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Everything Is Gonna Be Fine - File 004
Date: 3/5/215
Incoming signal: Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me? Is there anyone in the wasteland listening to me? Fuck, this is hopeless... We don’t even know if people are alive out there, we’ve never left the region because of the horror stories we’ve heard. CeeCee are you sure? ...Yeah, right. Ahem! I’m Nate, I’m from the Eastern OQ region, and for the last ten years I’ve been fighting in, well to put it lightly, a pretty nasty civil war. The group I was with has been mostly killed or captured and our leader is missing, presumed dead. Please, if someone is out there and can hear this, we need supplies. Wait what’s- Shit! CeeCee get down they found-
Outgoing message: Nous vous entendons. Sur routre chemin.
Date: 1/5/215
Location: Wasteland
Lewis was fuming when he got back to the wastelanders’ camp. He couldn’t believe that Kenji would just... Abandon everything like that.
"What's up?" Tara queried as they prepared food for the camp. Lewis gritted his teeth.
"Can I just like... vent angrily for a few minutes?"
"Go ahead."
Lewis took a deep breath and-
"Fuck Kenji!" he screamed kicking a nearby rock as far away from him as he could get it. Tara nodded slowly.
"And who is Kenji?" they asked, dusting off their hands and standing up. Lewis gestured furiously, unable to find the right words.
"He's... my adoptive dad's boyfriend. No, ex boyfriend. And he was the leader of my group for a long ass time." He wrinkled his nose. "And he's a prick!" Tara almost put their hand on his shoulder but decided against it.
“Why are you mad about this... now?” they asked tentatively. Lewis sighed and sat down beside the fire.
“Because apparently he’s out here now.” he muttered, peering at the food Tara had been cooking. It didn’t look particularly appetizing, but that was expected.
“Should I look out for him?” they asked, rummaging through their bag. “More importantly, is he enough of a prick for me to touch him?” Lewis laughed.
“No, I don’t think so. But thanks for the offer.”
The wastelanders had been outside the wall for so long, they had adapted. The Sickness didn’t affect them. They could catch the virus without the symptoms. But that meant that if they came into contact with someone who hadn’t been evolving over the centuries like they had, there was a chance that they could pass the virus to someone else. In the months since Lewis had joined the wastelanders, they had regularly given him checkups to make sure that he wasn’t getting sick. Every red mark on his skin was examined, every cough and sneeze was scrutinized. It was sweet.
“Fair enough. But if I meet him and he pisses me off I’ll sneeze in his mouth.” Tara said with a smirk, standing up and sprinkling some herbs over the food. Lewis smiled. They were a good friend. “Oh, fun fact, some of the girls picked up some vagrant wanderer a while ago. He tried to punch me in the face. Think that could be your ‘friend?’” Tara added, glancing back at him. Lewis shrugged.
“What’d he look like?” Tara took a deep breath and thought about it.
“Black crew cut hair, beard, eye bags darker than the night sky.” Lewis snorted in amusement.
“Yeah, that’s him.”
Tara finished cooking and spooned some of it onto a plate.
“You hungry?” they asked. He smiled back at them.
“Thanks, yeah.”
Date: 3/5/215
Location: Wasteland
Lewis was asleep. That was a lie. He was anything but asleep. He couldn’t sleep, he wanted to but he wasn’t tired. He was kind of worried, as insomnia was one of the neurological symptoms of The Sickness, and the anxiety was just making it hard to sleep. He considered waking up Tara to check him for a purple-ish rash, but he had to convinced himself he was just being paranoid. He had been completely fine for... Life, how long had he been out here? Over six months. He had been out here for more than half a year and he hadn’t gotten sick, why would he suddenly get infected now?
It still scared him though, the thought of him getting sick. And he still couldn’t sleep. He might as well do something in the mean time. He sat up, stretched and reached over for the small, portable radio he kept in his tent. There wasn’t usually anything, but sometimes a signal from the country to the south floated through and he could almost make something out through the static. It was nice. It was a good feeling knowing that other people existed out there.
He put some headphones on and started tuning. It was all static, typical, but the white noise was something he might be able to fall asleep to so he didn’t mind too terribly. As he was starting to close his eyes, relaxing and finally feeling sleep creep up on him, he heard a voice. He bolted awake, accidentally bumping the dial with his hand.
“No, shit shit shit!” he muttered, trying to find where it had been. Where had that signal come from? Who was it?
