#levithian cavallo
suepixels · 9 months
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Levi & Ailey - ♪ - Million Days
If this is love? I'm yours. Finally feelin' complete. Do not let me go. Because I don't know who I will be without you.
- Levithian Cavallo -
PS: I could not resist - a lil' teaser y'all 😍.
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suepixels · 9 months
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Now vs. back in 2021 - Levi aka. Levithian Cavallo
Tbh? I didn't change him at all! Only fresh clothes! 😍 He's perfect okay? 😌 I love him too much! He got a new hair tho!
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suepixels · 3 years
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Nero: I hear you, loud and clear. You don’t need to repeat yourself. Yet, I can tell and see how your body speaks volumes.
Levithian: It seems like I need to repeat myself. Ner, you have to talk to Ailey. Tell her that she has no reason to fear and that you will not interfere. Promise me! I deserve this! Do it for me! [points at himself]
Nero: You are asking a lot from me. Is this what you desire the most? I should let you go?
Levithian: Yes. it is possible that she is the one for me.
Nero:  If she is not the one. Will you come back?
Levithian: What do you mean? You mean back to you? Ner, I am here all the time with you. We only don’t do the physical love part.
Nero: I know. But will you be there whenever I need you?
Levithian: I keep my promises, always did. Trust me, Avea will fall in love with you. Even if you compelled her. She fell in love with your brother. You can deny but you both have the same eyes. Remember how Avea hugged you when we saved her? She made you feel alive, and you wanted to protect her. Even though she can’t remember you.  I’m sure she will feel the same way again, now that she is grown up. Maybe she is the one for you, and you will forget me?
Nero: Forget you? Are you out of your mind?
Levi: Well, tell me why are you so eager to approach her? Yet, you want me suddenly, too? Out of the blue? I don’t understand this.
Nero: Damn Levi,  she was a child who needed our protection. You have been there. You know what happened.
Levi: Do I know? You never cared about a human's life before - you never protected any human, unless you cared. And I wonder why you care?
Nero: I have my reasons, and if it happens I hope you will understand my motives.
Levi: [sighs] You make no sense, Ner. Do you love her?
Nero: I like her, but I don’t know if she will like me back.
Levi: [sad] If she does like you or if she falls in love with you? What then? Would you drop me for her?
Nero:...[inhales and closes his eyes] Levi? What do you think are you doing?
Levi turns around and wants to walk tongue-tied away. But Nero holds him back and hugs him.
Nero: It’s not that easy, Levi. Nothing is set in stone yet. For fucks sake.
Levi: [upset] Maybe it is already set in stone.
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suepixels · 3 years
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Allure Of Darkness - Main Cast Refresher!
Well, now that I have a way stronger pc! I guess the quality will now improve regarding my story. So I took the time today to pimp my OC’s. They look way better with the new graphics, right? New PC, you know! Finally!
From left to right: Avea, Nero, Valerius and my beloved Levi!
Hope you like the new dark edit but still with a bright touch now 😊😍😌
Check the side cast. Click me!
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suepixels · 3 years
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82 | Call
Nero picks up his phone angrily.
Levithian: Hey Ner!
Nero: [soft] Hey, still alive?
Levithian: Sure. Sorry, had no time. I was a bit distracted. You don’t need to worry about Val. I took care of him. Guess that’s why you called?
Nero: Yes, can we meet at the Grand Nocturne Hall tomorrow?
Levithian: Sure, why? Do you want to see Val?
Nero: Yes, will you be there?
Levithian: Tomorrow at noon? Is that fine with you?
Nero: Perfect, I will be there.
Levithian: Ner.., is everything good?
Nero: Why shouldn’t everything be good? [irritated] I’m fine. Don't worry. I just want to see you, that’s all.
Levithian: You sound slightly angry?
Nero: [cool] Lilith is here. As you know, her talents are pretty unique.
Nero looks straight at Lilith while she raises her eyebrows.
Levithian: [chuckles] Oh Ner, you will never change. I see. Exploring the dark side tonight, huh? This is something you have never really sworn off. Never understood your relationship with Lilith. However, enjoy it. By the way, I’m going to dinner tonight with my girl. But I will tell you tomorrow. [short silence]...I’m happy, Ner.
Nero: Wait, what did you just say?
