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Do you and Levi celebrate your cat's birthdays?
Do you and Jean do it?
How does it go for the both of them?
Jelly! Hello friend! How are you?
We do of course!
Levi and I have three cats. Before we met, he had Scout, a white kitty with a little black on his face and paw, I had Penny, a grey beauty, and they are older and chubby now hehe. AND after we'd been together a while, one night near Halloween I found a black kitten that Levi reluctantly let me keep that we named Jasper that after a bath he didn't want, he fit right it with his new brother and sister!
The birthday kitty gets more spoiled but everyone gets something of course! We take their favorite canned foods and shape it and decorate it with their favorite treats. They get new toys and a cat nip plant and basically run of the house (they have that anyway though, believe me!). One year we got them all prim and proper for a family portrait. After 76 takes we got one that was pretty good LOL.
Levi loves his kitty cats so much and I love being a cat parent with him!
With Jean, I wasn't in a position to have cats and he "didn't like them" so once we got together and moved in we got our doggie, yellow lab Murphy, who is the light of our lives! If you asked him and he could talk, he'd say everyday was his birthday cause we spoil him so much!
He most certainly gets extra treats and walks and playtime on his birthday. We take a ride to grandmas so Jeans mom can see her grandpup and spoil him with a cake made for him and his sweet tail never stops wagging. (She wants grandkids too, but will take Murphy while she impatiently waits).
I still wanted a cat though and now that Murphy is a couple years old I keep putting the idea out there. With mama Kirsteins help it's coming along nicely! Her friends cat had an abundance of kittens and since Jean and I sometimes work from home, his mom offered our house up to foster a couple. He was very unhappy but she begged and I begged and it's been a couple weeks and I have a feeling by the way Murphy loves them and Jean has started baby talking to them like he does Murphy and picking them up more often, that maaaybe they'll be staying :)
I'm so sorry this got off topic LOL, yes, Jean and I will be celebrating our kitties birthday! Murphy adores the kittens and Jean builds them a catio out back by the garden that he finishes by their first birthday and everyone goes outside and enjoys the nice weather and the garden together! They also got lots of new toys (Murphy got them too so he never feels left out!) and new shiny collars.
Wow thank you for that :D
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I'm sorry I've been slacking on tag games but thank you I'm here now!
LMAO my first one's coming out so raunchy I just can't do it lol!
Levi leaned in, pressing a firm kiss to my lips.
It surprised me and I felt my lips respond to him.
He pulled back slightly.
"See? I do kiss good."
He smiled.
I laughed.
"That's not what I meant, but thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt."
He laughed as well.
"Here, I'll give you my number.
I think we should hang out again."
I was excited to have a guy who wanted to see me again.
"I have to give Annie and Sasha a heads up that you'll be here for dinner."
I grabbed my car keys.
"You got it."
I opened the door and walked to his car.
He leaned over and gave me another quick kiss before climbing in to drive.
"Nice to see you again."
I said goodbye and climbed in my car.
Sometimes IDK which one of us is talking? This one got a little raunchy after that too so we'll stop there haha!
and here's one for Jean
Jean leaned in, pressing a firm kiss to my lips.
I grabbed his arms and kissed him back hard.
In return, he cupped the back of my head with his hands and deepened the kiss.
The sun came out from behind the clouds as we broke apart.
He continued to hold my head in place.
"Good morning," he whispered.
"Good morning," I whispered back.
"What are you doing this weekend?"
I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"I'm thinking I might have to work. The past two Fridays I was free all day."
"I can come over after work."
I bit my lip. I was already having a hard time keeping my hands off him.
It had only been a couple of weeks.
"I can come over before."
He grinned.
"I would like that."
tagging: @tsuki-tsuki-daisuki @theferricfox @thesimpsstuff @dinaackerman and whoever else :)
This thing really wants me to find a guy, and fast LOL!
Random Story Game! Using this AI text generator type in “[Character] leaned in, pressing a firm kiss to my lips.” It’ll generate a short random story! You can pick a different prompt if you want!
Here’s mine:
Levi leaned in, pressing a firm kiss to my lips.
"There's room for dessert, don't you think?"