“-OQ region, and for the last ten years I’ve been fighting in, well to put it lightly, a pretty nasty civil war.”
Lewis felt his heart pounding. He found it. He found the signal. And it was Nate. He knew that voice anywhere, that was the man who had taken him in after he had lost everything. That was the man who had refused to turn him in, even at risk to himself. And he was in trouble.
“Hey! Hey! Tara, wake up!” The wastelander groaned and slowly opened their eyes. What was Lewis shouting about?
“Shhhhh, people are sleeping!” they hissed, peering out of their tent. Lewis was practically bouncing, holding a radio in one hand and gesturing wildly. Was he... crying?
“Tara! A signal! I got a signal!” he laughed, pulling off his headphones and handing them out to them. Tara’s eyes widened.
“For real?” They reached out for the headphones and put them on. It was someone speaking in English for a minute or two, and then the signal cut out for a few seconds and it repeated. “Holy shit...” they mumbled, looking up at Lewis in disbelief. Lewis looked like he had just about every emotion playing on his face.
“It’s... That’s...” he choked out, tears streaming down his face. “That’s my dad... That’s Nate... We have to help him. We have to get to him.”
Tara nodded. They didn’t know what they needed to help with, but they knew the importance of family. They were going to help Lewis, one way or another. They took the radio, switched the settings and quickly recorded a brief message.
“We hear you. We’re on our way.”
tag list: @thereasontherumisgone @germanmetal
//let me know if you want to be added
#dystopia#dystopian ocs#dystopian world#mike shinoda fine#everything is gonna be fine#lewis spiorad#original story#original content#original writing#dystopian canada#canada
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Everything Is Gonna Be Fine - File 005
Date: 3/5/215
Incoming signal: Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me? Is there anyone in the wasteland listening to me? Fuck, this is hopeless… We don’t even know if people are alive out there, we’ve never left the region because of the horror stories we’ve heard. CeeCee are you sure? …Yeah, right. Ahem! I’m Nate, I’m from the Eastern OQ region, and for the last ten years I’ve been fighting in, well to put it lightly, a pretty nasty civil war. The group I was with has been mostly killed or captured and our leader is missing, presumed dead. Please, if someone is out there and can hear this, we need supplies. Wait what’s- Shit! CeeCee get down they found-
Outgoing message: Nous vous entendons. Sur routre chemin.
Date: 13/6/215
Location: Prison Complex, Ottowa, Ontario-Quebec Region
Nate choked out a sob and wrapped the younger man in a tight, one-armed hug. Lewis was surprised at first but slowly leaned into it.
“I’m okay.” he assured. “I’m fine.” Nate nodded, but didn’t let go. Lewis pushed him back. “We’re on a bit of a time crunch, we can talk later.” he said softly but firmly. Nate took a deep breath.
“Yeah... Yeah, of course.” he muttered, pulling back fully and looking into Lewis’ eyes for an answer. Lewis looked behind him at Zander.
“Hey man, you good to move?” Zander tried his best to sit up.
“Not really, it’ll hurt like a bitch and I might lose a few non-essential organs, but if you’re here to break me out I’ll tough it out.” he replied, wincing. Lewis and Nate frowned at each other.
“Zander...” Nate said in a “concerned mom” tone of voice. Lewis sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Well, I would just break Nate and CeeCee out and come back for you, but...”
“We’re not leaving him here.” Nate insisted, folding his right arm over his stump.
“Oh so you’re part of the rescue committee now?” Lewis snapped.
“Hey! Stop fighting. Make up your minds.” Zander barked at them, coughing at the strain he had put on his voice. “If you have to, leave me here. I get that I’ll be a pain to carry, and the guards here are gonna shoot you to pieces if you aren’t quick. Just don’t waste time fighting over what to do with me.”
Nate swallowed. He hated that Zander was right, and he hated how calmly Zander was accepting this. He had always been ready to give up his life for the cause, even now that it was over.
“No. Shut the fuck up Zander, we’re gonna get you out. Somehow.” Lewis insisted. He muttered and pulled out a comm device. “Where the fuck are they... Come on come on...”
He jumped when the door opened, but relaxed when the “guard” who came in took off their helmet to reveal Milo, very flushed and out of breath.
