#lexi t’perro
bellamer · 1 month
On a funny note someone called Cora an Asari Weaboo and that’s probably one of the reasons why I don’t like her because that’s exactly what she is. It’s giving Gwen Stefani constantly talking about Japan and Japanese culture and claiming that she’s Japanese. Like she doesn’t shut the fuck up about it. Not even Liara talked about the Asari as much and that’s her own culture, even Lexi or PeeBee, two characters from the same game don’t talk about it but every time you go talk to Cora it’s always some shit about her training with the Asari Commandos and acting like she knows everything about the culture especially when you take her to find the Asari ARK she doesn’t shut up and what makes it even funnier is that it could be bad writing, but whenever she brings up her training to other Asari they’re either unimpressed or just brush it off and don’t care
It reminds me of the American Dad episode when Haley would not shut up about the roller derby team and they didn’t even really fuck with her all like that. It she wouldn’t shut up about joining the “ modern day amazons” LIKE WE GET IT ALREADY
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oh yeh
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biowho · 2 years
Bioware Blorbo Beat Down
>>> ITS OVER <<<
We’re doing 70 npc’s from Mass Effect and Dragon Age and buckle up because first they’re going against each other! Check back in with my pinned post (this one) for updated links or go through the tag ‘bioware blorbo beat down’ on my blog to get to each poll faster
The winners of each round are polled against each other randomly but within their respective games!
[I recommend blocking the tag mentioned above to keep it outa explore pages/main tags if you don’t want to see any of it]
Garrus Vakarian
Zevran Arainai
MASS EFFECT - ROUND FIVE Garrus Vakarian VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Zevran Arainai VS Fenris
Karin Chakwas VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Garrus Vakarian VS Jack
Fenris VS Merrill
Alistair Theirin VS Zevran Arainai
Jack VS Miranda Lawson
Steve Cortez VS Karin Chakwas
Tali’zorah vas Normandy VS Urdnot Wrex
Mordin Solus VS EDI VS Garrus Vakarian
Varric Tethras VS Fenris
Zevran Arainai VS Isabela
Alistair Theirin VS Dorian Pavus
Sera VS Merrill VS Krem
Suvi Anwar VS Karin Chakwas
Steve Cortez VS Kenneth Donelly
Urdnot Wrex VS Thane Krios
Legion VS Mordin Solus
Jack VS Liara T’soni
Garrus VS Joker
Javik VS EDI
Urdnot Grunt VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy 
Miranda Lawson VS James Vega
Dog (dao) VS Isabela
Fenris VS Josephine Montilyet 
Merril VS Vivienne de Fer
Nathaniel Howe VS Krem
Anders VS Alistair Theirin
Sera VS Sten
Dorian Pavus VS Wynne
Zevren Arainai VS Morrigan
Shale VS Varric Tethras
Ashley Williams VS James Vega
Jacob Taylor VS Miranda Lawson
Samantha Traynor VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Urdnot Grunt VS Morinth
EDI VS Kaidan Alanko
Cora Harper VS Javik
Nakmor Drack VS Joker
Garrus Vakarian VS Kasumi Goto
Jaal Ama Darav VS Liara T’soni
Jack VS Liam Kosta
Mordin Solus VS Samara
Peebee VS Legion
Thane Krios VS Zaeed Massani
Vetra Nyx VS Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar VS Gabby Daniels
Steve Cortez VS Kallo Jath
Kenneth Donnelly VS Gil Brodie
Karin Chakwas VS Lexi T’Perro
Cassandra Pentaghast VS Shale
Varric Tethras VS Sigrun
Morrigan VS Bethany Hawke
Zevran Arainai VS Cole
Dorian Pavus VS Velanna
Solas VS Wynne
Tallis VS Sten
Oghren VS Sera
Alistair Theirin Vs Cullen Rutherford
The Iron Bull VS Isabela
Anders VS Blackwall
Krem VS Scout Harding
Nathaniel Howe VS Sebastian Vael
Carver Hawke VS Vivienne de Fer
Lelianna VS Merrill
Josephine Montilyet VS Aveline Vallen
Fenris VS Loghain
Dog VS Dog
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inquartata30 · 6 months
Parallax: Chapter 2
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Fandom: Mass Effect
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Politics
Relationship(s): Lexi T’Perro/OC (Thaia Kallistrate), Benezia/Aethyta, Benezia/Aethyta/Shiala
Characters: Lexi T’Perro, Thaia Kallistrate (OC), Aria T’Loak, Matriarch Benezia, Suvi Anwar, Nakmor Drack, Vetra Nyx, Cora Harper, Matriarch Aethyta, Shiala
Additional Tags: Minor Character Death, Politics, Alternate Universe, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Original Characters
Summary: 55,000 years ago, the protheans won a Pyrrhic victory over the reapers. From the ashes of the Prothean Republic and the rusting hulks of the reapers, the ancient asari grew into a galaxy-spanning empire. Two people on opposite sides first meet during an abduction that threatens to upend the tenuous armistice between the Asari Empire and the Terminus Systems. Decades later, they face each other again as forced allies and unwitting political pawns when the galaxy’s three major factions collide.