Levithian: You heard me. 
Nero: [dark] Which girl?
Levithian: [confident] Ailey Carpathia is with me.
Nero: [pissed] Levi, what in hell?
Levithian: Not today, Ner! [sighs] Explode tomorrow all you want. Bye.
Lilith smirks.
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suepixels · 3 years
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‘All I ever wanted  was to feel special and to feel chosen.’
Poses are by @nell-le​  Thank you! ❤️
My babe is so cool 🥺❤️
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suepixels · 3 years
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76 | NOTED
Ailey: Levi?...I’m truly enjoying you.
Levithian: So do I. No matter what the future holds for us we always have each other. Am I right? We will do so many things together.
Ailey: Will we? [unsure]
Levithian: Positive. Why wouldn't we, after all? Ailey: Sorry for saying this. But there is a reason why you don't want to talk about him. You are blanking him out. I must express my fears, as otherwise I will be absorbed by them mentally. It worries me. I just don't wanna lose you a second time, you know?
Levithian: Listen, I feel you. [sighs...] But he should not be able to control our time. Don't give him the power over your mind. Especially the feelings you have for me. Please? If you give him this power over you? It will never be over, get me?
Ailey: I get you, yeah I do. But...
Levithian pinches her nose.
Levithian: No buts! Look at this little cute Carpathia nose right here. See?[exaggerates] Oh, sweet witch nose quit your curiosity as to how Nero may react. In fact, I don't think about him as much as you do. Relax, will you?
Ailey: Stop that [sighs...] I try, Levi.
Levithian: [tender] I’m here. I’m by your side!
Ailey: I know, I’m just nervous.
Levithian pulls her in close, squeezes her, and kisses her forehead lovingly.
Levithian: Tell me, what can I do to make you feel safe with me?
Ailey: Talk to him. Be very clear with him that he is not entitled to interfere in our relationship. He doesn't have to love us. But if he loves you, he will respect your relationship with me. You deserve happiness, and you do deserve to be loved. If he is upset about my bloodline, take the wind out of his sails. His Carpathia feud has nothing to do with you.
Levithian: Promise! I will talk to him [mischivious], and I will tell him that I need more Carpathia Time, okay?
Ailey: [eyeroll] More or less. Carpathia-Cavello sounds better.
Levithian: Carpavello time! Noted. Can we go back now to us?
Ailey: Someone is eager to savor the happiness, huh?
Levithian: And you are not eager?
Ailey: I am.
Levithian: Perfect, where did we stop?
@sciophobis​ ❤
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suepixels · 3 years
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74 | LIFE
Few days later.
Ailey: Levi, are you serious? This is so beautiful. For us?
Levithian: No! I did all that for your Grams, you know.
Ailey: Sure! [laughs] Levi? Damn, I missed you so much.
Levithian: [smirks] Well, you knew where I live and what you had with me.
Ailey: Is this really happening? With us? Pinch me, please. Because I don't want to dream. If this is a dream, don't wake me up! 
Levithian: Should I bite you? [serious] That would be proof, right?
Ailey: Levi...[eyeroll]
Levithian: What? [smirks] You asked for it. It would be just a tiny sweet pinch on your neck, you know? You taste delicious! I miss your sweet scent. [begging] Can I bite, just a little?
Ailey: Hmmm, Not today, hotty!
Levithian: [eyeroll] Damn! You are mean! 
Ailey: Do you have any idea how you radiate in a different light when you are genuinely happy?
Levithian: Really? Do I? Is it that obvious?
Ailey: Yeah, I have no doubt that Nero will see it too. I foresee a storm coming up. He will fight for you as he hates me to the bone. You know that he fears me, Levi.
Levithian: I will handle that. Don't worry about him. 
Ailey: Did you notice that he is stalking you on your phone?
Levithian:  Ily? Let's not talk about him today? Okay? Today everything is about us! I will message him later so he can stop stalking me. I'm sure he just wants to know how Val is, and I will take care of him later.
Ailey: Who are you? What did you do to my Levi? Are you really Levithian Cavallo? The one I always loved and still love?
Levithian: The one and only. Always loved? And still love? Huh? The night you came a few days ago, you were a tough nut to crack. 