“Where’s Tara?” Lewis questioned him, pulling him into the room and closing the door. Milo shrugged, the mute boy signing something to Lewis. Nate didn’t quite catch all of it, but he understood that he was saying something about CeeCee. Lewis nodded. “Alright, cool. Nate, help Zander up.” Nate nodded, going over to Zander’s side.
“You ready man?” he asked, sliding his arm under Zander’s shoulders and lifting him up. Zander winced but nodded, pushing himself up. Nate slowly eased him up, helping him swing his legs over the side of the bed and stand up. The burns on his leg still looked horrific, but the bruising on his side was clearly the root of most of his pain. Even though it had been a few months, the abhorrent “care” the elites had given him hadn’t helped his injuries. Once he was fully up on his feet, he let out a small yelp and nearly collapsed. Nate held him up, trying to have a firm enough grip to keep him from passing out without hurting him.
Milo and Lewis signed to each other passionately, occasionally checking a small comm device for a signal. Nate helped Zander limp his way over to them.
“What’s the plan?” Zander asked. Lewis looked up at him.
“We have one more person, we have to wait for them. I told them to get CeeCee but they aren’t back yet and they aren’t telling me anything, so honestly we may be fucked.” he sighed, running a hand through his greasy blonde hair. Zander’s face darkened at the thought that CeeCee could be in danger. He knew that the guards would kill her if they saw her trying to escape, no questions asked.
“How reliable is your friend?” he asked Lewis. He needed to know what the chances were that he’d be able to see CeeCee again.
“They’re the best.” Lewis assured him.
“And CeeCee’s better than the best, you know that. If anyone could make it out of here it’s her.” Nate added. Zander nodded, anxiety still clouding his head.
After a few moments, Lewis sighed.
“I would love to wait for Tara, but we have to go. They might still be able to get out on their own, but we have to leave.” Zander closed his eyes. He understood.
“Then let’s go.” Milo and Lewis both gave him sympathetic looks before putting on the helmet disguises and opening the door.
CeeCee was perfectly fine with breaking herself out, which was essentially what she was doing at this point. Someone in an elite guard uniform had opened her cell, motioned for her to come out, refused to touch her and then opened a vent and crawled inside. Unfortunately for CeeCee, this person was quite a lot thinner than she was.
“I’m a big girl, you think I can fit in there?” she asked, peering into the narrow crawl space. The person looked at her blankly and shrugged. She had a sinking suspicion that this person was either deaf or didn’t speak the same language as she did. The person hesitated, but eventually they crawled through the vent and disappeared. Which was fine. CeeCee could handle herself, and this person was not obligated to risk their life to save her. It was just slightly odd that someone who couldn’t speak to her, didn’t want to touch her and couldn’t bring her with them would open her cell door and make it appear that they were here to break her out.
Oh well, life was weird. The only thing to do was to get out of here as fast as fucking possible, which was exactly what she planned to do. She slunk along the wall of the corridor, always looking behind her shoulder. She needed to find a weapon. There, just across the hall, an armed guard... Could she take them? She hadn’t been able to take care of her body the last few months, she didn’t know if she was strong enough to have a proper fight. She needed to be stealthy. She took a deep breath, walking up to them, measuring every footstep. Every step had to be quiet. Every breath had to be held. Once she was behind the guard, she leaped up, wrapping her arm around his neck in a headlock, pulling him down. The guard was taller than her, most people were since she was only 5′0, but she could use that to her advantage. Forcing someone who was six feet tall to bend over backwards to her height was a particular favorite tactic.
“Give me your gun.” she growled. The guard choked and clawed at her arm, but she didn’t let him go.
“Get off him!” barked a voice from behind her. She spun around. A new guard was running up to her, but behind him was-
“Zander?” she gasped, dropping the guard. Zander looked up at her and his eyes widened.
“CeeCee! Oh my life, CeeCee.”
She took a better look around her. The two “guards” were actually... Lewis and Milo? Lewis was still alive?
“What’s goin’ on?” she asked as Nate helped Zander limp over to her.
“We’re breaking out.” Nate answered matter of factly.
“Where’s Tara?” Lewis asked. CeeCee shook her head, trying to back up.
“Tara? Breaking out? The fuck is happening?” Lewis looked around at the other men.
“Tara is supposed to be breaking you out.” CeeCee remembered the strange person who disappeared into the vent.
“Yeah, she disappeared. I dunno where the fuck she went.”
“Sorry, they disappeared.” Lewis cursed under his breath.