Chapter 2: Sphere of Influence
55 Tevos 437 Forty years later, one of the last things Thaia had ever expected was to see Aria T’Loak and her most trusted lieutenant, Soraya T’Perro, again. On Omega. On friendly terms. With Thaia being assigned a job by Aria. And Thaia accepting it because she had no choice if she wanted to stay on Omega while waiting for the Omega-4 Relay to be cleared of sabotage from the human terrorist group, Cerberus. All she wanted to do was study it and continue her work with designing and building a prototype relay for the asari, yet here she was, about to be working for Aria T’Loak. “—and I can’t have you idling on my station,” Aria was saying while standing across from Thaia, the large operations table between them. A technical model of Omega’s structure slowly rotated above it, two sections near the mine highlighted, and a third highlighted section at the opposite end. “You’ll be pulling some guard duty.” Please not any of the clubs. Aria signaled to Soraya, who lifted a bag from the floor and set it on the table in front of Thaia. Then she unzipped it, revealing a full kit of low-profile body armor, clothing manufactured from ballistic cloth, and other sundries commandos on personal bodyguard details often used. “I had my people pick up your weapons. Your pistol is in the bag. Your other weapons and belongings are currently being moved to more secure and far better lodgings,” Soraya said, and then studied her for a moment. “Bit of a shithole you were living in.”
Read the rest of Chapter 2 on AO3
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tempest-ssv · 2 years
There’s so many more people who could be on the list but tumblr only lets you have 10 options
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cr-noble-writes · 2 years
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Title: Growing Pains
Fandom: Mass Effect
Characters: Alex Shepard, Pathfinder Ishara, several Asari OCs, Aria T’Loak, Lexi T’Perro
Relationships: Shepard & Ishara, Shepard & sisters, Shepard/Asari OC
Tags: Kid!Shepard, teen!Shepard, Gender exploration, illness, bullying, angst, fluff, backstory, first kiss, first love, biotics manifestation, gnc!Shepard, meditation, mind meld, xenophobia, xenophobic language, misogynistic language, anxiety, arabic, egyptian, fist fight, injuries
Summary: Alex Shepard hopped a cargo ship with an unknown destination when he was twelve and ended up in the Asari colony of Blackdamp on Asteria. He liked the colony, and when he told Ishara—the Asari who found him in the streets—that he’d rather stay in Blackdamp than be sent to the human colony on the other side of the planet, she adopted him.
These are snapshots of Alex’s teen years, one per year, starting at the age of 13 and continuing to the age of 18.
Notes after the cut.
Read the First Chapter Here
Notes: First and foremost, this fic came into existence because I was working on my novelization of the ME1 timeline for Alex Shepard, and I realized that I was having a hard time being in his head to write because I didn’t know him well enough. So after several conversations with a bunch of people, I decided I needed to actually write some of his backstory.
