through specifics!
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 23
Race: Au'ra (Raen)
Tanvi doesn't remember much about her birth parents. She only knows bits and pieces, the brightness of their smiles, their love of dance, her mother's perfume, but little else. She was adopted by Ishaan Arya, a member of the Radiant Host, and and Honored Willow, an alchemist at the Great Work and their daughter, Aditi Arya. When Tanvi grew older, in an attempt to prove herself as an alchemist, she journeyed to Ul'dah to join the Alchemist's Guild and continue to improve her craft.
Alchemist: Tanvi is a practicing alchemist. While not a very skilled magical healer, she often has tonics and potions to help manage symptoms and various ailments and works at the Alchemist's Guild in Ul'dah during the day. Perhaps you work with her or have commissioned her in the past. Maybe you're a botanist she contracted for rare ingredients.
Student in Old Sharlayan: She is currently studying Alchemy in Old Sharlayan. Perhaps you've seen her around there, nose buried in a book or participating in a study group.
Fight Arena waitress: Responsible for serving and seating guests, Tanvi sees a lot of faces and has begun to learn the names of up and coming gladiators. If you are such a fighter, perhaps she might know of you.
Novel (especially romance novel) enthusiast: Tanvi is in love with love, a hopeless romantic to her core. If you write romance novels (or write anything at all) there's a high likelihood that she will know of you and/or your work.
Inquisitive: She is always interested in learning something new. If she hears that you're an expert in your field, she'll likely want to know more
Thavnairian: Tanvi was born in Yedlihmad. Perhaps you're a figure from her childhood, friend or otherwise.
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heartpiercer · 2 years ago
LFC - Marsira Ith’valin
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「 general information 」
FULL NAME: Marsira Elayne Ith’valin
NICKNAME(S): Mar, Mars, Marsi
TITLE(S): The Heartpiercer, of the Unseen Path
AGE: 182
DATE OF BIRTH: June 27th
RACE: Quel’dorei
GENDER: Female, cisgender.
MARITAL STATUS: Single, never married.
PROFESSION(S): Mercenary, sharpshooter, dragonrider, ranger of the Unseen Path. Former Farstrider (Captain), Ex-SI:7 (Director)
LANGUAGES: Thalassian, Common, Draconic, Sign
「 physicality & appearance 」
HAIR: Crimson red, wavy, shoulder blade length
EYES: Deep blue
HEIGHT: 5’10”
BUILD: Mesomorphic; muscular and athletic. Archer’s build.
A jagged scar that darts by the corner of her right eye and stops just below her left cheekbone
An odd fern-like scar on her left bicep that stretches down her arm.
Freckles dotted across her cheeks.
Green, dragon-like tattoos on her arms and torso.
A lip ring, center of bottom lip.
A tongue piercing
Dagger, heart and playing card earrings.
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「 personality & traits 」
Reserved even on the best of days, Marsira is more often a quiet observer than she is an engager in conversation. She's a decent conversationalist when spoken to, piercing the person in question with her bright blue eyes all the while. There is a certain kindness there, shrouded from the world at large in the shadowy fog of snark and sarcasm; kept safe from those who would use and abuse it.
Despite her quietness, there's an overwhelming aura of confidence and power about her. She's blunt, and by her own admission is easily annoyed by those who prevaricate or don't speak their mind. She does have her moments of frustration that can turn into fiery outbursts, but it is not a common occurrence.
Want to know more? Interact or RP!
「personal information 」
HOBBIES: Whittling, blacksmithing, drawing, reading
SKILL(S): Archery, trapper, tracker, survivalist, sharpshooter, bounty hunter.
RESIDENCE: Elwynn Forest
BIRTHPLACE: Quel’thalas
AFFILIATIONS: The Unseen Path, Glove & Gauntlet
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「 relations 」
Erzaen Ith’valin, father. 
Sylrise Ith’valin-Duskfeather, mother. †
Her drake, a black dragon named Avoth.
A blue hydra named Ire.
「 habits & vices」
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
「 other/ooc 」
FACE REFERENCE(S):Katherine Mcnamara
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Janet Varney as Avatar Korra
SERVER: Moon Guard - Alliance
Although this is an Alliance-aligned character, she won’t outright attack those of the Horde; she is currently far more preoccupied with what’s happening on the Dragon Isles to be bothered.
I will not interact/roleplay with minors or anyone under the age of 18.
Though I am fine writing characters in more intimate situations if it is appropriate, do not try to force ERP or expect it in any way when writing with me. Should you do so, it will likely end in a block.
I will not write with godmodders (ex. never misses a hit and never gets hit, their character is so overpowered that they’re basically a god and can’t ever lose, etc).
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abalathia · 7 months ago
- lfrp : florence corlieux (crystal / balmung)
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【 ❛ The Basics ⋯⋯ ⋯
⊰ Age: Thirty.
⊰ Birthday: 10th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
⊰ Race: Hyur. Highlander / Midlander.
⊰ Gender: Female.
⊰ Sexuality: Pansexual/Panromantic.
⊰ Marital Status: Single.
⊰ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
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【 ❛ Physical Appearance ⋯⋯ ⋯
⊰ Hair: Naturally auburn. Often glamoured black or ash blonde.
⊰ Eyes: Amber.
⊰ Height: 6'2”.
⊰ Build: Athletic and muscular.
⊰ Distinguishing Marks: Scar on left eye and brow. Beauty mark under right eye. Freckled face and chest. Scars across arms, abdomen, and legs.
⊰ Common Accessories: Simple gold necklace with the mark of Rhalgr.
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【 ❛ Personal ⋯⋯ ⋯
⊰ Profession: Mercenary.
⊰ Hobbies: Sparring, self-indulgence, and star gazing.
⊰ Languages: Eorzean.
⊰ Residence: None. Nomadic lifestyle.
