#levi special operations squad
thena0315 · 7 months
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moblitberner-bunch · 8 months
Happy Birthday Eld!
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Happy birthday to our second-in-command Eld. He showed his worth with his brotherly sense of leadership. His amicable and open personality as well as his adequate intellect and decision-making made him into the amazing person he is, not only for himself but also his squad.
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honestly, i think that more Squad Levi content would fix me
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cosmicjoke · 8 months
what are your thoughts on the og levi squad?
i am curious what you think about oluo and him being first levi fangirl
Hi again!
I love the OG Levi Squad, haha. It's just sad that we really don't get to spend much time with them before they're killed. So it's a little hard to form an opinion on most of their personalities. Really, I think Petra and Oluo are the only ones we get any, real look at in terms of personality, and it's funny, because they're both obviously enamored with Levi.
But Oluo is especially kind of funny, because he practically idolizes Levi and tries to actually pattern himself after him, but he's completely different from Levi in terms of personality, so it doesn't really work, lol. He's very outwardly emotional and a little silly, and he kind of focuses on making himself into an efficient titan killer to try and emulate Levi, trying to make it a contest between him and the other squad members for who's "most like Levi". One of the funnier moments in the story is when Petra calls him out on it and tells him he acts nothing like Levi, because Levi doesn't brag and doesn't need to brag about his prowess in killing titans. Everyone knows he's the best. So calling him the first Levi fangirl seems accurate, haha.
What's really interesting is that Levi isn't someone I would call charismatic. He's not the sort of person that draws you in and gains ones admiration through his winning personality, lol. He's so blunt and honest that, in fact, it tends to have the opposite effect, and turns people away. So his squad's admiration of him, we have to assume, can only come from getting to really know him, and coming to respect him for who he is. And I think that's sort of the case with everyone who gets to know Levi. He isn't going to charm you, but once you spend real time around him, you realize what a good man he really is, and how much he genuinely cares about others. And I think Oluo's desire to be like Levi really comes from that. He wants to be a hero, and he sees Levi as a real hero, so he tries to pattern his behavior and even his look off of him. I think it must be weird for Levi too, because he probably thinks he's the last person anyone should try to be like, even as we know Levi's actually an extremely admirable, even idyllic man. But it's kind of testament to Levi's authenticity, that once you really get to know him, that's when people start to really respect him and even want to be like him. We see it happen with the 104th too. They're all a bit iffy about Levi at first, but by the end of the story, they trust and respect him more than just about anybody else.
I think Petra must be the same. She has that exchange with Eren early on about Levi not being what people expect him to be. He's known to the public as "Humanity's Strongest", but when you meet him, he's this short little guy with a seemingly bad attitude. People hear his title and probably expect someone like Erwin. This idealized image of a real man, tall and shining and perfect. But then, you don't really see anyone trying to be like Erwin within the actual SC. I think, after a while, it's Erwin who maybe comes across as more unreachable and on a pedestal than Levi, and it's Levi who people begin to connect with and feel closer too. Even Erwin felt that way, opening up to Levi and revealing his true self to him when he couldn't with anyone else. I think people appreciate Levi's sincerity after a while, because they realize it means they can trust him. Charming people are often charming because they're liars and manipulators. Levi's the opposite of that.
So, yeah, I think the OG squad really admired Levi and wanted to be like him because they'd spent probably more time around him than anyone else, and came to know him well as a result. They knew they could trust him and rely on him, and understood that, despite his stoic demeanor, he's actually incredibly compassionate.
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mxanigel · 11 months
Fic update: Cut to the Feeling
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an Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) fanfic
[Read on AO3]
An in-progress longfic that asks the question, What if they lived?
Chapter 20: Urgent Care
After being ambushed by a Military Police squad armed with guns, Shion and Nifa get help from an unexpected source. [CW: blood, injuries]
Rating: M
Relationships: Levi Ackerman/OC, Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë & OC, eventual Levi/Hange/OC
Additional Tags: They/Them Pronouns for Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë Being Hange Zoë, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Canon Character Deaths, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Spoilers, Friendship, Banter, Swearing, Angst, Love and Loss, Asexuality Spectrum, Levi Ackerman Is Obsessed With Cleaning, Falling In Love, I'm writing this because it's taken over my brain, Literal Sleeping Together, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, I have spent so many hours on the wiki lol, Largely Canon Compliant, Nightmares, Torture, Blood and Injury
----- preview snippet below -----
Shion inspects the gauze covering the injury; it needs replacing but isn’t as soaked as she feared, hopefully a sign of slowed bleeding. Yet Nifa’s shallow breathing indicates a concerning amount of blood loss. She hopes none of her worry shows. Once she refreshes the bandages, she wipes her hands clean and then brushes hair out of Nifa’s face. “How’s the pain?”
“Still fucking awful,” she murmurs without opening her eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
“You saved me. Don’t be.”
“Saving you is still a work in progress.” Shion represses a sigh. “Rest now.”
“I’ll try.”
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years
Happy Birthday to Best Girl, Petra Ral!
A big shoutout to one of Attack on Titan’s best girls on her special day, and one of my top favorites in the series. 
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Petra I think definitely holds a special place in a lot of our hearts, and it’s no wonder why she’s the fan favorite in the Special Operations Squad. There’s just so much to love in the small but fiery package that is Petra. 
She can be meek, but her strength is only matched by the size of her heart. She is fierce and hot blooded but compassionate, and is the glue that holds the squad together in the worst of times. And one of the few that can get through to icy characters like Captain Levi. To me, she has a very Sasha-like appeal to her, and it’s a presence like that that Attack on Titan, and its creator, should never have taken for granted. 
Petra is such a fascinating girl and easily could’ve been the hero of her own story. She certainly earns that chance in my book. Still so much to learn about her character, and so much to love in trying to gleam what we are able through the time we had with her. Petra’s the kind of gal who deserves the world, for which she always has given her heart. 
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In our world, Petra Ral would be a Sagittarius, which corresponds to the element of fire on the Zodiac. Petra’s spirit is definitely one that has always shone fiercely and brightly. And while Sagittarius, represented by a bow and arrow sounds like something more befitting of Sasha, it still stands as a testament to Petra’s strength and determination. Optimistic, wise, and always looking at the bigger picture, for those she truly lives up to her sign. 
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Lots of love to Levi’s best girl! Petra should’ve been one of the heroes of Titan. This is a protection blog for Petra Ral, she’ll always have a home here as she does with so many longtime fans. 
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There is no Attack on Titan without Petra Ral. 
Happy Birthday Petra, today we give our hearts to you. 
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underthetree845 · 1 year
The Special Operations Squad
POV: Joining them for dinner
Oh hey! You’re late, glad you’re here now though.
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We made a place setting for you.
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cpacs-blog · 2 years
A fanfic I’ve been putting around a bit in my head and on my Google Drive. Origin story of how Levi picked his OG Special Ops Squad! Minor Petruo (ofc) but zero spoilers! Yay to me for finally completing 1/100000 WIPs cluttering my computer! ❤️
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amywritesthings · 2 months
war of clarity. / levi ackerman x f!reader
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for @levievent #levimonth24. (day nine: soulmate au / day six: love at first sight)
pairing: captain levi ackerman x f!scout reader word count: 1.6k summary: They say finding your soulmate is like getting a migraine. When you've lived with chronic pain your whole life, the legends seem like a joke.
tags: soulmate au, love at first sight, mild language, reader has a chronic pain/illness condition, migraines/headaches credit: dividers by @saradika-graphics
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They say when you meet your soulmate, the pain is worse than a migraine.
A rush of blood to the head so twisting, blinding, that the colors of the world bleed together and bleach white; then suddenly, clarity.
Funny enough, you’ve suffered through your entire life with ear-splitting headaches.
(Call it a cruel twist of fate.)
If this were the case — if being in pain from your earliest known memories in childhood all the way into enlisting in the cadets meant that you were playing the long game to experience the myth of finding The One — then you’d be quick to joke that everyone you’ve ever met could be your soulmate.
The girls in your bunk that offer to press a cold, wet rag to your forehead when the worst of your chronic illness hits — unlikely.
The boys failing at their ODM aptitude tests, where you zip by with flying colors — absolutely not.
You push—
Through training.
Through graduation.
Through choosing the Scouts, because for some reason it feels like the most noble option.
(The one that will make a difference, pushing past what’s beyond the Walls.)
So when you finally make it to the ranks, the emerald cloak draped across your taut shoulders like a badge of honor, you expect that continued dull ache in the base of your skull to follow you until your final days.
A comfort, really, to remind you that you’re still alive.
(If it’s quiet, then you’re probably dead.)
— —
  They call him Humanity’s Strongest.
That much you’ve heard through the grapevine; a man of unbelievable strength and resolve, an unstoppable myth in the very flesh. If there is anyone to strive towards, to look towards, it’s him. 
He’s resilient. Bold.
And you don’t care that he’s visiting your small squadron on the Special Operations in the early morning hours of this mundane Sunday, not when you’ve woken up with the most vile headache you’ve had in quite some time.
It takes all of the effort in the world to drag yourself out of your cot, breaking out in a cold sweat as you beg the pain to ease up a little.
The importance of this moment isn’t lost on you.
Special Ops is where you’ve hoped you’d end up.
After fighting tooth and nail to place within the top ten of your graduating class, you refuse to let your body win this fight.
Most of your squad has already scrambled outside, tripping over their knee-high boots and fastening worn leather in order to get a glimpse of Captain Levi.
You just barely make it out of the barracks in time for your visitor’s arrival, shrugging your tan cropped jacket over your shoulders with immense effort.
The sun.
(Why the fuck did it have to be sunny again?)
Nostrils flaring, you slowly make your way to the line-up of your comrades as they stand shoulders back, chins tall, to greet the incoming troop of horses.
Your squad leader’s voice rings out, and you manage to step your way in line with the rest of your colleagues.
With considerable effort, you lift your chin and keep your eyes closed against the rays of the morning light.
Horses whinny as they come to a halt in the dehydrated earth beneath your boot.
Two or three octaves of grunts can be heard as the representatives from the Special Ops squad make their descent from their saddles.
A few minutes.
Just a few more minutes and you can return to the barracks where it’s cool, it’s darker, it’s—
“At ease,” a deeper, baritone voice rings out against your mental pep talk.
Bored, as if already disinterested in being here.
It forces your eyes to open, despite yourself.
The sun seems blinding, like you’ve somehow lost your vision in the process of squeezing your eyes so tight — until the world returns.
When your eyes catch black fringe cascading over a gray, narrowed gaze, you let out an exhale you weren’t aware you were holding.
Your mind, oftentimes its own hurricane, eases to the eye of the storm.
And there is…
No pain in the base of your skull.
No sensitivity to the sun that beats down on the halved squad that has come to visit to discuss an upcoming mission that your squadron can assist with.
No jolting pain from a bird chirping, or the huffs of exertion exiting like clouds out of the horses’ mouths, or the murmured excitement from your colleagues that feel intimidating to be even near the man who turns on the heel of his boot to stare the six of you down.
It’s him.
It’s really him, that’s Captain Levi.
His bluish-gray eyes blink down the line of bodies willing to lay down their lives for the cause, acknowledging each person —
Until they find you.
You see it: the way his fist bunches against the leather reigns in his hand, how the muscles of his neck tense when his jaw clenches, the whites of his eyes growing as he stares.
Right. At. You.
Suddenly your stomach bottoms out, but not out of nausea — terror.
A rush of blood to the head so twisting—
—blinding, that the colors of the world bleed together and bleach white—
It can’t be real.
—then suddenly—
The noise ceases.
All you can do is stare back.
— —
— —
  The silence knocks you off your axis for the rest of the day.
Everyone is so much quieter than you anticipated.
What used to be deafening now sounds at a normal octave. 
Your colleagues aren’t boisterous, or inconsiderate, or even loud. 
They’re just a baseline of noise, a soundtrack to the soup you stare at in the mess hall without an appetite.
You even enjoy the dimly lit warmth of the lanterns surrounding the building where you sit alone.
The other five of your squad are bombarding a woman and a man — you think they’re called Petra and Oluo — about their adventures outside of the Walls.