Second: I’ve tagged gnc!shepard, even though there isn’t a whole lot in this fic that’s him glaringly being gender nonconforming (at least in my opinion there isn’t). He was 12 when he left Earth, which is certainly old enough to have a basic concept of gender and gender roles that are part of the human standard. But the Asari are a monogendered species, and that means their cultural concepts of gender are going to be significantly different than human concepts. Given that Alex spends most of his teen years completely immersed in Asari culture, I felt like his own concepts relating to gender probably wouldn’t match up directly with the human standard.
Third: Through some research, I discovered that the one or two Asari words canon gives us seem to be based in Akkadian. Now, as a non-academic person, finding someone who knows Akkadian is kind of difficult. I was, however, able to find someone who speaks Arabic, and I’ve adopted some of the language in this fic. I’ve done my absolute best to make sure I’m using words correctly! Translations will be provided in the end-notes for each chapter.
A huge thank you to CrimsonShield75 for taking the time to give me a solid list of Arabic vocabulary and a bit of a syntax lesson. I really appreciate it so much.
Also a huge thank you to all the people in the Kaidan server because y’all have helped me so much with fleshing Alex out as a character.
A very specific thank you to Redamber79 for constantly being my sounding board, letting me talk at you when I was having trouble working something out, and reading the 50 bajillion snippets I send daily. Love you bestie!
Thanks to @imbiowaresbitch, @bleuzombie for alpha reading this for me! And to @nickelkeep for the beta!
Fic is completely wriiten, edited, and drafted into AO3, and will be posting weekly on Thursdays!
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
For the WIP folder ask game, what's the Mafia AU?
thanks for the ask @scoobybuddie
So for reference, I’d previously used Danny Pino for Reyes Vidal personal headcanon pictures for writing in Mass Effect Andromeda fics. Danny Pino is mostly known for playing cops—ie Nick Amaro in SVU—and more recently Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC.
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So cop Nick (above) vs Miguel (below)—note I really need to think of other names for Reyes’ uncles but you can see where I’m coming from by leaving them unchanged.
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If I ever finish this fic, it’s going to be a messy time jump mess back and forth (because I’ve wanted to try that but not sure I can pull it off). I want it to be slightly told retrospectively and then also in medias res.
So, a messy draft emerges that’s half plot notes and half written scene. Cut for length here.
Scott is pulled to the local cop dive bar by his soon-to-be-former partner xxx.  He is plied with alcohol by many people from his precinct who’ve come to fete the new detective—Scott is getting his gold shield the next day and today was his last day on patrol. Scott is known some-what derogatorily (and he hates it) as the prince of organized crime—his father is the head of the organized crime unit and runs an elite task force. Scott has determined that he’s going to always make his own way and is obsessed with not being promoted based on nepotism. 
While Scott has been focused on his career, he hasn’t always been able to make close connections with his co-workers because of his family. But he’s excited to have earned his gold shield after solving a homicide. Somehow, he’s managed to get attached to one of the homicide squads by pure chance. 
Towards the end of the night, he’s bought a drink by a guy that can’t be a cop. He’s wearing too expensive of cologne and gives Scott the up and down look that screams interested.  The whiskey is also much more expensive than all the other drinks he’s been downing all night. The smooth purr of the man’s voice and way that he talks to Scott and he’s a goner. They spend hours talking—much after most of Scott’s coworkers have left and they close out the bar at 2am.  
Taking a chance, Scott asks Reyes to walk him home and then invites him in for a nightcap. One thing leads to another and Scott ends up curled around Reyes who seems stunned by Scott’s trust in him.
The next morning, Scott wakes to his alarm, warm and still wrapped in Reyes who is dead to the world. Scott reluctantly wakes Reyes, embarrassed that they just got in some heavy making out the night before before falling asleep in his bed. Reyes is adorably mussed but asks what Scott’s plans are for the night. 
Scott tells him that he has a family dinner to go to but does give Reyes his cell before seeing Reyes out the door. 
Cue frantic getting ready and in uniform for getting his detective’s shield only to be told to hurry up and wait when he gets to the ceremony.  It’s a group ceremony and he’s getting his shield with about ten other people—all of which are older than him and with more experience.  