"You're right."
Now what are you still doing here, besides taking advantage of me?"
He pulled me up against him, trailing his lips down my neck.
I closed my eyes as I let my hand slide into his hair.
I couldn't remember ever being this eager for an evening with him.
"I love that you're always so eager," he murmured.
"I've missed you
Mine ended up a bit spicy lol. Tagging: @postwarlevi @porcogalliardenthusiast @levisbrat25 @levmada @holy-guacamoly and anyone who wants to play!
#tag game#tag game answers#levi ackerman#leviza#jean kirstein#jeliza#apparently i go for guys i barely know lol
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Mamaja ime, qe ta dini ju, nuk me donte. U krijova gabimisht, ne nje moment shperqendrimi te te tjereve. Dhe qe te mos lindja nena ime cdo nate treste ne uji nje ilac. Pastaj e pinte, duke qare. Vazhdoj ta pinte deri ne naten qe une leviza brenda ne barkun e saj, dhe kur une i gjuajta me shkelm per t'i then mos me hidhte tutje. Ajo ishte duke cuar goten ne buzen e saj. Menjeher e largoi dhe e derdhi ate pertoke. Disa muaj me vone rrotullohesha fitimtare ne diell, dhe nese kjo ka qene e mire apo e keqe, kete nuk e di. Kur jam e lumtur mendoj qe ishte e mire, kur jam e trishtuar mendoj qe ishte e keqe. Megjithate, dhe kur jam e trishtuar, mendoj se do te me vinte keq te mos kisha lindur sepse asgje nuk eshte me keq se asgjeja. Une, e perseris, nuk i druhem dhimbjes. Dhimbja lind me ne, rritet me ne, dhe duhet te mesohemi me te sic mesohemi me faktin qe kemi dy duar dhe dy kembe. Une, ne fund te fundit, nuk i druhem vdekjes, sepse nese dikush vdes do te thote qe ka lindur, qe ka shmangur asgjene. Une i druhem asgjese, te mos qenurit, te thenit qe skam qene, qofte dhe rastesisht, qofte dhe gabimisht, qofte dhe per shkak shperqendimi i te tjereve. Shume femra pyesin veten : Te lindesh nje femij, perse? Qe te jete i uritur, qe te kete ftohte, qe te tradhetohet dhe ofendohet, qe te vdese ne lufte ose nga ndonje semundje? Dhe mohojne shpresen qe uria e tij te ushqehet,qe i ftohti te ngrohet, qe besnikeria dhe respekti ti jene miq, qe te jetoje aq gjate per te tentuar te zhduke semundjen dhe luften. Ndoshta kane te drejte! Por asgjeja eshte me mire se vuajtja. Une dhe gjate pauzave kur qaj mbi deshtimet e mia, zhgenjimet e mia, torturat e mia, dal ne perfundimin qe vuajtja eshte me mire se asgjeja....
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I've arrived!!
I have a question
You need and crave affection from your love. How do you get it and how do they react?
This is for Jean and Levi
Afternoon Jelly! How are you? Work is... eh. *Le sigh* But I'm always happy to be here with everyone!
Man I'm such a pain they probably have no idea what I want LOL what I mean is, sometimes I don't want to be touched, and sometimes I want the cuddles, and no I can't tell you when I'll be feeling what way, and I don't think I'd act much differently.
I need them to be a mind reader please! haha.
Jean is very touchy feely anyway, loves hand holding and sitting close on the couch already. I probably get sick of him hehe. But if it's not enough and I want it I probably start an argument without meaning to because I don't know how to say it. I swear we'd have the best relationship but would probably get annoyed with each other at time.
We're on the couch and I'm just sighing or being quiet and if he doesn't get it because me sighing could literally mean anything = argument :) but if he does he just pulls me close and strokes my hair and let's me lay on him. Honestly he probably gets it.
With Levi he likes cuddles but does it less often until I initiate it. Same thing kinda is that he doesn't know how to ask for cuddles when he wants them. But he's very good at reading my emotions and body language and will try to ask when he thinks I want to or he really needs it. Or he'll just do it and I know :) .
