#lets not pretend miss girlie pop was in the right for any of that lol
gwyns · 1 month
there's an argument to be made about how aelin's early comments towards women were likely an influence from arobynn and the environment he created and subjected her to but what we're not going to do is claim chaol is a misogynist simply for disagreeing with her about not wanting his kingdom, and everyone he cares about, to be burned to ash at her hands
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keichanz · 6 years
I apologize for falling a little behind with these prompts, but they’re proving to be more difficult than I thought lol. Anyway I’m hoping to get out 7 and 8 tomorrow, so you have two to look forward to!
This one came out longer than I’d anticipated but I doubt you guys are complaining lol. Major thanks to the guys in the discord server for helping me come up with this idea! Enjoy, guys! :D lolol i know you were all dying to know what I came up with xD
Spooktober Day 6: Banshee
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It started innocently enough. Their neighbor’s child Shippou from down the street – or, “that brat” as Inuyasha liked to call him – had suddenly decided that scaring the big bad hanyou that lived two houses down was going to be his goal for the month of October. Kagome also knew for a fact that the young kitsune had a crush on Izayoi and no doubt wanted to impress her with his scaring skills. “He who scares the Unscarable Half-Demon wins the girl” and all that.
Personally Kagome thought it was adorable whereas her husband was not as keen to the idea as she was. His daughter was his princess, so of course no boy would ever be good enough for her, especially the annoying brat down the road. Thankfully the fox demon never let the half-demon’s overprotectiveness deter him, however, always showing up with gifts and asking if she’d like to come over to play. Kagome was pretty sure Izayoi considered the kit a friend, but was still unclear on how she viewed him as a potential suitor. She was still young, after all, so perhaps love wasn’t the first thing on her mind whenever she was around boys.
Which, thinking on it now, was probably a very good thing when it came to one Daisuke Matsuno. A little older than Izayoi, Dai was the charming son of one of her colleagues, Kouga Matsuno, and the little rascal had been after Izayoi since he’d first seen her. Inuyasha disliked Dai more than he did Shippou because the kid was a carbon copy of his father, right down to his suave personality and winning smile. Thankfully, to Inuyasha’s relief, their daughter was more or less oblivious to the wolf’s advances and never reciprocated his shameless flirting.
Kagome felt a little guilty admitting it, but Shippou’s rivalry with the young wolf demon was very amusing and it was the reason why she never said no whenever Kouga called and asked if she could watch Dai for a bit while he and Ayame ran some errands. Shippou never failed to show up a few minutes later, probably because he didn’t want his crush’s feelings to sway toward the young wolf, but whatever the reason, it was always a very lively few hours.
Unfortunately Inuyasha was less than amused whenever the “cocky wolf brat” came over and most of the time Izayoi was suddenly no where to be found – because that wasn’t suspicious at all – and to this day her husband refused to admit he had any part in his daughter’s mysterious disappearances.
Kagome wondered if this whole plan to scare Inuyasha was some sort of payback for not letting him spend any time with his crush, but at this point, she didn’t dare venture to ask.
At least Shippou was the lesser of the two evils, to quote something Inuyasha had said once.
At first the kit would hide in random places and jump out at Inuyasha as he was leaving the house, but because of his superior senses, the half-demon had always been aware of his presence before the kid could carry out his scare tactic. So when that hadn’t worked, he’d kicked things up a notch by using some of his kitsune tricks and creating illusions. Inuyasha still hadn’t fallen for it and saw right through them with nary a flick of an eyelash. Shippou’s third attempts involved props that varied between store-bought Halloween decorations, homemade questionable concoctions, and a playlist of spooky sounds via YouTube.
Those attempts had resulted in Inuyasha loudly demanding to know what the hell that stench was and why his front lawn was riddled with “fake ass plastic shit and bed sheets.”
If Shippou had any other bright ideas to spook the hanyou, he didn’t get the chance to try because fed up with the brat’s annoying attempts to “scare him,” Inuyasha devised his own plan to scare the bejeesus out of the kitsune and unfortunately, it was rather very easy to frighten the poor child, so her husband’s first attempt had been a success. Kagome didn’t remember the particulars in how he did it, but something about duct tape and one of those fake wound tattoos you can buy on Amazon.
And thus started The Great Scaring War and needless to say, Kagome was getting very tired of it.
Rubbing her temples while sitting at the kitchen counter, Kagome groaned and tried very hard to ignore the ruckus that was going on upstairs, heavy thuds and banging sounds echoing throughout the house, accompanied by her husband’s laughter and Shippou’s screeching, that was giving her a goddamned headache. A solid week this has been going on and this point she was ready to do anything just to get them to stop.
“Are they still going at it?” Izayoi complained as she came into the kitchen, her little brother in tow. “Hasn’t it been, like, a week?” With a sigh she sank down into a chair while Tai opted to climb into his mother’s lap.
Releasing a sigh of her own, Kagome ran her fingers distractedly through her son’s hair and kissed his head. “Just about, yes,” she replied, frowning as she rubbed one of Tai’s ears. The tiny half-demon sighed and snuggled into her chest. “I’ve been toying with the idea of scaring both of them to get them to stop, but I have no idea how to go about doing it. Shippou wouldn’t be hard, but your father is the most difficult person to scare that I’ve ever met.” Kagome shook her head and stared helplessly down at her dozing five year old. Dammit, but if only she could think of something...
Izayoi was silent as she pondered her mother’s words and Kagome missed the strangely contemplative look on her face before her daughter spoke, her innocent tone instantly catching her attention.
“I think...I might have an idea, Mama...”