⊰ Birthplace: Ala Mhigo.
⊰ Religion: Follower of Rhalgr.
⊰ Patron Deity: Rhalgr.
⊰ Fears: Failure, abandonment.
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【 ❛ Relationships ⋯⋯ ⋯
⊰ Spouse: None.
⊰ Children: None.
⊰ Siblings: Two twin brothers. Keeps in close contact.
⊰ Parents:
- Mother: Keeps in close contact.
- Father: Estranged.
⊰ Other Relatives: Estranged.
⊰ Pets: A small orange tabby that lives on the ship.
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【 ❛ Traits ⋯⋯ ⋯
⇢ Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
⇢ Disorganized / In Between / Organized
⇢ Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
⇢ Calm / In Between / Anxious
⇢ Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
⇢ Cautious / In Between / Reckless
⇢ Patient / In Between /  Impatient
⇢ Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
⇢ Leader / In Between / Follower
⇢ Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
⇢ Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
⇢ Traditional / In Between / Modern
⇢ Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
⇢ Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
⇢ Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
⇢ Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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【 ❛ Additional information ⋯⋯ ⋯
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⊰ Smoking Habit: Frequently.
⊰ Drugs: Frequently.
⊰ Alcohol: Frequently (all the time).
【 ❛ RP Hooks ⋯⋯ ⋯
⋮ ➊ Crystal Braves: Though disbanded and tarnished, the Crystal Braves were Florence's first semblance of structure and family outside of her blood. Perhaps you served alongside her, or maybe you have a bounty for her head for her betrayal. Regardless, Florence does not shy away from her past and will not stand for the erasure of her conquests - nor the sacrifices made along the way.
- Florence served time for her crimes against Eorzea and earned her freedom in exchange for her plea against fellow Braves. While there is no official bounty against her, she's sure to have ruffled a few feathers and gained an enemy or two.
⋮ ➋ Sell-Sword: Florence is a hired sell-sword for an Ala Mhigan textile merchant. Her endeavors currently have her traveling to the distant shores of Thavnair and most recently the New World. She often partakes in local hunts and fetes and can be seen lurking around taverns and inns once the sun sets.
- Have a mark or target you need captured or eliminated? Florence is a perfect hire: discreet, effective, and ruthless.
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⋮ ➌ Black Market: Struggling to cope, Florence has developed a nasty taste for all things indulgent. Should your contacts hear of a woman in search to quench her vices, Florence is sure to be near.
- There is no price too high or steep for Florence, and she's willing to stoop to the lowest of levels to sate her addictions.
【 ❛ OOC Information  ⋯⋯ ⋯
⋮ ➊ Feel free to shoot me a PM here, on Discord ( scifidblftr ), or IG ( Florence Corlieux@Balmung ).
⋮ ➋ I primarily RP over Discord but am open to events and IG plots.
⋮ ➌ I am looking for connections, partners, and an IC FC. Even if you don’t RP, I’m always open to chat!
I am fine with: romance, angst, action, horror, slice of life, adventure, and much more. I am not fine with: noncon, plotless smut, and controversial kinks.
Please keep in mind that Florence is a good person who has done evil things for the sake of freedom. Everything she's done, she's viewed as just or for the greater good. Most of her negative qualities and choices can be attributed to her drug and alcohol addictions even if they do not absolve her of her crimes.
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iggy-q · 10 months ago
LFRP - Ignatia Quille
Name: Ignatia Quille
Race: Au Ra - Raen
Gender: F
Sexuality: Straight(ish)
Relationship status: Single
Age: 34
Profession: ex-drug lord (lady?) and addict, forger, ship captain
Hobbies: travel, poaching, artifact collection
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Ignatia spent many years attempting to run from her past in only the most destructive ways: substance abuse, gambling, chaotic romances, pure adrenaline. She grew an empire from nothing but the sheafs of paper and ink she brought with her to the encampments outside the gates of Ul'Dah. Her success was pure luck. However, her downfall was of her own hand.
When the rock bottom she found herself in grew too insufferable for her, she set off for some years of solitude only to return riding the coattails of the same luck that uplifted her the first time.
Now, the captain of her own ship, she braves the seas for rare finds. From animals to gold, the Raen now feeds her desire for a thrill by drafting faux writs of passage to take what she wishes and display the trophies in her home.
RP Hooks
The Prodigal Bitch of Ul'Dah
Ignatia's reputation preceded her within the city: brutal, ruthless, sharp. Any who feared an altercation would avoid her, but those who enjoyed a challenge would have no issue with that. Any who dared poke the bear would find that she quite enjoyed a good banter dripping with double entendre and vague threats. It's an art only the most depraved would appreciate.
When she disappeared, though, her normal contacts and clientele would find themselves coming up short for info on where she went. Her office and home were left abandoned with no explanation and no forwarding address. Rumors spread: perhaps she'd been arrested, maybe an aggravated Blade had finally killed her. No matter the reason, her name once again started circulating in recent moons. Was she back? Where was she this whole time? Where can she be found now?
Sailors Needed
A captain needs sailors. If your character's looking for a job, perhaps they would find her help wanted posters tacked up around the city.
No Suitors?
Ignatia was known in some circles for her disastrous taste in partners - and for her propensity to chew them up and spit them out. Where one would expect a new partner draped over her arm upon her return, she seems to have sworn off romance and - shockingly - physical intimacy. Would your character feel so emboldened to try to sneak under her shell? Would they be successful? It would certainly be fun for her to see them try.
OOC Info
I'm looking for long-term RP partners (age 21+) who enjoy exploring darker and mature themes as much as I do! A written media, I've found, allows for a safer avenue in which to explore these things. Communication is key, however, and if any topic goes too far for you I'm fully capable of dialing it back!
I can RP both in-game and via Discord. I have a full-time job, and I also enjoy having my own hobbies and friends outside of online gaming. As such, I'm not always able to respond right away, nor am I able to stay up into the wee hours of the morning. Central US timezone.