Zander coughed and everyone turned around to him.
“No time... To talk.” he said with another cough. CeeCee felt her heart break.
“We have to get him out of here.”
“Yeah. Let’s go.” Zander shook his head vehemently.
“No, you should leave me here, I’ll weigh you down. You have to go.” CeeCee grabbed his shirt collar with her left hand and yanked him forward.
“Alexander Ashworth, shut the actual fuck up. If you were any more damn stupid I’d swear that all those years around Kenji sapped your ability to make rational thoughts.” she snapped, roughly grabbing him away from Nate and starting to carry him away. “Y’all coming?” she shouted back at the three other men, who were just standing in shock. They quickly shook themselves out of their surprise and scurried along behind her. Zander laughed quietly to himself.
“I love you.” he whispered. CeeCee would’ve been more than happy to return the sentiment, but right now she was focused on getting her idiot boyfriend out of here.
Something didn’t feel right about all of this. This was way too easy.
“Lewis, did you kill the alarms on your way in?” CeeCee asked.
“We were going to, but they were all disconnected already. It was weird, but we didn’t have time to question it.” he responded, looking over his shoulder. She swallowed nervously.
“Now may be a good time to question it. I think that they’re setting up a trap for us.” Milo looked over at her, eyes wide, before roughly jabbing Lewis in the ribs and signing “I fucking told you so.” Lewis winced and looked down.
“I don’t know man... I thought maybe we were having some good luck.” Nate sighed.
“When have we ever had good luck, Lewis?” CeeCee chimed in, doing her best to look authoritative while also struggling to hold up Zander. Nate frowned at her.
“So... Now what?” Zander coughed, less in a “I’m dying” kind of way and more in a “notice me” sort.
“I swear on my father’s body that if you tell me to leave you and save myself, I’m gonna make sure you’re the only person who leaves here alive.” CeeCee hissed at him. He smiled at her weakly.
“I know. But I really am just weighing you down, and if shit hits the fan then you won’t be able to drag me all the way out there.”
“You don’t fuckin’ know what I can or can’t do.” she snapped. Zander sighed.
“CeeCee... Baby, I-”
Before he could finish, a siren started blaring.
“I guess they fixed the alarms.” Lewis sighed, grabbing Nate and Milo and pulling them along behind him as he started to sprint.
Zander appreciated so much that CeeCee would stick with him no matter what. He loved her so much, and that was why he was going to sacrifice himself for her when she couldn’t carry him anymore. He couldn’t be dragged around by her, risking her life and the lives of Nate, Milo, Lewis and maybe even Lewis’ friend Tara. There was only one hitch in his plan; CeeCee had a very strong grip on him and was one of the most determined people who had ever lived. There was no way she was going to let him go.
“Shit! Fuck! Fuck!” Lewis shouted as he sprinted furiously down the halls of the prison complex. Guards had been alerted to the security breach and weren’t at all happy about it. A bullet whizzed over Milo’s head, narrowly missing him. Nate looked like he very much wanted to say something but was just in for the proverbial ride. Zander felt useless, like a slab of meat. He couldn’t run, couldn’t fight, could barely even stand up. How was he supposed to keep up? He couldn’t keep up, which meant CeeCee couldn’t keep up. A gunshot echoed in the corridor. Blood? No, they were fine. Keep running. Keep up.
“Fuck, fuck, keep running. Keep going.” Lewis was chanting, a reminder to himself. Keep going. Keep up.
The entrance was there. So close. Guards, blocking the way to freedom. No, not freedom, but close enough. As close as they could get.
“What do we do?” CeeCee called out. Nobody knew, but someone had to answer. Another gunshot. It sounded further away. One of the guards at the door fell, the others turned around.
Sirens still blared, so loud, so close, everywhere. How could anyone focus in here? They couldn’t, too loud.
“Just run.” Nate answered. That was all they could do. No time to focus, no time for questions. Just run. Just hope that running would work. So they ran. Zander felt like he was going to pass out. As he kept forcing his body to go beyond its limit, he suddenly felt like he was out of his body. That wasn’t it. He felt like he was still inside his body, but there was no control. Only beating heart, heavy breaths. Only running. Only sweat, dripping down his forehead and back. He couldn’t control his movements. He couldn’t control it when he collapsed.