You only realize someone is moving into your space when the wooden chair screeches against the floor of the hall, waking you from a trance.
When your chin lifts, you know who it is already.
You may know nothing about him, but your heart thrums like it does.
Like you’ve known him your whole life.
His jaw is set, expression in an eternal scowl as he drops down unceremoniously in front of you. You idle your hold on your spoon, no longer interested in swirling the utensil like you plan to take a bite.
It’s too much.
It’s so—
“You should eat.”
That honey-smooth voice breaks your thoughts. 
When he had first arrived in the courtyard on horseback, it was gruff. Devoid of emotion.
Now? It’s just under his breath, tickling your ears. Soft.
“Not really hungry,” you confess to the stranger — this Captain Levi — unable to look away.
You see his jaw tense before he inhales, slow and measured through his nose.
“If soup isn’t your ideal, then I can give you my share. Your leader went overboard with spoiling us.”
“Did they?”
“Yeah, shit’s annoying.”
You aren’t sure why you huff through your nose in amusement, but you do. The blunt curse takes you by surprise.
“Why’s it annoying to be offered the good food?” you ask without thinking.
“Because there’s no reason to give my squad special treatment,” he reasons shortly. “We’re all running into the same shitstorm no matter the rank.”
So he’s admirable on top of his resilience.
Your heart feels like it’s growing on overdrive with each syllable, but you hold back anything beyond a bland smile in return.
Setting the spoon down, you let your palm rest against the wooden table’s surface.
He’s still studying you like you’re a war plan, a strategy he has to conquer.
“I don’t understand,” he finally states out of the blue, baritone voice softer this time.
“What… don’t you understand, sir?”
The command causes your stomach to flip. Captain Levi’s shoulders deflate as he shakes his head.
“Don’t… use that, for me. Not when we—”
He cuts himself off, dropping his attention to your chin.
Your lips.
“Not when we, what?” you ask after a pregnant pause, though you’re afraid to ask.
Visibly swallowing, the Captain shakes his head. “Thought maybe it was a myth.”
So he did feel it.
(An overwhelming flare that consumed the sun.)
“I thought it was, too,” you confess after some time, keeping the conversation quiet between the two of you. “I just — it never happened, for me. And I’m prone to migraines—”
“Migraines?” he repeats, eyes narrowing to temporary slits.
“Yeah,” you breathe humorlessly. “By legend, it meant that everyone was my soulmate.”
Laid bare on the table between you, the word makes the confessional.
Two strangers with an invisible string, warring with the reality of clarity before them. You may not know this man, and he may not know you, but suddenly the only thing in your world that brings you peace is the sight of his face and the sound of his voice.
“But it was never them,” you add after a beat. “All my life, it was never them. The only person who ever broke through that haze was you.”
Yet Levi doesn’t flinch. 
All he does is nod, as if resigned to the idea, before reaching over for your hand. 
Wordlessly he picks it up from the table, uncurls your fingers, and places the spoon back in its center. For a minute he pauses, his thumb running along your knuckles as if to commit them to memory.
“Eat,” he urges like it’ll break him. “Eat, and tell me about yourself.”
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authors note:
Thank you so much for reading! This one shot was unbeta'd and written in an hour as an exercise for Levi Month '24, so I hope you enjoyed my take on the soulmate au.
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 4 months
Levi Ackerman x Reader
Summary: Captain Levi wouldn't let his feelings for a scout under him get in the way of his professionalism, right?
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N, Levi being a dick to others, implied smut, making out, nudity, titan deaths, drinking.
Word Count: 2.5K
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Y/N sat in the conference room, tapping her foot nervously. It was time for assessment of the newest scouts and she was the last to go. Every single one of them had come out of Captain Levi’s office either looking dejected, shaken up, or outright crying. She had no clue what he could possibly be saying to everyone to elicit such reactions. Everyone had been nervous and she had no idea why. Captain Levi had been nothing but decent to her but her former classmates didn’t seem to share her view. In contrast, she wasn’t nervous for her meeting until she saw everyone else’s reactions.
As the door opened across the hall, she could hear quiet sobs followed by footsteps running down the hall. After a couple minutes, Captain Levi appeared in the door frame. “L/N?” he called before turning on his heel and walking back into his office. She followed after him quickly, stepping into his office as he held the door for her. Once she was inside, he shut the door behind her and gestured for her to sit. She complied as her captain took a seat across from her behind the desk. He took a moment to look through some papers before speaking. “So going over what your instructors had said when you were a cadet I’m not at all surprised you’re doing so well. You work well with the team and communicate. You’ve shown just how skilled you are in titan combat and you’re very professional in the workplace.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“My only suggestion is to stop taking such big risks. Your actions have never risked anyone else’s safety so I’ve never felt the need to say anything. But for your sake, make sure you’re not putting yourself in any unnecessary danger.”
“Understood, sir.”
“And with that in mind, I’d like to offer you a spot on the Special Operations Squad. We could use someone like you,” he said with the slightest ghost of a smile.
Her breath hitched and she was pretty sure her eyes widened. A spot on Captain Levi’s team? The Levi Squad, as it had been dubbed, was the best and most exclusive unit in all of the Scouts Regiment. “I’d love to, sir. Thank you.”
His shadow of a smile grew into a small one as he sat back in his seat. “Good. Seeing as I have nothing else to complain about, you’re dismissed.”
Not wanting to embarrass herself out of joy and excitement, she hurried out of the office. That was the meeting that had sent the rest of her teammates off crying? She didn’t dwell on it as she walked back towards her living quarters. As she walked through the hall, she could hear faint sobs and hushed, angry whispers coming through the doors. She ignored them until suddenly one of her classmates left her room with slightly red eyes. “Oh, Y/N,” Zelma greeted. “How was your meeting with the captain?” she asked, pity already creeping into her expression.
The newest member of the Special Operations Squad froze. Did she tell people? It would seem like she was rubbing it in everyone else’s faces. But they’d all find out eventually, right? Still, there was still time for her to tell them. It didn’t have to come on the heels of everyone else’s tears. “It was fine. He just chewed me out a bit for taking risky moves.”
“Yeah, well you got the best of it then. Mandel got chewed out for a full ten minutes about writing the date on his documents incorrectly.”
“Oh god.”
“Yeah, well, I’m going to see if Rose is okay,” Zelma said, brushing past her. As she continued onto her room, she thought about her interactions with Captain Levi. Nothing about him seemed like he’d do that to a person. When she first started, she screwed up about ten pages of reports but rather than scream at her, he had spent the whole night helping her fix them.
“What’s this?” a deep voice rang through the nearly empty office. Her head snapped up towards the door, finding easily the most feared man in all of the Survey Corps… scarier than Commander Erwin Smith.
“Uh… hello, sir,” she stuttered out as she tried to covertly cover up the paperwork she had messed up and was trying to redo.
He said nothing as he approached her desk. Before even looking at her piles of paper, he lit the candle on her desk, making her realize just how late it was and how dark it had gotten. He then observed her papers, easily identifying what she tried to cover up. Wordlessly, he pulled up a chair to sit on the side of her desk, grabbing half of her pile. She looked at him perplexed until he finally explained. “I’ll do this half so we finish quicker.”
“Oh… uh… thank you, sir. I appreciate it.”
“No problem,” he replied, the phrase seeming too casual for Humanity’s Strongest Soldier. “I’ve made these mistakes before.” No he hadn’t. But he wanted to make her feel better.
A week later, the Levi Squad was heading out on a mission to reclaim the Scout Regiment’s old headquarters outside Wall Rose. This would be her first time fighting since her cadet class had attempted to retake Shiganshina.
“You ready, brat?” a deep voice asked, coming up behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, finding Captain Levi approaching her.
“Yes, sir,” she agreed, standing up straight and turning to face him.
The Captain stopped in front of her, taking a moment to observe her. A slight frown adorned his face as he stepped closer. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to the straps wrapped around her thighs. Unable to find her voice, she just nodded. He knelt down, grabbing the strap wrapped around her left leg first. He tugged at it, finding that it was a bit too loose, as well as throwing the wearer off balance. She fell forward, catching herself on Levi’s shoulder. She immediately moved to steady herself but another tug seemed to bring her closer.
Levi kept his face straight as he moved on to her other leg. He enjoyed the closeness of her. Ever since that night they spent filling out her paperwork, just reveling in each other’s company, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. He had justified it in his mind as simply admiring her dedication, enabling him to invite her onto his team. And he couldn’t just let his newest member slip out of her ODM gear, right?
Moving on from the straps around her thighs, his hands wandered up to her waist. He was still kneeling before her but now that he was no longer pulling her leg forward, she stood on her own. He kind of missed her gentle yet firm grip on his shoulder. Nevertheless, he tugged at the straps around her waist, finding them perfectly snug. Satisfied, he finally stood, pulling her attention up with him. “You’re all set.”
“Th-thank you, sir,” she said, slight nervousness creeping into her voice. He just gave her a soft smile before heading over to his own horse.
It had been a long two days. The Special Operations Squad had fought long and hard to clear and secure the Survey Corps’ headquarters but they did it without any casualties. Now, locked safely within the walls of the old castle, they celebrated.
“Oh my god, did you see Ral take down that five meter?” Bozado practically shouted in excitement. “Hell, she tripped the thing and still cut it’s nape.” Everyone cheered on Petra as she blushed.
“Did you see the rookie, here?” Jinn caught everyone’s attention as he nudged her shoulder. She blushed as well as everyone looked at her. “How was your first solo kill?”
She smiled, trying to hide her embarrassment. “Not enough,” she declared, eliciting a cheer from everyone. Across the table she caught Levi’s eye, giving her a smirk and nod of approval, the biggest reaction anyone had gotten out of him.
After a while of celebrating, everyone else was drunk with the exception of her and Levi. Needing a moment of quiet, she slipped out of the room, everyone else too drunk to notice. She made her way to the upper floors until she found a balcony in what was probably the commander’s room. Stepping outside, she just took a moment to breathe in the cool air. Fortunately all the titans had dissolved into nothingness, leaving the view almost beautiful. The only damper was the damage the titans had created.
“Mind if I join?” a low voice came from behind her.
Startled, she jumped, relieved when she saw that it was only Levi. “Oh, you scared me, Captain.”
“Did I?” he said, coming to stand next to her. “Didn’t take you as one to be scared easily. You did just stare down the jaws of a titan today.”
She shrugged, the blush returning to her cheeks. “Yeah well, I’d sooner face a titan than the infamous Captain Levi.”
He chuckled. “You did good,” he praised.
“Thank you, sir. Thanks for inviting me.”
“Your record speaks for itself,” he dismissed.
Turning to face the outside world again, a sudden breeze caught her, sending a chill down her spine. Noticing her movement, Levi unclasped the cloak from around his shoulders before placing it around his newest soldier. “Oh thank you sir but-” He waved his hand, dismissing her before going back to looking over the castle’s grounds, sipping on his tea. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to find the words. Clenching her jaw, she pondered all of his actions. Taking a deep swig of the whiskey Jinn had brought, she worked up the courage to speak. “Why do you treat me so well?”
Levi’s blood went cold. It was the question he dreaded and the opening he craved but still never hoped would come. Choosing to deflect, he spoke casually. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I treat everyone the same.”
“Sir, with all due respect, no you don’t,” she countered sheepishly. “When others in my class screwed up they were punished, you helped me. You invited me to your squad even though I wasn’t first in my cadet class. You don’t even really interact socially with your squad but you’re out here with me.”
Levi sighed, considering his next words. She had him pinned on this. “You… I…” he took a breath. “You impress me,” was all he said. “More than anyone ever has.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she pressed further.
Levi groaned internally as she kept pushing. Unable to say the words, he decided to show her. Resting his cup on the thick railing of the balcony, he stepped right next to her, grasping her face softly. Her doe like eyes stared up at him innocently until they fluttered closed as Levi leant down, connecting their lips. She parted her lips, granting him access to her mouth, which he took eagerly. His hands fell to her hips, pulling her in eagerly which she took as an invitation to reach for his coat. He helped her shed the clothing before he worked to unbutton his own shirt, still kissing her. Once it was off, he returned his hands to her hips, pushing her into the room and onto the bed. In a flurry of lips and clothes, Levi had her naked underneath him. Pausing for a moment, he pulled away just to observe her. “God, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed before returning his lips to hers.
