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lexlight1 · 3 months ago
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One of my favorite shipping tropes ever, if not my favorite.
(And I'm sorry for the bad drawing, I'm not very good at drawing).
(And yup, this is LucindFia (Lucinda X Sofia, both from "Sofia the First")).
Okay, here's the explanation: basically, I've always read stories in which the witch always does bad things to the princess, and while they're enjoyable, I've always felt bad for the princess.
Then, 10 years ago, I saw "The Little Witch" (Sofia the First), and bang! There's a (friend)ship between a princess and a witch (Princess Sofia and Lucinda), with the witch being redeemed by the princess, and becoming friends, of course!
I love to see that kind of stories, and from that day on, I love to see stories and ships with princess / princess-like people and witches together and being friends (and maybe girlfriends, too).
Thanks a lot, Princess Sofia and Lucinda, for making me having hope on the PrincessXWitch dynamic, really, and for making me to adore it, really.
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stacycpr · 4 months ago
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Instagram Art Request (1/2)
1. Meiko, requested by @cr33pyjaja ✨
2. Bendy
3. Frida (Hilda), requested by @/lexlight
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medicircle-blog · 5 years ago
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A French company invents lamp that helps a Dyslexia patient read comfortably. #Dyslexia #Lexlight #internationalmedicircle https://bit.ly/2tgb5FV https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Qy3LfJw6J/?igshid=1w6zxtrosexvu
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frostaoftheday · 5 years ago
When I scroll through your block very fast, it is like a GIF. That is funny and I also wanted to tell you that I think that you are very creative since you find a caption for every little moment, amazing :)
Oh, thank you! And that’s kinda curious!
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najikasunart · 3 years ago
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I always wind up drawing Flora for LexLight, so here you go, my friend!  An apple witch!
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joob-jaibot · 8 years ago
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Happy #mar10day to @lexlight, @meritleighton and the #sofiathefirst fandom.
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lexlight1 · 1 year ago
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Esmie playing a tiny bell - Borrowed Trouble (Super Monsters) (Netflix)
On December 2023, I watched "Super Monsters" (a Netflix show) and I quite loved it, a lot, really, and, of course, one of my most favorite characters from it is Esmie, the teacher of Pitchfork Pines' kindergarten, and, for me, the MVP of the show. I think that she deserves more love, really, she's such a great and adorable character that's quite underrated!
So here's a gif of her playing a tiny bell, I hope that you all like it!
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lexlight1 · 2 years ago
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Lorelai Winking - The Curse of the Pirate Baby (Santiago of the Seas)
One of the most cutest Lorelai moments here, now in a Gif form!
(Seriously, she’s quite underrated and deserves more love, along with "Santiago of the Seas” in general, too).
(My previous gifs)
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lexlight1 · 3 years ago
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When you drink some coffee.
(I don’t know if anybody else on the Encanto fandom has done it already, but I wanted to do this anyways).
EDIT: I’ve learned this joke only works in the Latin Spanish dub, as Mirabel says “Y por éso no deberías tomar café” (And that’s why you shouldn’t drink coffee) and in the English dub, she says “And that’s why coffee is for grown-ups!”, so I want to apologise to everyone.
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lexlight1 · 3 years ago
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Santiago, Tomás and Lorelai jumping / Santiago and Lorelai discovering Cecilia - Opening (Santiago of the Seas)
Simply, my most favorite part of the opening of “Santiago of the Seas”.
(And the funniest part of this is that Cecilia (the octopus that appears on the second gif) is that she doesn’t appear until the 8th episode of the show, which’s also the one in which Escarlata la Pirata (one of the villains) debuts).
But seriously, I think that “Santiago of the Seas” is such a nice preschooler show that deserves more love, really, it’s such a cute and nice show!
And Lorelai (the black girl who dresses in purple and can transform from a mermaid to a human and viceversa thanks to her Bracelet of Pearl) is adorable, really!
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lexlight1 · 3 years ago
Random Mirabel Madrigal headcanon.
Mirabel Madrigal loves to play Animal Crossing, and, in fact, her town is mainly a recreation of the Encanto and the Casita, too.
But that’s not the only thing that she recreates, in fact, she also makes recreations of her clothes and the Madrigal family ones!
(I know that the time in which Encanto is placed is probably before even videogames existed, but this can still work for a modern AU or something).
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lexlight1 · 3 years ago
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Lorelai saying “Yes, yes, yes!” at Santiago - The Treasure of Capitán Calavera (Santiago of the Seas)
Sometimes I think on this adorable scene of the first episode of “Santiago of the Seas”, so I had to make a gifset of it.
(Really, Lory’s so cute and she deserves more love!)
Second gif: “Oh, yes, yes, yes!”
Fourth gif: “Yes, I do!”
Fifth gif: “Aye, aye, Captain, at your service!”
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lexlight1 · 3 years ago
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Lorelai fangirling - The Pirate Painter (Santiago of the Seas)
A simple gif of Lorelai fangirling, from “The Pirate Painter” episode!
I have to do more Lorelai gifs someday, she’s quite cute and deserves more love, along with “Santiago of the Seas” in general, too!
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lexlight1 · 3 years ago
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I want to apologise to all of the Santiago of the Seas fandom for making this, really.
For those who don’t understand Spanish, here’s an explanation of the joke:
To-más = To-more
To-menos = To-less
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lexlight1 · 3 years ago
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Lorelai spinning - To the Lighthouse (Santiago of the Seas)
I’ve seen this moment on the “Pirate Play Along Adventure” (which was a great episode, by the way), so I wanted to gif this supercute moment of the episode.
(By the way, I have to say that episode made me to ship Lorelai with Tomás (LoreMás), really, and that they deserve more love).
(And the expression that she does at the end, cackling clams, so cute).
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lexlight1 · 3 years ago
You've always been so nice and considerate to me over the years, tagging me in posts on Tumblr and Twitter and Instagram, and I just wanted to thank you for that again! It's awesome having you as a friend, I hope you're having a wonderful week!
You're welcome, Sky, and same to you! ❤️
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