Ailey: A good conversation can sometimes work wonders. In the past, you have shut down towards me. However, now you tried to understand me.
Levithian: You have unveiled a handful of profound truths to me. Those made me question my own perception of love.
Ailey: Levi, I didn't mean to lecture you.
Levithian: I am way older than you. As we see, it does not mean that I'm wiser. You opened my eyes. Thank you for being real with me!
Ailey: Levi, just why?
Levithian: Was I on your mind every night all night?
Ailey: Always!
Levithian: You do know that I never stopped loving you?
Ailey: I had my doubts, but now I know.
Levithian: Never worry. Whenever you doubt and fear, look deep into my eyes, hold me a little tighter. Smile! I'm with you. I'm not going anywhere without you, Ailey. You do understand me, right?
Ailey: [smiles] Yes. You changed literally overnight. That’s sus as hell.
Levithian: [teasing] Wonder who's to blame for that? [serious] Jokes aside. You made me realize something that night.
Ailey: What?
Levithian: I want to live this life. I never did. I made my decision because with you I know it will be possible. You see me for who I am. Whenever I tend to forget, would you remind me, please?
Ailey: You are Levithian Cavallo.  I never wanted someone like you. It was always you. You were the one I always wished to be loved by, Levi!
Levithian: ...
Ailey: Kiss?
Levithian: Hell yeah! Carpathia? I love you.
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suepixels · 3 years
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Levithian: Go to your brother, talk to him, Ner. Fix your relationship with him if ever possible.
Nero: [whispers] Levi? Remember I asked you for a session with you. Levi: Sure, we can still do that. But forget everything else - are we clear? Nero: Are you sure? Levi: [rolls eyes] You know the answer. Nero: Can you hold me a little longer? Levi: Always, when ever you need me? Ask! Nero: I love you, Phoenix. Levi: [smiles] And I will always love you, Animae dimidium meae*. Let me know when I will be there, Ner. Upcoming weekend I will be out of the city. I am going home now, okay? Nero:...to her, right? Levi: Ner? Damn it, please! I need to go. Nero: Yeah, fine! We are not done! Mr. Cavallo. By far, we are not. Levithian: [deep sigh] I know.
His heart choked as Levi turned and walked away. What the hell was going through his mind? Why did he almost kiss him? He needed to focus on Avea and his brother right now. What did he expect? That Levithian would kiss him back and say yes just because he approaches him?
And jealousy has never been in his blood. Here, for the first time, he was genuinely jealous. Jealous of a being that lived only a marginal fraction of his existence. But it only took one blink of an eye for this being to convince Levithian that she is his new love. A witch who seems to love his Levi - and she seems to be loved by him - his love.
Nero tries to keep himself believing that this love between them will only last a blink of an eye, just like all the others. After all, what are a few years' worth of time compared to eternity? Could this be the beginning of the end of their love? A love lasting longer than a millennium, can such love ever end?
Levi was right - Nero needs to talk to that little witch.
Time to confront the brother who crosses his path to get his hands on what matters most to Nero. He even sacrifices Levi for that. In the end, is the price really worth the sacrifice?
*Animae dimidium meae:  [better half/ half of my soul/ half of my love aka. soulmate]  
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suepixels · 3 years
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Nero: Levi, what if we turn them into vampires?
Levithian: We will remain as companions as long as we exist and live ever after.
Nero: [miffed] Stop playing me.
Levithian: [soft] We rarely talk about us.
Nero: [slow] True. Do you believe we will be able to do that? Not loving each other?
Levithian: Nearly 1.000 years of experience is telling me that we are not able. We never unloved the other, but we will still love each other, right? Nothing has changed. Why bother? Let’s go for another millennium [snickers].
Nero: [thunderstruck] Not funny, Levi.
Levithian: [smiles] Shoot, my bad, huh? Don’t you think we can remain to co-exist only as friends?
Nero: I'm not sure. Despite the mistake I once made? Would you still be with me if I wouldn’t have made the decision I did back then?
Levithian: Mayhap, I would. Will you ever know?
Nero: You are still here.
Levithian: Yes, I am. Does it answer your question?
Nero: It does, unfortunately too late.
Levithian: [holds his face and whispers with a dark raspy seductive voice] Yearning is the purest form of love. It is our most loyal companion, isn't it, Ner? That's what we always had in common, ever since we fell in love with each other. Will you still love me, my love? Even if we aren’t together?