Laying in the bed that had been prepared for him earlier that day, Levi stroked his newest squad-member’s hair. Her bare skin bathed in the moonlight as she slept peacefully on his chest. He couldn’t help but smile into the top of her head, feeling like a giddy teenager. He couldn’t believe he had finally found the girl of his dreams. In the Underground he had had no time for and therefore no consideration of love. He knew he’d have to keep her a well-guarded secret. Sometimes there were bigger threats than titans.
Continuing to enjoy the weight on his chest and the feeling of her soft hair running through his fingers, Levi stared out into the night. He could get used to this. One day they’d have to kill all the titans, right? Then they could get a nice little house out here in the country. Where it could just be the two of them.
Checking the clock that had been wound to the correct time, he could see that the sun would be rising soon. He hadn’t slept at all but that wasn’t out of the ordinary and he didn’t mind. He had more important things to think about than sleep. A small, irrational part of him worried that someone or something would come snatch her from him in the night right as he finally had her. But for the sake of keeping his reputation, he reluctantly slipped out of bed, gently replacing his chest with a pillow so as to disturb her as little as possible.
Given that the balcony doors had been left open, the object of Levi’s affection woke with the sun. With a gentle stretch, she soaked the sun in for a moment, inhaling the scent of her commander on the sheets. Despite wanting to lie in bed all day, she’d much rather avoid someone bursting in and asking her why she was in Levi’s bed so she got up reluctantly. Looking for her clothes, which had been shed on the balcony, she found them folded neatly at the foot of the bed. Smiling to herself, she put them on and fixed her hair before heading down to the kitchen.
Upon entering, she found all of her teammates grabbing food from the counter before sitting at the wooden table in the center. They all grumbled good mornings to her as they served themselves and sat. Still standing in the doorway, she saw her captain standing at the stove in an apron. “More pancakes are coming,” he announced.
There was a quiet cheer from the rest of the team as they were already digging through what had already been made. Sitting down, she helped herself to some of the fruit on the table before a plate full of pancakes appeared in front of her. She looked up, finding Levi sitting down beside her at the head of the table with another plate for himself. She just sent him a smile and said a quiet thanks as she dug in.
Meanwhile the rest of the team stared at the pair in shock. Seeing them first, Levi sent them a glare. “What? She hadn’t gotten a plate. Feed yourselves,” he barked before returning his attention to the woman sitting beside him.
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thena0315 · 11 months
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The final trailer dropping feels of Levi remembering his fallen comrades, the ones he cared about
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bridgetotheskyyy · 6 months
Filthy Clean
cw: You and Levi have a clean rivalry lmaoo. levi x f! reader, smut, 18+, shower sex, fingering, face slapping, slight cum play, mild dubcon, praise kink, cum swallowing, creampie. I HATE posting fics on tumblr with a passionnnn but I thought you guys would enjoy this one. I posted this to ao3 a while ago but I'm still in my levi era lmaoo. wc 6.9k.
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Men were disgusting.
The dirt the younger cadets trudged into the barracks and lounging areas did not discriminate, but the filth the male cadets managed to accumulate was truly unmatched. Beds unmade, toilets unflushed, and had none of them heard of a fucking coaster? 
Or a napkin?
You leaned farther so your swiping hand might reach the table’s full breadth. You wiped in wide, angry circles. You’d be here for ages trying to get the grime off the table, gathering the courage needed to tackle the bathrooms. 
“Ugh.” Your washcloth came across something unidentifiably sticky. “Fucking gross …”
So consumed were you with your task you did not see the hand come to meet yours until it was too late, and your pinkies met.
You blinked.
You looked up to see a dark-haired man fixing you with a glare, the majority of his face obscured by a handkerchief.
“What are you doing?” 
You frowned. “Cleaning this table.”
The man straightened. “Well” — he snatched your washcloth from your grasp — “you’re doing a shitty job.”
“Just let me do it.”
“It’s my job.”
“Hah?” A brow raised in question your way. “Someone’s paying you to do such a shitty job?”
“I’m not!” You were truly flustered now. “I’m doing as good of a job as I can with how filthy people are here!”
“Tch.”  The man’s sharp eyes cast down to the table. “That we can agree on.”
“And” — you grabbed your cloth — “you shouldn’t take what isn’t yours.”
You ignored the heat of the man’s appraisal. He can stare at my ass all he likes. You hummed. “Who are you anyway?” You asked, layering the wooden table with more solution. 
His eyes widened. “How do you not …?”
“I don’t keep tabs on everybody in this infernal regiment.” You scrubbed angrily at the sticky table — was it fucking gum or something? “So, I wouldn’t know if  you were famous.”
You looked up in time to see the man undo his handkerchief to reveal —
You froze.
Levi. Ackerman.
The Levi Ackerman.
Captain Levi Ackerman.
… Fuck.
“Oh my god …” You straightened, suddenly feeling foolish with the supplies in your hands. “Captain …”
“How the hell do you not know who I am?”
“You —“ You stammered. What should you do? Should you put down the cloth? Should you leave? Fuckfuckfuck. “I — You had that …” You gestured to the handkerchief. “That thing on your face!”
“The handkerchief doesn’t cover up my voice.”
You gobbed like a fish, face flushed from embarrassment. “I —“
“Tch, it’s fine,” he waved you off. “Just let me tackle this room — or stay; you might learn something.”
The humiliation was almost too much. Almost.
“Sir.” You cleared your throat, arm akimbo. “I’m very sure I know what I’m doing.”
Another inquisitive eyebrow. “That so?”
You recognized the challenge in his voice and stretched the cloth — flack — with a tilt of your head. “Yeah,” You said, the edge of your mouth twitching to add, “sir.”
Levi straightened himself again to his full height (which wasn’t much) and took three intimidating steps toward you. You stood your ground as he reared on you, looking you dead in the eye: 
“We’ll see about that.”
After that, you were sure you’d be fired. 
You’d been fired by (figuratively) smaller men for far less. The others cleaning girls were in a tizzy that, somehow, you had squared off with Humanity’s Strongest and were ravenous for developments as soon as you had something to tell. You weren’t sure you’d last that long. Surely you’d be getting canned any moment now.
But instead something far more bizarre was happening: it seemed you were now in a cleaning war with the squad captain of the Special Operations Squad. 
Everywhere you went, the work was already done. Walls scrubbed. Floorboards wiped. Curtains dusted. Limestone’s ass kicked. Even the heinous bathrooms had been tackled by a brave, meticulous set of hands — and you had an inkling those hands were calloused and attached to a pipsqueak.
Your suspicions were only confirmed when a tale of the captain scrubbing one of the barracks had reached you. Apparently, Levi’d done a stunning job — until he noticed a fucking boot print on his flawless floor. All the trembling cadets were rounded up to find a boot match like a scene from some fairy tale, and eventually the print was proven to belong to none other than Eren Jaeger. 
Why was it always fucking Eren Jeager.
By the end of the second week of this cleanathon, you were sprinting to the currently unused dining hall, slamming the doors opened: 
Tables glistened, floors polished … You turned your head to the windows … windows you could use as  fucking mirrors — 
“Son of a bitch!” You shot arms to your sides before storming out, two cadets making way for you. 
Sunday evening, the horse stables were all you had left; you shuffled hay and tended to the equine beauties as best you could, spurred on now by a newfound enthusiasm for your job. By sundown, the hay was stacked, the floors were wiped, the cedar like brand new. 
“Ha! Could be someone’s living quarters.” You turned, satisfied, to the horses with hands at your hips. “Not too shabby, huh?”
One of them huffed at you, blowing hair from your face.
“You must be his,” You scoffed before exiting the stables.
You were proud, but you were tired. The showers were empty by the time you stepped into one to use, pleasantly ignoring the suspicious sheen with which everything glistened as you wheeled the knob to hot. You sighed as water fit to rival hellfire rained down on your aching muscles. You lathered and rinsed, fit to remove the day’s grime. 
Another labored sigh. Finally, some time to — 
The door burst open. You shrieked, spun, covering yourself.
“Get out —!”
“Relax.” Levi, of all people, stepped into view. “It’s just me.”
“My order still stands! Get outwhatthehellareyoudoing —“
“I give the orders.”
Realizing he wouldn’t leave, you scoffed, spinning back toward the shower head. “Can’t believe this,” you murmured. “I can’t wait to report this and let everyone know the captain is a perv —“
“I said relax,” Levi said, not a step out of place (beyond the obvious). “I won’t do anything.”
“Oh, what a comfort …”
“… You did a good job today.”
You blinked, forearms still crisscrossed over your chest. Was that a compliment? You tilted your head, as disturbed as you were intrigued. “Come again?”
“You do have some skills when it comes to cleaning, I’ll give you that,” Levi droned from behind. “Peroxide with a hint of lemon? Definitely more than a rookie.”
Fuck. Even his compliments were nestled in insults. “And this couldn’t wait until after I took a shower?”
Soft rustling; you could only imagine him crossing his arms, staring at your naked back. “I wanna to see if you keep it up.”
What did that mean? You looked down at the nest of suds cradled in your cleavage. And you understood: he wanted to watch you clean yourself. 
“You’re a weirdo.” You shook your head. But, understanding he wouldn’t leave, hardened yourself to this new challenge. You wouldn’t be intimidated. You carried on as though no one were watching, finishing what you had started. 
“You’re doing it wrong,” he spoke up as you bent down to lather a leg.
“Shut —“ You froze, sucking your lips into your mouth. “Sir …” You couldn’t abuse him … he was still a captain … Why did that matter he was fucking watching you take a shower — 
“Tch.” There was that odd sound from him again, but was it just you or was it now tinged with amusement. “Think we’re beyond formalities now, don’t you think?”
You didn’t answer. Your face grew hot as you rose to full height, allowing the shower water to wash the accumulated suds away. You didn’t know what you thought; you were mildly dizzy, the heat and situation doing something to you. Why were you letting this happen, letting a man watch you shower?
… Why were you liking it?
You were about to turn and face Levi to get out when he clicked his teeth:
“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”
You saw Levi grasp your shoulder. You gasped, nearly slipping as you turned, at last, to face him. 
“Wait,” You said as your back hit the wall. 
But he was there, fully clothed, the shower water getting his hair and uniform wet.
“You’re …” You watched him get drenched. “You’re all wet now.”
Levi’s eyes flickered to yours. “So are you.”
Your lips parted but no words came. Dark strands clung to his face now, and you refused to admit how good he looked. His hands were on you — hands much softer than they should’ve been. He swiped the washcloth from you, threw it away. Levi took the soap from you and treated your skin to a thorough lathering with his bare hands. Calloused hands that should’ve been rough and harsh caressed your neck.
“People always forget their neck,” Levi murmured.
Lines of foam ran down the valley of your breasts, to your stomach. Suds nestled in your belly button as Levi’s hands came to your sides and tugged, motioning for you to turn over.
You made to protest — didn’t. Wordlessly, you turned around for him. His hands cleansed you of the sweat accumulated in your crevices. He massaged into your back, caressed the tension from your shoulders. Levi’s thumb dipped in the small of your back and you suppressed a sound, whatever it had turned into unknown to you and him both. Your trembling hands pressed to the wall when you sensed him bend forward to knead into the skin of your thigh. You squirmed, biting your lip at the moan his meticulous hands fought to elicit. Levi’s hand reached forward and grazed the pert skin of your nipple. At an honest to god moan you couldn’t repress, Levi paused. 
“I …” You kept still under his gaze. 
It was a relief when seconds later Levi resumed his ministrations. 
“Want you fucking spotless,” he said, and you believed him. His hands worked in tandem with the hot water to cleanse you. Levi worked your breasts, cupping them from behind, offering them to the water to be dowsed of suds. Fingers you knew were purposeful grazed at your excited nubs in the process. A hand, once gripped firm at your waist, breached the gap of your legs, a finger sliding over the slit of your vulva. 
You gasped through the moan. “I — I thought you said you wouldn’t do anything.”
“That was before I saw how lackluster your methods were.”