Tag list: @thereasontherumisgone @germanmetal
#dystopia#dystopian canada#nate sharp#lewis spiorad#dystopian world#mike shinoda fine#everything is gonna be fine#rebellion#zander ashworth#ceecee camryn#dystopian
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Hi and welcome to Dystopian Canada’s favorite game show, “Which of These Isn’t Canon?” It may be harder than it looks!
All French people are radioactive
Somewhere out there is a mutant hybrid of Kenji and Nate named Kate, and we all constantly live in fear of it
Carson Pryce’s parents lost their biological baby at the hospital and stole some random Asian baby to take home, so Carson doesn’t realize that he’s not actually white
One fateful day, the gang was visited by an Irish time traveler named Daithi Mahon who is an exact doppelganger of Nate and had an irrational hatred of bees
Kenji originally thought Nate’s name was “Sorry” and didn’t question it
Lewis built a tank. It looks like this:

And the answer is: I don’t know! We’ve done so much stupid shit while making this story that I can’t keep track anymore! For now, just accept that all of these may as well be canon.
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Everything Is Gonna Be Fine - File 003
Date: 3/5/215
Incoming signal: Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me? Is there anyone in the wasteland listening to me? Fuck, this is hopeless... We don’t even know if people are alive out there, we’ve never left the region because of the horror stories we’ve heard. CeeCee are you sure? ...Yeah, right. Ahem! I’m Nate, I’m from the Eastern OQ region, and for the last ten years I’ve been fighting in, well to put it lightly, a pretty nasty civil war. The group I was with has been mostly killed or captured and our leader is missing, presumed dead. Please, if someone is out there and can hear this, we need supplies. Wait what’s- Shit! CeeCee get down they found-
Outgoing message: Nous vous entendons. Sur routre chemin.
Date: 28/4/215
Location: Wasteland
Kenji had been out in the wasteland for three weeks now. After he had finished reading that repulsive public broadcast, he had stolen some gear and had gone over the wall. It was... Scary. He hated admitting it, he thought it made him look like a child watching a spooky film. But what else was he supposed to feel in that moment? He had grown up with stories about the radioactive monsters that lived in the wasteland beyond the wall. When someone died of The Sickness, their body was thrown over the wall so as not to contaminate anywhere else. That was what the wasteland had always been; radiation, horror stories and disease. That was the only reason he had never run, never jumped the wall and escaped the horrors of living as one of Toronto’s lower class citizens. When Jesse had appeared from the west, it marked something new, something interesting. Jesse was proof you could be in the wasteland and survive. Now obviously, Jesse had had state of the art anti-rad equipment and survival gear, and he had been driven or flown most of the way, only having to walk for the last 400 or so kilometres. But still. “Only 400 kilometres” was still 400 kilometres, it was only small compared to the 4000+ kilometre journey from the Yukon-BC Region to the Ontario-Quebec Region.
Kenji was not a survival expert like Jesse, and he didn’t have state of the art anything, (popular to contrary belief, having a state of the art “resting bitch face” didn’t count) but he wanted to try. After all, he couldn’t stay in OQ. The rich hated him for being the rebel leader, and the poor would no doubt turn on him now that the rebellion was effectively crushed and the elites would start cracking the proverbial whip on their literal asses. Where could he go but the wasteland?
It was frustrating, to say the least. Kenji had always prided himself on his perceptiveness and spacial awareness. He recognized landmarks better than anyone he knew, and he could navigate the streets of every city in the region with ease. He had even memorized the streets of the ruins of old Toronto, back when it was nearer to the lakes, and that area hadn't been inhabitable since the end of the war. But out here in the wasteland, everything was new, and the goggles he had to wear to protect his eyes were so broken and filthy that he could barely see. He assumed that he had just been wandering in circles for weeks, and honestly wanted to keep it that way until he could get better gear. The unfortunate truth, however, was that might never happen. He was stuck out here.
Date: 1/5/215
Location: Wasteland
As Kenji started to come around, he could hear voices. He closed his eyes and groaned in pain, covering his eyes with his hand. Fuck, he was in so much pain. His head...
"Where am I..." he muttered. The voices around him got closer.
"Tu te réveilles maintenant?" one asked. Kenji blinked, trying to focus on something in his surroundings.
"My head..." he moaned, turning over. The voice sighed and turned away to babble to its companions.
"Il ne parle pas français. Non." Wait... Were they speaking French? Fuck... Of all the places to end up, of course it was here.
