rosesjustdie · 4 years
Location: Katerina’s Room
Open to: Lev and Nadia ( @levxvasile​, @adashofnadia​ )
She’d nearly died. And if Jackson hadn’t found her when he did Kit was sure that she would be dead. Only flashes of the previous days lived in her mind, flicking back into consciousness long enough to be rushed through emergency and then waking up in a hospital room. Again she only remembered bits, screaming at nurses that she wanted to go home and being the worst patient that she could. That she wanted a few specific people. Leo and Zed, not a surprise to her at all but in the rush of the adrenaline-- even Lev. Those three at the front of her mind. They’d given the instructions she was sure before the brunette had been allowed to come home, under the watchful eye of medics every second that she didn’t have a visitor. It was tiring, really.
The pain in the side of her belly worse than she imagined, not that she’d ever really imagined what it would be like to have a kidney removed. It hadn’t even been on the scope of her dreams. She didn’t know how long she’d been staring at the wall, what it would bring. Maybe if she stared long enough she’d be able to go back in time. Leave the room with someone. But then Kat also knew she had been a target for a reason. So out of it she almost missed the sound of the door opening, rolling her head over slightly to see the pair. “What’s on fire?” The question out of her mouth without another thought, if the two of them were there. “Wait... before anything one of you is going to have to help me to that chair. I’m not staying in the bed.” Her hand coming up to point, “And before you pull a face,” Pointing at Lev, “and you try to be a bitch,” this time at Nadia, “yes, I do need help. I physically can’t do it myself.” It took a lot in her to ask for help. Never wanting to seem weak, especially not in front of her older brother.
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silverncrimson · 4 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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Diamond has watched The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies at least a hundred times each...if not more. She is obsessed with those movies. They are her feel-good films - the ones she watches when she’s sad or feeling depressed, or just whenever she feels she needs to be uplifted. She’s secretly always dreamed of living in the Shire.
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polcrity · 4 years
closed starter || @levxvasile​ || location: eli’s office, side house || eli
eli vogel’s therapist told him about the concept of resurfacing memories. her voice soothed him through the idea that, at any given time, he would be thrown back-- ten, twenty, thirty years in the past-- and forced to relive whatever sequence of events his brain deemed too offensive to do anything but lock away for an indefinite period of time. and even better? it was a ‘ good ‘ thing. a way to achieve ‘ catharsis ‘. to ‘ recover from prior trauma ‘. 
the thought bubbled up word by word first and soon, it was a fully fledged image: or lack there-of. a closet, lit only by the inching in of light through the crack of the door. a towel shoved into the slit from the outside. a little boy, half starved and trembling-- begging please, dad.
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“--We need to do something about Dimitri.” he’s thinking of it right now. the feeling of cuticles worn by desperate attempts to pull the rusted hinges from the wall is palpable as eli sits, elbows on knees. “I don’t know what. But we have to do something.”
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vimadden · 4 years
Communication: Please Don't Talk To Me | Talking To You Is Okay | You Talk Too Much | I Wish We'd Talk More | Our Convos Are Balanced | I Love Talking To You | Never Stop Talking To Me
Friendship: Strangers | Awkward | Just Met | Working On It | Good Friends | Best Friends | A Little More Than Friends
Datability: No | Not Sure | Never Gave It Any Thought | Probably Wouldn't Work | Maybe | Let's Give It A Shot | Absolutely | Marry Me
Attractiveness: Ugly | Just Not My Type | Undecided | Cute | Very Attractive | Drop Dead Gorgeous | Nosebleed
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xoverzealousx · 5 years
This was stupid. Nadya knew she could do so much more than just trail a specific target. But, she did as she was told and for the last god knows how many days, she’d been doing the task she was assigned. She was bored out of her mind, reporting back useless information that wouldn’t help anyone in the long run. 
She was on her third coffee of the day, nursing it as she watched from a distance, half focused on what she was going to tell Lev to get her out of this. It seemed as though the universe had plans for her to tell him right now, because she saw him crossing her path steps ahead of her. Guess we’re doing this now. “Lev.” She whisper-shouted at the man. “Get your ass back here.”
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kcshkin · 4 years
✪ : )
                                   ❖   POSITIVE.
I think you’re awesome ║ I like you ║ I want to go on a date with you ║  I love you (platonic) ║ You’re cute/handsome ║ I want to marry you ║ You’re attractive ║ I wish we could spend more time together! ║ I’d like to get to know you better ║  I admire you ║ You’re someone that I look up to ║ You’re very kind ║ I consider us friends ║ I secretly have a crush on you ║ I have high respect for you ║ We have common interests ║ I’m happy that I met you
                                     ❖   NEGATIVE.