I'm not here for the smut. If it happens in the course of an RP and there's a purpose, I'm fine with it. If I feel it would make sense, but I'm not in the mood to go into it, I'd prefer to fade to black. Your preferences are also important, so if you'd rather FTB every time or avoid ERP altogehter, that's a-okay with me! ERP isn't my goal, storytelling is.
Send me a message if you're interested! We can trade info and set something up! ^^
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alicienacorvin · 3 months ago
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LFRP: Alice Leach - Crystal DC
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Look at that stud muffin...can you believe she hasn't been in any RP for almost a year now?? Crazy. That's why I'm looking for new RP contacts! Alice is a bruiser, bodyguard type with a penchant for secret softness and surprising insights. She is currently aimless and looking for something to occupy her mind and time, be that people or work.
In-game RP: Is preferred for the most part, but I am willing to occasionally do Discord stuff in the long run. I have a weird work schedule and travel a fair bit, so sometimes it is easier. I would prefer to do in game to start.
Story Length: I would greatly prefer long term RP as opposed to just one-offs. I've had plenty of one-offs and they leave me feeling deflated. I want a storyline, though not necessarily romantic (I'm not opposed, but I think going into an RP with that goal leads to bad times.)
Story Types: I am pretty open to all sorts of stories. Casual slice-of-life tends to burn itself out pretty quickly, so action and adventure, mystery, even horror stuff to punctuate the story is always good. Alice is an inherently violent creature, despite her looks, so playing to that is preferred (also it gives time to play out the juxtaposition of her as violent and also tender.)
Misc: I certainly prefer paragraph length RP, but I know there are times when that doesn't work. Sassy banter works better in short bursts, for example. That being said, I need meaty RP, something that has substance.
Do you need someone to enact incredible violence, either as a bodyguard or a mercenary? Do you need a self-sacrificing meat-shield to protect you in "abandoned" ruins and temples?
Do you need someone with connections both above and below board, fostered through time as a distiller running a slightly shady business before she got bored?
Do you need someone who won't ask a lot of questions pertaining to morality of a plan as you obtain goods that may or may not belong to you?
Do you just need someone brash and exciting to go on stupid adventures with? Message me and maybe we can come up with something fun!
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ungrateful-cyborg-moved · 8 months ago
If you enjoy roleplaying in FFXIV (or would like to get your hand at it), this is the community for you! FFXIV Roleplay is a place where you can promote your events, post your LFRP and contact other people to start writing with them! It's also a place to host discussions centered around roleplaying in our favorite game (lore, advice, etc.), should you want to.Join us now o/
Communities are still in beta and invites are needed to join one. I'll send one to everyone who likes the post. Please keep in mind that you can only join a community with your main blog.
(Reblogs are welcome!)
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aroseyetbloomedwrites · 1 year ago
LFRP: Francel de Haillenarte
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(Looking for: Contacts, friends, acquaintances, and more!)
The Basics:
Age: 25
Race: Elezen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Queer
Marital Status: It may be Complicated now...
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Physical Appearance:
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue. Oceanic
Height: 6'7.5"
Build: Slim and softly padded.
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Occupation: Overseer of the Reconstruction and Operation of the Firmament.
Hobbies: All things musical, namely; Piano, cello, and learning vertical keyed flute. Baking.
Residence: Ishgard, The Last Vigil, Haillenarte Manor
Religion: Halonic Orthodox/The Twelve.
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For a Basic Profile:
Likes: Music. The Piano is his favorite, but he plays other instruments. Coffee. Sweets. Greenery and flora. Karakul & other such fauna.
Dislikes: Wine. Presumptuousness. Blizzards.
Strengths: Discerning. Attentive. Earnest. Honest. Tight-lipped.
Weaknesses: Idealistic. Talkative. Insecure. A bit nosy. He can be absent minded.
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RP Hooks & Currently Looking For:
Investment Opportunities: Including business operations and entrepreneurs. The acquisition of business from the three major City States was an excellent exercise into what the new District could be, but now he would like to make sure success can grow from within. It was important to bring business back into Ishgard, starting with her people.
(If you are looking for High House connections, this may be your stop!)
Hint: Anything which may aid the Skysteel Workshop in the Firmament, and the Manufactory in the City Proper would also be a stepping stone.
Idea: He may also have a vested interest in baked goods, and sweets.
If you can get close enough: Not quite a rumor, as lord Francel has been hush-hush about it... A scene not dissimilar to the past; goods he had shipped in to the new district come in damaged with a pristine box. Leading him to believe in an outside source of sabotage. While not the leading reason behind why it's being built, he has become the face and driving force, with his leadership, steadily upsetting an internal, or external balance. Will he, and yours, be able to get to the bottom, or is there some aid which may be proffered? (this would be an extensive and cooperative endeavor, across many platforms, with intertwining stories.)
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Low Stakes RP Hooks and Opportunities!
Would You Like To Dance?: Francel is, for all intents and purposes, a young lord, as such one would think him versed in the multitude of arts which may be related to music to some extent. Alas, since he was but a child, and despite many lessons, the habit of sneaking out and shirking such duty prevailed, and he wiles away the gala and gatherings in the gardens. He has two left feet now, is it possible then, that one could show him the way? Such world as he lives in, he can no longer get away with being a wallflower, or hidden away with his new public position.
Snowbank Blues: Does your character wander Coerthas? What about Ishgard's city proper? Lord Francel does; between Camp Dragonhead, and Skyfire Locks, as well as near to the ruins of the Steel Vigil and thus, Providence Point to a certain memorial with frequency... He does not always squirrel himself away, and one may find him praying in the cathedral, nestled in a bakery, or at those old encampments. Is that a look of melancholy as he wanders, and as he sits?