“My meth —“ You bit your lip as Levi’s finger grazed your clit. “I — I hardly see how this is supposed to help me get clean, captain.”
At the title, Levi groaned in your ear, lips brushing against your shoulder.
You ignored the thrum of pleasure in your cunt. “Why would I need to be — ah — clean from the inside?”
“Quiet.” His finger threatened to slip into your moist entrance, your natural slick assisting in this endeavor. “If you knew what you were doing, you wouldn’t be asking that.”
“I don’t think —“
“If you had a problem, you wouldn’t be fucking drenched, either.”
“Ah …” Your forehead thudded against the wall, your skin hot. Everything hot. You couldn’t argue; even the shower water couldn’t wash away evidence of your want. 
“And now you’re gonna make an even bigger fucking mess, aren’t you?”
Despite the haranguing, Levi only pressed closer, the fabric of his jacket adding friction to your damp skin. His finger teased the ring of your entrance, teasing, daring.
You moaned when Levi abandoned your hole to concentrate on teasing your clit. He tended to it with the slightest touch, so removed you began to think his touch only imagined. 
“I — I’m too achy to —“
“Do you ever shut up?” Levi snapped. “I’ve already told you.” His lips were at your ear now, his chin sitting in the crook of your neck. “Not asking for you to reciprocate. Just let me do it …”
You gripped Levi’s forearms as his finger slipped past the ring of your entrance with shameful ease. You bent forward, squeezing your legs around his hand. Your lips parted with a shuddering moan when his fingertips brushed the roof of your g-spot growing ever jagged.
“Didn’t think it would be this easy,” he spoke into your ear. “Just letting me in, hm? Fucking freak …”
You looked over your shoulder to Levi already staring at you. You did not need this. You did not need Levi, wet and close and hair dangling in his gorgeous face, mocking you.
Another finger slid in to meet the first. You clawed at the shower wall, growing feral.  
Levi withdrew them.
“Wait,” You murmured. “What?”
His brows furrowed. “Do you want this?”
You scoffed. “Really?” 
He studied your face. “Wanted to be sure,” he murmured, his arms caging you in.
You turned to face him. You pressed into him, your forehead meeting his. After all this, now he asked? But a part of you was endeared by his asking. Despite his foul mouth and gruff disposition, you didn’t fear him. 
You found his hand and guided it back to your wanting cunt. “Yes.”
Not needing to be told twice, Levi hand roped to your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. You weren’t caught by surprise; you opened your mouth for him to explore while his two fingers returned to their mission of exploring you. His groan caught in your mouth and went straight to your cunt, inciting a new layer of slick to coat Levi’s fingers.
“Thought so,” he muttered into your mouth. He abandoned your mouth just as he invited a third finger into your weeping hole, his lips traversing the length of your jaw. 
You were a moaning, sobbing mess, grinding against his fingers. You couldn’t take all this stroking, probing, stretching. The shower water pebbled your skin, the incessant dribble sensitizing your heated skin. Levi was driving his fingers into you now, assaulting the tender spot within to drive you feral. You entwined a leg around his with a whimper, your head falling against the wall to widen the expanse of skin Levi’s lips could torment. His thumb tweaked randomly at your clit, the uncertainty of when he would reward the nub with attention only driving you further toward the edge of the cliff. He nibbled, bit into your neck and you all but jumped into his arms, all dignity forgotten.
“Go ahead,” he said when you squeezed his digits, your breathing heavy on his shoulder, “bet you look pretty when you come.”
His voice, as though your climax was the most predictable thing in the world, sent you over the edge. With an onset of broken moans you came, nearly ripping the arms from Levi’s jacket as he finger-fucked you through your orgasm. You drenched his fingers, saw through vision bleared by water and steam and drowse, how they had turned pruney playing in your snatch once Levi at last pulled them out of you. He held you up with a hand, your legs turned boneless and useless under your lasting throes. 
Levi inspected his fingers as you caught your breath. He bent down to retrieve your abandoned washcloth and wiped his fingers clean. 
“Levi …” You murmured as he did it, your senses returning slowly but surely. “What …?”
He turned back to you, fixing your back against the wall again as he captured your mouth in another kiss, not as rough as the first, but affirmative. A statement. He withdrew and you, eyes closed, followed him until you realized he was truly through with the kiss and opened your eyes. 
He wiggled his fingers, almost to taunt you. “I was right,” he said, a flicker of a smirk there. “Fucking pretty.”
You’d lost all control over your life. 
Afterwards, you often found yourself frequenting the same spaces with Levi, places you were meant to be cleaning but would end up as sanctuaries so Levi might fuck you into oblivion inside them.
More than once you’d cried out as he crashed you into the wall, arms wrapped around each other, passion overcoming dull reason always.
“Keep it down!” he would hiss in your ear before nibbling the lobe attached. “Want the whole headquarters to hear us fucking?”
And then you would clean. Thoroughly. Meticulously. There were never any traces of your sudden trysts, you both made sure of that.
What was happening? You weren’t sure. It wasn’t as if you were suddenly the captain’s girlfriend or something. Right?
… Right?
“Are you the captain’s girlfriend?”
You startled away from Potato Girl, who had somehow materialized by your side, nearly falling off the step you sat on in the process. 
“Sasha!” Jean Kirstein reprimanded. He graced you with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about her.” To Sasha: “You can’t just sneak up on people you don’t know and ask them —“
“But it’s clear something’s going on, isn’t it?” Sasha said. “I heard Mike say the other day that —!”
“No!” You cried. Do these fuckers do anything but gossip? You were reminded of your grandmother, who had once said the military was nothing but death and gossip. “No, you — you don’t understand. The captain and I — we’re just friends. We like cleaning, that’s all.”
Jean’s blush belied his nod toward you. “You don’t have to explain anything.”
“Aw, c’mon!” Sasha said. “Captain Levi would fall head over heels for a girl who can clean as well as you!”
Jean ran a hand over his face. “Sasha …” Exasperation made his voice heavy.
“It’s okay,” You assured him before turning to Sasha with a smile, your voice fit for addressing a child when you said, “The truth is, I don’t know why Captain Levi’s taken such a liking to me. I’m just happy to make him proud. But I promise: nothing untoward has ever occurred between the captain and myself.”
How well you could lie through your teeth. Should you be proud or ashamed? Untoward … Levi’s fingers sank into your cunt; his cockhead twitching on your cervix; a mouth full of —
Boy, could you lie.
Sasha scrutinized your face. Seemingly satisfied, she said, with a disappointed dip in her voice, “All right. But tell us if that changes! We want the best for the captain and only want him to be happy!”
Strangely heartwarmed by her comment, you nodded to the both of them. “You got it!” 
And you’d thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn’t; you were doomed to have a couple more run-ins with members of the Special Operations: a few cadets once eyed you surreptitiously in the hallway. And on the last day of the week while on your way to dust the shelves of the library, a little blonde boy caught sight of you and promptly scurried away, a book tucked in his armpit, leaving the library hilariously bare.
“Oh, come on!” You said, the lack of people affording you moxy. “If I was really fucking a captain, don’t you think I’d have gotten a raise by now? Hello?!”
“You wanted to see me, Commander?”
Levi shut the door. The moment Levi walked into the Commander’s office, he knew what he was in for. Erwin wasn’t alone; Hange was ready to bounce off the walls. Mike looked like he was suppressing some laughs. Levi let himself in; eyes made of ice appraised his every step.
“Have a seat, Levi,” was all Erwin said, and once he did the man knitted his fingers together. “I’ve heard rumors.”
“Tch, didn’t think you were the type to listen to shitty gossip.”
“More than rumors, I would say.”
Levi raised his brows to encourage elaboration.
“There have been complaints.”
“You and some cleaning girl hooking up!” Hange cried out — happily. 
Without a beat, Levi tilted his head: “What?”
“There has been a shortage in cleaning supplies,” Erwin said. “Some cadets have complained about headaches. Some have reported breathing issues. Some have fainted.”
Levi glared. “They’re allergic to everything except filth, then?”
“I’m told chemicals from the cleaning solutions are the cause,” Erwin continued, leafing through what could only be reports from this very issue.
“The morons can always open a fucking window.”
“Still, there’s such a thing as too clean, Levi,” Erwin said. “Some have begun to speculate why there’s been such an uptick in cleanliness. It seems … suspicious.”
Erwin’s eyes flicked upward expectantly. “I’ve not heard you deny anything.”
“There’s nothing to deny.” Levi crossed his legs. “I help her clean when I have the time, that’s it.”
Hange squealed. “Oh, this is fascinating —!”
“ — You’d think so,” Levi shifted his glare toward her.
“A friendship forged from alcohol!” Hange chirped. “I’m such a fool; I should’ve predicted something like this would happen!”
“Nothing’s happened, you fucking weirdo,” Levi said.
Mike had failed to comment thus far, sticking to his corner of the room, but his shoulders rumbled with hushed laughs. Fucking prick.
“Hm?” Hange stood. “Oh really? Tell me, then: If you’re just cleaning, why are there reports of moving furniture?” 
“We have to move furniture to get to spots people forget to clean, moron,” Levi said pointedly, crossing arms now. “If these idiots spent as much time training as they did gossiping, fewer of them would be eaten every expedition.”
“Nevertheless, we can’t have you and this girl making hazardous gases in your attempts to clean headquarters,” Erwin said. “Be more discriminate with how you use your supplies. I don’t want to hear any more complaints about this, am I understood?”
A curt nod from Levi. 
A snort from Mike. “I bet she’s cute.”
“I bet you’d look better without a nose, Mike,” Levi said, standing. “And, Commander, I think you should address some of the rumors concerning yourself.”
It was Erwin’s turn to raise his fatass eyebrows. “Pardon?”
“I don’t know.” Levi was already striding toward the door. “Something about you and some nurse.” He turned back to Erwin, hand on the knob. “Can’t be true, can it?”
Hange gasped. Mike choked. Erwin himself, surprising no one, moved not an inch, only dug knives into Levi’s disappearing back as he considered himself excused and shut the door behind him.
He wouldn’t give in. He couldn’t lose his cleaning fuck buddy. Not now. Not ever. No one had understood his desire to eradicate filth as well as you.
He would just have to have a little conversation with you.
“You make too much noise.” 
Hardly the statement you were looking forward to. Where was you feel so good? Your precious good girl?
You broke the kiss, subtracting your tongue from inside Levi’s mouth, to stare at him crookedly. 
“Come again?” 
“S’you,” Levi said, the flush coloring his face as conspicuous as day. “People are talking around these shitty barracks. We’ll have to cool it if you can’t keep your fucking mouth shut.”
You snorted while resuming your task: unbuttoning Levi’s shirt. You dipped forward to snatch one button between your teeth where it waited to be chewed off. You broke away to nibble at the skin beyond it once it snapped open. “Shut me up then.”
“Fuck …” Levi said in response to your slutty hips swinging into his, your teeth leaving love bites over his protruding collar. “Do you have to make everything so difficult?”
“This is your fault, you know?” You ground your hips into Levi’s obvious erection and was promptly rewarded with a delicious groan. His hand came around to grip the fat of your ass. You licked a wet strip onto his neck before nibbling the skin there. “If you didn’t” — another swing of your hips, another groan from Levi — “fuck me so good, my volume wouldn’t be such a problem.” 
“Not apologizing.” 
You leveled your face with his. “Then we’re at an impasse.” And you kissed him, slotting your tongue back into place above his. 
Levi stole air from your mouth when your hand slotted between the two of you, found the heavy imprint of his cock and gave it a firm squeeze. Levi pressed you closer to him, a firm grip on your ass. He swiped up at your tongue before nibbling on your lower lip and repeating the action with its twin. 
“You really want your slutty mouth exposing us to the world?” Levi grumbled, no doubt begrudgingly aware of how his cock twitched in your hold. 
“I really don’t care,” You said. “But I guess I don’t have as much to lose, right, Captain?” 
He jerked you away by the back of your head, hand fisted in your hair. “You’re out of line.”
A grumble in his throat at the sight of your tongue running over your lip. 
“Says the man who walked in on me showering.”
Levi’s eyes narrowed, as if to say touche.
