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crazycat010 · 3 days ago
Jealousy Jealousy
Levi Ackerman x Reader
Based on the song "Jealousy Jealousy" by Olivia Rodrigo.
Warnings: insecurities, angst, sad, small fluff, reader loses her friend because of a new girl named Natasha (sorry if that's your name), unrequited love, mention of death and sacrificing yourself for Humanity's sake. Sad angsty ending but I'll do a part 2 if you want.
Reader insert, no reference to reader's body so it can be seen as female, gender neutral and male reader
"All your friends are so cool, you go out every night In your daddy's nice car, yeah, you're living the life Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend too I wanna be you so bad, and I don't even know you"
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“Earth to Y/n?”
“Y/NNNN!” Hange yelled, pulling you out of your daydream.
“Sh!t sorry. I zoned out, again.” You explained yourself, trying to look anywhere but in your friend’s eyes.
“It’s what you’ve been doing this whole week. Just ask him out already!” She whisper-yelled.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” You replied stubbornly.
“C’mon Y/n, you’ve liked him since you first met him! If you don’t tell him how you feel now, you may never get the chance to!” Petra added.
“Thanks a lot you guys…” You said, slumping back in your seat lazily. How were you supposed to tell him, your Captain, Humanity’s Strongest Soldier, The Levi Ackerman, you were in love with him and had been for years now. You’d probably just make it weird and ruin your friendship with him, because no way in hell did he reciprocate your feelings.
“You know what? If you’re not going to tell him, I will!” Hange said resolute and determined to end your suffering. She had been your best friend since you’d graduated from being simple Cadets and knew better than anyone how much you were actually worth though also how much you thought lowly of yourself because of your insecurities and negative thoughts.
“WHAT?! NO!” You didn’t notice you’d raised your voice until you realized everyone was staring at you.
Your face became beet red as you waved it off with a small “Don’t worry, everything’s fine. We’re all fine.” Successfully getting everyone to go back to what they were previously doing.
“I wasn’t lying before, I’ll tell him if you don’t.” She went back to whispering, drawing your attention back to the stressful topic.
“Okay, okay fine. I’ll tell him! I just, need to get us a moment together, the perfect moment. I’ll think about it tomorrow, when I go to my parents’ house.”
Your friends, including Mike, Oluo, Eld and Gunther, high-fived each other victoriously, but were quick to act nonchalant as soon as they saw their Captain approaching you.
“What’s happening? I heard some commotion coming from here just minutes ago.” He asked, eyeing you all with his usual scowl.
Suddenly, your shoes became a very interesting view as Hange quickly answered: “Don’t worry Captain. Nothing happened! Y/n here was just…telling us about a few hand-to-hand combat techniques and discussing them with the team.”
He glanced at your petrified form questioningly, but swiftly came to the decision it was not an important matter.
“Anyways, I wanted to tell you, tomorrow a new member will be joining the Levi Squad, I want you all to welcome her but most importantly make sure to get along with her.” He continued.
You and the rest of the team stared at each other with a shocked expression on your face, though Petra was the first to speak up: “You referred to the new member with a her, so I suppose she’s a girl. Who is she?”
“Yeah, and when will we meet her?” Eld chimed in.
“Her name is Natasha and you’ll all meet her tomorrow morning at training, the rest, you can ask her for yourself.” He answered before retreating back to his office to finish writing the last papers before going to bed.
“Well, that’s new…” Eld said.
“Who even is she? I mean, she must be great with her skills and everything if Levi accepted her in our team.” Oluo said.
“I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. You don’t know anything about this, do you Hange?” Gunther sighed, running a hand through his neatly combed hair.
“I’m just as surprised as you are. How about you Mike?” The scientist returned the question to the silent blonde.
“Don’t look at me! I know about this just as much as you do.” He raised his hands in the air defensively.
“So she’s suddenly joining the team, nobody knows about her and Levi promptly refuses to tell us anything. She sure was able to become the center of attention before even coming.” Erd said.
“Hey Y/n, you okay?” Hange questioned you.
You had zoned out again…This Natasha girl sounded quite mysterious, but most of all, you weren’t accustomed to Levi’s eyes subtly lighting up when he talked about someone.
“Yeah, yeah don’t worry. I’m just tired, that’s all. In fact, I think I’mma head to bed, anybody coming with?” You got up from your seat lazily.
“Nah. I still have a few hours left to enjoy in me. See you in two days, right?” Gunther replied for everyone.
“Yeah.” You walked alone to your bedroom as unanswered questions swirled through your mind, mostly regarding Natasha and Levi. You pushed them down though, because they surely weren’t gonna ruin your free day with your parents.
The next day you woke up early and headed to town, where your parents owned a bakery. Your family’s apartment was right over it and you could still recall how much you used to help your parents when they were at work, sometimes getting scolded for not wanting to go to bed. You didn’t spend as much time there now, but Levi usually left you a few free days per month to visit your parents, and you sometimes also brought the rest of your team with you to have a hearty meal by the fireplace. 
As always, your parents were marveled to see you and the day flew by too quickly. In the blink o an eye, you were back at the Scout’s, going to bed earlier than usual because of the tiredness caused by all the riding.
The next day, you were woken up by a ray of sunshine seeping through your window and illuminating the room.
You saw your companion Petra soundly sleeping on the bed on the other side of the room, so you dressed yourself without making any noise and walked your way to the stables.
“Hello Grass Goblin!” You saluted your hooved friend smirking happily. Her real name was Lily, in honor of the beautiful flowers you put in her hair when you braided it, but you’d had her for so much time you had become besties to the point the nickname rolled off your tongue more naturally than her real name.
You brought your horse out for a ride, fed her and combed her hair into a beautiful braid with a few flowers tucked in between.
Before you’d realized, it wast time for you to go to training, which meant you’d finally get to meet this mysterious Natasha.
You were sure you had arrived on time, nonetheless, the moment you stepped into the training area you found your team, Levi and an unfamiliar blondie chatting loudly and carelessly, as if they had been friends since forever.
To say this whole situation weirded you out was an understatement: your teammates had taken days or even months to warm up to you, and if Levi talked to you now it was only thanks to the years of hard work and missions done for and with him. Nonetheless, they had become best friends with this new chick in what, a day and a half? From where you stood, you could also see Levi smiling. Okay, what? Like, you didn’t even think the word “smile” existed in his vocabulary and suddenly he was there, grinning ear to ear in the face of this new kid?!
You approached the laughing group in a matter of minutes with a weird: “Hey guys!”
The moment they saw you, they all shut up and stopped laughing, turning to look at their shoes or share strange looks with each other.
You shrugged it off: focusing on this situation wouldn’t bring you any good and you still had to figure out a way to talk to Levi about your feelings.
Levi spoke up: “So, for today’s training we’ll divide the team into pairs and do some exercises in the woods. Form the pairs and go grab your horses, we’ll meet there in 10. Oh, and Gunther, you’re coming with me.”
Gunther visibly slumped, shoulders dropping as he prepared himself mentally for hours of scoldings and glares from his Captain.
As soon as Levi was out of range, you hit Gunther lightly in the shoulder, telling him ironically: “C’mon man, wasn’t it your dream to work with the Levi Ackerman?”
“Yeah, until I actually started working with him! He scolds me so much I wouldn’t be surprised if he got angry with me because of my favorite color.”
“What’s your favorite color?” You asked him, heading to the stables once again.
“Blue, yours?”
“Don’t really have one. I like all bright colors equally, though it depends on the day.”
“You know what? I ain’t even gonna ask you questions. Learned my lesson over the years.” He laughed, departing to go get his horse.
Oluo and Erd had formed a pair, and you saw Petra chatting with Anastasia on the other side of the stables, so you went to ask her: “Hi Anastasia! Hi Petra! Would you like to be in pair with me for the exercises?”
“Sorry Y/n, I’m already with Anastasia and we can’t be in three…” She tried to explain herself.
“Because…?” What was up with her? Levi always let you form groups of three with another teammate whenever someone was missing.
“Because we can’t, okay? Stop asking dumb questions!” She basically hissed at you, annoyed.
Okay, what was happening? You’re away for what, a night and a couple of hours and they all hate you out of the blue? You watched as the two girls got on their horses, giggling like two teenage girls and rode off, not even bothering to wait for you.
