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natemichaelsart · 3 years ago
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#Lexa from “The 100” Watercolors and India Ink on 11”x17” 140lb coldpress _________________________ #natemichaels #natemichaelsart #artistforhire #commissionsopen #artistoninstagram #kentuckyartist #lexathe100 #the100 #the100edit #AlyciaDebnamCarey #fanart #fineart #watecolor #watercolorpainting #mixedmediaart #portraitpainting #portraitartist #traditionalart #art #artoftheday #dailyart #commissionedart #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artoftheday #legacyofart #watercolorpalette #paintingart #artoftheday #dailyart #cw #artistsupport (at Lake Cumberland KY) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXTjh4OcNa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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charlie-camit · 5 years ago
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Commander’s Eternal Flame
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lexahedawarrior · 4 years ago
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✨Happy birthday my Heda, Queen, Star Guide, Love of my life, my passion!!! Lexa Kom Trikru - July 1, 2028 #lexakomtrikru #lexaedit #lexakomtrikruedit #lexathe100 #lexadeservedbetter #lexawoods #lexaheda #lexaandclarke #lexathecommander #lexaspinoff #lexacommander #commanderlexa #heda #hedalexa #hedalexaedit #hedalexakomtrikru (em Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzmqNFrQs2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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annieelainey · 4 years ago
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"You were right, Clarke. Life is about more than just surviving." Lexa, The 100 Chair: bit.ly/AnnieWHILL [Image Description: Annie sits in her Whill Model Ci dresses as Lexa from the TV series The 100. Wearing all black with a shoulder shield and black eye make up dripping down her face. Edited into the background is the throne from the series, several large twigs curved and upright] #lexa #lexakomtrikru #lexathe100 #wanheda #the100 #colormehalloween @colormemagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CG3E0fjDMXO/?igshid=arpnzcmttubt
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hannamura19 · 4 years ago
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Clexa will always live in my heart ✨❤️// Clexa siempre vivirá en mi corazón ✨❤️ Follow me on Facebook 'cause I'm doing a dinamic where the ship with more votes It will be the next to draw// síganme en Facebook porque estoy haciendo una dinámica donde el ship más votado será el siguiente en dibujar . . . . . . . . . . . #the100 #the100cw #the100lexa #the100fanart #clexa #clexaforever #clexafanart #clexakiss #clexacon #clarkegriffin #clarkegriffinthe100 #clarke #lexa #lexakomtrikru #lexathe100 #lexawoods #lexaisourhero #lexafanart #pride #pridemonth #pridemonth #pride2021🏳️‍🌈 #pride2021🌈🌈🌈 #pridemakeup #prideday https://www.instagram.com/p/CQTrNCmJ6yP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jordswriteswords · 5 years ago
Clextober19: Flannel
"I'm going as fast as I can, Clarke!" Lexa tried her best to be gentle with her wife, but frustration was mounting as the moaning from beside her grew more pained. Lexa slammed her hand down on the horn of her car, a loud honk trilling out into the jammed highway.
"Fuck me," Lexa sighed, knowing it was pointless to be mad at the traffic for existing.
Clarke let out a pained grunt, followed by a pitiful whine.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Lexa soothed. She wiped Clarke's sweaty brow with her sleeve.
"I don't want your apologies, I just want -- ahhh!" Clarke's scolding was cut off by another sharp pain.
"Oh, baby, I'm sorry," Lexa said again.
"This is all your fault!" Clarke cried. "You did this to me!"
"I know, I know. If only this fucking traffic would move!" Lexa slammed her hand down on the horn again, somehow hoping that the cars would magically move for them. They needed to get to the hospital now.
Tears leaked out of Clarke's eyes as another wave of pain washed over her. Lexa leaned over and pressed kisses to her temple.
"I don't think I'm going to make it, Lex," Clarke cried.
Lexa gaped at her wife. They had to make it. They had to. Lexa didn't know what to do. "Just breathe. Follow me," she tried to coach.
