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realrightbrained · 2 years ago
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some aot characters that i rarely draw
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foulbananathingspy · 9 months ago
Tryna read some fluff drabbles or hcs on the subway and I swear, none of y’all authors can keep it in your pants—cold sweating hoping nobody’s looking over my shoulder LOL. The public isn’t ready for your masterpieces
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kitten-cafe · 3 years ago
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╰╮﹕❛❛☕❜❜ Levi Ackermann [shingeki no kyojin]
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kaptanponcik24 · 4 years ago
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Sonsuza kadar Rivetra...♥ (Not:Çizim bana ait değildir.)
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dorovahkiin · 5 years ago
SnK Theory (MANGA SPOILERS): Why I believe Historia’s pregnancy is fake.
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Some time ago, I read this theory on Reddit that Historia’s pregnancy is fake. I thought it was an interesting idea, but the user didn’t elaborate that much, so I perceived it lacked evidence. However, I kept the idea in mind. Over the next chapters (and especially since the newest chapters so SPOILER ALERT) we actually did get subtle evidence that Historia’s pregnancy could be fake. At least that’s what I believe. Since I haven’t seen any decent explanation of the theory on the internet, I decided to do it myself. It will be very long, so grab a cup of tea Levi has just prepared for you and enjoy :)
© to the artist. I haven’t found an artist anywhere, so if this is your pic and you want it to be removed or given credit please tell me
And again, this will contain manga SPOILERS up to chapter 125.
You have been warned.
Before we actually start with the theory, we first need to summarize Zeke’s “secret plan” again. Just as reminder. Zeke’s secret plan was the following:
Rumble the world as deterrent in order to protect Paradis for the next 50 years
Raise the military strength to a global level in this time until rumbling is no longer needed
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Chapter 107
…And finally….
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In order to maintain the rumbling a founding Titan and a Titan with royal blood is always required. Since titan shifters die after 13 years, you'll need several candidates of royal blood. Passing the titan-power down from generation to generation. Since there are only two persons of royal blood left alive (as far as we know), who are Zeke and Historia, they'd need to reproduce in order to make the plan happen.
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Chapter 107
Chapter 107
…When reading this the first time, I already thought that something was wrong…
This plan is way too risky, has too many incalculable factors and too many holes. But that’s another topic. Anyways, in the latest chapters it turned out that Zeke was fooling everyone and hid his true intentions:
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He wanted to use the founding titan in order to make contact with Ymir. Then he wanted to command her to take away the Eldian’s ability to reproduce. Just in a matter of decades, the Eldian race would extinct without any more casualties and the world would be at peace (until new conflicts arise e.g. nuclear weapons lol). I guess the reason for not telling the truth was because the Eldians would have never agreed to that. Maybe there were more reasons, but that’s what came into my mind.
Chapter 122
Anyways, Zeke did not tell his true intentions. He made up this fake plan to get to Paradis and to manipulate and deceive everyone so he could get in contact with the founding Titan (Eren) in order to make his true plan come to reality.
Back to chapter 107. When Hanji reacts to Zeke’s fake plan, she seems to be conflicted and not happy about it. She doesn’t like the imagination of enslaving Historia (or anyone) into a breeding machine because of her royal blood only to be eaten soon. Again and again.
(Side note: Why the fuck does Historia have to reproduce and not Zeke? Because Historia offered it first or what? In Zeke’s remaining year he is able to reproduce more than Historia in a lifetime. Histora can only bear once a year whereas Zeke could father hundreds of children a year. Why didn’t anyone consider this in the assembly?!)
…Hanji’s reaction to Zeke’s fake plan is the following:
“Will it really end in 50 years…?
No matter what else might be developed, the earth-shaking is an immensely powerful weapon…
If we must depend on it, the danger of assassination would follow these heirs to the royal family down through the generations…
From parent to child, just like the Reiss family…
…And again…
…Does that mean we should leave our children in a lose-lose situation?
Just because it saves us now…
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Of course not. There’s no way this could be allowed. And yet.”
Chapter 107
I guess Hanji wanted to say something like: “And yet what other options do we have?” or something like that.