A wave of sadness washed over you, and you could feel tears welling up in your eyes, yet you took all your strong will and pushed them back, not wanting to show the vulnerable side of you for idiotic situations like this. You had always been very emotional, and nobody before your team and Hange had ever gone out of their way to help you or talk to you. When you’d joined the Cadets you were pretty much of a loner, but Hange had managed to get you out of your shell and you’d learned how to make friends, eventually leading to you befriending the infamous ‘Levi Squad’.
However, you were probably overthinking it all, as usual. Your friends wouldn’t possibly leave you just like this, with no warning or reason whatsoever, right?
You headed to the woods’ entrance, were the rest of your team was awaiting you.
“So, are all the pairs formed?” Levi asked.
“Yeah” Everybody answered, except for you, though he didn’t notice it and went off to explain the exercises to everyone.
The training had been agonizingly long and painful and, as soon as sundown approached, you were all eager to get off your horses, eat something and skedaddle to bed as quickly as possible.
“Hey guys, how about we all have dinner together?” You suggested.
“Sorry Y/n, but me and Natasha wanted to eat together and then chat for a bit.” Petra apologized.
“No can do, me and the boys are going in town. Sorry.” Erd answered.
“Oh…Okay. That’s fine, it’s absolutely fine. I-I mean, it’s not like we don’t already see each other every day right?” You said awkwardly.
Petra offered you an apologetic smile and then went off with her new friend, the boys getting their horses to the stables.
You didn’t exactly know what you would do that night, but perhaps you could wait for Hange to finish her shift at the Lab and have dinner with her.
After hours spent wandering around the huge building, it was finally the time of the end of her shift, so you ran to her study eager to tell her about your day and hear about hers, as you did almost every night.
“Hangeeeee!!!” You exclaimed, barging into her room with a big smile plastered on your face, excitement etched all over your features.
“Hey Y/n!” She responded. There was something off about the way she was acting, and you’d noticed how she was way less happy to see you than usual, so you decided to investigate: “What’s up with you today?”
“Listen Y/n, I’m truly sorry. I know you’ve been waiting for me to finish this job for hours so we could eat together, but I already had something planned tonight and I really don’t want to miss it. You wouldn’t mind if we skipped today’s daily catch up, right?” She pleaded.
You were taken aback, what has happening? You’re absent for a day and suddenly nobody can eat or spend time with you?
“So…?” She asked again, seeing as you’d zoned out.
“Y-yeah yeah, ’s fine don’t worry.” You gave her a tight lipped smile, shutting the door behind you and going outside on a walk to clear your mind.
The next few days were spent like this, everyone seemingly avoiding your presence. Hange had started having more and more plans at dinner so you never actually got to talk, and the rest of your team were just ignoring you, making up fake excuses in order to not spend time with you. However, you’d noticed how they always regrouped with Natasha. One day, you decided you wanted to get to know this new girl, and with only good intentions in your heart, you approached her while she chatted with Petra and Hange. What you didn’t expect, however, was the side eye she gave you, chuckling under her breath and asking: “Who’re you?”
“I’m Y/n, one of your teammates.” You answered.
“Really? Didn’t think Levi would ever choose a comrade so ugly and annoying.” She continued, though facing your two ex-friends now: “C’mon girls. Have you ever seen her actually do anything? She spends all the training just drooling at our Captain.”
You looked at her in utter confusion, turning to your friends as Hange grabbed your wrist and dragged you away from the pathetic blondie.
“Who the fuck does she think she is?” You hissed.
“Hey Y/n, calm down, you’re overreacting. I swear she’s nice, you just need to get used to her.”
“So what, you’re like defending her now?” You scoffed, not wanting to believe your best friend of a lifetime was turning against you.
“Why? Can’t I? She’s my friend.” Hange replied.
“You’re my friend too!” You spat back.
She didn’t say anything, so you took that as your cue to leave.
You locked yourself in your room and didn’t get out for hours, crying and sobbing because it suddenly felt like you were unwanted and unloved, just like the first time you’d come here.
You needed some fresh air, so you decided to head out for a ride with Lily. Just as you got out of the building, you heard some loud chatter and a faint smell of marshmallows coming from the other side of the building.
You followed the noise, realizing it came from the porch were you usually ate dinner around a fire with your friends, before the whole Natasha-thing happened.
You hid behind a pillar, recognizing all your friends’ voices, trying to recompose yourself in order to go see what all this was about without letting your troubled side show.
The first thing you saw were your friends in a circle, rounded around a fire, roasting marshmallow on wooden sticks. The next thing, though, is what hurt you the most: Natasha was sitting on a boy’s lap, kissing him passionately, her marshmallow long forgotten on the ground. As they separated themselves to catch their breath, giggling like high schoolers, you recognized your Captain and love of a lifetime as the one who was kissing her. He was looking at her so affectionately, completely focused on her and with a love sick look in his eyes you’d never seen him with.
Is this what your friends had been doing every night behind your back?
Tears streaming down your face, you stomped in the area, all your friends suddenly noticing your presence as the chatter ended in a matter of seconds.
Nobody dared to look at your fiery eyes, opting to look at the ground instead.
“What is this?” You broke the silence, venom in your words.
Hange was the first one to get up, trying to get your wrist like she always did when she wanted you to calm down. “Y/n please.”
“Oh don’t you Y/n me! You hung out together, leaving me out  for all this time, not even once thinking about asking me to join, when I’ve been inviting you to eat together every single day.” You said, words latched with anger.
“We can explain, please Y/n!” She pleaded you, but you slapped her hand off of you, repelled by her.
“No, we don’t need to explain ourselves to her, do we guys?” Natasha had rose up to her feet, facing you with a smug smirk.
“She’s right Y/n. Can’t we have other friends? Or do we have to spend every second of our lives with you?” Petra argued, going to stand by her new friend.
“Spend every…What the heck you guys? I’m away for one day and you all suddenly hate me?” You were trying as hard as you could to not let your emotions get in the way, but it was noticeable how your voice had cracked mid-sentence.
“We don’t hate you Y/n. We’re just tired…” Gunther answered lazily, not tearing his gaze away from his half burnt marshmallow.
“Of what Gunther? Tired of what?”
“Of you Y/n! Don’t you understand? They’re all sick of you trying to always be the center of attention, you’re useless and you act so childishly and god, you’re so damn emotional!” Natasha said.
You simply stared at them, tears pooling in your eyes and body trembling as your mind wasn’t able to register what was happening. All your greatest fears were coming to life: your friends had turned their back on you and hated you with all their guts. They’d eventually leave you and you’d become the same lonely loser you always had been.
“We’re sorry we had to break it to you this way, but she’s right, Y/n. We’re tired of you.” Erd finally spoke up, his voice lacking the usual warmth you once found comfort in.
It felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Your chest tightened, a suffocating weight pressing down on you. Their words rang in your ears, over and over again, slicing through you like a thousand tiny blades.
Your lips parted, but no words came out—just a sharp inhale, like a drowning person gasping for breath. Your fingers clenched into fists at your sides, trying to steady yourself, but it was pointless. The trembling wouldn’t stop.
Then, your eyes found him.
Levi stood there, arms crossed, his usual unreadable expression in place. He hadn't spoken, hadn’t even looked at you properly. But what shattered you completely was what he didn’t do—he didn’t defend you. Not once.
Because he didn’t care.
Not about you. Not like you had hoped.
Not like he did for her.
Natasha was standing close to him, too close, her hand brushing against his arm as she smirked at you, victorious. And Levi let it happen. He let her claim him, let her act like she belonged by his side.
A choked sob escaped before you could stop it. You felt the tears spill over, warm against your cheeks as your body moved on its own.
You ran.You pushed past them, ignoring Hange’s desperate call of your name, ignoring the sting of their words echoing in your mind.
Your feet carried you blindly through the hallways of the barracks, past flickering candlelight and empty corridors, until you reached the safety of your dorm.
Slamming the door shut behind you, you collapsed onto your bed, burying your face in your pillow as the sobs wracked your body.
You had never felt more alone.
You had lost them.
And worst of all… you had lost him.
The next day you woke up with a throbbing headache, eyes puffy from all the crying and snot filling your nostrils.
You sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the ground, your heart heavy and tight. You could hear their voices outside your room—Levi and Natasha laughing, talking easily. Your stomach twisted.
The sound of it was enough to send you spiraling into a pit of self-doubt.
