#levi: 001
escortingsouls · 1 year
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closed starter // @surelevi​
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Hearing her office door open, Kamelya whips her head around to see who it is. She’s silently praying it is not her ex-husband, and a wave of relief crashes over when she sees that it’s Levi. They’ve only done one session so far; she didn’t think that she’d scheduled him in for a session today. In fact, she’s sure that she kept her diary clear to dedicate a day to sorting her thoughts out. “Levi, what are you doing here? You’re not in my calendar for today,” she tells him, brow furrowing. Maybe she’s starting to lose her mind. Lack of sleep and immense stress will do that to a person eventually.
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carinaserafina · 1 year
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closed starter // @surelevi​​
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Carina hadn’t been expecting Levi to show up at her front door. She had text him to let him know that Charlotte is at her friend’s house this afternoon. Although, she had sent it while rushing through the airport the night before, so perhaps her phone service was bad. “Levi,” she says in greeting, tone neutral as she keeps her gaze fixed on him. “Lottie isn’t here. My abuelo took her to her friend’s house for a play date. I did text you; I guess it didn’t go through.” There’s nothing worse than being around him when Charlotte isn’t there. It’s awkward and tense. He doesn’t make her feel safe or relaxed like he used to when they first met. She’s always on guard, worried that he’ll accidentally trap her with a spell again. 
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closed starter // @surelevi​
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​Alara stares at the hen on the veterinary table, arms folded and eyes full of concern. “Her name is Vera. She’s one of the hens I keep in my garden. Last night she must’ve escaped, and I found her this morning near the backdoor, all bloody. I cleaned her up, but I don’t know how injured she is,” she explains to Levi. She assumes a wild animal had gotten to her, and she hopes it wasn’t the unicorn she met a day or so prior. Do unicorns even eat chicken? Probably not. “Is she going to be okay?”
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cali-cabrera · 3 months
Location: Masquerade Gala, Paradise Point Starter for: @levibecker
"You grab some drinks, I'll grab dessert. Meet me by the ocean wall." Fuelled by the shots that had gone down far too easily and the champagne that seemed to be freely passed around the gala, Cali tapped her fist against her raffle date's before walking over to the dessert table, trying to look as subtle as possible. Not an easy task considering her dress was hot pink. Glancing over the desserts on offer instantly made her mouth water and as soon as she spotted the strawberry cheesecake, Cali knew immediately she'd have to find a way to swipe it for her date. Waiting until the serving assistant was distracted, Cali grabbed two spoons and the plate with the cheesecake, turning quickly and walking to the doors as quickly as her heels would allow.
Finding her way out to the back of the property, Cali made her way over to the familiar figure, placing the cheesecake down on the wall between them. "Just know that if anyone comes looking for this, we may need to push it over the wall."
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sacrificedbelicfs · 4 months
( @ofxlycanxmagica )
Running across the French Quarter at the sight of him alive and well, Marni took a leap, knowing he'd catch her. It wasn't until she was mid-air she realized she needed to be more careful. With Jesse back, it was only a matter of time before the truth made its way through their family. Suddenly, it was like a countdown clock had been started.
"Are you okay?" She murmured, as she wrapped her arms tightly around him, "you're not hurt? I was so worried."
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ofwrxth · 5 months
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"All I'm saying is that if I'd known you'd take two hours to do a ten minute task, I might've given you a different shift," Levi harkens back to the other day when a simply armory shift ended up jamming up several other shifts that day. The Jones wolf had been assigned to a watch shift right after and hadn't shown up on time. "Should've known that you'd just make my job a pain in the ass," he says without ire, more glad than anything that Jacob's back around. @manybcdthings
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levixxthompson · 10 months
closed starter for @astridhansleyy
"Aw, shit." Levi muttered mostly to himself as the small can of paint he had rolled away from him. His house was deemed a fixer-upper at this point so he got samples of the different paints he wanted to possibly use. Most of them made it in his car before one fell and quickly tried to escape. Finally, the can stopped by nudging someone's foot. "I'm sorry about that, it slipped from my grasp and rolled away." He explained, reaching down to grab the can.
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knightinoldarmor · 2 years
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@imstarwalkin tried to kill my muse and asked:
[ DISCOVER ]  for receiver to find sender at the end of a trail of blood. (from farlan - TOO SOON, I KNOW, BUT HE LIVES OK)
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even more injury memes
[ DISCOVER ]  for receiver to find sender at the end of a trail of blood. 
tw: injury
In this dirty, rotten hole in the world, forming bonds was a fairytale not even children bought. Family or friends, were notions those in the underground had forgotten about. Yet, for some mysterious unknown reason, life had brought them together. They weren't allies, like they had agreed at the start. Their relationship had grown to something more deep, something more precious, when nothing of such worth lasted in this dark place. What he'd protect with his whole being. Levi would give his life for Farlan, he'd give up on his humanity if he had to — a sacrifice that probably didn't mean as much, considering how much was left of it. It was him he'd fight for, holding onto the last thing to bring light to his life, a light stronger than that of a sun they hadn't known.