There is an awkward moment during the ceremony when his father gives him his gold shield—Scott hadn’t know that his father was going to do that. He’s somewhat choked up about it but his dad ruins the moment after the ceremony when asking him what took so long. Scott is emotionally crushed at that comment but puts up a good front. Sara who also took the day off to celebrate her twin’s accomplishment plays peacekeeper.  There is an awkward family late lunch in a fancy restaurant that Scott’s always wanted to try but he barely touches his food—unable to taste anything. 
Scott’s new squad in homicide:
Partner and Sargent: Cora Harper
Lieutenant. Drack Nakmor
Other detectives: Liam and Vetra
Coroner: Lexi T’Perro
CSI tech: Suvi Anwar
Electronics assistance/mechanic: Gil Brodie
Reyes Vidal is the new blood that is running the show for his uncle. 
Reyes’s family/leadership structure:
Uncle Miguel is the boss—Known as El Padrino. 
Uncle Nick—Miguel’s twin. Not raised with Miguel. Became a police officer and works in the same city as Scott. Disavows all involvement with the family business but still tries to look out for Reyes. Is a homicide detective but for a smaller precinct. Competent at his job but has never been really promoted due to his family associations which are known by the police powers that be. 
Bain Massani—cartel associate. Was assigned to look out for Reyes. Is an enforcer for the cartel. Has his own code of honor and follows it. Is amused by Scott and calls him Reyes’ little duck.
Scene (warning for first draft)
Scott hadn’t stopped shaking—but he wished he could. 
The nurse with the kind smile had pushed him back into one of the hard plastic chairs that lined the waiting room and pressed a styrofoam cup of burnt, acidic coffee into his hands, encouraging him to drink it and settle. The two sips he’d managed to suck down had eaten at his throat, burning as the bitter coffee did little to soothe him. She’d said she’d be back when she had news or if the doctor was needing to speak to him before escaping to the nurses station at the far corner.
He just couldn’t stop the tremble in his hands that still had dried blood on them, under his nails and across the finger pads making them feel gritty with the dark brick red color fading into brown and making each crease n the skin stand starkly out. 
The waiting lounge was mostly deserted at this time of night, a housekeeper had even had him lift his legs so she could vacuum under them before working her way down the row of chairs covered in fabric that nobody in their right mind would have chosen any decade except maybe the 80s.  The hot pink faded to more dusty rose and the electric blue triangles and purple squares had also faded into just being tired. There was a small vending area in the corner where the soda machine hummed loudly—the only noise in the silence of the surgical waiting area at almost a quarter after midnight. 
He couldn’t stop replaying in his mind what had happened.  Hunching forward, he clutched at the cup of cooling coffee and tried not to hyperventilate. 
Reyes had been shot. 
And now he might not survive surgery. 
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masseffect-chats · 3 years
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dead--sound · 8 years
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The First 13 minutes of Mass Effect Andromeda
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IF the doctor is a woman, I👏WILL👏FALL👏FOR👏HER👏
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fiannans · 3 years
Alone Time (Mass Effect Andromeda, Rydaal)
Title: Alone Time Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 909 Rating: T (Teen And Up Audiences) Pairing: Jaal Ama Darav/Female Ryder (Sara) Summary: Dating someone from a different culture can mean an even greater chance for misunderstandings, especially when that person is an alien. After she accidentally hurts Jaal’s feelings, Sara attempts to reassure him.
Read on AO3
“So…looks like it’s just you and me for the next forty-eight hours, Jaal.”
“Ah.” Jaal stepped closer, his voice dropping to a deliciously deep murmur. “And what did you plan on doing until the rest of the crew gets back?”
In response, Sara curled her hands in the silky folds of his rofjinn and tugged him towards her. He obliged willingly, settling his hands on her hips.
“I have a few ideas,” she said.
He bent down, she tilted her head up, and their mouths met. Softly at first, then more firmly. His fingers tightened on her hips as he leaned his full weight into her, pressing her back against the edge of the console behind her. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck as he coaxed her lips open with his tongue. A frisson of desire shivered through her as they kissed deeply and languidly.