You’d spent so much time pushing those feelings down. Trying to convince yourself you were strong, that you weren’t someone to get lost in jealousy, but now, it was impossible to ignore.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to shut out the thoughts that swirled in your mind. Natasha was everything you weren’t. Beautiful. Confident. Easy to talk to. And Levi... Levi always looked at her like she was perfect. You could see it, even when Natasha wasn’t around. It was the way he smiled when she walked into a room, the way his gaze lingered just a little too long.
He’d never look at you like that.
Your fingers ran through your hair, the weight of the realization sinking in. The truth you refused to see until now was clear. Levi would never love you the way he loved Natasha. He wouldn’t even have to think twice about it. Natasha had everything—beauty, grace, strength. All you had were scars, insecurities, and the weight of your own broken heart.
You’d never been able to see yourself the way Levi saw you, and now... now you didn’t know how to make him see you differently. You weren’t enough. You were never going to be enough.
Your breath hitched as you looked in the mirror. Your reflection was a stranger—a girl who had tried so hard to fit in, to pretend she was something she wasn’t, to make herself worthy of the things she could never have. You weren’t Natasha. You’d never be Natasha.
Your fingers brushed the scars that marked your skin—physical reminders of all the things you’d lost, all the parts of yourself you could never get back.
And then there was Levi.
You knew you could never ask him to choose you over Natasha. Natasha was everything you weren’t. She had beauty that drew people in, confidence that made everyone love her. You didn’t have that. You were just... ordinary, bruised, broken.
"He doesn’t love me," you whispered under your breath, your voice barely audible. "He loves her.”
A bitter laugh escaped your lips, and you hated yourself for feeling this way, for being so weak, for letting your insecurities get the best of you. But it was undeniable. Every time you saw the way Levi looked at Natasha, you couldn’t help but feel like you were competing with a version of yourself you could never reach.
Your heart felt like it was cracking. Maybe you’d fooled yourself into thinking he could love you.
Maybe he did, but he would always love Natasha more.
Your chest tightened, the tears starting to blur your vision. You wiped them away angrily.
No, you couldn’t be this girl. You couldn’t let jealousy take over. But the truth was clear now. Levi would never see you the way you wanted him to.
With an agonizingly slow pace, you got ready for today’s mission: you and the rest of the Levi Squad were going to head out of the Walls. You couldn’t leave now, not when the formation included you as a spotter for Titans, but perhaps you could free them of your presence after the mission.
You didn’t go to breakfast, stomach closed and eating having become only a small problem at the end of the list of the things you had to fix, or end, in this case.
With an empty look in your eyes, you headed to the stables, finding your teammates also getting ready for the mission.
They were silent, though for once, you didn’t want to break the silence. You started to realize how much it was valuable: it wasn’t something you needed to fill anymore, but something that filled you.
You sensed their apologetic looks, Natasha’s victorious smile and Levi’s usual cold yet troubled gaze, but you kept your eyes trained on the ground in front of you, or on the surrounding land once you were out of the walls.
As you were returning after a long day of scouting, a group of Titans approached you, running at an insane speed.
“They’re catching up on us!” Petra exclaimed, terror filling the senses of you all.
“What do we have to do Levi?” Natasha asked her new boyfriend.
“We have to keep riding, let’s hope we can reach the walls in time.” He replied.
“We’re never gonna make, they’re running way faster than usual!” Erd said.
“The Captain told us to keep riding, so shut up and do what you’ve been ordered to!” Gunther scolded you, putting everyone back in position.
Suddenly, the Walls came into view: you’d made it, you were going to live!
Your hope was quick to die however, as you looked back and saw the Titans at barely miles apart. They would have reached you before you could make it back.
You were all going to die! You had to do something!
You took a long breath, a peaceful smile appearing on your face.
“Why are you smiling? We’re going to die!” Petra asked you, worried.
“No you’re not. You’re not going to die today…” You’d made your decision, yet deep down, you’d always known. You loved your friends and cared about them too deeply to let them die at the hands of such monstrous creatures. Even though they had all been little sh!ts to you in the past few days, they were all the most loving and caring souls one could find inside the walls. Without looking back, they’d offered their lives, sacrificing their future for a greater good, in order to save Humanity, even though nobody was there to save them. They were skilled warriors and Humanity would already have been destroyed it it weren’t for their work. They were far more valuable than you were, and Humanity couldn’t lose them. You would rather have them and your parents alive but sad, than everybody dead because you didn’t have the courage to do what needed to be done.
“Just know that, I love you guys, and I’ll always carry you in my heart, no matter what you’ve done or said. Oh, and tell my parents I love them too, alright?” You continued your last speech, realization dawning over your friends as they looked back at you in horror.
Too late did they start yelling your name, for you’d already slowed down your horse to a walk, turning to face the group of beasts.
“Keep riding! She’s saving us! Don’t let her sacrifice be in vain.” Levi yelled, urging his horse and companions forward, closer to the walls and further from their friend.
You watched as they disappeared from your view, nothing but little black dots in a sea of green, a few tears trailing down your chin.
This was it, the end. If you’d known you would’ve died so soon, you probably would’ve hugged your parents tighter that day, but it was too late to regret your choices now. Your time had arrived, you may be forgotten, but you would have done your job to keep humanity safe for a bit longer. A determined look fell on your face, as you turned around to face the Titans. You were going to die, you were sure of it, but you sure as heck weren’t going down without a fight!
Hiii! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you've appreciated this post. I'll start working on Part 2 as soon as possible but do tell if you have any specific requests! You're more than welcome to come check out my account with my other posts and/or make requests(MASTERLIST). Do NOT plagiarize this or any of my content.
Love you guys! See you soon!😘
Written by crazycat010 © 2025 crazycat010
128 notes · View notes
beholdenlie · 1 day ago
I always wonder whose idea it was for Hange to have an assistant. I have three theories:
Moblit volunteered himself because he loves Hange is genuinely interested in Titan research.
Levi insisted because he loves Hange got tired of having to clean up after failed experiments.
Hange asked Erwin for an assistant and he caved because he loves Hange thought it would be good for Humanity.
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42 notes · View notes
userfrieren · 9 hours ago
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shiorihyugawrites · 16 hours ago
Red Regrets
Twelve years ago, Levi Ackerman made the hardest decision of his life—he left behind the only woman he ever loved, believing it was for her own good. But fate is cruel, and when a fiery redheaded boy with a familiar scowl crosses his path, Levi is forced to confront the past he abandoned. The truth he never knew. And the woman whose heart he shattered. (Levi x OC)
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Chapter Six
Kenny Ackerman didn’t often find himself at a loss for words, but as he strode into the dim corridor where Dr. Penelope Iverson and her son had been held, he couldn’t help the way his jaw momentarily clenched shut. Two of his men—good, trained soldiers from his Anti-Personnel Control Squad—lay motionless on the cold stone floor. One had a shattered neck, arms twisted at an unnatural angle. The other was even worse off, a gaping wound at his throat where flesh had been torn away. Both bodies were soaked in blood that hadn’t yet dried.
Behind Kenny trailed Caven, her expression grim as she caught sight of the carnage. Several more black-clad squad members hovered just outside the doorway, rifles at the ready, uncertainty etched into their eyes. They’d been the ones to sound the alarm, bursting in on Kenny and telling him that the “doctor and her brat” had escaped. But even as they recounted the story, none had expected to discover a scene of such brutality.
“Sir,” one soldier murmured, stepping hesitantly over the gore. “We think they must’ve fled deeper into the stronghold. Or… or maybe tried for an exit. We found no sign of them near the upper levels.”
Kenny hardly heard him. He crouched by the second body, tilting his head to inspect the gaping throat wound. Blood stained the cracked stone floor a dark, rust-brown shade. His sharp eyes noticed something that made the hair on his neck stand up. There, in the ragged flesh, he could make out an impression that looked hauntingly like bite marks. Small ones. Child-sized.
“No way,” he murmured under his breath, lifting a hand to rub his mouth.  He has suspected this earlier when he was examining the boy’s features, but he never expected anything like this…
Kenny’s mind whirled as images from decades ago flickered through his memory: a scrawny boy with fierce gray eyes, dispatching grown men in a back alley of the Underground with unbelievable speed and precision. The memory was so old, it might have been dreamlike—except that boy had grown up to be one Levi Ackerman. And now, apparently, Levi wasn’t the only one who could accomplish feats of brutal violence at a young age.