However, this tells us that Hanji has:
Doubts about Zeke’s plan (probably doesn’t trust him anyways)
Doesn’t like the idea of using anyone as breeding machine, feeding people to titans regularly and putting future generations in danger
But she also doesn’t know any alternative at this point. So what options does she have?
Either accept the plan or reject the plan. If she wants to keep the allies (and she has to keep them because otherwise they are screwed at that point), she has to agree to that plan. In other words she cannot openly reject it because otherwise they will lose the allies. She has to play along. On the other hand, she doesn’t like and trust the plan for the reasons above. Therefore both options are a choose between the devil and the deep blue sea and Hanji knows that. Especially because the allies want an answer immediately because Zeke doesn’t have much time left to live.
HOWEVER. There is a third option nobody mentions: Gaining more time in order to think about new ideas to solve this madness by BLUFFING. To be more clear: Historia has to pretend to be pregnant. Fake pregnancy.
By doing so you would not only save Histora from turning into a breeding machine, but the allies would also keep being allies and think everything is fine. At least for some time. And Hanji needs the time to come up with a better plan.
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Maybe you remember, but Eren initially said that he doesn’t like Zeke’s plan and they should instead think of other options and Hanji kinda agreed as she later states “We haven’t found another way out yet”:
Chapter 107
(Sidenote: It’s interesting because what Eren says now is quite the opposite of what he said in those panel about NOT destroying the world. I guess he changes his mind? lol)
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Furthermore a (fake) pregnancy would save Historia from turning into a titan (at least for nine months, but that’s buying time again). If you remember right other people wanted Historia to eat Zeke once he’d come to Paradis. A (fake) pregnancy would hinder this because it’s too dangerous and there are too many unknown factors:
This is all from chapter 108
So now you might think: How is Historia able to fake pregnancy?
…Well that’s actually not as hard as you think if you plan it thoroughly:
Pregnancy suit. You don’t need ultra technology to tailor one.
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Hanji is not only a skilled scientist, but also clever as fuck, in fact the most intelligent character in the series with Zeke. If you look at her statistics you’ll see that her Wits scores 10/10 and her Intelligence scores 11(!)/10.
I got this from Hanji’s Wiki article. You can also check the guidebook if you have it
…If anyone is able to fake Historia’s pregnancy it’s Hanji. In the past we’ve seen how many times her intelligence saved the Survey Corps’ and humanity’s ass. She’s not the new Survey Corps’ commander for nothing. She has bluffed and gambled a lot of times. Faking this pregnancy suits her past tactics.
Furthermore, in my opinion Hanji acted way too average so far. She didn’t really have any moments to shine and to prove how smart she truly is. Because there is more behind what we have seen so far.
To make fake pregnancy successful, you'll need friends who help you. People you can trust obviously. Because otherwise it won't be easy to keep the farce for a long time. So who could be those people? I think next to Historia and Hanji there are at least three more people who are in on the secret. But before we'll take a look at those three persons in detail, we'll shift our look to the “at least” part:
Historia is a popular Queen and loved by the civilians. She saved Paradis from the Rod Reiss titan and she is of royal blood. There are probably a few of those civilians Historia trusts. For example a maid, a tailor, a doctor or a farmer. This would be helpful to fake the pregnancy.
(Sidenote: I don’t believe that Yelena would be THAT strict and want to see Historia’s naked belly. As proof. Not only because it’s disrespectful, but also because there’s no reason. Yelena wants Zeke to live as long as possible, so the pregnancy suits her plans well. And even if it’s fake it wouldn’t make a difference because a fake pregnancy would still mean that Zeke would live longer. So I guess she doesn’t really care because either option doesn’t destroy her goals. Furthermore, wanting to see Historia’s belly would imply Yelena doesn’t respect and trust her allies and that would deceive her appearances.)
I wondered if anyone of the 104th training corps would know about the fake pregnancy since they are close to Hanji and Historia, but I think they rather don’t (except for one person I will mention later). I mean it would not surprise me if they knew, but there is simply no reason for them to know because there is no advantage to it. And the more confidants you have the harder it is to keep a secret an actual secret.