Clarke tried to follow, but she was cut off by another whirlwind of pain, screaming into the dash of the car. Lexa nearly split her lip, biting it out if sympathy for her wife.
"Help me," Clarke said. "Help me into the back. Please."
Lexa growled at the traffic again, then swung the driver side door open. The cars still hadn't budged. She ran around the SUV to the passenger door and nearly ripped the handle off upon opening. She undid Clarke's seatbelt and took her in her arms and placed her in the backseat. She took one last glance out at what seemed to be never-moving traffic and climbed into the back with her wife.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, wiping Clarke's brow again.
"I love you," Clarke breathed through her exhaustion.
"I love you, too," Lexa said. She took Clarke's hand between hers and pressed kisses to her knuckles.
The blonde leaned her head back against the glass in desperate search of coolness to soothe her sweaty brow.
"It's time, Lex, it's time," she cried.
Lexa's chin wobbled, and she took off her flannel shirt and placed it on the seat between them.
"Okay, baby, on three, I want you to push. One, two, three."
The sound of sharp, terrified cries filled the car.
It was music to the couple's ears.
Lexa wrapped her flannel around the little bundle of flesh, using her sleeves to wipe away as much fluid and blood from it's little face.
"It's a girl," she whispered, eyes filled with so much love when she looked at the strongest woman in the world - her wife. "It's a girl," she repeated, amazed by the tiny fingers that grasped onto her thumb.
"It's our little girl," Clarke said, chin wobbling with emotion as she looked at the love of her life holding their baby girl.
Lexa let her tears flow as she passed the bundle of flannel joy to her partner, leaning over her to give her a careful kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too," Clarke responded. "I love you both."
Clarke held their baby girl to her chest, tracing her fingers over her dark brown curls. "She's got quite the head of hair," she laughed, her own tears leaking from her eyes.
"She's got your eyes," Lexa commented as the baby opened them just enough to gaze up at her mommies before closing them back and snuggling down in the soft red and black material.
"Hi, baby," Lexa said. "happy birthday."
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thenotsotalluser · 6 years ago
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Clarke and Lexa from the TV serie “The 100”
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natemichaelsart · 3 years ago
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#FirstWash Lexa from “The 100” Watercolors and India Ink on 11”x17” 140lb coldpress _________________________ #natemichaels #natemichaelsart #artistforhire #commissionsopen #artistoninstagram #kentuckyartist #lexathe100 #lexa #the100 #the100edit #AlyciaDebnamCarey #watecolor #watercolorpainting #mixedmediaart #portraitpainting #portraitartist #wip #workinprogress #traditionalart #art #artoftheday #dailyart #fanart #fineart #commissionedart #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artoftheday #legacyofart #watercolorpalette (at Somerset, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSyJN7uS1N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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charlie-camit · 7 years ago
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Nightblood. wip After two years, this is still the most inspiring story for me as an artist.
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lexahedawarrior · 4 years ago
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"Ai laik Heda. Non na throu daun gon ai." ⚔️♾️⚔️ 🇧🇷 Eu sou o Comandante. Ninguém vai lutar por mim. ⚔️♾️⚔️ 🇺🇲 I am the Commander. No one will fight for me. ⚔️♾️⚔️ #lexa #lexaheda #lexacommander #lexathecommander #lexaslegacy #lexadeservedbetter #lexakomtrikru #lexahedaforever #lexathe100 #lexaedit #commanderlexa #lexafanart #lexafandom #the100lexa #the100brasil #the100dayproject #the100season3 (em Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMasHQDrux7/?igshid=105p5oho3bsjp
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alelisa14 · 7 years ago
#alyciadebnamcarey #alycia #aliciaclark #fearthewalkingdead #ftwd #lexa #lexathe100 #lexakomtrikru #commanderlexa #heda #hedaleksa #lexaliveson #lexadeservedbetter #lexawoods #lexaheda #lexathecommander #lexaspinoff #clexaforever #elizataylor #clarkegriffin #bringlexaback (presso Messina, Italy)
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wayyhaughter · 7 years ago
This is not a negotiation! 💕🌈💕🔥 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #clexa #clexaedit #clexaedits #lexakomtrikru #clarkeandlexa #wanhedalexa #wayyhaughter #lesbianhumor #lexathe100 #lexaandclarke #alyciadebnamcarey #elizataylor
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phoenixgrrrl · 7 years ago
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Two years without Lexa and it hasn't gotten easier. Reshop Heda ♾ #Alyciadebnamcarey #lexa #heda #adc #thelasttruecommander #reshopheda #Clexa #commanderlexa #lexalives #lexathe100
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jordswriteswords · 5 years ago
I Don't Believe In Magic
A continuation of my Clextober universe. I Don't Believe in Magic is set in the College time of Clexa. I'm always accepting more prompts!