Caven knelt beside him, following his gaze. She paled. “That’s… not possible. He’s  just a little kid.”
Kenny snorted, rising to his feet. “Yeah, well, you see what he did to them. Reckon he’s no normal kid.” He cast a sidelong glance at the blood-slick stone. “Huh. Gotta say, I wouldn’t have thought that short little shrimp had it in him to father a monster like this. Or father any kid at all.” A smirk tugged at his lips, but it faded quickly. “Though if you’ve seen Levi in action, guess it’s not too surprising that a brat of his could do something… extreme.”
Several members of Kenny’s squad crowded near the threshold, aghast at the gore. One ventured to ask, “Sir… what do we do about them?”
“We do nothing about these poor saps,” Kenny replied curtly, gesturing to the bodies with a dismissive wave. “They’re dead. Let ‘em rot. Right now, we have bigger fish to fry.”
Caven arched an eyebrow. “Do you think the kid is really Levi’s?”
He shot her a pointed look. “Pretty sure, yeah. Doesn’t matter how. Fact is, that runt’s got enough spunk in him to tear out a grown man’s throat. Last time I saw that kind of raw power in a kid, it was Levi. And we all know what that turned into.” His voice dropped, turning grave. “Don’t underestimate him.”
A hum of uneasy acknowledgment rippled through the squad. Most of them had admired or feared Levi’s skill for years, especially after stories Kenny had told them about him once killing a whole roomful of men in the Underground without taking a scratch. Now the idea that a child could share that same monstrous potential set them on edge.
One soldier cleared his throat, obviously eager to change the subject. “Right, well, we’ve also got the others to worry about. Eren Jaeger’s chained up as per Rod Reiss’s orders, and Historia… she’s been taken to her father, presumably for that Titan injection plan.” The soldier hesitated, as if spooked by the thought of what that plan entailed.
Kenny’s expression darkened. “Rod wants his precious ceremony to go off without a hitch. So half of you go ensure that nobody interrupts Daddy Reiss’s little operation. The other half,” he jerked his head at the gore-strewn cell, “come with me. We’re tracking down that doctor and her brat. And we’re not messing around. But if you see them, shoot to subdue, not to kill.” He paused, lips twisting ironically. “ I’ve got some questions of my own—plus, they might be useful if Levi tries something stupid.”
The squad members exchanged uneasy nods. One stepped forward. “Sir, do you think Levi will…?”
“Absolutely,” Kenny barked, anticipating the question. “That runt will come blazing in here the first chance he gets. He sure as hell won’t let Eren and Historia slip away, and he definitely won’t let us keep his woman and his brat. So get yourselves ready. That means eyes on every corridor, every entrance. Keep your guns primed. And remember: that kid is a threat. Don’t think him a powerless child.”
They saluted, though some looked rattled, and hurried off to fulfill their orders. Soon, the corridor bustled with squads splitting up, some heading deeper into the labyrinth toward Rod Reiss and Eren Jaeger, others gearing up to comb the area for Penelope and Preston. Kenny exchanged a brief glance with Caven, then started off at a brisk pace. The flickering torches on the walls stretched their shadows, giving the entire stronghold a haunted, ominous feel.
Caven followed closely, her face set. “I remember you telling me about your bloodline…your Ackerman abilities. It that boy awakened his bloodline, what does that mean for us?”
Kenny shrugged. “Means we don’t underestimate him. The Ackerman clan was hunted for a reason. Old King knew they were trouble—immune to the First King’s memory tampering, and stronger than normal folks. We kill him if we have to, but I’d prefer we keep them breathing a while.”
He paused. “We might need leverage, in case Levi tries to get clever or we want to twist his arm. After all, who do you think is more important to him—Eren Jaeger or his own flesh and blood?”
Caven didn’t answer. She knew the question was rhetorical, but the weight behind it was clear: they intended to use Penelope and Preston as living shields if Levi came charging in. She also sensed that Kenny was intrigued by the idea of a new Ackerman with awakened powers. Perhaps he felt some kinship, twisted as it was, or maybe he just wanted to see how Levi would react. Either way, the lines were drawn. The cat-and-mouse game was intensifying by the minute.
Elsewhere in the labyrinth, Levi and his squad advanced through a wide, cavernous chamber, the walls glimmering with crystals that jutted from the stone. Low lantern light cast an otherworldly glow across their faces. Ever since discovering the identity of Rod Reiss as the true king, and deducing Eren and Historia’s location in the Reiss Chapel, they had been racing to get here. The entire compound seemed to be built into a natural underground cave system, massive and disorienting.
Hange led the way with Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Sasha, and Armin close behind, each on high alert. Their ODM gear clanked softly with every step. A swirl of tension filled the air; they knew the Anti-Personnel squad was somewhere in these tunnels. One slip, and the infiltration could turn into a slaughter.
Levi lingered at the rear, scanning every shadow. His heart drummed painfully, but outwardly, he remained controlled. Only Hange sensed the ferocity simmering inside him. She occasionally glanced over her shoulder at him, meeting his eyes in silent solidarity. She knew how personal this was. Eren and Historia were crucial, yes, but for Levi, retrieving Penelope and Preston was the single driving force that overshadowed everything else.
At a junction in the tunnel, Levi called a halt. “We split here,” he said, voice gruff. “Hange, you lead the others to find Eren and Historia. The tracks lead that way.” He pointed to the deeper corridor, the one where most of the footprints and scuffs seemed to converge.
Hange nodded, adjusting her glasses. “Got it. The moment we secure Eren and Historia, we’ll send up the signal if we need reinforcements.”
She brandished a small metal whistle contraption she had cobbled together from spare parts—a high-pitched device that, when blown, would emit a shriek that could echo through these halls. Levi had insisted on that plan: no matter how far he might roam in search of Penelope and Preston, he’d come running at the first sign that his squad was in trouble.
Levi’s gaze roamed over the younger soldiers. Mikasa’s face was set in stone, presumably anxious for Eren. Armin looked jittery but determined. Jean, Connie, and Sasha formed a resolute trio, each seeming to draw strength from the others. They all peered at Levi with newfound respect, perhaps tinted with the knowledge that he was now known to be a father, a man with a private life none had suspected.
“Recover Eren,” Levi instructed firmly, eyes flicking from one face to the next. “Historia too—she’s vital. The government’s after her for a reason. Don’t let your guard down. If you see Kenny or his squad, don’t hesitate to kill. Understood?”
“Yes Sir,” they echoed, voices hushed but strong.
Levi exhaled. “Meanwhile, I’ll find Penelope and Preston. They can’t be far. Kenny would want them close—he’s probably counting on me to come for them.”.
He turned, letting his gaze linger on them for just a moment longer—almost an unspoken acknowledgement that they were his last line of support. Then he pivoted and strode down a narrower passage to the right. The crystals embedded in the walls grew sparser in that direction, the corridor plunging into deeper darkness. He pressed on, boots echoing softly on the cold stone floor.
She’s not dying here, he told himself, swallowing the lump in his throat. And neither is Preston. That was a huge part of the entire reason he’d broken her heart so many years ago—to avoid exactly this kind of situation, to spare her from the perpetual risk of being targeted by his enemies. Yet here they were. Guilt gnawed at him, fueling his determination.
Pausing at a fork, Levi ran a hand along the walls, noticing fresh markings. Grappling hook marks, perhaps made by Kenny’s men, carved shallow grooves in the rock. He followed them deeper, his senses on high alert. Once or twice, he thought he heard distant shouting or footsteps, but the acoustics made it impossible to tell how far away. He clutched his blades, ready for combat if he stumbled on an enemy patrol.
His mind buzzed with the possibilities. By now, Kenny must have discovered Penelope was no ordinary victim. She’d fight tooth and nail for Preston’s safety. In a bleak corner of his heart, Levi harbored the fear that they might have already been killed out of convenience. He pushed that notion aside. No. He refused to believe it. They were alive, and he would find them.
At a bend in the tunnel, he found a corridor where the floor was stained with fresh droplets of blood. Levi’s pulse hammered. The droplets formed a sparse trail leading onward. He crouched briefly, touching the sticky liquid with his fingers, raising them to confirm it was fresh. Then, with a grim set to his features, he quickened his pace, footsteps growing more urgent. If someone was injured, it could have been one of his enemies—or Penelope or Preston. His imagination conjured ghastly images of them lying wounded somewhere. He forced them away, focusing on the task.