If somehow I get to the point I'm agitated cause I'm not getting my cuddles for some reason he'll hold an arm out and be all "well get over here then." But if I think he's not really interested I'll shake my head and at that point he'll pull me over anyway and kiss my forehead and hold me against him. Yes please I do need it!
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Tani qe po shkruaj jam vetem tek diga e liqenit, nuk kam internet se ofert nuk bej ndonjiher as verdall nuk po kap ndonji vale. Jam ulur ke shkallet ke moli, kam ven kufjet me vesh dhe 400 kenget qe kam ne cel i kam ber shuffle. Kalojn nga kenget depresive, ne kenget shqiptare, ne rrokun e 90, ne keng spanjolle dhe shum te tjera po prap nuk esht se ndryshon si ndihem un.
Vetem, bosh, pa shoqeri, pa dike per te folur, zgjidhni ke te doni , shtoni dhe te tjera dhe prap do jet si ndihem un. Pse kujtoni qe jam ktu kaq von si budalla. Se u mbyta ne shpi. Sinqerisht ndihesha i mbytur. Jo se po beja dicka dhe u lodha dhe doja pushim. Jo jo, krejt e kunderta, kam nji jav nuk bej asgje. As te msoj, qe i kam ven shkelmin me koh e pse e urrej vetem per kte gje, as te dal per vrap dhe te bej stervitje ku te pakten harxhoja pak kohe nga kjo monotoni e keqe boshe e merzitshme, as te bej ndonji nga 20 "projektet" e vogla neper shpi qe kam menduar po si kam nisur akoma. Pra po kaloj kohen kot, po jetoj kot e di qe cdo gje qe spp bej po me le shum mbrapa qellimeve te mia por nuk e kam me ate vullnet qe te bej dicka. Dhe uri nuk kam me dreqi ta haj kur dikur haja si derr dhe nuk ndaloja, kurse tani nje tost me mban gjith diten pasi pertoj dhe tcohem nga divani. Nuk esht se nuk dua tbej gje, po mduken te pavlera, tgjitha cdo gje mduket e kot. Dhe sa me shum koh kaloj kot aq me shum e ndjej qe po shuhem nga brenda.
Para disa ditesh vizatova nje karton te vogel per vllain qe ta marri me vete ta perdori per bookmark pasi do iki ne vend tjeter per te punuar. E kam shtyr kaq koh se ca do vizatoja aty pasi nuk me vinte frymezimi ne bot se doja te beja dicka me kuptim, ne fund u dorzova dhe vizatova si tme shkonte dora dhe mendja ne nji moment qe me kapi frymezimi. Me pelqeu ckisha ber, nuk ishte gje per tlen koken pas saj po aq sa mundja bera dhe mu duk lezecem. Reagimi vllait ama me dhimbti. Nuk u duk fare entuziast, nuk e di cpriste... Me lendoi por e anashkalova dhe gjys shaka gjys serioz i thash po ste pelqeu ma jap se e mbaj vet. Direkt e mori nuk ma kthehu po reagimi i par me mbeti ne mendje sbesoj se do e harroj se spara vizatoj dicka per te tjer, kjo mund te ket qene hera e pare qe me kan kerkuar tbej dicka dhe hera e dyt qe e kam ber me deshir. Po prap me hypi qefi ti beja nji vizatim mlta kishte kujtim. Bera gati cdo gje. Planin se cdua tbej, iden si do e bej, bera dhe nji skech tvogel n3 te nates, u ngrita nga krevati dhe e vizatova ne nji nga ato fletat e verdha tvogla. Cdo gje mu duk gati do e nis neser thash patjeter u emocionova shum qe do i kthehesha vizatimit pas dy viteve..... Kjo ishte para nji jave dhe telajo qe do perdorja esht akoma e bardh. Doja ta beja paraxege ikte ta merrte me vete po me shum mundsi do ja dergoj me von nese e mbaroj ndonjehere...
Leviza pak me posht tek diga se era e nates te ftof po te rrish me nji vend dhe thash po shkruaj duke ecur. Gjeja par qe mshkoi ne mendje ishte jam vetem, si me shofin robt pasi ky esht perceptimi me te cilin jemi rritur. Por kam kufjet ne vesh dhe ndodhem ne boten time tashme kshuqe nuk me intereson shum, po dua sdua ai momenti i pare qe e mendoj gjithmon ndodh.