Ever Sleepless: The morning is subjective, right? This is said because lord Francel has little (a lot) of trouble sleeping. Is he up early? Or did he go to sleep late? If at all? He can be safely visited at odd hours. Does your character serve a lesser House which would be in contact with House Haillenarte? Lord Francel may just be the easiest contact to have, as a go-between, from their House, to His. Meetings of most any nature can be held in the late, or early mornings, and he will ever lend and ear to any plight with which he may be able to assist.
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OOC Outlines & Communication
Hi there! Francel mun here, you can call me Francy, or Fran or other such variations as please you.
The muse and mun are 21+ and respectfully request all who approach to be.
My expectations are maturity, respect and communication. Such facets as I play Francel as, commanding of maturity and respect can be unlocked with our friendship and story progression! Communication is key.
I accept mature themes with communication, romance centric plots, angst, slice of life, adventure. Anything outlined in the hooks are a possibility. But do know, the hooks listed here are not all there is in the world of possibility! But if you are lost, they could be a starting point. I am open to all kinds of possibilities, and would love the chance to explore with you. Please know, interaction is NOT limited to just within Ishgard and Coerthas, he can travel abroad now! And will have to, from time to time, for business.
Response times vary, but I like to think I am very considerate of your time! I also write to match, most times. Short-form and long-form, or, from several sentence story lines, to multi length paragraph plots. Simplistic, or introspective. Flavors can change.
In-game roleplay is a little harder for me, but I do enjoy it, this will take some planning and cooperation.
First contact me here for communication purposes before we move to such platforms as Guilded, or Discord.
(divider by samspenandsword)
Hope I have done this right!
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unidentifiedfluffyobject · 3 months ago
Alive~!! And LFRP
I had a bit of stuff going on this last month or so. Work's been crazy, my cousin got married, I just had a birthday and I'm workin' on fics and doodles n such.
Right now, I'm in the market for more rp partners because I'm having a huge dry spell! Details under the Cut /o/
So, it should be known I'm looking for Undertale RP. I like playing as / with skeletons. I do Canons/Canons and OC/Canons and I like making new skellies on the fly because I'm a huge loser with way too much time on her hands.
A few things, though:
-Must be 21+ ; I'm in my thirties and while I'd prefer someone to write with around my age, I'll take partners in their twenties, too.
-I post anywhere from one paragraph to ten, and if I'm feeling frisky I'll pump out a little novella just for you.
-Must be comfortable with doubling up. If I'm playing your favorite canon for you, surely you'd be okay doing the same for me.
-I'm mostly on discord due to my job being a huge butt, so message me privately here and I shall give you my contact info!
-I like chatting on top of rp, so be prepared for me to try to make friends with you lmao
That said, I play All genders (that I'm aware of), and I also play all sexualities (also that I'm aware of). I'm flexible, I like wholesome shit as much as I like angst, annnnnd.... plot twists are my jam!
Gimme a nudge!
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lunaexiv · 1 year ago
LFRP: Lunae Lux
(( Looking for new contacts for a very old character ♥ ))
∎ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Lunae 'Lux' Kaneshiro ∎ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞: Keeper, Miqo'te ∎ 𝐀𝐠𝐞: 29 ∎ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Female ∎ 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Straight ∎ 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Est ((But I'm a nightowl)) ∎ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐝: https://lunaelux.carrd.co/
▬ 𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: Obsessive, Over-protective, Devious, Kind, Generous, Dangerous, Psychotic ▬ 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐢𝐨: Lunae is a self-made criminal mastermind. She climbed the ranks of the underworld at a spry age and soon created her own empire. That empire grew in the west and took hold in the east when she discovered her true birthright. Now she stands as the Oyabun to The Nisshoku-gumi, an infamous yakuza family that has bloodied the eastern sands throughout the years. Vivacious and deadly, Lunae seeks to expand her domain and make beneficial alliances or unfortunate enemies. ▬ 𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬:
- She is an established Shinobi and Astrologian who usually boasts about her blessings to tell the future. Are you looking for a reading? - Being a self-proclaimed criminal Empress she is a name that has been whispered. Have you heard of her? Are you foe or friend? - Lunae is also an entrepreneur, owning many businesses from The Sultana's Cup, The Phoenix Parlor, Club Underdark, and the Asagao Gardens. Were you an old patron? - Shady dealings? - Crime? - Are you from Hingashi? Perhaps you heard of her lost clan? Literally anything, I'm open to anything!
▬ 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧: Longterm partners, dark, mature, horror themes. General crime roleplay! Romance is something that will be almost impossible on her unless given proper investments. ▬ 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧: Romance out the gate, Erp with no direction, most slice of life situations (I am for the cute stuff occassionally but I prefer story heavy plotlines with conflict)
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ellissay-morningstar · 1 year ago
LFRP: Ellissay Morningstar
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Basics –––– ✢
▌NICKNAMES: Elly ▌AGE: 25 ▌RACE: Half-Elf (Quel'dorei mother & Gilnean father. Void Elf in game) ▌GENDER: Female ▌SEXUALITY: Bisexual ▌MARITAL STATUS: Single ▌SERVER: Moon Guard
Physical Appearance –––– ♤
▌HAIR: Long Silver White ▌EYES: Blue Hazel ▌HEIGHT: 5'8 ▌BUILD: Athletic, Toned/Athletic ▌DISTINGUISHING MARKS: None ▌COMMON ACCESSORIES: Jeweled Dagger (usually hidden)
Personal –––– ♢
▌PROFESSION:  Huntress/For Hire ▌HOBBIES: Reading, Writing, Singing ▌LANGUAGES: Multilingual  ▌RESIDENCE: Wherever she is renting at the moment ▌BIRTHPLACE: - ▌RELIGION: None ▌FEARS: Losing what is left of her family
Relationships –––– ♡
▌Spouse: None ▌Children: None ▌Parents: Eclesia Morningstar, Grimsark Blakemore ▌Siblings: Her twin brothers, Damon and Eldon Blakemore ▌Other Relatives: Elutia Morningstar ▌Pets:  Two snow leopards, Nieves and Neva
disorganized / organized / in between close-minded / open-minded / in between Calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless /in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unemphatic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between leaning optimistic traditional/modern / in between Hard-working/lazy / in between cultured / un-cultured / in between loyal / disloyal / in between faithful / unfaithful / in between
Possible Hooks –––– ♦
▌ Huntress for hire. She takes on contracts to hunt and/or kill creatures that are wrecking havocs on villages or upsetting the balance of nature.