Lexa drew circles in her notebook with her right hand while her left supported her lazy head. She sighed and flipped the page as the lecturer continued to drone on about mythology. She didn't even know why she took this class. It was a joke in one aspect - listening to humans blather on about mythical beings and how eerie and strange they appeared in comparison to their human counterparts - but another part of her longed to find some similarities between herself and the humans.
She easily found one - they were terrified of one another.
Lexa just didn't understand why.
Her father had scolded her time and time again for being careless with her magic, giving herself away to humans. "You can only rewind someone's memories so often before you run into trouble, Alexandria."
But, Lexa always had a soft spot for humans - always interested in the way they perceived the world and knew that deep down they were more alike than they knew. So, denounced her family tradition of attending the top wizarding school in the world, and accepted the soccer scholarship offered to her by Arkadia University.
Clarke Griffin was on a mission. Her last name carried the power of a world-saving doctor. Unfortunately, it also carried the expectations. But Clarke was always known to defy expectations.
That's why she wanted to go above and beyond her mother's medical degree, and double major in both medicine and art.
It was her greatest ambition.
It was also her stupidest idea.
Because, at eight in the morning, when Clarke could have been sleeping before her three hour Animal Kingdom lab, she was stuck in this stupid Mythology 101 class, learning about creatures that never existed and paintings that didn't capture anything of substance.
She wondered how high some of these painters were when they painted these things. Because scientifically speaking, there was no way a woman could take an inanimate object, like a broom, and create enough velocity and speed to have it fly.
Clarke was a woman of science. She had seen her father beat death twice, all due to the medical advancements of man. Sure, hundreds of years ago it would have been seen as witchcraft, but she was positive that the only magical beings were the things that weren't researched.
She sighed, rubbed her eyes as the sigh turned into a yawn, and flipped the page of her agenda, scheduling her free time into her already packed schedule.
"Excuse me, I understand that as a society, we've always been a bit spooked by the unknown, but it just seems like the entire concept of witches were solely based on repressing women. I mean, Medusa only turned the men that raped her into stone, but she's spoken of like a villain. Women who showed any sort of forward thinking in Salem were hunted down for witchcraft. I think that maybe we should be discussing the mental health of the accusers than the 'magical powers' of the accused."
Lexa's ears perked up at the husky voice in the midst of destroying the lecturers current argument. Not that she knew what it was, zoning out into a state of semi-consciousness as the monotonous voice of the lecturer carried on.
She looked across the room, noting the long blonde hair and dark blue leather jacket sitting in the front row. She felt her heart do a funny thing then - it beat with a staccato rhythm, every pound precise as she gazed at the girl.
The beating of her heart was so loud that the rest of the argument was lost to the sharp beat in her ears.
Before she could snap her fingers to bring herself closer, the lecturer had dismissed the class, and the blonde was the first one out of her seat.
Lexa grumbled, wishing that at this moment she could snap her fingers to catch up to the blonde. Instead, she had to hustle down the stairs from the back of the class, her shoulder bag flopping against her bare leg.
She caught her just as she had stepped out of the building. "Hey!" Lexa said.
The blonde didn't turn around. Lexa ran past her and came to a stop just in front, doubled over and gasping for breath. She held her hand up to the blonde to ask her to wait.
"I really don't have time for this," Clarke sighed.