“Maybe you’re right.” He met your eye, fixing his face neutral. “Maybe I need to shut you up.”
“Oh.” You wiggled your brows. “Levi.”
“On your knees.”
You giggled — stifled it when Levi tapped your cheek with barely any force but enough to threaten a harder hand in the future. 
“Don’t make me repeat myself, brat.” 
And so you sank, remaining eye contact as you sat on your knees and fiddled with the buckle of Levi’s pants. You freed his cock, was rewarded with a soft grunt from him — and one slightly louder when you fed his cock into your mouth, wiggling your eyebrows at him again. 
“Even with your mouth stuffed with my cock, you’re still giving me attitude?” Levi huffed, but there was no bite to it.
The edge of your mouth quirked before focusing on your task. You gave Levi a hard, fruitful suck before releasing him with a loud, wet pop! to run the flat of your tongue down the underside of his cock. From base to tip. Base to tip. You swallowed him again, hollowing your cheeks to work his cock. Excitement flushed your cunt as Levi’s grunts filled the air, and your fingers itched to sneak down and play with your juicing folds. 
A groan from Levi. An encouraging hand met the back of your head. “Fuck, good, little brat …” His hanging his head back sent your cunt clenching at nothing.
You released him, curled stroking fingers around his shaft. “Who’s the loud one now?” You teased with a smirk — 
You gasped when Levi’s hand swatted your cheek. Harder than before. A tepid warning.
“Finish what you started.”
You opened your mouth to get smart with him, only for the hand straddling the back of your head to pull you forward; Levi’s cock tumbled back into your mouth. 
Your eyes fluttered closed. Your hands stroked the end of his shaft, pubic hair tickling your pinkie, as your mouth lay preoccupied with the rest. Levi’s sounds impelled you to move faster. You didn’t care about the aching pain in your jaw or your screaming knees on the wooden floor. You sucked for those sounds, for the power you held over him in that moment. 
“This is a better look for you anyway,” Levi said — hissed as one hand came to cling to his naked thighs, the other thumbing at his ball sack. “Fuck, clean my cock, brat.”
You weren’t his brat. Nor were you one of his cadets he ordered around, but your cunt fluttered around the words all the same. The way he was so determined to playfully shame you, when he was the one to jump you and sink his fingers into your cunt? 
Levi assisted in your head bobbing, his fingers nestled in your hair. “Give it a spit shine, show me how fucking good you are at your job, cumdump.”
You parted with his cock to obey, to spit on the veiny shaft. You thinned out the spit with your palm before introducing him back into your mouth. You moaned around Levi’s cock, the vibrations around his member causing him to do the same. 
Fuck. You couldn’t take it; you led a hand between your thighs, startled at how sensitive you were to your own touch when your fingers circled against the damp clutch of your panties. 
“Playing with yourself while you suck me off …” He hissed when you sank forward, his cockhead tickling, threatening the sanctity of your uvula. “Depraved little slut.”
Levi clutched your head firmer to steady you and started thoroughly fucking your mouth. You gasped, choked, the rapid tousling of your head clouding your senses. Your eyes pebbled with tears. You ran a fingertip down your clothed slit, the seam of your panties wet from your want. You moaned as Levi did. Your lips tightened around the span of him. You raised to the challenge, sucking harshly as he bucked into your willing mouth. 
“Ah, fuck,” he hissed. You cracked an eye open to see Levi’s hips stutter, his other hand bracing against the table.
“Mmm!” You were so hot. You worked your clit harder before realizing you didn’t have to cheat yourself slid a hand past the elastic of your panties, slipping fingers through your folds. 
“Don’t you dare flake on me,” Levi said. “We just cleaned these floors; take every last drop.”
You didn’t need him to tell you what to do; you knew your role now. Levi slowed his pace to allow you to take over. You rose on your knees, gripped one of his ass cheeks to hold him close. A soft gasp from Levi as you ran your tongue over the vein on the underside of his cock, coaxing him to coming. You felt it twitch, excited and abused in your hot, wet mouth. 
“Fuck, fuck —“ Levi growled, gripped the side of the table. “Every drop, you little cumcatcher —!”
Levi fisted your hand as he spilled into your mouth. You closed your eyes to it, clinging to his shaft to pull him back and allow your mouth much needed space. Levi fed you his pants, his hurried breaths quickening your heart. His cockhead sat on the flat of your tongue while ropes of cum ran down the length of it. You obeyed his command, swallowing every drop, letting him use you as the little cum dispenser he wanted you to be. You wanted to be for him.
Your jaw screamed with relief when Levi left your mouth. A bridge of saliva connected you to his spent member and you promptly wiped it away before it could threaten the sanctity of Levi’s perfectly polished floors.
He looked down at you, his stoicism softened by fondness. He stroked the cheek he’d previously abused. “Good girl.”
You purred. “Only for you.”
You stood and pecked him inches above his ever-scowling eyebrow. “That’s all you have to say? After all that huffing and puffing you —?”
Levi’s hand met the back of your neck and pulled you close, glaring right into your eyes. “You’re running your shitty fucking mouth before I can even reward you.”
Your brow raised in interest. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” Levi jerked his head toward his bedroom. “Let’s finish this.”
You gaped in surprise. “But we just cleaned the sheets!”
“And you’re not about to get them dirty again. Right?” Levi stared pointedly at you before leaning into your throat, giving it a soft but prompt nibble. He pulled away as you hummed. “Right?”
You ran your tongue over your lip, batting intrigued eyes at him for a second. He really was an eccentric weirdo. You wordlessly complied, strolling into the bedroom to get into place for him. Levi followed, pulling you toward him. One hand yanked you to him by your shirt, dragging you into a kiss. You gasped at the sudden action. His force pressed the bed into the back of your knees and you clumsily sat. Levi worked your shirt away before hooking a hand down the elastic of both your trousers and panties. 
He peered down at your lower half, mildly amused. “Bet you’re already dripping after playing with yourself while sucking me off, fucking freak …”
You giggled, your rebuttal your raised, pruney fingers. 
Levi gripped your wrist. “Filthy …” He brought your fingers to his mouth — jerked the two articles of clothing fisted in his grip to hook at the back of your knees. The tiniest smirk tugged at the corner of his lips at your widened eyes, your tiny gasp.
Levi tossed away your clothes. He slotted into the new space between your legs. You ran your fingers over his plump lower lip as he fished for his cock, and pride flared in you to feel he was already hard again, your teasing sufficient enough to make him stand at attention.
“We — ahh …” You furrowed your brows at the feel of Levi’s cock sheathing inside you. You sighed. Tried again. “We’re going to make a mess for sure.”
“We’re not going to make a mess,” Levi corrected before inserting himself fully, thrusting to the hilt and, over your moan, “You’re going to take it.”
You didn’t wonder because you didn’t need to; his tacit answer, coming in the form of another pointed look up at you, had been enough for understanding to flourish like moss on stone. He was going to fill you up, leave you so full of his cum he would surely pull out of you squeaky clean, every precaution you might’ve taken against pregnancy be damned. The insinuation sent flutters to your cunt you were sure Levi could feel around his cock, were sure he could feel the effect he had on you. Your final confirmation being that he was still fully clothed, as though confident you would not sully him even as he ruined you.  
Levi quickened his pace in such a way you were forced to grab ahold to his shoulders. “Fu — Is that so? Mm!”
“Yeah — fuck,” Levi muttered in your ear. “As you said, we just fucking cleaned these sheets, and there’s no way they’re getting dirty again just because you can’t control your disgusting sobbing snatch.”
You wanted to slap him — wanted to throw his insults and his eager cock in his face — and your hand itched to do so, but as he found his rhythm you couldn’t; he fucked you hard into the mattress, barely breaking a sweat as he barreled into you. A hand flew to constrict your throat, sinking you down further and thus making it easier for him to bully into you. Levi brought his face close to yours as his hips went wild, giving you a taste of that Ackerman strength you had heard so much about.
“Ah — uh —!” You moaned, your eyes falling closed as your mouth slacked wide. “Levi — Levi!” 
You cracked eyes open to see Levi’s face strained from his efforts above you. Another flutter down below struck to see how much of an effect you were having on him. You loved him like this; the sarcastic, stoic know-it-all you’d come to know melting away until he was just a man enthralled with your pussy. You looped arms around his, bracing your hands at his back. A hand grazed your mons pubic and three fingers at your clit had you choking a moan. 
“Come on,” You urged. “Oh.” You shuddered when Levi flicked at your clit every which way in response. “I’ll be such a good girl for you and take it, mm …”
“Fucking noisy brat, nrgh!” The hand Levi had roped over your throat tightened. “Using my own words against me …”
First your arms then your legs wrapped around him — only to aid in flipping him on his back. The world whirled around you as you came out on top. Levi choked back a sound of surprise as you mounted him. You looked down at him with a smirk.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” He said, an aimless hand groping at your tit.
“Being a good girl.” You let yourself down on him, basked in the triumph coming in the form of Levi’s relieved groan beneath you. “I wanna show you how good I can take it.”
Levi’s face contorted in an almost-glare he soon realized he had not the energy for when you planted hands on his chest, rebellious fingers discreetly tweaking his nipples through his uniform as you found purchase, and began to bounce on him. His eyes shut, brows furrowed as the round of your ass routinely slapped against his thighs. 
“Fuuuck.” Nails left crescent moons of your thighs. “Feels good, ugh …!” 
“Anything for you, Captain —“
“Don’t call me that.” Levi grasped harder at the junction between your thigh and ass. 
“Why?” You paused, sitting on him, opting to squeeze around him as you did so. Levi grunted, bucked up in response. “It doesn’t have an effect, does it?” 
“Fuck, read the room —“ Levi’s eyes trained on where you two met in the middle, your sopping snatch routinely coming to devour him. “Clearly, I’m not your captain, otherwise — urgh!” 
You kept fucking against him, surprised by both the agility and stamina you seemed to have in this moment. Levi’s cock split you open so good, so completely. It was growing increasingly hard to tease him as you felt yourself getting close. So close. Levi slapped your ass before taking a handful and tugging you forward. You fell onto him.
“Otherwise — oh — what?” You asked, your faces now so close as to have your noses rubbing. “You won’t let me drain your cock of every last drop?” 
Levi’s knuckles had to be white from how tight his hold now was on you. He groaned, biting down on his lip as his forehead met yours. 
“I don’t care about the rules,” You said, voice sounding more desperate than was your intent due to your cresting release. “You’re my captain, so I’m gonna — oh! — be a good girl and fuck my captain until he’s fucked dry from my cunt —“
A sound of utter frustration from Levi and his hands were bruising your hips. Hard. He fucked up into you, slamming you down onto him, and every time he met you half way. Now you held onto his shoulders for fear of falling off, too hazed from lust and pleasure to register that as a foolish notion; like Levi would ever let you fall. Like he would ever let you go.
You fisted one hand into the sheets, meeting Levi’s upward thrusts however you could. Teasing words devolved into endless grunts and moans. You exchanged breaths before you remembered you could kiss him and did, kissing him hard as your last threads of sanity snapped and you clenched wildly down onto him. 
You moaned into Levi’s mouth as you came. You gripped his cock with your cunt again, again, and felt Levi come undone underneath you only seconds later. Warm, thick ropes of cum spilled into you and you stilled on top of him, sitting flat, then grinding your hips, your clit rocking into his abdomen rug-burned by his pubic hair. The sensation added another shock of pleasure as you came undone. 
Levi was determined to fuck you through it. With strength you didn’t think he still had, he flipped you over and proceeded to fuck his come into you, the length of his shaft coated white with your juices and his. Another thrust and he slammed into you without retreating, holding there. 
“Levi …” You moaned out. You felt him move and whined; you weren’t ready for him to leave you, to be empty. 
But the second Levi pulled out, he replaced what you’d lost with his fingers, ensuring his spent be left inside.
“Oh, fuck, Le …!” You shuddered, too overstimulated to submit to Levi’s fingers rubbing up against your spot.
“Quiet,” he murmured. “You’re a good girl, remember? Don’t wanna hear it …”
You bit your lip, nearly ripped the sheets from their corners as he stimulated you from inside. Finally, he withdrew his fingers, certain his spent had taken with you.