Po dreqi ta haj, kaq jet kari qenka sa mos te gjesh dot nji shoqeri tamam. Lere pastaj per tkerkuar dicka me shume po shoqri si fillim dreqi ta haj shok shoqe tamam tkalosh kohen sic duhet tbesh qefin sic duhet jo vetem me intriga drama e budalliqe . Prandaj ndodhem vetem tani. Se ata persona me te cilet rrija nuk i flas me se i thash qe sjellja qe po benin nuk me pelqente dhe u zum dhe aq ishte pra ajo "shoqeri" e ndritur. Aq vlera kisha un per ata, po nuk me erdhi cudi e dija qe heret a von do ndodhte dhe me mir ta mbyllja vet se nuk dua shoqeri aq fallco dreqi ta haj. E di qe thjesht po shfryhem po ca shoku je dreqi ta haj kur nuk bem dot nji mhb srz me ty. Eh i hodha pas krahve se ashtu meritonit dhe nuk pendohem aspak dhe pse tani jam vetem pa asnji. Me mir vetem se sa me ju njerez te poshter, interesaxhij. Dhe ate qe gjojash e konsideroja shok te ngusht e kuptova qe rrethanat na ben te till, ne cdo version tjeter sdo kishte ndodhur. Po nuk dua ti futem detajeve se e di sdo mbaroja kurr qe ske qen pothuajse asnjehere aty per mua dhe pse jam perpjekir gjithmon te jem aty per ty. Varja se me acaroi qe i rimendova te gjitha kto prap.
As per tshkruar nuk mvjen me po kenga qe u vu tani gjithmon me ben te kercej. Ritmi i saj po dhe teksti jan shum tbukura. Nese dikush do doj ta degjoj :
Eh dreqi ta haj as ty nuk te harroj dot se mendoj cdo nate per ty dhe ti di mir kte gje dhe kenget qe me dedikon ne story te instas dhe snapit i shof i degjoj kenget, ja dgjoj mir tekstin e tyre dhe me dhembin kur i degjoj po cado qe ti te besh dhe pse gjithmon do tet dua, kurr nuk do kthehem me me ty. E bera njiher gabimin dhe te fala dhe prap njelloj veprove po nfund un jam idjoti po mos ki merak se nuk do ndodhi me qe tme perdoresh deri sa tmerzitesh e pastaj tikesh me nji mesazh.
P.S. Sado qe perpiqem tani te rikujtoj dicka te mir , vetem momentet e kqija me vijme ndermend.
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sot po ecja neper shkallet e qytetit dhe cuditerisht po ndjeja aromen tende. nuk leviza per ore te tera. nuk te kam me. por akoma te ndjej ne cdo hap qe bej.
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Happy Sundays are made of these - My FIRST drawn, printed, framed, wrapped and shipped drawing to London. Hooray! Thank you Leviza @levizaayaz for letting me doodle this beautiful bond between you and your son. You made me the happiest ☺️ . #littlebigthings #memoriesmatter #vectorart #illustration #smallbusiness #doodlesofinstagram #doodleart #adobeillustrator #digitalart #etsyseller #uaeartist #dubaiartists #creatorsofdubai #dubaiblogger #womenprenuer #dubaimom #dubaiexpat #dubaifamily #mothersday #mothersdaygifts #ilovemyson #londonfamily #myson #familydrawing #love #bond #strongwomen #sundayfunday #sundayvibes (at London, United Kingdom)
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Ishe te dangelo1 para cerek ore ti?
Jo, thjesht kalova aty sa morra motren se pastaj leviza
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What's your perfect Christmas with your two lovely men Jean and Levi? 🎄🎁☃️
Hi Jelly! I'm happy to say I wrote a lot today and I'm excited to share with everyone soon!
Anyway, back on track hehe
Jean and I are very festive and social during the Christmas season. Parties, get togethers, baking, matching sweaters. We're very silly.