"I just -," Lexa gasped. "I wanted to - whoo," she panted, "I wanted to tell you that I liked what you said back there."
Clarke quirked a brow.
"About witch hunting."
"Oh," Clarke laughed. She let her eyes trail up and down Lexa's lithe figure, noting the purple soccer shirt she wore and the short soccer shorts that left little to the imagination. "No one really believes in that stuff anyway. Witches? Goblins? It's just stuff parents tell their kids to behave."
"Maybe we could discuss that? Over coffee?" Lexa asked.
Clarke's grip tightened on her bookbag. "Thanks, but I don't believe in magic. It was nice meeting you…" she trailed off, waiting for the brunette to say her name.
"Lexa, and you will."
"Lexa," Clarke repeated. "It was nice meeting you. See you next week." And with that, the blonde was off.
"Is that the face of a girl who has been sorely rejected?" The dark figure asked as it stepped out of the shadows of the building.
"I'd ask you how much you heard, but I know you're a lurker," Lexa replied, not bothering to look over her shoulder and acknowledge her sister.
Anya laughed and slapped her sister on the back. "I'm not a lurker, I just happened to leave class at the same time. She's cute."
"She's human," Lexa said.
"And yet, that's never bothered you."
"Of course not," Lexa said with a cheeky smirk.
"Oh my God," Raven gasped.
Clarke looked up from her notes for a second to check that her friend was okay.
"Who is that hottie? How have I never seen her before?"
Clarke glanced over her shoulder, much to Raven's protest. "Don't look! Oh my God, you make it so obvious!"
The only person Clarke saw was the long brown hair of the soccer player in her class - Lexa.
"Lexa?" She asked her best friend. "The brunette?"
"Screw the brunette, I mean the blonde sitting with her!" Raven said. "She's hot."
"They're both hot," Clarke commented offhandedly. "They're probably together."
Almost as if being summoned, Lexa and her companion stood from their table and walked towards Clarke and Raven.
"Be natural, but they're headed this way," Raven said. She adjusted her posture to sit up taller, pushing her chest out.
"Totally natural," Clarke teased. She bowed her head just slightly, pretending to be deep into her work. For some ungodly reason, the idea that Lexa was walking towards her was unsettling.
"Hey Clarke," Lexa said, stopping by the table. She adjusted the strap of her satchel on her shoulder. She held a regal posture, swagger and confidence seeping from her core. "What's up?"
Clarke looked at her, stunned by the intensity of the green eyes - ethereal in their beauty. She hadn't seen a pair of eyes quite that colour - as though it was constantly shifting when she finally found the name to match the shade. They were light at first, but the longer Clarke stared, the darker they appeared.
"Oh, hey, um…" She was so taken aback by the girl's eyes that she fumbled over her name.
"Lexa," Lexa answered for her. The quirk of her lips disappeared at the rejection. Her eyes shifted to a sharp green before they dropped to her shoes. Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment. "I um," she shook her head. "Nevermind."
Anya cleared her throat.
Embarrassed that the girl she hadn't stopped thinking about could barely remember her, Lexa swung her bag wildly to knock the pile of books in front of Raven to the floor and hustled off, her cheeks hot with embarrassment.
"Hey!" Raven yelled after her.
Lexa got all the way to the parking lot before the sound of the raspy voice she was enamored with got her to slow down.
"Hey!" Clarke yelled. "Lexa!"
Lexa stopped walking, pulling in a deep breath into her chest. Lexa Woods was better than some silly embarrassment. She turned, cocky smile on her lips and ready to greet Clarke again, but anything she had been planning disappeared with a sharp pang in her cheek and a hollow thud only she could hear.
She fell back onto her butt, her outstretched arms the only thing stopping her from hitting her head.
"You know, you're such a dick. Bullying someone with a disability isn't going to make me want to be your friend! You may be the school sweetheart because you can kick a ball, but Raven is so much more than you'll ever be."
Lexa gaped at the blonde, confused by her words and impressed by the ache in her jaw.