Now, let’s move on to the three persons I believe are not only confidants, but also took a big part in plotting this farce:
Eren Jäger
Levi Ackermann
Let me explain.
1. Farmer-kun
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So, the official version is that Farmer-kun is the father of Historia’s baby and her partner. When Nile and the MP dudes talk about it, they seem to assume that Farmer-kun and Historia are a romantic couple that didn’t get married for some reasons (this is already suspicious).
This is both from chapter 108
A lot of fans already do agree that Farmer-kun is not the father. It’s mainly the EreHisu shippers, but they do have a point here. Why would Historia choose this random guy as her partner and as the father of her child? It just seems too suspicious and too random for us readers, different from what we are used to regarding Isayama’s writing. We have to look at the big picture: What is Historia’s purpose in the story? Giving birth to a child she had with a random nobody no one cares about and keep being used as a political tool until the end?
That would be disappointing, especially because she had awesome development in the past (for example in the uprising arc).
I believe Isayama wants to fool us here.
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Furthermore, it seems like Historia doesn’t even like this guy. Notice her face when she is around him. That’s not how you look at someone you love. She looks depressed and annoyed (I guess because she feels like a slave):
Chapter 108 and 107
I find this is veeery fishy. Let me present you an alternative that matches with the fake pregnancy theory. Look what Nile says in the picture above:
“He’s (Farmer-kun) been checked out. We know he’s no one’s pawn". Whereas Farmer-kun seems to be suspicious for us readers, he is not suspicious for the citizens or military. A random nobody without any reputation, influence or money. No one cares about him, no one knows him. Since he is a simple farmer and not a nobleman or military guy, he is neutral and not indebted to any important institution (“He is no one’s pawn”). There is nothing he can offer Historia (other than love), therefore no higher institution can manipulate Historia through him. I believe that is what Nile meant when he said “He is no one’s pawn”. This being said, for them Farmer-kun is not suspicious or dangerous at all. This would also mean they wouldn’t observe him that thoroughly as if he were a man of higher status. They probably rather believe she chose him because of love which they find naive, but accept it.
Because of those reasons, Farmer-kun is the perfect candidate as cover-up fake father for a fake pregnancy. I believe he is an active part of the conspiracy.
Why helping her?
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It is stated above that he used to throw rocks at her when they were children. And now he feels guilty about it, thus he works at her orphanage. Maybe he even has a crush on her. And she saved him and everyone else from that Rod Reiss titan and became his Queen. In this case it makes sense why he would help. He is indebted to Historia and that’s why she can trust him that he will play along.
Chapter 107
…I believe that his statement: “You need to take better care of yourself” is just another phrase that is supposed to fool us. At first sight you might think okay, he says this because she is pregnant and he wants her to take care of herself and the baby. But I think at this moment, the phrase doesn’t make any sense if you understand it that way. It would make sense if Historia just did something dangerous that could harm the baby and herself, for example drinking or doing heavy physical work. But she is just sitting outside literally doing nothing. It’s not harmful at all. So why would he say this in a moment like that? Out of nowhere?!
Consider another point of view: She is sitting outside. People can spot and observe her easily. If she doesn’t pay attention for a moment, she could do something stupid that reveals that her pregnancy is fake and if anyone is watching she has a problem. So I believe by that phrase Farmer-kun meant that she shouldn’t do anything suspicious and therefore take care.
That’s also why he wants her to come in. Because then nobody could observe and approach her easily.
…Now, let’s move on to the next person I believe is a confidant:
2) Eren Jäger
I already inclined Eren as confidant before, but let’s go more into detail.
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The first argument why Eren is a confidant is an easy one: He knows the future through the power of the attack titan, therefore it’s inevitable that he might know anyways. We learned this in chapter 121 (that was a real wtf moment for me by the way):
Chapter 121
Now the question is: If he knew about a fake pregnancy anyways, why would he play along with it?
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Eren might be a bit crazy right now and the fandom is arguing about his actions at the moment, but it’s fact that he cares for Historia. In chapter 106 Eren revealed that he can control Titans by touching a Titan with royal blood, which he experienced by touching Dina Fritz. When Levi asked why Eren hid this important fact, Eren replied that he did it because he wanted to protect Historia. His theory was only an assumption anyways. Eren hates the thought of Historia becoming a titan. And I strongly believe he would also hate it if she is being used as breeding machine (just like Hanji’s opinion). That would enslave her. And there is nothing Eren hates more than being enslaved.