A short distance later, he reached a small open area cluttered with barrels and crates. A single lantern lay on its side, flame extinguished, as if knocked over in a hurry. Levi scanned the immediate vicinity, spotting scuffed footprints that seemed to vanish into yet another narrow path.
He straightened, lips pressed into a thin line. “Damn,” he muttered under his breath. They could be anywhere in this labyrinth. Checking every nook would take time they didn’t have. Eren’s life was on the line, Historia’s, and possibly Penelope’s and Preston’s too. The weight of responsibility pressed on him like a millstone. Why had it come to this? Because of that bastard, Kenny.
Levi inhaled sharply. He found his mind drifting to the day he left Penelope behind, the cruelty he’d inflicted with his words. At the time, he’d told himself it was for her own good—that she deserved a stable life, away from Titan warfare and the high mortality rate of the scouts. He had convinced himself that severing ties was a mercy, not just for her but for any child that might come along. Then the reality hit: she had become pregnant and raised Preston alone, never telling him. And now both mother and child were in mortal danger because of him. The old anger and guilt twisted in his chest.
He saw a faint flicker of movement at the far end of the open area, maybe a shadow. Swallowing the surge of adrenaline, he pressed himself to the rocky wall, creeping forward. When he reached the corner, he peered around, knives at the ready, only to find the corridor empty. But there was a slight echo of footsteps fading into the distance. He ground his teeth, torn between calling out for Penelope and risking alerting the entire squad of his location.
No. Keep silent. Keep tracking them. He took off in pursuit, breathing shallowly. If it was Penelope and Preston, he’d catch up. If it was an enemy, he’d kill them. Either way, it brought him closer to answers.
As he advanced, the rock walls narrowed, and the air felt stale, as if few people came this way. That might be good—it could mean the kidnappers used a hidden route. But the deeper he went, the more uneasy he became. The corridor eventually split again, and Levi paused, ears straining. Nothing. A faint drip of water, the flicker of torchlight around the bend, but no sign of living souls.
He cursed under his breath. The labyrinth was too big, too easy for hostages and captors alike to vanish within its depths. He pressed a hand to the stone in frustration, recalling Hange’s device. If only he could hear the whistle and knew what it meant, then he’d know exactly where to go. But that would mean Hange found Eren and Historia first—or they were in danger. Meanwhile, Penelope and Preston might slip through his grasp.
Levi forced himself to stay calm. He had to systematically check each corridor, each room. That was his only option. He’d do it swiftly, violently if needed. And if he encountered Kenny… the thought made his lips curl in a silent snarl. He pictured slamming the old man’s face into the ground, demanding the whereabouts of Penelope and Preston.
Focus. He inhaled, flexing his fingers around his blades. Could Penelope have escaped on her own? She was fiercely intelligent, cunning enough to outmaneuver small-time criminals. But this was the Anti-Personnel squad. They had gear, training, and no qualms about killing. Levi felt a pang in his chest at the notion of Penelope wandering these tunnels, possibly injured, clinging to a battered, traumatized child. That child—my son. The words still felt surreal.
He advanced deeper, footsteps echoing. In the distance, a muted boom reverberated. He froze. Gunfire? Explosives? Hard to say. The walls made every noise ricochet strangely. Maybe Hange’s group had engaged. Or maybe it was Kenny dealing with another threat. Levi set his jaw and continued onward, carefully scanning every arch, every alcove.
The corridor turned again, opening up into another crystal-studded cavern. He recognized some distinctive markings—broken fragments of the luminous crystals that peppered the ceiling. Eren and Historia had to be somewhere beyond this point, possibly in that chapel-like area he’d heard about. But a small side passage branched to the left, unlit. Perfect for stashing hostages. Levi’s pulse quickened. Checking it might be a risk, but leaving it unexplored could mean abandoning Penelope and Preston if they were inside.
He made the decision in a heartbeat, stepping into the gloom. Each step was cautious, silent. The floor sloped downward, the air growing even colder. He soon found a dead end—a cramped chamber scattered with old supplies, barrels of who-knew-what. He raised his lantern, scanning carefully, but no sign of life, no sign of them. He hissed softly, disappointed.
Then, from somewhere beyond the wall, he heard the faintest sound. Like a muffled scrape, or a hushed breath. He stilled, heart hammering. Was it them, or an enemy? He tested the wall, realizing there was an imperceptible seam. A hidden door? Nudging aside a barrel, he found a small latch. The door gave a soft click, swinging inwards into a pitch-black corridor.
He stepped inside. The smell of damp stone was more pronounced here, as though few had traversed this path in ages. “Penelope?” he whispered, voice echoing so softly he wondered if he’d only mouthed it. No response. He tightened his grip on his blades. If Kenny or his men lurked within, they’d leap at him any second. But all he heard was his own heartbeat, drumming in his ears.
He proceeded slowly, each nerve on edge. The corridor wound left, then right, the walls narrowing, forcing him to stoop slightly. At last, it opened into a small, empty cell-like chamber. Wooden beams supported the ceiling, their edges rotted with age. A single torch had burned low on the wall, sputtering in a pool of melted wax. He approached it, scanning the space. Empty. Fresh footprints, though. A struggle? He crouched and touched a half-dried spatter of blood near the door. He recognized it as new, maybe an hour old. A tense hush. Could Penelope have fought here?
He tried not to dwell on the possibility that the blood was hers or Preston’s. Instead, he found himself picturing Preston’s face, recalling the boy’s red hair; the unique rose hue of his mother. And his eyes as gray as storm clouds—just like Levi’s own. The thought spurred a weird flicker in his chest, a paternal instinct he’d never known he possessed.
They were gone from this spot, wherever they’d gone. No bodies, no sign of captors. But the presence of spattered blood and some rope remnants on the floor told him a violent altercation had occurred. The rope was torn, one end stained with gore. Levi’s gut twisted. Had they escaped on their own? And if so, how?
A distant echo of footsteps made him jerk upright. He flattened against the wall, extinguishing the flickering torch by pressing the flame into the wet ground. Darkness enclosed him. He waited, scarcely breathing. The footsteps paused outside the hidden corridor—he could hear hushed voices, the scrape of boots. Then they resumed, fading away. Probably more Anti-Personnel soldiers searching for them. That meant, for the moment, Levi was alone again.
He clenched his jaw in frustration. The cell was empty, and he had no clue which path Penelope and Preston took next. But the mere fact that they were no longer bound here gave him a spark of hope: they might still be alive, possibly even free of their captors. He forced himself to remain calm, to think strategically. If they had broken out, they’d probably try to find a route that led upward or outward.
Finally, he exhaled, stepping back into the corridor. If he found no further sign of them soon, he’d circle back to assist his squad with Eren. Then, after Eren was secured, he’d systematically sweep every corridor for Penelope. No matter how long it took.
He tightened his grip on his blades. “I’ll get you out of here, Pen,” he murmured into the empty corridor, voice echoing faintly. “You and Preston. Even if you never want to see me again after this… I won’t fail you again.”
For a moment, all that answered him was the drip of water from some unseen crack in the ceiling. Then he heard a distant rumble, maybe an explosion or gunfire. His eyes narrowed. Likely the fight had begun in earnest. Eren and Historia—time was running out. With one last sweep of the empty cell, Levi turned on his heel and vanished into the gloom.
Deeper in the labyrinth, the lines were drawn. Kenny and half his squad were on the hunt for a battered mother and a newly awakened Ackerman. Hange and the others advanced on the site of Rod Reiss’s twisted ceremony. In the midst of it all, Levi prowled the shadows, determined to find Penelope and Preston. He’d lost them once. He would not lose them again.
But then finally, he found something!
A small alcove in a part of the labyrinth that looked like an ideal spot for keeping prisoners. Levi slowly entered with his weapons drawn and watch he saw made his breath hitch. Bodies. Two of them.
Levi stared at the two corpses, his chest tight with a dozen conflicting emotions. In the dim light of the cavern corridor, he noticed the gashes, the shattered bones—signs of a violent, desperate struggle. But that alone wasn’t what made his stomach twist. One of the soldiers had his throat savagely torn out, the surrounding flesh a shredded, bloody mess. Levi knelt carefully, grimacing as he leaned in for a closer look. The marks on the man’s neck… they looked unmistakably like bite marks. Child-sized bite marks.