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“ Words can't buy everyone. You should have known this already. ” There were times when he'd wonder how he had survived all the years they hadn't known each other. His damn arrogance was to blame, the idiotic belief he could manipulate everyone to his wants. Words weren't as convincing as terror was, the reason he wished he would have been there, certain they wouldn't dare to make a move while he was around. Different was their power, and they were invincible TOGETHER. “ What were you thinking? I told you to wait for me. ” Those who did this to him wouldn't last the day, that was for certain, but now, he had to make sure Farlan would.
His blood was boiling with rage, but he had to find the cool to patch him up properly. He wasn't mad at them, he knew the scum they were, and how they would have eventually ended up at the edge of his blade. Neither he was at Farlan, having come at peace with his flaws a while ago. It was himself he was furious at. For not having predicted the outcome, for being too careless. Such a blunder could have cost the other's life, and Levi was no amateur. Used to fighting on his own all these years, he hadn't been prepared to be responsible for another life, and the effect it'd have on him. Farlan was the one bleeding, but his own heart had stopped — even for a second. When did he sign up for this?
Crouching down to his level, fingers carefully slid into the open injury, examining the severity of it. The cut on his stomach was deep, but he'd make it. It was obvious whoever did it, it was their first time. A sloppy work, and the reason he was still breathing. Taking off his shirt, he began to tear it into strips, so he could use them as bandages. For the most part, he worked in silence, ice blue eyes glancing at his every few seconds, both to check on his condition, his reaction to pain, and to remind him with his sharp gaze that once he felt better, he'd pay for this.
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jcnuaries-archived · 2 years
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“Understand that the Brotherhood is on my shit list right now, Mister Crowe. I enjoy having you on retainer, but your... extracurriculars? Much less.” The new office is large, imposing and claustrophobic all at once, a perfect list of all the things that she enjoys when talking to someone who January thinks has definitely fucked up. “Either way. I do still have a job for you. A steady one.”
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henryxmonroe-a · 1 year
— levi ferguson the penalty box.
He would never quite understand the feeling of loneliness that burrowed deep in his chest, even as he had a bar full of people around him. Some were regulars and others were strangers that he hoped would fall in love with the place he'd built for the world to enjoy. There were days the bar consumed him and others where it felt like something more was missing. And it was, but there was nothing he could do to get that back.
He'd been on his third wipe down of the evening when he spotted a familiarly handsome face sitting at the end of the bar. The retired athlete lazily tossed the bar towel over his shoulder and slid down to greet him before one of his bartenders could get the chance to beat him to it. "If it isn't the prettiest face in the bar tonight. What can I do you for, man?" He grinned at the playful twist of words, his hazel hues illuminated with amusement. @leeviferguson
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continued ask with @wonderspectacles ‘s Zeke Yeager
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Dreadfully boring.
Each read of this book felt he was actively losing knowledge rather than obtaining it. He may have recited it if requested. Same principals, a lecture of an old king, and his lovely pawn, the proud knight. A tale he could have told before propping it open. A potent earthy smell crawled up his nose, reminding him of his location. Surrounding him were trees thicker than the spine of this book. Except the book was resting dangerously close to the fireplace. Zeke could forget about it, but his sitter was far more interesting. His bitter reply invited a smile to his face. Rousing Levi always was entertaining. He only ever replied to him in limited speech. There were only ever so many conversations to have. When he did make comments, Zeke considered it a rooster’s call, marking a certain time of day. One thing to almost look forward to, for an afternoon he lived a thousand times.
His tone was warm, soaked in honey. “Come now, Levi. Only natural to gaze at each other from time to time.” More like the glares Levi shot at him. “We are on the same side after all. I’d shake your hand as a testament to our comradery but my hands, they’re tied I’m afraid.” Over the crisp fire pit, the rattling of his cuffs were heard as he shook for emphasis. Zeke asked countless of times to be freed. Even if to piss behind a bush. “On the subject, would you be so kind as to get rid of these? Not, like I could harm you. I wouldn’t dream of picking a fight with Humanity’s Strongest.” Zeke’s transformation was stolen from him through the art of a restrictive medical syringe. If he wanted to shift, he certainly couldn’t. It worsened his stamina, and if Levi decided it, Zeke could lose a tooth and not recover it for hours.
I hate those damned things.
What a shitty joke this must have looked like. Never had he imagined after what happened in Shiganshina, Levi would end up babysitting the enemy. An enemy he wanted to see drown to his own blood, having awoken him feelings he believed he had left in the past — his years in the underground, a past of violence and bloodshed. There was this image in his head, Erwin watching this messed-up situation and laughing at him, as another one of the crappy jokes he always seemed to be fond of. But Levi hadn't another choice than to follow orders, follow a plan he didn't agree with, for a chance at buying time. Time to prepare for the large-scale war that was already in the works. And the key to that plan was him.  