Chapter 106
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Furthermore, since we now know Eren’s true intentions (revealed in chapter 123), it should be clear that Eren wasn’t planning on playing along with Zeke’s plan anyways. Neither Zeke’s fake plan, nor Zeke’s real plan.
Chapter 123
Eren’s true intention is it to destroy the outside world in order to protect his people and his home. We’ll not discuss about this intention itself, that would be another subject.
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Since chapter 125 we know that Eren’s true plan was not spontaneous, but long planned out. Floch confirms that and even reveals Eren told him about his true plan 10 months(!) ago.
Chapter 125
Because Eren was never willing to conduct any of Zeke’s plans anyways, he knew it would also be useless to force Historia into pregnancy. For is own objection Historia being pregnant wouldn’t do anything (Imo the Ymir reincarnation theory doesn't make sense). A fake pregnancy would be much more convenient:
By this the allies would be content but deceived and Historia is protected. Again a reminder: I believe Eren truly cares for Historia. Not in a romantic way (though this is up to interpretation), but as a friend.
Anyways. In order to make Eren’s true plan happening, Eren had to fool both Zeke and his friends. He couldn’t reveal his true intentions. Both Zeke and Eren’s friends wouldn’t second this plan for obvious reasons. Since he told Floch (and maybe some other Jägerists?) though, Floch also could have known about the fake pregnancy and supported it to deceive the allies. So in order to get Ymir’s power to destroy the world Eren had to betray everyone (besides fucking Floch). This having in mind is important for my next point.
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Look at this scene (I cut it down to the most important bits):
This is all from chapter 107
…This happens after the rumbling in Marley and Hanji is disappointed by Eren, who acted on his own. Again, Eren did this in order to fulfill his own secret intention he told no one about for the reasons I stated above.
(Sidenote: The last picture his interesting. You see Eren’s desperation. I think he wanted to avoid his final objective, but didn’t see any other way at this point anymore. He is very conflicted and shows that to Hanji. Since Hanji doesn’t understand him and doesn’t trust him any longer, she thinks he is a bit crazy in my opinion.)
As Hanji points out, through his rushed actions Eren put both Paradis and Historia in trouble. Why? I believe we don’t have proper explanation, so this is my own interpretation: The Survey Corps’ main point of attacking Liberio was - next to taking Eren and Zeke with them - to destroy Marley’s naval fleet since Marley kept sending military ships to Paradis. Eren however took it too far. He not only wanted to get the Warhammer Titan in addition, but he also wanted to demonstrate strength to deliver the message: “See what happens if you mess up with me, so fuck you and beware”. He started his attack at the peak of Willy’s speech, so choosing this exact instant of time which would create the most drama confirms that the demonstration/propaganda of power was a crucial part of Eren’s intention. By this he killed a lot of civilians. People like Floch don’t care about this, but people like Hanji, Levi or Jean were clearly against it, which would also mean they didn’t like the idea of rumbling the shit out of the world in the first place just like Zeke’s fake plan suggested.
Furthermore, through Eren’s brutal strategy, the world had now another huge and illustrated reason to be afraid of the Eldians of Paradis. Important people of the whole world were present after all. This fear leads to hate, and this hate leads to the decision to fight against Paradis more than ever in order to get rid of the threat. So in short words, even if a country was still conflicted about Paradis, Eren’s action helped them to decide to fight Paradis as they witnessed Eren’s brutality at first hand. But the consequence of this is that not only Marley but also the rest of the world would take actions against Paradis earlier than initially planned. That’s why it stole Paradis precious time to think of other ways. Ways to not only end the whole conflict, but also to protect Historia from Zeke’s shitty secret fake plan. The fake pregnancy is only a temporary solution you cannot maintain forever after all. This scene shows that they haven’t found another solution yet (besides Eren and his genocide plan lol), and you can feel the pressure and the desperation.
