#leto windemere
lehcarrose · 7 years
10 and 18 for EVERYOOOOOOONE
ok ive been staring at this for ages here’s the whole magical dork squad
10: their fashion sense
While Georgia’s an emo nightmare, she’s far from the biggest emo nightmare of the group, and she goes for function over form. Comfort is king! She does sometimes wear skinny jeans but only the super stretchy, super comfy kind. With pockets. She doesn’t own a single pair of pants/shorts without pockets. You have to have pockets, it’s mission critical
Nearly everything she owns is black, black and white, black and red etc. Lots of band-merch armbands, pins etc.
Dyes her (naturally brown) hair black but is pretty casual about maintaining it so she’s usually got roots showing. Doesn’t give even half a fuck about this.
She really likes how a lot of musicians she listen to dress, but acknowledges that would take too much effort to do in every day life so she doesn’t really try to emulate them.
18: how they sleep
Limbs everywhere, taking up as much space as possible, tossing and turning and fidgeting endlessly until she finally falls asleep. Does wake too easily, and can be a grumbly morning person, but she can wake up quickly if she needs to.
Everyone else under the cut bc this post is going to be very long
10: their fashion sense
Tiff really likes long, flowy skirts! They aren’t really the best thing to wear for adventuring so she ends up in comfy jeans more often than not. In the summer she’ll wear them with tank tops, in the winter with sweaters. Doesn’t really like shorter skirts, or shorts for that matter.
Likes to wear her extremely curly hair down. In the summer that’s a bit warm so she’ll wear it up. Her hair is one of her favourite things about herself, so she likes to do it nicely, if simply.
18: how they sleep
She often lies there grumbling to herself because she can’t turn the brain off, so she ends up going over and re-going over conversations that didn’t go the right way, getting into arguments with her own imagination and so on. Usually sleeps on her side. Tends to get to sleep eventually - she’s better at not picking up the damned phone than some of her friends!
10: their fashion sense
Leto favours lighter colours and simpler designs. There are some fabrics she Just Can’t Stand, she just likes soft and comfy clothes, the textures of things like stiff polyester are just Hell to her.
She technically owns a lot of clothes because her adoptive father used to buy her so many things because he figured she’d like something, but she picked out her favourites and just wears them. Has a small collection of soft tees, a couple of jackets, and some pants in her room.
Does Not Like skirts or dresses. They Do Not Feel Right. She’ll wear shorts when it’s warm, as long as they’re inch-above-the-knee length or longer.
Usually wears her hair up in a simple ponytail.
18: how they sleep
Constantly shifting to find Optimal Pillow Temperature and Proper Sheet Texture. Some nights it takes her forever to even begin to contemplate falling asleep because she has to keep tweaking her position and making changes in pursuit of acceptable relaxing conditions.
Once she actually gets comfy she’s fine and falls asleep easily, but she can’t try to sleep if it’s wrong.
10: their fashion sense
The true emo nightmare. The Aesthetic is all that matters. Black skinny jeans (rips strictly optional but often looked upon favourably), black band tees, hoodies, black Converses, even black eyeliner (which he is better at applying than Georgia, even though he just smudges it on).
He goes to the effort of straightening his hair, because he feels like his naturally wavy hair doesn’t fit into The Aesthetic and isn’t the Right Look (he is being an idiot about this). He dyed his hair black (he’s light blonde) when he was like, twelve, but it looked Awful TM. He’s learned. Also he ended up with a dyed hairline for like, a week? And Lachlan wouldn’t let it go? Not going through that again.
18: how they sleep
Usually, curled up in a tiny ball. Is a Big Dumb Idiot about his sleeping schedule so he’s often up on his phone until stupid o’clock in the morning.
10: their fashion sense
Hey you know how we all have that one friend with the somewhat concerning collection of goofy socks? Lachlan’s the sock friend.
Comfort is paramount. Memes are secondary. He has a lot of stupid shirts.
He has quite a few accessories he bought just because they made him laugh. He usually buys them in twos and tries to give them to Lucas but for some reason Lucas doesn’t want to wear Barbie: Life In The Dreamhouse hats and Hello Kitty watches.
That’s okay, Lachlan figures, he has other friends. (Georgia ends up with a lot of these things. So does Nina. Leto used to but Lachlan did notice Leto never wore them).
18: how they sleep
While he’s like Georgia in that his limbs will go anywhere and everywhere, Lachlan just goes completely dead weight.
10: their fashion sense
Bright colours with a slight pop-punk edge! Doesn’t usually care about pockets as she’s almost always got her neato bag of holding with her anyway.
Has some bleached streaks through her (naturally black) hair, and switches up the colours on them every couple of months. Favours purple and sunflower yellow.
Wears bright, loud makeup. Is dying to put makeup on her friends but most of them won’t let her. Keeps offering anyway. Lachlan JUMPS at the chance because that sounds like so much fun.
18: how they sleep
Hey Nina get off your phone and go to sleep.