His initial thought was that perhaps a Titan had somehow found its way down here—but no, that was impossible. This was a sealed underground fortress, and these men had obviously been killed by human hands. Or teeth, rather. And from the angle of the wound, it seemed a smaller person had latched onto him. Blood had soaked the uniform, congealed in a pool around the body. Levi grimaced, more alarmed than he cared to admit.
Penelope can’t have done this, he thought, frowning. She could be fierce, but this was a level of brutality that bordered on feral. Then his eyes snapped to a tuft of hair near the corner: bright rose-red, tangled with the fraying rope that was likely used to restrain mother and son. He knelt and picked up a single strand, letting it slip through his gloved fingers. He recognized that color without question. It was Penelope’s hair. She and Preston had definitely been here. The rope’s fibers were covered in smears of old blood.
His gaze shifted to the second body, the man whose limbs were twisted unnaturally. He’d likely been killed by blunt force or a severe break to the neck. Levi felt his jaw tighten. Could Penelope and Preston together have overpowered both men? Maybe. Pen was resourceful, and if the soldiers were sloppy, she might have gotten the upper hand. But that wouldn’t explain the bite mark. That was far more savage than anything Penelope would resort to. She was skilled, but not typically monstrous.
A chilling thought occurred to him: Preston. He remembered the day the boy broke into Scout HQ, how he’d fought multiple older teens in the street. He recalled the defiant glare, reminiscent of Levi’s own expression in the Underground. And now, seeing the sheer violence inflicted on these men… it brought back fragments of Levi’s own childhood. He’d once felt a similar awakening in a life-or-death moment, a sudden surge of clarity and power that allowed him to kill men much older, much stronger. Kenny had hinted at something about his bloodline, though Levi never paid it much attention, thinking it was just nonsense or some vague threat. But maybe there was more to it than that.
He rose, stepping over the pools of blood, carefully studying the scene. The rope that had bound them was torn in a manner that suggested brute strength. The floor was gouged with skid marks. A brief, intense fight, leaving two grown men dead. Levi’s mind raced. If Preston truly awakened something, then he was more dangerous—and more vulnerable—than Levi had realized. The boy was only eleven. If he lost himself to that raw violence without guidance, the consequences could be dire. And if Kenny discovered that, he might decide to end Preston right there.
The thought made Levi’s blood run cold. He clenched his fists, heart pounding. He wouldn’t let that happen. If Preston had awakened this savage instinct, it also meant the kid could protect himself—maybe even Penelope. But he was still a child, and Kenny’s entire squad was formidable. 
A gunshot echoing somewhere in the labyrinth was a grim reminder that time was short. Another shot might be the one that ended Preston’s life.
“Damn it,” Levi breathed, turning from the corpses. His eyes scanned the shadowy passage, searching for footprints, a trail—anything to suggest the direction they’d fled. This labyrinth was a maze of caverns, hidden passageways, and oddly shaped chambers. He was certain that Eren and Historia were somewhere nearby. But if Kenny saw what Preston was capable of, there was no telling what he might do.
His pulse hammered as he gritted his teeth and started down the corridor at a jog. He didn’t have time to meticulously track every detail. He needed to keep moving. That shot he heard had to be a sign of conflict. If it came from Hange’s group, they might be engaging with Kenny’s squad. Or it could be an execution shot. He refused to let his mind linger on that grim possibility.
He left the cell behind, picking up speed, his footsteps echoing. The crystals embedded in the cave walls gleamed with an otherworldly glow, illuminating pockets of the cavern with shimmering light. He guided himself by the slight scuff marks on the ground, the footprints that seemed fresh—some smaller, presumably Penelope or Preston, some larger and more uniform, likely the Anti-Personnel squad. At every branching path, he paused to listen, nerves raw. He heard distant shouts, the ring of ODM gear cables snapping taut, and occasional gunfire.
A single, loud crack resounded, more jarring than the previous shots. Levi’s heart lurched. That one sounded too close. With a low growl, he took off on his ODM gear, weaving through the tunnels as the noise of battle grew louder. 
Penelope hugged the rough stone wall, keeping a tight grip on Preston’s hand. The boy’s chest heaved, and though he tried to mask it, she saw the tremor in his shoulders. This labyrinth was a nightmare—every corridor bled into another, torches flickered and cast disorienting shadows. She could sense they were descending deeper, but with each twist and turn, her hope of finding a safe path dwindled. Still, they couldn’t just stay in the corridor where he’d killed those two men, or more soldiers would track them down. They had to move, even if it led them into more danger.
“Mom,” Preston whispered, voice shaking, “sorry… sorry I did… that.”
She tightened her grip on him, her own heart clenched with empathy. “Don’t,” she said, though her voice trembled too. “You saved me. You saved us both.” A wave of revulsion washed over her as she remembered the guard’s hands on her, the lecherous grin. Without Preston’s sudden surge of power, she would have been—
She shook off the thought, refusing to dwell on it. “We’re not safe yet,” she murmured. “I need you to stay focused, okay?”
He swallowed hard, nodding, eyes rimmed with tears he refused to shed. “I’ll try.”
They crept around another bend, nearly stumbling over a chunk of crystal that jutted from the cave floor. The sound of gunfire reverberated in the distance. Penelope froze, glancing at Preston, who stared back, wide-eyed. They heard muffled shouts, clangs of metal, the crack of rifles. She guided Preston forward, her heart pounding. Maybe there were other prisoners or even some rescue party. On the surface, she told Preston not to pin his hopes on Levi. But deep down, a part of her knew him too well. If he was alive, he would come. It was who he was, despite everything.
At last, they reached an opening brightened by multiple lanterns and torches, an expansive chamber whose ceiling soared overhead. A swirl of chaos greeted them: a full-blown skirmish between men and women—the scouts—and black-uniformed MP soldiers with specialized rifles. ODM gear hissed, grapples flying across the cavern as both sides maneuvered among the jagged crystals. Gunshots thundered, bullets ricocheting, while blades whirled in lethal arcs.
Penelope let out a soft gasp, instinctively pressing Preston behind her. She recognized the Survey Corps due to their sheer skill. But this was no ordinary fight. She saw a short-haired soldier—Jean, though she didn’t know his name—leap behind a jagged outcrop to reload as another soldier, Connie, tried to provide cover. Nearby, a dark-haired girl with an impossibly intense gaze—Mikasa—took on a pair of Anti-Personnel riflemen, her movements fluid and deadly.
In the corner, a young man with bright blue eyes—Armin—crouched near an unconscious older woman with glasses. Penelope blinked, recognizing is was the soldier she had seen with Levi and Commander Erwin, Hange. A bloody gash on her forehead told Penelope she’d been shot or had crashed into something. Next to them crouched two other figures: Eren, with his fierce green eyes, and Historia, the small blonde girl. Both unarmed, looking cornered. They huddled behind a fallen crystal cluster, evidently trying to stay out of the line of fire.
“This is insane,” Penelope whispered, her eyes darting. Soldiers swung overhead, rifles belching bullets. The acrid tang of gun smoke filled the cavern. So this is what the Survey Corps was up against: Kenny’s specialized squad. She noticed more black-clad troops flanking the edges. They peppered the scouts with covering fire, preventing them from making a decisive push.
But then someone else spotted her. Across the chamber, perched on a protruding crystal spike, was a figure in a wide-brimmed hat. Kenny. His eyes lit up with predatory glee when they locked on Penelope and Preston. A laugh boomed from him, cutting through the din of gunfire like a blade.
“Well, well,” Kenny called, his voice echoing. “The little monster and his Ma found their way here. Saves us the trouble of searching.”
Penelope’s blood went cold. She saw him swing down, using his ODM gear with effortless ease. His men, noticing his quarry, began repositioning to cut off any escape route. She realized in horror that the only path back was also guarded. Sure enough, from the side, Caven emerged, rifle ready, eyes fixed on them. The corridor behind them was sealed by other MPs.
“Preston—” Penelope hissed, grabbing his arm. She tried to turn back, but Caven stepped into their path, muzzle aimed at Penelope’s face.
“Not so fast,” Caven said coldly, finger on the trigger. “You’re not slipping away this time.”