Hanji reproaching: “I always knew that you wouldn’t sacrifice Historia” and “Do you not care about what happens to Historia now?” shows us that:
Hanji cares about Historia and wants to protect her
Eren cares about Historia (or at least he did in the past, but I believe he still does. He also evades Hanji’s question which confirms that thought)
Eren and Hanji must have discussed about Historia’s fate in the past. I believe they came up with the idea of faking the pregnancy as temporary solution to protect her, but since time is running out now they have a problem and haven’t come up with another way to protect Historia in the long term yet (at least Hanji doesn’t). This scene illustrates that conflict pretty well.
Before we’ll finally move on to the third confidant, let me just shortly summarize why I believe Eren is not the father if the pregnancy were real. I know a lot of fans believe in that theory. It is actually not THAT far-fetched, but it has too many holes. These are the most important holes in my opinion:
Eren has only a few more years left to live. Historia can only bear a child once a year and according to Zeke’s plan she has to bear as many children as possible. Why choosing a titan shifter as dad who dies soon? That means Historia needed another partner for making children with once Eren died in the near future. I don’t see the advantage for having several men as dads. It’s rather annoying, especially for Historia.
When Historia is “pregnant”, Eren is already in Marley. When was he supposed to impregnate her? How when he was in Marley? Did he swim back to Paradis only to father a child or what?! Check chapter 123 again. Some people believe that he could have done it before he went to Marley in the first place, but I do not believe this because in 123 Eren didn't seem to care about Hisu romance at all
Eren was the first person who wanted to protect Historia from becoming a titan and a breeding machine. Furthermore, he doesn’t want to follow Zeke’s plan anyways. Then why should he be the first idiot who wanted to impregnate her? He is not the type of man who wants to have an excuse to hit. That’s not what Eren is like.
And that is my personal interpretation: In my opinion Eren and Historia never showed any romantic feelings/interactions towards each other. People can have a strong emotional bond without wanting to bang each other! We did have evidence they care for each other, but there was not one singe romantic evidence. And if it happened off screen then it would be really meh imo. When it comes to the final panel I think the man is Grisha. Furthermore, Eren has other problems to deal with right now. Starting a relationship and becoming a dad wouldn’t be a good timing at all. I think that’s why he doesn’t have the desire for it at the moment either. But again, this is only my own interpretation.
People think Eren is the father because they reckon he is the hooded figure in that one scene. There is a good chance the hooded figure is Eren, but there are more candidates imo (and why would that be a proof of him being the father anyways?!)
Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about this important scene.
It will be discussed very soon.
…This chapter is done. Let’s move on to the third confidant:
3) Levi Ackermann
According to my theory, Hanji is the main actor and plotter. Nothing against Historia, but I believe Historia is not smart enough to fake pregnancy all by herself (she is a great actress though).
Anyway, what does Levi have to do with all of this? Well, A LOT.
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Levi and Hanji are very close comrades. They are not only great friends, but have proven to be a perfect team in the past when it came to plotting (for example in the uprising arc). They rant at each other all the time, but when it comes to serious matters, they always act in concert. They know each other horrifyingly well and trust each other. I mean look, they are even able to read each other’s mind :D
Chapter 106
This is one reason why I believe Levi took part in that. Hanji wouldn’t have done this without at least talking to Levi about it. But that’s not enough evidence. Levi is not Hanji’s puppy, but a human being with his own opinions. So let’s go deeper…
We already talked about the flashback in chapter 106 where Eren reveals that he can control Titans by touching a Titan with royal blood, which he experienced by touching Dina Fritz. We already discussed Eren’s role in this.
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Now, let’s focus on Levi in this scene of chapter 106:
Chapter 106
…Levi is pissed that Eren withheld this important information. When Eren reveals his reason Levi simply replies: “We’ll talk about THAT later”.
This happened before the time skip, but we NEVER saw this “We’ll talk about THAT later” conversation between Levi and Eren. Did Isayama not include that scene because he thought it was irrelevant?
Absolutely not. We were just not supposed to know yet. Also, in my opinion Levi and Eren had very little screen-time together since chapter 91. Suspiciously little. I believe we’ll see those scenes soon though. Again, we were just not supposed to see these yet.