He didn't buy his little fairytale, but he wasn't the one to make the decisions. He had given up on that role many years now. Since the day where he'd found their lifeless bodies, where he'd stared into their empty eyes, Levi had chosen a different path for himself. To follow a certain man, devote his heart to him, and make his dreams come to reality. Yet that man, had given up on his dreams for him, and now that he was gone, he'd share the same campfire with the one to have killed him. Fate played nasty games with their lives, as if making fun of their petty reasons and beliefs. “ I don't want to stare at this shitty face of yours any minute longer. ” Nauseous he felt every time their eyes would meet, every second where he had to tolerate him. This could only be his punishment for not killing him on that day. For having lost this chance of taking him down, now he was paying.  
Truth was, cuffs weren't useful in the first place. They were mostly for decoration, or better say, somebody's idea of intimidation Levi hadn't protested against. If the bastard wanted to hurt himself or run away, these wouldn't be what'd stop him. It was him, that would. Escaping was an illusion, no matter what tricks he may had up his sleeve, and he should have known that well, judging by the number of times he had already pissed himself when defeated. Yet the bastard continued to insist, possibly causing him more trouble than removing his restraints. Levi didn't intend to give in that easily, and even if he did, it'd only be to teach him a lesson. Raising his gun, he pointed at the blond's head. His soldiers were quickly alarmed, preparing to shoot by his order. There was no time for anyone to react when he shot, changing his target at the very last second, aiming at the chain to connect the cuffs. Finally freeing him from his shackles, Levi moved closer. “ Next time you ask for something twice, it'll be your head I'll aim.  ” Ice blue eyes, cold as ever, yet burning in hatred. A hatred that'd only be eased if he fell from his blade.  
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tessabhrams · 6 months
location: her house in avonlea terrace, after dinner + getting waverly to bed
status: closed for @leviabhrams
Baby steps. 
When it came to reuniting the Abhrams family - hell, even just the siblings - that was Tess’ plan of attack. Baby steps. 
She vaguely remembered some far off, hazy point in her childhood when they’d all been thick as thieves, but that was before. Before Benjamin’s losses. Before his rage turned outward. Before Tess, only nine, had to step into the role of third parent because their dad (if he ever deserved that name) was unhinged and their mom… Well she liked to think Delilah had been trying. 
Or maybe that delusion just helped her sleep at night. 
Either way, mornings spent stealing bites of each others breakfast and binge watching Saturday cartoons were long gone. They'd all grown up, grown apart, grown a little too used to coping alone instead of coming together.
That was about to change.
"So." Cradling a glass of wine in her hands, Tess fixed her little brother with a look. With the look. Because yeah, overdue calls and far too few visits aside, she'd heard the rumors. And did it irk her that Wyatt probably already knew the situation with this... woman? Yep. Would she let it show? Not a chance.
She just smiled - a little too serene, a little too innocent - and waited for him to either fess up or tie a noose of lies around his neck.
"Talk to me about Atlanta."
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khakilike · 7 months
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The Holy Roller #1, Andy Samberg et al. and Roland Boschi
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arachnidiots-a · 11 months
tag drop (redo: peter & liam)
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desirebaund · 1 year
withloveanddesire asked ( once upon a time ago ):
[ PIN ] (chuuya&levi)
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sexual tension prompts.
[ PIN ] : sender pins receiver against a wall.
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Familiar with his intent, yet unfamiliar with the process, he was. Levi, may have seen the worst and best of life, yet this part had remained unexplored. An abnormal he was, and never questioned what life had shaped him into. But right at this moment, and maybe for the first time in a very long time, his heart raced with uncertainty. If this was what uncertainty felt like, and how his body reacted to it.
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“ What's this about? ” he mumbled, sharp eyes staring back at grey. A different kind of intimacy, a different aura Chuuya carried, and Levi would be caught in it, trapped in his riveting gaze and firm hold. When had he ever stood weakened, in front of someone? When had he allowed his feelings to paralyze him? He couldn't move, as if his feet were pinned on the ground, bound by GRAVITY. Yet it wasn't gravity, to numb his senses, stripping him of his instinct to fight back. Was it fear — fear of drowning, of sinking in unexplored waters ?
Chuuya would awaken sides of him he believed to have died. Sides he thought he had killed, in his struggle to survive — how to accept another man's warmth, of one's heart and body. To give away parts of himself he kept secret. To surrender. What if it wasn't fear to dominate him? What if uncertainty, was trust. What if gravity, was warmth. What if letting go, wasn't a sign of weakness, but power ? Levi grabbed him by the neck of his shirt, pulling him closer. “ Damn it, ” he whispered, before lips crushed together.
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@longerhuman asked:
❝ sorry , can you repeat that ? I don’t speak short people . ❞
crack ask for levi oopsies .
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“ You should go and get your shitty brain checked 'cause I'm not saying anything twice. ” He surprisingly remained calm, despite the salty attitude. Was it possible to get used to his pestiferous persona, and if so, how catastrophic that was? Like trauma to subside, till melding into one with his bones. Same when survival instincts quiet down, and one is prone to danger.
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