▌For hire-other. Following in her mother's footsteps, she takes on contract work in gathering intelligence and taking out possible targets at her discretion.
▌She enjoys a good drink and can be found at a tavern or bar especially during the weekend late nights. She also enjoys dancing and can possibly be found at local clubs and/or parties.
▌-she is a brand new character that is still in the works of me figuring her out. Any suggestions for a starter for role play is always welcomed.
PLEASE NOTE: I currently do most if not all of my RP in discord. That information can be obtained by messaging me on tumblr in ask or messenger.
What I’m looking for –––– ♥
▌RP partners/Friendship ▌I’m willing to do pre-established ships mainly past relationships, family, old friends, enemies, past business partners. As long as it is talked out and agreed on ahead of time.  ▌Open communication about the RP at all times. ▌RP in discord with possible in-game at a later date ▌Looking for somebody who doesn’t mind if I tag them in posts about our characters with gifs, quotes, and such.
Out of Character –––– ♣
▌I am an older writer/roleplayer, 40+, and when doing NSFW (including erotica, violence, etc) topics, I prefer the writer to be 25+. SFW - 18+ ▌I mostly do para writing, but it can and will vary in length. I have no expectation on length, If you write a line or a chapter, I am good either way. ▌IC and OOC separate at all times. I am not my character, and she is not me. This is very important to me. Please do not take OOC into RP and vice versa. ▌I can always be contacted via Tumblr ask/messenger or Discord, if you have my discord.
Contact Information –––– ✰
Tumblr @ellissay-morningstar
Carrd: In the works
Discord -  Please request. 
In game - Ellissay on Moon Guard
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silentsighs-ffxiv · 15 days ago
[ LFRP ] Shimayasu no Kotone
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"May we meet again on calmer shores."
Bound in a political marriage to secure the safety and tranquility of her peoples, Kotone must now find a way to balance duty and loyalty to the people she loves, the legacy in her blood, the god she worships and her new duties as an unwanted bride to the son of a Peshtu Island elder with the siren call of her heart - one that longs to live a life unchained and unburdened. It could never be that simple.
Kotone's character, themes and personal history include darker topics such as suicidal ideation, cults & ritual sacrifice, sex work & sexual themes and even death - at worst.
Kotone's husband is an NPC, as are virtually all of the Peshtu Island characters. You are unlikely to meet them without intense character development - or agreed upon history.
While Kotone and the characters written by me for her story - such as NPCs and locations - are heavily inspired by certain real world cultures both past and present, she is a fantasy character and the inspiration is just that. 
Kotone is written to maintain credibility in the FFXIV lore, but with the idea that there is so much that exists that is simply not in game and may never be touched on by the writers and developers themselves. If you demand strict lore adherence, we are not compatible - I find it personally impossible to limit myself to merely what is known rather than what could be.
You can always find additional information on her carrd, additional content on my #bsky and can always reach out to me on Discord @ t.tanshi. I am in the Pacific US timezone, my availability in-game tends to be from about 4PM PST - 12AM PST. I am seeking primarily in-game contacts, but I absolutely accept Discord roleplay and Tumblr roleplay as options.
My primary search for her is for new friends, companions and adversaries. This is a base point that I feel can spread into many other interactions in a natural manner, and at this point I am heavily focused on creating a broader network of people in Kotone's life that can influence her for good or for ill. I will be upfront that I am fine with sexual interactions with Kotone, but not a sexual focus - if your only intent is to use my character for your spank bank, I'm not interested.
I think this tumblr and her additional information are great ways to see how you can interact with her, so if you're interested, please peek through those and then drop me a hello! I'm very friendly, a little scatter-brained, and full of terrible puns. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain! Or something like that.
Reblogs are much loved - word of mouth is extremely powerful, thank you!
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merlwyb-moved · 1 year ago
LFRP: Mjara Phovent
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Basic Stuff —
Name: Mjara Phovent
Alias: Marsnek Miret
Age: 58
Race: Viera -> Veena
Gender: Genderqueer (he/they)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Widowed
Title: Viscount
Carrd Link
Personal —
Hobbies: Fashion, Lace Making, Embroidery, Dancing, Reading
Languages: Common/Eorzean (minimal Hingan)
Residence: Ishgard
Birthplace: ?? 
Religion: Why do you ask? He worships Halone, of course. Like any proper Ishgardian. Halone be praised.
Seeking —
Inquisitors. My ideal is to find an Inquisitor who knows Mjara is suspicious. His first husband was rumored to be a heretical black mage, but died before any proper investigation could be conducted. I'd love to have some sort of cat-and-mouse relationship. Bickering/Bantering would be an immense plus.
Criminals. Mjara has ties to an organization called The Crown, a criminal syndicate that is centralized in Ishgard. Mjara is generally used as a "face" between members of the syndicate & civilians, so can be seen working in all facets of the underbelly of society. He specializes in information brokering & buying illegal/dangerous items. If anyone wants to be an active part of The Crown, I am definitely open to such relationships. Mjara has notable relationships to NPCs, including: cleaners and those who are assigned to him as "guards." He's also very familiar with the organization head. If you'd like to have your character know one of these NPCs, or be the NPC themselves-- I'm open to discussion!