Now the question is, would Levi agree to the plan of faking Historia’s pregnancy?
We don’t have proof yet and this is only my own interpretation, but I believe yes, absolutely:
If you really know Levi, you also know that deep inside he is not that bitchy cold ass he seems to be on the outside. He is a selfless person with a big heart who hates casualties. He is a man who deeply cares for individuals.
His relationship with Historia might be a bit strained due to past incidents, but I still believe that he truly cares for her (not shipping here, just to be clear !!!).
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Remember when Historia established the orphanage? Levi was helping her a lot with it:
Chapter 70
…I believe he wants to avoid that Historia becomes a breeding machine or turn into a titan. Because he cares for her personally.
HOWEVER… Levi’s biggest goal is it to save humanity and he puts that goal above individual sacrifices. He hates it like nobody else, but that is still what he thinks is the right way. For example when he asked Historia to become Queen. He thought it was the right way, even if he treated her very harshly. For the sake of humanity. Because he didn’t see any other way and because it was Erwin’s idea in the first place. And Levi trusts Erwin. So I believe even if Levi would hate it and even if he cares for Historia, he would still be agreeing to the plan of her turning into a titan and becoming a breeding machine. BUT ONLY if he absolutely didn’t see any other way and if Historia did it by free will. And that’s the point. Faking the pregnancy is a temporary solution and a gamble that gives some time to think about new ways. And gambling is the Survey Corps’ way.
…But the even bigger point is that this is Zeke’s plan we’re talking about in the first place…
We have seen Hanji’s reaction to Zeke’s “secret plan” and her being conflicted about it, but we haven’t seen Levi’s thoughts. Even if he is not as smart as Hanji, I’m sure even he was conflicted about the plan and saw the holes. Furthermore, Levi HATES Zeke. He wants to kill him. Zeke is the last person Levi would trust. I mean if this “secret plan” were Erwin’s idea, things would have been different.
But it’s fucking Zeke Jäger.
I’m sure Hanji talked to Levi about her concerns. So even if Levi didn’t have any doubts in the first place (I believe he did though), Hanji would have told him. And Levi trusts Hanji. As I said before, they are a dream-team. That’s why I believe he agreed to that farce. Also as far as I remember, we didn’t have many (or even any?) scenes with Levi and Hanji discussing anything alone since chapter 91. This is suspicious in my opinion. Moreover, there is a reason why Isayama removed Hanji and Levi from the plot since chapter 115. I don’t believe they are dead by the way. At the moment we are just hoping for them to be alive, but we totally forget that they could have been involved in some big act. Our worries for them distract this important fact.
(125 UPDATE: My babies are alive I’m so fucking happy!)
Onto the next point. There is a good chance the hooded figure is Eren, but I believe the hooded figure is either Hanji Levi, though I tend more to Levi.
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Let’s have a look:
Chapter 108
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…Most people say this is Eren because of the jacket, but it’s not the same jacket. Eren’s jacket is way darker and fully inked, this is not. (Check it yourself by looking at the one Eren pic above). Actually, the jacket doesn’t say anything. If the person is hooded, he or she doesn’t want to be identified that easily. Furthermore, it is obvious that this person plays an important role and that Isayama is hiding something from us. The jacket itself is not important though. It’s just a random and ordinary jacket you can get anywhere in order to hide your identity. Of course the person wouldn’t appear in the clothes we know him or her. That would spoil everything for us. Moreover look, a lot of people have a jacket that looks similar, not only Eren does:
Chapter 53
…So the jacket itself doesn’t reveal anything…
Then who is the hooded figure? Now since I believe Levi is plotting with Hanji they were the ones who advised Historia and one of them is the hooded figure. If it were Eren, why would he visit Hisu being hooded since he visited her in his casual clothes many times before? We know they regularly meet and touch to trigger memories as Jean confirms it in chapter 70:
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Chapter 70
 Levi and Hanji however are high ranked individuals who are not that close to Hisu, so it makes more sense to hide their identity. Nobody is suspicous when Eren visits Hisu since they are friends, Hanji and Levi on the other side...