The French person snapped their fingers at him, making him focus back up at them. They had long, dark brown hair and thin, distinguished features. They seemed female, but also just androgynous enough to make him unsure. He had also been told that he shouldn’t assume these types of things.
“Me comprenez-vous? Comprenez-vous ce que je dis?” they asked him. Kenji knew just enough about the French language from Lewis that he almost understood what the person was saying. Almost.
“No. Fuck off.” he spat. The person seemed to understand that phrase, and they roughly pulled him to his feet. He stumbled, a wave of nausea passing over him. Life his head was killing him.
“Parler.” they snapped, jerking him forwards. Kenji snarled defensively. He knew talking to them was going to be useless, so he didn’t bother. Instead, he did the only other logical thing; Muster up all his remaining strength and punch the person in the face.
Kenji was thrown out, but thankfully they didn’t knock him out again. He remembered what was going on now. He had been looking for food, shelter, etc, and had briefly taken off his goggles. He had found a shielded area in the ruins of some old house, safe from the wind. He assumed he would be safe here from the wind blowing anything into his face. As he was crouched behind the wall, cleaning his goggles, someone had come up behind him and ambushed him. Typical. Of course he would find the only shred of remaining human life out here and they would be hostile. He couldn’t blame them, really. It was just annoying.
What was even more annoying was the fact that he was currently tied to the trunk of a very large tree, unable to move and incapable of fending for himself. His head gear was still off, seeing as his francophone captors hadn’t been kind enough to bring his goggles with them when they tried to crack his head open. He was, figuratively speaking, completely fucked.
Footsteps sounded from somewhere nearby. Kenji groaned.
“Back for round two, assholes?” he snapped. “Or are you some huge, lumbering, mutant beast come to eat me and use my ribs as toothpicks? Either way, bon apetite you piece of shit, waste of space, rancid, ugly, motherfucking-”
That took him off guard. That was Lewis’ voice, wasn’t it? The radiation had gotten to his brain, he was sure of it.
“No, it’s Carson fucking Pryce.” he muttered sarcastically. “Just kill me already, put me out of my misery.”
The thing making the footsteps came around the corner and into Kenji’s field of view.
“Holy shit! Kenji! You cantankerous old bitch, what the fuck are you doing out here?” Lewis exclaimed, rushing over to free him of his bonds.
“Getting the best blowjob of my life. What does it look like?” Lewis stopped.
“I didn’t think it was physically possible for your personality to get worse. You are full of surprises.” he muttered.
Kenji was positive he was hallucinating, either due to the concussion the French fuckers had undoubtedly given him or the radiation, and so he wasn’t taking anything seriously.
“I doubt that I could surprise you.” he said snarkily as Lewis tugged at the ropes tying him to the tree. Lewis squinted.
“Sure.” he muttered, finally undoing the knots and setting him free. Kenji didn’t stand up. “Hey, you gonna get up?”
“This is a hallucination, I can’t go anywhere.” Lewis groaned and put his face in his hands.
“Oh so you’re stupid now? That’s it you’re stupid now? Fuck me.” Kenji scrunched up his face indignantly.
“Prove me wrong.” he snapped.
Lewis exhaled sharply and kicked the older man in the shin.
“There’s your proof, you belligerent geriatric.” Kenji grunted and begrudgingly accepted that he was stuck in a radioactive French wasteland with the most obnoxious child in the world. Life, he wished it was a hallucination. He stood up.
“How are you not dead?” he questioned skeptically.
“I am dead. I’m a spooky ghost here to haunt you for your sins. Ooooh.” the young boy responded sarcastically, waving his hands in front of his face. Kenji elbowed him in the shoulder sharply.
“I’m serious. You were in one of the explosions on the west side, nobody else survived. We took out a fucking city block, for world’s sake, people don’t just come out of that a-fucking-okay.” he pressed the younger individual. He hesitated. Did he really want to tell the next part? “I... Nate blamed me, he refused to talk to me for months.”
Lewis’ expression changed, becoming remorseful and tired.
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t come back. The soldiers tossed me over the wall with all the other bodies, I was more dead than alive honestly. But somehow I didn’t die, and some wastelanders picked me up. I’ve been too injured to go anywhere, I only recently got strong enough to walk around.” he said with a sigh, rubbing his forehead. “What happened to you to get you tossed out?” Kenji’s stomach twisted.
“None of your damn business.” he hissed, starting to walk away.