“Phew.” Eyes closed, you fell back into the pillow, too blissed out to articulate much more. 
The mattress depressed at your side and you knew Levi was there, trailing kisses up your arm. Once in the crook of your neck, “Good girl.”
You hummed as Levi relaxed beside you. Despite his claims, you knew there was no way the sheets hadn’t been tainted — by sweat, by juice if not by his cum — and Levi would have you rip the sheets from their corners and wash them. He’d watch to see what kind of detergent you would choose, testing to see if your skills were up to par with his. And perhaps he would fuck you in the laundry room while the sheets dried. Maybe he would fuck into you from behind while you made the bed. Whatever it was, you were game. Always. When and if it was with him.
While your mind swam with sordid thoughts, Levi spoke up:
“What do you want?”
You propped up on an elbow, facing him. “Hm?”
“Us.” He turned to you, stoic expression having returned, but his eyes ever watchful. “What do you want out of this?”
You smiled. “I … want a partner. Someone to share things with.” You sought out his hand to entwine your fingers with his and, to your surprise, he reciprocated the gesture after a second or two. “But it doesn’t have to be serious. Or public.”
“Hm.” Levi nodded. You always got the sense he was testing you, somehow, both in and out of bed. The romantic in you wanted to believe it was because he feared hurting you, feared pushing you beyond your limits. “I think that would be best for now.” 
Fuck buddies it is.
“We should work on these sheets,” Levi said. “It’s not too late. We could have them dried before midnight.” He eyed you with challenge. “If you’re not too tired?”
You thought of your previous fantasies. Perhaps you would be the one to initiate this time?
You smirked. “You’re on.” 
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levi501ackerman · 6 months
She Looks Just Like a Dream | Levi x Reader Fluff
Summary: One day the scouts find out Levi has a wife. Everyone wants to meet her.
Word Count: 1.7k
Megan's Note: Hello! I just finished Attack on Titan for the first time last Thursday April 11th, 2024. I haven't been obsessed with something in a while. Obsessed in the way of reading fanfics and making another tumblr account. I wrote this for fun because AOT reignited the inner teenage fangirl I used to be for One Direction. I hope you enjoy my first AOT fanfic. posted: 4/16/24. Song correlated: "Something About You" by Eyedress & Dent May
Sasha walked past the section commanders and Erwin standing and talking amongst themselves. She could not help but stare as she walked by because you were conversing with Captain Levi. It looked like you were . . . enjoying the conversation. There was Erwin talking to some recognizable leaders then you two off to the side fully facing each other. Sasha has never seen you before. You would giggle and your smile lit up your face. Levi had his arms crossed and his face looked softer. He would nod and indistinctively say something back to you which would just cause you to laugh and smile bigger. He wouldn’t take his eyes off of you. What a new version of Levi. Sasha looked for her table of friends. They needed to see Captain Levi acting like this.
Jean, Connie, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa were looking at Sasha already as if they were waiting to see the expression on Sasha. As she approached the table. She lowered her voice and pointed with her thumb, “You guys seeing this?”
“It’s the Captain’s wife,” Eren said.
“He has a wife!?” Sasha exclaimed louder.
“We were surprised too, everyone’s been trying to eavesdrop on them,” Connie said.
Sasha looked over her shoulder and the rest of the table couldn’t help but glance because how the hell did Levi pull you? And not only that what could you two be talking about? Captain Levi never mentioned being married or even hinted that he had someone at all. Battle plans could not make the pretty girl so giggly so what the hell were they talking about?
“What’s her name?” Sasha asked.
“No one knows,” Mikasa said softly. “Eren thinks she could be a Jenny or a Catherine.”
“Who knew he was married.”
“Possibly to keep her a secret. He would not want the wrong people to know about her.” Armin said. 
“I want to meet her,” Eren stated and most of the table agreed. He blushed a little and hoped no one noticed. They all could not take their eyes off of you. “We’re the Levi Squad and we should know our Captain’s wife!”
“We could introduce ourselves as the Levi Squad too so it doesn’t come off as weird that we are all approaching her—them!” Connie added and he started standing up. The table still stayed in their seat. “Are we going?”
“I’m not,” Mikasa said.
“What if he makes us run laps?” Jean asked.
“Why would he make us run laps? Just don’t ask any weird questions and we’ll be fine.” Eren said standing up next.
“Let’s go,” Connie said and the table except for Mikasa stood up. They approached the section commanders who noticed the five of them going towards them. Levi gave them the side eye as they came closer. You turned from Levi, noticed the group, and offered them a smile. 
“Good morning, Captain Levi.” Eren started and everyone greeted him with their eyes and then turned to you. Your clothes were cute and styled nicely. Levi noticed every single one of them scanning you head to toe. It was the third? or fourth? group to approach him while talking to you. “Hi we are Levi’s squad, you’re his wife?” 
“Yes.” You said smiling at the staring eyes.
“Your shoes are really cute, miss!” Sasha added excitingly.
“This is my wife, Y/N,” Levi said in his low voice. “These scouts are some of the brats in my special operations squad.” You extended your hand to Connie first. He grasped your hand.
“Wow, you have the softest skin.” He said in awed and wide eyes. You furrowed your eyebrow and let out a soft giggle. Levi scolded him. 
“It’s very nice to meet you,” You said as you shook each of their hand looking at all of them in the eyes. 
“My name is Armin. You seem very nice as well.” Armin smiled.
“Thank you. Really though everyone is very polite here and is very kind.” You smiled and motioned with both hands to the room. Some soldiers Levi talked to maybe only once or twice would approach to talk to you. Some soldiers talked to you before ever even talking to the captain himself.
“We didn’t know Levi had a wife. How long have you two been together?” Sasha asked intensely. 
“About . . . “ You looked to Levi and back at the group, “ten years? Coming up on eleven.” You said with warmth on your cheeks. They thought you were not like Levi at all. They thought you were enthusiastic when speaking to others and were like the sun. It did not seem like you would be into Levi at all. Your eyes looked down at Jean and he started blushing because he thought you were glancing at his crotch. “Your pocket watch is so pretty!” You admired the watch nearly falling out of his pocket. Jean yanked it out and thrusted the watch towards you. 
“Y-You can have it.”
“Your grandmother gave that to you, Jean!” Connie said grabbing and pulling his wrist back. Eren laughed at Jeans’s blunt stupidity.
“I can get you a nice pocket watch next time I’m in the capital,” Levi said and you smiled. 
“You’re so funny. Keep that your grandmother wanted you to have it.” You assured and Jean silently nodded. His only thought currently was you called him funny. 
“We’d love to get to know you more Y/N! Are you in the military regiment at all?” Sasha asked, “Where do you live?”
“She’s not going to tell you where we live,” Levi furrowed his eyebrows and Eren burst out laughing. Sasha’s probably going to run laps. 
“I can’t be that interesting to you!” You lightly swatted your hand and though it wasn’t a joke, the group couldn’t help but slightly smile. You were interesting to them. Soldiers wanted to talk to you just because of your beauty. “We opened a tea shop years ago and I collect vintage tea sets to sell. I also write books.” You smiled back and their faces lit up.
“You written books?” Connie asked.
“Anything we might have read?” Eren asked enthusiastically.
“Do any of you actually read?” Levi asked. Let the record be known that the 104th Cadet Corps averaged the lowest academic grade. Most didn’t want to read the textbooks or take notes like they would have to in school.
“Hey be nice, your squad seems smart.” You wrapped an arm around Levi and everyone could not help but stare at the physical touch. You touched him and they never seen another woman touch their captain. “A few short stories for children have been published and distributed to the schools so they would not be interesting for adults to read.” 
“You’ve done so much . . . how old are you?” Sasha asked and Armin’s eyes went big.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to ask that!” Levi cut in. She’s going to be running laps until sunset again. 
“Y/N! I’m sorry I just mean you’re so accomplished and you’re so beautiful! Your hair is amazing. Levi, I can’t believe you kept her from us.” Sasha said. He rolled his eyes with a slightly softer face. You blushed.
“Thank you, you’re gorgeous as well.” Sasha was elated when you complimented her.
“You’re so beautiful . . .” She unknowingly repeated herself, “What made you drawn to Levi?”
“Sasha!” Connie and Eren pulled her back. Laps until the next morning.
“What?!” You smiled and wrapped your arm around Levi again, giving him a light shake and a squeeze. It was an odd site for the group to see. “Who wouldn’t be into this hilarious and kind gentleman? I feel like I have to fight for his attention sometimes whenever people come talk to us.” Truthfully most people approached you and Levi because of you. Guys would make up a stupid excuse to talk to Captain Levi with the intention of talking to you. Levi knew it too, but he couldn’t help that your energy makes people flock to you. He admired that you made friends where ever you went. Hated when guys would speak to you as if Levi wasn’t there. You blushed while looking at him and when Levi met your eyes his face got softer and he uncrossed his arms and nudged you. Levi looked away to hide his blushed cheeks. Who the fuck is she describing? the group thought. The Captain has never made a joke to them and they wondered what he does for you to call him a gentleman. “Levi! Are you being too hard on them?” You asked playfully and the five of them wanted to shout yes. Suddenly, a woman screaming your name excitedly from across the room could only be from one person.
“Hange! I was wondering when I would see you today!” You turned your attention to Hange running to embrace you in a big hug. You hugged and greeted Moblit with a warm hug afterward.
“Okay okay, you met Y/N run along,” Levi said. You instantly whipped back your attention to the group.
“Excuse me, it was very nice to meet you! Come over for dinner sometime so I can get to know you more! I can make my special braised short-rib beef.” Sasha was ready to duel Levi for you. Your white teeth sparkled to them and your smile radiated through the room. Connie, Sasha, and Jean enthusiastically agreed to your offer.
“If you keep inviting everyone to dinner how are we going to fit people into our house?” Levi asked you. 
They walked away in awe of the captain’s wife. Something about you emits a glow in a dull room.
“She’s not like Levi at all . . .” Armin said and Mikasa turned her head to the group heading back to the table. She noticed all of them seemed to be in a good mood. 
“He’s probably going to make you run laps for being pushy.” Jean joked to Sasha. 
“What did you say, Sasha?” Mikasa asked
“She was just being stupid.” Jean intervened.
“Jean you offered her your grandmother’s pocket watch,” Connie said and Mikasa raised her eyebrows. 
“I’d do it again.”
“What was she like? I could see her smiling a lot,” Mikasa said.
“She was positive and really supportive of Levi,” Eren said while reflecting on you. Everything you said was replaying in his head.
“She wrote children's books that are now in the schools,” Armin added.
“Damn it, I wanted to know the names of the books,” Eren said.
“Y/N seemed like someone that Levi needed in his life. She said he was a gentleman which I wasn’t expecting—” Connie started. 
“Well, he would treat her the best rather than anyone else,” Jean said. They turned to get another look at you but a few soldiers were blocking their view. Another round of people who wanted to meet you.
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leviraaaaaa · 1 year
Farewell, Captain. (Levi Ackerman x injured!reader)
Tumblr media
Cw: mentions of blood.
Summary: Levi Ackerman finds you in the verge of death.
It was going to rain
You bit down on your lip in worry. This was bad.
The expedition was supposed to be a small, short one. Just to catch a new titan or two for Hange's experiments. Go out, catch them, come back.
It was a small squad, about 15 people only. Section Commander Hange had picked out only a few to accompany. Being Levi's second, and one of the most treasured soldier in the military, usually they wouldn't call you for such simple tasks. The only reason you were asked to tag along was because you were also section commander Hange's assistant, you helped them in conducting the titan experiments. You didn't really mind as you had nothing better to do anyways. And by now, these small expeditions doesn't scare you as much as they used to.
You were ranked at the rear of the formation, along with two more. On one side, Sasha rode besides you, deeply focused. Captain Levi had, for some reason ordered her to come as well, to your joy (Though you suspected it was more of a punishment to stop her from stealing food, since banning her from meals only made the problem worse). You were glad hearing your best friend's coming too as the journey would be far less boring, although Sasha wasn't too enthusiastic. She kept groaning about how hungry she was and how she'd have to wait a couple more hours before she gets some food. (Irritated also because captain Levi had stripped her out of all hidden snacks before setting out.)