Preston snarled, stepping forward to protect his mother. Something dark flickered in his eyes, that same terrifying calm from before threatening to resurface. Without warning, he lunged at Caven, forcing her to pivot and fire. The bullet narrowly missed, ricocheting off a crystal. Penelope gasped, staggering back. She expected Preston to be shot dead, but somehow the boy dodged. His movements, though clumsy compared to a trained soldier, were imbued with a surprising, almost unnatural speed and strength.
“What the—?” Caven managed, eyes widening at the force behind the boy’s punch. She stumbled, nearly losing her rifle. Preston pressed the attack, swinging fists with raw, frenzied determination. The Scouts across the chamber paused momentarily, stunned to see a child locked in combat with an Anti-Personnel operative.
Eren’s voice rose above the cacophony: “Is that… the kid from HQ?!” Historia made a startled sound of agreement. Mikasa’s eyes flicked to them, momentarily losing focus on her own fight. Armin, huddled near Hange, recognized with a start that this must be Captain Levi’s son. They’d heard the story only recently, but seeing him in action was something else entirely.
Preston was no expert. Caven was faster, more experienced, and once the initial shock wore off, she managed to block his strikes with disciplined skill. He might be strong for a child, but she had years of combat under her belt. She caught his wrist mid-lunge and twisted, forcing him off-balance. He tried to counter, but she jammed the butt of her rifle into his gut, knocking the wind out of him. Penelope let out a choked cry, reaching for him, but she had no weapon, no means of intervening effectively.
Kenny landed a short distance away, boots scraping the crystal floor. His grin was savage, though his gaze flicked with something like real curiosity. “That’s enough, kid,” he called, stepping forward. “Unless you want me to shoot your pretty mother’s brains out.” His gun swung around, pointing straight at Penelope’s head.
Preston froze, chest heaving. Caven still had him pinned by the arm. A flicker of rage contorted his features, but the threat to his mother kept him still. Tears of frustration gathered in his eyes, but he wouldn’t let them fall. Penelope saw his shoulders slump as he recognized the futility of resistance.
“Let him go,” Penelope snapped at Kenny, voice trembling with anger. “He’s just a child.”
Kenny cocked his head. “A child, sure. But we both know he’s something more than that. Took down two of my men.” He tilted the brim of his hat. “Seems he’s an Ackerman, right? That’d make him Levi’s brat.”
Penelope glared, refusing to dignify his words with a response. She was terrified for Preston. She saw the cold calculation in Kenny’s eyes—the same look men used to give her in the Underground, measuring her worth as an object. Now he was evaluating Preston, probably deciding whether to kill him outright or keep him for leverage.
Kenny shifted the gun’s aim slightly, stepping closer to the mother and son. “You know,” he mused, “this kid is more trouble than he’s worth. Maybe I should end him, save myself future headaches. Levi’s no doubt on his way here. Wouldn’t that be a sight? He shows up, finds his boy with a bullet in his head.”
A tremor ran through Preston, but he set his jaw, the fear in his eyes shifting to defiance again. Penelope’s heart hammered. “Don’t you dare,” she spat, voice cracking.
Caven maintained her grip on Preston, but even she looked uncertain, glancing at Kenny. “He’s a child,” she muttered, though she didn’t lower her weapon. “But he is dangerous, sir.”
Kenny sighed dramatically. “Guess that means we handle him carefully.” His gaze locked on Preston, finger tensing on the trigger. “Kid, you so much as blink wrong, I put a round in your ma’s skull. Got it?”
Preston glared, tears quivering at the corners of his eyes. He nodded shakily. “Leave… her alone,” he rasped.
Kenny smirked. “That’s what I thought.” Then his attention flicked to Penelope, a sadistic glint in his eye. “Don’t think you’re off the hook either, doc. You’re valuable, but only up to a point.”
It was Penelope’s turn to tremble with rage. She recalled every time Levi had defended her from scum like this. Now, he wasn’t here—at least not that she could see. Her heart whispered that he would come, but she had no proof. They were alone, outgunned. Her gaze darted around. She caught a glimpse of the scouts, pinned down behind chunks of crystal by a barrage of gunfire from the Anti-Personnel men. The entire situation felt hopeless.
Something in her snapped. She spotted a loose fragment of crystal on the ground, a jagged shard nearly the size of a dagger. Summoning what little courage she had left, she lunged, grabbing it. Kenny shifted his gun, perhaps to shoot her, but Penelope was already below his line of sight. She drove the shard with all her might into Kenny’s calf, piercing through the thick fabric of his trouser leg into flesh.
“Ah—!” Kenny roared, pain and shock contorting his face. His finger jerked on the trigger, sending a deafening shot into the air. The sound reverberated through the cavern, echoing like thunder.
The impact of the shot caused everyone in the chamber to flinch. Several Anti-Personnel soldiers glanced up, momentarily distracted, while the Scouts tried to exploit the sudden lull in the barrage. Bullets ricocheted anew as the fight resumed in earnest.
Kenny snarled, reeling back. Blood seeped around the crystal shard embedded in his calf. Gritting his teeth, he kicked out in fury, catching Penelope’s arm with a savage snap. A scream tore from her lips as the bone in her forearm broke. She collapsed to her knees, clutching the limp limb. Preston’s eyes went wide with horror, tears spilling down his cheeks.
“No!” the boy shouted, lurching forward to protect his mother again. But Kenny, despite the injury, twisted around and slammed an elbow into Preston’s sternum, sending him reeling. The child’s newly awakened power was no match for Kenny’s decades of battle-honed skill.
Preston tumbled, landing hard next to Penelope. His mother tried to cradle him with her uninjured arm, tears of agony shining in her eyes. Kenny sneered, limping a step forward, raising his gun with a look that said he was done playing games. Around them, the chamber exploded with swirling chaos again, but it felt as if a bubble of cold calm enveloped the three. The immediate gunshots, the frantic shouts—none of it mattered in that instant.
Kenny aimed at Preston, ignoring the searing pain in his own leg. “You’re too dangerous, brat,” he muttered. “Should’ve put you down the moment I saw what you did to my men.”
He steadied his grip. Preston’s breath caught in his throat. Penelope, tears streaming, tried to throw her body in front of her son, but her broken arm gave out. They both stared down the barrel of Kenny’s gun, certain their end had come.
Then a dark shape hurtled from above, crashing into Kenny with the force of a thunderbolt. Metal clashed as a blade slammed into his rifle, deflecting it off-target. Kenny let out a furious roar, barely managing to twist away before the blade could drive into his chest. He staggered, dropping to one knee, forcing the attacker back with a wild swing of his weapon.
In the swirling dust and torchlight, Levi stood there, lithe and deadly, panting with fury. His eyes darted to Penelope and Preston, taking in their injuries, the fear in their eyes. Penelope felt her heart lurch at the sight of him—still angled with coiled energy, but the raw anger in his gaze was something she hadn’t seen in years. He was wholly prepared to kill.
In the distance, the scouts who saw their Captain’s arrival felt relief. Mikasa’s face eased with a breath she’d been holding, Armin exhaled, and Jean muttered a silent thank the Walls. Even Eren and Historia looked heartened—Captain Levi was here, the unstoppable force of the Survey Corps. On the other side, the Anti-Personnel squad recognized him as the single biggest threat. Several of them tried to circle around to flank him, but Sasha and Connie moved in, intercepting their aim with covering shots. The battlefield erupted in a more chaotic hail of bullets and whirring blades.
Levi locked eyes with Kenny, who bared his teeth in a mocking grin despite the blood soaking his pant leg. “Tch. Took you long enough, you little runt,” Kenny sneered. “They were about to die, y’know.”
Levi responded with a lethal glare, stepping between Kenny and the mother-child pair. “Not on my watch,” he hissed. And it was clear from his tone that he had no intention of showing mercy, no intention of letting a single member of Kenny’s squad walk away unscathed.
Behind him, Preston stared, tears still clinging to his lashes, but a spark of hope lighting his face. He breathed, “He came…” Penelope cradled her broken arm, wincing at every jolt, but her eyes shone with something like relief. Against all odds, Levi had arrived, just as he’d done a thousand times in the Underground. She should have known. He always did in the end.
Kenny straightened, ignoring the throbbing in his calf, raising his weapon once more. “You want to do this, Levi?” he said softly, eyes gleaming. “Because I’m ready.”
Levi clenched his jaw, swinging a second blade into position. His voice was low, venomous. “You have no idea how ready I am.”