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Strutting downstairs with a rather arrogant smirk on his face, Inuyasha was feeling mighty proud of himself as he strolled into the kitchen with a deflated Shippou behind him, looking decidedly less proud and more dejected than anything. Seeing Izayoi sitting at the table, however, perked him right up and he smiled, his gloomy disposition completely vanishing.
“What’s up, babygirl?” Inuyasha said cheerily as he retrieved a soda from the fridge and popped it open. He eyed the kit as he slyly slid into the hair beside his daughter, narrowing his gaze in warning. Shippou pretended to ignore him and beamed at the younger half-demon.
With a dreamy look on her face, chin propped in her hands and golden eyes holding a far-away look in them, Izayoi sighed and her lips curled up into a wondering smile. “I found him, Daddy,” she said in a distracted manner and both males sent her a puzzled look.
“Him who, Iz?” Lifting the can to his lips, Inuyasha leaned back against the counter and crossed his ankles, gazing curiously at his precious babygirl.
Izayoi suddenly giggled, a high-pitched, entirely girly sound and for some reason it put Shippou on edge. “The guy I’m gonna marry, Daddy!” she said brightly and Inuyasha froze.
He blinked and slowly lowered the cold soda, his brows dipping into an apprehensive frown. “Marry...?” he echoed, his stomach clenching at the thought of his little girl running off with some boy. Who was the unlucky chump that managed to get his daughter’s attention?!
With a little seedling of hope embedded in his heart, Shippou bit his lip and leaned forward a little, inwardly praying that she was talking about him. “Uh, who are you gonna marry, Izayoi?” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing miserably.
The smile that stretched Izayoi’s lips, for some reason, had a ball of dread knotting tightly in his stomach and amber eyes that were identical to his own looked directly at him.
“Daisuke,” she told them, her voice breathy and holding a note of absolute reverence and wonder and Inuyasha could swear he saw little fucking hearts in her eyes. Reining in the rapidly increasing urge to giggle manically, Izayoi sighed, “I’m in loooove, Daddy.”
The color drained from his face, his heart stopped beating and he was barely aware of the loud choking noise Shippou made as he flailed in the chair beside her. He gripped the can in his hand so tightly his claws punctured the tin and Pepsi leaked onto the floor, but he barely noticed it. Had he...had he heard that right? Did his precious daughter, his princess, his whole world, just tell him that she was going to marry that cocky little shitstain Daisuke, son of the even bigger shitstain that motherfucker Kouga?
Inuyasha and Shippou stared at her in abject horror, the disbelief clear on their faces and if this was some sort of cruel joke, both half-demon and fox did not like it.
“D-Dai—wha—no. No no no no no no noooo, baby you can’t—” Inuyasha frantically shook his head back and forth, refusing to believe his precious daughter was in love with—with the damn wolf. Oh god, this was a nightmare! He was dreaming, right?! This was not happening, he would not accept this!
“B-but—but—but—” Shippou babbled, tears pooling in his green eyes and Izayoi felt a stab of guilt when she glanced over at him, trying not to wince.
“He’s so dreamy,” she gushed, biting down on her lip in an effort to keep from grinning. “Mama’s gonna talk to Kouga and Ayame and see if we can—”
“KA-GO-MEEEEEEEE!” Inuyasha cut his daughter off with a screech that would do any banshee proud and in his frantic state he failed to notice Izayoi’s rather smug look or the way Shippou seemed to have turned into a statue, complete with an unhealthy looking pallor to his skin.
“Jeez, Inuyasha,” Kagome said as she sauntered into the kitchen, wiggling a finger in her ear with a wince. “Stop screaming like a banshee, I’m right—”
In a blink Inuyasha was in front of her, clutching her arms and looking utterly terrified. “Kagome, she’s—she’s—you can’t talk to them, she can’t be in love with—no!” He proceeded to make a noise that was a cross between a whine and a groan, the desperation obvious in his eyes and on his face, the grip he had on her arms tight Kagome could detect a slight trembling.
She blinked. Smiled, then said, “Okay.”
Inuyasha paused. Stared at his wife. Blinked. “...Okay...?”
Kagome nodded. “Okay, Inuyasha. I won’t talk to them and Izayoi will not be in love with Daisuke.”
Drinking a glass of her mom’s homemade cider she’d poured for herself, Izayoi strolled casually past them, looking very pleased with herself. “That’s how you scare someone, Daddy,” she said cheekily and disappeared into the living room to watch some cartoons.
Shippou moaned and promptly fainted onto the floor while Inuyasha continued to stare dumbly after his conniving child.
Happy that her daughter’s creative plan had gone exactly as expected, Kagome was in a much better mood now and wow, her headache had miraculously disappeared! “No more scaring Shippou, honey,” she said and patted her husband’s cheek affectionately before merrily sauntering into the kitchen to check on a stunned Shippou.
Still standing where she left him and looking dumbstruck, Inuyasha blinked as his brain tried to process that it had, indeed, all been a very, very cruel joke, one that – had had to admit – had scared the shit out of him. “Okay,” he mumbled in response, unable to move quite yet, the relief so strong it had temporarily immobilized him.
“Oh, and could you mop over by the counter?” Kagome asked as she picked up a now sleeping kitsune. “For some reason there’s Pepsi all over the floor and I don’t want ants. Thanks, honey. I’m gonna go take Shippou home now, love you!” She brushed past him and breezed out the door, humming a jaunty little tune to herself.
“Love you, too,” Inuyasha automatically replied, suddenly feeling weak, and abruptly deciding that he’d stop being so hard on the runt for crushing on his little girl.
After all, at least he wasn’t related to Kouga.
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