We love decorating the house and have a large tree with lights and garland, the works, and put up wreaths and towels and figurines inside and out.
We host a get together Christmas eve for whoever can come and play holiday trivia games and make hot chocolate and apple cider and put on some Christmas movies for people to enjoy.
Christmas morning we actual go out to eat as some places near us are open. Connie and Sasha meet us and our families and we order what we usually would and leave a very nice tip for our waiter or waitress.
After it's finally alone time. We've gotten each other a couple gifts and one large gift for the house, say a new washing machine or something.
We go through our gifts and play with them, things like kitchen appliances or video games. We stay in our matching jammies and act like kids from noon until midnight, doing whatever we want, including the mandatory Christmas day nap.
Our pup Murphy gets in on it too and gets spoiled! New toys all over the house and extra treats. We call him on the couch to cuddle while we watch a holiday movie. If it's snowing out we take videos of him enjoying the snow, he loves it so much!
Levi and I are also social but not on such a grand scale. We bake for Christmas parties and participate but don't stay all night.
Decorations are minimal inside, a tree with the garland and lights, and some sentimental ornaments that we've had forever that Levi has to dig in the garage for.
Outside we put lights around the house and a couple moving reindeer that we light up for a couple hours at night for people to enjoy.
Christmas eve we go to his mom Kuchels house for a family get together with our families. Uncle Kenny tells dirty jokes and Levi threatens him but my family thinks he's hilarious. We listen to Kuchel read a Christmas story which everyone really enjoys, especially the kids. (Maybe next time this year we'll have one..?)
Christmas morning we put friends on speaker phone to say Happy Christmas while we bake and get some things ready, and head to the local Children's hospital to hand out stuffed animals and make sure families there have a nice homemade meal.
It's late afternoon when we get done and sit down with what we kept for ourselves to eat and watch a Christmas movie that I can get Levi to agree too.
We exchange a couple gifts, something we can both enjoy like tickets to a play or something. And I surprise Levi by pulling out a small cake for his birthday that he has no idea when I made. No, we're not forgetting birthdays around here :)
#self ship#self shipping#leviza#jeliza#thank you so much for sending this!#gosh why isn't this real :(#moots#moots jelly
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Thanks for the tag guys! Sorry I'm late.
They didn't have my hair color, but I'm sitting in a field of sunflowers with Levi, what more could I want?!
@theferricfox @whattheheckmidoriya @porcogalliardenthusiast @xttxck
Did I find a cute picrew? Yes 💕
Me and the lovely Levi ❤️
Give it a go here
Tagging: @ladycheesington @ack3rlady @bratckerman @skittlelover69 @postwarlevi @red-n-tall @levisbrat25 @lolimveryhungryrn @happybird16 @hauntedhousecat @hashaneeee @galactict3a @inmymusing
And anyone else!
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Hi Eliza!! Good morning! 👋🏻😄💕
When it comes to morning routines with Levi, what does it look like on the week days vs weekends? Do they differ? Are there ever times when y'all sleep in or fall back asleep out of pure stubbornness to start the day? And what do y'all usually eat for breakfast??
Good afternoon now Sky! Ohh let's see let's see...
I used to hate getting up early, well I still do haha. Levi is up before me weekdays no matter what time either of us went to bed. I set my alarm but hit snooze a few times. He's so good though and feeds the cats and has my breakfast all prepared and sits me on the couch to watch tv like a kid while I eat and wake up LOL. Most the time it's oatmeal and berried and tea. Perfect! The night before I usually get our lunches ready and go to dress while Levi does the dishes and help him tidy the rest of the kitchen and finish putting our lunches together, fill water bottles, etc. Most mornings we share a few minutes just cuddling right in the kitchen before it's time to go.
On the one weekday that I'm off and he's working I sleep in half the time (he doesn't mind of course) but really try to get up early to at least do dishes and get his lunch since he always takes care of me. He tells me to drink enough water and don't eat junk all day hehe.