Nero: I could say something, and you would stay - I could also kiss you, you are so close to my lips right now.
Levithian: [raspy] Yes, you could, but you will not do it, right Ner?
Nero: [inhales] How much do you love her, Levi? I’m only a few days late. I could still…?
Levithian: Don’t say it Ner, please. I don’t want to hear that. It would only hurt both of us because I would unleash a storm, and we would finally be at a point of no return. I love her. And it will last as long it will last.
Nero: You know, you are free to love who you want, Levi? We will love each other, again? Say yes!
Levi: [whispers] I know, Ner. We will love each other tomorrow...okay?
Nero: [exhales] Tomorrow, yeah..
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suepixels · 3 years
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Cottage Living - Bunnylicious Friendship
Once upon a time, at dusk, late at night, while the moon was shining brightly, a cute, sweet bunny walked by.
Both became instantly friends. Levi decided to call him Oreo. He told bunny, that he needs to head to the city for a late minight snack. And Oreo seems to understand him 😂😇🧛
PS: I’m starting to love this. Look, I’m a simple girl who happens to enjoy and love Levi! 😌😍 I mean I created a bunch of simmies over the years but my Valcari Peeps are the most precious ones and so close to my heart!
@harinezumi-sims 🥺
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suepixels · 3 years
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Cottage Living - Taking Care
Cleaning, Feeding and Milking.  That’s what vampires and witches do, I suppose in their free time? 🤔😂😍😘
Luv them so freakin’ much!
@harinezumi-sims 🤗
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suepixels · 3 years
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Cottage Living - Midnite Snack
Sure thing, Levi grabs a sweet innocent girl to quench his thirst. That’s what vamps do, right? Nope he is not a guilty drinker, nor is he sloppy nothing like that but a proud real Vampire. 
After he was done with her a dude checked out what Levi did.
Levi: Hi there, wanna be my next snack? You know I can be quite thirsty at times....[snickers] Do me a favor and wait until I’m done, will ya?
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suepixels · 3 years
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Behind The Scene: Gameplay 
A weekend escape in Henford on Bagley.
Levi: Come dude, we gotta go for goal. [klick, klick, klick] Seriously? What kind of lame move was that? Ailey: Good morning babe.... Levi: Hey hun! Damn it! I just lost. Ailey: Aww poor babe. Need a kiss? [smooches him.] Levi: [smirks] So cute.., But, I don’t mind to do more than just a smooch.  Ailey: Sweety? I’m hungry. Need to cook up something, first. Wanna join me? Levi: Sure, do we have any plans for today? Ailey: How about cleaning up the poor cow and the llama, first? Levi: It’s been a while that I did that. Quite frank? When I was a human and a teenager. You want to torture me, now after over 800 years? [raises eyebrow]  Ailey: We can cuddle a bit and then we need to take care of the animals first. I’m sure you can do this. After that I’m all yours, okay? Levi: You need to take care of the animal inside of me babe! I mean..., [gives her a massage] Ailey: Mmmh, sure babe, I will tame you later! Still the cow needs to be milked. Will you do it? Levi: [chuckels]  Milked? Huh, I could imagine to... Ailey: Levi...ghosh. you have a dirty mind, stop it! Levi: Whaat? I’m a man and vampire after all? I know you love my dirty mind! [snickers] Okay,. Let’s do this. After that I want you, deal? Ailey: Deal.... @harinezumi-sims Did someone ask for Gameplay Shots? 👀 There you go!
I think I will do them more often! Actually pretty fun! Look out for my new little behind the scene shots. 🤔😉😏
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suepixels · 3 years
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Cottage Living - Mr. Feel Good
You can’t go wrong if you are fresh in love. A bit wohoo with his girl is for sure boosting his ego. Somoeone is pretty confident and totally happy. A few Sit’Ups are never bad, right?😍😍😍
Okay maybe, just maybe I’m biased but I love to look at him  🥵 🥵 🥵!
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suepixels · 3 years
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Cottage Living - Barn Love
Ladies & Gentleman, meet the Charmer, Seducer and Lover. Levi goes all in, I guess.  Happiness suit them both. Aren’t they perfect, for each other? 
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