Somewhere behind them, someone coughed.
They broke apart quickly and Sara instinctively shoved Jaal away. He seemed surprised and a wounded look flashed briefly across his face, but she was too focused on the unwelcome intruder to worry about his feelings right now.
“Sorry,” Gil said from the top of the ramp, hands raised in apology. His expression was carefully neutral, but Sara could see amusement in his eyes. “Forgot my datapad.”
They watched silently as he crossed the room and picked up the datapad from where he’d left it on one of the seats. “Okay. I’ll, uh...leave you to it, then.”
Sara was too embarrassed to even think up a witty retort. Gil headed back down the ramp at a brisk pace, moving faster than she’d ever seen him go before; probably in a hurry to tell Vetra or Liam about what he’d interrupted. When he reached the bottom, they heard him burst into laughter. He was still laughing when the door to the cockpit closed behind him.
Sara groaned and covered her furiously burning face with her hands. “I’m never going to live this down.”
“It bothers you that he saw us together?” Her hands were still pressed to her face so she couldn’t see Jaal’s expression, but something in his voice caught her attention. She uncovered her eyes and looked at him.
“Of course it bothers me. Now he’s going to tell Vetra, who’ll tell Liam, who’ll tell Peebee and Drack, and then everyone on the ship is going to know I was making out with my boyfriend in the meeting room like some horny teenager.”
“And this is a bad thing?”
Jaal frowned at her. “I am an embarrassment to you.”
“Oh, Jaal.” Sara’s heart clenched. “That’s not what I meant.”
She could tell he wasn’t convinced, but he let her take his face in her hands. The subtle electromagnetic charge in his skin made her palms prickle. It should have been unpleasant, but it wasn’t. She liked the way touching him literally made her tingle.
“I don’t think you’re embarrassing,” she told him.
“Then why did you push me away?”
“Because I don’t feel comfortable doing...those kinds of things in front of other people.”
“There’s no privacy among the angara; we are not ashamed to express our feelings and desires before each other.”
“Humans aren’t like that. We’re not exhibitionists. Well, some of us are,” she amended, “but most of us prefer to keep our private lives private.”
“Oh.” She could see him thinking, his expressions completely unguarded as usual. “Does that mean I should not have told Dr. T’Perro about the first time we made love?”
Sara’s face burned again at both his directness and the memory of that extremely awkward conversation where Lexi had asked her for details about the first time they’d had sex.
“No,” she said, drawing the word out, “But that’s different. Lexi is our doctor. If there were going to be issues with us, uh...”
“Having sex,” Jaal supplied, helpfully.
“Right,” Sara said, cheeks flaming even hotter, “If there was a problem, Lexi would need to know.”
“I see,” Jaal said, slowly. “So talking to Dr. Lexi about sex is fine. But being affectionate with each other in public is not.”
“Well, some things are okay in public. Like holding hands. That’s fine.”
“What about when I kissed you in front of everybody after we stopped the Archon?”
Sara smiled, recalling the relief and euphoria of that moment. She’d been so relieved that it was finally over, she hadn’t even cared that everyone—including her own brother—was watching.
“That was okay,” she told him. “Actually, I really liked it.”
“Ah.” Jaal scratched his head, smiling. “That’s good. I enjoyed it too.”
“Oh really?” She tilted her head, looking up at him coyly, “Which part? The kiss? Or the bit where I had my legs wrapped around your waist?”
The look Jaal gave her in response—heavy with promise and desire—made her breath catch. He put his hands on her ass and pulled her gently towards him until their bodies bumped together.
“Both,” he murmured in her ear, squeezing her buttocks firmly. She shivered.
“You know,” she said, looking up at him through her eyelashes, “I always wondered if the Tempest’s shower was big enough for two people.”
“An interesting theory.” His eyes sparkled playfully. “Perhaps we should test it.”
“Mmm.” Sara slipped her arms around his neck with a smile, closing her eyes as he leaned down to kiss her. “You read my mind.”