On the other side of you were a new recruit. She was in Section Commander Hange's squad, recruited because of her apparent brains in therotical knowledge. But Hange wanted her to have a bit of experience on the outside world too, so there she was. First ever expedition. Poor thing was shaking like a leaf.
Two nights ago, the special operations squad was sent out to clear the area out of any titans, baiting them towards where the trap was set along the South-East abandoned Tsuchou town. So the route was expected to be safe. And though precautions were taken, you and your teammates were much more relaxed, as you rode along, joking and laughing.
Except the new girl. She'd been rigid as stone since you've set out.
Suddenly, the girl closed the distance between you, pulling her horse so near, your legs almost touched. You looked at her, surprised. She'd been keeping noticable distance from you and Sasha until now.
"It's... it's going to rain, won't it?" She muttered quietly, glancing at you from the corner of her eyes.
You looked up and nodded, eyes shifting to the sky. "It appears so, yes."
"How long are we going to go on for?"
"Just a little further. We should be by the traps in about an hour."
The girl's shoulders visibly sunk, her face falling. "Another hour?"
"Hey," you called out softly, noticing the fear in her body language. She looked pitiful. "It's going to be fine. I know exactly what you must feel like but I promise you nothing's going to go wrong today. It's just a short trip, so hang on okay?"
Sasha shot an encouraging smile to her following your words.
She pursed her lips, giving a tight nod. Her hands gripped the reins tighter.
"I know..it's just..it feels so wrong." She whispered. "The sky was fine when we came out, then it turned dark within moments."
You understood. It really had been a good day. Or so it had seemed when the expedition began. Bright blue sky without a single cloud. Then half an hour in, it turned dark, thick black clouds appearing out of nowhere. And wind was blowing so heavy you could barely keep your eyes open, the dust that was getting kicked up by the horses kept flying into them.
It did feel wrong.
You thought about it for a second as you watched the girl gradually shifting further, regaining the distance. Her eyes unfocused, a worried expression settled.
"Sash, think I'm gonna go ahead." You told Sasha.
Sasha immediately started shaking her head but she barely had time to got any words out before you squeezed the horse's sides, telling her to speed up. She did, hooves clashing against the ground, leaving small clouds of dust. You passed through your comrades, ignoring their side eyes.
Breaking ranks was absolutely unpermitted unless in life threatening situations. But when you're favoured by the higher ups and second to none but Levi Ackerman, you get a lot of free passes and unspoken privileges—which, needless to point out, you abused whenever you could.
You speedened up until the familiar figure caught your eye. Nudging your horse, you manurvered it towards him, catching up to him in moments
Levi glanced at you sideways with narrowed eyes, annoyance flashing through his features at your appearance.
"Tch." He clicked his tongue. "Why the hell did you leave your post? Just because it's not an actual expedition doesn't mean-"
"Yeah, yeah" You cut him off, not in the mood for a lecture. Levi's eye twitched, but he didn't say anything. He never did.
If it was anyone else but you, Levi would have taught you a lesson right there. And if it was anyone but Levi, you would for sure at the very least be demoted for speaking in such tone. But though none of you would admit it, the relationship between you and Levi were much casual than it should be between a commanding officer and a soldier.
"It's going to rain, captain." You pointed towards the sky. "I don't like this. Can't we camp out or something? We've cleared out the area two nights ago anyways, there shouldn't be titans around. It'll be safe and we can continue later."
Levi sighed. "Tell that to four-eyes. I tried. They won't listen to me. Keeps saying, 'its not much further'."
You grimaced. When it came to titans, section commander Hange lost all rationality. "It won't be a light rain either. Looks like a fucking storm is coming."
Levi nodded in agreement. "I'll see what I can do." He huffed "You don't have to worry about it. "
"I'll be hella pissed if I get drenched, I swear."
"No one asked. And go back to your damn post, you little pest." He finished sharply, giving you a warning glance.
You obligated, even you knew when to step back. Pulling down on the reins, you slowed your horse down, turning it around to go back to your original spot. Sasha and the new recruit were staring wide eyed.
"You really need to stop doing that. One of these days, captain Levi will just go batshit on you." Sasha shook her head, a grin on her face.
"We'll see." You snorted.
"Seriously, I don't even know why he lets you screw around like this, if it was any of us-"
"Did you ask him about the rain?" The rookies high pitched voice cut Sasha off. She was staring at you, face contorted in anticipation.
"Yeah, kid." You responded gloomily. "Don't think they'll stop unless it actually starts raining."
She didn't say anything, just looked away, distancing herself with her horse again, knuckles taut on the reins.
"She's just scared." Sasha muttered, glancing at her.
"Weren't we all?"
"Don't remind me." She shuddered at the reminder of our first expedition—the one where more than half of us were massacred by the female titan.
You watched the sky with squinted eyes, as the clouds had covered the last rays of the sun, creating an eerie dark ambience, even making you shift warily in your position.
The kid was right, it felt wrong.
Somewhere far away, thunder rolled. Once. Twice. The rumbling sound was almost deafening.
That's when the first drop of rain hit your face. It rolled down your cheek and fell on the ground.
And then the sky crashed down upon the earth.
A curse escaped your lips, completely unprepared for the sudden phenomenon. Surprised yelps from others joined yours. Hastily, you wrapped your cloak around yourself tightly to regain some warmth that you lost.
Oh dear. This was definitely bad .
Within seconds, the world was white. You couldn't see anything. Only faint outlines and blurred green. Somewhere far front, you heard Hange groan and Moblit screaming out to move out to far right to the forest to take shelter underneath the trees.
Despite being half blind, you followed the orders, pulling the reins. You felt the thuds of Sasha's and the new recruits horses match yours.
Then Sasha gasped.
She hissed out your name, her voice terrified.
"Titans." She whispered.
Your heart fell. No.
"What?" You yelled out, praying to God you heard wrong.
"I can hear titans!" Sasha said louder this time, the panic in her tone clear. "From everywhere!"
Damn Sasha and her extraordinary hearing abilities.
"Shit. Shit shit shit!" You cursed out. Why? How? The area was supposed to be clear. Why were they swarming on you then?!
"We have to let the others know!"
"How!? The rain is too thick and loud for the signal guns to be seen or heard! Hell, we probably won't even hear titans come up until they're breathing down our damn necks!" You were losing your cool, the panic settling in.
Scouts did not go out in expeditions when it rained. It was a rule. Never.
But here the fuck you were.
You heard the rookie whimper right beside your ear. Your head turned to see her almost over your shoulders, eyes wide with terror as she heard the conversation, eyes switching from Sasha to you.
"It'll be fine." You said to her, trying to calm down for her sake. But you knew as well, the chances of it being fine was next to fucking zero because Sasha's ears were too fucking accurate. "It'll be fine, just stick close to me-"
The terrified yelps of several people up front cut you off and your blood froze.
A huge, enormous figure standing before you, staring down with wide, hungry eyes. A creepy smile on its face.
You stilled, right there. Your breathing stopped.
No no no.
Not here.
Your horse reacted before you processed it, throwing itself to the side just as the titans feet slammed against the ground just where you've been, sending tremors down the earth. It's grubby hand swooshed over your head.
The mount flailed wildly as you tried to keep balance. You were about to whip the reins and get the hell out of there when another cry pierced through your bones.
From much, much close.
The rookie.
You whipped your head to see the girl running the exact fucking opposite way, the titan following right behind with big, heavy thuds.
You didn't even care where Sasha might be.
She was experienced, she'd be fine.
The kid won't be fine.
In a split second decision, you turned your mount around, grabbing it's neck as it charged in full speed following the titan, speedily crossing it.
You were going in the forest.
Not the wisest decision you've made because you still couldn't see anything except for the outline of the titan behind you, you could crash into a tree any second.
But fuck.
"Hey, you moron! Come back here!" You yelled out to her in frustration and desperation. She didn't even turn around, only speedened up. "That's the wrong fucking way! Turn around!"
You moved, fast as the wind, raindrops stabbing your face like tiny little frost needles, making you wince.
You entered the forest, deeper, deeper.
This was bad.
And then it got worse.
It was the red that caught your eyes. The type of red you could recognize anywhere.
Blood was splattered all across the ground, the rainwater washing it away.
Oh no no no.
The crunch of human bones jolted you awake as you looked up to see the titan that had been the cause of it. You stared. Stared. Stared as it stared back at you.
You looked down, right there on the foot of it, rolling around was the detached head of the girl.
You gazed back up.
And then you saw two more. Slowly, steadily coming out of the forest, disturbingly enlarged organs swinging with every steps.
3 titans in front. 1 in the back.
What have you done.
You had barely turned your gear switch on when the first titan struck, stomping down your horse. Just in time, with the gap of a second from being smashed, you pressed on the triggers, the wires shooting forward, planting to whatever surface they had found and pulling you with it.
It was reckless. Stupid. Using ODM gear when you couldn't see shit. But you were in a forest so hopefully it'll randomly latch onto trees. Or it could fucking slip because of the rain and you could die. But you took your chance, not that you had a choice.
One of the advantages titans had was that they could see clearly in the rain. Their enormous pupils followed your movements, hands reaching out to grab you. You twisted just in time, releasing the wires and shooting them again, using them to swing yourself further and faster.
And you did that. Every time the wires shot out, your heart caught in your throat thinking it'd miss and find nothing to latch onto but fate must've had your back because it didn't.
Until it did.
Perhaps it was the stupid rush of confidence you gained from moving so perfectly, that you had speedened up. That was the downfall. Though one had latched, the other anchor slipped, missing the branch and instead going over it. The moment you realized it, you knew it was over.
The momentum from before and the pull of the wires, you slammed against the trees, hitting your head so hard, you felt your skull crack, the pain ripping through your brain. The anchor that had latched onto the tree didn't bury itself properly and you clashed right against it. The metal hook went straight through your shoulders. And nothing could ever have prepared you for the agony that panged through.
You dropped, back clashing against the ground. You lied there, sprawled and bleeding out, the rain pooling in your eyes, blurrying your already hazy vision from hitting your head so hard. But you watched the titans surround you, an almost giddy look crossing their stupid expressions.
Those little fuckers.
And so you watched, helplessly, as one of them reached out, pulling you up by your legs, your head dangling upside down.
And all you saw was big wide eyes and gaped jaws.
One of the other reached out, wrapping it's fat fingers around your midsections, pulling you towards itself. The one holding you groaned, pulling you back, as if it didn't really want to share. Your abdominal muscles and organs strech to the point you thought you'd split in half.
What a shit way to die, you thought.
You survived Shiganshina, you survived Trost, you survived that damn 57th expedition.
And you were going to die here.
While four fucking ugly as hell titans fought about who got to eat you.
'Second to none but Levi Ackerman', your ass.
But your friends, you thought. Eren had yet so much to go, that you won't be there to see. Before you left, when you've said goodbye to Connie and Jean, you smacked both of them in the head, that wasn't a good farewell, was it? Sasha would go hungry during meals because you won't be there to share half your food.
You wondered if captain would be the slightest bit of sad.
Had he noticed you missing by now? Would he miss the little banters and bickerings you had every day with him? Would he be disappointed that you were going out in such a lame way?
You closed your eyes, dangling upside down was not helping your case. Your head was starting to get empty as you felt the blood pool down in your head.
That's good. At least you won't be conscious while you die.
It won't hurt.
Four. Five. Six. Seven....one,five, four? Ticktocktickticktocktick-
Then you fell.
It wasn't a gentle drop You hit the ground again, full force. And this time you felt your leg bend awkwardly, a bone snapped.
But it didn't hurt, not really. You were too numb by now.
You felt the ground shook as something heavy impacted. Four times. Followed by loud, gutteral animalistic growls of a titan.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
One. Two. Three. Four.
But it was the sharp metallic sound of a sword clanging was what woke you up.
Your eyes opened and you saw steam.
Ah. Were the titans dead?
But who killed them?
Your head turned sheepishly and you found the answer.
There was Levi, staring at you with wide, wide eyes, mouth slightly parted. His swords were discarded by his side and he just stood there. Was his hands shaking?