Criminally-oriented Noble Ishgardian Houses If your character is part of a House in Ishgard that may be affiliated with The Crown, or have used Mjara's more illegal, discreet services, I'd love to discuss this as well!
Open To —
Casual Acquaintances Since he's recently been "revamped/retconned," Mjara has virtually no social relationships. I'd like to change this! Though this could mean befriending him, this is quite hard to do. Frenemies/Enemies/Rivals are much more likely with him! But, I'm definitely not opposed to trying for a friendship.
Past/Present Patrons & Flings Mjara performs burlesque, and is rather good at it! Though he usually performs in Ul'dah, he does indeed do private performances for people in Ishgard. If you have a character that may have seen him perform (be it in Ishgard or Ul'dah), or would like to, hmu! Additionally, Mjara sleeps around pretty casually. If you'd like to have this be an established/future relationship (and maybe get some scandalous plotlines going), this is also something I'm open to!
Please only inquire about RP if you are 21+
I’m in PST, generally available from 9am/10am - 6pm, after which I get too tired to start RP in-game.
Due to my health, I prefer discord RP atm. We can attempt to schedule something in-game, but there is a chance I will have to cancel last minute. I can try my hand at tumblr RP, but I've never done it!
My DMs are open! No need to ask. It's better to contact me on discord, though (@ mon_mothra )
Boosts/Reblogs are appreciated!
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maxikha-ffxiv · 1 year ago
Rp Profile: Maxi Kha
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This isn't a LFRP per se, this is much more who my character is, and some detailed information about her and her place in the world
Character Info:
Name: Altani "Maxi" Kha (birth name Altani Dazkar)
Nicknames: Maxi, Hatchet, Stormbringer
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Age: roughly 32 by end of events of EW
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual Demisexual
Marital Status: Married to Leofard Myste
Height: 5'3"
Patron Diety: Oschon
Hair: Black, teal highlights
Eyes: Electric Blue, teal Limbal Rings
Tattoos: Rogue's tattoo on her right arm/shoulder
Noticeable marks: Freckled face, a very large back scar from a direwolf attack while protecting a child
Noticeable items: Bard's hat (when working as an archer). Her EB ring on a chain around her neck. Cherry Blossom earrings. Hybrid bow made of parts from a zelkova and a wanderer's bow (yoichi bow zeta). Redbill scarf wrapped either on her neck or her thigh, or tucked away in a pocket.
Important NPC's:
Narani Dazkar, now Kha: Maxi's mother, wife to Keiten, humble child of the Dazkar tribe. Daughter of Ghoa, Butterfly of the Dazkar. Fled with mother and child after learning of plot to kill Maxi. Now lives in Radz-at-Han with a portion of the Kha tribe, as a merchant selling Xaela goods
Ghoa Dazkar: Maxi's grandmother. A generational talent in archery, she earned the title "Butterfly of the Dazkar" for how gracefully she could wield a bow. Many Xaela came from all over the step to be taught by her, but she didn't take many students, her best one being her own teenage granddaughter. Killed in a bandit attack by experimental poison
Keiten Kha: Maxi's stepfather, husband to Narani. Member of the Kha that rescued the Dazkar ladies. Fell in love with Narani, officially married when Maxi was 6. Maxi calls him dad, only father she recognizes. Leatherworker by trade, crafted the archery bracers Maxi wears when she's in her usual combat attire
Baatu Dazkar: Birth father of Maxi. She never talks about him. He tried to kill her, twice, all because she's his illegitimate firstborn. Former khan of Dazkar, removed from power by Maxi in a trial of combat.
Leofard Myste: Yeah, they're married now. In the running for "Eorzea's most chaotic couple.". Hooked up during the mhach alliance raid storyline. Got secretly married between end of HW and start of stormblood events. Eventually honeymooned and made it public during DT events.
Humble start: Maxi, uninterested in the life of a merchant, left for the lands of Eorzea once of age. Having been trained in Dazkar archery, she set off to join the archers guild in Gridania
Martial prowess: Maxi has 0 aether control, but has been athletically gifted from birth. She's able to pick up and handle any martial weapon with minimal training, having spent time with the various martial guilds before settling on the Archer's/Rogue's and Marauder's guilds to focus on
Shroud archer: Main "job" is working as a scout and ranger in the Black Shroud. Maxi's been able to come to an understanding with the Elementals of the Shroud, and is able to get where she needs for the most part without much issue. Because of this, she tends to get requests from the Twin Adders on scouting missions.
Rogue by any other Name: Maxi's "other job" is her real occupation, whether she likes it or not. She works for the Rogues' Guild as Hatchet, ranged weapons expert and best info broker they've ever had. If it needs knowing, she's learned of it, and if not, her vast network of contacts will figure it out quick
The One True Job (Stone): Maxi wields a single job stone: Dark Knight. She's not exactly sure how she ended up with it, but she got it, can wield the powers of, and has fully embraced the Darkness at times. Although Maxi doesn't use a greatsword, a bloodstained axe given to her is her chosen weapon, she still can perform devastating attacks nonetheless. Fray also makes appearances, either at moments of high emotion, or when she's having a discussion with herself
Dynamis?: There's a reason Maxi sucks at using Aether and makes a good DRK. Turns out she has a high skill with Dynamis usage, although up until recently she didn't even know what it was, let alone how to use it. Her emotions fuel her, the stronger the emotions, the stronger her ability to wield it. Her control of Dynamis is very limited yet, as she is far from mastering it, but there have been flashes
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etheirysnoir · 6 months ago
contacts wanted — yiuno.