I feel uncomfortable around you ║ You’re bothersome ║ I never want to speak to you again ║ I dislike you ║ I loathe you ║ I’m envious of you ║ I’m worried about you ║ We don’t get along well ║ You’re the worst kind of person ║ You get on my nerves ║ You’re annoying to me ║ We have nothing in common ║ I wish I had never met you ║ I wouldn’t date you if you were the last person alive ║ Not you again
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crimsonfaux · 4 years
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  ( @levxvasile, @rosesjustdie, @adashofnadia )
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crimsxndesire · 4 years
Location: End of Summer Festival
Closed: @levxvasile​
She could smell the familiar smell in the air, among the food and fresh air from Lake Michigan, but earthy, almost lemony smell of weed was definitely there. Slipping her phone into her pocket, she moved towards it like a bloodhound; if there was someone smoking weed, she would definitely need to engage in the illicit behaviors. Spotting someone huddled in the corner, “Excuse me?” She interrupted, knowing what they were doing as they huddled away from everyone. “Can I have a hit?” She came out with it. No reason to reach around the bush.
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rosesjustdie · 4 years
Location: Walt’s Place
Open to: @levxvasile​
Kit really couldn’t say she was surprised to hear that her brother had decided to get stoned, hell most of her stash had been stolen from Lev as it was. Though she just had to hope that he never figured that part out, or did and just let her keep doing it. What had surprised her was Walt agreeing to everyone coming over and getting high together. She’d shown up to the main house on Easter stoned and that had been the last time she had seen any members of her family so Kit was looking forward to something not in the house she wanted to avoid. As soon as Lev opened the door for her she held up one of the bags she was holding, “I brought snacks. Mostly so we can look slightly considerate before we eat all of Walt’s food anyway.”
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day-dreamcrs · 4 years
status: closed | @levxvasile​
Metal slotted along metal, a click, and the door swung open. “You’re back early,” Finley called without taking his eyes off of the tv screen before him. None of the comedy special stuck to his frazzled brain, but he kept it on to fill the deafening silence. 
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One more blink and he finally looked over to see who had walked in. “Fucking hell-- what the fuck do you want now?” All signs of friendliness dissipated when he realized it was Lev. Again. 
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crimsxnguardian · 4 years
Location: Outside Honey's Bakery
Open to; anyone at that same location ( @littlcxbirdie , @oakleybutler , @levxvasile , @crimsxndesire )
Years of work told Braden the first sound was fireworks, but that second, that second sound was one he'd heard too often before he got into personal security: the sound of gunshots.
He rubs the back of his neck. He had no idea where Zoe was, only hoping she was still with Abel, or that he'd at least gotten to her before they separated.
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"Okay...that was definitely gunshots, fireworks then gunshots...cops are going to be on high alert. Shit might go down."
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polcrity · 5 years
closed starter || @levxvasile​ || eli 
this is weird. all of it. weird, awkward, and entirely out of eli’s hands--- and god that makes his skin crawl nearly as much as the reason for such a strange confrontation in the first place. it’s amazing, isn’t it?--?? they can torture a man with his son in the next room, but god forbid someone be a little ignorant. but whatever. eli isn’t going to think about that-- he’s going to pretend it never happened and move on to more important things: a bottle of whiskey, a pack of playing cards, and a stack of hundred dollar bills. 
the sound of the door prompts a turn of his head and for some fucking reason, he realizes his heart’s beating a little faster than usual. his therapist would tell him to take a step back from the confrontation to catalog your feelings and analyze the insecurities that lead you to make assumptions. if eli had a handy dandy little daily mood log, he would have written inability to form long lasting relationships with males and inability to admit defeat due to father’s instilling of admitting failure = admitting weakness = less worth. 
the sound of the basement door opening and closing pulls him back into the uncomfortable reality---- 
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“Drinks are already poured.” and sipped, but that’s not important.
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jchn1143 · 4 years
001 || @levxvasile​
fear, at its finest, is palpable, cascading from the tongues of pleading victims on the business end of a gun. casualties are commonplace in this business; you don’t swat a fly and feel sorry when you tuck the covers under your chin at night. and that’s what lev vasile is: a fly, buzzing around with his nest like their wings can cover the sun and envelope this city, foul and feasting on the bodies left decomposing in their wake. he’ll join the heap. only a fool turns their back in an empty parking lot, doesn’t flinch when headlights roll up over his frame. the figure emerging from a car with no plates makes their presence known with a calculated clack of heels against concrete, their face rolled up in bandages save for the narrowed eyes peeking out from the gaps. “lev vasile, i presume,” the voice rings, wholly unfamiliar and laced with something sickly. “the pleasure of meeting you is all mine.”
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crimsonfaux · 4 years
“I never miss. This headline must be about the Vasiles or fuck maybe they’re talking about Flamingo. She should be dead by now." @levxvasile, @wtcddy, @littlcxbirdie
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crvmsdecorum · 4 years
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part one of vasile addition of text memes | pakhan, obshchak, sovietnik
@polcrity, @levxvasile, @rosesjustdie
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rosesjustdie · 4 years
What if I hid my weed so that you couldn't steal it anymore?
We both know if you wanted me to stop stealing your weed that you’d hide it better already. But I’d find someone else to steal it from. Probably Callie.
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