Oh, that's funny. That's the first ever time you've seen captain react that much. He looked funny with such big eyes. Was it because of how filthy you were? You couldn't see yourself, but you knew. You must've been caked in blood and mud. Is that why captain was so shocked?
Your mind was so fuzzy, you wanted to go to sleep. Would the captain mind if you fell asleep here? In this filth?
Levi finally registered the sight. He shifted, still in a daze, and then he dropped, straddling you. Careful enough to not let any of his body weight touch you.
He looked so scared.
"Shit." He muttered. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Oi brat—" His hands closed around your arms, shaking you. Your brain felt as if it rattled in your head. "Fuck–can you hear me?"
His hand pressed against your face and he flinched at how cold you were. You only stared at him through half-lidded eyes.
Then, weakly, with all you had, you parted your lips, the words barely audible.
"...welcome to the party, captain. Bit late though I'm afraid." You mumbled. "You do realize shaking me doesn't actually help, don't you? Unless you want me to throw up or something."
Levi felt his heart hitch.
"You little shit–" he took a sharp breath. Then slowly, carefully, he slightly shifted you holding your hair back to inspect how bad the damage was, and it wasn't a pretty sight.
"I'm a goner, aren't I?" you muttered quietly, wincing when one of his fingers accidentally grazed against the injury. Levi immediately pulled his hand back, his hand stained red.
"Shut up." He hissed, trying to keep his growing anxiety from showing. "You're bleeding like shit. Thats way too much blood."
"I'm aware, can't help it." you groaned when your leg moved a bit too much, "Got it on your clothes too."
"I could care fuck less about it right now, you dumbfuck." Levi snapped out. The he shifted off of you, kneeling beside. He unhooked the green cloak around him with fast fingers. The green surface was smeared with dark red in places.
Carefully, he pulled you up by the shoulders, cradling you against his chest. You almost cried at the sudden feeling of warmth, and the sharp wave of pain that shot through your bent leg. Tears stinged your eyes. "Bite me. I knew you cared." You joked, an attempt to lighten the dire situation and to ignore the way your whole body ached and how you already felt the lack of oxygen in the air. Levi let out an irritated breath as he used the cloak to wrap around your head to stop the bleeding. His breathing loud and heavy beside your ear. "Can you shut up, you ungrateful brat? I'm trying to save your damn life."
Levi worked so gently, it was unfamiliar. You wondered as your head rested on his shoulder and his hands worked around you, every movement slow and careful, trying his best not to hurt you more.
Ah, so even the harsh captain can be this gentle. And despite emptiness clouding your head, you felt slightly glad. At least you got to see this side of him. This is a nice way to die.
As if he had somehow heard your thoughts, his jaw tightened. "Don't even think about dying. That's a fucking order."
If only the world worked like that.
Levi knew he wasn't doing a good job. His hands shook too much, and it was causing you unnecessary pain. He froze everytime you winced, taking a few seconds until you stilled, then continuing. He was also aware of how dirty the fabric was, with dirt and mud, but this'd have to. It's either this or watching you bleed out to death.
"Okay," he whispered quietly under his breath, more to reassure himself than you. He turned you so he could see your face. An absolutely panic stricken look passes him when he sees the tears. "Fuck, Did I hurt you too much? Does it still hurt?"
You sniffled, mouth twitching to a grin. You tried to ignore the pounding in your head. "It's not your fault. You didn't do anything."
Levi nodded, his eyes shifting to your shoulder. "How the fuck did this even happen?" He hissed sharply, seeing the metal anchor buried deep in the flesh. "Even when you get injured, it's in the stupidest ways possible." He thought about it for a second, biting the insides of his cheek. Unsure what to do. Then he sighed. "Shit. It's best to let it stay there. If I try to pull it out, might accidentally tear something. And the bleeding would be too much to handle."
"Nice." You groaned, then all of a sudden, broke into a fit of coughs, blood spilling out with each jolt. Levi's eyes widened at the sight, pupils blown out.
"The titans." You coughed, trying to explain. "Must've fucked up my insides. The grip was too tight."
Levi frustratedly ran a hand through his hair, uncaring of the grime and filth. His face screwed up and eyebrows knitted together, the fear in his eyes wide and clear. Internal bleeding was much, much concerning.
"Captain," the word was a groan. Your eyes were so heavy, begging to go to rest. Would that be so bad? "...I don't think I can make this one out. I'm dying, aren't I?"
"No you're not. But if you don't stop talking, I might actually make you a goner." Levi deadpanned while going over your leg. You snorted, the slight action paining you. But it was nice. With him fussing over.
"Come on, we gotta get you back-hey–" he slapped your cheek, seeing your eyes flutter. Gentle but sharp. "Don't pass out, kid. Better keep those damn eyes open. Stay awake. Stay the fuck awake, you hear me?"
His fingers fiddled with your uniform straps, removing the gas tanks and the overall gears. He had to cut down the wire that stuck with hook that was latched to your shoulder since he couldn't take it out. The removal of the extra weight made you feel slightly better.
"Alright," Cautiously, he hooked one arm over your shoulder, the other under your knees. "Brace yourself, this is going to hurt as fuck." Then, though carefully, with one sweep pull, he picked you up. And despite his warning, and the mental preparation, he was right. It hurt like shit. A soft cry escaped your lips. "I'm sorry, just–just hang on." He mumbled, cradling you close to him, adjusting your head so that it rested against his shoulder. He knew it wasn't the most ideal position as it'd be hard for him to move with ODM while holding you like this, not to mention your leg would not probably be in the best state either. But he couldn't think of a better position, your head needed support, he couldn't let any weight on your abdominal muscles either.
Then without moving his arms from beneath you, he reached for the ODM triggers with his hands and pressed his fingers down.
The takeoff was the final push. The jolt as he kicked off the ground and the pain that followed right after was the limit. You knew you were going to die.
"You pretend like you don't give two shits, but you're going to miss me once I'm gone aren't you?" The words escaped you without thinking. You weren't really thinking at all, it's just this urge that took over. But if you're going to die, you wanted to keep talking. You wanted to hear his voice. You wanted him to scowl and snap at you to shut up. So until you can't, you wanted to keep talking. One last bicker. Never in your life had you thought he'd be the one to hear your last words or that his ones would be the last you'd hear. And you didn't mind. At all.
"Fuck off." He responded coldly.
"I'm serious."
"You're serious? Now that's a shocker."
There he went, from one tree to another. You grinned, looking up at his contorted face. He was trying so hard not to panic, his eyes flicking from you to the route.
"Can't you just keep your mouth shut for once in your fucking life?"
"Said life's on the verge of death, so I'd rather not."
"Stop saying shit like that. You're not dying on me."
You sighed. He was wrong. You were indeed dying on him. Despite the warmth of his body pressed against you, you could feel your own temperature lowering dangerously. The cloak he had used as a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding weren't helping much better either as you felt blood trickle over your eyes. You felt weak, dizzy, disassociated. You could barely remember where you are and where you're going.
"Captain. Thank you for choosing me."
"What?" Levi's eyes shifted towards you, surprised and confused. It was such a strange sight. The bangs he so carefully kept were now all messy and disheveled, some strands sticking to his face with sweat. You returned his silvery gaze.
"Thank you for choosing me. Letting me be a part of your squad. Saving my ass everytime I fucked up. For everything, really. You weren't the nicest, but you have a good heart. And I'm not the best at expressing gratitude but I had to let you know."
"Shut up." Levi hissed through gritted teeth, his voice cracked ever so slightly. The rain had lessened into a drizzle.
"Once I'm gone, there won't be anyone to nag you to go to sleep. Remember to take breaks, won't you?"
Levi wouldn't look at you. He couldn't look at you. But his hold tightened. "Shut the fuck up. Keep talking and I'll drop you." Oh, but you had to keep talking. Your breaths were numbered you could tell. And you wanted to spend them on talking.
"And hydrate. Don't drink too much tea. Stop being mean to Hange and Eren. Let Sasha eat, don't ban her from meals when she fucks up.." the words slurred, your voice becoming quieter with every words and each were punctuated with heavy and heavier gasps. Your eyes closed. The light was too bright for you. And blood was pooling inside your mouth, choking you. "..they care for you. I hope you know that. So be nice every once a while. It won't kill you I swear."
Levi sucked in a breath. "Oi, brat." His voice was so far, so far away. You wanted to reach out and hold on to it, somehow wrap yourself around it. So unlike the usual stoic and dry comments he'd send through your way.. "...I take it back. Don't shut up. Keep talking. Keep blabbering whatever the fuck- Don't die on me, not like this–shit–not like this—" Guess he did care after all. "—stay with me, come on, stay with me.–"
You were fading. Drowning. Floating. But you heard him. His words a broken record, repeating over and over in your brain—staywithmestaywithmestaywithme…
You apologized silently. You would if you could. But the air was choking you and you couldn't stay any longer. You'd stay with his mean ass for life if you had the choice, didn't he know? Didn't he know you dedicated your heart for him?
Oh. Time's out.
(might write a part 2 lol)
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mxanigel · 11 months
Fic update: Cut to the Feeling
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an Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) fanfic
[Read on AO3]
An in-progress longfic that asks the question, What if they lived?
Chapter 21: Vindicated
Once Nifa's condition stabilizes, Shion risks traveling through town to figure out where Levi's squad fled after the ambush. But parts of Stohess still haven't recovered from the Titan attack nearly a month earlier, something a certain captain uses to the Survey Corps' advantage.
Rating: M
Relationships: Levi Ackerman/OC, Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë & OC, eventual Levi/Hange/OC
Additional Tags: They/Them Pronouns for Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë Being Hange Zoë, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Canon Character Deaths, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Spoilers, Friendship, Banter, Swearing, Angst, Love and Loss, Asexuality Spectrum, Levi Ackerman Is Obsessed With Cleaning, Falling In Love, I'm writing this because it's taken over my brain, Literal Sleeping Together, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, I have spent so many hours on the wiki lol, Largely Canon Compliant, Nightmares, Torture, Blood and Injury
----- preview snippet below -----
The price the Survey Corps keeps paying for seeking the truth of their world is too high. Yet it’s better than sitting idle from willful ignorance.
“Can I help you?” a voice rasps nearby.
Shion tries not to flinch and turns toward a wizened woman, shoulders hunched forward, a cane in one hand and a basket looped over her other arm. “Uh, no, I was just surprised to see the road in such poor condition,” Shion replies.
“Not from around here, are you.”
“That’s right.”
“And you must not be Military Police. They always make sure we know who they are.” The woman spits, a gesture Shion wouldn’t expect from someone her age living in an affluent town like this. “We’ve been told for weeks that things will be fixed ‘soon.’ Does this look fixed to you?”
Shion can only shake her head.
“After making a big show of helping us right after those Titans rampaged through here, the Military Police haven’t returned other than sending the occasional useless messenger. Leaving us on our own to bury our dead and patch up our homes so we can attempt to move on with our lives.”
“People are still living here?”
“Of course. Where else can we go?”
Shion’s heart cracks.
“It’s a shame the Survey Corps turned out to be corrupt. When that Titan appeared, they were the only ones who ran toward it.”
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lucysarah-c · 10 months
Why do I feel like the moment you assume the role of Levi'a girlfriend, also known as Captain Levi and the Captain of the Special Operations Squad, AKA HUMANITY'S STRONGEST SOLDIER, everything changes? It doesn't matter if you're an extremely talented, independent, strong woman and soldier on your own. Your entire day becomes a series of "Babe? 🥺🥺 could you-?" moments. Before you can even respond, he's already taking the jar out of your hands and effortlessly opening it for you.
"Babeee? 🥺🥺" He's already climbing the same shelf you could have easily climbed, but he does it for you and grabs what you couldn't reach.
Grocery bags? You don't even have to ask; he's carrying them. Heavy equipment? He's taking care of that for you. Need to make a long jump to avoid a river? He positions himself in the middle to help propel you forward. If your legs hurt a bit, he's offering to carry you. Is your backpack heavy? Regardless of its color, girly or not, he doesn't mind; he takes it off your shoulder and carries it for you.
Princess treatment? Oh, no, you haven't heard of it… (sarcasm).
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