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[ lore / writing / answers / gpose / aesthetics ] — Updated 2024.09.14
An adventurer by day, and an assassin by night—Yiuno Reine is an enigmatic Viera who walks along the blurred line of light and darkness. From the politically righteous Grand Companies to the unknown depths of the Eorzean underworld, Yiuno will work for anyone for the right price, especially if the job aligns with his personal agendas. However, the dangerous secrets that have slept within him for so long will become the key to the fate of the world… once more.
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Shrouded in deep mystery with a rich backstory, there are plenty in store for you to develop and forge a bond with him. His complex characterization does not deter my freedom to play him in a wide array of settings; rather, the possibilities are almost endless, and meeting new people is a part and parcel of his long life.
For a limited time, I am open to only 1-2 players interested in creating intricate stories with Yiuno.
I am no longer seeking roleplay contacts; all my partner slots are currently full. However, you are still free to send me writing prompts or approach me to chat about your blorbos. I love reading about everyone’s characters and learning something new about them.
before you jump onto the bandwagon…
Please read this section very carefully as it contains important things you should know before you approach me to RP with my character(s).
Yiuno’s lore contains very dark and mature themes, and these are crucial in his characterization and development as a person. On the same note, I’m not keen to work with adults who are sensitive to various triggers, to err on the side of safety. I’m a very busy person, and my empathy for others is fairly limited after a long and stressful work day.
I have a demanding full-time job and I live in the JST (GMT+9) timezone. Aside from schedule restrictions, I mainly play on Japan DCs due to latency issues. It’s difficult for me to arrange in-game meetups, and I’m too busy with real life to manage alts on other data centers. I’m also uncomfortable with many aspects of in-game roleplaying, which I find them too stressful and not fun to deal with.
Google Docs is most preferred. Also open to other long-form writing platforms suggestions and I’m happy to give them a try. That being said…
I don’t expect my partners to be a bookworm as much as I am, but please have the basic courtesy to provide enough content in your IC replies to keep the story moving. Neither Yiuno nor I can read minds; metagaming is frowned upon in roleplays, and I’m sure we both want the collaboration to be a fun and fruitful experience.
I am unable to respond immediately due to timezone differences. Your active time is my working or sleeping hours, and vice versa. Real-life commitments take priority over a shared hobby, which is a rule I will respect you for and expect the same in return. I’d need some time to come up with quality replies, too.
While I’m willing to impart bits and pieces of Yiuno’s backstory for the purpose of planning ahead in OOC discussions, it should be universally understood that you should never mix OOC knowledge with IC development without my explicit permission. Always keep communication channels open—not only to make sure everyone is on the same page with the RP, but also to build good rapport along the way.
possible starting points.
I’m mainly looking for serious, long-term roleplays with a good dose of plot and character development. If none of the hooks below can tickle your fancy, we can discuss further in OOC to brainstorm more ideas.
Krile Baldesion. One of Yiuno’s regular clients, who often calls upon his expertise as a treasure hunter and curse breaker both, to handle jobs deem too dangerous for any gleaners to tackle. In exchange for his assistance, Yiuno exploits Krile’s position as an esteemed Sharlayan scholar to gain access to the Noumenon, where he can conduct his own research for the information he seeks. The question is: what is he looking for amongst the dusty, ancient grimoires of forgotten past?
Yayake Yake. Though a dutiful receptionist who works at the Thaumaturges’ Guild, this seemingly polite Dunesfolk has a sharp sense for those with great potential for arcane arts. She has tried and failed to recruit Yiuno to join the guild on countless occasions, with only requests in reclaiming artifacts of the black to seduce the unwilling man back to Ul’dah each time. While this seems like an inconspicuous relationship, there is definitely more than meets the eye. Why does Yayake single out Yiuno from amongst the promising candidates of black magic? Why does she have such high regards for his talent and skill? What else does she know about this brooding Viera—and what is she hiding about him?
Remnants of the Great Flood. Though Yiuno would often introduce himself as a mere treasure hunter when prompted on his martial prowess, if one is observant enough to pick up the signs, they would notice that some things just don’t add up. Majority of Yiuno’s regular clients have affiliations with guilds of the arcane arts. He’s usually tasked to find and reclaim ancient artifacts from fallen civilizations known for their knowledge in magic. He has a curious familiarity with the three factions in the Magi War: the Floating City of Nym, the Weeping City of Mhach, and the Lost City of Amdapor. Just what kind of connections did Yiuno have with the Sixth Umbral Calamity?
An enigma of many faces. Many adventurers would’ve dipped a toe or two into the Eozean underworld during their long journeys; those enticed by the promise to fulfill their desires would exchange their virtues for riches, sinking themselves into the violent hellscape beneath the façade of peace and prosperity. Toxic masculinity ruled this chaotic world with brute strength, while they exploit femininity to charge their own libido. However, not all women are willing to bow down to such prejudiced savagery—Yiune Rei is an assassin who seduces her male targets with her beauty before she seals their fate in the silence of the night (or so the rumors say). Very few would live to learn about the shocking truth of this graceful lady of death… for “she” is actually a man under the glamorous mask. What compels him to exact his own brand of justice in such an unorthodox way? Is there more to this curious killing spree under the bleeding moon of Etheirys?
looking for…
To reiterate on the importance of OOC discussions: both parties should have basic respect for all characters in the roleplay. Pre-established connections or no, I expect the player(s) to keep communication channels open—talk things out and come to an agreement first before throwing any drastic plot twist in each other’s face, especially one that can drastically change the course of the RP development for both sides.
A wanderer at heart, Yiuno often flits around Eorzea and beyond, never staying in one spot for long. Sometimes due to work calls, other times purely on a whim—while he is fairly knowledgeable on the geography of Etheirys, he doesn’t seem to have a place he���d call home. Deep down, Yiuno knows that he doesn’t belong anywhere: his immortality forces him to constantly move from town to town, keeping a low profile lest someone finds out the secrets to his eternal youth.