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I have no idea why im so obsessed with them 😳
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inquartata30 · 6 months
Tessellation: Chapter 40
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Fandom: Mass Effect
Relationship(s): Original Asari Character | Thaia Kallistrate/Lexi T’Perro; Cora Harper/Janae (background)
Rating: M
Characters: Lexi T’Perro, Thaia Kallistrate, The Entire Tempest Crew, Lots of People from the Nexus, Also the Initiative People in General, And Some Outcasts, Everyone, Basically.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mutual Pining, Not So Secret Crush, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Angst, Angst and Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Longfic
Summary: After becoming fast best friends—if she’s sharing the jail cell with you, she’s your best friend—in the weeks before the Initiative’s departure from the Milky Way, Lexi and Thaia agree to resume their friendship in Andromeda. With Lexi assigned to the Hyperion and Thaia to the Nexus, they know it might be difficult to find each other again. Then everything goes to shit in the Heleus Cluster. In the mess the Initiative’s become and the mission to salvage it, they both have to recover who they were as they discover what they are.
Ark Paarchero, 2820. It was easy to forget—at least for Ryder—the sheer size of the Initiative’s arks. Without trams and elevators, it was a slow, unsettling slog through a ship sixteen football fields long containing two arkholds that were almost three football fields tall apiece. Plus each of those arkholds held thirty decks apiece. Ryder got tired just thinking about it. The dim standby lighting and the kett equipment scattered through the eerily empty corridors didn’t help it be less creepy, either. Another thing that didn’t help was the unease building up in her gut at not having heard from Thaia and Cora for the entire trip from arkhold to arkhold. Ryder and her team had finished their morning PT-like group run and drawn to a collective halt at the entrance to the cryobay containing the pods for Jeks Arlan and Vadim Escondar and still nothing. “We should’ve heard from Armali by now,” Ryder said as they walked through the doorway into the sterile, empty medical bay lit only by emergency lights. “What if they’re dead?” Drack shrugged. “Archon would’ve been bragging already. They’re fine.” “That doesn’t help me feel better.” “I dunno,” Peebee said, checking over equipment covered like it would have been during transit, labels and seals indicating an intact stasis state. “I think he has a pretty good point. Whenever the Archon gets one over on us, he doesn’t really keep it to himself.”
read the rest of Chapter 40 on AO3
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jocastasilver · 3 years
Can I Copy Your Homework? Mass Effect Andromeda Edition
I’ll Help You With It: Vetra Nyx, Lexi T’Perro
Yeah, Sure: Jaal Ama Darav, Gil Brodie, Suvi Anwar
Bold of You to Assume I Did the Homework: Peebee
LOL, Nope: Drack, Cora Harper
Wait, We Had Homework: Liam Kosta
Read at 5:55 P.M.: Alec Ryder, Kallo Jath (He read your message, but forgot to reply)
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imakemywings · 4 years
Mass Effect Fanfic Recs (1/11/21)
I love fanfic rec lists because it helps keep an author’s work circulating, and for those of us who don’t have a lot of time to dig deep into the tags, it’s helpful to have someone else point out stuff to check out. So, although I don’t read a ton of fic myself, here are some of the ones I’ve really enjoyed!
I tried to group them by the “central” character POV but there is some overlap. There’s recs for both the original trilogy and Andromeda here, and do feel free to share any of your own recommendations!
Homecoming by DrJekyl - Aethyta’s parents weren’t kidding after all. Excellent Aethyta backstory and wonderful writing.
The Great Cabin Conspiracy of ‘73 by DrJekyl - Aethyta/Benezia - It’s bed-sharing.
Rakhana by DrJekyl- Aethyta/Benezia The climaxing fate of Rakhana and the drell have far-reaching impacts, even into Benezia’s own household. I was drooling over the exploration of politics in the ME-world; this is so my cup of tea. It was no small thing the hanar did, trying to rescue an entire race.
Stolen Goods by DrJekyl - Aethyta/Benezia/Shiala - Aethyta and Shiala help little Liara get up to shenanigans while Benezia is away.
Assassin by miceenscene - Aria/f!Shepard - Shepard loses her memory and Aria takes advantage.