"Just leave me alone, and don't you ever put your hands on Raven or her things ever again!" She turned and stormed away before Lexa could even get a word in.
"You're a genius!" Anya sighed, throwing her bag onto the counter of her shared apartment with Lexa.
"Yay," Lexa said sarcastically.
Anya pouted down at her sister and flopped down onto the couch beside her. She flicked her wrist and an ice bag hit Lexa in the face.
"Ouch," Lexa whined. She adjusted it to press against the blossoming bruise she had received from Clarke.
"Raven's human, but the science she used to fuse her spine and create that brace to allow her to walk is practically magic. She's so open minded. Not to mention, beautiful. She and I are going out tomorrow."
Lexa sighed and smiled at her sister. "I'm happy for you."
"I'm sorry Blondie KO'd you. I cleared it all up and told her that you were just incredibly clumsy."
Lexa shrugged.
"Hey," Lexa said to the blonde as she entered her Mythology class. She wanted to clear the air and apologize to Raven. "Listen, about yesterday - I didn't -"
"I know," Clarke sighed. "Raven already yelled at me. I'm a little overprotective. Sorry about the left hook."
Lexa smiled down at the girl, and shifted her satchel. "I think it's hot," she said. Her eyes widened, and she looked away, her cheeks dusting pink at her slip.
"Well " Clarke said, pulling at the edge of her textbook, "I'm really sorry. I thought you did it on purpose."
"I did," Lexa answered, nodding at the blonde, "but not for the reasons you think."
Clarke quirked a brow.
"My sister wanted to meet Raven. I had promised to introduce her, but you couldn't remember my name and I was embarrassed. But, I never break a promise, so," Lexa shrugged one shoulder.
Clarke looked down at her text. "Yeah," she breathed.
The lecturer walked in at that moment, and Lexa sent one last look at the girl before heading up the auditorium steps to her seat.
She spent the entire class picturing blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Hey, Lexa?" Clarke called out to her as they exited the building. It was pouring rain, most students huddling under the awning as they prepared to race to their next class.
Lexa turned and smiled at the blonde. Clarke was struck again by her beauty. "What a miserable day," she said. "It'd be a good day for a warm drink."
Lexa might have had a witty response if she weren't so preoccupied of the way the little clouds of condensation curled out of Clarke's lips when she spoke.
Clarke chuckled. "About that coffee," she said, hands tightening on her textbooks. " I have eighteen minutes until I have to get to my next class. Would you like to join me?"
Lexa smiled and Clarke blinked rapidly, swearing she saw the green of her eyes shift to a lighter shade.
"Do you feel that?" She asked Clarke.
"Feel what?" Clarke asked, unable to pull her gaze from the brunette even as the girl stepped out into the rain. She was thoroughly soaked when she turned back to Clarke.
Her smile was blinding in it's intensity. "The magic in the air."
"I don't believe in magic," Clarke called, cheeky smile on her lips.
Lexa ran back up the steps next to her and produced an umbrella seemingly out of nowhere with her clothes remarkably dry.
"You will."
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8bitinspired-blog · 7 years ago
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Attention fans of the show “The 100″- At 8BitInspired we carry an exact replica of “The Flame” from the show! The first picture is from the show itself, and the rest are photos of our product on display. A pretty accurate resemblance, right?  This replica of "The Flame" is entirely 3D printed from detailed digital models that we create in house using imagery from the show from multiple angles. This model alone took over a month to develop, test, iterate, and perfect to screen accuracy. Like the necklace, the case is also 3D printed. The display case is then aged to be war-torn, true to the show. We have practically the only “Spirit of The Commander” replica necklace out there, and we’re very highly rated on Etsy. This is the perfect gift for any fan of The 100, such as myself. For more information and details about our product and to get one of your own, click the link below or the link in our bio to head over to our site!
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antonioafonso62 · 5 years ago
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@alyciajasmin @cw_the100 #heda #lexaheda #lexathe100 #lexa #travelphotography #fotografia #foto #photographie https://www.instagram.com/p/B8v7nq2oRX3/?igshid=770t2mv4okzj
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