Do you share his plight of not having a place to feel home? Or are you seeking for the thrill of leaving your home and explore the uncharted waters beyond your comfort zone? Yiuno’s experience with traveling might just be what you need for the long journey ahead.
Regardless of Yiuno’s hermit lifestyle, even he understands that people are generally social beings who thrive on interactions with anything and everything around them. Yiuno knows that he can’t stay incognito forever—he’s getting weary of all the running, hiding, and lying. He wants a shoulder to lean on when the world comes crashing down upon him, or to be in a group of his caliber that can bring out his real talents.
Are you looking for a veteran to join your team and perform great heists like the one in the TV series, Leverage? Or are you the same as Yiuno, seeking a partner with great chemistry to make the world tremble under your unstoppable efficiency? Yiuno might just be that unlikely friend you need to make your ambitions come true.
Perhaps your only goal is to hire someone for the job, and you’re content to keep the relationship professional. Or you’re already taken and eternally bound by oath, preferring to employ someone who will respect your boundaries. Yiuno has been in this job for a very long time, and he knows where to draw the clear line to get the work done.
However, having a personal network of contacts does have its own merits—the gil and rewards grow with the trust and reputation built from the result of every completion. Of course, the danger and tension will come along with the riches, and perhaps this is the thrill you seek beyond the façade of your seemingly peaceful life.
Perhaps he’s an infinite darkness you want to reach and conquer. Or maybe you hate him just because. Whatever your reasons are, you’ll never see eye to eye with him: you communicate with fists and blades, and every meeting is a fight to kill.
Whether Yiuno is an assassin you aim to erase from the world, or his very existence threatens yours, how will this rivalry or enmity end…? Or a different kind of dynamics might be born from the final clash?
I’m selective towards romantic relationships with other player characters. Slow-burn is most preferred to create a meaningful development between our characters, and also reveal the truth behind Yiuno’s complex characterization in the most organic way, layer by layer. Though he’s no stranger to one-night stands due to the nature of his job, Yiuno’s a demiromantic asexual in the RP verse—mere physical pleasures with randoms aren’t enough to win him over, and instead more than likely to send you into Death’s sweet embrace.
getting in touch.
Did I manage to pique your interest? Tumblr DM is open to curious souls who wants to learn more about this mysterious Viera, to unravel the dark secrets this man is hiding… and more. Discord handler will be shared only with those who have shown genuine interest to take the risk and step into Yiuno’s world of lies and deception.
If you need more information to get a better feel of Yiuno’s character, feel free to check out the following tags:
noir; database. — lore notes and meta.
noir; chronicle. — writing; ex. canons, au.
noir; faq. — ask answers.
noir; gallery. — gposes.
noir; academia. — aesthetics; ex. quotes, moodboards.
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beneaththewillowtree · 2 years ago
LFRP Profile: Nelva Ymir
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The Basics-
Age: 128
Birthday: 13th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Viera, Veena
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (male leaning)
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Neutral Good
Physical Appearance-
Hair: dyed light brown with soft blonde highlights peeking through (natural hair color is white)
Eyes: Both eyes are blue, but her right eye is slightly lighter in color
Height: 6’0
Build: Tall and slender, incredibly lanky. Though only 6’0 tall, she carries herself in a manner that makes her seem taller.
Distinguishing Features: She is covered in freckles from head to toe, but the freckles along the bridge of her nose and cheeks are void of pigment, thus looking similar to the spots on a fawn. Due to the harsh cold weather of the Skatay Range, her ears are extra fluffy and incredibly soft- but please don’t touch without asking first. She also has a few tattoos on her left shoulder/back and right upper thigh- as a reminder of her home.
Common Accessories: She is often seen wearing glasses (though her eyesight is not poor), her white star ring that she rarely takes off, a small dagger.
Profession: Barkeep at Belladonna’s Banquet, aspiring scholar
Hobbies: Dancing, reading, learning, writing
Languages: Common, Veenska
Residence: Ishgard, Empyreum
Birthplace: Angora Village, Skatay Range
Religion: N/A
Fears: Being alone/abandoned, drowning, losing a book
Spouse: Left her to go to another star
Children: None
Parents: Father is unknown, mother remained in the village
Siblings: three sisters, all remained in the village
Extroverted / In Between / Introvertred
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-Working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional Information-
Smoking Habit: No
Drugs: No
Alcohol: Yes, wine preferably
RP Hooks-
Avid Fisher- Nelva has a strong love for fishing. Often, she enjoys going out on excursions or finding a quiet fishing hole, as a way of relaxing. She will never say no to a fishing buddy
Veena- It has been some times since she left her village. She hopes that some of her kin may have left as well. Perhaps, you are an exiled Veena, also looking for your kind? Or even a Rava looking for find solace. (This one is my favorite hook and would love to create a collaboration with others!)
Aspiring Scholar- As of recently, Nelva has been spending quite a bit of time in Sharlayan, taking advantage of their extensive collection of literature. She wasn’t always sure of what she wanted to do with her new life, but the path of a scholar has become quite tempting. Tutors, scholars and teachers are always welcomed to help her.
Wanderer- After leaving the Skatay Range, Nelva spent a long while in Ishgard. She fell in love with the snow-capped land and even opted to stay longer than anticipated. To some nobles, she was seen as exotic and stood out among them. Maybe your remember seeing a strange Viera while visiting?
I am EST timezone! Available most days, except for Wednesday and Thursdays
If your character is located in another DC/world, I am totally willing to travel!
Mirror/Paragraph RP’er
21+ as I am 21+
Dark themes/drama/conflict/adventure are all fine with me!
Consent, Communication and Comfort are all VERY important to me!
Contact Information-
Discord: Please reach out to me for this info! (Preferred for OOC)
Tumblr: I am always happy to chat on here
In-Game: I am happy to chat here as well~! (Preferred for RP)
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