Silent Days, Violent Shades by acrosspontneuf - Aria/f!Shepard After reclaiming Omega, Shepard is tired, and Aria is not sympathetic. Messy Sh’loak is always good and this is no exception.
our world is fine (by the ocean) by starryvin - f!Shepard/Thane - Garrus and Liara are there for Shepard after Thane’s death.
Sweetest Steps by AceQueenKing - Drack/Lexi - Sweet, fluffy bonding over a bit of booze.
Almost Like Being in Love by urdnot_wrekt - Liara/f!Shepard - Liara and Shepard are deep in the honeymoon phase.
building mountains in your memory by Chocochipbiscuit - Liara/f!Shepard - Liara grieves between losing Shepard and Cerberus’ successful experiment.
Replay by DrJekyl - Gen - Shepard refuses to choose on the Citadel, and Liara sees the end of the Milky Way.
Expiation - pedanticsoothsayer - Jack/Miranda - Per the tag “enemies to cordial associates.”
Increments by Steve - Peebee/f!Ryder - An examination of Peebee’s attitudes towards the Tempest and her crew, told through her psyche exams with Dr. T’Perro.
An Unexpected Pleasure by BlackjackKent - f!Shepard/Samantha - Sam graduates from hero-worship of Shepard to a genuine relationship. Great exploration of the shifting dynamic between the characters.
Motion by SomethingProfound - Ashley/Samantha - Samantha is hella gay for Ashley. Very cute!
For the Living by DrJekyl - f!Shepard/Samara - In-depth look at Samara and her view of the world around her.
When All Seems Lost by CelticKnot - Gen - Thane and Samara discuss spirituality.
After the Flood, All the Colors Came out by madamebadger - f!Shepard/Tali post-ME3 Shepard and Tali bond as Rannoch heals. Beautiful writing and a wonderful portrayal of Tali.
Hamster Dance by madamebadger - Gen - Tali and Garrus just have to watch the hamster while Shepard is out. Naturally, shenanigans ensue.
Lithium Flowers by Alisette - Tali/Legion/Kal’reegar - As Tali and Legion grow closer, their relationship changes.
Native Species by madamebadger - Gen - Tali contemplates the quarian return to Rannoch.
nights, by the light of whatever would burn by madamebadger - Garrus/f!Shepard/Tali - These three are an inseparable team.
something more comfortable by xenosaurus - f!Shepard/Tali - Tali moves in with Shepard.
A Little Shore Leave by LTSiha - f!Shepard/Thane - On the Citadel for shore leave, Thane and Shepard enjoy a desert biome. Just a sweet, fluffy little piece.
Ante Meredidem by astraielle - f!Shepard/Thane - Shepard is struggling with the weight on her shoulders, and Thane tries to be there for her. Great look at how the pressure builds on Shepard in ME3 and the effect that has.
The Choice by Corainaid- Gen, f!Shepard/Thane - After defeating the collectors, Shepard has a choice to make.
Choices by darkladyvamp - f!Shepard/Thane, f!Shepard/Kaidan - When Shepard has a near-death experience, she has a discussion with a lost love.
Easing Tension by kitbug - f!Shepard/Thane - Thane helps Shepard relax after facing down the thresher maw on Tuchanka.
For the War Effort by BenevolentErrancy - f!Shepard/Thane - Amidst carrying the war effort, Shepard still has to contend with grief for her dying lover.
Hard Left Turn: Two Years Later by Flyingicecreamtruck - Gen, f!Shepard/Thane - After defeating the reapers, the galaxy starts to heal, and thank Shepard for a job well done. Thane lives AU.
“I Will Meet You Across The Sea” by ZenHeretic - f!Shepard/Thane - Shepard is reunited with a long-lost love.
Impossible Woman by Fervent_dreamer - f!Shepard/Thane - Bonding and fluffy smut.
Need to Know Basis by BenevolentErrancy - f!Shepard/Thane - Shepard slowly lets Thane past her barriers.
New Mexican Sunset by lunarcrowley - f!Shepard/Thane - Shepard gets to go on vacation with Thane and Kolyat to the States. Fluff and fun all around.