I tend to think the hooded figure is Levi because the person looks small and second…
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…Notice the hands. They’re inside the pockets. Levi is a person who puts his hands inside his pockets A LOT. More than any other character. Just observe a few pictures of him and you’ll see. If you’re too lazy to research yourself, I provided a few examples for you:
…There you have it…
I wouldn’t be surprised if Isayama put this little hint in here, since he always likes to put little hints every now and then.
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The MPs and some others believe it’s Yelena, but I think that’s not true. If it were her, Isayama wouldn’t have presented us the right answer right away. And she is too tall. So nahh.
Chapter 108
Remember what the MPs said about the hooded figure:
“Someone must have informed the Queen. They told her the corps wanted to feed Zeke to her as soon as they could. But if she got pregnant, she wouldn’t have to become a titan until after she gave birth. Someone gave her that advice”
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This implies that the hooded figure knew what the corps wanted early on and Levi is one of them, so he knew. But I believe just as Hanji and Eren he secretly didn’t agree forcing Historia to eat Zeke straight away (instead faking pregnancy to buy more time to think of other solutions), because he cares for Historia and prefers to leave the choice to her. The next scene proves that:
Chapter 112
Since to Levi Zeke is more suspicious than ever in this situation, Levi decides that it’s inevitable to get rid of him and to feed him now. But instead of insisting Historia to eat him instantly, Levi suggests a Jägerist to take on the temporary role. Because he wants to protect Historia and doesn’t want to put her in danger if it’s avoidable.
Also, him saying: “Then, if Historia’s prepared like she says she is, we’ll feed the titan to her next” implies that he is not pushing Historia, but instead leaves the final choice to her. This also matches with the advice of the hooded figure to wait until “birth”.
Furthermore this explains Historia’s gloomy mood because she knows that a horrible fate awaits her (and she is ready to take it) if they can’t think of another option very soon.
I know Levi says: “Once she gives birth in a few months” implying she is actually pregnant, but of course he can’t tell them that it’s fake therefore he’s lying.
…So what do you do after nine months when you’re faking pregnancy, but there is no child? That’s not that hard. A miscarriage or a dead born baby happens occasionally. It wouldn’t be suspicious to state that as excuse when no child exists. If you do it in a clever way, it’s not a problem.
The real problem is what to do afterwards if you don’t have a new plan? I mean that’s the situation right now, they haven’t come up with anything yet…
But since we now know that Zeke’s secret plan was fake all the way, the whole thing doesn’t make any sense anymore anyways. Besides, Eren revealed his true intention in chapter 123, everything has changed since then.
It will influence a lot of story-lines. I cannot wait to read what happens next.
I am aware that I still might be wrong because I cannot read Isayama’s mind and there is a lot of my own interpretation, but with this theory I just want to provide a different idea :)
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Have a nice day and never forget to SHINZOU WO SASAGEYO!!!!
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chaimaexiumin · 5 years ago
ADORABLE 💙🤤 . . . . . FOLLOM ME FOR MORE :@chaimaexiumin . . . . . . #anime #leviackerman #levi #ackerman #ackermanlevi #leviackermanedit #leviackermann #leviackermanedits #leviackerman  #attackontitan #attackontitanedit #attackontitans #aot #aotedit #snk #shingekinokyojin #shingekinokyojinedit #shingeki_no_kyojin #heichoulevi #leviheichou #levirivaille #rivaille #rivailleackerman #rivailleheichou #arminarlert #erenjaeger #mikasaackerman #hanjizoe #erwinsmith #reinerbraun #bertholdthoover https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqU_ejB0Xf/?igshid=1e85byb5zwb92
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debigpat · 5 years ago
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Porko Gaillard, son of Erwin 😁 who is afraid of Levi 😂😂😂 Levi hadn't even arrived at Mahr yet and he's already feared ! . . . Tags : #porcogalliard #進撃の巨人 #leviackermann #levixerenyaoi #levixerwin #levixeren #levixeren #aot #aotfanart #aotfan #aotfandom #aotart #aotdrawing #aotmanga #attackontitan #attackontitanlevi #attackontitanmanga #attackontitanfanart #attackontitaneren #attackontitans #attackontitandrawing #attackontitanseason2 #animeart #animeartwork #animeart_tr #animeartstation #animeartwonderland #animeartist #animedrawingchallenge #animedrawingaccount #animekawaii (à Shingeki No Kyojin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZG0vnhfAg/?igshid=mv8ossvxo8xe
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blue-amore · 6 years ago
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Me: This is so adorable.