And in that moment, the world seemed to pause. Gunfire and clashing steel echoed through the chamber, but Levi and Kenny stood at the eye of the storm, locked on each other with lethal intent. Penelope gritted her teeth, pressing Preston protectively behind her. She didn’t doubt for a second that if Levi won, they’d be safe. If he lost… the thought was too dreadful to bear.
Preston looked up at Levi’s tense figure, saw the coiled fury in his father’s stance. The boy’s heart pounded with something akin to awe and relief. He whispered, “Dad…” under his breath, half in wonder. The tension was about to snap into violence that would decide all their fates.
Levi adjusted his footing, prepared to lunge, while Kenny cocked the rifle. The final confrontation loomed. And though the rest of the cavern boiled with chaos—Scouts and MPs locked in deadly combat, Eren and Historia crouched behind half-destroyed crystals, Hange unconscious at Armin’s side—everything hinged on the next move between two Ackermans: the elder renegade, and the younger soldier bent on vengeance.
At last, Levi shot forward, blades glinting. The fate of Penelope, Preston, and indeed everyone else in that subterranean battleground hung in the balance. And in that charged instant, mother and son could only watch, pinned in place by pain and hope, as the confrontation that had been building for years finally erupted in front of their eyes.
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incepstla · 1 year ago
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Shingeki no kyojin (2013 - 2023) Special 2 - First major appearances vs Last appearances
Thank you for all these amazing characters. ♡
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mafuyuh · 1 year ago
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the end ⚔️🪽
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nikanaka · 2 days ago
So skilled with his fingers 😍
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ackerink · 2 months ago
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no, levi doesn't yell at his children. he'd never, a stern voice and serious face is enough to get his point across while still respecting them as a human being.
yes, levi wakes up in the middle of the night to make sure his children are alive and sleeping peacefully. he isn't paranoid, he's just a worried father. . .maybe he is paranoid.
no, levi isn't letting any of his daughters have boyfriends until they're at least fifteen. they are just too young to be thinking about love anyway.
yes, levi shed a couple tears during his first-born baby's birth. no, he won't ever admit it out loud.
no, levi isn't good with words but he hopes his children know that he loves them dearly even if he won't verbalize it 24/7.
yes, levi spoils his babies. they want that toy? he can't say no, their pleading eyes are too cute.
"they won't stay little for long." he tells himself.
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humanitys-strongest-bamf · 1 year ago
levi fucking "spends post-war free time handing out candy to kids" ackerman
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aphroditaeon · 1 day ago
WHY CANT IT MATERIALIZE RIGHT NOW?! janitor Levi, 200k, multiple settings, pwp MMHHHH
he pulls back the panties right after he pulls out so there’s nothing dripping outside 🫠 and thinks about it whole day with satisfaction how you can feel his cum while trying to focus on whatever you do 🫠
he’s too used to owning everything and everyone, underground habit 😣😣😣
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THESE ARE AMAZING? i was thinking about school setting formerly bc i tend to picture manga!Levi, but now im obsessed with the hotel one and it’s making me crave some sort of janitor Levi compilation where we have all of it, cinema, school, hotel, company where we pester him a little…😵‍💫 and the one with rich!reader whose father owns the company and looks down on Levi OH MY GOD??? that’s sooooo juicy and has so many different possibilities like imagine Levi not giving a single fuck until he sees the asshole boss’ pretty daughter and suddenly he’s all angry and frustrated about everything bc he immediately wants you 😣💦 NEED IT SO BAD AAAAA (definitely with audible fucking)
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soooooo obsessed with isayama’s new janitor levi sketch oh my god just look at him WHY IS HE THAT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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alizha · 3 months ago
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how all the kids reacted to historia punching levi (mikasa omg)
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naammiii · 1 month ago
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no funny business - @/wellitcouldbeworse (ao3)
seven minutes - @/chosos-mascara
reminders - @/romantichomicide95
garden of tulips - @/lune_hime (ao3, SO AMAZING)
drunk - @/roseloon (multi)
liar liar - @/roseloon
come back to bed - @/cheriecoke
sliver of the underground - @/amywritesthings
clean up - @/angelltheninth
reserved - @/lucysarah-c
no nut november - @/jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd (multi)
welcome home - @/flametrashira
safe haven - @/cheriecoke
blind date - @/nyehfully-yours
face riding - @/h0neylevi
dinner reservations - @/jlle-marie
headcanons - @/eli0004
marking - @/nyehfully-yours
misses his wife - @/wintrrxxo
tough day - @/jlle-marie
freshly showered - @/scarlettxnoah
press four for more options - @/amywritesthings
mistletoe - @/romantichomicide95
soft morning sex - @/jlle-marie
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kingkonoha · 1 year ago
TELL ME || Levi A.
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even during the battle to end the rumbling, levi can’t help but think about you.
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“Tell me, Y/N . . . Are you proud of me? Or are you disappointed? Did I fight hard enough? Could I have done more?”
Unanswered questions continued to appear in Levi’s mind as he glanced down at the blood splattering onto his fingertips, dripping from his mouth.
“Will I see you again someday? How long do I have to wait until I can know the answer to that?”
The pain in his leg was horrific. Awful. Indescribable — there weren’t any words in existence that could accurately detail the burning, aching sensation that made him wish he could chop off his own leg to escape the misery.
Even so, as one or two of his comrades held onto his limp body — he couldn’t tell who or how many, thanks to his blind eye — he did nothing but cough up blood.
“If I died today, I wouldn’t mind. Not if I get to see you again. I promised you that I’d always keep fighting — that’s what I said, right? I wish I didn’t make that promise, because I’m tired. I’m tired. I’m tired . . .”
As Levi rode on the back of Falco’s winged titan form, he realized something.
The pain in his leg was nothing compared to the agonizing heartache he felt every second of every day since he watched you die.
He hated himself for falling in love.
He hated himself for not being strong enough to save you.
Being known as Humanity’s Strongest Soldier felt like an utter joke. Like he was being mocked.
It was all he could think about as he looked down at the kids — no, they were adults now — fighting titans on Eren’s skeleton-like form, desperately attempting to stop the rumbling.
It was like he raised them. You both did.
But you didn’t get a chance to see them grow.
If you were still around, you would have known that Connie did indeed get taller. You won that bet. Levi owed you a new tea set, as he thought that the hilarious kid would stay the same height forever.
You didn’t witness Armin start to come out of his shell a bit, either. He was the commander now, could you believe that?
The shy kid who you thought of as a son — who followed you around like a lost puppy during his early days as a scout — was now Levi’s boss. And the colossal titan. How silly.
Jean had turned out to be a great leader as well, fighting for humanity instead of for himself. You would have been proud.
He only grew out his hair because you weren’t around to help him trim it. He could do it on his own, but he didn’t want to. Not without you.
Mikasa was exceptional then, and she was exceptional now. You were the only person she trusted to wash her scarf whenever she was too busy to get around to it.
Reiner and Annie were fighting too.
Everyone was fighting. All to stop the rumbling.
Even if it meant killing Eren.
“Could you do it, Y/N? Could you have helped us take Eren’s life?” Levi wondered.
You wouldn’t have supported the rumbling. That was a fact. Even so, you adored that kid, almost as if you were possessed by Carla’s ghost.
And he adored you too.
Your death was one of the horrific events that pushed Eren to this unspeakable point.
Both Eren and Levi witnessed it.
A titan snacking on your body as if you weren’t a person, but grapes at a picnic. Both of them were too weak to stop it.
They could only watch. Watch as you were eaten alive.
When the fight ended, your face was among the many ghosts staring at Levi. His old comrades were all satisfied. He didn’t have to fight anymore. He could just live.
But he couldn’t rest.
That came later. It came when Levi was an old man, sitting alone in his wheelchair at his favorite place in Marley to stare out at the glistening water with his one decent eye.
Old age claimed his life as the sun started to set, its beautiful orange rays shining over the water.
And you were waiting for him. You and all of his old comrades.
He pushed himself right out of his wheelchair. He could walk again. He could see again. He was young again.
His wrinkly skin melted away. His gray hair was once again black. His scars no longer existed.
Slowly, he walked towards you, the love of his life. The person he never got a chance to grow old with. Start a family with. Experience peace with.
When he wrapped his arms around you, holding you after so many years of trying and failing to remember what it felt like to touch you, he knew that he could finally rest.
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tatakaeeren · 1 year ago
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Levi fulfilled his promise...
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userfrieren · 11 hours ago
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