Paper Flowers by quiet_one - Irikah/Thane - A retelling of Thane and Irikah’s first meeting and the development of their relationship.
Prayers for the Wicked by CelticKnot - Gen - Thane narrates for Kasumi the story of an assassination gone wrong, that culminates in a terrible act of revenge. This reads like a novel and the characterization of Thane is just fantastic.
Siren Song by CelticKnot - Gen - Thane struggles to proceed in the wake of Irikah’s death. Again, incredible characterization and a look at the immediate aftermath of what happened.
Yield by brooksey - f!Shepard/Thane, one-sided Garrus/f!Shepard - Garrus challenges Thane to a sparring match, but there’s more than a friendly bout going on here. Wonderful characterizations of both Garrus and Thane, and it’s fun to see Thane being the dangerous warrior that he is.
Go Easy by todisturbtheuniverse - Gen, f!Ryder/Vetra - Vetra wishes she could see herself the way Sid sees her.
so just tell me today and take my hand by grassandcitrust - f!Ryder/Zevin - First kiss between pathfinders; lots of awkward sweetness.
And I do also keep a library of my favorite fics on my blog’s fanfic rec page.
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natsora · 4 years
Year-End Writer’s Roundup: 2020
Tagged by @crackinglamb​ @asaara-writes​ Thank you!
Tagging @lauraemoriarty​ @barbex​ @1esk19​ @inquartata30​ @cassandra-pentughasst​ @obvidalous​ @agentkatie​ @jt-boi-n7​ and anyone who wants to do it. No obligations
Word Count: 395,587 I’ve keep track of this. Mostly because I was asked this same thing last year. Let me just check and.... Ok I know it’s a large number but I wasn’t expecting that. There’s just a few more days in 2020, so it will grow a little more before the close of the year. 
The Top Five by hits:  The top 3 are my long fics that I’ve started last year. It’s my epic project with @seokanori​, she has been, and is always, amazing drawing me cover after cover, week after week. It’s truly an amazing feat. 
The other two are two of three of my She-Ra fics. The erm... the rate those fics gather kudos and hits are quite something to behold. 
The Persephone Arc - Gen fic fRyder & Femshep, Mass Effect Splintered Minds - F/M fRyder/Harry Carlyle, Aro Main Character, Mass Effect The Lost Childhood - Gen fic, Femshep’s origin story, Mass Effect Fractus - f/f Catradora, She-Ra Cephalalgia - f/f Catradora, She-Ra
New Things I Tried This Year: I’ve started writing for a new pair, Lexi T’Perro / FRyder in Maybe Something There.  I’ve also started writing for a new fandom, She-Ra (The Long Road Home). I’ve got a shit load of ideas for it, just no time to devote to it. 
Fic I Spent the Most Time On: Always Been You , that’s for sure. That’s the bulk of my writing this year. It’s this and another long fic (Uppercut) which I’m still writing and not yet publish, you’d probably read it next year after Always Been You is done. 
Fic I Spent the Least Time On: Hmm... I guess the shortest one shot I’ve written? Sleep would fit the bill. 
Favorite Thing I Wrote: It has to be Ace. It’s a deeply personal fic and it brought me surprises I’ve never, ever, ever, ever, ever expected.  And Always Been You. It’s OTP fic. I can’t help but love it. 
Favourite thing I read:
@wickedwitchofthewilds‘s Chasing Ghosts and Send The Pain Below - She has the ability to make me care of her OCs
@jt-boi-n7‘s Amor Fati - It’s Cass! It’s angst! It’s so much angst T_T
@inquartata30‘s The Darkest Timeline Snippets - So dark, so angsty, why wouldn’t I like it?
Writing Goals For Next Year: I want to finish Uppercut. Get to work and finish the Adopted Kid AU for Cass/Trev, the OTP is not done with me. THEN! I want to get started on the sequel for Cetus and Lost Childhood. It wouldn’t be concurrently written, I’ve learnt my lesson on that, but I think, THINK, I can swing at least two longfics next year if this year is any indication. 
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