Also me: uwu he’s so short that he has to stand on the tip of his toes to reach 
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aduniis · 5 years ago
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Mikasa Ackerman 💞 Hope you like my new Edit 🙏 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ignore tags • #levi #leviackerman #leviackermanedit #leviackermancosplay #leviackermann #mikasaackerman #mikasa #mikasaedit #mikasacosplay #mikasaackermann #erenjaeger #eren #erenxlevi #erenxmikasa #erenxarmin #erencosplay #attackontitan #attackontitanmemes #erwinsmith #erwinxlevi #attackontitanedit #attackontitancosplay #shingekinokyojin #shingekinokyojinedit #shingekinokyojincosplay #هجوم_العمالقه #ليفاي_اكرمان #ليفاي #ميكاسا #ميكاسا_اكرمان (at Sunflower, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7HWQflgSof/?igshid=x2ibumcuph13
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realrightbrained · 2 years ago
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Wanted to draw this for so long
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cinnamoonzero · 6 years ago
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へいちょう~~~ 😍😍😍 My husbu ^w^😘 #levi #leviackerman #corporallevi #snk #aot #captainlevi #shingekinokyojin #attackontitan #leviackermanncosplay #leviackermann #leviackermancosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/BhQHiSQgiqe/?igshid=1wpol1zm8kirg
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vlajnicdesign · 6 years ago
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#animetshirt#anime#attack_on_titan#attackontitans#attackontitan#attackontitanmemes#attackontitanedit#mikasa#mikasaakerman#leviackerman#leviackermann#mikasacosplay#mikasaackerman#tshirt👕#kidsclothing#kidsstyle#kidstshirts#kidsfashion#mikasaxlevi#cosplayer#nerd#amazing#like4like#animehero#titan#titans#rageonthestage#rageon#rageonofficial# https://www.instagram.com/p/BzZHIuZoONg/?igshid=xxv0sbksliif
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mirmirtra · 2 years ago
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Attack on Titan - Eren Jäger 23.11.2021 #myzu #myzutattoo #aottattoo #attackontitantattoo #erenjaegertattoo #erentattoo #levitattoo #leviackermann #mikasatattoo #armintattoo #animetattoogermany #mangatattoo #titantattoo #attackontitan #annietattoo #animetattooartist #sashabraus #animetattooberlin #berlintattoo #berlintattooartist #animeberlin #otakutattoo #levifanart #reinertattoo #rainerbraun #mikasaackermanntattoo #mangatattoogermany #zeke #ymirtattoo #foundingtitan (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9YnOGL8fU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chaimaexiumin · 5 years ago
🌼 This song is always in my head .. Always in my heart💙🥺 . . . . #anime #leviackerman #levi #ackerman #ackermanlevi #leviackermanedit #leviackermann #leviackermanedits #leviackerman  #attackontitan #attackontitanedit #attackontitans #aot #aotedit #snk #shingekinokyojin #shingekinokyojinedit #shingeki_no_kyojin #heichoulevi #leviheichou #levirivaille #rivaille #rivailleackerman #rivailleheichou #arminarlert #erenjaeger #mikasaackerman #hanjizoe #erwinsmith #reinerbraun #bertholdthoover https://www.instagram.com/p/CCKvS5wBGHR/?igshid=14dem2nz7swfe
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blue-amore · 6 years ago
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“But first, we cleeeaan.”
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Just because everybody was missing #attackontitan let's bring #leviackermann to our new #shirt #print #study... ................................................................................... [PT] Só pq estávamos com saudades de #shingekinokyojin vamos de Levi Ackermann nos nossos #estudos de #estampa de #camisa . . . #johnnystyle #anime #manga #digitalart #illustration (at Mafra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZKC_MLrxct/?utm_medium=tumblr
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