“Hey! You can’t just walk away from this!” Lewis shouted after him. Kenji ignored him. He needed to go back to that abandoned house and find his gear. “So what, you’re gonna abandon your friends? Let them fight for you while you sulk and pity yourself from the safety of-”
“They aren’t my fucking friends anymore and there won’t be any fighting!” Kenji shouted, whipping his head around to face him. “You want to know why I’m here? I fucked up. I fucked up our chance to finally beat the elite bastards once and for all and I jumped the wall so I wouldn’t have to face what I did.”
Lewis was shocked for a few moments before his face darkened in anger.
“You’re a coward!” he snapped. Kenji laughed, turning away once more.
“I know.”
tag list: @thereasontherumisgone @germanmetal
//author’s note: I do not speak french! sometimes I forget what “bonjour” means. I am so sorry if these halfassed translations suck, I tried to stick to simple phrases that would be easy to translate but I don’t know how accurate they are. I’ll try to not write for the french characters too much.
#everything is gonna be fine#dystopian world#original world#Original story#original content#dystopia#dystopian#mike shinoda fine#rebellion#ocs#canada#mike shinoda#kenji hirayama#lewis spiorad
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//File 005 in a nutshell
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Kenji Akemi Hirayama ; 41, 5'11 (181 cm), mixed race (Asian/Caucasian), cis male, pansexual
• obstinate, aggressive, antisocial, spiteful
• founded rebellion to get revenge on the elites
Alexander Flynn "Zander" Ashworth ; 40, 6'0 (183 cm), Caucasian, cis male, bisexual
• outgoing, cunning, mellow, kind, a simp
• founded rebellion to bring justice to those being oppressed
Cecilia "CeeCee" Camryn ; 36, 5'0 (152 cm), African American, cis female, heterosexual
• introverted, calm, independent, good sense of humour
• joined rebellion to bring justice to those being oppressed
Nathaniel Elias Sharp Junior ; 38, 5'10 (178 cm), Caucasian, cis male, homosexual
• chronic insomniac, socially awkward, absentminded, depressed
• joined rebellion to honor his parents' memory
Carson James Pryce ; 35, 6'2 (188 cm), mixed race (Caucaisn/Asian), cis male, heterosexual
• paranoid, power hungry, self centered, irritable
• leader of the regime, protects his identity so that only he knows his true position in the government
Lewis Spiorad ; 18, 5'6 (168 cm), Caucasian, cis male, questioning
• chaotic, impulsive, bitter, hates authority
• joined rebellion to get revenge on the elites
Genevieve Delilah "The Empress" Ashworth ; 60, 5'3 (160 cm), Caucasian, cis female, heterosexual
• cold, calculated, cruel, manipulative
• government official in charge of overseeing the medical system
Alezander Till Kreus ; 34, 5'10 (178 cm), Caucasian, cis male, bisexual
• insecure, impulsive, stubborn, crass
• joined rebellion because he was essentially shunned from elite society
Delia Margarette "Delia Grace" Kreus ; 29, 5'7 (170 cm), Caucasian, cis female, closeted lesbian
• anxious, timid, submissive (not in that way get your head out of the gutter)
• forced by Carson Pryce to be the primary newscaster, spreads propaganda against her will
Jesse Odjana ; 34, 5′11 (181 cm), Caucasian, cis male, bisexual
• philanthropic, good teacher, patient, gentle but stern
• diplomat from the British Columbia region who journeyed across the wasteland of central Canada to see how the Eastern region was doing, decided to join the rebellion
Milo-Jonathon Doe ; 17, 5′8 (172 cm), Caucasian, cis male, questioning
• mild mannered, responsible, quiet
• joined the rebellion because he found out that his biological father, Zander Ashworth, was leading it, unfortunately he cannot tell Zander that he’s his son since he can’t speak
Tara Fortier ; 25, 5′8 (172 cm), mixed race (Latinx/Metis), nonbinary afab, asexual
• abrasive, sarcastic, loyal, stubborn
• wastelander, befriended Lewis during his time outside the walls
#Dystopia#Dystopian world#Dystopian#Mike shinoda#Ben barnes#Missy Elliott#Mark fischbach#Original world#Ocs#Original story#Rebellion#masterlist#froy gutierrez#dylan sprayberry#tyler joseph#zander ashworth is a simp
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As a continuation from the last post

//you’re welcome
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