10: their fashion sense
He’s almost always wearing his long khaki jacket. He just. He likes it. He likes midwash blue straight-cut jeans. He likes comfy tees, usually in white. He has a few graphic tees related to things he likes, but he doesn’t like being asked about them by well-meaning strangers so he doesn’t often wear them.
18: how they sleep
Yeah if there’s more than like two or three people around, he doesn’t. AJ’s a light sleeper at the best of times. He’s Always Tired.
10: their fashion sense
Tank tops ripped jeans runners DONE
Is it chilly? Add a flannel shirt and a beanie. Maybe a hoodie if Nina keeps bugging her about catching a cold.
18: how they sleep
Dillon’s a drooler. Flops face down on the bed, goes dead-to-the-world in three seconds, and snores and drools her way through the night.
10: their fashion sense
Han-jae takes pride in his style. He knows his colours - he looks great in muted navy, thank you. All his clothes fit well. They’re flattering. They’re well made and the fabrics are nice. Every item is well-maintained. He rocks his jeans.
He generally looks pretty understated but put-together! And he’s put a lot of effort into achieving that.
18: how they sleep
Yeah no he’s a dhampir,,
10: their fashion sense
Likes things like light coloured loose tank tops with screen printed palm trees. Generally wears some sort of necklace. Beyond that he doesn’t really care and usually defaults to jeans/cotton shorts and runners/thongs (flip-flops) depending on the weather.
18: how they sleep
Look he knows that lucas never sleeps because he’s the person online chatting to him until three in the got damn morning
But kevin is that lucky asshole who can function perfectly on two hours of sleep and a pocket of dreams
He is a cryptid
And an important couple of folks who show up in book four but I’m including them anyway bc they become irreplacable members of The Squad
10: their fashion sense
Okay uh. Look. Finian’s style is a mess. He hasn’t had time to get used to what’s normal in terms of surface-dweller clothes. He’s new to being able to pick out his own.
Usually he runs around in big comfy hoodies in bright colours, and shorts with garish patterns. He’s still not sold on jeans. Track pants are nice, though.
Georgia will have harsh words with anyone who tries to make him feel bad about it
(Lucas and Sabina will eviscerate anyone who tries to make him feel bad about it)
18: how they sleep
Not… well……. He’s an extremely light sleeper, he’s twitchy, he has nightmares more often than not. Feels more secure in closed-in areas.
10: their fashion sense
In terms of casual clothes, a well-fitting tee and a nice pair of jeans is good in her book.
But given she’s essentially a Magical Girl by night she is not afraid of the extravagant. When her outfits are made of magic she favours pink and gold and flowing ribbons and drapery. She’s not going to trip on it. Who do you think she is?
18: how they sleep
She doesn’t need to. That suits her fine.
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lehcarrose · 7 years
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luke has trouble making friends.........
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lehcarrose · 7 years
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how have i not thought about this
okay so georgia is the easiest, she loves warm milk milos, but like with ridiculous amounts of flavouring in them. think six heaped spoonfuls to a mug. she’ll have multiple drinks per day if she forgets to stop herself. she eats the powder out of the tin when she can get away with it. it’s a slight problem. this may or may not be art drawing from my own teenage life.
leto likes things like those megapacks of jelly belly jellybeans because they’re all sorted by flavour and that’s nice! honestly she plays with her food way too much, when she actually remembers to eat. she likes to sort them. and like, she has to eat them evenly, bc that’s the right way to do it. you don’t just eat all of one flavour, because then you’d have none of that one left and have multiples of the others? you have to start running them out at the same time, see.
tiff’s a fan of mnms, because they’re chocolate in zerg rush form. she’d like the big buckets of them a whole lot more if looking at them didn’t sometimes make her feel sick and insecure though :( like, she’ll look at the bucket like ‘quit shaming me asshole’. tiff just be nice to yourself pls
lachlan’s mad for slushies, frappes and the like. his favourite flavour is strawberry. or rather his favourite flavour is pink. literally just give the boy something with too much sugar and he’s your bffl
lucas should remember to eat more? he likes apples, but he has to actually leave his room to get them sooooooo
nina is a fiend for those squishy lollies with the crystal sugar all over them. she’s one of those mythical people who can actually stop at just one though, wtf. special mention to pringles. a tube of those can last her like a week.
antonio likes those column shaped wafer things with the icing swirled inside. they’re a really good concentration food, you know when you want to tune out of the world while absently munching on a thing? yeah he likes them for that. he’d probably like pocky, but he probably doesn’t know what that is, but come to think of it georgia would so he’d find out haha
dillon is just. a monster. you had food? not any more. all dillon’s now. that full packet of chips? demolished. twelve-pack of tim-tams? goodbyesville.
i don’t know who else to talk about hahaha,
i guess i could mention that finian doesn’t even have a favourite food yet, the concept hasn’t occurred to him, he hasn’t been able to choose anything for himself in years before he shows up in book four :’)
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