On the weekends where we are both off he will sleep in with me. It's cuddles and slowly waking up and shuffling about. We stretch together and make things like a frittata or pancakes and put some 1960s music like Ain't No Mountain High Enough or Stand By Me or My Girl. We open the windows and sing along and act like a honeymoon phase couple. He will sing with the spatula, don't let him tell you otherwise! We feed the cats and if it's nice out go sit on the porch to eat and watch the birds and squirrels. Weekend mornings are slow cottage living and some of the best times together. Sometimes he even leaves the dishes in the sink to go for a nap with me.
That was so fun to think about, thank you!
Send me random AOT questions. Can be self ship, or as random as what do you think Eren eats for breakfast!
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I have a little question that you may enjoy! 👀
I saw a prompt online recently that asked the viewer “would you rather like in a countryside cottage with your partner, or a countryside mini castle?”
(I hope these aren’t blurry 😳)
I was wondering what your choice might be and why, with whichever AOT partner you’d like to share this scenario with!
For me, I’d choose the cottage with Mike 🥰 I’ve always believed him to be quite the craftsman, and living in a cottage out in the countryside fits so wonderfully with that idea 🥺❤️ Sitting on that wooden porch, gazing out at the flower-coated hills as the sun sets behind them… oh I’m melting at just the thought!
Take your time with answering, your daily life comes first 🥰
- Le Skittle
Hello Skittles! Ha you know me well. Thank you for reminding me it's okay to take care of myself :)
Okay okay, now...
your scenario is so cute! You and Mike would have a beautiful life toether. And I agree with you, I'd want the smaller cottage (I'm not cleaning a castle!) visiting the mini castle as a getaway would be lovely though!
But yes, the cottage please. Being able to leave the windows open on nice days, the smell of freshly baking bread or pastries filling the cottage, collecting rain water for plants, line drying clothing. Running a small business, finding pleasure in keeping the cottage and surrounding outside area clean and tidy, riding bikes and walking to town, having picnics outside in the garden.
I'd like this simple life with either of my usual self ships and though the styles overlap and both men would fit comfortably, I think Jean would be more farmhouse than cottage life. So, Levi and I are living the cottage life!
Small business tea shop and book store combo! There's nothing else we want :D
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Thank you @ack3rlady and @levisbrat25 love these so much! I'm gonna want to do more lol!
Was this cheating? Sorry lol
Top is Levi, middle left Sasha, middle right Porco, bottom is Jean :)
who else wants to do this? anyone is welcome!
tagging: @smol-stone @starryenigma @svftackerman @beautiful-is-boring @galactict3a @levihan-candy
couple goals tag game!
Making myself a little selfship aesthetics game because I needed it hehehe.
Gimme your top 4 (or 6 if you need more room) selfships and your couple’s aesthetic bc y’all know you’d behave differently in different relationships N I WANNA SEE IT
Mine are, left to right: fairiwa (iwaizumi x fairy), meiary (meian x fairy), drakry (draken x fairy) and fairygami (kunigami x fairy)
Tagging //if you want to ofc, I know maybe some of you don’t selfship// @seijorhi @bakatenshii @itsleese @delirieum @titan-fodder @terushimooo @8kh @mulberrysilk
#tag game#aesthetic#leviza#jeliza#don't have ship names for the other two lol#this was fun#lets do more#levi ackerman#jean kirstein#sasha braus#porco galliard
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Iiiiiiiit's piccrew time!
This is the first couple one I came across, I will do more later!
Sometimes I just need to be held by Levi, you know?
tagging: @happybird16 @nelapanela94 @hauntedhousecat @levisbrat25 @levmada @theferricfox @whattheheckmidoriya @yakaaamoz @ack3rlady @levi-supreme @hashaneeee @darlingheichou @poisonpeche @jayteacups @chaotic-nick @charlotteplsdosth @anlian-aishang @m-jelly @porcogalliardenthusiast @xttxck
and whoever else wants! That's enough tags LOL but it's been a minute so...sorry!
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Oh this one's cute!
Forcing Levi to take cute photos. He hates it loves it is getting used to it.
The hair choices in this one can be iffy, but it's cute!
@levisbrat25 @hauntedhousecat @thesimpsstuff @sckerman @starryenigma @happybird16 @holy-guacamoly @levi-supreme @ack3rlady @tsuki-tsuki-daisuki
Who wants to do this one?!
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