#lets go for that academy award babyyyy
userttpd · 9 months
CILLIAN WON FOR BEST ACTOR also his wife kissed him before going on stage and he got lipstick all over his face and even asked the audience if he got stains and they were like YES but he just let it be and gave his speech like that 😭
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failingtheoscars · 3 years
2020 Oscars Predictions: This is How I Win
Miss me? I’m back once again to predict the Oscars and remind you that, yes, the Note feature still exists on facebook. Let’s get to it. This is going to be a disaster.
Animated Feature Will win: Klaus - I fully believe Oscars voters are lazy, and if there’s one movie they’ve seen this year and is safe for them to vote for, it’s Toy Story 4. But after Klaus swept the Annies, I feel that maybe the voters are also loathe to give it to a sequel. This is a tight one. Could win: As I said, Toy Story 4, as everyone but me seems to predict Should win: Al Pacino
Cinematography Will win:1917 Could win: It’s 1917. Should win: I’m okay with this one, actually.
Costume Design Will win: Little Women - The Academy do love old dresses. Could win: Wouldn’t be surprised if Jojo Rabbit took it because the Oscars are shit, but I think if anything will leap in it’ll be Joker. Should win: Little Women, but shout out to next year’s winner Birds of Prey, which wasn’t great but had some wonderful costume work. Kudos!
Documentary (Feature) Will win: Have to run with the buzz here and say American Factory. I ain’t seen any of this Could win: Honeyland has a dual nomination, so prepare for me to smack my head when that wins. For Sama may jump in Should win: Al Pacino
Documentary (Short Subject) Will win: idk. Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You’re a Girl) Could win: ??? you think I watch these ??? Should win:  Al. Pacino.
Editing Will win: Ford V. Ferrari - Car go fast! Vrum! Mama mia, that looksa like good editing to me! Could win: Parasite. I haven’t seen Ford V. Ferrari, but the idea that the academy will go with the movie with the best editing the editing oscar went out the window with the trash heap that is Bohemian Rhapsody - one of the most objectively terribly edited mainstream movies in YEARS but hey maybe theyll give it to Parasite, I don’t know. Should win:  Not Jojo.
International Feature Film Will win: Parasite Could win:Parasite Should win: It’s Parasite, dawg.
Makeup and Hairstyling Will win: Bombshell - dang how dey make charlize look liek dat Could win: It really, really, could be Joker, but I have a weird theory that Oscar voters are already tiring of that movie. Should win: Me, for this mean mug
Music (Original Score) Will win: Joker Could win: 1917, despite me not remembering a single song Should win: Parasite. Oh, it’s not nominated? i do not care
Music (Original Song) Will win: Rocketman, because if they showered Bohemian Rhapsody with awards, they can at least give one to Rocketman. Could win: Frozen II, just because we’re still fucking humming Let It Go Should win: Al Pacino in the Irishman saying “you charge a gun... a knife, you run.”
Production Design Will win: Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood, because it has genuinely amazing period design. Could win: Don’t be surprised if they decide to just start throwing random awards to 1917 Should win: OUaTiH, as we call it in dA bIz
Short Film (Animated) Will win: Hair Love? Could win: A different short? Should win:  !?!?!?!?
Short Film (Live Action) Will win: Neighbor’s Window Could win: A different short? Should win:  !?!??!?!?!?!?!alpacino
Sound Editing Will win: 1917 - thing go boom! Could win: Ford V. Ferrari - thing go vroom! Should win: Well as you know I have very strong opinions about sound editing and in this essay I will explain them. Webster’s defines sound editing as
Sound Mixing Will win: 1917 - See above. Could win: Ford V. Ferrari (more like Snore-d v. Bore-arri, am I right? Idk i havent watched it) Should win: The sound when they slam the bottle of booze into the watermelon in The Irishman
Visual Effects Will win: 1917 - Despite the brave work put into making an evil animated raisin in Avengers, I think they’ll give it to the showy one take (well... two. Well... many) show of 1917 Could win: Avengers: I... am... inevitabl(y in second place) Should win: Alright. I’ll admit it. Not the Irishman.
Writing (Adapted Screenplay) Will win: Jojo Rabbit, because it’s not the Oscars if the shittiest movie of the year doesn’t win SOMETHIN Could win: Little Women, on the off chance I travel to another dimension where good movies win awards Should win:  IRISHMANIRISHMANIRISHMANIRISHMAN
Writing (Original Screenplay) Will win: Parasite Could win: 1917. This one is going to be toight like a tiger, and it’s the canary in the coalmine for best picture. If 1917 wins this, it’ll win best picture. We’ll see. Should win:  Honestly... Once Upon a Time.
Supporting Actress Will win: Laura Dern - Look, I have no idea why we’re giving this to Laura Dern. I love Laura Dern. She’s wonderful. I’m happy for her. I have no idea why THIS is the performance we’re doing, but okay. Sure. Could win: Florence Pugh. But its Laura Dern. Should win: #justiceforjlo
Supporting Actor Will win: Brad Pitt - I’m happy with this. He was good. Could win: The Shadow Self of Brad Pitt - Brad Pitt has been having difficulty with his anti-self for a long time, which may emerge in a interdimensional rift in space and time to claim his place as best supporting actor and dark lord of the positronic universe we live in. Should win: AL. FUCKIN. PACINOOOOOO
Lead Actress Will win: Renee Zellweger, because transforming yourself into another famous person always wins. Could win: idk Should win: Lupita Nyong’o in Us
Lead Actor Will win: Joaquin Phoenix - I don’t know if it was the BEST acting... but it was a LOT of acting, I guess! Again, happy for Joaquin, although I don’t know if this should be it. He should’ve gotten it for The Master. Could win: Adam Driver i guess Should win: Either Adam Driver or ADAM SANDLER for Uncut Gems babyyyy
Directing Will win: 1917 - Hey, it feels right. It’s a technically impressive film and they love that shit. Could win: Bong baby for Parasite Should win: Scorsese for again showing us he’s the fuckin G
Picture Will win: Parasite - This is for all the marbles and I’m going against all common knowledge here. In 2018, I thought the Oscars would go for the safe choice and not give it to Moonlight. WRONG. In 2019, I thought: okay, the Oscars is daring now. It won’t be Green Book. WRONG. Now I’ve pendulumed the other way again and think the Oscars will go for the safe choice. Well my instincts have been wrong for two years, so lets George Costanza this and go with the INVERSE of what I think. Could win: 1917 and it totally will, and when it wins if you listen closely you will hear me scream in the distance Should win: It’s The Irishman baby. What else could it possibly be?
Alright get me out of here
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